66 Vict oria St reet Hast ings, VIC P. 9775 7333 E. m ilife@m ilife-vict oria.org.au W. m ilife-vict oria.org.au
Purpose MiLife-Victoria Online provides activities to people no matter where they are located.
Unit Areas Language, Literacy and Numeracy
Live Events
Theatre and Music
Target Group Individual and / or group as well as the technology to participate.
Hours of Operation Monday - Saturday
9am - 10pm
DANCE TO THE MUSIC Overview Participants will meet online with their friends for a bit of dancing and singing to their favourite songs.
Venue Online
Days and Times Monday - 5pm - 6pm Wednesday and Thursday - 7pm - 8pm Saturday - 11am - 12pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Routine Activity
Cost Nil
Resources Your own computer or iPad at home 2
VIRTUAL TOURS Overview Participants will explore our wonderful world within the comfort of their own home with our online virtual tours. You will visit all sorts of fantastic places and travel all around the world.
Venue Online
Days and Times Monday - 7pm - 8pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Your own computer or iPad at home 3
NAME THAT TUNE Overview This one is for the music lovers. Participants will be challenged to naming the song, artist and genre of popular and not so popular music.
Venue Online
Days and Times Monday and Thursday - 5pm - 6pm Saturday - 1pm - 2pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Your own computer or iPad at home 4
COMEDY HOUR Overview Do you like jokes? It?s time to tell your favorites and laugh out load with your friends in this fun filled hour of all things comedy.
Venue Online
Days and Times Monday and Thursday - 6pm - 7pm Saturday - 2pm - 3pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Your own computer or iPad at home 5
SOCIAL CHAT GROUP Overview Participants will catch up with friends online, chat about what you've been doing throughout the week. Have some laughs and a bit of fun as we keep in touch and stay connected.
Venue Online
Days and Times Tuesday - 4pm - 5pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Routine Activity
Cost Nil
Resources Your own computer or iPad at home 6
VIRTUAL FUN DAYS Overview Come and join in the fun watching different live shows, concerts and events with friends. There is a different show each week that is advertised in advance.
Venue Online
Days and Times Tuesday - 5:30pm - 7:30pm Saturday - 4pm - 6pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Your own computer or iPad at home 7
WRITING SKILLS Overview If you love to tell stories and be creative, this is the group for you. Together, you will develop the plot, build a storyline, discuss the characters and bring the story to life.
Venue Online
Days and Times Wednesday - 5pm - 6pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Your own computer or iPad at home 8
TALENT SHOW / MUSIC JAM Overview In this session, participants can showcase a special talent, sing a song, play an instrument, tell a joke or perform a magic trick.
Venue Online
Days and Times Thursday - 7pm - 8pm Saturday - 6pm - 7pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Your own computer or iPad at home 9
COFFEE CHATTER Overview A fun and interactive session that focuses on socialising, building communication and confidence, develop friendships and having a laugh with friends. Starting with some ice-breaker activities, participants will get to share the highlights of their week, do some planned activities, all while sipping on their favourite warm drink.
Venue Online
Days and Times Friday - 5pm - 6pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Routine Activity
Cost Nil
Resources Your own computer or iPad at home 10
FRIDAY NIGHT LIVE Overview Each Friday night has a theme where participants can dress up and get in character. There will be fun activities, music and dance relevant to the theme of the night.
Venue Online
Days and Times Friday - 6:30pm - 9pm
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Standard Program of Supports
Cost Nil
Resources Your own computer or iPad at home 11
GENTLE STRETCHING Overview Participants will enjoy some gentle stretching to help energise them for the day ahead. This can be done using a chair at home with people of all abilities able to join in.
Venue Online
Days and Times Saturday - 10am - 11am
Duration 12 weeks
Activity Type Routine Activity
Cost Nil
Resources Your own computer or iPad at home
1. HEAD OFFICE 66 Victoria Street Hastings VIC 3915 Ph: 9775 7333 Fax: 9770 6825 National Relay Service 1300 555 727 2. M i Com m u n it y Cen t r e & M i Ar t s Cen t r e
3. M i Lear n in g & Developm en t Hu b
100A Aqueduct Road
Suite 1, Level 1
108-120 Young Street FRANKSTON VIC 3199
4. M i Bu sin ess & Lif e Sk ills Hu b 36 Lyall Street CRANBOURNE VIC 3977 13
Disability Provider | Reg No. A0025487A NDIS | Reg No. 4050004061
For more information visit www.milife-victoria.org.au or follow us
MiLife-Vict oria Inc Head Of f ice 66 Vict oria St reet Hast ings VIC 3915 ABN 36 405 794 753
Tel : 9775 7333 Fax: 9770 6825 Nat ional Rel ay Service 1300 555 727 E. m il ife@m il ife-vict oria.org.au W. w w w.m il ife-vict oria.org.au