The Flagship 10.17.2024

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Marine Corps Reserve kicks off Toys for Tots drive at JEB Little Creek

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Every year it seems like the holiday season starts a little bit earlier with decorations in stores and Christmas music on the radio before we’ve even had a chance to pick out Halloween costumes However, the Marine Corps Reserve Center onboard Joint ExpeditionaryBaseLittleCreek-FortStory(JEBLCFS) kicked off the Hampton Roads Area 2024 Toys for Tots campaign Oct. 1 and they’re hoping local communities will catch the holiday spirit and help a record number of childrenenjoyChristmasthisyear

Since Marine Corps Reserve Maj. Bill Hendricks began collecting toys for less fortunatechildrenin1947,ToysforTotshas distributed more than 600 million toys for nearly 300 million kids in all 50 states Last year in the Hampton Roads area, a record 100,000 toys were given to 50,000 local families. This year’s Hampton Roads Toys for Tots coordinator Staff Sgt. Matthew Gernoske,hopestotopthat.

“Our goal is to collect 150,000 toys this

Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Members of the Joint Expeditionary Base Little CreekFort Story (JEBLCFS) community area Catholics and former parishioners celebratedthe100thanniversaryofthededication of St Theresa’s Chapel Oct. 1, 2024 It was a commemoration filled with remembrances and love for the chapel and its namesakesaint,knownas“thelittleflower.” Theceremonycoincidedwiththefeastday of St Theresa.

The chapel was constructed in 1924 when the Cape Henry area of Virginia Beach was a resort community. It originally served vacationers, but as the small Armygarrisonnearbyexpandedintowhat

year,” he said. “Our ultimate goal is to deliver hope to children this Christmas. We achieve that by working together as one community.”

JEBLCFS Commanding Officer, Capt. DavidGray saidtheinstallationwillbeabig part of that community and is arranging to have toy drop boxes available across Little CreekandFortStory

“I encourage everyone to support this drive and donate as many toys as you can. Children out there are depending on you to putsmilesontheirfacesthisholidayseason,” Graysaid.

Gernoske is encouraging military commandsthroughouttheareatobecomea toydropsiteortoorganizeaneventencouraging toy and monetary donations. He also said encourages early donations so he and histeamcanplanthedistributions.

“Eachtoyrepresentsamomentofhappinessforachild,”hesaid.“It’sareminderthat theyareloved.”

The Toys for Tots drive runs from now until Dec. 21 For information on becoming a drop site or hosting an event, visit https://

isnowFortStory,militaryfamiliescameto worship in the tiny chapel by the sea. Brenda Tierney Uyak made her first communionatSt Theresa’sChapelin1961. She also attended confirmation classes there. “I felt like I needed to come here today because there were hundreds of kids like mewhoattendedservicesandclasseshere over the years. I feel like I’m representing them,” she said. Unfortunately, the chapel has not been immune to ravages of time and sea air over thedecades Damagetothestructureofthe flooring means that the chapel is currently unable to host worship services or special events like in

The DoN Sean J. Stackley Acquisition Excellence Awards honors NAVSUP

Naval Supply Systems Command (NAVSUP) congratulates the winners of the 2024 Department of the Navy (DoN) Sean J. Stackley Acquisition Excellence Awards (AEAs), including the NAVSUP Office of Small Business Programs (OSBP) andNAVSUPFleetLogisticsCenterNorfolk (FLCN) Contracting Technical Director RoccoSiravo.

TheDoNSeanJ.StackleyAEAs(formerly known as the DoN AEAs) recognize individuals and teams that made exceptional contributionsinpromotingcompetitionand innovation throughout the acquisition lifecycleforNavyandMarineCorpsprograms Increasing productivity, leveraging competitionandinnovation,superiorprofessional acumenandupholdingDoNcorevaluesare thehallmarksoftheseoutstandingindividualsandteamsastheydotheirparttosupport thewarfighter

Among the 2024 DoN Sean J. Stackley AEAs’manyawardcategories,theNAVSUP OSBPachievedtheSecretary’sCupAward.

The Secretary’s Cup Award recognizes a DoN Echelon II or III command, which exemplifies the highest examples of small business acquisition excellence and whose achievementbringssignificantcredittothe DoN acquisition community. Commands qualified for the Secretary’s Cup demonstrate innovative approaches and perseverance in overcoming unusual conditions, issues and barriers. These approaches increase small business opportunities that enhance command effectiveness support the customer mission and typically result in quantifiable cost savings innovation and

St. Theresa’s Chapel from Page 1


Consistentlyexcellinginallthisandmore, the NAVSUP OSBP is responsible for all small business policy and oversight for the implementation of small business act regulations Additionally,theOSBPisresponsible foralladvocacyandprocurementstrategyto maximize opportunities for small business acrossNAVSUP’sprocurementmission.

“Ithinkthekeyaspectofourselectionwas capturing what we felt was a best-in-class smallbusinessstrategyforFY24andmoving with urgency to show immediate impact, saidNAVSUPSmallBusinessDirectorChris Espenshade, “This strategy puts aside our traditional goals and focuses specifically on leveraging the power of small business to be a force generator for Navy weapons system sustainment and our broader logisticsmission.”

Additionally the NAVSUP OSBP specifically addresses the known industrial base decline by applying all the tools at their disposal for developing manufacturing sources of supply and repair, as well as by advocating for supply chain resiliency through additional small business opportunity

“The key to any award-winning program is the people that are doing the day in and dayoutwork.Thisincludesmyteamofsmall business professionals within the NAVSUP OSBPandthecountlesscontractingprofessionals that assisted us with identifying capable small businesses and awarding a year over year record number of contracting actions to small business firms,” stated Espenshade “Without our outstanding acquisition professionals the Navy’s procurement and small business mission wouldnotbepossible.”

“IknowmanyofyouhereareconcernedabouttheconditionofSt Theresa’s.IhaveheardyourconcernsandIshare them, JEBLCFS Commanding Officer Capt David Gray told ceremony attendees He acknowledged that funding priorities are primarily aimed at supporting the warfighters deployed in harm’s way. However, he is convinced that there is a solution to restoring the chapel.

“Wearegoingtohavetogetcreativetofigureouthowto makethenecessaryimprovementstogetthechapelbackin theconditionitneedstobein Graysaid “Workingtogether we can find a solution that respects St Theresa’s and its history.Thischapelisanimportantpartofourcommunity.

Distinguished likewise among the award categories, Siravo won the Oreta B. Stinson SmallBusinessAdvocateAwardforhisrole as the contracting technical director for NAVSUP FLCN-Philadelphia Site’s PentagonSupportDivision “Rocco’s superior accomplishments in advocatingforsmallbusinesshavebeenthe critical enabler to establishing a robust and diversegovernmentindustrialbasemadeup ofsmallbusinessessectorsthatsupportthe

SecretaryoftheNavy’sgoalstoincreaseuse of companies founded by American small businessentrepreneurs,”saidNAVSUPFLC Norfolk Commanding Officer Capt Kelly House Siravo played a major role in more than $200 million in small business multiple awards contract vehicles being set aside for small businesses, in support of the Navy and Marine Corps Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness (FIAR) portfolio He helped plan a small business pre-proposal conferenceforthateffortthatwasattended by more than 40 small businesses ensuring a seamless proposal process for interested smallbusinesses While honored not only to be nominated for this award but also to be named winner, Siravowishestoemphasizethattheaccomplishmentwasateameffort.

“I am blessed to be surrounded by a talented, dedicated, and customer-focused team that does all of the heavy lifting,” said Siravo.“Thisawardismorearecognitionof theireffortsthanitismine.”

CongratulationstotheNAVSUPwinners ofthe2024DoNSeanJ.StackleyAEAs! NAVSUPisheadquarteredinMechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, and employs a diverse, worldwide workforce of more than 25,000 military and civilian personnel. NAVSUP and the Navy Supply Corps conduct and enablesupplychain,acquisition,operational logistics and Sailor & family care activities withourmissionpartnerstogeneratereadinessandsustainnavalforcesworldwideto preventanddecisivelywinwars Learn more at , and https://

Navy Acquisition ExcellenceAwards.(PHOTOBY THOMASKREIDEL,NAVSUPFLCNORFOLK) Members oftheJoint ExpeditionaryBase Little CreekFort Storycommunitycelebrate the centennial ofSt Theresa’s Chapel Oct.1,2024,with area Catholics and former parishioners.(U.S.NAVYPHOTO BYAPRILPHILLIPS)

Honoring the stars and stripes: NSA Philadelphia hosts

NAVALSUPPORTACTIVITYPHILADELPHIA Pa “Ma’am, these flags have become unserviceableinaworthycause Irecommend that they be honorably retired from further service and that they be fittingly destroyed,” said Chief Petty Officer Justin Wilson, Chief MasteratArmsatNavalSupportActivity(NSA) Philadelphia.

On Tuesday, Oct. 8, personnel gathered at the installation ball fields for a Dignified Flag Disposal Ceremony. “The United States Flag Codestates ‘Theflag whenitisinsuchcondition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display,shouldbedestroyedinadignifiedway, preferablybyburning,’”saidNSAPhiladelphia Command Senior Chief Scott Reed during the ceremony. As fall leaves swirled in the distance and the scent of smoke rose in the air members of the NSAPhiladelphiaHonorGuardexecutedhand salutes facing movements and laid flags into the flames Two burn pits were prepared to receive the many bags of unserviceable American flags collected from across the installation. Receptacles, once mailboxes, now serve asdesignateddrop-offlocationsforproperflag disposal. The flags varied in size, from small ones that fit in the palm of a hand to larger flags including one that flew at NSA Mechanicsburg’sheadquartersbuilding.Allwereready for honorable retirement and the ceremony providedadignifiedfarewell.

“As you lay the flag to rest, think about all of thepeoplethatsherepresents Thinkaboutthe ideals our nation was built upon Think about thetruthsthatweholdtobeself-evident.Think aboutthosewhohavegonebeforeusandrisked their lives and why we risk our lives today,” Reedcontinued.

OnlookersparticipatedinthePledgeofAllegiancetobegintheceremony,andborewitness toimportanceoftheritualinreflectivesilence. Somebroughtflagsfromtheirhomesorneighbors’ homes to be disposed of in the fires During the ceremony, two flags were symbolicallylaidonthefire,whiletheremainingflags wererespectfullydisposedofafterwardbybase personnel.

In moments the two flags were consumed bytheflames The ceremony, solemn and succinct, concludedwithremarksfromCapt.JohnettaC. Thomas,NSAPhiladelphia’scommandingofficer:“Aseachofusoffersservicetocountry,we all must depart when our service is complete, and so must old flags be retired after they have sonoblyserved...Maytheflageverflyaloftover the United States of America to comfort the dispossessed, defend the weak, and warn the tyrant.Mayiteverflutterinpeace,shoutingthe messageoflibertyandfreedom.

Navy Reserve Medical Team achieves key certification, demonstrating readiness and capability

In a significant milestone for Navy ReserveMedicine,ExpeditionaryResuscitative Surgical Suite (ERSS) Team 17 recently passedtheirOperationalReadinessEvaluation (ORE), certifying them as a fully capable unit. This achievement marks the first ERSS Reserve team to complete the rigorous process aligning them with the same standards as active-duty units The certification confirms the team is ready to deploy andprovidecriticalmedicalcareinsupport ofNavyoperationsworldwide

The Navy Reserve Medical community, which operates under the same training and certification standards as active-duty units,ensuresthatwhenafleetcommander requests medical support, they receive the same level of capability, regardless of whether the team is active or reserve. “The elementsoftraining,billetrequirements,and capabilitiesareidenticalbetweenactiveand reserveforces,”statedRearAdm.EricPeterson, Deputy Director Naval Medical Forces Atlantic, emphasizing the unified nature of NavyMedicine’soperationalreadiness

ERSS Team 17 underwent months of preparationleadinguptotheOREatCamp Pendleton,wheretheyweretestedagainsta curriculumdesignedtoassesstheirmedical, logistical, and operational proficiency The successfulcompletionofthisevaluationnow officially designates the team as missionready, meaning they can be called upon by the fleet to provide immediate damage control and surgical care in forward-deployedlocations

Sustaining Readiness

According to Peterson, the teams ORE certification will last for one year, during which the team will enter a “sustainment phase” in the Navy’s operational readiness framework. Throughout this time, team members will focus on maintaining their skills through professional development andleadershiptrainingwhilepreparingfor future deployments After this phase they will reenter the cycle of preparation and trainingfortheirnextoperationalreadiness evaluation.

The readiness process for Navy Reserve medical teams spans approximately three years, moving through phases that include basic training, advanced preparation, and eventualcertification.Thistimelineaccommodatestheuniquedemandsonreservists, whomustbalancetheirmilitarydutieswith civilian careers Despite these challenges, the certification process ensures that Navy Reserve medical teams remain on par with theiractive-dutycounterparts

Integration into Exercises and Operations

ERSS teams like their active-duty counterparts are integrated into fleet exercises and real-world missions These exercises are essential for ensuring the team’s skills remainsharpandtheirreadinessvalidated.

The importance of certifying reserve teamslikeERSSTeam17goesbeyondoperationalreadiness ItalsohighlightstheNavy’s commitment to building a unified medical force “Whetherit’sareserveoractiveunit,

when a capability is requested by the fleet, they receive the same level of readiness,” saidPeterson.“Thisensuresthatregardless of a team’s reserve or active status, they are preparedtomeetthemission’sneeds.

A Vital Capability

Peterson went on to explain that ERSS teams bring a specialized capability to the battlefield. With a seven-person team, they are designed to provide immediate surgical care in austere environments where larger medical units might not be feasible This capability enables them to deliver life-saving care closer to the front lines, stabilizing casualties for evacuation to more comprehensivemedicalfacilities

Theteamincludesadiversearrayofmedical professionals, including a surgeon, an emergency room doctor a certified nurse anesthetist, a physician assistant, a respiratory therapist, and other key specialists Together, they offer a range of critical services, from damage control surgery to emergencymedicalcare,inchallengingand rapidlychangingenvironments

Looking Ahead

As the Navy continues to align its medicalforceswithitsbroaderoperationalstrategy, the certification of reserve teams like ERSSTeam17playsacrucialroleinensuring that Navy Medicine remains ready for any contingency The team’s success is part of a largerefforttointegratereserveandactiveduty medical capabilities, minimizing the differencesbetweenthetwoandfosteringa “oneNavyMedicine”approach.

Lookingtowardthefuture,theNavyplans to continue certifying and deploying more reserve medical teams With three more ERSSteamsscheduledforcertificationinthe coming months, Navy Medicine is building a deep bench of highly trained, fully capable medical units These teams will be ready to supportthefleetinexercises,real-worldoperations,andanyemergingglobalchallenges “Our people are excited,” Peterson remarked.“Thisprocessvalidatestheexpertise and readiness of our reserve forces and it demonstrates that Navy Medicine, whether active or reserve, is prepared to meettheoperationaldemandsoftodayand tomorrow.”

By aligning their readiness process with thatofthebroaderNavy,thesereserveteams arecontributingtotheNavy’soverallgoalof maintainingaconstantstateofreadinessand deterrence ensuringthattheyareprepared forthechallengesofthefuture.

Naval Medical Forces Atlantic (NMFL) delivers operationally focused medical expertise and capabilities to meet Fleet, Marine and Joint Force requirements by providing equipment, sustainment, and maintenance of medical forces during combatoperationsandpublichealthcrises NMFLprovidesoversightfor21NavyMedicine Readiness and Training Command’s, logistics public health and dental services throughout the U.S. East Coast, U.S. Gulf Coast,Cuba,Europe,andtheMiddleEast Navy Medicine represented by more than 44,000 highly-trained military and civilianhealthcareprofessionals provides enduring expeditionary medical support to thewarfighteron,below,andabovethesea, andashore.

NMRLC celebrates National Hispanic Heritage Month

NMRLC command personnel celebrated National Hispanic Heritage Month on Oct. 9. NationalHispanicHeritageMonthtraditionally honors the cultures and contributions of both Hispanic and Latino Americans as we celebrate heritage rooted in all Latin Americancountries Hispanic Heritage Week was founded as a seven-dayobservancein1968whenPresident Lyndon Johnson signed Proclamation 3869. As the years passed on, it became clear to the Americanpeoplethatoneweekperyearwas not enough time to celebrate all the accomplishmentsandcontributionsoftheHispanic community On Aug. 17, 1988, Public Law 100-402 was approved and signed by President Ronald Reagan, expanding Hispanic Heritage Week intoamonth-longevent,fromSept.15toOct. 15 NMRLC has a diverse workforce and is honoredtocelebratetherichheritagesrepresentedbycommandpersonnel

Headed by Capt. Christopher Barnes, NMRLCdevelops,acquires,produces,fields, sustains, and provides enduring lifecycle support of medical materiel solutions to the Fleet, Fleet Marine Force, and Joint Forces in high-end competition crisis and combat At the forefront of Navy Medicine’s strategic evolution, NMRLC is well positioned to be the Joint Force’s premier integrated medical logisticssupportactivity

NMRLC member becomes U.S. citizen

Congratulations LSSR Andrea Ordinola Valdez,onbecomingaUnitedStatescitizen, Oct.8,2024 duringtheNaturalizationOath of Allegiance to the United States of Americaceremony.

Throughoutourhistory,theUnitedStates haswelcomedimmigrantsfromalloverthe world who have helped shape and define ourcountry Grantingcitizenshiptoeligible lawful permanent residents is vital to our nation’s security, economic prosperity, and a future built on the principles of the U.S. Constitution.


est institution worldwide, so I was excited whenmyrecruitertoldmeIhadtherequirements to join, such as having a green card, a Social Security number, and my certificates and academic degrees,” said Ordinola Valdez “Iwasinterestedintherateorcareer related to business logistics and administration.

Ordinola Valdez attended one of Peru’s most prestigious universities, Universidad NacionaldeSanAgustin,studyingeconomicsandlogisticsandearninganundergraduatedegree Additionally,shehasamaster’sin businessmanagementandaPhDinadministration. She was a professor in universities in Tacna, Jorge Basadre Grohmann University and Private University of Tacna. She

studied at San Agustin University and held the number one ranked position during the developmentofhercareer Shealsowonthe Criscos Scholarship to study in Argentina, and ultimately returned to the city where she was born to share her knowledge with localyouthinTacna.

“My parents always taught me ethics honesty and the importance of work, since work dignifies human beings,” said OrdinolaValdez.“I’mapersonwithsolidethical valuesandaprofessionalatwork Theseare thevaluesthatmyparentsinstilledinme.”

Today, Ordinola Valdez serves as a logistics specialist responsible for operating financial accounting systems and managing inventories of repair parts and general supplies that support ships squadrons and

with two Japanese training ships

NORFOLK,Va Recently,CivilService Mariners (CIVMARS) aboard Military Sealift Command’s (MSC) fleet replenishment oiler USNS Harvey Milk (T-AO 206) completedtheirfirstreplenishment-at-sea (RAS) with two Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF) vessels Apart of a six-month around the world training cruise, that began in May 2024 and included 180 newly commissioned JMSDF officers, JMSDF training vessels JS Kashima (TV-3508) and guided missile destroyer JS Shimakaze (DDG 172 TV 3521), which has now been converted into a training vessel, completed its first RAS event with USNS Harvey Milk in the VirginiaCapes’(VACAPES)operatingarea in the Atlantic Ocean, Sept. 24 This bilateral exercise between the United States andJapanhelpstoimproveJMSDF’stacticalcapabilitiesandtobuildontheinteroperability between the JMSDF and the U.S. Navy According to USNS Harvey Milk’s Ship MasterCapt.James“Jim White,thisrefueling event was a rare opportunity for the HarveyMilkcrewtoworkwiththeprofessionals of the JMSDF and a chance to demonstrate the capabilities of the T-AO 205 class oiler This event marked only the second time that a T-AO 205 class oiler has replenished two ships simultaneously USNS Harvey Milk is the second ship of the T-AO 205 class oiler operated by MSC. The ship provides diesel fuel, lubricating oil and jet fuel; small quantities of fresh and frozen provisions and dry stores; and potable water to Navy ships at sea. T-AOs add underway replenishment capacity to the Navy’s Combat Logistics Force (CLF) andisexpectedtobecomethecornerstone of the fuel delivery system.

USNS Harvey Milk is named after U.S. Navy veteran and LGBT activist Harvey Milk who was one of the first openly gay candidates elected to public office as a


“Ilikealltheactivitiesintheofficeandin the storerooms, the training to learn more about the Navy and the different programs, and to learn more about logistics,” said Ordinola Valdez. “It is the perfect job that combinesphysicalandmentalactivity.”

Headed by Capt Christopher Barnes NMRLC develops, acquires, produces, fields, sustains, and provides enduring lifecycle support of medical materiel solutions to the Fleet, Fleet Marine Force, and Joint Forces in high-end competition, crisis, and combat AttheforefrontofNavyMedicine’s strategic evolution, NMRLC is well positioned to be the Joint Force’s premier integratedmedicallogisticssupportactivity

LSSRAndrea OrdinolaValdezis surrounded bysupporters from hercommandwho accompanied here in herjourneyofbecoming a United States citizen during the Naturalization Oath


Callingallriders JoinusTHISSUNDAY

Oct. 20th for the Annual RUMBLE THROUGH THE TUNNELS motorcycle ride with 100% of the gate going to NAVY-MARINE CORPS RELIEF SOCIETY!Theweatherforecastislookingfantastictoo!

Rumble through the Tunnels began 24 years ago by Bayside Harley-Davidson’s owner and military retirees who chose the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society as the benefactor of this fundraiser. Rumble Through the Tunnels incorporates both militaryandnon-militarymotorcycleenthusiasts who want to show their support and appreciation to the men and women who proudlyserveourcountry Foundedin1904,theNavy-MarineCorps Relief Society is a private non-profit charitable organization that provides financial, educational and other assistance to members of the Naval Services, eligible family members, and survivors when in need.

Kickstands up at noon with a ride through the Monitor-Merrimac Memorial Bridge-Tunnel Hampton Roads Bridge Tunnel DowntownTunnelandthenback to Bayside Harley for live music as well as foodtrucks,vendorsandlotsoffun!Rainor shine theeventisago

Pre-Registration available at Fleet Fest, visit the Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Tent. OnsiteRegistration($20perrider/$5per passenger)opensSundayOctober20thfrom 10:00 11:30amat:

BaysideHarley-Davidson 2211FrederickBlvd Portsmouth,Va23704

27 New chief petty officers pinned at Naval Station Norfolk 2024 Chief Pinning Ceremony

NORFOLK,Va NavalStation(NAVSTA) Norfolk’s Chiefs Mess pinned 27 new chief petty officers at the 2024 Chief Pinning CeremonyattheWindandSeaAuditorium onNAVSTANorfolk,September27,2024

Dating back to 1893 the chief pinning ceremony is a historic Navy tradition old as the chief petty officer rank itself In the modern day, the pinning is the apex of a six week period of training conducted by the Chief’sMess Throughthesesixweeks,firstclasspetty officersareputthroughintensephysicaland mental exercises that test their resolve and build up their strengths as a leader If they can pass these challenges they will be able tostandonstagetoreceivetheiranchorsand dawntheircovers

Thisyear’seventbeganat10:00a.m.opening with remarks followed by the 27 chief selects marching to the stage from either sideoftheauditorium.Oncetheyarrivedon stage, they sang “Anchors Aweigh” to those inattendance At the conclusion of the singing Capt. Matthew Schlarmann the commanding officer of NAVSTA Norfolk, spoke to those in attendance and praised the hard work of the soon to be newly appointed chief petty

Since the dawn of our nation, U.S. Navy BureauofMedicineandSurgery(BUMED) hasbeenresponsibleforthecareandoperationalreadinessofourwarfighters Thishas beenthefocalpointthat’sguidedusformore than249years.AstheNavyMedicineEnterprise (NME) continues to navigate toward its2027NorthStartomodernizeitsculture, organizationandplatforms,Octobermarks several significant anniversaries of historic shiftsinitsoperationalmission.

To prioritize Navy Medicine’s focus on readiness and support changes in our organizational construct, two medical type commands (TYCOMs) were realigned as Naval Medical Forces Atlantic (NMFL) and Naval Medical Forces Pacific (NMFP), and healthcare education and training command, Naval Medical Forces Development Command (NMFDC) formally known as Naval Medical Forces Support Command (NMFDC) on Oct. 1, 2019 In parallel, most of the Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Commands (NMRTCs)/ Units(NMRTUs)wereofficiallystoodup

“Navy Medicine continues to align its medical warfighters and platforms to enhance warfighting performance contributing to the Department of the Navy’s abilitytoleverageintegrateddeterrenceagainst our adversaries and to provide ready and relevant health services capabilities across the maritime domain,” stated Rear Adm. DarinVia,NavySurgeonGeneralandchief BUMED

The Military Health System (MHS) went through a significant congressionally directedreforminthe2017NationalDefense AuthorizationActtoreshapemilitarymedicine to better support warfighters DHA assumed administration and management ofallmilitarytreatmentfacilities(MTF)on Oct.1,2019 NavalHospitalJacksonvillewas the first Navy hospital to transition to DHA and NMRTC Jacksonville was established onOct.1,2018

“Navy Medicine’s organizational structurewillbeorganizedtofacilitateallphases of force development, force generation and

officers and showed appreciation to the Chief’sMess

“It is an honor to stand before you at this significant ceremony,” said Schlarmann. “Todaywegathertocelebrateamilestonein the careers of these remarkable individuals thathavededicatedthemselvestotheNavy’s missionsandvalues Becomingachiefpetty officerisnotapromotionitisatransformation. It marks the transition from a skilled technician to becoming leader, mentor and


The guest speaker for the ceremony, Retired Master Chief Linda Fox, followed Schlarmann.

“This is my 50th year in uniform of helpingthecommunity,theNavyandtheschool,” said Fox. “I’m going to tell you things that will help you be a better chief be a better personandabetterleader.”

Fox would then give a speech on the importance of leadership and what roles a

chief should play when becoming a leader and gave examples from her time in the Navy and training her Junior Reserve Officers’TrainingCorps Classes Shewouldalso give them an alphabetical list of key principlestoutilizeintheirjourneytomakethem abetterleader

Afterthespeech,thechiefselectsmarched off the stage and fell in line along the auditoriumwall.

Once the chief selects were in position, four chief selects would report back to the stagetostandinfrontoftheirfamily,friends and mentors who would then pin on the chiefs select’s anchors and their sponsors within the Chief’s Mess would place their khakicombinationcoveratoptheirhead. The families friends and mentors would then leave the stage and the chiefs would marchtotheleftsideofthestage Oncethere two bells would strike and an announcement stating that the newly pinned chief had arrived. The Chief would then render asalute,walkdownacarpetflankedbyside boys,andleavethestage Onceall27chiefswerepinned,theentire group would return to the stage and stand at attention. After this Chief Air Traffic Controller Brian Abeyta called all chiefs in attendance to attention for the reciting of the “Chief Petty Officer Creed”. The event concludesoonafter

forcepreservationandfullrestorationofthe warfighter,”saidRearAdm.RickFreedman deputySurgeonGeneral

Within the context of supporting fleet concepts, Navy Medicine provides several EXMED capabilities and augments fleet capabilities that are designed to integrate and maneuver with the maritime force, operating in the littorals and from the sea EXMED capabilities to include en-route care systems, expeditionary resuscitative surgical systems expeditionary medical units,forwarddeployablepreventivemedicine units, expeditionary medical facilities, and personnel augments to hospital ships, andcasualtyreceivingandtreatmentships

“This shift has allowed the Navy to retain command of our uniformed medical forces in support of operational missions, concluded Via. “While we are supporting MHS stabilization at the MTFs, this naval command structure provides a single point of command for the fleet commanders and lifelinesforourSailorsandtheirfamilies.” There are currently more than 19,000 personnel assigned to 29 NMRTCs and 35 NMRTUs who are co-located at MTFs throughout the globe to provide combatready providers to the fleet. NMRTCs/ NMRTUs preserve the U.S. Navy’s critical equities while providing a structure that allowsourhighlyskilledpersonneltomain-

tain proficiencies through valuable training in an MTF NMRTCs report to NMFL and NMFP, which in turn are accountable toBUMED The Navy Medicine Enterprise represented by more than 44,000 highly-trained military and civilian health care professionals provides enduring expeditionary medicalsupporttothewarfighteron,below, andabovethesea,andashore. Check

From theApril

powerplant can be seen overBuilding

The Heritage Hour: Forrestal, fire and NNSY uarterdeck

Norfolk Naval Shipyard

October is an important month in the historyandheritageofUSSForrestal(CVA59). Commissioned into service the first of the month in 1955 the disastrous tragedy that unfolded in 1967 led to changes in the Navy’sapproachtofiresafety Alwaysthere to answer the call, Norfolk Naval Shipyard (NNSY) stepped up to repair the stricken ship and make the modifications to ensure within reasonable doubt, such loss would not happen again. This time on Heritage HourandinhonorofNationalFirePreventionWeek,welookbackattheeventsofthe Forrestalfire,theexceptionalworkofNNSY personnel and the lasting changes that are stillseentoday.

In late July of 1967, Forrestal was in the South China Sea carrying out missions againstNorthVietnam.Inneedofordnance,

Commanding Officer Captain John Beling reluctantly accepted a delivery of bombs thatincluded16AN-M65A1.Thereluctance camefromtheconcernsfromtheordnance handlers who suggested the bombs be immediately launched off the ship due to their leaking paraffin phlegmatizing agent, an indication that the explosives contained within had become dangerously degenerated. However, the ordnance delivery was neededtocarryoutthemission,andsothey were brought onboard but stored on deck. Had they been stored in the magazine, and the detonation occurred there, the ship couldhavebeencompletelylost.

An electrical power surge from a F-4B Phantom II aircraft caused an unguided rocket to launch into the fully packed flight deck on July 29, striking the fuel tank of an A-4ESkyhawkthatwaspreparingfortakeoff The JP-5 fuel was ignited by the burning rocket propellant and Damage Control

Team No 8 leaped into action, believing they had a ten-minute window before the bomb casing melted Due to the deteriorated and unstable condition of the bomb, theyunknowinglyhadlessthantwominutes and the detonation that followed was even morepowerfulthananticipated.Beforethe firewascontained,atleasttenbombsaswell asmissilesandwarheadsexploded,ravaging the ship and claiming the lives of 134 men andinjuring161more.

USS Forrestal underwent emergency repairs in the Philippines before arriving at NNSY Sept. 19 Repairs began immediately, starting with the removal of the starboardelevatorwiththeiconicHammerhead CranebeforemovingtoDryDock8.Twelve railcars of the highest quality HY-100 steel arrived,anupgradefromtheHY-80thathad previouslybeenutilizedinshiprepairwork.

More than 300 welders, including apprentices, worked around the clock applying

newly learned techniques for the heavier and harder steel. By November, a quarter oftherepairworkwasreportedcompleted. In early April 1968, USS Forrestal went on seatrialswith60NNSYpersonnelonboard. After six-and-a-half months, the ship was returnedtothefleet.

ThelegacyofUSSForrestalandhercrew on fire safety in the Navy is evident to this day.TheFarrierFirefightingSchool,located at Naval Station Norfolk, is named in honor Chief Gerald W. Farrier who heroically led DamageControlTeamNo 8onthechargeto attempt to control the burning bomb withoutconcernforhispersonalsafety Learning thecrewdidnothaveconsistentknowledge of firefighting procedures the Navy now requires all personnel to go through training Changes were also made to flight deck fire suppression system as well as other improvements to prevent another such devastatingloss

Navy Talent Acquisition Group Great Lakes celebrates successful year of recruiting

NTAG Great Lakes

Navy Talent Acquisition Group (NTAG) Great Lakes Commanding Officer, Commander Eric Rolfs announced that NTAGGreatLakesobtained1,687contracts to join America’s Navy during fiscal year 2024 1,596ofthecontractswereactive-duty and91accountedforthereserves

“We accomplished our NCO, NUC, NAT non-nuke sub and priority-rate goals for the entire year, and we were very close on Warrior Challenge,” said CDR Rolfs. “That is a testament to each and every one of you

comingtogetherasacommandandearning thosechampionships.Wearechampionsin 2024 and I could not be more proud of the effortthatyouputin.”

During FY24, NTAG Great Lakes completedgoalsforfiveofthesixcategories „ New Contract Objective (NCO): 984 contracts-101%ofgoal.

„ NuclearPowerField:116contracts-108% ofgoal. „ New Accession Training (NAT): 91 contracts-104%ofgoal.

„ Priority-Rate Goal: 341 contracts - 111% ofgoal. „ Non-Nuclear Submarine: 92 contracts

-108%ofgoal. „ Warrior Challenge (WC): 68 contracts81%ofgoal. This comes a day after Rear Adm. James Waters, Commander, Navy Recruiting Command (NRC) announced that NRC exceeded mission - contracting 40,978 activeand7,612reserveSailorsduringFY24 Recruiters’ efforts at NTAG Great Lakes contributedtothatsuccess Now, as FY25 gets underway CDR Rolfs is looking for NTAG Great Lakes Sailors to continuetheirvictories “Going forward into 2025, the tagline is ‘turning earned championships into a

dynasty,” said CDR Rolfs “We built our team, we built our foundation, we built the house,andwe’veearnedthechampionships Nowwearegoingtoearnadynasty.Wehave an amazing team and this is just the beginning.” Navy Talent Acquisition Group (NTAG) Great Lakes covers Northern Illinois, Northwest Indiana, Eastern Wisconsin and Western Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Headquartered in North Chicago IL NTAGGreatLakeshas30recruitingstations and employs more than 150 military and non-militarypersonnel.

Military Sealift Command celebrates its 75th anniversary

MilitarySealiftCommandheldaceremony at its headquarters on Naval Station Norfolk Oct. 1 to celebrate the command’s 75th anniversary

The ceremony included a cake-cutting, reading of the command’s history, presentationofthecommemorative75thAnniversary scrolls and remarks from MSC Commander, RearAdm.PhilipSobeck.Severalcivilservice mariners (CIVMARs), military and staff members attended the event, and hundreds of others observed online as MSC’s newest employee, Capt. Kimberly Jones and one of its longer serving employee, Stanley Washington,cutthecakeofficiallyrecognizingthe historicday.

“Ourmarinersandtheirteammatesashore remainsteadfastandcommittedtodelivering agile logistics, strategic sealift, and specializedmissionsanywhereintheworld,”Sobeck saidduringtheceremony,“Sotoday,inrecognition of those efforts we celebrate our CIVMARs pastandpresent,andthecivilians and service members who have supported them in helping MSC achieve 75 years of maritimeexcellence.”

OnOct.1,1949,theMilitarySeaTransportation (MSTS), was stood up to become the single managing agency for the Department of Defense’s ocean transportation needs. MSTS, which would become MSC during theVietnamWar,assumedresponsibilityfor providing sealift and ocean transportation for all military services as well as for other governmentagencies

Throughout the decades, the command, its mariners and staff members have been involvedineverymajorU.S.conflict.OnJuly 6, 1950, MSTS transported troops from the 24th Infantry Division its equipment from JapantoPusan,SouthKorea,aftertheinitial invasion of South Korea by North Korean troopsintheKoreanWar.

DuringtheVietnamWar,from1965to1969, MSC transported nearly 54 million tons of combat equipment and supplies and nearly 8 million tons of fuel to Vietnam. MSC also transported thousands of troops during the war.

MSCshipsdeliveredmorethan12million tons of wheeled and tracked vehicles helicopters, ammunition dry cargo, fuel and other supplies during the first Persian Gulf Warstartingin1991.

In March of 2003 on the heaviest day of deliveringcombatgeartoKuwaitforOperation Iraqi Freedom, MSC operated 167 ships stretchingfromtheU.S.EastandGulfCoasts to Kuwait, delivering a constant stream of combatmaterial,supplies vehiclesandhelicoptersdeliveredtoU.S.forcesintheMiddle East.

Since Sept. 11, 2001, MSC ships have played a vital and continuing role in contingency operations around the world, delivering combat equipment and supplies to U.S. andcoalitionforcesthatoperatedinIraqand Afghanistan.

Today, MSC operates several new classes of vessels all with modernized systems in support of U.S. Navy requirements MSC is also focused on delivering emerging capabilities such as new connectors, unmanned

aerialresupplyandexpeditionarymunitions reloadtobettersupportdistributedmaritime logistics

Through innovation, technology and the most talented workforce in the world, MSC is prepared to take on the challenges of an ever-evolving maritime environment to continuetosupportthejointforceforanother 75years

“Commemorating our history allows us to reflect on our past achievements, and our team can take great pride in having contributedtoanimpressive75-yearlegacy,”Sobeck said.“Andnowweshiftourattentionfromthe pasttofutureandlookatwhereweneedtogo in the next 75 years to ensure MSC remains the premier maritime logistics provider for theNavyandournation.”

During the ceremony, Sobeck was presentedoneoftwocommemorativescrolls as part of Operation Signature. The scrolls, affixed with MSC’s official 75th Anniversary logo, have been transferred to MSC commandsandshipsaroundtheworldsince April and have been signed by thousands of CIVMARS military members and staff membersaspartoftheyearlongcelebration.

“I would like to thank the families who support our teams, often at great sacrifice; they too share in the legacy of the command and today’s celebration,” Sobeck said concludinghisremarks “Iamproudtoserve alongside you as we begin the next 75 years This is a team sport; working together we are unstoppable and ready to face any challenge ‘United We Sail so that Together We Deliver’!”

Chances are from our support codes to those on the deckplate you’ve heard thisphraseatimeortwoinrecentmonths: “We’re putting mechanics at the center of whatwedohereatNorfolkNavalShipyard (NNSY). But what does this mean to put our mechanics at the center? And how can this be accomplished overall?

Mechanic at the Center, also known as MATC, is a fundamental approach from Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) in aligning all of the shipyard’s actions and systems to focus on the non-stop flow of work and to show value to the deckplate workforcewhoaccomplishthatwork.“We are placing the needs on the deckplates at thecenterofourdecision-makinginsetting our policies and procedures, including limiting unnecessary ones,” said Shipyard Commander Capt. Jip Mosman.

TheMATCphilosophyisaboutdefining what right looks like for the workforce:

—We will win as a team by collaborating across all organizations to set up our work teams for success When mechanics win, we all win. We pull together all aspects of our business to support capable and empowered mechanics ready to start work on time and complete work without interruption

—Wewillcreateworkteamsempowered to solve the deckplate work stoppages and we will efficiently resolve work delays by involved parties “running to” problems Barriers that cannot be removed by the work team will be elevated.

—Wewillstrivetogetto“yes”andreverse the culture that so easily says “no.”

—We will place mechanics’ interest at thecenterofourdecisionmakinginsetting policiesandprocedures includinglimiting unnecessary ones

—Mechanics will feel like the shipyard values their efforts allowing them to feel trueownershipandexhibitthatinthework they perform.

—Wewillmeasureourperformanceand evaluate our people on how we contribute to the work team and mission success, not just on the success of our own area.

In order to be successful, everyone from leadership support codes, to those on the deckplate must work together to support the mission All work at NNSY flows to the mechanic, from leadership assisting to remove barriers, to support codes providing their support to ensure mechanicshavewhattheyneedtosucceed, and more.

Through efforts like our Gemba walks and direct discussions with our employees NNSY has made significant effort in achieving MATC across the shipyard For example, NNSY has worked to secure battery operated tooling to help reduce thenumberoftemporaryservicesrequired for tooling and to create efficiency during work evolutions following feedback from the mechanics, ordering more than $3.25 million in new tools to directly support the mechanics’ needs In addition efforts like the consumable hubs were generated to directly benefit the workers providing themaone-stopshopformaterialsneeded for their shop to support the various projects on the waterfront.

As NNSY works to embrace the MATC concept, every employee can and should take the time to find their connection between their work and the mechanic.

Ask questions like, “What would it look like to put the mechanic at the center of this process or decision?” By comparing that answer to our current state of what “normal” is, we can see the gaps in the way we do business, and ultimately determine the things we can work on to improve our processes and actions to better support accomplishment of the mission.

“We are a team here at NNSY and each individual, from our support codes to the person putting their hands on the ship component, is essential in supporting our mechanics and the work they do on our Navy’s fleet,” said Capt. Mosman. “Every

single one of our employees here from leadership to support codes, to our waterfront warriors play a part in mission accomplishment on the deckplate and delivering needed resources to those who are repairing and modernizing our vital naval assets Together we can improve the way we do business and achieve our mission any ship, any time, anywhere!”

Third annual Navy Medicine campaign order released to enhance naval force readiness

The Navy Surgeon General released the third annual Navy Medicine campaign order in support of a 5-year plan to achieve the 2027 North Star end state, which is to deliver agile, scalable, trained, and certified medical units to provide enduring support to the fleet, Fleet Marine Force, and joint forces in high-end competition, crisis, and combat,Oct 1.

The campaign order is aligned with the Chief of Naval Operation’s Navigation Plan for America’s Warfighting Navy, the National Defense Strategy, and other Navy and Marine Corps strategic documents It builds the foundation for Navy Medicine to enhance warfighter medical readiness and successfullyoperateinthehigh-endfight

“This year’s campaign order continues to prepare and posture Navy Medicine for sustained health service support in high intensitycombatoperationsinafuturepeer warfightingscenario,”saidRearAdm.Darin Via the Navy Surgeon General and chief, BUMED “These foundational changes will meet the operational requirements of combatantcommanders,fleetcommanders andtheFleetMarineForce.”

ThecampaignordersupportstheSurgeon General’s four lines of efforts which are organized under the CNO’s priorities of warfighting, warfighters, and the foundation that supports them. The involvement andactivecontributionoffleetstakeholders and non-medical counterparts is a crucial

element to the execution of a successful transitionandefficienttransformation

“Everyone of us has a crucial role in advancing our lines of efforts and reaching our North Star,” concluded Via. “Every Navy Medicine Sailor, active and reserve, and civilian should take the time to familiarizethemselveswiththeFiscalYear2025 CampaignOrder.”

In the previous two campaign orders, more than 400 functional tasks were successfully executed that propelled Navy Medicine closer to its 2027 North Star In fiscal year 2025 250-plus tasks have been identified with certain timelines and milestones to increase modernization and expandunitcapacity

Quarterlyupdatesontheprogresstoward Navy Medicine Operational Design in support of our North Star will follow the campaignorder Successeswillbemeasured against the Navy Medicine Campaign Plan and will require integrated efforts across internal and external processes and stakeholders

As a maritime medical force, Navy Medicine’s mission is to develop and deliver manned,trained,equipped,maintained,and certifiedmedicalforcesthatdevelop,generate, and preserve the naval human weapon system.

The Navy Medicine Enterprise comprised of more than 40,000 highly-trained military and civilian health care professionals provides enduring expeditionarysupporttothewarfighteron,below, andabovethesea,andashore.

The ‘Guardians of the Night’

ByDarrylOrrell Center For Security Forces

September is National Service Dog Month, a time to raise awareness and showcase the extraordinary work and role service dogs play in the lives of people with specific illnesses or limitations.Fromguidedogsaidingtheblindto diabeticalertdogsalertingparentstotheonset ofachild’sseizureandpsychiatricservicedogs helping those who have post-traumatic stress disorder,dogsplayavitalrolenotonlyinterms ofcompanionshipbutinthesafetyandwell-beingofpeopleeveryday.

Canines also have an invaluable often vital, roleinthenation’smilitaryforces.Knownasa Military Working Dog (MWD), these highly specializedtraineddogsperformawiderange of duties, including guarding entry control pointsandpatrollingparameters,trackingand apprehendingsuspects,detectingexplosivesand drugs, aiding in search and rescue operations, andattackinghostileaggressors

“It’s important to understand that our Mili-

taryWorkingDogs,knownbetterbytheMWD communityas‘GuardiansoftheNight,areforce multiplierswithintheDepartmentofDefense, capableofamplifyingsecuritymeasuresacross thepillarsofforceprotection duetotheirsuperior sense of smell, hearing, and speed,” said Naval Technical Training Center CommandingOfficerCmdr ChristopherBreckenridge.

Nearly every engagement involving the United States had canines serving in various capacities. According to the Department of Defense article, “War Dogs: How WWI Led totheMilitaryWorkingDogProgram, today, the DoD has one of the world’s best MWD programs andWorldWarIiswhentheconcept took root after seeing how other countries employeddogs.

“AllUnitedStatesmilitaryworkingdogsare trained by the U.S. Air Force 341st Training Squadron at Joint Base San Antonio in Texas, said Breckenridge. The MWDs selected are intelligent and learn quickly. They and their handlers have a unique relationship as teammatesorpartners.”

According to the article mentioned above, dogsweretrainedtolocatewoundedsoldierson thebattlefield,carryfoodandfirstaidsupplies, and serve as message couriers because of their speedandagilityduringWorldWarII.

“MWDandtheirhandlershaveplayedsuch an important role in our military history that theNationalDefenseAuthorizationActof2008 authorized the Burnam Foundation to design, fund, build, and maintain the Military Working Dog Teams National Monument that was unveiledinOctober2013, saidBreckenridge.

TheJointBaseSanAntonio-Lacklandmonument features a large granite pedestal with the prominent inscription, “Guardians of America’sFreedom.”Thepedestalfeaturesanine-foot bronzedoghandlerandfourbronzedogsstanding guard, two to the handler’s left and two on the right. Each dog represents one of the four breeds—Germanshepherd,Labradorretriever, Doberman pinscher, and Belgian Malinois— thathaveservedasMWDssinceWorldWarII.

“I have had the pleasure of observing the hard work that goes into training MWDs and

theirhandlers—it’sveryimpressiveandamazing to watch, said Breckenridge. These K9s are a vital part of our armed services, and we should be grateful for all the MWDs and their handlers that help keep our people and assets safeworldwide.”

The master-at-arms personnel chosen to become MWD handlers are responsible for feeding, training, and caring for their fourleggedpartners Theyworktogetherasacohesive team and form a bond of trust critical in life-or-deathsituations,situationsthatcanarise atanymoment bothathomeandabroad These loyalandcourageouscaninesarethe‘Guardians oftheNight.’

The Center for Security Forces provides specialized training to more than 20,000 students each year in Force Protection Expeditionary Warfare, Code of Conduct, Law Enforcement, and Small Craft Operations. It has14traininglocationsacrosstheUnitedStates andworldwide,where“TrainingBreedsConfidence.”

Elloree native joins Naval Medical Readiness Logistics Command


Naval Medical Readiness Logistics Command, Williamsburg, Va

Mary Barrett, a native of Elloree, South Carolina, serves the U.S. Navy assigned to Naval Medical Readiness Logistics Command(NMRLC)

Barrett graduated from Elloree High School in 1992 Additionally Barrett graduated from Mount Olive College in Mount OliveNC,withaBachelorofSciencedegree inComputerInformationSystems

The skills and values needed to succeed intheNavyarelikethosefoundinElloree

“Growing up, I learned that God, consistency and determination were the keys to achievinganygoalsthatyousetforyourself,” said Barrett “By keeping myself grounded, I have been able to accomplish both my personalandstillachievingmycareergoals. Work hard, trust God and everything else willfallintoplace”

Barrett started her government civilian service11yearsago

“IjoinedtheAirForcetotravelandtohelp myparentsliveabetterlife,”saidBarrett

Headed by Capt. Christopher Barnes NMRLC develops acquires produces fields, sustains, and provides enduring lifecycle support of medical materiel solutions to the Fleet, Fleet Marine Force, and Joint Forces in high-end competition, crisis, and combat AttheforefrontofNavyMedicine’s strategic evolution, NMRLC is well positioned to be the Joint Force’s premier integratedmedicallogisticssupportactivity

With 90% of global commerce traveling by sea and access to the internet relying on the security of undersea fiber optic cables, Navy officials continue to emphasize that

theprosperityoftheUnitedStatesisdirectly linked to recruiting and retaining talented people from across the rich fabric of America.

Barrett serves a Navy that operates far forward, around the world and around the clock,promotingthenation’sprosperityand security

“We will earn and reinforce the trust and confidence of the American people every day, said Admiral Lisa Franchetti, Chief of NavalOperations “Togetherwewilldeliver theNavythenationneeds.”

Barretthasmanyopportunitiestoachieve accomplishmentsduringmilitaryservice

“Retiring from the Air Force is one of my manyachievementsinmylife,”saidBarrett. “I look forward to continuing to serve the DoD.”

BarrettcantakeprideinservingAmerica throughmilitaryservice

“Serving in the Air Force meant pushing myselftobettermyselfandmyFamily,”said Barrett. Barrett is grateful to others for helping makeaNavycareerpossible

While serving in the Air Force I was stationed at Whiteman, Seymour Johnson, Davis-Monthan, Shaw, and Langley AFB where I retired. I also deployed to Doha Qatar, where I got to serve as a member of the vulnerability assessment teamandforwarddeployedtotheAmerican EmbassyininKenya.IalsoservedinKarshiKhanabad Uzbekistan where I was a part of two rescue missions supporting the 79th RescueSquadron.“AftermytermintheAir Force, I started my journey as a DoD civilian. My last 10 years as a civilian have been fruitful. I hope to get settled and take every dayasalearningexperience,”addedBarrett.


awards combined $249 million contract for various construction projects in Hampton Roads

CourtesyStory Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) Mid-Atlantic

NORFOLK, Va Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT) awarded Marine Contracting Corp., Chesapeake, Virginia (N40085-24-D-2503); Doyon Management Services LLC, Federal Way, Washington (N40085-24-D-2504); Etolin Strait AssociatesLLC Norfolk,Virginia(N4008524-D-2505);MarineSolutionsInc.,Virginia Beach, Virginia (N40085-24-D-2506); and Ocean Construction Services, Virginia

Beach, Virginia (N40085-24-D-2507) a combined $249 million, multiple-award construction contract for various constructionprojectsinHamptonRoads

This contract provides for, but is not limited to, the following elements: piers, wharves, quay walls, dry docks, bulkheads, cranerailsystems,fendersystems,berthing andmooring,andwaterfrontutilities Work isscheduledtobecompletedbySeptember 2029

Fiscal year (FY) 2024 operation and maintenance(Navy)fundsintheamountof $6,336,104areawardedtoMarineContractingCorp atthetimeofawardandwillexpire


The remaining four awardees will be awarded $5,000 (minimum contract guarantee per awardee) at contract award. Thesefivecontractorsmaycompetefortask ordersunderthetermsandconditionsofthe awardedcontract. Thiscontractwascompetitivelyprocured viathesam.govwebsite,withfiveproposals received.

NAVFAC MIDLANT is the contracting activity

NAVFAC MIDLANT provides facilities engineering,publicworksandenvironmental products and services across an area of

responsibility that spans from South Carolina to Maine as far west as Illinois and down to Indiana. As an integral member of theCommander NavyRegionMid-Atlantic team, NAVFAC MIDLANT provides leadershipthroughtheRegionalEngineerorganizationtoensuretheregion’sfacilitiesand infrastructure are managed efficiently and effectively For additional information about NAVFACMIDLANTonsocialmedia,follow ouractivitiesonFacebookatwww.facebook. com/navfacmidatlanticandonInstagram@ navfacmidatlantic.

NAVIFOR celebrates a decade leading the information warfare community

Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR)

marked its tenth anniversary as a Type Command (TYCOM) this week, marking a full decade in its role to man, train, equip and certify Information Warfare (IW) forces across the globe First established as Naval Information Dominance Forces in October 2014 the command has evolved to meet the ever-growing demands of the modern information environment, ensuring the Navy’s advantage in every warfare area. ViceAdm.MikeVernazza,commanderof NAVIFOR and the Navy’s IBoss, reflected on the TYCOM’s journey over the past decade

“Todaymarksasignificantmilestonefor our team as we celebrate 10 years of our establishment as a Type Command, said Vernazza. “This is a moment to reflect on how far we’ve come, what we’ve accomplished, and the opportunities that lie ahead.”

“In just ten short years, we have built an IW force that is indispensable to the Navy’s warfighting ecosystem,” continued Vernazza. “Today, IW is a critical component of every operation, and every warfare area andit’sawarfareareainitself From seabedtospace,ourworkaffectswarfightersateverycorneroftheglobeandensures our Navy is prepared for any challenge.”

Over the last ten years, NAVIFOR has made several key advancements that have elevated information warfare, impacting warfighting readiness across the Fleet. The 2017 establishment of Naval Information Warfighting Development Center has grownIWtacticalexpertsandrefinedtechniquesforwarfightersatthetipofthespear In 2018, NAVIFOR oversaw the creation of Naval Information Warfare Training Group, now responsible for training and certifying all IW forces in the Fleet during the basic phase Additionally in 2022 and 2023 NAVIFOR created a cadre of experts with the establishment of an officer designatorforspaceandwithofficerandenlisted specialties for cyber, respectively Today, NAVIFOR directs 97 commands andactivitieswithmorethan20,000billets across the globe and leads a community with a diverse range of IW capabilities, including communications, cyber, intelligence, cryptology meteorology, oceanography, electronic warfare and space. Vernazza also highlighted NAVIFOR’s growingroleinoperationalizingIW,ensuringwarfightersarereadytomeetanychallenge ahead. “Recently, NAVIFOR has taken on the

RearAdm.Greg Emery Reserve Commander,Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR); FORCMAugustine Cooper,Force MasterChief,NAVIFOR; ViceAdm.MikeVernazza,Commander,NAVIFOR; Ms Elizabeth Nashold,DeputyCommander NAVIFOR; and Capt.Bob Carmickle,Chiefof Staff NAVIFORcut the ceremonial cake at a 10-yearType Command birthdayceremony.Overthe last decade NAVIFORhas made several key advancements that have shaped all ofNavyInformationWarfare.NAVIFORhas stayed ahead bybuilding agile,technicallysuperiorforces ready to confront anychallenge.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYROBERTFLUEGEL/RELEASED)

criticalroleasthe‘MOCTYCOM,’forMaritime Operations Centers across the Fleet,” notedVernazza.“TheChiefofNavalOperationsNavigationPlanforAmerica’sWarfightingNavymakesveryclearthatfighting from the MOCs is about making investments in these MOCs to ensure they are properly manned, trained, and equipped. I am 100 percent committed to our role as MOC TYCOM, ensuring our Navy has ready MOCs, certified and proficient in all functions Thisisabsolutelykeytoexpanding our information and decision advantage and retaining the initiative in crisis or conflict.

NAVIFOR Force Master Chief Augustine Cooper emphasized the importance of people in the TYCOM’s success

“From the Taiwan Strait to the Red Sea,

and all around the globe, every IW warfighter Sailor and civilian is critical to our Navy’s success Our NAVIFOR team andourIWwarfightersintheFleetshould make no mistake: the work we do ensures our Navy remains in competition, but is ready for conflict. No other warfare area can do what they do without IW and without our people.”

As the ceremony concluded, Vernazza acknowledged the challenges ahead in the rapidly changing information domain. Looking forward, the command remains focused on developing and sustaining a warfighting force that is innovative, agile, and ready for any challenge

“While we celebrate this milestone, we know the work is far from over,” said Vernazza. “Our adversaries are constantly

evolving, and we must stay ahead of the curve.Ourmissionremainscritical,andour resolveremainsstrong Wemustalwaysbe thinking actingandoperatingdifferentlyto maintain our Navy’s warfighting lethality.” NAVIFOR’s mission is to generate, directly and through our leadership of the IW Enterprise, agile and technically superior manned, trained, equipped, and certified combat-ready IW forces to ensure our Navy will decisively DETER, COMPETE, and WIN FormoreinformationonNAVIFOR visit the command Facebook page at https:// or the public web page at https://

MaryBarrett,a native ofElloree South Carolina,serves the U.S.Navyassigned to Naval Medical Readiness Logistics Command (NMRLC).(PHOTOBYJULIUSEVANS)

On iberty

The14thannualNorfolkHauntedTemple is happening now inside the Norfolk Masonic Temple at 7001 Granby Street, the last two weekends in October Thursday-Sunday with the last day being October27th.

Along with your very scary experience, there will be delicious food for purchase, face painting on selected dates and other surprises For all the info, prices, days, etc go to https://www.norfolkhauntedtemple. com/

Yiorgo: Here with us today to tell us all about are: Anna Walker Special Events Coordinator and Russ Reich, Building Superintendent for the Norfolk Masonic Temple Why should people come to the Norfolk Haunted Temple? What will they see and experiencethat’snotanywhereelse?

Russ Reich: What the Norfolk Haunted Templehastoofferthatalotofotherhaunts don’t, is that ours is a bit more of a family friendly experience We are a no touch haunt,theactorsdon’ttouchtheguestsand the guests don’t touch the actors We don’t overdo the gore or the violence It’s kind of likeafunhouse.Theactorsarenotgrabbing youassuch.It’smoreatmosphereandjump scares We are an entirely indoor haunt, so weareopenrainormoonshine Wearemore orlesscompletelyaccessibleandthewheelchairs can get through the whole thing We also strive to make sure we don’t use any copyrighted material, that way all of our scareandeffectsarecompletelyoriginaland wearenotleaningonotherpeople’sintellec-


Y: Where inside the Masonic Temple is theactualHauntedTemplelocated?

RR: The haunt is on the second floor and there is elevator access to get up there and back down. We made every effort to make sure there are no steps and everything that needs to be ramped is ramped as well as all the safety steps that need to be in place to

RR: We are not here for a profit. At the end of the day, we are a Masonic event and accommodating people is what we do on a dailybasis

Y:Arethereanyrulesforthoseattending thatyouwanttomakesuretheyadhereto?

RR: We have two warnings that we want to make sure everyone is aware of before they come in. We do use strobe lights and


Y:How is it different from other Halloweenhauntedevents?

AnnaWalker:WearenotBuschGardens or Hunt Club we are somewhere in the middle with a more personalized experience Asusers,alotoftimesyouseethesame people in line and we try to help accommodateeveryone

there is some use of fog in the haunt. The strobelightasweknowcantriggerepilepsy andotherconditions,soweliketomakesure that people are aware of that before they go in.Thefogobviouslymaytriggersomerespiratoryissuesinsomepeople

AW:Wealsodon’tallowanyoutsidefood or beverages, especially alcohol We do have a brief security screening at the door

to secure the safety of our patrons and our actors Noweaponswillbepermittedinthe building Y: So where did the idea to have the NorfolkHauntedTempleoriginate?

RR: It got started because a group of masons were looking to start a fundraiser and at first they just invited the neighbors

A couple of years ago, a couple of Lodges left the Masonic Temple and the Temple’s financesareverytiedtotheLodgesthatare in the building So we saw the haunt as an opportunitytoraisemoremoneywithfundraising We went all in on it. We dedicated space for it, and we have been adding to it everyyearsincethen.Fromwalkingthrough some dark, twisted hallways where there is no light at some points, to scary clowns, to Twist and Jerk down stairs giving people frightsthroughouttheentirenight,wehave somethingforeveryone

Y: You also have a lot of volunteers and donatetocharitableorganizations

RR: Everyone that’s not an actor that’s involvedinthehauntarevolunteers usually through the masons in some form. That includes the design, set up take down and all the labor that goes into it to make sure everynightisasuccess

AW: In the past we have donated to the UnitedWay,FoodBankandJRTCatGranby HighSchool. RR:Idowanteveryonetoknowthatthis eventiswhatkeepsthisbuildingopen. AW:Weareanon-profit,theboardmeets onceamonth.Wehosteventshereforprofits and nonprofits and we can’t do it if we

NORFOLK, Va Beginning Friday, Nov. 8, enjoy a magical walk through the Garden’s award-winning show-stopping lights! Celebrating 30 years, this holiday season, immerse yourself in more than 1.5 milliontwinklinglights amagicalexperiencelikenootherinCoastalVirginia.There are more lights and more surprises this year! Look for illuminating color-changing trees, innovative technology, the sparkling Conifer Garden and the Garden’s historical NATOTowerdrenchedinlights.Plus,walk through the Mega Tree a great place to takeaholidayselfie!#nbglights „ Mobility Shuttle: The Mobility Shuttle is available every night! To reserve your spot, please purchase in advance through

our Visitor Services Department by calling at least one day prior, or in person while exploring our campus The shuttle departsnightlyat5:00PM,takingguestson a journey through our stunning Garden of Lights.Tobook,contactourVisitorServices Departmentat757.441.5830ext.0. „ Barks and Bulbs: Join us for a Wooftastic Holiday Experience at our Barks & Bulbs nights during the Dominion Energy Garden of Lights! Enjoy festive evenings withyourcaninecompanionseverySunday starting November 10th and create memories that will last a lifetime Members enjoy thebestdealwithFREEadmissionfortheir canine friends (a Garden of Lights ticket is still required for members). Not-yetmembers can bring their dogs for an additional$5percanine alongwiththepurchase

ofindividuallighttickets Allticketproceeds helpNBGfulfilltheirmissionasanon-profit organization. „ FoodVendors:Asyoustrollthroughthe dazzling displays of the Dominion Energy Garden of Lights, we’ve made sure your holiday cravings are covered! Along the way,you’llfindfestivefoodvendorsserving up sweet treats and cozy sips to keep you in the holiday spirit. A huge thank you to Bear House Coffee Roasters, Spicy Latina, Duck Donuts and Classic Kettle Corn of Chesapeake for bringing the flavors of the seasontolife!Sograbasnack,warmupwith a drink and let the magic of the lights (and goodies!)fillyournightwithcheer! „ About Norfolk Botanical Garden: Norfolk Botanical Garden represents an oasis of more than 65 themed gardens

encompassing 175 beautiful acres. From stunningplantcollectionstoWOW-World ofWonders:AChildren’sAdventureGarden, this diverse natural beauty can be explored bytram,boat,orwalkingtours TheGarden is accredited by the American Alliance of Museums recognizedasaVirginiaHistoric Landmark, listed on the National Register ofHistoricPlacesanddesignatedaVirginia Green attraction. It is managed by Norfolk Botanical Garden, Inc. and supported by the City of Norfolk. The mission of Norfolk BotanicalGardenistoimmersevisitorsina worldofbeauty,leadthroughenvironmental action, and inspire through education and connectiontonature.Formoreinformation,



The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere:

Norfolk’s Neon Festival glows up Oct. 17 & 18


NORFOLK, Va The NEON Festival, presented by Arts Alliance and Fusion at NEON, returns to Downtown Norfolk’s NEON(NewEnergyofNorfolk)Districton October17and18withexcitingnewfeatures tocelebrateitsninthyear Thefestival’sfootprint will expand through street closures allowingformorecommunityengagement, larger installations, and immersive experiences In a bold new initiative, local event producers and art curators were invited to design and implement their own programming, giving the community a direct role in shapingthefestival’sofferings.

Thisyear’slocalproducers supportedby programminggrantsawardedbyDowntown NorfolkCouncil,havecuratedawiderange of experiences across key festival venues. On Friday, October 18, these producers will bring fresh energy to spaces like The Plot main stage, Cofer Lot, and neighborhood businesses, with pop-up galleries, fashion shows, music showcases, and vendor markets All events will be free and open to thepublic.

Festival Highlights


„ GlassAfterDarkutilizinguniqueindoor and outdoor spaces at the newly renovated Chrysler Museum Glass Studio with glass performances interactiveartactivities live music,andadditionalentertainment

„ Community programming and live music outside on the lawn and gardens of Chrysler Museum of Art provided by Bay River Band, Infinite Flava Band, Jpixx, HermitageMuseum,andTCC

„ Mural Tour at 7 p.m. leaving from ChryslerMuseumGlassStudio

„ The Hague School Community Dance Concert with performances from Twinkle Toes Performing Arts Company, Beverly Moody AshlynWorksandBalletVirginia


„ The Plot, 6-10 p.m. beer garden with Elation Brewing, Voyager Coffee, Water’s EdgeWinery,OGPicklesandAvocargofood trucks, Metronet, VisitNorfolk, and interactive photobooth with Jpixx. Main stage entertainment by JAM Entertainment presentingPOWERHOUSE,atributetothe rootsofhousemusicinBlackqueerculture andfeaturingDJPhillie,DJChefDro,Vivian Valentine, Teens With a Purpose, House of Prodigy,HamptonRoadsPride,andmore

„ Cofer Lot 6-10 p.m. beer garden with Elation Brewing and Water’s Edge Winery, Cups Up food truck, and live painting with Poetry Jackson and pop-up exhibition featuring757StreetArtBattleartists,Aspire to Inspire Music Group’s Fish ‘N Grits with DJ Chef Dro, and The Traptastic’s “Grand Finale,” featuring an unveiling of a new groundmuralbyDathanKane

„ Commune hosts ImPRESSions exhibition focusing on printmaking and photography and featuring Studio Shift artists In addition, Coffee Black and Foster Beauty will be hosting OPEN HOUSE @ NEON a dynamic and cumulative celebration of multi-disciplinaryartwithlivemusic,artisticperformances,fashion,anddance.Social Supply’sfamed“LivingRoom”willcloseout theevening8-10p.m.

„ d’ArtCenter’sopeningnightofVIVID,a national contemporary art exhibition, with drinks, snacks, free art activities for the communityandworksforsaleinthegallery „ Hurrah’s Copeland Center features a preview of Hurrah Players Cinderella and anOpenMicwithUtopiaFeni,6:30-10p.m.

„ Pop-UpArtGalleryatbrandnewmultifamily building Fusion at NEON featuring 23 Beans Pottery, Old Dominion University and Norfolk State University art students, andapoetryreadingfromODU’sWritersin

Community „ CardinalSkateShophostsaDiscoDance

Party and the 757 Makerspace Skate Deck

ArtExhibitonviewforjudgingbythepublic insidetheshop 6-10p.m.andanOpenSkate JaminMagazineLane

„ Zeke’sJuriedGroupExhibitionwithlive

voting all night and winners announced at 9:30p.m.

„ MuralTourat7p.m.leavingfromthePlot

„ WilsonAvenuemarketwithUtopiaFeni, Cornhole Tournament, and Literature & LibationsLuxuryMobileBookstore

„ PushComedyTheaterhostsfreeImprov ComedyShowseverythirtyminutes

Full Festival Schedule:

Acompletelistofexhibitions,events,and entertainment is available at festival.

Norfolk Haunted Temple from Page 1



RR:Myfavoriteisthat “It’sbetterthanlastyear.”Wealways strivetodobetterthantheyearbefore,becauseinthecommunityofhaunts,there’safanbasethatwillgotothesamehaunts everyyearevenifitdoesn’tchangemuch,justbecauseit’sfun andexciting Iamofthephilosophythatweneedtodobetter thanlastyearsothatwaythereisareasontocomeback.When peoplenoticeitandcommentonit,itmakesallthehardwork worth it.

Y:Legendsaysthattheremaybesomereallifeghostsinthe building as well. I know you had a paranormal investigation group Flumeri Promotions look for ghosts a few years ago Haveyouheardofanyghoststoriesfromthosewhohavebeen there for many years?

RR:Theguesthauntersdofrequentlyhaveanengagement in our building and there is a reason they keep coming back. Theirequipmentgoesoffinthesameplacesthattheysetitup as last time From what they have seen, the place does have some spirits floating around. From personal experience, I’m in this building all day and all night for the most part, and whenIfirstmovedintothebuildingandIhadawitness,there wasmusicpipingthroughthebuilding veryfaintlysounding like John Philip Sousa style music marching stuff At first we thoughtitwasacarbutitwentwaytoolongforthat.Wewent downstairsbutwecouldn’tfindthesource.Itsoundedaroom away the entire time we were looking for it

AW: I can tell you that I make it a point that every time I comeintothebuildingthatIacknowledgewhoeverelsespirit wiseishere.Ifeellikethatgivesmesometypeofprotection.I don’t want to be scared and I think we have a healthy respect for each other

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV andmovieactor,heisalsoasportsentertainer,educator,motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist.

The NEON Festival is presented by Arts Alliance and Fusion at NEON with beverages provided by Elation Brewing It is producedbytheDowntownNorfolkCouncil and the Chrysler Museum of Art and Glass Studio with media partner Jpixx. Additional sponsors include Glass Light Hotel andGallery,MacArthurCenter,PRAGroup, Rutter Mills, VisitNorfolk, Metronet, Retail Alliance, Work Program Architects and WyndhamGardenNorfolkDowntown.

Norfolk’sfirstofficialartsdistrict,NEON, is home to long-time cultural institutions liketheChryslerMuseumofArtandHarrison Opera House as well as studio-based ventures like d’Art Center and the Rutter FamilyArtFoundation,allprovidingartists a place to make, create and show. Within a few short blocks you can see a muralist at work, take in an improv comedy performance at Push Comedy Theater, watch

a live glass-working demonstration, shop for unique home goods, get a tattoo or dine out at an eclectic restaurant. Learn more at and follow along on Facebook TwitterandInstagramat@neonnfk

Downtown Norfolk Council is a private, not-for-profit membership organization comprised of businesses and individuals working toward a dynamic, attractive and prosperousDowntown.DNCalsomanages the Downtown Norfolk Improvement District, a 50-block special services district with enhanced services that keep Downtown friendly safe and spotless Connect with Downtown Norfolk on Twitter,

Quick,comforting ways to warm up on chilly fall days in mereminutes

Afteradaybattlingthecoldandfightingthewind,a comfortingmeal made at home is often just what you crave. Turn those blustery autumnconditionsinto warm, cozy evenings with favorite recipesthat offer notonlyconveniencebutprovidealittlekickofspice.

Foraquick and delightful meal that’s equalparts comforting and unique,try this HotHoneyChicken andWafflethat’ssuretopleasewithacrispyricewaffle loadedwithsweetandspicyflavor,toppedwithchicken and drizzled with honey.It’satreat thattruly satisfies fromtheinsideoutinjust7minutes

The crispness of the gluten-freericewaffleismade possiblebyMinuteRice’sHotHoneyChickenSeasoned RiceCupthatenticestastebudswithasweetandmildly spicy contrastand playful presentation. Readyinas little as 60 seconds,the rice cup ensures convenience and distinct seasoning, making eachwaffleperfectly flavoredand offering asatisfying crunch with every bite

Whetheryou’reshakingupyourbreakfastroutineor enjoying afun and easy dinner,it can betaken to new heights with the combination of honey and asprinkle ofpowderedsugarfordeliciousdecadence.

Forasavory solution theentirefamily can enjoy together,this cheesy BuffaloCauliflowerCasserole combinesjasminerice,cheddarcheese,roastedcauliflower,Buffalohotsauceandcrumbledbluecheesefor acrave-worthyovenbake.

Preparethe Minute Instant Jasmine Rice in just 5 minutesforaquickmealtimesolutionwithoutcompromisingqualityortaste.Next,heattheovenandmixthe ingredients then sit back and wait foragoldenbrown casserolewith acheesyinterior andtantalizingblend ofspicy,saltyandtangyflavors

Topped withgreen onions,this vegetarianmealis suretoplease your hungry lovedones.If meat lovers need abite of protein, simply servealongside seared chickenorbeef Visit to find morefamily-friendly waystowarmupmealtimesallwinterlong

HotHoney Chicken &Waffles

Prep time: 2minutes Cook time: 5minutes

Servings: 1

„ 1MinuteHotHoneyChickenSeasonedRiceCup

„ 1egg

„ nonstickcookingspray

„ 2chickentenders,cooked

„ 2tablespoonshoney,forgarnish

„ 1tablespoonpowderedsugar,forgarnish

Preheat mini wafflemaker.Heat riceaccordingto packagedirections Inmediummixingbowl,combinericeandegg.Mix well. Spoon rice mixtureintowafflemaker.Cook until lightgoesoff Place waffleonplate withcooked chicken tenders ontop Drizzlewithhoney,sprinklepowderedsugarontop andserve.

Buffalo CauliflowerCasserole

Prep time: 10 minutes Cook time: 30 minutes

Servings: 6

„ 2cupsMinuteJasmineRice

„ 1package(8ounces)plaincreamcheese,softened

„ 1/2cupBuffalohotsauce

„ 4cupsfrozencauliflowerflorets, blanchedandcooled

„ 2cupsshreddedcheddarcheese

„ 1/2teaspoonsalt

„ 1/2teaspoonblackpepper

„ 1/3cupfinelycrumbledbluecheese

„ 2greenonions,thinlysliced

Preheat ovento400 F. Preparerice according to package directions.Transfer to greased 8-by-8-inch bakingdish.

In medium bowl, stir creamcheeseand hotsauce Addcauliflower,cheddarcheese,saltandpepper;toss tocombine.Spoonoverrice.Sprinklewithbluecheese. Bake25-30minutesuntilgoldenbrownandbubbly. Sprinklewithgreenonions

Tips: Substitute goat cheese or feta forblue cheese, ifdesired.Meatloverscanserveasasidedishtoseared chickenorbeef

Asweetandsavorytreat,theseChocolateCoveredPumpkinPretzelswilldisappearscaryfastatyournextHalloween party.Withjustthreeingredients,they’reeasytomakeand sharewithguestsofallages

VisitCulinary.nettofindmorequick,simpletreats. Chocolate CoveredPumpkin Pretzels

Prep time: 10 minutes

Cook time: 5minutes

Yield: about 36 pretzels

„ 3/4cuporangecandymelts

„ 1bag(16ounces)minipretzeltwists

„ 1/4cupminigreencoatedchocolatecandies

Linebakingsheetwithparchmentpaperandsetaside. In medium microwave-safebowl, melt candymelts 30 secondsthenstir.Workingin15-secondintervals,continue microwaving until melted and smooth, stirring between intervals.With fork or dipping utensil, dip 36 minipretzel twists,oneatatime,intomeltedorangechocolateandgently tapsideofbowltoremoveexcess. Layeach coveredpretzel on parchmentpaper.Using remainingpretzeltwists,breakapartenoughtoequal1/4cup. Place one mini greenchocolatecandy (toformleaf)and one broken pretzel piece (toform stem)ontop of each dipped pretzel. Repeat with remaining pretzels and chocolatecandies

Let set until solid. Pretzels can harden on counterabout 30minutes,orplacedinrefrigeratororfreezer5-10minutes Thesepretzelsare


2025 Changes to the TRICARE Childbirth and Breastfeeding Support Demonstration


FALLS CHURCH, Va Are you expecting a baby in 2025? Have you considered gettingbreastfeedingcounselingorsupport fromalabordoula?

If so, you should know about some changescomingtotheTRICAREChildbirth and Breastfeeding Support Demonstration onJan.1,2025 Thisdemonstrationprovides childbirth and breastfeeding support servicestothosewhohaveTRICAREPrime, TRICARE Prime Remote, or TRICARE Select.In2025,theCBSDwillexpandoverseas There are also some new certification and participation requirements for labor doulasintheUnitedStates

“These changes are built into the fiveyear demonstration. This helps us understand how these providers support our pregnant beneficiaries, explained Erica Ferron, management and program analyst, TRICARE Health Plan, at the Defense Health Agency “We believe the expanded demonstration will help us serve the needs of our military parents and children across theworld.” In 2025 the CBSD will still include services from these TRICARE-authorized providers:

„ Certifiedlabordoulas

„ Certifiedlactationconsultants

„ Certifiedlactationcounselors

Keep reading to learn more about what’s changing—and what’s staying the same in theCBSDin2025

Changes in the U.S.

Here are the key changes to childbirth supportintheU.S.beginningJan.1: Participationagreements:Certifiedlabor doulas in the U.S. must sign a participation agreementtotakepartintheCBSD Areyou pregnant now and expect to give birth in 2025?Askyourlabordoulaifthey’vesigned aparticipationagreementwithyourregional contractor Iftheyhaven’t,you’llhavetopay the full cost of services received on or after Jan. 1. Labor doulas with a participation agreement can’t ask you to pay for covered services once you’ve met your deductible. They also can’t ask you to file your own claims (Note: If you’re in the West Region, your contractor is Health Net Federal Services LLC through Dec. 31. Beginning Jan.1,2025 it’llbeTriWestHealthcareAlliance.) Certification requirements: Among otherqualifications,labordoulasmusthave a current certification from an approved certifying body As of April 11, 2024, the list of approved certifying bodies included the National Black Doulas Association. (Note: LabordoulasworkingwithastateMedicaid program may not be required to meet the certificationrequirement Buttheymuststill signaparticipationagreement.)

Visit flexibility: The CBSD now includes a maximum of six hours of visits from your labor doula. These can happen before or after you give birth. The six hours can be split into 15-minute increments any way you’d like. The CBSD also covers labor support during the birthing event. There isn’tatimelimitonthissupport.

Expansion overseas

The CBSD expands overseas and to U.S. territoriesJan.1,2025 TheTRICAREover-

seas regional contractor is International SOS However, the CBSD works differently thanitdoesintheU.S.Here’swhattoknow anddo:

1.Checkifyou’reeligible TobeeligiblefortheCBSD,youmust: „ HaveTRICAREPrime,TRICAREPrime Remote,orTRICARESelect. „ Plantogivebirthoutsideamilitaryhospitalorclinicandbe20weekspregnanttoget childbirthsupport. „ Be 27 weeks pregnant to get breastfeedingsupport.

2.Register Overseas, you must register for the CBSDbeforeyougetanyservices Youcan sign up starting Oct. 3. To register, contact InternationalSOSviaphoneoremail.You’ll get an email with information about the CBSD if you live overseas and get an inpatientauthorizationforobstetriccare. Youshouldregisterasearlyaspossiblein yourpregnancy.Afteryouregister InternationalSOSwillletyouknowiftheycanfind a TRICARE-authorized provider within 14 days


Work with International SOS to find a labor doula or lactation consultant or counselor This will help make sure that TRICAREcoversyourprovider’sservices Overseas labordoulasdon’tneedtosigna participationagreement.Buttheymuststill meet certain qualifications Countries with themostoverseasbirthswillincludeCBSD providersinsearchableproviderdirectories Thiswillhelpyoufindcoveredproviders

It’s important to know that TRICARE can’t guarantee CBSD services overseas InternationalSOSwilltrytofindaprovider foreveryeligibleandinterestedbeneficiary, butitmaynotalwaysbepossible

Note: You shouldn’t enter into a contractual agreement with a labor doula before International SOS confirms that TRICARE will cover their services If you do, you may needtopaythefullcostofthoseservices

You should also ask about any country-specific restrictions on a provider’s services Forexample,somecountriesdon’t allowlabordoulasinthedeliveryroom.


The CBSD overseas includes the same benefitsasitdoesintheU.S.Theseare: „ Sixtotalhoursoflabordoulasupport, beforeorafteryougivebirth.TheCBSDalso includes unlimited hours of labor support duringonebirthingevent.

„ Six total sessions of breastfeeding support per birthing event. These sessions are already a covered TRICARE benefit, as described in the TRICARE Maternity Care Brochure (online at Publications/Brochures/maternity_care). But now, you can get these services from lactationconsultantsorlactationcounselors. Thesecanbegrouporindividualsessions 5.Knowwhat’snotcovered TheCBSDdoesn’tcover: „ Telehealthlabordoulaservices.(Youcan get telehealth breastfeeding support via two-wayvideo,ifyouandyourproviderare inthesamecountry.)

„ CBSD services received overseas before Jan.1,2025 „ Servicesreceivedatamilitaryhospitalor


Moving during your pregnancy

Doyouthinkyoumaymovetoorfromthe U.S. during your pregnancy? If so there are afewmorethingstokeepinmind.Ifyou’re moving: „ From the U.S. to overseas: Contact International SOS, even if you aren’t yet enrolled in your overseas plan. You can do this as soon as you know you’ll be moving overseas You may not yet be able to register in the CBSD overseas but you can see if providersareavailable You’llneedtoregister for the CBSD once you’re enrolled with InternationalSOS,beforeyougetservices. „ From overseas to the U.S.: If you’re enrolled with International SOS but planning to deliver in the U.S., you’ll still need to register for the CBSD with International SOS Then, you can search U.S. networks anduseprovidersparticipatingwiththeU.S. regionalcontractors

The CBSD ends in the U.S. and overseas Dec. 31, 2026 At this time, TRICARE will decide if this coverage will become permanent. Want to unlock your health by learning moreabouttheCBSD?CheckoutChildbirth andBreastfeedingSupportDemonstration, orcontactyourregionalcontractorformore information.

Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions, and create your personalized profiletogetbenefitupdates,news,andmore.

It doesn’t take much for cold and flu symptoms to take over Even a mild case of the sniffles can make it difficult to navigate the demands of everyday life It’s virtually impossible to avoid germs altogether, but you can make sure you’re ready to fight off an infection, whether it’s a minor cold or a full-blowncaseoftheflu.

“I always share a few easy and simple methods with my patients when cold and fluseasoncomesbackaroundtokeepthem in the best shape,” said Dr Tim Tiutan, board-certifiedinternalmedicinephysician “Not only does getting ahead offer protection, but knowing what to do when symptoms start to come on, and what to have in your medicine cabinet, can help ease the burden of an oncoming illness.” Preparationandpreventionplayimportant roles before a bug hits, but it’s also valuable to know how to effectively treat an illness and keep your loved ones from getting sick.


Short of stashing yourself away in a bubble, there aren’t many failsafe ways to fully avoid germs. However, some basic hygiene and preventive care can go a long waytowardminimizingyourrisk.Regularly washingyourhandscanhelpgetridofgerms before you accidentally introduce them to youreyes,mouthornose

Maintaining an overall healthy lifestyle also helps ensure you’re in optimal condi-

tion if you do get sick That means eating a nutritious, well-rounded diet and keeping up with your exercise routine Also be sure to talk to your doctor or pharmacist about gettingaflushot.


Knowingyoucan’tcompletelyeliminate your exposure to germs, it’s a good idea to ensure you have everything you need to fight a cold or flu on hand. At least once a year, give your medicine cabinet a thor-

ough cleaning Discard any expired medications and replace products that have run low, especially those designed to help fight symptoms like pain relievers, fever reducers, decongestants, antihistamines and cough syrups It’s also a good time to restock items like tissues cough drops, hand sanitizer and antibacterial soap


Once you’re sick, sleep is one of the best remedies Your body can redirect energy

toward healing when you’re sleeping, whichhelpsboostyourimmunesystem.In additiontogettingenoughrest,it’simportant to treat your symptoms, not just mask them. Because symptoms like fever, runny nose chestcongestion,coughandmorecan indicate a more serious problem, finding the root cause of the symptoms can be a more effective treatment strategy For example, some common remedies for chest congestion only mask the symptoms Manydoctorsrecommendanoption like Mucinex 12-Hour because it treats the cause of chest congestion by thinning and loosening excess mucus One dose lasts up to 12 hours, helping you clear mucus and relieve chest congestion.


Getting rest and managing your symptomsareeasierwhenyoustayathome,but it’s also the best way to prevent spreading germs to others It’s not always practical, but if you can, limit yourself to one area of the house away from family members Cough into your elbow or a tissue, never your hands. Use antibacterial hand sanitizer and wipe down surfaces to minimize others’ contact with your germs Take advantage of delivery or curbside services for essentials like groceries and talk with your employer about working remotely or using sick time until you’re feeling better Find more advice to help fight this cold and flu season at


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