Miguel Angel Lobato Industrial Designer Specialiced in human factors
behance.net/Miguelobato instagram.com/miguel_lobato cargocollective/miguelangellobato
¨The work you do while you procrastinate should be doing for the rest of your life¨
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Container Akku Little R.
Slicer 4 Donkey 5 Wheelrtrain 6
Container Individual - Spring 2015 4 Weeks Project Exercise: Apply the knowledge about mass production logic to an object. Taking care about the production technologies of today, make it feasible for a company considering mold costs and implementation in factory. Case: Create a modular container composed out of 9 slots to classify whatever is storage, configure it in a way that can be consider as a unity and not 9 separate containers.
CONCEPT The concept is a central configuration, where the largest container in the middle hold together all the separated slots to be perceived as one unit.
PROTOTYPE The prototype is made out of PVC plastic to give the complete feeling of a functional object to prove functionality.
TILT RACER TEAMWORK - SUMMER 2016 1 Semester Project Exercise: Build up a vehicle motorized by a screwdriver for the german race Akkuschrauberrennen in Hildesheim. Case:Develope a tricycle with the functional concept of tilting for the strearing convined with a 500mm long 3D printed chasis out of aluminum.
DESIGN A three wheel rear engine concept based in the concept of tilting for staring, getting advantage of it to have a really stable car in the racetrack. Propulse by a Drill and made out of Aluminum 3D printing.
LITTLE RUNNERS Group Project - Fall 2015 6 Weeks Project Exercise: Research the ergonomic and anthropocentric factors by testing and measure users to configure an object that has no impact with future injuries. Case: Design a product that helps to solve the problem of childhood obesity in the scholar environment by playing.
IDEATE After session made with kids in school we defined that the game most be even between participants, intuitive, and focused in more energy lost by playing the same amount of time.
SIMULATE All test gave value information to work with, in order to define the right measurements and design the vehicle in a way that the user realize the task of playing without affecting his body and making him burn calories while playing.
DESIGN The design consist in a game platform that can be installed in any school and can grow and de grow as big or small as needed. The game purpose suggest an activity that is going to make the body of the children burn more calories during the lunch break.
BENEFITS 1. More fun than regular play because its traps around the pad 2. Use upper / lower muscles and core to move along 3. Equitable game between kids 4. More energy loose by playing 5. Explosive exercises
SLICER Individual Project - Fall 2015 4 Weeks Project Exercise: Research the ergonomic and anthropocentric factors by testing and measure users to configure an object that has no impact with future injuries. Case: Design a slicer tool for an specific market decided by research
OPPORTUNITY Knowing the fact that franchises have to deal with itinerary workers and teach them the skills they will need to develop every single summer, I took it as an area of opportunity to develop a tool that helps them to make the task of slicing / cut vegetables in a standardized way.
The foot slice cutter come as the solution to help the production of vegetable slices as quick and easy as possible so the unexperienced of the employees does not affect the standardization. It works with the foot in a way that the effort to be activated is less in comparison with the others already in the market.
DONKEY Partner Project - Spring 2013 2 Weeks Project Exercise: Make / Replicate an iconic bike for “Otra vuelta de rueda” Exhibition in Franz Mayer Museum in Mexico City. Case: Donkey bike by Ben Wilson and Jonathan Pooley
Model a scale Donkey Bike
Donkey Bike Model
Wheeltrainer Group Research / Self Design - Fall 2015 6 Weeks Project Exercise: Research the ergonomic and anthropocentric factors by prototypes, testing and analyzing the results in order to configured an object, considering also functional, manufacture and aesthetic factors. Case: Design a public exercise machine that people in wheelchairs can use. Focusing in human / object interaction as well as the phisical-cognitive perception that empower confidence of usability.
CONCEPT After field research made in collaboration of Wheelchair Tennis Mexican Asosiation (AMTSR in Spanish) we identify that if disabled people train their wheelchair skills they will overcome the infrastructure barrier they deal with in their daily basis
PROTOTYPING After analyze simulator tests I applied those factors and measures into the design according to the concept and then developed a prototype to validate the design, in order to refine dimensions and usability.
DESIGN The final design contemplates both (Standing and wheelchair user) to use these excercices in outdoors. As the Standing user can workout upper, mid and lower body with the balance board as the same that the wheelchair user can use it to improve their abilities with their chair.
THANKS lobato.miguelangel@gmail.com (055) 5512346289