Annual Report 2016
Order of Business January 29, 2017 Introduction and Welcome Call to Order Invocation Declaring a Quorum and Minutes Vestry Elections Dean Search Update Finances (Looking Back) Finances (Looking Ahead) Questions and Answers Motion to Adjourn Benediction
Dean Ron Pogue (Interim Dean) Canon Charles LaFond Mr. Tom Keyse (Senior Warden) Mr. Andrew Britton (Past Treasurer) Ms. Mary Frances Kelley (Treasurer) Dean Ron Pogue (Interim Dean) Canon Evelyn Hornaday
From the Senior Warden
ear People of Saint John’s Cathedral:
It has been my honor and privilege to serve as senior warden this past year and to work closely with so many faithful and dedicated clergy, staff and volunteers who care deeply about preserving, promoting and living out the mission and ministry of the Cathedral. Throughout 2016, our Cathedral community prayed daily for discernment to know and understand what things we ought to do, and to have grace and power faithfully to accomplish them. As you will hear today, with God’s grace and the tireless efforts of so many people, we took bold steps to repay debt, balance our budget, identify and fund critical deferred maintenance projects, grow our stewardship and outreach, thank clergy and staff who moved on to new endeavors, welcome new clergy and staff to help guide us in our common journey and continue strategic efforts to match our mission and resources, all while discerning whom to call as our next Dean. In 2017, we will continue each of these efforts, and together with our new Dean, whom we hope to call within the next several months, we will build on our accomplishments to date and discern the best ways to grow our congregation and to provide pastoral, educational, liturgical, financial and other support to help us care for all people and to equip us for our ministries. We have much to celebrate. Thank you for your prayers, patience and support during this transition time. The vestry is grateful for all you do and we invite you to continue to participate in our on-going discernment of how we, as members of the Cathedral, are called individually and collectively to know Christ and to make Christ know. Faithfully,
Tom Keyse
From the Interim Dean reetings to you in the Name of our One, Holy, Triune God. Amen.
In the six months I have served as your Interim Dean, Gay and I have experienced generous hospitality, steadfast devotion, and encouraging progress with this community of faith. You have outdone yourselves and we are moving forward in hopeful expectation in the mission of Christ.
I was called to Saint John’s Cathedral because I am a transition specialist and I have the privilege of walking with you during this transition to asthat are necessary in the process of developing sist you in a parish profile. That profile was published just remembering where you have been, before my arrival. claiming who you are, Since my arrival on July 1, we have seen progress strengthening your leaders, in many areas, such as drawing upon the resources of the wider The completion of an Employment Handchurch, book, making a commitment to a new era of fruitful The development of a Gift Acceptance Polmission with your new rector. icy, I followed Dean Patrick Malloy, who served you Adjusting the size and realigning the Staff to during the first year of this transition and I must address an increasing budget deficit, express my gratitude to him for the excellent Bringing compensation and benefits to the work he did and for a very thoughtful and careful proper levels for all positions, handoff. I am also grateful to the Vestry, Wardens, Treasurer, Building and Grounds Committee, FiEnsuring that leadership for our ministries nance Committee, Audit Committee, Investment with Children and Youth are in place, Committee, and Staff for all they have done and Bringing the Cathedral into compliance with are doing to join me in these intentional interim Safe Church policies, tasks. Faith in Action, Formation, and StewardRevising the bylaws to provide a reasonable ship Commissions are finding additional ways to process for Vestry elections during a tranextend the ministries of this Cathedral Church. sition, During Dean Malloy’s year, much of the focus Reducing the projected 2016 deficit from was on the pastoral needs of the Cathedral comthat which was projected, munity and its Staff. Breaking ground for the St. Encouraging greater participation in our Francis Apartments was a highlight of his time ministries with those in need, with you. Also, an enormous amount of energy was devoted to assessing the needs of the parEncouraging our members to “Invite a ish, asking the questions and seeking a vision Friend” to the Cathedral,
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the ministries with those in need • Organizing in a new way, continuing growth in stewardship • Fostering and generosity, resulting in increases in
have to be begged to lend a hand.
With plans for balancing the budget, realignment of staff and ministry groups, paying off the $2 million debt and financing $2 million in both the mean and median pledges, deferred maintenance, the Cathedral is on the Replacing the boiler, road to financial stability. Your trustworthy and Replacing the roof systems on all our build- transparent Vestry and administrative committees are equipped and committed to advancing ings, these plans. They will need the help of every Making a myriad of small repairs through- member of the Cathedral community. Increased out the facilities, stewardship and generosity from every member Continuing the Major Gifts initiative that and household will be essential as well as deterwas begun at the first of the year. mination to overcome the extraordinary depenIn the next couple of months, we hope to address dence on the endowment for the ongoing mission of Jesus Christ in this place. That will allow the organizational structure for those who the endowment’s proceeds to be used to provide are engaged in ministries of pastoral care for the continuing upkeep and maintenance of and evangelism, the Cathedral properties and for extraordinary a complete organizational chart for the staff mission opportunities as they arise. and for all the various ministries of the CaFinally, I want to remind you that this is the Cathedral, thedral Church for the Diocese of Colorado. The a careful audit and update of our member- point of this reminder is not to call attention to ship rolls, the size and grandeur of this place and the peoupdating the appraisal of the Cathedral’s ple who worship and serve here. The point is to call you to a renewed spirit of servant leadership. property, Colorado does not need you to be the biggest repair and restoration of several stained Episcopal Church in the State; it needs you to be glass windows, the leading Episcopal Church in the State, for the rewiring the Cathedral and updating the glory of God and the service of all God’s people. lighting systems, You can accomplish this and more if you believe, extending Wifi throughout all buildings, in- as I do, that the best days of Saint John’s Cathedral do not lie in the past, but in the future into cluding the Cathedral, which God is calling you. tuck pointing in a number of locations inside and outside the Cathedral, Blessings, replacing obsolete equipment in the elevator near Dagwell Hall,
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• • • • • • • • implementing a Member Growth plan, • implementing the Planned Giving program.
Saint John’s Cathedral is poised for a new era of The Very Reverend Ronald D. Pogue mission with a new spiritual leader. The response to our calls to action for every area of our common life has been very strong. People seldom
From the Treasurer
ver the last few years, Saint John’s Cathedral has gone through many challenges. These challenges have been both financial and personal. We have undergone much change, some difficult and some glorious. As parishioners we have had the opportunity to be more involved in the mission and daily life of Saint John’s Cathedral. The glorious part is a renewed commitment to each other and our greater community to “Make Christ Known”. We approach our work as one parish committed to each other and to all who need us. On December 12, 2016, the Vestry adopted a budget for 2017. That budget included a deficit of $172,000, which was based on confidence that the total of $1,400,000 in pledges would be raised. At the time of the adoption of the budget, we agreed that it would be our goal to raise the necessary funds and make the necessary adjustments to arrive at a balanced budget, hopefully before the arrival of the new Dean. On December 23, we launched the Challenge Campaign. A campaign goal of $353,000 was set. That goal was based on the $181,000 needed to reach the pledge goal and an additional $172,000 in pledges to cover the difference between budgeted income and budgeted expenses. After the campaign was launched, our staff discovered some additional income and expense items and some errors totaling $60,000, raising the amount needed to balance the budget to $413,000. I am very pleased to report that as of today, the generous members of the Cathedral community have pledged and contributed $277,356 in this Challenge Campaign, leaving us only $136,000 more to raise to deliver a revised and balanced budget for 2017. The budget is aspirational in our continuing and enhanced commitment as a parish to meet the needs of each of our parishioners and the needs of those who seek and of those in need. Some of these needs can be accomplished with the financial resources we have and all can be accomplished with a renewed Spirit and commitment to each other and others we hope to serve. Sincerely, Mary Frances Kelley
Operating Support & Revenue
Operating Expenses
Christian Formation
Worship and Ministry
Buildings and Grounds
Total Support & Revenue
Net Assets Released from Restrictions
Distributuions from endowment
Earned Income (Rental, Fees, Interest and Other)
Financial Summary
2015 2016 2017 Approved 2017 Balanced Audited Pre-Audit Budget Budget
Dean Transition
Pledges, Annual Giving, Contributions and Bequests
Net Result: Operating Support & Revenue Over Operating Expenses
1350 Washington Street Denver, Colorado 80203 303.831.7115