NRMA Commander visits
Naval Air Station Oceana
NAVFAC MIDLANT awards contract for taxiway pavement repairs at NAS Oceana
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic
NORFOLK, Va Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT) awarded Lane Construction Corporation, Chantilly, Virginia, a $207,849,000, firm-fixed-price contract for repair to taxiway pavements, PhasesIandII,atNavalAirStationOceana PhaseIconsistsofimprovementstoTaxi-
way Alpha. Phase II will include additional improvements to Taxiway Alpha, as well as improvements to Taxiway Bravo, Taxiway Papa,andotherrelatedwork. The base price and all options will be awarded in the amount of $207,849,000 Work will be performed in Virginia Beach, Virginia,andisexpectedtobecompletedby January2028 Fiscal year (FY) 2024 operation and maintenance(Navy)fundsintheamountof $207,849,000 are obligated on this award,
which will expire at the end of the current FY Thiscontractwascompetitivelyprocured via the website with two proposalsreceived.
NAVFAC MIDLANT is the contracting activity(N40085-24-C-0021).
NAVFAC MIDLANT provides facilities engineering,publicworksandenvironmental products and services across an area of responsibility that spans from South Carolina to Maine as far west as Illinois and
down to Indiana. As an integral member of theCommander NavyRegionMid-Atlantic team, NAVFAC MIDLANT provides leadershipthroughtheRegionalEngineerorganizationtoensuretheregion’sfacilitiesand infrastructure are managed efficiently and effectively For additional information about NAVFACMIDLANTonsocialmedia,follow ouractivitiesonFacebookatwww.facebook. com/navfacmidatlanticandonInstagram@ navfacmidatlantic.
13 primary piers over 60 home ported warships the historic Jamestown Exhibition homes the USS Iowa and USS Cole memorialsandtheairsideofthebase,ChambersField.
RoverCruisesandToursisalocallyowned andoperatedsmallbusinesswhoalsooperateAmericanRoverSailingCruises,Victory RoverNavalBaseCruises,AtlanticExplorer Sea Adventures, Atlantic Scout Dolphin Tours and Whale Watching Trips from the VirginiaAquariuminVirginiaBeach
“We have been offering tours of Naval Station Norfolk from the water since 1986,” said Brook Smith from Rover Cruises and Tours, “Tom Van Benschoten and I are excited to be partnering with Naval Station Norfolk to offer another way for locals and visitorstogainagreaterappreciationforthe roletheNavyplaysinourNation’sdefenseas well as its importance to our local community.” The tours run Tuesday through Sunday at 11 a.m., 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. The cost is $20 perguest.
A government-issued photo identificationcardisrequiredforparticipantsages18 andover.Passportsarerequiredfornon-U.S citizens For more information or to book a tour visit
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Editorial Staff ManagingEditor | MCC Amanda Kitchner 757-262-2852 |
| MC1 Maddelin Hamm
Station (NAS) Oceana’s Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) co-hosted a networkingeventJuly11,2024calledHIRE VETS NOW, a program that helps transitioning service members and veterans connectwithpotentialemployersthroughoutHamptonRoads
“Transition from military service to the civilian sector can be a stressful time and Fleet and Family Support Center wants to provide resource opportunities to reduce thestressthatgoesalongwithlifechanges,” said Stephanie Vidaurri, director of NAS Oceana’s FFSC “Partnering with communitystakeholdersforeventslikeHIREVETS NOWisoneopportunitytoreduceemploymentrelatedconcerns.”
During the event, attendees had opportunity to connect with 30 Virginia employers representing a diverse range of industries, including Boeing, Dominion
Energy, Huntington Ingalls Industries, Lockheed Martin, Sentara, and Southwest Airlines Many of these participating employers also offer Skillbridge opportunities a program that provides internships for transitioning service members prior to separation. Over160attendeescameouttothisyear’s event.Someofthoseattendeesevenreceived on-the-spot interviews and job offers According to Vidaurri, NAS Oceana’s FFSC helpstoprepareservicemembersforcareer networking events like HIRE VETS NOW. FFSC offers financial classes employment and transition assistance resume writing assistance and other educational services To view a complete class schedule and to signup,visit Virginia’s HIRE VETS NOW is hosted by the Virginia Department of Veterans Services,theVirginiaChamberFoundation andTransitionAssistanceOfficesonmilitary installationsthroughoutVirginia Visitwww for more information and toviewacompletelistofupcomingevents
Seabees ‘light up’ the future for NAS Oceana aviation community
Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit 202
Seabees,attachedtoConstructionBattalion Maintenance Unit (CBMU) 202, spent the last year-and-a half replacing overhead lightingfixturesforsixhangarsalongNaval AirStation(NAS)Oceana’sflightline
The hangar’s outdated lighting system was beginning to fail and did not provide adequate lighting making it increasingly difficult for personnel to conduct maintenance on aircraft. Seabees installed new lights and hardware, including vapor-tight seals that will help prevent insects and debrisfromgettingintothelightingfixtures, thusreducingoverallmaintenance
“CBMU202’steamprovidedexceptional quality of work installing these new light fixtures,” said Assistant Public Works Officer Lt Tim Scardino, NAS Oceana Public WorksDepartment.“Thetenantcommands have also told me they are pleased with the work they have even received comments from squadrons from other installations on howgoodthelightinglooksinthehangars.” Withtheprojectcomplete,17commands willbenefitfromtheextralightingthroughoutthehangars
“We can see more specifically, we can see (aircraft maintenance) during night checks,” said Chief Aviation Maintenance
Administrationman Jamar Strohm Strike FighterSquadron143(VFA-143),notingthe improved work environment contributes not only to their operational effectiveness, butalsototheirsafetyandqualityoflife
Separately, this project allowed CMBU 202toconducthands-onelectricaltraining thatwillpreparethemforfutureoperations wherelarge-scaleelectricalprojectsmaybe requiredtomaintainNavyinfrastructure.
“I have learned how to better operate a boom lift and how to effectively troubleshootanelectricalcircuitthatisn’tworking,” saidNavyConstructionElectricianKimball Coombs, a Seabee assigned to CBMU 202 “Every day I come in ready to work and put my best foot forward to provide quality work,inatimelymanner.”
CBMU 202 demonstrated the Seabee community’s “Can Do motto and enabled increasedwarfightingreadinessfortheFleet through their high standards of service, preparednessandexecutionoftheproject.
A component of the Navy Expeditionary Combat Command’s Naval Construction Force, CBMU 202 provides public works, minorconstruction,embarkation,anddisaster response capabilities during wartime or contingencyoperationsinsupportoftheU.S. Navy CBMU202ishomeportedinVirginia Beach,Virginia
VIRGINIABEACH,Va (June4,2024)-ConstructionElectricianKimballCoombsHarrison,assigned to Construction Battalion Maintenance Unit (CBMU) 202,works from a boom lift to replace overhead lighting fixtures forone ofthe sixhangars along NavalAirStation (NAS) Oceana’s flight line.Seabees installed newlights and hardware includingvapor-tight seals thatwill help prevent insects and debris from getting into the lighting fixtures thus reducing overall maintenance. CBMU 202 provides publicworks,minorconstruction,embarkation,and disasterresponse capabilities duringwartime orcontingencyoperations in support ofthe U.S.Navy CBMU 202 is homeported inVirginia Beach,Va (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYBUILDER2NDCLASSAUSTININGRAM)
Protecting warfighters: Navy hosts summit on blast overpressure safety
ByJenniferGoulart Navy and Marine Corps Force Health Protection Command
PORTSMOUTH, Va The Navy hosted acriticalsummitfocusedonblastoverpressure(BOP)safety,aimingtohighlightongoing efforts to protect service members and civilians atRiver’sEdgeCommunityCenter onboard Naval Support Activity (NSA) HamptonRoads-PortsmouthAnnex July15
The timing of the summit coincides with increasedpublicattentionontheimpactsof blast overpressure, the pressure caused by a shock wave over and above normal atmosphericpressure.Thesummitaimstohighlighttheproactivemeasuresbeingtakenby theNavytoaddressconcernsrelatedtoblast overpressure. The event featured recorded remarks fromHon.MeredithBerger,AssistantSecretary of the Navy for Energy, Installations, and Environment (ASN EIE) and Designated Agency Safety and Health Official, or DASHO,fortheDepartmentoftheNavy Mr Peter Lynch, Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Safety, also attended and led portionsofthemeeting
“I am grateful to the experts and operatorsthatareintheroomtodayfordedicating your brain power and your horsepower to something that is critical: warfighter brain health,”saidBerger
Hosted by the Navy and Marine Corps ForceHealthProtectionCommand(NMCFHPC),thesummitispartofabroaderinitiativetocentralizeandstreamlineBOPsafety efforts within the Department of the Navy (DON).
“We cannot stand idly by, and that is what this forum is for and about, continued Berger “Think about how we can fight most effectively and keep our people in the fight:reduceunnecessaryexposures;monitor exposures and symptoms; listen to and encouragethosewhoaskforhelp;payattentiontothosewhodonot;ensureavailability ofmedicaltreatment;andmaintainmission readiness Wemustmovequicklyanddeliberately in support of our people through collaboration to capitalize on efficiencies andmovedecisively.”
Despite numerous successful initiatives, there was previously no unified method to communicate these efforts to stakeholders In response, the DON began holding monthly BOP synchronization meetings in September 2023 which has grown from 25 to over 150 participants including leadership, medical professionals, safety officers, andsubjectmatterexperts.
The goal of the Navy BOP summit was to develop a plan of action and milestones for drafting and implementing DON BOP policy Additionally, the summit served to enhance communication among all parties synchronizeefforts identifygaps andcreate a Navy-specific BOP policy that aligns with upcoming DOD guidelines as well as foster collaborationandbuildrelationshipswithin theBOPcommunity
“As we move forward, our goal is to provide a consistent message that will help operational commands understand the risks of BOP exposure and communicate effective risk mitigation strategies,” said Jena Brunson an industrial hygienist withNMCFHPC “Thissummitisacritical step in organizing our efforts to protect our personnel.”
Brunson’s team, the Acquisition Technical Support Division (ATS), serves as the
subject matter experts and cognizant technical authority regarding the industrial hygieneaspectsofblastoverpressurehazard throughsystemslifecyclefortheDON The team has been working on establishing a comprehensive plan for exposure monitoring leveraging the existing field presence of industrial hygiene (IH) professionals who are already monitoring other hazards of weapon use This approach integrates BOP into their efforts, using worldwide IH support to create a central plan that is now beingimplemented.
mustbefiredbeforeoneisconsideredqualified.Wedon’twanttolimitroundsfiredfor BOPinawaythathindersmissionreadiness
That’s why we strive to understand what is needed and profile the weapons to know what they produce getting an idea of lifetimeexposures,”shesaid
Thisinitiativerequiresamultidisciplinary approach, involving engineers, weapons program managers, policy makers, medical personnel, industrial hygiene experts, risk communication specialists, occupational health professionals, and the operational side,includingendusers
“Wearebigintocommunicationandteam approach,helpingeachotheroutwherewe can, concludedBrunson.
The Navy BOP initiative also aligns with severaloftheSurgeonGeneral’skeylinesof effort(LOEs),particularly:
LOE 2: Increase Sailor and Marine Deployability by ensuring personnel are well-protected from BOP risks, thereby maintainingafitandreadyforce
Jena Brunson,an industrial hygienistwith the Navyand Marine Corps Force Health ProtectionCommand(NMCFHPC)addresses the audience during a Blast OverPressure (BOP) meeting onJuly15 2024 at the River’s Edge CommunityCenteron Naval Medical CenterPortsmouth,Virginia.Brunson is a part ofthe Navy’sAcquisitionTechnical Support Division (ATS),which serves as the subject matterexperts and cognizant technical authorityregarding the industrial hygiene aspects ofblast overpressure hazard through systems lifecycle forthe DON.(NAVYPHOTO BYDESMONDMARTIN) The Navyhosted a summit focused on blast overpressure (BOP) safety,aiming to highlight ongoing efforts to protect service members and civilians,at River’s Edge CommunityCenteronboard Naval SupportActivity(NSA) Hampton Roads-PortsmouthAnnex,July15.Hosted bythe Navyand Marine Corps Force Health Protection Command (NMCFHPC) the summit is part ofa broaderinitiative to centralize and streamline BOPsafetyeffortswithin the Department ofthe Navy(DON).The event consisted ofa broad arrayofguests and contributors from the Hon Meredith Berger Assistant Secretaryofthe NavyforEnergy,Installations,and Environment (ASN EIE) to several operational stakeholders.(NAVY PHOTOBYDESMONDMARTIN)
The ATS team is also unique in that it includesIHexpertswhosupporttheacquisition testing community as well as the field industrial hygienist working at the IH programoffices Theteamassessthehealth hazards of weapon systems using exposure datacollectedduringtheacquisitionprocess inthetestingenvironmenttosupportweaponsprogrammanagersinadditiontoprovidingsupporttofieldindustrialhygienistswho arecollectingandevaluatingdataonweaponssystemsthathavealreadybeenfielded. “Ourgoalisn’tjusttodocumenttheexposure but to figure out ways to reduce it, Brunson explained. “We are starting with a centralized approach, issuing equipment, training people, and eventually aiming for this to become routine for our IHs. This includes collecting data, analyzing it, and integratingfindingsintomedicalrecordsto supportinformeddecision-makingbyleadership.”
Brunsonalsoemphasizedtheimportance of balancing mission readiness with safety measures
“There is a fine balance between mission readiness because, for example, on ships there is a certain number of rounds that
LOE 3: Provide Quality Healthcare and Patient Safety Programs Across the Naval Force by integrating the latest research and safety protocols into BOP management strategies
LOE4:RecruitandRetainNavyMedicine Shipmatesbydemonstratingacommitment tosafeguardingthehealthandwell-beingof Navypersonnel,therebyfosteringtrustand commitmentwithintheranks ThemissionofNMCFHPCistomaximize readiness through force health protection planstrategiesandsolutionsforcurrentand potentialpublichealththreats
Berger is responsible for providing oversightandpolicyforNavyandMarineCorps energyandclimateresilience;infrastructure
sustainment,restorationandmodernization; military construction; acquisition, utilization and disposal of real property and facilities; environmental protection, planning, restoration and natural resources conservation;andsafetyandoccupationalhealth. You can learn more about the Navy’s Acquisition Technical Support Division and find resources at: Acquisition-Technical-Support/Blast-Overpressure-BOP/
Fleet and Family Support Program celebrates
ByTimothyMcgough Commander Navy Installations Command
Commander Navy Installations
Command’s (CNIC) Fleet and Family SupportProgram(FFSP)celebrated45years of service to Sailors and their families at a ceremonyheldatCNICheadquartersonthe WashingtonNavyYard,July16
Vice Adm. Scott Gray, commander, Navy InstallationsCommand,LeslieGould,director, Fleet and Family Readiness, WK Jones, deputy director Fleet and Family Support Program, and personnel from CNIC headquartersgatheredtomarktheday.
The idea for the Navy Family Service Center(FSC)grewoutoftheFamilyAwarenessConferenceheldinNorfolkinNovember 1978 It became evident that a greater effort was needed to meet the needs of the Navy family A task force was set up to explore how to meet this commitment to families under the leadership of Rear Adm. Richard E. Nicholson. The concept of a centralized family location was developed, which was then quickly implemented with theopeningoftheNavy’sfirstFamilyService CenterinJuly1979
A Navy captain, chaplain, seven active-
duty personnel, 10 civilian employees and a local ombudsman chairperson staffed the first FSC. They provided 24-hour information and referral services and assisted with casework follow-up financial counseling childwelfareliaison,relocationinformation, special assistance and family enrichment
The center also worked closely with the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society, American Red Cross, Ombudsmen, Navy Wives Organizationsandcommands.
“Wesetoutfromthebeginningtoprovide proactive and educational programs that keptSailorsandfamilieshealthyandstrong,” said Dr Ann O’Keefe in 2019 “People thought it (FSC) would be just another flashinthepan Theysaid,‘whyshouldIget involved?Itwilljustgoaway.’”
O’Keefe was the first program director when the first center opened its doors in Norfolk, Va Unfortunately, Ms O’Keefe passed away at age of 86 on 18 Aug. 2021 in Gainesville Va Over the next decade other areas of support programs were added. The staff transformed to a diverse mix of full-time appropriated funds civilian personnel, non-appropriated funds civilians and contractemployees
In 2001, the name changed from Navy Family Service Center to Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) to emphasize that thecenterwastosupporttheSailorandthe family In 2002 FFSC incorporated a new lighthouse logo and theme line: “Meeting YourNeeds,AtHome,AtSea. Thenewlogo was designed to give the centers a uniform identityatnavalbasesaroundtheglobe.The lighthouselogoisstillabeacontothedoors ofcentersworldwide
Today, the Fleet and Family Support Program continues to deliver the best servicesattherighttimeintherightplace “I couldn’t be prouder of what the Fleet and Family Support Program has accomplished in the past five years, let alone the last 45 years Our centers continue to serve our Navy families and are staffed with the finest professionals to help strengthen the resiliency of our Sailors and their families,” said Shauna Turner, director, Fleet and FamilySupportProgram. For more information of the Navy’s Fleet and Family Support Program visit: https:// FollowusonFacebook:
ChristyTrabun Public Affairs Officer Naval Support Activity
In the workforce of today, it is hard to thinkofaninfrastructureneedgreaterthan electrical power. Without it, the lights stay off,theinternetgoesdown,andinstallations are required to rely on generator power to manage the routine tasks that make up a typicalworkday.
AtNavalSupportActivity(NSA)Mechanicsburg,asignificantmilestoneinmaintainingthatcriticalflowofcurrentwasachieved thismonth,anda“cable-cutting ceremony was held on Tuesday, July 16, to acknowledge the efforts of many on the installation whohelpedmakeithappen.
“During my time as installation commander we faced several outages particularly with the C-feeder which impacted our tenants and our operational goals Through diligent effort and strategic upgrades, we have not only mitigated these challenges but also bolstered our ability to withstand future disruptions,” said Capt. Johnetta Thomas, commanding officer of NSAMechanicsburg,NSAPhiladelphia,and the Philadelphia Navy Yard Annex, during thecable-cuttingceremony.
TheC-feederisoneofmanyhighvoltage electricalcablesthatcarriespowerfromthe offsite utility provider to various endpoints across the installation. The primary function of the C-feeder is to distribute electrical power reliably and efficiently to
different parts of the electrical grid. The age and degradation of C-feeder was interfering with its primary function, resulting in mission impacts when unplanned poweroutagesplaguedtheinstallation.The C-feeder that was replaced in this upgrade was well beyond its lifecycle, according to NSA Mechanicsburg Operations Manager RudyJaniczek. Inattendanceweremanyemployeesfrom NSA Mechanicsburg Naval Facilities EngineeringSystemsCommand(NAVFAC)who helpedcoordinateacomplexseriesofpower outages over multiple weekends and the delivery of 12 generators for critical buildingsthatcouldnothavedisruptionofpower. The update of the C-feeder, “represents a crucial step forward in enhancing the resil-
ience of our electrical infrastructure,” said Capt.Thomas Several NAVFAC employees were given commandcoinsasathanksfortheirefforts Also on hand and extended gratitude were membersofthecontractorsandsubcontractors from Argus CJW who completed the work. Lt Cmdr LaurenElkins,AssistantPublic WorksOfficerforNSAMechanicsburg,who wastheleadintegratorthroughouttheproject, added, “I am immensely proud of the professionalismandexpertiseinnavigating the complexities of this project. Today is a testament to what can be achieved through collaborationanddetermination.Thisproject shows our commitment to delivering reliableservicestoourtenants.”
EOD Mobile Unit 2 holds change of command ceremony
ByLt ChelseaCannaday
Ordnance Disposal Group Two
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Cmdr. Andrew Giacomucci assumed command of Explosive Ordnance Disposal Mobile Unit 2 (EODMU 2) duringachangeofcommandceremonyatJoint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story, July 18, 2024 Giacomucci relieved Cmdr Nick Quihuis as commanding officer of EODMU 2 infrontoffamily,friendsandservicemembers Quihuis was in command of the unit from Nov. 2022toJuly2024
Capt. Karl Haywood, commander, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group (EODGRU) 2, presided over the ceremony, and Rear Adm. (ret.) Frank Morneau was the guest speaker. Morneau served 34 years as a Navy EOD Officer,retiringin2016,andstillservesasamentor, role model, and motivator to many in the EOD community.
MorneauwelcomedGiacomucciandpraised Quihuisforhisleadershipduringhistimeasthe EODMU2commander
“Looking back over the past couple of years you should have tremendous pride in what you’ve been able to accomplish. You sent an expeditionary mine countermeasure team to recover the Chinese spy balloon. You deployed out to the Middle East and provided valuable intelligenceinminewarfaretotheCENTCOM commander You were out there when Hamas
attacked Israel,” said Morneau. “EOD Mobile Unit 2 is in the right place, at the right time, to dowhatneedstobedone,ontimeandontarget. That’s because of your leadership You have exemplified what this community needs in the wayofleadershipthroughoutyourentiretour.”
“Tothecrew Iwanttotalktoyouaboutsomething that’s never going to change, and that is your commitment to our mission, which is to fight and win this country’s wars…you have to beready,”Morneausaid.
In his first address as commanding officer, GiacomuccihighlightedthelegacyandprofessionalismofEODMU2.
“To the Officers and Sailors of EODMU 2, I’m excited to become a part of the legacy of theoriginalEastCoastEODunit Theopportunity to lead such a dedicated and capable team is humbling Our unique ability to eliminate explosive threats so the Fleet and nation can fightandwinwhenever,wherever,andhowever it chooses, is a noble calling, and together, we willbereadyforthattasking,”saidGiacomucci.
EODMU 2 is a subordinate command of EODGRU2andoperatesaspartofNavyExpeditionaryCombatForceprovidingskilled,capable, and combat-ready deployable Navy EOD and Navy Diver forces around the globe to supportarangeofoperations
For more news from Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group 2, visit https://www.dvidshub net/unit/eodg-2
NAVFAC Washington Transportation Department Supports Fleet Week 2024
The Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Washington Transportation Department played a crucial role in the success of the 2024 Maryland Fleet Week and Flyover Baltimore The department executed more than 50busoperationstosafelytransportmorethan2,000personnel to various events and locations at the Inner Harbor, Fells Point,NorthLocustPoint,andMartinStateAirport,Baltimore June12-18
The transportation team’s efforts were integral in providing transportforSailorstoattendcommunityoutreachevents,media relationsactivitiesandceremonialandentertainmentfunctions They also ensured dignitaries, media personnel and members of the general public were securely transported from the port’s Entry Control Point to the pier, where they could tour the USS FortLauderdaleandexperiencelifeaboardanavalvessel. Inadditiontomanagingbusoperations NAVFACWashingtonTransportationcollaboratedcloselywithmultipleagencies including the Maryland Department of Transportation and EmergencyManagement.Thiscoordinationensuredthatbus routes did not interfere with public transportation or emergencyresponsesituations Thedepartmentalsoprovidedequipment and 20 vehicles to support security and Entry Control Point operations, as well as supplying a vehicle complement forshippersonnel. Transportation specialists from Public Works Department Washington shared their positive experiences Che Samuel, transportation specialist debuted as the event staff and noted, “Thisexperienceservedasavaluableopportunitytobeexposed to high-tempo operations that required critical thinking and strategicplanning.”
Samuel’s colleague, John Curl expressed pride in their accomplishments “I was impressed by the excellent communication and coordination among multiple Navy activities and Baltimore municipal agencies within the event staff,” he explained. The biennial Fleet Week provides Sailors the opportunity toenjoylibertytimeandoffersthepublictoursofvariousU.S. Naval vessels The week of activities and events offer festivals, educational activities and thrilling air demonstrations andflyovers
Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport
NEWPORT, R.I. The Naval Undersea WarfareCenter(NUWC)DivisionNewport workforce continues to maintain the highest level of service to the fleet, and those efforts are highlighted in the command’s 2023 Annual Overview now available here: Documents/NUWC_Newport/AnnualOverview2023_DistroA_Final.pdf?ver=Rflrvb4Q9ikcINBze3XZeQ%3d%3d
Each year, the Strategic Planning Office and the Public Affairs Office collaborate to gather stories and photos to capture a year inthelifeatDivisionNewport.
“TheAnnualOverviewdoesagreatjobof documenting the workforce’s tremendous accomplishments throughout the year It helps our visitors understand the kind of workwedoand forourworkforce itserves as a yearbook documenting our life here at DivisionNewport, saidDawnVaillancourt, DivisionNewport’sbusinessdirector Commanding Officer Capt. Chad Hennings and Technical Director Marie BussiereintroducedthereportbyhighlightingDivisionNewport’simportantwork.
“2023 was another productive and successful year at Division Newport,” Hennings said. “We would like to thank the workforcefortheirtremendousefforts.With manychangesandchallengesthroughoutthe Navy and the warfare center enterprise, the need for our expertise has only increased. Whether the task is repairing submarine systems, establishing cybersecurity, prototypinganewvehicle,orimprovingourfacilities thisteamhasansweredthecall.”
TheAnnualOverviewdepictsthreemain themes:“WarfightingReadinessfortheFleet of Today and Tomorrow,” “Leadership and Workforce Brilliance,” and “Technical and BusinessExcellence.”
“Weaccomplishedalotin2023,”Bussiere said.“Weworkedacrossthewarfarecenter enterprise and with industry and academic partnerstoensureourwarfightershavethe bestpossibletechnologiesnowand30years
This 36-page document provides a highlevel view of some of the people projects and events that have contributed to the command’s success The document is also archived with the Naval History and HeritageCommand.
The overview also highlights visitors, special events, business metrics and economic impact data. In 2023, Division Newport’stotalfundingreached$1.7billion. [link- News/Article-View/Article/3713909/nuwcdivision-newports-impact-on-economywas-17-billion-in-2023/]
“Looking ahead, our workforce will serve as the architects of the future undersea battlespace, developing and testing the vehicles and systems that will deter our adversaries,” the report states, “The work wedonowissettingthestageforthatfuture battlespace Innovations adaptabilityanda senseofurgencyarewhatdriveoursuccess.”
NUWC Newport is the oldest warfare center in the country, tracing its heritage to the Naval Torpedo Station established on Goat Island in Newport Harbor in 1869. Commanded by Capt. Chad Hennings, NUWC Newport maintains major detachments in West Palm Beach, Florida, and AndrosIslandintheBahamas aswellastest facilitiesatSenecaLakeandFisher’sIsland, New York, Leesburg, Florida, and Dodge Pond,Connecticut.
3D Printer solves engineering challenges WhentheteamofengineersfromtheCAMREloaded their3Dhybrid-metalprinteronboardSomersetaspart oftheexperimentationsectorofExerciseRimofthe Pacific2024,theyhadnoideathattheywouldsoonbe askedtosolveareal-worldengineeringcasualty.
Fit Fridays with Maddie
Joinourteam!NUWCDivisionNewport, one of the 20 largest employers in Rhode Island, employs a diverse, highly trained, educated, and skilled workforce We are continuously looking for engineers, scientists andotherSTEMprofessionals aswell as talented business finance logistics and othersupportexpertswhowishtobeatthe forefront of undersea research and development Please connect with NUWC DivisionNewportRecruitingatthissite-https:// and follow us on LinkedIn @ NUWC-Newport and on Facebook @ NUWCNewport. ByChristyTrabun
with Maddie June 21, 2024! This will be a reoccurring event through the summer It was a *blur* of activity as the kids ran through obstacle courses, did cooldownexercisesandstretches andmuchmore. MaddieGoretzkeworksforMWRasarecreationassistant in the fitness center She has a certification as a youth exercise specialist, and has years of experience in schools and gymsteachingchildrenfitnessclasses Maddieisoriginally from Dillsburg, Pa., and will be partnering with the CDC throughthesummer
Chief of Naval Operations hosts Futures Game at U.S. Naval War College
Chief of Naval Operations
Newport,R.I. ChiefofNavalOperations (CNO)Adm.LisaFranchettihostedtheCNO FuturesGameattheU.S.NavalWarCollegein Newport,RhodeIsland,July16-17.
Franchetti emphasized the need for leaders across the Joint Force to think, act and operate differently and seek ways to integrate conventional capability with hybrid unmanned, and disruptive technologies, becausetomorrow’sbattlefieldwillbeincrediblychallengingandcomplex.
“It is our duty to plan for the future and ensure our Fleet is always ready to preserve the peace, respond in crisis, and win decisively in war,” said Franchetti. “The Navy is never going to fight alone. We will work hand-in-handwithourJointteammatesand Allies and partners To that end, I challenge you to have an open mind and think about the capabilities, people, and broader warfightingecosystemacrosstheJointForcethat we’re going to need to effectively carry out ourmissions.”
Futures Game is organized by the Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Warfighting DevelopmentViceAdm.DanDwyer
“The Navy uses events like the CNO FuturesGameaspartofourongoinganalytic efforts to shape and inform naval strategy, analysis,operationalconcepts,andwarfightingrequirements,”saidDwyer “Byexamining potential future states we can characterize the operational problems the Navy will face todayandtomorrowaswellaswhatrolesthe Navy may be asked to perform in support of our national security Events like the CNO FuturesGamesupportthisprocessandallow ustobettercharacterizefuturechallenges.”
Robust wargaming and analysis underpin Navyeffortsbyprovidinganalyticrigoranda comprehensiveexaminationofstrategicand operational concepts to support CNO decisionmakingonthemostconsequentialissues facingtheNavy
“We know our enduring functions: sea control, power projection, deterrence, maritimesecurity,andsealift,butitisourabilityto testalternativeconcepts,reinvigorateanalysis,andexplorefutureforcestructureoptions
that will enable us to field a force capable of responding to all threats—anywhere and anytime,”saidFranchetti.
As a critical component of the Navy’s Analytic Master Plan (AMP), the U.S. Naval WarCollege(NWC)isdesignatedbytheCNO astheNavy’spillarleadforwargaming NWC spearheads efforts to integrate all research activities within the naval wargaming enterprise and facilitates the promulgation and integration of research findings across the navalanalyticcommunity Wargaming has been integral to NWC since 1887 While the tools and technology used in simulations have evolved over the past century, the value of wargaming in maritime leadership development remains strong Today, NWC conducts more than 50 gaming events per year ranging in varietyfromcomplex,multi-sidedcomputer-assisted games to simple, single-sided seminar games
ThiswasFranchetti’sfirsttimehostingthe FuturesGameasCNO.ShehostedtheFutures Game in 2023 as Vice Chief of Naval Operations
Staff in the Spotlight Information Systems
Technician First Class Emily Decelles
ByMarcLindsay U.S. Navy Recruit Training Command
Meet Information Systems Technician 1st Class (IT1)
Emily Decelles, a Recruit Division Commander (RDC) at Recruit Training Command (RTC) Great Lakes, the Navy’s onlybootcamp
Originally from Dartmouth, Massachusetts, Decelles beganherNavycareerin2014,andhasservedonUSSAntietam in Yokosuka, Japan, and at CWG-6 Detachment Digby in England, where she worked closely with the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy These diverse experiences have significantlyshapedhercareerandapproachasaleader.
As an RDC Decelles leads the state flags unit at Midway Ceremonial Drill Hall, where she oversees performances, drillroutines,andthecoordinationofstateflagsforweekly graduations.HerroleasanRDCisdrivenbyastrongdesire tocontributetothedevelopmentoffutureSailors.
“Iknewthiswasgoingtohappenatsomepointduringmy navalcareer Ilovetrainingandmentoring,andIwantedto givebacktotheNavy I’velearnedandachievedsomuch,and IfeltthatIneededtodomyparttohelpthenextgeneration,” Decellessaysofherrole
Her decision to become an RDC was heavily influenced bythepositiveimpactofherownRDCduringhertraining “MyRDCinbootcampwassuchatransparentandhonest person.Youcouldtellshetrulycaredabouteachindividual in our group Her directness and genuine concern made a significant impact on my naval career and motivated me to returntothisrole TobeabletohavethesamepositiveinfluenceonrecruitswhileI’mhereissomethingIcanbeproud of,”Decellesshares
“I strive to communicate openly with my recruits and maintain an approachable demeanor I emphasize empathy and explain the rationale behind our training methods Understanding how our actions during training affect the fleetandthelargerNavyteamisacrucialpartofwhatIdo,” sheexplains “Mygoalistohelprecruitsseetheimportance oftheirrolesandhowtheyfitintothebiggerpicture.”
Running has also become a significant part of Decelles’s life, both personally and professionally She was inspired to start running in 2016 by a fellow staff member when she noticedthepositiveimpactitseemedtohaveonhisoutlook.
“Commander Choi, a chaplain on my ship, ran every day onthepier Whenhe’dcomebacktowork,he’dalwaysbeso fullofjoyandenergy HispassionmademequestionwhatI wasmissingouton,”Decellesrecalls “Atfirst,Iwasonlyable to run about a mile but over time I gradually increased my distance Eventuallyitbecameasourceofmotivationanda waytoovercomepersonalchallenges.”
InherroleasanRDC,Decellesincorporatesrunninginto hertrainingroutineswithrecruits.
“I lead short distance runs and focus on motivating the recruitsbysettingastrongexample IfIcan’tmeetthepace or distance, how can I ask them to do the same,” she says “My goal is to push myself and demonstrate that effort and determination lead to success. We’re all capable of doing morethanwethinkwecan.”
Decelles’srunningachievementsincludecompletingthe Berlin Marathon in 2021, the Chicago Marathon in 2023,
and both the London and Boston marathons in 2024 She also tackled the Spartan Race Ultra Marathon, a grueling 50Keventwith63obstaclesinthemountainsofPoland Of these accomplishments, the Berlin Marathon stands out as herfavorite
“Itwasmyfirstmarathon,andtheincrediblesupportfrom thecrowdplayedahugerollinfinishingtherace Theexperience was unforgettable and inspired me to pursue more marathonsandultra-enduranceevents,”shesays
At RTC, one of the greatest challenges Decelles faces is helpingrecruitsbuildtheirself-confidence
“It’stoughtoseerecruitsstrugglewiththementalaspect of being in the military I have more faith in their abilities than they do sometimes, and my job is to help them realize their potential, she says “Physical fitness is a way to push them past their perceived limits, and by giving 110 percent myself,Ihopetoinspirethemtodothesame.”
The most rewarding aspect of her role is witnessing the transformationofrecruitsintoconfident,capableSailors
“Seeingrecruitsachievetheirgoalsandrealizewhatthey can accomplish as they move forward and become Sailors iswhatmotivatesmeeveryday.Iamproudtoplayapartin preparing them to uphold the Navy’s standards and tradi-
tions If I can change the lives of a few people then I feel likeallofthehardworkI’veputinisworthit,”Decellessays Looking to the future, Decelles has her sights set on a numberofambitiousgoals
“In the next five years, I aim to complete all the world marathon majors and commission as an IT officer I’m also goingbacktoschooltopursueacommercialpilot’slicense,” sheshares
Decelles’sdiverseexperiencesandunwaveringdedication make her an invaluable asset to the Navy and an inspiring figureforherrecruits
Bootcampisapproximately10weeksandallenlisteesin the U.S. Navy begin their careers at the command. Training includes five warfighting competencies of firefighting, damagecontrol,seamanship,watchstanding,andsmallarms handlingandmarksmanshipalongwithphysicalfitnessand lessons in Navy heritage and core values, Warrior Toughness,LifeSkills,teamwork,anddiscipline Morethan40,000 recruitstrainannuallyattheNavy’sonlybootcamp
For more news from Recruit Training Command, visit
3D Printer solves engineering challenges onboard USS Somerset
ByLt ZacharyAnderson Commander U.S. 3rd Fleet
When the team of engineers from the Consortium for Advanced Manufacturing Research and Education (CAMRE) loaded their 3D hybrid-metal printer onboard Somerset as part of the experimentation sector of Exercise Rim of the Pacific 2024, they had no idea that they would soon be askedtosolveareal-worldengineeringcasualty
Hoursafterbeingloadedonboard,acriticalcomponentofthereverseosmosispump whichgeneratescleanwaterforthecrew anabsolutenecessityforshipsspendinglong periodsatsea shattered.
“What we didn’t expect was that we wouldhavetheopportunitytodirectlyhelp ship readiness so soon,” said Lt Charles Wallace, a mechanical engineer from the Naval Postgraduate School and one of the team members onboard.
“Especially for somethingasmission-essentialasareverse osmosispump,whereifyourunoutofwater you’re going to be coming home pretty quick.”
3D printing, or additive manufacturing (AM), has been a major area of interest for Department of Defense in recent years In January 2021, the DoD published its firstever Additive Manufacturing Strategy to “provide a shared set of guiding principles andaframeworkforAMtechnologydevelopment and transition to support modernizationandwarfighterreadiness,”acrossthe military
“ForTridentWarrior,CAMREorganized the largest distributed advanced manufacturing demonstration the Department of Defense has ever conducted to date,”
explains Lt Col. Michael Radigan with the Marine Innovation Unit, and government leadontheCAMREteam.“Thiswasaccomplishedbylinkingadvancedmanufacturing equipment,jointsubjectmatterexperts,and commercialpartnerstotacklereal-lifereadinesssolutions.”
The benefits of successfully implementingadditivemanufacturingonshipsinclude saving time, money, space, and increasing overall warfighting readiness by allowing for repair and replacement of equipment in a contested environment. In the case of Somerset had the reverse osmosis pump failed during their 6-month deployment, it wouldhavereducedtheirabilitytoproduce drinkingwaterfortheSailorsandMarines
“If the crew had to rely on a replacement part without using additive manufacturing, it would have taken weeks or months,” saidStaffSgt.JordanBlake,amemberofthe Marine Innovation Unit, and tasked with technical oversight of the project aboard ship “With this technology, we’ll have the newcomponentprintedandreadyforinstallation before the order for a replacement wouldbecompleted.”
While 3D printing on Navy ships is still in its infancy, Somerset is not the first ship to utilize AM In April, 2024, the amphibioustransportdockUSSSanDiego(LPD22) pilotedaliquidmetaljettingadditivemanufacturing process fielded by the CAMRE team, operationally showcasing this novel technology’scapabilitiesatsea WhatmakestheSomersetdemonstration unique,isthatthemachineisametalhybrid design, combining subtractive and additive manufacturing in one machine Subtractive manufacturing is an umbrella term for the process by which solid blocks of mate-
rial are shaped into the desired object via cutting, boring, drilling, and grinding This is in contrast to additive manufacturing whichbuildssomethingbyaddingmaterial onelayeratatime henceadditive.
Oftentimes, constructing a replacement part involves both additive and subtractive manufacturing Beforetheytestedthemodel onSomerset,thismeantalternatingbetween different machines, however by combining the two processes it effectively streamlines theoverallworkflow.
“The benefit of a system like this is that you’re able to computerize [a component], send the code, then once you’ve printed something, it becomes replicable,” said Wallace when asked how the hybrid machine represents a step forward for the military
Not only is 3D printing faster and safer than traditional machinery repair, but the replacement parts are often stronger as well. The weld is nearly as strong or stronger,thantheparentmetal.AMisessentially buildingthroughwelding,whichmeansthe replacement pump will potentially surpass thestrengthofthepreviousversion.
The project builds upon a unique cross-sectional effort from the DoD and industrypartnerstoprovidehands-onexperienceformilitarystudents Theprintertest itself falls under the umbrella of CAMRE, whichfundedtheprojectandsentfourNPS students to study advanced manufacturing capabilitiesinanoperationalscenario Two soldiersontheteamoperatetheprinterand threeMarinesoperatethepolymerprinters which help augment the capabilities of the metalprinter
Aprojectengineerandrepresentativefor the industrial printer’s parent company, is
also on hand to teach the Somerset crew to operate the printer independently This includes a combined effort with ship’s company machinery repairmen, providing feedbackandguidancetocorrectlybuildand fitthenewcomponent.
The intent of Trident Warrior and, more broadly, Fleet experimentation is to allow the Navy and its partners to incorporate real-world warfighter feedback early in the acquisitionprocessbyexposingtheFleetto emergingcapabilities.Repairingthereverse osmosispumponSomersetinanoperational scenariodemonstrateswhyoperationalizing 3D printing capabilities remains a focus for manyleadersinDoD 3D printing will directly contribute to Somerset accomplishing something previouslyimpossible thecreation,repair,and replacementofvitalequipmentatsea While the Department of Defense may face variousmaterialreadinessissuestocome there is no doubt that advanced manufacturing willbeapartoffuturesolutions.3Dprinting opens new avenues to ensure the U.S. Navy canprovidecontinuoussecurityandstability fromanyplace,atanytime
Twenty-nine nations, 40 surface ships, three submarines, 14 national land forces, morethan150aircraft,and25,000personnel areparticipatinginRIMPACinandaround theHawaiianIslands,June27toAug.1.The world’slargestinternationalmaritimeexercise, RIMPAC provides a unique training opportunity while fostering and sustaining cooperative relationships among participants critical to ensuring the safety of sea lanes and security on the world’s oceans RIMPAC 2024 is the 29th exercise in the seriesthatbeganin1971.
NSGL opens gym for after hours access
said NSGL Commanding Officer Capt. StephenM.Yargosz.“Thisalldayaccesswill providepatronstheabilitytomaintainphysical fitness at a time that aligns with their personalschedule.” AllMWRpatronswithavalidmilitaryor government Common Access Card (CAC) are eligible to access the 24/7 facility This includes active duty service members and their dependents ages 10 and up, retirees, reservistsandgovernmentcivilianemployees Dependents aged 10 to 17 must be accompanied by and under direct supervision of their parent or legal guardian while utilizingthefacility
Inordertogainaccess,alleligiblepatrons are required to attend an approximately 30 to 45 minute afterhours access orientation. The orientation is held every Tuesday and Thursday at gym 4 at 9:30am and 3:45pm. Eligible patrons may also contact MWR fitness by phone to schedule an orientation at1(847)688-2171. The 24/7 access to gym four is part of a wider plan to open additional fitness facilitiestoafter-hoursaccess TheMWRfitness team is currently working through procedures to make gym 440 a safe 24/7 fitness environment for all patrons and plans are in place to open the facility for 24/7 service
“The fitness program is essential to military readiness contributes to the MWR mission,andpositivelyaffectsSailors’quality of life,” said MWR Fitness Manager Jerrick Fabro. “What better way to support our mission than to enhance our culture of fitnessbyprovidingthenecessaryresources for our sailors to do so By providing a 24/7 fitness facility, not only does it enhance our fleet’s readiness, but supports the overall well-beingofourmilitarycommunity.”
Naval Surface Warfare Center Port Hueneme Division successfully conducted the first shore test of the TRAM
Office of the Secretary of the Navy
Naval Surface Warfare Center Port Hueneme Division successfully conducted the first shore test of the Transferrable Rearming Mechanism (TRAM), which will enable U.S. Navy surface combatants to reload missile canisters intotheirVerticalLaunchSystems(VLS)atseausingtimeprovenunderwayreplenishment(UNREP).
Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro has made TRAM oneofhistoppriorities InaspeechatColumbiaUniversity in December 2022, Secretary Del Toro set out the goal that “During my tenure, we will set the Navy on track to deliver thegame-changingcapabilitytorearmourwarshipsatsea Being able to quickly rearm our warships’ vertical launch tubes at sea will significantly increase forward, persistent combat power with the current force No longer will our combatants need to withdraw from combat for extended periodstoreturnforvulnerablein-portreloadingofweapon systems Myintentionistoperfectthiscapabilityandfield it for sustained, persistent forward-strike capacity during wartime.”
The NAVSEA and NSWC PHD team delivered on the Secretary’scallforspeedattheSeaAirSpaceExpoinApril, “The at-sea demonstration will take place later this year
an unheard-of pace for a capability with such revolutionary strategic potential If we had waited to POM for it, we wouldn’tbeseeingitdemonstratedforatleastanothertwo or three years Instead, we’re on track to begin fielding it in twoorthreeyears.”
The test’s execution underscored the versatility and rapid adaptability of the Navy’s sailors and engineers Tim Barnard,DirectoroftheNAVSEATechnologyOffice,praised the speed at which the sailors of the Expeditionary Reload Team and USS CHOSIN became acquainted with TRAM inordertoexecutethedemonstration.“Thisteamhasbeen remarkable—withoutpreviousfamiliaritywithTRAM,the sailorsgotspunupforthisweek’sshoredemonstrationwith just a week of training They understand TRAM is a gamechangerthatwillallowourshipstoreloadmissilesjustlike they refuel—using connected underway replenishment, steamingatspeedandinopenocean.”
This week’s shore test incorporated, for the first time, real-time analytics and in situ monitoring thru instrumentation, which facilitated real-time assessment and modifications that would otherwise take weeks or months. This unique approach will inform the upcoming at-sea demonstrationandfollow-onengineeringupdates RyanHayleck, Technical Director for NAVSEA 05T and Technical Lead for the demonstration, emphasized that “as we introduce
new improvements based on the sailors’ input this week and in the upcoming at-sea test, TRAM will only get better and faster from here.” He added, “I am very excited to take TRAMtosea.”
Rich Hadley Director of the NSWC Port Hueneme UnderwayReplenishmentDivisionwhichdesignedTRAM, explained that “by solving key relative motion challenges, TRAM is a capability enabling reloading operations while underway in significant sea states, TRAM will greatly expand the fleet’s logistical flexibility, resilience, as well as volumeandtempooflong-rangefires.”
Addressing the sailors of the Expeditionary Reload Company and USS CHOSIN who carried out the demonstration, Steve Brock Senior Advisor to the Secretary of the Navy, noted the historic import of the occasion: “This demonstrationthatyousuperblydeliveredontheSecretary’s aggressivetimelinesendsapowerfulmessage Thisrevolutioninsurfacewarfarewillmakeourexistingfleetevenmore formidable,bothinsustainedforwardpresenceandlethality—andwillcreateapowerfulnewnear-termdeterrentthat willdisruptthestrategiccalculusofouradversaries”
Following the successful shore test at Port Hueneme, Secretary Del Toro reiterated, “I look forward to seeing TRAMdemonstratedatseainthefall.
Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility welcomes ASC personnel
ByClaudiaLamantia Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard and Intermediate Maintenance Facility
PEARL HARBOR, Hawaii Twenty-eight ASC Pty Ltd [formerlyknownastheAustralianSubmarineCorporation] personnelbegantrainingatPearlHarborNavalShipyardand IntermediateMaintenanceFacility(PHNSY&IMF)inPearl Harbor, Hawaii, as part of the Australia, United Kingdom and United States (AUKUS) enhanced trilateral security partnershipthisweek.
The ASC employees will be trained and certified on various aspects of submarine maintenance to support the AUKUSPillar1programthatissupportingAustralia’sacquisitionofsovereignconventionallyarmed,nuclear-powered submarines.
“Aftermonthsofpreparation,weareexcitedtowelcome the Australian maintainers into our shipyard family The intensive training process they will undergo over the next few years will lay the groundwork for them to ultimately lead and execute their own maintenance operations,” said Capt.RyanMcCrillis,commandingofficerofPHNSY&IMF In July 2023, PHNSY & IMF was chosen as the Naval Supervising Authority and Lead Maintenance Activity for Submarine Rotational Force West (SRF-W) at HMAS Stirling in Western Australia. SRF-W will host up to four U.S. Virginia-class submarines and one UK Astute-class submarine, starting as early as 2027 Routine intermediate maintenancework,whichdoesnotrequiredry-dockingthe submarinesandtakesweeks-ratherthanmonthsoryearstocomplete,willbeplannedandexecutedbyASC’strained workforceandcertifiedbyPHNSY&IMFpersonnel.
“Conductingjointtrainingandworkingside-by-sidewith ourAustraliancolleaguesiscriticaltobuildingtheessential knowledgeneededtofullysupportSRF-W,”McCrillisadded. “Thistrainingevolution,whichfocusesontechnicalmaintenanceskills strengthensourownreadiness ensuringwarfightersareequippedtocarryouttheircomplexmission.
The first cohort of ASC personnel will receive a mix of classroom instruction and hands-on experience covering radiological controls, nuclear engineering, non-nuclear engineering and quality assurance. The training durations will vary based on the specific trades and disciplines being taught.Oncetheycompletetheirtraining,theASCpersonnelwillreturntoAustralia appropriately qualified and skilled to conduct Virginia-classmaintenance,underU.S.supervision,duringroutine U.S. submarine port visits to HMAS Stirling Australia and the United States expect more than 100 ASC personnel to starttrainingatPHNSY&IMFoverthenexttwelvemonths
“We are ushering in a new era for our submarine maintenance workforce,” said Rear Adm. Matt Buckley, Head of NuclearSubmarineCapabilitywithintheAustralianSubmarineAgency “ByleveragingtheU.S.andUK’sdecades-long expertise wearelearningfromthebesttodevelopourown world-class sovereign nuclear-powered, conventionally armed submarine force The 28 ASC personnel, combined withmorethanthirtyRoyalAustralianNavypersonnelwho joinedthecrewofU.S.submarinetenderUSSEmoryS.Land (AS 39) this year, represent the cornerstone of our future
“The AUKUS partners share a commitment stretching back over a century to preserving democracy and maintaininganinternationalrules-basedorder,”saidRearAdm. Lincoln Reifsteck, program manager AUKUS Integration and Acquisition Office “Thanks to bipartisan Congressional support last year to pass legislation allowing us to train Australian maintenance personnel in our public shipyards, we continue to make progress toward establishing Australia’s sovereign, conventionally-armed, nuclear-powered submarine force in support of our shared vision of a free, open,andstableIndo-Pacific.”
PHNSY & IMF is also hiring additional personnel to supporttraininghundredsofAustralianmaintainers
“The shipyard is growing so we will continue to hire to meettheneedsofourfleetwhileaddingadditionalpersonneltosupporttheincreasedtrainingdemand, saidMcCrillis “OureffortswillnotonlysupportAustralia’sgoaltobuild a sovereign SSN capability, but also provide real benefits to theU.S.NavymissionintheIndo-Pacific.”
regionalmaintenancecenterfortheNavy’ssurfaceshipsand submarines Itisthelargestindustrialemployerinthestate ofHawai’i,withacombinedcivilianandmilitaryworkforce of approximately 6,400 It is the most comprehensive fleet repairandmaintenancefacilitybetweentheU.S.WestCoast and the Far East, strategically located in the heart of the Pacific,beingaboutaweek’ssteamingtimeclosertopotentialregionalcontingenciesintheIndo-Pacific. TheAUKUSIntegrationandAcquisitionProgramOffice is responsible for executing the trilateral partnership to support Australia’s acquisition of sovereign, conventionally armed, nuclear-powered fast-attack submarines at the earliestpossibledatewhilesettingthehighestnuclearstewardship standards and continuing to maintain the highest nonproliferation standard. The AUKUS partnership is a strategicendeavorthatwilluplifttheindustrialbasesofthe three partners and promote a safe free and open Indo-Pacific,ensuringaninternational,rules-basedorderisupheld intheregion.
U.S. Coast Guard, Peruvian, Mexican partners collaborate on first urban search and rescue operations in Exercise RIMPAC 2024
ByLt.Cmdr DavidConnor Commander, U.S. 3rd Fleet
July 13 marked the completion of the first urban search and rescue exercises in RIMPAC history, illustrating the growing value of the world’s largest maritime exerciseandtheincreasedrangeandusefulness oftheU.S.CoastGuard.
Hurricanes typhoons floodingandtsunamis can inundate coastal communities and trap residents in their buildings, often driving them into their attics or roof spaces to escaperisingwaters MembersfromtheU.S. Coast Guard Pacific Strike Team, the Peruvian Naval Infantry and the Mexican Navy collaborated for three days of combined training simulated search and rescue coordination and survivor extraction and triage as part of the humanitarian assistance and disasterresponsecomponentofRIMPAC.
Theexercisespairedteamsfromthethree countries in a range of disaster scenarios
The Mexican and Peruvian teams brought expertise at rescuing survivors from damaged structures, while the U.S. team contributedtacticsforwater-basedrescues and the detection and identification of hazardousmaterials
“Natural disasters present serious rescue challenges in urban areas, so we were all grateful for the chance to share our experiences and tactics that have saved hundreds of lives during recent storms and flooding eventsaroundtheUnitedStates,”saidChief Warrant Officer Ian Thompson the Urban Search and Rescue coordinator for the USCG Pacific Strike Team. “All three teams leavethiscollaborationwithagreatercapability to collaborate and to save lives after disastersinourhomecountriesandabroad.”
The teams drove inflatable boats into a simulated flooded community and practiced cutting through a roof In a separate exercise area on Marine Corps Base Hawaii,theypracticedverticalextraction,or movinginjuredmedicalpatientsupandout of buildings using vertical rescue systems withtripods,ropesandpulleysandentering confinedspaceswithatmosphericcontaminationtorescuevictims
Additionally, the USCG utilized the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Geographic Information Systems “SARCOP.” This smartphone app connects rescue coordinators and search teams via a common operating picture. By the end of theexercise,thethreecountriescouldcoor-
dinate via SARCOP, which will streamline coordinationduringfutureresponses
“Participating in these exercises has been invaluable for our teams,” said Lt j.g. Gonzalo Hernandez of the Peruvian Naval Infantry. “We have not only improved our technical skills but also strengthened our ability to work alongside our international partners The use of the SARCOP app has significantly enhanced our coordination capabilities,whichwillenhanceourcollectiveresponsetonaturaldisasters.”
“Working with the U.S. Coast Guard and Peruvian Navy is really good for us, we can learn a lot of their techniques and share how we work in Mexico,” said Seaman Lizeth Magaña, Mexican Navy USAR team member “WearesogratefulforthispartnershipopportunityinRIMPAC.”
TheNovato,Calif.-basedU.S.CoastGuard Pacific Strike Team provides an expert deployable force for search and rescue operations, pollution and hazardous material spills, and recovering from weapons of massdestruction Historically, the Strike Team has conducted search and rescue missions followingmajordisasterssuchasHurricane Harvey Katrina, and most recently Hurricane Ian. The Coast Guard has enhanced its disaster response capabilities in the past decadebyincorporatingfloodresponseabilities into Catastrophic Incident Search and Rescue Thismodernizationeffortinvolved strategically placing Mobile Response Kits across the US and formalizing training programs for all CISAR teams. This trainingisjointlyledbytheUSCGandUS-based USARteams
“We are honored to have participated in such a comprehensive exercise,” said Hernandez. “The shared experiences and knowledge gained here are invaluable, and welookforwardtoapplyingtheselessonsto improveourdisasterresponsecapabilities.”
To support people affected by different naturalorman-madedisasters theprincipal missionoftheMexicanNavyUSARTeamis to carry out operations of search, location, access and stabilization of rescued people Theyalsoperformbodyrecovery
Twenty-nine nations, 40 surface ships, three submarines, 14 national land forces, morethan150aircraftand25,000personnel areparticipatinginRIMPACinandaround theHawaiianIslands,June27toAug.1.The world’slargestinternationalmaritimeexercise, RIMPAC provides a unique training
Peruvian marines assigned to Combat Engineering Battalion conduct an urban search and rescue training exercisewith the U.S.Coast Guard at Marine Corps Base Hawaii during Exercise Rim ofthe Pacific (RIMPAC),July12 Twenty-nine nations,40 surface ships,three submarines, 14 national land forces more than 150 aircraft,and 25,000 personnel are participating in RIMPAC in and around the Hawaiian Islands,June 27 toAug.1.Theworld’s largest international maritime
opportunity while fostering and sustaining cooperative relationships among participants critical to ensuring the safety of sea lanes and security on the world’s oceans RIMPAC 2024 is the 29th exercise in the seriesthatbeganin1971.
USS Frank Cable recognizes Guam Liberation Day
USS Frank Cable
Hagåtña, Guam Crew members assignedtotheEmoryS.LandClassSubmarineTenderUSSFrankCable(AS40)joined the local community in commemorating Guam’s80thLiberationDay.
GuamLiberationDayiscelebratedannually on July 21st It commemorates the day when United States military forces landed on Guam to liberate the island from Japanese occupation during World War II. This holiday honors the sacrifices made by the peopleofGuamandtheU.S.militarypersonnelwhofoughttofreetheisland.
The Office of the Governor of Guam, along with the Mayors’ Council of Guam (MCOG) and the Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB), announced the theme for the 80th commemoration of Guam’s Liberation in a pressreleasepublishedonApril23,2024
“‘ToduiTiempoiPåsParaHita’servesnot only as a theme but as a fervent prayer—a prayer for enduring peace, boundless prosperity,andunbreakableunityforallwhocall Guamhome,”saidGovernorLeonGuerrero “It encapsulates the hopes dreams and aspirationsofeverypersonwhocallsGuam home,echoingacrossgenerationsasatestament to our shared heritage and collective destiny.” Guam was captured by the Japanese in December 1941, shortly after the attack on Pearl Harbor From that point, the island washeavilyfortifiedandservedasastrategic outpostfortheJapaneseforcesinthePacific. Intime theU.S.foughttoretakeGuam This battle was marked by intense combat, in which U.S. forces—primarily comprised of U.S.Marines—faceddifficultterrain,strong defenses and determined Japanese resistance that resulted in significant casualties onbothsides After weeks of heavy fighting, the U.S. Forces successfully liberated Guam on August10 1944 TherecaptureofGuamwas a significant strategic victory for the allies providing them with an important base for furtheroperationsinthePacific. The liberation of Guam marked a point in the Pacific theater of World War II and demonstrated the determination and bravery of the American and Guamanian forces
After the liberation, the people of Guam celebrated with parades, ceremonies, and festivitiestohonortheAmericantroopswho had liberated the island. There were also religiousservicesheldtogivethanksforthe liberation and to remember those who lost theirlivesduringtheJapaneseoccupation. PacificDailyNewspublishedanarticleon June18 2024 statingthattheGuamMayor’s Officedecidedtohostathree-dayLiberation Daycelebrationthisyear,whichwillconsist of a Mass, memorial, block party and fireworks The Pacific Historic Parks will also hostauniquevirtualrealityexperience(VR)
designed to bring to life the invasion, occupation and liberation of Guam. The article went on to note that the VR program will incorporate storytelling and an immersive experiencetoabroaderaudiencebyfeaturingoralhistoriesofwarsurvivorsaccording toeventorganizers Gov. Leon Guerrero, quoted in the Guam Daily on June 21st said she was impressed bythevirtualWorldWarIIexperience
“I tried it, it is amazing,” said Leon. “It’s one of those things, you guys probably have this at home You put it on and it’s like you’re virtually there, three-dimensional; it’slikeyouareexperiencingtheactualoccupationandinvasionandeverything.” Liberation Day is a celebratory occasion forthepeopleofGuamtohonorandremember those who endured the trying times of theoccupationaswellasthosewholosttheir lives A contingent of Frank Cable Sailors will bemarchingintheLiberationDayParadeto commemoratetheimportantcontributions ofthepeopleofGuamandservicemembers whoparticipatedintheliberationofGuam. FrankCable,forward-deployedtotheisland of Guam, repairs, rearms, and re-provisions submarines and surface vessels in the Indo-Pacificregion.
On iberty
Operation Homefront distributes backpacks, supplies to ready hundreds of local military kids for a new school year
NationalnonprofitOperationHomefront distributed backpacks filled with essential school supplies to 360 local military childreninNorfolkonSaturday,July20,aspart ofthe17thannualBack-to-SchoolBrigade® Theeventisoneofdozenshappeningacross thecountrythissummer,supportingtensof thousands of military children as they head backtoclass School supply shopping is the second biggest spending event of the year for parents and Operation Homefront’s Backto-School Brigade® helps ensure military children have the resources they need to succeed in the classroom while easing the financialburdenfeltbytheirparents.
DatafromtheMITLivingWageCalculator shows that families in Norfolk with two children require two adults working fulltime for more than $25/ hour to support themselves The reality for many military families however, is that military spouse unemployment remains above 20%, while servicemembers’incomepotentialiscapped bytheirrankandtimeinservice
This year, Operation Homefront expects to distribute its 580,000th backpack since the program began in 2008, saving families
Bikini Bottom is coming to the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center in July with Act Like a Sponge a global SpongeBob initiative aimed to curb plastic waste, educate consumers and inspire ocean sustainabilityactivities,presentedbyNickelodeon.WiththisenhancedAquariumexperience, the Aquarium will partner with the Bikini Bottom crew to share an important ocean-lovingmissiontotacklemarineplasticpollution.
From July 15 through September 15, Virginia Aquarium guests can participate in SpongeBob-themed experiences at the Aquariumincludingaguestquestandatake home Earth Goals tracker for parents and theirkidstocompleteathome
ASpongeBobGuestQuestcontainsclues thatleadparticipantsthroughtheAquarium to find aquatic residents that correspond with one of the SpongeBob characters SearchforMrs Puff Patrick,Mr Krabsand more while learning interesting facts about theseuniquecritters The Science-on-the-Go station will inform guests about microplastics in the oceanenvironment.Guestswillinvestigate, explore, and learn what should and should notbefoundinwaterusinga“planktoscope” to view water samples and various tissue samples
Aspartofthispartnership ourPlasticFree for the Sea education station will focus on biodegradationandhowplasticsbiodegrade once they are introduced to the environ-
more than $60 million in back-to-school expenses The Back-to-School Brigade® is made possible through the generous support of SouthernNewHampshireUniversity Dollar Tree, CSX, and Renewal by Anderson. To learnmoreortodonate,
About Operation Homefront: Operation Homefrontisanationalnonprofitorganizationwhosemissionistobuildstrong,stable, and secure military families so that they can thrive – not simply struggle to get by – in the communities they have worked so hard to protect Recognized for superior performancebyleadingindependentcharity oversight groups, 83 percent of Operation Homefront expenditures go directly to programs that support tens of thousands of military families each year OperationHomefrontprovidescriticalfinancial assistance transitional and permanent housing, and family support services to preventshort-termneedsfromturninginto chronic,long-termstruggles Thankstothe generosity of our donors and the support from thousands of volunteers, Operation Homefront proudly serves America’s military families For more information, visit
ment. Educators will have Grab-Go-Show bags with items that can be used to reduce or eliminate single-use plastics Guests can alsolearnaboutActLikeaSponge The Virginia Aquarium activities are in collaboration with Nickelodeon celebrating 25 years of SpongeBob SquarePants
SpongeBob will be rolling out a wide-ranging slate of 25th anniversary programs that invites audiences around the globe to live, eat,game playandwatchlikeasponge This includesall-neworiginalcontentacrossthe Paramount ecosystem; one-of-a-kind location-basedexperiences;exclusiveconsumer
products and games, first-to-market partnershipsandsomuchmore. If nautical nonsense be something you wish, reserve your tickets today at
About the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center: The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center’s mission is to connectpeopletothemarineenvironment, inspiring a more sustainable future. The Aquariumaspirestobeadriverinconservation, education, tourism, and sustainability, leadingthechargetosavewildlifeandtheir ecosystems Owned by the City of
the Aquarium operates as a city departmentinpartnershipwiththeVirginia Aquarium&MarineScienceCenterFoundation.TheAquariumisproudtobeanaccreditedmemberoftheAssociationofZoosand Aquariums,theAllianceofMarineMammal ParksandAquarium,andtheWorldAssociationofZoosandAquariums The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foundation , a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, supports the work of the Virginia Aquarium. The Foundation procures and maintains the Aquarium’s exhibits, including the animals and habitats It is also responsible for annual and capital fundraising, administration and funding for the Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response Program, conservation and scientific research efforts, and the Aquarium’s mission-related education programs You can be a
The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere:
Sharpen your summer fun, not your injuries: Bladed tool safety for the Navy family
Supervisor of Shipbuilding Newport News
This summer as part of Supervisor of Shipbuilding Newport News support for the Navy’s “101 Critical Days of Summer Safety campaign,let’sprioritizesafebladed tool use and avoid preventable injuries that can sideline you from all the fun. Summer 2024
Summertime Bladed Tools & Safety
Concerns • Backyard projects barbecues and outdoor activities often involve using tools like knives, box cutters, and utility blades Whilethesetoolsarehandy,aNaval Safety Center report (SA 23-18) highlights how seemingly simple tasks can lead to bladedtoolmishaps
The “101 Critical Days of Summer” campaign serves as a crucial reminder even during off-duty fun safety should be topofmind.AstheOccupationalSafetyand HealthAdministration(OSHA)emphasizes keeping tools in good condition is essential, especially for bladed tools A dull blade requires more force to cut, increasing the riskofslippageandinjury Regularlysharpeningtoolsensurescleancutswithminimal effort.
SafetyStartswithKnowledgeandPreparation TheNavy’ssafetycampaignemphasizes the importance of proper bladed tool handling This includes training on safe usage, proper storage, and awareness of
potential risks Responsible bladed tool use protects not only yourself but also those aroundyou.
Your Safety Ally • Accidents can happen regardless of skill level or experience PPE actsasyourlastlineofdefenseagainstinjuries When using bladed tools, consider wearingcut-resistantglovesforhandprotection, safety glasses to shield your eyes from debris andsturdyfootweartopreventinjury fromdroppedtools
SharpenYourSafetyHabits: SharpisSafe:Adullbladerequiresmore force, increasing the risk of slips Regularly sharpen tools according to manufacturer’s recommendations RightTool,RightJob:Don’tforceatool beyond its designed purpose Choose the appropriatetoolforthetaskathand.
Gear Up for Safety: Wear PPE suited to the tool and task. Consider cut-resistant gloves, safety glasses, or a face shield depending on the project. A few seconds spentputtingonPPEcansaveyoualifetime oftrouble
By following these simple precautions, you can significantly reduce the risk of bladedtoolinjuriesthissummer Let’screate lasting memories filled with fun not hospitalvisits
Remember,safetyiseveryone’sresponsibility Let’smakethisasummerofsafefun!
Skewer recipes to savor this summer
SteakFajitaSkewerswithCilantro Chimichurri
Recipe & Photos By Danae Halliday @
SteakFajitaSkewerswithCilantroChimichurriare perfectforsummergrilling!Big,juicypiecesofsteak, sweetbellpeppersandredonionalltoppedwithan amazingcilantrochimichurrisauce Healthygrilling neverlookedsogood!
Yield: 6 Servings
Steak and Vegetable Seasoning
1teaspoonoregano,rubbedbetweenthepalmsof yourhands
Steak Fajita Skewers
2poundstopsirloinsteak,cutintoapproximately 1to11/2inchcubes
Cilantro Chimichurri
1jalapeño seedsremovedandfinelychopped
1cloveofgarlic chopped
Steak Fajita Skewers
In a small bowl whisk together the ingredients for the steakandvegetableseasoning
In a gallon sized freezer bag place the steak cubes, 2 teaspoonsofoliveoiland1tablespoonoftheseasoningmix. Sealthebag,pressingoutalloftheair,thenmassagethe oilandseasoningintothesteak.
Let it rest for several minutes or even overnight if you wanttomakeitaheadoftime
In a medium sized bowl or another freezer bag add the peppers, red onion, remaining seasoning mix and 1 teaspoonofoliveoil.Tosstocoat.
Preheatgrilltomedium-highheatandbrushthegrates withoil.
Thread8-10metalor(soaked)woodenskewersevenly with the steak and vegetables Sprinkle with a little extra saltandpepperbeforeplacingthemonthegrill.
Grill the skewers, turning them occasionally, until grill marks appear Approximately 7-9 minutes for medium-rare. Serve the skewers topped with the cilantro chimichurrioralongsidethemfordipping
Cilantro Chimichurri
Place all of the ingredients into a food processor and puréeuntilsmooth.
Pourintoasmallbowlandsetasideuntilreadytoserve. Makes1cup
Note: If you are using wooden skewers be sure to soak them in water for 30 minutes so they don’t disintegrate onthegrill.
Recipe & Photos By Danae Halliday @
These flavorful Indian spiced Tandoori Chicken Skewersareamustforsummergrilling!Theyogurtmarinated chicken is so tender and goes perfectly with the cilantro yogurtsaucefordipping
Yield: 5 Servings
Tandoori Chicken Skewers
11/2poundsbonelessskinlesschickenbreastscut intoapproximately11/2inchchunks
Cilantro Yogurt Sauce
Instructions Combine the yogurt, spices, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper in a bowl. Whisk together until combined. Place chicken into a freezer bag and pour in the yogurt mixture. Seal the bag pressing out the air as you do Massagethemarinadeintothechicken.Placethechicken intherefrigeratorandletitmarinatefor1-4hours
Preheat your grill to 400°-425° F. Thread the chicken onto metal or wooden (that have been soaked in water) skewers Oil the grill grates and place the skewers onto them. Cook for 4-5 minutes then flip them over and grill another4-5minutesoruntilcookerthrough. While the chicken is cooking add all of the ingredientsforthecilantroyogurtsaucetoablender Puréeuntil smooth.Tasteforseasoningandadjustasneeded. Serve the chicken skewers and yogurt sauce over rice orwithasideofnaan
Recipe & Photos By Danae Halliday @
ThesegrilledTeriyakiShrimpandPineappleSkewersare so easy to make and great for a weeknight dinner! Juicy shrimp and sweet chunks of fresh pineapple are glazed withasimplehomemadeteriyakisauce They’llbeonthe tablein30minutesorless!
Yield: 4 Servings
Ingredients Teriyaki Sauce
2teaspoonscornstarch+2teaspoonswaterwhisked togethertomakeaslurry
Shrimp and Pineapple Skewers
Teriyaki Sauce
Inasmallsaucepanwhisktogetheralloftheingredients exceptthecornstarchwaterslurry Bringthemixturetoa boilandboilfor2minutes
Whisk in the cornstarch slurry and boil for another minute or until it has thickened. Remove from the heat andpourhalfofthesauceintoasmallservingbowl.Cool theremainingsaucewhileyouassembletheskewers,this willbeusedtoglazetheskewers
Shrimp and Pineapple Skewers
Preheat the grill to approximately 400-425° F. Thread theshrimpandpineappleontometalorwoodenskewers (soak overnight if using wooden). Season with salt and pepperandbrushorspraywithoil.
Placetheskewersonthegrillandbrushthetopswithteriyakisauce Closethelidandgrillforapproximately2minutes Fliptheskewersoverandbrushwiththeremainingsauceand grillanother2minutesoruntiljustcookedthrough Remove from the grill and serve over quinoa, rice, or cauliflowerrice Garnishwithslicedgreenonion,sesame seedsandthereservedteriyakisauce
Recipe By Suzy Karadsheh @
These Grilled Vegetable Kabobs with summer squash, mushrooms, onions, and brussels sprouts are a quick andeasywaytoaddvegetablestoanymeal Instructions
forhowtocookvegetablekabobsonthegrillandhowto make them in the oven included below. For more flavor, allow the vegetables to marinate in the fridge for a few hours
Yeild: 6 skewers/servings
6ouncesbrusselssprouts,halved,(ithelpsto microwavethebrusselsbrieflysotheyareabitsofter andwillgothroughtheskewersmoreeasily)
1/2teaspoonAleppopepper(or1/2to1teaspoonred pepperflakes)
Instructions Prepare 8 to 10 skewers (if using bamboo or wooden skewers soak them in water for at least 30 minutes). Chop the vegetables and garlic and place them in a large mixing bowl. Add the parsley and season with Koshersalt,oreganoandpepperflakes Addtheoliveoil and lemon juice. Toss to combine
Setthevegetablesasidefor20minuteswhileyouheat thegrill(Oryoucanmarinatetheminthefridgeforafew hours until you are ready).
Heat a gas grill to medium and oil the grates
Arrange the skewers on the heated grill and cook for 10 minutes turning as needed, until the vegetables are cooked and charred in some parts
Topreparevegetablekabobsintheoven: Heatyourovento400degreesF.Assemblethekabobs on a large sheet pan and roast on the center rack of the oven, turning occasionally, for 15 minutes or until the veggies are cooked through to your liking
Made with roasted red peppers, fire-roasted tomatoes, nuts and a handful of seasonings, this Easy Romesco Sauce adds a burst of flavor to any dish. The perfect addition to chicken, fish or grilled veggies and great for dipping too!
Yield: 10 Servings
1/4cuprawblanchedhazelnuts,toasted,optional, youcanuse1cupalmondsinstead
Instructions Add all the ingredients in the bowl of a food processor fitted with a blade Blend or pulse to your desired consistency Tasteandadjustseasoningtoyourliking
DoyouhaveTRICAREForLife?Ifso,you may know that Medicare and TRICARE For Life work together to minimize your out-of-pocket expenses After Medicare processes your claim, it forwards the claim to TRICARE For Life for processing This eliminates the need for you to file a claim. But if you also have other health insurance,alsoknownas“OHI,”youmayhaveto submitaclaiminordertoreceivereimbursementunderTRICARE.
OHI is any health insurance you have in addition to TRICARE. Medigap plans and current or former employer group health plancoverageareexamplesofOHI
“IfyouhaveMedicare,TRICAREForLife, and OHI each type of coverage is called a ‘payer, said Anne Breslin, TRICARE For LifeprogrammanagerattheDefenseHealth Agency “Whenthere’smorethanonepayer, theorderofpaymentiscalled‘coordination of benefits.’ Coordination of benefits rules determinewhopaysfirst.”
It’s good to understand how TFL works with OHI. This helps ensure that your claims are paid correctly Keep reading to learnmore.
Reporting your OHI
Medicare doesn’t automatically know if you have OHI. However, insurers must notify Medicare when they’re responsible forpayingfirstonyourmedicalclaims
If you have OHI, you need to tell TRICARE Youcandothisbysubmittingan OHIquestionnaire.
IfyouliveintheUnitedStatesorU.S.territories, fill out the TRICARE For Life OHI Questionnaire. Submit the form to the TFL contractor,WisconsinPhysiciansService If you live outside the U.S. and U.S. territories, fill out the Overseas OHI QuestionnaireandsendittotheTRICAREOverseas contractor International SOS Or you can update your OHI information in your TOP BeneficiarySecureClaimsPortal. In some cases, your health care provider, employer, or insurer may ask questions about your current coverage so they can reportthatinformationtoMedicare.
Using OHI with TRICARE and Medicare
“How Medicare coordinates claims with your OHI plan depends on whether you’re 65 or older, if you’re working or retired, and the number of people employed by the employer providing the group health plan coverage,”saidBreslin.“Regardlessofwhich ofthesefactorsapplytoyou,TRICAREFor Lifepayslast,afterMedicareandyourOHI plan. MedicarepaysfirstandOHIpayssecond ifoneofthesescenariosappliestoyou:
1. You have retiree health coverage
(insurance from your or your spouse’s formeremployment).
2. You’re65orolder,youhavegrouphealth plancoveragebasedonyouroryourspouse’s currentemployment,andtheemployerhas fewerthan20employees
3. You’reunder65andhaveadisability you have group health plan coverage based on your or a family member’s current employment, and the employer has fewer than 100 employees However,yourgrouphealthplanpaysfirst ifoneofthesescenariosappliestoyou:
4. You’re65orolder,youhavegrouphealth plancoveragebasedonyouroryourspouse’s currentemployment,andtheemployerhas 20ormoreemployees
5. You’re under age 65 and have a disability, you have group health plan coverage basedonyourorafamilymember’scurrent employment, and the employer has 100 or moreemployees Lastly,ifyouhavegrouphealthplancoverage based on your or a family member’s employment or former employment, and you’re eligible for Medicare because of end-stage renal disease your group health plan will pay first for the first 30 months after you become eligible to enroll in Medicare.Medicarepaysfirstafterthis30-month period.
How to file claims
When your OHI is the second payer, and there’saremainingpatientliability,youmust submit a claim for TRICARE to reimburse youforTRICARE’sportionofyourclaim. IntheU.S.andU.S.Territories:Afteryour OHI and Medicare have processed a claim, youneedtosubmitapaperclaimtoWisconsin Physicians Service, with the following supportingdocumentation: Anitemizedproviderbill YourMedicareSummaryNoticeshowing whatMedicarepaid The explanation of benefits from your OHIplanshowingwhatitpaid WPS will process the claim and pay you the portion that TFL covers You must submit your claim within one year of the dateyougotcare If you have any questions about filing claims when you have OHI, contact WPS TheWPSwebsitehasinstructionsandforms forfilingsecondaryclaims,FAQs,andmore. Overseas: Medicare doesn’t pay for care you receive overseas as explained in the TRICAREForLifeHandbook.(Thisdoesn’t includeU.S.territories.)Ifyougetcareoverseas with TFL and OHI, you’ll need to file a claimwiththeTRICAREOverseascontractortogetreimbursed
Learn more about filing claims overseas and supporting documentation needed for overseasclaimsonlineat PatientResources/Claims/MedicalClaims/ FilingOverseas
Learn more about TFL LookingformoreinformationaboutTFL? Checkouttheseresources: TRICAREForLifeHandbook:https:// tricare_for_life
Brochure: Brochures/medicare_turning_65
Brochure: Brochures/medicare_under_65
TRICAREForLifepodcasts:https:// Podcast
Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions and create your personalized profiletogetbenefitupdates,news,andmore.
Understandingandimprovingcholesterol is important for people of all ages includingchildrenandteens Maintaininghealthy cholesterol levels can help keep your heart healthy and lower your chances of getting heartdiseaseorhavingastroke
High cholesterol usually has no symptoms In fact, about 38% of adults in the United States are diagnosed with high cholesterol, according to the American Heart Association. Understanding what cholesterol is the role it plays, when to get screened and how to manage it are importantaspectsofprotectingyouroverallhealth andpreventaheartattackorstroke
Understanding Cholesterol
A waxy, fat-like substance created by the liverandconsumedfrommeat,poultryand dairy products cholesterol isn’t inherently bad for you. In fact, your body needs it to build cells and make vitamins and other hormones However, too much cholesterol circulatinginthebloodcanposeaproblem Thetwotypesofcholesterolarelow-densitylipoprotein(LDL),whichisconsidered “bad,”andhigh-densitylipoprotein(HDL), which can be thought of as “good” cholesterol. Too much of the “bad” kind, or not enough of the “good, increases the risk of cholesterol slowly building up in the inner walls of the arteries that feed the heart and brain.
Cholesterolcanjoinwithothersubstances toformathick,harddepositontheinsideof the arteries called plaque This can narrow the arteries and make them less flexiblea condition known as atherosclerosis If a blood clot forms it may be more likely to get stuck in one of these narrowed arteries resultinginaheartattackorstroke
Understanding Risk
YourbodynaturallyproducesalltheLDL it needs An unhealthy lifestyle can make yourbodyproducemoreLDLthanrequired. Behaviors that may negatively affect your cholesterol levels include lack of physical activity obesity eatinganunhealthydietand smokingorexposuretotobaccosmoke.
In addition to unhealthy habits, which are the cause of high LDL cholesterol for most people, some people inherit genes
from their parents or grandparents - called familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) - that causethemtohavetoomuchcholesteroland canleadtoprematureatheroscleroticheart disease If you have a family history of FH or problems related to high cholesterol, it’s importanttogetyourlevelschecked.
Getting Cholesterol Checked
Adultsage20andoldershouldhavetheir cholesterolandothertraditionalriskfactors checkedevery4-6yearsaslongastheirrisk remains low. After age 40 your health care professional will use an equation to calculate your 10-year risk of heart attack or stroke People with cardiovascular disease, and those at elevated risk, may need their
cholesterol and other risk factors assessed moreoften.
Managing Cholesterol
Ifyouhavehighcholesterol,understanding your risk for heart disease and stroke is one of the most important things you can do, along with taking steps to lower your cholesterol. Often, simply changing certain behaviors can help bring your numbers into line. Eating a heart-healthy diet that emphasizes fruits vegetables whole grains lean or plant-based protein, fish and nuts while limiting red and processed meats sodium and sugar-sweetened foods and beverages isoneofthebestwaystoloweryourcholesterol. While grocery shopping, look for the AmericanHeartAssociation’sHeart-Check mark to help identify foods that can be part ofanoverallhealthyeatingpattern. Other lifestyle changes include
Controllingyourcholesterolmaybeeasier thanyouthink.Learnmoreaboutmanaging
When shaggyTibetanbeastsget togetherand talk nonstop,Iwould saythey’reyakking itup.