Volume 14 - Iss. 4
Strategically Accelerating Careers, Through Transformational Education HEALTH WATCH WWW.MILESMAGAZINE.CA
EVENTS IN PICTURES and lots more inside
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You Are Free To CONNECT Seasons greetings to everyone, indeed this year has been one of activating every dry bone and bringing them straight back to life, as I write I am far away in Rome Train Terminal heading to my next destination for preaching as well as expansion of Miles Magazine distribution networks. I want to write about a key element of blessing and prosperity in life, you must have guessed by now what I am writing about – ‘Connections’. You must have this and value it if you have any plans of becoming great in life. It is no secret that no man is an Island as the wise saying goes, but above that, I will want to add that no man’s success does not involve the help and efforts of others.
Luke 5:6 “And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish, and their net was breaking. So they signaled to their partners in the other boat to come and help them.” When Peter encountered the abundant overflowing grace of the Lord upon his life, they had the opportunity to catch so much fish but not the capacity to contain them all so they needed to activate the next level of prosperity by inviting their contacts and associates to connect with them. In this life, who you are connected to, will eventually determine how much of the grace you can contain and handle. It is not enough to make friends based on environmental dictates or geographical limitations, you must learn to appreciate the power and anointing behind building a very strong, reliable and tested network around the world. The bigger question is how and where do you find such good contacts? The answer is easier than the question itself:
First, you must take stock of whom and who are your contacts and networks right now, who do you relate and keep a lively relationship with? Are they just the people you grew up, introduced to you by family and known to you all your life? sometimes you could find a rare gem in that group, but often they are never able to be in that cycle because life is in phases and just because you knew someone when you were growing up twenty years ago does not really mean you will still know their true nature and value now that both of you are fully grown, because each have seen a different side of life. Second, are the ones you meet on your way through the journey and adventures of life,
mainly the good ones come in your most trying times in life, they stick around because they are graced to see beyond the struggles and mistakes you may be going through at that time. These, are your true connection to success, they are always on your way as you climb up the ladder of life, especially in your chosen field. They hold certain keys that may not always be needed but as and when needed they never disappoint, they may or may not be as rich or as successful as you are, but they are always ready and willing to hold the ladder for you when you need it the most.
You Too, Must Be One To Them, this connection is solid, but it is never one sided, as they
do for you, so you also endeavour to go out of your way to be there for them when they also need you. It must always be your ultimate desire to help them once they need. You cannot allow the relationship to be one-sided or else the value will begin to lose value. Always remember that as you often will and should evaluate them, so they are also going to often evaluate you because that is the bedrock of the sustenance and solidity of these connections.
Qualities Needed, as I already mentioned, you must be useful and priceless to your
partners and contacts, you must be indispensable because of the quality and support you bring to the table. In return when in a partnership for success relationship, always take time out especially periodically to assess the value of the partners you keep, are you benefiting? Is there any value added to your life and that of your family? Can you be proud and confident to call him/her your partner in life’s journey? If any of these answers is in the negative, then know that he/she can only be a casual acquaintance and not one you depend on in life.
Examples, Mordechai partnered with Esther to achieve liberation, success, and royalty.
David partnered with his bosom friend Jonathan to achieve greatness. Naomi partnered with Ruth to achieve uncommon favor during a very dry season, even Abraham partnered with God to achieve uncommon greatness. I believe you must have gotten the picture by now, we all need a point of grace to connect with God Almighty always. You must be a person of great contacts and networks because you need it if you are seeking durable successful in life. I will conclude by reminding you of the need to connect with the source, Jesus Christ. You cannot achieve any form of breakthrough unless you have a personal relationship and partnership with God through His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. You must have him as your partner by making sure that in all your dealings, He can trust you to bring back returns to Him.
Make Sure to Get 7 Connected For Prosperity in the coming year….
CHRISTIAN EDUCATION Paul's final days of ministry were in a rented house where he received all who came, teaching and preaching to them:
When Jesus said "Go Ye into all the world and preach the Gospel" and "YE shall be my witnesses," He was talking to a group of His followers. But as with every group, this group was made up of individuals. When Jesus said "Go Ye," it had not only a group reference, but also an individual reference. Each member of the group was to accept the challenge personally. If the individuals within the group failed to respond, then the group would fail. The challenge to go to the nations of the world is now assumed by the Church. But the Church is made up of individuals and it will only be effective in meeting this challenge as each person personally responds to the Great Commission.
In the early church, each person took personal responsibility for spreading the Gospel. Cross-cultural evangelism was done by laymen who were not full-time clergy. Some of the greatest evangelistic campaigns were conducted by these laymen. Acts chapters 6 and 7 illustrate this with the stories of Philip and Stephen. They were both laymen, mightily used of God to spread the Gospel. When persecution came against the Church at Jerusalem, believers were scattered throughout Judaea and Samaria. The Bible records: . . .they that were scattered abroad went every where preaching the Word. (Acts 8:4) Each believer accepted the challenge to teach faithful men and women who would be able to teach others also: “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” (II Timothy 2:2) This unbroken cycle of spiritual reproduction resulted in continuous multiplication of believers.
The idea of the home as a center of spiritual development is not new. From the giving of God's law to man, the home was intended to be a training center: “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart. And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house. . . And thou shalt write them upon the posts of thy house and on thy gates.” (Deuteronomy 6:6,7,9) Every home in the early church was a center of evangelism. Believers taught the Gospel not only in the temple, but daily in the home: “And daily in the temple and in every house, they ceased not to teach and preach Jesus” Christ. (Acts 5:42)
“And Paul dwelt two whole years in his own hired house, and received all that came in unto him. Preaching the Kingdom of God, and teaching those things which concern the Lord Jesus Christ, with all confidence, no man forbidding him.” (Acts 28:30-31) Jesus declared that His house was to be called of all nations a house of prayer: “And He taught, saying unto them, Is it not written, My house shall be called of all nations the house of prayer?” (Mark 11:17) The Greek word for "house" in this verse means dwelling place. This can be either a private home or public temple. The strategy of the early Church to reach the world was each believer reproducing with each home serving as a center of evangelism. What were the results of this "every person" and "every home" strategy in the early Church? They reached their world with the Gospel. The enemies of the Church themselves declared:
The evangelistic thrust of the home groups was apparently so successful that when Saul was trying to crush the church he did not feel he could do it by just concentrating on the temple. He also entered every house to stop the spread of the Gospel:
“These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also.” (Acts 17:6)
“As for Saul, he made havock of the church, entering into every house, and haling men and women committed them to prison.” (Acts 8:3)
If we can use a year as an average, if each believer would reach just one person each year, disciple them, and have them pledge to disciple one person each following year, the world could easily be reached with the Gospel.
The vision of God's plan for the cross-cultural spread of the Gospel was given in a home as Peter prayed on the rooftop (Acts 10). The first message to the Gentiles was preached in the home of Cornelius (Acts 10). The great cross-cultural evangelist, Paul, was discipled by Ananias in a home (Acts 9). Paul taught both publicly and also house to house during his ministry: “And how I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, but have shewed you, and have taught you publicly, and from house to house.” (Acts 20:20) 8
Observe that during the first year the believer wins and disciples [trains] one person. At the end of that year, there are now two faithful men [the believer and the person he has discipled]. During the next year, each of them disciple one person. At the end of the second year, there is a total of four people, each of whom will disciple one person the following year. Much of the population of the world is yet unreached by the Gospel. But God has provided a strategy that, if employed by each professing believer, would easily complete the task of spreading the Gospel of the Kingdom.
STRATEGICALLY ACCELERATING CAREERS THROUGH TRANSFORMATIONAL EDUCATION Another graduation ceremony, another set of students whose dreams of a better life was fulfilled through skill development and innovative education. CLI College has graduated thousands of students who have gone on to become very successful in the workplace. This year’s graduation ceremony marked another milestone and is a testament to how much this college has positively advanced. With over 12 years of expertise delivering of high quality training, Career Learning Institute College of Business Health & Technology has developed a unique learning system that ensures success for all students. CLI is dedicated to helping students get the most from their training, and preparing them for successful careers. They ensure that programs are designed to satisfy all students educational requirement. CLI College of Business Health & Technology is built on the principles of making quality career focused education courses and have been in business and existed since 1999. It is the school of community you can fully trust and rely on.
CLI College Of Business, Health & Technology offers the following programs: • Personal Support Worker (PSW) Program • Development Service Worker (DSW) Program • Legal Office Administration (LOA) Program • Health Office Administration (HOA) Program • CLI High School – Math. Biology. English. Physics. Chemistry Founded by Olushola Orifa, a soft spoken and humble man with Mr. Henry Etomi as Administrative manager and Kaydene Carter as school administrator.
Registered as a private career college under the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005 with over eleven years of healthcare training delivery to healthcare providers in the area of group homes, hospitals, long-term facilities, retirement homes.
INTERNATIONALLY ACCLAIMED CLI College of Health, Business and Technology is authorized by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) to accept and enroll international students! CLI College of Health, Business and Technology designated learning institution number is O117353642757(Alberta) and O12943670937 (Toronto). Contact them by emailing international@clicollege.ca or calling 416-747-5152 to talk to one of the Admissions Counsellors. They will walk you through a step-by-step process to ensure you are comfortable and excited to begin your international learning experience.
RESULTS The College continues to produce very high number of graduates who go on to become gainfully employed in Canada. When Miles reached out to some of these company’s while writing this article to find out why they have been employing these graduates. Their answer was simply ‘Quality and Diligence’. They maintained that the students from CLI are in a class of their own.
GOALS CLI is here to accelerate your career by providing you with a myriad of resources to ensure success in your future career endeavors. The goal is to provide you with transformational learning experience that will empower and motivate you; thus, helping you achieve your long term goals successfully. In line with this amiable goal of the school, their programs and instructors lead and offer a blended learning environment including live projects, test, guest speakers and much more, all to reach a competency level that will separate you from the competition.
What You Get At CLI - HANDS-ON, INSTRUCTOR-LED, CLASSROOM TRAINING, CERTIFIED & EXPERIENCED INSTRUCTORS FLEXIBLE SCHEDULES, DIPLOMA PROGRAMS FROM 25-52 WEEKS, JOB PLACEMENT ASSISTANCE, HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA. Miles magazine is proud to be associated with CLI College, over the years we have watched this institution of learning grow in stature, quality and number. It is indeed a success story that we surely have not seen the full manifestation. We will conclude this article with the words of Mr. Olu (The Founder), “CLI is committed to helping families as well as individuals attain the required tools and skills to make them successful in an ever evolving and challenging country like Canada and indeed the whole world.
The college has its headquarters located at 2300 Sheppard Ave. West, Suite 203/204 Toronto, On. M9M 3A4 and Two other campuses respectively located @ 8701 -118 Avenue AB. T5B 0T1 Edmonton. Tel:780.421.0224. 11 And 640-433 Malborough Way N.E Calgary AB. T2A – 5H5. Tel:403.475.2985
Micah 4:1-2 “Now it shall come to pass in the latter days. That the mountain of the Lord's house Shall be established on the top of the mountains, And shall be exalted above the hills; And peoples shall flow to it. Many nations shall come and say, “Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, To the house of the God of Jacob; He will teach us His ways, And we shall walk in His paths.” or out of Zion the law shall go forth, And the word of the Lord from Jerusalem” All great leaders begin their journey with a vision. People have to buy into both the leader and the vision before they take the journey, no wonder the congregation is always first in love with their man or woman of God before ever they think of the ministry and faithfulness. There is truly nothing wrong with that as long as the leader is pointing their passion and love in the right direction. The prophet paints a picture of what life will be like in the future, during the last days – a glori-
ous and amazing vision any true believer should be very excited about. It will come to pass that the world will now seek the wisdom and knowledge of the rejected one. I must say that if you carefully observe the world presently, you will notice that it is already happening, the confusion is everywhere, the mighty are falling in droves, and knowledge is gradually; but constantly failing the world.
The “house of the Lord” was to be a strategic place (Micah 4:1), an influential place (Micah 4:2), and an equipping place (Micah 4:2). These are the true position of the house of God, now, if you will place your eyes on the things happening today, then you will see a direct opposite of this where the house of God has become the politicians play ground but watch-out as the evolution begins right before our eyes. Men and women of God will ultimately become the wisdom and solution grounds to the world’s confusion.
‘In order for Micah to succeed, he had to possess and persuade the people concerning God’s vision for them. Then, he had to wait. Visions usually work like the birth of a baby; they take a very long 12 time in coming’
For any leader or true vision bearer to successfully communicate a vision, they should know the vital signs of a successful vision which are listed as follows:
A Clear Picture
You must have the ability to see the vision because to lead others on a part way, you must know the way for the blind or ignorant cannot lead.
A Committed People
You must find a set of persons that are truly committed to your vision without which it will be a futile exercise when visions are transmitted to a bunch that are not willing and ready. The ability to transmit the vision is very dependant on the ability and willingness of the followers to obey the voice and leading of their leader.
A Consistent Prayer
Your success to execute and manifest your vison is fueled as much by your ability to seek help from above. You must be willing and humble enough to pray the vision through. You must form a spiritual and inspirational synergy by constantly interceding for the vison not just you but find a team that are willing and ready to pray through the vision with you.
A Constructive Passion
You must have the ability and mind-set to focus and work towards the vision. Many things, voices, incidents and emotional forces will try to derail you from your vision. You cannot be carried away nor can you ever develop a cold-feet. You must be governed by your vision but at the same time do not be ignorant to your other prevailing duties and responsibilities. What this simply means is that you must be constructively passionate about your vision.
A Calm Persistence
The ability to patiently wait for the vision is paramount to absolute success. You must equip yourself with the truth that your vision will surely come to pass no matter what the enemies places before you. you must know this and be confident of it because there is need for calmness while persistently working towards the achievement of your vison.
Facts About DYSMENORRHEA DEFINITION - This is simply pain during menstruation; it could be severe or mild. It is menstrual pain that’s not a symptom of an underlying gynecologic disorder but is related to the normal process of menstruation.
THERE ARE TWO TYPES OF DYSMENORRHEA: Primary dysmenorrhea: Primary dysmenorrhea is the most common type of dysmenorrhea, affecting more than 50% of women, and quite severe in about 15%. Primary dysmenorrheal affects girls during adolescence. Fortunately for many women, the problem eases as they mature, particularly after a pregnancy. Although it may be painful and sometimes debilitating for brief periods of time, it is not harmful. Secondary dysmenorrhea: Is menstrual pain that is generally related to gynecological disorder. Most of these disorders can be easily treated with medications or surgery. Secondary dysmenorrhea is more likely to affect women during adulthood. CAUSES: Primary dysmenorrhea is thought to be caused by excessive levels of prostaglandins, hormones that make your uterus contract during menstruation and childbirth. This pain probably results from contractions of your uterus that occur when the blood supply to its lining (endometrium) is reduced. Other factors that may make the pain of primary dysmenorrhea even worse include: • Uterus that tilts backward (retroverted uterus) instead of forward • Lack of exercise • Psychological or social stress
• • • •
Alcohol consumption Being overweight Smoking Menarche (starting menstruating before age 11.)
Secondary dysmenorrhea may be caused by a number of conditions, • Fibroids – benign tumors that develop within the uterine wall or are attached to it • Adenomyosis – the tissue that lines the uterus (called the endometrium) begins to grow within its muscular walls • Sexually transmitted infection (STI) • Endometriosis – fragments of the endometrial lining that are found on other pelvic organs
• Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), which is primarily an infection of the fallopian tubes, but can also affect the ovaries, uterus, and cervix • Ovarian cyst or tumor • Use of an intrauterine device (IUD), a birth control
SYMPTOMS AND COMPLICATIONS: The main symptom of dysmenorrhea is pain. It occurs in your lower abdomen during menstruation and may also be felt in your hips lower back, or thighs. Other symptoms may include: • Nausea • Vomiting • Diarrhea • Dizziness For most women, the pain usually starts shortly before or during their menstrual period, peaks after 24 hours, and subsides after 2 to 3 days. Sometimes clots or pieces of bloody tissue from the lining of the uterus are expelled from the uterus, causing pain. Dysmenorrhea pain may be spasmodic (sharp pelvic cramps at the start of menstrual flow) or congestive (deep, dull ache). The symptoms of secondary dysmenorrhea often start sooner in the menstrual cycle than those of primary dysmenorrhea, and usually last longer. 14
MAKING THE DIAGNOSIS If you experience painful periods, check with your doctor to see whether you might have an underlying disorder that is causing secondary dysmenorrhea. You may be given a pelvic examination, and your blood and urine may be tested. TREATMENT AND PREVENTION Your doctor may prescribe medications or other remedies depending on the cause of the dysmenorrhea. Primary dysmenorrhea is usually treated by medication such as an analgesic medication. Many women find relief with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, Panadol extra, tabalon. Some doctors may prescribe hormone medications. Oral contraceptives also may also help reduce the severity of the symptoms. Nausea and vomiting may be relieved with an antiemetic medication, but these symptoms usually disappear without treatment as cramps subside. Implantable contraception and the Mirena IUD, which release low levels of the hormone progesterone, have also been found to be very helpful in decreasing pain.
In addition to the above, other non-medicinal treatments for the pain of dysmenorrhea include: • • • • •
lying on your back, supporting your knees with a pillow holding a heating pad or hot water bottle on your abdomen or lower back taking a warm bath gently massaging your abdomen doing mild exercises like stretching, walking, or biking exercise may improve blood flow and reduce pelvic pain • getting plenty of rest and avoiding stressful situations as your period approaches • yoga • having an orgasm You may also wish to consider alternative therapies such as hypnosis, herbal medications, or acupuncture. Be cautious with herbal medications. They may be “natural,” but they are not necessarily safe or free of side effects. They can also interact with other medications you may be taking. Check with your doctor or pharmacist before trying any herbal medications.
Written By Dr.Dumebi NWOSU (PATVIV)
The Ordination Ceremony Of Pastor Joseph Osaosa
Saturday the 2nd of December 2017 will remain a very memorable one in the life of pastor Joseph Osaosa as he was ordained a pastor while also receiving his masters degree in Theology from the Shiloh Bible Institute and Seminary. Pastor Joseph is an artist, a gospel singer and an author with a passion for soul winning which has transcended every part of the world. Pastor Joseph gave his life to Christ over 25 years ago and he has been privileged to work in various capacities in churches as well as the community at large. He is presently the Head of Sunday School studies at the Mount Zion Ministries Canada Inc. Married to Mrs. Doris and together they are blessed with three wonderful children. The event was well attended as can be seen from the pictures, and the atmosphere was one of grace and glory. This page is graciously sponsored by Mr. Andrew Enofe
CAN CREDITORS GET INTO MY BANK ACCOUNT TO COLLECT? One of the most frightening jolts you can get financially is to go into a bank account to see if you have enough to cover off a payment only to find a zero balance. You’re in financial hardship; you’re juggling payments to make sure one doesn’t get too far behind; you’re trying to pay as best you can and in one fell swoop, you’re left with zero and you don’t know if you’re going to be able to pay the rent or make the car payment. What happened? In all cases, it’s because one of your debts is to your bank (a mortgage, loan, credit card or line of credit) they have the right to take what they can to pay off some or all the amount owed to them, even if it leaves your bank account empty. And pleading your case won’t do you any good; because their payment is more important than all the other payments you may have. When you borrow money, there are two types — secured and unsecured. Secured debt is a loan that is borrowed against some property — a house, a piece of furniture or a car, for example — and the creditor has the right to seize your property and (with notice) sell it off to pay off your debt. A mortgage is the best example of a secured contract — if
you don’t make your payments, the bank can repossess your house and sell it to pay off the amount owed. A financed car purchase is another example, where the dealership technically owns your car until the last payment is made. A credit card is unsecured debt. Even though you fill out an application that indicates you have a mortgage (maybe with the same bank) and/or a car, the credit card company can’t seize your house or your car to pay off the amount outstanding to them. What they can do, is take money directly out of an account you may have with that bank. And if you get wise to this and don’t leave any money in that account until such time as it’s needed to make other payments, they may get wise to your ways and garnishee (or freeze) your account, in which case deposits are allowed but withdrawals are not (whether those are cash withdrawals or automatic transactions). Banks don’t have to notify you before this happens, because they don’t have to get permission from a court to do this. Neither do government agencies (if you owe back taxes or support), but other creditors have to sue you in order 19
Ajay Oberoi
to gain access to your accounts. They usually send you notice that they are considering the action and if you don’t act on it, they will file a suit to recover what is owed, including gaining access to your accounts. If you are sued, you have to go to court in your own defense and if judgment is awarded to the collector, you will have to pay all fees and costs, in addition to the debt and related penalties. It should be noted that there is a statute of limitations on owed debt, which in Ontario is two years after the last payment was made. If you have unsecured debt and haven’t made a payment in two years, and your creditor hasn’t sued you to recover the money, the threat of a claims suit is not valid. If they do attempt to sue you, you may still have to go to court in defence and plead the expiration of the limitation on your unsecured debt. It is important to note, though, that if you make a payment (regardless of whether it’s a bluff) — even a small one — the two-year clock resets and they can then initiate a suit for all the money owed.
In case of you have credit issues visit www.gtacredit.com or call 416 650 5800
Saturday November 18th, 2017 @ the Loafers Lake Recreation Centre (Youth Room) located at 30 Loafers Lane in Brampton Ontario, the L.E.A.D Mentorship Corp. lead by its director Dr. Karlene Atkinson held their graduation ceremony. The event was a success and marked a milestone for the organisation as well as the graduating class. Registration for the next classes starts now and classes begin on 6th of January 2018 at same location above. This program has helped many aspiring leaders and individuals to attain their dreams as attested to by the graduates.
The Birthday Party For
Pastor Mrs. Roselyn Adaeze Frank Of Heaven on Earth Prayer Ministry, Madrid Spain
It was fun and pageantry as Pastor Mrs. Frank marked her 40th birthday in Madrid. The venue was the church reception
& banquet hall and in attendance were friends, well-wishers, parishioners from all over the country of Spain and around the world including our editor in chief who flew in from Toronto Canada to grace the occasion. Pastor Mrs. Frank is the wife of the Miles magazine ambassador representing the country of Spain, Bishop Timothy Frank Onyeghara, the founder and presiding Bishop of the Heaven on Earth Prayer Ministry Spain.
We at the Miles magazine wish to once again congratulate the first Lady of HOEPM. Remain Blessed
O n b eh a l f o f th e Miles magaz ine, o ur e di tor i n chi ef made a tr i p to the Vati can C i ty a n d br ou g ht b a c k t h e s e a m az ing pict ures . T his i s j ust the begi nni ng, the Vati can as you k n ow i s th e ho me o f t h e Po p e and is a co unt ry o f her own wi th the Pope as the head of sta te . Join us i n t h e n e xt is s ue as w e co nt inu e thi s j ourney through the Vati can i n pi ctu r e s, e n j oy‌ .
Blueprint For Building A Bridge To The Future
A true believer ought to be a true vision bearer because Christianity and divine visions go together just like fire and heat go together. You cannot truly be successful in the service of the Lord without first seeing the invisible God, feeling and hearing from Him. God furnishes His directions in the form of instructions to us, we must be able to not guess but articulate what and when God expects us to move in the next direction, for example, today if you look at the world system, it seems like everything is out of hand, but the bigger picture clearly indicates that God is totally in control. Why would I write that? Well. If the holy bible predicted these days over 3000 years ago then we are in the hands of a God and power that knows yesterday as well as knows the future. To be able to operate in the realm of faith, you must know and work with God’s blueprint, you know, just before going to press, President Donald Trump announced the recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, something that has been in the pipeline for so many years no American president had the courage to announce. It is significant indeed because God’s blueprint is and will eventually be the only one on this earth. Through Habakkuk, God furnished some instruction on vision for us, a divine instruction that anyone who desires to truly walk in the realm of divine faith must follow: Habakkuk 2:2-3 “Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision And make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time; But at the end it will speak, and it will not lie. Though it tarries, wait for it; Because it will surely come, It will not tarry.” Your dreams are personal until you announce it to the world by plainly writing it out, most times we are intimidated by the thoughts of what people might say, think and believe about us, and with that feeling we never bother to declare our intentions about life. You must understand that if it is not written clearly, then it is only a thought in your mind and has no life to it. Everybody can think and dream, and imagine things but until they have the boldness to declare it, it remains but an illusion existing only in the mind. From the above scripture, I will draw out some lessons that is paramount should you desire to climb high in life; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Your Vision Should Be Written Down You Must Share Your Vision With People You Must Follow Your Vision – Act On It. Understand That It Is For An Appointed Time You Must Fuel Your Vision with Divine Motivation – be self-inspired to achieve. Never Give-Up on Your Vision, knowing that it must surely come to pass Know That It Will Never Fail – no matter the obstacle, always know that God will bring your dreams and visions to pass if you do not give up. Live in expectation and totally refuse to hear any other report than the one given to you by God Almighty from above.
In conclusion, I will not fail to remind you that whatever you have from God is special and very personal, He does not work with two people in the same manner so please be very confident and stubborn to uphold that which is deposited in you; because like raw material that is found in a geographical location and the rest of the world must travel thousands of miles to get it, so are you with your peculiar message and vision from God. You are odd and unique, that is why people cannot truly have an insight into the vision that you have, it is divinely deposited inside you, please do not lose it in the name of popular advice. Keep it, nurture it, believe and watch the God of wonders perform great things in your life. The world is not fulfilled until; you fulfill your mission to the world…
CLIENT APPRECIATION DINNER In an unprecedented gesture of giving back to the community, and in the spirit of the season, Realtor Andrew Enofe hosted his clients as well as well wishers to an evening of feasting, fun and glamour at prestigious Dave & Busters in Vaughan Ontario. There were lots of give-away prizes like Television, Microwave, Blenders, I Phone 8 Plus and Cuba Trip for two to be won if you refer your friends and family who buy or sell a house with him before March 2018. Family portraits was also available with Santa Claus for the Kids and Adult Kids at heart. Mr. Andrew gave a brief history of how he struggled from obscurity to affluence while thanking his clients, family and friends for their priceless support. Overall the evening was filled with fun and pageantry.
Fruitfulness In
Exodus 23:26 “No one shall suffer miscarriage or be barren in your land; I will fulfill the number of your days.”
In this dispensation, I bring you a prophetic word from the throne of grace, I have witnessed the turbulence of life and seen with my own eyes the falling of the high and mighty, but in it all, the righteous have never been forsaken by the Almighty one of Israel. We are in a season of great grace and the glory will manifest on behalf of all true obedient children of God. The scripture on top simply is a Promise and a Command from God to the earth and the heavens alike because they that know their God shall never lack nor will they ever be barren in the land of the living. God is in control and if you have been reading, believing and expecting the divine transference of wealth, then get excited even the more, because the coming year will witness a mighty triple prosperity grace unto those that believe in God. God Hates Fruitlessness/Barrenness – as I read through my Bible and meditate on the revelations of God to His chosen people, I cannot help but see and hear clearly the voice of God in the prevailing hardship around the world. God is clearly saying to his people, “Get set to occupy in prosperity and affluence”
you may ask why would I say this, first it is a voice from God speaking these things and I am but an interpreter of the word, secondly from the scriptures, you can see clearly that God hates barrenness in the land.
darkness with his marvelous light. The church is praying no doubt, but like I have said times over that prayer is there to bring you answers which you must in turn apply to your circumstance for results to manifest. The church
Mathew 21:18-19 “Now in the morning, as He returned to the city, He was hungry. And seeing a fig tree by the road, He came to it and found nothing on it but leaves, and said to it, “Let no fruit grow on you ever again.” Immediately the fig tree withered away.” I bet you that God is going around the earth right now and seeing all these barrenness in diverse places and He is wondering why believers are allowing this barrenness to prevail, with all the power bestowed on us through our covenant identity and the word of God. It is in our power to change things around just by mere faith. Yes, your faith is more than enough to tation of God, contact the grace of God which in turn will bring down his glory to overshadow all
is praying and now the answers are right here for us to act and see the glorious manifestation of God. Simply speak the word of faith to your dry fountain and see the waters of life begin to flow again like never, watch and see the King of glory begin to do something out of the natural for the super natural to occur. God hates barrenness and when he saw a fig tree that was non-productive, he simply cursed it and it dried up from the root.
Finally, note that any tree or vessel that remains barren and fruitless 30 in life will be cut down by God
Bishop Don Ifepe @
Victory Family International Assembly Treviso Italy The VIFA Church in Treviso Italy hosted Bishop Don Ifepe during their Annual Thanksgiving Service 2017. The Senior pastor of the branch Pastor Oki and the entire congregation were blessed with the powerful ministration of the word and the demonstration of God’s power. VIFA is a long-standing associate ministry with the Believer’s Full Gospel Church and the Miles Magazine. The General Overseer Apostle Grandeur is a man of integrity, humility and innovative progress.
1. Whatever You Can Conceive You Can Deliver – Mark 9:23 “Jesus said unto him, if thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that beleiveth” 2. It is Wisdom To First kneel Daily Before God, Before Standing BeforeMen
Written by Apostle Grandeur Moses
3. Excellence Is The Product Of A Disciplined Commitment To Obedience And Goal Hebrews 12:2 “looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God” 4. Living By Faith Is The Vision & Trusting God For The Provision Philippians 4:19 “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” 5. Challenges Are Meant To Reveal The Stuff We Are Made Of; Not To Reduce Who We Are 6. It Is Very Nice To Be Important, But It Is More Important To Be Nice 7. If You Cannot Be an Elephant For Size, Then Be An Eagle For Beauty Isaiah 60:3 “And the gentiles shall come to thy light, and kings to the brightness of thy rising.” 8. Knowledge Is The Acquisition Of Information: Wisdom Is The Application Of Knowledge Proverbs 4:7 “Wisdom is the principle thing, therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.” 9. OUR RESPONSE TO POSITIVE CHANGE INDICATES CLEARLY OUR LEVEL OF MATURITY. 10. The Wise Invest Their Lives, Talent, Time, And Money: The Foolish Spend Theirs Proverbs 6:6-8 “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise which having no guide, overseer, or ruler provideth her meat in the summer and gathereth her food in the harvest.” 11. If God Is involved In It, Satan May Revolve Around It, but he Cannot Dissolve It. 12. Clean Energy Produce Power Hebrews 12:14 “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see God.” 13. Failure Is An Opportunity For Men To Start Again More Decisively And Intelligently. 34
YOUTH NOW ON TRACK Annual Dinner & Award Night
YNOT is a charitable organization service that began in 2003 which provides individual care to youth ages 12-24 who are challenged and are on the wrong track in life. Through their individualized programs they help them to change direction and to see what is possible through positive change. They empower youths and children by guiding them on right track. Each year they have an annual event that celebrates youth achievements. The community members and political leaders are invited to join this exciting event. 2017 event was an evening of music, great food and an opportunity to meet and greet the community at large.
Their programs at large include: After school program | Children Empowerment | Restorative Justice Learning Challenges | Defining who you are You can support or assist youth and children to their program by contacting YNOT: 2300 Sheppard Ave West, Suite LL17 | Toronto, Ontario, Canada M9M 3A2 Email: info@ynotservices.org | Phone & Fax: 647.427.4898, 647.430.5814
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The church of God was founded for the purpose of uniting Christians under one roof, one purpose, one focus for the power of God to flow. But today if you will look around, the church of God has become the most divided body or organisation in the world. Pastors are at war with each other, denominations have emerged at such a deadly ratio that it is almost scary to say which one you belong to. Sometimes I wonder what God must be thinking when He looks down at what Christians have turned his ministry into. In the days of Jesus Christ on earth, there were no denominations, it was simply followers of Christ and nothing more. Today the churches have virtually created their own Christ so that no one else can be like them. It is all the plot of the devil because he knows that if we are united he stands no chance against us. Ephesians 4:1-6 “I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace. There is one body and one Spirit, just as you
were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all.”
There is only One God, One Son and One Holy Spirit existing and working in Unity for the dispensation of the work both on earth and in heaven. The key is in the truth that they forbear one another, they understand and work as one with none seeking self glory. I believe that is where our problem lies, everyone cannot bear with the other, we all are in a hurry to achieve our own version of success and in the process war has broken out among Christians and it is no longer about God but all about what ‘I’ can achieve. The only force that moves God is that of love through unity, until the church of God learn to come together in true love, the body will continue to suffer lost because the work of the devil is to destroy the body through the spirit of division: 2 Corinthians 2:10-11 “Now whom you forgive anything, I also forgive. For if indeed I have forgiven anything, I have forgiven that one for your sakes in the presence of Christ, lest Satan should take advantage of us; for we are not ignorant38 of his devices.”
Bitterness and unforgiveness is the tools by which the devil perfects his work on earth, it becomes very scary to think of the length and depth of the rivalry, bitterness and unforgiveness that does exist today in the body of Christ. No wonder there is no longer the true manifestation of the power of God, no wonder people now have the guts to question the sense behind paying tithes, no wonder the church is no longer in the restoration business. We must as Christians rise up again and take our place in the world. We cannot allow the devil to beat us in our own domain, it starts one person at a time, if you have hurt or been hurt by another please I plead with you find a way to get past that bitterness especially if you are both worshipping in the same congregation. Pastors and ministers of the gospel, it is a privilege to be called into this exalted office, we are the shepherd and must learn to act as one by being sacrificial with our forgiveness. Always remember that they may never find the humility or boldness to say, ‘I am sorry’, but do not wait for that, rather be proactive, knowing that the church needs salvation from the devices of the enemy. God, bless.
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Testimonials From The
Keys Of The Kingdom Convention 2017 DELIVERED FROM DEMONIC ATTACKS
I want to specially bless the name of the Lord for the grace and power of deliverance that I experienced through the hands of the man of God, Bishop Don Ifepe. I was at the ministry’s September Keys of The Kingdom Convention and he prayed for me after which I asked to meet with him and requested for a deliverance/counselling session. I thank God that I did attend because the power of God was so great upon me that my inability to sleep every night for the past two years melted away. Now I sleep like a baby, no more nightmares and no more struggles through the night. I want to specially appreciate this great man of God that is always readily available to help others.
I was at the last Keys of The Kingdom Crusade with the Believers Full Gospel Vineyard, on the first night Bishop Don ministered on the topic ‘The Way Maker’, and afterwards he asked for those who needed prayers to step up to the Pulpit which I readily did. While ministering to me he specifically told me that whatever I desired that God was ready to give it to me in a miraculous way. I have been dreaming of a brand-new car but since I had a very bad credit and no much money, it was only a dream with no way of materializing, yet the man of God said to me, “Whatever is your utmost heart desire, God is ready to grant it for you right now.”
Sister Jane – Toronto
A few days later, my sister asked me to accompany her to a Mercedes car dealership, so she could service her car, when I got there with her while waiting, the owner of the dealership approached me and told me that he was in the mood to help me get into a Mercedes car. I laughed it off, but he persistently insisted that I give him my drivers licence and after just five minutes he came back congratulating me that I have a new car with no down payment and really no credit check, also the payment was well below $300 per month.
A NEW JOB I work with Sears Canada and as you all know, they are closing out in Canada and I was so worried about what to do next regarding finding a new job. My mentor invited me to attend the KOK convention with him. I am so glad I did because the man of God, Bishop Don Ifepe spoke on the topic ‘The Way Maker’, describing Jehovah as one that makes a way where there seems to be no way. I blessed God for the message and went home really very happy, the next day, my friend and formal colleague invited me out to dinner at his place where I met his boss and right on the spot he offered me a new job at another equally big retail company.
If this is not a miracle then I truly wonder what is? God indeed honors the words of his servants here on earth. I have been following the ministry of Bishop Don and can testify that God has been using him in so many ways, this is another great testament to that. Sister N – Toronto
Steve -Mississauga
I am truly a believer that Jehovah is “The Way Maker” 41
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Zions Future MICAH 4:6-13
In that day,” says the Lord, “I will assemble the lame, I will gather the outcast And those whom I have afflicted; I will make the lame a remnant, And the outcast a strong nation; So the Lord will reign over them in Mount Zion From now on, even forever. And you, O tower of the flock, The stronghold of the daughter of Zion, To you shall it come, Even the former dominion shall come, The kingdom of the daughter of Jerusalem.” Now why do you cry aloud? Is there no king in your midst? Has your counselor perished? For pangs have seized you like a woman in labor. Be in pain, and labor to bring forth, O daughter of Zion, Like a woman in birth pangs. For now you shall go forth from the city, You shall dwell in the field, And to Babylon you shall go. There you shall be delivered; There the Lord will redeem you From the hand of your enemies. Now also many nations have gathered against you, ho say, “Let her be defiled,And let our eye look upon Zion.” But they do not know the thoughts of the Lord, Nor do they understand His counsel; For He will gather them like sheaves to the threshing floor. “Arise and thresh, O daughter of Zion; For I will make your horn iron, And I will make your hooves bronze; You shall beat in pieces many peoples; I will consecrate their gain to the Lord, And their substance to the Lord of the whole earth.” Consider how timely this scripture has become, as America officially moves her embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, thus recognizing the city of David as the right of the Israel people. God is moving in His power again, and make no mistake about it, He is able to use anyone to fulfil His divine purpose on earth. The prophesy is truly being fulfilled in our very eyes meaning that the end is drawing ever closer. 43
Waiting Upon the
By Rev. Maxwell Emelife – General Overseer Glorious Gospel Of Christ Min. Intl. Italy Waiting upon the Lord means to pray with a fast, studying and meditating on His word in quietness. This is a serious spiritual exercise that many Christians avoid, and this very exercise, is what believers need to generate spiritual power in order to soar like the Eagle.” Some things that must be included in a fast are: bible study, scriptural meditation, prayer, praise and worship. Other things that could be incorporated are: Christian Literatures, listening to audio tapes and watching videos concerning the kingdom of God. This is the kind of waiting upon the Lord that renews the believer’s strength. Waiting upon the Lord that includes studying and meditation because God’s power is stored up in His word. As we study scriptures prayerfully with meditation, God’s power is deposited into our spirit man, our eyes of understanding are opened up to spiritual realities, thus our strength is renewed like that of an Eagle and we are now empowered to operate in the supernatural, and anointed to walk and work in the divine realm of the Most High.
‘To Wait Upon The Lord Is To Hibernate Like The Eagle’ The Process – for the Eagle to renew his strength, it must pass through a process of renewal known as HIBERNATION. This he does yearly, and during this process, the Eagle does things in an orderly manner.
First: She will choose a high mountain to hibernate. When she gets there, the first thing she does is to stripe off with the peak all her feathers. By this process, she comes out completely naked. She is totally exposed. Second: She will wash her body with water from the rock, all the remnants of feathers are washed off, and of course blood that comes out of the body during the process of stripping herself. she washes all these away to give room for the newness she seeks. Third: The Eagle settles down to feed on nothing but Honey for 30 days. At the end of this period, new feathers will emerge. Now after the emergence of new beak and feathers, the Eagle spends another 10 days to develop oil in a bag situated under her beak, with this oil, the Eagle anoints herself (her feathers, feet, and body), and then she gives a loud shout while flying out very high. With this process of renewal, the Eagle’s high-altitude flight is guaranteed through out the year. In application to this principle, the first thing a believer should do in waiting upon the Lord is to look inwards and strip him or herself of all kinds of sinful feathers. All feathers of pride, self, and vainglory must be stripped off. We must shed our feathers of all immoral tendencies, financial impropriety and inordinate affections.
All feathers of carnal dispositions; malice, jealousy, anger, bitterness, hate, lust of the eyes and flesh must be shed. Sinful desires and unrighteous tendencies must be completely stripped off!!! We must be completely naked (Open and transparent) before the Lord. Secondly, we must wash ourselves clean with the water of the Word of God (Ephesians 5:26). We must immerse ourselves in the ever flowing and cleansing blood of Jesus Christ. Thirdly, we must endeavour to create time for prayers and study of the word of God and meditation as well, by that we are eating the Honey-word of God like the Eagle –
Proverbs 24:13 - 14 “My son, eat honey because it is good, And the honeycomb which is sweet to your taste; So shall the knowledge of wisdom be to your soul;If you have found it, there is a prospect,” Always remember that the power of God is in His word, in this process our strength is renewed. That is, our weakness is exchanged for His strength, our frailty is exchanged for His power, our failure for His success and our inability for His ability.
Let me conclude this article by saying, “IF YOU WAIT UPON THE LORD, YOU WAKE UP IN THE LORD.
H E RO There's a hero If you look inside your heart, You don't have to be afraid Of what you are There's an answer. If you reach into your soul And the sorrow that you know Will melt away And then a hero comes along. With the strength to carry on. And you cast your fears aside And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone. Look inside you and be strong. And you'll finally see the truth That a hero lies in you It's a long, road. When you face the world alone No one reaches out a hand. For you to hold You can find love. If you search within yourself And the emptiness you felt. Will disappear And then a hero comes along. With the strength to carry on And you cast your fears aside. And you know you can survive So when you feel like hope is gone. Look inside you and be strong And you'll finally see the truth. That a hero lies in you Lord knows Dreams are hard to follow. But don't let anyone. Tear them away Hold on. There will be tomorrow In time you'll find the way And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on That a hero lies in you Written by Mariah Carey, Walter Afanasieff • Copyright Š Waner/Chappell Music, Inc, Universal Music Publishing Group
Power of
Belief is a state or habit of the mind in which trust or confidence is placed in some persons or thing. Belief is also a feeling or certainty that something exists, is true or good. Believe, if you really believe you can move a mountain, then you can. Not many believe that they can move mountains so as a result, not many people do. On some occasion you’ve probably heard someone say something like “its nonsense to think that you can make a mountain move away just by saying mountain move away. It’s simply impossible.” People who think this way have belief confused with wishful thinking. And true enough, you can’t wish away a mountain. But you can move a mountain with belief. You can achieve success by believing you can succeed. There is nothing magical about the power of belief. Belief works this way, Belief the ‘I am positive mentality’, then the ‘I can’ attitude generates the power, skill and energy needed to do. When you believe I can do it, the how to do it develops. The how – to – it always comes to the person who believes he can do it, your unquestioned belief in yourself and your ability to succeed, even in a very competitive business with no capital and experience will cause you to succeed.
Belief, strong belief triggers the mind to figure ways and means and how to. And believing you can succeed makes others place confidence in you. Those who believe they can, do move mountain while those who believe they can’t, cannot.
Belief triggers the power to do. In these modern times, belief is doing much bigger things than just moving mountains. The most essential element in fact, the essential element in our space explorations today is the belief that space can be mastered without form, unwavering belief that man can travel in space, our scientists would not have had the courage, interest and enthusiasm to proceed. Believe, really believe, you can succeed, and you will. The okay- I’llgive- it- a- try but I - don’t- think- itwill- work attitude produces failures. Disbelief is a negative power. When the mind disbelieves or doubts, the mind attracts “reason” to support the disbelief. Think doubt and fail, Think victory and succeed. look at it this way, belief is the thermostat that regulates what we accomplish in life. Study the fellow who is shuffling down there in mediocrity, he believes he is worth little, so he receives little. He believes he can’t do big things and he doesn’t. He believes he is unimportant, so everything he does
has an unimportant mark. As time goes by, lack of belief in himself shows through in the way the fellow talks, walks, acts and unless he adjusts his thermostat forward, he will shrink, grow smaller and smaller, in his own estimation. And since others see in us what we see in ourselves, he grows smaller in the estimation of the people around him. Here Are Three Guides To Acquiring and Strengthening The Power of Belief: 1. Think success, don’t think failure when you face a difficult situation think I’ll win. Let the master thought I will succeed dominate your thinking 2. Remind yourself regularly you are better than you think you are. 3. Believe big. The size of your success is determined by the size of your belief. Think little goals and expect little achievement.
Article Written By: Gloria Ajunam Email: gloriaajunam17@gmail.com
AMAZON OR CALL 416.398.8647 47
Let me begin by thanking God that we are alive to see the end of another interesting year to say the least. The year in the Calendar of our Lord 2017 will be remembered for so many strange events, starting from the system of Government in America, ‘God’s Own Country’, through Australia where the last remaining ‘sane’ country eventually succumbed to modernization and adopted the same sex marriage laws as every other advanced country. In Sports, well, Russia was finally found out and their athletes stripped and banned from the winter Olympics, but the clean ones are allowed an opportunity to compete under the Olympic flag, whatever that means. Oh, I need not forget the emergence and awakening to the fact that nearly all great and mighty male Hollywood directors and actors turned out to have molested a lady one time or the other. Then it spilled over into the political arena leading to the resigning of at least one sitting senator in America. The big question then is what does the future hold for us, of course I am going to base my forecast on the word of God and on the people of God. Things are going to get more complicated for the advanced countries of this world because they are still depending on knowledge upon knowledge while choosing to ignore the true source of knowledge and wisdom:
Job 28:20-23 “From where then does wisdom come? And where is the place of understanding? It is hidden from the eyes of all living, And concealed from the birds of the air. Destruction and Death say, ‘We have heard a report about it with our ears. ’God understands its way, And He knows its place.” Knowledge and wisdom are the greatest weapons available to mankind because with it we can deal with the challenges of our time when well utilized, but in the same vein, when it is not gotten or applied rightly too it tends to breed destruction in its wake. I see a world where destruction will increase in the coming years, it will get more and more confusing and scary because the power to rule has been delivered into the hands of babies (so to say), the world will run on its own knowledge for a while only to eventually realise the need to seek divine wisdom from God. As for Christians, I believe the battle has already started, the fundamental of our citizenship and covenant with God is now under massive attack and many so-called Christians are judging the credibility of tithing based on the wastefulness of some men and women of God, forgetting that your heavenly duties and responsibilities on earth are not determined or measured by the credibility of your woman or man of God. I am talking about those that believe that tithing is now wrong because some men of God have gotten 10 private jets from their tithes. The truth is that as a country cannot operate without taxing its citizens so that the basic amenities of life can be provided like water, good roads, electricity and security, so can the church not be able to provide basic spiritual amenities like good and quality teachings from the pulpit because if your man or woman of God is hungry then I cannot see how they will be able to study the word in sound mind. I will conclude by telling all believers not to fall into this new device of the enemy because when a citizen of an earthly kingdom makes money and refuses to pay their taxes, they are prosecuted and jailed in some cases for tax evasion, likewise when a child of God’s kingdom refuses to tithe, they are exposed to the devourer attacking them. You tithe to be connected and protected by the covenant grace of God. No matter which way your spiritual head decides to take it, you must do your duty and allow God to take care of his workers. Do not allow yourself to miss out on the bountiful blessings coming in the nearest future because only the faithful that endures to the end will win the crown and partake of His divine rewards.