NAS Oceana Aeropalms Water Park reopens for the summer
ByMassCommunicationSpecialist2ndClassMeganWollamNaval Air Station Oceana’s Aeropalms Water Park reopened on Friday afteranearlyfive-yearclosureduetoCovid-19 NASOceana’sPublicWorks and Morale, Welfare and Recreation departments worked to restore the facilityanditsequipment.
“We realize how much it means to Sailors and their families to have this facility for them to enjoy summer,” said Lisa Sibelius, NAS Oceana’s MWR Fitness Director “It’s important for us to know that we are improving the qualityoflifeforourcommunity.”
Aeropalms will be open every weekend until Saturday June 15 Then it willbeopensixdaysaweek,closedTuesdaysforcleaningandmaintenance Alongwithavarietyofwaterslidesforallages,thewaterparkalsooffersa snackbar,cabanarentals,andbirthdaypartypackages.
Dailyentrytothewaterparkis$10foractiveduty,reservistsandretirees, and$12forDoDciviliansandguests
This July also marks the 20-year anniversary of Aeropalms, so be on the lookoutforaspecialeventtocelebratethismilestone
“TheMWRAquaticsTeamisexcitedtobringthewaterparkbacktolife,” Sibeliussaid.“Wearelookingforwardtoagreatsummer!”
Fleet Forces Commander cuts ribbon on Hefti LVC Operation Center
ByChiefPettyOfficerU.S. Fleet Forces Command
VIRGINIABEACH,Va Morethan250friends, family, guests, military and local leaders were in attendance during a ribbon cutting ceremony for the Hefti Global Virtual, Live, Constructive (VLC) OperationsCenter(GLOC),May14 2024.
U.S. Fleet Forces band members entertained attendees by performing several songs to open the ceremony,followedbyaformationflyoverbyF/A-18 HornetsandF/A-18E/FSuperHornetsfromStrike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 106. Adm. Daryl Caudle, commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command, and the HonorableJenKiggans,UnitedStatesRepresentative for Virginia’s 2nd congressional district, delivered remarks at the new facility, located on Naval AirStationOceanaDamNeckAnnex
“I am deeply impressed to be in the presence of so many loved ones,” said Adm. Caudle “Family
VIRGINIABEACH,Va (May14 2024) Familymembers ofthe late U.S.Navy CaptainJohn“Bag”Hefti are joined byAdm.Daryl Caudle,commander U.S.Fleet Forces Command,and The HonorableJen Kiggans,United States Representative forVirginia’s 2nd congressional district,during the ribbon cutting forthe Hefti Global Live,Virtual and Constructive (LVC) Operations Centerat the Dam Neck Annex.Hefti Global LVC Operations Centeris named afterCapt.John“Bag” Hefti,whowas tragicallykilled in an auto accident in 2021.Capt
QUANTICO Va The Naval Criminal Investigative Service is providing proactive and continuous security and counterintelligence to the U.S. Navy, U.S. Marine Corps andU.S.CoastGuardforthe36thFleetWeek NewYorkfromMay22to28
During the week-long event, security remainsatoppriorityforthecivilianfederal law enforcement agency that is uniquely responsible for protecting assets for the Navy and Marine Corps Military assets as part of the celebration include two U.S. Navyships,countlessUSMCstaticdisplays, three U.S. Coast Guard vessels, four U.S. Naval Academy Yard Patrol boats, and two Germanwarships Allshipswillparticipate in a spectacular Parade of Ships tomorrow
NCIS coordinated land and waterside security for asset protection in support of the event. Special Agents and analysts will staff the FWNY Command Center working side-by-side with the Officer in Tactical Command. NCIS provides surveillance detection and counter surveillance, both staticandroving,aseventsunfoldinthecity, in surrounding boroughs, and New Jersey Dailyintelligencebriefingswillalsooccurin theCommandCenter Intheeventofcriminalactivity NCISagentswillprovidecriminalinvestigativeassistanceasneeded.
“It is an honor to support the greatest Navy in the world, coming to the greatest city in the world, working with the greatest police department [NYPD] in the world,” saidSpecialAgentJenniferSurwilo,thelead NCIS liaison on the FWNY planning team.
Hefti LVC Operation Center from Page 1
friends,colleagues,andshipmatesofJohnArthur‘Bag’ Hefti, I believe attendance is well over 250 folks this morning whichspeaksdirectlytothetypeofleaderBag was,andtothereachandimpacthehadonsomany,not onlyintheNavy,butinhiscommunity.
The Hefti operation center specializes in “LVC,” which combines real-world, in-person elements with virtual reality, simulation and other computer-generated technologies to enable service members to train liketheyfightforcombat
“Wemustandcandobetter,LVCenablesthisobjective TheLVCtrainingcapabilityprovidedbytheNavy Continuous Training Environment enables warfighterstomaster explore,develop andrefinetheirtactics at a faster pace than any adversary can counter,” said Caudle Representative Kiggans, a former Navy helicopter pilot,alsodeliveredremarkstothestanding-room-only crowd of attendees “I wake up every day and fight for our men and women in uniform, especially the men and women who serve in this district…this building is justamazing.”
Following remarks Caudle Kiggans and family members of Capt. Hefti cut the ribbon on the Navy’s newest,cutting-edgefacility
TheHeftiGlobalLVCOperationsCenterwasnamed after Capt. John “Bag” Hefti who was tragically killed in an auto accident in 2021. Capt. Hefti led Sailors and operationsintheJointandFleetTrainingDepartment forU.S.FleetForces Caudleofficiallynamedthefacility afterCapt.Heftitohonorhislifeandservice
Editorial Staff ManagingEditor | MCC Amanda Kitchner
757-262-2852 | amanda.s.kitchner.mil@us.navy.mil
MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm
757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil
AssistantEditor | MC2 Jordan Grimes
757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com
Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes, Kaitlyn Hewett, Elizabeth Reisen
757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com Flagship,Inc. MNVMilitary Manager | Ski
“A lot of elements come together to plan this event and we look forward to another successfulyear.”
Theeventhasbeenheldnearlyeveryyear since 1984 and it is anticipated that about 2,300 service members will participate this year
Forup-to-dateinformationonallFWNY events, visit the official FWNY website at https://cnrma.cnic.navy.mil/Operations-and-Management/Fleet-Week-NewYork/.Jointheconversationonsocialmedia byusingthehashtag,#NCISFleetWeek Comprisedofabout2,000personnel,with more than 1,000 serving as federal Special Agents,NCISisuniqueamongU.S.military criminal investigative organizations as it is a civilian-ran agency and is headed by a civilian law enforcement professional who reportsdirectlytotheSecretaryoftheNavy
Today, NCIS operates in approximately 191 locations, in more than 41 countries Giventheorganization’sworldwideforward presence NCISisoftenthefirstfederallaw enforcement agency on the scene when U.S.interestsoverseasareaffected.Inaddition to serving at major naval commands around the world, NCIS Special Agents deploy aboard all Navy aircraft carriers and with amphibious task forces NCIS agents routinelyconductadvancesbeforeU.S.Navy ships visit non-Navy ports, working with domestic and foreign counterparts to identifyandmitigatesecuritythreats NCISalso conducts protective service operations for seniornavalofficialsandvisitingdignitaries For more information about NCIS, visit https://www.ncis.navy.mil/.
Ceremony held for change of command of NMRTC CL, change of directorship of
ByChristopherDelano Naval Medical Center Camp LejeuneCAMP LEJEUNE, NC Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune (NMCCL) hosted a Change of Command and Directorship ceremony on May 21, 2024, at Marston Pavilion aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune Theceremonyisaformaltradition symbolizing the transfer of total responsibility, authority, and accountability from one officer to another UnitedStatesNavyCaptainAnjaDabelić whomostrecentlyservedastheCommandingOfficeratU.S.NavyMedicineReadiness and Training Command Charleston and DirectorofNavalHealthClinicCharleston, relievedCaptainKevinJ.Brownasdirector ofNMCCLandcommanderofNavyMedicine Readiness and Training Command Camp Lejeune (NMRTC CL)
RearAdm.DarinVia,SurgeonGeneralof the Navy and Chief of Bureau of Medicine andSurgery,presidedovertheceremony In addition to welcoming Dabelić to her new role, Via praised Brown for his leadership throughout his tour at NMCCL.
“It’s a semi-sweet occasion as Camp Lejeunebidsfarewelltoanesteemedleader while also extending a warm welcome to a new commanding officer taking the helm. Rear Admiral (select) Kevin Brown’s dedication and leadership at Camp Lejeune overthepasttwoyearshasbeenexemplary He has fostered a culture of excellence in patient care, innovation, and support for our active-duty service members, their families, and retirees.”
Brown was frocked by Adm. Via during the ceremony to Rear Admiral Lower Half and will assume the position of Commander Naval Medical Forces Atlantic in the near future.
Upon assuming command, Dabelić thanked Brown for his insightful leadership As the first female commander and director, Dabelić voiced her desire to build on the foundation formed by inspirational femaleleadershiponCampLejeuneandin the military over the years.
“Their perseverance, resilience and unwavering dedication have made it possible for me to stand before you as the first female Commanding Officer of Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune. I accept the weight of this distinction with gratitude and a firm resolve to make the most
Camp Lejeune
of this opportunity,” said Dabelić “Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune is not just a hospital;weareabeaconofhope,asanctuaryofhealing,andasymboloftheMilitary Health System’s unwavering commitment
to the well-being of those who serve and their loved ones.” NMCCL celebrates more than 80 years of dedicated, passionate care for warfighters and beneficiaries at Marine Corps BaseCampLejeune
Coffee with the Captain and Executive Director
ByTellyMyles Supervisor of Shipbuilding Newport NewsThis month’s “Coffee with the Captain andExecutiveDirector”offeredavaluable opportunity for open dialogue between Capt.HannahKriewaldt,ActingExecutive Director Mike Parker Command Master
Chief Mike Avallone, Hospital Corpsman
First Class Francis Edquid, and a diverse group of attendees Military enlisted, officers, and civilians gathered for a casual conversation that covered a wide range of topics relevant to their daily lives and the overall health of the command, 16 May.
Avallone emphasized his commitment to the well-being of all personnel He reiterated that his door is always open to any Sailor or civilian who wants to discuss concerns, offer suggestions, or simply have someone to talk to This accessibility is crucial for maintaining high morale andensuringthateveryonefeelsheardand valued.
One relatable topic that sparked lively discussion was the daily commute. For thoseunfamiliarwithNewportNews navigatingbridgesandtunnelscansignificantly extendtraveltimes,especiallyduringpeak hours or unexpected delays Attendees sharedtheirpersonalstrategiesformanaging the commute, from using the time to de-stress with audiobooks to utilizing the HamptonRoadsTransit“757Express”bus service for a comfortable and relaxing ride with Wi-Fi access
Kriewaldt also led a thought-provoking
discussion on navigating unclear communication.Sheencouragedattendeestoseek clarificationwhenunsureaboutasituation orinteraction.Thisfocusonopencommunication can foster a more positive and
Aligning with the Mission: Recruiting and Retaining Top Talent
A topic that resonated strongly with the entire audience aligned perfectly with
the Chief of Naval Operations’ priorities, released on January 9th, focusing on “recruiting and retaining talented people fromacrosstherichfabricofAmerica.”The discussion centered on how the command could contribute to this crucial initiative. It was quickly recognized that several individuals at the command were already activelyengagedinoutreachefforts Parker, the Acting Executive Director, who also serves as the Quality Assurance Director, shared his experience visiting an elementary school and speaking with students about job trades and the fascinating world of submarine construction. Parker highlighted the students’ enthusiasm and engagement, solidifying the importance of reaching young minds early on. This example sparked further conversation about potential outreach programs, highlighting the dedication of the command’s personnel to supporting the Navy’broadermissionandinteractingwith the surrounding community of Newport News Virginia.
This“CoffeewiththeCaptainandExecutive Director event serves as a valuable modelforopencommunicationwithinthe command This informal setting allows for a free exchange of ideas, concerns, and solutions among senior leadership and the broader workforce It ultimately contributes to a more informed and engaged community, working together towards a shared mission.
along with quality service While healthy meals are served, typically, inhigh-endexpensiveMichelinstarrestaurants,theyarealsoprovidedaboardsomeof MSC’sfinestvessels Recently four MSC ships received the 2023 Captain David M. Cook Foodservice Excellence Award for their healthy meal options that offers multiple entrée choices, side dishes, and delicious desserts The winners were honored at the National Restaurant Association Education Foundation’s (NRAEF) annual Military Foodservice Awards dinner and ceremony, held at the Hilton Palmer House Hotel in Chicago onMay17 Each year the NRAEF honors both individuals and teams from all branches of the U.S. Armed Forces and MSC’s Food Service CivilServiceMariners(CIVMARS).NRAEF recognizesawardeesfortheircommitment to foodservice excellence in management effectiveness, force readiness support, food quality,customerrelations,resourceconservation,training andsafetyawareness
MSC’s Captain David M. Cook Foodservice Excellence Award recognizes the best ofthebestinfourcategories:Winninginthe MediumAfloatcategorywasfleetreplenishmentoilerUSNSJoshuaHumphreys(T-AO 188) DrycargoandammunitionshipUSNS William McLean (T-AKE 12) won in Large Afloat,rescueandsalvageshipUSNSGrasp (T-ARS 51) won in Small Afloat, and USS Mount Whitney (LCC 20) won in Hybrid Afloat WhileMcLeanisafirst-timewinner, Grasp took the honor four times in 2008, 2009,2022,and2023 Humphreyshaswon, the last three consecutive years in 2021 2022, and 2023 Mount Whitney has won four times in the Hybrid category in 2016 2020,2022,and2023
With more than twelve entries submitted, MSC ships were judged on the techniques used to create healthy options, and how those choices were incorporated into menu cycles, said Food Service Operations Manager Jerry Holley Representing each ship at the awards ceremony were MSC representatives CIVMARS made up of captains chief stewards cooks along with theirspouses,andothermembersofMSC’s food service teams Capt. Patrick T. Christian, master of USNS Joshus Humphreys, accepted the award on behalf of his vessel, statingthathewasnotsurprisedbyhisship’s third win in a row. “It is a testament to the Joshua Humphreys culinary teams’ skill,
professionalism,anddedicationtotheship’s crewandMSC,asawhole.”
TheCaptainDavidM.CookFoodService Award honors MSC’s former director of logistics Capt. David M. Cook. While servingasMSC’sdirectorofLogisticsfrom1995 until 1998, he was instrumental in enhancingeveryaspectoffoodserviceoperationsat MSC, from training for food service staff to nutritioneducationforshipcrews Winning the Captain David M. Cook Foodservice Award is a prestigious honor thatexemplifiesexcellenceyear-roundwith a steadfast dedication and commitment to outstanding customer service said MSC FoodServiceDirectorRobertaJio.“Winning theawardfeelslikewinningtheSuperBowl. Thisrequiresexcellencefromallofthefood service team members in the execution of mealpreparationandserviceonadailybasis inordertogettothebiggameandwinitall.”
There is another component to serving healthy meal options aboard MSC ships, Holley said. “Because CIVMARS are the most essential ingredient to MSC operations serving healthy meal options helps to maintain their well-being, which helps to manage their stressors, mental alertness, and cognitive performance all of which are essential components to mission readiness, especially when CIVMARS are at sea supportingtheNavy’swarfightingships.”
The MSC 35-Day Cycle Menu, with
healthy options, deployed to all 58 MSC Government Owned-Government Operated ships in 2014, Jio said. The cycle menu includes a variety of healthy, reduced fat foods that help CIVMARS lower their cholesterollevels promoteweightloss and improveoverallcardiovascularhealth. The cycle menu is reviewed and revised on an annualbasis
Additionally, MSC has its very own culinarycareerprogram,Jiosaid.“Theprogram provides culinary training to civil service marinersfromIntroductiontoFoodService, Basic Culinary Advanced Culinary Baking Techniques along with a Food Service Management course MSC CIVMARS are required to successfully pass targeted courses, depending on their current position, to move up to greater responsibilities. Because MSC only operates ships, we can standardize our training to target afloat juniorandseniorpositions Wealsoprovide firsthand shipboard food production trainingtoindividualshipsbycertifiedexecutive chefs.”
This year marks MSC’s 75th anniversary Itsworkforceincludesapproximately6,000 CIVMARS and 1,100 contract mariners, supported by 1,500 shore staff and 1,400 active duty and reserve military personnel.Ifyouareinterestedinaculinarycareer withMilitarySealiftCommand,visithttps:// sealiftcommand.com/.
Thermoplastic bearing upgrades to J-bar davit
ByOscarPope Regional Maintenance CenterMid-Atlantic
Day-to-day operations aboard Navy vessels is sure to bring wear and tear to many shipboard components, and the J-bar davit is no exception. Typically positioned on the starboard side amidships, the J-bar davit is a device, used to launchandrecoversmallboatsandother equipment.
During a single deployment, the J-bar davit can be used more than 50 times, causing significant wear and tear on its bearings Aspartsofthedavitdegrade,the integrityofthedavitisalsocompromised, safetyissuesensue,leavingtheNavywith expensive repairs
“Normally,wewouldreplacetheexisting bearings very often due to swelling caused by water intrusion,” explained Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center (MARMC) Zone Manager, Jeffrey Wunsch. “This swelling, caused by the bearing material absorbing water, preventedtheJ-barfromfittingproperly into its coupling.”
To combat this issue, Wunsch and his team spent several months working with Canyon Marine Solutions and Building LF-18’s Engineering Department, to get necessaryprocessandmaterialmeasurements
Thermoplastic Blue to manufacture the bearings,” said Wunsch. “This thermoplastic is much more resilient to the weather conditions.”
Thermoplastics are polymers that can be softened through heating before being processed and then left to cool and harden. Once cooled, they show no changesinchemicalproperties,meaning theycanbere-meltedandre-usedseveral times
“We believe this is going to be a great cost savings to the Navy and allow ships tobettermaintaintheirJ-barsalleviating frequent replacement,” added Wunsch.
The new thermoplastic bearings are expected to last years, vice months compared to the old phenolic bearings Duetothethermoplastic’sextremelylong lifespan,costsavingswilloccurovertime as the price for the new material is the same as the old phenolic material.
The Navy’s first successful installation ofthethermoplasticbearingsoccurredin April2024aboardUSSOakHill(LSD-51), a Harpers Ferry-class dock landing ship MARMC, a field activity under Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA), provides surface ship maintenance, management and oversight of private sector maintenance and fleet technical assistance to ships in the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States
NAVFAC Atlantic champions Chesapeake Bay preservation at Lafayette River Annex cleanup
ByMichaelMorris Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command AtlanticNaval Facilities Engineering Systems CommandAtlanticonceagaindemonstrated itscommitmenttoenvironmentalstewardshipbyparticipatingintheannualCleanthe Bay Day event. Held at the Lafayette River Annex (LRA), this year’s effort successfully removed a significant amount of litter and debris contributing to the ongoing protectionandpreservationoftheChesapeakeBay watershed.
Since its inception in 1989, Clean the Bay Day has become a cherished tradition in Virginia, drawing thousands of volunteers to rivers, streams, beaches, and parks
throughouttheChesapeakeBaywatershed. Thiseventprovidesanopportunityforindividuals,families,militaryinstallations,businesses, clubs, and civic and church groups to give back to their local waterways. Over the years, more than 165,500 volunteers have participated, removing over 7 million poundsofdebrisfrommorethan8,250miles ofshoreline
Timothy Wenk, branch manager for the Air and Water Compliance Branch (EV11) at NAVFAC Atlantic and co-coordinator of NAVFAC Atlantic’s event, expressed his satisfaction with this year’s results “Thank you all for your support with NAVFAC Atlantic’s efforts with Clean the Bay Day this year I really appreciate you taking the time to help clean up the Lafayette River
Annex and remove a substantial amount of treatedwood,plastic,andotherdebrisfrom our shoreline fence line and the overall compound,”Wenksaid.“Weareveryfortunate to get to live and work in an area with a resource like the Chesapeake Bay, so it is important for us to do small things like this tohelpprotectthebay.Thesupportfromthe command and the volunteers for this event wasfantasticandgreatlyappreciated.”
Thisyear’scleanupatLRAwasatremendous success with volunteers collecting an impressive850poundsofmaterial.Despite the relatively small area covered, the haul included a variety of items such as treated wood, plastic, and other debris Volunteers demonstrated their dedication by braving muggy weather and overgrowth to ensure
In addition to litter removal, NAVFAC Atlantic volunteers have also engaged in otherrestorationeffortsovertheyears,such as planting oyster beds along the shoreline of the Lafayette River Annex. These oyster beds play a crucial role in improving water quality in the Lafayette River, which is part oftheChesapeakeBay. Clean the Bay Day continues to be a vital event for the Chesapeake Bay community, highlightingtheimportanceofenvironmentalprotectionandcommunityinvolvement. NAVFACAtlantic’sdedicationtothiscause underscores the value of collective efforts in preserving natural resources for future generations
NAVFAC Washington Public Works: Driving innovation and
efficiency in support of the Navy mission
ByNatashaWaldronAnthonyNaval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Washington
AsthecountrycelebratesNationalPublic Works Week, William Schoen the public worksdirectoratNavalFacilitiesEngineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Washington, highlighted the critical role public worksdepartmentsplayinmaintainingand improvingfacilities,ultimatelycontributing to the overall success of the Navy mission HeemphasizedthesignificanceofthePublic Works community in providing essential infrastructure management and sustainment.
“ThemanymenandwomeninthePublic Works community provide critical infrastructuremanagementandsustainmentand providethewarfighterstheenvironmentto besuccessfulintheirefforts,”Schoenstated, underlining the direct impact of public works on the operational readiness of the Navy
Thepublicworksleaderalsohighlighted the importance of innovation and technology in the field of public works. NAVFAC Washington has been at the forefront of adoptinginnovativeapproachestoimprove services, increase efficiency, and reduce environmentalimpact.
“We are coordinating with Naval District Washingtontoconnectevenmorebuildings to our Facility Energy and Operations Cell. Weareupgradingourcapabilitiestoallowa morerobustcentralizedoperationscenter,” explainedSchoen.
Henotedthattheinitiativeenablesproactive monitoring of building control systems andtimelyinterventionswhenthecondition tooperatedeviatefromoptimallevels
“By leveraging technology NAVFAC Washingtonenhancesoperationalefficiency and reduces maintenance efforts resulting insignificantcostsavings, Schoenstated.
During National Public Works Week, Schoen thanked his public works teams for theirtirelessefforts
“As I’ve said in the past, I am very appreciative of the tremendous work accomplishedbythePublicWorkscommunityhere atNAVFACWashington Whetherit’sensuringlightscomeonandthewaterflowsevery day,providingtransportationequipmentto thePWDsandtheirSupportedCommands,
working with Supported Command buildingmanagerstoensurepropersustainment offacilities,orperforminginstallationplanning, Public Works employees are involved ineverythingwedo.”
As NAVFAC Washington continues to drive innovation and efficiency in public works, the contributions of its dedicated
professionals remain the backbone of the organization’s success. The unwavering commitmenttomaintainingandimproving facilities, implementing cutting-edge technologiesandprovidingexceptionalsupport totheNavymissiondeservesongoingrecognitionandappreciationfromthecommunity they serve. From engineers to technicians,
these professionals are responsible for the transportation,utilitiesandfacilitiesthatare vitaltotheNavy’smissionandwell-being NationalPublicWorksWeek,May19-25, isobservedunderthetheme“AdvanceQualityofLifeforAll.”
NAVFAC Washington strengthens connections during PWD Day at NSA Bethesda
ByNatashaWaldronAnthony Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command WashingtonNAVFAC Washington leadership recently visited Naval Support Activity (NSA)BethesdaforaPublicWorksDepartment(PWD)Daytofocusonstrengthening theconnectionbetweentheFacilitiesEngineeringCommand(FEC)andPWDteams
NAVFAC Washington Operations Officer Capt. Atiim Senthill, emphasized the importance of directly engaging with the PWDtoenhancetheconnectionandidentify and collectively resolve challenges. He stressed the importance of these events to enable the FEC to support the success of PWDs effectively “IlovePWDdaysbecauseitgetsusoutof the office and helps us to focus specifically on the PWD,” said Senthill “As a FEC, our job is the success of the PWDs, enabling them to be successful. So, this is the best thing we can do to support our PWD.”
Caroline Koch, deputy public works officer at NSA Bethesda, praised the event for allowing staff to directly communicate their concerns and ideas to leaders Staff membersraisedquestionsaboutstreamlining documentation processes and improving communication on project statuses between the core and PWD. Koch said, “Everybody wants to meet the mission and do their job I think it is one thing to talk amongst yourselves But another thing when you have the commanding officer and operations officerheresaying,‘Iknowwhatyou’resaying; that’s a really good idea.’ ” ThePWDDayalsoprovidedanopportunitytodiscusstheDepartmentofDefense’s
electrification directive and plan future training sessions to reinforce compliance innewconstruction,renovationandmaintenance projects Discussions also covered topics such as improvingutilitysystemmetering tracking requirements between the FEC and PWD and addressing recruitment.
The leadership turnover brief for the Comprehensive Military Construction (MILCON) Program (CMP) Director at PWD Bethesda was another key aspect of the day. The CMP was established to overseethevariousMILCONsthatareandhave occurred at Walter Reed National Military MedicalCenter,includingthe$619million renovationofthehospital.Lt Cmdr Aaron Kulp assumed the office as CMP director from Lt Cmdr John Kaiser who has a new assignment with U.S. Indo-Pacific Command. Commanding Officer, Capt. Omarr Tobias led the NAVFAC Washington team thatincludedAssistantOperationsOfficer, Cmdr DanBrown,BusinessDirector Brian Ciaravino Asset Management Director Rick Owens, Command Information OfficerJimPalumbo,DesignandConstruction Director Tom Cox, Public Works Director BillSchoenandSafetyDirectorPaulHahn.
The PWD Day at NSA Bethesda showcased NAVFAC Washington’s commitment to collaboration, problem-solving, and mission readiness
Lt Cmdr Aaron Kulp assumes the office as CMPdirectorfrom Lt Cmdr John Kaiserwho has a newassignmentwith U.S.Indo-Pacific Command.(PHOTOBYNATASHAWALDRON ANTHONY,NAVALFACILITIESENGINEERING SYSTEMSCOMMANDWASHINGTON)
Navy Exchange Service Command awards outstanding Navy lodging associates, facilities
ByKristineSturkie Navy Exchange Service CommandThe Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM) Hospitality Group announced its2023awardsonMay1.RetiredRearAdm.
Robert J. Bianchi, Chief Executive Officer of NEXCOM and Ron Loman, Senior Vice President of the NEXCOM Hospitality Group presented the awards during its worldwide symposium held in Virginia Beach, Virginia. The symposium marked the first time Regional Vice Presidents and GeneralManagersofNavyLodgesandNavy GatewayInns&Suitescametogetherasthe twolinesofeffortunderneaththeNEXCOM HospitalityGroup
“Unitingtherichlegaciesoftwoesteemed hotel programs, our inaugural NEXCOM Hospitality Group Leadership Training Symposium epitomized the power of heritage and innovation,” said Loman. “Over three inspiring days we fostered growth and camaraderie and celebrated the excellence of many, including the winners of our prestigious Carlson and Zumwalt awards Together,wechartedacoursetowardunparalleledhospitalityexcellence.”
TheEdwardE.CarlsonAwardisawarded to the Navy Lodge that has the highest scores in guest and associate satisfaction operations quality assurance assessment and financial performance. The 2023 Navy Lodge of the Year grand winner is Navy Lodge San Diego Navy Lodge Gulfport, Mississippi,isthelargepropertywinnerand NavyLodgeEverett,Washington,woninthe mediumpropertycategory
Three outstanding NGIS locations were awarded the Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt AwardforExcellenceinHousingandLodging Management to recognize installations thatprovideexceptionalfacilities,amenities andservicetotheirguestsandforconsistent superiormanagementinallfunctionalareas in lodging operation. The winners of the 2023 Admiral Elmo R. Zumwalt Award for ExcellenceareNavyGatewayInns&Suites, Naval Support Activity Souda Bay, Greece; Navy Gateway Inns & Suites Naval Station
GreatLakes,Illinois;andNavyGatewayInns &Suites NavalAirFacilityMisawa Japan. Sharon Hickey General Manager Navy GatewayInns&SuitesPointLoma,California, was selected as the Navy Gateway Inns & Suites General Manager of the Year for heroutstandingleadershipandoperational achievements Hickey expertly manages two geographically separate operations comprised of six buildings, 329 rooms and over 60 associates all while surpassing her fiscalyear2023financialgoals
Equally impressive, Maria Gonzalez, General Manager of Navy Lodge North Island, California, was named Navy Lodge General Manager of the Year Throughout 2023, she demonstrated exceptional leadership, navigating her team through facilityupgradesandnewconstructionprojects. She also exceeded revenue expectations by managingpersonnelexpenseswhilesimultaneouslyboostingservicequalityresulting inaguestcommentscoreof93.8%.
The final award of the night, a Group Achievement Award, was given to over 100 NEXCOM Hospitality Group associates in recognition of their commitment to excellenceintheexecutionoftheconsolidationof theNavyLodgeProgramandNavyGateway Inns&Suites
Michael Rabideau,General Manager Navy Lodge San Diego accepts the 2023 Navy Lodge oftheYearGrandWinneraward from retired RearAdm.RobertJ.Bianchi,Chief Executive Officerofthe NavyExchange Service Command and Ron Loman,Senior Vice President ofthe NEXCOM Hospitality Group The awardwas presented during the NEXCOM HospitalityGroup’sworldwide symposium held on May1,2024,inVirginia Beach,Virginia.NEXCOM enableswarfighter readiness and strengthens the Navy’s qualityoflife mission.Providing essential products services hospitalityand outfitting Navycommunities around the globe, NEXCOM is continuouslyevolving to meet the demands oftoday’s militaryoperational environment (U.S.NAVYPHOTO)
Office of the Secretary of the Navy
Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro today reiterated his commitment to restoring the Nation’s vital strategic shipping and shipbuildingindustry
Secretary Del Toro made the remarks at the U.S. Department of Transportation, Maritime Administration (MARAD) National Maritime Day ceremony, May 22, inWashington,D.C.
“History reveals that no nation has enduredasagreatnavalpowerwithoutalso being a commercial maritime power both in shipbuilding and shipping,” said Secretary Del Toro “And for the first time in 125 years,wehaveafull-spectrum,globalmaritime competitor That is why, as Secretary of the Navy, I have advocated so forcefully to revive commercial shipbuilding and the U.S.MerchantMarine.”
To achieve this goal, Secretary Del Toro has engaged across the Cabinet to advance awhole-of-governmentefforttorebuildthe Nation’scomprehensivemaritimepower.
For example, last May, Secretary Del TorometwithSecretaryofTransportation Pete Buttigieg and Administrator for the Department of Transportation Maritime Administration (MARAD) retired Rear Adm. Ann C. Phillips to begin laying key groundwork for interagency collaboration that is at the center of our new national Maritime Statecraft.
“Ourcollectiveeffortshavecatapultedthe importanceofrestoringAmerica’scomprehensive maritime power to the top of the national agenda. We are now participating in multiple White House-led interagency processes on naval and commercial shipbuilding,”saidSecretaryDelToro
In addition, last year, Secretary Del Toro broughttogethertheMaritimeAdministration,theU.S.CoastGuard,NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and the Army to form a Government Shipbuilder’s Council to tackle common challenges
“We are also working closely at the state level, including with the Governors of Wisconsin and Michigan, on improving
shipyard communities and mobilizing the ‘NorthCoast’s’world-classindustrialworkforce,”saidSecretaryDelToro
Other efforts include:
Engaging with organized labor Last month, Senior Advisor Steve Brock was present at the signing ceremony of an innovative union contract between Bartlett Maritime and the President of the Boilermakers Union. This new program will train union welders in the constructiontradesinshipbuildingworkanddeploy them as a rotational force to shipyards around the country
Working to restore competition in the U.S. shipbuilding marketplace Earlier this year, Secretary Del Toro traveled to Asia to meetwiththetopexecutivesoftheworld’s most advanced and productive commercial shipbuilders He brought to the table a simple yet profound opportunity: “Invest in America”—modernize and invigorate the U.S. shipbuilding ecosystem with your cutting-edge technology and processes
Expanding opportunities Recently, the Department of Energy (DOE) expanded eligibility for its significant infrastructure and IRA loan program to include new and modernizedcommercialshipyards,aswell as construction of commercial ships at scale These incentives should open a path for U.S. built ships to once again be part of our commercial sealift programs.
“On this National Maritime Day, I want mariners and those who love and support them to know a renaissance in American maritime power has begun, and we in the DepartmentoftheNavy arewithyou, said Secretary Del Toro CongressestablishedNationalMaritime Day in 1933 to honor the maritime industry’ssignificantcontributionstotheUnited States CongressestablishedNationalMaritime Day to honor the American steamship Savannah’s historic voyage from the UnitedStatestoEngland,markingthefirst successful transatlantic crossing using steam propulsion, 91 years ago
Office of the Secretary of the Navy
Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro announced the names of the Navy’s newest ArleighBurke-classGuidedMissileDestroyers thefutureUSSRichardJ.Danzig(DDG 143) and the future USS Michael G. Mullen (DDG 144) during a U.S. Naval Academy CommencementWeekceremony,May22. DDG 143 honors the Honorable Richard J.Danzig,the71stSecretaryoftheNavy,and DDG144honorsretiredAdmiralMichaelJ. Mullen, the former Chairman of the Joint ChiefsofStaffandChiefofNavalOperations Thesearethefirstshipstobeartheirnames “Secretary Danzig and Admiral Mullen were visionary leaders in the mold of the greatest naval leaders that came before Together they have nearly 100 years of service,” said Secretary Del Toro “Both Secretary Danzig and Admiral Mullen worked tirelessly to ensure our Sailors and Marines had the resources, technologies, and capabilities to set them up for success I am proud to honor them with these new DDGs.” Born in New York City in 1944, Secretary Danzig received a B.A. degree from Reed College,aJ.D.degreefromYaleLawSchool, and Bachelor of Philosophy and Doctor of
Secretary Danzig served in the Office of the Secretary of Defense from 1977 to 1981, firstasaDeputyAssistantSecretary,thenas the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of DefenseforManpower ReserveAffairsand Logistics In these roles he contributed to the Department’s mobilization and deployment of manpower and material. Secretary Danzig later served as Under Secretary of the Navy from November 1993 to May 1997, before being sworn in as Secretary of the NavyonNov.16,1998
Secretary Danzig’s tenure emphasized four themes: ridding the Services of “a conscriptmentality bytreatingSailorsand Marines as skilled workers and supporting them with new capital investments and personnelsystems;achievingbettersynergy between the Navy and Marine Corps; strengthening the ability of the sea services to influence events ashore; and embracing new technologies to better achieve those goals Since the end of his tenure he has served in multiple technology and national security-orientedthinktanks councils and panels
“This is such a wonderful honor It’s certainly a wonderful and touching thing,” saidSecretaryDanzig “Whatismostimportant to me is that this provides a connection
among all of the Sailors who will be on this ship.”
Commissioned in 1968, Mullen first deployed aboard the USS Collett (DD 730) for operations off the coast of Vietnam as part of U.S. Seventh Fleet His command tours include the USS Noxubee (AOG 56), USS Goldsboro (DDG 20), USS Yorktown (CVN 10), Cruiser-Destroyer Group TWO with concurrent duties as commander of the USS George Washington (CVN 73) Aircraft Carrier Battle Group, U.S. Second Fleet with concurrent command of NATO StrikingFleetAtlantic,andU.S.NavalForces, EuropewithconcurrentcommandofAllied Joint Force Command located in Naples Italy Staff and shore tours include service at the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Bureau of Naval Personnel, and multiple tours in the Office of the Chief of Naval Operations.
As Chief of Naval Operations, Mullen led the united maritime strategy, oversaw support for the Global War on Terror and expandedrelationswithpartnersandallies
As Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff hefocusedonJoint/combinedcombatoperations in Afghanistan and Libya as well as a major humanitarian operation in Japan; implementedtherepealofDon’tAsk/Don’t Tell;andstoodupU.S.AfricaCommandand
“This is an honor of a lifetime and one I certainly never expected. It says so much abouttheNavythatIlove,anditrepresents mostofmylifeatsea,”saidMullen “So,along withmywife Deborah,andmyfamily thisis justsomethingthatissovery veryspecial. Arleigh Burke-class destroyers, built around the Aegis Combat System, are the backbone of the U.S. Navy’s surface fleet providing protection to America around theglobe
“DDG 143 and DDG 144, once built and commissioned, will be the most technologically advanced warships ever built, just as Jack H. Lucas, Carney Arleigh Burke, and each of their predecessors in the long and storied life of the class, said Secretary Del Toro They incorporate stealth techniques, allowing these highly capable, multi-missionshipstoconductavarietyofoperations, from peacetime presence to national security providing a wide range of warfighting capabilities in multi-threat air surface and subsurface domains These elements of sea power enable the Navy to defend American prosperity and prevent future conflict abroad.
Navy advances development of Air Force’s
ByBrittanyDickersonNaval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division
Engineers from the Naval Air Warfare CenterAircraftDivision(NAWCAD)successfullyinstalledcoresoftwareintheAirForce’s future Joint Simulation Environment (JSE) facility at Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada bringing the service closer to operating its ownnext-generationtrainingandtestfacility
Nellis is the Air Force’s premier training andtestcenterforadvancedcombataviation.
“TheJointSimulationEnvironmentisthe only training range where tactical aviators can fight like they would in real air combat,” said NAWCAD Executive Director, Steve Cricchi.“NAWCAD’sJSEiscapabilityadvantagehelpingAmericanwarfighterskeeppace with the changing character of warfare—its importancecannotbeoverstated.”
TheJSE’scoresoftwareincludesthedigital elements that make up the facility including simulated variables like weather, the electromagnetic spectrum, surface and subsurface platforms, enemy aircraft and weapons systems Thesoftwarealsoincludesweapons systems like the Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-AirMissile,AIM-9Sidewinder,Small
DiameterBomb andmore.
“NAWCAD’sJSEiscriticaltoadvancingair superiorityandimprovingserviceinteroperability, said NAWCAD JSE Director Blaine Summers “Standing up robust, multi-platform training and test capabilities at Nellis underscoresourNavy’scommitmenttopartneringwiththeAirForce.”
The JSE is the DOD’s next-generation digital test and training range made up of cockpits domed simulators with 4K projectors and aircraft software. NAWCAD’s JSE enables tactical pilots to fly wartime scenarios in a near-exact virtual environment, and aircraft developers to push air systems to extremelimitsbeyondthesafetyconstraints ofopen-airranges
NAWCAD is leading the DOD’s effort to scale the capability across the services The warfarecenterinstalledenemyairsystemsat Nellis in 2023 and will enable F-35 and F-22 operationsthisyear
NavyandAirForcefighterpilotswillbegin training together in NAWCAD’s JSE this summer,andtheJSEisnowpartoftheDOD’s formal curriculum for its tactical weapons schools. This includes the Navy’s TOPGUN andAirForce’s6thWeaponsSquadron,who
currently train in the JSE at the warfare center’sPatuxentRiverheadquarters
NAWCAD’s JSE also trains domestic and allied fighter squadrons stationed across the worldaspilotsflymoresortiesintheJSEover a week than they can on open-air ranges in a year The command surpassed more than 1,000F-35pilotstrainedintheJSEinMarch 2024
NAWCADwillincorporateadditionaltest and training cockpits including the F/A-18 Hornet EA-18 Growler, and E-2 platforms in its Patuxent River facility, and deploy its second training system onboard a Navy carrier,USSAbrahamLincoln(CVN72),this year
The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division employs more than 17,000 military,civilianandcontractpersonnel.Itoperates test ranges laboratories and aircraft in supportoftest evaluation,research,developmentandsustainmentofeverythingflownby the Navy and Marine Corps Based in Patuxent River, Maryland, the command also has major sites in St Inigoes, Maryland, Lakehurst,NewJersey,andOrlando,Florida.
ByShelbyThompsonBurlingame, SSP New Employee Onboarding Workshop program manager, and Lt Cmdr Kaitlyn Bower, SSP deputy branch head for Reentry Systems, reflected on their unique career pathways; called for senior leaders within the nuclear enterprise to increase mentoring of new professionals; andadvocatedfortheU.S.strategicdeterrent acrossDODandindustry
seniorleaders,bothinternaltoSSPandwith industry partners,” said Bower about her job at SSP, the Navy command that provides cradle-to-grave lifecycle support for the sea-basedlegofthenation’snucleartriad.
“[Mentoring]hasbeenpivotaltomycareer helping me move forward and learn from otherswhohavecomebeforeme.”
SSPiscommittedtoprovidingworld-class training, education, and mentorship to the workforce, a priority that is underlined by SSPleadership
“What we do is as vital as it is difficult,” said the Director of SSP, Vice Adm. Johnny R.WolfeJr
“In order to successfully execute our missioninsupportoftheNavyandthenation, we must recruit and retain talented people fromallcornersofournation.”
Burlingame added leaders should prioritize meeting new team members and recog-
nize the importance of giving them a direct line of sight to the mission early on in their careers
“I work in a position that trains new employees and we really need our leaders totakethetimetomeetnewstaffmembers,” saidBurlingame addingitiscrucialforleaders to emphasize to employees the criticality of the strategic deterrence mission they support.
Six DOD young professionals joined BurlingameandBoweronthepanel,eachprovidinginsightintotheirexperiencesworkingthe missions of each leg of the nation’s nuclear triad. Throughout the panel, a common theme emerged highlighting the need for leadership to encourage more junior members of the enterprise to become leadersthemselves,takeownershipofsuccesses,
Media Advisory: International student UAS competition takes off in Southern Maryland on June 25
ByBrittanyDickerson Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft DivisionHundreds of university and high school students from more than 70 schools across the globe will descend on Southern Maryland to compete their self-built unmanned systems at the 22nd annual RoboNation Student Unmanned Aerial Systems (SUAS) CompetitiononJune25-26attheSt Mary’s CountyRegionalAirport.
The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division(NAWCAD)—theNavy’scenterfor aircraft development—has hosted, staffed, and judged the competition since its inceptionin2002.
RoboNation’s SUAS Competition gives students an opportunity to showcase their engineering skills while fostering cooperation with the international STEM communityandinspiringfutureaerospacetalent.
This year’s unmanned obstacle course challenges the students to build an unmanned system that focuses on logistics transportation, requiring systems to travel
to a recipient, identify drop locations and safely deliver a package autonomously—all while avoiding other UAVs Student teams who are the top achievers in technical design,flightreadiness,andmissiondemonstrationwilltakehomeupto$20,000incash prizes
Navypilotsandengineers—manywhoare former competitors themselves—will be on site to help student teams get their systems airborne and safely navigated through the course,andNavyleaderswillserveassafety officialsandcompetitionjudges
NAWCAD recruiters will also be on site to share employment opportunities with undergraduate participants With a workforceofmorethan17,000people,NAWCAD is Southern Maryland’s largest employer, andtheD.C.region’slargestsourceofSTEM jobs
Teams this year will join from California Polytechnic State University, Cornell University, Purdue University, Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State University, University of California at Berkley,
University of Illinois, University of Maryland Baltimore County, Virginia Tech, and more Additionally,thecompetitionfeatures participation from international schools across Egypt, Turkey, Pakistan, India, Italy, UnitedKingdom,Norway,andbeyond.Meet theteamsatsuas-competition.org/teams
The event is open to the public. Guests cansecureafreeticketonlineatshop.robonation.org/products/suas-2024-guests-tickets NAWCADemploysmorethan17,000military,civilianandcontractpersonnel.Itoperates test ranges, laboratories and aircraft in support of test, evaluation, research, development and sustainment of everything flownbytheNavyandMarineCorps Based in Patuxent River, Maryland, the command alsohasmajorsitesinSt Inigoes Maryland, Lakehurst, New Jersey and Orlando Florida. RoboNation, a nonprofit organization, is on a mission to provide hands-on robotics education, empowering students to tackle global challenges With a portfolio of nine
Board of Advisor’s reaffirm commitment to workforce success, focus on mission expansion
Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute
The Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI) hosted its first in-person Board of Advisor (BOA) meeting since before the COVID-19 pandemic, on May2,2024 DeputyDirectoroftheDefense Human Resources Activity (DHRA) Mr. MichaelSorrento,DirectoroftheOfficefor Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) Dr Lisa Arfaa, and DEOMI Commandant U.S. Air Force Col. Michelle Nash, led the BOA astri-chairmembers
TheBOA,asoutlinedinDoDI1350.02,isa forum for senior leaders to exchange information and collaborate on the adequacy of DEOMIstaffing,resources,plans,andstrategies influencing support of DoD requirements for diversity management, civilian Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) and Military Equal Opportunity (MEO) programs In addition, the BOA provides senior leaders the opportunity to discuss recommendations for efficiencies allocation of resources and coordinates military department,service-specific,andtotalforce requirements for education, training and research.
First-time DEOMI BOA chair member, Sorrento opened the meeting by acknowledging the hard work that has been done thus far by the various Department and Service experts in attendance and briefly addressingDHRA’srecentrestructure.
“All of you have been working in this spaceforalongtime,andyouareallexperts in here, but this is a fast-moving train, and thingsareshifting,”saidSorrento,referring to the recent dissolution of the Diversity ManagementOperationsCenter
Sorrento called the BOA both “timely” becauseitbroughtkeystakeholderstogether intooneroomtodiscusscurrentandfuture plans and “committed” because each attendeehasaroletoplayinachievingworkforcesuccess
“DEOMI provides excellent support to theServicesintraining,education,research, and consultation and we have an opportunity to expand this across similar mission spaces,” said Sorrento “We do believe,
strongly, that there is a huge value propositionhere,”headded
“What we are after is the commitment,”
Sorrento said to the BOA attendees “So that we can improve the workforce pipeline So that DEOMI can plan effectively and execute their mission… So you all can benefit from the services they provide as a centerofexcellence.”
Also a first-time DEOMI BOA chair member,ArfaasharedSorrento’ssentiment towardsworkforcesuccess
“Weastheleadersareheretoensurethat ourpeoplearesuccessful,sothatourservice membersaresuccessful,”saidArfaa.
Arfaa added that the partnership ODEI has with the DHRA and DEOMI was wonderful because “there is nothing more importantthanensuringthatthosewhoare willing to stand up for the dignity, respect, opportunities, and well-being for all, are properlytrainedandeducated.”
She then asked attendees to consider what they could do to help DEOMI meet the needs of an increasingly challenging environment.
Like Sorrento and Arfaa, this was Nash’s first time as a DEOMI BOA chair member Nash spoke about DEOMI’s transformationtoaCenterofExcellence(CoE)andthe Institute’sexpandingmission.
“Rightnow,DEOMIisinatransition.Our missionsetisexpanding Iamreallyexcited tohaveyouallintheroomtohelpmakesure that we are heading in the right direction,” saidNash.“Iamgratefulforyourcontinued supportforDEOMI,asweworktogetherto getafterreallyhardproblems,”sheadded.
Nash gave a brief overview of DEOMI’s history, which dates back 1971, when the institute was called the Defense Race Relations Institute Since then, DEOMI has continuously helped to shape the attitudes, behaviors, and policies that foster environments of dignity respect, and equal treatmentinthemilitaryandbeyond.
Nash continued with an overview of DEOMI’sreputationasaninstituteofhigher learning Initially accredited in 1983 by the Council on Occupational Education, the American Council on Education recommends that each DEOMI course be worth collegecredit.DEOMIisscheduledtohave
Carr drew on his experience from the past andhighlightedhowsharedunderstanding between nations with nuclear capabilities is a vital piece of the strategic deterrence missionnowandintothefuture.
thisaccreditationrenewedlaterthismonth. She then talked about how DEOMI’s missionsetasaCoEisexpandingtoinclude fourdistinctprogramdomains—Leadership Cross-Cultural Competencies, MEO, EEO, andPrevention.
DeputytotheDEOMICommandantand Executive Director of the CoE Dr Daniel McDonald, elaborated on the genesis of DEOMI as a CoE using excerpts from various documents published by the DoD and OfficeoftheUnderSecretaryofDefensefor Personnel and Readiness, dated as far back as2018
“TheintentbehindtransformingDEOMI into a CoE is to establish a dedicated hub for research, development, training education, and consultation to prepare leaders at all levels of professional development on matterspertainingtodignity,respect,opportunity, teamwork, leadership, well-being, andcross-culturalawareness,”saidMcDonald.
“In the past year alone, DEOMI made great strides towards meeting the CoE intent,”saidMcDonald.
McDonaldthendiscussedDEOMI’score functions which now include: Standards Certification and Accreditation; Learning Management; Science and Technology Applications; Training Needs, Competencies, and Evaluations; Outreach, Partnerships,andConsultations;andCommunities ofPracticeandFieldSupportProducts
“We really hit the ground running!” McDonald said, referring to Sorrento’s previous comment about DEOMI having a huge proposition value “DEOMI’s foundational attributes will have immediate value, such as an expert multi-disciplinary team, established instructional systems, ready accesstomilitaryandciviliansubjectmatter experts,andsomuchmore,”headded.
“Theintegratedmulti-disciplinaryexpertiseapproach,whichDEOMIusestodeliver excellence across the DoD is powerful because it leverages the collective expertise of all our departments,” said McDonald, reemphasizing the propositional value ofoneattribute.
Following McDonald were several presentations, given by DEOMI’s Directors andDepartmentHeads,thatprovidedBOA
SWS. Bower and Burlingame linked the urgency that Oppenheimer’s team had in the 1940s to the sense of urgency that SSP’s leaders work to instill in the workforce at everylevel—ledbyViceAdm.Wolfe
attendees with a detailed overview of each departmentwithintheInstitute Representatives of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, and National Guard rounded out the BOA meeting with their responses to four focus areas DEOMI provided prior to the BOA. Those areas of focus were: identifying current gaps in the service DEOMI currently provides; identifyingtraining,education,orresearchneeds outside of EO/EEO that DEOMI could support; identifying potential emerging Service-specific requirements that could impact DEOMI; and recommendations for DEOMI’sevolutionasaCoE.
After the BOA, Arfaa said she viewed DEOMI as a “crucial partner” and “bridge” betweenOfficesoftheSecretaryofDefense (OSD)andtheServices.
“DEOMI is ‘the place’ where we all can congregate to learn and improve our civilian and military Service members from the professionals who go through DEOMI’s programs,”Arfaaadded.
SorrentoreaffirmedDHRA’scommitment bystating “Iknowthemission…andweare goingtotrytomakeDEOMIasoperationally effectiveaswecan;whilealsoleveragingthe restofDHRAtodoit!”
The DEOMI team is an inclusive force that values and develops all individuals and thrives on their contributions Since its inceptionin1971,thenknownastheDefense RaceRelationsInstitute,DEOMIhasdeveloped and delivered innovative education, training research, and collaborative solutions to more than 53,000 DEOMI military andciviliangraduates.
Explore more about the #DEOMI_CenterOfExcellenceontheseplatforms: Website:https://www.deomi.mil Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ DEOMI.DoD Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/ deomi.dod/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/ company/deomi YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ DEOMI-DoD Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/ deomi-dod/
make sure everyone [all generations within the workforce] understands their support to the warfighter and how they fit into sea-basedstrategicdeterrence,”
In keeping with the Strategic Deterrent Coalition’s role as a nonprofit, nonpartisancommunity-basedorganizationformed to support the nuclear triad by providing educationalinformationontheimportance to the U.S. of maintaining safe, secure, and effective deterrence, the NextGen panel came on the heels of a robust discussion on the impact of director Christopher Nolan’s 2023hitfilm‘Oppenheimer,’andtheimportance of understanding the history of strategic deterrence as the world enters a new nuclearage
“During the Cold War we knew who the enemy was, Col. Keith J. Butler, the commander of the 509th Bomb Wing at Whiteman Air Force Base said during the SpecialPresentationNationalNuclearSecurity Administration Oppenheimer Review Panel.
Brig Gen. Alan Carr (USAF, Ret.) held a unique perspective on the subject as the Los Alamos National Laboratory historian.
ThetreatiesthatwehavewithRussiaright nowinvariousformsandourvariouslevels of cooperation we don’t have any of that withChina[…]Whatthatturnsintoisalack of transparency a lack of understanding of nations’ capabilities and will on the global stagewhenitcomestostrategicdeterrence.”
Carr reflected on how today’s nuclear enterprise workforce continues to honor andbuildonOppenheimer’slegacy.
“There is a great responsibility that goes along with this work and there always has been,” he said “[Oppenheimer] believed, on the one side in the potential dangers of this new era… But Oppenheimer also lookedforwardwithhopebecausethegreat powershavebeenheldatbaybydeterrence and other forms of keeping the peace have emerged.”
SSP continues to uphold its responsibility to the sea-based leg of the nuclear triad, sustaining the Trident II D5 strategicweaponsystem(SWS),whiledeveloping theTridentIID5LifeExtension2(D5LE2)
“It’saveryexcitingtimeforusatSSPaswe moveintoallofthemodernizationprograms while sustaining the D5LE program,” said Bower. “Advocacy for the strategic deterrentispivotaltooursuccess,especiallyaswe move forward with such massive modernizationprograms.”
Bower’s sentiment was echoed by SSP’s Chief Engineer Dr Steven Van Dyk (SES) duringaseparatepanelwithMaj.Gen.Jason R.Armagost,theCommanderoftheEighth Air Force, and commander of the JointGlobal Strike Operations Center at Barksdale Air Force Base Louisiana. During his remarks he compared the urgency that spread throughout the nuclear enterprise in the 1940s; during the last wave of large modernizationoverhaulattheheightofthe Cold War in the1980s; and presently, with theenergyheseesintoday’sworkforce
“We’re working hard to regenerate that feeling you had in the 1980s when you talk about what we needed to do for nuclear modernization,”saidVanDyk.“Wewantto
A common phrase at SSP is ‘Nuclear is hard,’—and serves as a reminder that the work SSP and the rest of the nuclear enterprisedoeswaschallenginginthe1940sand is challenging today. SSP’s panelists drew an undeniable link between the scientific heights of the 1940s to their organization’s present-day push to continue the standard of technical excellence; meet the warfighter’s needs; and provide the full spectrum of deterrenceoptionstothenation’sleaders
The young professionals on the panel were eager to tackle issues similar to those that previous generations grappled with, while building on the nearly eight decades ofscientificknowledgegainedsinceOppenheimer’sbreakthrough.
“There’s a new nuclear age happening Weneedtogetthisright,”Butlerpoignantly notedattheconclusionofthesymposium. Strategic Systems Programs is the Navy command that provides cradle-to-grave lifecyclesupportforthesea-basedlegofthe nation’snucleartriad.
Traumatic brain injury rapid test will aid
diagnosis and help prioritize treatment
Defense Health Agency
A new rapid test produces lab quality results using whole blood to identify biomarkers associated with mild traumatic brain injury otherwise known as concussion.
Theresultscouldhelpforward-deployed medics and health care providers at battalion aid stations and field hospitals decide whichwoundedservicememberstheyneed totreatfirstandwhoneedstobeevacuated fromthefield.
Having a simple and fieldable test for mild TBI is critical to providing timelier high-quality care for the Military Health System. More than 492,000 U.S. service membersworldwidesustainedaTBIresulting from military training, deployment, or day-to-day activities—such as sporting events—from November 2000—2023, according to statistics compiled by the Defense Health Agency Traumatic Brain InjuryCenterofExcellenceandreportedin theTBICoE2023annualreportreleasedon March29 2024
TBI Testing in Future Conflicts
The test, cleared for use by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in March 2024, is one of the most significant steps forward in thecareofTBIpatientsinthepast20years according to neuroscientist U.S. Army Lt Col. (Dr.) Bradley Dengler, director of the Military Traumatic Brain Injury Initiative at the Uniformed Services University in
Previousteststohelpdiagnoseconcussion ormoresevereTBIwereclearedbyFDAin early2021onlyforusewithbloodplasmaor serum.Thisrequiredsamplestobesenttoa laboratoryforprocessingandresults
Thenewtest,whichtakesonly15minutes for results and is run on a portable device alsocanbeusedtoevaluatepatientsupto24 hoursafterinjury,asignificantimprovement from previously available tests The device therefore could aid in decisions on priority evacuationsfromforwarddeploymentsina future conflict where rapid evacuation (the “goldenhour”)isnotpossible
“Given the large numbers of expected casualties with all severities of traumatic brain injury in future large-scale combat operations, this test can help maintain combat power far forward by helping to eliminate unnecessary evacuations,” Denglersaid.
“Additionally,andjustasimportant,given thelimitednumberofneurosurgeonsavailable in-theater, ongoing research demonstratesthatafutureversionofthistestcould be used to triage more severely injured patients, as the blood biomarker elevations correlatewiththeseverityoftheirintracranial injuries,” Dengler commented. “This can help get the most severely injured service members to neurosurgeons faster andultimatelysavelives.”
MTBI2istheonlymilitaryhealthorganizationthatconductsclinicaltrialsandtranslationalresearchspanningallTBIs—mildto severe—and focuses on acute and subacute phases Dengleralsoservesastheneurosurgical consultant to the U.S. Army surgeon general.
U.S. Army Plays Key Development Role
The U.S. Army Medical Research and Development Command, headquartered at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Maryland, has been dedicated to developing a solution for detectingandevaluatingTBIsformorethan twodecades
The new diagnostic method will prevent unnecessary medical evacuations and improve TBI case management in the field since not all patients will require head CT scans, said U.S. Army Col. Andy Nuce, commanderoftheU.S.ArmyMedicalMateriel Development Activity part of USAMRDC
In July 2023, the technology was tested in simulated battle conditions during a soldier “touchpoint” as part of the Global Medic combat support training exercise at theU.S.Army’sFortHunterLiggett,California,whichisknownasthemilitary’spremier totalforcetrainingcenter Program experts from USAMMDA’s Warfighter Brain Health Project ManagementOfficeandWarfighterDeployedMedical Systems Project Management Office joined leaders with USAMRDC and the Medical Capability Development Integration Directorate to participate in the field trial. Subject matter experts from USAMMDA, the Combat Casualty Care Research Program, and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research also participated in the program’sdevelopment.
“TBIsareamajorconcernforwarfighter health, readiness, and resiliency,” said U.S. Army Brig Gen (Dr.) Edward H. Bailey,
commanding general of USAMRDC. “This milestone demonstrates how Army medical developers can partner with industry to deliver solutions for frontline medical personnel caring for our injured service members.”
U.S. Army officials in partnership with medicaldevicemanufacturerAbbott,jointly announced April 1, 2024, that the company’si-STAT®TBIwholebloodcartridgehad received FDA marketing clearance. Abbott developed the blood test in collaboration withUSAMMDA. The Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in Traumatic Brain Injury (TRACK-TBI) research team was the first todemonstratehowtheTBIbloodtestcould be used to benefit TBI patients in clinical care.SpanningtheUSAMRDCandbroader Department of Defense community, these multifaceted teams were unified by the common goal of developing a TBI product thatmeetstheneedsofthewarfighter
“Duringfuturelarge-scalecombatoperations,enemyweaponsandexposuretoblast orconcussiveeventswillpresentchallenges to frontline medical providers,” USAMMDA’sNucesaid.“Weareconstantlyworkingtoinvestigate,develop,andfieldmodern medicalsolutionstoprotectthewarfighters of2030,2040,andbeyond.”
USAMMDA takes promising medical technology from DHA, industry, and academia to U.S. forces It develops critical drugs, vaccines biologics devices and medical support equipment, from the testing required for FDA approval or licensing tofieldtrialsandsustainmentofthefinished product.
Updated Navy Fall Protection Guide delivers relevant guidance, best practices
ByRebeccaColeman Naval Safety CommandMost falls are preventable and planning compliance and preparation are key attributes toward achieving an accident-free workplace Assisting with the foundation foramishap-freeoutcomeisaprimaryfocus of the Department of the Navy’s recently updatedFallProtectionGuide Fall protection guidance is continually being updated as industry needs change andlessonsarelearnedfromincidents “The intent of the guide is to provide best practices and fall hazard mitigation strategies fordevelopingandmanagingfallprotection programstoheightenfallhazardawareness andprotectallourSailors,Marinesandcivilians working at heights or who manage fall protection programs in the workplace,” said Charles Gum, deputy director, Shore Directorate at the Naval Safety Command (NAVSAFECOM).
Gum said the DON continues to experienceseriousfall-relatedmishaps,whichlead toreducedreadinessandproductivity,high
medical and compensation costs resulting fromthesemishapsandsufferingtovictims andtheirfamilies
The Navy has experienced three fall protection-related fatalities from 2019 to present Gum noted the causal factors for these fatalities were rooted in non-compliancewithestablishedpolicy,procedureand mandatorytraining
Primaryfactorsattributedtothesefall-related mishaps included improper personal protective equipment use and failing to properly identify and mitigate hazards related to unguarded edges Beyond these fatalmishaps,43%ofallreportedfall-related mishaps over the same five-year timeframe involved unguarded edges over four feet.
TheNAVSAFECOM’slocalareaassessment observationsoverthepasttwoyearsfurther indicated the underlying causal factors of these mishaps were present in all communities and internal self-assessment efforts werenoteffectivelycorrectingthisbehavior
The updated Fall Protection Guide addresses lessons learned across the naval enterprise Gumsaidtheguideisacomplete
revisionandshouldbereadinitsentiretyto understand all the updates Key takeaways include:
Updatingtheguidanceforself-retracting lifelines/self-retractingdevicestoalignwith ANSI/ASSPZ359.14-2021,whichtookeffect Aug.1,2023
Removing any wording that would lead users to believe the Guide could be used in lieuofpolicy.
Updating various chapters to align with currentANSIZ-359requirements
The bottom line is that falls continue to be a major hazard to workers both in the private and public sector Gum provided the following statistics: These falls are the sourceofnearly13%ofallfataloccupational injuries;intheconstructionindustry,fallsto a lower level account for 37.3% of fatal injuries Specifically,fallstoalowerlevelrepresent4.18%ofnonfataloccupationalinjuries and illnesses in private industry and these areamongthemostseverenonfatalcases as reflected by the 22 median days away from workin2022.Newdataontheheightoffalls could help quantify the increased risks of
severe injury and death due to falling to a lowerlevelfromanyheight,Gumadded.
The revised guide is the outcome of the fall protection working group that met last yearatNAVSAFECOM “Therewasamisunderstanding that the old guide was actually policy,anditwasnot, saidGum.Tocorrect this perception, the group updated the glossary and removed obsolete and duplicate definitions Proposed comments were made throughout the document to remove any language that was directive in nature. Thegroupalsoclarifiedsectionsandterminology throughout, tightening the verbiage andensuringconsistency
“The guide is an important asset for SailorsandMarines,andwebelievetheupdate will enhance their fall protection programs and serve as a complement to OPNAV policy,”saidGum.
The DON Fall Protection Guide is availableherehttps://navalsafetycommand.navy mil/Portals/29/Documents/Fall_Protection_Guide.pdf and on the mobile app Shore/ORM(navy.mil).
TheTinkerAirForceBase“CallofDuty gaming team won second place at the Department of Defense Eastern Regional Esports Invitational hosted at Keesler AFB May3-4
The EREI event included the eastern regionalqualifiers,withthetopeightteams competing live for the title of EREI Champion.
“The key takeaway through ESports is resiliency,connectedness,andretainingour Airman along with bringing our communities together,” said Chief Master Sgt. VictoriaThornton,72ndForceSupportSquadron seniorenlistedleader
The CoD team competes in high-caliber online and in-person tournaments against other military bases and branches, showcasing Tinker AFB’s spirit and excellence on a continental U.S. scale and enhancing the base’s recognition across the Air Force andbeyond.
“Tinker‘CallofDuty’gaminghasprovided Airmen with opportunities for temporary
duty travel and future trips while simultaneouslybuildingacommunity,”saidAirman FirstClassGustavoDeOliveira,72ndForce SupportSquadroncustomersupporttechnician/TinkerAFBesportsambassador
TheTinkergamingcommunitycurrently has 258 community members and select ambassadorstorepresentthecommunity Senior Airman Edward McHugh, 552nd Maintenance Squadron E-3 journeyman/ global game ambassador/virtual drone racing oneoftheglobalgameambassadors and virtual drone racing lead, represented Tinker in San Antonio at FORCECON, a massivemilitarygamingandtecheventcelebratingtheintersectionofgaming,technology, innovation, education, and the United States Armed Forces McHugh showcased virtualdroneracing,ahugesuccessgarnering participation from over 100 personnel whocycledthroughthetimetrialandflight simulation. This innovation introduced a newelectronicsportsgenreofvirtualdrone racing for the entire Air Force and other servicesworldwide
“Ithelpsmeandothersbyholdingengaging events on base because I know we’re
creating opportunities that don’t exist, and it’s exciting to be a part of the Air Force adapting to new Airmen and their needs, said McHugh. Call of Duty on its surface might just be a game, but the Airmen competing receive so much more than just being entertained; they receive a sense of community, mental well-being, and resiliency.” McHughandtheTinkerAFBCallofDuty gamingteamarefinalizingpreparationsfor thenextmajorgamingevent,scheduledfor June 7. This event will promote teamwork andstrategicgameplayatthehighestlevels Air Force Gaming is a 24/7 grassroots organizationfocusedonbuildingresiliency andretention,andnowistheofficialgaming program and competition hub for the Air ForceandSpaceForce.Itistheofficialhome for gamers According to AFG, over 86% of Airmenbetweentheagesof18and34identifyasgamers TheAFGfoundingmembers started Air Force Gaming as an initiative to helpAirmenandGuardiansofallages,ranks, and backgrounds find common ground through video games while also promoting mentalacuity,finemotorcoordination,and
The Tinker AFB Call of Duty gaming team:
Staff Sgt. Anthony Hudgins, 552nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron dedicated crewchief/globalgameambassador
Staff Sgt. Sean Daniels, 552nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron aircraft inspection craftsman/globalgameambassador
Senior Airman Edward McHugh, 552nd Maintenance Squadron E-3 journeyman/ global game ambassador/virtual drone racing
Airman First Class Gustavo De Oliveira, 72nd Force Support Squadron customer support technician/Tinker AFB esports ambassador
If you are interested in learning more about Tinker’s ESports and Air Force Gaming or to participate in future events, contact the global game ambassadors at 72FSS.TAFG.TinkerAFGaming@us.af.mil.
Defense Health Agency
FALLS CHURCH, Va Editor’s note: If you or someone you know is struggling or incrisis,helpisavailable Callortext988or chat988lifeline.org Thisresourceconnects you with trained counselors who can help yougetthehelpyouneed,24/7.
Staying healthy is more than just taking care of your body. Even when you’re feeling good physically you may notice you’re unusually sad, anxious, or exhausted. If so, you may be experiencing symptoms of a mental health concern—and you’re not alone According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 1 in 5 adults in the UnitedStateslivewithamentalillness
TRICARE covers mental health services so you and your family can get the care you need.Usingthesecoveredservicescanhelp put you on a path to mental and physical wellness
“Payingattentiontoyourmentalhealthis keytoyouroverallwell-being,”saidThomas Turnbaugh, LCSW-C, a behavioral health specialist at the Defense Health Agency
“If you notice that you’re feeling different thanusual—orifyou’redealingwithamajor stressor—reach out to your provider right away to learn how you can get professional care. Here’s more information about TRICARE-covered mental health services andhowyoucanaccessthem.
Getting emergency mental health care
If you or a loved one is at immediate risk ofharmtoyourselforothers,thisisamental healthemergency.Call911orgotothenearestemergencyroom.Youdon’tneedareferral or pre-authorization Just make sure to contactyourTRICAREregionalcontractor within 24 hours (or the next business day) tocoordinatecare.
Getting non-emergency mental health care
Before seeking non-emergency care, talk with your primary care provider to determine which services are right for you. And check which services require a referral or pre-authorization.
Your options for getting non-emergency mental health care depend on your beneficiarycategoryandhealthplan:
Active duty service members (ADSMs): You should first seek non-emergency care at a military hospital or clinic. If you get servicesfromacivilianprovider,you’llneed a referral or pre-authorization ADSMs mayalsoseekamentalhealthevaluationby making a request to their supervisor You don’t need to explain why you’re requesting one and your information will stay confidential.
All others with TRICARE Prime: You don’t need a referral to see a network provider for in-office outpatient mental health services Active duty family
membersmaygetnon-emergencycarefrom TRICARE-authorizednon-networkproviders without referrals. But point-of-service feeswillapply TRICARE Select: You can see any TRICARE-authorized provider for mental healthservices Butyourout-of-pocketcosts willbelowerifyouseeanetworkprovider TRICAREForLife:Youdon’tneedareferral or pre-authorization from TRICARE in most cases This is because Medicare is the primarypayerformentalhealthcare.Butif yourMedicarebenefitsareexhausted,you’ll need a referral or pre-authorization from TRICAREbeforeyougetmentalhealthcare
Still not sure if you need a referral or pre-authorizationbeforegettingcare?Visit Referrals and Pre-Authorizations to learn more.
Covered mental health services
TRICARE covers certain outpatient and inpatient mental health services as detailedintheTRICAREMentalHealthand SubstanceUseDisorderServicesFactSheet.
Outpatient services
Outpatienttreatmentisavailableatsome military hospitals and clinics You can also
getcarefromTRICARE-authorizedcivilian providers. Appointments may be in person orviatelemedicine
Some types of covered outpatient treatmentinclude:
Psychotherapy:Discussion-basedtherapy inindividual,family orgroupsettings
Psychological testing and assessment: Coveredwhenmedicallyorpsychologically necessary,orduringtheassessmentprocess undertheAutismCareDemonstration
Intensive outpatient program: Therapy andmedicationmanagementwherepatients go to a treatment center for several days a week,afewhoursatatime
Partialhospitalizationprogram:Daytime treatment where the patient lives at home and commutes to get treatment for six or morehoursperday,uptosevendaysaweek
Inpatient services
You may need more intensive treatment thatrequiresyoutostayinahospitalortreatmentcenter Ifso,TRICAREcovers:
Inpatient hospital services: Treatment for concerns that require inpatient hospitalization (like psychiatric emergencies or substanceusewithdrawalsymptoms)
Psychiatricresidentialtreatmentcenters: Extendedcareforchildrenandadolescents who need 24/7 treatment in a therapeutic environment
Looking for a full list of covered mental health services? You can find more information on covered treatments Or you can search for specific services on the Covered Servicespage
Note: Some mental health services may not be available overseas Check with the TRICARE Overseas contractor for more information.
Mental health care costs
Use the Compare Costs tool
ADSMs have
services from or authorized by
HealthSystem. Mental health is health—and it’s an important part of your overall wellness. Looking for a mental health provider? Check out the Find a Doctor tool You can also find more resources and information onTRICARE’sMentalHealthCarepage
Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email?
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“If God is all you have, you have all you need.”
Spouse of Navy 03-E Joseph Carroll, stationed at Naval Station Norfolk
Unit Duty Station: USS Kearsarge
Years as a military spouse: 17
Number of deployments: 8
Number of PCS moves: 6
How do I balance family/work/military life? Community involvement, faith, support from friends and family.
My background: In Florida, I volunteered with my military Church community, raising money for low-income families and helping to provide holiday meals. In Germany, I created a military mother support group for baby wearing, cloth diapering and natural parenting. I volunteered with USO, Army Community Service and American Red Cross. In Bahrain, I taught free classes to help military spouses deal with stress. In Spain, I created a rock painting group for the community and organized a memorial for a lost teen in our community, with 365 sunflower rocks with 2 memorial installations. In Virginia, I currently teach low-cost art classes to military community children and host family events. I’m a volunteer responder for Overdose (Narcan Administration). My father and grandfather both retired from the military. I have been volunteering since age 7.
The best part of being a military spouse is: we were able to travel and learn so much about the world, and how to love people in ways that I never knew possible. The more I traveled the more I learned how small the world really is.
My advice to other military spouses is: Be involved! The more you give the more you will be blessed. Military life is hard but give it all you got and it can be rewarding.
Something I would like to see improved for military families: Easier transition when PCSing especially with children and pets. You arrive with no cell phone (overseas), no car/transportation. Also, more support for children who have reading difficulties, tutoring that is not online to help a child to read and free physical resources. Tutoring. com is not beneficial for a dyslexic learner.
One of my best experiences as a military spouse is: I loved living overseas, seeing all the art, eating all the different food and learning new perspectives.
After military life, I would love to open a restaurant in a military town that would be a relaxing environment. After military life I will continue to help advocate for Special Needs families and will continue to help military families with informational support. Fun facts about Elizabeth:
Biologist and plant lover
Traveled to four continents and over 20 different countries with my children.
Love to try new foods, have eaten camel, octopus, alligator, shark, tripe, ox, pig ears, bugs, rabbit, snails… any delicacy I will try it!
Volunteer service highlights:
Creative Kids-Low cost art class-volunteer time. October 2023-Present
Edmarc-Peace by Piece- bake and donated 120 desserts a month Oct 2023-present
Revive Narcan Administration 2023-Present
Rock Memorials for Jaden Smiles
Afghan Refugee Support 2021
Volunteer photographer 2013-present
Volunteer Soccer coach 2023
Cancer Care bags for Sentara 2024
Collect Plastic Recycling for organization that works with Lynnhaven River Now 2023-Present
“Get busy living or get busy dying.” ANDY DUFRESNE, SHAW SHANK REDEMPTION
Spouse of Navy E7 Michael Randall, stationed at Naval Weapons Center Yorktown
Duty Station Unit: NCHB 1
Years as a military spouse: 19
Number of deployments: 9
Number of PCS moves: 5
How do I balance family/work/military life? By relying on God and my faith.
My background: I’ve been a military spouse since 2005. Paul is a SeaBee in the Navy so we haven’t moved around too much. He’s been on quite a few deployments, most in dangerous areas. I just hold down the fort while he’s gone and do the best I can.
My advice to other military spouses is: it’s not an easy lifestyle so don’t beat yourself up when you’re down. You can handle/do a lot more than what you give yourself credit for. Don’t worry about what others may think of how your family may do things, just do whats best for your family. That also goes both ways, don’t judge others for what they may do. It’s ok to be proud of your spouse’s accomplishments, just don’t put others down because they haven’t accomplished the same things YET! Be proud of yourself as well, it can definitely be rough. Keep your faith. Never lose sight of the one you love and always try to keep them positive.
The best part of being a military spouse is: that there’s a great sense of community. We’ve been very blessed that he’s been a part of some great commands who try to make sure we don’t feel alone. I’m very proud of my SeaBee and all that he’s accomplished. Something I would like to see improved for military families: Housing has gotten better in some areas but there’s always room for improvement.
One of the best experiences I’ve had: any time we get to be reunited with my husband when he’s been away. Also, seeing Paul walk for the first time on his own after his accident, almost dying, and almost losing his leg.
After military life: we’re planning on buying acreage and having a small working farm. Fun facts about Katie
I’m almost always late no matter how early I wake up.
I love to be outdoors and ride down country dirt roads.
I enjoy being a ball mom & watching my kids play!
Volunteer service highlights: PTOs and church
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“We each survive in our own way.”
Spouse of Navy E5 Ryan Fisher, stationed at Naval Air Station Oceana
Duty Station Unit: VFA-105
Years as a military spouse: 7
Number of deployments: 3
Number of PCS moves: 2
How do I balance family/work/military life? I try to focus on the relationships around me — my coworkers and my military spouse friends, the community I have created for myself — and lean on my community for help if needed.
My background: When we first got married, I joined the FRG for his First Command, assisting military wives and husbands in connecting with their command community. I believe that the military spouse community is an amazing community. That helps you feel like you’re not so alone.
The best part of being a military spouse is: the community you build for yourself. Family is very important, but being a military family, you create your own family. You’re surrounded by friends who are going through the same thing as you, who live far away from their family.
Something I would like to see improved for military families: the cost of childcare and the availability of housing on military installations for families that are moving. Too often women have to quit their jobs to take care of their children because they can’t afford childcare. Or a family that’s about to PCS can’t find a house, so they have to live in an Airbnb or couch surf.
One of the best experiences I’ve had was: recently I got the opportunity to speak on local news about the importance of hiring military spouses in the workforce. We offer a diverse background and the ability to adapt at a moment’s notice.
What I’ve learned: that I’m not alone, that there is an entire community of people around me that are going through the same thing as me. That it’s OK to support your husband’s career while also being very upset and missing him. All of the feelings that you’re going through, what you go through alone, are completely normal. The biggest thing is that it’s OK to ask for help when you don’t want to.
After military life: I would like to continue my career in the nonprofit sector and still assist military spouses in finding job opportunities, as well be an advocate for military families.
Fun facts about Gabrielle:
I am 27 with no kids, married seven years.
I have three dogs and three cats.
I love hockey and getting out in my community!
Volunteer service highlights:
VFA192 FRG VP 2019
Hanford Chamber of Commerce 2022 Newsletters
Numerous other duties and positions with the Chamber
Soroptimist, 2022 Youngest Member to Join; numerous positions held, including volunteer, chair and presenter.
Kings Partnership for Prevention
Hanford Rotary
“Life is a book and each duty station is a new chapter.”
Spouse of Marine Corps 0-5 Chad Buckel, stationed at Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads
Duty Station Unit: Marine Forces Command
Years as a military spouse: 11
Number of deployments: 3
Number of PCS moves: 5
How do I balance family/work/military life? It’s a balance that is continually changing and evolving. Family comes first. Always. My job as a stay-at-home mom is to give the stability to my kids that is not always guaranteed when my husband has military requirements.
My background: I met my husband while teaching overseas in Saudi Arabia. Right after we married, we had our first PCS to Fort Benning. After six months, we moved to Hawaii and he deployed. I was pregnant and in a country that was not my own. Our four years in Hawaii included two more deployments, another baby and another house. After our time in Hawaii, we moved to Belgium for NATO. Here we integrated into the local culture and added another baby to our family. In the middle of Covid, days after having our third baby, we moved to Fort Leavenworth. Finally we landed in Virginia Beach where we have been for the last three years.
The best part of being a military spouse is: the sense of community. No matter where we are in the world, we have strands from our web.
My advice to other military spouses is: Take advantage of where you are living to integrate into the local community. Be a tourist in each duty station.
One thing I would like to see improved: I would like to see better healthcare on Tricare Prime in the Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake area. The system is overwhelmed, so when you need a next-day appointment you have to wait weeks.
One of my best experiences as a military spouse was when we lived in Hawaii, and I was a L.I.N.K.S mentor, I had my baby with me while teaching a section of a class. I sat down to nurse while I kept teaching. The next day the L.I.N.K.S coordinator told me that (someone) had complained about me nursing my child while teaching. In the same breath, she told me that I also inspired a Marine to tell his wife it was okay to come to the class and bring their new baby.
What will I do after military life? Retirement is getting closer. I may return to teaching or work for a not for profit. The options are endless.
Fun facts about Chantal:
Although I’m Canadian, I’ve lived outside of Canada more of my life than inside Canada.
I was born in Bermuda and then traveled with my parents as my father was in the Canadian Forces.
Volunteer service highlights:
PTA President of Glenwood Elementary
Girl Scout Troop Co-Leader
Team Manager for Beach Blades Synchronized Skating
Catholic Church of St. Mark - General
PTA Military Liaison and Volunteer
SHAPE Annual Father Daughter Dance - Organizer
Angel Tree Request Coordinator with the local Belgian community
“Positivity manifests positivity.”
Spouse of Navy E7 Ross Stowers, stationed at Naval Station Norfolk
Duty Station Unit: VAW-123, the world-famous Screwtops
Years as a military spouse: 18
Number of deployments: 6
Number of PCS moves: 3
How do I balance family/work/military life? Planners and communication. When it comes to mentally balancing it all, it means we focus on the moment.
My background: I was 19 when I married my husband who is, as the cliche goes, my best friend. We had started dating just before he left for bootcamp. Once he graduated, he remained in Chicago to complete C school (specialized training). I drove from our home in Ohio to see him every weekend.
Over the course of our marriage, nothing has changed. I run to that man every chance
I get whether it’s driving from Southern California to Fallon, Nevada, while he is on a detachment so that he doesn’t miss his first Father’s Day; or flying last-minute to the other side of the world because they are getting a port for the first time in seven months.
The best part of being a military spouse is: knowing that almost anywhere in the world we have “FRamily” (friends that become family). What a unique-to-the military bond that is.
My advice to other military spouses: Make friends, put yourself out there, build your community up, and become part of every duty station you are fortunate enough to be a part of.
One thing military families are facing that I would like to see improved: Mental health care. It’s an epidemic.
My best experience as a military spouse: It’s reuniting after being apart for so long.
To date, my absolute favorite instance is visiting Crete a few weeks ago to meet the Eisenhower. When the ship pulled in and sailors could exit, my husband called to tell me where to meet him… I made my way there and it was like time stood still- everything you’d see in a movie.
After military life, for a little while we will relax and do what may seem to others like a whole lot of … nothing. This life takes a toll on the whole family and a rest sounds wonderful. I still plan to be in advocacy and supporting nonprofits.
Fun facts about Dawna:
If you ask the community I have more than 1000 children, as I am known as “coach mama” “team mama” “mama bird” or just plain mama to everyone at our ballfields.
We have a small zoo to include our ducks (our pride and joy), cats, dogs and a turtle.
I am actually the biggest introvert.
Volunteer service highlights:
Navy Ombudsman 14 years
Cheer coach for recreation center
PTA president and advocate 8 years at all levels through national
Board member for our little league 6 years- current vice president, team parent and champions league (special ability players) founder and coach
Residential Treatment
The Barry Robinson Center has been improving the lives of children and families for 90 years The Center is the only residential treatment program 100% dedicated to military-connected youth, ages 11 through 17, with emotional and behavioral difficulties
The Center provides a holistic environment that sets youth and their families on the path to healing Our team includes qualified and compassionate therapists, teachers, counselors, doctors, nurses, and dietitians Our open college-like campus on the border of Norfolk and Virginia Beach, Virginia, combines modern residential facilities with several original historic buildings dating to 1933 This combination makes it one of the most beautiful and unique residential treatment centers in the region
Ibalancefamily/work/militarylifebyputtingGodfirst,mymarriagesecondandmy family andfriends next. Spending quiettime in theWordevery morning gives me a soundmindtofacewhateverinevitablycomesforwardthatishard.WhenIbecame amilitary spouse Iultimately took astep back from my career as an RN and began workingPRN(asneeded).
Mybackground:Imetmyhusband,Brian,threeyearsagoandwegotmarriedayear later.Two weeks after our wedding,wegot unexpectedordersthathewas deploying.Itwashardandscaryinthenextthreemonths,becauseIhadabsolutelynoidea what Iwas doing as awife or as amilitary spouse. After thefirstdeployment, Iwas determined to facethis next deployment that began in January withanew attitude andwithjoy
Thebestpartofbeingamilitaryspouseis:thecommunity of thewomen. When I wasanewwifeandmilitaryspouseIwasscaredanddepressed,andmysister(whois alsoaNavywife)andthemilitaryspousesatmychurchralliedaroundmeandcarried methroughthatseason.
Myadvicetoothermilitaryspousesis:Look for joyeveninthe hard,giveyourself thegraceofhavingahardmoment,andthenlookupandkeepmovingforward. SomethingIwouldliketoseeimprovedformilitaryfamilies:Depression, anxiety andsuicide arethree of my biggest concerns within this community. I’dliketosee a rapidandthoroughsetofresolutionsestablishedtodealwiththesesituationsinthe urgentanddelicatemannertheyrequire.
Oneofmybestexperiences as amilitary spouse: Co-leading aBible studyof12 womenfromeachwalkoflifeandalldifferentbranchesofthemilitaryhasbeenone of themostamazing experiences of my life. These women have taught me so much andbroughtmesomuchjoy.
Aftermilitarylife:Iwillcontinuetoraiseawarenessarounddepression,anxietyand suicidewithin this community and work to bring enoughawarenesstochange how thesearedealtwithinthemilitary
VFA-34BlueBlastersFamilyReadinessGroup(FRG)VicePresident/Treasurer; AscentChurch,militaryspouseBiblestudyco-leader;militarycarepackage projectcoordinator
HowdoIbalancefamily/work/militarylife? My firstresponse. “Balance?” Iam oftenaskedthis,andmydefaultansweristhetruth:withmassiveamountsofcoffee, anabundanceofgrace,andalotofJesus.Iamamomtofour,andthreehavespecial needs.Iworkfull-timeastheownerofmyownbusinessandjuggleattendingLiberty Universityonlinefull-time,graduatingthisyearasadualmajor
Mybackground: My journey as amilitary spousestarted twoyearsbeforethe military whenI married my husband. With considerable consideration and prayer and threekidsintow,Austin enlistedinthe Navy.Throughout theseinsane fouryears, I have done my besttosupport our military communitybybeing present online and in real life.Irun variousFacebook groups for military spouses,families,and loved ones,and am present in dozens more.For thoselocally,Ihostcoffee hours,meals, andeventsforlocalspouses
Thebestpartofbeingamilitaryspouseis:Firstisthesenseofcommunity.Second is the travel opportunities.Lastly,thereisasense of prideand honor.When a service member has afamily,someone musthold down the homefront to answer our nation’scall.
Myadvicetoothermilitaryspousesis: Getinvolved. Military lifecan be challenging,but communityinvolvement can help youfeel moreconnected and supported. Attendevents,joinclubsorgroups,andvolunteer
WhatisonethingmilitaryfamiliesarefacingthatIwouldliketoseeimproved? Genuinelyaccessible,qualitymentalhealthcareandmentalhealtheducationforthe entiremilitaryfamily
Oneofmybestexperiencesasamilitaryspouse:Ithasofferedmeasenseofbelonging,opportunitiesforpersonalgrowthanddevelopment,andthechancetoformlifelong friendships with peoplewho understand and support me through theunique challengesmilitarylifebrings
Aftermilitary life: With my husband pursuing becoming amilitary chaplainand myself one to counsel militaryfamilies,after my spouse’sretirement, we will be activelyinvolvedin“militarylife.”
Threeyearsago,Idecidedtogobacktoschoolfull-timetoobtainadegreein biblicalmilitarycounselinginthehopeofonedayprovidingfreeservicesto ourcommunity.
OhanaHomefrontFoundation/ExecutiveAssistant/BoardofDirectors: 2021-2024
“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
Spouse of Coast Guard E7 Brennan Smith, stationed at Coast Guard Atlantic Area & Fifth Coast Guard
Duty Station Unit: USCG TRACEN Yorktown
Years as a military spouse: 17
Number of deployments: 10+
Number of PCS moves: 3
How do I balance family/work/military life? I work toward balance by focusing first on what makes me happy and whole, and then begin to work outward fulfilling the needs of my spouse and children first, then my community.
The more involved I can be with each “arm” of my being, the more likely I am to make time to get things done. It’s a journey that never ends as military life changes so frequently.
My background: My military spouse background began when I met my husband when I was a freshman in college and he was straight out of BM-A school, arriving at his first duty-station. Throughout my college career, we dated, providing me with insights into military life. We got married the year after I graduated, and completed our first PCS together. We have moved states two more times, had two children, and experienced deployments.
The best part of being a military spouse is: what it teaches us about leaning on each other, working within a community, and learning to ask for help. Watching my kids learn to help me, each other, and support their dad in his military service and truly understand what that means is such a gift.
What I have learned from being a military spouse: It’s important to seek out resources and be your biggest advocate. Get involved with your military community and you will not only learn a lot, but feel more connected to your spouse.
One thing I would like to see improved for military families: I would love to see more access to quality early childhood education and care.
One of my best experiences as a military spouse: Becoming an Ombudsman is by far one of the best experiences as a military spouse. My husband had 18 years in when I started this type of volunteer service and I have learned more about his position, the military, the resources available to us than I ever did before...and it allowed me to grow closer to my spouse.
After military life I will continue to work in a school dedicated to military students and families. I will continue to look for ways to serve and give back to the community that has given me so much!
Fun facts about Diana:
I love to garden.
I am Jewish and love working with my synagogue and bringing a different viewpoint to military life.
I enjoy cooking and baking and playing games with my friends and family.
Volunteer Service Highlights:
Coast Guard Ombudsman since 2020
Have served four units and am currently serving