Flagship 09.28.2023

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Hampton Roads Medical Service Corps builds future leaders at 2023 symposium



Naval Medical Forces Atlantic

The Medical Service Corps (MSC) Association of Hampton Roads hosted a symposium that focused on the state of the corps leadership,careermanagement,manpower, expeditionary medicine, and a professional developmentpanelatNavalMedicalCenter Portsmouth(NMCP),Sept.15

“I’m excited [to host the symposium] because you all represent the largest and most diverse corps,” said Capt Brian Feldman,thecommandingofficerofNavyMedicine Readiness and Training (NMRTC) Command “I consider you the connective tissue of Navy Medicine and you enable

comprehensivecutting-edgeadvancements inhealthcareworldwide.”

This year’s theme is “Building Future Leaders,” and approximately 100 medical professionals and MSC officers in the local area and from North Carolina, Washington D.C. Pennsylvania,SouthCarolina,and Missouri,attendedthesymposium

Key speaker Rear Adm. Matthew Case, the MSC director and commander, Naval Medical Forces Atlantic (NMFL) stressed the importance of the community’s professional development and medical readiness inordertosupportournation’swarfighter.

“I am laser-focused on expanding our capabilitiesandtakingcareofafullrangeof combatcasualties,”explainedCase “Andto prepare, we need to provide the right envi-


Lt Cmdr Diana Tran-Yu, who was in the audience and is also the president of NMRTCBethesda’sMSCProfessionalAssociation, shared her key takeaway from this year’ssymposium.

“Eachoneofuscandoourparttoprepare for the future in crisis and combat operations,”concludedTran-Yu “Ibelievethatwe are prepared to provide the survivability of the force, and we must continue to amplify andreinforcegreattalents.”

The MSC community actively supports Navy Medicine’s readiness and health with more than 30 diverse subspecialties from entomology environmentalhealthandaerospaceandoperationalphysiologytoaudiology,clinicalpsychologyandpharmacy

NMFL, headquartered in Portsmouth, Virginia, delivers operationally focused medical expertise and capabilities to meet Fleet,MarineandJointForcerequirements by providing equipment, sustainment and maintenance of medical forces during combatoperationsandpublichealthcrises. NMFL provides oversight for 21 NMRTCs, logistics, and public health and dental servicesthroughouttheU.S.EastCoast,U.S. Gulf Coast, Cuba, Europe, and the Middle East.

Navy Medicine represented by more than 44,000 highly-trained military and civilianhealthcareprofessionals provides enduring expeditionary medical supportto thewarfighteron,below andabovethesea, andashore

VRC-30 flies its last C-2A Greyhound to Norfolk

for 42 years

Force Atlantic


Sailors assigned to VRC-40 welcomed the crew after their eleven-hour flight from NavalAirStationNorthIslandtolandtheir lastC-2AGreyhoundwhichwillbeusedby VRC-40forthenextseveralyears VRC-30 will officially sundown later this year

VRC-30 began flying the C-2A Greyhound aircraft in 1981 and continued to use the aircraft for carrier onboard delivery (COD) to transport passengers equipment, gear and supplies around the fleet

Cmdr JamesLight,VRC-30’scommanding officer participated in the final flight which also signified his last flying mission ofhisnavalcareerasheisexpectedtoretire fromtheNavy Lighthasaccumulatedmore than 2,900 flight hours and 200 carrier arrested landings in the C-2A including arrestmentsonalltenNimitz-classaircraft carriers.

“It has been the greatest ride in the world,” Light added reflecting on a career spent supporting logistics movement of manpower and equipment.

Capt. Scott A. Wastak Commander ACCLOGWING, was on hand to meet the

crew when they arrived at NS Norfolk. He congratulated the crew for their long-standingdedicationtotheGreyhound mission.

“Atrulyhistoriceventforourcommunity andthe Navy The endof anerathatisnow part of Naval Aviation legacy Logistics are a critical enabler to warfighting readiness andVRC-30wasinstrumentaltodelivering readiness to the fleet,” Wastak said.

Similar to Light, Cmdr Jesse King, VRC-30’sexecutiveofficer,whoalsoparticipated in the final flight will retire at the end of 2023

“This is an amazing aircraft that has supported the needs of the Navy,” King

added, who has accumulated more than 2,500 flight hours and 150 carrier landings flying the C-2A Lt Cmdr JoeSwindelwhoflewaportion oftheflighttoNorfolkwithLightandKing, shared his experiences flying the C-2A

“This is the platform that made me an aviator,” said Swindel, who flew the C-2A for the past twelve years through four deployments The C-2A Greyhound will remain in use on the east coast for several more years before they too will eventually be replaced by the MV-22 Osprey as the only COD aircraft used for all aircraft carriers

themewas“Building Future Leaders, and speakers provided insight on the state ofMSC,leadership careermanagement manpower,and the future ofNavyMedicine.(U.S.NAVYGRAPHICBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSLEVIDECKER)
PORTSMOUTH,Va (Sept.21 2023)Agraphic showcasing the 2023 Hampton Roads Medical Service Corps (MSC) Symposium.Thisyear’s
NORFOLK,Va (Sept.20 2023) -AC-2AGreyhound aircraft,assigned to Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VRC) 30 taxis on the flightline at Naval Staion Norfolkafterconducting its final flight from NavalAirStation North Island.VRC-30will officiallysundown on Dec.8,2023. ABOVE RIGHT:The pilots and aircrewmen assigned to Fleet Logistics Support Squadron (VRC) 30 pose fora group photo aftercompleting theirfinal flight (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYJENNIFERCRAGG) VOL.31,NO 33,Norfolk,VA| flagshipnews.comSeptember28-October4,2023 IN THIS ISSUE Recipients Honored for Commitment to Service Members, Families The Defense Department’s Spirit ofHopeAward was awarded to sixpeople and a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping militaryfamilies during a Pentagon ceremonylastweek. PAGEA6 www.flagshipnews.com www.facebook.com/ The.Flagship www.twitter.com/ the_flagship THEFLAGSHIP’SFREEHOMEDELIVERY CALL TODAY! 757.446.9000 SOUTHHAMPTONROADS: Get the convenience ofyour Navy newspaper delivered to your door for free! Sailor in the Spotlight: Lt Cmdr Olivia Wittman Lt Cmdr OliviaWittman,September’s Sailorin the Spotlight forthe Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center(MARMC), brings awealth ofshipboard experience to herrole as assistant project manager forUSS SanAntonio (LPD 17). PAGEA2 www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, September 28 2023 1

Sailor in the Spotlight: Lt. Cmdr. Olivia Wittman


Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center

Lt Cmdr OliviaWittman,September’sSailor in the Spotlight for the Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center (MARMC), brings a wealth of shipboard experience to her role as assistantprojectmanagerforUSSSanAntonio (LPD17)

The Waterfront Operations Department, Code 300, administers ship modernization and repair contracts on ships assigned to US Fleet Forces Command in the Atlantic Fleet. Code300servesasthecentralpointofcontact for customers and Ship’s Force on all matters regardingshipandboatrepairs.

The Waterfront Operations folks work so incredibly hard,” said Wittman. “Ship repair never stops. I have learned so much just from myshorttimewiththem.

Wittman joined the Navy in 2013 after

earning her commission through the ROTC programattheUniversityofRochester.Shehas served two sea tours, inspired by her grandfatherswhowerebothmilitaryofficers Wittman’sfirstdutystationwasaboardUSS Shoup(DDG86)inEverett,Washington After earningherSurfaceWarfarepinastheDamage Control Assistant, shethentransferredto USS TheSullivan’s(DDG68)inMayport,Florida

“I was the Fire Control Officer aboard The Sullivan’s,soIownedtheAegisCombatSystem, said Wittman. “I worked with very talented Aegisfirecontrolmenanddevelopedalovefor ourmoderncombatsystemsintheNavy.”

SeanGreenaway,theWaterfrontOperations ManagerforMARMC hasworkedextensively withWittmanfor18monthsandspokehighly ofherworkethicandreliabilitythroughouttheir workingrelationship

“Wittman’s performance as the project officer for the complex USS San Antonio avail-

ability has been nothing short of outstanding, saidGreenaway.“Hereffortshavesignificantly upgraded the warfighting capability of LPD 17 and include improvements to Cryptologic Warfare Systems, Surface Search Radar capabilities EngineeringControlSystemsandShips SelfDefenseSystems.Lt Cmdr Wittmancanbe countedonwhenneededmostandIwouldnot hesitatetogiveherthemostdifficultandchallenging work She is positive proof that Navy leadershiphasabrightfuture.”

Originally from Millstone Township New Jersey Wittman is an avid reader of graphic novels and also spends time working on her professional development. When she’s not working, Wittman and her wife whom she married in 2018, love spending time outdoors withtheirfour-year-old.

“Afterthistour,Iwillbeheadingtothebeltway to work for the Program Executive Office of Integrated Warfare Systems, said Wittman.

“I’llbeworkingwithAegissystemsintegration and testing on our destroyers to ensure we are meetingtheneedsofthefleet.”

Wittman’s distinguished service with San Antonio and MARMC demonstrates her commitment to keeping our Fleet missionready.AstheSeptemberSailorintheSpotlight she exemplifies the skill and dedication of our nation’sSailors.

WithleaderslikeWittmanoverseeingmaintenance operations, the Navy can continue meeting its defense objectives today and well intothefuture

MARMC, a field activity under Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) provides surface ship maintenance, management and oversightofprivatesectormaintenanceandfleet technicalassistancetoshipsintheMid-Atlantic regionoftheUnitedStates

NAVFAC MIDLANT awards multiple contract modifications for waterfront-related projects onboard Hampton Roads Installations

ByNavalFacilitiesEngineering SystemsCommandMid-Atlantic

NORFOLK, Va Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT) awarded a $25,000,000, firm-fixed-price modification to increase the maximum dollar value of indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity multiple award construction contracts for waterfront-related projects onboard Hampton Roads military installations

The contractors include: Crofton Construction Services Inc., Portsmouth,

Virginia(N40085-18-D-1156); DoyonProjectServicesLLC,FederalWay,Washington (N40085-18-D-1157); Ocean Construction Services Inc., Virginia Beach, Virginia (N40085-18-D-1158); Seaward Marine Corporation, Chesapeake, Virginia (N40085-18-D-1159); and W.F. Magann Corporation, Portsmouth, Virginia (N40085-18-D-1160).

This award brings the total cumulative valueforallfivecontractsto$120,000,000 Work will be performed at various naval installationsinHamptonRoads,andwillbe completed by September 2023

No funds will be obligated at the time of award. Funds will be obligated on individual task orders as they are issued. Future task orders will be primarily funded by operation and maintenance, (Navy) and military construction funds NAVFAC MIDLANT is the contracting activity NAVFAC MIDLANT provides facilities engineering publicworksandenvironmental products and services across an area of responsibilitythatspansfromSouthCarolina to Maine, as far west as Illinois, and down to Indiana. As an integral member

of the Commander Navy Region Mid-Atlanticteam,NAVFACMIDLANTprovides leadership through the Regional Engineer organizationtoensuretheregion’sfacilities and infrastructure are managed efficiently and effectively For additional information about NAVFAC MIDLANT on social media, follow our activities on Facebook at www. facebook.com/navfacmidatlantic and on Instagram @navfacmidatlantic.

Editorial Staff

ManagingEditor | MCC Amanda Kitchner

757-262-2852 | amanda.s.kitchner.mil@us.navy.mil

MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm

757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil

AssistantEditor | MC2 Jordan Grimes 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com

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Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes, Kaitlyn Hewett, Elizabeth Reisen 757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com

Manager | Ski Miller

NORFOLK,Va - Lt OliviaWittman,assistant project managerforUSS SanAntonio (LPD 17),gives a speech during herpromotion ceremonyon the fantail ofthe decommissioned Iowa-class battleship USSWisconsin (BB 64) Sept 7,2023.Wittmanwas promoted to the rankoflieutenant commanderin front ofmembers ofhercommand and family (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYDANIELLE LOFTON/RELEASED)
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Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division

“I knew I needed to leave Puerto Rico becauseIwantedtogivemyfamilyabetter life.”WhenJoseannPeraltaCastro,anative ofPuertoRico,cametotheUnitedStatesin 2016, he was terrified of speaking English.

“I would watch television shows before we left Puerto Rico to learn English,” said Peralta Castro. Peralta Castro came from a lineage of teachers. Both of his parents and a grandfather were school principals While many would think Peralta Castro’s path would lead him towards a career in education, his curiositytoanswerthe“whys”oftheworld wouldpointhiminadifferentdirection.

“At some point, a teacher had told me I wasgoingtobeascientistandIdidn’tunderstand in that moment, but that definitely described me, said Peralta Castro. “I was alwayslookingathowthingswork,sowhen I realized that, it really helped me decide to go to school for computer science I love everythingaboutcomputersandtechnology, andIknewIcouldhavesuccessinthatfield.”

PeraltaCastrograduatedwithabachelor’s incomputersciencefromtheInteramerican UniversityofPuertoRico.Aftergraduation, Peralta Castro was determined to come to theU.S.topursueacareerinthatfield.After workingoddjobswhilehiswifefinishedher collegedegree,PeraltaCastroandhisfamily movedtoVirginiain2016.

Once he settled in the U.S., he decided to

take an English class to better his understanding of the language. After taking the intro exam to the class, the teachers determinedhedidnotneedtotaketheclass

“They told me that I knew English, but that I just needed to start speaking it, Peralta Castro said “I have gained vocabulary as I have worked with the terminology now, but if people were talking to me, I still understood.Ijustdidn’tfeellikeIwasready tospeakityet,andthatwasmyproblem.”

Peralta Castro began his career with Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) in March 2017 when heservedasacybersecurityanalyst Hehas dedicated his career to the betterment of the AEGIS Weapon System, making technical and programmatic contributions that

resulted in multiple cybersecurity changes and corrections He currently serves as a service cybersecurity lead in the CybersecurityEngineeringDivisionwithintheStrategic and Computing Systems Department atNSWCDD

“When I came to work with AEGIS, I saw gaps and I wanted to fix them,” Peralta Castro recalled. “I was not going to accept thatthiswasjusthowwealwaysdothings I identifiedthegapsandIfixedthem Ididn’t wanttodoworkthatwouldjustsitonashelf Iwantedtodoworkthathadpurpose.

“I love what I do and I can see that I am making a difference with my work, said PeraltaCastro.

NSWCDD cybersecurity lead finds courage to start anew in the United States Naval SurfaceWarfare CenterDahlgren Division cybersecurityleadJoseann Peralta Castro ofthe Strategic and Computing Systems Department moved to the United States in 2016 looking fora betterlife forhis family (PHOTOBYMADELINEKEENAN) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, September 28 2023 3 12 MONTHS NO PAYMENTS &NOINTEREST* $1,500 OFF bath remodelingprojects** Offer valid until 10/15/23 FALL SAVINGS UPGRADE YOUR SHOWER &BATHTODAY! BATH REMODELING DONE RIGHT From start to finish,weprovide customers with a quick and easy bathroom remodeling experience. Simply meet with one of our design consultants, view our styles and options, design your new shower or bath, andreceive an exact quote. Afterwards, our in-house installerswillremove yourold unit, get your new project installed in as little as 1day and your home cleaned up before they leave. REAL REVIEWSFROMREAL CUSTOMERS 4.8/5 Based on 20,172 reviews 4.9/5 Based on 12,330 reviews 4.7/5 Based on 7,081 reviews (Company reviews across all branches as of 9/01/2023) OVER 149,417+ BATH REMODELING JOBS COMPLETED IN 1DAY 757-280-2257 *Financing offers anopayment -nointerest feature (during the “promotional period”) on your purchase at an APR of 17.99%. No finance charges will accrue on your account during the promotional period, as set forth in your Truth in Lending Disclosures,and you will not have to pay amonthly payment until the promotional period has ended. If you repay your purchase in full before the end of the promotional period you will not have to pay any finance charges. You may also prepay your account at any time without penalty.Financing is subject to credit requirements and satisfactory completion of finance documents. Any finance terms advertised are estimates only.Normal late charges apply once the promotional period has ended. Call 866-393-4573 for financing costs and terms. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. See design consultant for details. Other restrictions may apply.**$1,500 offisequal to $1,500 offtotal project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 10/15/23.

CIWS motor tool 3D printed at MARMC

Mid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center

NORFOLK,Va Mid-AtlanticRegional MaintenanceCenter(MARMC),incollaboration with Southeast Regional MaintenanceCenter(SERMC),successfullytested a 3D-printed motor removal tool for the Electro-Optical Stabilization Subsystem (EOSS) on its close-in weapon system (CIWS) earlier this year, marking a major step toward on-demand manufacturing of critical components for the fleet.

SERMC created an easy-to-use, 3D-printed motor removal tool that preventedbindingandreducedtheoverall maintenance time needed for the removal andinstallationoftheseprecisionpiecesof machinery ThenewlyprintedEOSSmotor removal tool provides positive control and maintains perfect alignment of the DC motor during removal and reinstallation, turningajobwithahighfailurerateforthe motors into a straightforward effort.

“We received the design files from SERMC in the afternoon and were able to 3D print all ten pieces that make up the tools overnight, said Steven Peterson, Technology and Innovation Lab manager “We were then able to post-process, QA, and assemble them the next day, having them ready for delivery by close of business the day after.”

For over 40 years, the CIWS system has served as the last line of defense against aerial and maritime threats that penetrate other safeguards Installed on allied naval vessels worldwide, this versatile system has shielded fleets from anti-ship missiles, aircraft, and coastal attacks Modern CIWS bolsters protection by neutralizing emerging dangers such as small swift surface vessels and weaponized drones Its state-of-the-art, electro-optical sensor enablesprecisiontargetingandtakedowns cementing CIWS as the ultimate shield against intensifying challenges

Prior to the invention of the tool, Sailors and engineers relied on wire straps anchoredtothemotor,whichcoulddamage themotorduringremovalandreplacement.

Physical control of the new motor during reassembly was challenging, and heavily technique dependent.

MARMC’s3Dprinterproducedadevice that is easy to use and lightweight. The

Anew3D printed motorremoval tool invented bySoutheast Regional Maintenance Center(SERMC)was recentlyprinted byMid-Atlantic Regional Maintenance Center’s (MARMC)Technologyand Innovation Lab.Compared to the old method ofextracting and replacing the motorswithwire, whichwas heavilydependent on technique and had a high riskoffailure,the newElectro-Optical Stabilization Subsystem (EOSS) motorremoval tools provides positive control and maintains perfect alignment ofthe motorduring removal and reinstallation.(COURTESYPHOTO)

removaltoolwasthentestedbytheSelf-Defense Branch, Code 293 “Havingthecapabilityandcapacityboth afloat or ashore to dynamically turn inexpensive generic feedstock into complex functional tools and parts in just over a 24-hour period speaks loudly to the utility of what can be accomplished with 3D printing.” Stevenson added. “3D printing or ‘additive manufacturing,’ enables us to comeupwithsolutionsmuchmorerapidly

and typically at a lower cost than by traditional means.” Thesenewlyprintedtoolshaveaproduction cost of $30 to $40, and save approximatelyfourhoursoflaborperjob Through its thoughtful design, the motor removal tool has transformed a once anxiety-inducing chore into a simple job that even newcomers can handle with ease

By collaborating to address a critical issue SERMC and MARMC pioneered an

innovative solution with the potential to significantly extend system lifespan and decrease expenses fleet-wide, ushering in a new era of increased efficiency and cost savings across the entire Navy MARMC,afieldactivityunderNavalSea Systems Command (NAVSEA), provides surface ship maintenance, management andoversightofprivatesectormaintenance andfleettechnicalassistancetoshipsinthe Mid-Atlantic region of the United States.

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you graduate, they graduate. 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, September 28 2023

Stemming the Tide: Navy medicine and the Egyptian Cholera epidemic of 1947

U.S. Navy Bureau Of Medicine and Surgery

On September 21, 1947, a man was admittedtotheAl-Qurayn(ElKorein) Hospital in Egypt vomiting profusely and suffering severe diarrhea. Within hours he was dead. The attending physicianon duty first suspected food poisoningbefore11additionalpatients were admitted with identical symptoms Their diagnosis was cholera, a deadlybacterialdiseasethatcanresult in death within hours if not treated. Over the next three months cholera spreadacross2,270townsandvillages inEgyptkillingoverhalfofitsvictims

Accordingtooneestimateover20,000 Egyptiansdiedofcholera.

As this public health threat was rapidly developing into a crisis Navy physician Cmdr Robert Phillips was settling in as the new commanding officer of the Naval Medical Research UnitNo 3(NAMRU-3)attheAbbassia FeverHospitalinCairo,Egypt.

The41-year-oldPhillipswasasevenyearveteranoftheNavywhosecareer included a tour as medical researcher at the U.S. Typhus Commission field activity in World War II, then located at the Abbassia Fever Hospital. When the Commission closed in 1945, the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED) assumed control over its spaces using it as the home for U.S. Navy Epidemiological Unit # 50 before establishing NAMRU-3 there in January 1946

The new laboratory’s primary mission was to work in conjunction with the Egyptian government in “researching tropical diseasesendemicintheMiddleEast.”

Despite executing this important task andcurbingthespreadofdiseasetothelocal populationandU.S.servicepersonnelinthe region—NAMRU-3’sstatusinEgyptinthose firsttwoyearscouldbedescribedastenuous at best And in 1947, the laboratory was still operatingwithoutanofficialagreementfrom its host nation. When Dr Nagib Iskander, the Egyptian Minister of Health, visited NAMRU-3 on September 24 1947 Phillips mayhavesuspectedaformalrequesttodisestablishthelab Instead,IskanderaskedPhillipsforassistanceinfightingcholera.

Seeing a golden opportunity to prove NAMRU-3’s worth, Cmdr Phillips immediately wired BUMED with a request for anti-cholera vaccine and necessary drugs for treating the disease Within 24 hours BUMED tapped into its medical supply depot in Brooklyn, N.Y. (a forerunner of the Naval Medical Readiness Logistics Command) and arranged for “10,000 poundsofcriticallyneededvaccine,plasma

and other medical supplies” to be flown to Cairo Additionalsupplieswereprovidedby the U.S. Army, Great Britain, India and the RepublicofChina MedicalsuppliesweretakentoNAMRU-3 where personnel—working in tandem with Egyptian staff from the Abbassia Fever Hospital—beganvaccinatingthelocalpopulation. NAMRU-3 also sent field teams to vaccinate schools and shared supplies with the government for distribution throughout Egypt. It is estimated that NAMRU-3 personnel inoculated some 1,000 people a dayoverthenextmonth.

As NAMRU-3 was projecting medical power through “shots in arms,” the more foundationalworkinthefightagainstcholera was taking place behind the scenes. At theAbbassiaFeverHospital,Phillipsandhis team embarked on a landmark clinical and laboratoryinvestigationintothedisease By studyingcholerapatients theywereableto estimate “quantitatively the[ir] degree of hydration. This information enabled them to determine the necessary volume and composition of intravenous fluids needed bythepatient.Applicationofthistechnique helped NAMRU-3 reduce the mortality among cholera patients at the hospital to between5and7.5percent Asacomparison, the mortality rate for cholera patients not treated by NAMRU-3 during the epidemic wasastaggering50percent.

NAMRU-3’seffortsgarneredgreatattention throughout Egypt. On October 7, 1947, Le Phare Egyptian, a local newspaper

publishedaneditorialcallingtheU.S.Navyledefforttovaccinatethecountryas“oneof the most spectacular examples of medical cooperationinhistory.

Dr Claude Herman Barlow, an American-born scientist employed with the Egyptian Ministry of Health wrote James Forrestal—the newly appointed (and first) U.S. Secretary of Defense—calling attention to the lab’s impact on the country: “To my mind NAMRU #3 is the greatest single asset which the USA has ever succeeded in presentingasagoodwillliaisonbetweentwo countries. It can do more for cordial diplomatic relationships than could be done by yearsofotherdiplomaticagencies.”

Postscript: Egypt and the United States formalized an agreement recognizing NAMRU-3’s status and allowing for construction of a new permanent home on 2.5 acres adjacent to the Abbassia Fever Hospital. NAMRU-3’s headquarterswerecommissionedon“Navy Day, October 27, 1948 and formally dedicatedinJanuary1950 Overthenext50years

NAMRU-3 became the Navy’s preeminent biomedical laboratory and, for a time, was themilitary’slargestoverseasmedicallab

NAMRU-3 began relocating its headquarters from Cairo to Sigonella Sicily, in December2019

In May 2023, NAMRU-3 was renamed “NAMRU-EURAFCENT”reflectingitsrole in supporting efforts across CENTCOM, AFRICOMandEUCOM

Forhiseffortsinhelpingtofightthe cholera threat, Phillips was awarded theEgyptianGoldCholeraMedalfrom Dr NagibIskanderin1947

In 1955, Phillips was promoted to Captainandselectedasthecommandingofficerofthere-activatedNAMRU2, then based in Taipei, Taiwan. It was there that Phillips developed a glucose-based oral rehydration therapy which helped reduce the cholera mortalityratetolessthan1percent.In 1967 Phillips was awarded the prestigious Lasker Prize for his work on cholera—thefirstU.S.militarymedical officerrecognizedwiththishonor.His awardisondisplayattheNavalMedical Research Command (NMRC) in SilverSpring,Md

Today, the work of Navy Medical R&DcontinuesthroughouttheUnited States SouthAmerica,Africa Europe and across Asia. And although individual NAMRUs have been impacted by geopolitics as well as mission and name changes, the important roles that they and their teams of researchersplayremainsasvitalasever


„ Barlow,C.H.toSecretaryofDefenseJames Forrestal October 8, 1947 Correspondence Files, BUMED Record Group 52, National ArchivesII,CollegePark,MD. „ Gallagher,N.E.(1990).Egypt’sotherwars: Epidemicsandthepoliticsofpublichealth. Syracuse,NY:SyracuseUniversityPress „ Kamal, A.M. (1958). Cholera: Epidemiology of communicable diseases

Anglo-EgyptianBookshop Publisher

„ Phillips R.A to Chief Research Division

Bureau of Medicine and Surgery Use of Blood Plasma in Cholera Therapy, 10 May 1948 Correspondence Files, BUMED Record Group 52, National Archives II, CollegePark,MD „ Pugh, H.L. Memorandum for the Secretary of the Navy: Medical Supplies

Furnished in Near East in Present Cholera Epidemic, 29 September 1947

Correspondence Files, BUMED Record Group 52, National Archives II, College Park,MD

„ Savarino, S.J. (August 2002). A legacy in 20thcenturymedicine:RobertAllanPhillips andthetamingofcholera.ClinicalInfectious Diseases35(6) „ VanHeyningen,W.E.andSeal,J.R.(1983).

Cholera: The American scientific experience,1947-1980 WestviewPress

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in September1947 as Egyptwas in the throes ofa deadlycholera epidemic,NavyMedicinewent into action.Working in tandemwith personnel at theAbbassia FeverHospital in Cairo,NavyMedicine began vaccinating the local population and conductingvital research fortreating cholera.(PHOTOSFROMBUMED ARCHIVES)

Recipients honored for commitment to service members, families

DOD News

The Defense Department’s Spirit of Hope Award was awarded to six people and a nonprofit organization dedicated to helpingmilitaryfamiliesduringaPentagon ceremony last week.

Theawardispresentedannuallytorecipientswhoepitomizethevaluesofcomedian Bob Hope: duty honor courage loyalty commitment,integrityandselflessdedication.Recipientsarenominatedandselected by each of the military services Hope entertained troops from World War II through Operation Desert Shield.

The awardees are also expected to have contributedtime,talentandresourcesthat benefitservicemembersandtheirfamilies

Acting Undersecretary of Defense for PersonnelandReadinessAshishS.Vazirani saidHopewasalwaysdedicatedtosupporting the nation’s military He often insisted on traveling to the front lines, even occasionally placing himself in harm’s way. Hope wanted to put on a variety show of comedy, singing and dancing to those far fromthecomfortsofhome,alwaysbringing thesamelevelofenergyandenthusiasmto every performance, Vazirani said. His shows provided a moment of levity inanotherwisedarkandchallengingtime Theseperformancesservedasadistraction from the misery of war, bringing service members a pleasant reminder of home while they were deployed in distant lands and seas, Vazirani said Hope was also a frequent visitor of woundedservicemembers aswellasveterans in hospitals, he said. “These values of Bob Hope in service to the warfighter are also embodied by the recipients we are paying tribute to today.

The Awardees

OfficeoftheSecretaryofDefenserecipient:WalterE.Penk,aclinicalandresearch psychologist, now retired after 60 years with the Department of Veterans Affairs Penk improved the treatment of wounded and injured veterans and changed the nation’s outlook about the critical role of post-service employment as service members transition into civilian life.

Air Force recipient: Senior Master Sgt. Christina S. Schwarztrauber, first sergeant with the 78th Security Forces Squadron at Robins Air Force Base Georgia for outstandingleadershipandcare.Schwarz-

trauber’s efforts were vital to the health, welfare, and success of military and civilianpersonnelanddirectlyimpacted24,000 personnel.

Armyrecipient:BrendaL.Seubert,administrativeofficerwiththe838thTransportation Battalion Kaiserslautern, Germany, for contributing an extraordinary amount of time in the service of the Kaiserslauternmilitarycommunity Seubertbyvolunteeringinafter-schoolprogramsforthelast 25 years and assisting Ukrainian refugees living in Poland during her Thanksgiving break in November 2022.

Coast Guard recipient: Leroy “Roy” Vander Putten, a trustee emeritus for the CoastGuardFoundation,forfoundingand

funding Enlisted Education Grants and Spouse Education Grants Putten and his wife funded a Christmas party for Station Lake Worth Inlet, Florida, providing gifts for the children of the unit.

Marine Corps recipient: Capt. Jergen D. Campbell with the Marine Aircraft Group 12 at Marine Corps Air Station lwakuni, Japan, for efforts in suicide prevention, morale-buildingevents,resiliencyoutreach events and speaking engagements. Campbell’s efforts that benefited the mental and physical well-being of service members, veterans and their families

Navy recipient: Anthony Allen Teravainen, on behalf of Support the Enlisted Project (STEP), San Diego, for support-

ing the Enlisted Project. Teravainen also devoting time to the social, welfare and moraleneedsofjunior,active-duty,enlisted service members, as well as recently separatedenlistedveteransandtheirfamiliesin SouthernCaliforniaandWashingtonstate

Space Force recipient: Maj. Nathaniel J. Lee chief of training requirements

Headquarters Space Training and ReadinessCommandinColoradoSprings,Colorado,forcommitmenttoGoldStarfamilies throughworkwiththeTragedyAssistance Program for Survivors Lee served as a group leader and legacy mentor at children’s camps, leading 23 military mentors and over 100 survivors in bonding, grief work, and art therapy activities.


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6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, September 28 2023
From left to right: Comedian Hal Block,comedian Bob Hope,actorBarneyDean,ArmyLt Gen.George S.Patton,singerFrances Langford and musicianTonyRomano pose fora photo in Sicily Italy Aug.21 1943.Hope and his USO troupe arrived in Sicilythree days afterthe 7thArmytook the keytown ofMessina,Italy (PHOTOCOURTESYLIBRARYOFCONGRESS)
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DOD to upgrade discharges from ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy

TheDefenseDepartmentisnowworkingto upgradeveterans’dischargesthatwerelessthan honorableasaresultofthepolicy. PageB4

NHHC awards top honors for historic Navy preservation efforts


Naval History and Heritage Command

ALBANY NEW YORK Naval History andHeritageCommand(NHHC)presented

the 2022-2023 Naval Museum Excellence Awards during the annual Historic Naval Ship Association (HNSA) Conference in AlbanyNewYork,Sept.21.

The annual awards program recognizes non-federalorganizations,includingmuseums and individuals for incorporating the history and heritage of the United States Navy into their publications, documents, and artifacts at their facilities. Applicants were assessed on their ability to encourage andpublicizescholarlymaterialsorlectures that depict the Navy’s history and heritage andontheorganization’sabilitytopreserve andmaintainartifactsonloanfromtheNavy

The winners of NHHC’s 2022-2023 Museum

Excellence Awards were:



„ StocktonMaritimeMuseum


„ USSHORNETSea,AirandSpace Museum

„ PacificFleetSubmarineMuseum

„ IndependenceSeaportMuseum


„ USSHORNETSea,AirandSpace Museum

A core NHHC mission is to honor those who served in the Navy and to educate the American people on the nation’s rich Navy legacy

“The Navy has limited resources to meet its mission of sharing our Navy’s heritage,” saidJeffBarta,DeputyAssistantDirectorof NHHC’sMuseumsDivision,whocurrently manages 10 of the Navy’s museums across the country “Our partnership with our HNSA partners really acts as a force multiplier for us We’re able to share best practices and optimize what we do have What this means is this collaboration expands our shared goals to recognize our service veterans and to inspire our next generation ofNavyheroes.

The History and Heritage Excellence Pennant is presented to an organization for outstandingoverallachievementinitsoperations to include curation/conservation, exhibitory and Navy history education to thepublic.

The Stockton Maritime Museum earned recognition for their efforts in History and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) programming Their efforts, incollaborationwiththeSanJoaquinBuild FuturesAcademy,toaddplumbingforafire suppression system aboard USS LUCID addsanadditionallayerofprotectiontothis pricelesspieceofNavalheritage.

The Maintenance Excellence Pennant is presented to an organization that has demonstratedoutstandingimprovementof theconditionofanartifactoverthepastyear

The USS Hornet Sea, Air and Space Museum demonstrated their dedication to naval heritage with the care and resto-

ration of an S-2 Tracker Aircraft. Originally acquired in 2000 from a private owner the full exterior restoration of the S-2 aircraft began in 2020 and concluded in January 2022. The museums restoration efforts culminated in a Memorial Day event dedicated to former USS Hornet S-2 crew memberswhowentmissinginaction.

The Pacific Fleet Submarine Museum earned the Maintenance Excellence Pennant through the successful dry-dockingofUSSBowfin.Thedry-dockingenabled the museum team to make a variety of repairs including the reapplication of the ceramic base paint, the incorporation of a new cathodic protection system and a new topside electrical distribution system. The dry-docking marks only the third time USS Bowfin has been docked since it’s decommissioning in 1954 and ensures the ship is safeforpublicdisplaythrough2040

The Independence Seaport Museum earned recognition for their efforts on the below waterline hull maintenance of USS Olympia through the innovative use of a cofferdam. Prior to this undertaking the steel hulled vessel was unable to be towed to dry-dock and its continued operation as a museum was questioned. However, the efforts of the museum team have stabilized the ship’s hull and made future restoration projectspossible

The Curatorial Excellence Pennant is awarded to an organization that has achieved excellence in the curation of the collections in its care, including maintaining and interpreting Navy artifacts on loan fromNHHC

The USS Hornet Sea, Air and Space Museum was recognized for their recent

exhibit on the history of African Americans in the Military as well as their display and conservation of a Biological Isolation Garment (BIG). Their History of African AmericansintheMilitaryexhibithighlights black service members who earned valor and distinction throughout our nation’s history The BIG suit conservation efforts included various repairs using an innovative technique involving the use of external magnets

For additional information on the Museum Excellence Awards visit: https:// www.history.navy.mil/content/history/ nhhc/get-involved/nhhc-awards-program. html

NHHC, located at the Washington Navy Yard, is responsible for preserving, analyzing,anddisseminatingU.S.navalhistoryand heritage. It provides the knowledge foundation for the Navy by maintaining historically relevant resources and products that reflect the Navy’s unique and enduring contributions through our nation’s history and supports the fleet by assisting with and delivering professional research, analysis, and interpretive services NHHC comprises many activities, including the Navy Department Library, the Navy Operational Archives, the Navy art and artifact collections underwater archeology Navy histories ten museums USS Constitution repairfacility,andthehistoricshipNautilus

For more news from NHHC, visit www history.navy.mil

NAVFAC Washington completes multiple award contract for construction throughout the National Capital Region

Naval Facilities Engineering Systems

Command Washington


NavalFacilitiesEngineeringSystems Command (NAVFAC) Washington awardedtoHenselPhelpsConstruction Company (large business), Tysons Virginia, Balfour Beatty (large business), Falls Church, Virginia, Grunley Construction Company, Inc. (large business), Rockville, Maryland, Clark Construction Group, LLC (large business), Bethesda, Maryland, Consigli Construction, Co., Inc. (large business), Washington,DistrictofColumbia,anindefinite-delivery indefinite-quantity multiple award design-build/design bid build construction contract for large general constructionprojectslocatedintheGreater NationalCapitalRegionSeptember19 The maximum dollar value, including the base period and four option years for all five contracts combined is $950,000,000

Construction projects to be performed under this multiple award construction contract (MACC) will primarily consist of general building type projects and may be either design-bid-build (DBB) or design-build (DB). General construction of DBB and DB projects include, but are not limited to new construction, demolition, repair alteration, and renovation of buildings systems and infrastructure and may include civil, structural, mechanical, electrical, fire protection, and communication systems Types of facilities include administrative, industrial, maintenance,

warehouse, hangar, communications, personnel support, recreation, lodging, dormitory, medical, training, range, roads, etc. in support of the NAVFAC Washington Area of Responsibility in the Greater National Capital Region. Hensel Phelps Construction Company is being awarded the initial firm-fixed price task order at $43,780,445 for construction of a hazardous cargo pad and explosive ordinance proficiency range on Joint Base Andrews,Maryland.Thetaskordercontains one unexercised option in the amount of $194,009,which,ifexercised,wouldincrease

the cumulative task order value to $43,974,454

The work to be completed for this initial firm-fixed price task order includes construction of an aircraft hazardouscargopad,aconcretetaxiway,asphalttaxiwayshoulders,andan explosiveordinanceproficiencyrange that includes anarea for a detonation bunker and a concrete protection bunkeronJointBaseAndrews Maryland.Workforthistaskorderisexpectedto becompletedbyNovember2025.

All work detailed under this MACC will beperformedintheGreaterNationalCapital Region The term of the contract is not to exceed 60 months, with an expected completionofSeptember2028.Futuretask orderswillbeprimarilyfundedbyoperation andmaintenance,NavyandMILCONfunding.Thesefivecontractorsmaycompetefor task orders under the terms and conditions oftheawardedcontract

Naval Historyand Heritage Command’s DeputyAssistant DirectorforMuseums Division and retired naval aviator JeffBarta,standswith USS SLATERDE-766 Program ManagerShanna Shuster and Executive DirectorTim Rizzuto beside the historic ship museum anchored in the Hudson Riverduring the Historical Naval ShipAssociation (HNSA) conference inAlbany,NewYorkSept 21 Naval ship museums and memorials from across the countrygathered to share practices and resources to more effectivelymemorialize Navyveterans and to educate current and future generations about the Navy’s rich legacyofservice and sacrifice (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYJAMESSLATER/RELEASED)
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, September 28 2023 1

NHHC releases new book in its “U.S.NavyOperations in World WarII” commemorativeseries


NavalHistory and Heritage Command

WASHINGTON NAVY YARD —Naval History and Heritage Command(NHHC) announced the release of anew publication, “Onthe VergeofBreaking Down Completely”: Surviving the Kamikaze off Okinawa,1945,online,Sept.21,2023.

The new book, written by GuyNasuti, a historian at NHHC,explores the kamikaze attacks that took place duringthe battleof Okinawa and theimpacttheseattacks had onthesailorswhofoughtduringthebattle.

Duringthe BattleofOkinawa (1 April—22 June 1945), American sailors confronted their mostdestructiveenemy of the Pacific War: the kamikaze of theImperial Japanese Special Attack Corps.Overthe course of what quickly became the deadliestengagementeverfoughtbytheU.S.Navy,American navalofficersandtheircrewsdevelopednew tactics to counter the brutal onslaught of a suicidalenemywhose sole purposewas to demoralize theU.S.fleet and inflictasmany casualties as possible.With Japanese hopes for anegotiated peace fading,the nation’s militaryleadersviewedthekamikazeastheir lasthope to prevent U.S. forces fromreachingthehomeislandsandcompellingJapan’s unconditionalsurrender.Indeed,forthefirst time in the war, the number of U.S. sailors

who perished wasgreater than the number of American soldiers or Marines who died fightingtosecuretheisland.

Drawingonthe accountsofenlistedsailors,thisstudyshedsnewlightonthedesperate struggle off Okinawa and provides fresh insightintotheterrifyingordealofmenunder the relentlessassaultofsuicideattacks.Ultimately,Americansailors’tenacityandability toadaptinordertowinduringWorldWarII shouldserveasenduringinspirationtothose servingintheU.S.Navytoday.

“These men were exhausted and angry

at the Japanese for killing their friends and hittingtheirships”,saidNasuti.“TheyperseveredinallthattheydidandcontinuedfightinguntilJapansurrendered.”

Todownloada508-compilantPDFversion ofthebookpleasevisit:https://www.history. navy.mil/research/publications/publications-by-subject/on-the-verge-of-breakingdown-completely.html

To check out other publications from NHHC,visit: https://www.history.navy.mil/research/ publications.html NHHC,located at the Washington Navy Yard,isresponsible forpreserving, analyzing,anddisseminatingU.S.navalhistoryand heritage.Itprovides theknowledgefoundation for theNavybymaintaining historically relevant resources and productsthatreflect theNavy’suniqueandenduringcontributions throughournation’shistoryandsupportsthe fleet by assistingwithand delivering professional research, analysis,and interpretive services.NHHCcomprises manyactivities, includingthe Navy Department Library,the NavyOperationalArchives,theNavyartand artifact collections, underwater archeology Navy histories,ten museums,USS Constitutionrepair facility, and the historic ship Nautilus Formorenews from NHHC,visit www history.navy.mil

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Invasion that NeverWas: Operation Causewayand its Lessons, during the McMullen Naval History Symposium held at the U.S.NavalAcademyinAnnapolis,Maryland.The CNO Naval HistoryEssayContest originated in 2017 began underthen CNOJohn Richardson to furtherunderstanding ofhowlessons from historycan inform the Navy’swayahead.The goal ofthe contest is to leverage the knowledge and creativityofcurrent and formeruniformed and civilian members ofthe U.S.maritime services the Merchant Marines,and professional historians to broaden and deepen the Navy’swarfighting knowledge byapplying lessons from historyto help ensure maritime superiorityin an era ofgreat powercompetition.Naval Historyand Heritage Command (NHHC) manages the annual essaycontest on behalfofthe CNO supported bythe U.S.Naval Institute –which has been running essaycontests since 1878.The symposium,hosted bythe U.S.NavalAcademyHistoryDepartment thisworld-renowned event is held bienniallyto highlight the latest research on naval and maritime historyfrom academics and practitioners all overthe globe.(PHOTOBYCLIFFORDDAVIS,NAVALHISTORYANDHERITAGECOMMAND)

Winners of CNO’s

Naval History and Heritage Command


Adm. Fred Kacher, Acting Superintendent oftheU.S.NavalAcademy,presentedawards totherecipientsoftheChiefofNavalOperation’s 2023 Naval History Essay Contest duringtheMcMullenNavalHistorySymposium luncheon held at the U.S. Naval AcademyonSept 21.

For this year’s contest, 117 essays were submitted 67intheRisingHistoriancategory, 13 in the Professional category, and 37 intheStudentHistoriancategory.

TheCNONavalHistoryEssayContestoriginated in 2017 began under then CNO Adm. John Richardson to further understanding of how lessons from history can inform the Navy’s way ahead. The goal of the contest is to leverage the knowledge and creativity of current and former uniformed and civilian members of the U.S. maritime services, the Merchant Marines, and professional historians to broaden and deepen the Navy’s warfighting knowledge by applying lessons from historytohelpensuremaritimesuperiorityin aneraofgreatpowercompetition.

“OurNavy’sstoryisever-growing,andour fleet’s legacy shines bright. This endeavor is personally important to me,” said Kacher whoisalsotheauthorofseveralNavalInstitute Press books “I’m a Sailor by trade, but my writing life which is a vocation started with a contest similar to this That was the gateway for me to explore, think, learn and write. And I could not be more grateful for this tradition that we have started nearly a century ago that still provides a venue to celebrate independent thought.Iwanttopraiseallthecontestants for having the courage to write and submit anessay.Alltheparticipantsfacedthewriter’s greatest adversary the blank page Your submissions and efforts have tremendous value to the fleet. We may not be able

2023 Naval Essay Contest announced

to predict the future. We don’t know what competitionorconflicttomorrowmaybring, but the rigorous study and reflection can assure we are better prepared for whatever challengesremainahead.”

Previous years of the competition had onlytwocategories:ProfessionalandRising

This year’s contest expanded the competitiontoincludeaStudentHistoriancategory.

Award recipients:


„ First place: Mr Andrew Blackley; “A Double-Edged Sword: The Legacy Bases of the Central Pacific,” Independent scholar and 2nd place Professional Historian categoryrecipientin2022

„ Second place: Cmdr Jeff Vandenengel, “FightingSailandSubmarines” Blackley’s first-place Professional Historian Category essay encourages leaders to consider the forward-looking strategic dilemma Adm. Chester Nimitz’ offered in 1944 regarding remaining WWII-constructed island bases and airfields in the Pacific Theater The legacy bases of the Central Pacific, while supporting defensive and offensive support that gave the United States the advantage during the Second World War, also provide a means for forces to move in either direction, and the possibility of new aggressors to utilizing them to assertdominanceintheIndo-Pacificarea


„ First Place: (co-authors) Maj. Ryan Ratcliffe,U.S.MarineCorps,andDr Douglas Bryant; “Learning from History in the Making: Combining Lessons from Ukraine and Naval History to Attain Maritime Superiority”

„ Second Place: Cmdr Richard O. Morgan, U.S. Naval Reserve; “Disruptive TechnologiesandGreatPowerConflict:The

VCNO Hosts 25th International


NEWPORT,R.I ViceChief of Naval Operations Adm. Lisa Franchetti welcomed international heads of Navy and Coast Guard from nearly 100 nations at the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island, September 19-22, for the 25th InternationalSeapowerSymposium(ISS).

First held in Newport in 1969, and biennially thereafter, ISS offers a forum for dialogue between international navies, coast guards, and the Marine Corpstobolstermaritimesecurity by providing opportunities tocollaborate,developtrust,and furthernavy-to-navytraining

“EveryNavyandCoastGuard representedherecontributesto the stability of the global maritimecommons,”saidFranchetti.

“Whether you are countering drug trafficking, human smuggling, illicit weapons transfers, illegal and unregulated fishing or piracy, policing territorial waters delivering humanitarian aid, food, or medicine to people in need assisting mariners stranded at sea, escorting cargo transports or tankers, or deploying forces forward, each nation here is a vital linkinthechainthatformstheglobalmaritimesecuritynetwork.”

Throughout this year’s symposium, themed “Security Through Partnership,” panels and speakers highlighted the multinationalroleofalliesandpartnersincompetition,crisis,andconflict.

“We have the opportunity to choose engagement over withdrawal, to promote integration over fragmentation, to favor inclusion over exclusion, to champion

collaboration over protectionism, and to choose principles over sheer power, as the basis for a partnership that benefits everyone,”saidFranchetti.

In addition to VCNO, delegates heard remarks from Secretary of the Navy Carlos DelToro U.S.AmbassadortoAustraliaCaroline Kennedy and U.S. Naval War College PresidentRearAdm.PeterGarvin.

“The United States has always been a maritime nation,” said Kennedy “From our earliest days, our history was shaped by the sea AsanAtlanticandPacificpowerdepen-


„ Third Place: Lt Vince Kindfuller, U.S. Navy; “Rekindling Innovation in Naval Exercises: Lessons from the Interwar Fleet Problems,1923-1940”

In the Rising Historian Category, Ratcliffe’s and Bryant’s first-place entry assesses current and historical conflicts to illustratewhiledeterrence shouldremain a core tenet of the national defense strategy, investing in warfighting capabilities that cement our tactical advantage particularly in the maritime domain must take precedence.


„ FirstPlace:MidshipmanFirstClassLiam

Nawara, U.S. Naval Academy; “Lessons for a Wartime U.S. Navy: STUFT Vessels in the FalklandsWar”

„ Second Place: Midshipman First Class

Nels J. Waaraniemi, U.S. Naval Academy; “The Invasion that Never Was: Operation CausewayanditsLessons”

„ Third Place: Midshipman Third Class Pierre S. Briand, University of Southern California,NROTC;“RivalryandConfusion at Leyte: Lessons for Sea Control in the Pacific

Nawara’s winning Student Historian Category essay looks at how the Royal Navy had to rely upon converted commercial “ships take up from trade (STUFT)” vessels for military use in 1982 after divesting their warfare assets the previous year Nawara suggests the U.S. Navy could face a similar capability gap in future conflicts andanalyzestheBritishuseofthesevessels to offer challenges and success the U.S. mightfaceundertakingacommercialvessel conversionprogram.

Naval History and Heritage Command (NHHC) manages the annual essay contest

on behalf of theCNO, supported bythe U.S. Naval Institute which has been running essaycontestssince1878.

“Historyisnotacollectionofnostalgiato bepulledoutforanniversaries Historyinits true form is the systematic study and documentation of a past to inform a future. As the U.S. Navy’s institutional memory, Naval HistoryandHeritageCommandcontinually strives to preserve and present an accurate history of the U.S. Navy, sharing hard-won historicallessonsinsupportofcurrentoperations,” said NHHC Director Samuel Cox. “We take our mission seriously, and these annual essay awards are just one way we invite others to join us in that endeavor. The essays authored by this year’s award recipients are diverse insightful, historical perspectives meant to influence and improvefutureoperations.”

All winning essays will be published in USNI’s Proceedings or Naval History in 2024 Following publication, essays will be available (along with additional information on the CNO Naval Essay Contest) at https://www.history.navy.mil/get-involved/ essay-contest.html.

NHHC, located at the Washington Navy Yard, is responsible for the preservation, analysis, and dissemination of U.S. naval historyandheritage.Itprovidestheknowledge foundation for the Navy by maintaining historically relevant resources and products that reflect the Navy’s unique and enduringcontributionsthroughournation’s history and supports the fleet by assisting with and delivering professional research analysis, and interpretive services NHHC iscomposedofmanyactivitiesincludingthe Navy Department Library, the Navy Operational Archives, the Navy art and artifact collections, underwater archeology, Navy histories, ten museums, USS Constitution repairfacilityandthehistoricshipNautilus

For more news from NHHC visit www history.navy.mil

Symposium in Newport

Del Toro conveyed the significanceofdiscussingthesetopics asagroup “It’s important to recognize that the dialogues we had this week doesn’t end at the closing ceremony. Our entire department is excited to continue engaging with each nation long after we leave Newport,” said Del Toro “It’s in our collective interest to work together in defenseofoursharedidealsand preserve a maritime common thatisfreeandopenforalltouse for the benefit of every nation aroundtheglobe.”

The War College also hosted a technology demonstration consisting of seven exhibit stations showcasing cutting edgeU.S.Navyunmannedtechnology capabilities ISS delegates had the opportunity to witnessreal-worldapplications for selected equipment, gaining concrete technical knowledge, and interacting directly with U.S. Navy subject matter experts

dent on trade and commerce, the U.S. Navy hasalwaysbeenatthecenterofournational identity,workingtoexploreandunderstand the oceans, and keep the seas free and open forall.”

The symposium included three regional briefs, four panels and featured delegates frommorethan35countriesthroughavarietyofpresentationsthroughouttheweek

Some topics and interest areas discussed includedseabedinfrastructure;illegal,unreported, and unregulated maritime activity; artificialintelligence;andpeople.Secretary

As the week concluded, Franchetti thanked the delegatesandtheirspousesfortheir trust and confidence in the U.S. Navyasamaritimepartner

“TheUnitedStatesNavyistrulyhonored to have been able to host you here in Newport, and it was a great privilege for me personally to have spent the last few dayswithyou,”remarkedFranchetti.“This symposium is one of the most important events our Navy does, and it’s so meaningful because all of you choose to invest your time and share your thoughts with one another.”


U.S.Naval Institute,retiredViceAdm.PeterH.Dalypresent
to Midshipman First Class Nels J.Waaraniemi
ANNAPOLIS,MD (Sept.21 2023) RearAdm.Fred Kacher acting Superintendent forthe NavalAcademy; Naval Historyand Heritage Command Director,retired Rear
Cox; Dr Jennifer
NavyLeague Foundation Board ofDirectors; and ChiefExecutive Officerofthe
forhis second prize essayin the Midshipman and Cadets Categorytitled,“The Seapower NEWPORT,R.I.(Sept.20,2023) –Vice ChiefofNaval OperationsAdm.Lisa Franchetti meetswith U.S.Ambassadorto Australia Caroline Kennedyduring the 25th International SeapowerSymposium (ISS),in Newport,R.I,Sept 20 ISS is a biennial event hosted bythe Office ofthe ChiefofNaval Operations (CNO) at the United States NavalWarCollege since 1969.The symposium provides a forum fordialogue that bolsters maritime securitybyproviding opportunities for international heads ofnavies and coast guards to collaborate,develop trust,and furthermaritime training (U.S.NAVY
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, September 28 2023 3

DOD to upgrade discharges from ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ policy

DOD News

Today marks the 12th anniversary of the repealofthe“Don’tAsk,Don’tTell policythat was effective from Feb. 28, 1994, to Sept 20, 2011 Sept 20, 2011, was “a historic day for the DepartmentofDefensethatmadeourmilitary stronger, Deputy Defense Secretary Kathleen HickssaidataPentagonnewsbriefingtoday.

Hicks also said the Defense Department is now working to upgrade veterans’ dischargesthatwerelessthanhonorableas aresultofthepolicy

DOD Instruction 1304.26 widely known asthe Don’tAsk,Don’tTellpolicy, prohibited military personnel from discriminating against or harassing non-heterosexual service members who did not reveal their sexual orientation, while barring openly LGBTQ+personsfrommilitaryservice

Some LGBTQ+ service members were given discharges that may have resulted in deniedaccesstoveterans’benefits including home loans, health care, GI Bill tuition assistanceandevensomegovernmentjobs, shesaid.

Since the repeal, DOD has helped eligible veterans discharged because of their

sexual orientation access the benefits they deserve.Morethanfouroutoffiveveterans who’ve applied for discharge upgrades or recordscorrectionshavebeensuccessful but others might not have taken the opportunity shesaid Hicks said some veterans haven’t gotten theirdischargesupgradedbecause:

The application process was harder to navigatethanitistoday.

They’re worried about whether they would be treated with dignity and respect afterthepainfulexperiencessuffered


Over the last two-plus years DOD has workedtomaketheprocesseasier shesaid, explainingstepsthedepartmenthastaken.

The department is re-doubling its outreach to LGBTQ+ veterans discharged under “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell,” to encourage anyone who might be eligible to apply for correctionstotheirmilitaryrecords,includingtotheirdischargepaperwork,shesaid.

This outreach campaign will be online by mail, through nonprofits and veterans service organizations, and other avenues It starts today with a new online resource, which will be continuously updated with relevantinformation,shesaid.

There will be more information, includ-

ing on podcasts and webinars, to explain howtheprocessworksandencouragethose whoaren’tsureifthey’reeligibletoconsider applying,shesaid.

Also, beginning today, DOD will, for the first time, begin proactively reviewing the military records of veterans discharged because of their sexual orientation to identifythosewhomaybeeligiblefordischarge upgrades,buthaven’tyetapplied,Hickssaid DODwillfirstidentifyveteransdischarged duringthe“Don’tAsk,Don’tTell”periodand thentakestepstoretrievetheirrelevantmilitaryrecords forexamplefromtheNational Archives.Afterapreliminaryreviewandan assessmentthatanupgradeindischargemay bewarranted,DODwilltransmitthenames to the service secretaries for consideration and potential correction through the Military Department Boards for Correction of Military/NavalRecords DOD will seek to collaborate with the Department of Veterans Affairs and the NationalArchivesincaseswheretheymight havedigitizedrecordsthatcanhelpexpedite thereview,shesaid.

“Whenwefindindicationsthatsomeone’s less-than-honorable discharge was due to theirsexualorientation,we’llputtheirname forwardtotheirrespectivemilitary depart-

ment’s review board for consideration,” Hickssaid

This will be done with measures to preserve the privacy and dignity of each veteran,sheadded

Even as DOD begins these systematic records reviews, it may not catch everyone who’s eligible For instance, if someone’s military records or discharge papers don’t saywhytheystoppedserving,thenitmight behardtodiscernwhetherDon’tAsk,Don’t Tellwasafactor,shesaid.

Hicks encouraged everyone to visit the new webpage Spotlight: Don’t Ask, Don’t TellResources andshareitwithothers.

“Weknowcorrectingtheserecordscannot fullyrestorethedignitytakenfromLGBTQ+ service members when they were expelled fromthemilitary.Itdoesn’tcompletelyheal theunseenwoundsthatwereleft Itdoesn’t make people whole again, even for those manywhoreceivedhonorabledischarges. “Butthisisyetanotherstepwe’retakingto make sure we do right by those who served honorablydespitebeingforcedtohidewho theyareandwhotheylovewhileservingthe country they love Even if the department didn’tseeitthen,weseeitnow,”shesaid.

DOD names 8 locations to serve as new ‘Microelectronics Commons’ hubs

Under the CHIPS and Science Act, the Defense Department today announced the award of nearly $240 million dollars to eight regional “innovation hubs” around theUnitedStateswhichwillbeapartofthe MicroelectronicsCommons,andwhichwill benefitboththedepartmentandtheUnited Statesbyspurringdevelopmentofadomestic microelectronics manufacturing industry “The Microelectronics Commons is focused on bridging and accelerating the ‘lab-to-fab’ transition, that infamous valley ofdeathbetweenresearchanddevelopment andproduction,”saidDeputyDefenseSecretaryKathleenHicksduringabriefingtoday at the Pentagon. “While America is a world leaderintheinnovativeresearchanddesign ofmicroelectronics,we’velaggedintheability to prototype, manufacture and produce thematscale That’swhattheCHIPSActis meanttosupercharge.”

Theeightregionalhubsinclude: TheNortheastMicroelectronicsCoalition

Hub. This hub is led by the Massachusetts TechnologyCollaborativeinMassachusetts has90hubmembers,andhasbeenawarded $19.7million.

The Silicon Crossroads Microelectronics Commons Hub. This hub is led by the Applied Research Institute in Indiana, has 130 hub members, and has been awarded $32.9million.

TheCaliforniaDefenseReadyElectronics andMicrodevicesSuperhubHub.Thishub isledbytheUniversityofSouthernCalifornia in California, has 16 hub members and hasbeenawarded$26.9million

The Commercial Leap Ahead for Wide Bandgap Semiconductors Hub. This hub is ledbytheNorthCarolinaStateUniversityin NorthCarolina,hassevenhubmembersand hasbeenawarded$39.4million.

The Southwest Advanced Prototyping Hub.ThishubisledbytheArizonaBoardof Regents on behalf of Arizona State UniversityinArizona,has27hubmembersandhas beenawarded$39.8million

The Midwest Microelectronics Consortium Hub in Ohio This hub has 65 hub members and has been awarded $24.3


The Northeast Regional Defense TechnologyHub.ThishubisledbytheResearch Foundation for the State University of New YorkinNewYork,has51hubmembers,and hasbeenawarded$40million.

The California-Pacific-Northwest AI Hardware Hub. This hub is led by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University in California has 44 hub members, and has been awarded $15.3 million.

The eight hubs will focus on microelectronic development in areas like electromagnetic warfare; secure computing at the tacticaledgeandtheinternetofthings;artificialintelligencehardware;5Gand6Gwireless;andquantumtechnology,Hickssaid.

“Consistent with our warfighter-centric approach the Microelectronics Commons will get the most cutting-edge microchips into systems our troops use every day: ships, planes, tanks, long-range munitions, communications gear, sensors and much more including the kinds of all-domain, attritableautonomoussystemsthatwe’llbe fieldingthroughDOD’srecentlyannounced


Today,theUnitedStatesisresponsiblefor onlyabout12%ofmicroelectronicsproduction globally, with most production now in Asia.TheU.S.alsolacksmuchofthecapacity toconfirmtheviabilityandmarketabilityof new microelectronics technologies in ways that might convince American industry to investinthem

TheDefenseDepartment-ledMicroelectronicsCommonsaimstoclosethegapsthat exist now which prevent the best ideas in technologyfromreachingthemarket.

With the Microelectronics Commons, novel technology developed domestically will have a better chance of making it from lab to market entirely inside the United States ThecommonswillensureAmerican ingenuitystaysinsidetheU.S.andisn’tstolen by adversaries and that the nation rebuilds the capacity to do on its own what it must nowdependonforeignnationstodo

“These hubs are not just vital to Americanscientific,manufacturingandeconomic competitiveness,”Hickssaid “Theywillalso directly contribute to this Department’s nationaldefensemission.”

anniversaryofthe Don’t askDon’t tell repeal and Defense Department efforts to correct records of veterans.Hicks also announced approximately$240 million in awards forthe establishment ofthe nine microelectronics commons regional innovation hubs at the Pentagon,Washington,D.C Sept 20 2023.(DODPHOTOBYU.S.AIRFORCETECHSGT.JACKSANDERS)
Kathleen Hicks speaks to
about the
Laugh out loud! CHECK OUT THE COMICS IN THE SUNDAYPILOT 4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, September 28 2023

Medal of Honor Highlight: Navy Chief Aviation Pilot Francis E. Ormsbee Jr.

DOD News

Whilenavalaviationwasstillinitsinfancy, Navy Chief Aviation Pilot Francis Edward Ormsbee Jr was ready and willing to take to the skies for his country Before he officially became a pilot, however, he helped rescue a fellow sailor from a plane crash. His heroics earnedhimtheMedalofHonor

Ormsbee was born on April 30, 1892, in Providence, Rhode Island, to parents FrancisSr andSarahOrmsbee Hehadatleastone sibling abrothernamedHarry butotherwise,little else has beenpublished abouthis childhood.

OrmsbeejoinedtheNavyin1917,thesame year the U.S. entered World War I. Naval aviation was just getting off the ground, so to speak, and Ormsbee was interested in becoming a pilot. So, after basic training, he was sent to Naval Air Station Pensacola, Florida,whereflighttrainingactivitieswere operating at a fever pitch in preparation for fighting overseas.

By fall of 1918, Ormsbee was a chief machinist’s mate who was taking part in flight training On Sept. 25 1918 he was in a seaplane above Pensacola Bay with Ensign J.A. Jova when they saw another aircraft go intoatailspinandcrashaboutthree-quarters of a mile away That aircraft was piloted by Ensign Thomas McCarthy and Petty Officer

3rd Class Paul Parsons

Jova and Ormsbee quickly hopped into action. Jova landed his aircraft on the water nearby and taxied to the wreckage. Ormsbee thendoveoverboardtoscourforsurvivorsin theaircraft,whichwasunderwaterexceptfor itswingtips

Jova and Ormsbee quickly hopped into action. Jova landed his aircraft on the water nearby and taxied to the wreckage. Ormsbee thendoveoverboardtoscourforsurvivorsin theaircraft,whichwasunderwaterexceptfor itswingtips

Naval historians said Ormsbee helped establishPanAm’sroutesinCentralandSouth America, including accompanying famed aviator Charles Lindbergh in his survey of those areas Ormsbee even flew the world’s longest airmail route at the time which was fromMiamitoSantiago Chile

In 1935, Ormsbee went to work for the Department of Commerce as an air navigationinspector.

Sadly, he died in a plane crash about a year later, on Oct. 24, 1936. Official reports of the crash stated that he was flying from Washington, D.C., to Fort Worth, Texas, when the weathertookaturnfortheworse Hetriedto land in Ardmore, Oklahoma, to wait out the storm, but he crashed into a mountain north ofthetown.

Ormsbee was buried in St Francis CemeteryinPawtucket,RhodeIsland

NavyChiefAviation Pilot Francis Edward OrmsbeeJr Medal of Honorrecipient (U.S.NAVYPHOTO)
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, September 28 2023 5
Several Curtiss H-9H floatplanes sit on the beach at NavalAirStation Pensacola,Fla.,duringWorldWarI.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO)

Biden meets with Ukraine President, as U.S. sends $325M arms package

The U.S. announced it will send an additional security assistance package for Ukraine valued at up to $325 million as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy concluded his second visit to Washington sinceRussialauncheditsunprovokedinvasion. The package includes additional air defense equipment, artillery rounds, antitankweaponsandotherequipmenttomeet Ukraine’s urgent needs on the battlefield to counterRussia’songoingwarofaggression

PresidentJoeBidenunveiledtheaidpackage after meeting with Zelenskyy at the WhiteHouse.

“We’re committed to help Ukraine build a force capable of ensuring Ukraine’s longterm security, capable of deterring future

threatsagainstsovereignty,territorialintegrityandfreedom,whichareunderwaynow, Biden said. “Because that’s what this is all about the future, the future of freedom. America can never, will never walk away fromthat.”

The latest round of assistance marks the 47thdrawdownofequipmentfromDefense Department inventories for Ukraine since August 2021 and reflects the United States enduringcommitmentinthefaceofRussian aggression.

Zelenskyy’s meeting with Biden capped the Ukrainian president’s daylong tour through Washington, which also included discussionswithlawmakersonCapitolHill and a meeting with defense officials at the Pentagon

In his remarks ahead of the closed-door meetingattheWhiteHouse,Zelenskyysaid that he came to Washington to “strengthen

Ukraine’s position to defend our children, our families, our homes, freedom and democracyintheworld.”

“It’s good that our countries are really, truly allies,” he said before expressing his appreciation for the “vital assistance providedbytheUnitedStatestoUkraineto combatRussia[‘s]terrorism.”

Earlier in the day, Secretary of Defense

Lloyd J. Austin III reaffirmed the United States’ unwavering support for Ukraine duringhismeetingwiththeUkrainianpresidentatthePentagon.

The two discussed the outcome of the mostrecent meetingofmorethan50countriesattheUkraineDefenseContactGroup in Germany earlier this week. Austin also provided Zelenskyy with an update on U.S. security assistance to meet Ukraine’s most urgentbattlefieldneeds.


ment to work with our allies and partners to ensure they have what they need, said Pentagon Press Secretary Air Force Brig Gen PatRyder

Describing the meeting as warm and engaging, Ryder said it also provided them with an opportunity to discuss Ukraine’s longer term capability requirements “and how to support them in the future in terms ofdeterringRussia.

Following the discussion, Zelenskyy and Ukraine’s first lady, Olena Zelenska, joined AustinandArmyGen.MarkA.Milley,chairmanoftheJointChiefsofStaff,forawreath layingceremonyattheNational9/11PentagonMemorial.

“It was very clear that President Zelenskyyverymuchappreciatesthesupportthat the United States, the people of the United StateshaveprovidedtoUkraine,”Rydersaid.

SecretaryofDefense LloydJ.Austin III and Chairman oftheJoint Chiefs ofStaffArmyGen.MarkA.Milleyjoin Ukraine PresidentVolodymyrZelenskyyand OlenaVolodymyrivna Zelenska during a wreath laying ceremonyat the Pentagon 9/11 memorial,Washington,D.C.,Sept 21,2023.(DODPHOTOBYU.S.AIRFORCETECHSGT.JACKSANDERS) YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING careers.tribpub.com 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, September 28 2023
LloydJ.Austin III meetswith Ukrainian PresidentVolodymyrZelenskyyat the Pentagon,Sept 21 2023.(PHOTOBYCHADJ.MCNEELEY,DOD)
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8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, September 28 2023

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Treatyourguests to this special salmon dish.Use simple ingredients likelyfound inyourkitchen pantryto create a sweet and savoryglaze to top it offperfectly! PageC4

Jurassic Quest takes over the Hampton Roads Convention Center this weekend, Park Ranger Marty and Prehistoric Nick tells us all about it


Jurassic Quest is back by popular demand at the Hampton Roads Convention Center September 29th-October 1st, bigger and better than ever It brings a lifetime of immersion memoriesandfunforthewholefamilywiththelargestexhibitionoflifesize moving museum-qualitydinosaursfromthe Cretaceous JurassicandTriassicPeriods

Jurassic Quest, is the largest and most realistic traveling dinosaur experience in North America where you will see true-to-detail dinosaurs,includinga60 footlong,sky-scraping Spinosaurus, 80 foot long Apatosaurus, and the gigantic lifesizeT.rex.

There are also walking Dinosaur rides & Stationery Dinosaur rides, including some of the largest rideable dinosaurs in North America! The Dino Bounce Houses & Bungee Pull Ready Set, Quest, an interactive challenge that leads adventurersthrough10clueswithintheexperience. JurassicQuestisago-at-your-own-pace,self-guidedexperience The average length of stay to enjoy all Jurassic Quest hastoofferis1to2hoursandifyouhaveadinosaurquestion before your Quest, after, or even during, Park Ranger Marty has the DINO 411! Just text your question to 844-DINO-411 or844-346-6411.

For tickets and all the updated info go to https://tickets. jurassicquest.com/hamptonva2023/events/4be6d418-05963b3a-2605-22acc7416111

Here are Park Ranger Marty and Prehistoric Nick, two of Jurassic Quest’s characters to give us some insight into the worldofJurassicQuest.

Yiorgo:Whatshouldpeopleexpecttoseeandexperience when they come to the Jurassic Quest indoor event at the HamptonRoadsConventionCenterthisweekend?

VCW “A Nightmare on Granby


The spooky season is in full swing!



MasonicTempleonSaturdaynightOctober 7th.TheNorfolkMasonicTempleislocated at 7001 Granby Street right next door to GranbyHighSchool.Doorswillopenat6:30 PM. Bell time is 7:30 PM. Tickets are availableonlinenowatvcwprowrestling.com!

Inthemainevent,VirginiaHeavyweight ChampionTheBoardefendshistitleagainst VCW Liberty Champion “The Hoss of All Hosses” Devantes who will be accompanied by “The Manager of Champions Neil Sharkey.AtVCW’slastevent,TheBoarand histagteampartnerEricaLeighwereclose to a history making VCW Tag Team Championship victory That’s when Devantes (who was eliminated by Leigh in this year’s Liberty Lottery) made his presence felt by injuringTheBoar’spartner Ultimately,this would lead to their defeat, which enraged the current Virginia Heavyweight Champion Some have theorized that this was all a part of Neil Sharkey’s master plan to get “TheHossofAllHosses”ashotattherichest prize in Virginia. Devantes has been telling everyonethatwilllistenthatonOctober7th he will be known as “Two Belt Hoss” going forward. With The Sharkey Tank backing him up it’s entirely possible that’s the outcome!

Speaking of the VCW Tag Team Cham-

pionship, the champions N_R_G (Logan EastonLarouxandTheReason)willparticipate in a special Two Versus One Match, when they take on “Mr. Xcellence” Brandon Scott. This unique encounter is part of thefalloutfromthe40thBirthdayCelebration of “The Director” Jerry Stephanitsis. StephanitsiswasembarrassedbytheGolden PinkySocietyandhasputatleastpartofthe blame on Brandon Scott. “The Director” claims he invited Scott to the celebration, but he was too busy preparing for a match toattend.IfBrandonScottwasthere,Stephanitsis surmised, his most embarrassing moment would not have taken place This whole thing seems a bit petty “The Director wentontosayifBrandonScottcanwin this match, he will earn another shot at the Virginia Heavyweight Championship This onecouldprovetobeinteresting “Greek God” Papadon returns to VCW at “A Nightmare on Granby Street” to lock upwithBrazilianJiujitsuWorldChampion “MushMaster”TimSpriggs.Thiswillbethe very first one-on-one bout between these two. Papadon has been on the hunt for a VCWLibertyChampionshiprematch,since losing the gold last December A win here would certainly catapult him back into the title picture. Spriggs would also likely find himself in championship contention if he candefeatthe“GreekGod”onOctober7th. Whoever walks away with the win in this

Park Ranger Marty: It’s all about the children, their parents and grandparents building memories Those big moments that your kids will remember forever about that time they spent with you walking and interacting with lifesize dinosaurs Families always want to do things with their kidsandJurassicQuestisanamazingexperienceforthat.We haveover100animatronicdinosaurs Therearedinosaursso big that you can ride them. We also have walking dinosaurs ourUtahraptorswhoarealsoinanactualshowthatfeatures them.JurassicQuestisnotonlyfunbuteducational.Wehave afossiltablewhereIamtypicallyatandyouseerealandcasts of fossils. That’s the great thing about bringing your kids to a dinosaurshow.Icallitthe‘gatewayscience’becausenowthe kidsgetintogeology,astronomy,biology,etc.Youaresneaking ineducationwhiletheyarehavingagoodtime Wealsohave airbrushtattoosandanareaforkidsundertwo.

Wealsohavethreebabydinosaurs:KellytheCamarasaurus whoisalwaysgrabbingstuff,tryingtoeatmybeard,andsteals things from our guests. Then there is Trixie the Triceratops, thesweetest,cutest,kindnesslittlebabyforthelittleones,and TysontheT-Rex,whoistroubleandahardonetotakecareof

Prehistoric Nick: It’s the largest animatronic show in North America with over 160 million years worth of dinosaursandagreateducationalexperiencefortheentirefamily Wearegatewayscience Youcanteachanypaleoscienceusing dinosaurs

Y:ForthosenotfamiliarwiththeJurassicQueststory can yougivealittlebackgroundhistoryofthecompany?

PN:Itstartedin2013andwehavebeentouringtheUSand Canadaforadecadenow.Thisisour10yearanniversary We bring that joy of seeing life size dinosaurs up close And like

Jurassic Quest takes overthe Hampton Roads Convention Centerthisweekend.(PHOTOSCOURTESYOFJURASSICQUEST)
Street” in Norfolk on Oct.
source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more!
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SevenVenues announces The Harry Potter Film Concert Series opening with Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone™ in Concert



SevenVenues announcedtodaythattheVirginaSymphony will perform Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in Concert on Friday, March 22, 2024aspartoftheHarryPotterFilmConcert Series The concert will feature the Virgina Symphony in performing live, to picture, everynotefromHarryPotterandtheSorcerer’s Stone Audiences will be able to relive the magic of the entire film in high-definition on a 40-foot screen while hearing the Virgina Symphony perform John Williams unforgettablescorelive.Ticketsgoonsaleat 10:00a.m.onFriday,September22ndatthe

Scope Arena box office and Ticketmaster com. The Scope Arena box office is located in the Scope parking garage at 201 E. BrambletonAve,Norfolk,VA23510.Itiscurrently open Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information visit sevenvenues.com/eventsorcall757.664.6464 Visit SevenVenues.comformoreinformation

In 2016, CineConcerts and Warner Bros


VIRGINIA BEACH, Va The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foundation’s annual online auction, Ocean Commotion, is now open for bidding! The organization’sbiggestfundraiseroftheyear presents a range of items, including dozens of unique Aquarium experiences, local attraction passes and more. For the first time, the auction will feature the chance to dive in the Red Sea exhibit or the Norfolk Canyonexhibit.Othernotableauctionitems include the opportunity to name the new tenrec ambassador, a street-legal golf cart and box seat tickets to the Virginia Tech versusSyracusefootballgame.

“Thebidsforthispremierfundraiserhave a direct impact on our work and mission,” said Aquarium Executive Director Cynthia Spanoulis “We are excited to offer unique Aquariumexperiencesthatgivebidwinners a personal look into the work we do.”

Alleventproceedswillbeusedtoprovide care for thousands of animals, educational offerings to guests, outreach programs to schools, to conduct research and conservationefforts,andtooperateournationally recognized Stranding Response Program. Generouscorporatesponsorsfortheevent include Capital Group as the title sponsor and Checkered Flag Auto Group as the Auction sponsor Additional event sponsors include PRA Group, OptimaHealth/ Sentara, TowneBank, and Virginia Natural Gas

“The range of auction items are impressive,andwearepleasedtobethetitlesponsor for this year’s Ocean Commotion,” said MichelleCollins SeniorProgramManager, Vice President at Capital Group “We have proudly partnered with the Aquarium for 17years,andwearepassionateandquickto supporttheAquariumandtheirmission.”


Consumer Products announced the Harry PotterFilmConcertSeries,aglobalconcert tourcelebratingtheHarryPotterfilms.Since the world premiere of Harry Potterand the Sorcerer’s Stone in Concert in 2016, more than 3 million fans have enjoyed this magical experience from The Wizarding World, which is scheduled to include over 2,973 performances across more than 48 coun-


In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone Harry Potter learns on his 11th birthday that he is the orphaned son of two wizards and possesses magical powers of his own. At Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry he learns the high-flying sport of Quidditch and plays a thrilling ‘live chess gameenroutetofacingaDarkWizardbent


Justin Freer, President of CineConcerts and Producer/Conductor of the Harry Potter Film Concert Series explains “The Harry Potter film series is a once-in-a-lifetimeculturalphenomenonthatcontinuesto delightmillionsoffansaroundtheworld It iswithgreatpleasurethatwebringfansfor thefirsttimeeveranopportunitytoexperiencetheaward-winningmusicscoresplayed live by a symphony orchestra, all while the beloved film is simultaneously projected onto the big screen. This is truly an unforgettableevent.

Brady Beaubien of CineConcerts and Concert Producer for the Harry Potter Film Concert Series added, “Harry Potter issynonymouswithexcitementaroundthe world and we hope that by performing this incredible music with the full movie, audienceswillenjoyreturningtotheWizarding World.” FormoreinformationontheHarryPotter FilmConcertSeries,pleasevisitwww.harrypotterinconcert.com

phonecanparticipateinthevirtualauction and support the Aquarium The auction runs from 9 a.m. on September 25 through 11:59 p.m. on October 7. To see the vast list of auction items and start bidding, go to the Ocean Commotion Auction website at https://one.bidpal.net/oceancommotion23/ welcome For more information about Ocean Commotion and how to make a gift, visit VirginiaAquarium.com. Donations are also accepted by mail and can be addressed to the Virginia Aquarium Foundation at 717 General Booth Blvd., Suite 10, Virginia

Beach,VA23451. About Virginia Aquarium & Marine

Science Center: The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center is an accredited member of the Association of Zoos and Aquariums, and the Alliance of Marine MammalParksandAquariums.TheAquarium is also a member of World Association of Zoos and Aquariums. The Virginia Aquarium’s mission is to connect people to the marine environment, inspiring a more sustainable future It is located at 717 General Booth Boulevard, just south of RudeeInletinVirginiaBeach.TheVirginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, supports the work of the Virginia Aquarium. The Foundation procures and maintains the Aquarium’s exhibits, including the animals and habitats It is also responsible for annual and capital fundraising, administrationandfundingfortheVirginia Aquarium Stranding Response Program, conservationandscientificresearchefforts andtheAquarium’smission-relatededucation programs You can be a part of our mission by making a tax-deductible donation to support our programming Place your bid! Through Oct. 7 the Aquarium’s annual online auction, Ocean Commotion, is offering up unique items and exclusive experiences 2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, September 28 2023

ParkRangerMartysaidearlier,wealsohave baby dinosaurs that our younger guests get tointeractwith.


PN:IamaneducatorforJurassicQuest.I talk about the dinosaurs that we have and I makemyownonlinecontentfortheshow I helpourcustomerslearnaboutthefossilswe haveonsite Wehaveanentiredisplayofreal fossilsthathavebeenfoundthroughoutthe world as well as casts and molds of fossils We have a museum quality exhibit from 60 millionyearsandolder.

Y:Whatdoyouenjoythemostaboutyour job?

PN:Theinteractionswehavewithpeople. Watching the reaction on the kids’ faces as they see what we have for the first time frozen in awe, is incredible Working with dinosaurs that are full size is just really incredible

Y: Park Ranger Marty, what is your full real name, where were you born and were youintodinosaursatanearlyage?

PRM: I am from Indiana originally and Martin Hoffman is my real name My great auntgotmeintodinosaurs AlsowhenIwas insecondgrade,Mrs.Gibson’sclasswasnext to my class and I would sneak over to her classbecauseitwasalldecoratedwithdinosaurstuff WhenIwasinthesixthgrade,she hadmecomebackanddoapresentationfor hersecondgradeclassaboutdinosaurs Also insixthgrade,Ididmyfirststanduproutine for the school talent show. So now to travel aroundthecountryteachingandentertaining people about dinosaurs I’m living my besteightyearoldlife.

Y: How did you get into this line of work andwheredidthenameParkRangerMarty comefrom?

PRM:Itookmysonwhowassevenatthe time to see Jurassic Quest. He was a little nervous and I got a job They were hiring because they were getting ready to go from onetotwoshowsandneededpeopleforthe secondshow.Iendeduptalkingtotheactual founder of the company Dan Arnold that day, came back for an interview two weeks later got the job and started heading out on theroadwiththem.

When I was originally hired, unlike now wherewehaveasysteminplacetokeepthe

lines shorter, I was hired to entertain the people in the lines because my background is in standup comedy and improv comedy There are so many other things to do that I never really got to do that The dress attire for the crew was a black Jurassic Quest tee shirt and I came in wearing a safari outfit. Onedaythiskidcameuptomeincomplete awe,“Areyouthecaptainofthedinosaurs?” AndofcourseIsaidyesIam.Herunsoffand a few moments later his mom comes back and says “Can my son get a picture with you please? He said he had to get a picture ofhimselfwiththecaptainofthedinosaurs. SoforawhileIwasknownasCaptainMarty. I was on the Toylabtv YouTube show one timeandtheycalledmeParkRangerMarty I saw it had two million views, and I said well,I’mParkRangerMarty Wedidanother episodeonToylabtvwheretheyteasedthat Imayturntothedarksideandthatoneisup to about seven million views. Park Ranger Marty is a character but he is also an extensionofme

Y: Prehistoric Nick, where are you from and what made you fall in love with dinosaurs?

PN: I grew up in Norwalk, Connecticut. AslongasIcanrememberIhaveloveddinosaurs

Y: Were you hired to be Prehistoric Nick fromthebeginning?

PN:IhavebeenwithJurassicQuestsince 2016. Istartedasacuratorof fossils,talking to a lot of people and educating them about thefossilsanddinosaursingeneral.In2018 IbecamePrehistoricNick.

Y: Can you both share some wow, pinch memoments?

PN: There have been quite a lot of them Loadingthedinosaursattheendoftheexperienceandgettingtoseethemevenmoreup close Thecoolestpartisseeingpeoplewhen

they come into our exhibit for the first time hearing little kids saying “This is the best thing ever This is the best day of my life.” Also for me to share facts with the fans that theyarenotawareoflikehowlongdinosaurs havebeenaround.Theoldestdinosauris235 million years old or when T-Rex was alive, Stegosaurus fossils were around longer So T Rex lived closer in time to the invention oftheiphonethenitdoestoStegosaurus.

PRM:Igettobearounddinosaursallthe time travel go to the back of the museums wheretheyhavethefossilsstoredandsometimesworkwiththemandpickingtheminds ofamazingpaleontologistshavereallybeen amazingmomentsforme

On a personal note, Jurassic Quest has been a real blessing for me Pre-covid, we used to do tours at dinosaur exhibits and teachpeopleaboutthem.Atoneofthetours IwastalkingabouttheDesmatosuchuswho isnotadinosaurandthatparticularone had hornscurlingback.Iwastalkingabouthow wedon’tknowwhatthosehornswereused for This woman raises her hand and says, “I know, they are handles so you can ride them. Can I ride him?” I said no She was persistent and I finally agreed for her to takeapictureaftertheshowofmeridingit. Igothercontactinformation becameFacebookfriends wentoutonadatewithherthe nextday,andit’snowalmostfouryearsthat HeatherandIhavebeenmarriedforcloseto three years. By the way, I never let her ride a Desmatosuchus but one of my managers did.IbelievebecauseIsaidnoisthereason wearetogether

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer educator, motivational speaker, writer storyteller and columnist

Nightmare on Granby St.

from Page 1


Neil Sharkey is going to have a busy night, as members of his Sharkey Tank (Rex Lawless, Saul Esparza and Dezmon King) do battle with Phil Brown, DirtyMoney,andIrvinLegendinasix-mantagteammatch DezmonKingjust recently turned his back on the VCW fans by aligning himself with Sharkey Whenaskedwhyhedidit,Kingrespondedthatthisiswhatheneededtodoto getahead.He’scertainlyfoundhimselfsurroundedbylike-mindedindividuals, butwillitpayoff?Brown,Money,andLegenddon’thavethesamecohesionas The Sharkey Tank, as they have been on-again, off-again frenemies for a long time.Cantheygetalongwellenoughtofindapathtovictory?

Despite “Diamond” Victor Griff still being injured from an unfortunate fall at the Liberty Lottery, the Golden Pinky Society are being forced to compete against The Reality on October 7th at the Norfolk Masonic Temple by “The Director Jerry Stephanitsis This is part two of the fallout from “The Director’s failed40thBirthdayCelebration.TheformerVCWTagTeamChampions have been told they have to work or will be immediately terminated from the organization Thisauthorissensingatrendofpettiness.

Also on the card, Joseph Keys goes one-on-one with Dick Dynamo Keys almost won the Virginia Heavyweight Championship at the Liberty Lottery. Rumor has it that he’s been in a foul mood, so it’s probably not going to be a pleasant evening for Dick Dynamo who is making his VCW singles match debut.Plus,TravisHuckabeereturnstoVCWtolockupwiththeyoungupstart


“ANightmareonGranbyStreet takesplaceonSaturdaynightOctober7th at the Norfolk Masonic Temple Doors open at 6:30 PM. Bell time is 7:30 PM

TheNorfolkMasonicTempleislocatedat7001GranbyStreetrightnextdoor to Granby High School This annual professional wrestling event is certain to scratchtheHalloweenitchforanyonereadyfortheseason!Ticketsareavailable onlinenowatvcwprowrestling.com!I’llseeyouatthematches!

Jurassic Quest from Page 1
(PHOTOSBYJACOBMILHAM/STIFFSHOTPHOTOGRAPHY) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, September 28 2023 3

Salmon with Honey-Balsamic Glaze

Usesimpleingredientslikely tobefoundinyourkitchen tocreateasweetandsavory glazeforsalmon.

Calories: 204 Per Serving

Protein: 24g Per Serving

Fiber: 0g Per Serving

Servings: 4

Serving Size: 3 ounces fish

Ingredients „ Cookingspray

„ 1½tablespoonsmayonnaise

„ 1½tablespoonsbalsamicvinegar

„ 1tablespoonhoney

„ 1½teaspoonssesameseeds

„ ¾teaspoondriedoregano,crumbled

„ ¾teaspoonoliveoil

„ 1mediumgarlicclove,minced

„ 4salmonfillets(about4ounceseach)

Directions Preheat the oven to 375°F. Lightly spray ashallowbakingdishwithcookingspray.

In a small bowl, whisk together the mayonnaise and vinegar until smooth. Whisk in the remaining ingredients except thefish. Put the fish in the baking dish. Lightly spreadthemayonnaisemixtureoverthetop andsidesofthefish. Bakefor15to20minutes oruntilthefish iscookedtothedesireddoneness

Black Bean Salad –or Salsa


Chillthisheartyblackbeansalad andserveitwithameal.Or, microwaveittouseasafilling fortacos!

Quick Chicken Fajitas, Beans and Spanish Rice


SimpleCookingwithHeartbringsyouthis healthyversionofaTexMexfavorite fajitas! TheseQuickChickenFajitasareservedwith BlackBeansandSpanishRice.

Calories: 439 Per Serving

Protein: 36g Per Serving

Fiber: 10g Per Serving

Servings 4


Beans and Rice

„ 16oz.canned,fat-free,no-salt-addedblackbeans(drained,rinsed)

„ 1cupbrownrice(cookedtopackageinstructions)

Quick Chicken Fajitas

„ non-stickCookingspray „ 1lb boneless,skinlesschickenbreastsortenderloins (cutinto1-inchstrips)

„ 1Tbsp.low-sodiumsoysauce

„ 1mediumbellpepper(sliced)

„ 1mediumonion(sliced)

„ ½tsp blackpepper

„ ½tsp cumin „ taco-sizedtortillas,orcorntortillas(Choosetortillaswiththe lowestamountofsaturatedfat,transfatandsodium.)

„ 1avocado(sliced)

„ ½cupjarredsalsa(lowestsodiumavailable)

„ ½cupfat-freesourcream


Beans and Rice:

Spray a small pot with cooking spray, heat beans over low-heat until warmed,stirringoccasionally(approx 10minutes)


Quick Chicken Fajitas

Spray a large skillet with cooking spray Heat to medium-high and add chicken,cookfor3minutesuntilbrowned.

Reduceheattomediumandaddsoysauce,bellpepper,onions,pepperand cumin.Coverandcookfor8-10minutes,stirringoccasionally Spoonevenlyovertortillasandtopwithslicedavocado,salsaand/orsour cream(optional)

Ingredients „ 115.5-ouncecanno-salt-addedOR low-sodiumblackbeans,drained

„ 115-ouncecanno-salt-addedOR low-sodiumwhole-kernelcorn,drainedOR ¾cupfrozencorn(thawed) „ 1mediumbellpepper(diced)OR 1mediumtomato(diced)

„ ½cupredonion(diced)

„ 1teaspoonmincedgarlic(fromjar)

„ 2teaspoonschoppedcilantro

„ 2tablespoonscidervinegar

„ 3tablespoonsextravirginoliveoil

„ Juiceof1mediumlime

Directions Inalargesaladbowl,tosstogetherall theingredients Chillforatleast1hour beforeserving.

Tip: Toavoidtearingupwhenyoudice theredonionforthisrecipe,refrigerate theonionfor30minutesbeforedicingit

142 Per Serving Protein: 6g Per Serving Fiber: 5g Per Serving Servings: 6 Serving Size: ¾cup
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, September 28 2023

TRICARE tips to protect your teeth in a dental emergency


When it comes to medical emergencies, yourdentalhealthmaynotbethefirstthing thatcomestomind.Butdentalemergencies dohappen andtheycanhappenanywhere, atanytime

Fortunately the TRICARE Dental Program (TDP) covers emergency dental care. As noted in the TRICARE Dental Program Handbook (available online at https://www.tricare.mil/Publications/ Handbooks/dental),you’llpaynocost-share for emergency dental services regardlessof yourpaygradeorlocation.Buttherearestill steps you may need to take to ensure your teeth and gums stay protected. Remember, themostimportantstepinanydentalemergencyistogettoadentistassoonaspossible.

“In any emergency, it’s important to act quickly,” said Doug Elsesser, program analyst with the Defense Health Agency’s TRICARE Dental Program. “With a bit of preparationandknowledge,youmaybeable tokeepthedamagetoaminimum.”


If an emergency does happen, it’s important to find a dentist right away Remember to always keep your dentist’s contact informationwithyousoyou’rereadyifan emergencyarises

You can also prepare a dental emergency kittohelpyoudealwithpain,bleeding and other problems until you can see a dentist.


„ Cottonballsandswabs

„ Dentalfloss

„ Dentalmirror

„ Latexglovesorvinylgloves

„ Salt „ Coldcompress


Wonderingwhatmaybeconsideredadental emergency? These symptoms may require emergencycare:

„ Bleeding in the mouth or gums that doesn’tstop

„ Painfulswellinginoraroundyourmouth

„ Paininatooth,teeth,orjawbone

„ Guminfectionwithpainorswelling

„ Aftersurgerytreatment(dressingchange,


„ Brokenorknockedouttooth

„ Denture adjustment for people receiving radiationorothertreatmentforcancer

„ Snipping or adjusting wire of braces that hurtsyourcheekorgums

„ Biopsyofabnormaltissue

Remember you’llneedtocontactadentist firsttoidentifyatrueemergency Ifyoudon’t havearegulardentist,youcanusetheFinda Dentist tool online at https://www.uccitdp. com/find-a-dentist/#/.


Contactingyourdentistiskey,butthereare otherstepsyoucantakeifsomethingserious happenstooneofyourteeth.

Ifyouhaveacrackedorbrokentooth you should rinse your mouth with warm water to clean the area surrounding the affected tooth.Then,applyacoldcompresstoreduce swelling

If your tooth is knocked out, take the following steps to protect it until you reach thedentist:

„ Recoverthetooth,ifpossible

„ Holditbythetop,nottheroot,andgently rinse the root of the tooth with water, milk, orasalinesolution.Don’tscrubitorremove attachedtissue.


In some cases, you can temporarily put it back in the empty socket. Otherwise, place the tooth in a container of milk or saline solution.Don’tputitinwater.

In the event of a dental emergency, remember to keep calm and use these tips tohelpyouprepare,identify,andrespond.

Looking for more dental health tips and information about your TDP benefits? Check out the latest TRICARE Dental ProgramHealthMattersNewsletteronline at https://www.tricare.mil/Publications/ Newsletters/dental_newsletter

Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions and create your personalized profile to get benefit updates, news, andmore

Health TheTRICARE Dental Program covers emergencydental care TRICARE Dental Program enrollees payno cost-share foremergencydental services regardless ofpaygrade orlocation.
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, September 28 2023 5
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