Manifesto FolioSheets

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RULE MAKING & BREAKING Rule Making & Breaking: Literacy: -Learn by doing. -Become literate thinking.

Manifesto is a statemant with rules and instructions for a group of people. It could be a paragraph or a whole book. A poster or pamphlet. Also some of them deployed rhetorical devices! Examples: -The Surrealist Manifesto(1924) -The anti-News Manifesto (2005) -The Mozilla Manifesto (2007) Perhaps, the first manifesto was the “Avant-Garde”, appearing in Henri de Saint-Simon’s Literacy, Philosophical and Industrial Opinions in 1825. His view was that, working together, artist, scientists and manufactures could provide to mankind a way out of the distortion caused by the modern industrial society.





is a design studio in London built by Karsten Schmidt. He is a computational designer merging code, design, art & craft skills who grew up in Germany.With his studio, he explores the numerous possibilities come from the combination of various design disciplines, art and software development in a multitude of contexts. Using coding, they create unique projects, platforms and installations.

Ideology: Totally Unique Open Source

-Use the right tool for the right job. -Encourage creative flow in your process. -Be part of networks.-Allow for recombination of ideas by adopting modular development. -Be open to new influences. -Benefit from and accept that you are working towards moving targets (caused by your own doing and that of others). -Use clear language without hype & buzzwords.

Outputs: -Be self-critical to promote quality & positiveness. -Attempt to move away from isolated projects towards a continuous flow of activity.

PostSpectacular WORKS and RULES LCF Documentation for Moving Brand’s interactive table for London College of Fashion at Graduate Fashion Week. Post-Spectacular Studio created a eight(8) meter long interactive table that showed the work of approximately 200 students. The table had digital cubes - a cube for each student - which showed five(5) pieces of work. Also, visitors were able to rotate the cubes to see the work with their hands movements on the table surface. They had the opportunity to play with the work, not only watch it.

P5 Tee 2011’s 10th anniversary T-Shirt - Development images. Hidden lines, wireframes, grids and OpenGL(Open Graphic Library) based hidden line removal, curves, texrures and UV rotations, UV texture maps...

RULES Making and Breaking In history, most of the manifestos and several movements were been created in order to break one or more rules of previous philosophies and ideologies. Various artists were influenced by the technological and industrial progression, wars and bad social conditions, and wanted a change. Revolutions. Breaking the rules might also lead to learning because in order to fully understand the rules, you have to understand their initial aim and why they have been created. Thus, PostSpectacular’s title ‘Rule Making and Breaking’

V&A Ornamental This was displayed as part of the London Digital Design weekend as well as the V&A’s Cult of Beauty. Karsten created an interactive installation which was an Victorianesque, ornamental, laser-cut, 2-panel room divider, covered in 620 hand folded paper cones, mounted on the front surface as projection canvas. Visitors can create their own pattern using an iPad hidden in a small table (also laser-cut) standing nearby.


the Collaborator


As a group, Helen, Ryan, Michelle, Quarina and me, we studied the collaboration field and finally we came out with the collaborator manifesto, the Recipe for the perfect Collaboration.

Collaboration is when two or more persons work together as a team or group, sharing their different ideas and opinions, find out the problems and solve them to achieve their final purpose, goal. These people have the role of the collaborator, and they could be anyone – they could know each other or not. Collaboration in: -Design (Kleanthis) -Film (Helen) -Music (Ryan) -Literacy (Quarina) -Gaming-Game Design(Michelle) Each of as choose a specific field to study on collaboration.

Ryan: Musical collaboration occurs when musicians in different places/groups work on the same album or song. Helen: -Leave room for them to innovate. -Don’t cling to ideas just because they’re yours. -Be a judge and creator of ideas. -Have a vision but keep it flexible. Quarina: Collaboration is the means of communication between the cover designer and the author. Michelle: Collaboration in gaming is when films are made into games, like most Pixar movies, Another form of collaboration in gaming is when players play games on co-op mode or multiplayer games. Kleanthis: Sharing ideas and feedback is even easier nowdays with the development of the internet. Technology is beneficial but not necessary in collabortation, although it should be noted that technology has advanced collaboration and widened the range of people that can collaborate on one project.

Interviews: We also got interviews from each one of the group and some other persons to get more information about our subject. Eva Verhoeven: Working on your own is difficult. At a time when we are “network” and digital culture is everywhere, if you have a group of people you will have much broaden ideas and skills. Chara Pitsillidou: You have something to earn from others. It is a good experience to share things with people and express you ideas. Michelle Everett: Someone works in a group with other people, sharing ideas and also listening to advices. Ryan David: I would like to collaborate with several game designers and see the way they create and the starting point of a product.


the Collaborator


Initial Ideas: 1)Blog: A collaborative manifesto, where it could act as a rulebook or ‘advice’ and get others to add to it, as this would give them equal footing. However, some may not take it seriously, and as a result it would degenerate. 2)Moving image: A video on collaboration, with interviews from different people, in a documentary style. Possibly have a group of people that make the video, each with equal roles. 3)Family Tree: two sets of groups merge their ideas on one topic together in order to achieve better collaborated works. 4)Recipe: A recipe for a great, successful collaboration. 5)Quilt design: Each square is designed by a seperate person. Each square is then placed next to each other, in a ‘quilt’ shape, making a massive ‘mural’ of sorts. 6)Audio: Get a group of people to contribute a sound, which gets used to create a ‘song’.

Chosen Idea: Finally, after a successful group meeting, we all decided to move on with the idea of the collaborator recipe. We researched for inspiration and different kinds of recipe designs in books and on the web.


the Collaborator’s


We also we tried putting the recipe in place using the ingredients needed for cupcakes as the ingredients needed for the collaboration.

The picture on the right presents our manifesto. The recipe of the great collaboration was written by our group on a public chalkboard in the university. We wrote the ingredients and the method to collaborate succesfully with your friends, group members ect. Student in university can see the recipe and tried it for good work and project results.

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