Manifesto FolioSheets

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RULE MAKING & BREAKING Rule Making & Breaking: Literacy: -Learn by doing. -Become literate thinking.

Manifesto is a statemant with rules and instructions for a group of people. It could be a paragraph or a whole book. A poster or pamphlet. Also some of them deployed rhetorical devices! Examples: -The Surrealist Manifesto(1924) -The anti-News Manifesto (2005) -The Mozilla Manifesto (2007) Perhaps, the first manifesto was the “Avant-Garde”, appearing in Henri de Saint-Simon’s Literacy, Philosophical and Industrial Opinions in 1825. His view was that, working together, artist, scientists and manufactures could provide to mankind a way out of the distortion caused by the modern industrial society.





is a design studio in London built by Karsten Schmidt. He is a computational designer merging code, design, art & craft skills who grew up in Germany.With his studio, he explores the numerous possibilities come from the combination of various design disciplines, art and software development in a multitude of contexts. Using coding, they create unique projects, platforms and installations.

Ideology: Totally Unique Open Source

-Use the right tool for the right job. -Encourage creative flow in your process. -Be part of networks.-Allow for recombination of ideas by adopting modular development. -Be open to new influences. -Benefit from and accept that you are working towards moving targets (caused by your own doing and that of others). -Use clear language without hype & buzzwords.

Outputs: -Be self-critical to promote quality & positiveness. -Attempt to move away from isolated projects towards a continuous flow of activity.

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Manifesto FolioSheets by Kleanthis Michael - Issuu