MiLife-Victoria 2021: Reimagined Reimagined Offerings |New Initiatives | New Hours Greater Flexibility & Choice| New Costing Structure
Reimagined offerings
Mi Community Centre
100A Aqueduct Road, Langwarrin „
Fun, interest based activities that enhance social interaction, learning & development, and health & wellbeing
Mi Centre for the Arts
100B Aqueduct Road, Langwarrin „
Activities which enhance creativity and self-expression
Mi Business & Life Skills Hub 36 Lyall Street, Cranbourne „
Programs which develop foundation life and independent living skills
Mi Learning & Development Hub Level 1, 108-120 Young St, Frankston „
NDIS programs which develop and strengthen skills to support educational, personal and career development
ACFE funded pre-accredited training courses that develop skills for work and pathways to further education
Mi Home, Individual & Personal Support In home & community „
Providing personal care and support to people in their home and daily lives
Mi Life Online
Accessed online via personal device „
Recreational and educational activities people can attend no matter where they are located
Mi Community, Sport, Rec & Leisure In the community „
Supporting participation and engagement in day to day community life
Mi Support Coordination 66 Victoria Street, Hastings „
Working with people to increase their capacity to maintain relationships, manage service delivery, live independently and be involved in their community
Mi Bus Service „
To provide a service for people to access MiLife-Victoria activities and programs
New initiatives
New initiatives Designs for Hair Salon
We are in final stages of purchasing a hairdressing salon which provides hair care services for the whole family. The salon will provide opportunities for people to gain experience in a variety of tasks associated with the business.
We have entered into a partnership with Langwarrin Community Aged Care Home to run and manage their expertly appointed ‘Coffee Potts Café’, providing another hands on training opportunity for people looking to get into the hospitality industry
New hours
New hours
We are building up to extended opening hours Service
Mi Community Centre
8am – 10pm
Every day
Mi Centre for the Arts
8am – 10pm
Every day
Mi Business & Life Skills Hub
8am – 6pm
Every day
Mi Learning & Development Hub
8am – 6pm
Monday to Friday
Mi Home, Individual & Personal Support
5am – 10pm
Every day
Mi Life Online
9am – 10pm
Monday to Saturday
Mi Community, Sport, Rec & Leisure
8am – 10pm
Every day
9am – 5:30pm
Monday to Friday
Mi Bus Service
To be confirmed
To be confirmed
Salon & Café
To be confirmed
To be confirmed
Mi Support Coordination
Greater flexibility & choice
New timetable and programs Offer greater choice
Mon Individual support
Thu Mon Fri Tue Sat Wed Sun Thu
Community Centre activities Centre for the Arts activities Adult Education course Online activities Community & Rec activities
New costing structure
New costing structure
NDIA mandated new schedule support structure
NDIA change requires new ‘Programs of Support’ structure: Programs no longer than 12 weeks, with a specified outcome Programs not subject to the cancellation rules, exiting a program is 2 weeks’ notice
NDIA changes to Pricing
Allowance for claiming ‘Non Face to Face’ support provision which are part of delivering a specific disability support item to that participant (rather than a general activity such as administration); and
MiLife must explain the activities to the participant, including why they represent the best use of the funds; and
MiLife must have agreement of the participant for the claiming of Non-Face-to-Face supports advance
Fees are to be individualised
The new structure and MiLife -Victoria
MiLife -Victoria has created three levels of programs Routine
Type of activity
Occurs daily or weekly, repetitive and requires one off planning.
Occurs weekly, requires a moderate level of planning and research. Involves moderate level concepts.
Requires substantial planning and research. Involves higher level concepts and skills .
Boot camp Chair aerobics Bowling Disco
Basic cooking Basic art and craft Learn to dance Basic computers
Planning, preparing and serving a meal Budgeting, money and banking Using equipment like a mower, sewing machine or kitchen appliances Putting on a drama production Learning to play an instrument
Limited to 1-1½ hours
3+ hours
3+ hours
Assumes 5hr Research Time Assumes 3hr Research Time and (regardless of the duration of the activity) includes concept development and and includes concept development and research, scheduling, planning research, scheduling, planning resources, etc. resources, etc.
Complex Assumes 8hr Research Time (regardless of the duration of the activity) and includes concept development and research, scheduling, planning resources, etc.
Allows 5mins shared across the group/number of clients to prepare the room/location prior to clients arriving per day
Allows 5mins shared across the Allows 5mins shared across the group/number of clients to prepare the group/number of clients to prepare the room/location prior to clients arriving per room/location prior to clients arriving per day day
Assumes 10mins per activity shared
Assumes 20mins per activity shared
Assumes 5mins per client per day
Assumes 30mins per client, amortised across the activities duration (30mins/Weeks)
Assumes 30mins per client, amortised across the activities duration (30mins/Weeks)
Assumes 30mins per client, amortised across the activities duration (30mins/Weeks)
An example of the new costing structure Day Monday
Type of Activity Standard
Activity Living Skills at the Business and Life Skills Hub with 2 friends (1:3) 3.5hr activity Zumba class at the Community with 4 of his peers. This is a 1hr activity (1:5) Basic Cooking Skills making cupcakes and slices. 3hr activity (1:3) Group Practical experience working at MiLifeVictoria's CafĂŠ with another client also looking for the same experience (1:2 group based on 8am - 5pm) Attends the online "Friday Night Live" Activity from home with 2 other friends (1:3) Drama 9-5pm Arts Centre with 5 friends (1:6) 1:1 Travel training in the Community
Current NDIS Pricing $/Hr* $25.95
New Pricing Comparison Base Price Centre Cost Non F2F $/Hr* $/Hr Time $/Hr $19.19 $2.15 $5.25
Total Price/Hr $26.59
Variance $0.64
$65.95 TOTAL
$6.24 $27.82
*The quoted fees are a base only. This pricing is subject to change depending on the number of actual clients enrolled in the program, the duration of the program and number of weeks it will run for (likely 12 weeks). It does not include out of pocket activity fees, transport costs if required or any additional support needs required on the day.
The next steps
We will call you!
We are here to help every step of the way
You will be invited to come and meet with one of the MiLife Victoria team members in the coming weeks to select the program options that suit your interests, needs and NDIS goals
Selections to be made and confirmed prior to Christmas 2020
Programs to begin January 2021, with activities and places to be built up over time and pending Government restrictions related to Covid-19
Any Questions?
MiLife-Victoria Head Office 66 Victoria Street Hastings, VIC, 3915 Phone: (03) 9775 7333 25