Flagship 07.04.2024

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NavyRegionMid-Atlantic changes command

NORFOLK, Va Rear Adm. Wesley

“Wes” McCall was relieved by Rear Adm. CarlA.LahtiascommanderofNavyRegion Mid-Atlantic (CNRMA) July 3 during a ceremony at the Pennsylvania House aboard Naval Station Norfolk. Commander, Navy Installations Command, Vice Adm. Scott Gray was the presiding officer for the event

McCall assumed command of the Mid-AtlanticregioninMayof2023 During his tour, he provided a full spectrum of shoreinstallationmanagement,servicesto operating forces and Navy families within NavyRegionMid-Atlantic’sareaofresponsibility He fostered a workforce that energeticallyresolvedtheNavy’smostcomplex challenges to sustain the Fleet, enable the Fighter, and support the Family Lahti,anativeofBuffalo,N.Y.,previously

served as the 50th commanding officer of Naval Submarine Base New London; chief of staff at Navy Installations Command; director, Energy and Environmental Readiness Division, N45 OPNAV; the 91st commandant of Naval District Washington; and is reporting from position as commander,U.S.NavalForcesJapan/Navy Region Japan. CNRMA is the regional coordinator for all shore-based naval personnel and

shoreactivitiesintheMid-Atlanticregion, which encompasses 20 states, 13 installations,andnumerousNavyReserveCenters from Maine to Virginia and as far west as Illinois To read more please check us out on DVIDS at https://www.dvidshub.net/ unit/NRMA orfollowusonFacebookand Instagram.

Naval Station Norfolk Morale Welfare and Recreation hosts Summer Reading Book Fair

NORFOLK Va Naval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk Morale, Welfare and Recreation(MWR)CommunityRecreation team hosted their annual Summer Reading Book Fair at Bellissimo’s Espresso Café on NAVSTANorfolk,June25,2024

To prepare for the event, the MWR Community Recreation team collected hundreds of book donations from the NorfolkPublicLibraryandDeployedForces Support organizations In addition, the MWRteamworkedcloselywiththeNorfolk BookExchange,tocollectandtrade-inused booksformoreageappropriate,youthreading level books With the stockpile of books nowintheirpossessiontheMWRteamwas readytoputontheevent.

“We want to encourage people to read with their kids,” said Aaliyah Daniels, a MWR Community Recreation team member “This event gets Sailor parents to comeoutwiththeirkidsandgetinvolvedin theireducation.” TheSummerReadingBookFairopenedat 4:00p.m.allowingSailorsandtheirchildren to browse the large selection of free literature.GuestswerealsoprovidedcomplementaryGirlScoutcookies Furthermore,theMWRteaminvitedtwo local children’s authors Leslie Eva Tayloe

andKimNorman,totheeventforanin-person reading The authors also provided copies of their own works for purchase at theevent.

“I’ve been an author for five years and todayIbroughtmybooks“I’mFishingwith Pop-Pop Today” and “Save the Trees,” said Tayloe “I like reading to the children and seeing their faces light up when they find somethingtheyenjoy.”

The event concluded at 6:00 p.m. with every family being able to take home as many books as they desired. After families departed, the MWR staff collected the remaining books for use in next year’s SummerReadingBookFair FormoreinformationofupcomingMWR eventsatNAVSTANorfolkorthesurrounding installations event, please visit https:// www.navylifema.com/events

RearAdm.Wesley“Wes McCall.(COURTESYPHOTO)

Global TransPark breaks ground on facility slated for incoming FRCE workload

HeatherWilburn Fleet Readiness Center East

MARINE CORPS AIR STATION CHERRY POINT, N.C. Leaders and stakeholders from Fleet Readiness Center East(FRCE)andtheNorthCarolinaGlobal TransPark gathered at the Kinston facility June 25 to celebrate breaking ground for a new aviation maintenance complex set to housethedepot’sincomingmilitaryaircraft workload.

Groundwork on the 75-acre site began in April to prepare the area for new construction. When complete, the multi-structure, purpose-built facility will provide more than 700,000 square feet of space planned to support FRCE’s work on the Navy and Marine Corps C/KC-130J Super Hercules and C/KC-130T Hercules and Air Force HH-60WJollyGreenII.

FRCE Commanding Officer Capt. James M. Belmont said the groundbreaking represents years of preparation and determination by dozens of stakeholders within theNavy theGlobalTransParkandthestate ofNorthCarolina.

“It’s so gratifying to see years of planning andeffortcometofruitionatthismoment, he said. “Bringing this new workload into FRC East will allow our team to continue supportingthenation’swarfighterswellinto thefuturebydoingwhatwedobest:providing our military aviators with the best quality products delivered on time and at the bestcost.

“Through this service to the Fleet, we’ll beabletodirectlyimpactmissionreadiness andresults,andwe’reproudtoshoulderthis responsibility,” Belmont continued. “But we wouldn’t be standing here today without the hard work of key players across the Navy and our partnership with the state of North Carolina, and it’s important that we recognizethat.”

The initiative, an innovative partnership between the state of North Carolina and FRCE, is the first of its kind within the Department of Defense Leaders anticipate itwilloffereconomicgrowthopportunities intheEasternNorthCarolinaareaandsave millions of taxpayer dollars that fund military aircraft maintenance Belmont noted thatthepartnershipwiththestatewouldn’t have been possible without support from stakeholders in Navy organizations including FRCE, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command and the offices of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Energy,

Editorial Staff ManagingEditor | MCC Amanda Kitchner

Installations and the Environment and the AssistantSecretaryoftheNavyforResearch DevelopmentandAcquisition. StephenBarrow headofFRCE’sCentralized Coordination Department, played an instrumental role in securing the partnership between the depot and the state He said the additional workload is planned to provideFRCE withupto616,000additionallaborhours per year, which translates into a considerableeconomicimpactintheregion.

“It’s a big win for the local economy, he explained. “High-paying technical jobs aren’t easy to come by in Eastern North Carolina, and FRCE will be looking to fill positions to support these additional labor hours Inadditiontothepayrollimpact,this initiative will bring in additional revenue from a tax perspective, which could entice retailers and other commercial entities to movetothearea,aswell.Allofthesefactors canhelpthecommunitygrow.”

Barrow said the initiative is already making a positive impact within the Naval AviationEnterprise

757-262-2852 | amanda.s.kitchner.mil@us.navy.mil

MilitaryEditor | MC1

“Bringing the C-130 workload back into theNavalenterprisewillprovidemorevisibility control, a higher level of service and ultimatelyanincreaseofreadiness,”hesaid. “Additionally, the move will save significant amounts of funding, thus increasing the ‘buying power’ of the fleet. With these projected savings, the Naval enterprise will be saving millions per aircraft, tens of millions per year and hundreds of millions overafive-yearperiod.”

Matthew McCann, head of the Maintenance Repair and Overhaul Logistics DepartmentatFRCE,saidhousingtheadditionalworkloadattheGlobalTransParkwill benefitthecommunitywellintothefuture.

“Current projections have the aircrafts’ service lives stretching until 2064,” he said. “That means we’re looking at about four decades of workload coming through, whichwillallowFRCEtoprovidelong-term economic impact in the area and continue serving the warfighter for generations to come.”

While the facility represents the largest partnership to date between FRCE and the

Global TransPark, the depot already has a footprintonthecampus FRCEleasesbuildingsfromtheGlobalTransParktohouseits UH-1Nhelicopterproductionline,whereit services the aircraft for the U.S. Air Force. The relationship that developed between the command and the Global TransPark duringthisprocesshelpedpavethewayfor thenewinitiative.

The project is part of a $350 million state investment in the Global TransPark, one of thelargestsingleitemsinthestate’scurrent budget. The TransPark is a multi-modal industrial and business park that holds an array of aviation industry and manufacturingentities inadditiontothedepot’sUH-1N line and the future aviation maintenance facility

“Ican’tstressenoughhowcriticalthestate of North Carolina’s support and cooperationhavebeenindevelopingthisinitiative,” Belmont noted. “Our lawmakers see what we’re doing at FRC East, and they understand how critical it is to both the economy in eastern North Carolina and to national defense They’re willing to invest taxpayer dollars in our mission, and our command is ready to prove to them what a good investmentthatwillturnouttobe.”

Navy officials announced FRCE’s selection as the designated repair point for the C-130 in March 2023, and the Air Force selected the depot as the HH-60W’s designatedrepairpointinDecember2022.Work on the C-130 is scheduled to begin as soon as the end of fiscal year 2026 with the HH-60W workload coming as soon as the startoffiscalyear2027

TheMarineCorpsusestheKC-130JSuper Herculesformultiplemissiontypes,including refueling, personnel and cargo transport, tactical medical evacuation, imagery reconnaissance and close air support. The HH-60W Jolly Green II is the Air Force’s newcombatrescueplatform,withaprimary mission of conducting personnel recovery operationsinhostileenvironmentstoensure rapidretrievalofdownedaircrewandother isolatedpersonnel.

FRCE is North Carolina’s largest maintenance, repair, overhaul and technical services provider, with more than 4,000 civilian, military and contract workers Its annualrevenueexceeds$1billion.Thedepot providesservicetothefleetwhilefunctioning as an integral part of the greater U.S. Navy; Naval Air Systems Command; and Commander,FleetReadinessCenters

The U.S. Navy Bureau of Medicine and Surgery hosted in-person and virtual town halls that focused on the importance of the civilian workforce, organization objectives and career progression at the Defense HealthHeadquarters,June27

Employees across the Navy Medicine EnterprisejoinedtheDirectoroftheCivilian Corps and Executive Director Dr Michael McGinnisandStephanieWright,thedeputy director of the Civilian Corps as they led a discussionaddressingcurrentevents career progression, training opportunities, challenges and concerns, as well as providing toolsandresources


anttomeasaleader,”saidMcGinnis,during his first enterprise-wide town hall address

“I need to have your feedback about ways that we could do that better going forward and how we can continue to invest in ourselvesasaworkforce.”

With a community of more than 2,000 Navy Medicine civilian employees in over 119 different occupations throughout the globe,theNavyMedicineCivilianCorpsplay acriticalandfoundationalroleinhelpingthe DepartmentoftheNavymeetitsmission

“I think it is really important, regardless of your position,” stated McGinnis “Is that what you do provides essential functions thatsupportNavyMedicine.”

Navy Medicine is committed to retention and recruitment, as well as supporting a high-caliber workforce The enterprise is

examininghowitisbringingintalent,lookingforareastoimproveandmakingchanges toattractthebestknowledgeandexpertise

“We have a pretty impressive range of educational and training services available to our civilians,” explained Sarah Carlson, theprogrammanagerfortheCivilianCorps “Wealsoareinterestedingettinginputfrom ourstaffonleadershipdevelopmentopportunitiestofittheirneeds.”

The event also provided a platform for employeestoaskvariousquestionsfromthe audienceandparticipantsonline

“We should really be taking care of our people,” concluded Anthony Franklin, the actingdirectorforheadquartersoperations and the director for the secretariat and administration. “We want our people to cometowork tobesuccessfulandvalued

towheretheywanttogrowprofessionally whileservingthegreatermission.”

Established on April 30, 2017, the Navy MedicineCivilianCorpsfacilitatesjobskills leadership developmental opportunities and advocacy for all Navy Medicine civilianemployeestofurtheradvanceemployee knowledge, skills, and abilities to meet existing and future mission requirements and enhance individual career progression opportunity Navy Medicine represented by more than 44,000 highly-trained military and civilianhealthcareprofessionals provides enduring expeditionary medical support to thewarfighteron,below,andabovethesea, andashore.

Norfolk,Va (June 21 2024) Sea Cadets carrya boat as

Naval Station Norfolk hosts Sea Cadets

Naval Special Warfare Orientation Course

NORFOLK, Va Sea Cadets from the United States Naval Sea Cadet Corps (USNSCC) and their instructors took part in the annual Naval Special Warfare OrientationCourses(NSWOC)programonNaval Station(NAVSTA)NorfolkandJointExpeditionaryBase(JEB)LittleCreek-FortStory, June15toJune30,2024

Establishedin1962,USNSCCisanationwide,congressionallycharteredyouthorganization under the Navy and Coast Guard, which is open to children ages ten to 18 NSWOC is a rigorous two-week training programdesignedspecificallyforUSNSCC members between ages 14 and 18 that have previously completed recruit training courses and those who desire to work in Naval Special Forces Volunteers made up of veterans, active-duty service members and senior Staff Cadets lead these rigorous trainingevolutions

“SeaCadetshavecompletelychangedwho I am as a person for the better,” said Luke Graham, a USNSCC Staff Cadet. “NSWOC offers training and exposure to the world’s most premier Special Warfare Community Not only does it immerse the Sea Cadets in the environment of the community, it also teaches them about the culture of Special Warfareandwhyitissovitalforournation’s protection.

Prior to the training course, the 12 Sea Cadets underwent a comprehensive medical screening to ensure they are fit for the NSWOC, due to the physical stress of the training During NSWOC, Sea Cadets preformed threephysicalscreeningtests.TomeetphysicalscreeningtestsstandardstheSeaCadets arerequiredtocompletea500-meterswim in 12 and a half minutes, 42 pushups in two minutes,50sit-upsintwominutes,sixdead hang pull ups and a 1.5 mile run in under 11 andahalfminutes TheSeaCadetsmustpass the final screening test of the three admin-

istered throughout the course to be eligible fortheNSWOCselectprogram.Toprepare forthissectionofthefinalphysicalscreening test,theSeacadetstakepartindailyphysical trainingsessions

“This is not an easy course,” said retired Cmdr Anthony Almon, NSWOC instructor “The Cadets are pushed well beyond their preconceived notions of their physical limitations These “victories definitely improveconfidence.”

Furthermore, throughout the week, the SeaCadetsattendedseveralNSWOCclasses at the Strike Fighter Squadron 14 (VFA-14) “Tophatters” hanger In these classes, they learn about naval special warfare history, running 101, first aid, nutrition and leadershipdevelopment.

“NSWOC has taught me that attention to detail, and paying attention to your surroundings is vital, said Francesco Carr, USNSCCStaffCadet.“Iwastaughtsomany valuable lessons when I went through NSWOC that I felt obligated as a staff cadet

to pass them onto future classes for the successofthecadetsandprogram.

OnJune21,theSeaCadetsand13NSWOC select program cadets took part in mentorship and group physical training exercise at Ocean View Beach in Norfolk, Virginia. TheSeaCadetsworkedinteamstocomplete various activities during training such as carryingboatsandliftinglogs

On June 22 the Sea Cadets attended their final event of the week, Naval Special Warfare capabilities exercise onboard JEB LittleCreek-FortStory

Ten of 12 Sea Cadets passed NSWOC and graduated, which allows them to move forward to the NSWOC select course On June23,agraduationceremonywasheldfor the Sea Cadets at Veterans of Foreign Wars Post3160 TheNSWOCSeaCadetsthatdid not pass returned home to continue preparationandtrainingandthetennewNSWOC selectprogramCadetsremainedtocomplete theirsecondweekoftraining

Coffee with the Captain and Executive Director

Supervisor of Shipbuilding Newport News

This month’s session of “Coffee with the CaptainandExecutiveDirector”wasablend of remembrance and community welfare. It began with a heartfelt tribute to CDR ChristopherDeigel,acherishedshipmate,husband, father, and friend, whose tragic loss at the beginning of the month has left a deep void Our thoughts are with his loved ones during this difficult time We bid him fair winds and followingseas

The discussion then pivoted to a critical issue: enhancing the Quality of Service and QualityofLifeforSailorsstationedinNewport News Virginia especially those in the “Yard District. This district is home to Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS), the state’s largest industrialemployerwithaworkforceexceeding 25,000 and where over 8,000 Sailors and DODciviliansworkorlive.

A recent joint initiative between the U.S. Navy,NNS,thecityofNewportNews,andthe commonwealth of Virginia aims to construct a new parking garage with over 2,000 addi-

tional spaces While this is a positive development, Captain Kriewaldt expanded the conversationbeyondparking

Both Capt Kriewaldt and Mr Todd Bockwoldt acknowledged the anticipated growth of the command and the promising employmentprospectsintheHamptonRoadsregion.

Newport News’ ranking within the top 100 U.S. cities, as per a 2023 U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics report, underscores its appeal as a thriving work area. Kriewaldt stressed that the well-being of people is of utmost importance, and providing adequate parking is just one facet of this commitment. “My focus is notonparking It’snotthatIdon’tcareabout parking Ensuring parking availability is a wayoftakingcareofpeople AndIcareabout people,”Kriewaldtstated.

Thesessionalsoemphasizedthateveryone, whether military or civilian, has the right to reachouttotheirelectedofficialstoadvocate for positive change in their communities It’s a call to action for all of us to shape a better futureforourselvesandourcommunities As Kriewaldt powerfully concluded, “Nothing willchangeifyoudon’tchangeanything.”

In an era where diversity and inclusion are celebrated more than ever, it is crucial to recognize that true inclusivity hinges on one foundational principle: opportunity Advocacy for opportunity is not just about openingdoors;itisabouttearingdownwalls thathavelongbarredaccesstothoseonthe margins As a society we must embrace the responsibility to ensure that every individual,regardlessoftheirbackground,hasafair chancetosucceed.

The importance of opportunity in fosteringinclusioncannotbeoverstated.Without genuineopportunities,therhetoricofinclusion becomes hollow. It is akin to inviting someone to a feast but denying them a seat at the table Opportunity is the seat at the table—it is what transforms passive acceptance into active participation When we advocate for opportunity, we are championingtheideathateveryonedeservesaccess to quality education, fair employment, and the freedom to pursue their passions with-


Consider the workplace Diversity initiatives have pushed companies to hire individuals from varied backgrounds, but true inclusivityisachievedonlywhentheseindividuals are given equal chances to advance and contribute meaningfully This means providing mentorship, professional development,andequitablepay.Itisaboutrecognizingpotentialinthosewhomaynotfitthe traditionalmoldandnurturingtheirgrowth. Whenopportunitiesareequallydistributed, the workplace transforms into a dynamic environment where diverse perspectives driveinnovationandgrowth.

Education is another arena where the advocacy for opportunity is essential. Studentsfromunderprivilegedbackgrounds oftenlackaccesstoresourcesthattheirmore affluentpeerstakeforgranted.Ensuringthat every child has access to quality education regardless of their zip code is fundamental to breaking the cycle of poverty and exclusion. Scholarships, after-school programs, and community support are vital in leveling the playing field. When we invest in the

potential of every student, we are not just changing individual lives; we are enriching oursocietyasawhole

The conversation about opportunity also extends to social justice. Marginalized communities have historically been denied opportunities due to systemic racism, sexism, and other forms of discrimination. Advocacyforopportunityinvolvesdismantlingthesesystemsofoppressionandcreating pathways for marginalized voices to be heard and respected. It means reforming criminal justice ensuring equitable healthcare, and addressing economic disparities. By doing so, we are not just offering a hand up;wearebuildingasocietywhereeveryone canstandonequalfooting.

Moreover, the digital age presents a new frontier for opportunity Access to technology and digital literacy is crucial in today’s world.Bridgingthedigitaldivideisimperative to ensure that everyone can participate in the digital economy, access information, and engage in modern civic life This includes providing affordable internet access, digital skills training, and support


for communities that are technologically underserved. Advocating for opportunity is about recognizingandvaluingtheinherentpotentialineveryperson.Itisaboutcreatingenvironments where that potential can flourish without being stifled by prejudice or lack of resources When we advocate for opportunity, we are not only promoting fairness andjustice;wearefosteringamorevibrant, innovative,andinclusivesociety

Inclusion is not a destination but a journey, one that requires constant vigilance and effort. It is a collective endeavor that demands we all play our part in advocating for opportunities that can uplift and empower. As we move forward, let us rememberthatinclusion,initstruestform,is aboutensuringthateveryonehasthechance to thrive. Let us be relentless in our pursuit of opportunity for all, for it is through this lensthatwecanbuildafuturewhereeveryonebelongs

Expeditionary Strike Group 2 changes command

Adm. David Walt relieved Rear Adm. Benjamin Nicholson as commander Expeditionary StrikeGroupTWO(ESG2)duringachange of command ceremony held in the hangar bay of Assault Craft Unit FOUR (ACU 4), June27 Rear Adm. Martin Muckian, Deputy Commander, U.S. Second Fleet, presided overtheeventandpresentedNicholsonwith a Legion of Merit in recognition of his time in command of ESG 2. Rear Admiral David Patchell (RCN), Vice-Commander U.S. Second Fleet, served as the guest speaker fortheevent.

In his role as Commander, ESG 2, Nicholson oversaw the preparations for and

support of two Amphibious Ready Group (ARG) deployments, two major fleet outreach events, to include the first-ever Fleet Week Miami, and was an operational commander for numerous engagements with NATO Allies and partner nations, to includeExercisesSteadfastDefender2024 the largest NATO exercise since the Cold War, and Baltic Operations 2024, the largest in its 53 year history, greatly enhancing combined deterrence and interoperability. Nicholson’s next assignment is to the Chief ofNavalOperationsStaffinWashington,DC

“It has been the privilege of a lifetime to command Expeditionary Strike Group TWO and work with fantastic Sailors and Marines,” said Nicholson, “the amphibiousships assaultcraft,air-control,medical, and beach units of ESG 2 provide the most varied capabilities and expertise across the

fleet.Additionally,theESG2staffistrained and ready to command and control Naval forcesacrossthespectrumofmissionsfrom humanitarianrelieftomajorcombatoperations It is a bittersweet to say farewell, but I know Admiral Walt is poised to take the commandstaffandamphibiousfleettoeven greaterheights.” Walt is a native of Dallas, Texas, and a graduateoftheUniversityofTexasatAustin wherehecommissionedasasurfacewarfare officer AftertransitioningtoNavalAviation, his operational assignments encompassed deployments to the CENTCOM, EUCOM, SOUTHCOM and INDOPACOM AORs including operational command of HelicopterMaritimeStrikeWingPacificandthe forward deployed Warlords of Helicopter Anti-Submarine Squadron Light Five One (HSL-51) flying the MH-60R and SH-60B

Seahawk. Walt served his most recent flag officer assignment as Deputy Director for ResourcesandAcquisitions,J-8,ontheJoint Staff ESG 2 provides oversight and management of two amphibious squadrons 13 amphibious ships four Expeditionary Sea Base crews a Naval Beach Group and two tactical air control squadrons. It is the U.S. Navy’sEast-Coastleadforamphibiousoperations and expertise, with a staff postured to command or support operations in five separatecombatantcommandareasofoperation—across the spectrum of conflict and competition, ready to fight and win and at all times personifying its motto of Ready, Responsive,Resolute



workforce Leadership,discipline, teamwork, problem-solving. Thesequalities areanasset to a widevarietyoftradesworking withdozens of different EMCOR companies. Forgearewarding new post-militarypath.

Gray Matter: ONR-sponsored neuroscientists receive 2024 Brain Prize

TwoOfficeofNavalResearch(ONR)-supportedprofessors Dr TerrenceSejnowski oftheUniversityofCalifornia,SanDiegoand Dr Haim Sompolinsky of Harvard University and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem recently won the 2024 Brain Prize for pioneering contributions to computational and theoretical neuroscience laying the foundation of brain-inspired artificial intelligence(AI).

They share the accolade with Dr Larry AbbottofColumbiaUniversity.

TheBrainPrizeisthelargest,mostprestigiousinternationalprizeforbrainresearch, and is awarded annually by the Lundbeck Foundation of Denmark Sejnowski and Sompolinsky received the award from His RoyalHighnessKingFrederikXofDenmark duringaspecialceremonyinCopenhagen.

“The Office of Naval Research congratulates Dr Sejnowski and Dr Sompolinsky and celebrates their outstanding achievement,”saidDr PatrickMason,headofONR’s WarfighterPerformanceDepartment.“This accomplishmentillustrateshowONRbasic research sponsorship has been valuable in understandingthemysteriesofthebrainand applyingthisknowledgetodiversescientific disciplines.”

Theoreticalandcomputationalneurosciencestudythecomplexcircuitsandsystems thatenablethebraintofunction.According totheLundbeckFoundation,the2024Brain Prizewinnershelpedunlockvitalprinciples controllingthestructureandfunctionofthe brain as well as the emergence of cognition andbehavior Richard Morris chair of the Brain Prize selection committee, said the winners “have proposed conceptual frameworks for understanding some of the brain’s most fundamental processes such as learning, memory, perception and how the brain generatesmapsoftheexternalworld.”

During his career, Sejnowski who also headstheSalkInstituteforBiologicalStudies has fostered numerous innovations in neuroscience He collaborated in the developmentofthefirstlearningalgorithm for multilayered neural networks, which are machine-learning models that enable computers to learn in a way inspired by the humanbrain.

Sejnowski also created a learning algorithmcalledIndependentComponentAnalysis which is used to analyze brain waves and in brain imaging In addition he has studiedhowpeopleconsolidatedailymemo-

rieswhilesleeping,bylookingatinteractions between the brain’s cortex (higher cognitivefunctions)andthalamus(sensorimotor relay) This information can be incorporated into models used by artificial neural networkstohelpcomputerslearnnewtasks moreeffectively

Sompolinsky’s research has expanded the understanding of how neural circuits process and encode information, map the external world and engage in learning and memory His current work focuses on deep learning, language models and reasoning models in artificial neural network settings using such models to test new theories abouthowthehumanbrainfunctions

“Throughtheirresearchincomputational andtheoreticalneuroscience,Dr Sejnowski and Dr Sompolinsky have expanded the possibilities for AI and machine learning,” said Dr Tom McKenna, a program

officer in ONR’s Warfighter Performance Department “They’re consistently creating new areas of research and establishing links between neuroscience and intelligent systems.”

TheeffortsofSejnowskiandSompolinsky are of great interest to ONR, particularly in theareasofautonomoussystemsandrobotics TheDepartmentoftheNavyislookingto employsuchsystemsandenhancecapabilitiesintaskssuchasunderseamapping mine countermeasures and explosive ordnance disposal.

ONR’s concentration on computational neuroscienceaimstodevelopmorepowerful algorithmsformachinelearning,perception, patternrecognition,motorcontrol,decision making and action planning The ultimate objective is to develop brain-inspired intelligent systems that can be embedded into autonomous platforms and robots Auton-

omyandAIareamongthefocusareaslisted in the new Naval S&T Strategy released in April by Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro

“The whole field of theoretical and computation neuroscience was propelled by ONR,” said Sompolinsky “ONR and Dr McKennahavealwaysbeenverysupportive andenthusiasticaboutmyresearch.Almost every important development in the field wassupportedbyONR.”

Sejnowskiagreed,saying,“TheNavyand ONR have been integral to the growth of computational and theoretical neuroscience They’ve been championing this field for many years and deserve a lot of credit for their support and investments, past and current.”

Warren Duffie Jr is a contractor for ONR Corporate Strategic Communications

Two ONR-sponsored performers,Dr Terrence Sejnowski (left) and Dr Haim Sompolinsky(right),received the 2024 Brain Prize during a ceremonyin Copenhagen,Denmark.Standingwith them are His Royal Highness King FrederikXofDenmark(centerleft) and anotherBrain

EOD Training and Evaluation Unit 2 holds change of command ceremony



Staehle assumed command of Explosive Ordnance Disposal Training and Evaluation Unit (EODTEU) 2 during a change of commandceremonyatJointExpeditionary BaseLittleCreek-FortStory,June27,2024

Staehle relieved Cmdr Paul Mahoney as commanding officer of EODTEU 2 in front of family friends and service members. Mahoneywasincommandoftheunitfrom August2022toJune2024

Capt.KarlHaywood,commander,ExplosiveOrdnanceDisposalGroup(EODGRU)2, presided over the ceremony. He welcomed

Staehle and praised Mahoney for his leadership during his time as the EODTEU 2 commander

“Over the past two years, [Mahoney’s] team trained and evaluated over 51 units of action,intheprocessexecutingover10,000 high-risk training events to include diving, demolition, combat skills, the use of live radiological sources, HRST/cast and parachutingoperations,”saidHaywood.“Thank you for the forthrightness the analytical rigor you always applied to hard problems andyourcommitmenttodevelopingrealisticandsustainabletraining Youhavebuilta teamthatissecondtonone.”

Haywood welcomed Staehle saying, “Cmdr Staehle is coming to us from NECC

PAC, and with his extensive experience withintheEODGRU2clamancyanddiverse background will undoubtedly be an asset Karl, welcome to the team! The quality of the team you are inheriting cannot be overstated.Iamconfidentyouaretheleaderthat cantakethisorganizationtothenextlevel.”

In his first address as commanding officer,Staehlehighlightedthecompetenceand professionalismofEODTEU2.

“The high standard of combat readiness that you instill each day is truly inspiring and I know that every day, you’re working tirelessly to ensure that our units are ready togodownrangeandintoharm’sway,”said Staehle “The technical competence and innovative spirit of this team are without equal.”

Under the direction of commander EODGRU 2, EODTEU 2 oversees training for all East Coast based EOD and mobile diving and salvage units as well as EOD MobileUnit8basedinRota,Spain. EODGRU 2 and its subordinate commands operate as part of Navy Expeditionary Combat Force providing skilled, capable andcombat-readydeployableNavy EODandNavyDiverforcesaroundtheglobe tosupportarangeofoperations FormorenewsfromExplosiveOrdnance Disposal Group 2, visit https://www.dvidshub.net/unit/eodg-2

Morale, Welfare & Recreation Department to hold Navy Civilian Hiring Event on



Morale Welfare&Recreation(MWR)willbeholdingaHiring Event on Saturday, July 20 2024 from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Naval Weapons Station Yorktown Sports Zone Gym, located at 2062 Lebanon Church Road, Newport News, VA 23603 This event is open to the public and does not require baseaccess Availablepositionsincluderecreationassistants, food service workers, fitness specialists, custodial workers, and sales assistants

MWRdeliversqualityprogramsandservicestothemilitary communitythatcontributetoresiliency retention,readiness, and quality of life Examples include Recreation Lodging Bowling Centers Golf Course Gyms and Fitness Centers Aquatics Programs, Movie Theaters, Recreation Centers, Special Events, and Food and Beverage locations.

Eligibleapplicantsmustbeatleast18yearsoldtobeconsidered for various flexible and part-time MWR positions at NavalWeaponsStationYorktown.Alllevelsofeducationwill be considered. Operating hours at these facilities range from 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. and shifts can include weekends nights, and special events

TheHiringEventwillincludeon-sitequalificationsscreening,interviews,andNon-AppropriatedFunds(NAF)Human Resourcesorientation.Bepreparedtostayasneededastentative hire letters will be issued the same day. All applicants shouldbringtheirresume,aphotoIDcard,SSNcard,certifications(CPR,etc.),highschooldiploma/GEDorcollegetranscripts if applicable, and bank account and routing numbers for direct deposit payments Navy MWR provides equal employment opportunities (EEO)toallemployeesandapplicantsforemploymentwithout regard to race color religion, sex, national origin, age disability, or genetics.



NorfolkNavalShipyard(NNSY)hosteditssecondannual Technology Showcase May 22-23, 2024, at the shipyard’s ProductionTrainingFacility Morethan50vendorsparticipated in displaying products and providing demonstrations to the workforce The companies shared their new technologies which can be beneficial to both ship repair andmaintenance

“ThedemandsignaloftheNavyhasdrasticallyincreased and when the ships are here for maintenance and repairs theyonlyhavealimitedamountoftime andthentheyhave togetbackouttoseaandontotheirnextmission, saidShipyardCommanderCaptainJipMosman.“Weneedtogetour workdoneasquickly,efficientlyandeffectivelyaspossible.”

Mosman continued, “I have an amazing workforce here at the shipyard filled with talented, energetic, passionate people, and I need to pair them with the tools to help them bemoreefficientandeffectivetomakesurethatweasashipyardsucceedinourmission.”

The vendors at the showcase provided a wide variety of productsandservicestosupportshipyardmaintenanceand repairs

“All of these efforts are targeted towards our mechanics beingatthecenteroftheuniverseandbeingabletodemonstrate new technologies and capabilities right here inside NNSYtoourworkforceandworkwithshopsandcodesafter the showcase to procure some of what we see as beneficial to our ship repair and maintenance efforts,” said Norfolk NavalShipyardInnovationandTechnologyInsertionDivisionHeadMattDeLong

“IthinkthebiggestthingabouttheTechExpoisthatthere are a lot of great products that we’re seeing and have been requestinginourshopmeetingsthatcanhelpthemechanics bemoreproductive,suchaslaserablation,and3Dprinting,” saidInsideMachineShop(Shop38)MechanicCaseyPearce

“The Technology Showcase focus is on the mission of on-time delivery of repaired ships and submarines back to the Navy’s nuclear fleet,” said Norfolk Naval Shipyard Business Process Consultant Lead Thomas Staskin. “It is

these new technologies that will help the shipyard achieve itsmission.”

“There is a lot of great information available at the Tech Expoandmorepeopleneedtoattend,”saidInsideMachine Shop(Shop38)MechanicDonovanBeale “Thereisalotof helpfulstuffondisplay,suchas3DPrintingandtheConfined SpaceGasMonitoringSystem,whichissomethingthatcan savealotoflives.” This year’s Technology Showcase was a

USN Military Sealift Command

USNS Spica (T-AFS 9) served in Military Sealift Command for more than 25 years It was built at Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd, Wallsend-On-Tyne, United Kingdom for the Royal Navy as RFA Tarbatness(A-345).TheshipwaspurchasedbytheU.S.Navyasacombatstores ship Nov. 1, 1981, and renamed USNS Spica, after the brightest object in the constellation Virgo and one of the 20 brightest stars in the night sky Spica’smissionwastoprovidelogisticsupportofnavalforcesbyproviding refrigerated supplies dry supplies spare parts general supplies fleet freight,mailandreplacementofpersonnel.Itparticipatedinseveralmajor operations, including; Operation Iraqi Freedom. SpicawasstrickenfromtheNavyJan.25,2008,andlaidupattheNaval Sea Systems Inactive Ships Maintenance Facility, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She was sunk as a target during an exercise off the U.S. East Coast May 6, 2009

Celebratingits75thanniversaryin2024,MSCexiststosupportthejoint warfighter across the full spectrum of military operations, with a workforcethatincludesapproximately6,000CivilServiceMarinersand1,100 contractmariners supportedby1,500shorestaffand1,400activedutyand reserve military personnel.

Shipyard Spotlight: Terry Williams Deliveringfive-starserviceincontracting

Born and raised in Prichard, Alabama, Terry Williams grew up the youngest of 12 children.Earlyon,Williamsdiscernedacallingtohelpothers “Severaltimesthroughout mylife,I’veheardvariouspeopletellmethat I have a call on my life,” he shared. Williams’ innatedesiretohelppeoplewasnurturedby his family who recognized his potential and prepared him for a future beyond what he could have imagined. “My family saw something in me and nurtured it; they wanted me tomakeit.”

Whether you encounter Williams volunteering at a Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) job fair, pastoring a local church, or as a ContractProjectManageronaprojectteam, you’ll find him helping people and doing it with“five-star quality

WilliamsleftMobile,Alabama,andjoined the U.S. Navy as a Pipefitter and Welder With no reference point but the aspirations of his family and an abiding faith, Williams began what would become an illustrious naval career “I was a very shy person before IenteredtheNavy Ihadtolearnhowtointeract with a multitude of different people,” he recalled.

Williams was assigned to Assault Craft Unit(ACU)4Command,whereheservedas aWelderandPipefitteronLandingCraftAir Cushion (LCAC) ships. During his tenure, Williams patented a design for protective armamentfortheLandingCraft,AirCushion (LCAC) platform, which is still in use today. He retired as a Petty Officer 1st Class (E-6) after21yearsofservice

Following his time in the Navy Williams worked for Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center (MARMC) as a Shipbuilding Specialist, overseeing contract work on the LCAC platform. His expertise made him an invaluable asset to the Waterfront Support ContractingDivision(Code440)atNNSY

Now, as a Contract Project Manager, Williams oversees contract work associated with Chief of Naval Operations (CNO) availabilities on carriers His primary role is to oversee the planning and execution of contract work, ensuring it is done with the requisite quality, within cost, and on schedule He personally monitors contractors’ performance through telephone conversations, correspondence, reports, vouchers, and jobsite visits to check the status of the contractor’s progress focusing on schedule adherence problem resolution, NAVSEA Standard Item/CDRL deliverables, and invoice certification. As part of the Project Management Team, Williams keeps senior leadershipapprisedofthestatusandprogress ofallcontractedwork.

One of the main challenges within the sphereofcontractingismaterialacquisition. Recountingatimewhenhehadtoresolvean issue with High Pressure Air Conditioning (HPAC)units Williamsfoundhimselfcaught between the project team and the contractors when the cost of a job continued to rise duetounplannedmalfunctionsonequipment thatexpandedthescopeofwork.Toaddress the problem, Williams proposed hiring the contractor’s two lead mechanics and adding thelineofworktotheshipyard’smaintenance workload This initiative resulted in significantcostsavingsandimprovedthequalityof


Williams’philosophyoffive-starserviceis deeplyrootedinhisAlabamaupbringingand was inspired by renowned former Alabama headcoachNickSaban.“Igottheconceptof five-star service from Nick Saban,” Williams explains “He recruited five-star athletes at every position. That was the key to their success they had the best players at every position.” Williams believes that this same principlecanbeappliedtoanyorganization, includingtheshipyard “Afive-staremployee is someone who, when given an assignment, does the job to the fullest; they are quick learners; not worried about overtime; aren’t content with sitting around; they are ready towork.”

Williams’ commitment to selfless service is evident in his empathy for Sailors who are away from their families and his determinationtocompletemaintenanceworkpromptly to help them return home sooner. “I know what it is like being out to sea and not being able to come home because the ship that is meant to replace you is getting maintenance done to it,” he says Beyond his work at the shipyard, Williams pastors a local church in Norfolk,Virginia,wherehecontinuestoserve hiscommunitywiththesamededicationand passion.

AtthecoreofWilliams’lifeishisdeepfaith, whichhedescribesastheanchorofhisexistence “Since I was a child, I’ve had people tell me that there was something different about me, that there was a call on my life,” he shares This conviction has driven him to push beyond his comfort zone and strive for excellenceinallhedoes.

Imagineyouandyourteammatesarefaced with a challenge build the longest, sturdiest paper chain before the time runs out. You’rehandedapileofpaper,tape,scissors soundssimpleenough.However,eachofyou are forced to remain silent for the duration ofthebuildingandareforcedtoonlyuseone arm.You’regivenamomenttocometogether asateam andthenit’stimetoexecutethat planwhiletheclockticksdown.Tosome this can lead into chaos unable to overcome for any such reason like being unable to come together on a plan or struggling with the limitations presented. For others, it’s like a well-oiled machine, their planning beforehand able to keep them level-headed and focusedonmeetingthetaskathandtogether as one unit. At the end of the day, it’s a fun exercisetoshowcasewhatittakestobeahigh performing team with similarities to the toughworkthatisdoneeverydayatNorfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) and the limitations we as a workforce must come together to overcome and power through in serving our mission.

Thisisjustpartofthelessonsyou’lllearnin thefour-hourcourseentitledHighPerformingTeams whichisopentoshipyardemployeesandprovidedbyCode2300TProfessional Development Facilitator Clinton McRae Jr ThiscoursedivesintothelessonsofTheFive Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable byPatrickLencioni whichsharesthedifferencebetweenahigh-functioningteamworking together and a dysfunctional group who areunabletocometogethertomeetthebest outcome These five dysfunctions are trust, conflict, commitment, accountability and result.

“The goal of this training is to find what right looks like, said McRae “What are we trying to do better here in the shipyard and howcanwegetthere?Wehavesuchadiverse culturehereattheshipyard,allcomingtothe

table with different experience and years on the job How can we be more efficient and whatareourrolesinmakingithappen?”

In Lencioni’s teachings he takes lessons in the world of business and presents it as a story that is digestible and easy to embrace bytheaudience seeinghoweffectiveteamwork can thrive in the ongoing day-to-day operationsofcorporations “Notfinance Not strategy Not technology It is teamwork that remainstheultimatecompetitiveadvantage, both because it’s so powerful and so rare,” said Lencioni. In order to reach that state of highperformingteamshowever,youhaveto understandwhatworks andwhatdoesn’t. AndwiththeseteachingsandMcRae’sclass, you’re able to discuss with your peers your own experiences and what your viewpoints areregardingdysfunctionsandteamwork.

“If you don’t have a good team involved, alltheinvestmentisworthless,”saidMcRae “We do some of the most important work in our Nation, serving the fleet and ensuring our Sailors have what they need as they race to meet the mission. People need to come together to make it happen. You have tounderstandthatwithalackoftruck,afear of conflict, a lack of commitment, avoidance ofaccountability therewillalwaysbealack ofresultsintheworkwedo Wehavetocome together, share our ideas, work through our roadblocks and make the best decisions as one.” This course is available through the Nuclear Engineering and Planning Department(NEPD)andcanberegisteredthrough Waypoints with the course title 24-NNSY (FD300N-1)HIGHPERFORMINGTEAMS

Anderson earns Military Excellence Award at Recruit Training Command


Anderson graduated as the top Sailor from Recruit Training Command, earning the MilitaryExcellenceAward(MEA)June27, 2024 Anderson,fromHayesville,NorthCarolina,saidheenlistedforavarietyofreasons, including his strong belief in patriotism

“I joined the Navy because of a desire to protect my country,” said Anderson. “I believe that our way of life and the freedoms that we have are a privilege, but they do come with a cost. It requires men and womentostepupandchoosetoservetheir country and be willing to make that sacrifice I’ve always felt a great desire to do my part as a citizen of the United States.”

Anderson, 30 graduated from Dunlap High School where he was a member of theNationalHonorSocietyandthevarsity soccer team. Following high school, he attendedAppalachianStateUniversityand received a Bachelor of Science in Exercise Science

TheNavyCluboftheUnitedStatesMilitary Excellence Award is the top award presented to the recruit that best exemplifiesthequalitiesofenthusiasm,devotionto duty military bearing and teamwork. The awardplaceshimatthepinnacleoftoday’s newest Sailors Anderson is awarded a flag letterofcommendationaspartofhisrecognition.

The award, according to Anderson, is the best possible first step to start his naval career

“Winning the award is such a privilege I’ve always been the kind of person who tries to keep my head down and do whatever I’m assigned to the best of my ability I’m not the kind of person who seeks attention, so to be recognized for working hardanddoingwhatIwassupposedtowas surprising I can honestly say it’s an ideal start to my naval career and will serve as a reminder that I have the ability to succeed as long as I put in the effort.”

Anderson’s RDCs (Recruit Division Commanders) are Chief Aviation Boatswain’sMate,Fuels(ABFC)WillieMcGhee, Sonar Technician Surface 1st Class (STG1) RobertSchwerdtfegerandFireControlman 1st Class (FC1) Dylan Sublette, and they guided him through the 10-week process.

“AllofmyRDCsweregreatatmotivating us,” he said. “Petty Officer Schwerdtfeger and Petty Officer Sublette my second and thirdRDCs,weresoinvestedinoursuccess and growth. Even when they needed to correct us, you always got the feeling that whattheyweredoingwasforourbenefit I also appreciated the way they used humor to lighten the mood when we things got too serious or we were feeling down about ourperformance Ilearnedalotfromthem aboutthedifferentwayspeoplerespondto trainingandhowimportantitistobeadaptable as a leader.”

Additionally, Anderson said his family and fellow recruits helped push him to success

“My shipmates were always there for me,”saidAnderson.“Whenthingsweren’t going well, they had my back. On the other hand, when we succeeded, they were the first ones there to celebrate with me Havingtheirsupportmadethingssomuch easier I also wouldn’t have had success here if it weren’t for my wife She’d send meletterseverysingledaywithBibleverses and quotes from my favorite writers Her timing was always impeccable and just what I needed to motivate myself to face the day ahead. The positivity and encouragement she was able to provide is something that meant a lot to me.”

Anderson said that while there were a number of challenges, learning to communicateeffectivelywithsuchadiversegroup was the most difficult to overcome

“It’s not easy spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week with the same people,” he said “There were a ton of challenges and obstacleswehadtoface Whenyouhaveso many people from different backgrounds figuring out how to get everyone on the same page and working together can be a challenge Our RDCs did an excellent job teachingustherightwaytogoaboutthings whenevertherewasconflict.Withtimeand effort, we eventually found our groove and were able to grow from the experience.”

After graduation Anderson will attend “A” School for additional training in San Diego California. Training at RTC is approximately 10 weeks, and all enlistees in the U.S. Navy begin their careers at the command More than 40,000 Recruits train annually at the Navy’s only boot camp


SummerisabusytimeofyearforNorfolkNavalShipyard(NNSY)personnelas theyengageincookouts,concertsandsportingevents,whilecontinuingtocommit tothemissionofgettingtheNavy’sshipsbacktothefleet.DuringWorldWarII, thatdrivetoenjoythewarmerweatherwasstillpresent,evenasbattlescontinued acrosstheglobe.TheworkforceofNNSYwasabletocombinemorale-boosting events with the call to purchase war bonds, supporting the fighting beyond the day-to-dayworkbeingdone ThistimeonHeritageHour,welookbackatJulyof 1943andtherecordsettingwarbondeventsthattookplacerighthereatNNSY. ReadersmayrecallthesceneinCaptainAmerica:TheFirstAvengerwherethe SuperSoldierhimselfwasthecenterofaflashyshowcallingonpeopletopurchase warbonds.ThatkindofeventwasnotjustHollywoodpizzaz!Warbondevents wereawaytoencourageandengagethecivilianpopulationathometopurchase theSeriesEsavingsbonds.Officiallynamed“warbonds”aftertheattackonPearl Harbor these savings bonds would accrue interest until maturity at which time theycouldbecashedoutformorethantheirpurchaseprice

TheNNSYeventthesummerof’43couldhaveeasilybeenaninspirationfor anyHollywoodfilm.TheNorfolkNavyYardDefender,thepredecessortoService totheFleet,putoutinformationtodriveexcitementleadingtotheIndependence DaythemedeventonMonday July5.NavalReservistandDistinguishedFlying CrossholderLieutenantScottMcCuskeyactedastheprincipalspeaker,remindingcrowdshowearlywareffortshadstruggledduetothelackofequipmentbut how the purchase of bonds gave those fighting “the best weapons in the world.”

Three portable stages were set up across the yard and across the water at the St HelenaAnnextoholdshopbandsaswellasatravelingUSOshowthatincluded musicians,singers,tapdancersandevenaquartetofenlistedNavymenfromthe NavalAmmunitionDepot.

TherallyprovedthatwhenNNSYisgivenachallenge,theworkforcewillnot onlymeettheexpectation,butexceedit $396,350inwarbondswerepurchased thatday,anamountthatistheequivalenttooversevenmilliondollarsintoday’s money!NNSYrepresented7.4%ofthebondspurchasedacrossallUSNavyestablishments, gaining recognition from the bond coordinator in Washington DC Whilethedecadeshavepassed andthesespectaculareventsarenowthethingof movies,itisgoodtorememberthattheinitiativeofNNSY’sworkforcetosurpass allexpectationlivesontothisday.

Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic

CHARLESTON,SC TheNavalInformation Warfare Center (NIWC) Atlantic’s Radio FrequencyTestFacility(RFTF)PoseidonPark whichtestsantennasinstalledonmilitaryvehicles,isuniqueforseveralreasons,butmostnotablyisthatitislocatedoutsideandnotinsidean anechoicchamber thatis,aroomthatcreates noechoes likemostradiotestingfacilities.

“Sinceit’soutside,wehavemoreflexibilityfor testing antennas and transmitters installed on vehicles small boats and airplanes that will be usedbySailors,Marinesandpilotsinthefield,” said Daniel Smith, RFTF lead “We have three turntablesandamorethan30-foot-tallGantry armthatcangenerate2Dand3Dpatterns.”

Antenna pattern testing at the facility is conducted on either a 20-foot steel turntable capableofholdingvehiclesupto55,000pounds, composite 4-foot turntable for direction-finding and standalone antenna tests, or a 30-foot square 18-inch-thickconcretepadtoholdvehiclesthatweighmorethan55,000pounds

The Gantry arm provides a spherical representation of the antennas performance by taking both horizontal and vertical polarized measurements,atmultipleazimuthandzenith angles, to produce a 3D representation of a particularantenna.Differentprobesareusedfor lowfrequencyandhighfrequencytests.Pending weather, 3D testing runs can take up to 18 continuoushourstocomplete.

Radio frequencies are wireless electromagneticsignalsusedfortelecommunications The “frequency refers to the rate of fluctuation of radio waves, which are a type of electromagnetic radiation. Radio waves broadcast television,internet,andcellphonesignals RadiofrequencytestingiscriticaltotheU.S. Navy and the Department of Defense (DOD) because it ensures that not only are the antennasandtransmittersfunctioningproperlyinthe field,butalsoconfirmsthatthereisn’tinterference with other devices or systems. Testing at RFTF also determines safe standoff distances forordnance,personnelandfuel

“We start the process with voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) testing, which is a simple test confirming everything is connected and workingproperly,”Smithsaid “Italsomeasures the efficiency of power transfer A normal measurement is between 2 and 3, between 10 and 12 tells me that something isn’t working perfectlyandanythinghighertellsmethatthere isamajordefect.

Iftheequipmentpasses,thetestmovesonto co-siteandelectromagneticcompatibilitytesting, which tests antennas and systems already installedonthesamevehicletoensuretheydon’t interferewitheachother.

Another unique quality that the RFTF provides is the ability to write and develop customsoftwaretocompletetestingonspecial projects. “We strive to provide excellent customer

service, so if someone has a specialized or unusual antenna, we can write software to test it,”Smithsaid “Wealsoworkwiththecustomer tofindasolutionifthesystemfails.It’simportanttousthattheequipmentweprovidetothe warfighterwon’tfailinthefield.”

Author’s note: This is the second article in a three-partseries.Thefirstarticleaboutelectromagnetic interference/electromagnetic capabilitycanbefoundhere:https://dvidshub.net/r/

mhxjtl ThethirdandfinalarticleisaboutEnvironmentalTestandEvaluationFacility

*While the Naval Information Warfare Center (NIWC) Atlantic is home to dozens of labsandtestingsites,thereareonlytwolabsand

(Shop 31)was not one featured during the huge event that tookplaceJuly5,1943,theyoften played at
band included saxophones violins,piano and even a marimba.

NSWCPD engineers receive Navy’s

Top Scientists and Engineers award

Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) engineers served amongstsomeofthebestandbrightestNavy and Marine Corps teams that were recognizedJune12atthePentagonduringtheDr Delores M. Etter Top Scientists and Engineersawardsceremony.

The Honorable Nickolas H. Guertin, AssistantSecretaryoftheNavyforResearch, DevelopmentandAcquisition(ASNRD&A), personally recognized top scientists and engineersfromacrosstheDepartmentofthe Navy (DON) and highlighted their incredibleaccomplishments

The award is named after former ASN RD&A, Dr Delores M. Etter, who deliveredarecordedmessagecongratulatingthe award recipients She encouraged all DON scientists and engineers to continue pursuinginnovationsthatsupportAmerica’sfleet andwarfighters,andtoinspirefuturegener-

ations of scientists and engineers for DON science,technology,engineering,andmathematics(STEM)positions.

Both civilian and military scientists and engineers in the DON were eligible for these annual awards All nominations were reviewed and scored by a panel consisting of senior executive leadership Awardees were in the categories of Emergent ScientistsandEmergentEngineers(nomorethan ten years of cumulative experience), Individual Scientists and Individual Engineers, Teams of Scientists and Engineers from a single command, and Teams of Scientists and Engineers collaborating across the Naval Research and Development Establishment(NR&DE),toincludeDepartment ofDefense(DoD).

Several scientists and engineers from NSWCPDwererecipientsoftheDr Delores M. Etter Top Scientists and Engineers of the Year Award for 2024, joining the top 0.001%ofscientistsandengineerswithinthe DepartmentoftheNavywhohavereceived

thisaward.ThoseawardedincludetheSEA 05 Navy Deployed Additive Manufacturing Team, NAVSEA/NSWCPD. The team included NSWCPD’s Scott Storms, Shaun Verrinder, and Jake Robbins The team developed, tested, evaluated, and fielded additive manufacturing (AM) capabilities toafloatunitsandshore-basedmaintenance establishments

The deployments of AM equipment have resulted in multiple Casualty Reports (CASREPs) corrected and over 5,000 parts printedshipboardsincethefirstinstallation in2019 Inaddition,asaresultoftheRDT&E deploymentsofAM,OPNAVhassponsored an outfitting program to continue deploying more AM equipment shipboard. The programkickedoffinFY24establishingthe In-service Engineering Agent (ISEA) and the first outfitting installation are planned forFY25

Also receiving the Dr Delores M. Etter Top Scientists and Engineers of the Year Award for 2024 was the Columbia-class

Shaft Life Risk Assessment Team, Program Executive Office Attack Submarines

Richard Teichman and Kevin

The team quantified the risk associated with the ability of the shaft to meet a 12-year lifecycle requirement and developed,tested,andimplementedseveral designsolutionstomitigateandretireacriticalprogramrisk.

employs approximately 2,800 civilian engineers, scientists, technicians, and support personnel. The NSWCPD team does the research and development, test and evaluation, acquisition support and in-service and logistics engineering for the non-nuclear machinery, ship machinery systems, and related equipment and materialforNavysurfaceshipsandsubmarines NSWCPDisalsotheleadorganization providingcybersecurityforallshipsystems

NAVSUP’s Worldwide Expeditionary Multiple Award Contract (WEXMAC) 2.0 solicitation released

WEXMAC 2.0’s solicitation is open until July 31, 2024 WEXMAC 1.0 has provided a vital contracting approach for contracting officers to support joint forces acrosstheworld.WEXMAC2.0solicitation extends its reach globally, offering comprehensive support to joint forces and federal agencies while reserving small business set-asidesfortheUnitedStatesanditsoutlyingterritories

WEXMAC 2.0 is designed to be a cornerstone in the continuum of military operations, providing vital support to the Geographic Combatant Command’s joint operations, coalition partners, and other United States Federal Agencies. The contract is instrumental in setting and sustaining the theater for operations including theater opening, sustainment, distribution, stability operations, and Defense Support of Civil Authorities The services and supplies under WEXMAC 2.0 arediverseandencompassarangeofneeds such as Humanitarian Assistance/Disas-

ter Relief, Contingency, Exercise, Lodging, and Logistics These services are integral to operations and include everything from base operations and life support to medicalandforceprotectionservices,ensuringa comprehensive suite of options for mission success A key feature of WEXMAC 2.0 is its emphasis on rapid response and planning Contractors are expected to integrate their capabilities into plans and operations withina72-hourwindow,demonstratingthe contract’s commitment to responsiveness andpreparedness

Following the legacy of WEXMAC 1.0, whichhasalreadysupportedjointforcesin over 80 countries, WEXMAC 2.0 is poised tocontinuethistraditionofexcellence,now withanevengreateremphasisonsmallbusiness participation and global operational support. While WEXMAC 2.0 offers global contract support, it also prioritizes small businesses within the United States and its territories This focus ensures that local enterprises can contribute significantly to thenation’sexpeditionarymissions The release of the WEXMAC 2.0 solici-

tation is a testament to NAVSUP’s commitment to providing robust support to joint forces and federal agencies worldwide while fostering the growth of small businesses at home As the details of the solicitationemerge,stakeholdersareanticipating whatpromisestobeanewchapterinexpeditionary contracting. “There is incredible excitement coming from the industry base fromsmalltolargebusinesses,andIbelieve WEXMACwillcontinuetosupportthejoint forces in every clime and place,” said Mr ThomasKunish,WEXMAClead. The WEXMAC RFP can be viewed at https://sam.gov/opp/399ec65771034578a99c6f00ae86e851/view. HeadquarteredinMechanicsburg,Pennsylvania, and employing a diverse, worldwideworkforceofmorethan22,500military and civilian personnel, NAVSUP’s mission is to provide supplies services and quality-of-lifesupporttotheNavyandjointwarfighter Learnmoreatwww.navsup.navy.mil, www.facebook.com/navsup and https:// twitter.com/navsupsyscom.

recruiting qualified candidates for fulltime, permanent engineering positions at anupcomingNAVFACPacificsatelliteoffice inSpokane Washington.

The recruitment aims to fill engineering positions ranging from structural, mechanical, electrical, civil and fire protection engineers who are located in the Spokane commutingarea.

“We are hiring talented engineers who

willberesponsibleforprojectdesigndevelopmentandengineeringsupportacrossthe Pacific area of operations,” said NAVFAC PacificChiefEngineerMarcWong

AsNAVFAC’sworkloadacrossthePacific increasedexponentiallywithinthepastfew years, NAVFAC Pacific performed an analysis that resulted in establishing a satellite design and engineering office, which will help accelerate execution as well as strengthen and enhance workforce learningandperformance

“Our guiding principle for opening the Spokane location is to drive performance and positive results for our systems command,” said Wong “Join our NAVFAC

team and help provide critical infrastruc-

ture and engineering solutions to support ourNation’sdefense.”

The NAVFAC Pacific Spokane satellite office will officially open in October 2024 Staffarebeingonboardedinadvanceofthe opening Prospectivecandidatesareencouraged to submit their resumes to NAVFAC PAC_HRO_Resumes@us.navy.mil.

NAVFAC is the technical expert and acquisition authority for naval shore facilities base operating support, and expeditionaryengineeringsystems Themissionof NAVFAC Pacific is to plan, build and maintain sustainable facilities, expertly delivering utilities, engineering, environmental

and acquisition services to our supported commanders NAVFAC Pacific serves as theengineeringlinkbetweentheshoreand the Fleet within the Indo-Pacific Region. NAVFAC Pacific is an Equal Opportunity Employer. For additional information about NAVFAC Pacific visit our website at https://pacific.navfac.navy.mil. Follow our social media activities on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/navfacpacific, Instagram at https://www.instagram. com/navfacworldwide and on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/company/ navfac.

On iberty

Totally Tribute Music Fest rocks Virginia Beach this weekend!

Featuring the music of Taylor Swift, No Doubt, Blink 182, Green Day, The Grateful Dead, Mötley Crüe, & Ozzy Osbourne


VIRGINIABEACH,Va VirginiaBeach,BeachEvents, andIMGoingarepleasedtoannouncethereturnofTotally Tribute Music Fest, coming to Virginia Beach at 17th and 24th Street Parks on Friday, July 5 Sunday, July 7, 2024 Gates open at 7:00 p.m. ET and shows start at 8 p.m. ET each evening The Totally Tribute Music Fest is a grand celebration of the beloved music brought to the world by some of your favorite artists and bands This high-energy, part-serious part-camp,butpureperformanceweekendoftributebands guarantees something for everyone. Featuredmusicgenresrangefromrocktopoptopunk,so be prepared to experience the music of a lifetime by some ofthegreatesttributeperformersfromaroundthecountry.

This event is FREE and open to the public More information is available at beacheventsvb.com

AboutBeachEvents:BeachEventsistheentertainment programpresentedbytheCityofVirginiaBeach,featuring concerts, festivals, and family activities held at the oceanfront resort area A full array of events, ranging from the Monsters on the Beach monster truck races to a whole festivalwithtributebandsinJunetoaholidaylightdisplay along the boardwalk means there’s truly “something for everyone!”

BeginninginMay,throughLaborDayWeekend thewildly popularLive!OnAtlanticprogramthrillsaudiencesrighton the sidewalks of Atlantic Avenue with magicians, jugglers, musicians,costumedcharacters,andmore!Whenitcomes toentertainment,“alltheworld’sastage”mostnightsatthe VirginiaBeachoceanfront,andmostofitisFREE!

Music Lineup:


„ 17thStreetPark:MidnightRain(TaylorSwift)

„ 24thStreetPark:LastFairDeal(GratefulDead)


„ 17thStreetPark:SubliminalDoubt(NoDoubt)

„ 24thStreetPark:MostlyCrue(MötleyCrüe)


„ 17thStreetPark:AlmostGone(Blink182&GreenDay)

„ 24thStreetPark:CrazyTrain(OzzyOsbourne)

NORFOLK Va Armed Forces Brewing Company,abrewerydedicatedtohonoringmilitary and first responders, has captured the hearts and minds of patriotic Americans in Hampton Roads and nationwide Recently establishing its headquarters in Norfolk, Virginia, within the largest U.S. military community, the company pledges to employ70%ofitsworkforcefrommilitaryveterans and their families

“We designed our brewery to pay tribute to the serviceanddiversityofourmilitarymembersfrom allbranchesandtherichmilitaryhistoryofHampton Roads,” said CEO Alan Beal of the new facility located at 211 W 24th Street in Norfolk. Armed Forces Brewing Company is expanding its distribution to all fifty states and exporting to overseas military exchange stores, thereby creating job opportunities for veterans in Hampton Roads and beyond. The brewery features a 600-person capacity brewingfacility includingalargeindoortaproom, anoutdoorbeergarden,asecond-levelmezzanine taproom,44taps,andanapparelstorecalled The Armory”sellingexclusivelyveteran-ownedbrands “Our facility is equipped to host official command functions and social events for service members, veterans,firstresponders,andtheirfamilies.”noted

Special Events Manager Helena Johnson. Armed Forces Brewing Company prides itself on an award-winning brewmaster and an Advisory Board comprised of veterans from various branches “Weleverageoursuccesstogivebackto the community,” said Chief Operating Officer and Navy/Army veteran John Newell. The company supportsactive-dutyfamiliesandveterans,particularlythosefacinghomelessnessorPTSD,through partnerships with nonprofits like the John Daly Major Ed Heart of a Lion Foundation, Code Of Vets the Uncommon Grit Foundation and the SpecialOperatorsTransitionFoundation In2023 the company collaborated with Norfolk American Legion Post 37 to provide food boxes to 97 activeduty military families during the holiday season. AboutArmedForcesBrewingCompany:Founded in 2019, Armed Forces Brewing Company is dedicatedtohonoringmilitary,firstresponders,veterans, Americanpatriots,andtheirfamilies Withagrowing investor base from all 50 states now exceeding 10,500 shareholders the brewery continues to expand its operations and national distribution. Ownership shares start at $12.50 each with a minimum investment of $200 For more information, visitOwnArmedForcesBrewingco.com.

To book your event at Armed Forces Brewing Company, contact Helena Johnson at helena@ armedforcesbrewingco.com or (757) 900-2322.


The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/

Dive into an underwater FantaSea at the Virginia Aquarium July 16 & 17


VIRGINIABEACH,Va Embarkinthe magic and mystery of FantaSea Evenings at the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science CenteronJuly16and17from6p.m.to9p.m.

Become enchanted by a make-believe world under the sea where guest can meet pirates with mischievous grins, mythical dragons, mermaids, and fairies with twinklingeyes Writeyourselfintothestorybook with family-friendly activities including trivia games bioluminescent crafts face painting, Aquarium’s animal ambassadors, andmore.

Virginia Aquarium members receive a 50% discount on tickets and can purchase tickets on June 17, before they go on sale to thepubliconJune18 Ticketsare$32.95for adults,$27.95foryouth,andfreefor4-yearoldsandunder.Capacityislimitedandtickets are only available to purchase online priortotheevent.

FantaSea Evening tickets can be purchasedatVirginiaAquarium.com.

About the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center: The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center’s mission is to connectpeopletothemarineenvironment, inspiring a more sustainable future. The Aquariumaspirestobeadriverinconservation, education, tourism, and sustainability, leadingthechargetosavewildlifeandtheir ecosystems Owned by the City of Virginia Beach, the Aquarium operates as a city departmentinpartnershipwiththeVirginia Aquarium&MarineScienceCenterFoundation.TheAquariumisproudtobeanaccreditedmemberoftheAssociationofZoosand Aquariums theAllianceofMarineMammal ParksandAquarium andtheWorldAssociationofZoosandAquariums

Enjoy a tropical island evening filled with fun and entertainment at The Military Aviation Museum’s South Pacific Luau and Hangar Dance


Aloha! Travel back to the 1940’s South Pacific, put on your best Hawaiian shirt and join us for a luau dinner and big band hangar dance Saturday, July 13 from 6pm - 10pm ! Step back in time and immerse yourself in the nostalgic ambiance of our South Pacific-themed Hangar Dance! Set against the backdropofourhistoricaircraftcollectionand hangar this event promises an unforgettable evening reminiscent of a 1940s island base Imagine mingling under the shade of the iconic PBY Catalina wing, serenaded by the swinging rhythms of Grace Street Seven, our featured Big Band for the night The dance floor? None other than our expansive hangar floor,transformedintoalivelyvenuecomplete with tiki bars and a tantalizing array of NEW Exotic Tropical Cocktails courtesy of our friendsatTiki’sBarandGrillinVirginiaBeach. GuestswillbegreetedwithatraditionalLei and treated to an authentic Luau experience, featuring mesmerizing Hula and Tahitian dances by Te Ori O Keone Ti’a Mai. Whether minglingatcommunalstyletablesorenjoying the VIP treatment with reserved tables and seating, guests will be immersed in a vibrant atmosphere that promises to keep their toes tapping all night long

Ourislandairstripwillofcoursefeaturethe Museum’s incredible collection of WWII-era aircraft, some of which will be prepared for photo opportunities with guests! Formoreinformationandtopurchasetickets visit www.militaryaviationmuseum.org The Military Aviation Museum is located at 1341 Princess Anne Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23457 The museum can also be reached by calling 757-721-7767.

Big Bands on the Bay and Thank Goodness It’s Ocean View (TGOV) series return to Ocean View Beach Park


NORFOLK, Va Norfolk Festevents has announced the highly anticipated 2024 Ocean View Beach Park Season of Events Get ready for a thrilling lineup featuring the TGOVthemed Friday night series, the Shore Thing Independence DayCelebration&Fireworks,theOceanViewTasteofVAon theBay,andtheBigBandsontheBayconcertseries TheexcitementkickedoffonMemorialDayweekendwith the first Big Bands on the Bay concert on Sunday, May 26th. These concerts continue every Sunday from 7pm to 9pm until Labor Day weekend, offering live music, dancing, and breathtakingsunsetviews.ThefinalBigBandsperformance

onSunday,September1st,extendsthefunfrom6pmto9pm. On Friday, June 28th, the Shore Thing Independence Day Celebration&FireworkslaunchestheTGOV-themedFriday nighteventsfrom6pmto9:30pmthroughoutJulyandAugust Expect a variety of family-friendly entertainment, including live music, food trucks, children’s activities, and more Plus, don’tmissTasteofVAontheBayonFriday,July26th,showcasingaselectionofcraftbeers,wines,andspirits Viewbelowforthecompleteschedules Alleventsarefree &opentothepublic.Formoreinformation,visitOceanViewBeachPark.org.FormoreinformationonNorfolkFestevents’ 2024 Season of Events, including information on additional eventsheldatTownPointPark,visitFestevents.org.








OceanViewTasteofVAontheBay(AllenHudsonandtheHalfmoons) Friday,July26

BackyardBBQ(TheTikiBarBand) Friday,August2

SalsaNight(GrupoRitmoSon) Friday,August9

FamilyFunNight Friday,August16

BeachParty(LiveEntertainmentToBeAnnounced) Friday,August23




















Virginia Symphony Orchestra holds free summer concerts


HAMPTON ROADS, Va The Virginia SymphonyOrchestrawillperformfreeconcerts at scenic outdoor venues across Hampton Roads including Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Williamsburg, Chesapeake, and Yorktown aspartoftheirFreeSummerConcertsseries

This year’s concerts are presented in partnership with Virginia Beach Neptune Festival, Festevents, the City of Williamsburg and the College of William & Mary, Celebrate YorktownCommittee,andtheDepartmentofParks, Recreation and Tourism of the City of Chesapeake, Virginia. The performances take place fromJulythroughSeptemberandarefreeand opentothepublic.

Each concert program is curated around a theme like tunes from beloved animated films, a symphonic tribute to the Paris 2024 Summer Games, wedding music favorites, or musicinspiredbyclassicliteratureandcinema. For these performances, the orchestra will be joinedbyconductorsMorihikoNakahara,Todd Craven,HelenMartell,andBrandonEldredge andwillwelcomethevocalsoflocalfavoriteBJ GriffinonAugust15 For more information, visit virginiasymphony.org.


OnceUponaSymphony: SymphonicSummerGames VirginiaBeach-Oceanfront July11,2024-7:30PM

WhereWishesComeTrue: ANightofEnchantedMelodies Norfolk-TownPointPark July21,2024-8:30PM

WhereWishesComeTrue: ANightofEnchantedMelodies VirginiaBeach-Oceanfront July25 2024-7:30PM

WeddingBellsandPachelbel VirginiaBeach-Oceanfront August15,2024-7:30PM

OnceUponaSymphony Williamsburg-LakeMatoakaAmphitheater August30,2024-7:30PM

OnceUponaSymphony Yorktown-RiverwalkLanding August31,2024-7:30PM

OnceUponaSymphony Chesapeake-ChesapeakeCityPark September1,2024-7:30PM

OnceUponaSymphony VirginiaBeach-Oceanfront September3,2024-7:30PM

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Patriotictreatsforyour summertimefestivities

Supercharge summer fun with a sweet, simple salsa

Afterafulldayattheparkorswimmingpool summer funcallsforsomerefueling Allthatsunissuretoexhaust busyfamilies,leavinglittletimeforcomplicatedsnacks. Skip the long ingredients lists and leave confusing cooking instructions behind. Instead, treat your loved ones to this Roasted Sweetpotato Mango Salsa, an easyto-preparesolutionforthosebusyafternoons

The natural sweetness of cubed sweetpotatoes (no added sugar required) and mango collide with the delightful crunch of diced bell peppers onion and jalapeno Combinedwithfresh-squeezedorange lemonand limejuices,it’sequalpartsflavorandrefreshmentserved withyourfavoritechipsorcrackers

With complex carbohydrates that provide sustained energy, sweetpotatoes help with both endurance and recovery in athletes, making them a perfect ingredient forreenergizingyourfamily Thisnutritionpowerhouse is versatile and available year-round so you can enjoy themthroughoutthesummeraspartoffavoritesnacks weeknightmealsorevenSaturdaymorningpancakes.

Pairing them with the more than 20 vitamins and minerals from mangos, which are fat free, sodium free and cholesterol free, makes this salsa a better-for-you snackingsolution.

The versatility of sweetpotatoes makes it a cinch to add them to a variety of recipes to enhance flavor and nutrition content, from simple salsas and small bites to elevated recipes and beyond. Plus they can be baked microwaved, grilled, slow-cooked or prepared on the stoveasaperfectsummersidekick. Visit ncsweetpotatoes.com to find more recipes that aresuretobecomesummerfamilyfavorites.

RoastedSweetpotatoMangoSalsa Recipe courtesy of the North Carolina Sweetpotato Commission | Servings: 12

„ 11/2cups(2medium)sweetpotatoes

„ 1/2teaspoonsalt

„ 1/4teaspoonpepper

„ 1/2tablespoonchilipowder

„ 2tablespoonsoliveoil

„ 1cupmango „ 1/2greenbellpepper

„ 1/2redbellpepper

„ 1/2cuppurpleonion

„ 1jalapeno

„ 1/4cupcilantro

„ 1tablespoonfresh-squeezedorangejuice

„ 1tablespoonfresh-squeezedlemonjuice

„ 1tablespoonfresh-squeezedlimejuice

„ chipsorcrackers

Heatovento400F. Peel, rinse and cube sweetpotatoes 1/4 inch or smaller Toss sweetpotatoes with salt, pepper, chili powder and oliveoil.

Spreadonbakingsheetandroast20minutes Peelandcubemango Seedandcubebellpeppers Dice onion.Seedanddicejalapeno Finelychopcilantro

Once sweetpotatoes cool, mix with mango, peppers, onion and jalapeno Cover with fresh-squeezed orange, lemonandlimejuices Chillandservewithchipsorcrackers

Sweet & fruity treats fit for summer celebrations

Aspatrioticpartiesrollonthroughoutthedayandfireworkslightupthenight,FourthofJulyfuncallsforfavorite snacks that complement the excitement. Whether you’re a pyro or prefer to leave the fiery entertainment to the experts, one thing you can take charge of is the desserttable Summer is a perfect time to make fruit the star of the show, and Fourth of July is no exception. These special occasions can be uplifted with the aroma and flavor of Envy Apples, a leading apple variety that offers an invitationtogueststosavormemorablemomentstogether Theirversatilitymakesthemidealforsweettreatslike


theseAppleandBerryCreamCheeseTartsforapatriotic touchwithred,whiteandbluepopsofcolor Thesetasty bitesareshareable,handheldandfestive,makingthema savvysolutionthatkeepsentertainingsimple

Just combine cream cheese, powdered sugar, vanilla and milk, pipe onto baked tart shells and top with raspberries,blueberriesandstar-shapedapplecutouts Better yet,youcanevenswapoutraspberriesforpreferredred fruitslikestrawberriesorcherries,ifdesired.

Ifalltheplanningandentertainingleavesyoushorton time, turn to these Patriotic Apple “Donuts” that swap outtraditionaldoughforthick,roundappleslicestopped withcreamcheeseandsprinkles Withjustafewingredients you can slice the apples then let little ones in on the fun by spreading the cream cheese and decorating withsprinkles

The craveable texture and crunch of Envy Apples provides balanced sweetness for these favorite desserts and beyond, giving guests the ultimate apple experience for all your Fourth of July festivities They’re an appealing backdrop for pops of red and white in patriotic recipes as their flesh remains whiter longer, even after cutting or slicing, so they look fresh and delicious throughouttheholiday.

TofindmoreFourthofJulysalads,maincourses,sides anddesserts,visitEnvyApple.com.


„ 1cupdicedraspberries

„ 4tablespoonssugar,divided

„ 1cuphalvedblueberries

„ 1packagecreamcheese softened

„ 1/2cuppowderedsugar

„ 1teaspoonvanillaextract

„ 1/4cupmilk

„ 12frozenminitartshells,approximately2inches indiameter

„ 3EnvyApples,cutinto12largeslices(aroundcores)

In bowl, stir raspberries and 2 tablespoons sugar. In separatebowl,stirblueberriesandremainingsugar.Let sit30-60minutes

Beat together cream cheese powdered sugar, vanilla and milk. Spoon into piping bag and cut off small part oftip

Bake tart shells according to package directions

Once baked and cooled, fill halfway with cream cheese mixture.

Using small star cookie cutter, cut shapes from apple slices

Tophalfofeachtartwithspoonfulofraspberriesand otherhalfwithblueberries Topeachwithapplestarand repeatwithremainingingredients


Servings: 6

„ 2EnvyApples

„ 2/3cupwhippedcreamcheese

„ 6-10tablespoonsred,whiteandbluesprinkles

Cut apples horizontally to create thick, round slices

Use round cookie cutter to remove apple cores Spread creamcheeseon“donuts.”Topwithsprinkles

Add a patriotic ‘pop’ to Fourth of July parties

Break out the red, white and blue and (safely) set off your favorite fireworks - it’s time to honor America’s birthday.Alongwithalltheboomsandblasts,makesure your crowd is satisfied with one of the country’s most belovedsnackfoodsandatruefirecrackerinthekitchen: popcorn.

Celebratedforitsseed-to-snacksimplicity,popcorn’s smell,tasteandversatilitymeanitcanenhanceanyoccasion as a budget-friendly solution for family gatherings

As a timeless treat nationwide it’s an especially perfect partnerforFourthofJulyget-togethersasitburstswhile cookingandbringsathrilltothesenses

Whether your gathering will take place poolside, in air-conditioned comfort or while watching spectacular fireworks shows among the backdrop of the night sky, tasty treats that honor the occasion allow you to show


ThesePeanutButterCupsareanidealsummersnack that’seasytopreparewitheverydayingredients Allyou need to do is melt together peanut butter butter and marshmallows then mix in popcorn, shredded wheat, peanuts and raisins. Bake in individual paper liners for grab-and-go convenience then share with your nearest and dearest. For added flair, use American flag-themed linersorfinishyourcreationwithtoothpicksconnected tominiatureAmericanflags

Add a touch of heat to this year’s celebrations with Cinnamon Candy Poppers that bring a real bang to the snack table. Inspired by those classic firecrackers that a FourthofJulypartycan’tgowithout,theseballsofooeygooeygoodnessprovideatrulypatrioticspark. Findmorepopcorn-inspiredsnacksforyoursummer celebrationsatPopcorn.org.


Yield: 24 cups

„ 1/2cuppeanutbutter

„ 1/2cupbutterormargarine

„ package(101/2ounces)miniaturemarshmallows

„ 6cupsfreshlypoppedpopcorn

„ 6cupsspoon-sizeshreddedwheat

„ 1cupdryroastedpeanuts

„ 1cupraisins


Inmicrowaveonhighheatusinglarge,microwavable bowl,meltpeanutbutterandbutter1minute

Addmarshmallowsandmicrowaveonhigh1minute oruntilmarshmallowspuff;stir

Add popcorn, shredded wheat, peanuts and raisins; stirgently Place paper liners in two 12-cup muffin pans Divide mixtureinto24cups


Remove from oven and tore “cups” in airtight container


Yield: 24 balls

„ Nonstickcookingspray

„ 3quartspoppedpopcorn

„ 4tablespoons(1/2stick)butterormargarine

„ 3cupsminiaturemarshmallows

„ 1/2cupcinnamon-flavoredcandies

„ redandblueconfectionstars

„ redlicoricestring

Spreadlargesheetofplasticwraponworksurfaceand spraywithnonstickcookingspray

Spraylargemixingbowllightlywithnonstickcooking sprayandplacepopcorninside

In medium saucepan over low heat, melt butter Stir in marshmallows until melted and mixture is smooth. Pouroverpopcorn.Addcinnamoncandiesandmixwell untilcoated. Spray hands with nonstick cooking spray and form mixtureinto24balls Gentlypressredandbluestarsonto eachball.Placepieceoflicoricestringontopofeachball.


Brown is surrounded byhis


Boy bitten by shark thanks Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune for care

Blayne Brown was enjoying the last day of summer vacation with family when he was bitten by a shark in waist-deep water off the coast of North Topsail Beach, North Carolina.

“Ididn’tevenseetheshark,”said14-yearold Brown. “I sort of blacked out, walked towardthebeach,andlaiddown,screaming. Itfeltlikethesharkwasstillonme.”

Around 1 p.m. on June 23, 2024, Brown wastransportedtotheNavalMedicalCenter Camp Lejeunegoes to MTF website Level IIITraumaCenterforcare.Uponarrival,he

wastriagedandswiftlytakenintosurgeryto repair several tendons in his lower leg and stapledeepbitewounds

Ateamofmanyhealthcareproviderswith NMCCL cared for Brown during his stay at the medical center From the emergency room, operating room, to the multi-service ward, Brown has had a cadre of physicians, corpsmen, nurses, and a physical therapist caringforhimduringhisstay

“Ithankthemforfixingmeupandsetting meupforagoodrecovery,”saidBrownwho will soon travel back to his home state of WestVirginia Brownsaidhe’sexpectedtoreceiveaboot for his leg in the next several weeks, and

NMCCLrecommendedphysicaltherapyto helpwithaspeedyrecovery

“We have a very talented, multi-disciplinary team, said Lt Cmdr Alainna Crotty,departmentheadforinpatientunits at NMCCL. “Everybody has come together to deliver quality care to a patient in need whowasoutofhishomearea.Itshowcases whatmilitarymedicinecando.”

Brown’s grandmother, Kandi Ramey, has been by his side during his medical center stay For Ramey the incident will be somethingherfamilyneverforgets

“I lost my granddaughter when she was sixyearsold,”Rameyshared.“AndIcouldn’t livethroughthatagain.”

AccordingtoNorthCarolinaStateUniversity’sSeaGrant,sharkbiteswillalwaysbea present danger off the Carolina Coast, but theriskofsharkbitesforhumansissmall. For Brown, he has no immediate plans to dip toes back into the ocean anytime soon. “I’llhavethesescarsfortherestofmylife,so maybejustankledeepforawhile.”

NMCCL has cared for warfighters and beneficiaries at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune for more than 80 years. NMCCL is home to a Level III Trauma Center that has provided care for civilian beneficiaries inEasternNorthCarolinasince2018


Asthesummerswimseasongetsintofull swing, the American Red Cross encourages families to learn to be water smart. Researchshowsthatparticipationinformal water safety and swim lessons can reduce theriskofdrowningby88%foronetofouryear-olds

“With pools and parks open for the season, it’s important for families to take time to learn and review critical water safety skills with their children,” said AngelaBeale-Tawfeeq,PhD,MPH,member oftheRedCrossScientificAdvisoryCouncil and associate professor at Rowan University “ThesefundamentalRedCross water safety skills will help you feel more prepared for everyday scenarios and fun outings in, on and around the water, and most importantly help save lives.”

Each year more than 2.5 million people learntoswimthroughRedCrosslifesaving aquatics programs These programs incorporatethelatestscience-basedcurriculum andindustrybestpractices,helpingtokeep individuals and families safer while enjoying water activities Through this work, over the last century, the Red Cross has helped to reduce accidental drownings by nearly 90% nationwide

“Preventing unsupervised access to water, providing constant, active adult supervision and knowing how to swim are criticallayersofprotectiontohelpprevent drowning,”saidConnieHarvey,directorof AquaticsCentennialandSurvivalPrograms for the Red Cross


This summer remember these four water safety tips Nobodyshouldeverswimalone adults andteensaswellaschildren.Neverleavea youngchildunattendednearwater,anddo not trust a child’s life to another child. It’s best to always designate a “water watcher” who will keep a close eye and constantattentiononchildrenandweaker swimmersin,onandaroundwateruntilthe next water watcher takes over

Have young children or inexperienced swimmers wear properly fitted U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jackets around water, but do not rely on life jackets alone Reach or throw, don’t go! In the event of an emergency, reach or throw an object to the person in trouble and tell them to grab on. Don’t go in! You could be in danger of drowning yourself

“We encourage families to educate themselves on safer water habits, to learn to swim and know how to handle emergencies,” said Harvey “Our aquatic training providers offer swim education and

classes for both children and adults. We recommend that you also learn first aid and CPR, so you’ll know what to do until help arrives.”

WHALETALESFORCHILDRENThe Red Cross recently revamped its Longfellow’s WHALE Tales Water Safety for Children program. The no-cost program is designed to help children from all backgroundsinkindergartenthrough5thgrade learn vital water safety behaviors without having to be in or near the water. Educators swim instructors parents caregivers and others can teach critical water safety lessons to children before the swim season kicks off WHALE Tales are short, engaging and age-appropriate lessons that cover important water safety topics in different environments such as pools, waterparks, oceans, lakes and rivers The free downloadable resources include lesson plans, course presentations and engaging materials such as videos and activity sheets and can be accessed at redcross.org/WHALEtales. If you’re a parentorcaregiverteachingyourownchildren,visitredcross.org.watersafetyforkids


Aquatics Centennial Campaign, launched in2014torecognize100yearsofRedCross leadership in swimming and water safety, is active in nearly 100 communities across the country The program works to reduce drowning rates in locations where drowning rates are above the national average alongside valued community partners Seattle Parks and Recreation and the Swim Seattle Initiative recently joined the Centennial Campaign to help remove barriers to learning to swim and eradicate disproportionate drownings among youth ofcolor.“Thispartnershipwillenableusto provide more quality swim lessons water safety education and lifeguard training to the community than ever before, said Mike Plympton, aquatic manager for Seattle Parks and Recreation. To date, the campaign has delivered morethan131,000setsofswimlessonsand certified5,400juniorlifeguards,lifeguards and Water Safety Instructors® We’ve also armednearly19,000parentsandcaregivers with water safety knowledge and/or CPR skills


GETSTARTEDTODAYGotoredcross org/watersafety for swim program informationandavarietyofresources TheRed Cross Swim app can help children and adults learn with kid-friendly video and activities on mobile devices Do your part. Be “water smart.”

About the American Red Cross: The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides comfort to victims of disasters; supplies about 40% of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; distributes international humanitarian aid; and supports veterans, military members and theirfamilies.TheRedCrossisanonprofit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to deliver its mission. For more information, please visit redcross.org or CruzRojaAmericana.org, or follow us on social media. Swim season is here! Red Cross shares

“Wewanttomakethewaterasaferplace for everyone and, as a community, we all playanimportantroleinhelpingtoachieve that goal,” said Harvey.” Learn more at

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