ByUnitedStatesFleetForcesCommand Commander U.S. Fleet Forces Command
NORFOLK, Va The Arleigh Burkeclass guided-missile destroyer USS Laboon (DDG58)returnedtoNavalStationNorfolk, Virginia, from an independent deployment to the U.S. 2nd, 5th, and 6th fleet areas of operation,Sept.1. Laboon deployed for 279 days to the Arabian Gulf Red Sea, Gulf of Oman, Gulf ofAden,ArabianSeaandtheMediterranean SeaprovidingdeterrenceanddefensetoU.S. partners Rear Adm. Kavon Hakimzadeh, commander, Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 2, was on the pier to welcome home the crew ofLaboon.
“We are honored to welcome back the men and women of USS Laboon who have proven their proficiency and resolve throughoutademandingdeployment,”said Hakimzadeh “From safeguarding critical maritime routes to deterring threats in volatile regions, Laboon’s crew has exem-
plified the very best of our Navy’s tradition of excellence We are deeply proud of what theyhaveaccomplished andwethankeach Sailor and their families for their unwaveringdedicationtoournation’ssecurity.”
While independently deployed, Laboon participated in the multi-national Operation Prosperity Guardian to protect international shipping lanes in the Red Sea, the Babal-Mandeb,andGulfofAden.Insupport of freedom of navigation, Laboon and her crewcounteredmultipleattackscarriedout by Iranian-backed Houthi terrorists in the RedSea.
“It has been a challenging nine month deploymenttohostilewaters,butthisteam demonstratedtimeandagainjusthowcapable our warships are and that we have the best trained most professional warfighters in the world ready to bring the fight to any enemy,”saidCmdr EricBlomberg Laboon’s commandingofficer
Chief Petty Officer Rickey Gisclair attri-
YORKTOWN Va Nearly half of the registeredstudentsatOliverC.Greenwood Elementary School in Newport News, Virginia received free backpacks along with school supplies during their Backto-School event on Friday, August 23rd. This was just in time for the school year
NORFOLK,Va (September1,2024)Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyerUSS Laboon (DDG 58),is guided bya tugboat during it’s return to homeport.Laboon,assigned to Dwight D.
Group (IKE CSG) returned to its homeport on Naval Station
IKE Sailors join Military and Family Life Counselor school year kick-off meeting
ByJenniferCragg Naval Air Force Atlantic Public Affairs
VIRGINIABEACH,Va USSDwightD. Eisenhower(CVN69)andCarrierAirWing (CVW-3) Sailors and officers joined more than 50 Military and Family Life Counselors(MFLC)duringaback-to-schoolkick-off meetinginVirginiaBeach,Aug.21.
The panelists participated in a two-hour discussiontoanswerquestionsfromcurrent MFLCsservinginthemorethan62Virginia Beach city public schools Capt. Demo command expeditionary facility dog that deployed on board IKE was also in attendanceattheevent.
The panelists provided valuable information and shared personal feedback from deploying on board USS Dwight D. Eisenhower for their nine-month deployment. Theinformationprovidedtothe MFLCswasvalueaddedforthecounselorstoconnectwithmilitary-connectedchildreninthecomingschoolyear Navy School Liaisons, Melissa Nutter, assigned to Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story and Deborah Patch, assigned to Naval Air Station Oceana coordinated this event to offer an insider’s view of the challenges experienced by service members and their families throughout deploymentandreintegration.
“Given that 20 percent of the children attending Virginia Beach schools have a
USS Laboon Returns
“This deployment really embodied why we train so hard and every Sailor stepping up to fulfill their role in a challenging environment,”saidGisclair
While on deployment, a refrain heard frequentlyonboardwas:“Ifwehavetofight; we fight and we win!” Laboon is named for Pittsburgh, Pa native John Francis Laboon who left to serve his country as a U.S. Naval officer After attending Carnegie Technical Institute(nowCarnegieMellonUniversity), hewascommissionedattheNavalAcademy and served as the communications officer, gunnery and torpedo officer and executive officer on USS Peto (SS 265), a Gatoclass submarine in World War II. During a WesternPacificpatrol,whileunderintense enemyfire,herescuedadownedpilotfrom heavily-minedwatersandwasawardedthe Silver Star Shortly after the war, he left the NavyonlytobecalledbacktodutyasaChaplaintobecomeFatherJohnFrancisLaboon or“FatherJake.”
Duringtheir5thFleetoperations,Laboon upheld the tradition of Father Jake, rescuing three mariners in distress in the Gulf of Aden who had been stranded adrift at sea fortendays
U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations encompasses about 2.5 million square miles of water area and includes the Arabian Gulf,
Back To School
to prepare the backpacks During that busy morning, 240 clear backpacks were packed with folders pencils glue sticks crayons and other requested school supplies The schoolsupplieswerepurchasedwithgrant fundsreceivedfromtheBoysandGirlsClub ofAmerica’sMilitaryServicesDepartment; which administers the 9/11 Day-AmeriCorps grant. The Youth Center applied for the grant earlier in the year, resulting in a grant in the amount of $2,500.00 to implementtheproject.Thisisthefirstevergrant award for NWS Yorktown’s Youth Center from the Boys and Girls Club of America (BGCA). Jerry Graham, NWS Yorktown’s Youth Center Director, shared some insights to the award. “Our youth had an opportunity topack240backpackswithschoolsupplies and healthy snacks on Tuesday, August 20th. They were joined by several activeduty personnel that volunteered as well. This all took place at the Youth Center,” said Graham He also noted some of the objectivesofthegrantitself.“Thegoalisto transformtheanniversaryoftheSeptember 11, 2001, tragedy into a day of doing good The 9/11 Day has become a National Day
Editorial Staff ManagingEditor |
parent or parents serving in the military it is important for MFLCs to be proactive in theirsupport, Nuttersaid.
The panelists ranged in ages and rank structureandkickedoffthediscussionsharingtheircurrentrolesandresponsibilitiesas wellastheagesoftheirchildrenwhoranged fromelementarytocollegeage Someofthe attendees had children attending Virginia Beach-basedschoolswheretheMFLCsare assigned.
NavalAirForceAtlantic’sForceImprovementOfficerTerriFarrickerparticipatedin the discussion and shared her experiences raising her three children, ages 5, 6 and 7 withherspousewhoiscurrentlyservingin theU.S.Navy
Shesharedthegiveandtakeofmanaging the requirements for a military household and how to best communicate upcoming changestoherchildren.
“I have found that my children listen to our conversations, and relinquishing up controltomyspouseespeciallywhenIknow he is preparing to deploy again can be challenging,”Farrickersaid.
Understandingthatstrugglewasareason why Farricker spearheaded this first military panel discussion with MFLCs so they can better understand what military-connected children may be experiencing especially when their parents are preparing for a deployment, deployed or returning home fromadeployment.InthepastMFLCshave spokenwithchildrenwhoseparentorcaregiverservedinthemilitaryaswellasspouses ofmilitarypersonnel.
The panelists were asked a myriad of questions of which, one of them pertained to how service members coped with stress andhandledtheirmentalhealthduringtheir nine-monthdeployment. Farricker responded to the question first adding that Eisenhower leadership, at everylevel,“weresosuccessful,inthatthey wrapped their arms around the issues and thatisthecredittotheEisenhowerandtheir team.”
SeniorChiefIntelligenceSpecialistJason Lagoe echoed that sentiment by adding a comparisontootherpriordeployments
“ThecivilianswhodeployedonboardIKE served as another person to reach out and talk to if needed,” Lagoe said. “I have had seven deployments, and this was a deployment that was different from others, the support for mental health was advertised onaregularbasis.”
Lt Cmdr HeatherResue whoiscurrently assigned to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron Seven (HSC-7) and serves as a department head and aviation safety officer, discussed the benefits of the counselors to support her son before, during and after deploymentonboardUSSDwightD.Eisenhower.
ResuesharedthatMFLCswerearesource forhersonpriortoandduringdeployment. She shared that her son and other military-connected children were encouraged by their MFLCs to make posters for their parents
“I kept that poster in my rack the whole deployment,”Resuesaid.
NORFOLK,Va (September1,2024) Fire Controlman (Aegis) 2nd Class Michael Pagano,from Hamburg NewYork,assigned to theArleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyerUSS Laboon (DDG 58) embraces his daughterupon Laboon’s return to homeport.Laboon,assigned to Dwight D.EisenhowerCarrierStrike Group (IKE CSG) returned to its homeport on Naval Station Norfolkon September1 following a deployment to the U.S.5th and 6th Fleet areas ofoperations.
Gulf of Oman, Red Sea and parts of the IndianOcean.Theexpansecomprisesof20 countries and includes three critical choke points at the Strait of Hormuz, the Suez CanalandtheBabal-Mandeb
of Service and Remembrance [and is] the largest annual day of service in America,” noted Graham. The clear backpacks stuffed with school supplies and snacks were crammed into vehicles by staff members at the Youth Center and transported to Oliver Greenwood Elementary School. Once unloaded, they were staged at the Youth Center’s exhibitor booth just before the doors openedat4:00pmfortheirBack-to-School Event. Jami O’Connor, NWS Yorktown’s School Liaison, noted that “there is a good population of military [affiliated] students at Greenwood Elementary and we have children from the Youth Center that also attend.”She alongwithstaffmembersfrom theYouthCenterandthecontingentofSailorsandMarinesfromtheinstallationwere in place when the doors opened Like clockwork, once the doors opened, a flood of excited students queued up at a check-in table in the school’s gym. Once checked in, they, along with their parents, were able to visit with the various exhibitors in the auditorium and check out their new classrooms Staff members from the installation’s Youth Center were also on-hand at an exhibitor table with giveaways and a wealth of information regardingprogramsandserviceofferingsavailable to military affiliated children and families
NAVEUR-NAVAF, headquartered in Naples,Italy,operatesU.S.navalforcesinthe U.S.EuropeanCommand(USEUCOM)and U.S.AfricaCommand(USAFRICOM)areas of responsibility U.S. Sixth Fleet is perma-
There was also a line of excited students who queued up to receive free backpacks There were several parents who noted thattheyhadnotpurchased aclearbackpackintimefor school to start on Monday, August 26th. On hand to alleviate the need for that essential back to school item were the Sailors and Marines who handed out the free backpacks to the eager students The crush ofexcitedstudentsandtheirparentseventuallypackedtheschool’sgym;andtoalleviate the queue the service members took armfuls of backpacks to the main entrance foyerandhallwayareastodistributethem This made for many smiles and positive conversations with both students and parents By 5:30pm all of the backpacks had been distributed by the service members They gathered briefly for a group photo before heading back to the installation after this successful community relations event that wasspearheadedbytheinstallation’sYouth Center
The MFLCs also provided the students withmilitary-relatedbooks “Mysonhadanopportunitytoreadabook to another class,” Resue said, which in turn providedhimopportunitiestoanswerquestionsofotherchildrenaboutwhatitisliketo haveaparentdeployed.
Another panelist, Chief Aviation Boatswain’s Mate - Aircraft Handling Bryan Nutter shared that his most recent deploymentwashisthirdaircraftcarrierandsixth deployment He discussed his experiences reintegratingwhenhefirstreturned.
“I have not had much trouble reintegratingbecausemywifehasstickienotesaround the house and steers me in the right direction,” Nutter said, who added that when he first returned, he felt detached because he was constantly around people when deployed.“Iwantedtositandbebymyself.” While the demands of home and work helpedwithhisreintegration.Othershadto learnhowtheyfitbackintosocietalnorms
Aircraft Structural Mechanic 2nd Class Curtis Rossoll shared that while deployed gettingtocertainlocationsontheshiptook mere seconds or minutes as compared to returning to regular life filled with traffic andtraveldelays
“Biggest reintegration was adjusting to a new schedule,” Rossoll said. “I had to account for time to travel from my residencetotheshipandgetreadjustedtotraffic,congestion.
nently assigned to NAVEUR-NAVAF and employs maritime forces through the full spectrumofjointandnavaloperations U.S. 2nd Fleet, reestablished in 2018 in response to the changing global security environment, develops and employs maritime forces ready to fight across multiple domainsintheAtlanticandArctictoensure access deter aggression, and defend U.S. allied,andpartnerinterests. U.S. Fleet Forces Command (USFFC) is responsibleformanning,training,equipping and employing more than 125 ships, 1,000 aircraft, and 103,000 active duty service members and government employees, and providing combat-ready forces forward to numberedfleetsandcombatantcommanders around the globe in support of U.S. nationalinterests USFFCalsoservesasthe Navy’s Service Component Commander to bothU.S.NorthernCommandandU.S.StrategicCommand,andprovidingnavalforces insupportofjointmissionsasCommander, Naval Forces Northern Command (NAVNORTH) and Commander, Naval Forces Strategic Command (NAVSTRAT). USFFC is the Strategic Command Joint Force Maritime Component Commander (JFMCCSTRAT),andexecutesTaskForce Atlantic in coordination with U.S. Naval ForcesEurope Foranyinquiries,contactusffc_nflt_pa@ For more news from USFFC, visit and for more information visit
Recognizing signs of cardiac distress makes life-saving difference at FRCE
BySamanthaFehr Fleet Readiness Center East
CHERRY POINT, N.C. An ordinary day at Fleet Readiness Center East (FRCE) took a dramatic turn when a 28-year-old employeesufferedacardiacemergency,but thanks to his supervisor’s swift and potentially life-saving intervention, he is back to hisnormalself
In the early morning hours of June 18 hazardous waste disposer Gannon Plouff began experiencing chest pains increased heart rate and shortness of breath while working in the facility This was not the first cardiac event Plouff had faced; he has suffered from a history of various heart conditionsinthepast.
“When I woke up that morning, everythingseemednormaluntil,outofnowhere my heart’s rhythm started beating abnormally,”saidPlouff “Ithaddonethisplentyof timesbeforeandsinceIfeltfine,Iassumedit wouldgobacktonormallikeitusuallydoes.” Ashortwhilelater,hissymptomsreturned ashewasworkinginthefacility,markingthe startofacardiacemergency
“Whileatworkacouplehourslater,Ifelt a flutter in my chest and my heart’s rhythm becameveryirregular,”saidPlouff “Iknew somethingwaswrong.”
Upon hearing of Plouff’s symptoms his supervisor,ComplianceandQualityOperationsBranchSupervisorRichardJohnston, sprangintoaction.
“WhenPloufftoldmehewashavingsome tightnessinhischest,Iimmediatelytoldhim tocomebacktotheofficebecauseIknewit couldgetworseveryfast,”saidJohnston “I called 9-1-1, grabbed the AED (automated externaldefibrillator)andtriedtohelphim stay calm. By the time the paramedics got Plouff on the gurney and in the ambulance, hewasexperiencingatrialfibrillation They hadtoshockhim.”
ParamedicsgottoworkonPlouffimmediately upon arriving to the depot According toPlouff,hisheartrateacceleratedtoabout 250beatsperminute
“The medics put me in the back of the ambulance and gave me some medication to slow down my heart rate, but it didn’t work, said Plouff “They hooked me up to something like an AED and shocked me to lower my dangerously high heart rate Thankfully,thatworked,becauseonceyou hit300beatsperminute,that’swhenyou’re at risk for heart failure.
“The worst part was when the paramedics had to shock me,” Plouff continued. “They didn’t get the chance to knock me out; I was awake for all of it. My vision started going in and out and I honestly thoughtIwasdying AllIcouldthinkabout was my wife and kids.”
Plouffsaiditwastheactionsofhissupervisor that saved his life
“I want to thank my boss for acting so quickly to get me an ambulance,” said Plouff “I had already informed my boss of my heart history and he told me his son has gone through something similar, so he knew what do to.”
Following his cardiac event, Plouff has been focusing on his recovery and spending time with his family in Texas, where his wife recently gave birth to their second child. Plouff said if he could share a piece of advice with his coworkers it would be to listen to their bodies and support each
other in the workplace
“I really want to share my story because ifsomethingdoesn’tfeelright,it’sbetterto besafethansorry,”saidPlouff “I’mgrateful to still be alive because I have kids to take careof Wejusthadoursecondchild Make sure you get help before it’s too late
“Makesureyoulookoutforyourcoworkers,” Plouff continued. “My trainer, Gram Dixon, noticed I was acting different that day.Heencouragedmetoletourbossknow whatwasgoingon,soabigthanksgoesout to both my supervisor and trainer for looking out for me.”
For his actions, Johnston was presented withtheFRCEAviationSafetyProfessional oftheQuarteraward.FRCEExecutiveOfficer Randy Berti said in emergency situations like this, every second counts.
“The health and safety of our employees is our number one priority here at FRC East,”saidBerti.“Weareincrediblythankful for Mr Johnston’s quick thinking and rapid response, which likely saved Mr Plouff’s life It is a testament to the success of our emergency response training and addition of AEDs throughout the facility
He is very deserving of this recognition”
FRCE works to provide its workforce with lifesaving knowledge and skills in the form of training in first aid, CPR and the use of an automated external defibrillator (AED). AEDs are portable life-saving devicesdesignedtotreatpeopleexperiencing sudden cardiac arrest.
Since 2023, FRCE’s Safety and Occupational Health Division has installed 85 new AEDs to the facility’s site at Marine CorpsAirStationsCherryPoint,NewRiver and Beaufort, and the Global TransPark in Kinston. As a result of this recent occurrence the depot has further enhanced emergencypreparednessbyequippingthe facility’s security vehicles with AEDs, as they are often one of the first to arrive on scene
Knowing how to recognize the signs of cardiac distress is imperative in the event of an emergency According to The AmericanHeartAssociation,commonsymptoms include chest pressure or pain; shortness of breath; discomfort in other areas of the upperbody,includingarms,back,neck,jaw orstomach;coldsweat;andnauseaorlightheadedness Contact emergency services immediately if experiencing symptoms of cardiac distress
Johnston said he was thankful for the training he’d received on how to respond in emergency situations like this because; withoutthatknowledge theoutcomecould have been very different.
“As a supervisor, it’s important to get to know your team,” said Johnston. “I have a tight bond with my whole shop It allows them to trust and count on me to look out for them and act in their best interest. Health conditions and events like this one are often spontaneous so you have to stay vigilant At the end of the day, we are a familyworkingtogethertoaccomplishthe same goal.
FRCE is North Carolina’s largest maintenance, repair, overhaul and technical services provider, with more than 4,000 civilian, military and contract workers Its annual revenue exceeds $1 billion. The depot provides service to the fleet while functioningasanintegralpartofthegreater U.S. Navy; Naval Air Systems Command; andCommander,FleetReadinessCenters
Naval Air Force Atlantic Public Affairs
NORFOLK, Va The “Blackhawks” of Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron 15 (HM-15) changed commanders during the squadron’s change of command ceremonyonAug.22onboardNavalStation Norfolk.
Theceremonywasheldasariteofpassage to signify a change of commanders Cmdr Andrew Countiss, a native of Severna Park, Maryland, served as commanding officer andexecutiveofficerforHM-15fromJanuary2022toAugust2024,andwasrelievedby Cmdr JaredSchmitt anativeofDoylestown, Pennsylvania.
While in command, Countiss was the recipientofthe2023NavalHelicopterAssociation Rear Adm. Tomaszeski Commanding Officer leadership award Additionally, during his command tour, HM-15 won the 2023BattleEfficiencyAwardunderhisleadership Countiss was the architect of a HM-14 andHM-15squadronmerger Asaresult,he commanded the largest operational squadron in the Navy with more than 825 active duty/Navy Training and Administration of theReservespersonnel,125SelectedReservistsand18MH-53Ehelicopters
“It was the professional honor of a lifetime to lead HM-15 through a season of unprecedented growth, transformation and operational execution, Countiss said “TheBlackhawkSailorsrepresentthefinest ourgreatnationhastooffer Theirspiritand dedication were endless sources of inspirationforme Theyforgedthestrongestteam intheFleet therewasneveranaskortask toolargeforthem.” A 2006 graduate of the United States Naval Academy he was designated a naval aviator in May 2008 Upon completion of flight school, he received orders to the Airborne Mine Countermeasures Weapon SystemsTrainingSchool(AWSTS)fortrainingintheMH-53ESeaDragon.
Some of the high-level support Countiss
oversaw while in command of HM-15 include providing mission critical logistics capability during Operation Prosperity Guardian in the Gulf of Aden. In addition, HM-15 provided support to White House tasking for a President of the United States supplementing Marine Helicopter Squadron One; and serving as the host squadron during President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden’s visit to Naval Station Norfolk in November2023.
“It was a great privilege to serve with themandtheyareinfantastichandsmoving forward with Cmdr Jared Schmitt as commandingofficer,”Countisssaid. Schmitt thanked Countiss for his leadershipandguidanceasheassumescommand ofthelastoperationalMH-53Esquadronin theU.S.Navy “Andrew, thank you for your guidance, wisdom,supportandmostimportantlyyour friendship,”Schmittsaid.
Schmittfurtherdiscussedtherichlegacy of the MH-53E community, “Once a Blackhawk,alwaysaBlackhawk.”
“Embrace our legacy,” Schmitt added. “We are some of the last men and women who get to serve in this squadron and this community a community that has been in existence since 1971 and a squadron that was commissioned in 1987. It is a legacy we canallbeproudofandalegacywehavethe responsibilityofseeingthroughtothefinish lineandhonorthosewhocamebeforeus.” Schmitt,a2007graduatefromtheUnited States Naval Academy; was designated as a naval aviator in February 2009 After flight school he reported to AWSTS for training in the MH-53E Sea Dragon. Schmitt mentioned serving alongside his younger brother, Lt Cmdr Keith Schmitt, who has beenintheMH-53Ecommunitysince2013
“Keith,Istillcan’tbelieveweendedupin thistogether,”Schmittsaid.“Fromlittlekids playing with Hot Wheels cars and throwing the football in the backyard, to big kids flying in the 53 it has been so cool to share thisexperiencewithyou.
TheNavyhasplannedagradualtransition of the MH-53E community to ensure operational readiness is maintained throughout thephasingoutprocess TheultimateretirementoftheMH-53ESeaDragonalignswith the Navy’s long-term strategy to modernize its fleet and enhance operational capabilities By phasing out older platforms the Navy can allocate resources to developing anddeployingmoreadvancedtechnologies thatmeetoperationaldemands HM-15 is the largest helicopter squadron in the Navy with nearly 825 Active Duty/ TrainingandAdministrationoftheReserves personnel, 125 Selected Reservists, and 18 MH-53E helicopters Their mission is to maintain a worldwide 72-hour Airborne Mine Countermeasures (AMCM) rapid deployment posture and a forward-deployedAMCMandVerticalOnboardDelivery (VOD) capability in both the Arabian GulfandSeventhFleetAOR.
12-Year old aviator meets with AIRLANT and former U.S. Navy Blue Angels during visit to Norfolk
NORFOLK Va A remarkable opportunityawaitedfora12-year-oldaviatorwho travelled from Greeneville, North Carolina toNorfolk,Virginiaforanonce-in-a-lifetime experiencemeetingwithsomeoftheNavy’s finestnavalaviators
Christopher Klinedinst, whose passion for aviation started at the age of 8, had an opportunitytomeetCommander,NavalAir Force Atlantic’s Rear Adm. Doug Verissimo and several former U.S. Navy Blue Angel pilots during an eagerly anticipated visit to Norfolk.
Lt Cmdr JuliusBratton,assignedtoStrike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 105 and who flew withtheU.S.NavyBlueAngelsfrom2019to 2023providedadvicetoChristopher
“By you being here today, you went out of your comfort zone to talk to us,” Bratton said. “Do something every single day that scaresyou.
Bratton advised that if you stay out of your comfort zone you will grow and work towardaccomplishingyourdreams,onestep atatime
Christopher’s journey into the world of aviation began during COVID. Captivated by a mix of airplane videos on the internet, and iconic films like “Top Gun” and “Sully,” Christopher’s fascination quickly turned intoafull-blownpassion.
Hisparents,NeilandEmily,sawhisinterest take flight during a visit to the Virginia Air&SpaceMuseum,whereacockpitexperiencesparkedanewdream.
“Iremembercallingourlocalflightschool toaskaboutatour,”Neilsaid.“Theinstructor informed me that Christopher could fly the plane if he wanted. I was hesitant at firstbecauseChristopherwassoyoung but the flight school reassured me it was fine. Andso,atjust9yearsold,Christophertook controlofaDiamondaircraft.”
Since that inaugural flight, Christopher hastakenituponhimselftocompletenearly 50hoursofinstructionalflyingtimeinvarious aircraft, including Diamond, Piper, and Cessna aircraft, as well as a historic World WarIIBoeingbi-plane
His aviation adventures have taken him across several states, from Greenville and MyrtleBeachtoWilliamsburgandRoanoke, Virginia. One of the highlights of his young flying career was a recent cross-country flight from Pitt Greenville to the Outer Banks. There, Christopher shared his love for aviation with a special needs class, providing a hands-on lesson and cockpit experienceforthestudents
In May 2024, during a local news interview,Christopherrevealedhisaspirationto become a U.S. Navy Blue Angel, a goal that hasonlygrownstrongerwithtime
“I have always enjoyed seeing the cool stufftheydoandhowclosetheyflyinformation,”Christophersaid.
During the visit to Norfolk, the Klinedinst family received tours of Naval Station NorfolkandHelicopterSeaCombatSquadron(HSC)28followedbyachancetointer-
NORFOLK,Va - ChristopherKlinedinst,(center) had an opportunity to tourHelicopterSea Combat Squadron (HSC) 28,aswell as meet Commander NavalAirForceAtlantic’s RearAdm.DougVerissimo and several formerU.S.NavyBlueAngel pilots during avisit to Norfolk (U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYJENNIFERCRAGG/RELEASED)
For Neil, a former Marine and Emily, a dedicated special education teacher, this eventisasignificantmilestone
“SeeingChristophermeetthesepilotsand hear their advice is incredibly exciting for us,” Neil shared. “As a family we are lookingforwardtoseeingthebaseandwatchas Christophertakesinalloftheexperiences.”
After the long-awaited meeting Chris-
NORFOLK,Va - Lt Cmdr Jim Cox,assigned to Strike FighterSquadron (VFA-106) presents a shirt to Christopherat the end ofhisvisit as his mother EmilyKlinedinst looks on. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYLYNNFRIANT/ RELEASED)
topher is looking for his next milestone to attend the Naval Air Station Oceana Air ShowinSeptember2024andhopeshisstory willinspireotheryoungdreamers “I’ve had the best childhood and have always been encouraged to follow my dreams,”hesaid “Ihopeotherkidswillsee that if you never give up you can achieve yourowndreamstoo.”
Christopher’s enthusiasm for aviation
and his upcoming encounter with the U.S. NavyBlueAngelsunderscoreabrightfuture aheadforthisyoungaviator Witheachflight and every new experience, he continues to turn his dreams into reality, soaring ever closer to his goal of becoming a U.S. Navy BlueAngeloneday.
Buddies” helps NAS Oceana’s youth sports program give back to families
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va In July the Captain John “Bag” Hefti Memorial Scholarship Foundation, also known as “Bag’s Buddies,” sponsored Naval Air Station Oceana’sYouthSportsandFitnessprogram, allowingtheprogramtorefundregistration fees for all 100 players participating in NAS Oceana’s2024baseballseason.“Theimpact ofthissponsorshipisundeniable,”saidNAS OceanaYouthSportsandFitnesscoordinator Ryan Krus “NAS Oceana runs the largestsportsleagueintheMid-Atlanticregion, so receiving this support has an incredible impact on not just our program but the parentsofourparticipantsaswell.” Bag’sBuddies’sponsorshipalignswithits missionofpromotingandsupportingyouth sports in honor of the scholarship’s namesake, Capt. John “Bag” Hefti He was a fan and multi-sport athlete and a Naval Aviator who served twenty-four years on active dutyfrom1987to2013 Abulkofhistimein theNavywasspentstationedatNASOceana where he served with the Grim Reapers of Fighter Squadron VFA-101, and the Jolly Rogers of Fighter Squadron VFA-103 Hefti alsoservedasthecommandingofficerofthe Black Lions of Fighter Squadron VFA-213,
where he deployed in support of OperationsEnduringFreedomandIraqiFreedom immediatelyfollowingtheterroristsattacks ofSeptember11,2001
After Hefti died in 2021, the scholarship fund was established by his family to carry on his passion and support of youth sports Faulkner, secretary of the board for Bag’sBuddies,saidHefti’sloveofsportsand familyneverfaded.
“He believed in youth sports as a way to develop kids into future leaders. It was so important to John to support the Navy and Navy families,” Faulkner said. “This is our wayofpreservingJohn’slegacy.
Bag’sBuddiesisplanningtofurtherassist NAS Oceana’s Youth Sports and Fitness programs as they both continue their missiontogrow,support,andbuildupsports programs and their positive effect on children’slives
“I believe that we all understand the positive impact that youth sports programs have,” said Krus “They teach kids teamwork, build character and lay the foundation for leadership skills that they will use throughout life They also provide a great support system for military children who facetheirownspecifichardships.”
The NAS Oceana’s Youth Sports and Fitness program includes soccer, flag foot-
basketball, cheerleading and baseball, with each sport running three months at a time For more information about the program and how to register call 757-4333976 or visit the youth center
872HornetDr Bldg 526VirginiaBeach,VA 23460 To learn more about the Captain John “Bag”HeftiMemorialScholarshipFoundation,visit
SECNAV Del Toro hosts Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su and Congressman Bobby Scott on PCU John F. Kennedy (CVN 79)
PCU John F. Kennedy (CVN79)
Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro hosted the Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su and Congressman Bobby Scott (VA-03) aboard Pre-Commissioning Unit (PCU) JohnF.Kennedy(CVN79)atHII’sNewport News Shipbuilding Division in Newport News
During the visit, the leaders saw firsthand how important the maritime industrialbaseworkforceisfortheconstructionof the world’s most technologically-advanced GeraldR.Ford-classaircraftcarriers
“Hosting Secretary Su and Congressman Scott aboard PCU John F. Kennedy was an incredible opportunity to see the U.S. Navy crew and shipyard workforce bring this incredible aircraft carrier to life,” said Del Toro “When construction is complete, this shipwillrepresent100,000tonsofAmerica’s maritimestatecraft.”
Secretary Del Toro has made Maritime Statecraft and restoring the comprehensive maritime power of the United States a keycomponentofhistenureasSecretaryof the Navy This acquisition aligns with both the Maritime Statecraft initiative and the Department of Defense’s National Defense IndustrialStrategy
The tour on PCU John F. Kennedy included an overview of the construction of the aircraft carrier as well as the workforce skill needs for current and future carrier construction The leaders met with theship’screwaswellastheNewportNews Shipbuilding workforce. During the tour, Secretary Del Toro visited one of the ship’s AdvancedWeaponsElevatorsandreceived astatusupdate
“We are extremely excited to welcome our Secretary of the Navy, Acting Secretary of Labor Su, and Congressman Scott,” said Capt ColinDay,commandingofficerofPCU John F. Kennedy “Our Sailors are incredible at removing barriers and supporting our shipbuilding partners in delivering the fleet’s newest and most advanced aircraft carrier.”
PCU John F. Kennedy (CVN 79) is the secondaircraftcarrierintheFordClass,the firstnewclassinmorethan40years
At 1,092 feet in length and 100,000 tons, CVN 79 represents dramatic advances in propulsion power generation ordnance
NEWPORTNEWS,Virginia (Aug 28 2024) -ViceAdm.James Downey,commander,Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) and Lucas Hicks, right vice president John F.Kennedy(CVN 79) newconstruction aircraft carrierprogram,present aweapons elevatorto Secretaryofthe Navy Carlos DelToro left Congressman BobbyScott (VA-03),centerleft andActing SecretaryofLaborJulie Su,center-right during a tourofthe
flight deckofthe Ford-class aircraft carrierPre-Commissioning UnitJohn F.Kennedy(CVN 79),Aug.28,2024.During thevisit,Secretaryofthe NavyCarlos DelToro,alongsideActing SecretaryofLaborJulie Su and Congressman BobbyScott (VA-03),sawfirsthand howimportant the maritime industrial baseworkforce is forthe construction oftheworld’s most technologically-advanced Gerald R.Ford-class aircraft carrier John F.Kennedyis the second Ford-class aircraft carrierand is underconstruction at HII’s Newport News Shipbuilding (NNS) division in Newport News Virginia.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSNOLANPENNINGTON)
handling, and aircraft launch systems
These innovations will support a higher sortie generation rate at significant cost savings when compared to Nimitz-class carriers The Gerald R. Ford class also offers a considerable reduction—approximately $4 billion per ship—in life cycle operations and support costs compared to
the earlier Nimitz class The new technology and warfighting capabilities that John F. Kennedy brings to the fleet will transform naval warfare, supporting a more capable and lethal forward-deployed U.S. naval presence In an emerging era of great power competition, CVN 79 will serve as the most agile
and lethal combat platform globally, with improvedsystemsthatenhanceinteroperabilityamongotherplatformsinthecarrier strike group and with the naval forces of regional allies and partners
U.S. Second Fleet completes Operation
Nanook 2024 with multinational partners
AndersonWBranch Commander U.S. 2nd Fleet
Operation NANOOK 2024, an annual exercise led by the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) and supported by the U.S. 2nd Fleet and U.S. Coast Guard, successfully concludedonAugust26,2024
The exercise, which is the largest of its kind in the Arctic, highlighted the ability of multinational forces to interoperate effectively in the challenging northern environment, further strengthening the long-standingpartnershipbetweenCanada andtheUnitedStates
Vice Adm. Doug Perry, Commander of U.S. 2nd Fleet, emphasized the importance of this partnership, stating, “Our partnership with Canada is built on a foundation of mutual respect and shared interests, particularly when it comes to securing the Arctic region. OP NANOOK demonstrated the strength of our collaboration and our shared commitment to maintaining stabilityinthesestrategicwaters.” Perryadded,“Thechallengesposedbythe Arctic environment require us to be adapt-
able and resilient. This year’s exercise has shown that our combined forces are more than capable of meeting those challenges head-on.
OP NANOOK has consistently served as a critical platform for enhancing polar interoperability among Allied forces, and thisyearwasnodifferent.Theexercisesaw participationfromtheRoyalCanadianNavy, the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. Navy, and the RoyalDanishNavy Theseforcesengagedin a variety of complex maritime operations includingMaritimeInterdictionOperations gunneryexercises searchandrescuesimulations,andfleetmaneuverdrillsinthefrigid watersnearNuuk,Greenland
“This exercise is a testament to the strength and unity of our alliances,” said Perry “Each year, OP NANOOK brings our nations closer together, enhancing our ability to operate effectively in the Arctic and ensuring that we are prepared for any contingency.”
The participation of the U.S. 2nd Fleet in OP NANOOK underscores the fleet’s commitment to Arctic operations as part of a broader strategy to ensure homeland defenseandsecurityinthenorthernregions.
An MH-60RSea Hawkhelicopterassigned to the‘Vipers’ofHelicopterMaritime Strike Squadron (HSM) 48 conducts flight operationswhile underwaywith theArleigh Burkeclass guided-missile destroyerUSS Delbert D.Black(DDG 119) forOperation NANOOK(OP NANOOK),Aug.20,2024.OPNANOOKis the CanadianArmed Forces’annual series ofArctic exercises designed to enhance defense capabilities,ensure the securityofnorthern regions, and improve interoperabilitywithAllied forces Blackparticipated in the operation alongside the U.S.Coast Guard and Canadian and DanishAllies to bolsterArctic readiness and fulfill each nation’s defense commitments.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST3RD
“Training in the North is particularly crucial as it increases our understanding of the unique operational and sustainment challenges experienced in the Arctic. By seizing every opportunity to train in this environment, we also further solidify our partnership among NATO allies while ensuring our readiness for future operations” emphasized Royal Canadian Rear Adm. David Patchell, Vice Commander of U.S.2ndFleet.“Theimportanceofinteroperability and shared experiences between NATO countries cannot be overstated ThroughregularjointexercisesintheAtlantic and Arctic regions, we continuously enhance our capabilities and strengthen ourbond.”
As the Arctic continues to gain strategic importance theU.S.Navyremainscommitted to working closely with its Arctic allies to ensure environmental stewardship and maintainstabilityintheregion.Thecompletion of OP NANOOK 2024 has provided participatingforceswithinvaluableexperi-
ence and has further reinforced the collective deterrence capability of allied and partnernations
Participating units included the Royal Canadian Navy’s Harry DeWolf-Class Offshore Patrol Vessels, HMCS Margaret Brooke (AOPV 431) and HMCS Harry DeWolf (AOPV 430); the Royal Danish Navy’sKnudRasmussen-ClassPatrolVessel, HDMS Lauge Koch (P572); the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter, USCGC Northland (WMEC 904); and the U.S. Navy’s USS Delbert D. Black(DDG119).
With the conclusion of OP NANOOK 2024, participating units have returned to theirrespectivehomeports,betterequipped tofacetheevolvingchallengesoftheArctic and to continue protecting shared interests inthisincreasinglyvitalregion.
U.S. 2nd Fleet, reestablished in 2018 in response to the changing global security environment, develops and employs maritime forces ready to fight across multiple domainsintheAtlanticandArcticinorderto ensure access, deter aggression and defend U.S.,allied,andpartnerinterests.
Navy and Marine Corps Force Health Protection Command
Staff from the Navy and Marine Corps ForceHealthProtectionCommand(NMCFHPC)hostedaRiskCommunicationWorkshopattheRiversEdgeCommunityCenter, Aug.13 15,2024,onNavalMedicalCenter Portsmouth,Virginia.
“This workshop focuses on how to plan andexecutecommunicationstointernaland external stakeholders on any public health issue that impacts their mission,” said Dr. Paul Gillooly, a risk assessor/risk communicatorwiththeNMCFHPC
During the event, more than 30 participants from several commands attended the workshop including: Defense Centers for Public Health Portsmouth (DCPHP) Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command (NMRTC) Portsmouth, USNS Comfort, Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads,NavyMedicineReadinessandTraining Command (NMRTC) Pensacola, Navy Environmental and Preventive Medicine Unit5,NorfolkNavalShipyard,U.S.Airforce 633rd Operational Medical Squadron, and PublicHealthFlight.
“The topics of workshop are organized to help build a network of subject matter experts in preparing to speak on potential environmental and health concerns,” said Gillooly “We hope the scientists in these workshops will become ambassadors on how to communicate effectively in a less technicalway.”
To do this the Risk Communication Trainers work to provide participants a specific framework. “Scientists, are usually data driven but communication is a social science, to start a conversation they must learn to first listen and watch for nonverbal cues These different skills they’re not used tousingday-inandday-outandwearegiving thematoolsettodothis,”heexplained.
Applying risk communication principles can be paramount in situations that involve negative emotions misperceptions and stakeholderagendas Byprovidingtraining practice,andfeedback,thisworkshophelps participants develop the skills needed to manageriskcommunicationchallengesand enhanceoverallriskmanagementefforts By mastering the art of a risk communication, organizations can enhance their resilience and achieve their goals with greater confidence Deborah Bailey Deputy Public Health
Officer at Joint Base Langley-Eustis noted, “This workshop is crucial for all activeduty service members, especially those in leadership roles, as well as Department of Defensecivilianpersonnel.Itpreparesusto communicate effectively during interviews or any situation requiring clear, confident responses.”
WilliamStover,NMCFHPCEnvironmental Programs department head explained, “Inpublichealth,ourmainproductisinformation We need to communicate in a way
coming from, and what emotional state are they in It’s a way of starting a conversation,sointheend,youcangettothosefacts by validating their concerns upfront. Risk Communicationisanapproachandaframeworkforhowtotalktopeopleinthesehealth risksituations.”
Effective risk communication can also play a crucial role in retaining service membersbyaddressingfactorsthatcontributetotheirsatisfactionandlongevityinthe military Risk management contributes to
thathelpspeoplegetpastanyobstaclessuch asfearoranger.Whateverthesituation,our goal is to equip our participants with the ability to answer scientific and technical questions in a way that is clear and understandable.”
Gilloolyadded,“Thepurposeofcommunication is to get to the facts. However, peoplehavetheirownfilters,thereismisinformation, and social media, and so we’re trying to cut through all of that to get to the facts But to do this, when it comes to environmental, health, and safety issues, you can’t always just go to the hard facts First, you need to understand where people are
a more positive and supportive environmentwhichcanincreasethelikelihoodthat servicememberswillchoosetostaywiththe organization
“Habitability and livability on ships, barracks andinshipyardsisprominentand high profile This is somewhat highlighted recently by suicide rates, unfortunately,” said Gillooly “Let’s take housing for example,Housingneedstobesafeandhabitable If a service member or their family is upset withtheirhousingandlivingconditions,this can contribute greatly to recruitment and retention.”
roleindeliveringhigh-qualityhealthcareto service members by identifying assessing andmitigatingpotentialhealthrisks Effective risk management not only ensures the well-beingofservicemembersbutsupports theirretentionandoverallhealth.
“Our focus in public health extends beyond traditional diseases and injuries,” explained Stover “We address complex issuessuchasenvironmentalexposures like suspectedcontaminationinhousingorhigh leadlevelsfromplayareas.Ourresponsibility is to help individuals and leaders understand and manage these risks, which often involves consultations with occupational medicine experts, physicians, or public healthspecialiststoresolvetheirconcerns.”
AccordingtoStover,thegoaloftheworkshopistomakesuretheparticipantsbecome skilled enough in communication skills so that they are risk communicators in their ownprofessionalandlocalareas.Iftheyare effective communicators with their stakeholders,issuesmayberesolvedmorequickly andeffectively
Lt Jacob Miller, environmental health officer on the USNS Comfort and participant of the workshop added, “I think risk communicationisoneofthemostinvaluable toolsandassetsthatwecanhaveinapublic healthatmospherebecausewe’reconstantly dealing with problems the community would be interested in. We need to be able tocommunicatehowwe’regoingtoaddress themandkeepthemsafe.”
Gillooly emphasized, “At the end of the workshop,weaskparticipantstosharewhat resonated most with them. Our goal is for them to leave with practical tools they can apply rather than just attending and filing away the material. We ensure each participant engages deeply by incorporating roleplay and scenario-based exercises This hands-on approach helps them internalize thetechniques,makingthelearningexperiencetrulyeffective.”
“I highly recommend the Risk Communication Workshop which provides a combination of expert teaching role-play and in-depth personalized feedback, said Erica Monsees, director of Population Health,withtheDefenseHealthAgencyand participantoftheworkshop “Theworkshop equips participants with important tools to effectively communicate with a variety of audiences in a high-pressure environment. Thisworkshopwasamazing!”
U.S. and Italian Naval Forces
Conduct Bilateral Operations
Norfolk Naval Shipyard begins USS
Montpelier’s Engineered Overhaul
Norfolk Naval Shipyard
NorfolkNavalShipyard(NNSY)officially kickedoffUSSMontpelier’s(SSN765)EngineeredOverhaulwiththeboat’sdrydocking Aug.21. As the shipyard’s last Engineered Overhaul Montpelier will undergo major jobs includingshaftreplacement,inspectionsand preservation of internal and external tanks, and overhauling major systems including high pressure air, hydraulics, ventilation, steam,andretractablebowplanes
Leading up to the docking, the project team got an early start by accomplishing work pierside That work included completing more than half of Montpelier’s planned nuclear work, performing a significantamountofsailwork,removingcomponentsforoverhaulintheshipyardshops,and making hull cuts for connecting temporary servicesduringtheavailability
“During this nesting period the shipyard and ship’s force have developed great team cohesion,”saidMontpelierProjectSuperintendentMichaelHarrell.
NNSY has been focusing on a “mechanic at the center mindset to give production
mechanicsimprovedaccessibilitytoneeded items and tools to support mission execution,aswellasbetterqualityofworklife As partofthiseffort,NNSYinstalledadditional phonesonboardtheboatandinthedrydock
ByBurrellParmer Naval Medical Research Unit San Antonio
KISSIMMEE, Fla. Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU) San Antonio, located at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas, is one of the leading research and development laboratories for the U.S. Navy under the Department of Defense(DoD).
Topresenttheirfindings,researchscientists assigned to NAMRU San Antonio’s Directed Energy Health Effects, Combat Casualty Care and Operational Medicine, and Craniofacial Health and Restorative Medicine Directorates presented 16 scientific posters and three oral presentations during the 2024 Military Health System Research Symposium (MHSRS) held at the Gaylord Palms Resort and Convention Center,Aug.26-29.
The MHSRS brings together military, government,academia,andindustryexperts for four days of critical conversations and intensiveideasharing
Presenters shared their latest research findingsandchallengesontopicsincluding combat casualty care, military operational medicine, clinical and rehabilitative medicine, medical simulation and information sciences, military infectious diseases, and theradiationhealtheffects.
Posters presented during the 4-day symposium ranged from preclinical model for evaluation of human-derived blood resuscitation products to investigation of effects from suprathreshold near-infrared laser exposures to skin on anatomical and physiologicalparameters
Presentations given were on Hazard Analysis for Dual Band Radar Operations, Physical and Biocompatibility Testing of a
Novel Self-healing Dental Composite, and Prehospital Pooled Frozen Solvent Detergent Plasma in a Polytrauma Hemorrhage Model.
According to NAMRU San Antonio Commanding Officer Capt. Jennifer Buechel, presenting research findings can influence military health care practices and policies potentially leading to improvementsinmedicalcareandoperationaleffectiveness
“PresentingatMHSRSdemonstratesthe command’s depth of knowledge and technical expertise in our field, showcasing the high level of skill and competency among ourresearchers,”saidBuechel,aNavynurse from Woodhaven, Mich. “I am incredibly proud of our team’s accomplishment. This increasesourvisibilitytoshowcasehowour researchalignswithmilitarystrategicobjectivesandoperationalneeds.”
Scientific research is rewarding for the scientistandcrucialforNAMRUSanAntonio said Chief Science Director Dr Darrin Frye.
“When research is presented to the military medical community it moves the field forward and may reveal unexpected findings,expandthebodyofknownfacts,orvalidatestandardsthatbenefitboththemilitary and society,” said Frye, of Kingman, Kan. “Presentationshighlightsignificantprogress andareoftenkeydeliverables Theyprovide tangible evidence for sponsors, program managers, and decision-makers, showcasingthereturnoninvestmentandfrequently leadingtofurtherefforts.”
According to Frye, the high number of presentations and posters presented by NAMRU San Antonio is a testament to the
andprojectofficestofacilitatecommunication, as well as opened new restrooms and musterareasatthedrydock.
The project team will be implementing processimprovementsduringtheoverhaul,
includingapilotprogramformoreefficient structural inspections “The pilot program will expedite evaluation and should save timesincetherewouldnotbemultipleship checks being performed independently,” saidHarrell. Another process improvement will be to theoverhaulofauxiliaryseawaterandmain seawater valves which corrode over time and require repair “Previous submarine availabilities have required multiple iterations of machining and welding to correct defects,”saidHarrell.“Utilizingmotoroperated laps prior to machining will remove any defects and potentially minimize the amountofweldingrequiredorutilizealternaterepairmethodsuchaselectroplating.” “I want to thank the Montpelier project teamandship’screwfortheircommitment to leveraging the time available pierside to get this overhaul off to a strong start, said ShipyardCommanderCaptainJipMosman “Completing projects like Montpelier is crucialtothereadinessofourfleet Byworking closely as a team and making sure our mechanics have everything they need to be successful today and every day, we will successfully return Montpelier back to sea ontime.”
KISSIMMEE,Fla.– (Aug 27 2024) – Dr Jessica Saul-McBeth,a research scientist,assigned to the Craniofacial Health and Restorative Medicine Directorate,Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU) SanAntonio presented research titled“Engineering Neutrophil-Membrane Coated Nanoparticles as an Effective Drug DeliverySystem During Ischemia Reperfusion Injuryon the Battlefield”during
KISSIMMEE,Fla.– (Aug 28 2024) – Dr.Sabrina Snyder ofOakRidge,Tenn. a research scientist assigned to Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU) SanAntonio’s Craniofacial Health and Restorative Medicine Directorate,presented research titled,“Physical and BiocompatibilityTesting ofa Novel Self-healing Dental Composite”during the Central Role ofDental Care in MilitaryReadiness,Operational Deployment In-TheaterCare,PostInjuryReconstruction,andWarfighterRehabilitation breakout session co-moderated byCol.Kevin Gillespie
NAMRU San Antonio talks Directed Energy Health Effects at 2024 MHSRS
ByBurrellParmer Naval Medical Research Unit San Antonio
KISSIMMEE,Fla. NavalMedicalResearch Unit (NAMRU) San Antonio, located at Joint Base San Antonio-Fort Sam Houston, Texas, is one of the leading research and development laboratoriesfortheU.S.NavyundertheDepartmentofDefense(DoD).
To showcase their research NAMRU San Antonio personnel participated in the Directed EnergyHealthEffects(DEHE)Researchforthe Warfighterbreakoutsessiononthefirstdayofthe 2024 Military Health System Research Symposium(MHSRS)heldattheGaylordPalmsResort andConventionCenter
The 2024 MHSRS brings together military, government,academia,andindustryexpertsfor fourdaysofcriticalconversationsandintensive idea sharing. Presenters will share their latest researchfindingsandchallengesontopicsincluding combat casualty care military operational medicine, clinical and rehabilitative medicine, medical simulation and information sciences, militaryinfectiousdiseases,andtheradiation healtheffects.
The DEHE breakout session, moderated by NAMRU San Antonio’s Deputy Chief Science Director Cmdr Rachel Werner along with Defense Health Agency (DHA) Research and Engineeringpersonnel consistedoffourpresentations:SuprathresholdRFInjuryEffects:SimulatingExposuresBeyondtheStandard Damage AssessmentandHistologicalAnalysisofSupra-
“Their remarkable achievements in their fields of interest, along with the efforts of the entire command and supportive teams, highlight our commitment to maintaining a dynamicandcreativeworkingenvironment,” saidFrye.“Despitethechallengesofcomplex scientificgapsandfiniteresources,ourteams
threshold Near-Infrared Laser Exposures…, Hazard Analysis for Dual Band Radar Operations, and A Digital Ophthalmoscope for the AutomaticDetectionofLaserLesions
Presenting research on Hazard Analysis for Dual Band Radar Operations was Dr William D’Angelo, of Newington, Conn., Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU) San Antonio’s DEHE director.
“Itwasimportanttopresentourmodelingon howDEHEcoulddirectlyaffectfleetoperations afloat,”saidD’Angelo “Thiseffort,incollaborationwithourAirForcepartners demonstrated that a new and more powerful type of radar wouldnotadverselyaffectaviationoperations.”
According to NAMRU San Antonio’s Commanding Officer Capt Jennifer Buechel, the breakout session was the directorate’s inauguraldebutatMHSRS.
“NAMRU San Antonio in partnership with DHA Research and Engineering and the Air Force711thHumanPerformanceWing(HPW), was thrilled to have presented one of the first breakout sessions on DEHE at MHSRS, said Buechel, a native of Woodhaven, Mich The findings presented will help medical providers develop diagnostic tools and clinical practice guidelines to identify and treat distinct injury patterns caused by emerging DE threats on the battlefield.”
Additionally Buechel said the findings will assist in developing countermeasures and protecting DoD’s most important resource the warfighter.
remain undeterred. Driven by their passion for research and the joy of discovery they work tirelessly, knowing that their efforts could one day save the life of a wounded servicemember.”
Dr Annette Rodriguez, of San Antonio, a research scientist, assigned to the Combat Casualty Care and Operational Medicine Directorate,presentedtwoscientificposters duringMHSRS “Thishasbeenagreatexperiencetobeable tomeetwithotherprincipalinvestigatorsand share novel knowledge of medical research
San Antonio’s DEHE Directorate is comprised of three departments conducting translational medical research on the health effects of directed energy weaponry including highenergylasersandelectromagnetics.
In addition to conducting comprehensive physicalexperimentation,thedirectoratedevelops and supports a robust modeling and simulationprogramtoproduceandevaluatetestdata virtually.
Thedirectoratedevelopsdiagnostictoolstoaid firstrespondersandcombatcasualtycareproviders to treat injuries caused by directed energy sourcesincludingtechnologiesthatdelineatethe extentofinjury,confirmstheetiology,andguides intheearlytreatmentofdirected-energywounds
Furthermore, it establishes safety standards for training and operations by combat forces in directed-energy operating environments and develops battlefield directed-energy threat countermeasures. It evaluates directed-energy non-lethal weapon health effects gauges effectiveness of current mitigation strategies and developsnovelprotective/preventivemeasures.
NAMRUSanAntonio’smissionistoconduct gap driven combat casualty care, craniofacial, anddirectedenergyresearchtoimprovesurvival, operationalreadiness,andsafetyofDoDpersonnelengagedinroutineandexpeditionaryoperations It is one of eight subordinate research commands in the global network of laboratoriesoperatingundertheNavalMedicalResearch CommandinSilverSpring Md
thatwillbenefitthemilitary,”saidRodriguez, who have served with NAMRU San Antonio for four years “This was my third MHSRS, anditgetsmoreexcitingeachtimeIattend. NAMRU San Antonio’s mission is to conduct gap driven combat casualty care, craniofacial,anddirectedenergyresearchto improvesurvival,operationalreadiness,and safety of DoD personnel engaged in routine andexpeditionaryoperations
Naval Undersea Warfare Center Division Newport
NEWPORT,R.I. Morethan30technology companies will showcase their products during the 2024 Blue Tech Demo Day partially being held at the Naval Undersea WarfareCenter(NUWC)DivisionNewport onAug.29
The daylong event, hosted by NUWC DivisionNewport’sNortheastTechBridge, alongsidenonprofitpartner401TechBridge, aimstoconnectinnovativesmallbusinesses with U.S. Navy scientists and engineers and Department of Defense stakeholders to facilitaterapiddeliveryofcapabilitiestothe warfighter
“The goal of the event is to expose the scientists and engineers from our campus to these small businesses’ innovative technologyinamission-relevantway,”JulieKallfelz, director of the Northeast Tech Bridge, said. “Each company has technology that is of particular interest to our engineers This event introduces the companies and their technologies and then we work to support next steps and further meaningful engagement.
In-water demonstrations will be completedatoperationalareasonNarragansettBay,includingattheDivisionNewport’s Narragansett Bay Test Facility (NTBF) Indoor and in-water presentations will be heldatSailNewport,locatedatFortAdams StateParkinNewport.
The showcase is scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m., and closing remarks and networking opportunities are scheduled for 4 p.m. Speakers include U.S Sen Sheldon Whitehouse; Division Newport Technical Director Marie Bussiere; Christian Cowan,executivedirectoroftheUniversity ofRhodeIslandResearch;andScottBewley, deputy director of NavalX, which oversees theNavy’stechbridges
Theparticipatingcompanieswillbeteaming up to tackle a cross-domain mission, which is to find and characterize an object ofinterest,exfiltratethatdatatothesurface
and to shore, provide data analysis of that objectanddetermineacourseofaction.Two teams will launch from the NBTF, and four will depart from Sail Newport. Each group willbeassignedoneofthethreeoperational areas and all will execute the same defined missionserially When the mission portion of the event is
complete,eachcompanywillhaveanopportunitytoindividuallypresentitscapabilityto anaudienceofmorethan150people,includingrepresentativesfromDivisionNewport, the Office of Naval Research industry and academia
The Northeast Tech Bridge 2024 Demo Day is the culmination of smaller technol-
ogy presentation events that occurred over thepastseveralmonthsandfocusedonfour missionareas cross-domaincommunications in March; modeling and simulation/ digitaltwinsinApril;persistentsensorsand monitoring in May; and uncrewed vehicles inJune
Thosedemonstrationswereheldvirtually atthe401TechBridgeofficeinMiddletown, Rhode Island, where a broad cross-section of stakeholders had the opportunity to ask questions Apanelofgovernmentandother stakeholders scored the products using a rubric, and the top firms were invited to participate in the Blue Tech Demo Day event. Attendance space at Sail Newport is limited, and advanced registration is required. The registration inquiry form, which does not guarantee admission, and more information can be found at
NUWC Newport is the oldest warfare center in the country, tracing its heritage to the Naval Torpedo Station established on Goat Island in Newport Harbor in 1869 Commanded by Capt. Chad Hennings NUWC Newport maintains major detachments in West Palm Beach, Florida, and AndrosIslandintheBahamas,aswellastest facilitiesatSenecaLakeandFisher’sIsland, New York, Leesburg, Florida, and Dodge Pond,Connecticut.
Joinourteam!NUWCDivisionNewport, one of the 20 largest employers in Rhode Island, employs a diverse highly trained educated, and skilled workforce We are continuously looking for engineers, scientists,andotherSTEMprofessionals,aswell as talented business, finance, logistics and othersupportexpertswhowishtobeatthe forefront of undersea research and development Please connect with NUWC DivisionNewportRecruitingatthissite-https:// and follow us on LinkedIn @ NUWC-Newport and on Facebook @ NUWCNewport.
every shift. I am confident that by applying theknowledgetheyhavegainedthroughour apprenticeship programs, the Apprentice Class of 2024 will help deliver the Navy the nationneeds.”
tuous state and who knows what could happen tomorrow,” said Lo “At some point theday-to-dayworktendstoblendtogether and can be monotonous, but we have to rememberwhatexactlyweareworkingon.
PortsmouthNavalShipyard(PNSY)Chapter of the National Association of Superintendents hosted the Production Trades Apprentice and Worker Skills Progression Program (WSPP) Class of 2024 graduation ceremony at Noble High School in North Berwick,Maine,Aug.23
The class of 137 graduates consists of 51 from the Trades Apprenticeship Program and 86 from the WSPP, representing 21 different trades These programs provide the skills and capability needed to execute mission requirements that are a critical componentoftheshipyardworkforce
“This graduating Apprentice Class of 2024willhelpwritethenextchapterofour storied history at Portsmouth Naval Shipyardbyadvancingourcapabilities,executing first-timequalitywork,andbydrivinginnovation,” said Shipyard Commander, Capt. Michael Oberdorf “Though the vessels we work on have changed throughout our history, we have established a hard-earned legacy of safety and quality a legacy our workforce carries with them on each and
Executive Director of the Program Executive Office for Strategic Submarines MatthewSermon,SeniorExecutiveService, served as the keynote speaker Sermon has been in federal service for more than 20 years and has served in a variety of key leadership positions throughout his career
“Today, we are facing an existential threat to the American way of life,” said Sermon
“The answer to this threat is attack submarines Thesesubmarinesarethefoundation of our national security; and the reason we can count on them, is you. Every time the nation has called upon Portsmouth Naval Shipyard, this workforce has been there to deliver a superior product, and people like youhavealwaysbeenthekeytothat.”
Shipfitter Michael Lo was selected as spokesperson for the Class of 2024 and talked about the class from their first meeting at a local conference hall for a week of slideshows to four and a half years later graduating as shipyarders and being the future of PNSY “The world is in a tumul-
The significance of our daily jobs is daunting when you look at the big picture. We’re responsible for billion-dollar vessels that protect our nation and the lives of the Sailorsthatmanthem.
“I believe we’re in a time of change at PNSY,” continued Lo. “And we will have to be the future leaders forging that path. With that in mind I’d like to remember a quote by Adm. George Whelan Anderson, Jr that I feel embodies this thought: ‘The Navy has both a tradition and a future and we look with pride and confidence in both directions.’
Graduates were presented with their graduation certificates by their respective departmentsuperintendent.
The Trades Apprenticeship Program is a four-yearprogramdesignedtodevelopmotivated employees to become skilled journey leveltradespeople Theprogramplaceseach employeeatanentrylevel.Atthestartofthe thirdyear theapprenticeispromotedtothe intermediate level and, upon completing
theprogram,tojourneylevel.Theprogram consistsoftechnicaltradetraining,mock-up training, college courses, and on-the-job experience
TheWorkerSkillsProgressionProgramis afive-yearprogramdesignedtoassistmotivated participants with the transition from entryleveltojourneyskilledlevelsinindustrial trades. The program consists of trade technical training in classrooms, training through the use of mock-ups, and on-thejobexperience
The shipyard currently has 1,141 participantsintheapprenticeshipprograms For more information regarding either of the shipyard apprenticeships and skilled trades please visit: https://www.navsea. Careers/Skilled-Trades/ Portsmouth Naval Shipyard is America’s leaderinattacksubmarinemaintenanceand modernization. As a NAVSEA field activity, PNSYiscommittedtomaximizingthematerial readiness of the fleet by safely delivering first-time quality work, on time, and on budget.
NAS Pensacola NEX Aviation Plaza earns Bingham Award
PENSACOLA, Fla. For the fourth time in seven years, Naval Air Station (NAS) Pensacola’s Navy Exchange’s (NEX) Aviation Plaza was awarded the 2023 Bingham Award for excellence in customer service, operationsandmanagementduringanAug. 27ceremony. Navy Exchange Service Command (NEXCOM) Chief Executive Officer Rear Adm. (ret.) Robert J. Bianchi presented the award to NAS Pensacola NEX General Manager Julie Herring and installation commanding officer Capt. Terry ‘Village’ Shashatyduringthebriefceremony.
“The Bingham award doesn’t just recognize operational excellence it is a reflection of the deep-rooted values that define NEX integrity and a relentless pursuit of premier customer service by every person ontheteam, Bianchisaid.
Established in 1979, the Bingham Award is the highest accolade a Navy Exchange can receive and reflects a commitment to excellenceanddedicationtoservingmilitary membersandtheirfamilies Theawardevaluates NEX facilities on their ability to excel inallaspectsoftheir mission, from operational efficiency to customer satisfaction and impactful communityengagement.
“In today’s retail world, where competitionisfierceandconsumerexpectationsare high, standing out requires more than just offeringgreatproducts itdemandsadeep understandingofcustomerneeds,apassion for service and a willingness to adapt and innovate,”Bianchisaid
“That’s exactly what NAS Pensacola’s NEX Aviation Plaza does as it serves the nearly 4,800 students that come here to attend aschooleachyear.” BianchialsohighlightedtherelationshipNEXAviationPlazacultivates with the students coming through its doors saying the facilityoftencanbeaservicemember’s first look at a Navy Exchange after leavingrecruittraining
“This team works diligently day in and day out to take care of these students so they become a customer for life,” he said. “They know they can rely on the NEX throughouttheirNavycareers.”
NAS Pensacola, referred to as the ‘Cradle of Naval Aviation, is designed to support operational and training missions of tenant commands, including the Naval AviationTechnicalTrainingCenter (NATTC); Naval Aviation Schools Command(NASC);theCenterfor InformationWarfare Training (CIWT); Marine Aviation Training Support Groups (MATSG) 21 and 23 and serves as theheadquartersforNavalEducation and Training Command (NETC).
A Woman and a Skipper: Commanding Officers’ perspectives on women’s equality
ByLt.j.g BryanBlairandPettyOfficer
1st Class Shayla Hamilton
NavalSupportActivity(NSA)Bahraintakes pride in highlighting the exceptional women on the installation who serve in many capacities. This year’s theme for Women’s Equality Dayis,“OnePieceataTime,”reflectingonthe livesandcontributionsofremarkableindividualswhoplayedpivotalrolesinwomengaining therighttovote.
Two commanding officers, Capt Katie Abdallah of Naval Computer and TelecommunicationStation(NCTS)Bahrain andCapt EvelynLeeofNavalSupplySystemsCommand (NAVSUP) Fleet Logistics Center (FLC) Bahrain, shared their personal experiences regardingwomen’sequalityintheU.S.Navy Since the beginning of your Navy career, howhaswomen’sequalityacrosstheenterprise changed/evolved/improved?
Abdallah: “When I first joined the Navy there were still some restrictions for women servingintheNavy buttheculturecontinues to adapt over time For example, women are now allowed to serve on submarines Being a NavalAcademy(USNA)graduate,itisinspiringtogofrom55femalegraduatesin1980to over350femalegraduatesin2024.Duringmy time I had the pleasure of experiencing the firstfemaleBlueAngelpilot,firstfemaleCOof anuclear-poweredaircraftcarrier firstfemale USNA superintendent, and the first female CNO [Chief of Naval Operations]. Women leaders continue to make waves in the Navy andthosewavesarenotgoingtostopanytime soon.”
Lee: “I have been fortunate to witness variousimprovementsandevolutionsforwomen during my career As a detailer I had a front row seat for the integration of ‘Women in Submarines,’ as the first round of females, in particular Lt Cmdr Supply Corps officers were detailed to submarines. During my department head (DH) tour on a cruiser, I witnessed the first enlisted female arrive to the ship Side note, I was the first female DH on the ship, and we had about half a dozen female division officers In addition to these integration achievements I have been very appreciative of the improvements in uniform regulationstobetterfitthefemaleform aswell asstridesinfamilyconsiderationsformaleand femaleSailors.
How do you view the significance of Women’s Equality Day in the context of your roleasacommandingofficer?
Lee: “Representation absolutely matters whenitcomestofuturegenerationsbeingable to‘see’themselvesinvariousrolesthathistoricallyhavenotbeenheldbyfolkthatlooklike them The significance that younger sees me
Wi-Fight For Connection
USS Carl Vinson
In 2021, everything changed for Sailors aboard Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN 70) as the ship installed afeaturenewtoU.S.Navyships.
At that time, Vinson was deploying again to the Western-Pacific after an extended maintenance period, and due to the ship’s operational tasking, lengthy periods at sea wereawaitingthem.
“TheWi-Fimadethingsbetter,”saidAviation Ordnanceman 1st Class Josiah Feeney. “Thatdeployment,weweren’tabletomake many ports We were out to sea for a long time, so being able to communicate with friends,family,lovedonesbackhomemade thingsmuchmorebearable.” Wi-Fi,anessentialquality-of-liferesource formostpeopletoday,allowsVinsonSailors to check their bank accounts talk to their families keepupwithcurrentworldevents andenjoymediaontheirphoneswhilethousandsofmilesawayfromhome Before adding Wi-Fi, Sailors could only usetheirworkcentercomputerstotakecare of personal matters or wait to reach a port withphoneserviceorWi-Ficonnectivity InaNavythat’sever-changingduetotechnological advances leaps and bounds have beenmadeinhelpingSailorsbridgecommunication gaps between them and the rest of theworld.
“My first deployment, we had to use payphones,” said Lt Cmdr Ashley Mannix, Vinson’s combat systems information officer (CSIO). “The only way to talk to people was on the mess decks where they had the phones Usually, you had to wait in line and there were rules with how long you could talkonthephone.”
Vinson’s first Wi-Fi system, O3B was limited to the mess decks, the library, a few berthings, and various location around the ship The mess decks flooded daily with people texting their loved ones and staying up-to-date Vinson now has a new Wi-Fi system and it’sknownasCATNIP
The ship installed CATNIP in the beginning of June and it significantly expanded thereachoftheWi-Fiaboard,encompassing morethan60routersacrosstheship
Sailors assigned to Combat Systems
who also looks like them, and knows or can believe,‘Ifshecan,thenIcantoo.
Abdallah: “I would have never had this opportunitytobeaCOifitwasn’tforthemen andwomenwhofoughtforequalityyearsago. In1920,womenweregrantedtherighttovote andin1948,womenweregrantedtherightto serve as permanent member of the Navy and other armed services It is a true honor and privilege to have this opportunity to lead an amazing team in Bahrain. I would not have gotten to this position without my service brothers and sisters who supported me along the way. Our diversity in the Navy makes us stronger than any other Navy in the world. It’s an honor to continue to pave the way for women’s equality for the future Who knows wherewewillgonext?”
What advice would you give to the young womenjoiningtheNavytoday,orwomenthat mightconsidertheNavyasacareer,basedon youryearsofexperience?
Lee: “I will always advise anyone to do the best they can do Strive for the best they can achieve and remain true themselves Drawing from my own experience I once believed thefeminineorcutesyhobbiesIlovedneeded to be suppressed or supplemented with more male-friendlyhobbies.Inowembracemylove ofpapercraftingandIfindwaystoincorporate myhobbyintomyprofessionalenvironment. Abdallah: “Be yourself - don’t be someone you are not or you will be miserable. You can still abide by the Navy’s regulations without changingwhoyouare.Nevergiveuponyour goals and dreams Use your strengths to your
advantage. Be humble Continue to self-assess, learn and grow from your mistakes or shortcomings. No one is perfect. You are not alone. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. We are here to help each other thrive It takes a team toaccomplishthemission.”
Department, CS-3 division or automated dataprocessing(ADP)workedforhundreds of hours to implement this new system before the ship departed for Rim of the Pacific2024
According to Information Systems TechnicianSeamanShaneWilder,Wi-Firouters can take 20 minutes to six hours to install due to the tedious nature of lining wires up into an Ethernet cable After crimping the wires in, the Ethernet cable connects to the bottom of the router, which blinks green whenitworksandredwhenitdoesn’t.
“Red is never a good sign,” said Wilder “The longest I’ve spent working on one routerissixhours I’vedonealotofrouters, and it still takes however long it takes to get thewiresright.”
Afterinstallingtheroutersandsettingup the system, ADP had another large task to complete TheyhadtocreateaspecificusernameandpasswordforeachSailortoregulatethedailybandwidthallowance
“We’ve been creating accounts for days now, saidInformationSystemsTechnician Kelli Howarth. “People knock on our door fortheiraccountseveryhouroftheday.We started a new Wi-Fi help desk on top of our regularhelpdesk.”
Howarth said installing the new Wi-Fi system was tedious, but once they get past theinitialsurge theflowoftrafficwillease
“Itwillbemostlynewcheck-insandSailorswhoneedhelpwiththeiraccountsafter this,”saidHowarth.“It’sbeenhardworkbut I’m glad I am able to provide my shipmates with a way to connect to their families and friendseventhisfarouttosea.”
Across the ship, Sailors are enjoying the connection.
“Even though we’re now back in normal operatingprocedure,hittingmoreportsand getting ready for deployment, having that improvedWi-Finowhasimprovedmoralea lotformanySailors,”saidFeeney “Iseeitas a really positive change It’s awesome, I can
talktomywifeandmessagebackeveryday. She sends me pictures of my daughter, our first kid. It’s really great to be able to stay in touchwiththem.”
Mannix believes the Wi-Fi has come a long way thanks to ADP and the Navy and sheseesitinthenumberofSailorsusingthe system.
“Sincewe’vebeenbackfromdeployment, alltheADPSailorshavebroughtWi-Fiupto apointwherewenowseearound2500users at least at any one time,” said Mannix. “The systemwehavenowiscertainlynotplugand play,there’stensofthousandsoflinesofcode theITshavecreatedandmanyscriptstoget Wi-Fiwhereitisnow.AsCSIO,itmakesme proudtoseeourSailorscometobrainstorm andteacheachothernewskillsetsnotnecessarily taught in any IT schools We’re looking forward to continuing to improve the Wi-Fisystemandmakingitwhereeachuser isgettingexactlywhattheywantfromit.
U.S. and Italian Naval Forces conduct bilateral operations
Commander, Task Force 71/Destroyer Squadron 15
PHILIPPINE SEA The U.S. Navy and Italian Navy convened to conduct bilateral operations in the Philippine Sea in support ofafreeandopenIndo-Pacific,Aug.18-21.
Participants included the U.S. Navy Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Dewey (DDG 105), the flagship of the Italian navy aircraft carrier ITS Cavour (CVH 550), and the Italian Navy Carlo Bergamini-class frigate ITS Alpino (F594).
“The multilateral operations we conduct with our allies and partners in this theater arestrengtheningourcapabilitiesandkeepingourskillsetssharp,”saidViceAdm.Fred Kacher, commander, U.S. 7th Fleet. “As we recently demonstrated with the Abraham Lincoln Carrier Strike Group and Italy’s Cavour Carrier Strike Group, both our nations recognize the importance of a free and open Indo-Pacific and the role our navies play in preserving the peace and stabilityhere.
Thetwonaviesconductedfixed-wingair defense training and combined anti-submarinewarfareexercises,aswellassubject matter expert exchanges across the participatingships
“We are ready and very well prepared to operate with our allies in every part of the globe; we are used to this since we share commontactics,proceduresandcommand, control and communication systems said Rear Admiral Giancarlo Ciappina, commanderItalianCarrierStrikeGroupon boardITSCavour In addition to cross-functional training
across multiple domains, the U.S. and Ital-
ian navy vessels also conducted formation exercises and communication drills, events tailored to build understanding and trust whenconductinghigh-endmaneuvers
“Any time we have an opportunity to train together with our partners and allies, it goes a long way in enhancing our ability to exchange information and operate cohesively,” said Cmdr Nicholas Maruca, Dewey’scommandingofficer
The U.S. Navy regularly operates alongsideouralliesintheIndo-Pacificregionasa demonstrationofoursharedcommitmentto therules-basedinternationalorder.Bilateral operationssuchasthisoneprovidesvaluable opportunitiestotrain,exerciseanddevelop tacticalinteroperabilityacrossalliednavies intheIndo-Pacific.
“The activity with USS Dewey is an outstanding training opportunity for our crews Anothergreatdemonstrationoffruitful interactions and cooperation between Italian and US ships at sea,” said Ciappina “I should say, a normal interoperability rehearsal which keeps up our standards andabilitytoworktogether Conductingthis type of activity is one of the strategic objectives of our operational campaign, ensuringsecurityatseaandpromotingeconomic prosperitythroughtheIndo-Pacificregion”.
Deweyisforward-deployedandassigned to Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 15 the Navy’s largest DESRON and the U.S. 7th Fleet’sprincipalsurfaceforce
U.S. 7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployed numbered fleet, and routinely interacts and operates with allies and partners in preserving a free and open Indo-Pacificregion.
Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSS Dewey(DDG 105)wave to Sailors aboard the Italian Navyaircraft carrierITS Cavour (CVH 550) during a simulated underwayreplenishment in the Philippine Sea,Aug.18 2024.Deweyis forward-deployed and
Italian Navyaircraft carrierITS Cavour(CVH 550),left while the Carlo Bergamini-class frigate ITSAlpino (F594) steams ahead during a simulated underway replenishment in the Philippine Sea,Aug.18 2024.
A trailblazer’s twenty years of dedication to the Aegis Warfighter
Surface Combat Systems Training Command
DAHLGREN, Va Since the first class of 14studentsgraduatedinDecember1985from the Aegis Computer Fundamentals course, Surface Combat Systems Training Command (SCSTC)AEGISTrainingandReadinessCenter (ATRC)hasbeenprovidingtheU.S.Navyand ourallieswithhighlytrainedsurfacewarfighterstomaintain,operate andemploytheAEGIS system.Throughouttheyears,theverybesthave returnedtotheschoolhouseleavingtheirmark intheAegiscommunity Thesehallshavebeen walkedbymanytrailblazersincludingSecretary oftheNavyCarlosDelToro,RearAdm.Wayne E. Meyer, and Mr Edward Gohring. In 2004, a young Officer reported to duty at the Dahlgrenschoolhousenotknowingthenthathetoo wouldhaveasignificantimpactonhowwetrain theAegiswarfighter.
Over twenty years ago, Lt Cmdr Jeff Noordykarrivedattheschoolhouseasthedirectorof Officer Training and later, assumed additional duties as director of Training (DoT). Noordyk eventuallyseparatedfromtheNavyandinMay 2008, returned to ATRC to begin his civilian careerastheDoT.
As the DoT, Noordyk ensures that SCSTC ATRCsuccessfullyexecutesitsessentialroleas the Curriculum Control Model Manager for Integrated Air and Missile Defense (IAMD) and Aegis Fire Controlman (FCA) training thatisprovidedbytheschoolhouseandacross the SCSTC domain He is responsible for the development,implementation,andreviewofall Aegistrainingsystems Additionally heandthe ATRCteamoversee33electronicclassrooms 50 labs,andtheannualtrainingof500Officersand 850Enlistedstudents.
Inexplainingwhyhewantedtocometothe schoolhouse,andwhyhefindsittobesointegral to the mission of the Navy, Noordyk said, “ATRC is where both military and civilians cometoactuallylearnandtobecomeexperts.
The programs and projects he has successfullyledthroughouttheyearsreflecthisvision, driveandinnovativeleadershipandhavebeen employedthroughouttheAegiscommunity.
Cmdr Jonathan Schermerhorn SCSTC ATRC’s commanding officer, says Noordyk’s invaluable attributes, specifically his forward-thinking, helped revolutionize the waywetrain.
“Jeffisverygoodatpointingoutwhatneeds to be reworked but also what needs to be accomplishedinthefuture,”heexplained “Most people includingothersubjectmatterexperts, arenotthinkingthatfaraheadbutJeffisatrue visionary andhispriorityhasalwaysbeenour Sailors. His efforts have renewed our focus on
DAHLGREN,Va (July08,2024) Ms Amanda Blackman,directorofTraining and Facilities Readiness forSurface Combat SystemsTraining CommandAEGISTraining and Readiness Center(SCSTCATRC) presents Mr JeffNoordyk,SCSTCATRC’s directorofTraining a photo of the schoolhousewith numerous signatures from Noordyk’s coworkers during a farewell event onboard Naval Support FacilityDahlgren,Virginia.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMICHAELBOVA)
building both technical and tactical skills and ultimately, preparing our warfighters to own thefight.
Noordyk implemented collaborative traininginitiativesforinstructorsandincreasedlab efficiencies. Due to manning gaps and high lab demands a solution to reduce manpower requirements was developed, combining lab training events between the prospective commanding officer/prospective executive officer and combat systems officer courses. This brought efficiency in lab scheduling and reduced peak instructor requirements by cross-utilizing lab instructors and lab operatorstosimultaneouslymeetthelearningobjectivesofmorethanonecourse Theconceptwas eventuallyextendedtoothercoursesincluding theWarfareTacticsInstructorscourse
Noordyk led the FCA pilot for Office of the ChiefofNavalOperationsN12 whicheventuallybecamepartoftheNavy’sReady,Relevant Learning (RRL) initiative. His efforts included concept definition for FCA, manpower and workload analysis, course creation and implementation, training system development, and resourcerequirements.
HespearheadedthedevelopmentofanAegis andIAMDtrainingcontinuumfromindividual trainingpreparationthroughfleetpreparation for FCAs and Aegis Officers. His efforts were so successful that it was further developed for
ShipSelfDefenseSystemMark2andAnti-Submarine Warfare (AWT) training and became anessentialelementofbasicphasetrainingfor ships.Manyofthetacticalconceptsdeveloped in IAMD AWT courses also became official Tactics,Techniques,andProcedures.
Noordyk also oversaw the working groups that developed Aegis Firing Point Procedures (FPP) FPPs became the training standard for controlandreleaseofweaponsfromAegisplatforms.Theyweresubsequentlyadaptedasafleet standardbyCommander,NavalSurfaceForce, U.S.PacificFleet.
He supervised the requirements definition, curriculum development, curriculum implementation, and staff development for Aegis baselines 5.4, 7, 8, 9, and 10. Baseline 10 integrates air and missile defense capability with thenewAN/SPY6(V)(1)airandmissiledefense radartoprovidesignificantlygreaterdetection andtrackingcapacityacrossmissionareas.
Working closely with personnel from Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division, he helped define requirements and training concepts for the shore-based training Next Generation Simulation (NGS). Today, NGS is improvingtheAegiswarfighter’stacticaltrainingexperience Moreover Noordyk has made significant changes to how we train our warfighters throughout the evolution of Aegis Combat
Systems (ACS). As the Aegis Weapon System evolved from a stand-alone combat system to ACS,hehasmadecertainATRC’scurriculum, training systems, and networks keep pace to supporttheneedsoftheFleetandhassuccessfully executed the Navy requirements for RRL and Surface Training Advanced Virtual Environment-CombatSystems(STAVE-CS).These RRL/STAVE-CStrainingsystemsarecurrently deliveringtherighttraining,attherighttime in therightway,ensuringourwarfighterspossess thetacticalandtechnicalcompetenceandproficiencyneededtoexecuteacrossthespectrumof operationsintoday’schallengingenvironment. Noordykhasalsohadagreatimpactonour military, government civilians, and industry partners SCSTCHQ’sExecutiveDirector,Mr BrianParker praisesNoordyk.
“Jeff is a role model for our blended workforce across the domain,” he said “He is highly respected and his technical and professional knowledge is sought out by other Navy commands and organizations. Over the years, hehastaughtmethemanyfacetsofNavytraining and as a mentor and friend, I’ve enjoyed servingwithhim.
In July SCSTC ATRC wished Noordyk and his family “Fair Winds and Following Seas” as theybegintheirnextjourneyinGreatLakes,Illinoiswhereheandhiswifewillcontinuetotake care of our warfighters Noordyk will assume dutiesasthelogisticsmanagementspecialistfor SCSTCGreatLakeslaterthismonth.
“It was an honor to work with a visionary like Jeff,” said Ms Amanda Blackman, SCSTC ATRC’s director of Training and Facilities Readiness, N4. “His drive, motivation and innovation shaped Aegis training and set new standardsforhispredecessorstoaspireto.” Noordyk’sfinalcommentsbeforehisdeparturewasacalltotrainingexcellenceandexpertise
“Give the the best possible training to the Sailors that come through ATRC,” he said Goodenough isnotthestandardwewantto work towards. I think the thing we all have to remember is in the end, when the mission is being executed it’s the standard that the peer threat is going to hold the Sailors to out at sea that matters. And that I’m sure since it is life ordeath,isthestandardweallshouldbestrivingfor.
ForinformationaboutSCSTCAEGISTraining and Readiness Center, visit https://www FollowSCSTCATRConFacebook
A lifetime of extraordinary changes: Pat Rios’ personal look into women’s equality with the Navy
Naval Station Rota Spain
Itcanbehardtoseethemicro-progressions atanyonepointintime Thechangescanseem sosmall buttheycollectivelybegintoshowthe forward progression. Patricia “Pat Rios has had a front row seat in seeing how far women have come within the U.S. military From her days as an officer candidate in the first co-ed Officer Candidate School (OCS) class to the Navyallowingwomentoremainonactiveduty whilebeingpregnant herlivedexperiencehighlightsthestridesmadewithinwomen’sequality throughoutageneration
Rios born Patricia Barrow grew up within the Navy community. Her father was a naval aviator and she spent her childhood in Pensacola,FloridaandVirginiaBeach,Virginia. She wanted to become a schoolteacher so she went to university for elementary education receiving both her bachelor’s and master’s However,itwasduringherfirstyearintheclassroomthatsherealizedteachingwasnotforher.
It was during that time someone suggested shejointheAirForce.RiosadmitsthattheU.S. military was a career path she had not considereddespitegrowingupasamilitarychild.She politelyagreedtodinnerwithafewfemaleAir Forceofficerstodiscusstheirexperienceandtry ontheiruniformandhat.
InSeptember1974 marking50yearsago this year Rios joined the first co-ed class of OCS in Newport, Rhode Island She does not rememberifsheandherclassmatesunderstood thesignificanceoftheclass,oriftheNavyhad tried to make the fusion look seamless On further reflection, she thinks that they had simply been too focused on the new demands and classes to consider they were making history.
Rios was part of 94 officer candidates, of which 36 were women. During the 19 weeks, Riosandherfellowclassmateslearnedmarching and drills, celestial navigation, engineering, firefighting and sinking ship survival skills,swimming,leadershipandmanagement, administration andNavyregulations.Theyalso completedtheirphysicalfitnesstestsandqualificationwitha.45caliberpistol
During her time at OCS, she described her prior-enlisted male classmates as extremely supportive and helpful to their female classmates, even stating that she would not “have passedengineeringorcelestialnavigationwithouttheirguidance.”
Whenherclassgraduatedandrequestedtheir first orders, many of her female classmates Riosincluded wantedseaduty.
“I remember that when we filled out our ‘dreamsheets,’manywomenaskedforaseaduty assignment as their number one choice even though we knew there was a ban prohibiting females from serving at sea, said Rios. “After ourbasictrainingtogether,wefeltascompetent asanyofourmalecandidatefriendswhowere goingtotheirfirstship.”
Rios was referring to the Congressional Mandate that stated that women were unable tomakeupmorethan10%ofthetotalmanning, and were prohibited from serving at sea or in combatunits Atthattime femaleofficerswere given the General Unrestricted Line Officer
NAVALSTATION ROTA Spain (August 20 2024) Retired NavyCmdr.Pat Rios poses fora photo onboard Naval Station (NAVSTA) Rota Aug.20 2024.Rios’naval careerhighlights the strides towards equalitythatwomenwithin the militaryhave made overthe past 50years.As the “Gatewayto the Mediterranean,”NAVSTARota provides U.S,NATO and allied forces a strategic hub foroperations in Europe,Africa and the Middle East NAVSTARota is a force multiplier, capable ofpromptlydeploying and supporting combat-readyforces through land,airand sea, enablingwarfighters and theirfamilies,sustaining the fleet and fostering the U.S.and Spanish partnership (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSDRACE WILSON)
without warfare qualification (GURL) designator 1100, which was created to provide an avenue for female officers to serve in the Navy in shore-based functions. They were placed in fields like administration, personnel, political-military, logistics, communication, and shorestationsupport.Thelawbarringwomen fromcombatantunitswasrepealedin1993,and thereby,openedgenderintegrationandopportunitiesforfemaleservicemembersofallranks andrates.
“[As a female officer,] you were a generalist tothenthdegree, shesaid “Youwerean1100. Everybody knew that you could be assigned anywhereanddoanything.Youwouldhaveto read the books and learn something new, but youwerecapableofdoingit.”
Rios and her classmates received their first orders to shore locations around the world, withRiosreceivingorderstothePublicWorks DepartmentatNavalStation(NAVSTA)Rota ShedescribedarrivingasanewensigntoRota and feeling the base was expansive and wide Duringthisfirsttour,shecreatedpamphletsfor off-base family housing options and provided installationoversightonthehomemadefences in base family housing. It was also during this tourthatshemetayoungSpanishnavalaviator FranciscoRios.
Rios then moved to San Diego, California wheresheworkedoncurriculumdevelopment at Fleet Anti-Submarine Warfare Training Center During that tour, she married FranciscoRioswhowasattendingflighttrainingin Pensacola,Florida.TheythenmovedtoMeridian, Mississippi where she worked for Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance and Training Air Wing One Admin Office while her husband attendedadvancedjettraining.
“We were really very lucky, explained Rios. “We believe we were the first inter-Navy
marriage, so the Navy didn’t really know what todowithus.”
ThesewerethenewchallengesthatNavypolicymakers at that time were facing as the Navy continued to integrate females into the service marriage,pregnancy,childcare,viablecareer paths,commandassignments,shipretrofitting, sea-shorerotation etc.
Someofthesechallengesweresimplydueto unspecified career progression, and Rios said theNavyadaptedtoaccommodate.
“Womenhadtoproceedthroughtheranksto beabletogotowarcollege,”saidRios “Youhave to work your way up and some things came later simply because it took longer as part of thecareerprogression.Butyou[females]were allowedtodoit!” RiosfoundthattheNavywasunderstanding toherpersonalsituationandshewasfortunate to be able to serve in multiple roles in Rota bachelor officer and enlisted quarters officer, education officer protocol and admin officer and leadership and management education instructor sosheandherhusbandcouldlive togetherandbothservetheircountry.
“WhenIbecamepregnantin1979,pregnancy was allowed, but no maternity uniform had been designed, she said The Navy Exchange Managerwasabletoorderoneformeassoonas itwasavailable,butnotbeforeIcouldnolonger fitintomystandarduniformandhadtodevise a temporary one of my own with a black skirt or pants and white overblouse with my officer rankonmycollar.”
Nowadays, Rios is amazed at the multiple uniformsavailableforpregnantwomenwithin themilitary,eventheoperationaluniforms.
TheNavy andmilitaryingeneral has reallyincorporatedwomen, saidRios.“Ittooka generation butnowyoucandoanything.”
When asked her favorite duty she quickly responded her tour as the officer-in-charge of afuelandweaponsdepotinCartagena,Spain. ToRios,thisrolewashermostoperationaltour
“We had a small number of Spanish civilian and U.S. military personnel assigned to handle fuel distribution and maintenance, weaponsstorage,U.S.NavyandMilitarySealift Command ship visits, and coordination with theSpanishNavy,”saidRios. Sheenjoyedtheimpactsheandtheteamhad onthefleetandthecommunitystationedthere. Shelaughswhilerelayingthestoryofwelcoming visitingshipsandthecrewbeingshockedwhen theyrealizedthatCmdr PatRioswasafemale! For her final tour, Rios headed to Navy DistrictWashingtonwheresheworkedwithin therolesofadmin,coordinatedweeklySummer PagentwiththeNavyBandevents,andserved asinspectorgeneral(IG).Herhusbandwasthe assistantnavalattachéinWashington D.C.with severalmoreyearstogoinhiscareer Itwasthen thatRioshadtomaketheharddecisiononher career TherewerenomorejobsformehereinRota orinSpain, shesaid,“soIretiredfromtheNavy, proudtohaveservedforalmost21years. Riosdecidedthatherfamilynowtookpriority and she moved to Madrid to support her husbandwhileheworkedatastaffjob.During that time she found herself back in a school setting,wheresheworkedastheMiddleSchool secretaryforAmericanSchoolofMadriduntil her husband’s retirement from Spanish militaryservice. Whenaskedwhatshewoulddoifshewasa modernfemaleSailor,Riosgaveitsomethought then responded that “she didn’t know There are too many opportunities now. ” She has no regrets.
“I love what I did,” she said “I had a lot of good laughs some excellent friendships and uniqueexperiencesforafemale Iworkedreally hard,andamproudofwhatIwasabletodoin theNavy.”
Whileheractivedutydayshaveended,Rios continuestocontributetothemilitarycommunityhereinRota Alongwithateamoftwoother retiredvolunteers theRetiredActivitiesOffice (RAO)providesinformationandassistanceto the over 650 retirees and spouses living in the surroundingarea Rios relishes in remaining involved in the base and Navy She loves being able to see the tremendousimpactthatwomenarecontinuing tomakewithinthemilitary
“I’m absolutely jealous and awed,” she said “Inawethattheyaregiventheopportunity and can do it To exceed in everything We always knewwecouldaswomen,butwejustdidn’thave thechance.” As the “Gateway to the Mediterranean, NAVSTARotaprovidesU.S.,NATOandallied forcesastrategichubforoperationsinEurope, AfricaandtheMiddleEast NAVSTARotaisa forcemultiplier capableofpromptlydeploying and supporting combat-ready forces through land airandsea,enablingwarfightersandtheir families, sustaining the fleet and fostering the U.S.andSpanishpartnership.
On iberty
Hampton Roads Area rejoice! Thanks to SevenVenues Broadway in Norfolk series, LesMisérables,theworld’sstillmostpopularmusical,seenbyover130millionpeople worldwide in 53 countries, 438 cities and 22languages,hasreturnedtoChryslerHall September 10th-September 15th Cameron Mackintoshpresentstheacclaimedproduction of Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schönberg’s Tony Award-winning musical phenomenon, Les Misérables It has been hailed as “Les Mis for the 21st Century by the Huffington Post “A reborn dream of a production” says the Daily Telegraph and “one of the greatest musicals ever created” saidtheChicagoTribune
Set against the backdrop of 19th century France,LesMisérables,isanepicanduplifting story that has become one of the most celebrated musicals in theatrical history withsuchmagnificentsongsas “IDreamed a Dream, “On My Own,” “Stars”, “Bring Him Home,” “One Day More,” “Master of theHouse”andmanymore.
For tickets, more info and special discounts, go to https://www.sevenvenues. com/events/detail/les-miserables-1
Yiorgo: With us today is actor Preston
Truman Boyd who plays Javert Tell us Preston,whyshouldpeoplecometoseethis show? What will they see hear and experience?
Preston Truman Boyd: This show has been around for 40 years and has been proventobesotimelessforsomanyreasons Numberoneisthatthemusicissointoxicating and when you support it with the lyrics and all of the different social commentary thatisapparentwithinourstoryandcouple that with the theme of the survival of the human spirit, especially in this day and age, it is something so important for people to experience And with the message that we present, we do this show to hopefully get peopletochangetheirmindsorbeinspired and be a better person and I think Les Misérables helps to champion the underdogandgivegracetopeoplethatmayneedit.
We are such a family show and we have been a part of different households for so long that even people who may not be theatrefansareawareoftheshow,thestory andsomeofthemusic,becauseithasmoved itswayintoourpopcultureaswell.
Y: For those few who have not seen the show and are not familiar with the story, without giving too much away, can you tell uswhatthestoryisabout?
PTB: It is about Jean Valjean, a man that
is put away in prison for a very, very small crimeandspendsmany,manyyearsbehind bars HeisreleasedonparoleandJavert,the character that I play who is so hard headed and stubborn, good at his job and wants to make sure his record stays clean, gets wind that Valjean has broken his parole and pursuesValjeanfordecades
At the beginning of the story, Valjean has a turning point moment and it shapes who he becomes later in life and wants to pass it ontohisdaughterCosette Hisstoryisabout the survival of his spirit. Jean has had such a tremendous hardship but he thinks that life is worth living and we get to follow him throughthatjourney
Y: How do you see your character of Javert?Ishethebadguy?
PTB: I see Javert as not the bad guy, but themisunderstoodguybecauseinhismind, he is doing his job as set by the law thereforeheisnotinthewrong buthedoeshave lessempathyforothers Forthosewhohave not seen it, I won’t give it away, but I have a turning point in the second act when I see things through Valjean’s eyes rather than howIhaveseenthingsmyentirelife Ikind ofcrackandhavetodosomesoulsearching
Y:How do you tackle such an iconic role,
what kind of research do you do to get into themindsetofInspectorJavert?
PTB: Of course we are based on the very long novel Les Misérables by Victor Hugo So I have read it, especially the unabridged versionandwhenwefirstgotstarted,there were so many juicy, delicious descriptions of him physically, that I was able to create thatpersoninmyheadthroughreadingthe bookandfindhisskinandbesodetermined. WefindoutthatJavertwasborninprison toamotherthatmayhavefalleninthewrong cracks and he made it his goal to break the lineage of where his family had come from. That really drives his reason as to why he is who he is and has a disgust for that kind of person in society He is all consumed by his worklifeanditbecomeshisidentity
Y: As a performer, what is your favorite partoftheshowthatyouareinandalsoyour favoritepartthatyouarenotin?
PTB:It’sreallyfunformetosing‘Stars’on theroadbecauseweareinjustsuchdifferent spacesineverycity Ialwayshavetofindmy newsetofstarstofocuslookingatthatspot inthetheatre.AlotoftimesIwillseealittle light that might be an usher flashlight or a light illuminating from the aisles and see it
MarkMurphyandReneMarie Afavoriteof localjazzfans,Toomeyisadazzlinglygifted pianist,andhisnamesaketrioperformswith the featured guest artist in each Attucks Jazz Club show. (When he’s not performing, Toomey teaches Jazz History and Jazz Improvisation at Old Dominion University, where he also directs the Jazz Combo and Jazz Choir.) Regular players in the trio include bassist Jimmy Masters who has enlivened the region’s jazz scene for more
than three decades, and drummer Frank RussooutofWashington,D.C. All performances begin at 7:30 pm. The Attucks Theatre is located at 1010 Church St Norfolk. For more information and to buy tickets visit Tickets forAttucksJazzClubarejust$25,themore youbuythemoreyousave,buythreeperformancesandsave10%,buyfourormoreand save20% Ticketsmaybepurchasedonline,byphoneat757-282-2822 or by visiting the Virginia Arts Festival box office located at 440 Bank Street in Norfolk between10a.m.and5p.m.,Monday-Friday;
The 2024-2025 Attucks Jazz Club line-up includes: KennyWashington,vocals Saturday,September28 7:30pm
The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere:
Busch Gardens®
BuschGardens®Howl-O-Scream®returns this fall in full-force celebrating 25 years of fearwithALL-NEWscares takingoverthe entire park with five haunted houses, six terror-tories™,foursinistershowsandmore. Unsuspectinghorrorsawaittheirvictimsat every turn. Plus, guests can test their thrill threshold with 9 world-class coasters at night, offering a completely different ride experience Parental discretion is advised after 6:00 PM, as this year’s event contains amplified scares that are not recommended for children.
Haunted Houses
Havingbeendeemed‘tooterrifying’forthe park, the clowns of Busch Gardens’ Festa Italia village were cast out. Now, shunned and vengeful, these twisted jesters have forged their own dark domain CLOWN TOWN In their eerie enclave, they are the rulers of all, and their whims dictate who will escape and who will remain trapped intheirdementedcircus foralleternity
The Doctor is in! The anatomy of evil has been perfected, and the Doctor is bringing his dark arts into grotesque reality! Within his chilling laboratory, he weaves unspeakable horrors, transforming hapless victims into monstrous creations Here, the boundaries of humanity are torn apart, and the screams of his abominations echo through the night. Dare to enter and face the horrid resultsofhistwistedexperiments?
Theminingcampdugdeeperintotheearth insearchofpricelessgems Whattheyfound wassomethingsinister darker andeldritch. These gems are more than shiny baubles; they are the life force of an evil eternal that has been long locked away As the miners succumbtothehorrorsoftheages,willyou riskenteringthemineinsearchofsurvivors?
REVAMPED!DeathWaterBayou: Morte
Thecallofthebayougrowsdarkerandmore insistentasdevilishdevoteesventuredeeper into the spectral swamp What began as a lureintothemurkydepthshasnowbecome a chilling threshold between our world and the next. The flame of death burns ever brighter from above, and the Voodoo Queen’s desperation for her final sinister sacrificereachesahorrifyingclimax.
REVAMPED!KILLarneyDIEner: Condemned
The diner has long been boarded up and abandoned, but something is skittering behind the walls The glory days of the ‘50s arelongpast,andnowtheterrorofthe‘20s awaits all who enter this decimated domicile Enteratyourownperil,forwithinthese decrepitwalls,theechoesofpasthorrorsare very much alive, ready to claim the unsuspecting
Howl-O-Screamcharactersfromyearspast have been summoned to France for a sinister celebration marking 25 years of Fears Theairisthickwithdreadasthesemalevolentmonstersconvergeforanightofghastly revelry Dare to join the horrifying reunion
and face the legends of horror that refuse torest
ALLNEW!StalkerStreet As darkness falls New France transforms intoanightmarishrealmwhereterrorreigns supreme The townsfolk barricade themselves in their homes, while sinister scarecrows stalk the deserted streets, hunting for their next victim. Enter if you dare and navigatetheshadowswhereeveryrustleand whispercouldbeyourlast.
Row Don’t wander the streets of Whitechapel afterdark youneverknowwhoyoumight run in to Murder, mayhem, and mistaken identities abound in the back alleys of this Englishtown.
The spirits of the swamp spill into the streets lured by the echoes of excitement duringamarvelousMardiparty Watchout, thesefrighteningforceshavebeencorrupted byanevilenergy
Don’tlooktooclosely staringstraightinto the soul-less eyes of these serpent sisters leads to venomous consequences and a stone-cold eternity There’s no escaping thesesinistersirensonceyou’vebeenadded totheirsucculentgardenofsouls
Halloween Shows
NORFOLK Va LastmonthTheNorfolk Forum concluded its 2023-24 season with a powerful and insightful presentation by formerCongresswomanLizCheney Atthe conclusionoftheevening,incomingNorfolk ForumPresidentBlytheA.Scottannounced thelineupforTheForum’s2024-25season. The forthcoming season promises to captivate and inspire audiences with a diverse array of thought leaders authors and personalities,includingPulitzerPrize-winning historian Jon Meacham, acclaimed author Erik Larson, women’s soccer OlympicgoldmedalistandVirginiaBeachnative AngelaHuclesMangano,andesteemedjournalists and advocates Bob and Lee Woodruff All events will be held at downtown Norfolk’sChryslerHallandbeginat7:30pm Kicking off the season on Wednesday, September 25th, Jon Meacham will present“TheUltimateChoice:Lessonsfromthe HistoryofEpicPresidentialRaces.”Withhis profound understanding of the American presidency and his ability to contextualize current events within a historical framework, Meacham is a must-see speaker for anyoneinterestedincurrentevents,politics, leadership,andtheAmericanexperience. Following Meacham’s appearance bestselling nonfiction author Erik Larson will grace the Norfolk Forum stage on Tuesday, November12thwithhisunparalleledstorytelling prowess Larson’s blend of meticulous research and narrative flair has earned him widespread acclaim for works such
as The Demon of Unrest, The Devil in the WhiteCity,andDeadWake:TheLastCrossing of the Lusitania. Audiences can expect tobetransportedtoanothertimeandplace asLarsondelvesintothefascinatingstories behind some of history’s most compelling moments The second half of the season will continue the season’s theme of inspiration and achievement as two- time Olympic gold medalist, two-time World Cup bronze medalist,andsoccerlegendAngelaHucles ManganojoinsusonFebruary18thtoshare her journey from local soccer fields to the globalstage ANorfolkAcademyandUniversityofVirginiagraduate,Manganowillshare herinsightsonleadership resilience teamwork,andthepursuitofexcellence Finally, on April 29th, Bob and Lee Woodruff will share their deeply personal and inspiring story based on their memoir,
Don’t miss our four spirited productions thataresaidtobe“worthdyingfor.”Guests can enjoy showtimes both day and night throughoutthepark.Afulllistofshowscan befoundonline
ALL-NEW!Fiends:TheFREAKquel ReturningfromalonghiatusinsidehisTransylvaniancastle,DoctorFreakensteinwants to reintroduce himself to the world in the onlywayheknowshow:aHollywood-style blockbuster about his life With the help of his trusted sidekick Igor, the Doctor invites each of his iconic fiends - Wolfman, Drac, The Bride, and the Creature of the Black Lagoon-tojoinhisfilmmakingfestivitiesin apop-culturecentricsonganddanceextravaganza!
Military Offers & Discounts
Busch Gardens Williamsburg is proud to salute the men and women of the United StatesArmedForcesandtheirfamilies. For the dedication, courage and sacrifice you have given to our country we want to thank you by giving you quality time with yourlovedones
Once upon a time, these fairy tale fantasies lured you to sleep with picturesque places and harmonious heroes. Survival is slim as these childhood icons have been ripped from the pages and are now haunting your dreams
In An Instant, following Bob’s injury from aroadsidebombwhilereportingfromIraq Bob’smiraculousrecovery,supportedbyhis wifeLee,inspiredmillionsaroundtheworld and sparked a new mission to assist injured veteransandtheirfamilies BobandLeewill captivate audiences and leave them with a newunderstandingofthefragilityoflife,the strengthoffamilyandfriends,andthebravery of the military and healthcare professionalswhohelpedsaveBob’slife “Wearethrilledtopresentsuchanexceptional lineup for the 2024-25 season of The Norfolk Forum,” said Blythe A. Scott, President of The Norfolk Forum. “Each of our speakers brings a unique perspective and a wealthofknowledgetothestage andweare pleasedtocontinueTheForum’smissionof inspiring,informing,andengagingaudience members.” Founded in 1933, The Norfolk Forum is the oldest publicly-subscribed speakers’ forum in the country. Each season, The Forum presents thought-provoking public figures who, in different ways, help shape American thought and opinion. After each presentation,speakersengagetheaudience in a question and answer session. For more information on The Norfolk Forum, please visitourwebsite, A series ticket may be purchased online at Fullseasonticketsforthe2024-25season are on-sale now for $170 each and only full season tickets will be sold through the date of the first speaker, Jon Meacham, on September 25 2024 Single tickets for later speakers will be limited and will only be made available if full season subscriptions donotsellout.
asadifferentconstellationinadifferentcity if you will. That’s a fun little moment that I gettohaveonmyown.
My favorite scene that I am not in and I really enjoy, is all the students in the cafe in red and black scenes just to see a bunch of youngguysfullofvigorandwantingtomake abigchangeintheworld,seeinghowinnocent they are, not knowing what the story holdsforthemandtoseehowmuchlifeand gusto they put into it, the comradery especially That’s one thing about being on the road, about how much the comradery is so importantthateveryoneisonthesamepage anditisinvigoratingtowatchthemlivingon stage whatwedoofstageaswell.
Y:Tellusaboutyourincrediblecast.Who are some of the other actors that you enjoy actingwith?
PTB: It’s so much fun. We are all from such different backgrounds as far as how we got here. Like Haley Dortch who plays Fantine, she didn’t even finish college She auditioned between her sophomore and junior year at the University of Michigan. Topullsomeoneoutofschoolandputthem into somebody’s big shoes like that, the trust they have in a young actor like that is just so fantastic and she is just one of the many young kids that are just now getting intoitandhavesuchabigpresencealready Thisshowpreparesyouforsomanydifferenttypesofroles,bigorsmall.Toreallylive the story of Les Misérables as an actor it’s such juicy material to sink your teeth into andIthinkthereforeinturn,it’skindoflike indirecttraining,doingashowlikethis The voicesandtalentandthestorytellingthatis happeningeverynightonstageisacrossthe board all incredible stuff
Y: Every actor’s audition is different. What was your audition process like and how did you find out you got the part?
PTB: I was initially called in for Valjean years ago for this production and at the time, I was not sure it was something vocally I wanted to tackle especially being on the road and settling into a character vocally I got my agent to call back and ask ifJavertwasavailable Ialreadyhadapretty good relationship with the casting directors based on some of the other work I had doneinthecity Theysaidabsolutely Iwent in and was seen I think two or three times before any of the directors actually came in. They then sent my tape off to producer Cameron Mackintosh for approval, it took awhiletoapprovebecauseheisabusyman and once I got the callback, they wanted to see me one more time and they wanted me tochangetheclothingthatIwaswearingin myaudition.Alotoftimeyouthinkyouare dressing to create the illusion of being on stage Theyhadafewnotesaboutmakingit looklikeapoliceofficerwithoutcostuming myself I went back in, they approved the tapeandIgotthecallfrommyagentsaying, you’re going on the road.
Y: And then of course the pandemic hit, halting everything
PTM:Iwasverypleasedandexcitedthat I had joined the company and about four months later the pandemic hit. I had just gotten to feel comfortable in the role and everythingwasshutdown LesMisérables was actually one of the last tours to come back after the pandemic When we did come back, it was just that much more sweet and so much fun to have such a brand new group of actors, normally right outofschool handpicked someofthebest talents in the country that we can find. We have a very strong company and everyone is so excited to be there. We are a lot of like minded people who love the art form and wecometogethertotellthisgreatstorythat has been so timeless and the country is so hungryforit,everytimewecomethrough.
Y:Wellthisbegsforafollowupquestion. Given the pandemic, what happens when theyarereadytotaketheshowontheroad? Are you on some kind of a retainer during thepandemicordoyoustartfromscratch?
PTM: They had released us from our contractsinearlyMay.Iwouldthinkitwas easiertojustcleantheslateandaskpeople
later I actually worked two-three TV gigs and one theatre job before Les Misérables ended up coming back. So post pandemic, once a lot of protocols were put in place to get live theatre going again, I ended up getting a call to re-audition, to make sure thatmyvoicewasstilltherevocally Wedid some chemistry tests, they wanted me to sing with a new Jean Valjean and the ball gotrollingprettyquicklyafterthatandnow I am almost two years back on the road.
Y: The beauty of live theatre is that anythingcanhappenorgowrong Canyou share a fun anecdote, a silly moment from this show that makes you laugh or smile when you think about it?
PTB: Of course During my soliloquy in the second act, there is a big effect that happensattheendofthatnumber Wellout of the 800 some shows there was a time that the mechanism that I used did not work. I have to jump off this set piece and run off the stage instead of this cool effect happening Lucky the lighting helps Also there are times that we hear clanging of soundsbackstagethatwecanonlyimagine what fell and looking into the eyes of your fellowactors,yougottakeepittogetherand not laugh out loud.
Y:Let’slearnaboutyou.Wherewereyou born and what made you fall in love with musical theatre?
PTB: I was born in Fargo, North Dakota andgrewupjustacrosstheriverinMinnesota to a musical family My father has an amazing voice and sang in bands back in the 70’s My mother is an artist who is also a great pianist. I think it ultimately came through my grandfather who I got my middle name of Truman from. He was a Fulbright Scholar who sang with the Roman Italian House in Italy, so I was always drawn to opera and choral music.
When I was younger, I started to sing at different events in town and church with people coming up to me telling me I could reallysing Iendedupseekingoutdifferent opportunities and my high school theatre teacher/mentor Rebecca Meyer Larson always made it a point to facilitate new experiences for kids she really believed in. I had great opportunities for different scholarship programs and we traveled to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in Scotland and we performed there while we were in high school. I also sang with the Yale Glee Club while I was in high school thanks to our choral director Dr Mark Ring Y: And then what followed next, higher education and New York?
PTB: Yes, since I had a very arts heavy experience in high school, I was able to ask a girl who had graduated from my
high school a few years before I did and had went to New York, had success and is still working on Broadway I reached out to her asking for advice of where I should go to school for this She told me that a lot of people were coming out of the Cincinnati Conservatory of Music so I went and trained there. Igraduatedin2008,movedtoNewYork, signedwithanagentthatweekandtherest ishistory Ihavebeenveryfortunatetohave a steady go for it so far with a lot of people helping me along the way with unwavering support from my parents The dream is always other people’s dream as well as mine I have had a lot of people hold me up along the way and I am very grateful to all of them.
Y: Who were/ are some of your favorite actors growing up and whodoyoulookup to now for inspiration and learning?
PTB: Definitely Mandy Patinkin, his range and the amountofwonderful stage stuff he has done and to do so many fantastic and iconic roles on
and TV That is the kind of a career I hope to have and that I am on the right track.
Y: I’m sure you have had some amazing experiences and moments in your acting career so far Can you share a wow, pinch me moment that you can’t believe you got to do or be a part of and experience?
PTB: The first thing that comes to mind is that I was fortunate to be in the recent revival on Broadway of ‘Sunset Boulevard thatstarredGlennClose Ihadanicerolein that.IplayedArtieGreenandtogettostand on stage along with your fellow actors and just watch Glenn Close, slowly make her way down that grand staircase was amazing Now Glenn has become a good friend of mine and I have sung in her daughter’s wedding To be in the theatre world but to have people come back to their roots that aresuchmegastarsnow,Ithinkit’ssuchan incredible part of being in this community and you are literally getting paid to be on stageandinawayalsobeatclass Togetspit onbyGlennCloseandwatchherworkwas something I will always cherish.
Y:Anylastthoughts,commentsyouwant to say to our loyal readers?
PTB:Iwouldurgeeveryonereadingthis that if you have seen Les Misérables more thanonceortwiceoreven10times,tocome seeusagain.Ithinkwiththewaytheworld is right now, our story and all of its themes, oursisanimportantshowforpeopletosee in this day and age and hopefully take the goodfromitandbringitoutintotheworld when you leave the theatre.
Yiorgo is an arts entertainment and sports writer A stage TV and movie actor he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist.
PrestonTruman Boyd playsJavert in Les Miserables.(PHOTOCOURTESYLES MISERABLES)
Les Misérables from Page 1
Simple recipes that make school days a cinch
Resisting the weeknight urge to call for takeout or order delivery starts with an approachable at-home menu with recipes you can prep in an instant. Especially during backto-schoolseasonwhenschedulesarejam-packedwithactivities,easymealsanddessertsyoucanrelyonallowyouand yourlovedonestoeasetensioninthekitchen
Simplicity is the key to putting dinner on the table in 30 minutes or less, and these Taco Salad and Taco Mac and Cheeserecipesoffermealtimesolutionsthatmakecooking dutyabreeze Makeallthatclassroomeffortworthitwitha kid-friendlydessertyoucanprepareovertheweekendand keep refrigerated for weeknight treats with these No Bake DragonFruitCheesecakeBars Find more recipe ideas to simplify hectic back-to-school
Make Dinner Happen in 30 Minutes
If you’re looking for a go-to meal for your hungry family searchnomore.ThisTacoSaladcallsonlyforpantrystaples soyoucanspiceupbusyeveningsinjusthalfanhour. VisitCulinary.netformorequickdinnersolutions
Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy”
Total time: 30 minutes | Servings: 6
1lime juiceonly
In pan over medium heat, brown beef until cooked through; drain. Add black beans and corn. Stir in tomatoes with juices and half-and-half. Add onion powder, garlic powder mesquite seasoning and pepper. Season with salt totaste Bringtosimmer.
Addlimejuice;stir Sprinklewithcilantro. Wash and chop lettuce Place cheese and sour cream in bowlsfortoppings On plates, top crushed tortilla chips with meat sauce, lettuce,cheeseandsourcream,asdesired.
A Sweet Treat to Make School Days
Extra Special
Sometimes a long day in the classroom and tough homework assignments call for a cool treat. Rewarding all that studying can be a cinch with a no bake cheesecake bar that laststhroughouttheweek.
These No Bake Dragon Fruit Cheesecake Bars allow you to keep things cool in the kitchen without cranking up the oven. Plus they’re made with C&H Sugars that are perfect foraddingalittlesomethingspecialtoschooldays
To make crust: Line 8-by-8-inch baking pan with parchment paper. Leave 2-inch overhang of paper on both sides In medium bowl, mix graham cracker crumbs, butter, brown sugar and salt until well combined. Pour mixture intopreparedpanandpressintoevenlayer.Placeinfreezer Tomakebars:Insmallsaucepanovermediumheat,cook dragonfruitandgranulatedsugaruntilsugariscompletely dissolved, dragon fruit is soft and mixture reduces in size, 10-12 minutes stirring occasionally. Remove from heat and coolcompletely Inlargebowl,beatcreamcheeseuntilsoft Addpowdered sugarandmixuntilfluffy.Scrapesidesofbowl.Addvanilla andyogurt.Beatuntilcombined. In separate bowl, beat heavy whipping cream until stiff peaksform Foldcreamintocreamcheesemixture.Pourhalf of mixture into prepared crust Add 5 tablespoons dragon fruit mixture to remaining cream cheese batter. Mix until wellcombined.Pouroverplaincreamcheesemixture.Place inrefrigeratortosetatleast6hours orovernight. Cutinto16bars
Spice Up Weeknights
Macaroniandcheeseisabelovedcomfortfoodthat’seasy to make on busy weeknights. With just a few extra ingredients and steps you can turn boxed mac and cheese into a fillingdinner
TomakethisTacoMacandCheese,simplyprepareyour favorite boxed mac and cheese according to the package instructions and stir fry the meat and vegetables together (Hint:Youcanevenchopvegetablesthenightbeforetomake cookingthenextdayeveneasier.)Thenaddtacoseasoning andcombineforanewtakeonaclassicdish.
Prepare boxed mac and cheese with milk and butter accordingtopackageinstructions
In skillet, brown ground turkey over medium heat. Add bellpeppersandonion.Addtacoseasoning Stirturkeymixturewithmacandcheesetocombine.
Know how TRICARE regions are changing in 2025
FALLS CHURCH, Va Jan. 1, 2025
marks the start of health care delivery under TRICARE’s new regional contracts
There will be changes to the TRICARE regions in the United States as part of the new contracts While there will still be two TRICAREregions,sixstatescurrentlyinthe East Region (Arkansas, Illinois, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, Wisconsin) will move to theWestRegion.
If you’re located in one of the six states moving to the West Region, this article will helpyouunderstandwhatthatwillmeanfor you. If you live in the current West Region, you’ll need to take the actions discussed in thisarticle,too YourTRICAREcontractoris alsochanging Ifyoudon’tliveinoneofthese states,keepaneyeoutforupcomingarticles abouthowthetransitionmayimpactyou.
“These changes will help balance the TRICARE population between the two regionsandimprovethequalityofservicefor all beneficiaries,” said Laura D’Antin, team lead, Customer Support, TRICARE Health Plan,EducationandOutreachBranchatthe DefenseHealthAgency
If you live in one of these six states, your TRICARE regional contractor will switch from Humana Military to TriWest Healthcare Alliance on Jan. 1, 2025 This change will affect about 1.1 million eligible beneficiaries
What this means for you
Ifyourstateisswitchingregions,Humana Military will continue as your TRICARE contractor until Dec. 31, 2024 Before then you should check your DEERS account to confirm that all your information is up to date
Starting in early November 2024, you shouldalso:
CreateanaccountontheTriWestpatient portal.
Update your payment information with TriWest. This will help make sure
you can make your payments to TriWest (if applicable) starting Jan. 1, 2025 (Note: If you pay by allotment, you don’t need to do this Allotment payments will transfer automatically.)
Search for providers in the new TriWest provider network directory You’ll find the directoryonthepatientportal.
If you have ongoing care, don’t worry If youliveinthesesixstates,referralsorauthorizationsfromHumanaMilitarythatbegan before Dec. 31, 2024, will be valid through the referral expiration date, up to June 30, 2025 Additionally, TriWest will work with
Humana Military to ensure you get care withoutdisruptionforthefollowingconditions:
Mentalhealth Kidneydisease
Disease management/case management services
Thenewcontractorswillassistyouinthis transition by allowing for efficient referral transfers between regions They’ll provide you the tools to find TRICARE-authorized providersinyournewnetwork.
Keeping your provider
Most of the current provider network in the six states will likely stay the same TriWest and Humana Military are working
live in
tomaintaintheexistingnetwork.However, each provider must decide whether to continuewithTRICARE.
Next steps
You’ll get more updates later this year
This will include website links and phone numberstocontactyourregionalcontractor For now, sign up for email updates and visit
Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions, and create your personalized profiletogetbenefitupdates,news,andmore.
Your guide to TRICARE pharmacy program terms
FALLS CHURCH, Va Do you have a newprescriptionyouneedtofill?Ormaybe you’ve been taking the same drug for years It’s helpful to know some key terms to get yourmedicationsaffordably
“Yourmedicalneedsandyourhealthplan can affect what you pay at the pharmacy,” saidAirForceLt Col.LeighcraftA.Shakes, TRICARE Pharmacy Contract Support Chief at the Defense Health Agency “It’s important to understand how TRICARE covers different types of drugs It’ll help you make sure you get what you need—at therightprice.”
FormularydrugsaredrugsthatTRICARE covers They’re widely available There are twocategories:
Brand-nameformularydrugs Generic formulary drugs covered by the TRICAREpharmacybenefitworkthesame as brand-name drugs They provide the sametreatmentatalowercost.Whenavailable, TRICARE usually fills prescriptions withgeneric-equivalentdrugs Want to know which drugs TRICARE covers? The TRICARE Formulary Search Tool(onlineat com/frontend/open-enrollment/tricare/ fst/#/) is a tool you can use to learn more about the formulary It has information about:
Drugs that TRICARE doesn’t cover are called non-covered drugs. If TRICARE doesn’tcoveradrug,askyourproviderabout a similar formulary drug Otherwise, you’ll pay the full cost. Then, you’ll need to file a claimforreimbursement You’llhavetopay applicablecost-shares,copayments,deductibles,andothercosts
Covered non-formulary drugs are drugs that may cost more than other drugs in the sametherapeuticdrugclass Allareavailable throughTRICAREPharmacyHomeDeliveryforanextracost. They aren’t usually available at military pharmacies Butyoucanaskyourlocalmilitary pharmacy if it has them. You can also find most of these drugs at TRICARE retail networkpharmacies
You may get non-formulary drugs if your provider determines that you have medical necessity Notsureifthisappliestoyou?You canaskyourproviderformoreinformation.
Want to find your medication’s formulary status? Check the TRICARE FormularySearchTool.
Specialty drugs treat complex chronic conditions They often require special storage and handling They aren’t widely available at retail pharmacies These drugs may have side effects or dosing regimens that yourprovidermustmonitor
Note: Specialty drugs usually cost more thangenericandbrand-namedrugs Youcan downloadalistofTRICAREspecialtydrugs
Maintenance drugs treat chronic conditions These can include drugs to control bloodpressureorcholesterol They’retaken regularlyoveralongerperiod.
Refills and renewals
Are you out of a medication? Getting another supply is easy But it’s important to know the difference between refills and renewals
Arefillmeansyoucanorderanewsupply ofyourmedicationwhenyou’rerunninglow. In this case you don’t have to go through your provider to get a new supply. Instead you can use the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal to request refills from your military pharmacy
Are you trying to refill a prescription at a TRICARE retail network pharmacy? If so, you should check with the pharmacy for details Some non-formulary drugs are coveredonlythroughTRICAREPharmacy HomeDeliveryormilitarypharmacies.
Have you used up all the refills for your prescription? You’ll need to get a new prescription for the same drug. This means youneedtocontactyourprovidertoaskfor
a renewal. You can do this at a scheduled appointment. You can also request renewals through the MHS GENESIS Patient Portal. (Note: In some cases, you may need to see your providerfirst.) Knowing pharmacy terms and options helpsyoumaintainyourhealth.Italsohelps you manage out-of-pocket costs For more information, visit the TRICARE Pharmacy Program or check out the TRICARE PharmacyProgramOverviewFactSheet(online at Fact-Sheets/pharmacy_overview).
Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions and create your personalized profiletogetbenefitupdates,news,andmore.
Notice is hereby giventhat the followingwatercrafthas been abandoned formorethan60Daysontheproperty of:( Mark Baldwin 4316BVirginia Beach Blvd,VirginiaBeach,23456 and 757-714-7916). Glastron,21’0”,2022, Whiteand Blue VA 5258ZY Application forWatercraftRegistration/Title willbemadeinaccordance with Section29.1-733.25ofthe Code of Virginiaifthiswatercraftis not claimedand removedwithin 30 Days of firstpublicationofthisnotice. Please contact the Virginia Department of WildlifeResourceswithquestions
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