
Naval Air Station Oceana Public Affairs Officer
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va Sailors from NavalAirStation(NAS)Oceanalentahelping hand Sept. 8 at the Military Aviation Museum in Virginia Beach, Va., loading much-neededreliefsuppliesontoavintage Western Airlines DC-3 The supplies were bound for areas hit hardest by Hurricane Helene,aspartofanongoingefforttoassist communities in need.
“Helping those in need is a core part of what we do as service members,” said Capt.JoshAppezzato,commandingofficer of NAS Oceana. “I’m incredibly proud of
oursailorsforsteppinguptothischallenge and putting their energy into this important relief effort. This is more than a job for us It’s a responsibility to lend a hand, no matter where the need is.”
Sailorsloadedboxesoffood,water,medical supplies, and other essentials onto the aircraft.Theteamworkandsenseofshared missionwerepalpablethroughouttheday.
“It’s easy to take for granted the stability we have But seeing how a storm can affect families, and knowing these supplies will help—it’s incredibly rewarding,” Yeoman SecondClass(YN2)SavannahJacksonsaid. “We were all there with the same goal-to make sure they get what they need.”
According to Keegan Chetwynd, Military Aviation Museum director and CEO, the initiative took flight after the museum announced a collection drive to help those affectedbyHurricaneHelene Themuseum collaborated with partners in the aviation industry to utilize their working plans to help transport supplies
One of the helping hands was vintage aviationmuseum,VintageFlyingMachines, whose pilots landed a 1940’s-era DC-3 at the museum to lend a hand The DC-3 was the world's first successful commercial airliner and was adapted for military use during World War II as the primary means to transport service members and
cargo The plane holds already holds place in ournation’shistoricalpast Now,itisadding another page to its history over 80 years later
“Itwasreallysomethingseeingthisplane in action, doing what it was meant to do today, just as it was back then,” Chetwynd said. “We are so happy that the navy came outtohelp Seeingthesesailorscomeoutto help is truly inspiring NAS Oceana Sailors were just a part of thesupportthemuseumreceived.Community members and museum goers brought donations by the car-full providing the museum with 5,000 pounds of supplies
VIRGINIA BEACH, Va The children of military members stationed at Joint ExpeditionaryBaseLittleCreek-FortStory (JEBLCFS) regularly face challenges their non-military peers don’t Many of them have changed schools frequently and dealt with their parents’ deployments It can be stressful, but the installation’s school liaison officer (SLO) works behind the scenes to help parents and students navigate the challenges
Melissa Nutter has been the JEBLCFS SLO for three years As a military spouse and the mother of two daughters, ages 8 and9,shehasexperiencewiththeseissues.
“The biggest challenge is the fact that every state has its own requirements,” she said. “Many states require certain history courses or have different graduation requirements.” She said special education services often vary between
school districts and it can be frustrating forparentsofspecialneedsstudentstostart the process all over after transferring to a new command.
Nutter’sroleistoworkthroughtheseand other issues with parents and educators However,it’snotjustaboutconcessionsfor military families She has also seen firsthandhowmilitaryconnectedstudentshelp their non-military classmates
“Many of these children bring their global experiences with them to the classroom.PerhapstheywerestationedinJapan during the tsunami. They have different
Navy New London Public Affairs Office
GROTON, Conn. — Naval Submarine Base New London (SUBASE) will officially mark the completion of a more than decade long initiative to ensure energy resiliency and cut a ribbon ceremonially establishing a Micro-grid on the base. The event will take place at 11 a.m., Wednesday, October 23, on the SUBASE waterfront near the base’s Power Plant.
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experiences with different cultures, as well as a resiliency that someone raised only in Virginia Beach may not have, and they can share that with their classmates,” Nutter said Aside from navigating challenges, school liaison officers like Nutter also make sure military families are aware of some of the benefits available for their children.
“Being military-connected does offer a lot of post-secondary options,” she said. There are numerous scholarships and financial aid offered to these students, and she works to help families find and apply for these opportunities. Nutter and other area school liaison officers will be available to meet families with children in the Virginia Beach City Public School System Nov. 6 at 5:30 p.m. during an information session at Landstown High school.
JEBLCFS Commanding Officer Capt. David Gray said he hopes service members will take advantage of the opportunity. ““We are dedicated to excellent service for our military families, and that includes the children. The school liaison officer is an important resource. She knows how to navigate the system and ensure parents and students have the latest information so they can take advantage of all the opportunities offered.”
Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont; Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Energy, Installations, and the Environment Meredith Berger; and, Commander of Navy Region Mid-Atlantic, Rear Admiral Carl Lahti, are anticipated to participate.
The SUBASE Micro-grid enhances the base’s power diversification and transforms its electrical infrastructure into a more intelligent, flexible, and robust system. SUBASE benefits not only from
automated data gathering and precise peak demand control, but also from the ability to seamlessly disconnect from the public utility grid during an interruption or loss in power, and efficiently dispatch on-site power generation to mission critical loads.
The completion of the comprehensive project reflects more than $235M invested in assuring the energy reliability, security, and resiliency of SUBASE.
The State of Connecticut; the Connecti-
cut Municipal Electric Energy Cooperative (CMEEC); FuelCell Energy, headquartered in Danbury, Connecticut; NORESCO, headquartered in Westborough, Massachusetts; and, a number of area and local contractors and subcontractors have been crucial contributors ensuring SUBASE reached this milestone. The event is not open to the public.
ByChristyTrabun Naval Support Activity Mechanicsburg
MECHANICSBURG, Pa It was a crisp, sunny fall day at Naval Support Activity (NSA) Mechanicsburg on Thursday. A slight breeze added a chill to the air, but the sunshine provided enough warmth for outdooractivities Intheparkinglot,groups of people gathered around presenters while similar groups formed inside Building 14 and even in the gym, teams engaged in hands-on learning sessions Simulated fires were being extinguished, “drunk goggles” tested coordination, tourniquets were applied to dummies, and someone was maneuvering across the parking lot on amotorizedscaffold.
The Safety Day event brought together employees from Naval Facilities EngineeringSystemsCommand(NAVFAC)Mid-Atlantic, who were grouped with coworkers from various areas across the organization. Over the course of the day, each group spent 30 minutes at eight different stations led by subject matter experts. The topics ranged from proper use of “Stop the Bleed” kits and scaffold safety, to stretching and strength-buildingexercisesandtrafficsafety
“We’ve all sat through stand downs that were just PowerPoints and videos all day. Wewantedtodosomethingdifferentforthis event, said Adam Clouser, one of the event coordinators and a NAVFAC engineering equipment operator “We wanted people to see things, do things, and leave with the abilitytoteachwhatthey’velearned.Tomy knowledge, this is the first Safety Day like thiswe’vedonehere.”
TheeventwasconceivedbytheEmployee Driven Safety Committee and took a hands-on approach to health and safety, fosteringteamworkandcamaraderieamong attendees Patrick Sharkey, a supervisory design engineer,appreciatedtheformat.“It’sbeen more like an event than a training session. I reallyenjoyedtheface-to-facelearningand interactions with the presenters and other employees.”
One station, hosted by Morale, Welfare, and Recreation, was led by Hattie Wilson, who guided participants through stretches and strength exercises using elastic bands
and other easily accessible items. She also hosted a dead hang competition for those wanting to test their upper body strength.
“People have been really receptive and engaged, saidWilson.“We’vehadsomesign upformoreinformationinournewsletters, andmanyhavesaidtheylearnedsomething new.”
Lunch was available via a grill-out for those interested, and scheduled breaks throughout the day provided additional downtime Inonebreakarea,asbestostrainingslidespassivelycycledinthebackground
Theeventwaswell-attendedandwell-received by NAVFAC employees across the installation.
“This was well-organized and well-executed,” said Victor Vetterlein, an architect with NAVFAC “The hands-on approach and the opportunity to connect with different people across the organization made it a valuable experience We learned relevant andimportantthingsheretoday.
TOPRIGHT: Employees learn hands-on pilot hole drilling and dust dust collection during training at a hands-on SafetyDay event onboard NSAMechanicsburg, organized bythe Employee Driven SafetyCommittee and Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC)
Mid-Atlantic.The event featured eight interactive stations on topics ranging from scaffold safetyto stop-the-bleed kits, engaging employeeswith practical safety lessons.The innovative format promoted teamworkand camaraderie,allowing participants to learn bydoing With positive feedbackfrom attendees the eventwas a resounding success,offering a newapproach to safetyeducation.
CENTER: Employees learn fire extinguisher use during training at a hands-on Safety Dayevent onboard NSAMechanicsburg.
RIGHT: Employees learn hands-on“Stop the Bleed kit use during training at a hands-on SafetyDayevent onboard NSA Mechanicsburg.(PHOTOSBYCHRISTY TRABUN,NAVALSUPPORTACTIVITY MECHANICSBURG)
ByChristopherDelano Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune
Navy Medicine Training Support Command (NMTSC) Detachment Camp Lejeune is developing tactically proficient, combat-credible medical forces by providing quality training programs that support theDefenseHealthAgencyandNavyMedicinemission.
One of the three NMTSC detachments, Naval Medical Center Camp Lejeune (NMCCL),alongwithNavalMedicalCenter SanDiegoandNavalMedicalCenterPortsmouth, provides support for the clinical phases of the advanced Corpsman “C” schools
“NMCCL supports the clinical phases of advanced Corpsman schools which is divided into two phases,” said Hospital Corpsman First Class Christopher Rivera,
leading petty officer for NMTSC Detachment Camp Lejeune. “The four clinical specialtiesthatweprovidesupportforhere are ultrasound technologist, surgical technologist,physicaltherapytechnologist,and medicallaboratorytechnologist.”
“For ultrasound technologist students phase one begins with 70 days of didactic traininginFortEustis,Texas,andphasetwo is117daysofclinicalsatNMCCL.
Hospital Corpsman Second Class Wraeshaun Golden from Dallas, Texas is already a qualified radiological technologist and decidedtopursueanadditionalmodalityas anultrasoundtechnologist.
“I’ve always had an interest in anatomy,” said Golden. “When I joined the Navy in 2013 after graduating high school, I knew thatIcouldfurthermyeducationofanatomy andhealthcarethroughtheCorpsmanrate.”
“After earning my American Registry of
Radiological Technologist certification, I knew I wanted to pursue an additional modality Out of all the modalities, I found ultrasoundthemostinterestingwhengoing throughphasetwoofradiologytechnologist school.”
The NMTSC Ultrasound Technologist ProgramatNMCCLprovidestheeducation and preparation for the student to not only successfully complete the “C school, but alsopreparesthestudentforcertificationas anultrasoundtechnologist.Thiscompounding knowledge approach ensures the military is not only receiving quality healthcare acrossthenavalforce,butalsoensuresthere are incentives to recruit and retain Navy MedicineSailors
“It’simportantthatweensureourSailors are staying relevant, engaged, aligned, and arelistening,learning,andleadingthroughouttheircareersbyprovidingtechnicaland
institutional competencies,” said Rivera “Thesetechnicalcompetenciesinadvanced medical fields provide the backbone in building teams that can render assistance in both peace and combat conditions while providing a more comprehensive approach forSailorsandMarinestoreturntotheirfull warfighterstance.”
GoldengraduatedOctober16,2024,andis excitedtoapplyhernewfoundknowledgeto hernextdutystation.
“The instructors here are amazing; they really took the time to ensure that you are comprehendingwhatyou’redoing,andthey giveyouthefreedomtoovercomeobstacles when scanning on your own” said Golden. “I’m excited to get to my next duty station and become an individual tech with full autonomy.
Navy Talent Acquisition Group San Antonio
Angie Kenai, known for her role in the Netflixsurvivalseries“Outlast”hastakenon anewchallengebyjoiningtheUnitedStates Navy The former reality television contestant recently completed basic training, also known as bootcamp, marking a significant milestoneinhertransitionfromtheAlaskan wildernesstothedisciplinedlifeofaSailor. Kenai was born in Lorain, Ohio and was raised in various places around the United States ShehasbeeninTexasforthelastnine years and considers the Lone Star State her home When asked, “why did you want to join the Navy?” She told of wanting to seek adventure.
“TheNavyisallIwantedsinceIwasakid Iremembersittingonmygrandfather’sbed, watching his black and white war movies about the Navy and I was like, I want to do thatjob.”
On the TV series “Outlast, Kenai gained attention for her determination, resilience andabilitytoworkonateamtosurviveharsh conditionsoftheever-changingwilderness. These are the same qualities that contributedtohersuccessduringbootcamp
“The Navy is a different culture, it is like a family; people really do care,” Kenai said “I had a question about shining my shoes; my Recruit Division Commander got down on her knee and showed me how to properlydoit.
Bootcampisarigorousprogramdesigned to test physical and mental endurance It is located at Recruit Training Command in Great Lakes, Illinois, and designed to push recruits to their limits and prepare them to serveinvariousroleswithintheNavy AccordingtoKenai,therequiredjumpoff a platform into the pool was a major challengeforher
“The jump was terrifying…I had to face myfear,andIdidit,”statedKenai “Iwasso proudofmyselfIcried.Theinstructorswere
amazing in coaching me through it and just beingthereforme.”
Kenai’sjourneyfromrealityTVtomilitary serviceisinspiring Itreflectsacommitment to personal growth and serving her country Fans of the series may be surprised but impressed by the shift in her life, demonstratinghowskillslearnedinsurvivalsituationscantranslateintoreal-worldresilience Having graduated from basic training, Kenaiismovingforwardinhernavalcareer as a Sonar Technician (Surface). She is attending the Sonar Technician “A” School inSanDiego CA for10weeks whereshe’ll work with the most advanced sonar equipmenttocollectintelfornavigationandhelp defend the ship from underwater threats
Once she has completed the basic course, she’ll spend an additional 6 - 8 weeks in a moreadvancedsonaroperatorcourse
Kenai’s journey symbolizes a powerful narrative of strength, adaptability and the pursuit of greater challenges Fans of the show will certainly continue to follow her inspiring journey in the world’s greatest Navy
Kenai was recruited by Operations Specialist1stClassAaronCastillejaassigned to Navy Recruiting Station Ingram in San Antonio NavyTalentAcquisitionGroupSanAntonio’s area of responsibility includes more than30NavyEnlistedandOfficerRecruiting Stations spread throughout 144,000 square milesofCentralandSouthTexasterritory
If you are interested in the Navy, contact your local recruiter by calling 1-800-USA-NAVY, visiting www.navy com, www.cnrc.navy.mil/San-Antonio/ or follow us at http://www.facebook.com/ NtagSanAntonio,www.instagram.com/ntag sanantonio https://x.com/NtagSanAntonio, https://www.linkedin.com/company/ navy-talent-acquisition-group-san-antonio/&https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UC1uxs-z2tnVl-l4xr2eha3A
Naval Postgraduate School
The Naval Postgraduate School (NPS) welcomed U.S. Navy Capt. Eric Skalski as the institution’s new Dean of Students and CommandingOfficeroftheStudentMilitary Element during a ceremony, Oct 10, relieving U.S. Navy Capt Thor Martinsen, Ph.D., an NPS alumnus and current permanent military professor with 12 years of faculty experience Martinsen, a Fulbright scholar and NPS Department of Applied Mathematics associateprofessor,wasaskedtostep-inasDean ofStudentsoverthelastyeartofillacritical gap.Hewillnowreturntoteaching,inaddition to his new duties as Associate Provost forAcademicAffairs
NPS President retired Vice Adm. Ann Rondeau commended Martinsen for ably leading his team and the NPS student body through four graduations, incoming classesandtheimplementationofaninitiative to vastly increase the number of newly commissionedensignscomingdirectlyfrom the U.S. Naval Academy and other commissioningprograms
“OurstudentsarethemissionatNPS,and Capt.Martinsenhasalwaysputtheirsuccess at the forefront of his work, said Rondeau. “Hedidnothesitatetosayyeswhenaskedto take the Dean of Students role, and like the trueleaderheis,Martinsensetthebareven
higher for his team, and inspired us all by hispersonalcommitmenttotheinstitution.”
For his accomplishments and exceptionally meritorious performance, Rondeau presented Martinsen with the Legion of Merit.Hethenspoketotheaudience,offeringhisgratitudefortheuniqueopportunity to lead NPS students, especially noting the hardworkofhisstudentservicesteamwho process graduating and incoming resident students which in June alone totaled more than800
“StudentServicesisnotjustanoutstanding team, it’s a family into which I was welcomed and am proud to have been a partofduringmytimeasDeanofStudents,” Martinsen remarked. “For me, it is hard to putintowordsjusthowrewardingitistosee ourwarriorscholarstudentsgrowacademically. If ever there was a doubt as to how this country will respond to the myriad of challengeswecurrentlyface oneneedonly looktotheskill,strength,andmotivationof theseyoungleaderstoknowthatwewillbe alright.”
Rondeau also commented on NPS’ extraordinary good fortune to have a leader of Skalski’s caliber as incoming DeanofStudents “Heisawarrior’sleader,” Rondeau said, noting Skalski’s career as a Navy SEAL who comes to NPS directly from Commander, Task Force 66, part of U.S. Naval Forces Europe and Africa / U.S. SixthFleet.
Skalski’s achievements as a Navy SEAL andcommanderthroughmultipleconflicts overhisnear40-yearcareerbringadistinct operationalfocustohistenureasNPSDean of Students In addition, Skalski’s time in service makes him the 19th “Bull Frog” in the SEAL community a moniker given to theirtolongestservingactive-dutymember and is a measure of leadership that makes him ideally suited to command the student militaryelementatNPS
Martinsen and Skalski then read their orders As is the time-honored tradition for a change of command, MartinsenturnedtoSkalski and said, “I am ready to be relieved,” to which Skalski thenreplied,“Irelieveyou.” He then took to the podium to offer his thoughts to the assembledaudienceasNPS’ newDeanofStudents
“The opportunity to serve here at Naval Postgraduate School is truly a gift and an opportunity,” he said. “There are many challenges ahead. While I saw technology advances inartificialintelligence and the integration of robotics and autonomous systems change the fabric of the battlefieldinreal-time,thehumanelement willalwaysbethedecisivedifference This is where our asymmetric advantage, the warfighter or in this case, the NPS graduate student, comes in.”
“I’ve seen the power of teamwork and resilienceduringmycareer,”hecontinued. “Iknowthatwiththetalentanddedication in this room and across the NPS campus, we can turn these challenges into opportunities.”
CourtesyStory Naval History and Heritage Command
WASHINGTON Secretary of the Navy CarlosDelToroformallyannouncedthesite forthenewNationalMuseumoftheUnited StatesNavy Oct.18 duringaceremonyatthe newmuseumlocation.
ThenewNMUSNsiteisjustoutsideofthe historic Washington Navy Yard, at Tingey StreetandMStreet,andwillgivethepublic unfettered access to U.S. Navy history and heritage
“This ceremony marks a significant step forward in our journey to reimagine the Navy Museum,” said Secretary of the Navy Carlos Del Toro “This is a testament to our unwaveringcommitmenttopreservingand honoringtherichhistoryofourNavy,andto ensuringthatitslegacycontinuestoinspire andeducatefuturegenerations.”
ThenewNMUSNwillactasanenduring memorial to honor the service of American Sailors,inspireselflessservice,andenhance public understanding of the Navy’s history andheritage
“The new National Museum of the U.S. Navy will provide a dramatically improved opportunity for the American public to be inspired by the long history of valor and sacrifice of American sailors in the defense of our country, and to learn the vital importance of Seapower to our way of life,” said NHHC Director Samuel J. Cox, U.S. Navy rearadmiral(retired).“Itwillshowcasenot onlythelegacyofthepast,butalsotheglobal operationsoftheNavytoday,upholdingthe freedom of the seas, upon which our freedomdepends.”
The vision for the new Navy Museum
expands the traditional museum concept to a campus layout that combines the Navy Museum, a high-tech conference center, and retail space with dining options It is intendedtobeaself-fundedtouristdestinationthataimstointrigue informandinspire generationsofvisitors
The Navy has partnered with the Navy Museum Development Foundation (NMDF), a non-profit organization that seeks to help preserve, commemorate and sharethehistoryoftheU.S.Navy TheFoundation will support the museum construction efforts and, once complete, its ongoing operation.
During the ceremony, Vice Chief of Naval Operations Adm. James W. Kilby; Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton; former Secretary of the Navy, Kenneth J. Braithwaite; and Deputy Mayor for PlanningandEconomicDevelopment,DC,Nina Albertprovidedremarks
NHHC, located at the Washington Navy Yard, is responsible for preserving, analyzing, and disseminating U.S. naval history and heritage. It provides the knowledge foundation for the Navy by maintaining historically relevant resources and products that reflect the Navy’s unique and enduring contributions through our nation’s history and supports the fleet by assisting with and delivering professional research, analysis, and interpretive services NHHC comprises many activities, including the Navy Department Library the Navy Operational Archives the Navy art and artifact collections, underwaterarcheology,Navyhistories,ten museums,USSConstitutionrepairfacility, and the historic ship Nautilus
Abust ofretired Vietnam POW Cmdr Everett AlvarezJr at the National Museum ofthe United States Navy Oct.18 2024. In 1964 Alvarez became the first American aviator shot down over NorthVietnam. Hewas captured and held foreight and a halfyears as a prisonerofwar, returning home in 1973 (U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYMASS COMMUNICATION SPECIALIST1ST CLASSABIGAYLE LUTZ)
The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer USS Higgins (DDG 76) and Royal Canadian Navy Halifax-class frigate HMCS Vancouver (FFH 331) conducted a routine Taiwan Strait transit on Oct. 20 (local time) through waters where high-seas freedom of navigation and overflight apply in accordance with international law. The ship transited through a high seas corridor in the Strait that isbeyondtheterritorialseaofanycoastalstate. Higgins and Vancouver’s transit through the Taiwan Strait demonstrated the United States’ and Canada’s commitment to upholding freedomofnavigationforallnationsasaprinciple. The international community’s navigational rightsandfreedomsintheTaiwanStraitshould not be limited. The United States rejects any assertion of sovereignty or jurisdiction that is inconsistentwithfreedomsofnavigations,overflight andotherlawfulusesoftheseaandair.
TAIWAN STRAIT(Oct 20 2024)The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSS Higgins (DDG 76) conducts bilateral operationswith the Royal Canadian Navywhile transiting theTaiwan Strait Oct.20 Higgins is forward-deployed to the U.S.7th Fleet area ofoperations in support ofa free and open Indo-Pacific (U.S.NAVY PHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONS SPECIALIST3RDCLASSTREVORHALE)
Fleet Readiness Center Southeast
FleetReadiness Center Southeast (FRCSE) Detachment Jacksonville has completed certification to becomethefirstintermediate-level(I-level) fiber optics Naval Air Systems Command (NAVAIR)maintenancefacilityintheNavy
Currently the detachment supports the P-8 Poseidon maritime patrol aircraft. However, the certification underscores an opportunity for FRCSE to enhance operational readiness throughout the NAVAIR domain.
The Miniature/Micro-miniature Electronics Repair and Module Test and Repair (2M/MTR) fiber optics work center is now equipped with a high-resolution optical time domain reflectometer (HROTDR) to test and analyze fiber optics cables. The HROTDR uses a laser to determine bends, breaks and other faults in a fiber cable The team uses the HROTDR to find issues and fabricate new cables to meet engineering drawingsandspecifications
The certification process began approximately two years ago after FRCSE’s P-8
FleetSupportTeam(FST)noticedacorrelation between damaged fiber optic network cables, decreased mission-capable aircraft and expensive, timely turnaround times usingcontractedrepairorganizations.
“Many P-8 aircraft were down because of simple and straightforward fiber optics repairs,” said Alex Garcia, an FRCSE P-8A FST electrical engineer “With the right training and certification, the team knew thatwecoulddomuchquickerandcost-effectivework.
Recognizingtheneedtoconductthiswork internally, engineers mapped the process andestablishedlocalengineeringspecifications, a required document that authorizes I-level work and provides instructions on fiber optic cable fabrication, support, and requiredconsumables
“GiventhatNAVAIRdidn’thaveanestablished fiber optic program, certification agents were not an option, said Aviation Electronics Technician 1st Class Michael Parker “During our discussions on possible certification avenues, we learned that NAVSEA (Naval Sea Systems Command) had an existing program The team recognized that the most effective way forward
was to seek support from NAVSEA for site certification. Though NAVSEA couldn’t provide aviation-specific fiber optics repair capability, the groundwork could still be tailored to a NAVAIR program. After the 2M/MTR team contacted NAVSEA, representatives from the fiber optic test and repair (FOTR) programfromNavalSurfaceWarfareCenter (NSWC)respondedbytravelingtoNavalAir Station (NAS) Jacksonville to conduct the certificationprocess,whichtookonlyafew days “We confirmed an adequate amount of appropriately trained fiber optic technicians,therequiredNAVAIRauthorizedtest equipmentandtoolingessentialtorepairor manufacture95percentofthepotentialfiber optic issues across various aircraft frames,” said Richard Scott, the FOTR certification agentwithNSWC Dahlgrendivision.“This effortresultedinFRSCEbecomingthefirst NAVAIR activity to obtain its FOTR certification.”
After completing certification, KITCO Fiber Optics, a civilian company, provided twoweeksofhands-ontraining,whichtook placeaboardNASJacksonville
Duringthetwo-yeartimeline fromestablishment to certification and training the teamhasstreamlinedrepairs,reducingfiber opticsturnaroundtimesfromsixmonthsto justafewdays
TheworkcenteratDetachmentJacksonville is also helping to establish fiber optics work centers globally with footprints in Whidbey Island, Wash.; Misawa, Japan; Sigonella, Sicily; Bahrain and afloat on aircraft intermediate maintenance departments worldwide The current workload is helping support readiness throughout the fleetandpreparesFRCSEtomeetadvancing technologicalrequirements AboutFleetReadinessCenterSoutheast Fleet Readiness Center Southeast (FRCSE) is Northeast Florida and Southeast Georgia’s largest maintenance, repair overhaul and technical services provider employing approximately 5,000 civilian, militaryandcontractworkers Withannual revenue exceeding $1 billion, the organization serves as an integral part of the greater U.S.Navy,NavalAirSystemsCommand,and Commander, Fleet Readiness Centers by maintainingthecombatairpowerforAmerica’smilitaryforces
Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-Fort Story to host retiree summit Nov. 1
NORFOLK,Va TheNorfolkNavy-MarineCorpsRelief Society announces the start of Operation JINGLE (Join IN GivingaLittleExtra)for2024 ThisannualHamptonRoads holidayprogramprovidescomplimentaryhotelaccommodationstothevisitingfamiliesoflocallystationedsingleservice memberswhoareunabletotravelhomefortheholidays All Hampton Roads area active-duty single service members are invited to participate in Operation JINGLE, sponsored by the Hotel/Motel Associations and Visitors Bureaus from Norfolk, Virginia Beach, and the Williamsburg/Peninsula areas Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society is proud to partner withlocalhotelstoofferthisgreatopportunitytoouractivedutymilitarymembers Operation JINGLE provides a three-night stay in hotels fromDecember23rdthroughthemorningofthe26th.
In2023,atotalof45roomsweredonatedtosingleservice members across the Hampton Roads area allowing them to spendtheholidaystogetherwiththeirfamily.Theonlycharge
fortheroomisanon-refundablereservationfeeof$10.00per room,pernight,tobepaidbycashormoneyorderwhenthe lodging request is submitted. Reservation fees help ensure thatallroomsareusedandinturn,theentirereservationfee is donated to Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society. The funds raisedwillbeusedtoprovidefinancial,educational,andother assistancetoSailors,Marines,andtheirfamilies
Toqualify singleservicemembersmusteitherliveaboard a ship or reside in one of the local Unaccompanied Housing (UH-Barracks)/Unaccompanied Housing PPV (UH-PPV) units Commandsmustverifythattheroomswillbeusedfor families traveling to and from the Hampton Roads area in ordertospendtheholidayswiththeirservicemember Room availabilityisextremelylimitedandwillbereservedonafirst come-first-servedbasis.Hotelsrequire24-hourcancellation intheeventroomscannotbeused.
To participate, commands must designate a representative to serve as the command’s single point of contact and who will coordinate the delivery of applications and confirmation information with the Norfolk Navy- Marine Corps
ReliefSociety Deadline for submissions is 13 December 2024 For more informationortorequestregistrationformscontact:
Ms.DaryZardeskas NorfolkNMCRS Darylumie.Zardeskas@nmcrs.org 757-322-1188 or Ms.TammySanborn NorfolkNMCRS Tammy.Sanborn@nmcrs.org 757-322-1188
All incidental expenses incurred during the hotel stay, to include phone calls, laundry services, movies, room service andothermealsaretheresponsibilityoftheservicemember reservingtheroom.Commandrepresentativesofunderway commands/units unable to meet the 13 December deadline shouldcontactMs ZardeskasorMs Sanbornformoredetails
ByCmdr CherylCollins
Navy Reserve Region Readiness and Mobilization Command Fort Worth
CarlosVillafañe-MercadoisthekindofSailorwhoseems tobealwaysonthego,andifhe’snotphysicallymoving,his mind certainly is The aviation support equipment technician second class petty officer stationed at Navy Reserve Center(NRC)CorpusChristi,isamasteroftransitions His own journey from active duty to reserve and back to active dutyisastoryofloveforhelpingothersfindtheirownpaths.
Originally from Ponce, Puerto Rico, Carlos’s adventure in the Navy started with a clear desire to serve. He spent five years on active duty even having served onboard USS Kearsarge (LHD 3). “Great ship Loved it. Miss it. Did one andahalfdeploymentsonit, saidCarloswhenspeakingof histimeontheship Butwhenitcametimetoshiftgearsin life,hedesiredtogoonanewpathanddiscoveropportunitiesintheciviliansector
“Iwasn’treadytofullygetoutoftheNavy,”Carlosrecalls “Ididn’tthinkIwasfinished.Ialsowantedtohaveonefoot inandonefootout.”CarlosdecidedtojointheNavyReserve. Hereceivedanewjoborrate oneofAZorAviationAdministrationMaintenance buthereallymissedhispreviousrate asanASorAviationSupportEquipmentTechnician,which heworkedonactiveduty.
When Carlos arrived at NRC Corpus Christi as a reservist, he was welcomed with open arms “When I first came in,theysawmeassomeonewhogotputinthewrongspot,” Carlos says “They helped me and supported me through theprocess Theirdedicationreallyinfluencedmydecision togobackactive.”
Carlos’s stint in the reserves might have been brief but it wasacrucialperiodofself-discovery Herealizedthatactive duty was where he belonged. The RC to AC program was hisbridgeback,anditwasn’tlongbeforehewasbackinthe thickofit,reinvigoratedandreadytocontribute Today, Carlos is an active duty Sailor who thrives as the Command Career Counselor at NRC Corpus Christi, back serving in his original rate of AS His role is vital in guiding reservists through their career opportunities His desk is alwaysbusywithSailorseagertoexploretheiroptions “I’vebeengivingreservistsanewinsightintoactiveduty,” Carlossays “Alotofpeoplewanttoconvertoutsidetheirrate becausethey’renotpassionateaboutit Ihelpthemfindthat passionandlovefortheNavyandtheirjob It’saprettyeasy processifyouknowtheropes.”
Carlos’s dedication is evident in his impressive track
record.He’salreadyhelped17reserviststransitiontoactive duty, a testament to his belief in the program and his knack for making it work. “Right now, retention isn’t
U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet
MANAMA, Bahrain U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard forces joined the United Arab Emirates naval defense force for exercise Iron Defender 24 Oct. 14-24. Thismaritimeexercisewilltakeplaceinthe UAEanditsterritorialandcoastalwaters
The combined bilateral exercise is designed to broaden levels of cooperation, support long term regional security, and enhance interoperability. Scenarios included: visit, board, search and seizure, unmanned system integration, harbor defense diving medicaltraining andtrainingatsea.
This is one of many exercises in which the U.S. military participates with partner nations in the Middle East intended to enhancepartnershipsandinteroperability
The U.S. 5th Fleet area of operations encompassesnearly2.5millionsquaremiles ofwaterareaandincludestheArabianGulf, Gulf of Oman, Red Sea, parts of the Indian Ocean and three critical choke points at the Strait of Hormuz, Suez Canal and Bab al-Mandeb
Airmen from the 56th Air Refueling SquadronoperatedmultipleKC-46Pegasus aircraft to refuel the U.S. Navy Blue Angels’ F/A-18SuperHornetsmid-flight,highlightingtheirtechnicalcapabilitiesintheskiesof Texoma,Oct 14,2024
Nineteen of The University of Oklahoma Naval ROTC midshipmen joined the 97th AirMobilityWingAirmentoexperiencean important part of the mission and witness thecollaborativeeffortsbetweentheU.S.Air ForceandtheU.S.Navy
“A lot of naval aviators come out of our program,” said U.S. Navy Lt Jacob Glastad, University of Oklahoma NROTC advisor “So,anyopportunityforinter-servicecollaborationandtohavethestudentsbeexposed to military operations is a positive thing I hopewecancontinuethisinthefuture.”
AstheBlueAngels’formationapproached the KC-46 everyone in attendance took turns watching the boom operators and pilotsexecuteairrefuelingfromthecockpit
The Blue Angels are known for their aerobatics and formation flying, using time and precision to put on performances for the public eye. With the added support of aerialrefueling theteamcanenhancetheir routines and maintain their performance schedule
“This was great for Altus to support in manyways,”saidMajorGarySowa,56ARS chief KC-46 Pegasus evaluator pilot. “First, itshowcasestheAirForce’snewestandmost advancedtankertooursisterservice.Additionally,wewereabletotakeTheUniversity of Oklahoma Navy ROTC midshipmen up and show them our mission while supportingtheBlueAngels.”
Once the crews completed the refueling of the Blue Angels, the pilots of the KC-46 demonstratedaerialrefuelingwithanother KC-46 while traveling back to Altus Air ForceBase
Starting as early as Monday, Oct. 28 contractor crews with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) are scheduled to reopen the multiweek closures impacting the I-64 Reversible Express Lanes in Norfolk between I-264 and I-564 The continuous single-lane closure on theI-64westgeneralpurposelanesoff-ramp toI-564westremainsinplacethroughlatefall.
These closures were implemented to facilitate the completion of essential roadway activities and bridge widening as part of constructionforthefirstphaseoftheHampton Roads Express Lanes (HREL) Norfolk Segment. The previous long-term closures that will
reopenstartingasearlyasOct.28include: thecontinuoussinglelaneclosureinboth directions of the Reversible Express Lanes between just west of Tidewater Drive (exit 277)andeastofI-564/GranbyStreet(exit276) the I-64 general purpose lanes access to and from the Norfolk Reversible Express Lanes, with the reopening of the westbound Express Lanes exit ramp to the I-64 west mainline (toward the HRBT) and the entrance ramp from the I-64 east mainline totheeastboundReversibleExpressLanes
Along with these closures being lifted, all westbound tolls will be reinstated for solo driversusingtheNorfolkReversibleExpress Lanes to travel to I-564 or I-64 west toward the HRBT Vehicles with two or more occupants and an E-ZPass Flex transponder
tolling to resume in both directions
switchedto“HOV-ON”mayusetheExpress Lanestoll-free
Additional short-term closures within the Reversible Express Lanes remain ongoing during non-peak hours This construction work is weather and schedule-dependent; therefore,thisscheduleissubjecttochange ThisworkispartofthefirstphaseofHREL Norfolk Segment construction projects, that started in summer 2023 and includes the conversion of the existing inside shoulder alongI-64intoahigh-occupancytolled,parttime shoulder Express Lane running alongside the three existing general purpose lanes between Patrol Road and Tidewater Drive for a total of 2 miles, as well as the widening and rehabilitation of several existing bridges onI-64
This HREL Norfolk Segment will ultimatelybecomeapartofanoverallcontinuous 45-mile high-occupancy toll Express Lanes networkonI-64 fromwestofDenbighBoulevard in Newport News to the I-264/I-664 Bowers Hill interchange in Chesapeake. As traffic demand continues to increase in the region, incorporating the Express Lanes dynamic tolling model, together with other interstate improvements, provides an additionalapproachtomanagingcongestioninthe long term and providing more travel choices and a reliable travel network for Hampton Roads motorists. For more information on the Hampton Roads Express Lanes projects andtolearnmoreaboutconstructionupdates, trafficimpactsandtosign-uptoreceiveprojectupdates,visit64expresslanes.org
ByLilyChen Naval Information Warfare Systems Command
Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWAR) is leading the digitalization effort within the Navy by creating trainings that equip Sailors and first responders with the skills to manage and sustain complex information technology (IT) platforms A recent example of that is thenewlyimplementedAgileCoreServices (ACS)training spearheadedbyNAVWAR’s FleetReadinessDirectorate(FRD).
May 2024 determined that training opportunities would better prepare the Fleet to useneweradvancedcapabilitytechnologies, like ACS, a platform that supports critical communicationsandITsystems
“FRD had received numerous reports of technical issues with ACS, and after talking to the Sailors directly, we discovered a lot of them were struggling with its operating system, saidStevenCrosson,deputydirector and technical director of FRD “So, we partnered with Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR) and Program Executive Office (PEO) Command, Control, Communications, Computers and Intelligence (C4I)’s Tactical Networks Program Office (PMW 160)tocreateatrainingtoaddressthosegaps inknowledge.”
A one-week training was customized to specifically target skills needed to administer ACS. The flexible curriculum covers highly sought-after practices, including automation, application development and hybridcloudmanagement
The comprehensive course offers practical, hands-on experience with key technologies that are essential to the Navy’s operationalsuccess Participantscamefrom
all over the Navy, like Southwest Regional Maintenance Center (SWRMC), Tactical Networks (TACNET), In-Service EngineeringAgent(ISEA)andFleetSailorsfrom CarrierStrikeGroups(CSG).
Johnathan Gorbea, an IT specialist from Naval Information Warfare Center Pacific andACSsubjectmatterexpert,attendedone of the San Diego trainings to oversee how
studentswererespondingtothematerial. “ACS is a critical technology that ensures NavycommunicationsandITsystemsoperate smoothly in mission-critical environments,”hesaid “Thesuccessofthetraining demonstrated the Navy’s commitment to ensuring its personnel are prepared to face any potential challenge In future trainings I’m looking forward to support Sailors and
first responders in troubleshooting and maintainingtheACSbaseline.”
So far training events have been held at variouslocationsacrossthecountry,includingMayport,Florida;Bremerton,WashingtonandSanDiego Ithasnowbeenexpanded and is being offered pre-deployment in all fleetconcentrationareasthroughoutFiscal Year 2025 FRD is also working with PMW 160 and NAVIFOR to integrate this content intoafutureACStrainingoffering Thankstothecourse thenumberofhelp desk trouble tickets and casualty reports has decreased, indicating that the trainings are successful. Now equipped to fix their systems and run health checks on their own, Sailors and first responders are more self-sufficientandcantackleanychallenges thatmayarise
“The training has yielded excellent feedbackasatotalgamechangerintheabilityto maintain and operate ACS,” said Crosson. “This whole effort has opened the aperture to deliver even more Decision Advantage capabilitiesthatareenabledbyACStocriticaloperationalunits,withNAVWARleading effortstosupportthefleetaheadofneed.” If you are interested in knowing more about ACS training opportunities, please reach out to the Fleet Integration Team at fit_leads@us.navy.mil
NAVWAR identifies develops delivers andsustainsinformationwarfightingcapabilities and services that enable naval, joint, coalition,andothernationalmissionsoperating in warfighting domains from seabed tospaceandthroughcyberspace NAVWAR consists of more than 11,000 civilian, active duty and reserve professionals located aroundtheworld.
The U.S. Navy marks an impressive milestone thismonth the249thanniversaryofitsfounding Aswecelebrateourrichnavalhistory,Navyand civilianpersonnelinHawaiireflectontheirroleas membersoftheislandcommunity Manyconsider it a privilege to call Hawaii home and seek every opportunity to show how much they treasure this place Theirgratitudetakesongreatersignificance this year as the countdown begins to the Navy’s 250thbirthdayin2025 Service to others and a commitment to the greater good are values the Navy holds in high regard.That’swhybeginningthismonth,theNavy will highlight 250 acts of voluntary community service performed by Sailors and civilian personnelinHawaiiduringtheirfree,non-workcompensated time The year-long, statewide initiative is called“LaulimaNavy.”
ReflectingtheHawaiianvalueoflaulima,translated as “many hands working together,” the 12-monthcommemorationunderscorestheNavy’s responsibilitytothecommunityandthewaysNavy personnelvolunteeralongsidepartnerstohelpand supporttheirneighbors.
“ThesuccessofLaulimaNavyisrootedinteamwork,whichisanintegralpartoftheNavymission About20commandsandcomponentsoperatingin Hawaii have pledged their support for the initiative and will join in highlighting their own ongoing community partnerships,” said Rear Admiral StevenBarnett,commanderofNavyRegionHawaii andNavyClosureTaskForce-RedHill “Thedepth andbreadthofmanyoftheserelationships,particularly on the island of Kauai, reflect the Navy’s sincere and longstanding desire to respect and honor its neighbors and the places and traditions importanttothem.”
Sponsored by Commander Pacific Fleet (PACFLT) and managed by Commander, Navy Region Hawaii (CNRH) Public Affairs, Laulima Navy kicks off on Oct. 19, 2024 on Oahu with a clean-up of the Pearl Harbor Historic Trail/Bike Path, which stretches 18.6 miles from Halawa Landing to Nanakuli, linking Leeward neighborhoods, historic sites, recreational areas, regional attractions and nature along the old Oahu Railway & Land Company right-of-way Navy volunteerswillworkalongsiderotaryclubs community groups, companies, government agencies and the City&CountyofHonolulutocleantrashanddebris from the heritage site, which serves as an important historic, cultural and natural resource for the community
An important component of Laulima Navy is storytelling “We will shine the light on the benefitting organization highlighting its mission, its workanditspeople,”explainedBarnett “Byshifting the focus to our community partners, we can amplify their work and, in the process, inspire others in and outside of the Navy to support theirprogramsandinitiatives.”
Othervoluntarycommunityserviceandsupport projects that have been identified thus far include Adopt-A-Highway, Girl Scouts STEM Fest, blood drives schoolvisitstoPearlHarborNavalShipyard & Intermediate Facility PACFLT Band concerts, Loko i‘a Pā‘aiau workdays and workdays at Halealoha Haleamau burial vault. Dozens of individuals also regularly volunteer with Native Hawaiian organizations,communitygroups,non-profitorganizations,artsprogramsandyouthsportgroupsin theirfreetime Theircontinuingcommitmentand supportwillberecognizedaspartofLaulima2025
“Supporting our neighbors through volunteerism has been a longstanding commitment for the Navy It takes on greater significance as we celebrateour249thbirthdayandbeginthecountdown to our 250th, Barnett added. “Our commitment tothecommunitywillcontinuewellbeyond2025 It’s an enduring promise that is part of the Navy’s mission.”
Navy Talent Acquisition Group Golden Gate
Navy Talent Acquisition Group (NTAG) Golden Gate hosted the change of command ceremony at Moffett Federal Airfield to commemorate new leadership Commander Clinton T. Ceralde was relieved by Commander Michael O. Molloy ascommandingofficer RearAdmiralJames Waters III, Commander, Navy Recruiting Command was the presiding officer and guestspeaker
This significant event is part of a long-standing naval tradition that emphasizes the continuity of leadership and
responsibility Commander Ceralde, who led NTAG Golden Gate with distinction, waspresentedwiththeMeritoriousService Medal and the Recruiting Service Ribbon by Rear Admiral Waters in recognition of his service During his tenure, Commander Ceralde oversaw critical recruiting operations contributingtothemission’ssuccessin attractingtoptalentfortheU.S.Navy
Following the award presentation, Commander Ceralde delivered heartfelt remarks, reflecting on his time at NTAG Golden Gate and expressing gratitude to his team and family for their unwavering support. His wife, Mrs Shea Ceralde, received flowers as a token of appreciation forhersupportduringhisleadership
Theceremonycontinuedwiththeformal transferofcommandasCommanderMolloy stepped forward to assume his new role In keeping with naval protocol, the reading of orders by both commanders and the ceremonial salute solidified the transition of authority Commander Molloy, formerly theExecutiveOfficerofNTAGGoldenGate expressed his commitment to leading the commandforward,acknowledgingthesolid foundationlaidbyhispredecessor CommanderMolloy’swifeanddaughters were also honored with flowers and gifts, symbolizing the integral role family plays in the life of Navy personnel. His remarks concludedwithafocus on the future as NTAG Golden Gate
continues its vital mission to recruit and retain the nation’s best and brightest. Commander Molloy brings a wealth of experience to the role and looks forward to continuing NTAG Golden Gate’s proud traditionofserviceandexcellence The ceremony, which included a traditional Navy color guard Sideboys and the singing of the national anthem by Airman First Class Nina Sophia Pacheco of the U.S. AirForce,wasattendedbyfamilymembers, colleagues, and distinguished guests from the Navy and local community A reception followed at the Moffett Field Clubhouse, where attendees celebrated the new chapterforNTAGGoldenGate
Military Sealift Command Far East
AspartoftheeighthiterationofExercise SamaSama2024,MilitarySealiftCommand (MSC) Far East participated in refueling-at-sea familiarization training aboard the Philippine Navy (PN) frigate BRP Jose Rizal(FF150),atSubicBay,Philippines,Oct. 8-9.
“MSCFarEastmakessureeveryU.S.military ship in the Indo-Pacific region is able to get fuel, ammo and supplies; this can include services to our allies and partners,” said U.S. Navy Senior Chief Boatswain’s Mate Andrew Werner, MSC Far East, out of Singapore. “Without a Combat Logistics Force (CFL) or refueling ships, our fleet of ships, and those of some allies, such as the Philippines, would not be able to refuel at sea.”
Sama Sama 2024 which was held Oct 7-18,washostedbytheArmedForcesofthe Philippines and the U.S. Navy, and featured participation from allies and partners throughouttheIndo-Pacificregion,including personnel and assets from Australia, Canada,FranceandJapan.
MSC Far East provided subject-matter-expert instruction for the refueling-at-sea familiarization training along with members attached to Commander Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 7, out of Singapore.
“Thepurposeofthetrainingwastogetthe PN familiar with underway replenishment gear on a ship, how to set it up, and how to conduct a safe underway-replenishment,” saidWerner “MSCFarEasthasBoatswain’s mates that are subject-matter-experts and can train the Philippine Sailors We do the similar training with other allies and partners.”
Underway replenishments of allied partners present a unique opportunity to strengthen partnerships and exercise compatibilityoflogisticssystems
“Thetrainingwentoverthefundamentals of refueling and replenishing at sea,” said U.S.NavyChiefBoatswain’sMateFrancisco Fuentes DESRON 7. “We also conducted hands-ontrainingandobservedtheiron-station procedures for refueling-at-sea, and lookedattheirreplenishment-at-seastations forwardoftheship
“It was important for us to do hands-on trainingbecauseithelpedthemunderstand oursafetyprocedures,maintenancerequirements and types of equipment we use and ourstationprocedures Thishelpswithour interoperability.
According to Werner, he hopes that the training was beneficial to the PN, and they canmutuallybuilduponinteroperability
ent and we were able to show them how on our U.S. Navy conducts a safe refueling just about every week—when underway on deployment,” added Werner “They were excited and motivated to learn and I look forward to working with them again in the future.
SamaSama2024isamultilateralengagement that includes a sea and shore phase that will incorporate medical, engineering, logisticsandsymposiums,whiledivingand explosive ordnance disposal teams, naval vessels and maritime surveillance aircraft conduct exercises focused on anti-submarine surface and air warfare, and maritime domainawareness
MSC Far East supports the U.S. 7th Fleet and ensures approximately 50 ships in the Indo-Pacific Region are manned, trained, and equipped to deliver essential supplies,
fuel, cargo, and equipment to warfighters, both at sea and on shore.
U.S. 7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployed numbered fleet and routinely interactsandoperateswithallies and partners in preserving a free andopenIndo-Pacificregion. Celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2024, MSC exists to support the joint warfighter across the full spectrum of militaryoperations withaworkforce that includes approximately 6,000 Civil Service Mariners and 1,100 contract
supported by 1,500 shore staff and1,400activedutyandReserve
Public Affairs
Joint Expeditionary Base Little Creek-FortStory(JEBLCFS)will hostaretireesummit,careerfair, and MWR expo Nov. 1 at Little Creek’sRockwellHallGym.The event will include resources for veterans, representatives from colleges and universities, and a healthfairwithflushots Military retirees transitioning military, family members and surviving spouses are all encouraged to attend and take advantage of numerous resources under one roof
“Thishasbeenanannualevent for about the last 15 years,” said Douglas Morfeld, regional work and family life coordinator with NavyRegionMid-Atlantic’sFleet andFamilySupportProgram.He said this year’s event is special because it’s the first in-person summit since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and it will alsobefollowedbyavirtualevent Nov. 4-7. Even those who attend in person will find additional resources during 11 webinars presented at the virtual event. There’s no advance registration requiredforeitherthein-person ofthevirtualprograms
Morfeld noted that while the summitismarketedtowardretirees,everyonewithaDepartment of Defense-affiliated ID card is welcome including active duty from all military branches and their spouses and children. “The education and career fairs willbenefiteveryone,”hesaid.
Capt. David Gray, commanding officer of JEBLCFS, agreed. “Iencourageeveryoneeligibleto
attendthisevent, hesaid.“We’re bringing all of these resources togetherinoneplacetohelpyou get your flu shots and navigate yourhealthcarebenefits,educationopportunities,andpost-mil-
ByDianaNesukh Headquarters Air Force, Office of the Director of Civil Engineers
TheNavy’sExplosiveOrdnanceDisposal School (NAVSCOLEOD) at Eglin Air Force Base Florida,isoneofthemosteliteschools intheUnitedStatesmilitary AirForceEOD students who complete the EOD Preliminary Course at Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas,arriveatNAVSCOLEODandundergo arigorous143-daytrainingprogram.
Built on the foundation of teaching fundamental EOD skills, NAVSCOLEOD is divided into eight divisions, each focusing on a specific aspect of EOD, including demolition;core;toolsandmethods;ground ordnance; air ordnance; improvised explosive devices; biological and chemical; and radiological nuclear devices. Students, officer and enlisted from all branches, are compiled into joint classes and taught by instructorsfromeverybranch.
The training program is designed to prepare students for a near-peer fight wheretheywillneedtorelyonfoundational skillsiftechnologyfails “NAVSCOLEODis hyper-focusedonbuildingastrongfoundationtopreparestudentsforthefuturefight, ChiefMasterSgt.MichaelColePasley,366th Training Squadron Senior Enlisted Leader, said.Theschoolfocusesonbuildingastrong foundation which will enable students to adapttochangingcircumstances
The 366th Training Squadron Detachment 3 is the Air Force side of the EOD school and is making significant strides to prepare Airmen for any challenge that lies ahead. One of the school’s most innovative initiativesistheonboardingprogram,which assessesstudents’physicalandmentalresilienceondayone Theprogramalsoincludes training on nutrition, sleep hygiene, burnoutprevention,weightliftingformandtechniques brain and concussion health and time management. Most recently Detachment 3 brought on two strength, condi-
tioning, and wellness coaches to provide personalized coaching to students Moreover, they are leveraging experts on China and Russia to provide periodic threat and culturebriefstostudents
InstructorsatNAVSCOLEODservemultiple roles including instructors mentors life-coaches and future team leaders The extended nature of EOD school allows instructorstobuildstrongrelationshipswith studentsandprovidevaluableguidanceand support.
EOD work often involves responding to enemy attacks, and as such, the school’s training scenarios are designed to prepare students for this type of environment. Detachment 3 leadership emphasizes the importance of warrior attributes including technical proficiency, emotional hardness, andtacticalpatience
Although NAVSCOLEOD is not directly involvedinrecruiting,theschool’shighstandards create a culture of excellence, which can attract high-performing and aspirational youth. “The school is a perfect place for young adults in America who are selfless striveforexcellence andseeksacrifice,” Pasley said. The school’s tough standards establish a high target for prospective EOD Airmen,whichcandriverecruitment.
The quality of EOD Airmen produced by NAVSCOLEOD can be a significant deterrent to strategic competitors “The volume and quality of EOD Airmen coming out of the schoolhouse puts a rock in our enemy’s shoe,” Pasley said. “We are able to diminish their confidence in their kinetic and explosivelydrivenplans.”
NAVSCOLEOD’stoppriorityistoprepare Airmen for the future fight and the school’s innovative initiatives, incorporation of the warrior mindset, and high standards demonstrateitscommitmenttoexcellence NAVSCOLEOD plays a significant role in deterrence measures against strategic competitors and its graduates are among thebestEODAirmenintheworld.
The Navy’s Explosive Ordnance Disposal School (NAVSCOLEOD) at EglinAirForce Base
Florida,is one ofthe most elite schools in the United States military.AirForce EOD students who complete the EOD PreliminaryCourse at SheppardAirForce Base,Texas,arrive at NAVSCOLEOD and undergo a rigorous 143-daytraining program.The training program is designed to prepare students fora near-peerfight where theywill need to relyon foundational skills iftechnologyfails.The school focuses on building a strong foundationwhichwill enable students to adapt to changing circumstances (PHOTOBYDIANANESUKH HEADQUARTERSAIR FORCE,OFFICEOFTHEDIRECTOROFCIVILENGINEERS)
SAN ANTONIO To bring the story of Military City USA’s unique military and civilian medical research and clinical care collaborations to national and global attention, the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for theAdvancementofMilitaryMedicine,Inc. (HJF), hosted its 2024 Heroes of Military Medicine San Antonio Awards Program at TheRedBerryEstate.
The event, in its third year, provided an opportunitytocelebratetheDepartmentof Defense(DoD)public-privatepartnerships withinthecitybyrecognizingfivehonorees and their selfless dedication to serving the nation’s wounded ill, and injured military servicemembers
ThosehonoredincludedU.S.NavyCmdr Rachel Werner of Naval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU) San Antonio, U.S. Army Lt Col. Luis Rohena of Brook Army Medical Center (BAMC, U.S. Air Force Maj. TheodoreHartofBAMC,andU.S.MarineCorps Cpl.TravisReyes.
“It is a real honor and privilege to host the annual Heroes of Military Medicine Awards,” said HJF President and CEO retired U.S. Army Maj. Gen. Joseph CaravalhoJr.,MD,aformerBAMCcommanding generaltotheaudience “Ourhonoreeshave displayedexcellenceintheirareasofexpertiseandwerepersonallyselectedforrecognitionbytheirrespectivecommandleaders Additionally, we will introduce you to a Marine corporal who through his strength and courage personifies what is possible assistedbyoutstandingmedicalprofessionalssuchasthosewhoarehonoredtoday.”
Werner,whoadditionallyservesasastaff head and neck pathologist at BAMC, was nominated for the award by NAMRU San AntonioCommandingOfficerCapt Jennifer Buechel and was introduced by Rear Adm. WalterBrafford,commander NavalMedical ForcesDevelopmentCommand(NMFDC).
“I’m honored to be here today to introduce Cmdr Rachel Werner and to be part of this ceremony to recognize her accomplishments for Military Medicine,” said Brafford, who also serves as the chief of the U.S.NavyDentalCorps “Inhercurrentrole as the deputy chief science director at the NAMRU San Antonio CDR Werner oversees a $20 million annual research budget
SANANTONIO – (Oct 17 2024) – Cmdr Rachel Werner,ofCocoa Beach,Fla.,Dental Corps,deputy chiefscience directorofNaval Medical Research Unit (NAMRU) SanAntonio was recognized as a Hero ofMilitary Medicine honoree during the 2024 Heroes ofMilitary Medicine San AntonioAwards Program held atThe Red BerryEstate
Presenting the awardwas retired U.S.ArmyMaj.Gen.Joseph CaravalhoJr MD president and CEO ofthe HenryM.Jackson Foundation fortheAdvancement ofMilitaryMedicine,Inc. (HJF),joined byRearAdm.WalterBrafford,commander,Naval Medical Forces Development Command (NMFDC) and chiefofthe U.S.NavyDental Corps.The awards program,hosted bythe HJF recognized exception communityleaderswho advance militarymedicine in and around the greaterSanAntonio area (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMALCOMMCCLENDON,NMFDC PUBLICAFFAIRS/RELEASED)
andleadsateamofmilitaryandcivilianprincipal investigators, improving the survival and safety of personnel across the DepartmentofDefense Shecontinuouslyprovides one-on-onesupportinprojectdevelopment and grant writing, including reviewing and ranking over 45 grant proposals for various fundingopportunitiesfromDefenseHealth Agency (DHA), Office of Naval Research (ONR), The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and numerous othersponsors.”
Werner,ofCocoaBeach,Fla.,wasgreatly appreciative of HJF for taking the time and efforttorecognizethecontributionsofmilitaryhealthcareproviders
“I am grateful to my command’s former senior leadership especially my prior chief science director, Dr Sylvain Cardin, for taking me under his wing and changing the entiretrajectoryofmycareer Ialsowantto thank to my fellow healthcare researchers andproviders,activedutyandcivilianalike, throughoutDHA,foryourincredibletalents, collaborative efforts, and your passion for supportingouractivedutyandbeneficiaries alike,”saidWerner whoadditionallyserves asanassistantprofessorofPathologyatthe
tary unit that has distinguished itself by outstanding performance and heroism in actionagainstenemyforcesandisthehighest unit award in the Department of the Defense
UniformedServicesUniversityandprovides hands-ontrainingtoresidentsatBAMCand traininginthedevelopmentandexecutionof researchprojectsforAirForcePostgraduate DentalSchoolresidents.“Finally,Isaywitha profoundsenseofawarenessandgratitude, thankyoutothemothersandfathersofour warfighters for trusting us in every sense of the word with the safety the comfort, and the care of your children Please know thatwetakethistrustveryseriously,andwe remain forever focused on researching and providing the best possible ways to care for themonthebattlefieldandbackhome.”
Towards the conclusion of the program, attendees heard remarks from U.S. Marine CorpsLt Gen.BenjaminWatson,commanding general, Training and Education Command (TECOM), who served as the tributespeakerforReyes.
“Militarymedicalprofessionshavesaved the lives of many of my Marines and Sailors over my time in service. For that, I am profoundlyandinternallygratefulandIwill certainly will never be able to repay you,” said Watson. “All the honorees tonight are trulyimpressiveandareworthyofrecognition, our thanks and our congratulations I
believetonight,theyreallysavedthebestfor last and I have the great honor of speaking to you about a truly extraordinary human, a U.S. Marine by the name of Cpl. Travis Reyes.”
Reyes,ofOxonHill,Md.,wasanobserver/ aerial gunner on a MV-22 Osprey training flightthatcrashedontheTiwiIslandsoffthe coast of Darwin, Australia on Aug. 27, 2023 Requiringimmediateintensivecare,hewas treatedatRoyalDarwinHospitalandsubsequently transferred to the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, Australia, where he spent approximatelytwomonthsintheIntensive CareUnit. In a groundbreaking effort, the Department of Defense’s only Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) team collaboratedwiththeU.S.ArmyInstituteof SurgicalResearch(USAISR)BurnCenterto orchestrate a complex retrieval mission to bringReyestoBAMConcehewasinbetter conditions This mission was the longest ECMO retrieval in history and marked the first ECMO unit circuit change performed inamovingaircraft.
“Iamsogratefultobestandingbeforeyou todayandreceivingthisaward, saidReyes. “ThereweremanymomentswhenIthought I would never make it, but because of my amazing support system and astonishing medical teams, I am able to be here in front ofyoualltoday.” He thanked all who assisted in saving his lifeandinhisrehabilitation.Additionally he thanked his previous unit, Marine Medium TiltrotorSquadron(VMM)363(Reinforced) fortheircontinuoussupportofhiswifeand the Wounded Warrior Battalion for their supportandguidance
NAMRU San Antonio’s mission is to conduct gap driven combat casualty care, craniofacial, and directed energy research to improve survival, operational readiness, andsafetyofDepartmentofDefense(DoD) personnel engaged in routine and expeditionaryoperations
ItisoneoftheleadingresearchanddevelopmentlaboratoriesfortheU.S.Navyunder the DoD and is one of eight subordinate research commands in the global network of laboratories operating under the Naval Medical Research Command in Silver Spring Md
The Virginia-class fast-attack submarine USS Washington (SSN 787) was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation (PUC) for “outstanding performance in action while conducting operations within U.S. SIXTH Fleet”duringtheirrecentsix-monthdeployment. Capt. Timothy Poe presented the award toWashington’screwonbehalfofthePresident during the submarine’s change of commandceremonyJuly19atNavalStation Norfolk.
“TheawardofthePresidentialUnitCitation to the USS Washington is a profound honor, signifying the crew’s exceptional dedication and strategic impact,” said Vice Adm. Rob Gaucher commander SubmarineForces “Theirworkinchallenging high riskenvironmentscompletingvitalnational levelmissionsdemonstratesthekeyroleour submarinesplayinensuringmaritimesecurityandglobalstability.”
The PUC is awarded to any U.S. mili-
During Washington’s deployment, the submarine, also known as the Blackfish, completed three demanding missions vital to national security that resulted in obtaining sensitive and unique intelligence information,whereitexecutedtheChiefofNaval Operations’ maritime strategy by supportingnationalsecurityinterestsandmaritime securityoperations
“The men and women onboard BLACKFISHarejustifiablyproudofthisawardand of joining the distinguished list of previous recipients,” said Cmdr Keith Turnbull, Washington’s commanding officer “It goes withoutsayingthatthecrewcouldnothave accomplished what they did without the immenseeffortsofoursupportstaffsashore, including the training staff in Norfolk and severalotherorganizations.”
The crew’s superb planning, discipline, and material management ensured the submarine remained on task through long
periodswithoutreadilyaccessiblesupport “Thecrewspentcountlesshoursontraining maintenance andcertificationtoensure BLACKFISH was ready to execute all tasking,” said Senior Chief Machinist’s Mate (Auxiliary) Austin Gilbert, Washington’s chief of the boat. “While deployed, their resiliency was crucial to their success and the shipmates fully embody the meaning of true undersea warriors Fear the BLACKFISH!”
Additionally Washingtongarneredmore days on station than any east coast deployment on record, had the first chief Intelligence Specialist to earn the submarine warfare qualification, known as ‘dolphins’, and had the most women ever deployed on afast-attacksubmarine,includingonechief pettyofficer Washington steamed more than 37,000 nautical miles with the crew supporting diplomaticrelationshipsbyconductingport visits in Faslane Scotland, and Grotsund, Norway In recognition of the Blackfish’s exceptional service and dedication during operations in the strategic Arctic region, the Washington was awarded the newly
Forty-four enlisted Sailors and five officers earned their submarine warfare qualification, and 10 officers promoted to their nextrank. Fast-attack submarines are multi-mission platforms enabling five of the six Navy maritime strategy core capabilities sea control,powerprojection,forwardpresence, maritime security, and deterrence They are designed to excel in anti-submarine warfare, anti-ship warfare, strike warfare, specialoperations intelligence surveillance and reconnaissance, irregular warfare and minewarfare.Fast-attacksubmarinesproject power ashore with special operations forcesandTomahawkcruisemissilesinthe preventionorpreparationofregionalcrises The Virginia-class submarine is 377 feet long and 34 feet wide, and weighs about 7,900tonswhensubmerged.Underwater it canreachspeedsinexcessof25knots For more information about USS Washington (SSN 787), visit www.navy.mil or www.facebook.com/SUBLANT
VIRGINIABEACH,Va AtlanticAvenue is set to come alive with holiday spirit for the30theditionoftheBayPortCreditUnion Holiday Parade at the Beach, taking place Saturday,December7at5:30pm.Theparade will travel north on Atlantic Avenue from 15th to 25th Streets New this year, BayPort CreditUnionhasjoinedasthetitlesponsor of the beloved annual event, which is free andopentothepublic.
“BayPortlovessupportingfuneventsthat bring our community together, especially duringtheholidayseason.Thisyear weare excited to be the title sponsor of the festive HolidayParadeattheBeach,alocalfavorite. Wehopeeveryonewillcomeouttocelebrate the joy of the season with us,” said BayPort President&CEOJimMears Featuring giant balloons, lighted floats,
marchingbands,equestrianunits,firetrucks, performingdancegroups,motorcycles,and more, the BayPort Credit Union Holiday Parade at the Beach offers a dazzling and entertaining night of fun for all ages Two new giant helium balloons will make their debut this year including the Blue Angels jet balloon and Serendipity the Mermaid. Best of all, Santa himself will make a grand appearancetogreethisloyalfans
“As the representative of the Oceanfront, I’mproudtocelebratethe30thanniversary of the Holiday Parade at the Beach. This cherished event is a beloved tradition that bringsourcommunitytogether lightingup ourstreetswithjoyandholidayspirit, said Councilman Worth Remick. “I have fond memories of biking alongside friends and family during the ‘bike nights’ of the Holiday Lights at the Beach, and there’s nothing quite like seeing our community come
togethertoshareinthemagicoftheseason. Thisparadeisacelebrationoftogetherness, tradition, and the vibrant spirit that makes Virginia Beach so special. I look forward to seeing everyone out there, creating new memoriesandcelebratingtheholidayswith us.” AttendeescanpairBayPortCreditUnion HolidayParadeattheBeachwithoneofthe manyfinerestaurantsorexcitingattractions at the Virginia Beach Oceanfront for a truly unforgettable night. Families are encouragedtoenjoyeverythingtheVirginiaBeach Resort has to offer For more information, visitwww.visitvirginiabeach.com. Paradeparticipantapplicationsarebeing accepted until November 11. Please note, applying to be in the parade does not guaranteeacceptance Thenumberofentriesfor 2024islimited.DownloadtheParadeParticipant Application at www.beacheventsvb
com. About Beach Events: BeachEventsisthe events program presented by the City of VirginiaBeachandincludesconcerts,festivals andHolidaycelebrationactivitiesheld attheoceanfrontresortarea.Formoreinformation, visit https://www.beacheventsvb. com. About BayPort: In 1928, 12 shipyard workers from Newport News Shipbuilding formed an organization with a specific purpose as a low-interest source of loans andatrustedplacetodepositmoney Today, BayPort Credit Union is rated a Superior 5-Star Credit Union by Bauer Financial, managing$2.4billioninassetsandservicing 152,000 individuals and businesses with 28 branch locations across the Virginia PeninsulaandSouthsidecommunities.Visitusat www.bayportcu.org
Justthementionofprofessionalwrestler “The Russian Nightmare” Nikita Koloff’s name when he was actively wrestling for NWA Jim Crockett Promotions and for WorldChampionshipWrestlingwasenough to bring fear in the hearts of wrestling fans andhiswrestlingopponents Wrestlingfans are very familiar with the epic battles that Nikita had with Chesapeake native wrestlingstar,thelegendaryMagnumTA Teaming with his “uncle” Ivan Koloff, Nikita and IvanwouldgoontowintheNWAWorldTag Team Titles From challenging Ric Flair for theNWAWorldTitle,towinningtheNWA US Title, to finally becoming a fan favorite andtaggingwithDustyRhodes battlingthe Road Warriors in War Games and so much more,Nikitahashadawrestlingcareerthat fewcouldmatch. Everything changed in 1993 when Nikita became a born-again Christian. His goal now is to spread the word of God through his Koloff for Christ Ministries. Since then, Nikita has traveled to all 50 states, to 30 countries preachingtoapproximately1200 churchesin28differentdenominationstelling his testimony and sharing some great wrestlingstoriesalongtheway.
On November 8th and 9th, Nikita makes his triumphant return to Kingdom Life in Chesapeake,VirginiawithhisManUpMen’s Conference It all begins Friday night at 7 PMwith“RoyalRumble”-WorshipandTag TeamPreachingService ThenonSaturday November 8th, it all starts at 9 AM with breakfast, the Main Event with Nikita worship eight dynamic breakout speakers Barbeque lunch is included along with a meetandgreetwithNikita,finallyconcludingat4:00PM. KingdomLifeislocatedat1280BellsMill Rd Chesapeake, Virginia 23322. For more info and to sign up for Nikita’s Man Up Conference go to https://secure.myvanco. com/YHWH/campaign/C-153MF
Yiorgo: It is such a pleasure to talk with you again Nikita and very proud to call you my very dear friend. Of course I know all about the amazing work you do with your Man Up Men’s Conference but for those reading our interview, can you tell us all about it? Why should men attend and what willtheyexperienceandgetoutofit?
Nikita Koloff: The pleasure is all mine Yiorgo I truly appreciate our friendship through the years and it is always great talking to you again as well. Well, our Man Up Men’s Conference is about equipping empoweringandtrainingmentobehealthier, spiritually of course, even physically, emotionally, mentally and just being better equipped to be Godly men, husbands and fathers That’stheultimategoal,equipthem, empower them and deploy them, to impact theirfamilyandtheircommunity Wecallit RestoringBiblicalManhood. Y:YouandyourverydearfriendandwrestlinglegendLexLugerhavealsobeendoing ManUpConferencesforquiteawhilenow.
NK: In 2015 the Lord gave Lex Luger and I the vision for these conferences and camps We started these conferences and twiceayearwedidamancamp Theycenter around the scripture of first Thessalonians 5:23, which refers to being whole, in other words,healthyinspirit,soulandbody That really embodies the message It is the foundational scripture and from there, through ourexperiencesweareabletotakewhatthe Bible says and speak into men’s lives about what it means to be healthy in spirit, soul
Y: Tell us about your Koloff for Christ Ministries
NK: Koloff for Christ Ministries encompasses ministering to men. We have a radio show, a podcast and now our The Man Up TV show. The theme is the same The conferenceiscalledManUp thecampsare called Man Camp and the radio show and TVshowandPodcastarecalled,It’sTimeto ManUp Wehaveaonestopwebsitewhere you can access everything and that website ishttps://www.koloff.net/
Y:Fromwrestlertominister,youhavehad quite a journey and have written a book to tellyourstory Tellusaboutit.
NK:Inmybook,“NikitaAtaleoftheRing andRedemption”Isharemywholelifestory The short version of that is as an athlete I loved playing football until an opportunity opened up for professional wrestling in the 80’s through the early 90’s I took advantage of that opportunity, and was blessed with a meteoric rise to stardom. I walked awayundermyownterms,andabouteleven monthslater,October17th,1993tobeexact, I surrendered my life to Jesus and now 30 yearslater thejourneyhasbeensurreal.
Y: As a wrestling fan myself I followed your career, both booing and cheering for you. What have been some of your favorite highlights of your professional wrestling career?
NK: I appreciate that, Yiorgo Our wrestling fans are the lifeblood of the wrestling business Here are three of my personal favorites:
The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/
Keep Norfolk Beautiful and Norfolk PublicLibraryareexcitedtopartnerforthe first-everReUseFestival,acommunityevent to promote sustainability, environmental stewardshipandcreativereuse
The Reuse Festival brings together environmental organizations local artists and makers to showcase innovative ways to repurpose materials and reduce waste. Attendeeswillparticipateinhand-onworkshops,viewupcycledartandexploreavariety of ways to cut down on waste, conserve resources and create something new and meaningful.
Festival highlights include composting, jewelrymakingandrepair basicrepairhand sewing plastic bag basket weaving metal flower-makingandmore!
For more information visit https://www norfolk.gov/2376/Keep-Norfolk-Beautiful.
with the Road Warriors, culminating in the firsteverWarGamesinAtlanta,Georgia.
Y: What was it like learning under the learningtreesofIvanKoloffandDonKernodle?
NK: I credit much of my success to both Ivan and Don. When I broke in they were theWorldTag-TeamChampionsatthetime and they went well above the call of duty When I stepped into wrestling, I had no experience, no training, no background of anykindofamateurorprofessional Essentially I had on the job training with those two guys, the first two-three months of my career They were instrumental in my early rise to stardom, along with the other guys thatwegotintheringwith
We became good friends and in fact
I was honored to speak at Ivan’s graveside service I spoke at Don’s funeral with SargentSlaughterinthefrontrowandIsaid, had it not been for Sarge and Don, Nikita
Koloff would have never been born They approached Jim Crockett with the idea he lovedit,andDonistheonewhoapproached Road Warrior Animal If he knew any big guys who wouldn’t mind saving their head AnimalsaidIknowaguyrightnow,gaveme a call, I showed up and Don and Ivan, they ended up training me on the job So that’s thebackstory
Y: You and Road Warrior Animal (Joe Laurinaitis) God rest his soul have always beenverytight.Howdidyouoriginallymeet andbecamefriends?
NK: I recruited Joe out of Irondale high School in Brighton, Minnesota. He was a standout high school football player and I recruited him to play college football with me I gave Joe, his mom Lorna and dad, Joe Sr a tour of the campus, we had an instant connection, and became like a prodigal son to his family We became best of friends and so you might say, ironically I recruited him out of high school to play football. He dropped out of college I finished. He got into wrestling He in turn recruited me out offootballtogetintowrestling
NK:OnceDustyandIpartneredup oneof my favorite memories was traveling up and down the roads together, building a friendshipandaloveforoneanother.OneregretI haveisweforevertalkedaboutbuyingsome landtogetheroutinIdahoandMontanabut we never did it Actually, post wrestling, I called him up one day, said I’m coming to Atlanta and I want to take you to lunch. We went to lunch. Dusty said what else are you doing here? I said nothing else I love you, I wrote my first book Breaking the Chains It’s a simple story of my life transformation ofhowIcametoChristandhowotherscan come to Christ I wanted to personally give ittoyou,thankyouforeverythingthenIam goingbackhometoCharlotte Ipersonalized the book, gave it to him and left. A friend of mine who was in Dusty’s school at the time saidthatDustywentintohisofficeforabout two hours and shut the door and read the book.
Y: You were not very kind to my dear friend David Crockett back then and you actually gave David the Russian sickle Can
NK:Firstandforemost,Iwanttosaythat IamforeverindebtedtotheCrockettfamily andforJimmyCrockett,givingmemybreak. I remember hearing David talking about takingmyRussiansickleonConradThompsonandTonySchiavone’s“WhatHappened When”podcastthatheknewitwascoming, butdidnotknowwhenitwascoming Tony said that he did not know anything about it andwhenithappened TonywaslikeOhmy gosh.Davidsaidhelaidthereforaminuteto make sure everything was working In my youngmind,it’stelevision,ithastolookgood soIlaiditin.Itwasnothingpersonal.Iloved all the Crocketts including David. David described it as if he had run into a neighbor’s clothesline in the backyard at night. It was Dusty’s idea, David went along with it andhelivedtotalkaboutit.Thankyouvery muchDavid.
Yiorgo is an arts entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist.
Diwali,theFestivalofLights,isacelebrationoftogetherness,prosperityandtherich authenticflavorsofIndiancuisine.It’satime when families and friends gather, sharing mealsthatbringwarmthandjoytotheholiday.Thevibrantcolors,spicesandaromasof these dishes are more than just food - they representtheheartoftradition.
With Royal Chef’s Secret Basmati Rice, youcanrecreatethesetimelessflavorsright at home A perfect dish for the occasion is Jodhpuri Kabuli a Rajasthani favorite that layersfragrantbasmatiricewithvegetables in a tangy yogurt gravy, saffron milk and spices It’s a celebration of flavors, perfect forbringinglovedonestogetherduringthis festiveseason.
To explore more recipes that honor the many flavors of Diwali and beyond, visit AuthenticRoyal.com.
Jodhpuri Kabuli
Prep time: 30 minutes
Cook time: 30 minutes on stovetop
Servings: 8 Rice:
2cupsRoyalChef’sSecretBasmatiRice, soaked20minutes
2mediumtomatoes pureed
1/2cuppaneer cubed
1/2cupcauliflower,boiledandair-fried orfried
8smallpotatoes parboiled,cutincircles andfried 1/4cupmilk,plusadditional,ifnecessary
3tablespoonsbeetroot,boiledand grated
4slicesbread cubed,bakedorfried
11/2cupspomegranateseeds 1/4cupcherrytomatoes,halved
To make rice: Boil soaked rice in water with bay leaves, cinnamon sticks, cardamoms, cloves, mace and star anise in spice bag Add salt. Cook until rice is done. Drain waterandremovespicebag.
To make vegetable filling: In pan over medium heat, add ghee oil, bay leaves and shahjeera.Oncecuminstartscrackling add onionsandcookuntiltranslucent.
Grind ginger, garlic and green chilies to make paste Grind soaked almonds to make separatepaste.Lowerflameandaddginger, green chili and garlic paste After 1 minute, add almond paste, tomato puree, red chili powder,turmericpowder,corianderpowder andkasoorimethi;cook5-7minutesuntiloil separates If spices are too dry add 2 tablespoonswater Add yogurt and cook 5-7 minutes while stirring continuously until boiling Cover andcook7-8minutesuntiloilseparates Add sugar, garam masala, salt, paneer, mixed vegetables, fried cauliflower, fried potatoes and milk. Mix well and cook 4-5 minutesuntilmeldedtogether Turnoffheat.
To make saffron milk: Mix warm milk withgheeandsaffron.Setaside
To assemble: Divide rice into four parts Foreachpart,mixinboiledandgratedbeetrootgentlyforpinkrice
Firstlayer:Inglassbowlorservingdish, add layer of white rice Sprinkle with 2-3 teaspoonssaffronmilk.
Second layer: Spread half the vegetables on top pressing gently to settle. Place
layer of fried bread then sprinkle with half ofmint,cilantro,pomegranateandtomatoes Sprinklewith2-3teaspoonssaffronmilk.
Thirdlayer:Addpinkbeetrootrice Press allsidesgentlytolayflat.
Fourthlayer: Repeat second layer withoutsaffronmilk.
Fifthlayer:Topwithremainingplainrice and beetroot rice Sprinkle with remaining saffron milk and garnish with remaining
Source: Culinary.net
That first day of chilly weather always feels the coldest before you’re accustomed to it, and an easy, warm, filling meal can help hit the spot Better yet, this rendition of Shepherd’s Pie is made with just one pot socleanupcanbeasnap
VisitCulinary.netformoreone-dishmeal ideasthatbringcomforttocooldays Shepherd’s Pie
Recipe courtesy of “Cookin’ Savvy” Servings: 8-12
2teaspoonsthyme divided
Heatovento350F. In Dutch oven, brown ground beef and drainfat.
Boil potatoes until fork tender and mash them Add1teaspoonthyme,saltandpepper, totaste,andsetaside Place ground beef back in Dutch oven andmixinonionpowder,tomatopaste,beef broth, garlic powder, cream and remaining thyme Seasonwithsaltandpepper totaste. Mixinfrozenveggies
Cover meat mixture with potatoes and bake25-30minutes
mint, cilantro, tomatoes and pomegranate seeds
Cover serving dish with aluminum foil and press tightly Place on heavy-bottomed panandcookonstovetop15-20minutesover medium-lowheat. Garnish with mixed nuts, gold foil and ghee,andenjoy.
FALLSCHURCH,Va.—TRICAREOpen SeasonbeginsMonday, Nov. 11—that’s just a fewweeksaway.Ifyou’reaTRICAREbeneficiary,thisisthetimewhenyoucanenrollina healthplanorchangehealthplansforcoverage that starts Jan. 1, 2025. Youcan make thesechangesthroughTuesday,Dec.10.
“TRICAREOpenSeasonisyourchanceto review your options and makeany changes toyourhealthplanfor2025,”saidZellyZim, seniorpolicyanalyst,TRICAREHealthPlan PolicyandPrograms,attheDefenseHealth Agency.“It’simportanttounderstandwhat’s different this year,comparedtopastopen seasons,toensureyourcoverage continues withoutinterruption.
Keep reading for answers to commonly asked questions aboutTRICARE Open Season—including new actions youmay needtotakethisyear
Q:DoesTRICAREOpenSeasonapplyto me?
A: TRICARE Open Season applies to youif you’reenrolledinoreligible forthe followingTRICAREhealthplans:
Evenifopenseason doesn’tapplytoyou, youmay still need to takecertainactions this year.Ifyou liveinthe West Region, or in astate that’s moving to the West Region on Jan. 1, youmay needto provideyour paymentinformationtoTriWestHealthcare Alliance,theincomingWestRegioncontractor,byJan. 1. Youmustdothisifyou payby bank electronic funds transfer or debitor creditcard,butnotifyoupaybymilitarypay systemallotment—allotmentpaymentswill transferautomatically.Youcanfindoutmore attricare.mil/west.
Q: HowdoIknowifTRICARE Open Seasondoesn’tapplytome?
A: TRICAREOpenseason doesn’tapplyto youif:
YouhaveTRICAREFor Lifecoverage.TFL coverage is automatic if youhave MedicarePartAandPartB.
Youhaveapremium-basedplan (TRICARE Reserve Select, TRICARE RetiredReserve,orTRICAREYoungAdult) Youcanbuytheseplansanytimeintheyear Butifyou liveina state that’s moving to the West Region,you maystill need to provide your payment information to TriWestat tricare.mil/west.
Q:WhataremyoptionsduringTRICARE OpenSeason?
Stay in thesame plan: Don’twant to change your current plan? Youdon’thave to re-enroll. (Note: Youmay stillneed to provideyourpaymentinformationifyoulive intheWestRegionorastatethat’smovingto theWestRegion.)
Enroll in aplan: If you’re not currently enrolledinaTRICAREhealthplan,youcan enroll during open season if you’re eligible forTRICARE.
Changeyourplan: Before youmake
changes,makesureyour family’sinformationisuptodateintheDefenseEnrollment Eligibility Reporting System. If youhave questionsabouteligibility,askyourservice’s personneloffice
Q:IfIwanttostayinmycurrentplan,do Ineedtotakeanyaction?
A: Maybe.Ifyou liveinthe West Region, or in astate that’smovingtothe West RegiononJan. 1, youmay need to provide your payment information to TriWest, the incoming West Region contractor.You must do this if youpay by bank electronic funds transferordebit or credit card, but not ifyou paybymilitary paysystemallotment—allotmentpaymentswilltransfer automatically If youdon’tprovide your payment informationtoTriWestbeforeJan.1,youmaybe involuntarilydisenrolledfromTRICARE. The good news? Youdon’tneed to wait until open season to provideyour payment information.You can do this nowattricare mil/westthroughasecure portal, or by downloading the TRICAREAutomatic Payment Authorization Form and mailing ittoTriWest. If youhaverecurring payments scheduledwithHealthNetFederalServices,LLC or Humana Militaryfor the rest of 2024, don’tcancel them. Your payment method will automatically stop beingcharged after you’vepaidallyour2024costs. If youdon’t live in theWestRegionora state that’s moving to theWestRegion,you don’tneed to take anyaction to stay in your currentplan.
Q: HowdoImakechanges to my plan duringopenseason?
foryourfamily’sneeds.Don’twait—start thinking aboutyour
A: It depends on whereyou live. If youlive in the U.S.,you cannot change your plan online in milConnect throughBeneficiary WebEnrollment.Youmustcallyourregional contractor to do that. (Note: Youcan use milConnect to enroll in aplan if you’re not currentlyenrolledinTRICARE.) Here’saguideofwhotocallbasedonyour region:
EastRegion: Call Humana Military at 800-444-5445
West Region (including states moving to theWestRegion: Arkansas, Illinois,Louisiana,Oklahoma, Texas, and Wisconsin): TriWest’scallcenterwill open Nov.11.StartingNov.11,youcancallTriWest at888-TRIWEST(888-874-9378).
Overseas: Update your plan online in milConnectorcallInternationalSOS. Youcanalsocompleteandmailanenrollmentformtoyourregionalcontractor
Q: Iwant to know if my providersare stayinginthenetworkbeforeIdecideto keeporchangemyplan.HowcanIcheck?
A: Humana Military and TriWestwill publishtheirproviderdirectoriesbyNov.2. You’llbeabletosearchtheproviderdirectories andsee if your providers arestillinthe network. Your providers mayalso contact youdirectlytoletyouknowtheirstatus Afterchecking,you’llhaveuntiltheendof open season (Dec.10) to decide if youwant tochangeyourplan
Q: What about dentaland visioncoverage?
A: Youmay be eligible for dental or vision coverage through the Federal Employees DentalandVisionInsuranceProgram.Your eligibilitydependsonyourbeneficiarycate-
gory. FEDVIP dental andvision plansare separatefromTRICARE.Keepinmindthat youmustbeenrolled in aTRICAREhealth plantogetFEDVIPvisioncoverage If you’reeligiblefor FEDVIP,you can enroll in or changeyour coverage during Federal Benefits Open Season. Federal Benefits Open Season also startsNov.11. ButnotethatitendsDec.9—onedaybefore TRICAREOpenSeasonends Want to learn moreabout your FEDVIP options?YoucanregistertoattendaFEDVIP webinaronNov.7at2p.m.ET
Q: What else should Iknowordonow, beforeopenseasonstarts?
A: Remember: Changes youmakeduring TRICAREOpenSeasonwilltakeeffectJan. 1, 2025.Ifyou don’tmakeachange now, you’llneedtowaituntil: Youhaveaspecialenrollmentperioddue to aQualifying LifeEvent, as described in the TRICARE QualifyingLife Events Fact Sheet (online at https://www.tricare.mil/ Publications/Fact-Sheets/qle),or Nextyear’sopenseason. Herearesomeactionsyoucantakenow: Keep an eyeontricare.mil/changes and the TRICARE Newsroom for the latest updatesonthenewTRICAREcontracts. Stay in the knowbysigning up for email alertsfromTRICARE.
TRICAREOpenSeasonisyourchanceto choosethehealthplanthatmakessensefor yourfamily’sneeds.Don’twait—startthinkingaboutyouroptionstoday.
Would you like the latestTRICARE news sent to you by email?Visit TRICARE Subscriptions,and create your personalized profiletogetbenefitupdates,news,andmore.
Uponbeingdiagnosedwithbreastcancer, women and their families arepresented with awealth of information regarding the disease.Some of thatinformation isunique to each patient, but much of it is based on decadesofresearchandmillionsofsuccessfultreatments
The American Cancer Society reports that cancer staging is aprocessduring whichdoctors will attempttodetermine if acancerhasspreadand,ifso,howfar.Breast cancerstagesrangefromstage0tostageIV. Each stage signifiessomething different, andrecognitionofwhateachstageindicates canmakeiteasierforwomentounderstand theirdisease.
Stage 0
The Memorial Sloan KetteringCancer Center notesthatwhena womanisdiagnosed with stage 0breastcancer,that meansabnormalcells arepresent buthave not spread to nearbytissue.The National BreastCancer Foundation, Inc.¨ indicates stage 0breastcanceristhe earlieststage of the disease and is highly treatablewhen detectedearly.Indeed,theAmericanCancer Societyreportsafive-yearsurvivalrateof99 percentamong individuals diagnosedwith stage0breastcancer.
Stage I
Stage Iisstill consideredearlystage breastcancer. TheMSKCC notesastage I diagnosisindicatestumorcellshavespread tonormalsurroundingbreasttissuebutare stillcontainedinasmallarea.StageIbreast cancer maybecharacterized as stageIA, which indicates atumor is aboutaslarge as agrape andcancerhas notspreadto the lymph nodes,orstage IB,which indicates the tumor maybeslightly smaller but is accompanied by smallclusters of cancer cellsinthe lymphnodes or there is no tumor and only the small clustersin thelymphnodes.TheACSalsoreportsa99 percent five-year survival rate forpatients
diagnosed with stageIbreastcancer.
Astage II breastcancer diagnosis indicatesthe tumorisatleast 20 millimeters (about the size of astage IA tumor) and potentially as large as 50 millimeters.The tumor also can be larger than50millimeters if no lymph nodes areaffected (stage IIB). The ACSnotesthe size of thetumor
mayindicate if thecancerisstage IIA or stageIIB.The MSKCCnotes that astage IIA diagnosis couldindicate thereisno tumor or thereisatumor up to 20 millimeters and thecancer has spreadtothe lymphnodesunderthearm.Atumordetermined to be between 20 and 50 millimetersthathasnotspreadtothelymphnodes alsoindicatesastageIIAdiagnosis.Astage IIB diagnosis indicates thetumor in the breastisbetween 20 and 50 millimeters
andhas spreadtobetween oneand three nearby lymph nodes.According to Cancer ResearchUK,thefive-yearsurvivalratefor stageIIbreastcancerisaround90percent.
Stage III breastcancer is considered regional, which theACS reportsnotes had aroughly 86 percent survival rate between 2013 and 2019.The MSKCC notes that astage III diagnosis indicates thetumorislargerthan50millimetersand hasaffectedlymph nodesacrossa wider region than in less developed stages of the disease.Cancers that have reached stage III maybecategorized as stageIIIA,stage IIIB or stage IIIC.The American College of Surgeons reports that stage IIIA indicates atumor of anysizethat has spread to betweenfour and nine lymph nodesor atumor larger thanfive centimetersthat hasspreadtobetweenoneandthreelymph nodes.StageIIIB indicates anysize tumor and that the cancer has spread to the chest wall. Astage IIIC diagnosis indicates the tumor canbeany size and has spread to 10 or more lymph nodes
Stage IV is the mostadvanced form of breastcancer. If the cancerhas reached stageIV,thatindicatesthetumorcanbeany size and has spread beyond thebreastto other parts of the body, potentially includingorgansandtissues.TheACSreportsthat survival rate for this stage,which is considered distant, is 31 percent. However, the breastcancer advocacy organization Susan G. Komen notes that onlyaround6percent of breastcancer diagnoses in women diagnosed for the first time have reachedstage IVatthetimeofdiagnosis
Staging makes it easier to understand a breastcancer diagnosis.Moreinformation about breast cancer staging is availableat mskcc.organdcancer.org