The Flagship 09.26.2024

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VIRGINIABEACH,VA(September20,2024) Melissa Dyson (Right),SupervisoryProject ManagerforNAVFACMIDLANTand STEM Coordinator,overseesa student partaking in aPennyBoat

Challengeheldinconjunctionwith the NavalAirStation Oceana OutdoorSTEM (Science,Technology,Engineering and

nearlyeveryyearsince2016,allows 5th graders fromVirginia BeachCityand ChesapeakePublic Schools to receiveanexclusive sneakpeekoftheAirShowperformances,including the U.S.Navy FlightDemonstration Squadron,the BlueAngels and the F-22RaptorDemonstrationTeam;vendorbooths and


NAVFAC volunteershelp developfuture engineers aspart of NASOceana Outdoor STEM Laboratory


NavalFacilities Engineering Systems Command


VIRGINIA BEACH, Va.—Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC)Atlantic(LANT)andMid-Atlantic (MIDLANT) volunteers supportedthe NavalAir Station (NAS) Oceana Air Show and Outdoor STEM (Science,Technology, EngineeringandMathematics)Laboratory, Sept.20.

The free event, which has been held nearly every year since 2016,allows 5th gradersfromVirginiaBeachCityandChesapeakePublicSchoolstoreceiveanexclusive sneak peek of the Air Showperformances, includingthe U.S. Navy Flight DemonstrationSquadron,theBlueAngelsandtheF-22 RaptorDemonstrationTeam;vendorbooths andactivities;andnumerousSTEMLaboratory exhibits. This year’s theme is “Inspire. Educate.Soar!

NAVFAC volunteers staffed engi-

neering-themed tables to encouragethe participating students to takepart in the command’sannualPennyBoatChallenge.

“The students geta sheetofaluminum foil,andtheydesignaboattoseehowmany pennies it can hold beforeitsinks,” said TaylorPriest,aCivilEngineerforNAVFAC LANTand STEM Coordinator. “Wetalkto thestudentsaboutweightdistribution,boat shapesand design, and buoyancy,among otherthings.”

Thischallengenotonlyleadsthestudents tothinkaboutthebasicshapeanddesignof theboatsoitcanfloatonwater,butstrategy andskillalsocomeintoplaywhentheystart addingtheweightofthepennies.

“The idea of showing these skills to a younger generation is fascinating to me …I havekidswhowereintoSTEMandbecame engineers,soIwanttocontinuetohelppush and promote STEM forother children,” said Robert Brown, aProjectManager for


NORFOLK,Va. —The 34th Annual Virginia Children’s Festival, Hampton Roads’ mostexciting familyfestival, returnstoTownPoint Park on Saturday,October5,2024, from10amto3pm.

TheVirginiaChildren’sFestivalfeaturesavarietyofinteractiveexperiencesforchildrenages10andyoungerinmind! NEWTHIS YEAR! Shopthe Mini Maker’sMarket, where youcan purchasehandmade goods created by artistsages 12andyounger.AdditionalNEWprogrammingincludesthe Dick’s House of SportFashion Show, WeatherinaJar with 13NewsNow,andmuchmore!

Acompletelisting of festival entertainment canbefound below.Ticketsare$5(infantsagesone&underarefree)and


„ 10:15am—BigBangBoom!

„ 10:55am—NEW!MakingWeatherinaJarwith 13NewsNow

„ 11:30am—WHROPublicMediapresentsGreenbeats

„ 12:15pm—BigBangBoom!

„ 1:00pm—NEW!Dick’sHouseofSportFashionShow

„ 1:35pm—RainbowPuppetsShow

„ 2:10pm—WHROPublicMediaMs.MarthaReads

„ 2:30pm—TheHurrahPlayerspresentTheMagicand WonderofthePrincessKingdom


„ 10:15am—BaysideHighSchoolCheerleading

„ 10:30am—Maureen’sSchoolofDance

„ 11:00am—MusicTheoryStudios

„ 11:30am—BellaDance

„ 12:00pm—EvelynSchoolofDance

„ 12:30pm—AdaptiveDanceforAll

„ 12:45pm—SharkCityDrumline

„ 1:00pm—LibreDanceUSA

„ 1:30pm—NorfolkDanceCollective


Norfolk Botanical Garden honors original gardeners during WPA Garden Heritage Celebration this Sunday, seeks more names


NORFOLK, Va Join Norfolk Botanical Garden (NBG) for the 16th annual Works Progress Administration (WPA) Garden Heritage Celebration on Sunday September29,2024,from2:00p.m.to3:00p.m.with reception to follow. The celebration honors the 220 African American women and men whofirstplantedtheGarden86yearsagoand recognizes their hard work, dedication and legacy Admission to the Garden is free from 1:00p.m.to5:00p.m.AesiaToliver,WAVY-TV 10/WVBT FOX43 Emmy Award winning Morning and Midday anchor/reporter will serve as Mistress of Ceremonies This event willfeaturetheNBGGroundbreakerawards and reading of the 74 known WPA worker names Effortscontinuetouncoverthenames ofthe146remainingworkers

This year’s keynote speaker is Dr Antipas Harris - an international mission leader, a public theologian scholar author and speaker dedicated to redefining faith in the public square and mentoring future church leaders.HeteachesatOldDominionUniversityandpreviouslyheldatenuredpositionat RegentUniversity Asthefoundingpresident of Jakes Divinity School, he enhanced theological education within a major ministry Harrishaslecturedinternationallyandinitiatedmentoringprogramsforyoungleaders. The8thannualNBGGroundbreakeraward

is named in the honor of the WPA sculpture entitledBreakingGround,whichrecognizes the 220 WPA women and men who had a profound impact on our community The award honors individuals groups and organizationsthatexhibitcommittedandgroundbreakingleadershipandservice

In 2023, the President’s Council on Inclusion and Diversity committee created a scholarship - funded in part by Truist. The Scholarship was awarded this year to Laila Jones, a Virginia Wesleyan student. The scholarship is for the educational pursuits of underrepresented minority students who are studying in the green industry or related fields This includes Garden Cultivation, Environmental Sciences, Botany, Horticulture, Sustainability Studies, Agriculture and Landscape.

The WPA Garden Heritage Day first came to fruition in 2008 with the creation of the WPA Memorial Garden. A year later, the commemorative sculpture Breaking Ground was unveiled along with the official dedication of the garden. If you have a family member that you believe is one of the 220 WPA workers, please visit the Garden’s website Weareexpectinghigherthannormal visitation, please reserve your FREE admissionticketHERE.

About Norfolk Botanical Garden: Norfolk Botanical Garden represents an oasis of more than 65 themed gardens encompass-

ing 175 beautiful acres. From stunning plant collections to WOW - World of Wonders: A Children’s Adventure Garden, this diverse naturalbeautycanbeexploredbytram boat orwalkingtours TheGardenisaccreditedby the American Alliance of Museums recognizedasaVirginiaHistoricLandmark,listed on the National Register of Historic Places and designated a Virginia Green attraction. It is managed by Norfolk Botanical Garden, Inc. and supported by the City of Norfolk The mission of Norfolk Botanical Garden is toimmersevisitorsinaworldofbeauty,lead through environmental action, and inspire througheducationandconnectiontonature.

On June 30 1938 Representative Norman R. Hamilton announced a Works Progress Administration(WPA)grantprojecttocreate Norfolk Botanical Garden. A group of more than 200 African American women and 20 African American men were assigned to the project. The workers cleared dense vegetation under harsh conditions and planted the first azaleas around what is now called Mirror Lake. In just one year thousands of azaleas, rhododendrons, shrubs and trees wereplanted.Duringthistimeofracialsegregation, the workers were not permitted to enjoytheGardentheycreated Laborerswere paid 25 cents an hour By 1941, the Garden displayed nearly five thousand azaleas, and seventy-five landscaped acres that were encompassedbyfivemilesofwalkingtrails

OnJune 30 1938 Representative Norman R.Hamilton announced aWorks ProgressAdministration (WPA) grant project to create NorfolkBotanical Garden.Agroup ofmore than 200 AfricanAmericanwomen and 20African American menwere assigned to the project Theworkers cleared dense vegetation underharsh conditions and planted the first azaleas aroundwhat is nowcalled MirrorLake In just oneyear thousands ofazaleas,rhododendrons, shrubs and treeswere planted During this time ofracial segregation,theworkerswere not permitted to enjoythe Garden theycreated.Laborerswere paid 25 cents an hour By 1941 the Garden displayed nearlyfive thousand azaleas,and seventyfive landscaped acres thatwere encompassed byfive miles ofwalking trails.(PHOTOSCOURTESYNORFOLKPUBLICLIBRARY)

American Revolution Museum at Yorktown to host Shawnee Encampment Sept. 28 & 29 Event commemorates the 250th anniversary of Lord Dunmore’s War and the Indigenous struggle for independence


WILLIAMSBURG, Va The American Revolution Museum at Yorktown will host a Shawnee Encampment on Saturday and Sunday,September28and29,commemoratingthe250thanniversaryofLordDunmore’s War and the Indigenous struggle for independence In the fall of 1774, Virginia’s Royal governor Lord Dunmore waged a war against the Shawnee, Seneca-Cayuga and Delaware nationsontheborderlandsofVirginia,signifyingthelastconflictofthecolonialera.

On Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., cultural educators from the Shawnee and other federally recognized nations will present interactive programs in living-historyencampmentsdepictinglifeforaShawneefamilyandShawneewarriors AShawnee family encampment will highlight seasonal cycles of living with demonstrations of finger-weaving woodworkingandtraditional cooking A Shawnee warrior’s encampment will illustrate battle tactics, prisoner taking, andcaptivityandadoption. At 2 p.m. on both days, Jeremy Turner (ShawneeTribecitizen)willpresentaShawnee perspective on Dunmore’s War in the program,“‘YouMayBeSureTheWaspsAnd

Cultural educators from the Shawnee nationwill present interactive programs highlighting the Indigenous struggle for independence.(PHOTOBYKATLYNNHANKS/CEASAR’SFORD THEATER)


The Shawnee Encampment is a program of the Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation’s IndigenousPeoplesInitiative,incooperation withCaesar’sFordTheatre.

The special event is included with American Revolution Museum at Yorktown admission: $20 for adults and $10 for ages

6-12 ResidentsofJamesCity County,YorkCountyandthe CityofWilliamsburg,includingWilliam&Marystudents receive free admission with proofofresidency AbouttheAmericanRevolutionMuseumatYorktown: A partner of the Virginia American Revolution 250 Commission, the American Revolution Museum at Yorktown, open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily and located on 200 Water Street near the Colonial Parkway in Yorktown, tells the story of the nation’s founding, capturing the transformational nature and epic scale of the Revolutionanditsrelevancetoday. TheAmericanRevolutionMuseumatYorktownisadministeredbytheJamestown-Yorktown Foundation, an educational agency of theCommonwealthofVirginiaaccreditedby theAmericanAllianceofMuseums. For more information, visit jyfmuseums org/events/programs-activities/shawnee-encampment.


NORFOLK, Va It’s been a very busy summer at the Norfolk Animal Care Center’s (NACC) pet pantry and we need your help getting stocked up so we can help pets and their families thisfall.

On Saturday, Sept. 28, NACC’s Waggin’ Wheels will be parked in front of the shelter (5585 Sabre Rd.) from 11 a.m.to1p.m.foraspecial“StufftheBus” drive-upanddrop-offpetfooddonation drive. All you have to do is drive up and shelter staff will be on hand to accept yourgenerousdonationsofdogandcat food, any flavor, any brand, wet or dry as long as it’s new and unopened. No needtogetoutofthecar!

Andspeakingofthosegenerousdonations, some of the shelter’s other mostneeded items include new or gently used towels, blankets, toys, leashes and harnesses of all sizes Perfect timing if you’re doing some fall cleaning and decluttering

Here is a list of items our animals need:

„ Dog/cattreats

„ Canned/dryfood

„ LiquidKMRandEsbilacfortiny kittens andpuppies

„ Newandgentlyusedcollars, harnessesandleashes(allsizes)

„ Washable,durablepettoys

„ Stuffedanimals

„ Catnip(forHappyHour)

„ Slipleads

„ Tennisballs

„ Peanutbutter

„ Assortedcattoys

„ Kiddiepools(forsummertime wading)

„ “Kong toys

„ Stainlesssteeldishesandbowls(tip proofandanysize)

„ Treatdispensingtoys

„ Neworgentlyusedcarriers,crates, andexercisepens

„ Newandgentlyuseddoghouses

„ Cagesorhabitatsforsmallorexotic pets

„ DogandCatNailclippers

„ Newspapersforliningcages

„ Papertowels

„ Airfresheningsprays

„ Dish-washinggloves

„ Blankets,comforters,towels(no sheets)

„ Isopropyl(rubbing)alcohol

„ FencingAssistanceProgrammaterials(forgettingdogsofftethersand keepingfamiliestogether):

„ Newandgentlyusedfencing materials

„ Tools(hammers,utilitytools, powertools,shovels,nails,screws etc.)

If you can’t make it to this donation drive,youcanhelpanytimebyshopping the NACC Amazon Wish List (online at biz_ex). Are you looking for a furry friend to go on fall hikes and pumpkin spice latterunswithyou?AdoptfromNACC! There are many wonderful dogs cats andsmallanimalsattheshelterwaiting fortheirforeverhomes

Unable to adopt right now? You can still help! NACC is always looking for foster families be a part of an animal’s

lifesavingjourneybyprovidingatemporaryhomeandTLCawayfromtheshelter Volunteering is another wonderful and rewarding way to help Email NACC@norfolk.govformoredetailson fosteringandvolunteering orcall(757) 441-5505

If you can’t make it to the event, we

NAVFACMIDLANT,andafirst-timeSTEM Labvolunteer “NAVFACisconnectedtoall of this, so it gives us an opportunity as volunteers to explain and show off what we do at NAVFAC, and hopefully encouragethesestudentstoonedaybecomebetter NAVFACengineers.”

Asahands-onlearningactivity thePenny BoatChallengegeneratessignificantcrowds as the students show off their talent and patiencethroughouttheday.

“The students get really competitive as theywatcheachotherbuilddifferentboats,” Priestexplained.“Whentheyworkside-bysideintheengagementstations,theystartto see who gets more pennies, and then they want to do it again, and again to get better results We also have an ongoing high score board that displays the highest number [of penniesfloated]tokeepthecompetitionand creativityflowing.”

According to the National Center for Science and Engineering website, about a quarter of the current U.S. workforce is employed in STEM occupations Events such as these not only help to plant a seed for students to seek out future STEM careers but specifically it plays a role in promoting STEM opportunities for women,personsofcolor,andpersonswith disabilities who have historically been underrepresented in U.S.-based science

and engineering fields.

“We love promoting Science, Technology Engineering and Mathematics activities such as this to allow children to ask questions about future engineering professions and get them interested in engineering,” said Melissa Dyson, Supervisory Project Manager for NAVFAC MIDLANT and STEM Coordinator “Many of these studentsincorporateengineeringintotheir dailyroutinesandtheydon’tevenrealizeit, sothiseventallowsustohelpthemidentify thoseskillsandshowthemitcanbefun The STEM fields are growing exponentially, so there’stonsofopportunities andtherewill beevenmorewithinthenext10years and NAVFACisontheforefront.”

Whilemostoftheattendingstudentsarea part of Generation Alpha who were born at a time when technological devices are gettingsmarter andeverythingisconnected digitally they also demonstrate exceptionalskillwithnon-digital,hands-onlearningactivities

“The students use different parts of their brains some learn visually, some learn by auditory, and others learn through physical activities, so this activity combines a lot of that together when our volunteers coach them and talk to them about the different elements involved,” said Priest. “Itcompletelysyncsforthem,andI’veseen students who take these basic skills home to show their parents and teachers so they can recreate the activities again at home or school.”

The NAS Oceana Air Show is an annual opportunity for the U.S. Navy to give back toourmilitaryfamiliesandthelocalHampton Roads community. Each year, the base welcomes visitors from across the country and around the world to the Navy’s East Coast Master Jet Base to experience the wonder of flight firsthand and meet the exceptional men and women of naval aviation. NAVFAC’sSTEMteamofvolunteerswill represent the command again on October 17-18forNavalStationNorfolk’sSTEMDays in Norfolk, Virginia, which will be held in


(September20 2024)

Stewie,the U.S.Navy’s environmentalturtlemascot gives high-fives to students at the U.S.Fleet Forces Command’s“Stewards of the Sea”exhibit as part of the NavalAirStation

conjunction with the installation’s annual FleetFest,scheduledonOct.19

NAVFAC MIDLANT provides facilities engineering,publicworksandenvironmental products and services across an area of responsibilitythatspansfromSouthCarolina to Maine, as far west as Illinois, and down to Indiana. As an integral member of the Commander Navy Region Mid-Atlanticteam,NAVFACMIDLANTprovides leadership through the Regional Engineer organizationtoensuretheregion’sfacilities and infrastructure are managed efficiently and effectively


„ MeetandGreetwithPrincesses

„ NEW!ParticipateinengagingSTEM activitiesanddemonstrationswith JeffersonLabs


„ 11:00am,12:00pm,1:00pm&2:00pm PirateSchoolwiththeDefiantCrew

„ 10:45am,11:45am,12:45pm&2:00pm BackBayMermaidBookNook


„ CraftahandmadepieceofartatArt& CraftswithChrystal

„ MeetandGreetwithaMermaidfrom BackBayMermaid

„ MeetandGreetwithaBallerina

„ NEW!Exploretheinstrumentpetting zoowithBayYouthOrchestrasofVirginia

„ NEW!CatchanenergeticcheerperformanceandpickupsomenewcheerleadingmoveswithBaysideHighSchool Cheerleading

„ Seethemostbubblesyouhaveeverseen inoneplaceatTheBIGBubblefestEvent

„ Exploremagicalwingedinsectsatthe ButterflySafari

„ Createyourownsidewalkartatthe ChalktheWalk

„ FacepaintingsbyChangingFaces& Spaces

„ NEW!Diveintointeractivecodingand roboticsdemonstrationswithCodeNinjas „ EnjoytheLemonadeStandfor CommunityBetterment

„ NEW!Experiencetheartofwoodblock printingwithD’ArtCenter

„ Learnaboutapirate’slifewithThe DefiantCrew

„ Channelyourinnerarchaeologistwith theDinoDig

„ Getactivewithlivegames&limbowith DJMelody

„ NEW!Connectandlearnaboutfoster careopportunitiesinHamptonRoadswith EmbraceTreatmentFosterCare

„ NEW!Accessvaluableresourcesfor familiesandindividualswithautismwith theFamiliesofAutismComingTogether (F.A.C.T.)

„ Playyourfavoritevideogamesonthe GamerBus

„ MeetandGreetwiththeGhostbusters

„ ExploretheoutdoorswithGirlScoutsof ColonialCoast

„ Learnhowtoplaychessandtacklegame challengeswiththeHamptonRoadsChess

„ Escape&unwindattheKultureCity SensoryZone

„ HavesomebackyardfunwithLawn Games

„ Constructbuildings&charactersatLego Land

„ CraftawaywithLemonDropMakery

„ WatchsciencewithMadScienceof HamptonRoads

„ NEW!Enjoyfamilygameactivitieswith theMauryHighSchoolFamily,Career,and CommunityLeadersofAmerica

„ Testyourputtingskillswitharoundof MiniPutt

„ NEW!Dancealongtoakid-friendly musicsetandtryoutthe“becomeyour ownDJ”interactivespacewithMusic TheoryStudios

„ Createuniquebraceletsandplaya duck-inspiredgamewithNewportNews Shipbuilding

„ Enjoyinteractivehockey-themedgames withtheNorfolkAdmirals

„ NEW!Makeyourownslimewith hands-onchemistrywiththeNorfolkState UniversityCollegeofScience Engineering andTechnology

„ Experienceroboticsdemonstrations andparticipateinexcitinggameswiththe NorviewHighSchoolRoboticsClub

„ NEW!Watchadynamicdrumperformanceandjoinaminidrumworkshop withSharkCityDrumline

„ LearnaboutSentaraHealthPlan’s healthylifestyleoptions

„ NEW!ReadanddiscovertheartofliteraturewithSloverLibrary

„ Takeapeekinsidethecarworldwith SouthernAutoGroup

„ ViewuniquevehiclesattheTouch-ATruckExperience

„ Exploredroneandaircraftdisplaysand enjoyvariousgamesandactivitiesfromthe TuskegeeAirmen

„ NEW!Takedribblingclassesandlearn aboutahealthylifestylethroughsoccer fromtheVirginiaBeachCityFCSemi-Pro SoccerClub

„ NEW!LearnaboutwildlifefromThe VirginiaZoo

„ StopbyWHROPublicMedia’sPBSKid’s


„ NEW!Receivegiveawaysandresources tosupportthefightagainstepilepsy PTSD TBI,andseizureswithWTTS4Epilepsy


Toys&tikesgaloreinagatedareaforour youngerfestivalguests!Toddlersmustbe 3fttallorshortertoenter


Viewavarietyofcooltrucks vehicles& othermachineryattheTouch-a-Truck Experience!


„ BackBayMermaid

„ Deadpool

„ TheGhostbusters

„ TheGrinch

„ Princesses

„ RealLifeBallerina

„ SidtheScienceGuy

„ TheDefiantCrewPirates

„ Wolverine

All activities and performances listed are subject to change Visit or follow@FesteventsonFacebookandInstagramforreal-timeeventupdates. The 34th Annual Virginia Children’s Festival presented by Sentara Health Plans is produced by Norfolk Festevents in partnership with the City of Norfolk and is sponsored by WHRO Public Media, Sentara,SouthernAutoGroup,Virginiaisfor Lovers,13NewsNow,CHKD,andWaterside

Aheartyway to honor Hispanic Heritage Month

With apowerfulinfluence across theUnited States, Latino food provides aperfect waytocelebrate National Hispanic Heritage Month. Bring your family to thetable foratruefiestawiththisMexicanLasagna,aheartysolutionthat’sbothfillingandeasytomake.

VisitCulinary.nettofindmoreHispanic-inspiredmeal ideas


Recipe courtesyof“Cookin’Savvy”

Servings: 4-6

„ 1poundgroundbeef

„ 1can(15ounces)blackbeans

„ 1can(4ounces)chiles

„ 2cans(14ounceseach)fire-roasted dicedtomatoes,divided

„ 1can(15ounces)wholekernelcorn

„ 1tablespoongarlicpowder

„ 1tablespoononionpowder

„ 1tablespoontacoseasoning

„ 6cupsshreddedcheese

„ 18taco-sizedtortillasofchoice

„ freshcilantro,forgarnish

„ sourcream,forserving

Heatovento350F. In large skillet, brownground beef; drain grease. Add blackbeans,chileswithjuices,1cantomatoeswithjuices, drained corn, garlic powder,onionpowderand taco seasoning

Open remaining can of tomatoes; takeout half and set aside.Addremaininghalfwithjuicestobeefmixture.Mix wellandturnoffheat

In 9-by-13-inch pan, line bottom with six tortillas slightly overlapping.Cover with 1/3 of beef mixture and topwith2cupsshreddedcheese.Repeatwithremaining ingredientsthentopwithreservedtomatoes

Coverpan with foil and bake30-40 minutes.Garnish withcilantroandservewithsourcream

Celebrate cozy season with acreamy, comforting meal


Source: Mrs.T’s Pierogies

Asnugglysweater, acracklingfire and amealthat warmsyoufromtheinsideoutareperfectwaystospend acoolautumneveningwiththepeopleyoulove.

Gather aroundthe table for aheartymealfeaturing some of the mostcomforting flavors of fall -pumpkin, appleand cinnamon- plus aspecial ingredient:pierogies.Foundinthefrozenfoodaisle,Mrs.T’sPierogiesare stuffed with creamy mashed potatoes,cheesygoodness and other big,bold flavors -a comforting addition to this CreamyPumpkinSoupwithMiniPierogies. Available in 13 flavors,including 4CheeseMedley LoadedBakedPotato,Broccoli&Cheddarandothervarietiesinbothfullandminisizes,theycanbeboiled,baked, sauteed,airfriedandevengrilled,makingthemaversatile additiontoseasonaldishesofallkinds Plus,inhonorofNational Pierogy Day, youcan enter forachancetowinitemstogetcozy-pierogystyle.From

getting comfy on the couch with pierogies to enjoying them in bed, youcan win items inspired by these soft pillowy,cheese-filled pasta pockets: likea plush robe or pierogy-shaped blanket. To enter,simply follow@ mrstspierogies on Instagram, like the sweepstakes post andcommentyourfavoritewaytogetcozy

To findmorecozy recipe inspiration, visit

CreamyPumpkinSoupwith MiniPierogies

Prep time: 5minutes

Total time: 40 minutes

Servings: 4

„ 1largeshallot

„ 1largeHoneycrispapple(or11/2cups)

„ 5garliccloves

„ oliveoil

„ 2cupslow-sodiumchickenorvegetablebroth divided

„ 2cupscannedpumpkinpuree

„ 2teaspoonsmaplesyrup

„ pepper,totaste

„ salt,totaste

„ 1/4teaspoonnutmeg

„ 1/8teaspooncinnamon

„ 2tablespoonsheavycream

„ freshthyme,totaste

„ 1boxMini4CheeseMedleyMrs.T’sPierogies

Sliceshallot,peelandcubeappleandcrushgarlic. In pot over medium-lowheat,add drizzle of oliveoil andsauteshallots,garlicandapple20minutes,covered. Letmixtureslightlycoolthenaddtoblenderwith1/2cup brothandblenduntilfullycombined. In pot, add pumpkin puree; blended shallot mixture; maplesyrup;salt,totaste;pepper,totaste;nutmeg;cinnamon; remaining broth; heavy cream; and thyme,totaste Bringtolowboilthenaddfrozenpierogies.Boil3minutes



Stay in the know with TRICARE Newsletters


FALLS CHURCH, Va Did you know that TRICARE publishes quarterly newsletters? The TRICARE Health Matters Newsletter and the TRICARE Dental Program Health Matters Newsletter keep you up to date, whether you live stateside oroverseas Thesenewslettersofferhelpful information about your health and dental plans,aswellasthelatestTRICAREnews

“Thenewslettersaimtohelpyougetthe most out of your TRICARE benefit,” said Robert Agnello team lead, benefit web and publications, for the Defense Health Agency “They’llprovideimportantdetails about your benefit, along with tips for improving and maintaining your and your family’s overall health.”

TheDHApublishedthelatestissueofthe TRICARE Health Matters Newsletter on Sept. 10 TopicsinIssue3include:

„ KnowhowTRICAREregionsarechangingin2025

„ TRICAREcoverageforchildren

„ MHSGENESISsecuremessaging

„ Guidetooverseastravel

„ TipsformanagingyourDEERSrecord TRICAREreleasesseparatenewsletters for the East, West and Overseas regions Each issue includes articles written by the contractors for each region. This way, you get the latest content directly from your regional contractor

The DHA works with the TDP contractor, United Concordia, to publish the TRICAREDentalProgramHealthMatters Newsletter Topics in Issue 3 of the dental newsletter include:

„ Tips for communicating effectively with yourdentist

„ Howtofindnetworkdentists

„ OCONUSdentalprovideroptions „ Understandingdentalspecialists „ FindingtherightTDPdentistafteraPCS You can find current and past issues on the TRICARE publications page ONLINE AT Newsletters

Making the connection between AFib and Stroke

Source: American Heart Association

For many people, the heart naturally contracts andrelaxestoaregularbeat.However,thoseliving with atrial fibrillation (AFib) experience a quivering or irregular heartbeat that can lead to further health issues including stroke heart attack heart failure or sudden cardiac arrest Infact,peoplewithAFibareuptofivetimesmore

clots The clot may block blood flow to the brain, causing a stroke

Risk Factors

Anyone can develop AFib The risk factors for AFib are broken into two categories: heart-health factorsandbehavioralfactors Heart-healthfactors mayincludeadvancingage(especiallyoverage65), family history of AFib, high blood pressure, prior heart attack or disease, diabetes, sleep apnea and priorheartsurgery Behaviors that may be associated with higher risk factors include excessive alcohol use, smoking and prolonged athletic conditioning (Appropriate physicalactivityisimportant for a healthy lifestyle, but you should discuss your exercise plan with a health care professional.)

likelytohaveastroke,yetmanypeopleareunaware thatAFibisaseriouscondition ManagingyourAFib isimportanttoreducingyourstrokerisk.

Consider this important information from the AmericanHeartAssociation’sGettingtotheHeart of Stroke, an initiative sponsored nationally by the HCAHealthcareFoundation,tounderstandifyou may be at higher risk of a stroke Symptoms

While some people with AFib don’t have symptoms, those who do may experience a racing heartbeat or irregular heart rate Other common symptoms include heart palpitations (rapid “flopping” or “fluttering” feeling in the chest); lightheadedness or faintness; chest pain or pressure; shortness of breath, especially when lying down; or fatigue During AFib, some blood may not be pumped efficiently from the atria (the heart’s two small upper chambers) into the ventricles Blood that’s left behind can pool in the atria and form blood

“Earlyidentificationand treatment of AFib is critical to stroke prevention, especially in high-risk populations experiencing health care disparities or barriers to accessing vital healthcareresources,”said Steven Manoukian, MD, FAHA, senior vice president at HCA Healthcare. “Common risk factors like high blood pressure are more prevalent within Black communities, yet Black patients may be diagnosed less often with AFib Creating awareness of AFib, stroke risk and treatment options can be a lifesaving first step in stroke prevention.”

Treatment Options

It’s important to talk to your doctor if you think you may have symptoms of AFib or be at risk for AFib Diagnosis of AFib starts with an in-depth examinationfromadoctor Workwithyourdoctor to identify a treatment plan and goals to help manage your AFib and reduce your risk of stroke

Treatment options for AFib may include medications to prevent and treat blood clots or control heartrateandrhythm,proceduresorsurgery Your doctor may also prescribe medications to prevent and treat blood clots that can lead to a stroke

Discuss the best options for you with your doctor to create a shared decision-making plan

To learn how to manage your AFib and connect with others, visit


IfIknewsome cruel folkshad been dispatched, Iwould probablycry “The brutish arecoming!”

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