INDUSRTY TRUST: Can you stop film piracy? General Research: Jack Black: Jack Black is presented in this video, talking about piracy and trying to influence people in order to stop downloading or buying copied DVDs/CDs. People should respect the work of the directors, musicians or actors and stop stealing their productions. Most of them watch a pirate DVD or download, instead of buying. Movies need money to be done. Therefore, we, people should start buying these movies legally; this means that money goes back to the producers in order for them to make more of them. We are asked to create something (could be a video, installation, poster series or anything) that would influence people to stop or decrease piracy. It must be positive and not scary for people; inspirational and original. Chara and me decided to work as a group again.
Disney anti-piracy commercial: In this video, Disney, distorts the quality of the movie: “TinkerBell” saying that pirated movies come with low quality, so people should buy the original ones.
Piracy is a Crime: A video that is placed on the internet and DVDs, expressing the idea that we wouldn’t take anything illegally so we shouldn’t steal other’s work (films). It is a crime.
You make the Movies (2009) Lord of the Rings: Two Towers (2002):
This commercial is trying to persuade people to stop piracy, showing a man who holds a couple’s ring in the way that the little monster in the movie did. Therefore, people in a way are part of the movies.