U.S. Fleet Forces Command
NORFOLK - Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces (USFF) Command, announced the 2023 USFF and Type Command (TYCOM) Fleet Sea and Shore Sailors of the Year (SOY), June 6 at the seaside Marriot Hotel inNorfolk.
Adm. Daryl L. Caudle named Hospital Corpsman 1st Class (FMF/SW/AW) Sara Freeman, assigned to 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force, as the 2023 Sea SOY, and HullTechnician1stClass(SW)TomHodge PCUJohnBasilone(DDG122),asthe2023 ShoreSOY.
“ItisincredibletoseetheentireHampton Roads community gathered here tonight andit’sevenmorespecialsincewearejoined together here with our families, friends, tremendous leaders, and mentors from acrossthewaterfront,allgatheredtorecognize some of the Navy’s Top Talent! This is truly the best part of my job as Fleet Forces Commander,”saidCaudle “Iwouldalsolike to extend my personal thanks and sincere appreciation to all whom so graciously supportedthisincrediblyimportantweek.
This year Caudle hosted approximately
Public Affairs Specialist Navy Region Mid-Atlantic
NORFOLK, Va The Navy’s Relocation Assistance Program (RAP) is a mission-essential service dedicated to supporting Sailors and their families during the often-challenging period of a permanent change of station (PCS) move Frequent relocationsareacommonaspectofmilitary life andRAPaimstomitigatetheassociated stressbystructuringitsservicestomakethe relocation process as smooth and efficient aspossible
“Relocating to a new permanent duty stationcanbestressful,butSailorsandtheir familiesdon’thavetodoitalone,”saidDouglas Morfeld, regional work and family life coordinatorforFFSC “AllFleetandFamily SupportCenters(FFSC)inHamptonRoads Virginia,haverelocationprovidersthatoffer ‘SmoothMove and‘MovingOverseas’work-
50SOYcandidatesfromcommandsaround the fleet during the week-long schedule of events
SOYcandidatesspenttheweekinNorfolk with spouses and mentors participating in leadership, heritage, and team building events They also completed the oral board componentoftheselectionprocess
Of the 50 candidates for SOY, 10 were selectedasfinalists
“These ten Sailors were hand-selected from the 125,000 Sailors under my charge asU.S.FleetForcesCommand.Nopressure, but I can’t wait to see what you can accomplish while wearing Khakis,” Caudle said “This week, I was fortunate to be able to spend some time getting to know each of them, and many of their families and I can tellyoufromfirst-handexperience,thesesea and shore Sailors are undoubtedly the best ofthebest handsdown,noexceptions.”
The gravity of the moment made an impressiononcandidates,finalists,andSOY selectees
“It’s surreal and extremely humbling,” saidFreeman.“Iamadirectreflectionofmy leadership peers juniorsandIamproudto represent U.S. Fleet Forces Marine Corps ForceCommandandallSailorsfleetwide.
The SOY program recognizes the best
RAP offers a comprehensive suite of resources to those undergoing a move Among these are one-on-one counseling sessions and a variety of classes that cover essential topics such as home buying, renting, and relocating outside the continental UnitedStates
“Fleet and Family Support can alleviate yourstressandguideyouthroughtheapplication process and entitlements to prepare youforyourPCS,separation,orretirement, saidKimberlyBowen,NavalSupportActivityHamptonRoadsFFSCrelocationservices provider
The program is designed to support Sailors and their families before departure and upon arrival at their new duty station This dual-phase approach ensures that comprehensive assistance is available throughout the entire relocation process. One notable feature of RAP is the sponsorship program;
Sailors throughout the fleet and awards the selectees with meritorious advancement to ChiefPettyOfficer
“These programs are essential for Sailor morale. Recognition is one of the basic things that leadership can and should do,” said Freeman. “These programs let Sailors know their hard work does not go unseen andthattheyaredoinggreatthingsfortheir teammates,commands,andtheNavy.”
The SOY program, established in 1972 by Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Elmo Zumwalt and Master Chief Petty Officer of theNavyJohnWhittet,recognizeshigh-performing E-4 through E-6 Sailors across the fleet. The intent of the competition is to recognizeindividualSailorswhobestrepresenttheidealsoftheprofessionalSailorand the Navy Initially only Atlantic and Pacific Fleet Sailors on sea duty were recognized. Within10years,however,theSOYprogram was expanded to include shore duty and NavyReserveSailors
FinalistsforFleetSeaSailoroftheYear: HM1 (FMF/SW/AW) Sara A. Freeman 8th Engineer Support Battalion (BSB), 2nd Marine Logistics Group (MLG), MARFORCOM. AO1 (AW/SW) Cody A. Martin Navy
itconnectsrelocatingSailorsandtheirfamilieswithcommandsponsorsfromtheirnew dutystation.
“I highly encourage Sailors once they receive their orders and right before they execute their PCS move to contact their commandandrequesttheirsponsorpointof contactinformation,ifnotalreadyprovided, to help support an easy transition to their newdutystation,”saidMorfeld.
Beyondimmediaterelocationneeds RAP serves as a valuable resource for base and area information, both for newcomers and thosemakingtheirpreparationstodepart.
RAP maintains an extensive electronic resource library, which includes military relocation books, brochures, preparation tips, and information on military installations This library is a vital resource for families providing all the information they needtoplantheirmove suchastipsonrelocating pets, local schools, and health care
MunitionsCommandAtlantic(NMCLANT) DetachmentBahrain,NMCLANT
YN1 (SW/AW) Sammy A. Young Jr USNS Comfort (T-AH 20) Medical TreatmentFacility,MSC CS1 (SW/AW) Michelle G. Miller Commander Carrier Strike Group FOUR (CSG-4),CTF80
FC1(SW)CrystalSaucedo Commander U.S. SIXTH Fleet, Maritime Component Command,TomahawkLandAttackMissiles Detachment,NAVEUR/NAVAF
FinalistsforFleetShoreSailor oftheYear: HT1 (SW) Tom K. Hodge PCU John Basilone(DDG122) SURFLANT
CTT1 (SW) Kaitlyn E. Williams Commander, U.S. SECOND Fleet, USFF DRA ND1 (DWS/EXW) Thomas G. Liddy Naval Submarine Support Facility (NSSF) NewLondon,SUBLANT
PR1(AW)StevenJ.Terry Commander, Fleet Air Sigonella Detachment Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Detachment (AIMD),AIRLANT
HM1 (FMF) Efrain M. Barrera Field MedicalTrainingBattalion East(FMTBE),MARFORCOM.
services The program’s educational efforts also extend to financial savings By educating members about the entire PCS process, andmakingthemawareofallPCSandtravel moneyentitlements,RAPhasaproventrack recordofsavingsforservicemembers The program has significantly streamlined the transition process. By offering a wide range of services and resources RAP ensuresthatthemovetoanewdutystation is as seamless as possible allowing service members to focus on their duties and familiestosettleintotheirnewhomeswithminimalstress To find more information on the RelocationAssistanceProgram,contactyourlocal FFSC or visit the Military One Source Plan My Move website https://www.militaryonesource.mil/resources/network/planmy-move/.
Naval Air Station (NAS) Oceana hosted a graduation ceremony on June 5 for seven ProjectSEARCHinterns.
This marks the third year the Navy has hosted this innovative program, which connects high school students with intellectual and developmental disabilities to internshipsandon-the-jobtraining Project SEARCH is a collaborative effort betweenVirginiaBeachCityPublicSchools, Virginia Department for Aging and Rehabilitative Services, Virginia Department of Education, Didlake, Inc., and Virginia Commonwealth University Rehabilitation ResearchandTrainingCenter
“Today is all about recognizing these seven interns’ hard work this year, their openness to learning new things, meeting new people, and truly becoming a part of our team here at NAS Oceana. It has been an absolute pleasure getting to know, and learningfromtheseextraordinarilytalented individuals,” said NAS Oceana Commanding Officer Capt. Steve Djunaedi. “We hope we’ve changed these interns’ lives as much asthey’vechangedours.”
Combining classroom instruction and hands-on training, Project SEARCH engaged its interns in a ten-month, holistic approachtostartingacareer SinceSeptember, the military-connected interns worked side-by-side with employees at NAS Oceana’s Commissary Navy Exchange, MWR,
Public Works, and the Navy Gateway Inns &Suites
“Wehavehadallhandsondeckthroughout the whole planning process, which has made all the difference in the outcomes for our interns,” said Senior Chief Air Traffic Controller Amber Khoryati, NAS Oceana’s ProjectSEARCHbusinessliaison.“Thegoal istogetinternsmovingtowardcompetitive employment in their communities beyond highschool.
Since starting the program in Sept. 2021, Project SEARCH interns have completed 72 internships across 16 businesses at NAS Oceana, according to Jan Varney, Instructional Specialist for the Virginia Beach City Public Schools’ Office of Programs for Exceptional Children. Collectively they
worked over 15,620 hours, while gaining employability and independent living skills thattheywillusethroughouttheirlifetimes
“The partnership, support, and mentorship that the installation and its businesses have provided to the Project SEARCH program have made all the difference in the lives of these young adults,” said Varney “These efforts will, in turn, benefit our community by increasing the pool of dependable, skilled workers ready to join thelaborforce.”
To date, 18 Project SEARCH graduates have found long term employment upon completionoftheprogramatNASOceana.
Newport News
NEWPORT NEWS, Va – At a recent ceremony honoring civilian service, Jenny Watkins, a Management Analyst with the Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion, and Report, USN, Newport News, was recognized for her 25 years of dedication to government service The award was presented by Commanding Officer During their conversation, Watkins pointed out a photograph of the USS Randolph (CV-15) hanginginthehallway,ashipthatherfather, Charles Compton, had a hand in building andlaterservedon.
The USS Randolph (CV-15) was constructed by the Newport News Shipbuilding&DryDockCo inNewportNews Va The keel was laid on May 10, 1943 the ship was launched on June 28 1944 and it wascommissionedonOctober9,1944
Charles Compton, who worked as a pipe fitter at the Newport News Shipbuilding from 1941 to 1943, at the age of 20, he was draftedintotheNavyandservedhiscountry
Watkins the youngest of Compton’s six children, collected stories and details from her siblings to reconstruct her father’s service history. One of the elder siblings recalled, “Daddy was a pipe fitter when he worked in the shipyard.” The family fondly remembers their father’s pride in his Navy service and his knack for storytelling, often highlightinghisresourcefulnessandexpertise
Compton’s children recall him discussing his work on Randolph in the area that convertedseawatertofreshwaterforshowers He would often comment on how he believed taking a bath in a tub was more water-efficientthanashower.
His shipmates on the Randolph knew him as the “leak-fixing expert.” One story that stands out is when a stubborn leak in thecommander’sbathroomdefiedallrepair attempts,Comptonwascalledintofixit.
Watkinssharedahighlightofherfather’s innovativesolution:apieceofleathershoestring Comptonknewthatleatherexpands whenwet,andthisknowledgewasthekeyto
Charles Compton,whoworked as a pipe fitterat the Newport News Shipbuilding from 1941 to 1943,at the age of20 hewas drafted into the Navyand served his countryaboard the USS Randolph (CV-15).(PHOTOBYTELLYMYLES,SUPERVISOROFSHIPBUILDINGNEWPORTNEWS)
stoppingtheleak.Thisstoryisatestamentto the ingenuity and resourcefulness required duringwartime CharlesR.Compton,aresidentofHampton, Virginia, passed away on July 26, 2020, at the age of 97 His military service memorabilia,includinghisMessPass,registration card,andfamilyalbums,aretreasuredbyhis family as reminders of his contributions to
thewareffort. This story is a testament to the enduring spirit of service His legacy, preserved throughthecherishedmemorabiliaandthe storiespasseddowntohischildren,continuestoinspireandresonate Ashisdaughter, Jenny Watkins, follows in his footsteps of service, pride and honor that comes with servingone’scountry
Editorial Staff ManagingEditor | MCC Amanda Kitchner
757-262-2852 | amanda.s.kitchner.mil@us.navy.mil
Carrier Strike Group Four
James A. Quaresimo relieved Capt. Sean R. Anderson as commanding officer of TacticalTrainingGroupAtlantic(TTGL)during a ceremony at Carrier Strike Group 4’s historicheadquartersbuildinghere,June7.
The ceremony also celebrated Anderson’s remarkable30-yearcareerintheNavy
Rear Adm. Max McCoy, commander of CarrierStrikeGroup(CSG)4,presidedover theceremony.
“CSG-4 and TTGL are centers of excellenceforstrikegrouptraining Theymatter morenowthantheyeverhave Theyprepare our ships, Amphibious Ready Group Marine Expeditionary Unit teams, and CarrierStrikeGroupstodeter,defend,andif necessary,defeattheenemyincombat,”said McCoy.“Ourships shipmates partners and Allies operate in a dangerous and dynamic environment wesailintoharm’sway.
He also commended Anderson for his leadership as part of the teams delivering relevant combat capability to the Navy, MarineCorps,andJointForceteam.
“As the former CSG-4 Chief of Staff and CommandingofficerofTTGL,Seanconsistently demonstrated his leadership and led revolutionary improvements to integrated training As the world continues to be volatile and the threat evolves we adapted and elevated training while strengthening relationships across the Fleet,” he continued. “Sean provided achievable solutions and mentorship that enabled our ship captains, major commanders, and strike group commanders to lead competent warfightingunits.” Anderson is a native of Wisconsin, and a graduateoftheUniversityofWisconsin.His career was marked by a breadth of experience in multiple platforms with a focus on fleettrainingandoperations In addition to command of TTGL, he previouslycommandedUSSBulkeley(DDG 84) and Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) TWO. He is a plankowner aboard USS Carney (DDG 64), and served in various leadership positions aboard USS Rodney M. Davis (FFG 60), USS Kearsarge (LHD 3), USS Kauffman (FFG 59), and USS Nitze (DDG 94). He also served twice at CSG-4, first as the Asst. Chief of Staff for Training and Assessments, and later as the Chief of Staff Ashore he served as Flag Aide to Commander, Naval Surface Forces Atlantic, as the director of operations at Tactical Support Center Sigonella, the Fleet Command Center Director at U.S. Fleet Forces Command, and the executive assistant to the Fleet Forces Command Director
“It’sbeentheprivilegeofalifetimetolead this elite team of civilians and active duty staff to train deploying strike groups and deliver relevant, highly-capable warfighting teams supporting our fleet and combatantcommanders,”saidAnderson
“The two things I am most proud of this teamforaremeetingtheever-growingLVC [live, virtual, and constructive training] demandsignal andtheirdynamicadaptabilitytoadjustthetrainingtomatchimproving adversary capabilities while incorporating our latest high-end tactics and procedures Each exercise is more complex and better than the last, which demands a total team effort.”
Anderson turned over lead of TTGL to Quaresimo a career surface warfare officer and native of Stroudsburg, Penn who commissioned through the Navy’s Seaman toAdmiralProgram
“You are the right warfighter at the right
timetotakethehelmatTTGL…You’vebeen riding shotgun and equally accountable for both CSG-4 and TTGL’s recent successes, said McCoy. “You and your staff are sprintingandleading Bebold,movefast,anddon’t lookback.”
TTGL is the benchmark for Fleet LVC and synthetic training, and work closely withU.S.FleetForcesCommandattheHefti GlobalLVCOperationsCenter whichhelda ribboncuttingceremonyonMay14
Quaresimo’s career experience in training,operations,andresourcingandrequirements will support the continued training and development of integrated naval forces andtheNavy’sapproachtotrainingcontinuums
“It is with a deep sense of honor that I step into this role I am proud of our team, andamhonoredtobeherecelebratingtheir successunderSean’ssteadyleadership, said Quaresimo “Iknowourteamwillcontinue toacceleratelearning,andIamconfidentwe
will train and mentor carrier strike group amphibious ready group, and independent deploying teams to take on the many challenges they may face in today’s operating environment.”
TTGL’s mission is to train, mentor, and assess carrier strike group, expeditionary strike group, amphibious ready group and Marine Expeditionary Units and their warfare commanders and staffs for global deploymentagainstpeercompetitors TTGL is a supporting command to CSG-4 alongsideExpeditionaryWarfareTrainingGroup Atlantic.
CarrierStrikeGroup4’smissionistotrain, mentor, and assess carrier strike groups, amphibiousreadygroups,andindependent deployers for global combat against peer competitors You can find them on LinkedIn,Twitter Facebook,andDVIDS
The Battle of Midway stands as a pivotal moment in World War II, a turning point thatdecisivelyshiftedthebalanceofpower in the Pacific. For the Navy, June 4, 1942, remainsasacreddate,onethatnotonlycelebratesahistoricvictorybutalsoencourages us to look back on the tremendous courage andsacrificeofallwhoserved.Thisincludes thevitalroleplayedbyNavyMedicine
Midway was not just a clash of warships andaircraft.It’salsoatestamenttothededication and bravery of the Navy physicians, dentists, and pharmacist’s mates (hospital corpsmen) Navy medical personnel served on every vessel in the Navy Task Forces 16 and 17—from the immense carrierstothenimbledestroyers Inthecrucible of the battle, medical personnel administered life-saving care to wounded sailors, performed surgery, and stabilized critical injuries with limited resources And when ships were damaged or sunk, medicalpersonneloftencoordinatedevacuation efforts while ensuring that the wounded receivedthecaretheydesperatelyneeded.
Among the many who displayed exceptionalheroismatMidwayweretwoofNavy Medicine’sfinest:
Lt John H. Peterson, USS Hammann (DD-412):
Petersonservedasmedicalofficeraboard the destroyer USS Hammann at Midway Although injured by a shock of a torpedo explosion, Lt Peterson helped lead the evacuation efforts from his ship. Afterwards, he directed the rescue of many seriouslywoundedsailorswhomightotherwise have drowned. For three grueling days, he rendered constant medical care to the woundedaboardanotherdestroyerenroute to its base pushing himself to the brink of exhaustion.
Lt j.g. Edward Augustus Kearney, USS Yorktown (CV-5):
Dr Kearney’s unwavering commitment extended far beyond his initial duty during theattacks ANavyphysicianattachedtothe ill-fated carrier Yorktown, Kearney helped evacuatethecasualtiesfromthesinkingship andledtheefforttocareforwoundedaboard
the rescue craft. Kearney volunteered to returntoYorktownaspartofasalvageparty helpingtocollectthedeadandpreparetheir burialsatsea.Afterwards,hewasassignedto bethemedicalofficeraboarddestroyerUSS Benham (DD-397) caring for 70 wounded, 45 of whom were in critical condition. His devotion to duty and professional skill as a surgeon,whileworkingwithoutthenormal facilitiesofasickbayoroperatingroom,are responsibleformanysurvivingMidwayand gettingtomedicalfacilitiesonPearlHarbor wheretheyreceivedadvancedcare.
Silver Stars for their exceptional service at Midway
While Kearney and Peterson serve as examples of the extraordinary acts of bravery at Midway, they represent only part of the medical support provided. Many will never receive the recognition they deserve, buttheircollectiveeffortsensuredcountless sailorssurvivedtofightanotherday.
Sources: Executive Officer’s Report of Action for PeriodofJune4-June7,1942 USSYorktown. BUMEDCorrespondenceRecords,National
Gay, George H. Sole Survivor: The Battle of Midway and Its Effects on His Life Naples,FL:MidwayPubs.,1980 320pp Hough,RichardA.TheBattleofMidway NewYork:Macmillan,1970 90pp Peterson,John.MilitaryTimesAwardsof Valor Retrieved from: https://valor.militarytimes.com/hero/20777
ByHendrickDicksonUSN Military Sealift Command
There’snothinglikeanewship Thegray is hazier, the lights are brighter and brass is shinier When you walk aboard a new ship, you notice the crew’s sense of pride They know they are the ones who will lay the foundationfortheship’sfuture.
That’s the feeling aboard Military Sealift Command’s newest fleet replenishment oiler USNS Harvey Milk (T-AO 206). The current crew has the very important task of getting her fit and ready future operations,andwithawealthofMSCexperience behind him, ship master, Capt. Jim White, lookstoleadthemtosuccess
The U.S. Merchant Marine Academy graduate, class of ’86, has been sailing for MSC 34 years After graduating USMMA, White initially joined the Navy He said there were limited employment opportunities for career mariners during that time and he thought a tour aboard a naval auxiliary ship would give him a chance to raise his license from third mate to second mate But while serving in the Navy, he realized a differentpath.
“I was assigned to a Navy oiler based in Norfolk, the USS Savannah (AOR 4), and I found I liked it,” said White “I enjoyed the ship’s mission. I thought it was pretty cool to work aboard ships that operate like that, close together and resupplying Navy ships AndIfoundoutwhatMSCwaswhenIwas aboardtheSavannah.”
The Salem, Massachusetts, native transitioned to MSC in 1989 He has commanded numerous MSC oilers and AFS-class ships; including USNS William Mclean (T-AKE 12),USNSLewisandClark(T-AKE1) USNS Kanawha(T-AO196) USNSLaramie(T-AO 203), USNS Patuxent (T-AO 201) USNS Concord (AFS 5) and USNS Saturn (T-AFS 10). It has been a career that has put White on the frontlines several times when MSC has been called upon for crises abroad and athome “I’ve been involved at some points in a few history making events,” he said “I was on USNS Arctic (T-AOE 8) as a chief mate for Operation Iraqi Freedom. When 9/11happened,IwasontheUSNSComfort (T-AH 20) when we were activated to go to New York City Lewis and Clark won an AOTOS (Admiral of the Ocean Sea) award foravoidingapirateattackwhenIwasthere in Somalia. It’s been fascinating Any place theNavyisandaworldeventhappens,MSC isthereaswell.” Reflecting on a career that has spanned more than three decades White remembers the mariners he’s served with over the years who have impacted his career, and
Sailors from Naval Medical Readiness Logistics Command (NMRLC), Williamsburg, VA, conducted their ‘Joint 360 Training’centeredonthe82ndCommemoration oftheBattleofMidway,June5,2024
NMRLCiscomprisedofactive-dutymilitary members from both the U.S. Army and theU.S.Navy
Derived from the Sailor 360 program, this joint training promotes flexibility in establishing evolutions tailored to existing sourcematerialthatmeetsleadershipneeds in developing troops The program allows
Sailorsofallrankstospeakcandidlytoward improving their personal and professional cooperation and focus on specific topics of training to support professional development.
This year marks the 82nd Anniversary of theBattleofMidwaythatsawtheU.S.Navy
win a decisive victory fought in the Pacific Ocean more than half a century ago On June 3-7, 1942, the battle altered the course of World War II in the Pacific and thereby shapedtheoutcomeofworldevents
The 360 training highlighted several personalexperiencesofSailorswhorelayed their stories through a specially prepared presentationgivenbyMatthewHeadrickof theHamptonRoadsNavyMuseum.
Headrick is the museum’s education specialist that offers a variety of presentationsforcommandsinthegreaterHampton Roadsarea
Watching through Microsoft Teams, one Sailor expressed her thoughts about the presentation “I think the 360 program is a great idea as it teaches Sailors about history and gives training with details that make learning informative, entertaining and beneficial,” said, HM1(FMF) Katlyn Schrecengost, NMRLCDetachmentFortDetrick,AssemblageManagementDirectorate “I enjoyed the presentation and got a different perspective from those who were directly involved in the Battle of Midway
that I had not heard before. Also, having an outsidepresenterwasbeneficialbecausehe providedinsightthatSailorsmightnothave uncovered. Sometimes I think the heritage of the Navy gets lost. Incorporating these programsintotheJoint360helpstoensure theseeventsarenotforgotten.”
The Battle of the Midway was one of the majorpivotalpointsfortheAlliedPowersin WWII AsHeadrickexplained,theJapanese navy would not be capable of overcoming the loss of four carriers and more than 100 trained pilots With the loss at Midway the Japanese offensive in the Pacific was overturnedandtheUnitedStatesbeganoffensive actioninthePacific.
Vice Adm. Kelly Aeschbach, commander of Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR) and the Navy’s IBoss; and Ms Liz Nashold, NAVIFOR deputy commander, took the stage at the AFCEA Hampton Roads MaritimeITSummit-DONITEAST,June4-5. Withafocusonthecriticalroledataplays in warfighting, the summit connected DoD leaders with industry partners to deliver capabilitiestowarfighters
During the event, Aeschbach delivered a keynoteaddressunderscoringtheessential role of information warfare (IW) across all domains
“We are not only just our own warfighting area, but we impact every other warfighting area in the high-end fight You can’t do anything without a piece of us If you’re involved in aviation, you’re driving a ship, you’re in a submarine under the water informationwarfarehastobeintegratedfor youtobesuccessful, saidAeschbach, Aeschbach also elaborated on the multifaceted role of IW and how IW capabilities enableallnavaloperations
“Information warfare is more relevant and critical than ever And if you want to be able to defeat an adversary, frankly, just want to be able to stay in competition, you must do that through our three pillars You
some mentors with giving him the tools to bethecaptainheistoday.
“I’ve benefited from sailing with a lot of experienced captains like Ed Burns Ed Nanartowich, Steven Aspiotis, Rich Cicchetti, Randall Rockwood and Keith Walzak. I got just a lot of mentorship from them and I feel I’m trying to do that now,” he said. “Having been sailing captain for 19 yearsnow,I’dsaythereareprobably15to20 permanent masters that are working with MSCthathavesailedformeasajuniorofficersorinsomecasesunlicensedmariners I feelprettyproudaboutthat.
Healsocreditsthesupportsystemhehas athome hiswifeDeeandtheirthreekids Throughallthedeployments,transfersand long hours working aboard ships, they’ve beenhisinspiration.
need assured command and control, and that involves the movement of vital data. You need enhanced battlespace awareness; that’s both an understanding of the threat butalsoanunderstandingofhowtocapitalizeontheenvironmentthatyou’reoperating in, and essentially knowing whether your systems are going to work as intended. And thenifyou’regoingtointegratefires,kinetic ornon-kinetic,youneedapieceofus Weare thelifebloodofmaneuver.”
Aeschbach also emphasized the critical roleofdatainstayingincompetition.
“Dataisourlifeblood everythingwedo is about data,” said Aeschbach. “We need data at the right time We need to ensure battlespace awareness and enable warfighters and commanders at every level to anticipate the challenges they’re going to have, and data is fundamental to that Data brings decision advantage And so we need to put thought into how we eliminate data silos,howweimprovedatatransparencyand accessibility howwepromotecollaboration and innovation and how we ensure data is flowing to all decision makers as swiftly as possible.”
Aeschbach also delved into the critical significance of the electromagnetic spectruminmodernwarfare,noting,“Spectrum isalreadyvitaltoourdailymissionandvital to national security, but as we continue to operate in a more information dominant
“I’ve been married for 33 years My wife certainly puts up with every aspect of this job, but she’s always been supportive of it Andmykidsaretoo They’realladultsnow, buttheystillenjoyhearingalltheseastories I certainly couldn’t have done it without them, hesaid. With the support of his family and years of experience behind him, White seems to betheperfectleaderforMSC’snewestfleet replenishment oiler Only the second John Lewis-class vessel, Harvey Milk launched November 2021. It is named in honor of activist Harvey Milk, the first openly gay persontobeelectedtopublicoffice
The vessel arrived in Norfolk in April. The crew will soon began the long strenuous process of sea trials and qualifications to ensure it is mission ready White says he excitedandhonoredtoleadthecrewandto representanamesakewhichmeanssomuch tosomanypeople
environment, how we use the electromagneticspectrumandouraccesstoitacrossall domainsforalloperationsisabsolutelyvital. We need to be focused on how we retain appropriateaccess howwecanoperate and how we continue to develop our capabilitiessowehavethemostagilitytomaximize maneuverthroughoutthespectrum.
Ondaytwoofthesummit,NasholdparticipatedinapanelalongsideNavyandMarine Corps leaders and discussed the broader implications of data and its maneuverabilitytowarfighting
“Warfighters who can sense make sense and act on information faster are going to win. And that’s what we want to do - we wanttowin.Anddataiscentraltowinning Dataiscentraltoinformationwarfare.Data is central to battlespace awareness, for assured command and control and integratedfires Andthosethreepillarsofinformationwarfareunderpineverysingleother warfare area in the Navy And so when we think about data and data maneuverability fromatypecommandperspective,it’sessentialtowhatwedo,”Nasholdexplained.
Inthesamevein,Nasholdalsohighlighted the unique training challenges faced by IW professionals, emphasizing an area where having the right data is critical: in Live, Virtual, and Constructive (LVC) training environments “One of the things that is unique to infor-
“I’m very proud to be the captain of Harvey Milk,” said White “I’ve met the people in the Harvey Milk Foundation, Harvey Milk’s nephew, Stuart Milk, and Anne Kronenberg, who was Harvey Milk’s campaign manager when he was when he ranforofficeinSanFrancisco Theirstories and his are very inspiring His legacy of inclusionisanimportantmessagefortoday thateverybodycancontributetoo.”
MSC is celebrating 75 years of providing maritime logistics to the Navy and department of defense White has been with the commandnearlyhalfofitsexistence Inhis stateroom, he keeps a coin rack with nearly 50 coins on it. One of those coins is an MSC 50th anniversary coin. It is a reminder of both his and MSC’s longevity and commitmenttoservingthenation.
“Ithink75yearsfromnow,we’llbetalking aboutthe150thanniversaryofMSC,”White said. “I think it’s here to stay I sometimes
mationwarfarewhenwetalkabouttraining is that we have a lot of limitations We can’t tip our hand to our adversary The things that we need to train to from an information warfare perspective we can’t actually demonstrate in an open environment. We may not actually have the authorities to do whatweneedtodo thingslikebeingable to work in the electromagnetic spectrum SoIWintheLVCenvironmentiscritical.”
This week’s summit brought together military leaders, industry experts, and academic scholars to discuss the evolving landscape of information warfare and its critical role in ensuring naval superiority AeschbachandNashold’sinsightsprovided a comprehensive overview of the current and future challenges and opportunities across the IW domain, emphasizing the needforintegrated,data-drivenapproaches tomaintainacompetitiveedge NAVIFOR’s mission is to generate, directly and through our leadership of the IW Enterprise agile and technically superior manned, trained, equipped, and certified combat-ready IW forces to ensure our Navy will decisively DETER, COMPETE, andWIN FormoreinformationonNAVIFOR,visit the command Facebook page at https:// www.facebook.com/NavalInformationForces/ or the public web page at https:// www.navifor.usff.navy.mil.
tell people that we work in a hidden world at sea, but the things I see the crews do, day after day, the professional and outstanding support they render is just awe-inspiring at times The crews always come through to getthejobdonetokeeptheNavyonstation.” MSC directs and supports operations for approximately 140 civilian-crewed ships thatreplenishU.S.Navyshipsatsea,conduct specialized missions, preposition combat cargo at sea around the world, perform a variety of support services, and move militaryequipmentandsuppliestodeployedU.S. forces Celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2024 MSC exists to support the joint warfighter across the full spectrum of military operations with a workforce that includes approximately6,000CivilServiceMariners and 1,100 contract mariners, supported by 1,500 shore staff and 1,400 active duty and reservemilitarypersonnel.
Iasked what kind of family Amina wanted.She said, ‘A family like yours.’ That’s when Iknew Ihad to adopt her.
Denise, adopted17-year-old Amina
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99 year old “Rosie Riveter” visits B-25 at U.S. Naval Test Pilot School
CourtesyStory Center For Information Warfare Training
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Cmdr Laura Smith relieved Cmdr John Copeland as commandingofficerofInformationWarfare TrainingCommand(IWTC)VirginiaBeach during a change of command ceremony in Layton Hall’s Taylor Auditorium June 6, 2024 Capt. Christopher Bryant, commanding officer, Center for Information Warfare Training (CIWT), presided over the ceremonyandcongratulatedbothofficersonall thattheyhaveaccomplishedthusfarintheir careers Bryant spoke about the change of command as a time-honored tradition and the hard-earned privilege and pinnacle of beingacommandingofficer Bryant highlighted Copeland’s leadership as he commemorated Copeland’s successes as commanding officer Bryant alsowelcomedSmithemphasizinghisconfidenceinherabilitytoleadCIWT’spreeminenttrainingcommands
The guest speaker for the ceremony was Mr David Gillene, the exercise director for Carrier Strike Group FOUR, who previous served 23-years on active-duty as a Surface Warfare Officer Gillene spoke passionately about Copeland’s motto to “work as if this
is the last day of peace,” something Copelandinstilledinhisstaffthroughouthistour Gillene also spoke about the importance of the mission at IWTC Virginia Beach by stating that the mission, the staff and the studentsall“directlycontributetothereadiness of the combat forces that are forward deployed.
Copeland assumed command of IWTC Virginia Beach in June of 2022 following a toursaboardtheUSSDwightD.Eisenhower and as the Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence at Carrier Strike Group FOUR. He provided leadership, mentorship, and no shortage of energy and spirit for over 300 military civilian,andcontractstaffmembers who train over 7,000 students annually at five geographically dispersed training sites offering74coursesofinstruction.
Copeland’s accomplishments during his time in command were numerous The Master Training Specialist program was revised leading to a significant increase in both enlisted Sailors and officers being qualified during his tenure This focus on training professionalism manifested itself in IWTC Virginia Beach instructors being critical drivers in the revision of numerous courses Most notably, two of Copeland’s instructors, Lt Amanda Brown and Intelligence Specialist 1st Class Brandonjoe Juan
were named Naval Education and Training Command Military Instructors of the Year in2023afterhavingcompetedagainst11,000 fellow instructors throughout the entire Navy Copeland also expanded the sponsor program of the Naval Intelligence Officer Basic Course, bringing senior intelligence officers from the fleet into the classroom throughout the training process to further helpinthedevelopmentofthenextgenerationofnavalintelligenceofficers
During Copeland comments he thanked familyhisfamilyanddiscussedhow,justlike any other human being, he can also make mistakes and that is not something to shy awayfrom Hereferredtohiswifebystating “you’re my motive force and always tell me togoforit.You’relikethespeedbarinMario Kart.I’mliketheshellorthebananapeel.”
Theoverarchingthemeofhisspeechwas thatlifeiscomprisedofmomentswhereyou takeonestepforwardsortwostepsbackand it’s important to keep an eye on the bigger picture and continue moving forward. He concludedhiscommentsbysaying “theagility in the curriculum is in the instructors It’salwaysagoodtimetodotherightthing.”
Smith, addressing the command for the firsttimeasitsCommandingOfficer,stated, “it is the honor of a lifetime to be here,” and that she is privileged to continue IWTC
Virginia Beach’s tradition of excellence Smith complemented the IWTC Virginia Beach staff capabilities and committed that she will push both students and staff to achieve excellence amidst the growing threatsandchangingsecurityenvironment aroundtheworld.
Smith is a native of Broomfield, Colorado and received a Bachelor of Science degree from the United States Merchant MarineAcademyandaMasterofArtsfrom the Naval War College and Arizona State University Shehaspreviouslyservedasthe Assistant Intelligence Officer embarked upon the USS Harry S. Truman and as the Maritime Intelligence Operations Center DirectorforNimitzWarfareAnalysisCenter attheOfficeofNavalIntelligence With four schoolhouse commands, two detachments, and training sites throughout the United States and Japan, Center for Information Warfare Training trains over 26,000 students every year, delivering trained information warfare professionals to the Navy and joint services Center for Information Warfare Training also offers morethan200coursesforcryptologictechnicians,intelligencespecialists,information systemstechnicians,electronicstechnicians, and officers in the information warfare community
ByGarrettDipuma Naval Air Station Pensacola
PENSACOLA, Fla. The Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) expanded in-personSexualAssaultPreventionandResponse (SAPR) resources to service members stationed at Corry Station in Pensacola, Florida.
In-personserviceswerepreviouslyavailableatNASPensacola’sFFSC.NASPensacola FFSC Supervisory Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) Roger Davidsonsaidthiswasproblematictosome students,asthoseundergoinginitialtraining atCorryStationcouldhavelimitedmeansof transportationtogofrombasetobase
“Having a subject matter expert on the groundhaseasedtheburdenandsimplified the process for students attending training atCorryStation, saidDavidson.“Thisgives themimmediateaccesstocareandsupport instead of having to coordinate transportationfromonebasetoanother.”
The Department of Defense initiated the SAPR program to provide victims the resources and support systems needed to recover from trauma. The program also educatesthemilitarycommunityonprevention methods SARCs and victim advocates serveassinglepointsofcontactforintegrating and coordinating sexual assault victim caretomilitarypersonnel
“Sexual assault is everyone’s responsi-
bility and that is why we are here to help Sailors take care of themselves and their shipmates,” said CatherineGriffin,theNASPensacolaFFSCvictimadvocateatCorry Station.
TheSAPRofficeatCorryStation is located on the second floor of Building 511 on Chief’s Way. The Corry Station SAPR office can be reached at (850) 452-6161 or an on-call unit victim advocate can be reached at (850) 449-9231 for immediateassistance
Survivors of sexual assault in the Department of Defense (DoD)communitycanalsoaccess specialized support at SafeHelpline.orgorbycalling877-995-5247.
Other resources available include Military1Source at (800) 342-9647andtheNationalSuicide Prevention Hotline at (800) 273-8255
NAS Pensacola, referred to as the “Cradle of Naval Aviation,” is designed to support operational and training missions of tenant commands including the Naval Aviation Technical Training Center (NATTC); Naval Aviation Schools Command(NASC);MarineAviationTrainingSupportGroups(MATSG)21and23and servesastheheadquartersforNavalEducationandTrainingCommand.
Navy and Marine Corps Force
Health Protection Command
For the first time in its history, the Navy Entomology Center of Excellence (NECE) participated in Fleet Week Miami engaging withlocalcommunitiesandschoolsMay5-12
“Fleet Week Miami is one of the Navy’s premiere community outreach programs to inform the public about what the Navy Marine Corps, and Coast Guard do, and how they meet their missions, highlight the skillsofAmerica’sservicemenandwomenin defenseofthenation.”
NECEpresentedonentomology,abranch of zoology dealing with the scientific study of insects, with hopes to foster interest in themanycareerpathstheNavyoffers Entomology is one of several Science Technol-
ogy, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) careerswithintheUnitedStatesNavy
“Fleetweekwasagreatexperienceoverall. Ilovedbeingpartoftheteamthatgottointeract with the Boys and Girls Clubs all around Miami. The kids were so eager to learn and look at the cool bugs we had,” said Hospital CorpsmanStephanieCasarrubias.
“Manypeopledon’tknowaboutEntomologists and Preventive Medicine Technicians andhowtheytieintotheNavy soFleetweek gave us the opportunity to let people know howimportantourrolesareandwhatwedo forthefleet.”
Throughout the week, NECE’s team led an informational booth within the Norwegian Cruise Terminal and interacted with hundredsofgueststhatweretouringtheUSS Bataan(LHD5).
theFrostScienceMuseum,theMiami-Dade Zoological Park and Gardens (Zoo Miami), Boys and Girls Club of Miami, and the Fleet Week Innovation Night, where, according totheWorldAffairsCouncilMiami,“participants embarked on a journey of discovery as we unveil the intricate web of innovation, technology, and strategic partnerships driving the US Navy’s mission to confront global challengesandexcelincyberspace.”
Lt Thomas Kleier an entomologist at NECEsaidparticipatinginFleetWeekMiami wasanabsolutejoyfortheteam.“Interacting withourciviliancounterpartsandproviding education on why Navy Entomology is such a valuable force multiplier for the Navy was very rewarding I am very proud to be a part of the first ever NECE team Fleet Week and hopeNavyEntomologyhasmoreopportunitiestocollaborateforfutureevents,”hesaid.
LEFT: Lt.j.g John So and Hospital Corpsman 2nd class Mauro OrtizofNavyEntomology CenterofExcellence (NECE) led an outreach eventwith the Boys and Girls Club ofMiami During FleetWeekMiami,May 6,2024,in Miami,Florida.This event marked the NECE’s first time participating in FleetWeek one ofthe Navy’s premiere communityoutreach programs to inform the public aboutwhat the Navy,Marine Corps,and Coast Guard,and howtheymeet theirmissions,highlight the skills ofAmerica’s servicemen andwomen in defense ofthe nation.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY HOSPITALCORPSMANSTEPHANIE CASARRUBIAS)
BELOW: SeniorChiefPettyOfficer Jesse Evans and Engineman 1st class BenfryDeJesus ofNavy EntomologyCenterofExcellence (NECE) showguests avariety ofmedicallyimportant insects like mosquitoes and ticks during FleetWeekMiami,May6,2024, in Miami,Florida.NECE provided outreach events throughout the weekacross Miami showcasing the Navy’s entomological capabilities.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY LT THOMASKLEIER)
Naval Air Test and Evaluation Squadron One
LITITZ, Pa The “Pioneers” of Air and TestEvaluationSquadronOne(VX-1)participated in a community outreach event at Warwick Middle School in Lititz, PA, June 5,2024
FouraircrewmembersandfourmidshipmenfromtheUnitedStatesNavalAcademy gavestudentsandfacultytoursofaMH-60S “Sea Hawk” helicopter, and Command Senior Chief Neale McPheron, native of PortMatilda,PA,ledaquestion-and-answer session in the library to address questions thestudentshadaboutlifeintheNavy
“What we’re really doing at these events
isbuildingcorememories andwe’rebuilding them for a generation and for locations that have never had exposure to this,” said McPheron.“We’rehopefullybuildingapool of individuals that will be recruits for the Navyoverthenextfivetotenyears.Butwhat I enjoy most about these events is watchingthefacesofthekidsandmembersofthe public when they get to interact with aviation.Itdoesn’tgetmuchbetterthanthat.”
VX-1 has coordinated and participated in community outreach events in the central Pennsylvania area since May 2023, aiming toincreaseawarenessoftheNavy’smission inareaswithlimitedNavypresence
“As Pioneers, we are leaders in the fleet,” said Chief Naval Air Crewman (Helicop-
ter) Benjamin Chellew the coordinator for the community outreach program at VX-1
“Thereisnobetterwaytomakeourmarkon the Navy than by sharing our love for naval aviationwiththepublicandfutureSailors.”
This community outreach event is the second presently scheduled event by VX-1 in 2024 and aims to support Commander, Navy Recruiting Command’s “Every Sailor isaRecruiter”program.
“Things have shifted educationally where we are, and students think their only options are college or nothing,” said Barbara Wolf, the health and physical education teacher at Warwick. “Our community is so far removed from military experiences, so having events like these, where kids get an up-close and
personal experience with the military is so importantbecauseitmakesthemrealizethat they have more options. This is one of those momentsthatthekidswillrememberforever.”
VX-1islocatedatNavalAirStationPatuxentRiver,MD,andisasupportingcommand underCommander,NavalAirForceAtlantic. TheprincipalmissionofVX-1istotestand evaluate airborne anti-submarine warfare, maritimeanti-surfacewarfare,andairborne command and control platforms as well as supportsystems equipmentandmaterialsin anoperationalenvironment.Inthisrole,the squadronensuresnewlyfieldedsystemsand upgradedsystemsarethoroughlytestedand evaluated,supportingincreasedcapabilities acrosstheNavyandjointforces.
Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) added to its list ofrecentrecognitionwiththereceiptofthe 2023ExcellenceinPartnership(EIP)Award by The Coalition for Government ProcurementforAcquisitionExcellenceinWashingtonD.C.onMay8,2024
“Established to spotlight excellence and innovationintheFederalprocurementlandscape,theEIPAwardshonortheremarkable contributionsmadebyindividualsandorganizationsfrombothgovernmentandindustry in shaping the acquisition system. The recipients of the 2023 EIP Awards demonstratedexemplarydedication,expertise,and commitment to advancing the partnership between government and industry Their outstanding efforts were instrumental in delivering best value and achieving critical agency missions,” according to The CoalitionforGovernmentProcurement
“This is another proud moment for our commandasNSWCPDwasoneofonlyfive organizations being recognized with the Acquisition Excellence Award,” NSWCPD TechnicalDirectorNigelC.Thijs,SES,said.
In fiscal year 2022, NSWCPD, in collaboration with its contracting department and ContractingOfficerRepresentatives(COR), successfully awarded 50 task orders on the Navy’s Big Blue III contract, representing approximately $78 million in contract ceiling in support of Navy modernization and alterationexecutionefforts
Big Blue III offers critical blue-collar installation and technical services with industry partners to upgrade the Hull, Mechanical,andElectrical(HM&E)systems and deploy technologies These technologies improve availability, increase reliability, and boost ship mission readiness. They also decrease maintenance and workload requirements for machinery systems and components
The task orders awarded by NSWCPD support several high visibility naval programs suchasMissileGuidedDestroyer Modernization Carrier Modernization, Electronic Charting Display & Information
NSWCPD team members included: CORs Debra Dezendorf Kim Yee, Stephen Johnson, Steven Sundell, Nick Amore, Christyn McCone, Brianna Hastings, Regina Lopez, Rita Pompey, Lenet O’Bryan-Prosser;ContractingDepartment:Cindy Esposito, Heather Rhoads, Jane Dematto, Kim DiBartolomeo, Mike Karamisakis, Anthony Ricciardi, Grisel Velazquez, Jason Pelle,MelissaLera,MikeExcell,AllenChai, Steve Allen, Nicole Eckman, John Striano BillO’Tormey;MachineryPrograms&Platforms Department: Dave Elia Joe Lopez, MikeBenham,WayneCase,SonamChheda, Anthony Cirone, Jerrett Clark, Jenna Gilligan, Lauren Hummel, Chris Kadlec, Fares Kazartsev, Alyssa Mason, Greg Piland, Emmanuel Stokes, Tony Taylor, Julie Warner, Austin Yoffredo, Jager Ziegenfuss, Joe Lopez, Luke Albright, Vince Anzideo Jessyca Bracey Saurabh Choudhari, I’Kea Douglas, Brett Franks Cade Gertsen, Rob Kwiatkowski,JimLutz,DarleenMarin-Espin, Camille Marrero Laboy, Csaba Otvos, ChrisVinci,andRickWeber
NSWCPD employs approximately 2,800 civilian engineers, scientists, technicians, and support personnel. The NSWCPD team does the research and development, test and evaluation, acquisition support, and in-service and logistics engineering for the non-nuclear machinery, ship machinery systems, and related equipment and materialforNavysurfaceshipsandsubmarines.NSWCPDisalsotheleadorganization providingcybersecurityforallshipsystems.
Naval SurfaceWarfare Center, Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) MachineryPrograms & Platforms Department Contracting Officer Representative (COR) Supervisor KimYee (right) receives the 2023 Excellence in PartnershipAward byThe Coalition forGovernment Procurement forAcquisition Excellence from the President ofThe Coalition ofGovernment Procurement Roger Waldron (left) inWashington D.C.on May8,2024.(COURTESYPHOTO)
CourtesyStory Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command HQ
TheNavy’sShipyardInfrastructureOptimization Program (SIOP) completed part oneofitsfirst-everIndustryDayJune5.
Theeventwasbroadcasttoapproximately 500 attendees and included a familiarization video on Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard (PHNS), a detailed description of the SIOP baseline plan for PHNS, and remarks from SIOP leaders on how SIOP is critical to the Navy’smission,aswellastheneedforinnovativeideasthatbreakfromtheDepartment of Defense’s typical processes and ways of doingbusiness
“IndustryDayprovidesourstakeholdersa betterunderstandingofthechallengesSIOP isfacingandthebusinessopportunitiesthat exist,” said SIOP Program Manager Capt.
Strategic Systems Programs
PHOENIX Members of Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) were presented with several 2023 Department of Navy Financial Management Awards at the American Society of Military Comptrollers Professional Development Institute on 29 Mayrecognizingthe“highcaliberofcreative excellenceoftheNavy’sworkforce.” Awardees were recognized for their efforts to maximize efficiency across the Financial Management (FM) team while also prioritizing workforce development and retention. Shellon Phillips, SSP Business and Financial Management Section Head, was selected for individual achievement in Leveraging Data Analytics, Echelon II or above Katherine Cooksey, SSP AcquisitionsSystemsLead,wasselectedfor individualachievementinOptimizingStewardshipintheBudgetProcess EchelonIIor above Elizabeth McGovern, SSP Financial ManagementAnalyst;DelaneyBurlingame, SSP Newcomer On-Boarding Workshop (NOW) Program Manager; Rashmi Singh, and Latysha Porter, were selected for team achievement in Contribution to Enhance Highly Skilled Engaged FM Workforce EchelonIIorabove
“SSP’sfinancialmanagementcommunity continues to set the bar for the Navy,” said KevinTalley(SES),SSPComptroller
Luke Greene “It’s important that we reach ourpartnersinthiseffort theconstruction contractors,materialvendors,tradeunions, shipyardworkforce,regulators,electedofficials andmembersofacademia sowecan doourbesttodoourpartingettingourships andsubmarinesbacktoseawhenandwhere ournationneedsthem.
SIOPisamulti-decadeeffortwithover$6 billionofconstructionunderway Itispartof a reconceiving of infrastructure not only as “brickandmortar,”butasacriticaldriverof lethality,asfunctionallyaweaponssystem.
The SIOP Program Executive Office mission is to deliver capabilities to protect and enable our nation’s strategic interests and economic prosperity That includes planningandbuildingmegaprojects,recapitalizingcentury-oldshipyardinfrastructure, andoptimizingthenation’spublicshipyards
to better maintain and upgrade the Navy’s currentandfuturenuclear-poweredaircraft carriersandsubmarines
Withsuchanexpansivemission,itiscritical that the Navy solicit innovative ideas from industry and academia on how to deliversuchprojectsfaster atareducedcost, andwithpredictableperformance
“It is imperative that the Navy work with urgencytoexploreallavenuesforimprovementatourfournavalshipyards,”saidNikolas Guertin, assistant secretary of the Navy for Research, Development, and Acquisition. “We have to look at our materials, our workforce our processes our fundamentalwaysofdoingbusinessandthinking We have to be agile, and we cannot be afraid to think differently This is necessary not only toimproveourcostandscheduleoutcomes, but to stay apace with our adversaries and
Guertin also noted that SIOP is evidence that the Navy is already innovating and embracingcreativeproblemsolving
“Faced with an unprecedented challenge we adjusted how we framed the problems and are embracing unprecedented solutions,” he said. At the second half of this event, scheduled for August, industry professionals with be invited to pitch their ideas to Navy subject matter experts To be considered, innovative project ideas must be submitted in advance via the SAM.gov website at https://sam.gov/ opp/15e7699e3ee94d7d9ce955eda5056fe3/ view The June 5 SIOP Industry Day video presentation is available at https://youtu. be/JFZJHoFTqXw
“TheyperformacrucialroleinSSP’sability to meet its mission and their individual andcollectiveeffortsarefelteveryday.Their contributionsexemplifywhattheseawards represent.
Financial management work ripples acrossacommand.Manyofthenewprocess improvements were implemented by SSP’s financialmanagementteamtopreventsmall errorsthatcouldleadtobignegativeimpacts forthewholecommand.McGovernemphasizedthefinancialmanagementteamkeeps theenginesrunning
“Nothing can happen without the FM community, she said. “You can’t pay the workforce, pay the industry partners, or do any of the work without a supportive FM workforce.”
Cooksey worked centered on introducing the Tools & Resources for Budget Optimization (TRBO) to SSP modernizing the command’s budget process and decreasing the amount of time users allocate towards administrative tasks related to the budgetingprocess
The need for efficiency in financial management is a top priority for the Navy The 2022 Department of Navy Financial Management Strategy elevates “building a culture of innovation to enable workforce efficiency”asoneofitsobjectives stressing thatnewskillsandinnovativeproblem-solving through automation is necessary step towardsempoweringtheworkforcetofocus
“[TRBO] is allowing users to spend more time on technical work that needs to be done,” said Cooksey “As a result, SSP is gettingmoreinsightmoreefficiently.”
Nowhereistheneedtoremainsingularly focused on the mission clearer than at SSP, theNavycommandthatprovidescradle-togravelifecyclesupportforthesea-basedleg ofthenation’snucleartriadandresponsible for approximately 70 percent of the U.S.’s deployed strategic nuclear assets SSP’s missioniszero-fail afactPhillipsemphasized highlighting how her work leverages dataanalyticstoimproveSSPfinancialoperationsandreduceadministrativeandfinancialheadaches
“By making sure that we have automated processesandusingthoseprocessestomake manual, repetitive work more automated, wecanreduceerrors,”sheconfirmed.
In addition to increasing efficiency and user-friendliness SSPsawtheneedtogrow a closer connection between the financial management staff and the mission. To do this, Burlingame worked to create new employeetrainingthatspecificallytiedtheir workandSSP’sseabasedstrategicdeterrent mission together This established a direct line of site between conducting cost estimatesandgettingcontractsoutthedoorand the real-world impact that has to the warfighter
“SSP NOW brings new employees up to
speed on the mission and vision of SSP and how the organizations supports the larger Navyandnationalsecurityasawhole,”Burlingame explained. “When I take the financial management community out [to field activitysites],whatIhearmostoftenisthat seeing the mission up close and personal makes them feel more connected and passionateabouttheirjob.”
McGovern and Burlingame worked together to incorporate SSP NOW into a frameworkforentrylevelfinancialmanagement personnel, prioritizing their development.
“WeusedtheNavalAcquisitiondevelopmentprogramandthefinancialmanagement careerprogramthroughtheDepartmentof Navy,andtheSSPDevelopmentprogram,to createourFinancialExperienceandDevelopment Program,” McGovern explained. “We are showing them that this is a great placetowork.
Though the awards highlighted many different areas within financial management, SSP’s team was focused on improving efficiency across the command, as well as improving quality of life for the financial management community through better user-operability and holistic training Led bythesefinancialmanagementexperts SSP hasfoundthatefficiencyandpassionforthe missionoftengohand-in-hand.
Betty Jean Holly will celebrate her 99th birthdaythisweekend justtwodaysafter the 80th anniversary of the allied landings on D-Day. During a recent visit to the U.S. Naval Test Pilot School (USNTPS), she fondly recalled working in a Kansas City factory in 1943 as a riveter building B-25 Mitchell Bombers TheB-25wasamediumbomber aircraft manufactured by North American Aviation that was used by the U.S. in every theater of World War II.
“I graduated from school when I was 17 but couldn’t work at the factory until I turned 18,” said Holly, “But as soon as I turned 18 I moved away from home and started working.”
Holly shared her story while visiting Naval Air Station (NAS) Patuxent River, Maryland, where she had an opportunity to see a B-25 up close at the schoolhouse.
“You did a great job on those rivets as they’ve held up for more than 80 years,” saidLarryKelley,ExecutiveDirectorofthe Delaware Aviation Museum Foundation and owner of the B-25 named “Panchito.” PanchitofliesinfromDelawaretwiceeach year to train USNTPS test pilots under instruction.
Itwasduringoneofthosetrainingflights last week that Southern Maryland local James Marsh saw the B-25 and thought of his wife’s grandmother Marsh is a retired engineerwholivesinCalifornia,Maryland andenjoysplayingaroundortwoofgolfon the base course
WhatMarshsawwasalarge,shiny silver propellered plane with two vertical stabilizers on the rear, an all-glass nose, and glass turret on top The two radial piston engines are part of what makes the B-25 a truly unique aircraft for USNTPS students to fly, land, and taxi on the runway.
“We’re very proud to have a small part in helping the school develop the world’s finesttestpilots,”saidKelley “Theyunderstand that learning from the past helps teach modern techniques for future flight test. Marsh said it was an amazing aircraft to seelandatthebase “AndIknewBettyhad helped build them.”
MarshcontactedUSNTPSandtheschool invitedHollyandherfamilytocomeseethe planeontheflightlineoutsidetheschool’s hangar
“Thisisabsolutelyincredible,”saidHolly, sitting in the shade of the wing panels she may have helped build “I never expected this opportunity and I’m so grateful.”
Holly shared how she left her rural Kansas home with a friend to move near Kansas City for the job with North AmericanAviation.Thetwogirlsworked12-hour shifts six days each week
“My mother said I was only allowed to work there if I did the night shift,” said Holly, who laughingly said her mom thoughtworkingnightswouldkeepherout of trouble “She was afraid I’d go to bars.”
“Wehadtwo30-minutebreakswhenwe ate lunch,” Holly said “The conveyor belt would stop and we would all just sit down on the floor and take a break.”
According to Holly the only safety requirement was that they could not wear sweaters, as the yarn could get caught on the machinery
Though sweaters were a safety risk, modernconsiderationslikehearingprotectionwerenotaconcernontheloudfactory floor
“I liked working there,” she said. “It was interesting work and fun.” Holly said aside from the breaks they stood for the entire shift facing a partner asthewingportionscamethroughhanging from a conveyor belt.
“One of us drilled the holes and pushed the rivet in while the other held the ‘buckingbar,’”shesaid.Abuckingbarisahandheld anvil used to form the end of a rivet. “Every four hours we would switch positions as drilling and riveting were harder efforts.”
The factory was also historically significant from an integration perspective. An Executive Order by President Franklin D. Rooseveltin1941banneddiscriminationof workers in defense industries and governmentbecauseofrace,creed,orcolor While working at the factory Holly said she met the first person of color she had ever seen.
Holly remembers “war being a major part of her youth. “I grew up with war, she said. Almost all of the young men she knewfromhersmalltownweredraftedand she felt it was part of her patriotic duty to serve in some capacity and the factory providedherwithanopportunityforindependence
“Iwasjusthappytogetawayfromhome,” she said. And earn a paycheck. “My first paycheck was for $.49/hour.”
Though there is really no way to tell if Holly’s rivets are onboard Panchito, it is a distinctpossibility “Weoftenscratchedour initials on the inside panels,” she said. KelleyandhiscrewhaveseenmanyB-25 wing parts in their role at the museum and can verify that many of the women who were riveters left their mark “We’ve seen hearts and initials and other messages scratchedintothemetal, hesaid.“Perhaps someday we’ll see the inside of Panchito and be able to see if Betty’s initials are there.”
USNTPS trains pilots and engineers for development test and evaluation of aircraft and aircraft systems USNTPS is a component of Naval Test Wing Atlantic, the developmental test wing under the NavalAirWarfareCenterAircraftDivision (NAWCAD) in Patuxent River, Maryland. NAWCAD advances capability and operational readiness for Naval Aviation
BettyJean Holly a real-life Rosie Riveter poseswith aWorldWarII era B-25 bomberon the flight line at the U.S.NavalTest Pilot School in Patuxent River Maryland onJune 4,2024. Holly who celebrates her 99th birthdaytwo days afterthe 80th anniversary ofD-Day,drilled holes and installed rivets onboard thewarplanes in 1943 on a factoryproduction line.During thevisit, she fondlyrecalled the factoryjob that gave herboth independence and an opportunityto showherpatriotism when manyoftheyoung men from hertownwere drafted.Test pilots under instruction at the school flythe B-25 bomber during training to learn evaluation ofdifferent flight characteristics.(U.S. NAVYPHOTOSBYVICKY FALCON)
U.S.forcesareexpectedinthecomingdays to resume delivery of humanitarian aid into Gaza via the Defense Department’s Joint LogisticsOver-the-Shorepier,aseniormilitaryofficialsaidonJune7.
Navy Vice Adm. Brad Cooper deputy commander of U.S. Central Command, said U.S. troops have successfully reattached the temporary causeway to the beach in Gaza with the assistance of Israel Defense Force engineers following a a weather-related breakinthepier
“To be sure, this method of delivering aid fromtheseatothepeopleofGazahasalready provedtobeeffective,”Coopersaid.“During its previous weeklong period of operation, the temporary pier delivered 1,000 metric tons of aid more than 2 million pounds tothepeopleofGaza.”
The U.S. halted the flow of aid using the seacorridorlastmonthafterhighseacaused damage to a portion of the temporary pier, forcing crews to remove the pier from its anchorpointontheGazacoastline
Thepierwasrelocatedtemporarilytothe Port of Ashdod, Israel, where it underwent repairs Thepierwassuccessfullyreattached totheanchorpointinGazaearliertoday.
“Weather has always been a factor in military operations, and, as we do around the world every day, we will adjust to the weatherasrequired,”Coopersaid.“Ipersonally andIthinkweasacommand,couldnot be prouder of the exceptional work by our soldiers and sailors who have done a simply superb job in just getting the pier back on missioninveryshortorder.”
Cooperalsohighlightedthe“exceptional” partnership between U.S. Israeli forces, which provided the necessary support to
ensure the safe emplacement of the pier to theGazabeach.
“They remain completely supportive of our effort to increase the volume of aid into Gaza,” Cooper said. “We also continue to enjoy the support of the international community.”
Theeffort,ledbytheU.S.AgencyforInternationalDevelopment,isbeingcarriedoutas part of broader efforts by the United States and international partners to surge assistancetoPalestinians
Soldiers from the Army’s 7th Transportation Brigade at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Virginia, and sailors from Naval Beach Group1atNavalAmphibiousBaseCoronado, California,weretappedtodeploytheJLOTS capabilityafterPresidentJoeBidencalledon the military to conduct an emergency operationduringhisStateoftheUnionaddress
Delivering the capability involved a complex choreography of logistics support and landing crafts that carry the equipment used to construct the approximately 1,800foot causeway comprised of modular, floatingsectionslinkedtogether
The units also constructed a roll-on, rolloff discharge facility that is 72 feet wide by 270 feet long The discharge facility will remainfaroffGaza’sshoreandenablecargo ships to offload aid shipments at sea before they’retransportedtoshore.
About 1,000 soldiers and sailors are involvedintheoperation.
The U.S. is also working closely with international donors who first ship aid into Cyprus where it is screened and packaged before being loaded onto ships to be transportedtothetemporarypier
From the pier, the aid is offloaded into a marshaling area before being distributed farther into Gaza by humanitarian organizations
OfficialsemphasizedthatnoU.S.bootsare on the ground in Gaza as part of the operation, and the safety of U.S. forces is the top priority
In addition to operating the pier, the U.S. has stood up coordination cells to ensure operations are carried out as safely and efficientlyaspossible
Those coordination efforts continued whilethepierunderwentrepairs
Before the pause in operations, the pier accounted for the second highest volume of aid entering Gaza from any crossing and about 30% of the total aid delivered during
thatperiod. Cooper said the U.S. and international partners expect to increase the volume of humanitarian assistance provided through the sea corridor above previous levels once thepieroperationsresume “Thousands of tons of aid are in various stages in the pipeline for delivery,” Cooper said.“And,clearly ourinternationalpartners have seen the previous, positive effect that thepierhas[had]onthedeliveryofhumanitarian assistance to the people of Gaza, and they remain committed to its continued success.”
The Battle of Midway is often called the Navy’s greatest victory The conflict is seen asaturningpointintheBattleofthePacific during World War II. As the years pass the voicesofthosewholivedthroughthatfatefulbattlehavebecomefew
To honor the service personnel who accomplished such a victory, the National Museum of the American Sailor hosted a special ceremony that commemorated the 82nd Anniversary of the Battle of Midway onWednesday,June5,2024
TheCommandingOfficerofNavalStation Great Lakes Captain Steve Yargosz, served astheevent’skeynotespeakerandprovided a unique and informative presentation on thesignificanceofthisbattle.Roughlyninety students from both the Surface Warfare Engineering School Command (SWESEC) and Surface Combat Systems Training Command (SCSTC) were present along with members of the one of Naval Station’s Marine Corps divisions and the general public.
NMAS volunteer, Philip Patterson (who also served as the event emcee) explained that he hopes the students understood the huge but calculated risk that was undertaken by the U.S. Navy to engage with the Japanese; especially on the “heels of Pearl Harbor.” Patterson also emphasized the “sheer courage” and “leadership” that was neededtosuccessfullyexecutethemissions during a time when we faced with so much uncertainty FormorenewsfromtheNationalMuseum of the American Sailor, visit www.history navy.mil/nmas
NORFOLK, Va Cirque du Soleil is thrilled to announce its return to Norfolk with its newly revisited high-energy and high-acrobatic production OVO An exciting Cirque du Soleil experience, OVO is a colorful intrusion into a new day in the life of insects; a non-stop riot of energy and movement. Through show-stopping acrobaticshighlightingtheuniquepersonalities andabilitiesofselectedinsectspecies,OVO explores the beauty of biodiversity in all its contrasts and vibrancy For its relaunch, three new acts and new characters were incorporated to the joyful OVO colony to delightaudiencesofallages
OVO will perform at the Norfolk Scope Arena from June 13 16 at Scope Arena. Tickets on sale now at The Scope Arena Box Office and Ticketmaster.com. The Scope Arena box office is located in the Scope parking garage at 201 E. Brambleton Ave, Norfolk, VA 23510 It is currently open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.Formoreinformationvisitsevenvenues com/eventsorcall757.664.6464
Performance Schedule
AboutOVO:Frommightycricketsbouncing off trampolines to a hypnotic spider contorting inside her web, OVO exudes extraordinary showmanship to tickle the imagination.Funnyandchaotic,yetadorable andwonderful,OVOcharmsourinnerchild withitssweetexuberance Comprisedof100 peoplefrom25differentcountries,including 52artists,OVO(“egg”inPortuguese)brings
to the stage high-level acrobatic acts rede-
fining the limits of the human body Since its opening in Montreal in 2009, OVO has thrilled more than 7 million people in over 160citiesandcloseto30differentcountries
About Cirque Du Soleil Entertainment Group: Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group is a world leader in live entertainment. In addition to producing world-renowned circus arts shows, the Company brings its creative approach to a large variety of entertainment forms, such as multimediaproductions,immersiveexperiences, andspecialevents Goingbeyonditsvarious creations, Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group aims to positively impact people, communities and the planet with its most important tools: creativity and art. Since its creation in 1984 more than 378 million people have been inspired on 6 continents and 86 countries The Canadian company now employs more than 4000 employees, including 1200 artists from 80 different nationalities For more information about Cirque du Soleil Entertainment Group, please visit CDSentertainmentgroup.com. Follow#OVOCirqueand#cirquedusoleilon socialmedia:Facebook,Twitter Instagram, YouTubeandTikTok
NORFOLK, Va Norfolk Botanical Garden (NBG) is ready for fun all summer long! Embark on a journey to NBG’s Enchanted Forest and explore Funky Fungi: Nature’s Curious Creations This sensational summer exhibit is all about the magical realm of mushrooms and their eco-awesome importance Guests will find themselves immersed in a land of larger-than-life mushrooms With 42 larger than life sculptures, Funky Fungi will be an exhibitthatimmersesguestsofallages Summer fun has just begun at NBG! Summer hours are back in full swing, now through October Enjoy the Garden from 9:00 a.m.— 7:00 p.m. daily Embark on a guided tram tour through the Garden, have a picnic with friends or ride your bike from 4:00 7:00 p.m. The World of Wonders Children’s Garden is the place to be this season splashpadsareondailyfrom9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Check out the Butterfly House, and surround yourself with native butterflies, opening Father’s Day Weekend on Saturday, June 15, 2024 Connect with natureandexploreallNBGhastooffer! Coming later this summer the Butterfly and VA Honeybee festivals are back, along
with a new Mushroom Festival complementingoursummerexhibit-FunkyFungi: Nature’s Curious Creations Filled with fun andeducationalactivities oursummerfestivalsareperfectforthewholefamily! AboutNorfolkBotanicalGarden:Norfolk Botanical Garden represents an oasis of more than 65 themed gardens encompassing 175 beautiful acres From stunning plant collections to WOW-Worldof Wonders:AChildren’s Adventure Garden, this diverse natural beauty can be explored by tram, boat, or walking tours The Garden is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums,recognizedasaVirginiaHistoric Landmark, listed on the National Register ofHistoricPlacesanddesignatedaVirginia Green attraction. It is managed by Norfolk Botanical Garden, Inc and supported by the City of Norfolk. The mission of Norfolk BotanicalGardenistoimmersevisitorsina worldofbeauty,leadthroughenvironmental action, and inspire through education and connection to nature Admission is $17.95 for adults, $15.95 for seniors and military, $13.95forages3-12,2andunderarefree Due to expected higher than normal visitation, reserveyourGardenadmissionticketonline. Formoreinformation,visitwww.norfolkbotanicalgarden.org
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va On Saturday May 25, the Virginia Aquarium & Marine ScienceCenter’stwo1-year-oldTomistoma crocodilessafelyarrivedattheirnewhome, CrocodileEncounterinTexas.Thetripwas atwo-dayexcursion,departingtheVirginia Aquarium on Friday morning and traveling byvan.
“This is a very exciting but bittersweet milestone for us,” said the Virginia Aquarium’s Assistant Curator of Fishes, Herpetology and Invertebrates, Colin Walker “This transfer represents the culmination ofmorethan20yearsofplanningandwork bytheVirginiaAquariumHerpetologyTeam to join the small group of institutions who havesuccessfullybredthisenigmatic,littleknowncrocodilespecies.”
For the past year and a half, the Virginia Aquarium has professionally cared for and monitored the Tomistoma’s health and development Asexpected,theyoungTomistoma have doubled in length and are ten times heavier since hatching at the Aquar-
ium in September 2022 The two female hatchlings recently had their exit exams in preparation for the trip where they measurednearlythreefeetinlength.
The Tomistoma were a result of breeding efforts with the Aquarium’s professionally cared for adult Tomistomas Two years ago, The Aquarium’s adult female Tomistoma named Sommer laid a clutch of 19 eggs which underwent a 113-day incubationperiod.
ThesetwohatchlingswerethefirstTomistoma to be hatched at the Virginia Aquarium as part of the Association of Zoos & Aquariums’ Species Survival Plan (SSP) for this freshwater crocodilian species Their presencehasintroducedthefirstviablenew geneticstothepopulationinalmost50years
“Caringforthesehatchlingsfromtheday we dug their eggs out of the nest until now has been a truly remarkable experience for the staff,” said Walker “While it was very sad to see them leave, we all acknowledge that this is the best opportunity for them to contributetotheconservationoftheirentire species
“Notonlywilltheyserveasacharismatic ambassador to the public for the preservation of their threatened homeland, but the genetic value they hold within them will bringmuchneededdiversitytotheUSpopulation when they are large enough to pair up with mates of their own. In that regard, their departure from the Aquarium is not onlycriticaltoensuringthelong-termhealth and sustainability for Tomistoma throughout North America; it is also a success very worthyofcelebration.
As the two Tomistoma hatchlings continue to grow, Crocodile Encounter has the facility space to accommodate them as theyreachfullsize Attheirnewpermanent home, they will be named and cared for by theprofessionalsatCrocodileEncounter
Theparents RalfandSommer wereborn on Jong’s Crocodile Farm & Zoo in Malaysia, which breeds Tomistoma to support species conservation, and were brought to the Virginia Aquarium in 2015 as the first TomistomatoentertheUnitedStatesfroma homerangecountrylegallysince1973 These two also hold the distinguished position of
being one of only six breeding pairs in the UnitedStatestoday. Tomistoma are listed as Endangered on the International Union of Conservation of Nature’s (IUCN) Red List of Threatened SpeciesandlistedasEndangeredaccording to the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Population threats include habitat destruction, drowninginfishingnets andoverfishingof foodresources
TheVirginiaAquarium&MarineScience Center’s mission is to connect people to the marine environment, inspiring a more sustainablefuture.TheAquariumaspiresto beadriverinconservation,education,tourism,andsustainability,leadingthechargeto save wildlife and their ecosystems Owned bytheCityofVirginiaBeach,theAquarium operates as a city department in partnership with the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foundation. The Aquarium is proud to be an accredited member of the AssociationofZoosandAquariums,theAlliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquarium,andtheWorldAssociationofZoosand Aquariums
PressRelease WhenDadfeelslikealittlebitofSunday afternoon time out, Bluey and Bingo have otherplans!Jointhemastheypulloutallof the games and cleverness at their disposal togetDadoffthatbeanbag Bluey’sBigPlay isabrand-newtheatricaladaptationofthe Emmy® award-winning children’s television series with an original story by Bluey creator Joe Brumm, and new
Betweenjugglingwork,family,friendsandsocialactivities,poweringthroughbusyday-to-dayschedulesrequires alotofenergy Buildingmealsaroundrecipespackedwith aplant-basedproteinsuchaspeanutsorpeanutbuttercan helpyourfamilycometogethertorefuel
In fact, at 7 grams per serving a nutrient-rich powerhouselikepeanutsdeliversthemostproteinofanynutand containssixessentialvitamins vitaminE,folate riboflavin,thiamin,niacinandvitaminB6 andsevenessential minerals phosphorus,iron,magnesium,potassium,zinc, copperandcalcium.
Asaversatileingredientthatcanbeenjoyedasastandalone snack or part of a variety of recipes from morning to night, peanuts can take center stage at the family table when it’s time to recharge at the end of long days Start withanappetizerlikeBroccoliandEdamameSaladwith PeanutDressing whichcanbeonthetablein10minutes toholdoverhungeraheadofaprotein-packedmaincourse likeChickenwithPeanutSauceinLettuceWraps Finish off the evening meal with Peanut Butter Cottage Cheese Cheesecakeasabetter-for-youdessert.
These recipes are courtesy of Parker’s Plate on behalf of the Georgia Peanut Commission. Find more delicious ideasforkeepingyourfamilyenergizedatgapeanuts.com.
Chicken with Peanut Sauce in Lettuce Wraps
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Servings: 4
Inpan,sautegroundchickeninsesameoiluntilcooked through.Drainifmixtureiswatery
Add shiitake mushrooms and onion; saute until mushroomshavesoftenedandappearcaramelcolored
Add garlic, ginger, hoisin, water chestnuts and green onions Letchickenmixturesimmeronlow.
To make peanut sauce: In saucepan over medium-low heat, mix peanut butter brown sugar lime juice chili garlic sauce, ginger and soy sauce until smooth warm andthinnedslightly
Fold into chicken mixture. Stir until combined and simmeronlowuntilpeanutsauceisevenlydistributed. Garnishwithfreshcilantroandcrushedpeanuts Serve inlettucewraps
Broccoli and Edamame Salad with Peanut Dressing
Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time 5 minutes
Servings: 4
1/2freshlime juiceonly
1tablespoonhotwater,plusadditionalforthinner consistency(optional)
1cupshellededamame cooked
To make dressing: In bowl, whisk lime juice, toasted sesame seed oil, honey tahini, peanut butter chili oil, garlic,gingerandsalt,totaste Addhotwater,addingadditional,ifnecessary,untildressingreachesdesiredconsistency Setaside.
To make salad: In large bowl, combine broccoli slaw, edamame,broccoli,cucumber,mint,cilantroandpeanuts
Toss with dressing to combine and garnish with toasted sesameseeds,ifdesired
Prep time: 25 minutes
Cook time: 2 hours
Servings: 8 (1 slice each)
Crust: 2cupspretzels
Tomakecrust:Infoodprocessor,pulsepretzels,waferstylecookiesandpeanutsuntilchoppedbutnotpowdery. In skillet, melt butter Add pretzel mixture until combinedwithbutter.
Spray pie pan with nonstick cooking spray and spread mixtureonbottomofpanandslightlyupsides;pressdown untileven.
Tomakefilling:Inbowlusinghandmixer,whipcottage cheeseuntillumpsaresmoother,3-4minutes Inseparatebowl,usehandmixertowhipheavycream andsugaruntilstiffpeaksform.
Add cottage cheese and peanut butter to heavy cream mixture;whipuntilcombined,about1minute
Toppiewithchoppedchocolateandpeanutsandfreeze 2 hours Remove from freezer 15 minutes before ready to serve.
from the
U.S.Marine Corps engineers fire a
AU.S.Marine Corps position safetyofficerwears earmuffs to dampen the explosive noisewhile observing two
Multi-RoleAnti-Armor Anti-PersonnelWeapons System during training at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune,North Carolina,inAugust
The expanded Department ofDefense hearing protection fit-testing requirement increases hearing conservation measures forservice members and civilians exposed to noise that could damage theirhearing.(U.SNAVYPHOTOBYBRIANNABIEL)
The Department of Defense is forging ahead to implement the expanded hearing protector fit testing requirement that now coversnoise-exposedservicemembersand civilianemployees AnupdatetotheHearing Conservation Program instruction 6055.12 issued by DOD on Nov. 22 2023 requires expandedtesting Hearing protector fit testing measures the amount of noise reduction a person is gettingfromtheirhearingprotectionwhile itisbeingworn.Itisaprovenwaytoreduce noise-inducedhearinglossthatcanhappen if a person’s hearing protection doesn’t fit properly Noise is the most prevalent hazardous exposure for service members regardless of occupation or specialty DOD seeks to reduce noise-induced hearing loss through theconsistentuseofproperlyfittedhearing protectiondevices,orHPD,bothonandoff duty The science of hearing protection is evolving,andaudiologistsandhearingtechnicians across the military are still learning howbesttomeettheexpandedrequirement for hearing protector fit testing otherwise known as HPFT HPFT allows noise-exposed service members and civilian workerstofindtherighthearingprotectordevice and experience the right fit for their particularHPD
TheDefenseHealthAgencyPublicHealth in Aberdeen, Maryland, and its strategic partners are conducting studies at military installations to determine how to best integratehearingprotectionfittestingintoexisting DOD hearing conservation programs article, said Nancy Vause, who holds a doctorate in psychoacoustics and auditory perceptionandisanaudiologistandhearing conservationconsultant.
“We are developing best practice recommendations for installations to implement fit testing and training in numerous ways,” Vausesaid.Additionally DHAPublicHealth is“activelyseekingfundingtopurchasethe required fit-testing equipment and train technicians to implement fit testing across theDOD.”
Oneofthegoalsoftheexpandedrequirement is to teach soldiers “what right feels like” so they can individually identify a poor-fittingHPD,Vausenoted.
That means involving the service membersdirectlyinthefittingprocesswhen insertingandwearingtheirHPDsandtaking into consideration “their communication
needs hearingability convenience compatibilitywithotherpersonalprotectiveequipment, and the environment in which they operateorwork, Vausesaid.
“The most important factor is that fit testing will help us find the most comfortablehearingprotectorthatservicemembers willwearcorrectly100%ofthetimetheyare exposedtoimpulse(e.g.,weapon)orsteady state (e.g generator) noise,” Vause emphasized.
U.S. Army Fort Huachuca’s Lessons Learned
Becausemilitaryhospitalsandclinicsare atdifferentstagesintheirHPFTexpansion, U.S.ArmyFortHuachucaexperienceoffers somevaluablelessonslearnedsofar.
“Hearing protection appointments now take longer at Huachuca, explained Kari Pink, a doctor of audiology and chief of audiology at Huachuca’s Raymond W. Bliss Army Health Center “We used to have appointments every 30 minutes to get people’s annual hearing tests done With the added fit testing and giving our technicianstimetodocumentoneachpatient,we haveincreasedtheappointmenttimetoone hour.”
“The great value of HPFT is to find those who have inadequate protection and solve that problem,” Pink said. “The issue could beapoorfit,thewrongsizehearingprotector,orthewrongtypeofhearingprotector.”
Fittestingmeasuresthepersonalattenuation rating (PAR) specific to each individual ear and hearing protector The PAR is a real-worldmeasurementoftheoverallnoise reductionthehearingprotectorprovidesfor individual’sears
The PAR tells each service member if their HPD fits correctly and “can protect them from hearing injuries when exposed totheirtypicalmilitarynoisehazards(weapons,vehicles,grenades,evensmokegenerators),”saidVause
“Ithinkthesoldiersareactuallylikingthat we are able to measure the actual attenuation as well A lot of people don’t know it’s normaltohavetwodifferent-sizeearcanals, so they might need two different-size ear plugs,”accordingtoPink.
Poor Fit a Common Issue
“Inadequate fit is a common reason for notgettingenoughprotectionfromhearing protectors,”Pinkexplained.
However, “one of the biggest lessons learned at Fort Huachuca is that most of the hearing protection we have stocked in the clinic is providing a good PAR for most soldiers,whichisgreatnews,”shesaid.
Ontheotherhand,“wehavehadahandful that have really low PAR with the different types/sizesthatwehaveinstock,sowehave torecommendtheyusefoamearplugsand/ orover-the-earmuffs,”shesaid.
“Ear plugs are better for high noise and longernoiseexposures,”whileearmuffsare goodforintermittentnoiseandforusewith ear plugs as double protection from very high noise levels,” Pink explained, noting “there are several other types of hearing protectors that have electronics and other featuresincorporatedintothedevice.”Some service members may require double hearingprotection.Additionally noise-attenuatinghelmetsareavailabletoservicemembers dependingontheirduties
There’s been a significant “culture change”inattitudesabouthearingsafetyin the last two decades with “more emphasis on protecting and preserving hearing” over rehabilitating hearing loss, according toVause Service members and their leaders “are very intelligent and motivated to ‘stay alert and stay alive,’ ” she said. They expect to “wearalltypesofpersonalprotectionequipment and no longer think they are tough to suffer auditory injuries or noise-induced hearingloss.”
“Wearing hearing protection is now required,encouraged,andenforced.FittestingjustensurestheHPDisfitcorrectlyand isdoingitsjob,”Vausesaid.
“When we share the negative impact of hearing loss on operational performance, involve service members in the fitting process to create muscle memory and provide positive feedback on the proper fit oftheirownHPD servicemembersnotonly learn ‘what right feels like, but they will be morelikelytohaveapositiveattitudeabout protectingtheirhearing,”saidVause Asaresult,“theyaremorelikelytofollow through on using their HPD correctly and consistently, both on and off the job,” she said Servicemembers“becomemoremotivatedoncewesharethisoperationalperformance information during our targeted hearing health training Once they under-
stand how hearing loss degrades operational performance and readiness service membersgetit.
Pink had this advice for her military colleaguesleadingHPFTatotherfacilities: “Staystrong Peoplewillpushbackabout not wanting to have another test done it’s important to fully understand why we are doingthefittestingandbeabletosharethat withtheservicemembers,”shesaid. On the positive side, “We have gotten many comments about the fit testing and it being‘cool’thatwecanmeasurehowmuch attenuation they are getting We always emphasize why it is important for the individuals and they usually understand and endupappreciatingit.”
The Hearing Center of Excellence offers fit-testing information, extensive educational content, and HPD fitting tools and videos for everyone who must be careful withtheirhearing HCE is spearheading initiatives that focus on the total population of U.S. service members, regardless of their daily job-relatednoiseexposure,includingtheComprehensive Hearing Health Program. The CHHP is a three-pronged approach to enhancing hearing health care. To be effective, it requires education, monitoring, and protectionelements
Thesethreecomponentsworktogetherto createpositivechangesinbehaviorthatcan prevent hearing loss The CHHP milBook CAC-enabled site contains educational materials that satisfy the annual hearing conservationtrainingrequirement.
DHA Public Heath-Aberdeen has developed a Blackboard Hearing Readiness Officer Course that is open to any HRO at https://amedd.llc.army.mil/orhttps://learn. llc.army.mil/. ThecenterdevelopedHPDfittingvideos for the U.S. Army Hearing Program. Search “Army Hearing Program” on YouTube to find 11 short videos demonstrating how to properlyfitandwearvariousHPDs