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Dahlgren civilian employee retires after 42 years of service


Surface Combat Systems Training Command


DAHLGREN, Va A Surface Combat Systems Training Command (SCSTC)

AEGIS Training and Readiness Center (ATRC) civilian employee retired after an extraordinary career spanning over 42 yearsofserviceonApril27

SCSTC ATRC staff wished Mr Walter “Dwayne” Norwood, director of Aegis functional integration/future configuration,“FairWindsandFollowingSeas”ashe saidgoodbyetohisAegisfamily.

“Forty-two years of dedicated service to our nation is truly awe-aspiring,” said

SCSTC ATRC’s Commanding Officer, Cmdr Shaun Dennis “Dwayne is a role modelforourblendedworkforce Hewasa firstclasspettyofficerintheNavyandeven though he no longer served aboard a ship he continued to take care of our warfighters.ThankyouDwayneforyourunwavering service and commitment to our Navy andnation.”

Norwood began his career in the U.S. Navy in October 1981. After six years of service, Electronics Warfare Technician 1st Class Norwood transitioned to civilian life.HestartedworkingatATRCinOctober 1987 as a software developer and systems quality assurance contractor In February

1988, he transitioned from contractor to government civilian, establishing the role ofinformationtechnologyspecialtysystem administrator division lead for ATRC’s director of training readiness He quickly became an indispensable member of the Aegistrainingcommunityandmadesignificantprogram-wideimpactsonAegistrainingthroughoutitsevolution Norwood guided the installation, connection, and testing of Aegis and associatedtrainingsystemsattheschoolhouse from the first baseline (BL) to BL 10 As the Aegis Weapon System evolved from out simultaneously improving the quality of life spaces—specifically improving the 1505 mezzanine break area and creating a breakroom/internetcafétopreventeating and drinking in the same industrial work spaces.”

“We have been doing lots of Gembas on USS Toledo (SSN 769) and 1505, focusing on the mechanics and what we can do for them, and helping them get better every day,” added Joe Singer, Code 900F Facilities Manager “Actions speak louder than words, and Gembas will show how we’re listening to our employees today, and every day, said Wolfson. “We recognize our projects, shops,departments,andsatellitelocations mustallsupporteachotherandbeinvested in our mutual success Because as ONE TEAM, we must look through the lens of ourworkforceandmakesurewedon’tgive uptheshiftinmeetingourONEMISSION Together we got this!


NPS, Stanford Doerr School of Sustainability team up for Department of the Navy’s latest Climate Tabletop Exercise

The exercise convened participants from the DOD federal agencies,Congress,thinktanks, non-governmental organizations,and the private sectorto generate solutions in support ofDON’s “ClimateAction 2030,”and broader sustainabilitygoals. PageA3

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