CourtesyStory Commander Naval Air Force Atlantic
TheSecretaryoftheNavyCarlosDelToro hostedanallhandscallforCarrierAirWing (CVW) 3 squadrons at Naval Air Station Oceana on Aug. 6. CVW-3, as part of the DwightD.EisenhowerCarrierStrikeGroup (IKECSG), returned from a nine-month deployment to the U.S. 5th and 6th areas of operationlastmonth.
During the ceremony, Secretary Del Toro congratulatedthemenandwomenofCVW-3 andhighlightedhowtheyarethenewgenerationofmentorshipforNavalAviation
“The courageous warriors of the Vietnam eraarewhoIlookedupto,”saidSecretaryDel Toro “Youareallnowthenewgenerationof mentorshipforjuniorofficersandthosewho will join Naval Aviation Speaking with you today, I am proud and I acknowledge that I amsurroundedbyheroes.Thankyou,thank youandIamsoproudofallthatyouwereable toaccomplish.Congratulationsandwelcome home.” While deployed with IKECSG, CVW-3
ByMaxLonzanida Naval Weapons Station Yorktown
flew more than 13,800 sorties for more than 31,000totalflighthoursandcompletedmore than10,000aircraftlaunchesandrecoveries
“TheachievementsandactionsofCarrier Air Wing 3 are indeed worthy of the Navy Unit Commendation and Combat Action Ribbonawardedearlierthisyear,”continued SecretaryDelToro “Fornearlyninemonths, Carrier Air Wing 3 delivered exceptional navalpoweraspartoftheIKEStrikeGroup, defending innocent civilian merchant mariners in waters critical to the flow of internationalcommerce.”
Capt James Huddleston, deputy commander, CVW-3, emphasized the tremendousteamworkrequiredtomaintain freedomofnavigationintheRedSea.
“This deployment showed how dynamic a carrier strike group is, with the ability to protectthefreedomofnavigationaroundthe world,” said Huddleston. “We haven’t operatedinthismannerfordecades,andinsome ways not since World War II. All the squadronsinthisairwingmadehistory andshould beespeciallyproudoftheirperformanceand theirmission.
NEWPORT NEWS, Va Sailors residing in and around Huntington Hall in Newport News nowhaveanother24/7workoutoptionviatheU.S. Navy’s first outdoor fitness pavilion Leadership from Naval Weapons Station Yorktown; Supervi-
Cmdr Nolan Lucas, operations officer, CVW-3,sharedhisgratitudefortheSecretary oftheNavy’svisitandwordsofappreciation.
“Having the Secretary of the Navy visit with the wing means a lot, said Lucas “When you’re on deployment, you truly live in the moment and are focused on the mission in front of you. Knowing that what wedidmattered,validatesourpresenceand purpose.”
Rear Adm. Doug Verissimo, commander, Naval Air Force Atlantic, stressed that the lessons learned from CVW-3 will benefit all squadronsenteringtheU.S.5thFleetareaof operations
“These squadrons brilliantly executed in harm’s way for months to guard allied and partner interests in the Red Sea,” said Verissimo “The bravery of all our carrier strike groups, across the globe, is inspiring. The American public should rest assured knowing that the men and women of Naval Aviation are always ready. The experiences of CarrierAirWing3willguideandmotivateall NavalAirForcesastheyprepareandexecute ourNation’stasking.”
Squadrons of CVW-3 include the “Gunslingers” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 105, the “Fighting Swordsmen” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 32 the “Rampagers” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 83, the “Wildcats” of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 131, the “Screwtops of Carrier Airborne Early Warning Squadron (VAW) 123, the “Zappers” of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 130, the “Dusty Dogs” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 7, the “Swamp Foxes” of Helicopter MaritimeStrikeSquadron(HSM)74andthe “Rawhides ofFleetLogisticsSupportSquadron(VRC)40
Naval Air Force Atlantic is responsible for six nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, 55 aircraftsquadrons,1,200aircraftand52,000 officers,enlistedandcivilianpersonnelwith prioritiesfocusedonwarfighting,people,and readinessbyprovidingcombatready,sustainablenavalairforceswiththerightpersonnel properly trained and equipped, with a focus onreadiness operationalexcellence interoperability,safety,andefficientresourcing
of Naval Weapons Station Yorktown. “It took about an eight-month effort and over $325,000 was spent on this pavilion. My quality-of-service team worked hard to comeupwithgreatideasandthisisonewin that we brought to fruition,” said Captain Patrick. The pavilion itself is located behind HuntingtonHall,andadjacenttotheoutdoor track and soccer field. The 800 square foot structure is open on all sides incorporates solarpanelsandLEDlights,andishurricane resistant. An open floor plan covered with interlockingrubbertilesallowsforavariety of cross fit and high intensity interval exercises There are modular stations throughoutthepavilionforpullups,severalclimbing ropes,benchpressstations,axleattachment points for barbel weights and several squat rack stations Additionally outdoor storage cabinetsholdadditionalworkoutequipment suchaskettlebellsets,jumpropes,weighted workout balls, and additional attachments forbenchpressstationsthataddtothevarietyofexerciseoptionsthatarenowavailable foruse24/7. After the brief ribbon cutting, Sailors eagerly converged under the pavilion to try outthenewequipment.Severalofthemtook turns climbing the 15-foot ropes and safely rappelled back down. Staff members from
the MWR gym were also on hand to assist with attaching bench press attachments andbarbelweights,andofcourseoffertheir guidance on proper and safe usage Several remarked how the bright and airy pavilion was a welcome addition to the variety of workoutoptionsavailableinsideatthegym. Othersreveledeagerlyatthevarietyofnew equipmentfoundthroughoutthestructure. Other quality of life enhancements at HuntingtonHallincludeanewlyrefinished gymfloorthathasbecomepopularforgroup sports sessions such as basketball tournaments and dodgeball events among others “Theoldfloorwasverydingy,andourcourt nowisalightercolor,anditreallybringsout the space Sailors are also excited to use the court,” said Matt Palandro, MWR Fitness DirectorforHuntingtonHall.
There is also new furniture and room fixtures throughout every room, a host of new PlayStation 5 consoles, pool tables, loungeareas,laptopsavailabletocheckout, asmallmovietheater andwi-fithroughout thefacility HuntingtonHallisalsohometo aFleetandFamilySupportCenterthatdelivers a variety of high-quality programs and classestoSailorsduringtheweek.
In addition to the MWR gym, various recreationandlibertyoptionsofferawealth ofopportunities,includingrecreationaltrips and various events throughout each month such as resource fairs and educational fairs to name a few An on-site Navy Exchange mini mart is also located at the facility and
Editorial Staff ManagingEditor | MCC Amanda Kitchner
wasoneofthefirstintheregiontotransition to a cashless point of sale system There is evenakitchencompletewithstoves,ovens, kitchenappliancesandcookwarethatgives Sailorsanopportunitytocook. The opening of the new 24/7 outdoor fitnesspavilionisjustoneofthemanyqual-
ity of life enhancements situated throughoutthefacility Theseenhancementsareall geared towards supporting and enhancing the quality of life of the Sailors that reside at Huntington Hall and nearby while their respectiveshipsareatNewportNewsShipbuilding
ByAprilPhillips Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story Public Affairs
VIRGINIABEACH,Va Countrysinger
AdamDoleacwasinthespotlight,butJoint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story (JEBLCFS) families were the real stars duringtheBacktoSchoolBashandConcert heldatLittleCreekFriday,Aug.9.
The event, led by the installation Morale, Welfare, and Recreation (MWR) team featured free school supplies for military families Kids also enjoyed activities such asbouncehouses,facepaintingandballoon animals, while adults challenged one anothertogamesofcornhole
“It’s a small way for us to say thank you to our families and try to ease just a bit of the stress that comes with back-to-school season,” said JEBLCFS Commanding OfficerCapt.DavidGray
To augment the supplies purchased by MWR, the JEBLCFS Chapel staff received a donation of more than $3,500 from the congregation’s Religious Offering Fund and used that to purchase backpacks and fillthemwithschoolsupplies,toys,coloring
“The whole goal is part of creating a community outside the walls of the chapel for our service members and their families,” said Religious Programs Chief Joseph Browning Families in attendance appreciated the effort.
“This is really amazing,” said Andrea Rodriguez, spouse of a Navy retiree who brought her granddaughter to the event “We’vemanagedtogeteverythingsheneeds, which is a huge help It definitely feels like thebasecaresaboutourfamily.”
The evening culminated with a country music concert, featuring opening act Runnin’ShineandheadlinerAdamDoleac.
“We are so excited to be here tonight,” Doleacsaid “It’ssospecialtoseeallthekids outtheredancingandhavingfun.Weappreciate your service and everything military familiessacrificetokeepussafe.”
Althoughsummermaybewindingdown, JEBLCFSfamiliesenjoyedtheopportunity to share some music and camaraderie to celebratethesummerthatwasbeforeturning their attention to the new school year rightaroundthecorner
ByChristyTrabun Naval Support Activity Mechanicsburg
“What would happen if we studied what was right with people instead of what’s wrong with them?” asked Don Clifton, a World War II Distinguished Flying Cross recipient who later became an American psychologist and the founder of Clifton Strengths
This thought-provoking question was shared by Petty Officer First Class Joseph Buckley, a member of the Navy Region Mid Atlantic Chaplains Religious Enrichment Development Operation (CREDO) team
The CREDO team visited Naval Support Activity Mechanicsburg from August 5-8, offering a series of courses for interested personnel.
Installationcommandstaffreachedoutto theCREDOteamlookingforwaystosupport personnelstationedatNSAMechanicsburg.
This“roadshow”wasthefirstofitskindand began with the Clifton Strengths Finder course, which was well-attended and filled tocapacitywitheagerlearners Throughout the week, other courses
included SAFE Talk, which teaches how to identify individuals who may need help; ARSENAL, which equips participants with strategies to mitigate long-term stress and buildresiliency;andTheGottmanInstitute’s SevenPrinciplesforMakingMarriageWork
“Since1971,CREDOhasofferedspiritual, personal, and relational growth opportunities profoundly enhancing the lives and service of participants,” states the Navy Region Mid Atlantic’s religious programs page It goes on to offer, “CREDO provides commanderswithakeyresourcetocarefor and strengthen their Sailors and families CREDO programs are designed to maximizeoperationalimpact,offerstandardized retreat and training programs, and clarify appropriaterelationshipsforallSailors.”
Theeventwasopentosurroundinginstallationsandcommunities invitingallDepartment of Defense ID card holders across all services Participants included active duty personnel, DoD civilians, dependents, and representativesfrommultipleservices
PlansarealreadyunderwaytohostasimilarseriesofcoursesatNSAMechanicsburg inthespringof2025.
ByMaxLonzanida Naval Weapons Station Yorktown
YORKTOWN, Va The award-winning EnvironmentalDepartmentatNavalWeapons StationYorktown’sCheathamAnnexgarnered anotherprestigiousaccoladeonTuesday,July 30attheHamptonRoadsSanitationDistrict’s 31st Annual Awards Ceremony Luncheon in DowntownNorfolk. During the event, Cheatham Annex (CAX) was awarded a Diamond Excellence Award fortheinstallation’sperfectcomplianceinthe areas of wastewater pre-treatment and pollution prevention. On hand to proudly accept theawardwasCaptainDanPatrick,theinstallation’s Commanding Officer; Commander DouglassFarrar theinstallation’sPublicWorks OfficeralongwithMechanicalEngineerJames Michener and Utility Service Operator Shane Mathis Cheatham Annex has maintained a perfect compliance record pursuant to the Hampton Roads Sanitation Districts guidelines since 2003 Theinstallation’s21yearsofcontinuous perfect compliance in the areas of wastewater pre-treatment and pollution prevention is the longest record of any U.S. Navy installationwithintheHamptonRoads Virginiaarea Naval Weapons Station Yorktown garnered a Platinumawardduringthesameawardsceremony for perfect compliance from 2018 to 2023 Joint Expeditionary Base Little CreekFort Story also garnered a Platinum award for perfect compliance from 2010 to 2023 Platinum awards are presented to organizations that show at least five years of perfect wastewatercompliance Additional awards were presented to the following installations within the Tidewater area.Theyinclude: U.S.CoastGuardTrainingCenterYorktown: GoldAward
To be considered for any award, organizations must treat their industrial wastewater beforeitisdischargedintotheHRSD’ssystem.
This helps to protect the region’s waterways andnaturalresources AccordingtoHRSD,for CalendarYear2023atotalof105pretreatment excellence and 3 pollution prevention awards were earned by various organizations within the area. The HRSD Commission endorses the pretreatment excellence award program throughfundsreceivedfromcivilpenalties “The Pretreatment Excellence award recognizesperfectcompliancewithallHRSD Permitrequirementsandlimitations Theyare a testament to the dedication that Navy staff put forward in protecting the environment and public health,” said Mike Martin HRSD’s Director of Pretreatment & Pollution Prevention. “This dedication helps HRSD to treat wastewater and recover natural resources to ensureourcommunitieswillhavecleanwaterways and reliable water resources for generationstocome,”saidMartin.
Earlier this year, Cheatham Annex was selected as a recipient for the Platinum Level Award for Environmental Excellence by the (VWEA)forCalendarYear2023inthecategory ofIndustrialWasteandPretreatmentEnvironmentalExcellence Thatawardwaspresented during the VWEA’s annual conference on March4,2024,inHarrisonburg,Virginia This is the first such award for any Navy installation in the Hampton Roads District awarded by the VWEA On-hand to accept that prestigiousawardwasJeffKissler,NWSYorktown’s Environmental Director and Jason Oliver the installation’sWastewaterProgramManager
Norfolk,Va (July30 2024)ADiamond ExcellenceAward is on-displaythatwas awarded to NavalWeapons StationCheathamAnnexduring the Hampton Roads Sanitation District’s annual awards ceremony and luncheon.CheathamAnnexgarnered this prestigious award forperfect compliance in the areas ofwastewaterpre-treatment and pollution prevention from 2003 to 2023. This record ofperfect compliance is the longest standing record foranyU.S.Navy installationwithin the Hampton Roads, Virginia area (COURTESYPHOTO)
HamptonRoadsareavolunteeredat15schoolsthroughoutNorfolk Public Schools to help teachers prepare their classrooms for the firstdayofschool.
In its third year this event, called “Servicing Our Schools Day,” is a volunteer program partnership between the Navy and Norfolk PublicSchools
AnnMarie Gunter, the partnership helped ensure their teachers werefullypreparedandfocusedfortheFirstDayofSchoolonAug.
19 She also commented that everyone brought an uplifting energy totheirduties
“They are doing so much work with so much joy,” said Gunter “We hear singing in the hallway as they are doing good work and I thinkthat’swhatthey’repreppingourstudentsfor,tohaveajoyous openingtotheschoolyear.”
During the day, Sailors helped with moving furniture, painting, settingupclassrooms,andcompletinganyothertasksthatindividualschoolsandstaffsvoicedaneedforassistance.
ChiefReligiousProgramSpecialistSamanthaGreenley,assigned toNavyRegionMid-Atlantic,sharedthatshelovesparticipatingin community service activities and this opportunity allowed her to givebacktootherfamilieswithchildrenheadingbacktoschool.
“Ialsohavekidsandsohavingthatopportunitytohelpsetthem up helpsetthekidsupofourfellowservicemembersthatgotothese schools…forsuccessinthenextschoolyearmeansalot, shesaid.
Along with Camp Allen Elementary School, Sailors also volunteeredat:SewellsPointElementarySchool,SuburbanParkElementary School, Camp E. W. Young, Richard Bowling Elementary School, Mary Calcott Elementary School, Chesterfield Academy, the Academy for Discovery at Lakewood, Little Creek Elementary School, W. H. Taylor Elementary School, Azalea Gardens Middle School,RuffnerMiddleSchool LakeTaylorSchool,MadisonAlternativeSchool,andNorviewHighSchool.
Regional Maintenance Center
NORFOLK,Va Thismonth,Mid-AtlanticRegionalMaintenanceCenter(MARMC) recognizes Contracting Officer, Lauren Heard, for her work while serving on the USSJamesE.Williams(DDG95)contracts team. The guided missile destroyer’s Depot Modernization Period (DMP) availability was unprecedented featuring a dualpath collaboration with the Southwest Regional Maintenance Center (SWRMC) This complex project involved managing two availabilities on one contract across two separate coastlines—the Mid-Atlantic and Southwest regions Heard, alongside Chelsey Morrison, was pivotal in ensuring thisavailabilitystayedoncourse
“Lauren and Chelsey have been instrumental in developing processes to execute RequestsforContractChange(RCCs)under a complex and unique contract structure— UndefinitizedContractAction(UCA),”said Cmdr JustinDeVoe,deputyofcontracting
“A UCA is any contract action where the work has started but the terms of the contract aren’t defined yet,” explained Heard. “The UCO [Undefinitized Contract Order]isuniquewhenanRCCaddsmoney tothecontract,thenit’sanundefinedchange order,afunctionwithintheUCA.
Despite funding constraints, the team managed to process over 380 RCCs valuing over $11 million. Heard aided in processing 56 Undefinitized Contract Orders (UCOs) valuingover$3.9million
leadership team has been super helpful in gettingtheUCOssettled,”saidHeard.“The biggest challenge is always funding. But I overcame that challenge with persistence, always asking questions until I got an answer.”
Heard and Morrison overcame the complexities of the DMP with a plan of attack They participated in numerous table-top exercises with Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) Commander Regional Maintenance Center (CNRMC) andotherindustrypartners wheretheduo discussed key lessons learned and evolving strategies
“Despite the many obstacles facing the contractual administration of the availability,LaurenandChelseycontinuetodevelop andfindwaystosupportthecustomer,”said DeVoe “Theirhardworkanddedicationto the mission is the driving force behind this availabilitystayingontracktofinishon-time orearly.”
When Heard is not hard at work, she enjoysspendingtimewithherfamily,tubing, and binge-watching Grey’s Anatomy. She hails from Woodbridge, Va., and humbly touts a bachelor’s degree in Elementary EducationfromOldDominionUniversity
Heard leaves us with the final thought, “Having a good work ethic is important to me because it is a display of gratitude to thosewhosupportyou.
MARMC,afieldactivityunderNavalSea Systems Command (NAVSEA), provides surface ship maintenance, management andoversightofprivate-sectormaintenance, andfleettechnicalassistancetoshipsinthe Mid-AtlanticregionoftheUnitedStates
NORFOLK,Va - Lauren Heard a contracting officerat Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center poses fora photo at the helm in Building LF-18 onboard Naval Station Norfolk,Aug.8 2024.Heard is being recognized forheraccomplishments during USSJames E.Williams’ (DDG 95) Depot Modernization Period (DMP).(PHOTOBYOSCARPOPE)
Iaskedwhatkind of family Amina wanted. Shesaid, ‘A family like yours.’ That’s when Iknew Ihad to adopt her. Denise, adopted 17-year-old Amina
USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78)
NORFOLK, Va The Sailors and crew oftheUSSGeraldR.Ford(CVN78),opened its first United Service Organization (USO) afloat game room, library and officer’s lounge today aboard the world’s largest aircraftcarrier
“For the past 83 years, arguably no one has contributed more to the morale of Sailors,Soldiers,Marines,andAirmenthanthe USO,”saidFord’scommandingofficerCapt. RickBurgess “ThisisgoingtogiveourSailorsanopportunitytomaketheshipahome awayfromhome.”
Personnel Specialist 2nd Class Gilbert Lopez,ofNaples Florida assignedtoFord’s supply department, looks forward to building community with other Sailors “I’m excited for us to have a place to lay back andforgetaboutthestressorsofwork,”said Lopez.
After hundreds of hours of labor and a $200,000 budget along with construction materials donated by the USO, Ford’s game room is the newest in the Fleet and the first ever on a Ford class carrier The team similarlyremodeledtheofficer’sloungeandthe ship’s library Cmdr Josh Earls, of Dallas, Ford’s Chaplain, recounted the challenge andultimatesuccessoftherenovation.
“The project required a lot of work that CRMD doesn’t normally do,” said Earls “We’re not used to coordinating the shippingandreceivingof70palletsofmaterials or obtaining the waivers necessary to paint a room a particular color or install the type offlooringweused.Sothosewereobstacles thatrequiredextraplanningandextratime.”
Ford’s Tiger Team is composed of 20 Sailors from various departments throughout the ship, supervised by Chief Religious Program Specialist Yanet Chavez, of Bailey, North Carolina, assigned to Ford’s CRMD, and led by Aviation Boatswain’s Mate 1st Class Nyesha Searles of Edgefield, South Carolina,assignedtoFord’strainingdepartment.
“The Tiger Team bore the brunt of the labor,” recalled Chavez. “Much of the work wasdoneduringsomeofthehottestdaysin July, but the team did a really great job by puttingforthmaximumeffort.”
area where crewmembers can play board andcardgames
The game room houses seven TVs, each withaPlaystation5orXboxSeriesX,anda pairofchairsforgaming Thewallsaredecorated with LED lights, including one at the front of the room with President Gerald R. Ford’s signature. Refreshments are also be available for Sailors. Crewmembers oversee the game room from the front desk and maintaincleanliness
For Sailors who prefer other forms of entertainment, the game room features an
The results of this effort will provide Ford’s Sailors with numerous amenities to improvetheirqualityoflife
The officer’s lounge and ship’s library received significant upgrades as well with the lounge receiving new flooring and installing new furniture. The library has twonoise-freephoneboothsthatwillallow for private calls, along with improved book shelvesandcomputerworkstations
“It was a group effort coordinating between the Training Department, officers, and the Tiger Team,” said Earls “But the Tiger Team deserves the lion’s share of the
andmostadvancedaircraftcarrier Theship is currently pierside
ByLt ChelseaCannaday
Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) King Crab Competition are Lt Mike O’Neil and Chief Explosive Ordnance DisposalTechnicianTroyPadmore,assigned to EOD Mobile Unit 2, making history as the first team to win the newly established competition hosted by Explosive Ordnance DisposalGroup(EODGRU)2. The 2024 King Crab Competition consisted of 18 EOD technicians working in nine two-person teams By the end of the four-day competition, competitors traveled roughly45milesonfootwearingaround60 poundsofgearwhilebeingtestedon24tacticaltasks,performing3majorphysicaltrainingevents andswimmingover2,000meters
Taking second place this year was the team from EOD Training Evaluation Unit 2, Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician 1st Class Luke Ostrowski and Chief Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician Connor MacGillivray Third place went to Chief Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician Jake FergusonandExplosiveOrdnanceDisposalTechnician 2nd Class Kieran Murphy from EOD MobileUnit8outofRota Spain.
The winning duo was named during an awardsceremonyAug.16,2024,atEODGRU 2’sannualfamilydayeventinVirginiaBeach, Virginia.
Capt.KarlHaywood,commander,Explosive Ordnance Disposal Group (EODGRU) 2,spokeattheceremony.
“Across this group of 18 [competitors], there have been a total of over 45 deployments to every theatre we operate in. Every single mission area that we do, these guys have been put to the test, and all of them excelled.Outstandingjob,”saidHaywood
The competition’s concept is not only to
determine the best Navy EOD team but to challenge and test the service members’ knowledge, physical prowess, teamwork, andmentalfortitude
ThenineNavyEODteamstookonawide variety of physical, technical, and tactical scenarios during the competition, from responding to chemical ordnance, clearing improvised explosive devices, conducting livedemolition,respondingtoafloatingmine atsea,tocompletinganall-night 7-mileland navigationchallengefollowedbyafulldayof mentallyandphysicallytaxingEODdrills
“Every team here displayed the grit, determination, tenacity, strength, and EOD expertise. That’s why the event was so competitive,”saidHaywood.
The final day of King Crab started with a 3-mileruckruninfullkitinthemorningheat, with each EOD technician wearing roughly 60lbs.ofgear Then,theycompletedagrueling manual beached mine scenario Finally, they rucked to the EODGRU 2 headquarters,wheretheyweremetbyfamily,friends, andunitmembersatEODGRU2’sfamilyday event.Thefinaleventscoresweretallied,and thewinningteamswereannounced.
The competition had 27 graded events Bytheend,threeteamsweretiedforfirstin point values The tiebreaker came down to counting up which team had the most first place rankings in individual events The leveloffiercecompetitionandthe3-waytie weredemonstrativeofthelevelofexcellence across the ranks in the Navy EOD community A 200 lb trophy was presented to the winners Theirnameswillbeengravedonit, and it will be passed around to the winning unit year after year The trophy has 90 blank placards surrounding it, waiting to be claimedbyfutureKingCrabchampions
The competition’s intent was to build ‘espirit de corps’ and healthy competition withintheNavyEODforce
EODGRU2 and seven subordinate commands contributed to the planning and executionoftheevent,whichtookplaceat13 trainingsitesinVirginiaandNorthCarolina. 37evaluators,mostofthemEODtechnicians, aswellasmorethan80supportstaff,assisted intheexecutionofthe4-dayevent.
Inrealworldoperations,NavyEODteams are routinely tasked with some of the most dangerousanddemandingmissions including the neutralization of explosive devices andchemical,biological,nuclear andradiological materials, while operating in hostile environments
Because of their thorough training, Navy EOD is fully capable of detecting, identifying, stabilizing, rendering safe, exploiting and disposing of a wide-range of weapons andexplosivesincludingconventionalmunitions CBRN munitions unexploded explosiveordnance weaponsofmassdestruction (WMD),homemadeexplosives improvised explosivedevices(IEDs),andnuclearweapons Thetightknitcommunity,teamwork,and comradery within the special operations community are a few of the traits that set NavyEODapart.
“The traits that are unique to EOD operators are character resilience ability to complete the mission, critical thinking and problem solving If something is wrong, we get to work—we solve the problem, then talkaboutitlater,”saidretiredMasterChief Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician TommyRebis Rebis, who was the 26th ‘Master Blaster of the Navy’, continued, “We are enablers What affects our platoons, affects the unit wearesupporting Weareaversetofailure.” MentorshipwithintheNavyEODcommunity is a huge contributing factor to their success Master Chief Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician Joe Maloney, assigned
to EODGRU2 explained, “We teach the neweroperatorshowtonavigatetheircareer path; we give them objective guidance and help them set goals they didn’t know were attainable We help them divest themselves of bad habits so they can push the boundaries and limits of what they never knew they werecapableof.”
TheKingCrabcompetitionwasdesigned to push the boundaries and limits of the EOD technicians and draw on their ability to persevere through adversity and lean into teamwork to solve complex problems. Whilesimulatedinthisexercise,theseskills are paramount to success when conducting realmissions When asked how events like this build unityandcomraderyamongtheEODforce, ExplosiveOrdnanceDisposalTechnician1st Class Jacob Dowden, a King Crab competitor said “At the end of day, it’s about your brotherstoyourleftandyourright. Besidesbeingphysicallyfitandconfident in EOD knowledge, the winning team said theirmindsetduringthecompetitionhelped themtoexcel.
“Doing tough things with friends makes good memories,” said O’Neil. “We both think this competition is a good idea. If you put some culture and some fun behind it, it createsagoodatmosphere, saidO’Neil. When asked if they plan to compete in the King Crab Competition again next year, Padmore and O’Neil said, “Yeah, absolutely Wehavetodefend[thetitle].”
EODGU2’sFamilyDaywassponsoredby NavySpecialOperationsFoundationandby Navy Explosive Ordnance Disposal Association.
EODGRU2operatesaspartofNavyExpeditionary Combat Command and provides skilled, capable, and combat-ready deployableNavyEODandNavyDiverforcesaround theglobetosupportarangeofoperations
ByCherishGilmore Office of Naval Research
A new innovation in aviation training featuring a simulator sponsored by the Office of Naval Research TechSolutions program, delivers a better way to prepare futureNavypilots
The T-45C Goshawk mixed-reality simulator, also known as Project Link, was recently showcased at Naval Air Station Meridian, Mississippi. Created in response to a request from Lt Cmdr. Geoffrey Dick, T-45Cchiefstandardizationpilot,NavalAir Training Command (CNATRA), this simulator combines virtual reality with a physicalcockpit.
TechSolutionsrapidlysponsorsthedevelopment of prototype solutions based on direct requests from Sailors and Marines worldwide
JasonPayne,director,TechSolutions,said the new mixed-reality simulator illustrates just how quickly a request from a Sailor or Marine can be developed into a prototype and deliverable solution. “We received a
requestaboutayearagoandbeganworking on the solution for a mixed-reality training program almost immediately The development team at Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division quickly prototypedthesolutionandwe’renowdelivering anewcapabilitytothefleet.
Thenewcapabilitywillallowfuturepilots to practice and refine skills before setting foot in an actual aircraft, ultimately saving bothtimeandmoneyfortheDepartmentof theNavyandtaxpayers
Training new strike pilots can take up to twoandahalfyears muchofitspentinthe classroom. While the new simulator won’t necessarily shorten the length of training time,Dicksaysitwillbetterpreparestudents for an important aspect of their training physicallyengagingwithacockpitwithlow risk. The new system is also low cost, has a smallfootprintandiseasilydeployable
“Wewantthemtobeabletoflipswitches, turn dials physically interact with the cockpit. Virtual reality didn’t quite get us therebecauseofthefactthatthere’snocockpit built into it. You’ve got to kind of move
your head around, then stare at something and pull the hand trigger to select it, which introducesthepossibilityofanegativetransfer of training Mixed reality should help solvethatproblem.”
Mixedrealitycombineselementsofboth virtual reality and augmented reality to create immersive experiences that blend the real world with digital elements. By overlayingdigitalcontentontoourphysical surroundings, mixed reality has the potentialtorevolutionizetraining Lt Jonathan “Bichón” Jackson, an instructor pilot, tested the simulator and noteditspotential.
“For the first time, we now have the ability to repeatedly expose students to these sight pictures numerous times before they encounterthemintheaircraft,andtoallow students to practice these skillsets on their own time when devices are available,” said Jackson.
“In an increasingly challenging training environmentwherethestudentandinstructormustsqueezeeveryounceoflearningout of every minute airborne, this technology
greatly accelerates progress up the learning curve and expands the student’s ability to absorb information and retain lessonslearnedwhileflying,”hecontinued.
Dr JessicaJones deputydirectorofTechSolutions who was onsite for the demonstration, praised the development team’s work:“Seeingpilotsindependentlyinteract with the controls with no assistance was a testamenttotheworkthedevelopmentteam putintomakingthesimulatorasrealisticas possible.” Payne added that TechSolutions is constantly on the lookout for suggestions and requests from Sailors and Marines who have firsthand knowledge of what is needed to fulfill their mission. He encourages warfighters to email his team directly atONR_TechSolutions@navy.milorlookon the website for more information: https:// www.onr.navy.mil/Techsolutions/. Cherish T. Gilmore is a contractor for ONRCorporateStrategicCommunications
Naval Medical Readiness Logistics Command, Williamsburg, Va
Seaman Recruit Jonathan Anderson, from West Columbia South Carolina serves the U.S. Navy assigned to Naval Medical Readiness Logistics Command (NMRLC), Williamsburg, Virginia
TheskillsandvaluesneededtosucceedintheNavy are similar to those found in West Columbia.
“I was on a roller derby team named the Carolina Wreckingballs,andIlearnedtokeepgettingupwhenever I fall,” said Anderson. “Without getting to experiencefallsfrompracticeandbouts,youwillnotgain any skills If you’re not falling you’re not learning I also had a friend in the Air Force who inspired me to always be hopeful and courageous no matter how bleakanddrearythingscanget,thereisalwaysalight that never goes out.”
Anderson joined the Navy seven months ago
“MygrandfatherservedinthePhilippineAirForce duringWorldWarIIandmybrotherservedintheU.S. Army,” said Anderson. “I joined the Navy to create a path towards the betterment of myself and accomplish goals while continuing to learn as I go along They both inspire me to strive for better while working hard and staying diligent.
Today, Anderson serves as a logistics specialist
“WhatIlikethemostaboutbeingalogisticsspecialist is that we keep inventory and have everything accounted for when supply is needed elsewhere domestically or overseas,” said Anderson “It’s really cool to know we are there to fuel our Navy.”
Headed by Capt. Christopher Barnes NMRLC develops acquires produces fields sustains and provides enduring lifecycle support of medical materiel solutions to the Fleet, Fleet Marine Force, and Joint Forces in high-end competition, crisis and combat.AttheforefrontofNavyMedicine’sstrategic evolution, NMRLC is well positioned to be the Joint
Force’s premier integrated medical logistics support activity
With 90% of global commerce traveling by sea and access to the internet relying on the security of undersea fiber optic cables Navy officials continue toemphasizethattheprosperityoftheUnitedStates is directly linked to recruiting and retaining talented people from across the rich fabric of America
Anderson serves a Navy that operates far forward, around the world and around the clock, promoting the nation’s prosperity and security
“We will earn and reinforce the trust and confidence of the American people every day,” said Adm. LisaFranchetti,ChiefofNavalOperations “Together we will deliver the Navy the nation needs.”
Anderson has many opportunities to achieve accomplishments during military service.
“I’m proud of my shipmates for being constantly willingtoserveandhavingduediligence,”saidAnderson. “I am also proud of achieving sharpshooter at boot camp.” Anderson can take pride in serving America through military service.
“Servingintheworld’sgreatestnavyallowsmetobe confidentandalwaysreachforhigherwhilelearning asmanythingsasIcanalongtheway, saidAnderson
Seaman RecruitJonathanAnderson, fromWest Columbia,South Carolina, serves the U.S.Navyassigned to Naval Medical Readiness Logistics Command (NMRLC) Williamsburg, Virginia.The skills andvalues needed to succeed in the Navyare similar to those found inWest Columbia. (COURTESYPHOTO)
Naval Medical Readiness Logistics Command, Williamsburg, Va
SeamanCarlintonSmith,fromLewisville, Jamaica, serves the U.S. Navy assigned to NavalMedicalReadinessLogisticsCommand (NMRLC),Williamsburg,Virginia.
Smith graduated from Lewisville High School in 2006 Additionally, Smith earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Post Universityin2023 The skills and values needed to succeed in the Navy are similar to those found in Jamaica.
“As a child growing up, my mother always instilledinusthatweshouldalwaysstandfor something because if we don’t, we will fall foranything,”saidSmith Today,mybeinga UnitedStatessailormeansalottomeandmy familybecausewechoosetostandforallthat is true and upright for the society in which weareliving.”
“IjoinedtheNavymainlybecauseIneeded togaintheexperienceofwhatitisallabout,” saidSmith.“Overtheyears Inoticedthatmy sonadmireduniformpersonnel Nowthathe is 12 years old, he’s started having conversations with me about how he wants to work with the United States military. Now, as a father who believes in leading by example, especiallywhenitcomestothedevelopment ofmychildren,IdecidedthatIwouldswitch careerpathsandjointheUnitedStatesNavy Forus itisafamilytraditionthingtodo.”
“What I like best about my job here in the NavyisthatIamapartofanorganizationthat isdedicatedtohelpingpeoplefromallwalks oflife,”saidSmith “Myspecificdutyresponsibilitiesasalogisticsspecialisthavegranted me the opportunity to work with the most disciplinedmenandwomennotonlywithin this command but throughout the world at large Waking up in the morning and getting ready for work gives me great delight knowingthatIamabletoassistinmakingsurethat the supplies needed are ready and available throughouttheworldtobeutilizedtoensure thesafetynotjustofmyselformyfamilyonly butfortheentireplanet.”
Headed by Capt. Christopher Barnes, NMRLCdevelops,acquires,produces,fields, sustains and provides enduring lifecycle support of medical materiel solutions to the Fleet, Fleet Marine Force, and Joint Forces in high-end competition, crisis, and combat AttheforefrontofNavyMedicine’sstrategic evolution, NMRLC is well positioned to be theJointForce’spremierintegratedmedical logisticssupportactivity
With90%ofglobalcommercetravelingby sea and access to the internet relying on the security of undersea fiber optic cables Navy officialscontinuetoemphasizethattheprosperityoftheUnitedStatesisdirectlylinkedto recruitingandretainingtalentedpeoplefrom acrosstherichfabricofAmerica.
Smith serves a Navy that operates far forward, around the world and around the clock, promoting the nation’s prosperity
and security “We will earn and reinforce the trust and confidence of the American people every day,” said Adm. Lisa Franchetti, chief of naval operations “Together we will deliver theNavythenationneeds.”
Smith has many opportunities to achieve accomplishmentsduringmilitaryservice “MyproudestaccomplishmentintheNavy was completing boot camp and ‘A’ school, andbeingabletowearmyuniformeveryday since,” said Smith. “It takes honor, courage andgreatcommitmentthus,Iammadeproud eachandeverydayofthisnobleorganization forwhichIwork.”
Smith can take pride in serving America throughmilitaryservice “Serving in the Navy means everything to me,notjusttomebutmyfamilyaswellwhere many impossible opportunities are made possible,”saidSmith. Smithisgratefultoothersforhelpingmake aNavycareerpossible
“I just want to say thank you to those men and women who came before me who fought for the freedom of our world, and to those remaining to continue keeping up the good work,” said Smith. “As we all know none of what we do is in vain, but more so of a worthy cause.”
NAVSUP Fleet Logistics Center (FLC)
Norfolk recently launched a program called Contracting Foundations, designed to efficiently onboard and train all new developmentalemployees makethemfeelwelcome and begin preparing them to support the command’smissionfromdayone NAVSUP FLC Norfolk conducts and enablessupplychain,acquisition,operational logistics and sailor & family care activities with mission partners to generate readiness andsustainnavalforcesworldwide Contracting Foundations introduces new employees tothecontractingprocesseswithanemphasis on how NAVSUP FLC Norfolk processes acquisition requirements This program encompasses the entire contracting process from receipt of a purchase request through contract closeout. The program brings all new developmental personnel onboard on the same day and assigning them to a cohort upon arrival and that group completes the entireonboardingprocesstogether NAVSUPFLCNorfolkContractingDepartmenthaspersonnelinNorfolk,Va Philadelphia, Mechanicsburg, Penn., Groton, Conn., andArlington,Va.,makingcommunicationa challenge.Communicationsacrossthiswide area are simplified with technology such as MicrosoftTeams,whichhasstreamlinedthe organization’s ability to create and facilitate training and team building for all sites In addition,membersofeachcohorthaveaccess tomanytypesofcommunicationschannelsin MicrosoftTeamssuchas“AsktheKO which provides a member of any cohort the ability to ask questions and to receive input from leadership and Contracting Foundations contractingofficers
The NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Contracting Department processes the fourth largest amount of contract actions in the Navy processingapproximately8thousandactions valued at nearly $2.8 billion in fiscal year 23 CustomerssuchasUnitedStatesFleetForces (USFF) Command know they can count on theteamtosupportthewarfighter “The technical experts of NAVSUP FLC
Norfolk contracting team provide exceptional support to the Fleet on a daily basis” said USFF Executive Director Matt Swartz. “FLCNorfolkexecutesthousandsofcontract actionsannually,whichdirectlyresultsinour Fleetreadiness increasinglethalityandintegrateddeterrencearoundtheglobe.”
The Contracting Foundations program is the first building block to continuing that level of support, providing smooth and efficient onboarding and training to all new contract specialists Ensuring a warm and seamless transition to joining the command leadstooverallbettermoraleandculture.
“We are focused on recruiting the best and brightest future contract specialists and retaining them for years to come,” said Contracting Department Director Capt. Todd Wanack. “We believe in investing time and resources into a robust onboarding and trainingprogramwillproducelongtermdividends.”
Charles (Cody) Christie, one of the first new hires to experience the Contracting Foundation’sprogram canseeadifferencein education,institutionalsupport,andpreparationofnewNAVSUPFLCNorfolkContractingDepartmentemployees
“My perspective is unique I watched my partner, who was hired at NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Contracting Department before the ContractingFoundationsprogrambeganand she struggled to learn this unique role,” he said. “Today’s new hires are infinitely better supportedinthecohortsoftheLearningand Development(L&D)Division.It’sanightand daydifferenceinmyexperience.”
Cody double-majored in Political Science and Communications at Old Dominion University, just a short commute from NAVSUP FLC Norfolk at Naval Station Norfolk, Va When he learned that NAVSUP FLC Norfolk was going to build a program to train new hires, Cody was ready to take the leap He recalls “I understood that a program like this would be valuable early in mycareer thestructure,thecohorttraining style, and the ability to rotate to experience different customers within NAVSUP FLC Norfolk.” Since transitioning to a new work-
ing production team, Cody states, Contracting Foundations “has all the ingredients to beapowerhousewithregardtotalentacquisition and retention. I know far more than I expected.”
Inhiscurrentrotation,Codyisassignedto the Pentagon Directorate He has executed actions in support of Naval Personnel Command, Navy Culture and Force Resilience, and Navy Recruiting Command just to name a few “I don’t think I would be half as capable if not for the L&D Division” he says,“notonlydidtheL&DDivisionprovide skillsandknowledge,butallthatexperience developed confidence and motivation. I feel morecomfortableandcompetentinmyrole Iamalsoeagertolearnmoreandgrowinmy career.”
As the L&D Division continues into its secondyear,thenewprogramhason-boarded andtrained63newdevelopmentalpersonnel. DespiterotatingofftheL&Dteam,Codysays, “IknowIcangototheeducatorsandleadership in the L&D Division if I have questions about a workload assignment. Just because we rotated to a working team, we are still interns and members of a Cohort and can reachbacktoaskquestions.”
When asked what his advice to others considering building a similar training environment Cody responded, “I think on the job training is a great way for new employees to adapt to the culture, understand the expectations and achieve the goals I highly recommendorganizationsconsideradopting a similar program I am very grateful for the opportunity to be a member of Cohort 1 in the L&D Division, as it has been an energizing,educational,andwonderfulexperience.” NAVSUP FLC Norfolk Contracting has improvedonboardingandtrainingtosupport theNAVSUPmissionbyprovidingstructured, interactive modules to ensure the workforceisreadytoperform.TheNAVSUPFLC Norfolk Contracting Foundations program cultivates technically proficient acquisition workforce capable of supporting of the mission.
Navy Bureau Of Medicine and Surgery
ViceChiefofNavalOperationsAdm.Jim Kilby approved the establishment of the Navy Medicine Enterprise (NME), which is an operationally focused organizational structureprovidingseniorfleetleadershipa mechanismtoaddressandprioritizehealth servicesupportrequirementstomeetoperationalobjectives,Aug.14
The commitment of Navy Medicine to both operational and preventive care is crucial in sustaining our force,” said Kilby. “This is about setting standards of care for our people from physical and mental health, to training and education. Ensuring our naval medical forces are properly manned,trained,andequippedmeanswe’re readynowandforthefuturefight.”
The U.S. Navy Surgeon General will lead the NME, providing a single integrated voice of a cooperative partnership operatingwithinexistingcommandstructuresand U.S.CodeTitle10authorities
“Navy Medicine warfighters are integrated across every facet of warfighting, whetherprovidinghealthserviceswiththe fleet or from the foundation,” stressed U.S. Navy Surgeon General and Chief U.S. Navy BureauofMedicineandSurgeryRearAdm. Darin Via. “The NME allows us to ensure weareaddressingtheneedsofthefleet,not onlythroughmyauthoritiesastheSurgeon General,butalsoalignedacrosstheauthoritiesofsevenresourcesponsors,threesystem commandsandeverytypecommand.”
NME will address the readiness, and physical and mental health of all warfighters through healthcare services support designedtopreventillnessandinjury maximizebaselinehumanperformance,andtreat andrehabilitatewarfighters’postillnessand injurythroughstandardizedqualityofcare, policy, education, training, and the delivery ofmedicalforcesinsupportofthewarfighters
“Health services are the backbone of effectivewarfightingintheU.S.Navy ensuringthateverySailorandMarineismissionreadyandresilient, saidAdm.DarylCaudle commander, U.S. Fleet Forces Command. “The Navy Medicine Enterprise stands as a crucial pillar, providing comprehensive support to fleet commanders by mitigating risks, optimizing human factors, and maintaining peak operational health readiness, ultimately ensuring our enduring overmatch, our warriors, can sustain our maritimedominanceandstrategicadvantage.”
includes coordination with resource sponsors to ensure alignment, reduce duplication,andtoachieveorganizationalgoals
The foundation of the NME process will beformedbystakeholdersandorganizations who are integral to the warfare improvement program who prioritize fleet capabilities and priorities The NME process also
TheFleetReadinessEnterpriseconstruct wasestablishedbytheChiefofNavalOperationsin2002toimproveefficiencyandeffectivenessinproducingreadinessinfleetunits and forces, institute structure and process to better support informed decisions on readiness resource allocation and risk mitigation. The enterprise construct enables a more holistic approach to developing fleet recommendations to the Office of the CNO regarding warfighting capabilities and programming Navy Medicine represented by more than 44,000 highly-trained military and civilianhealthcareprofessionals provides enduring expeditionary medical support to thewarfighteron,below,andabovethesea, andashore.
Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic
In honor of National Navajo Code Talkers Day on August 14 Naval Information WarfareCenter(NIWC)Atlanticpaystribute to the legacy of the Navajo Code Talkers, whose ingenious use of their native language played a pivotal role in World War II.
This day of recognition, established by President Ronald Reagan in 1982 through Proclamation 4954, serves as a powerful reminderofthecriticalcontributionsmade byNavajoandotherNativeAmericancode talkers
Today we celebrate by highlighting a recent opportunity that NIWC Atlantic employees of Native American descent were able to participate in, enabling them to connect with Indigenous communities within the Lowcountry
Members of NIWC Atlantic’s American Indian/Alaskan Native (AIAN) Employment Team recently participated in the 47th Annual Edisto Natchez-Kusso Tribe Powwow this past spring at the Dorchester Heritage Center in Ridgeville, South Carolina.
Duringthisvibranttwo-dayevent,which showcased the rich cultural heritage of various tribes through drum circles, tribal dances arts traditional attire, and authenticfood,membersofNIWCAtlantic’sAIAN team presented an interactive display that engaged attendees with hands-on activities related to science, technology, engineering and math (STEM), reflecting the command’s commitment to honoring and supporting Native American cultures.
“Itwasouropportunitytoshowcasewhat we do every day and more importantly, what they can do if they’re interested in science engineering technologyormath, said Ornette Harley, financial analyst and AIAN team co-lead who spearheaded the effort. “We wanted to show the attendees that STEM is for everyone, no matter their skill level, age, gender or ethnicity.”
The highlight of the display was the Caesarcipherdisk,asecretdecoderwheel encrypted with uplifting messages for those who dared to take the challenge of deciphering the hidden messages letter by letter
The Caesar cipher is named after Julius Caesar, who used it in his correspondence toprotectmessagesofmilitarysignificance. Eachletterissubstitutedforanotherletter basedonafixednumberofpositionsdown the alphabet, shifting either left or right.
“Thecipherisagreatwayforchildrento learn the basics of cryptography and how Native Americans were among the first to implement it in defense of our nation,” Harley said.
Cryptography is the practice of hiding or encrypting information so that only the personamessagewasintendedforcanread it.
“American Indians have been using traditional tribal languages to send secret messages during battle since World War I, Harley said.
According to the National Museum of the American Indian website, throughout the first world war, members of the ChoctawNationcouldbeheardonthefrontlines using their native language to communicate amongst each other When U.S. Army Soldiers realized the Germans had tapped into their telephone lines they recruited Choctaw men, who became known as the Choctaw Telephone Squad, to use their native language to code secret messages
During World War II, the U.S. Marine Corps recruited members of Navajo Tribe to create coded messages This tribe had no written language, no alphabet and no words for some of the words we used in English, so their coded messages were evenmorecomplextodecipher TheNavajo CodeTalkersbecamefamous butinreality more than 15 Native tribes, including the Cherokee and Comanche, were recruited toutilizetheirlanguagestotransmitsecret messagesfortheAlliesthroughoutEurope and the Pacific.
“Through the use of the cipher disks, we were able to show the children and their parents that Native Americans have alwaysbeenattheforefrontofinformation warfare,” said Taralyn Goodson, financial analyst. “I think we helped them better understandandappreciatethatourmodern technology for coding was heavily influenced by the innovation, knowledge, and culture of Indigenous Peoples.” Harley, Goodson, and their fellow AIAN EmploymentTeammembersCindiBrown andLoraFoster,disseminatedinformation about STEM activities the children can do with their parents online at home as well as pamphlets with information regarding internship opportunities with NIWC Atlantic for both high school and college students
Native Americans are still underrepresented in STEM fields and in high-paying techjobs,accordingtotheU.S.Department ofCommercewebsite Brown,aninformationtechnologyspecialist,saidshewanted to be a part of changing that. She ensured the parents and children with whom she interactedlearnedaboutavailableopportunities at NIWC Atlantic right here in the Lowcountry thatcanleadtojobsfollowing graduation.
“Native Americans were the original coders; we were the first to win at information warfare. We’ve been a part of this military family since the pioneering days Today, we should be proud of our natural ingenuity, and just like any Americans, use that aptitude for innovation to acquire good-paying tech jobs that also help maintain our national security,” Brown said, adding that NIWC Atlantic provides this opportunityandwelcomespeoplefromall ethnic backgrounds
“We invest in our people,” Brown said. “We want to see all nationalities represented at the table, in leadership positions andrecognizedforbeingthedrivingforces for many of our projects in support of the militaryandseveralotherfederalagencies.”
those who visited the AIAN team’s display were encouraged to look more into the opportunities introduced to them at the powwow
“I think sometimes children don’t think these jobs are for them because they don’t often see leadership that look like themselves,” Foster said. “We offered them insight into different perspectives about different careers based on things they already know how to do They have been doing it all along I hope after talking to us and participating in the cipher games, they realize that what they do intuitively translatestoaskillthatisusedintheworkforce especially for government agencies or the military, in information technology, networking, cybersecurity and so much more.”
Foster offered this sentiment based on oneofthecipher’sdecodedmessages:“You justprovedyouaresmartenoughtopursue a STEM career.”
“Evenifthismessageresonateswithonly one child, it was worth all the effort to be here, Foster said.
For NIWC Atlantic employees who are interested in connecting with the Native American community, empowering the next generation of Native American innovators, or educating the workforce about the accomplishments and contributions of Native Americans contact the AIAN Employment Team by emailing Ornette.C.Harley.civ@us.navy.mil.
About NIWC Atlantic: As a part of Naval Information Warfare Systems Command, NIWC Atlantic provides systems engineering and acquisition to deliver information warfare capabilities to the naval, joint and national warfighter through the acquisition, development, integration, production, test, deployment, and sustainment of interoperable command, control communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance,andreconnaissance,cyberand information technology capabilities
ByJeromeMapp Naval Safety Command
Morethan60safetyexpertsfromacrossthe navalenterpriseconvenedhereAugust7-8to improve the Department of the Navy’s Risk Management Information (RMI) system Hosted by the Naval Safety Command (NAVSAFECOM), participants tackled pressingsafetyissuesanddevisedstrategies tostrengthennavalsafetyprotocolsattheir respectivecommands In response to overwhelming user feedback from the first RMI review last June NAVSAFECOM hosted a second, comprehensive two-day RMI review to address critical issues and enhance the platform. A total of 310 comments were meticulously analyzed, highlighting specific deficiencies and usability issues encountered by naval enterprisepersonnelwhileinteractingwith the RMI system. This in-depth analysis sought to pinpoint areas for improvement withintheplatformandimplementchanges toelevatetheoveralluserexperience
Since August 2020, NAVSAFECOM has launched a series of modules to enhance the safety reporting and safety management systems within the RMI framework
Thisexpandedsystemencompassesfourkey areas:streamlinedincidentreporting(SIR), analysis and dissemination, safety program managementandasinglepointofentry
RMI is revolutionizing naval safety by centralizing incident reporting safety program management and analysis. Built upon the robust AFSAS foundation, shared by four out of five military services, RMI streamlines the reporting process enabling data-driven insights to foster mishap prevention strategies By replacing the outdatedWESSandexpandingcapabilities across the Navy and Marine Corps RMI fosters a safer environment for the entire DepartmentofDefense
Chris Tarsa, NAVSAFECOM executive director, opened the meeting with an RMI overview, noting the approximately 137 minimum data elements required in RMI that are mandated by the Department of Defense(DoD)andthecontinuousimprovementcyclewiththephasedreleaseofRMI’s safety program management modules or capabilities
“We’recommittedtocontinuousimprovement based on direct customer feedback,” saidTarsa.“Welisten,learnandevolve.”
The conference featured a comprehensive discussion on RMI issues previ-
ously submitted by stakeholders to NAVSAFECOM. Feedback encompassed variousRMIareas,includinghazardabatement, analytics, inspections, and training
The group explored potential solutions for each comment, either agreeing to implement or assigning follow-up actions to NAVSAFECOM or an integrated project team.
Common concerns included RMI’s complexity, the need for additional data inputoptions,redundantfields,andunclear sections Whilesomesuggestionsconflicted with DoD mandates others were resolved onthespotthroughexplanationorcommitmenttoimplementsystemimprovements
For the attendees, the meeting was an opportunity to hear issues other users had encountered,howtheyaddressedproblems, and that NAVSAFECOM was listening and receptivetotheirconcerns “By providing a space for open dialogue, NAVSAFECOMdemonstratedthattheyare notonlyawareofuserchallengesbutgenuinelyinterestedinfindingsolutions,”according to Krystyna Eaker RMI Requirements manager “This review was a valuable platformforuserstoshareexperiencesandfeel heardbyNAVSAFECOM.” WESSwasthefirstoffoursafetyreporting
systems that RMI was designed to replace to provide improved enterprise transparency The other systems are the Enterprise Safety Applications Management System (ESAMS),MedicalMishapandCompensation(MMAC),andPortsmouthNavalShipyard Occupational Accident and Illness ReportingSystem(POAIRS).
To date, the following RMI Safety Programmodulesarecomplete:Inspections, Hazard Abatement, Training and Confined Space The remaining modules are scheduled for delivery through fiscal 2027: Job Hazard Analysis Medical Surveillance Self-assessment,RespiratoryProtection,Fall Protection, Operational Risk Management andSafetyCommittee. Once fully implemented, the modules will help ensure that all safety information is captured to help support hazard mitigationandoverallmishappreventionefforts ThegoaloftheRMIsystemandthemeetingistopreventmishapsbyimprovingdata collection, transparency analysis and the overallsafetyculturewithintheNavy “The real goal of this program is mishap prevention, said Tarsa. “Learning
whenwedon’treallyunderstandthefactors thatleaduptoanevent.”
ByKrisPatterson Naval Information Warfare Center Atlantic
As the United States observes National Navajo Code Talkers Day on August 14, a significant moment of remembrance and tribute unfolds at Naval Information WarfareCenter(NIWC)Atlantic.
InaquietofficeatNIWCAtlantic’sheadquarters in Charleston, South Carolina, MathewDaugomahimmerseshimselfinhis workasasoftwareengineer developingcriticalsystemsforNIWCAtlantic’sJointLight TacticalVehicles(JLTV)project AshefinetunessoftwarefortheAirForceandMarine Corps, he is reminded of a rich legacy that connectshimtoapivotalchapterinAmericanmilitaryhistory ForDaugomah,thisdayisdeeplypersonal and profoundly significant. It honors not only the Navajo Code Talkers but also his great-grandfather DooleyD.Shorty,whose contributions were instrumental in the success of the Navajo Code Talker program createdduringWorldWarII.
Shorty, who was born on June 8, 1911 on the Navajo reservation in Cornfields, Arizona, grew up speaking the Navajo language,Diné,ashisfirstlanguage.
Whenhewasayoungchild,Shortyandhis brothers along with other Navajo children were transported by wagon to boarding schools where they endured mistreatment andwere“assimilated”toAmericanculture. Ironically, they were often punished for speakingintheirnativetongue
“They were forced to speak only English and wear itchy, wool uniforms and march everywhere, said Daugomah, recalling familial tales about his great-grandfather “Theyweredeprivedoffoodandwouldsave bread from the mess hall in their pockets, enough to last a couple of days They ran away from the schools, and when they did, they would run all night They knew that when found, they would have to go back to the school, but they ran anyway to get to spend a night with their parents When the boyswerecaught,theyweresenttoanother schoolfartheraway.”
As an adult, Shorty became a silversmith and subsequently taught shop classes at FortWingate,amilitaryinstallationinNew Mexico, after he was drafted in the Marine Corpsattheonsetofthewar.
He would later tell family members of basic training “Boot camp wasn’t too hard for us Navajos because we were used to rough treatment, marching, and getting yelledatinboardingschool.
While stationed at Camp Pendleton, San Diego in 1942, Shorty was preparing to be deployed when he was pulled aside by his leadership
“They knew he taught shop class at Fort Wingate and had teaching experience so theybegantoprephimtoteachfortheCode Talkerprogram, saidDaugomah.
NotonlywasShortyexpectedtocommunicateincodeusingtheNavajolanguage,but he was also to train others in this language, a spoken language with no written form,
This September, Navy Installations across the fleet will be hosting the 9th Annual Bells Across America for Fallen Service Members Bells have been used for centuries by the Navy for timekeeping safety and communication to sound alarms, in ceremonies and events, and to signal the presence of important persons However, during these ceremonies, the bells rung will not signal anyone’s presence, but instead will toll in their absence Bells Across America provides Service Members, Survivors and members of the community an opportunity to commemorate the life and service of those who died while on active duty The ceremonies help ensure that families of the fallen know that their loved ones are remembered and that those touched by their loss have a way to pay tribute. The primary focus and mission of the Navy Gold Star Program is to provide an unprecedented level of service andcommitmenttoourNavyGoldStarFamilies BellsAcross America for Fallen Service Members is one way the Navy would like to recognize the sacrifices of our Fallen Heroes and the Gold Star Families left behind There will be a limited virtual remembrance posted on the Navy Gold Star Facebook page on September 26th for those unable to attend an event in person at www.facebook.com/ navygoldstar Please visit www.navygoldstar.com/events/ bells-across-america to learn more about this year’s hosting locations.
making it incredibly difficult for the enemy todecipher Shortyandhiscolleaguesinnovated within the language assigning new meanings to words to represent modern militaryequipment.Forinstance,“tas-chizzie,”thewordforswallow,becametheterm for torpedo plane, and “jay-sho,” meaning buzzard,wasusedforbomber.
TheNavajocodewasincrediblycomplex and so effective it remained unbroken by Japanese cryptographers throughout the war. In fact, during the first 48 hours of the Battle of Iwo Jima, Navajos flawlessly sent and received more than 800 messages that wereundecipheredbyadversaries.Consideredsovaluable,thecodewasclassifieduntil 1968,Daugomahsaid
Despite his role in the program, Shorty rarelyspokeabouthiswartimeexperiences.
“My father told me that Grandpa Dooley didn’t discuss his days as a Code Talker much, Daugomahsaid.
It wasn’t until Shorty’s son, Ben, did a third-gradeprojectontheCodeTalkersthat their family fully understood the extent of hisservice
“Ben found his dad’s Marine Corps lapel pin on his work bench and showed it to his third-grade teacher,” said Daugomah “She suggestedhedoareportontheNavajoCode Talkers When Ben mentioned the idea to his father, that’s when he [Dooley] shared the story of how he was chosen to become aCodeTalker.”
Not only did Ben tell his father’s story to his class, but he also told his sister, Stella,
who as an adult passed it on to her son James whose son [Mathew] Daugomah, nowcontinuestellingShorty’slegacy
Daugomah’s own journey to landing a position at NIWC Atlantic reflects a blend of personal history and professional dedication, inspired by the heroism of his great-grandfather Born and raised in Charleston, South Carolina, Daugomah graduated from James Island Charter High School in 2018 He double-majored in Mathematics and Computer Science, earning his bachelor’s degree in 2022 and a master’s degree in Computer Science in 2024, both from the Citadel. He began working at NIWC Atlantic throughaninternshipin2021.Henowplays a key role in developing software for the command’s JLTV project, which involves integratingcommand control,communications computers intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems into JLTVs, which are next-generation vehicles designed to replace the Humvee In short, hisworksupportstheAirForceandMarine Corps, ensuring the functionality of critical communicationsystemsinmodernmilitary vehicles “I feel a tremendous sense of pride in my work, knowing that I am contributing to projects that support the warfighter, just as mygreat-grandfatherdid, Daugomahsays “TheMarineCorpsplayedasignificantrole
TurntoNavajoCodeTalker, Page 7
ByNatashaWaldronAnthony Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Washington
The Naval Facility Engineering Systems Command(NAVFAC)Washingtonrecently held its Public Works Department (PWD) Annapolis Day at Halligan Hall on the groundsoftheU.S.NavalAcademy,Annapolis, Maryland. Leadership from the WashingtonD.C.officesatwiththedepartment’s key leaders to discuss the portfolio of projects and other opportunities to encourage greatercollaboration.
Public Works Officer at PWD Annapolis, Cmdr William “Billy” Moiles emphasized the importance of showcasing the installation’suniquechallengestoNAVFACWash-
from Page 6
in World War II, and working on projects that support them feels like a continuation ofhislegacy.”
The impact of Shorty’s service is felt acutelybyDaugomah.
“Every day, as I work on software that ensuresthefunctionalityofcriticalsystems for the military, I think about how my great-grandfather’s efforts in code talking made such a difference,” he reflects “It’s a powerfulconnection,knowingthatthework Idoispartofalargertraditionofserviceand
ington and highlighted the department’s critical involvement in the Navy’s mission through the Bancroft Hall recapitalization, sea level rise and installation resiliency projects A major upcoming event is the groundbreaking or first-nail ceremony for the Bancroft Hall recapitalization project BancroftHall,issaidtobethelargestcontiguoussetofacademicdormitoriesintheU.S.
According to Moiles, “The PWD Annapolisteamisdeeplycommittedtosupporting therenovationofBancroftHall,theprimary facilityforhousingandtrainingtheBrigade of Midshipmen at the U.S. Naval Academy. The team takes pride in its role and is focused on starting the project with proper planningandinformationtodeliverthebest resultsforthemidshipmen.”
After his military service, Shorty worked as a teacher for 30 years at the Intermountain Indian School in Brigham City, Utah. When he retired, he and his family moved toAlbuquerque NewMexico ShortydiedonJune4,2000 justfourdays shy of his 89th birthday, and 10 days before Daugomahwasborn.
Shorty’s contributions were acknowledged both during his lifetime and after his death. On January 25, 1941, he was recognized by Eleanor Roosevelt for his role as a teacher of the Navajo language and for his work as a silversmith. He was awarded a Congressional Silver Medal posthumously
OperationsOfficeratNAVFACWashingtonCapt.AtiimSenthillpraisedtheproductive discussions during PWD Day. “A lot of hardtopicswerediscussed,whichwedon’t have immediate solutions for. But we now knowwehaveworktodotogettosolutions that will help the PWD and probably help someoftheotherPWDsacrosstheFacilities EngineeringCommand, Senthillremarked Senthill also touched on the Naval Community College project, describing it as “another high interest project” involving the relocation of security services and renovationoffacilitiestoaccommodatethe college’srelocationtoNSAAnnapolis Takis Tzamaras deputy public works officer at PWD Annapolis highlighted the collaborativenatureofPWDDay.“It’sgood
byPresidentGeorgeW.Bushduringaceremony for the Navajo Code Talkers on July 26,2001.
His story, alongside the broader narrative of the Navajo Code Talkers, serves as a reminder of the bravery and ingenuity that helpedsecurevictoryduringWorldWarII.
As the nation celebrates National Navajo Code Talkers Day, the story of Dooley D. Shortyandthelegacyheleftbehindiscelebratedthroughtheachievementsanddedicationofhisgreat-grandson,Daugomah.
“Ibelieve,andhopeothersagree,thatour shared commitment to service, whether on the battlefield or through modern technology embodiestheenduringspiritofinnova-
because leaders of multiple business lines are all in the room. So we really can brainstorm in terms of the resolutions that are required,” Tzamaras said. He emphasized thattheeventallowsforthedevelopmentof newbusinessprocessesandabetterunderstanding of improvement opportunities for currentoperations Withmajorprojectsonthehorizonanda focus on long-term sustainability, NAVFAC WashingtonandPWDAnnapolisareworkingtogethertoensuretheNavalAcademy’s facilities meet the needs of future generationsofnavalleaders
tion that defined the Code Talkers’ crucial roleinhistory.”
AboutNIWCAtlantic As a part of Naval Information Warfare SystemsCommand,NIWCAtlanticprovides systems engineering and acquisition to deliver information warfare capabilities to the naval, joint and national warfighter throughtheacquisition,development,integration, production, test, deployment, and sustainment of interoperable command, control, communications, computer, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance, cyber and information technology capabilities
and NewJapan
Flagship Contributor
With thousands of rowdy fans in attendance,AllEliteWrestling(AEW)presented their brand of professional wrestling by way of their Dynamite and Rampage television broadcasts on Wednesday, August 14 The event took place on the campus of Old Dominion University inside Chartway Arena in Norfolk, VA Storylines advanced andentertainingactionwasondisplayfrom many of the organization’s top athletes There was an excitement in the air as the
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Dispose of old electronics responsibly at the Virginia Aquarium&MarineScienceCenter’sE-Cycling event on September 7, from 9 a.m. to noon,presentedbyPRAGroup Rainorshine,participantscanrecycleold cellphones,usedvehiclebatteries,personal electronic items, unneeded prescriptions, cardboard, and more. The event will be a drive-throughintheAquarium’sEastParking Lot with participating vendors including AAA Tidewater Virginia, Goodwill Industries Bay Disposal, Virginia Beach Police Department, and new this year the 911 Cellphone Bank, where old cellphones will be refurbished and donated to victims ofhumantrafficking A cornerstone of the Virginia Aquarium’smission,E-Cyclingeventslikethisone provideasustainableandresponsiblewayto disposeofelectronicitems Thehardplastic inmanyoftheseitemswillneverdecompose in a landfill In items such as car batteries, the acid or chemicals in the products can end up in the ground or water run-offs and are corrosive and harmful to the environment. Many old electronic devices contain toxicsubstancesthatincludelead,mercury, cadmium, beryllium, polyvinyl chloride, andchromium Whene-wasteistossedinto landfills, these chemicals seep into the soil, pollutingthegroundwaterandtheair Onceitemsaree-cycled,Goodwillassesses the items for salability in their retail stores anditemsthatcannotbesoldwillberecycled inparts.Electronicsaremadeofcomponents that contain valuable raw materials and can be repurposed for new devices when they are recycled. As a result, energy is saved, pollution is reduced, and there are fewer greenhouse gas emissions released into the atmosphere. Recycling old devices saves energy It also means that fewer raw materialsneedtobedrawnfromnaturetocreate newdevices Additionally,reusingelectronicscanhelpmembersofthecommunitywho wouldnototherwisehaveaccess
Items that will not be accepted during the event include hazardous waste, televisions larger than 50 inches, CRT tube TV’s andcommercialcopymachines Ifyouhave these items in your home check your local landfill site for drop off options For a full
anticipated All In: London event is around the corner, broadcasting live from Wembley Stadium in London England on Sunday, August25onpay-per-view
This edition of AEW Dynamite was headlined by two big matches, starting off with TBS Champion “The CEO” Mercedes Moné defending her title against Hikaru Shida. With Moné’s new backup Kamille at ringside giving the assist, Moné was able to successfully retain her title. Dr Britt Baker DMD made a surprise appearance to get herhandsonMoné,but“TheCEO”slipped away with Kamille. Baker looks to wrestle
theTBSChampionshipawayfromMonéat AllIn:London. In Dynamite’s other headlining bout, AEW World Champion Swerve Strickland defeated Blackpool Combat Club (BCC) member Wheeler Yuta in the main event. Strickland’sAllIn:LondonopponentBryan Danielsonwasseatedfrontrowinthecrowd to cheer on his BCC teammate It was the repeated unanswered strikes from StricklandtoYutathatforcedrefereeBryceRemsburgtostopthematchandawardthevictory to the AEW World Champion. Danielson would enter the ring afterward to check on
Yuta and was attacked with the House Call kick to the skull by Strickland. Danielson haspromisedthat,ifheisnotabletowinthe AEWWorldChampionshipfromStrickland atAllIn:London,hewillretirefromcompetition after nearly 25 years in the wrestling business After the live broadcast of Dynamite on TBS fans were treated to the taping of Fridaynight’sRampageprogramthatairson TNT Whatfollowedwasafast-pacedhour, with a main event of Top Flight (Dante and
list of accepted items, visit VirginiaAquarium.com. The event is free to the public, but donations are appreciated and will go to the AquariumFoundationtosupporteffortsthat promotesustainablepractices
The Virginia Aquarium has hosted 24 e-cycling events since 2009 that have collectively diverted more than 338 tons or 680,000 pounds of e-waste from the landfill thanks to dedicated participants This event is made possible because of our dedicatedvolunteers Signuptobeavolunteerat https://virginiaaquarium.com/one-day-volunteer-events In the event of extreme weather the E-Cycling Event will be moved to October
12 Participants can learn more about the E-CyclingeventonVirginiaAqarirum.com. About the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center: The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center’s mission is to connectpeopletothemarineenvironment, inspiring a more sustainable future. The Aquariumaspirestobeadriverinconservation, education, tourism, and sustainability, leadingthechargetosavewildlifeandtheir ecosystems Owned by the City of Virginia Beach, the Aquarium operates as a city departmentinpartnershipwiththeVirginia Aquarium&MarineScienceCenterFoundation.TheAquariumisproudtobeanaccreditedmemberoftheAssociationofZoosand Aquariums
The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/
NORFOLK,Va JoinNorfolkBotanicalGarden(NBG) and the Beekeepers Guild of Southeast Virginia for the VirginiaHoneyBeeFestivalSaturday,August17,2024from 10:00a.m.to4:00p.m.Learnaboutthecriticalroleofbees andhowyoucanprotectthembynotusingharmfulpesticides Incorporatebeefriendlyplantsintoyourlandscape. Enjoy children’s activities demonstrations, honey products & samples, pottery, jewelry, food trucks, and much more! Come see the inside of a real live bee hive andpurchaseyourownbee-friendlyplants.Childrenwho
All In: London event from Page 1
Martin) defeating MxM Collective (Mason Madden and Mansoor) This was AEW’s second visit to Norfolk, VA in 2024, and the positive fan response would indicate a return could not come soonenough. ForinformationonhowtowatchAllIn:London, visit AllEliteWrestling.com. You can catch AEW television programming weekly on Wednesday nights for AEW Dynamite on TBS 8 pm AEW Rampage airs Friday nights on TNT, 10 pm AEW CollisionairsSaturdaynightsonTNT,8pm. Other announced matches for AEW’s All In: Londonevent:
AEW Women’s World Championship Match: “Timeless” Toni Storm (c) vs “The Glamour” MariahMay
AEW American Championship: MJF (c) vs Will Ospreay
TNT Championship Coffin Match: “The Scapegoat JackPerryvsDarbyAllin
Casino Gauntlet Match for a guaranteed AEW WorldChampionshipmatch
AEWWorldTriosChampionshipLadderMatch: Christian Cage & The Patriarchy (c) vs Bang Bang GangvsHouseofBlackvsTBA
Jonathan McLarty is a contributing writer for The Flagship as well as a local sports and event photographer Connect with him on X (@JonathanMcLarty) and view his photography at McLartyPhoto Zenfolio.com
dress as a bee will receive a free honey stick! Buzz on over to Norfolk Botanical Garden for a fun-filled day!
JoinNBGfortheMushroomFestivalSunday,September 8,2024from10:00a.m.to4:00p.m.Thisfunall-dayfestival features the wonders of mushrooms as we bring together a diverse array of educational, retail, and food vendors. Delve into the fungal kingdom with hands-on activities forkidsandcollectstampsinyourpassportasyouexplore thefascinatingworldofmushrooms Don’tmissrenowned mycologist and keynote speaker Tradd Cotter!
Both Summer Festivals are FREE with Garden admission. Admission is $17.95 for adults, $15.95 for seniors and military,$13.95forages3-12,2andunderarefree Formore information, visit www.norfolkbotanicalgarden.org
About Norfolk Botanical Garden: Norfolk Botanical Garden represents an oasis of more than 65 themed gardensencompassing175beautifulacres.Fromstunning plant collections to WOW - World of Wonders: A Children’s Adventure Garden this diverse natural beauty can be explored by tram, boat, or walking tours The Garden is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums, recognized as a Virginia Historic Landmark, listed on the National Register of Historic Places and designated a VirginiaGreenattraction.ItismanagedbyNorfolkBotanicalGarden,Inc andsupportedbytheCityofNorfolk.The missionofNorfolkBotanicalGardenistoimmersevisitors in a world of beauty, lead through environmental action, and inspire through education and connection to nature.
Source: American Heart Association
Howyoustartyourmorningcanimpacttherestofyour day. If you’relooking to incorporate healthierchoices intoyourmorningroutine,tryaconceptknownas“habit stacking.”Buildingtiny,healthierhabitsintoroutinesyou already have,likeenjoying amorning beverage or breakfastbeforeyoucheckyouremailinsteadofjumpingright into the day’stasks, can makeiteasier to stick to anew habitwhenit’sbuiltintoanexistingroutine
If youalready enjoy theroutine of breakfast to start the day, consider swapping sugary drinks for beverages without added sugars likeunsweetened green or black tea.Whenincorporatedaspartofanoverallhealthydiet, unsweetenedteacanhelpsupporthearthealth
Ifyouneedhelpgettingstarted,Lipton,aproudnational sponsoroftheAmericanHeartAssociation’sLifeisWhy campaign,createdtheseeasy-to-make,better-for-youtea recipes Asmallhandful of ingredients makesabig splash in GreenTeaBerryBananaSmoothies,idealforanon-the-go breakfast.Foralittlerefreshmentanytimeofday,simple Sparkling GreenTea CranberrySpritzers offer asolution with 0grams of added sugars whilenon-alcoholic Green TeaMojito Mocktails provide natural sweetness with100%fruitjuice
Choosingbeverageswithnoaddedsugarscancontribute to ahealthyheart, according to the AmericanHeart Association, making these recipes perfectfor dailyhabit stacking.Water is needed to keep your bodyrunning at its best, and because unsweetened teais99.5% water, it providesadeliciouswaytohelphydrate.
DiscovermorewaystoimprovedailyroutinesatHeart. org/eatsmart.
Green TeaBerry Banana Smoothies
Recipe courtesyofthe American HeartAssociation
Servings: 4(1.5cupsper serving)
In small saucepan overhigh heat,bring water to boil. Remove pan from heat. Submerge tea bags. Steep 4 minutes.Discardteabags.Letteamixturecool30minutes Pourintopitcher.Refrigerate2hours,oruntilchilled In food processor or blender,process tea, berries, bananasand yogurt until smooth. Addgingerroot and vanilla,ifdesired,andprocessuntilsmooth.Pourintofour glasses.Sprinklewithchiaseeds,ifdesired.
Nutritional information per serving (without optional ingredients):136 calories;1 gtotal fat(0g saturatedfat transfat, polyunsaturated fatand monounsaturated fat); 3mgcholesterol; 23 mg sodium; 29 gcarbohydrates;5g fiber;18gtotalsugars(0gaddedsugars);8gprotein.
Recipe courtesyofthe American HeartAssociation
Servings:4 (1.5 cups per serving)
32-40 sprigsfreshmint,plusadditionalforgarnish, divided 2cupsicecubes
1/2 cupfreshlimejuice(about4mediumlimes)
1mediumlime,cutintofourwedgesorlimezest twists(optional)
In small saucepan overhigh heat,bring water to boil. Remove pan from heat. Submerge tea bags. Steep 4 minutes.Discardteabags.Letteamixturecool30minutes Pourintopitcher.Refrigerate2hours,oruntilchilled At serving time,add mintleavestofour glasses. Using muddlerorwoodenspoon,mashmintleavesseveraltimes toreleasejuices.Don’tmashintopulp.Addice. Stir whitegrape juiceand limejuice into teamixture Pourintoglasses.Garnisheachwithlimewedgeandmint leaf.
Tip:Togetmorejuicefromcitrus,beforeslicing,microwavefruitonhigh30seconds,oruntilwarm.Whencool enough to handle,use citrus reamer or handheld juice presstojuicecitrus
Nutritional information per serving:45calories; 0g total fat (0 gsaturated fat, trans fat, polyunsaturatedfat andmonounsaturatedfat);0mgcholesterol;7mgsodium; 13 gcarbohydrates;0 gfiber; 10 gtotal sugars (0 gadded sugars);1gprotein.
Sparkling Green TeaCranberry Spritzers
Recipecourtesyofthe American HeartAssociation Servings: 4(1.5cupsper serving)
4single-servinggreenteabags 1cup100%cranberryjuiceor100%cranberry-pomegranatejuice 2cupsicecubes 1/2cupseltzer(flavoredorplain)orlow-sodiumclub soda,chilled
In smallsaucepan over high heat, bring water to boil. Remove pan from heat. Submergetea bags.Steep 4minutes.Discard tea bags.Let tea mixturecool 30 minutes.Pourintopitcher.Stirincranberryjuice.Refrigerate2hours,oruntilchilled.
At serving time,put ice cubes in four glasses.Pour tea mixtureinto glasses. Topeach serving with seltzer Garnishwithorangeslices.
Tip:Tocreatecranberry-flavoredicecubes,fillicecube traywith100%cranberryjuiceandfreeze
Nutritionalinformation perserving: 32 calories: 0g total fat (0 gsaturated fat, trans fat, polyunsaturatedfat andmonounsaturatedfat);0mgcholesterol;4mgsodium; 8mgcarbohydrates;0 gfiber; 8g total sugars (0 gadded sugars);1gprotein.
Managehectic mornings with quick, healthy breakfasts
Source: HealthyFamily Project
Gettingkids up and out the doorisachallenge allonits own,andonthosebusyschoolmorningswhennothingseems to run smoothly,healthybreakfastscan go by the wayside Whileit’swidelyrecognizedasthe most importantmealof the day, that doesn’t alwaysmean youhavetime to sitdown andenjoyit.
Solvingyourmorningrushwithgrab-and-gobreakfastsyou canmakeaheadoftimeaccomplishesbothgoalsatonce:staying on schedule andfuelingyourkiddos (and yourself)for the dayahead. These delicious and nutritious recipes come fromHealthyFamilyProject’s2024BacktoSchoolCampaign, whichisraising$12,000fortheFoundationforFreshProduce tosupportchildren’saccessibilitytofreshfruitsandvegetables. These Mixed Berry Whole-Wheat Muffins area perfect solution when youneedtohustle outthe door.Asahealthy, delicioustreatkidscantakewiththemtoschooloreatduring the commute,they’re quick and easytomake. Loadedwith blueberries-abonafidesuperfoodthat’shighinfiber,lowin caloriesandhighinvitaminC,potassiumandvitaminK-you mayevenneedtomakeadoublebatchsoyouhaveplentyfor breakfastsandafter-schoolsnacks With asimple graham crackercrust andcreamyGreek yogurtfilling,MandarinOrangeNo-BakeTartsofferanother refreshing,kid-friendlymorningmeal.Theycanhelpyoustart yourdayontherightfootwhetheryou’reshortontimeorable toeataquickbitetogetherasafamily Discovermorewaystomanageschool-dayscheduleswith easy,nutritiousrecipesathealthyfamilyproject.com
MixedBerry Whole-WheatMuffins
Recipe courtesyofHealthy Family Project
Prep time: 5minutes
Cook time: 15 minutes
11/4 cupswhitewhole-wheatflour
1/8 teaspoonsalt
1/2 cupmaplesyrup
3/4 cupplainnonfatGreekyogurt
3/4 cupunsweetenedapplesauce
1/2 cupchoppedstrawberries
1/2 cupblueberries
Preheatovento400F.Greasemuffinpanandsetaside. Inmediumbowl,whiskflour,bakingpowder,bakingsoda andsalt.Inseparatelargebowl,mixegg,maplesyrup,vanilla, yogurtandapplesauce
Adddry ingredients to wetingredients andstiruntil just combined.Donot overmix. Fold in strawberries and blueberries Pour batter into prepared muffintin, fillingcupsabout 3/4full. Bake15minutes,oruntiltopsaregoldenbrownandtoothpickinsertedincentercomesoutclean
Remove from oven andlet cool in muffintin 5minutes beforeremoving.
RecipecourtesyofHealthy Family Project
Prep time: 10 minutes
Freezetime: 1hour
4mandarinoranges,peeledand segmented
In bowl, mix graham cracker crumbs with meltedbutter. Press mixtureinto bottom of individual mini tart pans or mini muffintin. Refrigerate cruststosetwhilepreparingfilling Inbowl,combineGreekyogurt,vanillaand honeyormaplesyrup.Mixwell. Spoonyogurtmixtureintochilledcrusts Freezetartsatleast1hour.Topwithmandarinsegments
FALLS CHURCH, Va When was the last time you looked to see if your information in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility ReportingSystemisuptodate?Ifit’sbeena while it’s extremely important to take time and log in to DEERS to review or update yourinformation.
“DEERSplaysacriticalroleintheadministrationandmanagementofmilitaryhealthcarebenefits,supportingtheneedsofservice members, retirees, and their families,” said Regina Julian, deputy assistant director of Healthcare Operations at the Defense Health Agency “It’s essential that beneficiaries update their information in DEERS sotheycangetthebenefitstheydeserve.
DEERSisadatabaseofactivedutyservice members, veterans, and retirees It also includes family members and others who are eligible for military benefits DEERS shows if you and your family members are eligibleforandenrolledinTRICAREbenefits
Ifyoudon’tkeepinformationcurrent,it coulddelayyouraccesstohealthcare Errors can also cause delays with your claims and prescriptiondelivery ButtheDHAdoesn’tadministerDEERS. So, you’re responsible for keeping your
DEERSinformationuptodate Checkyour DEERSrecordonthemilConnectwebsiteto makesureyourfamily’sinformationisaccurate Ifyouseeanythingthat’sincorrect,get itfixedrightaway Follow these steps to find and maintain yourinformationinDEERS.
1. Check your DEERS record
The first step is to check your DEERS record. You can do this on the milConnect website Whataresomethingstocheck?As described in the TRICARE Qualifying Life Events Fact Sheet, your DEERS record lists your service status family status and other information like your TRICARE coverage You want to look at your contact information,includingyourphonenumber,address, andemail,tomakesurethey’recurrent.You shouldalsoreviewtheinformationforeach familymemberandconfirmyourpersonnel, service,andeligibilitystatusareaccurate
Keep in mind, each family member must beregisteredinDEERSbeforetheycanhave TRICARE coverage If you’re a sponsor you’re automatically registered in DEERS but you must register your eligible family members
Source: Kroger Health
Ashealthneedsevolvethroughoutlife it can be easy to forget how crucial vaccinationscanbeforprotectingagainstpreventable diseases Many associate vaccines withchildhood,rememberingtheseriesof shots received during early school years. However, vaccination importance extends far beyond adolescence.
Vaccinesarenotjustforchildrenattendingelementaryschoolandcollegestudents returning to campuses - they should be incorporated into a lifelong commitment to health and wellness Whether required or recommended, vaccinations can play a pivotal role in safeguarding individual health and promoting community well-being That’s why now is an excellent time to check in and make sure your family members are protected from infectious diseases at every stage of life
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), vaccines help create protective antibodies that fight infections. The experts at the CDC state childhood vaccinations, such as MMR (measles, mumps and rubeola), Tdap (tetanus, diphtheriaandpertussis)and HPV, are known to prevent around 4 million global deaths annually However, only 1 in 5 adults are up to date ontheirvaccines highlightingacriticalgap in public health awareness and readiness.
groups may need to maintain updated vaccinations and boosters throughout the year For children younger than 5 years of age check with your local pharmacist or clinician for vaccine guidelines
Unlike some traditional health care settings, retail pharmacies and clinics are often located within local communities and have extended hours that cater to busyschedules,allowingpeopletogettheir familiesvaccinatedwithmoreflexibility.In fact,90%oftheU.S.populationliveswithin 5milesofacommunitypharmacy Options liketheKrogerFamilyofCompanies’Pharmacies, The Little Clinic and other retail
Vaccinescontributetothebody’sdefense system, helping arm it against a variety of diseasesthatcanstrikeatanyage.Vaccines workbytrainingimmunesystemstorecognize and combat harmful viruses or bacteria. The immune system’s efficiency can decreasewhileaging,makingpeoplemore susceptible to diseases That’s why staying current with recommended vaccines is essential throughout each person’s life
Protecting Your
Community pharmacies and clinics, such as the Kroger Family of Companies’ Pharmacies and The Little Clinic LLC are accessible options for people seeking the health care services they need outside of traditional settings These facilities offer a range of high-quality services, including medication counseling, health screenings and immunizations
This convenience is crucial for routine preventive care, including year-round vaccine administration, which should not be limited to a single season. Vulnerable populations including those ages 60 and older,individualswithchronicdiseasesand someminoritypopulations,aremoreatrisk for contracting certain infections These
pharmacies offer vaccine administration withintheirpharmacyandcliniclocations making vaccinations a seamless part of the health care experience they provide Trusting Medical Professionals
Pharmacists and clinicians with Kroger Health are available during convenient timestoprovideadviceonvaccinationsyou andyourfamilymayneed Pharmacistsand nursepractitionerscanproviderecommendations based on your age, health conditions and lifestyle They can also address concerns or questions about vaccines to help you make the best decisions for you and your family
Vaccines are a cornerstone of preventive health care helping peoples’ bodies produce protective antibodies that can defend against infections and promote overall health. That’s why staying up to date with vaccinations is important at all ages With a commitment to safeguarding families through comprehensive vaccinationservices,alocalteamofmedicalprofessionalscanofferprofessional,credibleand convenienthealthcaresolutionsunderone roof To learn more about the vaccinations you might need throughout your life visit kroger.com/vaccinations, or plan a visit to a local pharmacy or clinic.
2. Update your DEERS record
If you need to update or correct your DEERSrecord,thesecondstepistoupdate it without delay. Sponsors and family memberscanupdatetheircontactinformation Yourcontactinformationincludesyour phone number mailing address and email address Hereareyouroptionsforupdating yourcontactinformationinDEERS: Online:LogintothemilConnectwebsite
Mail: DefenseManpowerDataCenter SupportOffice Attention:COA 400GiglingRd Seaside,CA93955-6771
If you need to add or remove family members, sponsors must do this in person promptly by going to their nearest ID card office Call or check online for your ID card office’s operating hours and to make an appointment.Don’tforgettobringsupporting documents such as a birth certificate, marriage certificate or divorce decree Only sponsors can add or remove
3. Maintain
Boy1957, Seabird,196823’, Holiday Mansion Houseboat 1989 39 ,Crown Around 1990s30’ ABANDONED WATERCRAFT NOTICE ABANDONEDWATERCRAFT Notice is herebygiven that thefollowing watercraft has been abandoned formorethan