Cooking Program

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Cook in g

St r eam

M iHom e

Un it

Daily Living

M odu le

8.0a Cooking

Cor e Sk ills in clu ded

Oral Communication, Listening, Writing, Reading, Learning, Decision Making, Working with Numbers

Activity Overview 1. Pu r pose -

Learn basic food handling techniques and cooking skills to make healthy meals


Learn how to identify from a recipe what ingredients you need to make simple meals, slices, snacks etc


Learning how to shop wisely for ingredients and how to identify where they are in the supermarket


To focus on a different type of cooking method for each term so they can learn the necessary skills to cook basic meals, snacks, slices. Cakes etc


To focus on personal development with table manners and table etiquette


To learn the required cleaning skill for cooking and cleaning up.


Develop fine and gross motor skills to increase their mobility ie knife skills, stirring & mixing skills


Spend time with their friends


Develop sensory opportunities and experiences


To live as independently as possible when it comes to food preparation and making a basic meal, snack, slices & cakes


Utilise opportunities to read more as part of daily activities

St r eam

M iHom e

Un it

Daily Living

M odu le

8.0a Cooking

Cor e Sk ills in clu ded

Oral Communication, Listening, Writing, Reading, Learning, Decision Making, Working with Numbers

2. Dim en sion s Competencies/skill/knowledge staff required for Program

Loves Cooking Verbal communication &Literacy skills Delegation and negotiation skills Facilitation skills

Costs involved- per session/total

As per brochure

Related Modules for Core Building

3.0a Social Communication 12.0c Literacy & Numeracy 8.0b Independent Living skills

Related Modules for Capacity Building

4.1e Social Skills

8.1b Menu planning

8.1c Shopping

8.1d Food Prep/Food handling

8.1e Cooking

8.1f Daily Cleaning

St r eam

M iHom e

Un it

Daily Living

M odu le

8.0a Cooking

Cor e Sk ills in clu ded

Oral Communication, Listening, Writing, Reading, Learning, Decision Making, Working with Numbers


Staffs conducting this activity are required to understand why the client is attending this and how their goals can be maintained or developed whilst they participate in this activity. Activities will need to be modified to suit the people within the group.

Lesson Plan

Each activity block focusses on a different cooking style, purpose or intent depending on the level. Refer to the Lesson Plan for this detail and recipes to cook each week.


Many goals that clients have are not about the end result of the Activity (ie afternoon tea) but the small tasks/areas that they can maintain, achieve or experience along the way. Consider how you can engage with your clients so they can maintain and develop their goals, so they can be as independent as possible and get involved whilst having fun.


Each week the group will refer to the lesson plan and discuss what they are to be cooking, ingredients required, prepare a shopping list and budget, purchase items in shops, prepare the food, using cooking techniques and equipment, enjoy their food and clean equipment and area.


·Recipes in different formats


·Cooking equipment ie Microwave, Oven, grill,

·Kitchen utensils

·Aprons, hair nets

·Money to purchase food

St r eam

M iHom e

Un it

Daily Living

M odu le

8.0a Cooking

Cor e Sk ills in clu ded

Oral Communication, Listening, Writing, Reading, Learning, Decision Making, Working with Numbers

Session Contents/ Activities

Tasks involved in this Activity are to be undertaken by the client whenever possible and if the client does not have the ability or skill required, use this as an opportunity to develop these along the way ·Refer to the lesson plan to identify what recipe and resources you will need for each week. ·Present the recipe to the group in different formats if required and read through it together. ·Identify what you need to buy and discuss how much ? look at what is already in the pantry/fridge ·Go to the shops and purchase ingredients with clients ? allow them to use existing or learn new skills ie money handling, finding ingredients, looking at prices etc ·Have the clients prep the food and cook each ingredient ? have the steps written out in different formats ? have the clients perform the tasks as much as possible ·Develop fine and gross motor skills to increase their mobility ie using a knife, mixing/stirring etc ·Show how to use the relevant equipment ie blenders versus hand mixers Microwave and oven ? what heat to put the food on, how long for, etc ·Clean up the kitchen and dishes whilst the food is cooking or being refrigerating ·Layout the table based on the meal/food you have cooked so everyone involved can eat ·Enjoy ? eat using table manners and table etiquette ? refresh each week what these are if required. ·Wash up cutlery/dishes and equipment and wipe down table, sweep floor etc

St r eam

M iHom e

Un it

Daily Living

M odu le

8.0a Cooking

Cor e Sk ills in clu ded

Oral Communication, Listening, Writing, Reading, Learning, Decision Making, Working with Numbers

4. Ref er en ce List f or Cook in g The below list are just some ideas for cooking that you can choose from or come up with additional ones that the clients may be interested in making.

Basic Cook in g

Prepare and cook a basic snack or a meal from a pack mix (ie cake/biscuit packet mix, frozen meal for microwave, smoothies adding minimal ingredients using an oven, microwave and simple cooking techniques

In t er m ediat e Cook in g

Prepare and cook a snack or meal that involves reading a simple recipe using 3-4 ingredients (toasted sandwich, cake from scratch, spaghetti and sauce from a jar, scones, potato salad, hamburgers) using a variety of cooking techniques and equipment.

Advan ced Cook in g

Prepare and cook a three-course dinner ? entrée, main and dessert (ie breads and dip, tuna pasta, pancakes ? falafel, roast meat and veggies, sticky date pudding ? roasted tomatoes, BBQ and veggies, cheesecake) reading recipes using many different ingredients, cooking techniques and equipment.

5. Lear n in g & In st r u ct ion al St r at egies ·Visual





·Structured Interaction




·Asking questions

·Verbal prompting

·Independent observation


·Practicing skills

·Physical assistance


St r eam

M iHom e

Un it

Daily Living

M odu le

8.0a Cooking

Cor e Sk ills in clu ded

Oral Communication, Listening, Writing, Reading, Learning, Decision Making, Working with Numbers

Recor d/ Eviden ce 1.Each time you support a client in this Activity you must record in Supportability their attendance, The Learning Overview and Lesson plan for this Activity is the evidence of what you have undertaken and done throughout the Activity. 2.If you have to vary the activity ?Record by exception?in Supportability what you have done instead and why this variation took place. a.If the variation is in relation to a client, create a journal on the client account to record the information. b.If the variation is in relation to the Activity and it is specific to that day only, record the information in the Non-Replicating notes on the Activity record. c.If the variation is in relation to the Activity and it is relevant to all future activities in that set, record the information in the Replicating notes on the Activity record. 3.If you further evidence (at the end of the activity block) then the below anecdotal and/or physical evidence are examples of what this could be.

St r eam

M iHom e

Un it

Daily Living

M odu le

8.0a Cooking

Cor e Sk ills in clu ded

Oral Communication, Listening, Writing, Reading, Learning, Decision Making, Working with Numbers

An ecdot al Eviden ce

M at er ial/ Ph ysical Eviden ce

What did the client do/display/show/share/ discuss/explain/express/choose/decide/talk about etc during the activity to demonstrate they are maintaining/developing their goals? Consider the engagement strategies you applied during the Activity and provide your notes against these in line with their goals.

Any materials/objects that have been brought or obtained during the Activity.

Examples for this Activity could be: -

Examples for this Activity could be: -

·Making choices about who is going to be undertaking each part of the process. ·Using motor skills to increase their mobility ie knife skills, stirring & mixing skills, sweeping with a broom ·Traveling to the shops ? independently or in a small group ·Recognising road symbols ·Buying ingredients ? how they found it in the shop, money handling ·Maintaining personal hygiene ·What sensory opportunities did they have whilst preparing and cooking ·Sitting down and eating the meal, (personal development with table manners); ·Cleaning of the kitchen, equipment and dining room. ·Washing or drying the dishes ·Reading the recipe

·Take a photo of each cooking project they complete ·Take photos of stages of the cooking and the skills they are using to show progress ·Take a photo of client purchasing ingredients

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