100 Aqueduct Road, Langwarrin VIC P. 9775 7333 E. m ilife@m ilife-vict oria.org.au W. m ilife-vict oria.org.au
Purpose To provide an environment for people to engage in activities that are fun, interest-based and that enhance social interaction learning and development and health and wellbeing.
Unit Areas Hobbies Passive Recreation Health and Well-being Learning and Technology Daily Living
Target Group No restrictions other than the caveat that people must be able to participate in a group.
Hours of Operation Monday to Sunday
8am - 10pm
BREAKFAST CLUB Overview Come in early, make your breakfast and eat with your friends.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Monday to Friday - 8am - 9am
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Routine Activity
Cost $5 per day
Resources Nil 1
GENTLE EXERCISE TO MUSIC Overview A program for those who want to kick start their day with some gentle stretching and movement to music.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Day and Times Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 9am - 10am
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Routine Activity
Cost Nil
Resources Non-restrictive clothing and outdoor shoes, sun hat, sunscreen and coat. 2
CANTEEN DAYS Overview Participants will provide a variety of nutritious and attractively presented food and drinks at a reasonable cost for clients and staff at site to buy for their lunch. In this program, participants will learn food handling, storage, hygiene and safety. They will also wait on the tables, clean, do the dishes and learn money skills.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Monday to Wednesday 9am - 2pm Thursday and Friday 9am - 12pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Complex Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Nil 3
CREATE A DIGITAL STORYBOOK Overview Each participant will develop their own storybook using pictures, drawings and creative writing to create a printable e-book.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Monday - 9am - 12pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Complex Program of Supports
Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks
Resources Nil 4
MEDIA CLASS (NEWSLETTER DESIGN) Overview This program is to create a newsletter for MiLife-Victoria. Participants will interview staff, other clients and special guests to create feature stories. Participants will learn how to write a story, take photos and develop the newsletter using the computer program Publisher.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Monday and Wednesday - 9am - 12pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Complex Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Reources Nil 5
PHOTOGRAPHY Overview Participants will learn to take photos in different lights, positions, people and scenery. At the end of the 12 weeks they will print their favourite(s) for framing.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Time Monday - 9am - 12pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Complex Program of Supports
Cost $2 per week = $24 for 12 weeks
Resources Bring either a digital camera or phone with a camera. 6
DARTS COMPETITION Overview Learn how to play darts and have a comp with friends.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Monday and Tuesday - 9am - 10am and Friday 2pm - 3:30pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Routine Activity
Cost Nil
Resources Nil 7
LEGO MASTERS Overview Fun and creativity using Lego. Each week participants will create a themed masterpiece for judging. Photos will be taken each week and put on display. The one with the highest votes wins. At the end of 12 weeks the person with the most votes will be crowned 'Lego Master.'
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Monday and Saturday - 10am - 12pm and Wednesday - 9am - 12pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resouces Nil 8
TV SOAP REVIEW Overview TV soap fans will come together to discuss their favorite shows (Home and Away, Neighbours, The Bachelor, The Block etc) from the night or week before. Each week the group will choose a favourite TV soap and write a scene of what they think will happen the next week and see how close to it coming true will be.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Monday, Wednesday and Friday - 10am - 12pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost $2 per week = $24 for 12 weeks
Resources Nil 9
YOGA Overview For those who want to increase their fitness this is the program for them. Starting with 20 minutes of gentle stretching, participants will move onto a 40-minute yoga routine.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Monday and Wednesday - 1pm - 2pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Routine Activity
Cost Nil
Resources Non restrictive clothing 10
LEARN TO PLAY UNO Overview Come and learn the rules of UNO and have some fun with your friends.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Monday - 1pm - 2pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Routine Activity
Cost Nil
Resources Nil 11
MOVIE MAKING Overview Participants will write a script, create props and costumes, video scenes, learn to edit, creating a finished product (movie) to show at a movie night and take home for family and friends to watch.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Monday - 1pm - 4pm, Thursday - 9am - 12pm and Saturday - 1pm - 5pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Complex Program of Supports
Cost $5 per week = $60 for 12 weeks
Resources Nil 12
LAWN BOWLS Overview Play lawn bowls, while getting in some exercise and learning to play a new sport.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Monday - 1pm - 3pm and Friday 3pm - 4pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Non-restrictive clothing and outdoor shoes, sunhat, sunscreen and coat 13
CAR AND WINDOW WASHING Overview For the lover of cars and water, this program will help keep the buses and windows at Langwarrin in tip top condition.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Monday - 1pm - 4pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Nil 14
CUPCAKES AND SLICES Overview Each week participants will make a batch of cup cakes or slices using simple recipes to take home for the family to share.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Monday - 2pm - 5pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost $6 per week = $72 for 12 weeks
Requirements Bring a container each week to put your cakes and slices in. 15
BINGO Overview Clickety click, 66 and legs eleven! Bingo is a game anyone can enjoy. This is a great game to incorporate numeracy skills whilst having fun along the way. Winners will take home a prize.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Monday - 2pm - 4pm and Thursday 2pm - 3pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost $4 per week = $42 for 12 weeks
Requirements Nil 16
ZUMBA Overview For those who love music and dance Zumba is the session for them. Participants will learn a specific routine and by the end of the term will be able to do the whole thing. Built into this program will be time for freestyle dance.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Tuesday - 9am - 10am, Wednesday Friday and Saturday 1pm - 2pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Non restrictive clothing. 17
CREATE YOUR OWN RECIPE BOOK Overview Participants will develop their own personal recipe book develop a theme, research recipes, find photos, and customise each page with photos and text.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Tuesday - 9am - 12pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks
Resources Nil 18
MAKE A YOU TUBE VIDEO Overview Participants will learn video editing skills and how to use the equipment and programs to make their own You Tube video including how to upload them and attract followers.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Tuesday and Friday - 9am - 12pm Saturday - 10am - 12pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Complex Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Nil 19
WII GAMES (TENNIS / GOLF) Overview Come and play Wii games with friends, exercise, have fun and learn new skills.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Tuesday - 10am - 12pm Thursday - 1pm - 3pm Saturday - 2pm - 5pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Nil 20
RESTORATION PROJECT Overview Participants will purchase small items for restoration from a local opportunity shop that can be restored. They will use hand tools and basic equipment to give their piece a new life. The piece will be painted or stained and either taken home for the personal use or sold on Facebook marketplace making the owner some extra cash.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Tuesday 9am - 12pm Thursday 10am - 12pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost $5 per week = $60 for 12 weeks
Resources Closed shoes and gloves. 21
BASKETBALL SKILLS TRAINING Overview This session is for those who do or want to play basketball. There will be drills and goal shooting comps. The person with the highest number of goals shot by the end of the 12 weeks will take out the top shooter award.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Tuesday - 10am - 12pm Wednesday and Saturday - 2pm - 4pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Routine Activity
Cost $1 per week = $12 for 12 weeks
Resources Sneakers or outdoor sports shoes. 22
WALK AND TALK Overview Starting and finishing at the Community Centre, the group will go for a walk around the area. During the walk they will pick a different subject to chat about.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Tuesday and Thursday - 1pm - 3pm and Friday 10am - 12pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Routine Activity
Cost Nil
Resources Sneakers, outdoor sports shoes, water bottle, sun screen, coat, hat 23
CHAIR AEROBICS Overview Come and join Chair Aerobics, a workout designed to elevate your heart rate, get your blood circulating and work on those core muscles.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Tuesday and Thursday - 1pm - 2pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Routine Activity
Cost Nil
Resources Nil 24
For the astute land owner and millionaire to be, the Monopoly Challenge is the program to be in. Participants will learn the rules of monopoly, build their land portfolio to make their millions.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Tuesday - 1pm - 3pm and Friday - 10am - 12pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Nil 25
BOOT CAMP Overview This workout is essentially a type of interval training - bursts of aerobic, strength and speed training alternating with intervals of lighter activity. After a quick break to grab a drink and refresh, a casual walk around the block will be a great way to cool down.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Tuesday - 1pm - 2pm Thursday and Saturday - 10am - 12pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Routine Activity
Cost Nil
Resources Sneakers or outdoor sports shoes, water bottle, sunscreen, coat and hat. 26
PUZZLE MASTERS Overview Who will complete their (500 piece) puzzle first to be crowned the greatest Puzzle Master?
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Tuesday - 1pm - 3pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Nil 27
BASIC IPAD SKILLS Overview Participants will learn how to use different apps and programs on their ipad.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Tuesday - 2pm - 5pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Complex Program of Support
Cost Nil
Resources Bring your own iPad 28
MI MINI VEGGIE PATCH Overview Participants will learn how to prepare and create their own veggie garden, reaping all the crop to take home.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Tuesday and Thursday - 2pm - 5pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost $3 per week = $36 for 12 weeks
Requirements Hat, sunscreen, coat and gardening gloves.
SOCIAL MEDIA Overview Participants will create a Facebook account and learn how to navigate around different pages, join groups, post photos, message people and communicate with friends. Participants will also learn about cyber safety.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Time Tuesday - 2pm - 5pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Complex Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Requirements Nil
TIGHT ARSE TUESDAY DINNER & MOVIE Overview Each week the group will make a simple meal, eat dinner and watch a movie of their choice together.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin.
Days and Times Tuesday - 5pm - 8:30pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost $10 per week = $120 for 12 weeks
Resources Nil 31
CIRCUIT CLASS Overview A program for those who want to increase their fitness. Starting with 20 minutes of gentle stretching, then onto a 40-minute circuit routine before taking a quick break and drink to refresh. If time permits, a walk in and around the local community will finish the session nicely.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Wednesday and Friday - 9am - 10am
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Routine Activity
Cost Nil
Resources Non-restrictive clothing and outdoor shoes, sunhat, sunscreen and coat. 32
IPAD LEARNING AND GAMES Overview Participants will learn how to use their ipad to play games by themselves or online with their friends.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Wednesday - 9am - 12pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Complex Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Bring your own iPad 33
AUDIO BOOKS Overview A quick visit to the library for those who want some quiet time to chill out and listen to their favourite audio book.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin.
Days and Times Wednesday - 10am - 12pm and Friday - 1pm - 3pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Library Membership Card. 34
DINNER ON THE RUN COOKING CLASS Overview This class is for those who want to learn how to make easy meals to take home for dinner.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin.
Days and Times Wednesday - 2pm - 5pm and Saturday 10am - 12pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost $8 per week = $96 for 12 weeks
Resources Food Grade container and cooler bag to transport food home. 35
LEARN TO BE A BLOGGER Overview Participants will create a blog name, learn how to choose blog templates, write posts, publish posts and go live and start sharing their blog with others.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin.
Days and Times Wednesday - 1pm - 4pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Complex Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Nil 36
MAKE YOUR OWN PHOTOGRAPHY BOOK Overview Participants will learn how to take photos on their iPads in different lights, scenes, people etc and learn how to store them in folders.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Wednesday - 1pm - 4pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Complex Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Bring your own iPad 37
OUTDOOR GAMES Overview Come and play a game of cricket, soccer, ball games whilst having fun, learning team skills and doing exercise.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin.
Days and Times Wednesday - 2pm - 4pm and Friday 1pm - 3pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Nil 38
PEN FRIENDS Overview For those who want to make connections and meet new friends from within Australia or overseas. Participants will learn how to write a letter and send this to their new friend each week.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Thursday and Friday - 9am - 12pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Nil 39
BOCCI Overview Participants can learn the art of Bocci and play a game with their friends.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Thursday - 10am - 12pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Nil 40
CREATE YOUR DIGITAL RECIPE BOOK Overview Participants will develop a theme, research recipes, find photos, customise each page using a computer software program, publish and have their book printed.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Thursday - 2pm - 5pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Complex Program of Supports
Cost $2 per week = $24 for 12 weeks
Resources Nil 41
CULTURAL COOKING Overview Participants will study Italian food during these 12 weeks. They will shop, prepare and cook a meal to take home.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Thursday - 2pm - 5pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost $8 per week = $96 for 12 weeks
Resources Bring a food safe container each week with a cooler bag to store it in. 42
FUN ONLINE GAMES & BRAIN TEASERS Overview Come and join the fun and learn to play online games competing against the computer and others whilst testing your knowledge to solve questions.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Friday - 2pm - 4pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Complex Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Nil
POWERPOINT FOR BEGINNERS Overview Using the iPad create PowerPoint presentations.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Friday - 2pm - 5pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Complex Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Nil
HIGH TEA Overview Make the perfect scone and serve hot to enjoy a high tea with friends.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Friday - 2pm - 5pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost $4 per week = $48 for 12 weeks
Resources Nil
BASIC COMPUTER SKILLS Overview Participants will learn keyboard and mouse skills whilst learning MS Office programs.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Friday - 3pm - 5pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Complex Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Nil
GAMES AND TRIVIA NIGHT Overview Participants will make a simple meal and take part in a trivia night, have fun with their friends and learn lots of new facts.
Venue Mi Community Centre, Langwarrin
Days and Times Friday - 5pm - 8pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost $10 per week = $120 for 12 weeks
Resources Nil
1. HEAD OFFICE 66 Victoria Street Hastings VIC 3915 Ph: 9775 7333 Fax: 9770 6825 National Relay Service 1300 555 727 2. M i Com m u n it y Cen t r e & M i Ar t s Cen t r e
3. M i Lear n in g & Developm en t Hu b
100A Aqueduct Road
Suite 1, Level 1
108-120 Young Street FRANKSTON VIC 3199
4. M i Bu sin ess & Lif e Sk ills Hu b 36 Lyall Street CRANBOURNE VIC 3977 48
Disability Provider | Reg No. A0025487A NDIS | Reg No. 4050004061
For more information visit www.milife-victoria.org.au or follow us
MiLife-Vict oria Inc Head Of f ice 66 Vict oria St reet Hast ings VIC 3915 ABN 36 405 794 753
Tel : 9775 7333 Fax: 9770 6825 Nat ional Rel ay Service 1300 555 727 E. m il ife@m il ife-vict oria.org.au W. w w w.m il ife-vict oria.org.au