Week 6 – Structural Concept (Part Two) Model Making – Queens College by Wenjie Cai (634077) Group Members: Stephen Kai-‐Hang Yuen, Scott Andrew Braithwaite, Kosta Archimandritis Existing Building at the back
Another constructing building
The location of our model making building (Clearer part of the picture)
Main elements of our model:
Balsa wood was used as the support of the verandah and the structural steel member for supporting pre-‐cast concrete panel wall
Cardboard was used as the pre-‐cast concrete panel walls
1 2
1 Sketch the base of the building model with scale 1:50 ○
2 Use glue to fix the balsa wood that represents the structural ○ steel member.
3 The size of the wall is following the dimensions shown on ○ the proposed east elevation. Pins were used for connecting the cardboard (pre-‐cast concrete panel) and the balsa wood (structural steel members)
4 A wall represents the existing building ○ and an internal wall (shorter than the external walls) has been built.
Elevation of the internal wall
6 Model finished after fixing all the external walls and ○ structural columns
5 Black cardboard was used for the ○ roof of the verandah
South Elevation of the Model making building