Cmdr Kurt Davis,Executive Officer,NavalWeapons
(QoS) initiatives and engagewith Navyleadership
Cmdr Kurt Davis,Executive Officer,NavalWeapons
(QoS) initiatives and engagewith Navyleadership
Supervisor of Shipbuilding Newport News
Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa FranchettimadeapivotalvisittoHuntington Hall to assess Quality of Service (QoS) initiativesandengagewithNavyleadership at Newport News Virginia, July 31, 2024 Cmdr KurtDavis,ExecutiveOfficer,Naval Weapons Station Yorktown and Command Master Chief Mike Avallone, Supervisor of Shipbuilding, Conversion and Repair, Newport News welcomed the CNO and provided an overview of ongoing efforts to enhance the lives of Sailors stationed in NewportNewsandarehousedatHuntington Hall. A primary focus of the discussion centeredonongoingimprovementstoliving conditions during critical ship lifecycle phasessuchasPre-Commissioning,RefuelingComplexOverhaul,andDecommissioningatNewportNewsShipbuildingadivision ofHuntingtonIngallsIndustries.
“We’recommittedtoprovidingourSailors with the best possible environment to live and work,” said Avallone “This includesensuringaccesstonutritiousfood
options, state-of-the-art fitness facilities, and comfortable living spaces.”
Specific initiatives discussed during the visit included:
Living Conditions: Improvements and upgrades to furniture, televisions and kitchen appliances and equipment.
24-HourFitnessCenters:Increasinggym availabilitytoaccommodateSailors’varying schedulesandencourageregularexercise New Fitness Equipment: Investing in modern workout equipment to enhance the overall fitness experience for Sailors Accompanied by Vice Adm. John Gumbleton, Deputy Commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command. Gumbleton, took thetimetopullAvalloneaside.“WespecificallydiscussedthefoodoptionsforSailors in Huntington Hall and how we can possibly improve it,” said Avallone “The everyday challenges of Sailors work life balance issomethingtheViceAdmiralstressedasa needtoimproveandmakingimprovements nowwillimpactthefutureofhowourSailorsperformwhenweneedtotakethefight to our opponents.” The visit to Huntington Hall is part of a
Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC), Atlantic, in Norfolk, Virginia August2. Cuadrosisthe35thcommandertooversee NAVFAC Atlantic. He will also serve as the U.S. Fleet Forces Civil Engineer and Director, Fleet Installations and Environment (N46),U.S.FleetForcesCommand. Rear Adm. Dean A. VanderLey, commander Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, and Chief of Civil Engineers presided over the ceremony and awarded Aguayo a Legion of Merit for exceptionallymeritoriousconduct
He praised Aguayo for a wide array of accomplishments that included the start of the Shipyard Infrastructure Optimization Program (SIOP), the Navy’s top infrastructure priority To date, SIOP currently has over $6 billion of construction under contract and nearly $600 million of equipment in procurement, across the four naval shipyards. Two of those shipyards, Norfolk NavalShipyardandPortsmouthNavalShipyard, are within the NAVFAC Atlantic area of responsibility, and VanderLey cited her “being front and center, on the east coast, standing up the organization, maturing the organization and shepherding some very significantprojects.”
VanderLeyalsonotedAguayo’smasterful roleinmyriadresponsibilitiesincludingthe
RearAdm.Jorge R.Cuadros delivers remarks as the newcommander,Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command AtlanticAug.2 2024 aboard the Lafayette RiverAnnex ofNaval SupportActivityHampton Roads.(PHOTOBYMICHAELMORRIS,NAVALFACILITIES ENGINEERINGSYSTEMSCOMMANDATLANTIC)
execution of billions of dollars in military construction, including a $600 million dry dockrecapitalizationinKingsBayexecuted in just 15 months Her other work included directingtheinspectioneffortof1,600facilities for structural challenges supporting resettlement of Afghan refugees during Operation Allies Welcome, and assuming the “dual hat responsibilities as the USFF N46director
“Not only is she great at execution of tactical projects, but she’s also made a lasting change here at NAVFAC Atlantic,” said VanderLey “Being aligned to the fleet, makingtheorganizationmoreoperationally focused, to get stuff done. Lore has made a bigdifferencethereandthat’snotsomething that’s just going to leave Lore is the kind of officerthatmakesalastingdifference.”
Aguayo led NAVFAC Atlantic since 2021.
Following the change of command ceremony,Aguayoretiredafter31yearsofservice asaCivilEngineerCorps(CEC)officer
“Lore is the kind of officer that has a compass, and it’s always spot on,” said VanderLey. “I don’t just mean a moral compass,andthat’spartofit,butwhetherit’s character and integrity, whether it is operational, Lore just consistently knows what to do And the reason why she can accomplishsomuchisbecauseshealwayshasher team going in the right direction from the beginning.”
Aguayo later thanked the men and women of NAVFAC Atlantic, and the USFF N46 team, both assembled on the historic grounds of Lafayette River Annex, creditingthemformeetingherhighexpectations
“One of the phrases you’ve heard me say andthatIchallengedyoutodowasto“lean in”andwinthestrategiccompetitionrace,” said Aguayo “That phrase, “lean in”, is a call back to my love of running It’s meant toevokeanimageinyourmindofasprinter
RearAdm.Maria L.“Lore”Aguayo arrives at the change ofcommand ceremonyforNaval Facilities Engineering Systems Command,Atlantic onAug.2,2024.She retired after31years ofNaval service following the transferofduties to hersuccessor,RearAdm.Jorge Cuadros. (PHOTOBYMICHAELMORRIS,NAVALFACILITIESENGINEERINGSYSTEMSCOMMANDATLANTIC)
racingtowardthefinishlinefullspeed,neck and neck with a competing racer And it’s that ability of the runner to lean in toward thefinishlinethatcangivejustenoughedge overthecompetitiontowintherace.”
Aguayo turns over command to Cuadros at a key moment in NAVFAC Atlantic’s evolution, focused more than ever on fleet and Marine Corps alignment and engagement. Like his predecessor Cuadros is a career CEC officer and had tours at duty stations around the globe in service of the fleet. A native of Colombia, Cuadros is unique, starting his career in the enlisted ranksbeforebecomingamemberoftheCEC community CuadrosjoinedtheNavyin1991, before going on to receive his commission in 1996 Last month, Aguayo presided over his promotion ceremony to the rank of rear admirallowerhalf “I’mtrulyinaweandreallyexcitedabout the role I will have,” said Cuadros “It’s an honor to be following in the footsteps of someonelikeLoreAguayo Shehasbeenmy
mentor for many years I can think of no betterpersontofollow.
A registered Professional Engineer in the state of Florida, he holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and a Master of Science in Civil and Environmental EngineeringfromStanfordUniversity Cuadros is also a graduate of the Harvard University’s Kennedy School
ByLt.Cmdr ChristopherGiglio
Expeditionary Strike Group 2
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Navy and Marine Corps units from across the region assembled in Hampton Roads from 18 to 24 July to rehearse humanitarian response missions in preparation for what is forecasted to be a historically active Atlantic hurricane season. Led by the staff of Expeditionary Strike Group TWO (ESG 2), the forces rehearsed one of the strike group’s primary on-call missions defense support tocivilauthorities/foreigndisasterresponse (DSCA/FDR).
DSCA/FDRmissionsarecorecapabilities of the participating units, and the exercise was an opportunity to further refine tech-
niques among various inter-service units that would likely be called upon to respond intheeventofhighlydestructivehurricane landfall.
“Putting in the reps to fine-tune our preparationsandoverallresponsetoamajor humanitarian event is critical to ensuring we are ready to go when the call is made,” saidReadAdmiralDavidWalt,Commander, ExpeditionaryStrikeGroupTWO,“Wehave already seen the strongest, earliest hurricaneofaseasoninhistory Thethreatisreal, and it brings home the need to maintain a rigorously-rehearsed, integrated capability torespond.
In the event of responding to the aftermath of a destructive storm, units must be prepared to operate in austere envi-
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic
NORFOLK, Va Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT) awarded Specpro Environmental Services LLC Knoxville, Tennessee a $11,898,741 firm-fixed-price contract for removal and replacement of bulk fuel tanks at Naval Computer and Telecommunications Area Master Station, Cutler,Maine Work will be performed in Cutler, Maine, and is scheduled to be completed byDecember2025
Fiscal year (FY) 2024 operation and maintenance (Navy) funds in the amount of $11,898,741 will be obligated at time of award that will expire at the end of the currentFY This contract was competitively
procured via the website, with threeproposalsreceived.
NAVFAC MIDLANT is the contracting activity(N40085-24-C-0027).
NAVFAC MIDLANT provides facilities engineering,publicworksandenvironmental products and services across an area of responsibilitythatspansfromSouthCarolina to Maine as far west as Illinois and down to Indiana. As an integral member of the Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlanticteam,NAVFACMIDLANTprovides leadership through the Regional Engineer organizationtoensuretheregion’sfacilities and infrastructure are managed efficiently andeffectively For additional information about NAVFAC MIDLANT on social media, follow our activities on Facebook at www and on Instagram@navfacmidatlantic.
Editorial Staff ManagingEditor | MCC Amanda Kitchner 757-262-2852 |
ronments that may have severe degradation to infrastructure and services related to health and habitation. The exercise includedrehearsingthetacticalloadingand staging of supplies and equipment aboard the amphibious ship USS Fort Lauderdale (LPD 28), and movement of supplies and personnel from ship to shore using landing craft, a critical capability in the event that port facilities in an affected area are damaged.Anintegratedresponseincludes not only the ability to bring supplies, but also medical personnel heavy equipment to aid in infrastructure repair and even a tactical air control capability to facilitate the use of air assets
“Theaimistobringthemaximumamount of aid and broadest range of capabilities,
with the greatest speed, efficiency, and self-sufficiency possible,” said Walt, “I’m proud of what these units accomplished, and I know that, if called upon, we will be readytorespond.
ESG 2 provides oversight and management of two amphibious squadrons, 13 amphibious ships, four Expeditionary Sea Base crews, a Naval Beach Group, and two tactical air control squadrons. It is the U.S. Navy’sEast-Coastleadforamphibiousoperations and expertise, with a staff postured to command or support operations in five separatecombatantcommandareasofoperation—across the spectrum of conflict and competition, ready to fight and win and at all times personifying its motto of Ready, Responsive,Resolute
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Naval Air Station (NAS) Oceana and Dam Neck Annex, along three other Navy installations, received Hampton Roads Sanitation Department’s(HRSD)PretreatmentExcellence Award July 30, 2024 during a ceremonyattheHiltonNorfolkTheMainhotel. TheawardrecognizesbusinessesandorganizationsinHamptonRoadsthatexhibited exemplary permit compliance and pollutionpreventionmeasuresin2023
“It’s an honor to be recognized for our commitment to protecting the environment and the community that we are very much a part of.” Andrea Arredondo, NAS Oceanainstallationenvironmentalprogram director said. “This award acknowledges thehardworkanddedicationofourentire teamtokeepusinperfectcompliance.”
To be considered, organizations must treat their industrial water before it is
discharged into HRSD’s system, which helpstoprotecttheregion’swaterwaysand naturalresources
“The Pretreatment Excellence award recognizes perfect compliance with all HRSD permit requirements and limitations.Theyareatestamenttothededication that Navy staff puts forward in protecting the environment and public health.” HRSD Director of Pretreatment & Pollution Prevention, Mike Martin said. “This dedication helps HRSD to treat wastewaterandrecovernaturalresourcestoensure ourcommunitieswillhavecleanwaterways andreliablewaterresourcesforgenerations tocome.”
NASOceanaandNASOceanaDamNeck Annex received HRSD’s Pretreatment Excellence Gold Award, which means the installationhasonetofouryearsofperfect complianceandnoadministrativeortechnicalviolations
ByKatieHewett,PublicAffairsOfficer Naval Air Station Oceana
NavalAirStation(NAS)Oceanapartnered withtheCityofVirginiaBeachandlocalfirst responders July 23 to conduct a simulated aircraft mishap in preparation for the 2024 NASOceanaAirShow.
The mass casualty exercise tested the installation’s ability to react to such an event in a rapid, coordinated, and effective manner First responders established a Unified Command Post streamlining coordinationeffortstorespondtothesimulated aircraft mishap and triage treat, transport, andtrackpatients
“This exercise was critical in validating ourcontingencyplans,ensuringwearefully prepared to facilitate a safe environment forallairshowperformersandspectators,” saidNavyRegionMid-AtlanticFire&Emergency Services District 3 Fire Chief Cedric Patterson.“OurpartnershipwiththeCityof Virginia Beach and local first responders is essential, and their support is invaluable in makingourannualairshowpossible.”
The exercise provided an opportunity for over 100 participants from NAS Oceana and the City of Virginia Beach and required months of planning and coordination with various departments and community partners
“We live and breathe by the motto ‘train like you fight, fight like your train, ”, NAS Oceana’s Precinct Commander Lt.Col. Nicole Doxy said. “Realistic training like this ensures that if an emergency situation happens,we’remorethanreadytoexecute.”
According to Charles Jolly, installations training officer for NAS Oceana, a large training exercise like this typically occurseveryotheryear whileNASOceana conducts the training on an annual basis
“Planning for a full-scale integrated exercise should take 18 months, but with a strong, cooperative and proactive training team and participation from our communitypartners,weareabletoachieveitannually,” said Jolly
“It’s exercises like this that show why our relationship with the City of Virginia Beachandlocalfirstrespondersiscrucial,” said NAS Oceana commanding officer, Capt.SteveDjunaedi.“Safetyisalwaysour number one priority, whether we’re flying routineflightoperationsorhostingtheNAS Oceana Air Show. This training exercise is an important step we take to prepare for this very special event.”
NASOceanawillhostitsannualairshow Sept. 21 and 22. The show will feature the Navy’sflightdemonstrationteam theBlue Angels,alongwithavarietyofmilitaryand civilian aviation performances The theme for this year’s air show is Inspire. Educate Soar!, which celebrates the young minds of today, and recognizes the importance of Science Technology and Mathematics throughunparalleledflightdemonstrations and a STEM laboratory
Center for Security Forces
Capt.JosephBromleyassumedcommand oftheCenterforSecurityForces(CENSECFOR),relievingCapt.DouglasPegherduring aceremonyheldatJointExpeditionaryBase LittleCreek-FortStory,July23
“I am pleased to be here with you today toofficiateattheCenterforSecurityForces’ change of command as we honor and say farewell to Captain Douglas Pegher and welcome Captain Joseph Bromley,” said Commander, Naval Education and TrainingCommandRearAdm.JeffreyCzerewko.
The change of command ceremony is a time-honored naval tradition The first formal mention of the ceremony in Navy regulations occurred during the Civil War, and little has changed in its formality and proceduralexecutionsincethen.
The transition of command occurs when the outgoing and incoming officers read their orders to the command’s officers and crew Thetwoofficersthenfaceeachother, and the incoming officer salutes and states, “Irelievedyou,sir or“Irelieveyou,ma’am.”
The outgoing officer returns the salute and states, “I stand relieved,” and the seamless transitionofcommandiscomplete
“Thank you, Capt. Pegher, for your faithfulservice.Youfundamentallytransformed training and readiness generation for Sailors across all naval warfighting domains,” said Czerewko. “You and your team developed and executed curriculum that safely and effectively delivered high-risk training to Masters-at-Arms, Naval Aviators, Naval FlightOfficersandAircrew,smallboatoperators, and countless others to improve the fleet.” PeghergraduatedfromEdinboroUniversityofPennsylvaniain1993withabachelor’s degree in psychology After working in the commercialsector hepursuedanavalcareer andearnedhiscommissionin1997
“I want to thank the incredible team of more than 1100 Sailors, Marines, airmen, government civilians, and contractors that make up CENSECFOR,” said Pegher in his remarkstothoseinattendance.“Thesuccess we achieved was only possible because of yourhardwork,dedication,andunwavering commitmenttoimprovement.”
During his naval career he served in various operational assignments on different ship classes, such as an aircraft carrier, an amphibious command ship, and two destroyers In July 2021, he became the eighthnavalofficertoserveastheCENSECFORcommandingofficer Intheearlypartofhistour,Pegher’sadept handling of the challenges brought on by the global COVID-19 pandemic ensured the continued seamless delivery of training while prioritizing the health safety of staff
He oversaw the planning and implementation of consolidating, aligning, and synchronizing Navy small boat operator training Earlierthisyear histeamsuccessfullypilotedthefour-weekBasicSmallCraft Operatorcourse Through coordinated efforts with the U.S.AirForce,theU.S.ArmyCorpsofEngineers, and the Naval Education and Training Command (N4) team, he secured six significant projects to enhance the delivery of the Master-at-Arms Ready Relevant LearningtrainingatNavalTechnicalTraining Center Lackland. The projects include theconstructionofamockvillage pier ship andtacticalshoothouse Under his leadership, the command also obtained Federal Law Enforcement TrainingAccreditationforitsMaster-at-Arms“A” School and Law Enforcement “C” School. Additionally, he oversaw the successful moveofNavalCorrectionstrainingfromSan Antonio Texas,toChesapeake,Va
Duringhistenureascommandingofficer more than 61,000 Sailors graduated from one or more CENSECFOR instructor-led
courses across the spectrum of antiterrorism,expeditionarywarfare,codeofconduct, lawenforcement,andsmallcraftoperations
“Capt. Bromley I have the highest confidence as you assume command in a few minutes and get on with the business of trainingandeducatingwarfighterstomaximize their lethality and survivability,” said Czerewko. “Your only charge from me is to carryonCaptainPegher’smindsetofaggressive self-assessment and self-correction and continue to pursue perfection in every aspectofcommand.”
BromleyisanativeofPhiladelphia,Pennsylvania,buthewasraisedinVirginiaBeach, Virginia. He graduated from Old Dominion University (Class of 1998) with a Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice and from the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, with a Master of Science in InformationSystems.
“It is because of your dedication and expertisethatourtrainingdetachmentsand learningsitescanproducethetrainedsailors required for a lethal and survivable fleet, saidBromleyasheaddressedtheCENSECFOR staff “We come to work every day to
ensure that we have delivered properly trainedsailorstotheFleetandthattheyare ready to respond with professionalism and decisiveactionwhenrequired.”
HeservedontwoTiconderoga-classguided-missile cruisers USS Leyte Gulf (CG 55) and USS Mobile Bay (CG 53), and two ArleighBurke-classdestroyers,USSGonzalez (DDG 66) and USS McFaul (DDG 74), whereheservedastheexecutiveofficerand, subsequently,thecommandingofficer. Deployedasanindividualaugmentee,he completedatourintheCounter-Improvised Explosive Device Integration and Operations Cell in Bagdad, Iraq His most recent assignmentwasservingasthesurfacecapabilities and requirements lead at U.S. Fleet ForcesCommand.
Bromley is the ninth naval officer to assume the responsibility as the Center for SecurityForcescommandingofficer. The Center for Security Forces provides specialized training to more than 20,000 studentsannually Ithas14traininglocations across the United States and worldwide each carrying the motto: “Where Training BreedsConfidence.”
response time is what’s important. When we identify a faulty slip ring we no longer havetocreateadeparturefromspecification requesttogetitdone.”
Previously, replacing a faulty NMT antenna required a service contract costing approximately $30,000 per incident
The process involved a 45-day solicitation periodandaminimum60-dayperformance period to account for ship availability and crane scheduling This lengthy timeline often resulted in operational delays and additionalcosts Hodges drawing on his prior experience in the forklift industry, developed a new in-house process MARMC now utilizes an existingwarehousecontractforstorageand transportation,andpurchasedan$839fork-
lift beam through GSA Advantage to facilitateantennahandling
“When you can fix something that normally would take 120 days in four days that helps the ships stay mission ready,” Hodgesexplained. Thenewprocedurewasfirstimplemented on the USS Bainbridge (DDG 96). A faulty partidentifiedonaFridaywasreplacedthe followingweek,withonlyweatherdelaying thereinstallation. The innovation is expected to save MARMCapproximately$120,000annually basedonanaverageoffourantennareplacementsperyear NMT antennas are crucial for shipboard communications, carrying IP services including email and internet traffic. The
newprocesscanbeappliedtoanyNavyship equippedwithNMTantennas
“The improvement was an entire team effort, involving cooperation between the NMT team, the contracts department, and riggingspecialiststoensuresafetystandards weremet.”Hodgesadded.
As MARMC finds innovative ways to increase efficiency, similar initiatives could play a crucial role in modernizing maintenanceprocedures MARMC afieldactivityunderNavalSea Systems Command (NAVSEA) provides surface ship maintenance management andoversightofprivatesectormaintenance andfleettechnicalassistancetoshipsinthe Mid-AtlanticregionoftheUnitedStates
USN Military Sealift Command
In February 2023 the Navy accepted deliveryofthespearhead-classexpeditionaryfasttransportvesselUSNSApalachicola (T-EPF13)usheringinaneweraforoneof Military Sealift Command’s most versatile platforms It is the first EPF with Flight II specifications,incorporatingmedicalcapabilityandtheabilitytosupportV-22osprey flight operations
With a crew size of only 25, every civil servicemarineraboardApalachicolahasto perform multiple duties to ensure mission success which makes working together vital. Brothers Kwabino and Henry Noris, who lead the ship’s supply department, understand this So, they use their family tiestohelpcreateaclose-knitbondamong the crew strengthening unity and camaraderie onboard.
Kwabino Noris 46 is the steward cook aboard Apalachicola. His brother Henry, 41,istheship’ssupplyofficer Servingtheir country has always been a family affair Their father is a retired senior chief in the U.S.Navy,andbeforeKwabinojoinedMSC, he served in the U.S. Army.
“I served in the Army for six years as a food service specialist,” said the Virginia Beach,Virginia,native “WhenIwasgetting out, I saw MSC was hiring and their headquarters was in Norfolk, Virginia, close to home so I just decided to try it.
Kwabino joined MSC in March 2004. It wasn’t long after, he began recruiting his younger brother
“When he first joined, he tried to get me to come in, and I heard the whole military thing and I was like ‘I’m not joining the military,’ said Henry also from Virginia Beach. “But after a few years of watching him and seeing what he was doing, I knew it was time.”
In 2008, Henry took the oath to become a mariner Since then, he and his brother’s career paths have essentially aligned. Both joined as entry-level supply utilitymen (SU) and worked their way up the ranks through hard work and taking advantage of the opportunities MSC offered
“WestartedasSUsbutstayedfocusedon moving ahead, said Henry. “We both just put in the work to get to where we wanted tobe WetookclassesthatMSCoffered,got our qualifications, put in our packages and promoted up the ranks.”
“I’ve sailed at every cook position up to steward cook,” said Kwabino “Only positionIhaven’tsailedasischiefsteward.But I’vesailedateveryotherlevelandtakenon
every challenge along the long way.
This is the fourth time in their careers they have sailed together having been shipmates aboard USS Mount Whitney (LCC20),USNSMedgarEvers(T-AKE13) and USNS Supply (T-AOE 6).
“Whenever we’re together there is a lot of joking and sometimes a lot of catching up too because there are periods of time where we don’t see each other But he’s a great professional, and I try my best so we’re always going to do some good things when we’re together,” said Kwabino
Most mariners would probably agree that aboard every ship, supply department sets the tone for morale Mariners in supplydepartmentensurecrewisfedwell, livingquartersarecomfortableandinvaluable parts and consumables are on order.
WithKwabinoleadingtheculinarydepartment and Henry the logistics department, afamilyatmosphereemanatesthroughout the crew
“Just growing up, we’ve always been a tight-knit family and that’s something we try to have here,” said Kwabino “We get together out in town and go bowling and have dinner we even break out the cornholeboardsontheflightdeckwhenwecan. There is a lot of unity and camaraderie.”
“From the top down - the captain, chief engineer,SCO(ship’scommunicationsofficer),SUsandeverybodyelse,makethisship one of my favorites,” added Henry “The numberoneruleis‘nodrama.’Wedon’tdo dramahere It’sgoodspiritsandwegetthe job done It’s actually a family affair, and thisisoneofthebestcrew’sI’veeversailed
TheNoris’familycommitmenttoservice has extended beyond the brothers Kwabino’s wife also serves with MSC He says his daughter, a recent college graduate, is considering joining MSC as well. And Henry’s oldest son will be joining the U.S. AirForcelaterthisyear Itissomethingthey areproudofjustastheirfatherisseeinghis sons’ success “Ourfatherthinksitiscoolwe’reserving togetheronthesameship,andhe’shappyto knowhissonsaredoingsomethingpositive with their lives,” said Henry “Wemadethechoicetoserveourcountry and make it a career To be able to support eachotheranddependoneachotherwhile we’re doing that makes it a little easier, added Kwabino
Commander Navy Region Mid-Atlantic Public Affairs
NORFOLK, Va (NRMA) The Mid-Atlantic region motorcycle training team, alongside Naval Safety Command (NAVSAFECOM), hosted a special media availability to discuss motorcycle safety and showcase one of the free motorcycle coursesofferedtomilitaryservicemembers and Department of Defense (DoD) civilian motorcycle riders aboard Naval Station Norfolk,July25
Media representatives had the opportunity to view the basic rider course and speak to NAVSAFECOM’s commander, the region’s motorcycle training manager, and twoSailorsparticipatinginthecourse
Eachyear numerousmotorcyclecrashes and fatalities involving military service members occur As of July 12, the Navy has already lost 19 Sailors and one civil service civilianinmotorcyclecollisions TheNavyis striving to prevent future crashes and fatalitiesbyofferingfreefamiliarizationcourses toraiseawarenessandeducateridersonthe proper procedures of riding and handling motorcycles
“Thehardpartisthementalside putting some risk management into their riding,” saidMid-AtlanticRegionMotorcycleTrainingProgramManager,FredMcMullen.“So we give them not only the skill set, but the mental skills that they need to survive the roadsinourcommunity.”
These courses are required for military personnel who intend on operating a motorcycle both on and off base While not
required for civilian operation, they are heavily encouraged as they provide a solid foundationofproperoperationandhealthy caution of the risks inherent to motorcycle operation.
The free courses provide riders with the basic mental and physical skills required for riding and consist of both classroom
and on-cycle instruction. The courses also providemaintenancetipsandpersonalrisk assessments to help improve perception andhazardawarenessfornoviceandskilled motorcycleridersalike.
“I’d recommend this, not just for beginners but for experienced riders as well. There are things that you become less
mindfulofasyouride Thisrefresherisvery helpful, said Chief Gas Turbine Systems Technician (Electrical) Brandon Shea. “It’s only been a half a day so far, but my confidencehasalreadyincreased.”
Rear Adm. Christopher Engdahl, NAVSAFECOM’s commander, spoke with media representatives about the necessity andimportanceofthesecourses
“Motorcycle riders require more maneuvering skills and are more vulnerable in a crash, Engdahl said. “Other motorists particularly those who don’t ride, themselves maynotbelookingformotorcycles intraffic.Thisplacestherideratrisk,particularlyatintersections
“Wewantourmotorcycleriderstoemploy risk management and informed decision-making each time they take their bike on the road. As a motorcycle rider myself I strongly recommend our riders attend the trainingofferedbytheNavy Whetheryou’re anewrideroranexperiencedone,thetraining provides you with the tools to enhance your motorcycle skills; providing a firm bedrock of skills and caution is imperative toensureourservicemembersandcivilians gethomesafe,whilestillbeingabletoenjoy theopenroad.”
CNRMA is the regional coordinator for all shore-based Naval personnel and shore activities in the Mid-Atlantic region, which encompasses 20 states, 13 installations, and numerous Navy reserve centers from MainetoVirginiaandasfarwestasIllinois Toreadmore,pleasecheckusoutonDVIDS at, followusonFacebook,X,andInstagram,or checkouttheCNRMAapp
ByGarrettDipuma Naval Air Station Pensacola
PENSACOLA,Fla. TheNavalAirStation(NAS)Pensacola Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) commemorated the FFSC’s45thanniversaryJuly25
The event also marked the grand reopening of the facility’s mainentrancewhichhadbeenclosedforrenovations.Thecelebrationfeaturedaribboncuttingceremonytomarktheevent.
Numerous FFSC programs and associated organizational information tables were on display, showcasing the numerous programsFFSCoffers Duringbriefremarkstothemorethan50 individualsgatheredforthebriefribbonandcake-cuttingevent, NAS Pensacola FFSC Director R. Train Hatton highlighted the center’s evolution over the years, noting the expansion of servicestomeetthechangingneedsoftheNavycommunity
“Fromourhumblebeginningstothecomprehensivesupport network we have today, our mission has always been to serve those who serve our nation, he said “NAS Pensacola’s FFSC serves a wide demographic from first term Sailors and Marines, to an increasing Veteran population and we’re committed to ensuring each and every individual who comes through our doors receives the information and referrals they deserve.”
Designed to provide unified, customer-focused, consistent and efficient programs and services to support sustained mission and Navy readiness, the Fleet and Family Support Center serves as an information and referral service, education and one-on-one assistance entity, all at no cost to eligible patrons. Hatton added that the organization’s programs include: New Parent Support; Exceptional Family Member;
NAVSUP FLC Jacksonville
NAVALSTATIONMAYPORT,Fla On July 19, Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Fuels) Petty Officer Second Class Marcus Wood reenlisted in the U.S. Navy at a small ceremony at Naval Station Mayport, Florida.
Thedecisiontoreenlistcanbeadifficult but for ABF2 Wood his choice to reenlist was about his commitment to service “Ichosetoreenlistinthemilitarybecause of my deep sense of duty and commitment to serving my country,” Wood said. The bond with my fellow service members, the sense of purpose, and the opportunity to continue making a positive impact on national security were all driving factors in my decision. Wood also mentioned that the personal and professional growth opportunities, educational benefits, and job security that the military provides helped him with his reenlistment decision.
“Ultimately, the honor and privilege of defending and upholding the values of my country compelled me to continue my service,” he said
Asforotherswhomaybethinkingabout their own reenlistments, ABF2 Wood has some advise
“When considering reenlisting in the military, it is important to carefully weigh the pros and cons to make an informed decision,” Wood said. “Some key pieces of advice I could give to help guide individuals contemplating reenlistment would be reflect on your reasons, and understand why you are considering reenlisting.’
Advice ABF2 Wood recommends:
-Consider the impact on your personal life: Reenlisting often involves additional
Family Advocacy; Personal Financial Management; Life Skills Education; Clinical Counseling; Transition Assistance; Relocation Assistance; Family Employment Readiness; Disaster Preparedness; and Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR).
“Aservicemember’spersonallifecanimpacttheoperational readiness of the Navy,” said NAS Pensacola FFSC employee Stacy Leach. “The NAS Pensacola FFSC staff is committed to ensuring that each and every eligible patron and their family understandsthatwe’reheretohelpthemmeettheirgoals,that weunderstandsomeoftheuniquechallengesservicemembers andtheirfamilycanface,andthatwe’reinvestedinmakingsure ourvisitorshavethetoolstheyneedtosucceed.”
Hatton added that the NAS Pensacola FFSC also maintains a Retired Activities Office (RAO), an information liaison and advisory center for military retirees and their families as well asforactivedutypersonnelnearingretirement.
The FFSC, established in 1979 in Norfolk, Virginia, now includes 81 centers worldwide offering in-person and virtual services FFSC also provides programs aimed at improving family readiness and personal resilience, ensuring that Navy families remain strong and prepared for the demands of militaryservice
NASPensacola,referredtoasthe‘CradleofNavalAviation,’is designedtosupportoperationalandtrainingmissionsoftenant commands including the Naval Aviation Technical Training Center (NATTC); Naval Aviation Schools Command (NASC); theCenterforInformationWarfareTraining(CIWT);Marine Aviation Training Support Groups (MATSG) 21 and 23 and serves as the headquarters for Naval Education and Training Command(NETC).
PENSACOLA,Fla. NavalAirStation (NAS) Pensacola Executive OfficerCmdr Nick‘Rabbit Alfano (left),Fleet and FamilySupport Center(FFSC) DirectorR.Train Hatton and FFSC employee StacyLeach cut a ribbon during the FFSC’s 45th anniversarycelebrationJuly25. Alongwith commemorating the FFSC’s anniversary,the ribbon-cutting marked the reopening ofthe facility’s main entrancewhich had been closed forrenovations. (PHOTOBYGARRETTDIPUMA,NAVALAIRSTATION PENSACOLA)
time away from family and loved ones It isessentialtoassesshowreenlistmentwill affectyourpersonalrelationshipsandoverall well-being -Evaluatecareeropportunities:Lookinto thepotentialcareeradvancementopportunitiesthatreenlistmentmayoffer Consider whetherthemilitaryalignswithyourlongterm career goals and aspirations
-Thinkaboutthechallenges:Reenlisting may come with its own set of challenges, including deployment, physical demands, and stringent lifestyle requirements Be preparedtofacethesechallengeshead-on.
-Seek advice and guidance: Consult with mentors, fellow service members, and family members to gain insights and perspectivesonreenlistment.Theirexperiencesandadvicecanhelpyoumakeamore informed decision.
-Commit to the decision: Once you have carefully evaluated all aspects of reenlistment, make a confident and informed decision. Committing wholeheartedly to yourchoicewillhelpyounavigateanychallenges that may arise
on his reenlistment and thank you for your continued service to our
-Review your options: Explore alternative paths outside of the military and comparethemwiththeopportunitiesavailablethroughreenlistment Considerfactors such as job stability, benefits, and personal fulfillment.
Naval Surface Warfare Center Panama City Division
PANAMACITY,Fla Thissummer,Naval SurfaceWarfareCenterPanamaCityDivision (NSWC PCD) hosted over 30 students from twoesteemedDepartmentoftheNavy(DoN) internshipprograms Through the Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP), college and universitystudentswereplacedinDoNlaboratoriesfor10weekstoengageinmeaningful research projects Additionally, high school studentsparticipatedintheScienceandEngineeringApprenticeshipProgram(SEAP)for a duration of eight weeks, gaining hands-on experienceinreal-worldNavalresearch.
Several of the NREIP interns reflected on the valuable experiences they gained this summerduringtheirinternship Ronen Lim, computer science major at AuburnUniversity,workedontraininglarge languagemodels(LLM)capableofdetecting phishingemails “Throughout my time here I was able to gain valuable experience with both my projectandwork,andIamextremelygratefulfor the opportunities this internship provided,” said Lim. “Training LLMs and understanding essential components of AI are essential toolsthatwillbenefitmyfuturecareerinthe computerscienceindustry.”
Steven-Thomas Dvorak, Florida State University electrical engineering major said hewasexcitedtointern.
“I was extremely excited to receive the NREIP internship because I wanted to see what it was like working for the government as well as gain experience in the field my degree serves. I have created numerous connections and contacts that I would not have been able to generate otherwise,” said Dvorak.“Also,Ihavegainedalotofhands-on experience working in the field designing prototyping and maintaining systems in place to help protect and serve the sailor I believethatthisinternshiphasbenefittedme substantially by granting me a point of view that I would not have had prior to working here, specifically the interworking of the government and how to work on a bigger team.OnedayIhopetoreturnhereandwork fulltimedoingmoreofwhatIlove.”
Colin Campbell computer science major at North Dakota State University said his internship with NREIP has been extraordinary I had the opportunity to continue an area of research I had initiated at my university, North Dakota State University,” said Campbell. “Working with mentors and other employees permitted me access to information that changed my mind regarding my current major computer science with an influence of cybersecurity However, I learned I would like to have an influence of machinelearninginstead.Idecidedtochange because I loved learning about machine learning from my mentors and NSWC PCD employeesduringmyinternship Inaddition,
creating generative AI models that could be used in the military has been an enjoyable experience and I would love to pursue this inmycareer.”
Aubrey Heiss, Florida State University applied mathematics major, focused her internshiponmachinelearningonsynthetic aperturesonardata
“Overall, I had a great experience as an intern at PCD!” said Heiss. I went to work alongside some highly intelligent scientists and learned from them, while also getting a taste of what working for the Department of Defense(DOD)islike.Iwasexposedtomuch oftheunnoticedworktheNavydoestokeep Americasafe,whichmademeappreciatethe DOD at a deeper level. It was a meaningful experience,andI’mgladIwasabletocontribute to the safety of America, even just as an internfortenweeks.”
NREIP and SEAP provide academically gifted students who are interested in in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers with the chance to explore Naval research and technology, all while benefiting from the exceptional guidance of leading scientists and engineers These internships aim to inspire students to consider pursuing science and engineering careerswithintheDepartmentoftheNavy TheNREIPandSEAPapplicationsforthe 2025summertermopenAugust1,accessible ontheNavalSTEMInternsite:NavalSTEM Internsat index.html
WASHINGTON Rear Adm. David J. Faehnle relieved Rear Adm. Nancy Lacore ascommandant NavalDistrictWashington (NDW) during a change of command ceremony at Washington Navy Yard’s Leutze Park,July23,2024
“Over the past two years, I can’t tell you howmanytimespeoplehaveaskedmehowI likemyjob,andtheresponseisthesameway everytime,Iloveit,”saidLacore.“Iwantto thank everyone who made today possible, and take one last opportunity to praise my teamwhichissoontobeDave’steam.
Vice Adm. Scott Gray, commander, Navy Installations Command, praised Lacore for her accomplishments during her time in command, which included successfully negotiating and closing a complex land
exchange contract which was valued at over$200million,solvingkeyregionhiring and retention shortfalls, improving hiring by24percentanddecreasingattritionby17 percent, and increased the required operational capability of the Navy’ s primary research, development, test and evaluation airfield.
“I know you are going to miss being the region commander for one of the best regionsinourNavyandyouaregoingtomiss the people who comprise team NDW,” said Gray “As you prepare for your next assignment as Chief of Navy Reserve, know that you leave Naval District Washington in a better state than when you took command Youshouldbeproudofallyouhaveaccomplished.
Faehnle became NDW’s 94th commandantduringtheceremony.
“Admiral Lacore, you are a gifted leader and will be a hard act to follow. Your efforts
andachievementsincommandhavesetme up for success, as you have built a team that needsverylittleoversighttomeeteverygoal of the command.” said Faehnle “I will do my best to maintain the legacy of success that you and previous Commandants have instilled.”
Faehnle will also serve as deputy commander of the Joint Force Headquarters-NationalCapitalRegion.PriortoreportingtoNDW,Faehnle’spreviousassignment wasReserveDeputyCommander,NavalAir ForceAtlantic.
“To the staff and installations of Naval DistrictWashington,I’mexcitedtoworkfor you. I take seriously the roles and responsibilities of this position and will spare no effort to lead the entire team to continued success,” said Faehnle “We will lead the shore enterprise as a region of excellence, continually improving the infrastructure and services that we deliver to the Fleet,
NDWistheregionalproviderofcommon operating support to naval installations in the National Capital Region. NDW is responsible for efficiently delivering these support services to more than 120 mission commands located within its geographical borders NDW encompasses more than 4,000squaremiles,includingtheDistrictof Columbia, the Maryland counties of Anne Arundel,Calvert,Charles,Frederick,Montgomery,PrinceGeorge’s,andSt Mary’s,and northern Virginia counties of Loudoun, Fauquier, Fairfax, Prince William, Stafford KingGeorge,Westmoreland,Arlingtonand thecitieswithintheirouterboundaries The region includes such installations as Naval Air Station Patuxent River, Naval Support Activity Annapolis, and the Washington NavyYard
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Washington
Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Washington crossed continents to ensure environmental compliance Regional Stormwater Program Manager, Evan Miles, recently completed a three-weekassignmentatNavalSupportFacility(NSF) DeveseluinRomania.AstheInstallationEnvironmentalProgramDirector,Milescontributedsignificantlyto the environmental division at NAVFAC Europe Africa Central(EURAFCENT) Hisoutstandingperformance was praised by EURAFCENT’s Supervisory Environmental Engineer Kathie Beverly.
“Evandidanoutstandingjobandprogressednumerous initiatives during his onsite tenure. The Public Works Officer (PWO) in the monthly report outlined that seven of the Environmental (EV) topics had notable updates, which is credited to Evan who gets things done,communicateswellandconsistentlyaddedvalue.”
At NSF Deveselu, Miles ensured environmental compliance across the installation and worked with tenants fellowNAVFACemployeesandthepublic He reported directly to PWO, LCDR Rhett Johnson
“I thought this was a very unique opportunity to go serveoverseasinanareaItypicallywouldn’tfindmyself visiting,”MilessaidabouthisdecisiontosupportDeveselu.“Isawitasachancetoexpandmyknowledgebase and become a more-rounded NAVFAC employee.”
NSF Deveselu is the first operational Aegis Ashore Missile Defense Facility that supports the ballistic missile defense system of the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization. The facility houses a fire-control radar deckhouse, an Aegis command, control and communicationssuite,andlaunchmodulescontainingStandard Missile-3 defense missiles
With his successful mission at NSF Deveselu complete, Miles returns to his role at NAVFAC Washington, bringing valuable experience and insights to further enhance the organization’s environmental initiatives
A Clarkson University alumni with a bachelor’s degree in environmental engineering, he manages the stormwater compliance program across the NAVFAC Washington region. Miles emphasized the personal benefitsofhiswork stating “Itisaveryrewardingfeeling to know you are providing a tangible difference in helping keep our Earth cleaner, even if it’s just within your community.
Outside of work, Miles enjoys traveling, hiking, attending sports events and bartending part-time at City-StateBrewery Heencouragesthenextgeneration interested in environmental engineering within the Navy to consider the unique opportunities and travel experiences the field offers Miles originally from Syracuse New York, now residesinWashington,D.C.,andhasbeenwithNAVFAC Washington since September 2015 He held various roles within the Environmental department, including environmental project manager and temporary positions as Joint Base Anacostia—Bolling stormwater program manager and the regional air compliance program manager
ByGaryEll Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division
Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) awarded an agreement under the Maritime Sustainment Technology and Innovation Consortium(MSTIC)OtherTransactionAuthority (OTA)onJune28,2024
Theagreement,approvedbytheAssistant SecretaryoftheNavyforResearch,DevelopmentandAcquisition(ASNRDA),isvalued at approximately $122 million for Research andDevelopment(R&D),makingitthelargest agreement on the MSTIC OTA to date This all-encompassing type of contracting vehicle, which can handle innovation and potentialvariabilityinsitedesign,hasnever beenawardedbeforeinasingleagreement, according to NSWCPD Technical Liaison Oversight Branch Agreements Officer and BranchHeadAliciaMcPeters
“My team has been working for nearly two years on the award of this high visibility agreement to design, develop, and integrate Propulsion Load Systems into both the DDG(X) Land Based Test Site (LBTS) and FFG 62 Land Based Engineering Site (LBES),” said DDG 51 and future LBES Branch Head Brandon Weiss, who also servesasprogrammanagerforthisproject
“Theprogramkicksoffamulti-yeareffort atNSWCPDthatwillusherinthemosttechnicallycapableandhighlycomplexpropulsion load systems with NSWCPD and our MSTIC team,” he said. “The load machine concept applies torque and speed in the ahead and astern direction on a propulsion shaftlinetomimichydrodynamicloadsona shaft during propulsion testing. This novel approach is the only way to provide fullscale test capability for new ship class test sitevalidation.
Weiss noted that both of these ship test programs have unique requirements that impactNationalDefenseAuthorizationAct (NDAA)-mandatedneeddatesandsystemlevel requirements, as well as introduce complexity that required a flexible agreement. Additionally, the integration of these systemswithconcurrentprojectswithinthe same building footprint introduces many challenges with layout and interference planning
“Utilizing the MSTIC model helped us identifygapsinourtechnicalspecifications, right-size our requirement, and leverage technologies across programs to create a turnkeysolutioninaspaceconstrainedenvironment,”hesaid.
Weiss continued: “Forecasting those challenges led us to utilizing the Other Transaction(OT)overatraditionalFederal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)-based approach to maximize that flexibility We partneredwith[NSWCPD]contracts,legal, and our command’s technical experts to
successfullynegotiateacomplexstatement of work with industry partners I could not be prouder of the effective and innovative collaboration our integrated team had throughout the pre-award stages of this agreement.”
McPeters spearheaded the effort within NSWCPD’sContractsDepartment.
“When the Chief of the Contracting Office (CCO) at the time came to me about this project, I knew it was going to be a complexrequirementthatwouldtaketime Sometimes requirements owners look to the OT Authority because they believe it’s faster when, in most cases, this is not true,” McPeterssaid.
“Working with Brandon and his team throughthisprocesswasapositivelearning experience for us as a team. We embraced the unknown, had to think outside the box, andgainanappreciationforprogram,technical, and statutory risk tolerance while being able to support the scope to a wide range of stakeholders. I know it was challenging at times, but I think we will see it was all worth it as execution of the project begins,”shecontinued
This project was the first in NSWCPD’s historytorequireASNRDAapproval,which required sometimes daily interaction with Program Executive Offices (PEOs), Deputy AssistantSecretaryoftheNavyforAcquisition and Procurement (DASN(P)), Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Ships (DASN(Ships)), and ASN RDA, according toWeiss
“Even more rewarding was when ASN RDA Hon. Nickolas Guertin came to NSWCPD for a tour of the test sites It was especiallyrewardingtomeetthepersonwho justendorsedourpathforward, Weisssaid, “Thespecialapprovaladdedfourmonthsto theawardtimeline,butultimatelyhelpedus hone our justification to make it that much
stronger We persevered because we kept oureyesontheendgoal.
McPetersnotedthatrequirementsunder traditionalprocurementmethodshavetheir ownchallengesthataretypicallyregulatory in nature. The OT Authority has very minimal statutory requirements, and she knew that the team would face challenges with this project simply because they had not donesomethinglikethisbefore.
“The visibility of this project was an opportunity for learning at all levels of leadership throughout the command and externaltotheprogramofficesthatprocurementisaprocess Missionexecutionwasmy priority, but not at the expense of taking on too much risk for the command,” McPeters said “The trust the team placed in me was tremendouslyhumbling andthesupportof my leadership was what made getting this project awarded such an accomplishment notjustforthecommand,butpersonallyas well.”
“The entire team (acquisition, contracts, technical, legal, and program/project management) successfully integrated together to make this happen. There were many hurdles along the way that took the entireteamtonavigate,”Weissadded.
Working with teams to navigate terms and conditions that were amenable to both large and small companies alike, develop programmatic and technical guardrails outsideoftypicalFARguidelines,andaligning technical requirements was challenging, yet immensely rewarding, according to Weiss
“We haven’t had a project of this magnitude within the MSTIC program to date It was extremely important to me that we got it right, not just for the success of the project,buttoensurethatboththegovernment and industry were afforded the flexibilities offered by the OT Authority while still
protectingthebestinterestsofthetaxpayer, McPeterssaid. NSWCPDestablishedMSTICtofocuson innovativesustainmentsolutionsthateffectively address current and future security threatsinmaritimeenvironments Members have access to opportunities focused on developingandmaturingtechnologiesinthe fieldofMaritimeSustainmentthatenhance the Navy’s mission effectiveness To learn more about joining MSTIC, visit http://
NSWCPD leads the MSTIC OTA with ATI as the Consortium Management firm. There are over 500 companies represented in the consortium so far, ranging from science and technology, reverse engineering logistics andbusinessorganizationsthat supportNSWCPD’smission.
The OTA is “a streamlined purchasing vehiclethatbringsinnovativeresearchfindings and state-of-the-art prototypes from industry to the federal government. Other Transaction-based collaborations are not subjecttosomeoftheregulationsthatapply to Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)based acquisitions OTAs enable fast acquisition of critically-needed technologies in areasasdiverseasshipbuilding armaments, satellites medical devices and electromagneticspectrumtechnologies. NSWCPD employs approximately 2,800 civilian engineers, scientists, technicians, and support personnel. The NSWCPD team does the research and development, test and evaluation, acquisition support, and in-service and logistics engineering for the non-nuclear machinery ship machinery systems and related equipment and materialforNavysurfaceshipsandsubmarines NSWCPDisalsotheleadorganization providingcybersecurityforallshipsystems
ChristopherPrevic Naval Supply Systems Command
MECHANICSBURG, Pa Over six weeks in June and July of 2024, Naval SupplySystemsCommand(NAVSUP)headquartersaddedtotheirranksthreeinternsas partoftheDepartmentoftheNavy’sHistorically Black Colleges and Universities/ Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI) internship program. While all three are students are pursuing degrees in information technology fields, they also joined NAVSUP as short-term entry level employees with a highlyrelevantassignmenttocomplete.
“Our team is seeking options to track customer and user satisfaction metrics for theenterprise,”saidMarnieBrady,aninformation technology student from CommunityCollegeofPhiladelphia.
“It’s an important project,” said Amanda J. Johnson, supervisory program manager fortheSupplyChainTechnology&Systems Integration department at NAVSUP Headquarters “Wearealwaysexcitedtowelcome newtalenttogetnewperspectivesandsolutionstoourexistingproblemsets.
“We’re using root cause analysis,” said Amari Aklilu, a student from Morgan State University majoring in cybersecurity “NAVSUP gave us mock data, and we are looking for good solutions to solve specific problems In my research, I found a great survey example from the Department of Defense DefenseBusinessBoard,whenthey wereworkingonnetworkaccessibility,andI wasexcitedtoadaptthismodeltoNAVSUP’s specifications.”
“Beyond surveys, we are also looking at retention rate, churn rate, time-based metrics, and anything that would fall into thebackgroundwhenitcomestocustomer anduserexperience,”saidBrady,whowillbe enteringhersophomoreyearatCommunity College of Philadelphia. “From that information,wecanproposespecificactions like offering self-service fixes to IT problems, maintaining multi-channel supports, and findingopportunitiesforuserfeedback.”
“Their capstone presentation was very impressive,” said Johnson, “and we were happy to bring their findings back to our largerteam.”
Theinternteam,whichincludedNahome Walelinge a computer science major from Community College of Philadelphia, also spent many hours on their professional development.
“We had great mock job interviews and builtourgovernmentresumes,”saidAklilu. “I’ve already started applying for jobs and gotsomecall-backs.”
The resource to the interns for professional development was Bradford Powell, special emphasis program manager in the Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) office at NAVSUP Headquarters Powell, whohasworkedatNAVSUPfortwoandhalf years, has a bachelor’s in human resource management,andisa15-yearVeteranofthe Army, said the internship program means a lottohim.
“Being able to coordinate an internship program that builds a diverse talent pipelineforNAVSUPwhileofferingprofessional experience to undergraduate students is an amazing opportunity for all participants involved,”saidPowell.
Powell said he takes a particular interest in helping the students build their career networking skills, but also enjoys watching the benefits the NAVSUP mentors receive from exercising their own leadership and technicalskillsastheyvolunteertheirtime
“I told the interns from day one ‘get comfortable being uncomfortable,’ said
ApprenticeMichaelAsantegraduatedasthe topSailorfromRecruitTrainingCommand, earning the Military Excellence Award (MEA)July25,2024
Asante, who lives in New Orleans, Louisiana, but is originally from Little Accra, Ghana, said he enlisted for a variety of reasons, including the opportunity to serve hiscountry
“IjoinedtheNavybecauseIwantedtodo mypartandsupporttheUnitedStates,”said Asante “I feel a lot of patriotism, because this country allows people from all backgrounds to have equal opportunities without discrimination. I also want to be a part ofprovidingthepeaceandstabilitythatthe Navy provides for other countries around the world, as it is something that I feel is important.” Asante 41,graduatedfromAggreyMemorial Zion Senior High School, where he was a member of the varsity soccer team. Before joining the Navy, he was employed as a rocket materials analyst on the NASA Artemis SLS program, where he supported thematerialmanagementanalystteamwith parts allocations, serial tracking and depositions The Navy Club of the United States Military Excellence Award is the top award
Interns in the Naval SupplySystems Command (NAVSUP) HistoricallyBlackColleges and Universities/MinorityInstitutions (HBCU/MI) internship program,Marnie Brady CommunityCollege ofPhiladelphia,AmariAklilu,Morgan State University(standing) and NahomeWalelinge, CommunityCollege ofPhiladelphia,worktogetheron a project in the Equal Employment Opportunity(EEO) office at NAVSUPHeadquarters July15,2024.Headquartered in Mechanicsburg,Pennsylvania,and employing a diverse,worldwideworkforce ofmore than 22,500 militaryand civilian personnel,NAVSUP’s mission is to provide supplies,services and quality-of-life support to the Navyand jointwarfighter BELOW: Rear Adm.Kenneth Epps,commander Naval SupplySystems Command (NAVSUP) and ChiefofSupplyCorps,meetswith NAVSUPinterns from the HistoricallyBlackColleges and Universities/MinorityInstitutions (HBCU/MI) internship program,Marnie Bradyand NahomeWalelinge,both of CommunityCollege ofPhiladelphia,andAmariAklilu,Morgan State University(left) at NAVSUPHeadquarters July15,2024 (U.S.NAVYPHOTOS BYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSCHRISTOPHERPREVIC)
Powell, “because your willingness to embraceunfamiliar challenging anduncertainsituationswillleadtoopportunitiesfor growthandlearning.”
The NAVSUP HBCU/MI Internship Program runs every summer The application window is open from October to January NAVSUPisheadquarteredinMechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, and employs a diverse, worldwide workforce of more than 25,000 military and civilian personnel. NAVSUP and the Navy Supply Corps conduct and enablesupplychain,acquisition,operational logistics and Sailor & family care activities withourmissionpartnerstogeneratereadinessandsustainnavalforcesworldwideto preventanddecisivelywinwars For more information about the HBCU/ MI Internship Program visit: http://www
Learn more at, and https://
presentedtotherecruitthatbestexemplifies thequalitiesofenthusiasm,devotiontoduty, militarybearing,andteamwork.Theaward placeshimatthepinnacleoftoday’snewest Sailors Asante is awarded a flag letter of commendationaspartofhisrecognition.
Theaward,accordingtoAsante,isthebest possiblefirststeptostarthisnavalcareer
“When I came here, I was not thinking about winning an award. When I found out I’d been selected as the number one recruit in my training group, it was a huge honor for me Joining at the age that I did and having success is proof that it’s never too late to accomplish your dreams I will use this as motivation to further my education and continue to strive for new goals in my navalcareer.”
Asante’s RDCs (Recruit Division Commanders)areChiefHospitalCorpsman (HMC) Charmaine Henry, Naval Aircrewman Helicopter 1st Class (AWS1) Caleb Rausch and Fire Controlman 2nd Class (FC2) Ronak Mitra, and they guided him throughthe10-weekprocess
“I learned something from each of my RDCs,” he said. “Sometimes it’s hard to realize in the moment, but everything they do is for a reason. FC2 Mitra, for example, is someone that I really look up to He supportedmealotduringthosetimeswhen I was down on myself and I could tell he truly cared about my well-being The way he carries himself is honorable, and in that
way I can use his example to model myself intothekindofSailorIwanttobe.”
Additionally,Asantesaidhisfamilyhelped pushhimtosuccess
“Myfamilywasabigsourceofmotivation for me,” said Asante “My mother and my kids were always interested in what I was doing and how I was feeling They encouragedmeinalloftheirlettersandduringour phone calls Without them it would have been much harder to complete the training hereandhavethesuccessthatIdid.”
Asante said his biggest challenge was learning how to work effectively with such awiderangeofpeople
“I have much different experiences from alotoftheotherrecruits,”hesaid.“Coming fromadifferentcountry,myperspectiveon life is somewhat unique Finding common groundtobeabletocommunicateeffectively wasn’t always easy, but those hardships are part of growing and developing as a team. I’m sure it will be a useful lesson in other aspectsofmylife.”
Aftergraduation,AsantewillattendLogistics Specialist “A School Meridian, Mississippi, where he will learn about automated data processing systems, financial records, andpostaloperationstraining Training at RTC is approximately 10 weeks, and all enlistees in the U.S. Navy begin their careers at the command. More than 40,000 Recruits train annually at the Navy’sonlybootcamp
Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport
NEWPORT, R.I. Three leaders at the Naval Undersea Warfare Center (NUWC) Division Newport each were presented the Department of the Navy (DON) Meritorious Civilian Service Award during the command’s Annual Awards ceremony held onJune20
Jay J. Melillo, director, Customer Advocate Office and Field Team Operations Office; Thomas Carroll, Other Transaction Authority (OTA) program manager, Strategic Planning Office; and Chris Kenney, head,ProcurementDivisionintheContract Department,werepresentedthethirdhighesthonorarycivilianawardbestowedbythe U.S.Navy Melillo, a resident of Westport, Massachusetts isbeingrecognizedforhisnumerousachievementsatDivisionNewportfrom March2019toNovember2023
Overthecourseofhis40-yearNavycareer, Melillo,hasworkedacrossdepartmentsand program offices at Division Newport. The knowledgeheattainedandrelationshipshe cultivated throughout the warfare center, coupled with the valuable field experience he gained on assignments in Italy and Hawaii,significantlycontributedtohisleadershippositionsandhiscareer
“Having gained an appreciation for the impacttechnologydevelopedatthewarfare centers has on the warfighter during two field assignments, Melillo has encouraged others to pursue Field Team assignments, strengtheningDivisionNewport’spresence nationally and internationally,” the award states “In his role as director of Field Team Operations Melillo has been instrumental in supporting those who have pursued and were selected for Office of Naval Research (ONR) Global science advisor and science director positions,” the award states “The unprecedented number of five ONR Global scienceadvisorsandsciencedirectorsfrom DivisionNewportunderMelillo’sleadership speaks to his willingness to help individuals achieve success while simultaneously addressingtheneedsofthewarfighter.”
is being recognized for his outstanding achievements as OTA program manager at DivisionNewportfromAugust2017toJanuary2024
CarrollhasbeenleadingtheOTAprogram since its inception., applying his skills and experiencefromservingmorethan33years at Division Newport. He spearheaded the efforts to establish an OTA by collaboratingwithsubjectmatterexpertsattheNaval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Office of Counsel and contracts specialists and researching the best processes and procedures for the OTA. With the award to the Undersea Technology Innovation Consortium in 2018, the OTA program has been highlysuccessfulonseveralfronts,including exceeding its initial expectations in dollars awarded. Over the past five and half years oftheOTA,therehavebeen85projectsand awards totaling $565 million, exceeding its originalestimateof$20millionperyear
“Carroll’s reputation as a trusted agent and sound advisor has helped facilitate this successful acquisition effort, ultimately deliveringinnovativetechnologiesandcapabilities into our warfighter’s hands faster,” theawardstates BasedonthesuccessoftheOTAprogram at Division Newport, Carroll has helped other warfare center divisions establish similarprogramsattheircommands,benefiting even more organizations and personnelinthefleet.
Kenney, a resident of Tiverton, Rhode Island,isbeingrecognizedforhisoutstanding achievements in Division Newport’s Procurement Division from August 2017 to February2024
With several positions of increasing responsibilityoverthepastsixyears Kenney applied his extensive knowledge and skills about Navy contracts to improve contract efficiency,expediencyandvaluetothefleet andtaxpayer,theawardstates Workingwith Carroll, Kenney helped facilitate the establishment of the OTA program by working withsubjectmatterexpertsattheNAVSEA Office of Counsel and contracts specialists and researching the best processes and procedures Since the OTA was officially unveiled in June 2018 there have been 85 project awards totaling $565 million an
To take the OTA to new heights in 2019
Kenney worked alongside NUWC Headquarters personnel and Office of Naval ResearchstafftoimplementthefirstDepartment of Defense Prize Challenge from the NAVSEA enterprise The goal of the challenge was to maximize innovation and attract businesses, universities and individuals outside the traditional companies that propose under the Federal Acquisition Regulation-basedprocess Division Newport Commanding Officer Capt. Chad Hennings and Technical Director Marie Bussiere presented the awards to Melillo,CarrollandKenney NUWC Newport is the oldest warfare center in the country, tracing its heritage to the Naval Torpedo Station established on Goat Island in Newport Harbor in 1869 Commanded by Capt. Chad Hennings NUWC Newport maintains major detach-
ments in West Palm Beach, Florida, and AndrosIslandintheBahamas aswellastest facilitiesatSenecaLakeandFisher’sIsland, New York, Leesburg, Florida, and Dodge Pond,Connecticut. Joinourteam!NUWCDivisionNewport, one of the 20 largest employers in Rhode Island, employs a diverse, highly trained, educated, and skilled workforce We are continuously looking for engineers, scientists,andotherSTEMprofessionals,aswell as talented business finance logistics and othersupportexpertswhowishtobeatthe forefront of undersea research and development Please connect with NUWC DivisionNewportRecruitingatthissite-https:// and follow us on LinkedIn @ NUWC-Newport and on Facebook @ NUWCNewport.
The Elizabeth River Trail Foundation presents the inaugural ERT Olympics on August 10, 2024 in collaboration with Norfolk Parks and Recreation
Special field day activities at Plum Point Park, Jeff Robertson Park, and Water Street Open Space
NORFOLK,Va ThefirstERTOlympics will debut on August 10 a vibrant celebrationoftheSummerOlympics,righthereon theElizabethRiverTrail(ERT).Incollaboration with Norfolk Parks and Recreation, this free, family-friendly event will feature a day of athletic and recreational activities across three trail locations: Jeff Robertson Park, Plum Point Park, and Water Street OpenSpace
The event aims to promote community connection, health and wellness, and environmental stewardship while celebrating allabilities
“We wanted to celebrate the unity of the Olympics in a real field-day style event for all ages and abilities. We’re excited to show off the trail to people who may not have experienced all it has to offer We’re hoping for some friendly competition and areparticularlyexcitedaboutourcommunitiesrepresentingtheirneighborhoodsor countriesoforiginthroughthebibdecorating,” said Kindra Greene ERT Foundation Executive Director Participants and spectators are encouraged to come out and celebrate Each park
has multiple activity stations. For every station completed, a participant will earn a star sticker for their bib Each park has a unique ERT Olympics Commemorative Button that can be earned by completing activities
Event Highlights:
OpeningCeremony Torchbearersand nationalanthem
BibDecorating HostedbyCreative Re-UseCenter Representyourzip code,neighborhood,orcountryoforigin andpinittoyourshirttobeanofficial
participant SpectatorNoiseMakers Hostedby KeepNorfolkBeautiful
HulaHooping SackRace
SensoryStation(ADA-accessible) NorfolkTherapeuticRecCenter
“Equestrian”Course Galloparounda courseongiantstuffedhorses
BikeNorfolk Trackstandchallenge
Parking and Additional Information:
Parking and activity details are available on our Event Webpage (elizabethrivertrail. org/ert-olympics/) with a digital “day of” brochure.Whetheryouchoosetobike,walk,
run, or kayak, there are activities for everyonealongthetrail.
Lime will be stocking e-bikes and scooters at each park to make traveling around thetraileasy
The Elizabeth River Trail Foundation’s mission is to create an inclusive and resilient urban riverfront trail that connects and inspires people and businesses in the Hampton Roads region The Elizabeth River Trail runs 10.5 miles through businesses historic attractions and 28 neighborhoods within a five-minute walk. The multi-use trail is designed for walking, running, and biking. It comprises 11 sections from Norfolk State University, through Downtown Norfolk and Old Dominion University to NIT Terminals along the Elizabeth River The Foundation has completed multiple new unique and award-winning amenities including kayak launches play sculpture, a double turbochallengecourseinPlumPointPark, TheGlowlineandmostrecently,theinstallation of the first hydration station. Major sponsors include the City of Norfolk and Sentara. For more information, visit
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center invites guests to discover the whimsical outdoor art exhibition which debuts September 13, “TROLLS: Save the Humans” created by artistThomasDambo Thisexhibit,featured ontheAquarium’sNatureTrail,willinclude six signature folklore-inspired troll sculptures built from reclaimed materials. Open until January 20, 2025, this art installation willinspiregueststocreatenewadventures in nature while demonstrating how trash can be turned into something beautiful and unique Produced by Imagine Exhibitions in collaboration with recycle artist Thomas Dambo “TROLLS:SavetheHumans”blends art,nature,poetry,folklore,andsustainability messages in a unique outdoor art installation. In this new traveling exhibition, the trolls have a message to share with humans aboutlisteningandtendingtonature. In the exhibit, six young activist trolls havenoticedhumansaredisconnectedfrom natureandhavestartedharmingtheplanet. These young trolls set out to help humans learnhowtoliveinharmonywiththeplanet. Full of personality and activism, each troll hasanameandplaysadistinctiveroleinthe tribe, becoming role models for humans to learnfrom. Guests can expect appearances from troll,RonjaRedeye,whoistheleaderofthe group and has a voice like whistling leaves
The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere:
a live airing of AEW
The exciting world of All Elite Wrestling (AEW) makes its triumphant return to the Chartway Arena in Norfolk, Virginia on August14thwheretheirflagshipshowAEW DynamitewillairlivefromChartwayonthe TBS cable network. Also AEW’s Rampage show will be taped right after AEW DynamiteandRampagewillairontheTNTcable networkFridayAugust16that10:00PM.
Many of the exciting AEW stars will be theresuchasAEWWorldChampionSwerve Strickland,JohnMoxley,AEWTBSChampion Mercedes Mone, FTR (Dax Harwood and Cash Wheeler), Young Bucks, AEW Women’s World Champion Tony Storm, TNT Champion Jack Perry, AEW Continental Champion Kazuchika Okada and so manymore. Doorsopenat6:30PM,Showstartsat7:30 PM Card is subject to change For tickets and more info, go to WithustotellusmoreaboutAEWcoming toChartwayonAugust14thisDaxHarwood.
Dax along with his partner and dear friend, are one half of the world renown, highly decorated and perhaps the best tag team in theworldknownasFTR
Yiorgo: Why should fans come to a live AEW Dynamite show, when they can see it at home for free What will they see and experiencelive?
Dax Harwood: You know for so long, there was one major company, one promotion here in the US, the WWE, and we are tryingtobethealternative.Asfarasthelive event experience goes not only do you get to see the full wrestling in the ring you also get to see the production itself with all the fireworks, music, and everything else We are more than a wrestling show. We are a television show and our fans truly participatewithourwrestlersbeingmoreinteractive with the audience We understand that the lifeblood of our company and our sport is the fans and we never forget that We let them know that we know that they are the numberonereasonwehavejobs
Also, more often than not AEW puts on a Pay-Per-View quality television show everysingleweekweatherit’sDynamiteon WednesdaysonTBS,CollisionSaturdaysat 8:00PMonTNTorRampage10PMonTNT onFridays,TonyKhan(TheOwner)triesto provide the best card possible a smorgasbordofwrestling Alittlebitofcomedy great wrestling matches by some of the greatest wrestlersofalltime HallofFamersorfuture Hall of Famers from Chris Jericho to Adam Copeland, to Christian, really a plethora of guys who have built up a legacy that most wrestlers would kill to have And you get to seethetopyoungwrestlersintheworldwho arethegreatestathletesthatwe’veeverhad in professional wrestling and you get to see the men who paved the way and built the foundationofprofessionalwrestlingandare stillperformingatahighlevel.
Y: What would you say is the difference between a live TV show and a house show thatisnottelevised?
DH: Live TV for me is way more unpredictable than a house show. At the house show you have a set of 7-8 matches and you have watched a great wrestling show. With live television like we are having on August 14thattheChartwayArenawithDynamite, therearesomanymovingpartsthatit’sjust unpredictable and it’s that unpredictability that keeps your attention and I think gives youabetterfanexperience Y:Speakingoflive,anythingcanhappenat aliveshowthatisunexpected Canyoushare a couple of anecdotes funny, unexpected
from Page 1
scarymomentsthathappenedthatfanswere probablyneverawareof?
DH: My favorite unpredictable moment was and I immediately texted Tony (Khan the owner of AEW) and I texted our social mediateamwhenIsawitandsaid,weneed tomakethisclipgoviral.Itwasrecentlywith the match of MJF and Will Ospreay. They fought in the crowd and Will held MJF’s armsbackandalittle11yearoldgirlpunched MJF right in his chest. Things like that is what defines AEW because that’s the alternative that we offer That’s not something thatIthinkyouwillseeinothercompanies
As far as a scary thing, my partner Cash got the hook from the turnbuckle stuck in his forearm, ripped it wide open and we were worried that something bad might have happened over there, but thank God we have a whole team of medical staff right there beside the ring and they rushed over andtheydefinitelytookcareofhim.
Y: What have been some of your favorite AEWmomentsthatyouwouldputinatime capsule?
DH: There are so many Right off the top of my head would be at the Arthur Ashe Stadium in New York, maybe in September 2021ofCashandIvsStingandDarbyAllen with 21,000-22,000 thousand people Later thatyearinDecemberinGreensboro,North CarolinabecauseofhowspecialGreensboro is to me, it was FTR and MJF against CM Punk,DarbyAllenandSting Thenaddingto ourwallofchampionships,in2022and2023 we won the AEW, Ring of Honor (ROH), AAAfromMexicoandtheIWGPfromJapan WorldsTagTeamChampionships Winning allthoseworldchampionshipsaddedtoour legacy and added in there as well, in front of 82,000 fans in Wembley Stadium, beatingtheYoungBucks,thatwouldgointhere andthegreatesttrilogyofmatchesofalltime that we had with the Briscoes They will be my personal favorites and I think they will godownasourmasterpieces especiallythe doubledogcollarmatch.ThentotopitoffI would say the 58 minute match with Bullet Club Gold two out of three falls in Calgary, Canada.
Y: Let’s learn about you. Where were you bornandwhatmadeyoufallinlovewithpro wrestling?
DH:IwasborninWhiteville,NorthCarolina a very small town of a few thousand people about 45 minutes from Wilmington, North Carolina just up the coast. I don’t remember a time that I did not want to be a wrestler I’ve always said that I only wanted todotwothingsinmylife Thefirstwastobe a Power Ranger and the second thing was to beawrestler ThePowerRangersdidn’twork outbutIstillgottoputontightsandfight,so Igotthebestofbothworlds IrememberinJune1993 mymomgotme
in the wind. When she speaks, everyone listens Kamma Can is a creator, teaching humans to create with colorful plasticsinsteadofthrowingitaway Sheexemplifiesthisby adorninghernecklacesmadefromrecycleditems.Another featured troll is Rosa Sun finger who places flowers in an improvised flower planter made of a real car to watch the garden grow, showing how plants can make items come backtolife Onetroll,IbbiPip,hangsupbirdhousestobring wildlifecloserandtoawakenhumans’compassionfortheir naturalsurroundings There are 101 larger-than-life trolls that co-exist in variouslocationsaroundtheworld,includingDenmark,France, Germany,China,SouthKorea,Chileandmore.
“Imagine Exhibitions is proud to partner with Thomas Dambo to bring the creative vision of TROLLS: Save the Humans to the Virginia Aquarium, said Tom Zaller, President and CEO of Imagine Exhibitions “We’re delighted to collaborate with the Virginia Aquarium to offer a new outdoorexhibitionforguests.”
AdmirethecolorfulcreationsondisplayalongtheNature Trail.“TROLLS:SavetheHumans”isincludedwithgeneral admission. Tickets are available to purchase at About Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center: TheVirginiaAquarium&MarineScienceCenter’smission is to connect people to the marine environment, inspiring a more sustainable future. The Aquarium aspires to be a driverinconservation,education,tourism,andsustainability,leadingthechargetosavewildlifeandtheirecosystems. Owned by the City of Virginia Beach, the Aquarium operates as a city department in partnership with the Virginia Aquarium&MarineScienceCenterFoundation.TheAquariumisproudtobeanaccreditedmemberoftheAssociation of Zoos and Aquariums, the Alliance of Marine Mammal Parks and Aquariums, and the World Association of Zoos andAquariums TheVirginiaAquarium&MarineScienceCenterFoundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, supports the work
theKingoftheRingPPVformybirthdayand I watched it and saw Bret Hart. I had seen wrestling before and I had seen Bret wrestle before but that night, I watched Bret go throughthreeincrediblematchesandineach match, he got hurt a little more and beat up a little more. In watching him in those three matches fighting back and never giving up and finally coming out on top and winning, that’s when I knew, this is what I want to do for the rest of my life I did not want to do anything else and that’s where I put all of my focus and energy I was actually at Bret’s house a few weeks ago in Calgary and we watched the King of the Ring, Mr Perfect match together It was such a full circle momentforme
Y: You are a Carolina man, so who were some of your NWA favorite wrestlers growingup?
DH:Oneofmyearliestmemoriesofprofessional wrestling was Ric Flair being interviewed by Gordon Solie This was when we were living in Stone Mountain, Georgia. I rememberwatchingthatparticularinterview and my dad was and still is a huge Ric Flair fan, so I grew up more on the Mid Atlantic andWCWthenIdidtheWWF Evenasakid, IlikedtheWCWbetterthanIdidtheWWF It’sjustthatWWFjusthappenedtohaveBret Hartandhewasmyfavoriteovereverybody I loved Ric Flair, Tully Blanchard and especiallyArnAnderson.Idon’tknowwhyI connectedwithArnmore.Maybebecausehe remindedmeofmydadsomuchandworked really reallyhard IlovedwatchingtheRockn-RollExpressfromthetimeIwasverylittle and then going back and watching tapes of theMidnightExpressofDennisCondreyand Bobby Eaton, in my opinion THE Greatest TagTeamofallTime IwasalsoahugeSting fanjustlikeeverykidbackthen.IlovedRicky Steamboat and hated Rick Rude I was a big fanofDustinRhodesIguessbecausehewas so young in comparison to the other wrestlersthere
DH: I would drive two and a half hours onewaytoJacksonville,NorthCarolinaandI wasinitiallytrainedbyTheMiastrowhowas in WCW. He taught me the basics and then goingoutontheroad,hangingoutandlearningfromGeorgeSouthiswhereIlearnedalot ofmytools,mypsychology
Y: What advice do you give to those who askyouaboutwantingtobecomeaprowrestler?
DH: The advice I give to everyone who wants to do anything in life, not just wrestling,istoreallyhaveagoalsetoutforthemselvesandyouhavetoimmerseyourselfinit and it has to become almost an obsession to succeed at it I tell my beautiful daughter all thetimethatwhatevershewantstodoinlife, she will have to work for it. It’s not going to
of the Virginia Aquarium. The Foundation procures and maintains the Aquarium’s exhibits, including the animals and habitats It is also responsible for annual and capital fundraising, administration and funding for the Virginia Aquarium Stranding Response Program, conservation and scientific research efforts, and the Aquarium’s mission-relatededucationprograms Youcanbeapartofourmissionby makingatax-deductibledonationtosupportourprogramming
About the artist Thomas Dambo: Born in Odense, Denmarkin1979,ArtistThomasDambo’smissionistocreate artthatinspirespeopletoexplore,haveadventuresinnature, andshowthatrecycledgoodscanbeturnedintosomething beautiful. Before embarking on the path of building largerthan-life troll sculptures, Thomas led a multi-faceted life that allowed him to express his creativity via music, street art, and scenic design. After graduating from the Kolding DesignSchoolinKolding,Denmark,withamaster’sdegree in interactive design, Thomas began his journey of using recycledmaterialstocreatecolorfulartinstallations,buildingthefoundationforhisartworktoday.Hecurrentlylives andworksinCopenhagen,Denmark.
About the Trolls: Dambo is best known for his colossal troll and ‘live’ as permanent or semi-permanent installations in parks, greenspaces, industrial parks, and in other site-specific locations around the world. Each folklore-inspired sculpture is imbued with expression and character and is built entirely from reclaimed materials. Driven by a mission to inspire people to explore our relationship with the planet, many of Dambo’s works have an associated folk tale written by Dambo himself that addresses the complex problemofourworldinafunandapproachableway.Inthe spring of 2018, Dambo unveiled a temporary exhibition of trolls at The Morton Arboretum just outside of Chicago, IL.Theexhibitionwasanenormoussuccess,leadingtothe garden’s two highest attended years in its nearly 100-year history Duringtherunoftheexhibition,1.26millionpeople visitedthearboretum.InspiredbytheenthusiasmofthevisitorsandcompelledtofindawaytoenableDambo’sworkto havealongerlifespaninthespiritofreducing,reusing,and recycling,ImagineExhibitionsisdelightedtopartnerwith Dambotodevelopthisevergreentravelingexhibition.
For me when you think of professional wrestlers youthinkofHulkHoganandThe Rock,guyswhoare6’5’’-6‘6’’and280pounds of muscle screaming into the camera with huge bodies Then you look at me, 5’10’’ on a good day, never have I had the greatest body in the world and I have the southern accent toobutIstillmadeittothetopofprofessional wrestling live out my dream, leave a legacy behind and possibly be called the Greatest TagTeamofallTimeinthehistoryofprofessional wrestling, all because I worked for it. PerhapsIshouldn’thavebutthereweretimes thatIputwrestlingovermyfamilyandother things As I said, it has to be an obsession in ordertomakeit.
Y:Canyoutalkaboutgettingthecalltogo toWWE?
DH: William Regal found out about me andinvitedmetocometoatelevisiontaping I think in Richmond, Virginia and that’s actually where I met Cash for the very first time They put us in the ring to work against each other. We were told the match could be 2, 5, or even 30 minutes We will tell you when to stop We got in the ring and wrestled,theykeptsayingkeepgoing,keepgoing, keepgoing.Irememberbeingintheringand watching the guys empty the locker room andstartcomingcloser andclosertothering becausetheyweresoengagedbyandintothe match. When the finish happened, 5-6 guys jumpedintotheringandhuggedusandtold us how incredible that was and that’s how I gotmyjobthere.
Y: What are some of your favorite memoriesofworkinginWWE?
DH: Some of my favorite moments would be the trilogy of matches with American Alpha.ThatwasourfoundationforwhatFTR would become Also our two matches with DIY, the first one in Brooklyn and the two outofthreefallsinToronto,Ithinkthoseare thehighpoints.ObviouslywinningtheRAW tag team championships twice, defending thechampionshipsatWrestleManiaagainst Zack Ryder and Curt Hawkins, winning the SmackDown championship as well and on the main roster working with Randy Orton weremyfavoritemomentsoverthere.
Y: How about a favorite, wow pinch me moment that you can’t believe you experienced?
DH: Oh my God, I have pinched myself, more times than not. But if I had to choose one, it would be the most recent one for me whenBretHartcametomybirthday
Y:Iknewyouweregoingtosaythat Who putthattogether yourbeautifulGreekkoukla wifeMaria?
DH: It was Maria, Cash and Bret and his wife that put it together. The reason that happenedwasbecauseofallthesuccessthat Ihavehadinprofessionalwrestling Forme, thattiesupeverythinginalittlebowofwhat I have been able to accomplish. My favorite wrestlerofalltime thereasonwhyIgotinto thisamazingbusiness thereasonIbrokemy body down and tried to be the best tag team inthebusinessisallbecauseofBretHartand whenIsawhimthereIwasok,thisisallreal.
DH: I think above everything, more than anything I am grateful for the fact that I am abletoprovideformyfamilythroughsomething that I love I am grateful that God has opened and closed doors when I didn’t understand why and I am eternally grateful that through professional wrestling my wife anddaughterhavebeentakencareofforthe last10years
Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker writer storyteller and columnist.
Grillingisagreatwaytofeedacrowd,but that doesn’t have to be limited to just the main dish. Fresh veggies like asparagus are aperfectaccompanimenttogrilledfavorites andcanbeplacedonthegratesrightnextto the protein you’re serving to make hosting a cinch and avoid heating up the kitchen Before your next gathering, visit Culinary. netformorerecipeinspiration.
Grilled Asparagus
Recipe courtesy of “Cookin Savvy”
Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
Wash and cut asparagus spears to equal sizes
Wrap four asparagus spears with prosciutto Repeat until all asparagus and prosciuttoareused,aboutsixbundles Place in cast-iron skillet or disposable aluminum pan. Cover bundles with garlic powder onionpowder pepperandbutter.
Place skillet or pan on grill. Grill 15 minutes, turning bundles halfway through cooking
Warming weather brings with it plenty of opportunities to celebrate from holidays and birthdays to sunny afternoons offering anexcusetospendtimeoutdoorswithloved ones Diningalfrescobringsaddedfreshness tofavoritefoods andtakingyournextmeal to the patio can be a fun, delicious way to soakinsomevitaminD.
Pasta provides an easy option for sharing with a crowd, like this Creamy Tomato Smoked Sausage and Asparagus Tortellini. A cheesy, filling delight, it’s ready to enjoy inlessthanhalfanhour
Plus locally grown Michigan Asparagus addsanextraleveloffreshnessrequiringjust aboutthreedaystotravelfromfamilyfarms inMichigantoyourkitchen.Itdoesn’tneed apassporttomakeitfromfarmtotable,and youwon’tneedoneeithertoenjoythisItalian-inspireddishinthecomfortofhome
Thethickerspearsoffertextureandadditionalflavorthat’salsomoretenderbecause the fiber is less concentrated. Just 5-8 minutesinboilingwaterresultsinfirmand delicious spears This pasta dish calls for a lateadditiontothealready-simmeringsauce and tortellini so you can count on perfectly cookedasparagusasthefinishingtouch
It’s also a sustainably produced ingredientasMichigan’sasparagusseasonprimarilyreliesontheweatherandusesrainwater rather than irrigation As a nutrient-dense, low-calorievegetablewithnofat,nocholesterol and little sodium, it’s a family favorite you can feel good about serving your loved ones Find more patio-friendly recipe ideas at
Creamy Tomato Smoked Sausage and Asparagus Tortellini
Recipe courtesy of the Michigan Asparagus Advisory Board
Servings: 6
1poundsmokedturkeysausage sliced intobite-sizedrounds
1/2poundfreshasparagus,trimmedand cutintobite-sizedpieces
Inlargerimmedskillet,heatoliveoilovermediumheat. Add sausage and brown on both sides Add garlic and stir until golden,20-30seconds
Add broth, tomato sauce cream and tortellini; stir to combine. Bringtolightsimmer
Coverandsimmeroverlowheat10minutes.Addasparagusduring last 5 minutes of cooking until tortellini is tender and sauce has reduced.
Shakeupyournextfamilybarbecuewith fresh, flaky seafood. This Grilled Glazed Salmon may result in a new favorite when served over rice or alongside fresh veggies orasmallsalad.Findmoresummergrilling
Grilled Glazed Salmon
Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy” Cook time: 15-20 minutes
Servings: 4-6
DryBrine: 1/2cupsalt
1cupsugar 1cupbrownsugar
zest 3tablespoonsgarlicpowder
1/4cupmustard 1/4cupapplecidervinegar 1tablespoonWorcestershiresauce 1tablespoongarlic 2tablespoonsginger salt,totaste pepper,totaste
To make dry brine: In bowl, mix salt, sugar, brown sugar, lemon thyme, garlic powderandpepper Placesalmononcookie sheetandcoverwithbrine Refrigerate10-12 hours,orovernight. After brining rinse salmon completely Dry with paper towel and let rest at least 1 hour Heatgrilltomediumheat. Tomakeglaze:Inbowl,mixbrownsugar, ketchup, mustard, apple cider vinegar, Worcestershiresauce,garlicandginger Add saltandpepper,totaste.Brushoversalmon Place cookie sheet with glazed salmon on grill and cook 15-20 minutes until internal temperature reaches 130 F. Let rest 5 minutesbeforeserving
By: Janet A. Aker MHS Communications
Dear Doc, My kids and spouse are outside all the time in the woods by our house on base. I worry about them getting bitten and infected by ticks, and there are a lot of them during the summer months. I need some tips to prevent tick-borne infection. What do we do if we find one of the creepy bugs on me, a family member, our pets, or while on-duty in the field?
— U.S. Marine Sgt. “Woody” Woods Sgt. Woody, You’re right to be concerned about ticks. They’re everywhere, and ticks can cause disease, such as Lyme disease or babesiosis. The latter is a parasitic infection, so antibiotics won’t work, but a combination of an antiparasitic agent and antibiotic does. Checking for ticks and getting seen by a doctor if you’re bitten is more important than ever.
I found an expert bug scientist, or entomologist, at the Defense Health Agency-Public Health in Aberdeen, Maryland. Robyn Nadolny holds a doctorate in ecological sciences, runs a molecular biology laboratory, and is chief of the vector-borne disease branch. She has answers to your questions and offers her advice.
Now is the season to check for ticks after you or a loved one have been outdoors. It’s also the time to check yourself and your battle buddy for ticks during field exercises.
Ticks can situate themselves anywhere on your body but are often found in hard-to-see areas such as the groin, armpits, and scalp.
Military field exercises and deployments put service members at higher risk for tickborne diseases, such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and a host of other infections. Pets can be at risk, too.
Lyme disease is the most common vector-transmitted disease in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Most humans are infected with Lyme disease when immature blacklegged ticks, called nymphs, bite them. Nymphs are tiny—about the size of a poppy seed—and difficult to see; they feed during the spring and summer months. Adults and nymphs of other tick species are also usually abundant in the spring and summer, but ticks can bite at any time of the year as long as it’s above freezing.
In most cases, the infected tick must be attached to a human for 36 to 48 hours or more before the Lyme disease bacterium can be transmitted. Other pathogenic organisms can be transmitted more quickly, so it’s a best practice to remove the tick as soon as it’s discovered.
Adult ticks can also transmit Lyme disease bacteria, but they are larger (sesame seedsized), and people who are bitten are more likely to discover and remove the ticks before they have had time to transmit the bacteria.
Babesiosis is a parasitic infection transmitted primarily by blacklegged ticks. The number of cases of the disease has increased in recent years, especially in the mid-Atlantic. The blacklegged tick is more common in the Northeast and upper Midwest but is present across most of the Eastern U.S.
Here are some good tips for your tick checks:
Self-check or buddy check after leaving the tick-infested area. This is the best failsafe strategy.
Use tape to catch ticks crawling on your uniform or clothes.
Re-treat footwear with a pyrethroid insect repellant spray several times throughout the season.
Check yourself in front of a mirror after being outdoors or take a shower as soon as you can.
The Department of Defense’s Insect Repellent System is a safe and proven method to reduce disease and the annoyance level associated with insects. The system incorporates:
Permethrin on the uniform (factory or field-treatment methods)
DOD-approved DEET or Picaridin insect repellent on exposed skin
A properly worn uniform
Permethrin-treated bed nets when relevant
Other useful tips include:
Look frequently for freckles or small specks of moving dirt that may be ticks.
Tuck pants into your boots and button your sleeves down fully.
Toss your clothes into the dryer for 10 minutes on high after you get home. This will kill ticks crawling on your clothing.
Remove ticks promptly and properly by pulling the head straight out with sharp tweezers to lessen the chances of the tick rupturing and having infected fluid come in contact with a bite.
Keep dead ticks that have bitten you in a sealed plastic bag in the freezer for a few weeks in case you develop symptoms.
Treat civilian clothes with permethrin spray that lasts through multiple washes.
Report tick bites immediately to a health care provider.
MilTICK is a free testing and identification service for ticks removed from DOD personnel, their dependents, retirees, contractors, and civilian employees. DHA-Public Health provides the service, and those eligible can save their ticks and mail them into MilTICK directly or through a military hospital or clinic.
MilTICK tests for the most commonly occurring pathogens within a 30-day turnaround time, usually much quicker. This enables the person bitten by the tick to seek medical advice in a timely manner if the tick is found positive for a human disease.
MilTICK Surveillance for Understudied, Rare, and Emerging Pathogens, or SURE Path, is a service that began in December 2023 to expand testing for rare and emerging tick-borne diseases.
“MilTICK SURE Path uses tick specimens already submitted and subjects them to additional testing for rare pathogens at the end of each calendar year. This allows the vector-borne disease team to better understand emerging tick-borne threats to military communities and notify installations and individuals if rare pathogens are discovered.
If you’d like to see the tick risks at your installation, check out the MilTICK CAC-enabled data dashboard, which is updated monthly with the latest MilTICK data.
It’s much easier to find germs in a tick than it is to diagnose a person with a disease, so tick testing can serve as a valuable tool in the diagnostic toolbox.
If you find a tick attached, send it to the MilTICK team right away. Not only will you get results to hopefully put your mind at ease, but you’ll also be providing data tick scientists can use to better protect the rest of the community. Thanks for your questions. I hope I’ve given you enough information about ticks to protect you, your family, your four-legged family, and your battle buddies. Vigilance and tick checks are increasingly important given that ticks are now found year-round and pretty much worldwide due to climate change and are continually expanding their territories.
Marine, Our military bug scientist had a lot of useful information to share about ticks and the diseases they carry. Always look for those nasties after being outdoors, apply repellant every time you might be in a tick-rich environment, and reapply as directed. Check your kids and pets, too. There are a number of CAC-enabled MilTICK tick submission kits and other resources online at topics/entomology/kits/Pages/HumanTickTestKitProgram.aspx. Hope this helps, and remember, stay safe out there.
Stay safe and healthy during and after emergencies – 4 tips to prepare for natural disasters that can negatively impact physical and mental health
By Family Features / Source: American Heart Association
As you’re making your emergency preparedness checklist, it’s also important to protect your heart and overall health in the wake of a hurricane, tornado or other natural disaster.
The experts at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predict an above-average Atlantic Ocean hurricane season for the seventh year in a row. Research shows it’s not only physical devastation that impacts the health and safety of people in the path of a natural disaster.
In fact, in a study presented at the American Heart Association’s Epidemiology, Prevention, Lifestyle and Cardiometabolic Health 2021 Scientific Sessions, researchers found there were higher rates of high blood pressure, obesity and pre-diabetes among survivors of Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico in 2017, as well as increased incidences of heart disease and stroke two years after the storm compared to two years prior to the hurricane.
It’s not only hurricanes that can have a negative impact on cardiovascular health. A study published in the journal “Hypertension” found a significant increase in blood pressure levels and the incidence of high blood pressure among people who were forced to evacuate following the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2012.
Gustavo E. Flores, M.D., a member of the American Heart Association’s Emergency Cardiovascular Care committee, said there are several factors that may lead to increased cardiovascular disease and risk after a natural disaster.
“During and after a storm, many people experience extreme stress and trauma, which research shows can lead to an increase in cardiovascular disease risk,” he said. “The impact can be more intense for heart disease and stroke patients. Additionally, in the aftermath of a significant natural disaster, property destruction and evacuations affect many basic support resources. This can make it challenging to see a health care professional for routine check-ups or refill or adjust medications, especially for
more vulnerable populations.”
Flores, chairman and chief instructor for Emergency & Critical Care Trainings, LLC, said it’s important for people to be prepared and plan ahead. Consider these quick tips from Flores and the American Heart Association, which is celebrating 100 years of lifesaving service as the world’s leading nonprofit organization focused on heart and brain health for all:
Take time to write down any medical conditions, allergies and medications, including doses and the time you take medications, along with your pharmacy name,
address and phone number. Keep the infor-
mation with any other “go-kit” items you have handy for quick evacuation.
If you need to evacuate, even temporarily, bring your medications and health information with you in a resealable plastic bag to help keep it dry.
If your medication is lost, damaged by water or was left behind when you evacuated, research open pharmacies and seek a refill as quickly as possible. Some states allow pharmacists to make medically necessary exceptions on certain types of prescription refills during an emergency.
Use the Patient Preparedness Plan if you have diabetes and use insulin. There you’ll find a checklist of supplies and guidelines to prepare for an emergency. Another way to prepare for a possible medical emergency is to learn how to perform hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and how to use an automated external defibrillator until help arrives. If performed correctly, CPR can double or triple a person’s chance of survival. Visit for the latest on heart health and the Disaster Resources page for a wide range of helpful information.