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30 32 33 34 35 36 39 40 42 44 45

20 IN EVERY ISSUE 31 Testimonials 47 Church Directory

SUBSCRIPTIONS Please visit us at for more information.

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Prayer Column Various Types of Fasting Miles Magazine 10th Anniversary Celebration Spiritual Nuggets Major Reasons for Failure in Life Beyond the Pulpit Signs of an Apostle Consider This The Things God Cannot Do How We Relate God’s Blessing for a United Church Financial Column The Divine Power to make Money Perspective of Faith Vision Breeds Provision Apostle Moses Grandeur Keys of the Kingdom Convention Womens Wing The Virtuous Woman Systematic Theology Do not Despise the day of small things Hope Annual Dinner 2013 - Healthcare Healthwatch The Miracle Treatment for SCD Inspirational Have Enough Sights Zanzibar Sports Previewing the 2013/14 Premier League Dominion Living You are destined for the Top Rev. Don Receives Doctrate Feature - Until you get Restless Around the World - Love from Russia Insight - Three levels of Knowledge Community Watch Celebrating Fathers Day Leadership Column 3 Steps to Leadership Development From the Pulpit Moving beyond Blessing to Power Word from our Father My Destiny is to Serve, not to Shine Trails of Evangelism - Benin City, Nigeria Last Word - Never be separated from His Love


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MILES Magazine is published by Miles Publication 94 Arrow Rd North York, ON M9M 2L4 Canada Telephone: 416.786.3414 Email: Website: Nigerian Office 294 Ikorodu Rd. (by Anthony Bus stop) Lagos, Nigeria. 08094501816

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Don Ifepe

Nigerian Coordinator: Iyen B. Irenen 234-8037232412

Madrid, Spain Coordinator: Heaven on Earth Ministries (34) 630536509

South African Miles Coordinator Good Nwulu (27) 836908008

London, England Coordinator: Pastor Harry (44) 7949 208908

Art Direction & Design: The Creative Desk

Order your copy TODAY! This is Rev. Don始s second book and is inspired by his personal experiences both in life and in the ministry. There is a disease deadlier than cancer and it has stood the test of time, it seeks to devour the very foundation of Christianity and unless something is done, it will eat up the body of Christ. Fear is a spirit and can be defeated; this book will help eliminate your doubts and fears, propelling you to the next level of victory. As you read this book, you will learn the first steps to your victory in life and you will find your 驶Divine identity and then locate 驶Your Divine Purpose始.

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Editorially Speaking

Looking Forward To Another… As we begin another phase of the journey, I would want to use this opportunity to thank all that made the celebration an amazing one, we indeed do value your support and encouragement. The first edition of the miles magazine was published in March of 2003 in black and white and a colored cover page, back in the days we could not dare to dream of a full colored publication. But like the good book says, “Visions never lie, though it may tarry but it would surely come to pass” and so from twelve pages we are now at 56 pages and counting. From one city (Toronto) we are now virtually everywhere except the Asian continent which we seriously believe God to step into. The journey to this place has been very interesting, the bumps along the way have served as a motivating factor rather than a discouraging one, we have learnt what not to do and what to do in the process of time. We have learnt that it is not about being the first out of the block but it’s all about maintaining your consistency all through the race. We have learnt it is not all that glitters that is gold, while many will profess their loyalty and commitment to the course sooner than later when the wind blows and there seems to be some shaking they would take off never to be back again. We have learnt that visions are not for everybody, some are born to watch things happen while very few are born to make things happen. We have learnt that for any vision to succeed, someone must lay their life on the line, but through it all, I and the team have learnt to depend and trust in God. Often people misread the success of Miles to be a one man motivated venture, but that is not true, this publication is God’s vision and project, the aim is to spread the universal love of Christ through this print medium giving birth to various arms including but not limited to Missions of charity relieve to the less privileged which would include providing education, accommodation and skilled vocational training for them. Organizing and hosting quality educative inspiring seminars, lectures and crusades in all the continents of the world. The Miles Foundation is in the pipeline and we hope to be able to establish defined missions each year that this would carter to specifically, this publication is determined to go the extra mile in showing that Christianity is not a religion but a lifestyle of love and inspiration, empowerment and authority to succeed, freedom and equality. God loves all in the same manner but agreed as some tend to worship him more than others then the difference levels of grace begin to show forth but the greatest attribute of God is in his loving heart which affords all to start and finish at the same point. The choice then is ours to make as individuals, I have made mine and that is to be a vessel that disseminates God’s message to the whole world, not just to believers but to the whole world knowing that the world is our playing field and all humanity irrespective of their current status, background, race or color are potentials in God’s hands. Till next issue of miles, please stay blessed and keep the joy in you alive, God Bless MILES is a Lifestyle publication, featuring people, events and current issues of our day, worldwide. We are the publishers of Miles Magazine, for the past seven years this publication has been in existence, teaching, profiling and inspiring individuals all over the world. Miles began as a purely Christian magazine in 2003 and in 2009 we have taken it a step further, making it now a life-style inspiring magazine. It is our vision that by reading this magazine people will be better informed motivated and inspired to achieving their life goals. We invite you as an individual or Cooperate body to partner with us by advertising or subscribing to the miles magazine. Our production is currently at twenty-five thousand copies and a distribution network that spans through Canada, United States of America, Spain, South Africa, Ghana and Nigeria. Miles deals with everyday inspiring issues which includes profiling individuals and cooperate bodies who are excelling in their various professions, community news that made deference in people’s life. Finally, Miles will afford your company the exposure and recognition it deserves while announcing your product and services to the world.

Go the Extra Mile Today and Advertise in Miles Magazine Contents Copyright © by Miles Magazine. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or duplicated without the written permission of the publisher. The Publisher accepts no responsibility for unsolicited manuscripts or other material including colour transparencies. All rights reserved. Printed in Canada.


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Prayer Column

Various Types of Fasting 1 Corinthians 9:27 “But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I have preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.” The main purpose of fasting is to bring the flesh off the throne 1. Three Day Fast: for crisis in our life Crisis: Esther 4:16 "Go, gather all the Jews who are present in Shushan, and fast for me; neither eat nor drink for three days, night or day. My maids and I will fast likewise. And so I will go to the king, which is against the law; and if I perish, I perish!" Result: Esther 5:2 “So it was, when the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, that she found favor in his sight, and the king held out to Esther the golden scepter that was in his hand. Then Esther went near and touched the top of the scepter.” 2. Twenty-One Days Fast (Partial Fast) For Revelation Daniel 10:2-3 “In those days I, Daniel, was mourning three full weeks. 3 I ate no pleasant food, no meat or wine came into my mouth, nor did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weeks were fulfilled.” Result: Daniel 10:14 “Now I have come to make you understand what will happen to your people in the latter days, for the vision refers to many days yet to come." 3. One Day Fast for Consecration and Spiritual Re-Examination Psalm 35:13 “Also the tenth day of this seventh month shall be the Day of Atonement. It shall be a holy convocation for you; you shall afflict your souls, and offer an offering made by fire to the Lord.” Jeremiah 36:6 “You go, therefore, and read from the scroll which you have written at my instruction, the words of the Lord, in the hearing of the people in the Lord's house on the day of fasting. And you shall


also read them in the hearing of all Judah who come from their cities.” – This confirms it to be one day!!! 4. One Day Fasting For Deliverance Ezera 8:22-23 “For I was ashamed to request of the king an escort of soldiers and horsemen to help us against the enemy on the road, because we had spoken to the king, saying, "The hand of our God is upon all those for good who seek Him, but His power and His wrath are against all those who forsake Him." 23 So we fasted and entreated our God for this, and He answered our prayer.” Judges 20:26-28 “Then all the children of Israel, that is, all the people, went up and came to the house of God and wept. They sat there before the Lord and fasted that day until evening; and they offered burnt offerings and peace offerings before the Lord. 27 So the children of Israel inquired of the Lord ( the ark of the covenant of God was there in those days, 28 and Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron, stood before it in those days), saying, "Shall I yet again go out to battle against the children of my brother Benjamin, or shall I cease?" And the Lord said, "Go up, for tomorrow I will deliver them into your hand." 5. One or Three Days Fast For Lifting Of God’s Judgment 1 King 21:27-29 “So it was, when Ahab heard those words, that he tore his clothes and put sackcloth on his body, and fasted and lay in sackcloth, and went about mourning. 28 And the word of the Lord came to Elijah the Tishbite, saying, 29 "See how Ahab has humbled himself before Me? Because he has humbled himself before Me, I will not bring the calamity in his days. In the days of his son I will bring the calamity on his house." 6. Three Days Fasting For Healing 1 Samuel 30:11-13 “Then they found an Egyptian in the field, and brought him to

David; and they gave him bread and he ate, and they let him drink water. 12 And they gave him a piece of a cake of figs and two clusters of raisins. So when he had eaten, his strength came back to him; for he had eaten no bread nor drunk water for three days and three nights. 13 Then David said to him, "To whom do you belong, and where are you from?" 7. Forty-Days Fast For Dominion Luke 4:1-2 “Then Jesus, being filled with the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, 2 being tempted for forty days by the devil. And in those days He ate nothing, and afterward, when they had ended, He was hungry.” Note: Moses, Elijah and Jesus Christ are the only men who ever fasted for forty days 1 Kings 19 makes us understand that it is a supernatural fast *Adam lost dominion when he ate while Jesus Christ gained Dominion when he did not eat INSTRUCTIONS ON FASTING 1. Begin Slowly by partial fast then extend 2. Make Sure That God Leads You 3. When Coming Out: A. Drink Juice first B. Add fruits C. Then soup, D. Salads, E. Bread F. Finally Meats Again. 4. Rest Very Much 5. Any Sign of Discomfort Call for Your Doctor!!! Finally these are mere suggestions as there are no specific type or method to fasting but I compiled this referencing instances from the bible as a guideline but the ultimate direction comes from the Holy Spirit.


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Life is challenging irrespective of your faith, it is with this truth in mind that Rev. Don Ifepe was inspired to write on how to deal with the challenges, obstacles and mountains that you may come by in your daily life activities. This booklet strives to reveal the true enemy to success in life, often we attribute difficulties as the making of someone in our life. At the end of reading this book, your whole concept of life will be enhanced positively or changed positively. The power to be successful is within you, discover your true strongholds today and pull them down so that you can build that dream of a life that you always wanted.

Now Available!! Order your copy TODAY! 416.786.3414

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Feature Article

10 Celebra



This edition is all about the 10th anniversary of the Miles magazine which took place on the 29th of June 2013. The event was marked by a fun fare ceremony attended by friends and well wishers of the publication.

Awards of distinction were handed to the following individuals for outstanding accomplishments in their various endeavors; Chief a n d C h i e f M r s. E m m a n u e l M b u l u f o r P h i l a n t h r o p i s t o f t h e D e c a d e, B a r r i s t e r Kingsley Jesuorobo for Professional of the D e c a d e, S i c k l e C e l l A w a r e n e s s G r o u p o f Ontario for Philanthropic Organization of the Decade and Sam Kabu Asante for Sponsor of T h e D e c a d e. Miles magazine wish to express our profound gratitude to all who made this event a huge


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n o i at


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Putting People BACK TO WORK is our Business!

NEW ADDRESS! NORTH YORK 4250 Weston Road, Suite 202 North York, Ontario M9L 1W9 Tel: (416) 740-4428 Fax: (416) 740-4652

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1. UNFAVORABLE HEREDITARY BACKGROUND. There is but little, if anything, which can be done for people who are born with a deficiency in brain power” This philosophy offers “but one method of bridging this weak ness-through the aid of the Master Mind.”

Part 1

2. LACK OF A WELL-DEFINED PURPOSE IN LIFE. There is no hope of success for the person who does not have a central purpose, or definite goal at which to aim” 3. LACK OF AMBITION TO AIM ABOVE MEDIOCRITY. 4. INSUFFICIENT EDUCATION. This is a handicap which maybe overcome with comparative ease. Experience has proven that the best-educated people are often those who are known as "self-made," or self-educated. It takes more than a college degree to make one a person of education. Any person who is educated is one who has learned to get whatever he wants in life without violating the rights of others. Education consists, not so much of knowledge, but of knowledge effectively and persistently APPLIED.” 5.LACK OF SELF-DISCIPLINE. Discipline comes through self-control. This means that one must control all negative qualities. Before you can control conditions, you must first control yourself. Self-mastery is the hardest job you will ever tackle. If you do not conquer self, you will be conquered by self" 6. ILL HEALTH. No person may enjoy outstanding success without good health. Many of the causes of ill health are subject to mastery and control. These, in the main are: a. Overeating of foods not conducive to health b. Wrong habits of thought; giving expression to negatives. c. Wrong use of, and over indulgence in sex. d. Lack of proper physical exercise e. An inadequate supply of fresh air, due to improper breathing. 7. UNFAVORABLE ENVIRONMENTAL INFLUENCES DURING CHILDHOOD. Many super achievers have troubled pasts. All that truly matters is what people learned from these negative experiences, and how they were able to overcome the past in order to become successful in the future. 8. PROCRASTINATION. This is one of the most common causes of failure. "Old Man Procrastination" stands within the shadow of every human being, waiting his opportunity to spoil one's chances of success. Most of us go through life as failures, because we are waiting for the "time to be right" to start doing something worthwhile.” “Do not wait. The time will nev er be "just right." Start where y ou stand, and work with whatev er tools y ou may hav e at y our command, and better tools will be found as y ou go along.” 9. LACK OF PERSISTENCE. Most of us are good "starters" but poor "finishers" of everything we begin. Moreover, people are prone to give up at the first signs of defeat. There is no substitute for PERSISTENCE. The person who makes PERSISTENCE his watch-word, discovers that "Old Man Failure" finally becomes tired, and makes his departure. Failure cannot cope with PERSISTENCE.” 10. NEGATIVE PERSONALITY. There is no hope of success for the person who repels people through a negative personality. Success comes through the application of POWER, and power is attained through the cooperative efforts of other people. A negative personality will not induce cooperation. “Toxic Personality" Negative personalities can also mean something different in the context of the workplace. If you have a negative personality toward your management or co-workers, it will not be long before they find a reason for you to leave. In fact, they have to. They would be foolish to keep you around. Negative people spread like a cancer in an organization and smart managers will find them and remove them ASAP.


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Beyond The Pulpit

Signs of an Apostle I have been burdened by the things going on in the Christendom of late, nope I am not here to talk about sin or the wages of sin but the mentality of dog eats dog. Back in the days every man of God had a mentor, in fact it was a spiritual taboo to appear from nowhere and be deemed an independent but that is no longer the case. There are two camps when it comes to this issue today, the independents claim that there are no true fathers anymore while the fathers claim that the sons are no longer willing and obedient. Where do I stand on this? I lean more on the side of the independents while still declaring that we still have fathers who are true apostles but the truth is that there are very few, and rare to come across so if you need one then you must fast, pray and be prepared to search until you find even if it means going through some major disappointments along the way of your search but be assured that if your heart faint not you will eventually find. I started to research on the signs of an apostle; remember that it is not a matter of age or status that makes one an apostle but the heart and a calling backed by a very strong passion for breeding leaders. An apostle is one who is graced with the anointing to birth a church, pastor, leader or congregation. This may sound ordinary but trust me when I say it is very open to abuse and exploitation. 2 Corinthians 12:14-18 “Now for the third time I am ready to come to you. And I will not be burdensome to you; for I do not seek yours, but you. For the children ought not to lay up for the parents, but the parents for the children. 15 And I will very gladly spend and be spent for your souls; though the more abundantly I love you, the


less I am loved. 16 But be that as it may, I did not burden you. Nevertheless, being crafty, I caught you by cunning! 17 Did I take advantage of you by any of those whom I sent to you? 18 I urged Titus, and sent our brother with him. Did Titus take advantage of you? Did we not walk in the same spirit? Did we not walk in the same steps?” Apostle Paul together with a few other great missionaries like Timothy, Titus to mention are few epitomized the word apostleship to the core. Speaking to the church in Corinth which he founded and nurtured, Paul outlined the key factors to the ministry of a true apostleship: 1. No Burden On The Church – a true apostle does not lay up burden on the church he just founded nor on a new child in the Lord because he/she knows that the church or person is still young and needs a lot of grooming to attain the right position. The reverse is the case today, many claim to want to be your father in the Lord and without investing anything into your spiritual, physical nor financial life they straight away start demanding from you. Some when visiting you and your congregation want to tell you the kind of food, car or accommodation you must go and provide for them without taken into consideration the fact that you are still a baby and needs carful nurturing to mature. 2. They Are Not Seeking Theirs But Yours – a true apostle does not live a selfish life when it comes to ministry, they take care of the needs of their spiritual children before considering themselves but today so called fathers want to fill their own barn to overflow at the expense of the new converts.

3. True Apostles Build Up And Not Eat Up – Apostle Paul and indeed few others in our day does not seek to embezzle the resources of their various sons and daughters under their covering but instead they help to mature them grooming them on the pathway to financial freedom. 4. They Do Not Take Advantage Of The Flock – what we see these days are a lot of hungry men seeking for one innocent ministry or minister to take advantage of, all in the name of mentorship. They claim to want to be there for you and ask you to tithe to them but you never get anything in return, not even a good food of the spirit which is the word of God. This is not right at all and it is growing by the day. 5. They Come In One Spirit With Christ – true apostles will come with the spirit of Christ which is to be a covering for their subjects helping these ministries and ministers grow to a good standard, their major goal is the birth and positive growth of the church. They are not there to diminish the church in anyway but to build up the ministry and the minister to an admirable level. I am not against a sower reaping the harvest when the season comes but I am against a man hungry for all the wrong reason taken advantage of any ministry and pulling down that church or minister by sucking them dry. I have witnessed this first hand and I am not afraid to say that there are so many wolfs in the name of Apostles, Bishops and so on whose main purpose is to Steal, Kill and Destroy the young and unsuspecting minister all in the name of mentorship!!! So Be Careful Who You Submit To…


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Consider This

THE THINGS THAT GOD CANNOT DO!!! We are used to the saying that there is nothing God cannot do, well, surprise, I found some things that are absolutely impossible for God to do and so I decided to share it with you and if you disagree then just email me at:



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How we Relate

GOD’S Blessings for a United Church We are a people bound together through fellowship with the spirit of Christ. If, rather than being bloated by pride like some are, we become committed toward raising the name of God and ministering (serving one another) in love, humility and in the spirit of unity and forgiveness, God’s blessings will manifest greatly in the church.

91:16 6. Peace: - “The Lord will give strength unto his people; the Lord will bless his people with peace” Psalm 29:11 7. Joy: - “Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that they may abound in hope through the power of the Holy Spirit” Romans 15:13

Some of the blessings of God for a church in unity of spirit include:

12. Spiritual Victory: - “Thou shalt tread upon the Lion and adder: the young lion and the dragon shalt thou trample under feet” Psalm 91:13

2. Good Health: - “Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee, and the glory of the Lord shall be thy rereward” Isaiah 58:8

4. Promotion: - “For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another” Psalm 75:6-7 5. Long Life: - “With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation”, Psalm


10. Security: - “Thou shall not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day” Psalm 91:5 11. Spiritual Immunity: - “A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand but it shall not come nigh thee” Psalm 91:13

1. Salvation: - “Salvation belongeth unto the Lord: thy blessing is upon thy people” Psalm 3:8

3. Riches: - “The blessings of the Lord, it maketh rich and he addeth no sorrow with it” Prov. 10:22.

9. Protection: - “He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler” Psalm 91:4

Most Snr. Apostle (Dr.) J.E.E.O Osasuyi JP, AFP The Spiritual Leader of the Christ Chosen Church of God International.

8. Deliverance: - “Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence (Deadly Infectious Disease)” Psalm 91:3

13. Answer To Prayer: - “He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him” Psalm 91:15 Christ’s Spirit (Holy Spirit) and blessings abound in the place of unity. When he is present there must be life, when he is present, the physical and spiritual blessings mentioned above manifest in a church. l He is the creative and outworking power of God, Genesis 1:2-18. By His quickening action the dry bones (Israel Captivity) became alive and a nation again Ezekiel 37:1-14

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Financial Column

The Christian and Wealth Creation – part 2

The Divine Power to Make Wealth "And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day.” Deuteronomy 8:18 In the last issue, I promised a continuation and here we are, the bible clearly acknowledges the need for wealth because prosperity has always been a symbol in the life of great men and woman of God throughout the bible. Boaz did not just marry Ruth without wealth but the bible records that he was a redeemer for Naomi because he (Boaz) was an extremely rich man. Solomon was not just a wise man but his wisdom brought him stupendous wealth, Jacob did not just serve his father in law but it made him become so rich that the space could not contain them and so was the father of all prosperity covenants in the person of Abraham. Often I tune my television and hear ministers talking about give x amount of money and you will get x amount double in return and the people obviously give because they continue from year to year and I know that television time is not cheap no matter which country or what station you are on. There is nothing wrong in giving to the ministries, actually it is a great thing to support the work of the kingdom but the problem is imbibed in giving without understanding. Most of these victims give in the expectation that God will somehow manufacture money in return for them, they stay idle doing absolutely nothing and believe that the Lord will produce some counterfeit currency and place in their hands. ‘That is where the misconception comes into play, the bible from beginning to date has never recorded one place where money was manufactured by God and used to bless anyone, I am not saying that God is not able but I know that He is not in the counterfeit business because God hates all forms of deceit and so will not himself engage in any of such activity.’ Wealth and prosperity are mentioned all through the word of God but not in the sense of God giving the believer physical cash but rather as the bible passage says’, He gives his own the ‘Power’ to make wealth. Now the dictionary defines power as “the capacity, ability, and strength to do something’. So if we are to literally interpret that scripture then we know that God empowers his people in their various endeavors to achieve wealth through being successful. A good example is say a Christian who is into

the business of importation and exportation then the Lord will empower such individual with enough wisdom and inside into the secret of the business and that in turn will cause such person to stand out in his line of business and then wealth and riches obviously will be the end result. That is simply how God does make his own people rich according to the passage above, remember when Solomon pleased God so much that the good Lord asked to bless him and instead of just giving him wisdom and an understanding heart that Solomon asked for, it translated into physical wealth because a man who is able to have wisdom, discipline and God will definitely become very wealthy in this lifetime. The second part of that passage talks about the reason for the reason of the wealth in an individual’s life; it says clearly that ‘He may establish the covenant that he swore to your fathers’. We can never take this for granted. I call it prosperity by inheritance, I studied the word and got the revelation that I cannot be blessed because of what or who I am on my own because maybe like me your earthly biological parents have no claim to wealth but remember that the moment you gave your life to Christ, you broke the physical blood ties that you have 2 Corinthians 5:7, while establishing a new one which traces back to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as your lineage and one thing was common among the aforementioned names, they carried the covenant of blessing and prosperity. That’s why the bible did not say and I shall give you money but it mentions wealth which in itself is a compound word for all the good luxuries of abundant (ZOE) life as promised in the book of John 10:10 “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” I will again leave you with something to ponder in your heart, if then you are the heirs of prosperity by inheritance, there must be something required of you to maintain contact with your divine supply? So join me in the next issue as we look at the requirements for heavenly riches, it will blow your mind and hopefully open your eyes to the keys to your breakthrough!!!


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Perspective of Faith

Vision Breeds Provision ‘Vision can be defined as the ability to form mental images or events, and so it can as well be said that vision and faith share a lot in similarities, according to the bible definition of faith as given in the book of Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

tion because we paint this very rosy picture for the unbeliever only for them to come in and see that we are actually in a battle. My answer is yes and no, truly we are in a warfare but the difference is that our victory has been assured over two thousand years ago by the work of Calvary.

Faith and vision all have to deal with the unseen, put together they simply induce the sense of what I want, and I believe it, I begin to will it into existence and somehow some supernatural force (The Holy Spirit in the case of the Christian), will make my imagination backed by uncompromising desire come to pass. This reconstructed definition then makes me understand that I do not need to have all the resources to sponsor my dream to life but I simply need to have an image of what I want and believe it so much that it permeates the realm of the spirit into the physical world.

Luke 4:18 “The Spirit of the Lord is upon

Jeremiah 1:4-12 brings through a very important source for divine visions, it explains the truth that we are all known by God and that even before conception the Almighty God knew us and have predestined us with a vision and above that empowered us with all the ammunitions needed to bring our visions to life. So when one locates this divine vision in the spirit then the Lord who empowers will bring it to pass. But the question of how is still there, how will this dreams come to reality? Some preacher said that most Christians are guilty of the crime of decep-


Me, Because He has anointed Me To preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives And recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed;” – This passage answers the question that arose from the previous where we heard that the Lord has equipped us before our existence. In the same vein Jesus Christ on earth was

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already pre-destined before the foundations of the world were laid that He would pay the ultimate prize for greatness and glory. Now on earth when he came remember he was like you and me and in order to operate in his divine destiny he needed the help of the divine and so he sought the spirit of God who in turn anointed and endued him with power from above to fulfill his predestined destiny. Allow me to tell you that the same process, power and anointing is available for you today, you must see and understand that Christ had a clear image of the mission and vision set before him, he knew who he was and was never ready to negotiate nor to compromise his divine nature. To every natural there is a divine and I always say that to possess our possession on earth we must step out of the natural realm and into the supernatural, we must put off our humanity and put on divinity. ‘There Will Always Be An Agent Of Satan Assigned To Your Case To Obstruct You!!!’ 2 Corinthians 12:7 “And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was

given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure.” Apostle Paul was a man who got the vision, followed the vision and was divinely empowered to fulfill his calling on earth. The power was always evident in his ministrations, at a point only his shadow gave healing to the sick and deliverance to the captive but still the devil found a way to battle with him. That is a great encouragement to all who have been called by God but along the way based on the battles and oppositions you have encountered you are now questioning your calling, I want to bring to your attention a man called Job who God called a righteous man and yet the devil sought every way to stop his destiny, his friends accused him of sin but he maintained his integrity until he was vindicated by the Lord. You are not attacked by the devil based on your sins but based on your divine potentials, when the devil sees your spiritual potential he is troubled and consequently attempts to stop you. ‘Be Not Troubled! For Vision Works by Grace Not By Power’

that it might depart from me. 9 And He said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” Same Apostle Paul the great approaches the Lord three times asking that this buffeter be removed from his path to destiny but in response the Lord tells him to go and ignore the obstacles, shame, pain, reproach, backbiting, scandals, persecution because in all that lies his strength and victory. You see the devil wants to molest you into submission but God knows that for any movement to take place there must be grace, once you are divinely mandated and you work by faith and not by sight then you have activated the ‘Grace’ and with that on your side tell me who has the power to oppose for in the mighty name of Jesus you have the victory.


2 Corinthians 12:8-10 “Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord three times

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Arch-Bishop Grandeur Moses The Victory Family Assembly Inc. Nigeria

The Keys of the Kingdom is the annual convention of the Believers’ Full Gospel Vineyard and it features a time of miracles, deliverance and breakthroughs. Each year a dynamic man of God is invited to minister grace to the people. This year’s guest minister all the way from the Victory International Family Assembly is none other than Archbishop Apostle Dr. Moses N. Grandeur, the founder and presiding bishop of VIFA with his headquarters in Asaba Delta State of Nigeria and several branches all through Nigeria, South Africa, Italy, the United Kingdom, USA, Ghana, Liberia.. Apostle Dr Grandeur due to the mighty move of God that accompanies his ministrations is also known as ‘God’s Mobile Blazing Fire’ was born on August 26th

Apostle Moses Grandeur Is Coming To Toronto, Canada For Keys Of The Kingdom Convention 2013

The Move Of The Holy Spirit


Rev. Don And The Granduers In Nigeria

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1952. This great man of God was born dumb but God miraculously opened his mouth at a very tender age. He lost his father at the age of 3 and so had to drop out of school because his widow mother could not afford his school fees. Now living with his uncle, who rather than train him throw him out of the house thus making him homeless. The Apostle went on to serve in so many homes in the Warri area of Nigeria as a house boy after which he learnt to be a bricklayer as well as an electrician. It was in his electrical store that he had the first encounter with the Lord, he heard a voice saying “Moses I am sending you to be an apostle to the nations of the world,” he ignored the voice of God on several occasions but it was not until 1982 after he lost his shop to fire outbreak that he finally decided to yield to the voice and command of God. In July 5 1985, Victory International Family Assembly was founded by Apostle Moses Grandeur and his wife together with 5 other persons, today by the grace of

God the ministry has grown beyond lips and bounds spreading to cities in Nigeria and other parts of the world. Apostle Dr. Moses is married to his lovely wife, Bishop Mercy Grandeur (herself a great woman of God also) and they are blessed with 4 children and two grand children, he has authored so many books, he is also the host of the International television program ‘Victory Life Telecast’ which airs across Nigeria and Europe. His humility, faithfulness and integrity has earned him honors and acceptance among believers and leaders both in and outside the shores of Nigeria, his ministry has witnessed tremendous manifestations of God’s power to the point that no one encounters the anointing of God upon his life and remains the same and for that reason the gospel continue to take him to several nations of Africa, Europe, America and the Middle – East.

So Canada get ready to encounter this great man of God from Friday 27th of September to the 29th @ The Keys of the Kingdom Convention 2013, make sure you are not left out…. Call 416.786.3414 for more Info.

The Healing Power of God In Action

The Crowd In Expectation As He Ministers


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Women’s Wing

The Virtuous Woman

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. (Proverbs 31:10) The following is a verse-by-verse study of the characteristics of the virtuous woman: VERSE 1 0 : The virtuous woman is rare, as the writer questions "Who can find a virtuous woman?" To be virtuous means to be morally good. This kind of woman is awarded eternal value, far above rubies. The Amplified Bible expands this verse to include the characteristics of intelligence and capability. VERSE 11 : She is trustworthy and the heart of her husband safely trusts in her. VERSE 1 2 : Her relationships are right. She wants only good for her husband. The Amplified Bible expands the meaning of "good" to include the concepts of comforting and encouraging her husband. VERSE 1 3 : She is industrious and a willing worker. VERSE 1 4 : She provides for her household. This verse means spiritual as well as physical provision. The Amplified Bible expands this passage to explain that she provides for the "physical, material, and spiritual needs of her household." VERSE 1 5 : She is considerate and responsible. She rises early to make provision for her family. This is also a type of making spiritual provision by rising early to meet with God. The virtuous woman is a good supervisor and she provides for those who work for her. VERSE 1 6 : She is businesslike. She considers, plans, and thinks before she acts. She is aggressive and productive in the "vineyard" or work God has given her to do. The Amplified Bible indicates she doesn't neglect her present duties by assuming others. She expands prudently (wisely). VERSE 1 7 : The virtuous woman is strong. The

Amplified Version states she develops "spiritual, mental, and physical fitness for her God given task." VERSE 1 8 : She has a good self image and is not affected by outward circumstances. According to the Amplified Bible, her light of encouragement burns in the night of trouble and sorrow, warding off fear, doubt, and distrust. VERSE 1 9 : She is skillful and trained for her work. She knows how to use the "tools of her trade," so to speak. VERSE 2 0 : The virtuous woman is generous to the poor and reaches out to minister to the needy. The Amplified Bible says she "ministers to the body, mind, and spirit of others.� VERSE 2 1 : The virtuous woman is fearless. She clothes her family, not only physically but spiritually. Hebrews 9:19-21 speaks of the spiritual covering of the blood of Jesus Christ. VERSE 2 2 : This passage describes the virtuous woman as a creative homemaker as well as being properly dressed. VERSE 2 3 : She is supportive of her husband's position. VERSE 2 4 : She is a good business woman. VERSE 2 5 : She is strong, honorable, and joyfully looks to the future. VERSE 2 6 : She is wise and ministers through the spoken word. She controls her tongue and is kind.

VERSE 2 7 : She is conscientious (responsible) and looks well to the ways of her household. She is not idle, but is active and energetic. The Amplified Bible states she "does not eat the bread of idle gossip, discontent, and self-pity." VERSE 2 8 : The virtuous woman is an ideal wife and mother. VERSE 2 9 : She "excels in virtue." The spirit of excellence is apparent in her life and ministry. VERSE 3 0 : She is successful and others recognize it. She also fears God. VERSE 3 1 : She will be fruitful (productive) and others will honor her for her contributions. Her own works praise her. She does not have to boast. THE SECRET OF THE VIRTUOUS WOMAN What is the secret of the virtuous woman? How can she achieve all of these positive Traits? She fears the Lord! All of her righteousness, all of her wonderful positive character traits spring from her right relationship with God. Fearing God involves more than respecting Him. It includes acknowledging Him as God, recognizing and confessing your sin, and accepting Jesus Christ as personal Savior. As you become a new creature in Jesus Christ, all the old things are done away with: Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (II Corinthians 5:17) The virtuous woman was once affected by the sin which came upon all men and women through Eve's original sin. The difference between her and the sinful woman is that she is no longer sinful. She has been cleansed by the saving power of Christ.



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Systematic Theology

FISHERS OF MEN Do Not Despise The Day Of Small Things “For who hath despised the day of small things?” (Zechariah 4:10) INTRODUCTION Growth in the human body starts with a single cell of life which is the result of an intimate relationship between a man and a woman. That cell is multiplied within the mother's womb until another human being is created. When it matures, that new human being also has the ability to multiply. Spiritual growth starts with a relationship between one person and the Lord Jesus Christ. Spiritual life flows into the soul and spirit of one who has accepted Jesus as Savior. That spark of life, nurtured in the spiritual womb of the Church, grows until a new disciple is created. That disciple has the ability to reproduce spiritually by leading others to the Lord Jesus Christ. Whether in the natural or spiritual worlds,


multiplication starts with a single cell of life. This is why God said: “For who hath despised the day of small things?” (Zechariah 4:10) BASIC PRINCIPLES OF MULTIPLICATION You must understand basic principles of spiritual multiplication in order to learn and apply the methodologies. The Biblical principles of multiplication do not change, but the methods by which you multiply may vary. The methods change, but the purpose always remains the same....That in the dispensation of the fullness of times, He might gather together in one all things in Christ both which are in Heaven, and which are on earth, even in Him. (Ephesians 1:10) As the spiritual life of His people and historical conditions changes among the nations, God changes His strategy as necessary to accomplish His purposes.

For example; when fathers in Israelite families failed in their spiritual duty, God raised up the priests. When the priests became corrupt, He called prophets as spiritual leaders. Jesus used many different methods of ministry. He did not deal with all people in the same way. His methods varied, but His purpose remained the same...To touch and change the lives of men and women. Here are some basic principles you must understand in the "day of small things" before you begin to multiply: 1. GOD IS CONCERNED WITH THE MULTITUDES: God's concern has always been with the whole world: “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repen-

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tance. (II Peter 3:9) Jesus expressed this same concern when He said: For the Son of man is come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10) ...for I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance. (Matthew 9:13) God is concerned with the multitudes. He is concerned with numbers. He is concerned with the multiplication of believers who will reproduce and spread the Gospel. As you begin your study of multiplication methods you must start with the same concern as God-- that of reaching the entire world with the Gospel message. 2. IT IS GOD WHO GIVES GROWTH: Spiritual multiplication cannot be accomplished apart from God. It is God who gives growth: ...God gave the increase. (I Corinthians 3:6) 3. MAN MUST COOPERATE WITH GOD'S PRINCIPLES: There are principles in God's Word which are applicable to every area of life and ministry. God works through men who know how to cooperate with these principles. From the beginning of the world, God has worked on the earth through man. He gave Adam and Eve the task of keeping the garden. He used a man named Noah to preserve life on the earth during the flood. God raised up Abraham to found the nation of Israel through which He would reveal Himself to the nations of the world. God also used prophets, kings, and judges to accomplish His plan in Old Testament times. In the New Testament, a man named John the Baptist "prepared the way for the Lord.� Jesus began His ministry with common men and when He returned to Heaven He left the destiny of the Gospel in the hands of these same men. The whole Biblical record is one of man cooperating with the principles of God to achieve the purposes

of God. This is true in spiritual multiplication. God does not bypass man to spread the Gospel. He uses men and women who understand and cooperate with His principles of multiplication. Paul summarized this cooperative relationship: I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase. (I Corinthians 3:6) Paul stressed the urgency for believers to fulfill their responsibility in the plan of God: For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? (Romans 10:13-14) 4. JESUS IS THE FOCUS OF MULTIPLICATION: Jesus said: And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. (John 12:32) Jesus was speaking here of His "lifting up" on the cross to die for the sins of all mankind. Through His death, He would draw all men through the power of the Gospel. When you share the Gospel message, Jesus is lifted up. When He is lifted up in your life and your church, people are drawn by the power of the Gospel message. Multiplication is guaranteed when Jesus is lifted up. 5. THE WORD OF GOD CAUSES GROWTH: Jesus told a parable about growth in Matthew 13:1-9. He explained the parable in Matthew 13:18-23. In this parable, the seed represents the Word of God. God has promised when we plant His Word, it is not done in vain: So shall my Word be that goeth forth out of my mouth; it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing

whereto I sent it. (Isaiah 55:11) ...For I will hasten my Word to perform it. (Jeremiah 1:12) It is the Word of God that brings change in the lives of men and women. That change results in growth and multiplication based on the Word of God. 6. THE HOLY SPIRIT ENABLES MULTIPLICATION: In the final message of Jesus to His disciples He said: But ye shall receive power after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me, both in Jerusalem and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth. (Acts 1:8) The power of the Holy Spirit enables multiplication. The gifts of the Holy Spirit equip for multiplication. The fruit of the Holy Spirit causes reproduction. 7. MULTIPLICATION IS A SHARED RESPONSIBILITY: In the early church, the spread of the Gospel was not left to the full-time pastors, prophets, evangelists, and teachers. Every New Testament believer was spiritually reproductive. If we are to reach the world with the Gospel, we must return to this strategy of the early church. Both leaders and laymen must share the responsibility for spiritual multiplication. The growth in world population requires a return to the New Testament plan of ministry by each member of the Body of Christ. We cannot reach the world through token efforts and halfhearted dedication.



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Healthwatch Event

Hope Annual Dinner 2013 Mr & Mrs Ajayi (SCAGO)


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Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario (SCAGO) held their annual hope dinner at the Holiday Inn on Dixon Rd. Toronto. The event was well attended as a testament to the great work Lanre Tunji Ajayi and the organization has been doing over the years. Miles magazine remains a very strong associate of this group as they continue to fight for the prevention and management of the deadly sickle cell anemia disease one family at a time. We will let the pictures tell the story of this great fun night where scholarships, grants and other humanitarian activities were in full swing all for a very good course. Miles magazine salute SCAGO for a great job. God bless.


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The Miracle Treatment for

Sickle Cell Disease (SCD) September is sickle cell awareness month and to celebrate this year’s event, Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario (SCAGO) is pleased to inform parents and individuals with sickle cell disease about the life-saving drug that is changing the disease from menacing to not-so bad. It has constituently inform the parents and the individuals with SCD that attend its quarterly learning for life sessions to advocate for their children and themselves by seeking more information on the available treatments for SCD.


The miracle drug at hand is Hydroxyurea and we encourage you to discuss your sickle cell health and the possibility of receiving this drug therapy. Be aware that Hydroxyurea may not work for everyone; hence it is important for your doctor to determine your eligibility for the drug’s

We know that this then protects you against Sickle Cell Disease. It is a safe drug and there is no evidence to suggest increases the risk of cancer in patients with Sickle Cell Disease. Like all drugs, it does have some side effects, and you need regular blood test monitoring. Also,


What is Hydroxyurea? Hydroxyurea is a drug (capsule) that was originally used to treat some forms of blood cancer (Leukemia) and blood disorders that can later turn into Leukemia. It has been used for over 15 years to treat Sickle Cell Disease. Hydroxyurea works in a few different ways, but the main way is to increase your body’s production of Fetal (baby) Hemoglobin.

unlike pain killers which you take when required, Hydroxyurea must be taken every day to be effective. Hydroxyurea is the only drug therapy available for Sickle Cell Disease and has been shown to prolong survival, reduce pain episodes and some of the complications. Unless you have been told by a specialist that you have very mild Sickle Cell Disease, you should consider going on the drug. Why am I being offered this treatment? You are most likely to be offered Hydroxyurea because you have lots of painful crisis or Acute Chest Syndrome. It may also be offered if there is concern about damage to any of your body organs from the Sickle Cell Disease, or as an

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alternative to blood transfusion treatment. Other available treatments for sickle cell disease Many individuals with sickle cell disease may also be offered continuous blood transfusion or blood exchange. These therapies will also help to increase the level of the non-sickling blood in the system. What is the difference between Blood Transfusion and Blood Exchange therapy? Blood transfusions in Sickle Cell Disease can be carried out in 1 of 3 ways. The easiest way is to simply transfuse units of blood, or a “top-up transfusion”. This improves the supply of oxygen to your body. The most complex way of receiving blood is by “automated red cell exchange” (erythrocytopheresis). This involves hooking you up to a machine that automatically filters off the Sickled Red Blood Cells and replaces it with new, normal Red Blood Cells. The alternative to these is a “partial manual exchange transfusion”, whereby a nurse will remove 2 units of blood and then

give you a 2 unit transfusion. These 3 methods all have advantages and disadvantages and are suitable for different reasons. When do I need Blood Transfusion and/or Blood Exchange therapy? Transfusions are most commonly given for patients who have had a stroke or are found to be at high risk of having a stroke. It can also be given for a severe crisis, such as Acute Chest Syndrome or if you are very sick and need to be cared for in Intensive Care. You may need a blood transfusion if you are very anemic (aplastic crisis), which is usually due to a viral infection (cough or cold). It may also be appropriate to give you a transfusion if you are pregnant and there are complications, or if you are planning on having major surgery Cauti on: If you receive continuous blood transfusion, you need to be aware of iron overload. Individuals with SCD cannot excrete

iron out of their body, hence needs special treatment to get rid of the excess iron. Discuss with your doctor. What’s next? There are new research works on stem cell and gene therapies in relation to sickle cell disease. Join us at the September Learning for Life seminar to learn more on September 14th, 2014 at the Holiday Inn Hotel. 600 Dixon Rd. Advance registration must be received at: Note: This article is not intended as a source of medical advice for readers. Please consult your physician or healthcare provider with questions regarding your particular health needs. To support or donate to the work of the organization, call 416-745-4267 or email us at Article supplied by: Ms. Lanre Tunji-Ajayi Sickle Cell Awareness Group of Ontario (SCAGO) PH: 416-745-4267



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Have Enough Part II

17. Have responsibility enough to be the most dependable person you know 18. Have confidence enough to know that you and God make a majority 19. Have kindness enough to share what you have and who you are with others. 20. Have mercy enough to forgive and forget. 21. Have devotion enough to do the right things on daily bases 22. Have courage enough to force and fight any opposition to what you know is right. 23. Have optimism enough to know that God's plans are blessed. 24. Have trust enough to know that God will direct your steps 25. Have expectancy enough to be on the lookout for miracles everyday 26. Have enthusiasm enough to show that God is in you. 27. Have obedience enough to do what is right without thinking twice. 28. Have knowledge enough to have your mind continually renewed. 29. Have credibility enough to cause others to want to work together with you. 30. Have generosity enough to give before being asked. 31. Have compassion enough to be moved by the needs of others. 32. Have loyalty enough to be committed to others. 33. Have dependence enough to know that you need God. l


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TESTIMONIALS I would love to appreciate you and your own during this great occasion of the 10th Anniversary of Miles Magazine. Indeed you and your team has demonstrated a great level of excellence not just in publishing but in editorial contents as well. Please be encouraged that the future will be far greater than the past. Yemi Blaq – Nollywood Star, Nigeria

My good brother and colleague, words cannot express my gratitude for this great vision that you and your lovely wife have embarked on. To see it mature through 10 solid years of quality, consistency and steady progress is indeed a testament to the fact that what God begins He will accomplish. Yes it may have been your vision but the grace to function and function well surely came from above because promotion comes from nowhere else. Keep doing the great work, do not despair because I know as an apostle myself that there are days when it seems like all is going wrong but do not ever despair if He brought you this far, He will surely see you through in Jesus name. Apostle Dr. Moses Grandeur Presiding Archbishop VIFA (Nigeria) Sir, You are doing a great job, please keep it up and I am very proud of you. You will always be my mentor forever; it is well in Jesus name. Rev. Samuel Bakare, Toronto Canada Congratulations to Miles magazine on your 10th anniversary ceremony. More grease to your elbow. Kelechi and Nikky Eneremadu Toronto Canada May Miles magazine continue to grow and spread its wings Idalin Mckenzie Toronto Canada I will pray and contribute to the continued success of Miles magazine. The magazine has travelled ‘Miles’ to international boarders and has spread the word and gift from God to his children worldwide. I am indeed proud of the Miles magazine. Rodney Mckenzie Toronto Canada On behalf of myself and my entire family, we just wish to say big congratulations to the Miles magazine on the occasion of their 10th anniversary Sam Asante Kabu Toronto Canada Sir, You are doing a great job, Rev. Don, we truly wish to appreciate the great vision and strength that God has imposed in you and for the courage you have in standing through the various trials and persecutions that are synonymous with great visions like this but above all for doing it selflessly without any self gain attached, truly you are a blessed child of the Kingdom. Keep it up. Brother and Sister Lynch, Redemption Worship Centre Toronto Canada Sir, you were a small boy of yesterday as they say but truly you have grown into a giant for God, the vision called Miles is an amazing one and you have proven the mantle of leadership and wisdom through this medium. This year we celebrate in this place but by the next decade Miles will surely be celebrated in its own building in Jesus name. Archbishop C.L Battieste: Presiding bishop of The Redemption Faith Ministries Worldwide

Send us your testimonials

My Friend, the story of miles is one that has turned to glory, remain blessed and more dynamism as the years go by. Dr. Ayo Laleye, Assembly Pastor of the Christ Apostolic Church (Vineyard of Comfort) Toronto Canada

Congratulations my brother Rev. Don Ifepe on celebrating the tenth anniversary of your Miles Magazine. There is no question that this milestone could only be accomplished by your complete obedience to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. As many are, we are so blessed when we receive your magazine with your articles all celebrating our Lord Jesus Christ. As a Pastor/Evangelist who has ministered many years in Nigeria, Africa, Canada, Peru, Mexico and in the United State, I feel the love you have for the whole world expressed in your wonderful publication. It keeps us connected to what the Lord is doing across the globe. Again, congratulations on your tenth anniversary and may our Lord Jesus Christ, continue to bless you and your family mightily. Sincerely, Rev. Daniel & Valinda Garza. White Wings Int'l Healing Ministry Eagle Pass, Texas U.S.A. I embraced the vision of Miles from day one and have become synonymous with this publication ever since and so I just want to congratulate Rev. Dr Don Ifepe and the whole team of ministry that make up the Miles magazine for a dream not disappointing but fulfilled . Barrister Kingsley Jesuorobo Toronto Canada Dr. Don, you have done really well and we wish to celebrate with you as we have always done, keep the good work going. Chief and Chief Mrs. Emmanuel Mbulu Toronto Canada Don, you have done really well and we wish to celebrate with you as we have always done, keep the good work going. Chief and Chief Mrs. Emmanuel Mbulu Toronto Canada

Space would not allow us to publish all the greetings and messages of support received on this occasion but we just want to thank all our well wishers and to promise that the next decade will be far better as we never intend to let you down in Jesus name. Amen. If you would like to send us your testimonial about Miles Magazine or Believers Full Gospel Vineyard, simply write a paragraph or two and submit it to us using the email address provided. Your testimonial will be placed in our "Testimonials" area


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Our World of Wonder!


Tanzania, East Africa Welcome means KARIBU in the Swahili vernacular. We welcome you to Zanzibar,the majestic spice island of the Indian Ocean.These are two main islands of Unguja and Pemba. Over centuries different cultures have influenced Zanzibar to become what it is today. Sumerians, Assyrians, Egyptians, Phoenicians, Indians, Chinese, Persians, Portuguese, Omani Arabs, Dutch and British have settled here at one time or another and influenced the local culture into the present fusion. The mission of Zanzibar regarding tourism development is to be the most exotic, diverse island destination in the Indian Ocean Region Exotic as it is wrapped in a mysterious Arab/African ambience and flavored with palm fringed, tropical beaches


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Sports Column

Previewing The 2013/14 English Premier League see them going higher than the last campaign, for Arsenal I wished I could say any different but the truth is so far nothing has been done by these clubs to indicate anything different happening. Mind you at the time of going to press, the transfer market was not closed yet, so assuming Arsenal were to strengthen including the proposed and prolonged purchase of Luis Suarez then the game will change very fast, Liverpool would definitely be out of the contention for the top four maybe even top six while the game-changer will throw Arsenal into the title race.

As many of my friends already know, I am an Arsenal fan and will always be but I will do my best to be very professional in my analogy of the new premier league season. First of all, one must note the fact that Sir Alex Fergusson of Manchester United Football club is gone as in retired and he would be sorely missed by the league in general as he brings with him this persona that I am very sure no one else can reproduce. Then there was the change of managers for the other two great teams, Chelsea football club sent off their interim manager in the person of Rafael Benitez and in came the one and only Jose Mourinho, while the blue side of Manchester in the form of City changed over from Roberto Mancini to Emmanuel Pellegrini. So what does all that mean in the context of who is who and what is most likely to happen in the race for the crown this year. Many people are predicting a very tight race between the six top teams; Manchester United, Manchester City, Chelsea, Arsenal, Tothenham and Liverpool Fc but I really do not see this happening rather I see a three horse race between the first three mentioned because of how they have prepared for the season. One part of me says look out for a surprise package from one or two others but the truth is that I do not see anything

happening as surprise when it comes to the top prize but maybe for the fourth position which is the last champions league place then you may expect a lot of fierce rivalry between the two north London clubs (Arsenal and Tothenham). Now for surprises down through the whole campaign there will surely be so many exciting contest from the likes of Swansea, Liverpool, West Bromish Albion and who knows one or two of the newly promoted clubs. When it comes to the issue of same old story clubs, great potentials but no end results like Arsenal and even Liverpool is thrown into the mix as well. I do not

Fi nal l y My Predi cti on – I predict that the title race will be between Chelsea and Manchester United but I still believe that Chelsea is a step ahead because the team is intact and the manager who was the missing puzzle is back to finish what he started. Generally this race would be exciting and who knows what surprises is in stock for us but no matter what happens it promises to be very exciting. Take Care and Keep Watching the English Barclays Premier League, the most exciting league in the world because any team can beat any team on the night.



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Dominion Living Bishop Dr. John Praise Daniel Coiled from his bestselling book ‘Destined for the Top’

You Are Destined For The Top A throne according to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary is a special chair or seat used by a King, Queen or Bishop during ceremonies. Royal authorities always come to the throne, this means that the special chair/seat (throne signifies the office or position of a king or queen); and this throne is backed by power, both of the law and of the people. It is a place at the top. A king is normally referred to as the ruler; meaning that he bears ‘rule’ over his domain of kingdom. Enthronement means to place a king, a bishop or a leader on a throne: it is placing somebody in a position of authority: To give a high place to a king in one’s judgment or affection; a ruler enthroned in the hearts of his subjects. For your enthronement to be a reality there are certain things that you must put in place: 1 . Yo u Mus t Des erv e i t – there is a throne for everyone who desires it, for you as a kingdom product, your enthronement is God’s desire and design and you will get there as long as you stay close to the one that


enthrones. We all have desires and aspirations in life; what we seek is what we get. As long as you desire the best in your life you must work towards it until you see the reality of it. 2 . Wai t Fo r The Ri g ht Ti mi ng – this does not mean folding your hands: Jeremiah 4:3 “For thus say s the Lord to the men of Judah and Jerusalem: "Break up y our fallow ground, And do not sow among thorns.” Hosea 10:12 “Sow for y ourselv es righteousness; Reap in mercy ; Break up y our fallow ground, For it is time to seek the Lord, Till He comes and rains righteousness on y ou.” 3 . Seek Fo r It - Seeking takes time and effort to bring it to pass; seeking is looking around in deliberate search for something. Seeking God for your enthronement takes you to search for God where you will find him. It is what you can do for yourself; nobody will come around and move you to be what you must be: Your effort counts in becoming what you must be. Seeking God for your placement in life takes diligent search:

Number 13:28-33 “Nev ertheless the people who dwell in the land are strong; the cities are fortified and v ery large; moreov er we saw the descendants of Anak there. 29 The Amalek ites dwell in the land of the South; the Hittites, the Jebusites, and the Amorites dwell in the mountains; and the Canaanites dwell by the sea and along the bank s of the Jordan." 30 Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses, and said, "Let us go up at once and take possession, for we are well able to overcome it." 31 But the men who had gone up with him said, "We are not able to go up against the people, for they are stronger than we." 32 And they gave the children of Israel a bad report of the land which they had spied out, saying, "The land through which we have gone as spies is a land that devours its inhabitants, and all the people whom we saw in it are men of great stature. 33 There we saw the giants ( the descendants of Anak came from the giants); and we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight." 4 . Yo u Mus t Be Di l i g ent – when you are not diligent in what you are doing, automatically you will find yourself defenseless, unwalled and ultimately you are bound to lose control. Lack of foresight makes you to be uncommitted to what you are supposed to do. 5 . Yo u Mus t Be Di s ci pl i ned – If you want to get to arrive at where the Lord wants you to be, you must have rule (control) over your spirit: Proverbs 25:12 “Lik e an earring of gold and an ornament of fine gold Is a wise rebuk er to an obedient ear.” 5 . Yo u Mus t Be Res o l ute – determine to do all you need to get there, anything good does not come easily; you have to subject yourself to a lot of rigor, because there is a crown awaiting you. What you suffer now cannot be compared to the joy that awaits you. Moses in the bible was disciplined and resolute; he rose up early to get to the mountain to meet with the Lord. Until you conclude, heaven does not conclude. What you have not put into action remains in the making. The moment your focus leaves the word of God, you decay. You cannot speak the negative of whatever situation you are in. Fear is having faith in the devil or circumstances than your God. To speak in the negative is to speak strange language to your situation. A strange language does not tally with the world of God: Proverbs 6:2 “Thou art sneared with the words of thy mouth, Thou art tak en with the words of thy mouth.” Proverbs 18:20 “A man’s belly shall be satisfied with the fruit of his mouth; and with the increase of his lips shall be filled.”


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Rev. Don Ifepe Receives Doctorate Degree In Divinity The editor in chief of the miles magazine recently received a Doctor of Divinity Degree from the Mount Olive Bible Institute and S e m i n a r y I n c. C a n a d a . MOBIS is Canadian registered and accredited bible institute with the rights to award religious degrees up to the doctorate level. Fo r m o r e i n f o r m a t i o n p l e a s e v i s i t t h e i r w e b s i t e a t w w w. m o b i s. r f m i n t l . o r g.


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I have been used to hearing the need for bondages in our lives to be broken, I always believed as do most Christians that the only way a yoke can be broken is through deliverance and that was my perspective on things until recently I received this revelation that I am about to share with you. Do you know that in order for one to find peace they must be prepared to go to war? Wow, what an irony, I always thought that for peace to rain you must be prepared to endure all forms of maltreatment but everything in the bible points to the opposite, now I must not fail to remind you again that our weapons of warfare are not carnal but spiritual and mighty to the pulling down

of strongholds, so when I refer to war I mean spiritual warfare and not militant physical violence. Back to the topic at stake, it is time to break from the shackles of the past, all the reproaches of the past that keep tormenting you, and it does not matter if they came in by your own fault or not, as long it is from the past then the season to take off that garment of pain and put on a whole new garment of praise and joy has come. Genesis 27:38-40 - “And Esau said to his father, "Have you only one blessing, my father? Bless me-me also, O my father!" And Esau lifted up his voice and wept. 39 Then Isaac his father answered and said to him: "Behold, your dwelling

shall be of the fatness of the earth, And of the dew of heaven from above. 40 By your sword you shall live, And you shall serve your brother; And it shall come to pass, when you become restless, That you shall break his yoke from your neck." Many of us are very familiar with this story, Esau and Jacob were the children of Isaac, and it happened that when Isaac became very old and near death he called his first son Esau who was a hunter by profession to go hunt and prepare him a good meal that he may eat and pour out the family blessings upon him but as Esau went, the mother Rebecca who apparently loved the younger one Jacob more decided to instigate Jacob to hijack the blessings of his elder brother and unfortunately the plan was very successful as the father who was very old

Until You Get Restless and blind poured out the blessing on Jacob. We pick up the story where Esau returns from the hunting and prepares the meal for the father expecting the blessing to be released upon him by his father only to be told that the blessings are gone and that nothing is left, as he cries out in anguish to his father who then gives him a formula as underlined in the verse 40: 1. By Your S word You S hal l Li ve The Christian sword is simply the word of God, we cannot walk without the word, the very first chapter in the gospel according to Saint John talks about the


word of God being the foundation, creator and maintainer of life. The word is the antidote to darkness, without the word darkness would rule humanity and so in speaking to Esau, Isaac released a revelation of life. Any man, organization, church or institution that does not give the word first place in their life is heading for clear destruction. There is no vision without the word, for the entrance of the word brings light into the life of men. If you can recall the temptations of Christ as recorded in the gospels, Jesus overcame the devil by the word of God and so Isaac spoke to his son though he may not have comprehended it in the way and manner of today that by the sword he shall survive and so I speak to you today as well that you can only sur-

vive and break free from the shackles of bondage by the WORD OF GOD. 2. When You Become Restl ess Then You S hal l Break Free Here is the key to your freedom this season, you will remain a slave, elements of wickedness both in high and low places will continue to chase and torment you until you get restless in your spirit man and then you will break their yokes off your neck. I can testify to the fact that certain issues of life when they come upon us rather than deal with them we often wish we could just wish them away but I can tell you categorically that it is not possible. Nothing goes away until you send them away either by fire or by force but you need to push them off your way.

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you are who you are no matter what man says, remember they did not create you and as such has no moral nor legal basis to write you off, God is still very much in control and all you need to do is to stand up and take back what is yours, do not allow your destiny to fall to the ground because somebody somewhere sees you as their target for ridicule, do not allow them use you as a consolation to their own failures. Act Up Today Jabez did not sit back and just lament about his situation but he prayed the kind of prayer that God answers and indeed God acted on his prayers and gave him victory, I will attempt to list the attributes of that prayer for you and hope that you can apply same principles in your life today for far better results to emerge: 1. Jabez Prayed ‘God Bless Me Indeed’ You see God longs to bless people who desire a life that prospers with the fullness of God. Esau who is the tribe known as Moab remained under the bondage of his brother Jacob which is Judah until they revolted in the book of 2 Kings 8:20-22 “In his days Edom revolted against Judah's authority, and made a king over themselves. 21 So Joram went to Zair, and all his chariots with him. Then he rose by night and attacked the Edomites who had surrounded him and the captains of the chariots; and the troops fled to their tents. 22 Thus Edom has been in revolt against Judah's authority to this day… ” We must be very guarded here when we refer to restlessness, it is not a physical panting about in confusion and desperation but a calculated line of action in revolt against the conditions that abide or stand against you and your joy in the Holy Spirit. A good example is the man Jabez in the book of 1 Chronicles 4:910, this man was born in sorrow, baptized in sorrow and called the very symbol of sorrow but at a point in time in his life, he decided that he had enough of the madness and so it was time to revolt

in the spirit. He did not go to everyone including his family to tell them that enough is enough but rather he went to the source of life armed with the word of God and demanded a change in his destiny. I want you to imagine this scenario where everything was sealed or so it seemed, the people I mean the mother who was supposed to stand in encouragement with the son was the very one quoted as naming Jabez as the symbol of sorrow but the man took it until his soul became restless and he acted up. I ask you today, when will you act-up? Your friends call you failure, your family has taken away what rightfully belonged to you, I remember one day I saw two brothers having a physical fight and the younger was beating up the older and as their father came on the scene, people expected him to stop this act of abomination but instead he stood by and claimed that the older one lost all respect because he was not financially able to support his younger ones. Now are you in that kind of situation right now, please do not let them ride you anymore,

2. He Prayed ‘Enlarge My Territory’ God is ready to fulfill people with a vision for a life that extends beyond the statues-quo. 3. He Prayed ‘That Your Hand Will Be With Me’ God is ready to empower all who invite His works and resources of power. 4. He Prayed ‘Keep Me From Evil’ God will grant deliverance from the physical and spiritual destruction to all who call on Him, some very good examples are Israel’s Deliverance in Judges 6:1-9 and Exodus 3:110. In closing, I would want to encourage you that you must act up now, get serious and fervent in your prayers, do not be a common Christian but be a prayerful one, stand on your kneels and the blessing of God shall break forth in your life, there are always little road blocks on our path to success so you must have to clear the atmosphere around you through the power of prayers so that God may manifest in the beauty of his splendor. l God Bless.


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Around the World

Love from Russia

but the prime minister of Russia, Vladimir Putin is arguable the strongest man in Russia, not known for siding with USA or any other person in truth but one who stands on his own ideologies and believes irrespective of what we thing but in this case, he has spoken and acted wisely. ‘Recently in Russia, it was decreed into law that adoption is not allowed for same-sex couples’

The world has been engaged fiercely in the argument about same sex marriage, gay relationship and other things related to that. We cannot deny the fact that the gay community has been growing ever so strong, financially, numerically and otherwise and so it is normal for them to become more vocal and active in seeking equal rights in every aspect of life. The main issue of power (politically especially) has worked in their favor as many top positions including that of Ontario in Canada has witnessed this recent development, the result is that many would be (cupboard members) have now come out of the closet to declare their real status as gays or in some cases bi-sexual. I love what former president George Bush said when he declared his lack of believe or support for the same-sex marriage as an individual but as a president he maintained his personal opinion and stand. May I point out that he remains the one and only man in the office of presidency in the America’s to have voiced out his stand in opposition. Though he did, America went on to pass so many laws in the favor of samesex marriage. Anyway back to the issue and incident

that has prompted my writing this article, the issue of adoption of children by same sex partners. We know that the original purpose of marriage as instituted by the word of God is for procreation, which means the couple must be able to produce a child by their own making in most cases except where there is a medical condition or circumstances that makes it impossible. But in the case of same-sex marriage, one begins to wonder where they would get the child or children to bless the marriage, now remember when I talked about men in high places, well, this is where it comes into play because they easily gain access to adoption because a parent somewhere is in default of some law of parenting and the punishment is loss of custody. A pastor from Buffalo USA once raised the alarm that it is unfair how easily children are taken away from their parents and placed in foster homes especially when most of these homes are that of same-sex couples, he kind of raised the ‘Conspiracy Theory’ of some sort but of course without any evidence to back it up, the case went cold as they say. But it has come back up again, this time at least someone is doing something positive to that effect, that person is no other

I do not believe that he was acting under the confines of Christianity but under the reasoning of common sense and equality to all and sundry. If you argue that you must be equal then do what the others do equally. I mean even in the case of a married couple (man and woman) that could not conceive and then opted for adoption, you will see that it is not for a lack of trying but that is not the same in the reverse where a man marries a man or woman marries a woman, they clearly have ruled out the chance of conceiving and having their own children so for them to turn around and want to pick up a child from somewhere else as if they are purchasing grocery is actually insane but we see it happening every day. So, I thought I bring this bravery to our reading audience, as we went to press, the pressure is already on against the government of Russia, Putin has been subjected to numerous demonstration all over the world including the America’s but for once I am glad to say that Putin is never moved by public opinion. Let us keep praying that the ordinances as ordained by God will not be wiped off the face of the earth, we know that as a sign of the last days many will fall away from the faith but we should never be discouraged God is very much in control and will always raise objections to the devil from anywhere he chooses and in this case Russia.



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You know, contrary to what many in the world system do believe that Christianity is one hard and impossibly boring road to travel, I can tell you that the lifestyle of Christianity is actually easy and simple as long as you follow those simple rules then you will find it extremely enjoyable at every turn. Using this topic as an example you will find it simple to learn the three levels of knowledge as prescribed by the bible. 1. God Is For Me – the first knowledge that you need to have and believe is that God Almighty is on your side. He is not interested in your downfall but He is interested in the building up of your faith to the extent that you know that all things are meant to work for your good in all circumstances in life. I have been faced sometimes with difficulties that were created by my own ignorance or lack of discipline, I thought that the battle will be mine alone and that God will not be interested in assisting me in solving the problem but how wrong was I to think of God’s love as conditional in that sense. God is always on the side of His elect because his calling and gifts are without repentance. Romans 11:29 “For the gifts and the calling of God are irrevocable” You see the Lord knows that there would be times and circumstances when we shall not be qualified to be under His divine grace because we fell short of the requirements and so He made it impossible for Him to disqualify us through the only thing He cannot break, ‘His own word’. All you have to do now is to believe and it shall become true in your life. God is for me must always resound in your


mentality, heart and soul irrespective of what people think or say always remember that God is for you and so who can really be against you? 2. God Is Wi th Me – the first one is all about his support for you but then you graduate to the next level where you now understand that you will never walk alone, everywhere you go, He is there ordering your footsteps. He is with you and will never leave you alone ever again. From the moment you make that commitment to be a child of God, a new covenant relationship was formed that will never leave you again ever. You often hear that people get depressed and go into some form of condition because they felt that nobody was on their side anymore, all their loved ones have betrayed them and deserted them, well, good news for you today is that you will never be alone again if you believe today and gain this second level of knowledge, in my most difficult hours in life I have never felt alone in fact I enjoy when it seems I am alone because in that hour revelations and power is released by God’s visitation. In the book of Genesis, Jacob when he was returning to meet his brother Esau who was very angry with him, it was recorded that he divided his family into batches and was left alone in Bethel but alas as he slept, he caught a revelation of steps going up and down from heaven, it was also in such state of loneliness that he met and wrestled with the angel of blessing till dawn, dear reader please focus on the presence of God with you in all circumstances and you will be elevated to another dimension of faith. You are never alone as God is always with you. 3. God Is In Me – then comes the third level of knowledge where you now possess the power and authority known as the

‘Apostolic Authority’, you as a believer must come to the point where you understand and know that you have a power divine inside you, that no one can bully you out of your divine inheritance nor can anyone take your place in the heart of God. You will then begin to see that you are a main character in a movie whose script was written and directed by God and so you can never die or be destroyed by the enemy because God is on your side. This would enable you to live a victorious life, both in terms of staying away from sin or overcoming the dangers of life. You will begin to see yourself in your true identity and not in the identity created by the enemy or the noisy neighbors as I like to call all negative voices around me. 1 John 4:4 “You are little children, and have overcome the world because He who is in you is greater than he who is in the world” This verse is what actually guarantees you the overcoming power in Christ, it all begins and ends with knowledge of your identity and what your spiritual DNA is made up of, Christ’s blood is in you and therefore you have his genes and if so you cannot fail or be intimidated because he was never intimidated even by death, he laid down his life because he knew He had the ability and capability to pick it up again, our God is an awesome God and he reigns from heaven to the earth, though darkness may try, once the light of his knowledge is in your life then you are an overcomer through him who dwells in you forever and ever Amen.


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Community Watch

Living Christ Mission Canada Branch

Celebrates Fathers Day

On the 9th of June 2013, the senior pastor of Living Christ Mission Canada branch, pastor Chinedu Nmezi led the church through a power packed service in celebration of the Fathers day. On the night the pastor also received his ministerial licence from the government of Canada. The day was truly a day of celebration in the word of God as well as in food and drinks.


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3 Steps

To Leadership Development If there is one thing that the church is in dear need, I submit that it is surely leadership. It has become apparent that the hunters have become the hunted; there is no more room for us as the body of Christ to pretend over this issue. The church need to start preparing for the good Lord to send into the body of Christ men and women whose sole aim would be the mentorship of others and not the exploitation of same. Leadership development is supposed to always begin with the leader showing concern for the emerging leader, the church is supposed to emulate Christ and invest in the production of seasoned individuals who will in turn go into the world and produce likes after them but the key is in the first line of production and that is where mentoring comes in. Jesus Christ took time and invested in the twelve apostles who in turn produced the church institution as we know it today. Step 1 – shepherd by Showing Concern for the Emerging Leader: The first step is for the leader to show real concern, empathy and love for the emerging leader, Jesus Christ in Mark 8:1-9, for the second time feeds thousands of people thus showing the disciples that God can take care of their material needs. In Mark 8:17-21 “Now the disciples had forgotten to take bread, and they did not have more than one loaf with them in the boat. 15 Then He


charged them, saying, "Take heed, beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and the leaven of Herod." 16 And they reasoned among themselves, saying, "It is because we have no bread." 17 But Jesus, being aware of it, said to them, "Why do you reason because you have no bread? Do you not yet perceive nor understand? Is your heart still hardened? 18 Having eyes, do you not see? And having ears, do you not hear? And do you not remember? 19 When I broke the five loaves for the five thousand, how many baskets full of fragments did you take up?" They said to Him, "Twelve." 20 "Also, when I broke the seven for the four thousand, how many large baskets full of fragments did you take up?" And they said, "Seven." 21 So He said to them, "How is it you do not understand?" – by this Jesus thought the soon to be leaders that they cannot be sold out by greed or a need for wants because your father is more than able to supply all your needs because when a leader is consumed by the sense of needs then they will never function in line with the Holy Spirit of God as their belly will guide their spirit to destruction. Step 2 – equip them by training them to serve: This is the foundational stages of greatness if we are to go by the teaching of Christ who remains our only yardstick for measuring every-

thing concerning life as a Christian. When a leader teaches his followers about service, he must be prepared to show by example how to serve without prejudice, he must be prepared to roll up his own sleeves and show that the greatest in the kingdom of God is the one that serves the most. The leader should also provide opportunities for the emerging leaders to serve the congregation either in teaching bible classes or in any other way available in the church and ministry. Today this has become a big challenge as leaders are afraid of losing popularity so they never give opportunity to the emerging leader because they fear he/she would take over the church. Step 3 – develop them by drawing commitment: Finally a good leader/mentor will develop the emerging leader, you see one thing that mankind cannot stop is change and so it is very necessary that for any organization or institution to remain relevant in a changing world they must be ready to evolve and in so doing remain very dynamic in nature. Now when you produce new leaders and develop them well then be rest assured that they would always come in with the current trend and at the end you and the church would find yourselves always relevant in the equation of things. You must mentor them to lead others by providing personal challenges for them to engage in. The Sunday school is a very good starting point, as you teach these classes you must bear in mind that you as their mentor cannot do that for very long, at a point you must challenge them to take over the Sunday school while you supervise them along the way.


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From the Pulpit

MOVING BEYOND BLESSING TO POWER Many believers do not experience power because they never get beyond the point of spiritual blessing. The Holy Spirit begins to move upon them and they feel great joy. They may express it in singing, shouting, dancing, or crying. They are blessed by God and respond emotionally. There is nothing wrong with this. The Bible is filled with such spiritual experiences. But God wants to move His people beyond the point of blessing into the realm of spiritual power, beyond emotion to demonstration. There is a story in the Old Testament which illustrates this truth. It also illustrates the link between a promise and the possessing of that promise. The nation of Israel traveled for many months from Egypt through the desert to the land God promised them. When they reached the edge of this Promised Land, Moses sent in spies to check out the land. Ten of the spies brought back a negative report. They said there were giants in the land and there was no way Israel could go in to possess the land. Only two spies urged the people to enter the land and possess it as God had promised. Israel chose to listen to the negative report. Because of this, although it was only an eleven day journey from where they were camped to the Promised Land, it took Israel forty years to make the journey (Deuteronomy 1:2). God brought Israel to the point of blessing. They were at the edge of the Promised Land. God's power was available to conquer the enemy. But Israel refused to move forward in God's power. There was nothing wrong with the promise. The problem was Israel's refusal to possess it. ‘You must not stop when you get to a

point of blessing in your life. You must break through into the spiritual realm of power. If you do not do so, you will continue to wander in a spiritual wilderness of dry, powerless existence. You must move beyond the point of blessing into the realm of power. You must become a demonstrator instead of a spectator; a doer instead of only a hearer. When you do so, you will experience the true flow of God's power. You will experience a life force and anointing within you which you have never before known. You will experience life after religion.’ ORDINARY PEOPLE You may think you cannot experience this power because you lack education. Perhaps you do not hold ministerial credentials with any denomination. You may live in a village far away from a Christian college and you are unable to obtain a Bible school education. None of these things need stand in the way of your receiving spiritual power. The Word of God is filled with examples of ordinary men and women who were used of God in mighty ways: Abraham . . . lied about Sarah being his wife because of fear, yet he was used of God to found the great nation of Israel. Moses . . . was not a good speaker and killed an Egyptian in anger, yet God used him to lead an entire nation of over two million people to the Promised Land. Peter . . . sank while walking on water, always said the wrong thing at the wrong time, and in the end denied he knew Jesus . . . yet this ordinary fisherman stood and gave a powerful witness on the day of Pentecost which resulted in the salvation of 3,000 souls.

Gideon . . . a young man hiding in fear to thresh the harvest grain was called to deliver an entire nation from oppressive captors. King David . . . committed adultery, took another man's wife and had the man murdered, yet he was the greatest King of Israel and called a man after God's own heart. Peter and John . . . both were mere fishermen and had no education, but the healing power of God flowed through them to stir entire cities. The Apostle Paul . . . it was said of him that his letters were powerful, but his bodily presence weak and his speech poor (II Corinthians 10:10). Jacob . . . was a deceiver, liar, and schemer. But when God touched him, he became a "prince with power with God and man." If men such as these can be entrusted with spiritual power with God and men, you can also, despite your human failures! God calls ordinary men and women and makes them extraordinary. He does not see you as you see yourself. He does not see you as others see you. God sees you as you can become when you are endued with spiritual power. God uses ordinary people, what the Bible calls "earthen vessels” so that... ”the Excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us” (II Corinthians 4:7).



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Pentecostal Canaanland Mission Inc. 26/28 Adewumi Abudu Street off Osolo Way Ajao Estate Lagos – State Website: General Overseer: Pastor Nick Medo-Uwa Dominion Chapel Int. Church Dominion Villa, Mile 2, Old Secretariat, Area 1 Abuja, Nigeria Phone: +234-803 589 4459 General Overseer: Bishop Dr. John Praise David



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THE CHURCH OF PENTECOST CANADA 2256 Sheppard Avenue West, North York, Ontario M9M 1L7 Tel: (416) 745-0242 Email: Visit for info on branches in Canada Senior Pastor: Apostle Dr. Emmanuel Bediako PENTECOST INTERNATIONAL WORSHIP CENTER A multinational Ministry of The Church of Pentecost Canada 2256 Sheppard Avenue West, North York, Ontario M9M 1L7 721 Bloor Street West, Unit # 103, Toronto, Ontario Tel: (416) 745-0242 Fax: (416) 745-7163 Web: Email: Resident Pastor: Rev. Richard Adjei Senior Pastor: Apostle Dr. Emmanuel Bediako THE REDEEMED CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF GOD JESUS EMBASSY WORSHIP CENTRE 131 SUNRISE AVENUE UNIT 5 EAST YORK TORONTO M4A 1B2 PHONE: 289 314 1915 / 416 831 9143 E: Host Pastor: Austin Edobor

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Want your church listed in our Directory? Believers Full Gospel Vineyard & Redemption Worship Center 94 Arrow Rd North York, ON M9M 2L4 Phone: 416.786.3414 Email: Web: Rev. Don Ifepe & Bishop CL Baptieste Christ’s Chosen Church of God International 29 Pemican Court, Units 1&2 North York, Ontario, Canada M9M 2Z3 Phone: 416.744.9506, 647.700.7332 Cell: 416.554.7180 Pastor in Charge: Apostle Pius Igberase. Resident Pastor: J. Nnaemeka Amen & Praise Ministries 615 Upper - Wellington Street Hamilton Ontario Canada Email: amenand Website: COVENANT BIBLE CHURCH 100 Penn Dr Toronto Ontario M9L 2A9 Email: / Phone: 416.858.0360 Rev. Dr. Augustine Ampratwum Duah

THE AMBASSADORS OF GOD INTERNATIONAL MINISTRIES 1 High Meadow Place Unit 18 Toronto On. M9L 2Z5 (Finch /Signet) TEL: 647 868 3920 / 647 834 9120 EMAIL: SENIOR PASTOR: REV.JOSEPH ENIOLORUNDA



Assemblee Nouvelle Alliance New Covenant Assembly 541 Danforth Rd. Toronto On, M1K 1C9 Phone: 416.850.4930 Email: Web: www. Pastor In Charge: Pastor Elie Kabongo

CHRIST REDEEMER MINISTRIES INC. 23 Grand Ravine Dr. (2nd Floor) Toronto On. M3J 1B3 TEL: 647.700.8351 Website: Email: Senior Pastor: Samuel Adekunle Bakare

2009 Lawrence Avenue West, Unit 3 Toronto, Ontario M9N 3V2 Phone: 416. 243-7729 Fax: 416.243.7728 Email: Web: Senior Pastor: Apostle Felix Ayigbe

Minister: Pastor Felix Ayibge A. We preach blessing that destroy the Curse. Our members are all Nations. Come worship with us Sundays at 11am. Daily Manner Booklet available for sale.


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Word from our Father – U.S.A

My Destiny Is To Serve, Not To Shine Rev. Daniel Garza White Wings Int'l Healing Ministry Eagle Pass, Texas (USA)

John 8:14 “Jesus answered and said unto them, though I bear record of myself, yet my record is true; for I know whence I came, and whither I go; but ye cannot tell whence I come, and whither I go.” Jesus made it very clear to the religious people who were blindly serving their traditions that all his actions were tied to his destiny. He stated, "I know where I came from, and where I am going." He knew where he was going. He preached, healed the sick, and cast out demons because he knew His destiny. What was His destiny? Where was he going? The cross? Yes, but it was more. For even the cross was a stop He took with an even higher, eternal destiny in sight. Jesus knew that after the cross would come the resurrection and the ascending to heaven and that one day He would come back for the church, His bride. He saved, healed, and delivered people so that they could be free, free from the bondage of the devil and free to enter into communion with Him now as His church and as his bride. He knew He was destined to be the bridegroom and He carried out His entire ministry in light of that destiny. Everything He did, miracles, signs, wonders, the work of the cross, He did because He knew where He was going, and all of these works brought Him one step closer to laying hold of that destiny, one step closer to the marriage supper of the lamb.

Abraham was very much aware that there was a special purpose for his life, that he was a man of destiny. He knew that God had given him the land of Canaan and that his descendants would be a great nation. To lay hold of that, Abraham left everything behind and in faith followed the LORD. He knew that his destiny was not just to have many children and populate a land. His destiny was to enter that place where he had his descendants would live in the very presence of God and have communion with Him. The awesome result of that communion was that one day God would use Abraham's descendants to bless all nations, to bring all nations into that same destiny of experiencing the life and presence of God and having communion with Him. God's primary purpose for his life was to live in the presence of God and have communion with Him. After studying Abraham, I have realized that what I was missing was the intimate presence of God, meaning divine connection. I had all the outward blessings, but I did not know God nor truly abide in His presence. So I began to pray, "God, show me your ways, let me know you, and let me see your glory." From that day on, I've walked with the Holy Spirit and Fire, preaching the Kingdom Message and the only message Jesus preached: Matthew 4:17 - From that time Jesus began to preach, and to say, Repent: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.

The more I pray, the more my focus began to change. The LORD began to reveal to me that His primary calling and purpose for my life and the destiny He had planned for me was to know Him, to have intimate communion with Him, and to seek his presence. 2 Chronicles 7:14 “If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” I have now realized that my destiny is not to be a great preacher or build a great ministry, I've come to serve not to shine. I am called to know my LORD Jesus and experience the fullness of His presence. I just know that I have not yet arrived. But I have heard His call and I am sure that this is my destiny. For that reason I press on to know Him. 1Cor:9:24: “Know ye not that they which run in a race run all, but one receiveth the prize? So run, that ye may obtain.” My prize is to be with him forever!



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Trails of Evangelism

2012 Keys of the Kingdom

Benin City Nigeria As another season of the keys of the Kingdom begins, we bring you pictures of the convention as it took place in Benin City of Nigeria in the year 2012. The Keys of the Kingdom is the mission arm of the Believer’s Full Gospel Vineyard Ministries. It started in Toronto Canada as an annual event but has since spread to other continents of the world. Every year the convention is held in various cities and hosted by different churches. Last year, Pastor Pius Okoro of the Voice of Victory International Ministries was the host for the Benin City version, the five days event featured ministration in the word. Miracles, apostolic auction to function as well as a ministers conference. We are believing God for greater impact this year.


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Host Pastor & Wife


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The Last Word

Never Be Separated From His Love There is nothing more special than divine connection; it is the key to every other thing you may desire in this life. Just think about it, if you are divinely connected then it simply means that you and God are one, it means that for you to encounter misfortune then God has to either be defeated or destroyed and I can tell you

categorically that those are two things that can never happen to our Heavenly Father. So then what is the formula to this divine connection? The answer can be found in the following scripture: Romans 8:35-39

in all these things he remains not a conqueror but more than a conqueror because the same God is the one that fights his battles while him as well as all believers who believe and remain connected will swim in the river of victory.

"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

Didn't God say in the book of Isaiah 43, that even though we are in the river it has no authority to drawn us nor in the fire it would not consume us, wow, we are more than the greatest on earth only inferior to God and no other. While as a Christian you are expected to respect all but you cannot fear any mortal, I dare tell you that no one can bless you except God says so and verse versa.

As it is written: “For Your sake we are killed all day long; We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.� Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us. For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."


You just have to plug into the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all other things will be added unto you. When I think of the challenges that have come my way in life and how many times I have been written off as a finished entity and yet somehow my God proves them wrong, then I am persuaded to declare that nothing can separate me from the love of God for in my weakest hour He has proven to be strong on my behalf. You just need to believe beyond believe, Abraham believed in hope against all hopelessness.

Dear readers if I end this article right here then I can tell you that you have it all to lose or gain depending on what decision you make. Apostle Paul who remains my most favorite teacher of the word asked the question and gives the answer as well. Note that he acknowledges the fact that your believe in the love of Christ for you will be challenged by situations like persecution, famine, shame, lack, principalities and powers and at some point angels might even try to tell you otherwise (figure of speech) but in all these he has resolved, the key word 'RESOLVED BY SELF PERSUASION’ not to allow any of these factors to swerve his believe in the truth that God loves him too much to ever forsake him.

You may have been betrayed right now, or stabbed in the back, everybody may have turned all your righteous deeds to be wickedness, in your quest to succeed maybe at some point you moved too fast and lost it all but in spite of that all please never lose faith in the ability of God to make you a winner. Never unplug the plug of faith and love of Christ, never decide to take your destiny in your own hands without the covering and leading of God on your side, do not listen to your noisy neighbors whoever they may be, most times scarily they are even our loved ones that speak negativity to us but never let them speak it into you, for it is not what they say that will determine your destiny but what you hear and believe.

The man obviously was not speaking an unfounded truth but something he knew first hand to be a truth with evidence because he concludes by saying that

In all things and at all times remain plugged into the love of God.


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