Program horizontal forum 14 sep

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This project is funded by the European Union

Invitation Forum “Implementation of the Horizontal Environmental Legislation in Albania” Aspects of public participation in environmental decision making and its monitoring

Dear Sir/Madam, REC Albania, in cooperation with the EDEN Center and Milieukontakt Albania is organizing a national forum in the conclusion of the respective projects “Horizon to EU Accession – Engaging Active Citizenship and Civil Society in Environmental Policy” and “HELP-CSO Horizontal Enforcement Legislation Promotion-CSO”, developed within the framework of ACHIEVE Project, implemented by REC Albania, within the financial support of the European Union. These projects aimed at strengthening the role and capacities of Environmental Civil Society Organizations (ECSOs) in the process of being involved in the monitoring and promoting enforcement of horizontal legislation specifically of the Law 146/2014 “On Public Notification and Consultation”, the Law 10440/2011 “On Environmental Impact Assessment” and Law 91/2013 “On Strategic Environmental Assessment”. In order to achieve this, EDEN and Milieukontakt Albania in cooperation with local ECSOs and experts have developed policies and studies with findings, proposals and recommendations concerning law implementation in practice aiming to support and improve the job of related public institutions, in the enforcement of existing horizontal legislation and full approximation. We cordially invite you to actively participate in this forum which will take place on Thursday, September 14th 2017, in the premises of Hotel Tirana International, (Metropol Conference room) at 09.00 A.M. to discuss about the findings and recommendations of these documents. Please find enclosed with this invitation, full details about the program. Sincerely,

This project is funded by the European Union


Moderator: Ben Andoni


Registration of participants

Introduction 09:30- 10:00

Addressing the issue of implementing horizontal legislation in Albania (EU representatives, Ministry of Environment, REC, Commissioner for the right to information and protection of personal data)

The role of ACHIEVE Project in horizontal legislation 10:00-10:15 (Rezart KAPEDANI, Project Manager- Achieve, REC-Albania) Water conflicts related to Hydro Power developments – 10:15- 10:40

18 cases of water conflicts generated by HEC and video (Valbona MAZREKU, Executive Director, Milieukontakt Albania) Policy findings and options

10:40- 11:05

Public participation practices in environmental decision making – the damaged lever for real implementation of horizontal package (Ermelinda MAHMUTAJ, Executive Director, EDEN center) EIA implementation in Albania


Study on the approximation of EIA law; expertise and quality of EIA reports and Access to Justice (Besmir BEJA, Lawyer – Lex Ferenda)

Presenting the position paper, 11:30-11:45

Developed by REC Albania in cooperation with EDEN center, Milieukontakt Albania, Lex Ferenda and EcoAlbania. (Rezart KAPEDANI, Project Manager- Achieve, REC-Albania)

11:45 -12:30




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