2018 Annual Meeting Booklet

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Annual Meeting 21 January 2018

Order of Business 21 January 2018

Welcome & Prayer Declaration of a Quorum & Minutes

Richard Lawson (Dean) Tom Keyse (Senior Warden)

Vestry Elections Administration for Stewardship Senior Warden’s Report Financial Report

Audrey Chapman (Administrator) Tom Keyse Mary Frances Kelley (Treasurer)

Pastoral Care

Katie Pearson (Canon Pastor)

Young Adults

Broderick Greer (Canon Precentor)

Saint Francis Apartments Questions & Answers

Fran Trujillo (fltrujillo6964@gmail.com) Dean & Senior Warden

Motion to Adjourn

* The Dean’s Sermon will serve as the Dean’s Report. It will be available at sjcathedral.org/sermons.

Meet Your Vestry Nominees

Melanie Rodden On reading the minutes from 2017 Vestry meetings, the word that crossed my mind was ‘civility.’ These minutes did not gloss over disagreements, but made it clear to me that every member desired resolution for the good of the parish. But minutes rarely show what extra-meeting decisions are made, or who was liaison as compromises were created, within and without formal meetings. Without such consensus, choices regarding new clergy, structural repairs, and other use of available monies, our current goals would never have been met. My HOA board has similar, though rather more raucous, protocols, sometimes solved within formal meetings, sometimes solved or discussed via email or informal meetings. Sooner or later, the good of all our 150 homeowners becomes clear, and we reach compromise. As has been done at St. John’s. This process is familiar to me from my 18 years in business and 20 years in education, in which knowledge of issues was never sufficient. My experience of both taught me that the most important qualities in any endeavor are to be kind, and to listen. I was raised in a medium-sized Episcopal church in Illinois. My husband John and I moved to Denver in 1978. Since discovering St. John’s twenty years ago, my faith has been renewed. Our parish is a special place. We have turned our time, money, and service toward St. John’s missions, including the St. Francis Center and the Welcome Center. My husband is an acolyte and lector; I am a lector. If I am elected, I will add my voice and experience to the Vestry discussions which keep St. John’s in the Wilderness moving forward, always listening to parishioners, staff and clergy. At the end of the day, civility its the hallmark of our parish, and surely keeps St. John’s steady and strong.

Leigh Grinstead As a cradle Episcopalian, my life is centered by the Church and its seasonal traditions; Advent, Lent, Easter, and Ordinary time give a rhythm to every year. Sunday school as a child, confirmation as

a teen, Catechumenate as an adult-and my ongoing reading, reflection, and prayer-all help ground me in faith. I joined the St. John’s community in 1988 and have baptized and now raised my two teenagers here. I’ve served on the education commission, the nursery committee, as a door-person for toddlers as they start their journey, and with the youth group for four years. I’m a lay reader and participate on various working groups. For two years I’ve served on the Vestry, working in all aspects of planning, the Path for Sustainability, the health of the buildings and grounds, and the call for a new Dean. It’s been invigorating and joyful work. I feel as though there is still more for me to do developing deeper relationships within the parish, listening and representing the diverse and passionate people of St. John’s. I’m feel very positive about the work to come helping the parish intentionally move forward and to clearly align our values to practices and resources.

Mark Wherry I grew up in Wayzata, Minnesota, and graduated in 2003 from North Dakota State University with the degrees of a Bachelor of Architecture and a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Design. After college, I moved to the Washington DC area to work for the Department of Defense, working for the Army Corps of Engineers since 2006. I was Received into the Episcopal Church at Washington National Cathedral in 2009 and was very active in St. Thomas’ Episcopal Parish, Dupont Circle. While a member of St. Thomas’ I served on our Building Campaign and Building and Grounds Committees. I also served on the vestry and a term as Junior Warden. Some of my favorite memories at St. Thomas’ were serving as an Acolyte/Head Acolyte serving the people of God in a very direct and physical way. I moved to Denver in 2016 to continue my work as a project manager supporting the Army Corps of Engineers. After moving to Denver I immediately found a home at St. John’s Cathedral. In the fall of 2017 I depended my relationship with St. John’s by joining the Acolyte Guild and 20’s & 30’s group. I’m honored to be nominated to St. John’s Vestry and

am excited to continue to deepen my relationship with our congregation and clergy.

David Ordway Let me introduce myself, I’m David Ordway and I have been and Episcopalian for fifty-nine years. As a young person I chose to become an Episcopalian. For some time I had been moving in our direction, because I felt a sense of incompleteness in my church. I have never looked back because Saint John’s and the spirituality as an Episcopalian is very rewarding and uplifting. As a Saint John’s member thinking seriously about running for the Vestry; I have asked myself, what do I have to offer? Having good analytical skills I would expect to work well as a vestry member, while making a positive contribution. Having seriously considered this question and others, here are a few of my management responsibilities and accomplishments for your consideration. As a Consultant with Booze Allen and Hamilton in New York and Washington DC I was assigned to the Postmaster General of the United States to assist in moving legislation forward toward the passage of HR 2309[the Postal Reform Act]. Appeared before Congress successfully on two separate all day sessions, as the sole witness I expressed Postal Management’s positions and actions on important issues. As an Investment Broker over an eleven year period I served hundreds of clients and their portfolios; always based on their financial needs and objectives. Trained and experienced in Dispute Mediation, I worked as a Mediator within the Denver Courts. Since retirement I was elected Chairman of the Finance Committee and a member of the Windsor Gardens Board of Directors; managing over $8 million while directing an additional $5 hundred thousand monthly toward capital improvements and upcoming taxes. My three year term in this office expired two years ago. My Bachelor of Science degree is from Boston University, 1960. I am a US Navy veteran serving my active duty years on board the USS Daly DD-519, Hunter Group 3. Let me share an important lesson that I have

learned, sincere listening will often times allow you to find “that thread of solution within the ball of confusion”. Thank you for your consideration in becoming a Saint John`s Vestry member.

Bryant Harris It has always seemed so appropriate to me that our cathedral’s heritage is “from the wilderness” and that Heidi and I were introduced by a friend to St. John’s through the Wilderness services. The Wilderness services, to me, speak to the heritage of Christianity. The intimacy and mystical atmosphere of the Wilderness spoke to a part of my soul I didn’t realize needed a conversation. Then, as our children grew up in this Episcopal family, we began to attend morning services so they could participate in the wonderful choir. I, as many of us, did not come from a healthy experience of Christianity. I shunned “organized religion” because what I experienced as a child was a judgmental and toxic institution. I was stunned, as we explored this church, by its openness and the encouragement of the parish and clergy to question and seek answers. I have found that this is the truest of endeavors and that our fellow parishioners walk a path of enlightenment and discovery that is rewarding and revelatory. A few years ago Rev. Charles LaFond asked Heidi and I to co-chair the “Come and See” committee. We worked with a wonderful team of parishioners to create events and inspire opportunities to invite friends and the local community to discover the beautiful things the cathedral does and represents. The committee helped organize the Blessing of the Bikes for Bike to Work Day, Doors Open Denver and the St. John’s booth for the Pride Parade. Our time culminated in a St. John’s Day festival feast with a whole BBQ pig and the works. We have been involved in cooking for Cathedral nights since our catechumenate classes. A few years ago, Kim McPherson asked me to assist with the High School Youth Formation classes. Supporting our youth has been one of the most rewarding experiences in the last few years. We have a great group of young adults who, if we nurture their development, will become excellent leaders in the church and bearers of the light beyond its walls. The strongest influence in my character development, after my faith in God and my love for my fami-

ly, has been my Masonic life. I have been honored to be elected to serve in a number of leadership roles with in the fraternity. I served for seven years in the leadership line of my lodge, rising through the ranks to become master of the lodge. Those years were spent developing skills in organization of events, coordinating and teaching the lessons of the lodge, and learning to lead; not by force but through love and trust. I consider it a great honor to be considered to assist in guiding our parish as a vestry member. I hope that I can bring the experiences of my past and the great work that has come before me to aid and assist the efforts of the vestry on behalf of the parish it serves.

cathedral complex. At the behest of the business office, we compiled an exhaustive physical inventory of every significant work of art or craft in the cathedral. We work closely with cathedral staff in the renovation and preservation of our structures. I have sat on The Buildings & Grounds Standing Committee since 2014. As an active member of the Landscape & Gardens Committee, I designed and oversaw the installation and planting of our new Cathedral Learning Garden. I bring creativity, dedication, and a love for our Saint John’s Cathedral community to all my endeavors, and will do so as your representative to The Vestry. Thank you.

David Rote “To do the useful thing, to say the courageous thing, to contemplate the beautiful thing: that is enough for one man’s life.”-T.S. Elliot In my profession as an interior designer and award-winning showroom manager, I am devoted to creating beautiful spaces. I pride myself on team development, business strategies, and nurturing client relationships from concept through installation. I have brought this skill set to committee work on various nonprofit boards and to a number of ministries at Saint John’s Cathedral. After moving to Capitol Hill, Denver, in 2006 with my husband, Perry Beaton, we found Saint John’s Cathedral right away. Raised as a Roman Catholics, both Perry and I enrolled in the Catechumenate and quickly got to know fellow parishioners through our involvement in the Cathedral’s rich assortment of ministries. I served as a table host for the Catechumenate for several years, served as an acolyte, and assisted my friends on the Altar Guild. I was asked to join the Arts & Architecture Commission in 2008 and was named chair in 2014. From my perch on A&A, I have helped to organize signal cathedral events, from the Saint John’s 150th Gala in 2010 to the many outgoing and welcoming events of the Transition. In 2016 I was asked to form a new Events Committee, which I chair. These memorable parties, dinners, and receptions all celebrate community and belonging at Saint John’s. Over the past decade, my Arts & Architecture teams have volunteered our time and expertise to reimagine and redecorate a number of spaces around the

A Prayer for Discerning our Vestry Leaders Almighty and ever living God, source of all wisdom and understanding, teach us in all things to seek your honor and glory. By your Holy Spirit, open the hearts and minds of the people of Saint John’s as we earnestly ask your guidance in choosing our Vestry leaders. In all things, grant us the courage to pursue your will in our ministries, and the grace to accomplish it, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, forever. Amen

From the Treasurer


ur Parish Life together in 2017 has included many changes. We have called a Dean to our Cathedral.

We have been blessed to have Dean Richard Lawson and his family, joined us in July. Subsequently he called Canon Broderick Greer and Canon Katie Pearson. We are delighted to have them with us on our journey as a Parish and as a community of diverse individuals united in seeking the Lord. Much has taken place since our meeting last year: We said good-bye to Father Ron and welcomed Father Richard We welcomed Canons Broderick and Katie We have continued our many programs and outreach activities We have completed and/or are in process of restoring and protecting our buildings and grounds We spent a morning Dreaming Together identifying how we may Know God and make God Known. At the last annual meeting the Vestry committed to you that the remaining two clergy houses would be sold and the proceeds deposited in the Endowment Fund. Special thanks to Suni Devitt and Leo Carasello and others for their leadership and personal generosity in seeing these projects completed. We withdrew funds from the Endowment as planned and described in our meeting last year. $2.1 million to pay off the line of credit at Colorado State Bank and provide working capital plus a withdrawal of $ 2,000,000 to restore and fix many of the Cathedral’s infrastructure which had been neglected. Major projects to date include:

• • •

field is excellent and thoughtful as she prioritized projects and looked to the future to make needed improvements now. Judy’s commitment and expertise has been a remarkable gift and we thank her for her devotion to St. John’s and to our community. I also thank Becky Beall-Moore (Director of Finance & Administration) who has also contributed much to this work. Thank you, Becky, for this and all you do. Pledge History 2015

570 pledges; $1,317,606


560 pledges; $1,345,813


(excludes one-time challenge gifts)


467 pledges; $1,225,961

469 pledges; $1,192,664

Pledges for 2018 As of January 18, 2018 total pledges made equal $1,226K. The current budget requires an additional amount of approximately $200,000 to fund our activities or $175K in additional expense reductions (income amount more than the deficit as additional income must also fund the larger diocesan pledge required with new funds). If you have not already confirmed your pledge for 2018 and/or if you are able to give more please contact Audrey Chapman at audrey@sjcathedral.org or 303 577-7702. Management, in consultation with the Finance Committee and the Vestry, will continue to seek reductions in expenses. Personally and on behalf of the Parish I sincerely thank each of our outstanding clergy, staff, volunteers and parishioners. With God’s grace and our personal commitments we will continue to serve God, our neighbors and those in need.

Replacing the Roof over the Cathedral Re-wiring in the Cathedral and updating lighting Cleaning the interior walls and restoring the ceiling of the Cathedral nave

Current major projects in progress include the parish building elevator and investigation of campus-wide HVAC needs. Special thanks to Judy Allison who has managed most of the projects. Judy’s experience in this

Mary Frances Kelley Treasurer

2018 Path to Sustainability • • • • • • • • • • • •

2017 surplus of $200,000 Completed Capital Projects including Masonry cleaning, Lighting, Electrical & Roof Replacement Upcoming Capital Projects include HVAC & Elevator 2018 Endowment draw - No longer using non-liquid assets 2020 Endowment draw – Begins decreasing from 5% to 4% 6% Increase in pledges We cut a little over $300,000 from 2018 Budget 2018 Budget deficit is $175K SJC has committed not to fund budget deficits with debt 3 full-time clergy now and in the future Wartburg lease ends December 2018 Feasibility study for Kimberly




Net Assets Released from Restrictions

628 1,727 208 136 449 307 39 3,982


Worship and Ministry

Christian Formation Communications Music Stewardship Dean Transition Total

Net Result: Operating Support & Revenue Over Operating Expenses


Buildings and Grounds

Operating Expenses Administration



Distributuions from endowment

Total Support & Revenue



Operating Support & Revenue Pledges, Annual Giving, Contributions and Bequests

Earned Income (Rental, Fees, Interest and Other)

2015 Audited


Financial Summary


211 221 402 219 29 4,030









2016 Audited


160 125 467 239 70 4,459










214 127 356 29 3,680









2017 2018 Proposed Pre-Audit Budget

Saint John’s Cathedral 1350 Washington Street Denver, Colorado 80203 303-831-7115 sjcathedral.org

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