Bishop Austin Barnes will forever be etched in the history books as one of the forefather of the Northeast Annual Conference. His story began on a fall day of September 23, 1919 in Wilson County Black Creek City, North Carolina to the late Mr. William Ann and Mrs. Roma Barnes with serval other brothers and sisters. He was raised in a God fearing home and acknowledge the Lord as his savior at an early age. He was educated in the Black Creek City Schools and back then the children went to school in a small schoolhouse and walk dirty roads for miles and miles. After school he enlisted in the US Army as PFC Austin Barnes. He moved to Baltimore in 1947, being employed with Edgewood Arsenal. He then met the late Irene Bynum a brief courtship revealed the two were in love. He proposed to love, honor and cherished her for the rest of their lives. The union bore no natural children but the Lord blessed
them with a wonderful goddaughter Nina Preston. For a long time Austin was a member of the Sweet Hope Freewill Baptist Church under the leadership of Rev. John T. Crummedy. He received his license to preach in 1951. In 1952 he received a call to Pastor at St. Joseph FW Baptist Church and wouldn’t you believe this church was the mother to Sweet Hope and the Freewill Baptist Churches of Baltimore City. Saint Joseph was a member of the United American FW Baptist Conference and the Northern Annual Division# A Conference. Throughout the years St. Joseph has held many places of worship Spring Street, Gold and Division St. and Caroline Street before moving to its current location at 1601 Rutland Ave. There Rev. Barnes was able to remodel and occupy the adjoining 3 properties next to the church. What an awesome man of God and visionary leader. All of these locations under the good ole’ Reverend. He always commanded the attention of the audience when he PREACHED. Bishop Barnes eulogized his founding member in 1989 at the age of 101. He retired from his job after 37 years and became fulltime Pastor and Bishop. Many people called on our Bishop to marry and bury them and always encouraged them and their family to come to CHURCH.
Rev. Barnes served as the President of the District Union#2. He would later become moderator and lead church in Maryland, Pennsylvania, DC, and Ohio. God has truly blessed Bishop Barnes down through the years. The first recording secretary of the conference was the current Presiding Bishop R.E Farrow. June of 1972 after been frustrated with the many changes going on in the United American FW Baptist Church. Rev. Barnes and his co- labor Rev. Davis and the members agree to separate and thus the Northeast Annual Conference was formed with Rev. Austin Barnes as Founding Bishop. The Conference continued as it functioned with the District Union#1 and 2 which he over saw. The Missionary, Sunday School and Young People Christian League. A fundraising effort for the senior of the conference was set up functioning under the name Golden Agers. Bishop Barnes was the first to host this event at St. Joesph. Bishop Barnes was a strong man of faith that took our conference by storm. Everything that Pastor laid his hands to the job got done. 9 years would go by and the conference would continue to grow as a matter of fact one of his preachers none other than Rev. Albert C. Greene would branch off from St. Joseph to start the Greater Mulberry Freewill Baptist Church. In 1980 a terrible auto accident claim the life of is friend and colaborer of many years Bishop Quinton Davis. Bishop Barnes preached the Eulogy of his fallen comrade and friend. That next
month at a conference meeting Bishop Barnes replaced Rev. Davis with another man by the name of Rev. Ernest Wooten Jr. who had recently joined the conference and had a strong love for it. He also assigned Pastor James A. Phillips of the Bible way FW Baptist Church of Phila. PA., sadly he passed as a result of declining health just two years later in 1982. Never giving up hope Bishop Barnes later assigned Rev. B.J Byrd, Pastor of the St. John F W Baptist Church as 2nd Vice Bishop and he would later assume the job of Vice Bishop after Bishop Wooten stepped down in 1984. Bishop Robert O. Freeman as 2nd Vice Bishop. St. Joseph and the Conference continued to flourish 1982 brought the 10th Anniversary of the Conference the Big Four, Annual Conference, Missionary, Sunday school and our course YPCL. The true test came when he had to care for his sick wife. In July of 1988 Irene passed from her battle with cancer. The Church and Conference truly loved their 1st Lady. Bishop Barnes served the St. Joseph Church for 37 years of Faithful Service and our Annual Conference for over 18 years. He indeed served these worn, torn and troubled congregations well. No less than a year later Bishop Barnes took ill and finally made his journey home on February 26, 1990. Passing the torch to Bishop B.J Byrd. He taught many lesson down through the years and reminded us to be thou faithful until death and I will give a crown of life. Even though he is gone from our midst his legacy lives on forever in those of the lives he’s touched. If you listen closely in St. Joseph you still may be able to hear his voice echo throughout the hallways of history.