Mi Centre for the Arts

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100 Aqueduct Road, Langwarrin VIC P. 9775 7333 E. m ilife@m ilife-vict oria.org.au W. m ilife-vict oria.org.au

Purpose The MiLife-Victoria Arts Centre is an environment where like- minded people will come together to develop and learn new skills and creatively express themselves through a variety of mediums such as art, crafts, music, comedy, theatre and dance.

Unit Areas Hobbies Art and Craft Creativity and Expression

Target Group No restrictions other than the caveat that people must be able to participate in a group.

Hours of Operation Monday to Sunday

8am - 10pm


DRAMA Overview Participants will be part of writing a script, learning voice projection, making props, learn lines and songs and putting on a production.

Venue Mi Centre for the Arts, Langwarrin

Days and Times Monday and Wednesday - 9am - 12pm Friday - 9:30am - 12pm Saturday - 9am - 5pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $4 per week = $48 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 2

MAKE YOUR OWN STATIONARY SET Overview Participants will design their own stationary set to keep or gift to a loved one.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Monday - 9am - 12pm Thursday - 1pm - 3pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $5 per week = $60 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 3

BASIC WOODWORK - DRINK COASTERS Overview Participants will design and decorate a set of six drink coasters to keep or gift to a loved one.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Monday - 9am - 12pm and Thursday - 1pm - 3pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $4 per week = $48 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 4

CRAFT - CANDLE MAKING Overview Participants will learn the technique of candle making to create a gorgeous pack to take home for gifting or personal use.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Monday - 9am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $5 per week = $60 for 12 weeks

Resources An old shirt to cover clothes. 5

KARAOKE Overview A fun filled session of music, singing and dance.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Monday - 10am - 12pm and Tuesday, 1pm - 3pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 6

LEARN TO SEW - BASIC Overview Participants will learn basic sewing techniques ie sewing on buttons, sewing a hole in socks, blanket stitch, hand sew materials together.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Monday - 10am - 12pm and Thursday - 3pm - 5pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 7

LEARN TO ROCK 'N ROLL Overview Participants will learn at least two Rock 'n Roll dances and do a display dance for everyone to enjoy at the end of the 12 weeks.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Monday - 1pm - 3pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 8

WII SING Overview Participants will have fun singing to known and unknown tunes and dancing along in their own style.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Monday - 1pm - 3pm and Tuesday 3pm - 5pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 9

CRAFT - CLAY MODELLING Overview Participants will create one or more pieces to showcase in an art comp at the end of the 12 weeks and take home after.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Monday - 1pm - 3pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $5 per week = $60 for 12 weeks

Resources An old shirt to cover clothes. 10

SCRAPBOOKING Overview Using photos and mementos from home, participants will make their own personal scrap book to keep or gift to a loved one.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Monday - 1pm - 3pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $4 per week = $48 for 12 weeks

Resources Printed photos from home. 11

ORIGAMI - MAKE A BUNCH OF FLOWERS Overview Participants will learn origami and make a lovely bunch of flowers to take home and keep or gift.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Monday - 1pm - 3pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 12

BEACH ART Overview Participants will collect items from the beach to bring back and create their very own beach inspired art works.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Monday - 3pm - 5pm and Friday - 9am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 13

SCIENCE PROJECTS Overview Participants will have fun and learn scientific concepts by using basic every day materials for experiments.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Monday and Tuesday - 3pm - 5pm and Saturday 9am - 5pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $4 per week = $48 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 14

CANVAS PAINTING Overview Using various techniques and resources, participants will create a beautiful art piece using water-based paints. All participants will have one canvas and one framed piece to bring home.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Tuesday - 9am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $5 per week = $60 for 12 weeks

Resources An old shirt to cover clothes. 15

RECYCLE ART Overview Participants will bring in items from home each week that will be used as part of creating some wonderful art pieces.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Tuesday - 9am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Recyclable items from home, and an old shirt to cover clothes. 16

MAKE YOUR OWN SOAP Overview Participants will make beautiful soaps to keep or gift to a loved one.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Tuesday - 9am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $4 per week = $48 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 17

LEARN TO PLAY KEYBOARD Overview Participants will learn to play a simple tune for a video performance at the end of the 12 weeks.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Tuesday - 9:30am - 11:30am

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 18

CULTURAL ART Overview Participants will learn about the history of aboriginal art and complete a painting of their own to frame.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Tuesday - 10am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources An old t-shirt to cover clothes 19

LEARN TO PLAY GUITAR / UKELELE Overview Participants will learn simple chords and play two songs for a video performance at the end of the 12 weeks.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Tuesday - 1pm - 3pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Bring your own guitar / ukelele 20

CREATE TIKTOK DANCES Overview Participants will learn each week a dance and perform it using the TikTok program and record it to share with others.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Tuesday - 1pm - 3pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 21

DESIGN YOUR OWN T-SHIRT Overview After transferring a design on to a t-shirt, participants will decorate the t-shirt using a combination of sewing on beads, sequins, buttons and/or material paints.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Tuesday - 1pm - 3pm and Friday - 10am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $5 per week = $60 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 22

ROCK ART Overview After collecting a 'family' of rocks, participants will over time, create their very own Rock Family for the garden at home or to gift to a loved one.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Tuesday and Friday - 1pm - 3pm Wednesday - 10am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources An old shirt to cover clothes 23

BASIC WOODWORK - WOODEN CLOCK Overview Participants will design a clock face and make a clock using wood and materials.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Tuesday - 2pm - 5pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 24

BASIC TIE DYING Overview Participants will learn tie dying and will tie dye a t-shirt, serviettes, a table cloth and hankies.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Tuesday - 2pm - 5pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $5 per week = $60 for 12 weeks

Resources An old shirt to cover clothes 25

PERCUSSION ENSEMBLE Overview In this activity, people will learn basic drumming and percussion skills to create a piece of music that they will perform at the end of 12 weeks.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Tuesday - 3pm - 5pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 26

USING NATURE IN ART Overview Participants will collect resources from the garden and local area to create at least three art pieces.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Tuesday - 3pm - 5pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 27

BAND JAM Overview Come and get involved with others to create a band, rehearse and play music whilst having fun.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Wednesday and Friday - 9am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 28

LEARN TO CROSS STITCH Overview Participants will learn the skill of cross stitch and make a simple picture which they will frame to bring home.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Wednesday - 9am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 29

JEWELLERY / BEAD MAKING Overview Using beads, participants will make wrist and ankle bracelets with matching necklace to wear or gift to a loved one.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Wednesday - 10am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $4 per week = $60 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 30

MAKE YOUR OWN BATH BOMBS Overview Participants will learn to make bath bombs and from different products, scents and flowers. Each person will create their own pack for personal use or gifting.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Wednesday - 10am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $8 per week = $96 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 31

LEARN TO DRAW / SKETCH Overview Participants will learn the basics of how to create line images and use different colouring techniques to make them come alive.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Wednesday - 1pm - 3pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $2 per week = $24 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 32

DIARAMA - 3D ART WORK Overview Participants will make a 3D diarama model which they will design and take home once completed

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Wednesday - 1pm - 3pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $4 per week = $48 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 33

CREATE & PERFORM A COMEDY SHOW Overview Come and join in with having a laugh and put together a skit show to perform at the end of 12 weeks.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Wednesday - 1pm - 3pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 34

LEARN A DANCE ROUTINE Overview Each week participants will learn the moves to some of the classics; Nut Bush, YMCA, Chicken Dance, Gangnam Style, Locomotion, Macarena, Saturday Night Fever to name a few. At the end of the year they will video a short performance of their favourite moves to share with everyone.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Wednesday - 1pm - 3pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Non-restrictive clothing 35

MI HARMONY CHOIR Overview Come and be part of a choir where participants will learn the words to a song and perform at the end of 12 weeks to other clients, family and friends.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Wednesday and Thursday - 2pm - 5pm Friday - 3pm - 5pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 36

CLAY MODELLING FOR BEGINNERS Overview Participants will learn how to make a basic flower posie that they will be able to take home.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Wednesday - 2pm - 5pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources An old shirt to cover clothes. 37

CREATE SET OF SPECIAL EVENTS CARDS Overview Participants will make their own box of 12 birthday or special event cards to give to family and friends.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Wednesday - 3pm - 5pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 38

MAKE YOUR OWN EASTER CREATIONS Overview Participants will make Easter gifts to keep or to give to family and friends.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Wednesday - 3pm - 5pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 39

LEARN TO HIP HOP Overview Participants will learn two hip hop dances to video and show others what they have learnt.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Wednesday - 3pm - 5pm and Thursday 1pm - 3pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Non restrictive clothing 40

PROPS DESIGN Overview Participants will design and make the props that the drama group will use in their production.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Thursday - 9am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 41

MAKE YOUR OWN WHEAT BAG Overview Participants will design and make three wheat bags using sewing skills and filling with a variety materials to take home or give as gifts.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Thursday - 9am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 42

LEARN TO MOSAIC Overview Participants will learn the technique of mosaic art and create a piece to take home for gifting or personal use.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Thursday - 9am - 12pm and Friday - 1pm - 3pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $6 per week = $72 for 12 weeks

Resources An old shirt to cover clothes. 43

MAKE YOUR OWN PLACEMAT Overview Participants will design and make six placemats and will use different art techniques to decorate them.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Thursday - 10am - 12pm and Friday - 1pm - 4pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 44

LEARN TO DO MAGIC TRICKS Overview Participants will learn basic magic tricks and once mastered they will be able to perform these to others.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Thursday - 2pm - 5pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $2 per week = $24 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 45

WII DANCE Overview Participants will have fun learning routines and dancing along in their own style.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Thursday - 3pm - 5pm and Friday - 2pm - 4pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 46

KNITTING FOR BEGINNERS Overview Participants will learn the techniques of knitting and make a scarf for themselves or a gift to a loved one.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Thursday - 3pm - 5pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 47

CULTURAL ART Overview Learn about Russia's Matryoshka Doll Art to create and decorate a set to take home.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Thursday - 3pm - 5pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources An old shirt you can get paint on 48

FOOD ART Overview Participants will have fun making art from different types of foods and then having the pleasure of eating their art each week.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Friday - 9am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost $6 per week = $72 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 49

BASIC WOODWORK - MONEYBOX Overview Participants will design a money box, making it from different materials and decorating it to keep or gift.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Friday - 10am - 12pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Complex Program of Supports

Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks

Resources Nil 50

NAME THAT TUNE Overview Come and join in the fun and see how much music trivia you know and how familiar you are with different music and songs.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Friday - 1pm - 2pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Standard Program of Supports

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 51

DISCO Overview Come and be part of the fun dancing and having fun with your friends.

Venue Mi Arts Centre, Langwarrin

Days and Times Saturday - 1pm - 5pm

Duration 12 weeks

Activity Type Routine Activity

Cost Nil

Resources Nil 52


1. HEAD OFFICE 66 Victoria Street Hastings VIC 3915 Ph: 9775 7333 Fax: 9770 6825 National Relay Service 1300 555 727 2. M i Com m u n it y Cen t r e & M i Ar t s Cen t r e

3. M i Lear n in g & Developm en t Hu b

100A Aqueduct Road

Suite 1, Level 1


108-120 Young Street FRANKSTON VIC 3199

4. M i Bu sin ess & Lif e Sk ills Hu b 36 Lyall Street CRANBOURNE VIC 3977 53

Disabilit y Provider | Reg No. A0025487A NDIS | Reg No. 4050004061

For m or e in f or m at ion visit w w w.m ilif e-vict or ia.or g.au or f ollow u s

MiLife-Vict oria Inc Head Of f ice 66 Vict oria St reet Hast ings VIC 3915 ABN 36 405 794 753

Tel : 9775 7333 Fax: 9770 6825 Nat ional Rel ay Service 1300 555 727 E. m il ife@m il ife-vict oria.org.au W. w w w.m il ife-vict oria.org.au

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