The Roy & Mary Taft WELCOME TO
EGACY ALAsixteen Friday April twenty-second two thousand Seven until ten post meridiem “ Celebrating Mama ‘s 100th Birthday ” Friday, April 22, 2016 7:00 pm – 10 pm OAK CREST VILLAGE RETIREMENT CENTER
Well Done , Thy Good & Faithful Servant Remembering Our Beloved Mother Edith Lee Winner of the 2016 Roy & Mary Taft Legend Award
With long live will I satisfy him and show him my salvation. Psalms 91:16
Order of Celebration Friday, April 22, 2016 Procession of Head Table Guest and Preacher Praise & Worship Worship Leader………………………………………….………………Rev. Dr. Bess McCallister Opening Hymn …………………….…………………..………….………………Higher Ground Scripture………………………………………………………………………… Psalms 91: 10 -16 Prayer/Blessing of the Food………………….…………………………….Deacon Gerard Boddie DINNER SERVED / Lighting of the Remembrance Candle - Zahra Boddie MEET THE TAFT’S Video Presentation Dance Selection Special Acknowledgement for Mother Rena Wooten Introduction of the Preacher – Elder Marian Boddie Tribute to the late Mother Edith M. Lee – Brother Jake Graas and Minister Mike Boddie
THE MINISTRY OF THE WORD Minister Mike Boddie Selection………....……………......……………………………………….… The Dawes Sister We Offer Christ to You - Minister Michael Boddie Presentation to the Honorees………………………………...…… Sister Phyllis D. Stevenson Mrs. Que McClary Mrs. Denise W. Rowe Pastor Donna Chiarella Brother William Stokes The Outstanding Musicians Award -Brother Theodore Matthews The Young Achiever – Brother Jacob Graas, The Education Award – Drs. Kantayanee Murray & Stephanie Boddie The Family Award – Mr. Earl Taft Jr The Ministry Award – Rev. Dr. Ernestine H. Battle, . 100th Birthday Salute to Mother Mary Taft - Master Zion Boddie All Deaconess, Ushers and Mother Closing Remarks – Elder Marian Boddie/ Benediction – Minister Michael Boddie
In Loving Memory of Our Missing Links
Mary Anna Taft Royal Taft 1916-2014
Herman Taft Earl F. Taft 1933-2004
Baby Girl Taft
Sonja J.Taft Linwood Taft 1939-2014 1938-1994
Congratulations Earl Franklin Taft Jr. On winning the Roy & Mary Taft Family Achievement Award
Congratulations Jacob Graas On winning the Roy & Mary Taft Young Achievers Award
The Children of Bollie & Carrie Boddie
Best Wishes in this Season of Celebration as you honor, the Life, Ministry & Legacy
Deacon Roy & Mother Taft
Dr. Stephanie C. Boddie Winner of the The Roy Taft Education Award From,
Wayne (Karen) Boddie
Stanley (Gail) Boddie Alfred (Missie) Boddie
Congratulations To All the Honoree’s
As we celebrate the Life, Ministry and Legacy of Roy & Mary Taft
Boddie Graphics
Congratulations to the Honoree’s As we celebrate the life, ministry and legacy of my Mama and Daddy.
I encourage each of you tonight in the sprirt of my parents to carry the
torch and remember that God is with you every step of the way.
I have been young and now I am yet I never seen the rightoues forsaken nor his seed begging bread.
Psalms 37:25