Mike Ronson mikedronson@gmail.com @mRonson
The Innovating for the Connected Home, Living Room and TV Meetup in Washington D.C. was the third installment of the “VZ Meetups” with previous events in Boston and Manhattan.
Quick Stats
My role on the Verizon FiOS team at MWW was to coordinate and execute all social media efforts promoting, during, and after the event. To aid the live tweeting of the event, I had created a cache of content relating to the sponsors and exhibitors at the event to be pushed out when the opportunity presented itself in the online conversation.
Similar to the previous Meetup in NYC, we partnered with local startups and coordinated social media promotion to generate awareness within niche technology communities. Learning from the previous meetups, we wanted to create an experiential portion of this event to generate conversations about the potential of new technologies and high-speed broadband connections. To accomplish this goal, we brought in and operated an Oculus Rift Developer’s Kit and a Leap Motion. Both devices were paired with software that allowed first time users an interactive experience.
1.1 million impressions
116 mentions on twitter o via 43 users
An Immersive Experience To make this Meetup unique, we utilized next-gen user interface technologies to give attendees hands on experience.
Promotion via Partners Sharing messaging points and suggested copy with partners elevated the awareness of the event and made certain social media efforts reached the target audience.