The Flagship 10.10.2024

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Virginia Championship Wrestling returns to the Kroc Center in Norfolk on Oct.12th forthe first

Conflict is suretothrill fans!

The NorfolkGreek Fest Express Drive-Thruisback nextweekendatthe Annunciation Greek Orthodox Cathedral,John Katsiastells us about it

It’s that timeofthe year againfor the NorfolkGreekFestExpressDrive-Thru It will be held next weekend, October 17th-19thatthe Annunciation Greek OrthodoxCathedral7220GranbyStreet, Norfolk, Virginia

If youlovetoeat greatGreek food, then the NorfolkGreek Fest Express Drive-Thru is perfect foryou. Avariety of Greek food specialties will be available for purchase.Some of the options includes: Greek salad; chicken or pork souvlaki stick (shish kabob); chicken lathoregano (charcoal-broiled chicken marinated in asauce of oliveoil, lemon juice and oregano); spanakopita (a blendofspinach and feta cheese baked in filopastryleaves);pastitsio (a macaroni casserole with ground sirloin of beef topped with a creamycheese sauce), and more. Greek pastries,suchasbaklavaandavarietyof pastries pak famous all over the world will also be available for purchase

possible without thecompletesupport, hardworkand dedicationofthe members of the Annunciation Greek OrthodoxCathedralwhovolunteerand workveryhardeveryyeartoensurethe successofourGreekFestExpressDriveThru.

Y: What is thepurpose of the Greek Fest Express Drive-Thru and why should people attend?

JK: We aresoblessedtobeliving in our great countrywith suchdiverse cultures.Weloveto shareour Greek heritage with the Hampton Roads community and giveeveryone attendingthe opportunity to experience good Greek food and pastries at very affordable prices while in the comfort of their car

Youcan either pre-order at https:// norfolkgreekfestival.organddrivethere later to pick it up from thecomfort of your car,orgothrough the drive-thru on October 17th-`19th,placeyour order on the spotand pick it up therea few minutes later.

Yiorgo: With us todayto tell us all aboutitisJohnKatsias,oneofthethree chairpersonsfortheGreekFestExpress Drive-Thru. Thank youJohnfor being here. Who arethe othertwo chairpersons?

John Katsias: Thankyou Yiorgo for having me here. The twoother chairpersonsare:TonyDamalas and George Neskis.Ofcourse none of it wouldbe


Y: Let’s learn alittle about you. Wherewere youborn?

JK: Igrewupin Virginia Beach and have livedthereallofmylife.Iamveryproud of my Greekcultureand Iattended the Annunciation Greek OrthodoxCathedral as alittle kid and continue to do so untiltoday.

Y: Next year will be thereturn of the full NorfolkGreek Festival experience What is afavorite memory of yours whileattendingtheNorfolkGreekFestival?

JK: Working shoulder to shoulder with my fellowparishioners from the time Iwas ayoung guy,helping outin the beverage area andembracingand sharing our Greek heritagewitheveryone attending the Greek Festival.

Y: What is your favorite part of the GreekFestivalnow as agrown man?


NASA Administrator Bill Nelson joinedthe director of theSmithsonian’s National Museum of NaturalHistory in WashingtonandagencyleadershiptounveilthenewEarth Information Center exhibit during anearlypreview on Monday.

“NASAhas studiedEarth andour changing climate for morethan 60 years.The Earth Information Center at the SmithsonianMuseumofNaturalHistorywillexpandaccess toNASA’sdataandourdecadesofEarthobservationtoeven morepeople,”saidNelson.“TogetherwiththeSmithsonian, weareprovidingdetailed,usable,andscalableinformation to enable the publictobetter understand theclimate crisis andtakeactionintheircommunity.”

The exhibit includesa32-foot-long, 12-foot-highvideo walldisplayingEarthsciencedatavisualizationsandvideos interpretivepanels showing Earth’sconnected systems informationonourchangingworld,andanoverviewofhow NASAandtheSmithsonianstudyourhomeplanet.Itopens tothepublicTuesday,Oct.8.

“The new Earth Information Center at the National Museum of Natural History will bring Smithsonian and NASAdataontheEarth’senvironmentandclimatetothousands of museum visitors every year,” saidKirk Johnson, the museum’sSantdirector.“It is an honor to partnerwith NASAtobringthisdynamicviewofEarthtomuseumgoers andconnectpeoplemoredeeplywiththeirhomeplanet.

Visitors also can exploreEarth observingmissions, changes in Earth’slandscape over time, and howclimate is expectedtochangeregionallythroughmultipleinteractive experiences.The exhibit willremainondisplaythrough 2028

“The Earth Information Center allows people to seeour planetasweatNASAseeit—anawe-inspiringandcomplex system of oceans,land, ice,atmosphere, andthe life they support,”said Karen St.Germain, divisiondirector,Earth Sciences Division at NASA Headquarters in Washington. “Weare thrilled that this collaboration puts NASA’s Earth scienceatthefingertipsofSmithsonianvisitorsforthebenefitofall.” With morethan twodozenmissions in orbit, NASA observesourplanet’soceans,land,ice,andatmosphere,and measurehowachangeinonedriveschangeinothers.NASA develops new ways to buildlong-term datarecords of how ourplanetevolves.The agency freely shares thisunique knowledgeandworkswithinstitutionsaroundtheworld

As part of NASA’s ongoing missiontobetterunderstand our home planet, NASA created theEarthInforma-

tion Center which drawsinsights from across all NASA centers andits federal partners— theNationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Agency for InternationalDevelopment,EnvironmentalProtectionAgency,and FederalEmergencyManagementAdministration.Itallows viewers to see howour home planet is changing and gives decisionmakersinformationtodevelopthetoolstheyneed tomitigate,adapt,andrespondtothosechanges NASA’sEarthInformationCenterisavirtualandphysical spacedesignedtoaidpeopletomakeinformeddecisionson

Earth’s environment and climate.Itprovides easily accessible Earth information, enabling global understandingof ourchangingplanet. TheexpansionofthephysicalEarthInformationCenter at the SmithsonianNationalMuseum of Natural History makes it the secondlocation in the Washington area. The firstislocatedatNASAHeadquartersinWashingtonat300 ESt.,SW

To learn moreabout theEarth Information Center,visit:


The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere:

BayPort Credit Union “Holiday Lights at the Beach” Celebrates 30 Years at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront

The family-friendly annual event is open


VIRGINIA BEACH, Va The magic of BayPort Credit Union Holiday Lights at the Beach returns to the Virginia Beach Boardwalk for its 30th year with a free bike preview on Thursday, November 14 before the official opening on Friday, November 15, 2024 The family-friendly tradition is open nightly at 5:30 p.m. through Tuesday, December31,2024 Tocommemoratethirty yearsofHolidayLightsattheBeach,admission for opening night on Friday, November 15 will feature “throwback pricing of $5.00. This special price is available to the first 300 tickets sold for Friday, November 15onlyandreflectsthecosttodrivethrough the very first show in 1994. Tickets for all dates are available starting Friday, October 4 at

Cyclists of all ages are invited to get a first look at Virginia Beach’s premier light show during Holiday Bike Night on Thursday, November 14, 2024 from 5:30 p.m. 8 p.m. Participants will enter the show at 2nd street,peddlenorththroughthelights,turn around, and return on the bike path. New this year, “Holiday Lights First Night Hike” offers the community one last chance to see the lights up close by walking through the display on January 1, 2025 The “Holiday Lights First Night Hike” is a free event where attendees can start their New Year’s resolutions off right with a twelve-block walk through the holiday lights display on the Boardwalk. No bikes, scooters or skateboards will be permitted that evening First Night Hikers should park at the 9th Street parking garage and assemble on the boardwalk at 10th Street at 5 p.m.

The 2024 BayPort Credit Union Holiday Lights at the Beach promises lifelong memorieswithaSurfingSanta,color-changing archways, luminous fixtures honoring theArmedForcescommunity,aspectacular 40-foot dancing-light Christmas tree, the largestandlongestcurvedLEDLightTunnel intheU.S. andsomuchmore.Attendeeswill enjoy an enchanting drive on the Virginia BeachBoardwalkthroughholiday,nautical, and adventure-themed light displays while listening to a soundtrack of traditional holidaymusicagainstthebackdropofthemoonlit Atlantic Ocean.

“In the true spirit of the holiday season, BayPort is committed to fun and family-friendly experiences that bring our community together That is why we are excited to be the presenting sponsor of this year’s Holiday Lights at the Beach for the sixth straight year,” said BayPort President & CEO Jim Mears

Guests can save time by purchasing tickets in advance for a specific day and time online at Tickets purchased at the box office will incur an additional $10 fee This year’s event will again utilize timed entry to minimize wait times

Attendees can pair BayPort Credit Union Holiday Lights at the Beach with one of the manyfinerestaurantsorexcitingattractions at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront for a truly unforgettable night. Families are encour-

Editorial Staff ManagingEditor | MCC Amanda Kitchner


Resort has to offer For more information, visit

Bayport Credit Union

Holiday Lights At The Beach Full Schedule:


Date: Thursday, November 14, 2024

TicketsareFREE:Noregistrationneeded HoursofOperation:5:30p.m. 8p.m.



Date: Wednesday, January 1, 2025

TicketsareFREE:Noregistrationneeded HoursofOperation:5:00p.m. 9p.m.


HolidayLightsattheBeach ThrowbackPricing Dates: Friday, November 15, 2024


*Pleasenote,thisspecialpricingisavailable tothefirst300ticketssold.Regularadmissionpricesincludedbelowforanytickets soldbeyond300

HolidayLightsattheBeach Saturday,November16,2024-Tuesday, December31,2024



HoursofOperation: 5:30p.m. 10:00p.m.nightly


„ PassengerVehicles:$25

Monday—Thursday/$30Friday Sunday

„ Limousines:$75(includesFastPass)

„ LargeBuses(36+passengers):$60

„ MiniBuses(16-35passengers):$40

„ MilitaryMonday,presentedbyBayPort CreditUnion:$5offpervehicleonMonday

Know Before You Go:

„ Advancedpurchaseisrequiredfor BayPortCreditUnionHolidayLightsatthe Beach.Ticketsareonlyvalidfortheselected dateandtimeslot.

„ Ticketsareavailableatbeacheventsvb com.

„ Ticketsaresubjecttoavailability

„ Ticketsarenon-refundable

„ VehiclequeuebeginsonAtlanticAvenue at21stStreetandproceedsSouth.Followall eventandtrafficsignstotheentranceofthe lightshow

„ AllvehiclesmustobservetrafficregulationspostedonAtlanticAvenueandonthe Boardwalk.

„ Pedestriansareprohibitedonthe Boardwalkwhiletheshowisinprogress eachnight.

„ Passengersmustremainintheirvehicles atalltimes

„ Vehiclesareprohibitedfromstoppingor parkingontheBoardwalk.

„ BayPortCreditUnionHolidayLightson theBeachisheldrainorshine TheShow maybesuspendedorpostponeddueto severeweatherorincaseofaforecastof severeweather Followbeacheventsvbor Live!onAtlanticonFacebook,@beacheventsvbonInstagram,@beacheventsvbon Twitter ornavigatetohttps://www.beacheventsvb.comforweatherupdates

For more information on visiting the Virginia Beach Resort, visit https://www

757-262-2852 |

Sharing first-hand accounts of

Source: Library Of Congress

Veterans History Project

More than a century after the signing of the Treaty of Versailles ended World War I, stories told by American veterans who served during this pivotal time offer fascinatinginsightsintothisperiod.

To preserve and share history as it happened through the lens of those who lived it, the Library of Congress Veterans HistoryProject(VHP)collectsthesestories, andthestoriesofveteranswhofollowed.

The individual stories of many of the veterans involved have been lost to time; however, the program encourages military veterans to document their experiences via first-hand oral histories, photos or written accounts The stories are then made accessiblesocurrentandfuturegenerationsmay better understand what veterans experiencedduringtheirservice

As time passes, new submissions from veterans who served in World War I have become increasingly rare but occasionally somethingspecialisuncovered,suchastwo submissions from Sherie Lockett: collections from her grandfathers, both African AmericanWorldWarIveterans

Containing 34 original letters, Jessie CalvinLockett’scollectionprovidesaunique insightintohisexperienceservinginFrance asastevedore,loadingandunloadingcargo ships

The collection of Sherie Lockett’s grandfather Arthur Singleton, includes a unique find:a105-year-olddiary

When Singleton joined the Army in 1918, hewasassignedtothe803rdPioneerInfantry Brigade, a segregated unit tasked with constructingandrepairinginfrastructure.

Singleton’s diary is notably VHP’s first written account from a Black soldier who served during World War I. Entries detail his time in service, from training at Camp Granttoenduringharshconditionsenroute to Europe aboard the USS Mannequin. He describes arriving in Scotland, traveling to Franceforfurthertrainingandbeingsentto thefrontlinesonNov.11,1918,thesameday theArmisticetookeffect.

His combat experience lasted only six hours but his time in Europe extended beyond the ceasefire Post-combat entries describecampingatMenil-La-Tour receivingapromotiontoPlatoonSergeant,recovering U.S. property from the trenches and visitingParis

He also candidly recounts instances of racism from fellow American troops while abroad-includingbeingdeniedserviceathis basecanteenandharassedoutofatheaterandsharedhowhisunitwasassigned“background” work while white engineer units received recognition for digging trenches onthefrontlines Thanks to their granddaughter’s donation of their letters and diary to the effort, VHP can share Jessie Lockett’s and Singleton’s experiences and perspective as Black soldiers during World War I. While the program requires first-hand submissions, the stories of veterans who served long ago and have already died still may be included through similar donations of diaries or pre-recordedvideos To read more veterans’ stories and learn more about how you or a loved one can contributetotheprogram,

VCW presents Grave Conflict on Oct. 12th in Norfolk

Virginia Championship Wrestling will return to the Kroc Center in Norfolk, Virginia on October 12th for the first time inoverayear GraveConflictissuretothrill fanswithitsannouncedmatches including anopenchallengeforthebiggestprizeofthe Commonwealth:TheVirginiaHeavyweight Championship.IncelebrationofHalloween, fans are encouraged to dress as their favorite professional wrestler, but they are also welcome to come as they are. The address oftheSalvationArmyKrocCenterHampton Roads is 1401 Ballentine Blvd, Norfolk, VA 23504 General admission tickets and more information can be found at timeat7:30p.m.

At Liberty Lottery in July, “Greek God Papadon silenced his critics when he capitalized on an incapacitated Joseph Keys to become the new Virginia Heavyweight Champion. Despite his win being labeled as ‘controversial’ by fans, Papadon showed his confidence by issuing a Trials of Olympus Open Challenge for his first championship defense Although the uncertainty of an open challenge could be a hindrance for the average professional wrestler, Papadon’s 25-year career has conditioned him for high-pressure matches In fact, there has only been one other Trials of Olympus OpenChallengeinVCWwhichhewon.Can “Greek God” Papadon successfully defend his new Virginia Heavyweight Championship orwillamysteryVCWwrestlerknock himoffhisthroneonMountOlympus?

“Mr. Xcellence” Brandon Scott made his VCW return in the aforementioned triple threat match at Liberty Lottery against “Greek God” Papadon and Joseph Keys It appeared that the Virginia Heavyweight Championship was in his grasp after hitting Keys with his ‘Scottbuster,’ but Papadon managed to throw him out of the ring long enough to claim the title. After a victory against Myles Hawkins on September 28th at the Bethpage Camp Resort, Brandon Scott looks to continue gaining momentum at Grave Conflict. However, “The Director” Jerry Stephanitsis seems to have different plans Citing frustrations over Scott ignoring his 40th birthday celebration, Stephanitsis announced that “Mr. Xcellence” would be facing the “Pectoral Poseidon” Rex Lawless on October 12th. Lawless has a chip on his shoulder followinghisdominantperformanceintheLiberty Lottery match in July Despite an incredible nine eliminations, he was inevitably the runner-upafter“MushMaster”TimSpriggs pulled him over the top rope Additionally, Lawless was recently announced to be the opponentofthemultiple-timeWWEWorld Champion and current TNA World Champion,“TheWantedMan”NicNemethwhen VCW returns to Alexandria on November 9th. With the biggest match of his career only a month away, Lawless is determined to make a statement with a victory against oneofVCW’stopperformers

AtLibertyLottery,Delinquentslosttheir VCW Tag Team Championship to the new team of Myron Malone and Alex Divine in what some fans labeled the ‘match of the night. Malone and Divine seemed to have a natural chemistry as partners, but that was questioned in Urbanna on September 28th when Mikey Banker and Josh Fuller regained the championship Separately, Big A.C.andCassius“Cash”Carterhaveclashed with the Golden Pinky Society for months, including a 6-man tag team match that also featured Commander King and former WWECruiserweightandTagTeamChampion, Paul London. These two rivalries will intertwine at Grave Conflict when Malone and Divine team up with the Golden Pinky Society to face Delinquents, Carter, and Big A.C in the second-ever Ghouls & Goblins 8-Man Tag Team Elimination Match. With all four teams aiming to be the best in Virginia,itwillbeinterestingtoseewhocan coexistandavoidelimination. TheVCWLibertyChampionSaulEsparza hasscratched,clawed,andmanipulatedhis way into retaining his championship for months With his ‘best friend’ Neil Sharkey in his corner, his defenses have practically turned into a two-on-one handicap match.

Tommy Seto looks to put a stop to their wrongdoings by taking the championship at Grave Conflict. Seto, who has frequently demonstrated his abilities to fans in Northern Virginia, has a big opportunity to make an impression in Hampton Roads and end thedishonorablereignofEsparza.

Two other noteworthy singles matches will take place in the Kroc Center Hyena Hera has shown VCW audiences what her explosive personality is capable of after matches with the likes of Adrianna and former AEW Women’s Champion Nyla Rose Followingavictoryinhermostrecent VCWmatch,hermomentumcouldbehalted when she faces Kaitlyn Marie Marie has made quite a name for herself on the inde-

pendent scene and she looks to replicate that impression in her first match in VCW. This appears to be a must-win match for both women. Myles Hawkins is also in a must-win position when he goes one-onone with former Virginia Heavyweight Champion The Boar Hawkins returned to VCW in the Liberty Lottery match and immediately demanded elite competition. The Boar certainly fits that demand. He recently demonstrated his dominance with a huge Granby Street Fight victory against TheReasoninabrawlthatincludedattacks from Jerry Stephanitsis, WWE legend the Brooklyn Brawler, and a cattle prod! As mentioned earlier, Hawkins came up short against Brandon Scott on September 28th.

If he wants to support his claim of being a top-tierplayer,hemustdowhatonlyaselect few in VCW have done: He must conquer TheBoar Front-row tickets are officially sold-out, but general admission tickets are still availableatvcwprowrestling.comandwillbesold at the Kroc Center on October 12th. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. with bell time at 7:30 p.m. Virginia Championship Wrestling’s next show will emanate from Alexandria Virginia on November 9th in The Leonard Chick Recreation Center, featuring a meet and greet and a match with “The Wanted Man” Nic Nemeth. Tickets are available at

Brandon Scott delivers a fist drop on Matt Cardona.
RexLawless manhandling multiplewrestlers.

AComfortFood Favoritefor Football Nights

Withfootballseasoninfullswing,it’stimetobreakout game dayfavoritesthat get thecrowd on their feet.This BisonBarbecueMeatloafmaynotbeatraditionaltailgate item,butit’saperfectwaytobringthefamilytogetherfor weeknightgames



Recipe courtesyof“Cookin’Savvy”

Servings: 4-6

„ 1poundgroundbison

„ 1/3poundhamburger(optional)

„ 2tablespoonsmesquiteseasoningor barbecueseasoning

„ 1egg

„ 1/2cupbarbecuesauce


„ 1cupbarbecuesauce

„ 2tablespoonsbrownsugar


Inbowl,mixbison;hamburger,ifusing;seasoning;egg; andbarbecuesauce.Placeinloafpan.

To makeglaze,mix barbecuesauce and brown sugar. Spreadovermeatloaf Bake45minutes

AGo-To Sweet Potato Side

Sweet potatoes seemtoscream “fall,”especiallythis roastedversionthatpairswellwithawidevarietyoffamily favorites likefried chicken. It can be your go-to recipe whencomfortcravingscallforasavory(notsweet)side.


Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy”

Servings: 4

„ 2largesweetpotatoes,washedandcubed

„ 1/2tablespoongarlicpowder

„ 1/2tablespoononionpowder

„ salt,totaste

„ pepper,totaste

„ oil,fordrizzling

„ 2tablespoonsbutter


Inbowl,mixcubedsweetpotatoeswithgarlicpowder, onion powder and salt and pepper,totaste.Drizzle with oil;mixwell. Placesweetpotatoesinbakingdishandbake30minutes. Removefromovenandspoonbutteroversweetpotatoes mixingwell

Note: If using smallsweet potatoes,use four (one per serving).

Simple,Flavorful Fall Dessert

Ifyourfamily’stastebudshavegrowntiredofapple-inspired fall desserts,simply look toward anotherquintessentialautumnflavor:pumpkin.Quickandeasytoprepare usingaspicecakemixthatprovidesalltheflavorwithout thestress,thiscakecanbedressedtoimpressatafallgatheringorservedafterweeknightdinner


Recipe courtesyof“Cookin’Savvy”

Servings: 8-12

Bundt Cake:

„ 1boxspicecakemix

„ 1can(15ounces)pumpkin

„ 1stickbutter,softened

„ 2eggs

Topping: „ 3tablespoonscaramelsauce „ 2cupspowderedsugar „ 1/2cupchoppednutsofchoice

Heat oven to 350 F. Grease Bundtpan. In mixing bowl,mix cake mix, pumpkin, butter and

eggs well then pour into Bundt pan.

Bake45-50minutesuntiltoothpickinsertedinmiddle comesoutcleanly.Letcoolinpan5minutesthenremove from pan and let cool completely on rack Oncecooled,mixcaramelsauceandpowderedsugar; drizzle over Bundt cake.Sprinkle with chopped nuts


Unlock your health by understanding how TRICARE For Life works with Medicare


FALLS CHURCH, Va Are you approaching Medicare eligibility? Unlock your health by understanding how TRICARE For Life works with Medicare and plan your coverage effectively, while avoidingout-of-pocketcosts “TRICAREForLifeworkswithMedicare tominimizeyourout-of-pocketexpensesfor TRICARE-coveredhealthcareservicesyou receive, saidAnneE.Breslin,TRICAREFor LifeProgramManagerattheDefenseHealth Agency “If Medicare and TRICARE both cover a healthcare service you receive, you won’thavetopayanythingoutofpocket.” HerearesomeanswerstocommonquestionsaboutTRICAREForLifeandMedicare coverage

Q: Who’s eligible for Medicare and TRICAREForLife?

A: Most people become eligible for Medicare the month they turn 65, but some may qualify earlier If you receive Social Securitydisabilitybenefits,orhavecertainhealth conditions, and are under 65 you may be eligibleforMedicare.

It’simportanttounderstandhowentitlement to Medicare affects your TRICARE eligibility.LearnmoreintheTRICAREand Medicare Under Age 65 Brochure or the TRICARE and Medicare Turning Age 65 Brochure.

TFL is for military retirees and eligible family members who qualify for TRICARE and have both Medicare Part A and Part B, regardlessofwhereyoulive TFLisanindividual benefit, meaning family members who aren’t eligible for Medicare can still be covered under TRICARE Prime or TRICARESelect.


A: TFL coverage begins the first day you havebothMedicarePartAandPartBcoverage There are no forms or fees to enroll in TFL. It’s important to avoid gaps in your TRICARE coverage by enrolling in MedicarePartsAandBatleasttwomonthsbefore turning65 YoucanenrollontheSocialSecuritywebsiteorbycontactingtheSocialSecurityAdministration. Check out the TRICARE For Life Handbook for more about signing up for Medicare.


A:YouneedMedicarePartAandMedicare PartBtoqualifyforTFL

„ MedicarePartAcoversinpatienthospital care, skilled nursing hospice and some home health care Most people qualify for premium-free Part A if they or their spouse workedandpaidSocialSecuritytaxesforat least10years

„ MedicarePartBcoversoutpatientcare, durable medical equipment, and certain preventive services There’s a monthly

premium for Medicare Part B, which is basedonyourincome

Youdon’tneedMedicarePartCorPartD tohaveTFLcoverage,buttherearesomekey detailstoknowabouttheseoptions.

Q: What should I know about Medicare PartCandPartD?

A:MedicarePartC(MedicareAdvantage)is anoptionalplanprovidedbyprivatecompanies that bundle Medicare Parts A and B. If you choose Medicare Part C, you may need to:

„ Pay a monthly premium in addition to yourMedicarePartBpremium.

„ GethealthcareservicesfromtheMedicare Advantageplannetworkofproviders

„ Paycopaymentsatthetimeofservice

„ File claims with TRICARE for any TRICARE-coveredservices

Medicare Part D provides prescription coverage It’s also optional. You don’t need PartDtobeeligibleforTRICAREPharmacy benefits IfyouhaveTFL,youremaineligible fortheTRICAREPharmacyProgram.Ifyou do choose to enroll in Part D, you may pay a monthlypremium,andyoumustfollowthe plan’srulesforfillingprescriptions

Learn more about using Medicare Part D withTRICAREpharmacybenefits

Remember: You won’t lose your TFL benefitsifyousignupforaMedicareAdvantageplan,butyoumayneedtofileyourown claims with the TFL contractor, Wisconsin

PhysiciansService For dental and vision coverage, check to see if you qualify through the Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program.


A: When Medicare and TRICARE both cover a service Medicare pays first, and TRICAREpayssecond.However,TRICARE coverssomeservicesthatMedicaredoesn’t. Check whether your care is covered by Medicare, TRICARE, or both, to avoid unexpectedcosts.VisitTRICARE’scovered services for details (online at https://www


A: There are some differences to know. MedicareonlycoverscareintheU.S.andU.S. territories, so if you live or travel overseas, TRICAREwillbecomeyourprimarypayer. You’llberesponsibleforpayingTRICARE’s annual deductible and cost shares for overseascare.UsetheTRICARECompareCosts TooltoseeyourTFLcosts

Even though Medicare doesn’t provide coverageoverseas youmuststillhaveMedicarePartBtoremaineligibleforTRICARE. Here’s what to keep in mind if you have TFLandliveortraveloverseas:

„ You may visit any TRICARE-authorized providerforcare

„ If you’re in the Philippines, you must see

aPhilippinePreferredProviderNetworkor certifiedproviders

„ Be prepared to pay for services up front. You’llneedtofileaclaimlater.

„ You have up to three years to file your claimforoverseascare.


A: If you have other health insurance such as coverage through employment, TRICAREwillpayafterMedicareandyour OHI,asdescribedintheTRICAREForLife Handbook. Makesureyou’refullypreparedforMedicarebyenrollingatleasttwomonthsbefore turning 65 Also, keep your contact information current in DEERS to ensure you get important information regarding your TRICAREbenefits

Unlock your health—and longevity—by taking steps to understand how Medicare andTFLworktogether Tolearnmoreabout what happens when you become eligible, check out Becoming Medicare-Eligible (online at

Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions, and create your personalized profiletogetbenefitupdates,news,andmore.

Prepare yourself for cooler weather

Source: Mucinex

Although cold weather isn’t directly to blame when you get sick, it creates an environment that makes it easier for germs and illnesses to thrive. In fact, understanding how cooler temperatures affect your chances of getting sick may be your best approachforpreventivecare.

Despite the old adage that “you’ll catch your death of cold,” the cold itself doesn’t cause illness More accurately, the cold is morehospitabletoviruses makingiteasier for them to spread. While you can’t control MotherNature,youcantakestepstoprotect yourhealthwhentemperaturesdrop Protect Your Immune System

A weakened immune system makes it harder for your body to ward off intrusive germs If you’re otherwise healthy, protecting your immune system can be as simple as stepping up typical healthy habits, like eating plenty of nutrient-rich produce, gettingenoughsleepandexercising Managingstressandlimitingalcoholconsumption are also helpful in managing your body’s immuneresponse If your immune system is compromised by an underlying condition, talk with your doctoraboutwhatyoucandotoaddanextra layerofprotectionduringthecoolermonths, including any vaccines that may help boost immunity

Combat Congestion

Cool,dryconditionscanwreakhavocon your nasal passages drying them out and reducing the protective layer of mucus that helps fight infection Sinus pressure and congestion are often some of the first warning signs you’re coming down with something

To treat your congestion symptoms, you can use a non-medicated option like Mucinex Sinus Saline Nasal Spray. This is the first-ever saline product with a nozzle thatletsyouswitchbetweentwospraypressures The“gentlemist”helpscleareveryday congestion and soothes the nose while the “powerjet”helpscleartoughnasalcongestion often associated with colds An added

benefit is that the product can be used for children 2 years of age and older on the gentle mist setting and children 6 years of ageandolderonthepowerjetmode Spend Time Outdoors

Peoplenaturallyspendmoretimeindoors whentemperaturesdrop,buttherearesome benefits to getting outdoors Sunlight is a natural source of vitamin D, which plays a pivotal role in immunity Sunlight also triggers the body to produce serotonin which boosts your mood, and multiple studies show a strong correlation between mental andphysicalhealth. Fresh air and exercise are also good for

youroverallhealth andexposuretodaylight canhelpkeepyourcircadianrhythmsregulated, which in turn promotes better sleep. What’s more, acute exposure to cold can triggeryourbodytoproduceinfection-fightingcells,soyou’relesspronetoillness Practice Good Hygiene

The everyday act of washing your hands can play a big role in preventing illness especially after you spend time in public places While out and about, you likely comeincontactwithmanysurfacesothers mayhavetouched,includingdoorhandles, shopping carts, touch screens and menus. Make a habit of wiping down surfaces you

touch frequently such as your keyboard and phone with disinfectant wipes Stay Hydrated Keeping your body well-hydrated throughout the day can help ensure all yourbody’ssystemsarefunctioningasthey should. If you’re dehydrated, your body can’t use the nutrients you consume properly which affects your immunity In addition, drinking plenty of water helps flush toxinsoutofthebodybeforetheycancause aninfection. Find more practical tips and products to help manage your health during the colder


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