04 June 2012
Information Tech-
TekTalk this issue UTES explained P.1 UTES applications P.2 ATES: ‘Open Loop’ system P.3 BTES: ’Closed Loop’ system P.4 Where are the aquifers? P.5 Klina Hospital case study P.6
“The price of electricity & fossil fuels has increased significantly in recent times and this exciting new concept offers to reduce the cost of heating & cooling our buildings”. UNDERGROUND THERMAL ENERGY STORAGE Underground Thermal Energy Storage is a system which utilises the inter-seasonal heat storage capability of groundwater to significantly reduce the demand for fossil fuel for the heating & cooling of buildings. The system involves the storage of excess heat energy in the summer months for use in winter heating applications and the storage of cooling potential from winter for free cooling in the summer. One of two sub-systems may be employed largely depending on whether an aquifer is present on the site.
Reducing the demand for fossil fuel in buildings. Page 1