Adult Education booklet

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Frankst on Hub Suit e 1, Level 1, 108 - 120 Young St reet Frankst on, VIC P. 9775 7333 E. m ilife@m ilife-vict W. m ilife-vict

WORKING IN WAREHOUSING Overview This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn specific skills related to working in a factory environment as well as generic employability skills. Delivery of the course will be workplace based learning giving the students the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned in a real work situation at a factory/warehouse in the Southern Suburbs. Generic employability skills including language, literacy and numeracy required for this industry will be blended throughout the course.

Days and Times Monday 9am - 4pm

Location Meet at MiLife-Victoria - Frankston Suite 1, Level 1, 108-120 Young Street, Frankston and travel to local business.

Duration 12 months

Cost $72 concession fee if proof of Health Care Card / Pension Card provided, this includes materials fees. If you are not eligible for concession your fees will be discussed upon enrolement. ACFE funded, GST exempt.

Resources Closed toed shoes, and a Myki Card for public transport travel.

WORKING IN ADMINISTRATION Overview This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn specific skills related to working in an administration role. Delivery of this course will be workplace based learning, giving the students the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned in a real work situation.

Days and Times Monday 9am - 4pm

Location Meet at MiLife-Victoria - Frankston Suite 1, Level 1, 108-120 Young Street, Frankston and travel to local business.

Duration 12 months

Cost $72 concession fee if proof of Health Care Card / Pension Card provided, this includes materials fees. If you are not eligible for concession your fees will be discussed upon enrolement. ACFE funded, GST exempt.

Resources Closed toed shoes, and a Myki Card for public transport travel.

LITERACY IN THE WORKPLACE Overview This course is designed to assist students to learn workplace terminology, language, signage, documentation and interpreting these into workplace policies, procedures and work instructions.

Days and Times Tuesday 1pm - 5pm

Location MiLife-Victoria - Frankston Suite 1, Level 1, 108-120 Young Street, Frankston.

Duration 12 months

Cost $72 concession fee if proof of Health Care Card / Pension Card provided, this includes materials fees. If you are not eligible for concession your fees will be discussed upon enrolement. ACFE funded, GST exempt.

Resources Nil

WORKING IN A CAR YARD Overview This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn specific skills relating to working in a car yard. Delivery of this course is workplace-based learning, giving the students the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills they have learned in a real work situation in a number of different role and environments. Generic employability skills including language, literacy and numeracy required for this industry will also be blended throughout the course.

Days and Times Tuesday 9am - 4pm

Location Meet at MiLife-Victoria - Frankston Suite 1, Level 1, 108-120 Young Street, Frankston and travel to local business.

Duration 12 months

Cost $72 concession fee if proof of Health Care Card / Pension Card provided, this includes materials fees. If you are not eligible for concession your fees will be discussed upon enrolement. ACFE funded, GST exempt.

Resources Closed toe shoes, sun hat, coat, sunscreen. Packed lunch or money to purchase from local shops.

OBTAINING YOUR LEARNERS PERMIT Overview This course is designed to assist students to obtain their 'L' Plates, helping to strengthen their literacy and comprehension skills required to build confidence in students to enable them to sit the LPlate's test online. During the course the students will have the opportunity to learn the Victorian Road Rules and how to navigate and comprehend VicRoads online practice tests. Help will be provided to link students into their local council's L2P Learner Driver Initiative to allow them to gain driving experience once they have obtained their Learners Permit.

Days and Times Wednesday 1pm - 4pm

Location MiLife-Victoria - Frankston Suite 1, Level 1, 108-120 Young Street, Frankston

Duration 12 months

Cost $72 concession fee if proof of Health Care Card / Pension Card provided, this includes materials fees. If you are not eligible for concession your fees will be discussed upon enrolement. ACFE funded, GST exempt.

Resources VicRoads Learners Permit Book.

WORKING IN THE HORSE INDUSTRY Overview This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn specific skills related to working in a racing/equine setting, as well as generic employability skills. Delivery of this course is workplace-based learning, giving the students the opportunity to apply to the knowledge and skills they learn in a real work environment at a property on the Peninsula. Generic employability skills including language, literacy and numeracy required for this industry will also be blended throughout the course.

Days and Times Wednesday 9am - 4pm

Location Meet at MiLife-Victoria - Frankston Suite 1, Level 1, 108-120 Young Street, Frankston and travel property on the Mornington Peninsula.

Duration 12 months

Cost $72 concession fee if proof of Health Care Card / Pension Card provided, this includes materials fees. If you are not eligible for concession your fees will be discussed upon enrolement. ACFE funded, GST exempt.

Resources Closed toe shoes, lunch, drink bottle, sun hat, coat, sunscreen.

GETTING A JOB Overview This course covers creating resumes in different formats, avenues to find available jobs, research skills, interview skills, interviewing, references, employment documents and more.

Days and Times Thursday 9am - 4pm

Location MiLife-Victoria - Frankston Suite 1, Level 1, 108-120 Young Street, Frankston

Duration 12 months

Cost $72 concession fee if proof of Health Care Card / Pension Card provided, this includes materials fees. If you are not eligible for concession your fees will be discussed upon enrolement. ACFE funded, GST exempt.

Resources Nil.

WORKING IN RETAIL Overview This course is designed to provide students with the opportunity to learn specific skills related to working in a retail environment as well as generic employability skills. Delivery of this course is workplace-based learning, giving the students the opportunity to apply the knowledge and skills that they learn in a real work situation. Generic employability skills including language, literacy and numeracy required for this industry will also be blended throughout the course.

Days and Times Thursday 9am - 4pm

Location Bunnings Hastings 1837 Frankston-Flinders Road, Hastings

Duration 12 months

Cost $72 concession fee if proof of Health Care Card / Pension Card provided, this includes materials fees. If you are not eligible for concession your fees will be discussed upon enrolement. ACFE funded, GST exempt.

Resources Closed toed shoes, lunch, drink bottle, sunscreen, hat, coat.

WORK SKILLS Overview This course is for people that would like to experience many work options in different vocations. The students will focus on learning what skills they need for each job, they will interview people, build their confidence and develop travel skills in and around Melbourne South Eastern suburbs. This course is delivered with a hands-on approach, getting out each week into different communities, providing workplace learning and employability skills.

Days and Times Friday 9am - 4pm

Location Meet at MiLife-Victoria - Frankston Suite 1, Level 1, 108-120 Young Street, Frankston

Duration 12 months

Cost $72 concession fee if proof of Health Care Card / Pension Card provided, this includes materials fees. If you are not eligible for concession your fees will be discussed upon enrolement. ACFE funded, GST exempt.

Resources Closed toed shoes, Bunnings uniform or pants and top, drink bottle, money to purchase lunch or packed lunch.

INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS Overview This course will allow the students to learn and gain confidence with how to use a computer and the associated skills (typing, mouse control, printing etc) as well as MS Word, Excel, Email, PowerPoint and the internet in a fun way

Days and Times Friday 9:30am - 12:30pm

Location MiLife-Victoria - Frankston Suite 1, Level 1, 108-120 Young Street, Frankston

Duration 12 months

Cost $72 concession fee if proof of Health Care Card / Pension Card provided, this includes materials fees. If you are not eligible for concession your fees will be discussed upon enrolement. ACFE funded, GST exempt.

Resources Nil

MiLife-Vict oria is a m em ber of Learn Local. A net work of over 300 not -for-profit organisat ions across Vict oria offering adult com m unit y educat ion and t raining t o people in our com m unit y.

Disability Provider | Reg No. A0025487A NDIS | Reg No. 4050004061

For more information visit or follow us

MiLife-Vict oria Inc Head Of f ice 66 Vict oria St reet Hast ings VIC 3915 ABN 36 405 794 753

Tel : 9775 7333 Fax: 9770 6825 Nat ional Rel ay Service 1300 555 727 E. m il ife@m il ife-vict W. w w w.m il ife-vict

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