The Flagship 10.03.2024

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In a time-honored tradition, Navy Information Warfare commands in Suffolk, Va welcomed its newest Chief Petty Officers (CPOs)duringapinningceremonySept.27, 2024 Friends, family, and shipmates gathered to witness the milestone as 11 Sailors from Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR), NavalNetworkWarfareCommand(NNWC) andU.S.FleetCyberCommand/U.S.Tenth Fleet (FCC/C10F) donned their anchors, symbolizing their transition into the ranks ofNavyleadership


„ ChiefInformationSystemsTechnician (IW/SW/AW)RoneshiaDavis NNWC

„ ChiefIntelligenceSpecialist(IW/EXW)


„ ChiefInformationSystemsTechnician (IW/SW/EXW)FrankLogan,NNWC

„ ChiefConstructionElectrician(IW/ SCW/EXW)ElliotMcFeely,NAVIFOR

„ ChiefInformationSystemsTechnician (IW/SW/AW/EXW)RahiemPenn, NNWC

„ ChiefInformationSystemsTechnician (IW/SW/AW)BethanyPlaskett,NNWC

„ ChiefInformationSystemsTechnician (IW/SW)WarrenRogersIII,FCC/C10F

„ ChiefPersonnelSpecialist(SW/AW) ChelseaRuss,NAVIFOR

„ ChiefInformationSystemsTechnician (IW/SW)KennethTooker,NNWC

„ ChiefInformationSystemsTechnician (IW/SW)ZacharyWilson,NNWC

„ ChiefInformationSystemsTechnician (IW/SW)DonaldWoodJr NAVIFOR

TheceremonyfeaturedretiredCommand Master Chief Thomas “Keith” Hayden, whoinspiredthenewlypinnedChiefswith words of wisdom, reflecting on the enduring role of the CPO community as “the real superheroes”oftheNavy “Chiefsknowhowtotransferknowledge tothenextgenerationofsuperheroes,”said Hayden. “We love to lead our junior Sailors and see them flourish in their careers In fact, nothing makes us prouder than seeing aSailorwetaught,teachingotherSailors.” AsHaydenemphasized,theachievement ofbecomingaChiefPettyOfficerisnotjusta personal milestone but a profound responsibility With the wearing of the fouled anchors comes an expectation to lead by example, shaping the future of the Navy through mentorship and steadfast guidance This moment is about more than the

visible symbols of rank; it’s a commitment toupholdthehighstandardsthatdefinethe roleofChief allwhileleadingwithempathyandhumility

“Chiefs understand the pain, heartache, andstrugglethattheirSailorsandShipmates facebecausetheyhavebeenthereandlikely sufferedthroughthesamesituations,”noted Hayden “Chiefs must have empathy and respect for the human beings that they are charged to care for and mold into the next generation. The things we say, the actions wetake,theemotionsweshowwillmakeor breakaSailor’swillingnesstoevertrustyou andaskforhelpwhentheneedgoesdeeper thantheircareer.”

Among the newly pinned Chiefs was NAVIFOR’s Chief Construction Electri-

Fleet Fest returning to Naval Station Norfolk


NORFOLK,Va NavalStation(NAVSTA)Norfolkisproud toannounceFleetFest2024willtakeplaceonOct.19

TwoU.S.NavyshipswillparticipateinFleetFestandwillbe providingtoursthroughouttheday Participatingshipsinclude USS Iwo Jima (LHD 7) and USS Gonzalez (DDG 66). In additiontotheNavyships,UnitedStatesCoastGuardFastResponse CuttersNathanBruckenthalandVigorouswillbeopenfortours “Fleet Fest is a prime opportunity for us to open the gates to the Hampton Roads community guests from throughout the UnitedStatesandallovertheglobetoseetheworld’slargestand mostoperationalnavalstation,NavalStationNorfolk, saidCapt. MattSchlarmann,NAVSTANorfolkCommandingOfficer “For us,it’sallaboutaccessibility Wewanttoprovideaccess,sothe guestshaveanopportunitytoseewhatourSailorsandcivilians doeachandeverydayindefenseofourcountry.”

Inadditiontopublicvisitationofparticipatingships,theevent will feature a free carnival with rides and games, live music by United States Fleet Forces Rock Band and The Deloreans a carshow,chilicook-off foodtrucks kid’sarea,livedemonstrationsandmuchmorethathighlightthemissionofNavalStation

TurntoFleetFest Page 2

NORFOLK,Va (Oct 21 2023) Achild explores the inside of aV-22 OspreyfromVMM-774 during lastyear’s Fleet Fest

Thisyear’s event is scheduled forOct.19 andwill feature tours onboard two NavyWarships, USS IwoJima and USS Gonzalez alongwith United States Coast Guard Cutters,Nathan Bruckenthal andVigorous In addition to publicvisitation of participating ships,the event will feature a free carnivalwith rides and games,live music by United States Fleet Forces Rock Band andThe Deloreans,a car show,chili cook-off,food trucks, kid’s area,live demonstrations and much more that highlight the mission ofNaval Station Norfolkand ourlocal military units. (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST 2NDCLASSJOSEPHMILLER)

CVW-7 holds airborne change of command

ByCommander,AirWing(CVW)7 PublicAffairs


N.Fentress,Jr relievedCapt.AlexL.Hampton,asCommanderCarrierAirWing(CVW) 7 during a change of command ceremony above the skies and airfield of Naval Air Station (NAS) Oceana and in the Strike FighterSquadron(VFA)105hangar,Sept.18 Capt.AlexHampton,anativeofChicago, Illinois,graduatedfromtheUniversityofIllinoispriortocommissioningintotheUnited StatesNavythroughtheNavalReserveOfficerTrainingCorpsprogramandwasdesignatedasaNavalAviator

He assumed major command of CVW-7 commonly referred to as “Team Freedom in March 2023 In that assignment, he led 12 subordinate commands in the most

cianElliotMcFeely,whosharedhisfeelings aboutthiscareermilestone

“Today is the culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and sacrifice,” said McFeely “I am both honored and humbled by this responsibility and am ready to serve theNavyandmySailorsinmynewrole.”

Fleet Fest from Page 1

Visitors should plan to wear comfortable clothing and shoes All bags and/ or camera cases will be searched prior to entering the festival area. Ships are considered an industrial environment andguestsareencouragedtoavoidopentoed sandals, high-heels, necklaces or otheritemsthatcangetcaught,aswellas bagsthataretooheavytocarrycomfortably Sunscreen and/or sunglasses are advised.

Strollersorbabycarriagesarepermitted on the pier, but not allowed on the ships Navy and USCG ships are not handicappedaccessible Bottles,cansorcontainersofanytype; banners, posters or signs of any type; mace, pepper spray, or other defensive sprays or chemicals; knives, firearms, fireworks or any explosive; illegal drugs or paraphernalia; flammable liquids or aerosol spray cans; club weapons; and animals are not permitted. Smoking is also not permitted aboard any ship or anywherenearthepiers For more information, visit or call 757-3222576.

NORFOLK,Va (Oct 21 2023) Participants enjoythe static displays during lastyear’s Fleet Fest Thisyear’s event is scheduled forOct.19 andwill feature tours onboard two NavyWarships,USS IwoJima,and USS Gonzalezalongwith United States Coast Guard Cutters,Nathan Bruckenthal andVigorous. In addition to public visitation ofparticipating ships,the event will feature a free carnivalwith rides and games,live music byUnited States Fleet Forces RockBand andThe Deloreans,a carshow,chili cook-off food trucks,kid’s area,live demonstrations and much more that highlight the mission ofNaval Station Norfolkand ourlocal militaryunits. (U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATION SPECIALIST2NDCLASSJOSEPHMILLER)

recent deployment aboard USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77), through two Tailored Ship’sTrainingAvailability(TSTA)detachments, and supported 27 bilateral exercises insupportofU.S.SouthernCommand/U.S. Fourth Fleet’s Southern Seas 2024 deployment onboard the USS George Washington (CVN73).

Heexpressedhisprideinservingwithhis sailorsasthe“TeamFreedom”Commander

“Change of command ceremonies represent the passing of responsibility from one leader to the next. It is an absolute honor to be placed in a position of leadership, and I am firm believer that these sailors represent the very finest the Navy has to offer,” Hamptonsaid. The new Commander of CVW-7 Capt. MartinN.FentressJr isanativeofNorfolk, Virginia and a Hampden-Sydney College

This year’s ceremony marks a significant chapterinNAVIFOR’smissiontostrengthen theNavy’sinformationwarfarecapabilities by investing in its people and developing a cadre of technical experts and seasoned leaders NAVIFOR’sForceMasterChief(FORCM) Augustine Cooper emphasized the importance of Chiefs in the command’s, and the Navy’s,success “Chiefs are the backbone of our Navy,”

alumnus Heearnedhiscommissionintothe UnitedStatesNavythroughtheNavy’sOfficerCandidateSchoolandwasdesignatedas aNavalFightOfficer

He expressed his gratitude for being able to lead CVW-7 through future operations withCarrierStrikeGroup(CSG)10

“Rear Admiral Walker Carrier Air Wing 7 ‘Team Freedom’ stands ready once again to answer our country’s call For nearly 82 years,TeamFreedomhasdelivereddecisive victories Asweembarkonournextwork-up cycle, we are eager to validate our tactical excellence and hone our skills through world-classtrainingbothashoreandatsea. Overthecomingmonths,wewillworktirelessly as we reunite with our home away fromhome theUSSGeorgeHerbertWalker Bush(CVN77),andreform‘TeamJackpot. We will embrace the lessons learned and

Coopersaid.“ThechallengesournewChiefs willfacearemany,butthesupporttheywill receive from their fellow Chiefs and their Sailors is unwavering Our Chiefs lead with integrity, humility, and dedication, upholding the legacy of those who came before themforthelast131years.”

NAVIFOR’s mission is to generate, directly and through our leadership of the IW Enterprise, agile and technically superior manned, trained, equipped, and certi-

provideyouwiththemostlethalandsurvivable Air Wing, ready to ‘Win in Combat,’ ” Fentresssaid.

A carrier air wing’s mission is to conduct carrier air warfare operations and assist in theplanning control,coordinationandintegration of air wing squadrons in support of carrierairwarfare. Team Freedom’s squadrons include the “Rampagers” of VFA-83, the “Jolly Rogers” of VFA-103, the “Gunslingers” of VFA-105, the Patriots of Electronic Attack Squadron (VAQ) 140, the “Sun Kings” of Airborne Command and Control Squadron (VAW) 116, the “Nightdippers” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron (HSC) 5, and the Grandmasters of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron(HSM)46

fied combat-ready IW forces to ensure our Navy will decisively DETER, COMPETE, andWIN FormoreinformationonNAVIFOR,visit

New Self-Help Training Clinic offers

for JEB Little Creek-Fort Story tenant commands

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Seabees from NavalFacilitiesEngineeringSystemsCommand Mid-Atlantic(NAVFACMIDLANT),stationed onboardJointExpeditionaryBaseLittleCreekFort Story (JEBLCFS), held a new training clinic recently at the Little Creek Self-Help Center designed to provide hands-on instructionforcompletingminorrepairsatinstallation tenantcommandfacilities

The clinic, which is a first of its kind at JEBLCFS was setup as a trial run for future clinics that will hopefully serve as a win-win solutionforsimpleday-to-dayrepairsandbasic facilityupkeep

“Training opportunities like this are great for everyone involved It allows our Seabees toutilizetheirtechnicalexpertiseandprovide high-qualitytrainingtoenableourbasetenants to quickly complete minor projects on their own,” said Cmdr Craig Culbertson, JEBLCFS publicworksofficer,makingnotethatsupplies arereadilyavailabletotenantcommandsatthe Self-HelpCenterforfacilityrepairs “Leveragingthisself-helpprocesssavesthegovernment money,instillsasenseofprideandownershipin acommand’sfacilities,andallowsPublicWorks tofocusourresourcesonmorecomplexissues.”

The Self-Help Center was a perfect location to hold the clinic because the space resembles awell-equippedhardwarestore,completewith toolsandequipment,cement,lumber andother buildingsupplies

Theclinicwasdividedintotwoparts classroom instruction and hands-on application. The classroom portion covered basic instructions,asafetydiscussion,andinformationabout personal protective equipment. The learned skills were then put into hands-on application andpracticewithtrowels plasteranddrywall, among other tools Skilled Seabees were also on-hand to help guide and refine techniques provideequipmentsafetyandinstruction,and answerquestions

“We’re doing this to support building monitors by teaching them how to do their own simple repairs, such as hanging drywall,” said Engineering Aide 1st Class Patrick Jeziorski, a NAVFAC MIDLANT Seabee assigned to JEBLCFS “Theideaistomakethisarecurring thingtoteachawiderangeofskills.”

When not instructing, the Seabees often supportNAVFACMIDLANTHamptonRoads area commands with everything from buildingfencesandrampstorenovatingbathrooms andotherspaces Theyalsoprovideinclement weatherprotectionwithitemssuchasrocksalt andsandbags

JEBLCFS is the country’s premier installation for housing and training the nation’s expeditionary forces which fosters a culture oftransparency,compliance,andinnovationto continueandbuildonoutstandingservicetothe Fleetandtheirfamilies

Newport News Sailor honored for exceptional service

Supervisor of Shipbuilding Newport News

NEWPORT NEWS, Va Fire Control-

man 1st Class Kayllen D. Wilson, from Panama City, Florida and assigned to Supervisor of Shipbuilding Conversion and Repair, USN, Newport News (SUPSHIPNN), was recently awarded the Virginia Peninsula Chamber Service MemberoftheYear Theprestigioushonor wasbestowedattheannualMilitaryRecognitionBreakfast,acelebrationofoutstandingmilitarypersonnelfromallbranchesof the armed forces

AsakeymemberoftheCombatandElectronicSystemsTestBranch,Wilsonplaysa vital role in ensuring the operational readiness of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers Her responsibilities include conducting initial and operational tests to verify the seamless integration of sensors and systems, guaranteeing the ships’ strategic and mission-capable defense capabilities Beyondhertechnicalexpertise,Wilsonis a dedicated advocate for her fellow service members She serves as the Command Career Counselor providing guidance and support to Sailors at all stages of their careers. Additionally, she is a victim advocate for survivors of sexual assault, a family advocate,andasuicidepreventioncoordinator,demonstratingherunwaveringcommitmenttothewell-beingofhershipmates Wilson was joined by Capt. Randell T. Buchanan, SUPSHIPNN Quality of Service Director CMDCM Mike G. Avallone SUPSHIPNN Command Master Chief,andBobMcKenna,President&CEO of the Virginia Peninsula Chamber, for a celebratory photo The award recognizes an Outstanding Military Personnel of the Year from each branch of the military.

Norfolk Naval Shipyard updates badging requirements to improve safety posture and accountability

Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) has expanded its safety capabilities by implementinganupdatedbadginginitiativeSept 30 across the waterfront to account for all personnel going shipboard or in the dry docksduringCNOavailabilities Whatdoes this mean for all of you? Where not already in place, badge readers are being added across the waterfront to access points to nuclearvesseldrydocksandberthsduringa CNOavailability,aswellasattheControlled Industrial Area (CIA) exits Personnel will needtobadgebothinandoutofCNOavailabilities, similar to what has been done at the CIA gates beginning Sept. 30 In addition physical muster stations will be built withbadgereadersonthemtoallowpersonnel to badge out in emergencies after safe egress away from the hazard Why is this an important change? This will allow the shipyard to more quickly account for and assesslocationsofpersonnelintheeventof emergencies,andprovidingatoolforproject superintendentsandleaderstoidentifychallengestomechanicsfordeviationsorabnormalities in work patterns during our work day. This NAVSEA-directed initiative will beusedacrossallfourpublicshipyards,and NNSYhasfinalizedinstallingbadgereaders atentryandexitpointsnearvesselsthatare in drydock or berthed, and within the CIA aheadofthelaunch.

“We’vebeenhardatworkinstallingbadge readers at the brows of our ships and at all thedrydockentrylocationsandemergency mustering stations here at America’s Shipyard,”saidNNSYSubmarineProgramPlanning Manager Brian Fowler, who is leading the charge with the Installation Support Team(IST).TheISThasalsobeenworking together with NNSY leadership to ensure each department has the resources available to answer questions from personnel regardingtheupcomingchangesandensure asmoothtransitionwiththisinitiative

NNSY Commander, Capt Jip Mosman said these changes will benefit personnel across the waterfront “By expanding our badgingcapabilities,wecanmakesurethat our mechanics are safe by allowing for a

quick and accurate headcount in emergencies,” he said “This facilitates a prompt responseandstreamlinesevacuationprocedures Irecognizethatinanemergencysituation, things move quickly and having eyes on where our personnel are located during those type of situations is invaluable. This change is a positive step towards ensuring the safety of our mechanics, our assets and the mission of the shipyard, while also

promoting a culture of accountability and teamwork.”

He continued, “As I’ve said before, we, as a Navy must be focused on preparing for wartime operations or at a minimum, battle damage assessment and repair It’s easy to read in the news how our Sailors on warships today are facing aggression and attacksinfarawaywatersatalevelnotseen in decades NNSY has a part in this readiness WeoweittoourselvesandourNation to continue to improve and to do our best Part of improving and doing our best is making sure that we are ready at all levels and this upgrade in badging capabilities willensurethatwecontinuetobereadyfor anythingatamoment’snotice.” For questions regarding this initiative, please contact

Best in the Fleet: USS Gerald R. Ford wins the 2024 Battenberg Cup


U.S. Fleet Forces Command NORFOLK,Va TheUSSGeraldR.Ford (CVN 78) was named the best all-around ship in the Atlantic Fleet based on accumulationofachievements Sept.30.

Adm. Daryl Caudle commander U.S. FleetForcesCommand,presentedthe2024 Battenberg Cup award to the crew of Ford during a ceremony held aboard the carrier atNavalStationNorfolk.

“Ford’s unmatched successes in 2023 have more than validated its namesake of ‘IntegrityattheHelm,’”saidCaudle “Ford’s exceptional achievements as a frontline combatshipintheAtlanticFleetareadirect tribute to the steadfast leadership dedication, and consistently high performance of theWardroom,theChiefPettyOfficers,and theentirecrew.” Since 1977, the Battenberg Cup award is

presented annually to a ship or submarine selectedbythefleetcommanderasthebest all-around in the Atlantic Fleet, based on crewachievements Fordwasselectedasthis year’s Battenberg Cup Award Winner after exhibiting superior battle efficiency during the2023calendaryear

Ford met the demanding requirements of a carrier strike group deployment to the U.S.FifthandSixthFleetareasofoperations Supporting multiple combatant commanders,Fordsupportedmultinationalexercises,

Ford successfully completed an eightmonth deployment to the United States European Command Area of Responsibility masterfully sailing more than 83,400 nautical miles while conducting 54 replenishments-at-sea,26restrictedwatertransits, andfiveanchoragesinforeignports

“I could not be more proud of this crew,” saidCapt.RickBurgess,Ford’scommanding

officer “TheSailorsonthisshipareextraordinaryandincrediblysmart.Theymakethis ship what it is, and I look forward to what theywilldointhefuture. WhileintheMediterranean,Fordimmediately responded to the Israel-Hamas Conflict by proceeding at best speed to the Eastern Mediterranean, providing presence and meaningful deterrence Additionally, the carrier strike group participated in and supported numerous multinational exercisesandvigilanceactivitiestoincrease NATOcapabilityanddeteraggressioninthe region.

In1905,BritishRearAdm.PrinceLouisof Battenberggiftedthesilver-platedtrophyto NorthAtlanticFleetCommanderRearAdm. RobleyD.Evanstoserveasachallengecupin athleticcompetitionsamongthemenofthe NorthAtlanticFleet.TheUSSWestVirginia (BB48)wonthelastchallengecupinacutter race before both the ship and trophy sank duringthePearlHarborbombingsonDec.7,

1941.Aftertheship’srestoration,thetrophy was held by the USS West Virginia until its decommissioningin1947 Later, in 1978, a new competition was established to honor the operational efficiency and fighting spirit of U.S. Navy ships andsubmarinesintheAtlanticFleet. Gerald R. Ford is the U.S. Navy’s newest, largest, and most advanced aircraft carrier As the first in its class, the ship represents a generationalleapintheU.S.Navy’scapacity toprojectpoweronaglobalscale Ford-class aircraft carriers introduce 23 new technologies, including Electromagnetic Aircraft LaunchSystem(EMALS),AdvancedArresting Gear (AAG), and Advanced Weapons Elevators (AWE). The new systems on Ford-class ships maximize efficiencies and capabilities with a 20% smaller crew than a Nimitz-class carrier, paving the way for futurenavalaviation.

Joint Force Command Norfolk, U.S. Second Fleet join 2024 Tri-Party in Halifax: Focuses on Arctic defense and homeland security


Commander U.S. 2nd Fleet

NORFOLK, Va Vice Adm. Doug Perry, Commander,U.S.2ndFleet(C2F)andJoint ForceCommandNorfolk,joinsleadersfrom theU.S.CoastGuardAtlanticAreaandCanadian Joint Task Force Atlantic in Halifax, Nova Scotia for the 2024 Tri-Party Staff Talks The Tri-Party Staff Talks, established in 2015, bring together key maritime forces to enhance collaboration and ensure interoperabilitybetweenU.S.andCanadianforces The discussions center on joint operations, intelligence sharing, and defense strategy, particularlyintheNorthAtlanticandArctic.

AsSecondFleetleadsnavaloperationsin the western Atlantic, Perry’s dual role with NATOaddsfurthersignificancetothetalks, underscoringtheneedforseamlesscoordinationamongAlliedforces

“Our mission is clear, to safeguard the Atlantic and Arctic, maintain maritime

security, and ensure free and open access to international waters,” said Perry “These talks enhance our joint capabilities as we confrontemergingchallenges,includingthe protection of undersea infrastructure and risingcompetitionintheArctic.”

This year’s talks will address several pressingissues Aprimaryfocusisthegrowing importance of Arctic operations as the region has increased activity The Tri-Party willevaluatestrategiesforimprovingArctic domainawareness,enhancingcold-weather capabilities, and refining joint responses to potentialsecuritythreats

The2024Tri-Partystafftalksalsoprovide anopportunitytoreviewjointexercisesheld earlier this year Operation Nanook (OP NANOOK) 2024 conducted from August 15-27, brought together the U.S. Navy U.S. Coast Guard, Royal Canadian Navy, and Royal Danish Navy for exercise operations in the Arctic waters near Nuuk, Greenland Theseexercisesincludedmaritimeinterdictiontraining,gunnerydrills,andsearch-and-

rescue simulations that tested the forces abilitytooperateinharshArcticconditions “Operation Nanook proved that our joint forces are ready to meet the challenges of theArcticenvironment,”saidPerry “Italso strengthenedourcollaborationwithCanada andotherNATOpartners SecondFleetisa premierfightingforce andwewillcontinue to demonstrate this to the world. We are adaptable, flexible and above all, ready to fight.

Additionally, Tri-Party members conducted Frontier Sentinel 2024 in June; atabletopexercisefocusedonrefiningoperational procedures for defending undersea infrastructure. These exercises highlight the need for enhanced communication and operational alignment among the Tri-Party forces RoyalCanadianRearAdm.DavidPatchell, Vice Commander, U.S. 2nd Fleet, emphasized the growing strategic importance of theArctic.

“The arctic environment is dynamic, its

maritimeterrainchangeseveryday,anditis essentialthatweprioritizeNorthernoperations,” said Patchell. “The ability for the Tri Partyforcestooperatetogetherinthisenvironmentisessentialtomaintainingstability intheregion.Thisyear’stalksarefocusedon understanding our shared challenges and optimizingourjointtrainingtoensurewe’re readyforfuturechallenges.”

Perry noted the DoD’s 2024 Arctic Strategy has provided a framework for the Tri-Partypartnershiptofurtherstrengthen Arctic defense amongst the everchanging Arcticlandscape

The 2024 Tri-Party staff talks reaffirm the enduring partnership between U.S. and Canadian maritime forces and their commitmenttomaintainingpeace,security and freedom of navigation in the Atlantic and Arctic. With joint exercises, enhanced interoperability, and shared strategic planning, the Tri-Party partnership remains prepared to protect North American interestsandaddressfuturesecuritychallenges.

Command (NAVFAC) Washington has successfullycompletedamajorpavingproject at the Washington Navy Yard (WNY) ahead of schedule and without additional costs The project covered approximately 426,000 square feet of the WNY excluding the area south of O Street, and involved milling pavingandpaintingoperations The totalconstructioncostwas$2,072,594.29

The construction works were coordinated by Assistant Public Works Officer Lt j.g. Ethan Lawlor and overseen by Ensign Matthew Satchwell, the construction manager within the Public Works Depart-


This comprehensive initiative was part of a broader revitalization effort to provide newandsaferoadwaysforallthesupported commands on the WNY, in anticipation of an upcoming Land Exchange Agreement. According to Lawlor and Satchwell, the project significantly improved safety and accessibility on the base by addressing issuessuchaspotholesandunevensidewalk approaches while enhanced road striping improved visibility of lines crosswalks and stopbars

Theearlycompletionoftheconstruction workisattributedtoproactivecommunication and coordination at all levels Lawlor and Satchwell noted that months before the start date, detailed information about eachphasewasdisseminated,withupdates


“We communicated with supported commands’facilitiesteams thepublicworks officer engaged with executive officers and the installation commanding officer liaised at the commanding officer level,” Lawlor said. Satchwell and Lawlor held coordination meetings to address specific concerns raisedbyvariouscommandstoincorporate special considerations such as high-profile outdooreventsintotheplanningprocess

According to Satchwell, “To ensure financial efficiency the project was divided into five phases, each undergoing detailed inspection prior to commencement. This proactive approach allowed for early identification and resolution of potential issues, avoidingconflictsanddelaysinthefield.”

Collaboration with Naval Support Activ-

ity Washington (NSAW) security was also crucial during the construction works.

NSAW provided extensive support with traffic management, parking arrangements and gate operations Despite occasional challenges,suchascarsparkedinroadways, quickreactionsfromtheproject’sengineeringtechniciansandNSAWsecurityresolved issuespromptlytoensureunimpededprogress

The successful completion of this paving project demonstrates NAVFAC Washington’scommitmenttoenhancingtheWNY’s infrastructure through strategic planning, clear communication and collaborative efforts Asthenavalinstallationpreparesfor futuredevelopments,thisprojectstandsasa testamenttoefficientlarge-scaleinfrastructureimprovements

Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day

Navy Gold Star Program

Since1936,thelastSundayinSeptemberhasbeen designated as Gold Star Mother’s Day to recognize and honor those who have lost a child while serving our country in the United States Armed Forces. In 2009,FallenServiceMembers’familieswereofficially recognizedandaddedbyPresidentialProclamation renaming the observance to Gold Star Mother’s and Family’s Day. Each year the president signs a proclamation reaffirming our commitment to honor the individuals “who carry forward the memories of those willing to lay down their lives for the United Statesandthelibertiesforwhichwestand. Thisyear, onSeptember29,2024,wepaytributetothosemothersandfamilieswhohavesacrificedsomuch

The Navy Gold Star Program provides survivors a safe environment to experience their own unique griefwhileassessingneedsandensuringappropriate resources are provided. The program supports Gold StarFamilieswhiletheyadjusttothenewnormaland providesopportunitiesforremembrancesotheywill knowtheywillforeverbeapartoftheNavycommunity AsweobserveGoldStarMother’sandFamily’sDay, let us all remember that that no one has given more for the nation than the families of the fallen and let them know they will never be forgotten. For more information on the Navy Gold Star Program please

Texas Opportunity Rodeo: Naval workshop spotlights talent at HBCU/MIs

To bolster its outreach in the Lone Star State, the Department of the Navy’s (DoN) Historically Black Colleges and Universities/Minority Institutions (HBCU/MI) Program recently held its annual Naval Opportunity Awareness Workshop (OAW) at Texas Southern University (TSU) in Houston.

TSU is one of the nation’s largest HBCU/ MIs.

“This past April, the Secretary of the NavyreleasedthelatestNavalS&TStrategy, outlining priorities to strengthen maritime technologicaldominance,buildacultureof S&T excellence and enhance naval scientificdiplomacy,”saidAssistantChiefofNaval ResearchCapt DavidMurray,whogavethe event’s welcome address “A foundational attribute of our Naval S&T Strategy is cultivating our relationships with scientists engineersandacademicpartnerstoinclude thoseatHBCU/MIs.

“Students, faculty and the leadership teams at HBCUs/MIs provide unique and diverse perspectives, and are valuable pipelines for talent, creative thinking and knowledge,” he continued. “They serve as important partners in maintaining and expandingournavalscienceandtechnology ecosystem.

HBCU/MIs collectively enroll over 5 millionstudentsandprovidecriticalcollege access to those who often come from traditionally underserved communities and are the first in their family to attend an institution of higher learning. And while HBCU/MIs represent less than 2% of U.S. highereducationlearninginstitutions they produce 25% of African-American STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics)graduates

That’satalentsourcetheDoNHBCU/MI Program, which is located at the Office of Naval Research, wants to reach One way it doessoisthroughtheNavalOAW.

The Naval OAW is the DoN HBCU/ MI Program’s premier annual event. It’s aimed at university and college presidents vice presidents provosts, faculty, staff and students from HBCU/MIs. The workshop highlightsresearchopportunitieswithinthe Navy and Marine Corps, summer faculty/ sabbatical research opportunities and studentinternships It provides a critical platform for direct engagement between the DoN and key

stakeholders,potentialfundinggranteesand futurepartners TheNavalOAWalsoserves as a way to get more HBCU/MI faculty involvedinnaval-relevantscientificresearch andattractstudentstointernships.

“This year’s Naval OAW was a resounding success and helped expand awareness of our initiatives within the state of Texas,” said Anthony C. Smith Sr., director of the DoNHBCU/MIProgram.“Thefacultyand students who attended were excited and engaged. They saw the event as a great way to make valuable networking connections; learn about available faculty fellowships student internships and research awards; and consider exciting careers in the naval scienceandtechnologyworkforce.”

The DoN HBCU/MI Program provides avenuesforHBCU/MIfacultyandstudents tocollaboratewithscientistsandengineers atnavallabsandwarfarecenters onprojects of mutual interest. These include student internshipsaswellassummerfacultyfellowship research experiences at naval warfare centers and labs Additionally, faculty can participateinone-semestertofull-year-long sabbaticalsundertheONRSummerFaculty Research Program and the ONR Sabbatical LeaveProgram,respectively

The DoN HBCU/MI Program also partnerswiththeDoDHBCU/MIProgramand OutreachtooffertheDistinguishedFellows Program. This provides professors from HBCU/MIs with faculty release time for threeyears enablingthemtofocusexclusively on naval-relevant research, write academicpapersandabstracts,engagewith naval scientists and engineers, and mentor undergraduateandgraduatestudents

The DoN HBCU/MI Program has three maingoals: „ Expand opportunities for schools to successfully compete for grants and contractsinbasicandappliedresearch.

„ Offer fellowships to faculty and internshipstostudentspursuingdegreesinSTEM studies

„ PromotegreaterstudentinterestinSTEM degreesatHBCU/MIs.

Learn more about the DoN HBCU/MI Programat

To listen to an interview with Maurice Civers-Davis, deputy director of the DoN HBCU/MI Program, promoting the Naval OAW, visit watch?v=6Lm2lfMPkR4

Warren Duffie Jr is a contractor for ONR Corporate Strategic Communications


Assistant ChiefofNaval Research Capt.David Murraygives thewelcome address during the Naval OpportunityAwarenessWorkshop (OAW),recentlyheld atTexas Southern Universityin Houston.Aimed at universityand college presidents,vice presidents,provosts faculty staffand students from HBCU/MIs,the Naval OAWhighlights research opportunitieswithin the Navy and Marine Corps,summerfaculty/sabbatical research opportunities and student internships
AnthonyC.Smith Sr directorofthe DoN HBCU/MI Program,addresses attendees at the Naval OpportunityAwarenessWorkshop (OAW),recentlyheld atTexas
Kemi A. MBA Yuma, AZ


Honoring the fallen: Bells toll for America’s heroes at NSA Mechanicsburg

Naval Support Activity Mechanicsburg

NAVAL SUPPORT ACTIVITY MECHANICSBURG,Pa “Wheredoallthesepatriotickidscome from?Wheredotheycomefrom?Irealizedtheycome fromlittletowns,bigtowns—theycomefromallover America.After9/11,manyofthemweremotivatedto serveandjoin.”


Sgt. Maj. Murray Small, the keynote speaker at the Bells Across America for Fallen Service Members ceremony, held onboard Naval Support Activity Mechanicsburg on Sept. 26. Small, a former Special Forces medic, shared the story of his son Marc, who followed in his father’s footsteps as a Special Forces medicintheArmy StaffSgt.MarcSmallwaskilledin actionin2009whiledeployedtoAfghanistan.Drawingfrompersonalexperience,Smallspokedirectlyto the Gold Star Families present, reflecting on Marc’s vibrant life the circumstances of his death, and the profoundimpactithadontheirfamily.

“IbelieveeveryGoldStarFamilygoesthroughthe samesituation.There’snoschedule,noplan.There’s nothing anyone can do to ease the sense of loss and pain. Each family copes at their own pace, on their ownterms,withwhatworksforthem Theonlything friends and others can do is simply be there,” Small shared.

Bells Across America for Fallen Service Members is an annual ceremony supported by the Gold Star program, with events held at military installations across the United States to honor those who died while on active duty At NSA Mechanicsburg, Naval SupplySystemsCommandWeaponSystemsSupport

Naval Supply Systems Command

NAVSUPAmmunitionLogisticsCenter’s LS1 Marco Velez received the President’s Lifetime Achievement Volunteer Service Award on Sept. 5, 2024 for volunteering over4,000hoursofhistimeattheObjective ZeroFoundation,afoundationdedicatedto suicide prevention and mental health.

ThisisthefirsteverPresident’sLifetime Achievement Volunteer Service Award presented by the Objective Zero Foundation, whose mission is to connect the military community to mental health and wellnessresourcesandtoanetworkofpeer and civilian supporters to prevent suicide TheydothisthroughtheObjectiveZero app,thetopsuicideprevention,behavioral and mental health, wellness, and peer-topeersupportmobileappformilitaryveterans in the United States

“On the app, I am primarily available all dayontheweekends,butIalsomakemyself available on my off time on the weekdays,” said Velez. “Objective Zero is the volunteer platform I’ve decided to stick with for so long because I have in my personal life experienced personal loss from friends committingsuicide IfIcouldhelpstopjust one, I think that would be okay.” Velez started volunteering at Objective

(NAVSUP WSS) led the coordination of the event Commander Jeff Stevens the Casualty Assistance CallsOfficerforWSS,servedastheactionofficerand emcee

“Wehopetoexemplifyourcare,concern,andsense of family—those core values that bind us all to our fallen service members,” Stevens said in his opening remarks “To symbolize our loss and remembrance, we toll a bell, join in prayer, and speak of service and sacrifice.” Command Master Chief Mark Schlosser Senior Enlisted Leader for NAVSUP WSS, and Command Senior Chief Scott Reed, Senior Enlisted Leader for NSAMechanicsburg,alsospokeduringtheceremony, extendingtheirgratitudeandsupporttothefamilies present,bothinpersonandonline.

“Gold Star Families, it is with sincere appreciation fortheexemplaryserviceofyourlovedonesandtheir supremesacrificethatwehonorandrememberthem andyou.Onbehalfofagratefulnation,thankyou,one andall, Reedsaid.

AccordingtotheNavyGoldStarProgram’swebsite, bellshavebeenusedbytheNavyforcenturiesfortimekeeping,safety,communication,soundingalarms,and signalingimportantpersons Duringmemorialevents like these, the bells are not rung to signal anyone’s presence but toll in their absence These ceremonies provide the military and local communities a way to honorandrememberthesacrificeofourfallenandthe loved ones they left behind. At NSA Mechanicsburg, 19 names were read aloud, each followed by a single tollofthebell.

“WhenyoumeetaGoldStarFamilymember,don’t beafraidtoshowappreciationfortheirfamily’ssacrifice,”Smallconcluded.

Zero in 2021 after a friend told him about the foundation. “Whatinitiallydrewmyinterestwasthe flexibilitytovolunteerandtheconvenience of the volunteer structure,” said Velez.

Chiefs select from NSAMechanicsburg read names and toll the bell at the BellsAcrossAmerica CeremonyforFallen Service Members Sept 26

According to the NavyGold StarProgram’swebsite,bells have been used bythe Navyforcenturies fortimekeeping,safety,communication,sounding alarms,and signaling important persons During memorial events like these, the bells are not rung to signal anyone’s presence but toll in theirabsence. These ceremonies provide the militaryand local communities awayto honorand rememberthe sacrifice ofourfallen and the loved ones theyleft behind.At NSAMechanicsburg 19 nameswere read aloud,each followed bya single toll ofthe bell.(PHOTOBYCHRISTYTRABUN NAVALSUPPORT ACTIVITYMECHANICSBURG)

Velez feels strongly about volunteering for the greater good, noting that, “Volunteering is not about getting an award or reward; it’s about doing something that hasnopotentialforpaybackotherthanthe satisfaction of helping someone.”

He plans use his reception of the President’s Lifetime Achievement Volunteer Service Award as motivation to continue dedicating his time and energy to the communities around him.

“I intend to continue volunteering with Objective Zero every chance I get,” said Velez. “I believe in the organization’s mission. I also plan on being more proactiveinthefuturewithanotherorganization, NewYorkCares whichisinmyhometown of New York City.” Velez reflected humbly on receiving the award. “I am not typically used to the spotlight, but it was a blessing in disguise,” said Velez.“Theawardallowedmetohighlight Objective Zero’s vital work for the veteran community Ithinkit’saprettycoolaward. I’m getting it framed!”

The President’s Lifetime Achievement Volunteer Service Award, given to volunteers that have exceeded 4,000 volunteer hours, is part of the President’s Volunteer Service Award (PVSA) program founded by the President’s Council on Service and

Civic Participation to recognize the role of volunteers in America’s strength and nationalidentity Theseawardshonorindividuals whose service had a positive effect oncommunitiesandinspiresthosearound them to take action.

LedbyAmeriCorpsandmanagedinpartnership with Points of Light, the world’s largestorganizationdedicatedtovolunteer service, the PVSA program allows certifying organizations to recognize their most exceptional volunteers

“Volunteering is the lifeblood of our communities, and LS1 Marco Velez’s recognition with the President’s Lifetime Achievement Award from Objective Zero Foundationhighlightstheimmenseimpact ofhisservice,”saidMichaelD.Smith,CEO of AmeriCorps. “This award underscores thevitalrolevolunteersplayinoursociety, and we appreciate the sacrifices our sailorsmaketoservebothonandoffthefield.”

For more information about the Objective Zero Foundation visit https://www

For more information about the President’s Volunteer Service Award and its history visit

NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support honors Gold Star families during “Bells Across America” ceremony


NAVSUP Weapon Systems Support

MECHANICSBURG, Pa Naval Supply SystemsCommandWeaponSystemsSupport (NAVSUPWSS)hostedaspecialBellsAcross America ceremony for Gold Star families at NavalSupportActivityMechanicsburgSept. 26 Bells Across America is designed to pay tributetothebravemenandwomenwhodied in service to the nation, and to recognize the sacrificesofthosewhohavebeenleftbehind.

In addition to NSA Mechanicsburg, 26 ceremonies took place at naval installations acrossthenation,aswellasatoverseasloca-


“It is so important that we acknowledge thesacrifices,notjustoftheservicemembers whogavetheirlives,butofthefamilies,”said Cmdr Jeff Stevens, who coordinated the event,andservedasmasterofceremony “We willhonortheirlegacy always.”

Thenamesof19servicemembersfromthe regionwereannounced.Eachannouncement was followed by a moment of reflection and thestrikingoftheceremonialbell.

In addition to the Gold Star families, the remembrance ceremony was attended by Rear Adm. Kenneth Epps, Chief of Supply Corps and NAVSUP commander, Rear Adm. Kristin Acquavella, NAVSUP WSS

commander, and Capt. Johnetta Thomas, NSA Mechanicsburg commanding officer. Leaders met with the Gold Star families to convey their respect, with a post-ceremony reception.

NAVSUP WSS provides the U.S. Navy MarineCorps andalliedforcestheprogram and supply support for the weapon systems that keep naval forces mission ready With locations in Philadelphia; Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania;Norfolk,Virginia;andTucson, Arizona,NAVSUPWSSmanagesoperational readinessforalmost300deployableships,92 submarines,and3,700aircraftworldwide

Recruit Training Command

GREAT LAKES (NNS) Seaman Jacob Malo Jr graduated as the top Sailor from Recruit Training Command, earning the Military Excellence Award (MEA) September26 2024 Malo fromLakewood,Washington,saidhe enlistedforavarietyofreasons,includinghis family’smilitaryheritage

“Asacitizenofthiscountry,IfeelIhavean obligationtoserve,”Malosaid.“I’vethought aboutthissinceIwasakidandit’ssomething I’ve always wanted to do I also wanted to followinmygrandfather’sfootstepsandone day be able to wear a chief’s anchor To have acareerintheNavylikehehadissomething tobeproudof Ialsobelieveverystronglythat joining the military will allow me to become the best version of myself I know the Navy willchallengemeandI’mreadyforthat.”

Malo, 18, graduated from Lakes High School,wherehewasamemberoftheArmy JROTCandlearnedthebasicsofleadership, civics,physicalfitness,globalawareness,and U.S.historybeforecomingtobootcamp

The Navy Club of the United States Military Excellence Award is the top award presented to the recruit that best exemplifies the qualities of enthusiasm, devotion to duty, military bearing, and teamwork. The award places him at the pinnacle of today’s newest Sailors Malo is awarded a flag letter ofcommendationaspartofhisrecognition.

The award, according to Malo is the best possiblefirststeptostarthisnavalcareer.

“I didn’t know anything about award winners before I got here, says Malo “My main focus was on doing the right thing and trying not to mess up But as we got further along,Irealizedthatitwasn’tjustaboutme I neededtodomybesttomakesurethateveryone in the division succeeded. The accomplishments we earned as a team are what meant more to me Though I’m happy that I was able to make my family proud by earningthisaward,it’sthesuccessofthedivision thatI’llrememberasImoveoninmycareer.” Malo’sRDCs(RecruitDivisionCommanders) are Chief Hull Maintenance Technician (HTC) Michael Woodbury, Hospital Corpsman 1st Class (HM1) Kai Jenkins and Retail Services Specialist 1st Class (RS1) Kadeem Mitchell, and they guided him through the 10-weekprocess

“When I showed up here, I wasn’t sure what to expect, Malo said. “I was surprised that my RDCs were so motivating and willing to share their experiences There was alwaysareasonbehindwhattheyweredoing They helped me to realize that success has a lot to do with your mindset. Wanting to quit or give up is unacceptable, and they erased that desire from each one of us If you made a mistake, you learned from it and improved forthefuture. Additionally, Malo said his family helped pushhimtosuccess

“Ihaveastrongfoundationoffaithbecause ofmyfamily,andIusedthattotacklethechal-

lenges and obstacles that came up along the way.Ithoughtaboutthemandthethingsthey taught me growing up I was determined to make them proud through my actions, and I didmybesttorememberthatthey’dbethere waitingformeatthefinishline.”

Malosaidhisbiggestchallengewashaving to adapt to being separated from the people he’sclosestto “This is the first time I’d been away from home for an extended period of time,” he said. “My faith in God helped me and I just triedtobethankfulfortheopportunitiesthat were being presented instead of focusing on how much I missed everyone As time went on, it didn’t necessarily get easier, but I did

learntorelyontheotherrecruitsforsupport. We were all going through the same thing together, which helped us to get through thosetoughdays.”

After graduation, Malo will attend Advanced Electronics Computer Field (AECF) “A” School in Great Lakes, Illinois, wherehewillbasicelectronicsandelectronic circuitry,safety,digitaltheory,microcomputers fiber optics test equipment, and trouble-shootingtechniques TrainingatRTCisapproximately10weeks and all enlistees in the U.S. Navy begin their careers at the command. More than 40,000 RecruitstrainannuallyattheNavy’sonlyboot camp

SWESC holds Hispanic Heritage celebration

GREAT LAKES, Ill The Surface

Warfare Engineering Schools Command Great Lakes (SWESC GL) held a Hispanic Heritage Month celebration at Naval StationGreatLakes(NSGL),September19

The celebration included performances by the dance company Origenes, from Bogota,Colombia,andwasorganizedwith the assistance of the non-profit organization Ballet Folklorico Tayahua (BFT)

“This was a remarkable event for the Great Lakes community, said Cmdr Gary

L. Hudson, SWESC GL executive officer

“It’s incredibly important that we display thediverseculturesthatmakeupourNavy and educate young Sailors on its importance.”

BFTisaninternationalnon-profitdance organization located in Waukegan, Ill.

BFT’s mission is to instill discipline, confidenceandpromoteeducationonHispanic customsandtraditionsthroughperforming arts BalletFolkloricoTayahuawasfounded by Maria Muñoz in 2013

“[My mother Maria] came to this country with a dream to open a dance studio and teach children the traditional dances

ofMexico[sotheywould]notforgetwhere they came from,” said Amanda Diaz-Bahena, an NSGL Fleet and Family Support Center Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR) Victim Advocate and Director of Advocacy for BFT. “We want to make sure our students at BFT feel connected to their culture and heritage in addition to learning more about other cultures in our diverse world.”

In 2021, BFT started their annual Fiesta Sin Frontera, or Party Without Borders festival. This year they invited the dance company Origenes from Bogota to represent and perform the tradition dances of

their country at the festival.

“It is important to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month because we honor all the countlesscontributionsthatLatinoAmericanshavecontributedtoouramazingcountry,”saidDiaz-Bahena.“HispanicHeritage Monthrecognizessignificantachievements of Hispanics and Latino Americans to the United States, and celebrates their history, culture and traditions Through these celebrations, we can all help to inspire younger generations and bring communities together.”

Small acts of kindness can have a big impact in making people feel welcome. When we reach out and connect with others, we can build a stronger community where everyone – regardless of their background – feels like they belong.

NIOC Pensacola Sailors support Syracuse Navy Week

Navy Information Operations Command Pensacola

SYRACUSE,N.Y. Twoservicemembers from Navy Information Operations Command (NIOC) Pensacola supported theU.S.FleetForces(USFF)FleetOutreach Ambassador Team (FLOAT) during the 2024SyracuseNavyWeek.Lt Cmdr Jeffrey Migdal, NIOC Pensacola’s Operations Officer, and Cyber Warfare Technician First Class Samuel Kohl returned to their hometownofSyracuse,N.Y.fromAug.26through Sept. 1 to participate in the Navy Office of CommunityOutreach(NAVCO)sponsored event. This is the second time the Navy Week program has visited Syracuse since theprogram’sinceptionin2005

Throughout the week, Syracuse welcomed Sailors from the U.S. Navy Ceremonial Guard, Maritime Expeditionary Security Squadron TWO, USS Constitution,NavalTalentAcquisitionGroupEmpire State, Navy Recruiting Command, Naval History & Heritage Command, Navy Band Northeast, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command, Navy eSports, and U.S. Naval Academy Service members participated in various community events across the city, including volunteering at organizations like Habitat for Humanity, Meals on Wheels, the Food Bank of Central New York, and Helping Hounds Dog Rescue Syracuseresidentsalsoenjoyedmultiplelive music events at venues throughout the city performedbyNavyBandNortheast.

Migdal and Kohl, both assigned to NIOC PensacolainPensacola,Fla.,participatedin SyracuseNavyWeekeventsthathighlighted the U.S. Navy and afforded them the opportunity to interact with community leadershipandvolunteeratvariousorganizations throughout Syracuse In all, more than 60 Sailors participated in educational and communityoutreacheventsacrossUpstate NewYork.

Migdal had the unique privilege and honorofactingastheemceeduringtheSyracuseNavyWeekproclamationceremonyat City Hall. He also attended the Great New York State Fair where he was able to pass outNavy-themeditemsandsharehisexperienceasaSailorwithfairgoers

Migdal emphasized the importance of Sailorinvolvementincommunityoutreach

“Our diverse culture across the Navy is the bedrock and cornerstone to our success,” said Migdal. “We must continue to share, educate, and discuss our unique missions withthoseweserve.”

Kohl volunteered alongside 12 Sailors fromacrosstheNavywithHelpingHounds Dog Rescue (HHDR), a nonprofit organization that works to find forever homes for rescueddogs WhilevolunteeringatHHDR Kohlhadthechancetowalk,feed,andspend timewithamultitudeofdogsawaitingadoption. Kohl also participated in events at the GreatNewYorkStateFairwherehewasable to provide insight into the Navy’s programs andsharehisexperienceasaU.SNavySailor withthecityofSyracuse

“Returning to my hometown was an amazingexperience Iinteractedwithveterans and shared my experiences,” said Kohl “I will remember this opportunity for the restofmylife.”

NIOC Pensacola’s mission is to execute Cyberspace Operations and Signals IntelligenceinsupportofNaval,JointForces,and Nationaltaskingauthorities NIOCPensacolaalsoprovidesadministrativeandpersonnel support to its assigned Department of Navymembers NIOCPensacolaisasubordinate command of Navy Cyber Warfare Development Group and comprises Task Group103oftheU.S.Navy’s10thFleet.

FormoreinformationonNIOCPensacola, visit the public web page at https://www. or follow them on Facebook at https://www

Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base

NASJRBFORTWORTH,TEXAS The grandre-openingoftheServMart/BSCstore atitsnewlocation,1364DepotAveonboard Naval Air Station (NAS) Joint Reserve Base (JRB)FortWorthmarkedasignificantmilestoneforVibrantWorksLighthouseforthe Blind. The event, held on September 24, 2024 reiteratedtheorganization’scommitment to supporting military personnel on theinstallation.

Dean Rohlfing, manager at Vibrant Works Lighthouse for the Blind, expressed his enthusiasm. “It is an honor to support the military on the NAS JRB through our ServMart/BSC store. From SKILCRAFT office supplies to all types of deployment gear, we are here to support everyone on theNASJRB.”

The re-opening not only showcased a more accessible location but also emphasized the critical mission behind their services When Government Card Holders and Approving Officials make purchases through the non-profit Lighthouse for the Blind’s ServMart/BSC, it supports the creation of jobs for people who are blind or havesignificantdisabilities.

“This endeavor continues to support the LighthouseMission,whichisvitallyimportant, saidRohlfing

TheNationalIndustryfortheBlindAbilityOne Program, under which ServMart/ BSC operates, is one of the nation’s largest employment resources for people who are blindorhavesignificantdisabilities,includingdisabledveterans VibrantWorks,participating in this expansive network, operates 14storesacrossmilitarybasesinTexas,Oklahoma, and New Mexico, broadening their reachandimpact. NAS JRB Fort Worth Commanding OfficerCapt.BeauHufstetlerattendedthegrand re-opening and remarked on the collabo-

ABOVE: Syracuse,N.Y.-
NIOC Pensacola Operations Offi

USS Antietam pins its final Chiefs


Commander, Naval Surface Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet

HONOLULU Two Sailors assigned to USS Antietam (CG 54), Chief Fire ControlmanDanielDelgadoandChiefFireControlman Robin Phillips were pinned to chief petty officer Sep 27 during a ceremony on board Joint Base Pearl Harbor-Hickam

These are the last two chiefs inducted into CG54’sChiefsMess

“I am the last of a heritage of the whole ship Iamexcited.Itmeansalottobeapart ofthisceremonytoday,”saidPhillips

Chiefsarerecognizedforexemplarytechnical expertise within their rating superior administrative skills and strong leadership ability Most importantly, chiefs bridge the gapbetweenofficersandenlistedpersonnel, actingassupervisorsaswellasadvocatesfor theirSailors

“The culmination of this process was morechallengingthananythingIeverdidin mylife It’skindofarelieftoknowtheseason isover,butthehardpartstartsnow-actually taking care of Sailors and getting out there anddoingthejob,”statedDelgado “Thefact that we are going to be the last chiefs of the Antietamholdsaspecialmeaningtous.”

Promotion to chief petty officer requires passing an exam, exceptional performance evaluations, and board selection. Once selected, those seeking to earn the rank of chief petty officer must complete the six-week initiation that involves physical fitness team-buildingexercises leadership training and lessons on history and traditions Executive Officer Cmdr Antonio Jones expressed the value of chiefs “One thing I toldournewchiefs Theyarenotjustsetting the standard. They are the Navy standard Their leadership commitment, and integrity will inspire us all to uphold the values and make us stronger and that is what we needgoingforward, hesaid.“Weneedtheir freshleadership Chiefsarethebackboneof the Navy They set the standards and hold thestandards.”

“I did three seasons above this ship Last night was one of my happiest moments for me as a command master chief I saw my Chiefs Mess work together in unity Any CMC in the Navy will tell you that is what they expect teamwork I am so proudofourChiefsMessworkingtogether and understanding what team means.”

Command Master Chief Antonio Roberts continued,“Understandthis wheneveryou needsupportandwheneveryouhavequestions youhaveaChiefsMesstoleanon.You can’tbeafraidtoask.”

The chief petty officer, as recognized today,wasofficiallyestablishedApril1,1893, whentherank“pettyofficerfirstclass”was

shifted to “chief petty officer.” This new rank encompassed nine ratings or occupationalspecialties:chiefmaster-at-arms chief boatswain’smate chiefquartermaster chief gunner’smate,chiefmachinist,chiefcarpenter’s

USS Antietam decommissions, while the crew remains Antietam

Pacific Fleet

HONOLULU Ticonderoga-class guided-missile cruiser USS Antietam (CG 54) was recognized for its more than 37 years of naval service during a decommissioning ceremony at Joint Base Pearl HarborHickam,Hawaii,onSeptember27

During the ceremony guest speaker Rear Adm. Christopher Moe (USN, Ret.) spoke about Antietam’s history and accomplishments, wishing this final crew fair winds and following seas as they bid farewell to theirship Moe served as Antietam’s commanding officer from 1997 to 1999 “I was there June 6, 1987 when USS Antietam was commissioned in Baltimore, Maryland. The ceremony was a magnificent start to 37 years of service that will end today after thousands ofyoungmenandwomencrossedherquarterdeck, anxious to serve this great nation,” he stated. “This is a remarkable ship and of equalimportanceisacrewwhocanonlydo whattheydobecausetheyhavetheloveand supportofthefamiliesathome.”

CG 54’s last Commanding Officer Cmdr VictorJ.Garzareflectedontheserviceofhis crewandthosewhocamebeforehim.“The soul of Antietam is in her Sailors We bring theheartlesssteelandirontolife Today,we lay her to rest We keep the soul, and until the Navy commissions a fourth USS Antietam,Iwillbethecaptainofhersoul.Wewill alwaysbeAntietam.”

During his speech, Garza recognized the 23 former Antietam commanding officers who attended the ceremony. He also congratulated the two newly pinned chief petty officers, Chief Fire Controlman Daniel Delgado and Chief Fire Controlman Robin Phillips Delgado and Phillips were promoted in the ship’s final Chiefs pinning ceremony earlier the same day. Garza also conductedthefinalship’spromotionearlier in the day for now Lt Cmdr Steve Millet a former crew member, on the bow. Antietam maintained a crew of 40 officers and 300enlistedSailorsthroughoutitsservice CG 54 was named for the site of the 1862 Battle of Antietam, Maryland, between ConfederateforcesunderGen.RobertE.Lee and Union forces under Maj. Gen. George McClellan,duringtheAmericanCivilWar. Taking place on September 17 1862, the

HONOLULU (September27 2024) – Crewmembers prepare to sayfarewell to theirships during the decommissioning ceremonyofTiconderogaclass guided-missile cruiserUSSAntietam (CG 54).Commissioned in Baltimore,Maryland on May22 1987 Antietam completes its service after37years.Modern U.S.Navyguided-missile cruisers perform multiple mission includingAirWarfare (AW),UnderseaWarfare (USW),Naval Surface

BattleofAntietamremainsthebloodiestday in American history, with a tally of 22,727 dead, wounded, or missing on both sides.

Although the Union Army suffered heavier casualties than the Confederates the battle was a major turning point in the Union’s favor.

ThefirstUSSAntietamwasascrewsloop ofwarandconstructionbeganin1864atthe Philadelphia Navy Yard Due to the end of the Civil War, the ship was not completed as initially planned. Instead, it remained partiallybuiltuntil1869 whenitwasdecided to finish it as an equipment storeship. This

HONOLULU (September27,2024) – USSAntietam (CG 54) Commanding OfficerVictor J Garza,Commander,Naval Surface Group Middle Pacific Capt.JosephJ.Ring,Antietam Command MasterChief(SW/IW/AW)Antonio L.Roberts (Lto R) and ship’s crewsalute during the decommissioning ceremonyofTiconderoga-class guided-missile cruiserUSS Antietam (CG 54).Commissioned in Baltimore,Maryland on May22 1987,Antietam completes its service after37years.Modern U.S.Navyguided-missile cruisers perform multiple mission includingAirWarfare (AW) UnderseaWarfare (USW),Naval Surface Fire Support (NSFS) and SurfaceWarfare (SUW) surface combatants capable ofsupporting carrierbattle groups,amphibious forces oroperating independentlyand as flagships of surface action groups.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYENS.PAULAHACKBART/RELEASED)

Antietam served as a storeship and marine barracks at League Island, Pennsylvania, from1876to1888

The second USS Antietam was an Essexclassaircraftcarriercommissionedtowards the end of World War II. Launched on August20,1944,andcommissionedonJanuary 28, 1945, this vessel missed the war but played significant roles in the Korean War, and in Cold War operations Notably, it was the first aircraft carrier to be fitted with an angledflightdeck,enhancingitsoperational capabilities

The decommissioning of Antietam supportsdepartment-widebusinessprocess reforminitiativestofreeuptime,resources, and manpower in support of increased lethality

The mission of CNSP is to man, train, andequiptheSurfaceForcetoprovidefleet commanders with credible naval power to controltheseaandprojectpowerashore. FormorenewsfromNavalSurfaceForces, visit and

HONOLULU (September27,2024) – USSAntietam (CG 54) quartermasters spent several days designing and painting a displayshowing all Command Excellence awards earned throughout the ship’s careerso formercrewmembers attending the ship’s September27 decommissioning ceremonycould see theircontributions Commissioned in Baltimore Maryland on May22 1987 Antietam completes its service after37years.Modern U.S.Navyguided-missile cruisers perform multiple mission includingAirWarfare (AW),UnderseaWarfare (USW),Naval Surface Fire Support (NSFS) and SurfaceWarfare (SUW) surface combatants capable ofsupporting carrier battle groups,amphibious forces oroperating independentlyand as flagships ofsurface action groups.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYENS.PAULAHACKBART/RELEASED)

USS Washington arrives at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard

PORTSMOUTH NAVAL SHIPYARD, Maine The Virginia-class Block III attack submarine USS Washington (SSN 787) and its dedicated crew of more than 130 personnel arrived at Portsmouth Naval Shipyard September 27, 2024, where it will undergo scheduled maintenance and system upgrades Recognized as the Navy’s centerofexcellencefortheoverhaul,repair, and modernization of attack submarines Portsmouth Naval Shipyard is equipped to modernize and maintain the operational readinessofWashington.

“The project team is excited to welcome the crew of USS Washington to the shipyard and get started with the execution of

the maintenance availability and is looking forward to working collectively with theshipsforce alongwiththeshipyardand enterprise stakeholders to deliver a more lethal Washington back to the fleet, ready to fight,” said Gabriel Griego, Washington ProjectSuperintendent.

Stretching more than 377 feet in length and 34 feet in width, Washington displaces nearly 7,900 tons Its construction was awarded to the Electric Boat division of General Dynamics at Newport News Shipbuilding Virginia with the submarine officially commissioned October 7, 2017 Since then,ithasplayedacrucialroleinsharpeningtheU.S.Navy’swarfightingedge

On December 21, 2023, Washington returned from its most recent deployment where it executed the Chief of Naval Oper-

ations plan for America’s warfighting Navy Throughoutthisdeployment,thesubmarine was instrumental in aligning warfighting effortswithjointforces conductingcrucial maritimesecurityoperations,andenhancing interoperabilitywithalliednationsthrough joint exercises Washington traversed over 37,000 nautical miles and reinforced diplomaticrelationsthroughsuccessfulportvisits inFaslane,Scotland,andTromso,Norway

As a multi-mission fast-attack submarine Washington bolsters five of the six core capabilities of the Navy’s maritime strategy: sea control, power projection, forward presence, maritime security, and deterrence It is designed to excel in variousmissionareas,includinganti-submarine warfare, anti-ship warfare, strike warfare, specialoperations,intelligence,surveillance

and reconnaissance, irregular warfare, and mine warfare. Washington effectively projects power ashore by deploying special operations forces and Tomahawk cruise missiles,therebyassistingintheprevention andpreparationforregionalcrises

The submarine is under the command of Cmdr KeithTurnbull,whoassumedleadershipJuly19,2024 ThecommunityofSouth Berwick, Maine is hosting Washington for thedurationofitsavailabilityattheshipyard, helpingtostrengthenthebondsbetweenthe Navyandlocalresidents

As Washington undergoes these system upgrades, its crew will continue training to buildwarfightersfortheintensityofcombat.

On iberty


NORFOLK,Va ProducersLiaVollack, John Branca, John McClain, SevenVenues and Broadway in Norfolk are thrilled to announce that individual tickets for the smash-hit musical, MJ, will go on sale starting at 10 a.m. Friday, October 4. MJ makes its Norfolk premiere February 4 9 at Chrysler Hall. He is one of the greatest entertainers of all time Now, Michael Jackson’s unique andunparalleledartistrycomestoNorfolk in MJ the multiple Tony Award®-winning musicalcenteredaroundthemakingofthe 1992 Dangerous World Tour Created by Tony Award®-winning Director/Choreographer Christopher Wheeldon and two-time Pulitzer Prize winner Lynn Nottage, MJ goes beyond the singular

moves and signature sound of the star, offering a rare look at the creative mind and collaborative spirit that catapulted Michael Jackson into legendary status It’s thrilling sold out crowds on Broadway, in cities across North America, and in London’s West End… and now MJ is startin’ somethin’ in Norfolk as it makes its premiere at Chrysler Hall in February 2025 Age recommendation is 8+ and run time is 2 hours and

30 minutes, including a 15-minute intermission.

Beginning July 30, Jamaal Fields-Green will assume the title role of ‘MJ’ after achieving the distinction of being the first and only person to have played the role in all three global productions: on Broadway, on the National Tour and in London’s West End. Joining him in the First National Tour cast is Jordan Markus (MJ Alternate) who will play the role twice a week, Brandon Lee Harris (Michael),

Josiah Benson (Little Michael), Bane Griffith (Little Michael), Devin Bowles (Joseph Jackson/Rob), Cecilia Petrush (Rachel), J. Daughtry (Berry Gordy/Nick), Josh A. Dawson (Tito Jackson/Quincy Jones), Bryce A. Holmes (Little Marlon), Jed Resnick (Dave), Anthony J. Garcia (Alejandro) and Anastasia Talley (Katherine Jackson/Kate).


ing a variety of new experiences with our new Nature Excursions series There are many planned for the year, two of which is coming up this October Tickets are on sale now. FishingattheAquarium

„ 5:00pm-8:00pm|Members:$50|

This catch-and-release experience will introduce participants to

fishing techniques, fish

and the rules and regulations put in place by wildlifeauthoritiestocreatesuccessfulanglers acrossgenerations!Thisprogramwilltake place on a private deck at the Aquarium’s NorthBuildingandisopentoguestsages8 and older. The deck is wheelchair accessible from the building.


„ 9:00am-4:00pm | Members: $69.95 | Non-Members: $79.95 Explore Kiptopeke State Park’s shallow, sandy shoreline and Cape Charles grass beds as we look for juvenile fish and invertebrates in their natural habitat. Led by an Aquarium naturalist, participants will discover the value of the local grass beds and how it provides a great nursery for a variety of native animals. Join us as we seine, dip-net, and identify the creatures who call the beach their home This program is open to guests ages 8 and older and will take place outside for most of the day.GuestswilltraveltotheEasternShore in a 12-passenger van, after which we will navigate a soft sandy beach with activities conductedinthewater Guestsmayhandle shellfishduringtheexcursion(e.g shrimp, crabs, clams, etc.).


„ Back Bay and False Cape State Park

Tram Tour

„ FishermanIslandBirdandWildlifeTrip

„ Kayak, Wine, and Wildlife Identification

Stay tuned for more information on these exciting excursions!

For more information visit The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center is located at 717

General Booth Blvd., Suite 10, Virginia Beach, VA 23451. About the Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center: The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center’s mission is to connectpeopletothemarineenvironment, inspiring a more sustainable future The Aquariumaspirestobeadriverinconservation, education, tourism, and sustainability, leadingthechargetosavewildlifeandtheir ecosystems Owned by the City of Virginia Beach, the Aquarium operates as a city departmentinpartnershipwiththeVirginia Aquarium&MarineScienceCenterFoundation.TheAquariumisproudtobeanaccreditedmemberoftheAssociationofZoosand Aquariums,theAllianceofMarineMammal Parks and Aquariums, and the World AssociationofZoosandAquariums The Virginia Aquarium & Marine Science Center Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, supports the work of the Virginia Aquarium. The Foundation procures and maintains the Aquarium’s exhibits including the animals and habitats It is also responsible for annual and



The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere:

Tips for enjoying your “home green home”!


Sustainable living does not have to be time-consuming or costly Nor is it a lofty goal. It can be easily achieved by making small,committedeffortstomaintainhomes businesses neighborhoods parks schools and common gathering areas to lighten the load on the environment With cooler days and pleasant weather, autumn is an ideal time to take stock and see what you can do tomakeadifferencewhereyoulive.

Check our “Home Green Home Guide,” which takes you room by room and into the yard and beyond with cool tips advice and links to pages where you can dive even deeper We hope it will inspire you to try something new or add to your existing “green”checklist!


„ Keeparecyclingcontainerwherepeople canseeit!

„ Start smart and recycle right by purchasing items in packaging that can be recycled (paper and cardboard, for instance). When in doubt, use the org Recycling & Disposal Lookup Tool (online at https://askhrgreen org/gtk-gtd/recycling-lookup/)toseewhich items are accepted for recycling in your community

„ Reduce waste by choosing reusable dinnerware and utensils over disposable plates cupsandcutlery

„ Avoidsewagebackupsbydisposingoffats oils and greasy food leftovers in the trash, not down the drain. For details, visit org/ fat-free-drains/.

„ Add a countertop compost container to yourkitchen.Useittoreducefoodwasteand “feed”agardenarea.

„ Reducesingle-useplasticbychoosingtap watertodrink,insteadofbottledwater

„ Onlywashfullloadsofdishes

Bath and laundry area

„ Savewaterbyturningoffthefaucetwhen brushingyourteeth.

„ Conservewaterbytakingshortershowers

„ Know “what not to flush” (including so-called“flushable”wipes)toavoidsewage backupsinthehomeandonthestreet.

„ Onlywashfullloadsoflaundry

Around the home

„ SwitchtomoreefficientLEDlightbulbs

„ Unplugelectronicswhennotinuse

„ Stay tuned for community collections/ events for shredding paper, electronics collections, hazardous household waste collectionsandunwantedhouseholditems

„ Reuseorrecyclecardboardboxes;recycle junk mail and paper products that are not coated or shiny. To determine what’s recyclableandwhat’snotwhereyoulive,visitthe Recycling&DisposalLookupTool.

„ Avoidwastingwaterbycheckingforleaky faucets around the home; repair or replace themasneeded.

Out and about

„ Skip the plastic straw at the restaurant. For take-home/take-out orders, say “no, thankyou, toplasticutensils

„ Take your tap water to go in a reusable thermos

„ Avoid plastic bags for your purchases by keeping reusable tote bags handy for trips tothestore.

„ When you are able walk or bike instead ofdriving

„ Keep a bag in the car for stowing trash as yourunerrands.

In the yard

„ Remember, “only rain down the storm drain”(notyardwaste,lawnfertilizer,trash, etc.)tokeeplocalwaterwaysclean.

„ Putraintoworkbyinstallingarainbarrel, rain garden or buffer garden to keep standingwaterawayfromyourhomeorbusiness Useanycollectedwatertoreplenishplants

„ Choose native, drought-tolerant trees, shrubs and plants that are acclimated to HamptonRoadsconditions.

„ Scoop your pet’s poop then bag it and trashit!

„ Say no to polluted stormwater runoff by usingacommercialcarwash.

„ Don’tfeedducksandgeese itcanmake themsickandpollutewaterways.

In your community

„ See litter; pick it up Sign up for local litter cleanups or organize your own neighborhood cleanup! We’ll provide litter bags “grabbers” and safety vests! Check



„ Frequent neighborhood “little libraries” forsharing/borrowingbooks

„ Takegentlyusedclothinganddécoritems tolocalthriftandconsignmentstores

„ Share plants and excess garden supplies withothers

„ Sign up to be a “Bay Star Home” or “Bay Star Business” by pledging to adopt low- or no-costsolutionstohelprunyourhousehold orbusinessmoreefficientlywithlessimpact ontheenvironment.

„ Share your “sustainable living” knowledge with others! Word of mouth is one of thebestwaystostartatrend!

„ Follow us on FB/Insta for news, promos, shareourstuff! Needmorecooltipsandadvice?Moseyon!

Homemade meals to tackle yourtakeout cravings

Manybusyweeknightscomedowntoonedecisionfor frazzledfamilies:cookathomeorgiveintotakeoutcravings.Instead of stressingoveradecision,enjoythe best of both worlds and makeAsian-inspired dishes from the comfortofyourownkitchen.

Featuring ablend of chilled, freshly choppedvegetables;ready-to-eat,pre-cookednoodles;gourmetdressing sauce;and crispy toppings,Fresh ExpressHot or Cold Salad and Noodle Meal Kits offer twomealoptions in everybag-hotorcold-soyoucanmakeyoursalad,your way.AvailableinTeriyaki,AsianSweetGingerandKorean Sesameflavors,they’retheperfectinspirationformaking takeout-styledishesathome

Consider this MarinatedTeriyakiSteak with Teriyaki Noodle Saladrecipe,which combinesjuicysteakwith crisp vegetables and pre-cookedUdon noodlesfor the ultimateat-homecomfortfoodinaneffortlessmeal.Fora quickanddelicioussolutionthatmayjustbecomeafamily go-to,these TeriyakiTofuBowls arejam-packedwith flavor,noodlesandfreshveggies

Thesehomemadefavoritesfeatureadeliciousblendof broccoli, redand greencabbage, kale,shredded carrots, radish andgreen onions in FreshExpress’s HotorCold TeriyakiSaladandNoodleMealKit.Thevegetableblend is tossedwithpre-cookedUdonnoodles,white sesame seedsandcrunchywontonsthenfinishedwithagourmet teriyakidressingsauceforfamiliarAsianflavor. Visit to discovermore than300freshrecipesandfindastorenearyou.

Marinated Teriyaki Steak with Teriyaki NoodleSalad

Prep time: 1hour Cook time: 24 minutes


„ 1/2cupdarksoysauce

„ 1/2cupbrownsugar

„ 1tablespoonSrirachasauce

„ 1/2cupunsaltedchickenstock

„ 1poundflanksteak

„ 1tablespoonsesameoil

„ 1bag(16.9ounces)FreshExpressHotorCold TeriyakiSaladandNoodleMealKit

In saucepan, addsoy sauce,brown sugar, Sriracha sauce and chicken stock; bringtosimmerwhile whisking.Simmer4minutes Cool mixturedownuntil cool to touch, about 20 minutes


In large panovermedium-high heat, stir-fry steak 2 minutes

Removesteakfrompanandallowtorest. Insamepanusedforsteak,addoilandcookhotorcold kitaccordingtoinstructionsonbag

Addsteakbacktopanandstirtoincorporate. Garnishwithtoppingsfromhotorcoldkitandserve.

Teriyaki Tofu Bowls

Prep time: 20 minutes Cook time: 10 minutes

Servings: 4

„ 1tablespoonricewinevinegar

„ 2tablespoonsdarksoysauce

„ 1tablespoonhoney

„ 1teaspoonfreshgratedginger

„ 1tablespoonmincedgarlic

„ 2teaspoonswhitepepper

„ 2teaspoonsChinesefive-spice

„ 1/3cupneutraloil

„ 1package(16ounces)extra-firmtofu, cutinto1/2-inchpieces

„ 1bag(16.9ounces)FreshExpressTeriyaki HotorColdSaladandNoodleMealKit

In bowl, whisk vinegar, dark soysauce,honey,ginger, garlic,whitepepper andChinese five-spice until combined. Slowlypouroilintomixturewhilewhiskingvigorously Placecuttofuinmixtureandallowtosit15minutes. Bringlarge saute pan to medium-highheatand place tofuin,turningwhencrustforms Whentofuisfinished,setasideandpreparehotorcold saladandnoodlemealkit. Servewithtofu on top of hotorcoldsalad and noodle mealkit.


Unlock your health by knowing when to get emergency care vs. urgent care

FALLSCHURCH,Va Doyouknowthe difference between emergency and urgent care?Itcanmakeadifferenceinyourhealth

Both emergency rooms and urgent care clinics can help you with a medical issue. But they’re different and serve your needs in different ways When you or a family member needs medical care quickly, it’s important to know the difference between thetwo.

“Intimesofstressorconcern—likehaving a sick or injured family member—it can be difficult to know what the right course of care might be,” said Jeannine Pickrell, RN, nurse director of Population Health, TRICARE Health Plan, at the Defense HealthAgency “Makingtherightchoicewill ensureyouandyourfamilyreceivetheright levelofcarewhenyouneedit.”

When to get emergency care

Emergencycaremeanscareforanillness orinjurythatthreatensyourlife,limb,sight, orsafety Ifyoureasonablybelieveyouhave

an emergency, always call 911 or your international emergency number Or, go to the nearestemergencyroom.

When to get urgent care

Urgent care is for medical issues that aren’t emergencies, but still need attention within 24 hours—for example, a high fever or a sprained ankle Urgent care providers helpwithissuesthatcan’twaitforaregular appointmentbutaren’tsobadthatyouneed to go to the emergency room. Urgent care clinicsareoftenopenlateandcanhelpwith health problems that need care but aren’t life-threatening

Getting answers

If you’re still unsure about which type of care you need, call the Military Health SystemNurseAdviceLine Nursesareavailable day and night to answer your questions and give you advice on where to go Call 800-TRICARE if you’re in the United States,Guam,orPuertoRico Ifyou’reoverseas, visit to

findyourcountry-specificnumber. Makingtherightchoice—especiallywhen you must act quickly—will help you get the careyouneed.

Knowing what TRICARE covers

TRICARE covers emergency care from any provider, and urgent care from TRICARE-authorized clinics at specific ratesbasedontheirgroup.Learnmoreabout howtogetcareandwhat’scovered. You have options that include telemedicine telemental health and urgent care from network providers Check with your regionalcontractortofindnetworkproviderswhooffertelemedicineservices

TRICARE will also pay for urgent care from non-network providers, but you might be responsible for out-of-pocket costs For more information about emergency and urgent care costs check out the TRICARECostsandFeesFactSheet.(Note: A provider must be TRICARE-authorized forTRICAREtopayanypartofyourclaim,

asdescribedintheTRICAREChoicesinthe UnitedStatesHandbook.)

Making the best choice

When you must act quickly knowing the difference between emergency and urgent carewillhelpyoumakethebestdecisionfor your and your family’s health And making therightchoicemayloweryourcosts,too Remember,emergencyroomsareforserious problems that threaten your life, limb, sight,orsafety Urgentcareclinicshelpwith lessseriousproblemsthatstillneedimmediate attention. The MHS Nurse Advice Line isalwaysavailabletohelpyoudecidewhere togo Unlockyourhealthbygettingtheright carewhenyouneedit.

Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions, and create your personalized profiletogetbenefitupdates,news,andmore.


Whatwouldyoucall agroup ofcertain small flatfish thatstart acompanytogether?Co-flounders.


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