Editors Column
THE AUDACITY OF FAITH Is The Ability To Rise Above Your Story And Challenge Assumptions Greetings to you my dear readers, so we are onto the summer edition of the Miles Magazine for this year, you know it's funny and amazing how the sun finds a way to overcome the snow and wintry breeze of the winter months. Think about it, wouldn't be amazing if our spirit man can be like that alway? Knowing that no matter how cold and cruel life may be at some stage that it is just a season that would come and go, maybe then we would not give up any more or cry over spilt milk, rather we would do our ultimate best to make sure, that one the milk does not spill again and two, that even when it does spill, it does not spell the end of the world for us. So I came up with the audacity of faith, you know it is easy to be strong on paper or when you observe somebody else going through the trials, they lost their job, a loved one or got kicked out of a house after paying mortgage for ten whole years, it's very easy to encourage them but when it hits you, that is a different story. But that is where you must employ the audacity of faith, to be a success in life you must challenge the negative assumptions against you, you must arise when they think you are already finished, your strength must be inside you and hidden in God Almighty, you cannot do what is expected of a person in your situation rather you must leave a spiritual and invisible channel of communication open between you and your maker so that at all times both of you communicates and you receive encouragements and directions from Him. 1 Samuel 30:6 "Now David was greatly distressed, for the people spoke of stoning him, because the soul of all the people was grieved, every man for his sons and his daughters. But David encouraged himself in the LORD his God" Here was a man who led the people to figh against God's enemies only to return and find that they have been raided and all their family members taken away captive, the people were distressed, they needed somebody to blame and vent their anger, any thing was possible, what was the fate of their families, they maybe dedicated by now, their wives might have been raped? So they chose David as their object of blame, they turned mightily against him, he too was distressed but not hopelessly, he still had a powerful key in his spirit and thank God he used it at the right time. First he encouraged himself, and secondly he ignored all physical assumptions of what might be or might not be by focusing on God's opinion regarding the situation and alas God told him to pursue after the enem, overtake and recover all that was taken form them. I must tell you that he recovered far more than what was taken. What about the woman who had a sickness of blood for twelve whole years, the assumption was that her case was over, that was the story told of her life but when she encountered Christ, she rose above the story and assumptons, yes she could have easily a cepted her fate as a smelling sick woman but she rose above it. I can go on if you will but let me bring it home, last year we
at Miles Magazine went through a very tough season, the assumption was there in the mind of some unscrupulous elements who thought this was their opportunity to take over, but boy were they so wrong because we came back with a holy venom, and now we are in a far stronger position than we have ever been. You must employ the audacity of fait and challenge all negative assumption s over your life, listen where they say you are cast down, you must arise and declare through your action that there is a lifting up. God bless till next issue, remain above the story, always remember "What doesn't kill you will only make you stronger"