The Flagship 08.29.2024

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Kids taketothe seaatNorfolk MWR’s Advanced Junior SailingCamp

PettyOfficer3rdClassJessicaNunes NavalStation Norfolk Public Affairs Office

NORFOLK,Va. —Naval Station (NAVSTA) Norfolk’sMorale,Welfareand Recreation (MWR) hosted their annual AdvancedJuniorSailingcampattheinstallations Sailing Center andMarina July 29 throughAugust2,2024

AftercompletingaBeginnersJuniorSailingcamp,children,ageeightto12-years-old areeligible to attend the advancedsailing course.This year’s camp,led by Michael Klinck,acertifiedU.S.SailingLevel1instructorvolunteeringwithMWR,hadfivekidsin

attendance who have previously attended sailingcamps

“I’vehadthesestudentsbeforeformultipleyears,”saidKlinck.“Inadvancedsailing wetailortoeachstudentsneedsindividually; we start with arefresher course on basics eachmorningtounderstandwhattheyhave retainedbeforeheadingouttothepier.”

Earlyeachmorning, thestudents begin theday by boarding aHobieGetaway sailboat, hoisting up twosails and setting up linesontheboat.Aftersetup,Klinckreviews the kids’ work, andonce deemed satisfac-

NORFOLK, Va.—Experience the thrill of alifetime as Ringling Bros. and Barnum &Bailey®returnswithareimaginededition of The GreatestShowOnEarth® produced by the worldwide leaderinliveentertainment experiences,Feld Entertainment. This iconic production,designed to entertain today’sfamilies,brings together75 performers from 18 different nationalities showcasingover50exhilaratingcircusacts in afast-paced, action-packed two-hour show.Theall-newRinglingwillbeperforming March21-23,2025,at Scope Arena in Norfolk. This isn’tjustany circus.This is The GreatestShowOnEarththatblendsbreathtaking stunts,high-energy performances, and laugh-out-loud moments thatkeep everyone on the edge of their seats.This all-new Ringling productionisfor everyone,fromkids to grandparents,making it the perfect family entertainmentexperience.Whetheryou’realongtimefanornew

tothecircus,thereisnoothershowlikethis tocreatelastingfamilymemories

Fanscanexpecttobefullyimmersedina 360-degree viewing experience that brings theactiontolifeallaroundthem.Thearena floor becomes the ultimate playground, wheregravity-defying stunts and thrillingperformances unfold right beforetheir eyes.Audiences will leave the showfeeling inspired andbelievingthatanything is possible.They’llwitness real people who havededicatedtheirlivestoperfectingtheir talent,performingactsuniqueonlytoRinglingsuchas: Thenever-before-seen triangular highwire andthe crisscross flyingtrapeze add layers of complexity to traditional circus acts, allowing fans to see moreaction and moreperformerssimultaneously Ahigh-energy BMX bikestunt scene, wherebikes andriders flip high abovethe arenaonrampsandtrampolinesisanadrenalinerushforthecrowd

‘Beyond Monet: The Immersive Experience’ now through September 5th at the Virginia Beach Conference Center, Art Historian Fanny Curtat tells us all about it


TheVirginiaArtsFestivalhasdoneitagain. Throughout the





Monet: The Immersive Experience, produced by Paquin Entertainment Group Thisisthelastweek,nowthroughSeptember 5th, to see and experience this once in a lifetimeopportunityofMonet’smasterpiecesas neverbefore TakinginspirationfromMusée de l’Orangerie in Paris, the designated home of Monet’s masterpieces, guests will see his artwork come alive all over the walls and untothefloorasyoufreelyroamintheInfinityRoomyoubecometransportedinsidethe paintings themselves while at the same time accompaniedbythewonderfulrhythmofan originalscore. This incredible experience showcases morethan400ofMonet’smosticonicworks ofimpressionism,includingtheWaterLilies series,Impression:Sunrise,andPoppies Also as an extra bonus for our area, if you missed lastyear’sBeyondVanGogh:TheImmersive Experience which has sold over 7 million tickets worldwide you have the opportunity for an exclusive encore presentation of itavailableatselectdatesandtimes Forticketprices,premiumandVIPoptions for both Beyond Monet and Beyond Van Gogh Immersive Experiences and more go VirginiaArtsFestivalisalsoexcitedtowork

with local community businesses in support of Beyond Monet: The Immersive Experience Area businesses offering specialty menu items and custom Beyond Monet promotions include Gerald’s Ice Cream, Get Lost Shaved Ice, Lolly’s Creamery (August), Mermaid Factory, O’s Donuts Peace, Love andLittleDonuts ProsperityKitchen,Stockpot Virginia Beach, Sundae Scoop, The ViBe District, Wasserhund Brewing Company, WispsofWillow,andmore.Formoredetails and information on becoming a Community Partner, please visit

Yiorgo: Here to tell us all about it is Art Historian Fanny Curtat. Fanny, where were youbornandwhatmotivatedyoutobecome anArtHistorian?

Fanny Curtat: I was born near Paris FranceandmovedtoMontreal,Canadawhen Iwasveryyoung Iwentintoartfirstandhave abachelor’sdegreeinit.Ithenhadthisgreat art teacher that really opened my eyes to art history,motivatedmeandhelpedmerealize that images are connected to everything So IdidmymastersinitandnowIamfinishing my doctor’s degree in it and hope to present inSeptember Y:Bravobravo,supercongratulations.Tell us Fanny, for those who are going for the very first time, those who did not go to see BeyondVanGoghwhenitwasherelastyear, why should they go and what will they see andexperience?

FC: Beyond Monet, is really an opportu-

nity to walk into a painting by Monet. It is of course the similar structure that Van Gogh had.Forthosewhohavenotseenit,thewalls, thefloorareentirelycoveredwithprojections of Monet’s work all over so you are literally, truly surrounded by Monet’s work You can walk, dance and even twirl into it and take it allin Itreallyisanotherwayofexperiencing art. It does replace the museum experience, butitdoesprovideanopportunityofstepping insideMonet’spaintings

Just like the Beyond Van Gogh Immersive Experience, it is truly for everyone You really don’t need to know anything about art historyorMonetspecificallytoenjoyashow likethis Thisexperienceismeanttoembrace ouraudiencemembersfullyandcompletely

Y:Canyoudescribethelayoutofwhatthe peoplewillseeoncetheygetthere?

FC:As people walk in, they have information panels and give a bit of an insight as to who Monet was and what his work was all about. From there they walk into the InfinityRoomwhereitisallaboutMonet,thestar of our show and you are in the middle of his work.

With this kind of a project, you are able to reach a much wider audience and have people who are familiar with Monet to see a differentangleofhimorforalotofpeopleto discover him With Monet, we are so familiar with his images because they appear on everything Hisworkisassociatedwitheasy, veryaccessiblebeautifulpictures,landscapes, nothing too complicated and we forget all of the struggle that it took for him to produce thisartandtoberecognizedbyhispeers not be a struggling artist but make a living and to fight for the way of what he thought art shouldbeandlooklike.

It’s not about painting an easy landscape, it’saboutdefendingasubjectivepointofyou andtakingtheoppositestandfromtheentire societyatthetime,andwhattheAcademyof Artwasdoing Monetwasdoinghisownthing andshowingthatartdoesnothavetobeabout anideal.Somethingthat’snotaccessible,this Greekidealaboutartandbeautyanditshould beabouttakingwhatisinfrontofyou,taking it all in and seeing beauty not what it can be andshouldbebutasitisalreadysurrounding you.Ithinkthat’sapowerfullesson.

Y: In the Beyond The Van Gogh Immersive Experience music was such an integral partofthetotalproject.Isitthesameforthe Monetexhibit?

FC: The difference between those two shows is that we have original music for this Monetexhibitanditisindeedaveryimportant part of the immersion experience It

TurntoBeyondMonet, Page 8

Easy recipes to makeyou’lldevour!

Acomforting crumble for thefinal monthofsummer

Augustbrings thebeginning of anew school year and the approaching end of summer in thesun.Don’t let hectic schedules andsummer’s fade get youdown; this warm Apple Crumbleisperfect toput asmile back on your lovedones’ faces.Visit Culinary.netfor more comfortingtreatsallyearlong


„ 1can(20ounces)applepiefilling

„ 1boxyellowcakemix

„ 1/2cupchoppedpecans(optional)

„ 11/2buttersticks,melted

„ vanillaicecreamorwhippedcreamtopping(optional)


In baking dish, spread apple pie filling across bottom Mix cakemix with pecans,ifdesired, thenevenly cover applepiefilling

Covercakemix with melted butter.Do not mix. If butterpoolsinonespot,pickdishupandmovefromside tosideuntilcoveredevenly

Bake30minutesuntilcrustisbrown. Servewithvanillaicecreamorwhippedcreamtopping, ifdesired

Solveyour side dish searchwithan easy,cheesyspud

The main course at family dinners maybethe main event,butthatdoesn’tmeanyoushouldhavetosettlefor bland,boringsides.Fretnot-thereisabetterwaytopair favoriteproteinswithtastypotatoes

Trythese Parmesan Potato Wedges that areboiled beforethey’rebakedforamoistmiddleandcrispyexteriorthat’sperfectalongsidefavoritemeals.Discovermore


Recipe courtesyof“Cookin’ Savvy”

„ 5goldenpotatoes

„ 2cupsgratedParmesancheese

„ 1tablespoongarlicpowder

„ 1tablespoononionpowder

„ salt,totaste

„ pepper,totaste

„ 1cupoil,fordrizzling

Boil wholepotatoes20minutes.Removefromwater andsliceintowedges


Inmediumbowl,mixParmesancheese,garlicpowder andonionpowder.Addsaltandpepper,totaste

Dipwedges in Parmesan mixture, covering potatoes well.Placeoncookiesheetdrizzledinoilthendrizzleoil on wedges.Bake15minutes then turn wedges over and bake15minutes

Abetter-for-you waytobeginthe day

Starting ajourney toward betterhealthand wellness canbeginthesamewayyoucan(andshould)starteach day:withanutritiousbreakfast.Amorningmealloaded with nutrient-boosting flavorprovides thefoundation youneed not only for the dayathand,but for asustainable long-term eatingplan, as well.

ConsiderthisSweetpotatoBreakfastBakeasabudgetfriendlywaytofeedyourfamilywithplentyofleftovers for days to follow. Full of eggs,bell peppers and turkey sausage, it’s asurefire crowd-pleaser that’s also loaded withshreddedsweetpotatoes.AccordingtotheAmericanDiabetesAssociation,sweetpotatoesarea“diabetes superfood” because they’re richinvitamins,minerals, antioxidantsand fiber,all of which aregood for overall healthand mayhelp preventdisease Plus,theyofferbothanaturalsweetenerand “sweet”

flavorwithout added sugar to givehomemade dishes

aperfect touchofdeliciousness. Ideal as akey ingredientinbothsimple andelevated recipes,sweetpotatoes can be prepared in severalways, ranging from cooked on thestove to baked, microwaved, grilledor even slow-cooked. At your next breakfastorbrunchget-together, share this fun fact: theNorth Carolina Sweetpotato Commissiondeliberatelyspellssweetpotatoasonewordafterthe one-wordspellingwasofficiallyadoptedbytheNational Sweetpotato Collaborators in 1989 to help avoid confusionbetweensweetpotaotesandequallyunique,distinctivewhitepotatoesinthemindsofshippers,distributors, warehouseworkersandconsumers to findmorenutritious breakfastideastosupportyourwellnessgoals. SweetpotatoBreakfastBake RecipecourtesyofTessaNguyen,RD,LDN,onbehalfofthe NorthCarolina Sweetpotato Commission

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 15 minutes

Servings: 12

„ Nonstickcookingspray

„ 1cupsweetpotatoes,shredded

„ 1/2cupcookedturkeysausagecrumblesor cookedturkeybacon

„ 1/4cupgreenonions,sliced

„ 1/2cupbellpepper,diced

„ 9eggs,beaten

„ 1/2cupcheddarcheese,shredded

„ 1/2teaspoonblackpepper

Heat oven to 400 F. Spray 13-by-9-inchbakingdish withnonstickcookingspray Evenlyspreadsweetpotatoes,sausageorbacon,green onions and bellpeppers in dish. Pour eggs carefully into bakingdish.Sprinkleshreddedcheeseandblackpepper overeggs Bake15minutes Sliceinto12piecesandservehot.

tory,thestudentsreleasedthemooringlines andsetsail.

From the pier, the children navigated out into the harbor and sailed seven miles independently from the Marina under the supervision of Klinck. While on the open water Klincktaughtthestudentsthecorrect method of sailing using wind direction and the proper conduct for a man overboard.

The children take part in similar courses for the rest of their weeklong camp gaining furtherinsightontheimportanceofproper sailingtechnique

At the end of the week, the students take partinagraduationceremony,inwhichthey can receive a certification from the marina.

This certification gives the kids a lifetime endorsement from the MWR and allows themtorentboatsoncetheyareolder

After the course is completed, the studentsareinvitedtotakepartina“Family Day and Regatta” event that will be held on August 10, 2024 This event allows the kids todemonstratetheirnewskilltotheirfamiliesthroughsailboatracing,obstaclecourses andotherwater-basedactivities.

For information on the Advanced Junior Sailing camporothersailingcoursesoffered by the NAVSTA Norfolk Sailing Center and Marina visit the MWR website at www navylifema.comorcall757-444-2918 Sailing

fans everywhere. It’s nonstop fun at family-friendly prices: Don’t miss out on The Greatest Show On Earth! Tickets are

Live music performances add a vibrant energytotheshowandencouragesaudience participation.

The Double Wheel of Destiny pushes the limits with four daredevils executing daring leaps and somersaults on two spinning apparatuses, 30 feet above the ground whilemovingatincrediblespeeds

Fans won’t want to miss Wesley, the One Wheel Wonder, a Guinness World Record-settingperformerridingtheworld’s tallestunicycleat34.6feet.

Humanjuggling,whereaperformerflips andtwistshighandfastintheair propelled byhispartner’sfeet—amust-seesight

“Over the past two years we’ve innovatedanddeepenedtheconnectionbetween performers and the audience, creating an unforgettableexperience,”saysJulietteFeld Grossman,CEOandProducerofTheGreatest Show On Earth. “At the heart of every Ringling show is a sense of wonder and authenticity Nomatterthegeneration,every audience member will find moments that resonate deliveringthethrillingandinspiringexperienceonlyRinglingcanoffer.”

The tour launched in September 2023 andwilltraveltoover50citiesacrossNorth America, bringing this incredible show to

WHEN: Friday,March21at7PM

Saturday,March22at11AM,3PM&7PM Sunday,March23at1PM&5PM

WHERE: ScopeArena

201E.BrambletonAve. Norfolk,VA23510

TICKETS: Family friendly ticket pricing available! Tickets on sale now at The Scope Arena Box Office and The Scope Arena box office is located in the Scope parking garage at 201 E. Brambleton Ave, Norfolk, VA 23510. It is currently open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.Formoreinformationvisitsevenvenues com/eventsorcall757.664.6464

More information on upcoming shows and tickets are available on Tofollowalongwiththefunandexcitement asRinglinghitstheroad,fanscansignupfor theRinglingInsidernewsletterviaRingling com and follow @Ringling on Instagram, Twitter,Facebook,andYouTubepluscheck out the fun “Club Ringling” behind the scenesepisodes!

TRICARE How-To: Filing claims and reimbursements


FALLS CHURCH, Va Have you ever had to get care while traveling? Or maybe you’ve had to visit a non-network TRICARE-authorizedproviderwhodoesn’t “participate.”Inthesesituations andsome others—you might need to file a claim with TRICAREtogetreimbursed.

A medical claim is a paper or electronic formthatyousubmittoTRICAREforreimbursement

“All TRICARE network providers have agreed to participate on all claims That means their office will always file claims for you, and TRICARE will pay them directly,” said Jody Donehoo, chief of the TRICARE Customer Support Division at the Defense Health Agency. “But non-network TRICARE providers can choose not to participate on a case-by-case basis. Just be sure your non-network provider is TRICARE-authorized—askthem!”

If you’re uncertain about the claims and reimbursements process, here are some commonquestionsandhelpfultips.

Q: What does it mean when a non-network provider doesn’t participate on a claim?

A:Ifyourproviderchoosesnottoparticipate on a particular claim, you may need to pay theproviderupfront.You’llthenneedtofile a claim with your TRICARE contractor for reimbursement.

You should know that non-network TRICARE-authorizedprovidersareallowed to require payment up front when they see you. However, many providers will wait for payment until after they send you a bill or invoice

Q: How do I get reimbursed for upfront payments?

A:AreimbursementisthemoneyTRICARE pays back to you if you paid your provider outofpocket Remember,ifyoupayupfront for services, be sure to get a receipt so you canincludeitwithyourclaim. When you get your reimbursement and Explanation of Benefits you should verify theamountyouowedinthe“patientresponsibility sectionoftheEOB Ifyoupaidmore than this amount to your provider, contact yourprovidertorequestarefundoftheoverpayment. You may need to provide a copy oftheEOB


A: As detailed in the TRICARE Choices in the United States Handbook, you’ll need to fileyourownclaimswhenyou:

„ Seenonparticipatingproviders: If you see a non-network TRICARE-authorized provider who chooses not to participate on your claim, you’ll need to file a claim to get reimbursed for your expenses. Check out “Filing Claims” (

„ Get care overseas: Different TRICARE plans have different rules for getting care when traveling overseas If you need to file aclaimforcareyoureceivedoverseas,you’ll file the claim with the TRICARE Overseas contractor InternationalSOS


A:Followthesetipstoavoidfilingclaims: „ Getcareatamilitaryhospitalorclinic: Because military hospitals and clinics don’t operateonaTRICAREclaimbasis,goingto amilitaryhospitalorclinicisthebestwayto avoidfilingaTRICAREclaim.

„ Use network providers: If you can’t get an appointment at a military hospital or clinic, stick to seeing civilian TRICARE

network providers whenever possible

They’llfileclaimsforyou,soyouwon’thave to worry about paperwork. You’ll just pay yourcost-share ifapplicable (It’salsogood tonotethatallhospitalsthatparticipatewith MedicaremustparticipatewithTRICARE.)

„ Get a referral or pre-authorization: Depending on the care you need, you may needareferral,apre-authorization,orboth.

These show that you’ve been approved for treatment before going to your appointment. Your primary care provider can give you a referral. You can get a pre-authorization from your TRICARE contractor This upfront process helps ensure you get the careyouneed,andthatyourclaimsprocess willgosmoothlylater

„ Keep records: Save all your receipts and treatment documentation. Organized recordscaneasetheprocessoffilingclaims



1. Gather documents: Collect all

relevant documents, including itemized bills, receipts, and any other paperwork relatedtomedicalexpenses.

2. Complete forms: Fill out the appropriateclaimform.

3. Submitdocuments:Mailthecompleted claimformandsupportingdocumentstothe appropriateclaimsaddress,orsubmitonline throughyourTRICAREregionalcontractor

4. Follow up: After submitting your claim, keep an eye on its status You can check online by region or call your regional contractorforupdates Formoreinformation,visit“FilingClaims” online at Claims/,orcontactyourregionalcontractor WouldyoulikethelatestTRICAREnewssent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions, and create your personalized profile to get benefit updates, news, and more.

Have a heart for caregivers: 8 expert tips for volunteers to care for themselves, too

Source: American Heart Association

Survivors of heart attacks or strokes may have additional health and personal care needs often relying on a family member or closefriendtohelp Whilecaregiverstakeon avaluablerole,theyalsopayuniquephysical andemotionaltolls

In fact, a growing body of scientific researchshowspeoplewhoserveasunpaid caregiversmaynotgetthecaretheyneedto live longer, healthier lives, according to the AmericanHeartAssociation,whichiscelebrating100yearsoflifesavingservice Caregiving typically involves a range of duties from providing health care services, suchaschangingbandagesandgivingmedications, to helping with personal needs like bathing, dressing and meal preparation. Administrativetaskslikeschedulingmedical appointments, filing insurance claims and paying household bills may also be necessary The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 1 in 5 U.S. adults providessomeformofregularcareorassistance to a family member or friend with a healthproblemordisability;58%arewomen andnearlyone-thirdprovidecareforatleast 20hoursperweek.

“The typical caregiver likely has an ever-growing and changing to-do list and mostofthemprobablydonotadd‘takecare of myself to that list, said American Heart AssociationvolunteerLisaKitko,Ph.D.,R.N., FAHA, dean of the University of Rochester School of Nursing and vice president of the University of Rochester Medical Center “While caregiving can be a very rewardingexperience,itcanalsotakeahugephysical and mental toll on even the strongest person.”

Prioritizing your own physical, mental and emotional health allows you to better help your loved one, Kitko said. Consider hertipsforcaregiverstocareforthemselves: „ Knowledge is power. Learn everything youcanaboutyourlovedone’scondition. „ Setboundaries Say“no”whenit’sappropriate,don’tdwellonwhatyoucan’tchange andrecognizeyou’retryingyourbest.

„ Maintainahealthydiet,limitcaffeineand getadequaterest

„ Stay current with your own medical and dental appointments Inform your health care provider if you’re experiencing any signsofdepression. „ Findasupportsystem Shareyourfeelings withsomeonewhowantstolistenorunderstandswhatyou’refeeling,liketheAmerican HeartAssociation’sonlineSupportNetwork, whichincludesasectionjustforcaregivers „ Nurture your spiritual life and focus on thingsyou’regratefulforeachday.

„ Make time for yourself and friends

Participateinactivitiesyouenjoy,including regularphysicalactivity

„ Be prepared for possible medical emergencies Ifyou’recaringforsomeoneatrisk for heart attack or stroke recognize the warningsignsandcall9-1-1ifheorsheexperienceany.LearnHands-OnlyCPR;research shows most out-of-hospital cardiac arrests happen in the home Be ready to save a life by calling 9-1-1 and pushing hard and fast in thecenterofthechest.

“’Takecareofyourselfsoyoucantakecare of others,’ are definitely words to live by for caregivers - everyone tells you that and it

certainly makes sense, but it’s hard,” Kitko said.“Thereisalotofstressassociatedwith knowing someone is depending on you That is why taking care of yourself really should be the first item on your caregiver checklist.

Don’tyou thinkthe dry-erasewhiteboardwas areally marvelous invention? It’s re-markable.

functions really in the same way a music soundtrack does It really, really carries the narrative. We also used the same composer that we worked with, Beyond Van Gogh, Jean-Sébastien Côté here in Montreal, Canada and he created the music entirely from scratch. It provides this dreamlike quality and an intensity because it is about showingthatMonetwasnotthisquietman justpaintingasahobby.Hewaspassionate, hewasdestroyinghisownpaintings,fighting against elements The music helps to transfer and communicate that there are a lot of things happening in these paintings and structuring the emotional guideline that goes through the show

Y: With over 2000 Monet works of art, how were 400 of his works chosen to be showcased here?

FC: It was quite a puzzle actually Not even counting the sketches, we indeed looked at over 2000 oil paintings Monet stayed true to his quest of painting not necessarily what was in front of him but more so the air between the thing and what was in front of him. This impossible quest landed him in painting theories and trying to explore different things So

we chose paintings that of course people would recognize like the Lady With The Parasol”, “The Water Lilies” and “The Poppies”.Wealsochosethemeslike…dayto day life which was so radical at the time to notpaintagreathistoricalbattlefieldbutto paintyourwifeandchildhavingbreakfast. Another scene was about progress Monet was obsessed with trains and how quick they were We went about choosing paintings that would represent different axes that would help people navigate through his work and have a better understanding of who he was as an artist.

Y: Speaking about Monet as an artist, did you learn something about Monet that perhaps you did not know before working on this project?

FC: When you learn about artists in our degree, you learn about them in the theoreticalaspect.It’sreallyrarethatyougetto deepdiveintotheirpersonallivesandwhat madethemtick.Ilearnedforexamplethat helikedtofollowthecycleoftheseasonand adapting his mood to the weather He also hadastrongtemperbutatthesametimehe wasaverylovingfatherfiguretoablended family of eight kids and he painted his dining room this bright canary yellow and painted his kitchen a powder blue which was unheard of at the time He was a man thatlivedforcolorandfornature.Through

and through, that’s whohewas.Hewas aboutcolor Andthe effort he put into his garden, it was a work of art. All that was fascinating to me

For the last 30 years of his life, he only painted the water lilies in his pond that was in his garden. He loved his garden so much that when he passedaway,heputintohiswillthathedid notwantanyflowersforhisfuneralservice becausehewassoafraidtheywouldcutthe flowers from his garden

Y: If you could go back in time and you could ask Monet in person one question, what would that question be? FC:Thatisanexcellentquestion.Ithink I would ask him, what does he see in his pond? He painted that pond for 30 years I amprettysurethatatthatpoint,itbecomes something else so I would love to know what he saw in the reflection of the pond.

Editor’s Note: If you would like to read moreabout‘BeyondVanGogh:TheImmer-


Notice is hereby giventhat thefollowing watercraft hasbeenabandoned formorethan 60 Days on theproperty of:( Mark Baldwin 4316BVirginia Beach Blvd, VirginiaBeach,23456 and 757-714-7916). Glastron, 21’0”, 2022,White andBlue VA 5258ZY

Application forWatercraftRegistration/Title will be made in accordance withSection29.1-733.25ofthe Code of Virginia if this watercraft is not claimed andremoved within30 Days of firstpublication of this notice Please contactthe VirginiaDepartment of WildlifeResourceswith questions

NOTICE TO PUBLIC DERELICT VESSEL REMOVALS 10 Vessels are APPROVED fordisposal from Menchville Marina in Newport News, VA.Claimsoflegal ownership shall be broughtforth by August 30th, 2024via (757)570-9993 or Vessels: Miss Carol’sToy 196635’,LydellH,Deadrise 1988 45’, Time Out 197735’, BEMA 1990s 25’,The Channels 1977 35’,Hip Pocket 195733’,Billy Boy1957, Seabird, 196823’,Holiday Mansion Houseboat 198939’,Crown Around1990s 30’

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