Veterans of Foreign Wars aresponsoring scholarship programs for students in Virginia Beach, Va. PAGEA2 IN
VIRGINIABEACH,Va.—Thisextraordinary eventfeatures our stunning collection ofWWIIaircrafttakingflight,setagainstthe backdrop of asprawling130-acrecampus andgrassrunway.Whattrulysetsthisevent apartfromotherairshowsistheimmersive experience,complete withlivinghistory encampments and meticulously preserved 1940s airfield buildings.WarbirdsOverthe Beachoffersattendeesauniqueopportunity to step backintime andexperienceAmerican history,while enjoying historic aircraft demonstrations.EnthusiastsfromVirginia, the United States,and beyond flock tothis eventforanunforgettableexperience Keep an eyeout for thrilling announcements about guestaircraft, specialthemes, andanimpressivelineupofmilitaryvehicles.Whetheryou’reahistory buff,adedicated warbirdfan, an air showlover, or seeking amemorable family outing,this eventisperfectforyou.
Mark your calendars andjoinusfor a weekend of nostalgia, excitement, and the roaring enginesofvintage aircraft echoing through the skies! Allproceeds from thisevent help fund theMilitary Aviation Museumanditseducationalprogramming Weareanon-profit501c3museum.
Ourshowschedulewill include aircraft flight demonstrations from ourWorld War II aircraft collection,live, vintage vocals provided by TheresaEaman,WWII Living History displays,aircraft cabin tours,air crew meetand greets, great vendors and an Aviation Exploration Station filled with familyactivities! Show Schedule
WWIIVeterans: World WarIIVeterans and oneguest receivefreeVIP admission and special parking.Pre-registration is requested so that we can ensurethatavailable space is adequate for the number of
Veteransandguestsvisiting:https://tinyurl com/WOB24Veteran VIP Club Tickets: Enjoythe festivities andentertainmentfrominsidethispremium venue. Guests of theClubenjoy admission to theshow, aprime view of theflight line, seating,complimentary premium beverages(includingbeer,wine,sodaandwater) Snackswillbeprovidedthroughouttheday andold-fashioned hand-dippedice cream willbeservedintheafternoon! FREEParkingwithpurchaseofairshow tickets for alloccupants of thevehicle.Our parking is on-field,and thereisnobus ride needed to gettothe parking lottothe air showgrounds.Pleasenote:Accessibleparkingisavailable,butisongrass. Formoreinformation about theevent andtopurchase tickets, please visit www militaryaviationmuseum.orgorcall(757) 721-7767.The Military Aviation Museum is locatedat1341PrincessAnneRoad,Virginia Beach,VA23457
NashFest757 Music &Food Festival returns to Town Point Park on September14th
NORFOLK,Va. —Preparefor theultimate immersiveexperienceatNashFest757Music& FoodFestival!JoinusatTownPointParkalong theDowntownNorfolkWaterfrontonSaturday, September 14th. This FREE one-dayextravaganza celebrates the bestofTennessee and the iconic cultureofNashvilleand runs from noon to 10 pm. Enjoy national andlocalrecording artists,mouth-wateringhotchickenandbarbecue,line dancing,craft beer and whiskey tastings,interactiveexperiences,and more.Don’t miss outonone of Hampton Roads’ hottest events! This year’s festival will beheadlined by multi-platinum-selling country band LANCO, and will also featureliveperformances from AshleyAnne,EastNashGrass,andRobertaLea. Inadditiontoincrediblemusic,theeventwill offer an authentic diningexperiencefeaturing local restaurants,food trucks,and top chefs servingunique Nashville-inspired menus. Indulgeinhotchicken,barbecue,mac&cheese, biscuits,andmorewhileenjoyingcraftbeerand Jack Daniel’swhiskey-tasting experiences.As if that’s not enough, youcan immerse yourself in line dancing lessons,neon sign exhibits, authenticshoppingandapparel,guitardisplays Nashville-inspiredselfiestations,andmore.Get readyforanunforgettabletime! Theeventisfreeandopentothepublic.Visit
complete music lineup and artist biosbelow Moredetails,includingfoodandretailvendors willbeannouncedsoon
Multi-Platinum selling band LANCO continues to forge newterritory after theroots-frontier explorers and live-performancejunkies brokeoutwiththe2xPlatinummulti-weekNo. 1hit “Greatest Love Story.” Creating aheartland rocker fora newgeneration, theband followedupwiththeBillboardCountryAlbums chart-topperHALLELUJAH NIGHTS,markingthefirstCountrygrouptoearnaNo.1debut in adecade.Additionally,LANCO garnered another PLATINUMcertified hit with “Born ToLoveYou”,beforethelaunchoftheiranthemic2021 EP,HONKY-TONK HIPPIES, which wasself-producedandco-writtenbytheband Newmusic from theACM “New Group of the Year”follows multiple nominations from the CMT,CMA,ACM,AMA,and iHeartAwards, whileLancaster became thefirstmemberofa grouptowin NSAI’s “Songwriter/Artistofthe Year”award.LANCO continues to “bring the full-band soundback to Country” (Newsday) andplanstobuildofftheirdeep-rootedconnectionwithfansintheirneweraofmusic.
ASHLEYANN|Facebook|Spotify At just 20-years-old, Ashley Anne possesses
The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere:
Veterans of Foreign Wars are sponsoring scholarship programs for students in Virginia Beach, Va.
VeteransofForeignWarsPost392andPost 1211 are beginning their yearly Scholarship Programfor2024-2025
VOICE OF DEMOCRACY: ‘Is America TodayOurForefather’sVision?’
This is a Patriotic Audio Essay Competition. Each entry must contain an audio and a typewritten version of the Essay. Deadline is October 31, 2024 This program is open to grades 9-12 The recorded essays should be 3-5 minutes (+/- 5 second max.) The applicants must be the sole author of their essay and dictated in their own voice and in English. No music, singing or sound effects are allowed. The body of the essay should not identify the student in any way (no name no school name no city state or national origin). The typed essay should be labeled with your name on the Entry Form only to show ownership Scholarships will be uploaded onto the VFWDepartmentofVirginiawebsitevfwva. orgunder“Programs”then“Scholarsapp.”If thereisaproblemwithuploadingyourentry, you can mail it to VFW Post 392, Scholarship Applications 2408 Bowland Parkway Virginia Beach, VA 23454 The Scholarship Chairperson will upload your entry for you. Remember to get the application to the Post nolaterthanOctober31,2024
PATRIOT’S PEN ESSAY: ‘My Voice in America’sDemocracy’.
Thisisapatriotictypewrittenessay.DeadlineisOctober31,2024 Thisprogramisopen to students in Grades 6, 7, and 8. Essays can be 300-400 words in length (+ or 5 words max.) Again, no graphics Students should not identify themselves within their essays as noted above and do not put their name on their essays The Entry Form will have the name of the contestant. Entries will be submitted online as noted above with the
Scholar’s App. Those who have a problem with uploading their entry may submit their written essay to VFW Post 392 (address above)andtheScholarshipChairpersonwill thenuploadyourentry
This is an award for Teachers Those teaching grades K-5, 6-8, and 9-12 are eligible Previouswinnersareineligible Nominationscanbesubmittedbythemselves,fellow teachers, supervisors, family members or other interested individuals Along with the Entry Form, provide a one-page resume as a minimum or up to five pages, including the resume, as a maximum of documentation of their teaching experience (for example: resume references newsarticles etc.)anda headandshoulderphoto Weneedtoworkon gettingmorenominationsineachgradelevel. Startingearlywillhopefullyhelpthisprocess Entries should be submitted for VFW Post 392 DeadlineisOctober31,2024 Guidelines listedaboveforuploadingentries
Open to students in 10 11 and 12 th grades and currently enrolled as a JROTC cadet actively engaged in the JROTC program. Must have a positive attitude toward the JROTCProgram.Outstandingmilitarybearingbothinandoutofuniform.Personalattributes (self-confidence, initiative, flexibility and judgement.) Patriotism (commander or member of color guard, drill team with or without arms flag protocol instruction team,activelypromotesAmericanism.Shows devotiontoschool,community America An individual who practices service through repeated act of support Courteous. Growth potential.Demonstratesleadership,military bearing and scholastic achievement. Attains a grade of “B” in JROTC with an overall average of ‘C’ in all subjects for the previous semester Must not have a failing grade
in any subject for that period of time Must beinatleastoneotherstudentco-curricular activity or club: i.e. music, athletics, student government, Junior Achievement, etc. Must have taken part in current year’s Voice of Democracy contest. Deadline to local post is February12,2025 Guidelineslistedabovefor uploadingentries
YoungAmericanCreativePatrioticArt Contest(Two-Dimensionaland/orThreedimensionalPatrioticArtContest Deadline for entries to be received by VFW Post 392 is March 31, 2025 Students mayentereitheroneortheotherartcontests or enter both contests Each art piece must have a typed explanation of the entry/artist statement (total of 250 words or less) and submitted with the entry form. For two-dimensional art, digital art and photography are not accepted as with three-dimensional art,digitalart,photographyandlaser-printed art, weapons and jewelry are not permitted. There are several guidelines for the size of each type of art. Be sure to read the contest rulesforthetypeofarttheyareworkingon.
Any art with the American Flag must conformtotheFederalFlagCode Art must be submitted to VFW 392 Auxiliarypriortothedeadline Judgingwillbegin just after the deadline First place winners willadvancetotheDistrictlevel,followedby theDepartment(Statelevel)andfinallyonto theNationallevel.Winnerswillbeinformed astheyadvanceinthelevels Theaddressfor submitting art work is VFW Post 392, 2408 BowlandParkway VirginiaBeach,VA23454
Entry forms for these scholarships can be For further information on the above programs, or if you need an application/entry form for any of the scholarships, please contact the Scholarship Chairperson Sue C. Sowers via email (suesowers46@
Navy Child & Youth Programs (CYP) to hold Navy Civilian Hiring Events at Naval Air Station Oceana
OCEANA (NRMA), VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Navy Child & Youth Program (CYP) will host two Hiring Events on Saturday, August 24, 2024 and Saturday, September28, 1:30 p.m. at the Naval Air Station Oceana Midway Manor Youth Center locatedat4200Yorktown Blvd., Virginia Beach, VA 23453
These events will be open to the public and do not require base access CYP delivers services to the militarycommunitythatcontribute to resiliency, retention, readiness and quality of life In addition, CYP provides all ages ofcareincluding ChildDevelopment Centers (6 weeks to 5 years ofage),School-AgedCare(6to12 years), and Teen Programs (13 to 18years).
Eligible applicants must be at least 18 or older to be considered for a variety of flexible and fulltime entry- level, intermediate and lead CYP positions at Naval Air Station Oceana. All levels of education will be considered. Operating hours at these facilitiesrangefrom6:30a.m.to10p.m. and shifts can include weekends, nightsandspecialevents
TheHiringEventswillinclude on-site qualifications screening, interviews and Non-Appropriated Funds (NAF) Human Resources Orientation. Be prepared to stay as needed as tentative hire letters will be issued the same day. All applicants should bring their resume, a photo ID card,SSNcard,certifications(CPR,etc.),high school diploma/GED or college transcripts
Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes, Elizabeth Reisen
757-322-2853 |
What an incredible concert this past Saturday, August 10th that country legend Hank Williams Jr performed as part of the 45th anniversary tour of his hit album
“Family Tradition.” With Hank only doing 13-city tours this summer, we were indeed very fortunate that Hank returned to VirginiaBeachthispastSaturdayandentertainedthefans
Hank is a five-time Academy of Country Music Entertainer of the Year and fourtime Emmy winner who has redefined music and influenced generations of music makers and lovers of music for many, many years Throughtheyears,Hank’ssongshave set new record sales and achieved career heights unheard of in the industry with 10 numberonesingles 13numberonealbums 20goldalbumsandsixplatinumalbums
All of the fans joined in with “Bocephus himself, singing-along to such iconic hits like: “Family Tradition,” “A Country Boy Can Survive,” “All My Rowdy Friends Are Coming Over Tonight,” and other famous HankWilliamsJrhits
Joining Hank was the famed Texan band Whiskey Myers With a similar style of blending elements of country rock, and blues in their music, the Cody Cannon-led band definitely complemented and added totheoverallconcertatmosphereforallthe fanswhoattended.
I had the opportunity to not only see Hank’s incredible concert last time he was here at the amphitheater but also the distinct pleasure of interviewing him. As a huge Hank Williams Sr and Jr fan myself it was definitely a highlight for me to interviewHankandhewasjustasdelightfuland entertainingintheinterviewashewasinthe concert. Here are portions of our interview frombackthen.
Yiorgo:Canyougivemeamemoryortwo ofwhatitwaslikegettingbanjolessonsfrom Earl Scruggs and piano lessons from Jerry LeeLewis?
video duet with your dad on the song “There’sATearInMyBeer.”Whatareyour memoriesofthosetimes?
HW: I wish I would have been able to be in the studio with daddy to really make the recording But thanks to good technology, I was able to record with him years after his passing That,Ithink,waslikethefirsttime something like that had happened. I don’t rememberwhenNatalieColediditwithher father but I think we were first in making such a recording Hearing daddy’s voice over the headphones just sent chill bumps through my entire body. It was a magical day in the studio and it became a magical momentforthevideo
HW: If my music has touched anybody helped them through a tough time spoke to them in a way that I was their voice on a subject then I feel that I did what I was supposed to do Music is a way of communicating, I just happen to be outspoken and speak what I believe I share a lot of that in my music. I hear lots of people say that I influenced their sound, and if I did, well thenthat’sgreat.
HW: I want people to know that I meant what I say and I do what I say. I am not a fake and
Y: Knowing what you know now about how your life has turned out, if you could change what happened on Aug. 8, 1975 on
Hank Williams, Jr.: Well everyone from Jerry Lee Lewis to Fats Domino to Little Richard were over at our office just toplaythepianoandtalktomomma So my childhoodwasnotanormalchildhood Jerry Lee showed me how to boogie-woogie on the piano and I was so young, I really didn’t knowatthattimehowbigofastarJerrywas. He was just a guy over at the house Earl and Louise Scruggs were dear friends Earl taught me many things on the banjo Those arememoriesyoujustwishyouhadontape
HW: That day changed my life forever
Prior to that day, I was always living in daddy’s shadow. I think after the fall, I discovered who I was and what I wanted to do I woke up in the hospital room with June Carter Cash and Johnny Cash at my bedside Youknowlotsofpeopledon’trealize,JuneCarterCashismygodmother She andJohnnystayedwithme,prayedoverme, and were there for me whenever I needed them.
Y: In 1989 you recorded the electronic
Fire up the grill for favorite summer fare
Amongthemanystaplesofasummergathering,lightingthegrillandenjoyingfresh-cookedfareiswhatmakes thosemomentssospecial.Bringtogetheryournearestand dearest with favorites straight off the grates to make this summeronetoremember
PickledBeetChimichurriTri-Tipissuretoleavealasting impression with the succulence of perfectly cooked steak elevated by beet chimichurri. Made with Aunt Nellie’s Diced Pickled Beets that are picked and packed atpeakripeness theyprovideabalanceofsweetnessand vinegarforthatfamiliarhomemadeflavor.
For a quick-and-easy option that makes dinnertime a cinch, turn to a beloved summer solution: bratwurst. Whether the outer layer is slightly charred or crispy, bratwurst makes it easy on the grill master while giving guests the opportunity to customize with their favorite toppings
This German Potato Salad Flatbread with Bratwurst andCaramelizedOnionsrecipecombinesslicedbratwurst withcaramelizedonionsandcheeseforauniquespinon a summer classic. Serving as the base is browned READ German Potato Salad, made with thinly sliced potatoes andbaconinatraditionalsweet-piquantdressing
Find more ways to make summer grilling “grate” at
Pickled Beet Chimichurri Tri-Tip
Recipe courtesy of “Dad with a Pan” Prep time: 15 minutes Cook time: 60-90 minutes, plus 10-15 minutes rest time
Heatgrillto350Fandpreparefortwo-zonegrilling Place tri-tip over indirect heat. Close lid and grill 30-40 minutes, flipping every 5-7 minutes, until internal temperaturereaches125Fformedium-rare.
Movetri-tiptodirectheatandgrill2-3minutesperside, or until internal temperature reaches desired doneness (135Fformedium-rare).
Transfertri-tiptocuttingboardandrest10-15minutes Slicetri-tipagainstgrainintothinslices Arrangeslices on serving platter and drizzle with chimichurri beet sauce Serveextrasauceonsidefordipping
German Potato Salad Flatbread with Bratwurst & Caramelized Onions
Recipe courtesy of “Dad with a Pan”
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4-6
1can(15ounces)READGermanPotatoSalad, drained
Preheatgrilltomedium-highheat(about425F). In 12-inch skillet or pan over direct heat, caramelize onionsinbutter15-20minutes Setaside
Brushbottomofflatbreadwitholiveoil. Place flatbread directly on grill grates Layer with brownedpotatosalad,cookedBratwurstslices,caramelizedonionsandcheese
Garnish with chopped chives and serve with fresh lemonwedges
Crispy grilled chicken with a kick
TRICARE coverage for your children: What you need to know
FALLSCHURCH,Va Areyouwondering if your child has TRICARE coverage? MostchildrenofservicemembersandretireescangetTRICAREuntiltheyturnage21 (or23ifthey’reincollege).
“TRICARE is committed to ensuring our military families have access to quality health care,” said Shane Pham, an analyst with TRICARE Policy and Programs at the Defense Health Agency “We encourage all service members and retirees to promptly registeryourchildrenintheDefenseEnrollment Eligibility Reporting System and understand what their TRICARE options are. Taking care of these steps early means uninterrupted health coverage for your kids.” Want to know more about children and TRICAREcoverage?Readon.
Who’s eligible?
TRICAREcoverageforchildrenisbroad, buttherearespecificrulesaboutwhoqualifies All children qualified must be unmarried, and there are three main groups of childreneligibleforTRICARE:
ThesechildrenareeligibleforTRICARE until they turn age 21. Alternatively if they’re in college full-time they can keep TRICARE coverage until they re 23 or out ofschool,whichevercomesfirst See“Going to College” (online at college) for specific details on qualified studentstatus Anexceptionischildrenwith severe disabilities, who may be able to keep TRICAREbeyondtheseagelimits
New child in the family? It’s a Qualifying Life Event
Adding a child to your family is a big change—and is a TRICARE Qualifying Life Event. According to the TRICARE Qualifying Life Events Fact Sheet, a QLE for one family member means all family members may make enrollment changes during the QLE period. Here’s what you need to know aboutQLEsandkids:
Birth: Giving birth is a QLE. When your baby is born, you have 90 days (120 days if youliveoverseas)toregistertheminDEERS Adoption:AdoptingachildisalsoaQLE. Your 90-day window to add your child to a TRICARE plan starts on the day the adoptionisfinal.
Foster children: When you become a foster parent, it’s not automatically a QLE. However,ifyou’renamedasthelegalguardian,itbecomesaQLE.
Stepchildren: Marrying someone with children is a QLE. You can add your new stepchildrentoyourTRICAREplanwithin 90daysofthemarriage
Legal guardianship: If you’re granted legalguardianshipofachild,it’saQLE Your 90-day window starts when the guardianshipbecomesofficial.
a songwriting voice like no other: fiercely honest unforgettably warm, and deeply rooted in the kind of lived-in storytelling thatlightsupeverylineandlingersinyour heart.FromVirginiaBeachtoNashville,her journey has been marked by viral success with hits like “dear dolly” and “she ain’t texas.” With a blend of country and folk, Ashley’s music offers listeners a genuine connection,reflectingherpersonalgrowth and introspection.
EASTNASHGRASS|Spotify “Nashville’s newest bluegrass ambassadors,” East Nash Grass comes as a refreshing break a balance of undeniably hard-driving bluegrass alongside surprisinglyintrospectivesongwritingandearnest narration. Featuring a who’s-who of Nashville’s hottest young pickers the joy and passion these musicians feel towards the genre is infused in every note they play and every word they sing. Their second full-lengthalbumLastChanceToWinwas released in 2023 East Nash Grass is James Kee (guitar &
SeniorAirman Kyle Hansen’s,a 934thAircraft Maintenance Squadron hydraulics specialist,daughter Madeline,shares a joyous laughterduring an event at
Duringthese90-dayperiods,youcanadd thechildtoyourcurrentplan,orchangethe newchild’scoveragetoadifferentTRICARE plan,ifeligible Besuretosignupontime Ifyoudon’tsign upontime: Your child won’t show as TRICARE-eligible TRICAREwilldenyclaimsforyourchild after90days(or120daysifoverseas).
How to get TRICARE for your child
TRICARE makes it easy for you to start the process of getting coverage for your child. First, register your child in the DEERS You don’t need a Social Security number to registeryourchild,butremembertoupdate DEERS as soon as you have their SSN. Remember registration in DEERS doesn’t mean your child is enrolled in TRICARE. After registration in DEERS, the next step is to choose a TRICARE health plan and enroll your child. You need to do both steps toensureyourchildisinaTRICAREhealth plan.
Forsome,enrollmentmightbeautomatic, dependingonyourstatusandwhereyoulive If you’re an active duty service member yourchildwillautomaticallygetenrolledin
vocals), Grand Master Fiddle champion, Maddie Denton, Gaven Largent (dobro), “Presidential Scholar for the Arts in Jazz”, Jeff Picker (bass) and TWO (2) IBMA Momentum Award-winners for Best Instrumentalist, Cory Walker (banjo) and Harry Clark (mandolin).
Roberta Lea is a soulful singer/songwriter who combines the elements of R&B, jazz, and pop with alluring melodies and thought-provoking lyrics From Norfolk, VA Roberta began songwriting over 16 years ago as a member of a band at her church called Ruah Beat. From concerts to revivals and conferences, she began to share her music with eager listeners and develop her strengths as a songwriter Up until that point, she didn’t consider herself much of an artist She was simply gratefulforallthatGodhaddoneandused musicasanoutlettoexpressthatgratitude and storytelling through song But after multiplepeopleinquiredaboutheractually recording, she decided to step out in faith and recorded her first project in 2015 entitled “I Am Yours”. This debut project was her way of introducing herself to the indie music community and testing the waters
DEERS In most cases for stateside active dutyfamilies:
Your child is automatically enrolled in TRICAREPrimeiflivinginaPrimeService Area.
If living outside of a Prime Service Area, your child is automatically enrolled in TRICARESelect. However, even if your child is automatically enrolled in a TRICARE plan, you can choose a different plan (if eligible) during theQLEperiod. If you’re retired, you must choose a plan andenrollyourchildyourself
Use the TRICARE Plan Finder tool (online at to help yourself choose the right plan for you and your family You can find more information
Coverage for adult children
When your child turns age 21 (or 23 if they’re in college), they might still need health insurance That’s where TRICARE YoungAdultcomesin.
TYAletsadultchildrenofTRICARE-eligiblesponsorskeeptheirTRICAREcoverage untiltheyturnage26 It’sapremium-based planthatoffersthesameTRICAREcoverage they’ve been used to with TRICARE Prime orTRICARESelect.
of what she hopes to be a continuing and successful endeavor The album received heralding reviews from consumers across the nation.
Growing up in the 90’s, Roberta was influencedbyavarietyofartiststhatranged from smooth Jazz and R&B legends like Sade and Anita Baker to pop/rock sensations Sheryl Crow and Alanis Morissette Thesewereoftenaccompaniedbythepresence of iconic hip hop and R&B music like Tupac, TLC and SWV along with Old and NewSchoolGospelandChristiancontemporary music like Kirk Franklin, Casting CrownsandMaryMary Thiswiderangeof influence has allowed flexibility, complexity, and texture in her style of songwriting Lyrically she is just as fluid. Her writing style goes from simple and catchy, to thought-provoking and poetic. No matter the case, her tunes are sure to stay in your head.
Vocallysheisoftencomparedtothelikes of Tracey Chapman and Nina Simone It took her a while to embrace her natural range as an alto, but when she did, it thrust her into a whole new world of confidence in songwriting Currently,Robertaisworkingonhernext project called “The Taste Test”. Her goal for this project is to give a new audience
To get TYA, your child must not be married; not be eligible for their own employer-sponsored health coverage; and not be in the Uniformed Services themselves If your child is nearing the age limit for regular TRICARE, you may want to explore TRICARE Young Adult to keep them covered. Has your child recently graduated from college? They may still be eligible for TYA. To learn more, check out the TRICARE Newsroom article “Recent Graduate? Learn How TRICARE Covers YoungAdults”(onlineathttps://newsroom. Don’twaittogetyouryoungadultcovered. Signthemupassoonasyoucantomakesure theyhavethehealthcaretheyneed Taking care of your child’s health should be a top priority By understanding TRICARE’s rules for children, you can ensure your kids have the coverage they needasyourfamilygrowsandchanges.
Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions, and create your personalized profiletogetbenefitupdates,news,andmore.
an opportunity to taste and see what she is likeasanartist.Theveryfirstsingle“Water andWine”issettobereleasedonMay25th and it’s already received positive reviews The 2024 NashFest 757 Music & Food FestivalissponsoredbytheCityofNorfolk, Southern Auto Group, Virginia Is For Lovers, US 106.1 Real Country, 13 News Now, 97.3 The Eagle, and Miller Lite For more information on Norfolk Festevents’ 2024 Season of Events, visit Norfolk Festevents Ltd., based in Norfolk,Virginia,isaprivate not-for-profit organizationdedicatedtocreatingthemost dynamic urban waterfront community in America through innovative programming and imaginative uses of its historic waterfront spaces. Norfolk Festevents has garnered international acclaim for its advocacy for public access to waterfronts, outstanding quality programming and developmentofpublicspaces transforming Norfolk into one of the most progressive, fun,andlivablewaterfrontcommunitiesin the country Residents, workers, and visitors to Norfolk and The 757 are invited to experienceallthefunandexcitementofthe 2024 season, which marks Norfolk Festevents’ 42nd Season!
Surfers Healing Virginia Beach is proud onceagaintoputonthisphenomenal,magical surfing event for children with autism and their families allowing them a hands on, riding the waves experience like no other Italltakesplacethisweekend,August 16th-17th,between4th-5thstreets
Director of Surfers Healing Virginia BeachScottCohenissoexcitedtobeproviding such a worthwhile cause “It’s heartwarming, every year to see the looks on the parents’ faces and the excitement on the athletes faces every time they walk to the water getonthatsurfboardwithouramazing surfer volunteers and ride the waves together.” Scott went on to say, “The Tidewater community is extremely giving with theirresourcesandthevolunteersthathelp to make our annual event successful every year For that, we’re all very grateful. I also wanteveryonetoknowthatallarewelcome to our free event this weekend. Come on out and cheer our athletes as they ride the waves.
We are fortunate here in the Hampton Roads Area that Surfers Healing Virginia Beach was founded 19 years ago and this weekend promises to be an exciting weekendofsurfingfortheautisticchildren,with food,fun,vendorsanda5Krun.Youcanget moreinfoat:https://www.surfershealingvb org/
Yiorgo: We were fortunate last year to have spoken with Israel “Izzy Paskowitz, thefounderofSurfersHealing Herebelow are excerpts from that fascinating interview Can you tell us about Surfers Healing happeninginVirginiaBeachthisweekend?
Israel “Izzy” Paskowitz: It’s my pleasure.It’swhyI’monthisplanet.OurVirginia Beach camp is a two day event averaging about 220 children per day, per camp It’s a funeventwithmanyactivitiesandresource booths It’sabeautifulbeach,Ilovethelocation, with the small, fun waves that we can maximize our efforts in the water with the children. It’s an interesting dynamic, with anamazingsurfcommunitythatlovestheir wavesandthesurfcontestthatgoeswithit. It’s a great location for surfing and it’s like Las Vegas on the beach for all the tourism thatgoeson.
IP: We have the camp in Virginia Beach because the wife of Paul R Vaughan, one of the local surfers that taught a lot of people to surf had passed away years ago, and his wife wanted to donate some money in his memory Iaskedher,wellcanwecomeoutto VirginiaBeachandspendthemoneylocally? And that’s how autism surfing started in Virginia Beach. When you walk up to the camp, there is a billboard with a collage of picturesofPaulridingthewaves.
Y: How can people make contributions, becomevolunteers,etc.?
IP:First,Iwouldlikeforpeopletowatch the videos and pictures at https://www. We are always looking forpartnershipsanddonationsandafterall theseyears tomaintainwhatwedo andtake usintothenext25years
IP: I had a very unique experience My father was a WWII Navy veteran, Stanford educated doctor, and we lived in a camper that sleeps six. We were poor as church micebecausemyfatherjustwantedtotravel aroundtheUnitedStates,MexicoandIsrael to surf There were 11 of us and when you stuff 11 people in a camper that sleeps 6, we were very close to each other I loved it. We are half Mexican, half Jewish and when I was 13 we traveled to New York City in our camper for my bar mitzvah and celebrated our Jewish traditions on the beach and wherever we were We didn’t know any different. We could see people living in houses, driving fancy cars and we wanted that but everyday was so unique to us We would surf surf surf but then explore and meetpeople
IP: I was a really good surfer And really,
reallyhandsome IwasaprosurferandIhad endorsements AtthetopofmycareerIhad a great relationship with Nike I was in ads with Bo Jackson, Agassi, Michael Jordan, it wasincredible,butIhadIsaiah.
Y: Because you had gotten married and startedafamily
IP: I got married very young to the prettiest girl in town and I just wanted to be normal like everyone else We had our first child,abeautifuldaughterIsreaella,andour second child Isaiah was autistic That was thewrenchinthegearsforme Ididn’tknow howtodealwithautismatallasayoungman and providing for my family was very, very difficultbecauseIhadnoeducation.
Y: Why did you and your wife start SurfersHealing?
IP: It was a dark place in my mind and a hole in my heart. I had really thin skin and everything really bothered me and it hurt. One day I took Isaiah in the water with me and everything changed. I wish I had taken him in the water sooner The parents these days say, I don’t know if you can handle my child. That’s exactly the way I was. There’s no way my son can surf, that’s off the table becauseheneededtobelikeme Butinreality it didn’t matter as long as he was in the water on a board surfing, we were connect-
ing, we were just like any other father and son.Itwasheartwarmingandcreatedarelationship,webondedandwestartedSurfers Healingbytakinghisclassoutsurfing Itwas maybe six kids as a special day program. I enlisted six guys my original six, then we tookoutanothersixkids andthatwasover 27yearsagoinSanOnofre,California.
Y: How did you put such an amazing, diverse team of volunteers, surfers, workerstogethertogiveuptheirtime,moneyand everything else not just for Virginia Beach buttheotherlocationstoo?
IP: You hit on the phrase, “No good deed goes unpunished.” They are doing something incredible but the biggest endeavor we’ve ever had, doing five states and seven camptours,greaterthananythingwe’veever done and they are going home after being gone for 2 weeks and will struggle to pay rent. They don’t mind because they are so intothis Theyareverygratefultobeletinto the lives of parents with autism. It means so much to the surfers to be a part of that andyoucanhearmyguysandgalssaytothe families thankyouforlettingmebeapartof thisandtakingyourchildouttothewaterto ridethosewavestogether.
And that’s the world to me, it warms up my heart and that’s what makes me cry when I hear the love and passion that my guyshaveforwhattheydo Idon’tcallthem surfersanymore,theyarehealers It’smore thanaserviceorasportthatcanbemisconstruedastrivial.There’ssomuchmagicthat happens with acceptance and healing an awakening that the family needs as they continuethislonglifewithautismthatwill be different.
IP: We did summer programs, then we didNorthCarolina20yearsagoandMalibu andSanDiegoanditjustgrewfromthere I always worry about taking children out in a safe wave But conditions change in the water. Also our group of volunteers got betterandtheirlengthoftimevolunteering got longer We have surfers who have been volunteering for 16, 17 and more years My goal for every child is to have only real hero surferstakethemout,likeIdidmyson.
Editor’sNote:Izzysentmethisnoteyesterday. “ Since the Flagship Newspaper is a Navypaper Iwanttobragaboutmyson-inlawMattAllenwholastyearattheageof41 enlisted in the Navy Now a year later and as of a couple of days ago, Matt was officially designated as Surface Rescue Swimmer (SRS) onboard the USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT (CVN 71). How awesome is that?Iamsoveryproudofhim.”
Yiorgo is an arts entertainment and sports writer A stage TV and movie actor he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist.