Jurassic Questbackbypopulardemand at the Hampton Roads Convention Center,ParkRanger Marty and Prehistoric Nick takeusbehind thescenes
North America’sbiggestand most popular interactive dinosaurevent,JurassicQuestismigratingtotheHampton Roads Convention Center December 6th-8th for itstriumphantreturn.Asthenation’smostscientificallyaccuratetour with the biggestherdofphotorealistic dinosaurs, Jurassic Questhasbeenthrillingmillionsofguestsforover10years, transportingfamiliesthrough165millionyearsoftheTriassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous periods toroamamong trueto-lifeversionsofthecreaturesthatonceruledtheEarth.
Jurassic Quest, is the largestand mostrealistictraveling dinosaur experienceinNorth America where youwillsee true-to-detaildinosaurs,includinga60footlong,sky-scrapingSpinosaurus,80footlongApatosaurus,andthegigantic lifesizeT.rex.
TherearealsowalkingDinosaurrides&StationeryDinosaurrides,includingsomeofthelargestrideabledinosaurs inNorthAmerica!ThekidscanhavefunwithDinoBounce Houses&BungeePull,Ready,Set,Quest,aninteractivechallenge that leads adventurersthrough 10 clueswithinthe experience,facepaintingandsomuchmore. Alsothisyear,catchtheone-of-a-kindinteractiveRaptor
HAMPTON,Va. —Experience Monster Jam® live and become afan for life with an ultimate dayoffamily funat HamptonColiseumonApril11-13,2025.Getreadytocheer scream,andbeamazedasmassiveMonsterJamtrucksand worldchampiondriverstakeoverHamptonforaweekend packedwithhigh-flyingactionandjawdroppingstunts This isn’tjustany event—it’s As BigAsIt Gets®where 12,000-poundtrucks stand on twowheels and fly through theair in competitions ofspeed and skill.It’sall happeningatMonster Jam®,where everymomentisunexpected, unscripted,andunforgettable
Feel theThrillofFull-ThrottleFun
Getready fornon-stopexcitementasHampton roarsto life withgravity-defying stunts,heart-pounding races, and plentyofbigair!Theworld’sbestdriverstearuponthedirt astheybattlefortheEventChampionshipinfourcompetitions: Racing,Skills,Donuts,and everyone’s favorite, Freestyle,whereMonster Jamtrucks defy thelawsofphysics and do the impossible.Fans will beright in themiddleof the action, helping to crownthe EventChampion as they get to scorethe drivers in real time based on their skills stunts,andsaves.
TrainingExperienceregularlythroughoutthedayandmeet andpetthesweet,interactivebabydinosaurs,hatchedonly at JurassicQuest:Cammiethe Camarasaurus,Tyson the T-Rexand Trixie the Triceratops. And makesuretotake your family on “The Quest,”a self-guidedscavenger huntstyle activity whereyou can become Jr.Dinosaur Trainers
andlearnallaboutthedinosaursandtimeperiodswiththe helpofafunandfact-filledvideotour.
Fortickets andall theupdated info,gotojurassicquest. com and if youuse thecode DINO30,you get30% off your ticketprice
HereismypreviousinterviewwithtwoofJurassicQuest’s verypopularcharacters,ParkRangerMartyandPrehistoric Nick, to tellusall theamazing adventuresyou will experience at Jurassic Quest at the Hampton Roads Convention Centerandalittleaboutthemselves
Yiorgo:Whatshouldpeopleexpecttoseeandexperience whenthey come to theJurassic Questindoor event at the HamptonRoadsConventionCenter?
Park Ranger Marty: It’s allabout the children, their parentsand grandparentsbuilding memories.Those big momentsthatyourkidswillrememberforever aboutthat timetheyspentwithyouwalkingandinteractingwithlifesizedinosaurs.Familiesalwayswanttodothingswiththeir kids andJurassicQuest is an amazingexperiencefor that We have over 100 animatronic dinosaurs.Thereare dinosaurssobig that youcan ride them.Wealsohavewalking
Fromleft: Prehistoric Nick,Dino Dustin,Safari Sarah,Captain Caleband
The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: www.militarynews.com/users/admin/calendar/event/ Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere: www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/submit_news/
Local actor Robert Shepherd shares movie stories about Steven Spielberg’s “Lincoln” and more – Part II
HereisPartIIofmyinterviewwithRobert Shepherd, a local, full-time actor and sometimeproducerwithextensiveIMDbcredits: 125 acting credits and 8 producer credits In Part I we talked exclusively about Robert’s latest film project, “Lucifer and the Father” pilot episode, that has already been filmed and the GoFundMe that has been created to help raise funds for more episodes We also talked about Robert’s autobiography, “Delay ISNOTDenial”,availableonAmazonandany placewherebooksaresold.
You can read Part I at this link. https:// www.militarynews.com/norfolk-navy-flagship/community/local-famous-actor-robert-shepherd-shares-his-acting-adventures-and-new-project-he-is-working/ article_d324e868-a2e1-11ef-afcb-7f980a30dbff html Yiorgo:Robert,youhavesuchgreatacting stories Oneofmyfavoritesiswhenyourhand wasusedasadoubleforJimGardner’shand Canyoutellusaboutit?
Robert Shepherd: Yes, I would love to I was working as an extra on the movie, “My Fellow Americans” starring James Garner and Jack Lemmon. When I was there, the A-TeamwithJamesGardnerandtheprimary director had already moved down to Asheville NorthCarolinatotheVanderbiltestate because they used that for the interior of the WhiteHouse Iwaswiththesecondunitand they were just doing pickup shots And all of a sudden, the costume lady had all the men hold out our hands So not having any idea what’s going on, she came around, looked, she looked at mine, squeezed my hand and said, “I think you’ll do.” And so next thing I knew theyhadputmeintoabluesuit AndI think it was a red tie That was exactly what James Gardner would have worn. And I was putinthebackofalimowiththecameracrew inside the limo And we had a police escort andwedrovearoundtheWhiteHouse.Infact back then, it wasn’t blocked off like it is now. You could go around the White House, you know. So we went round and round several times Police escort, camera man there did it acoupleoftimes Inthescene asJamesGardnerisleavingtown,hetakesoutthecompass and as he gets to the South Lawn, he turns it towards the White House. Well, the first couple of times I was trying to manipulate it with my hands And that didn’t work for the camera.Sofinally,Ithought,don’tmanipulate it, turn it. So I held it, turned it, and they got the shot. And so when you’re watching “My fellow Americans,” that hand that is there towardstheSouthLawnismine
Y: That’s pretty cool. “My Fellow Americans” is actually one of my favorite movies and I have seen it many times I can’t wait to seeitagainandsmilewhenitgetstoyourpart Now, can you share with us your incredible experienceonStevenSpielberg’s“Lincoln?” Youhadacrucialroleinit!
RS: Well, when I found out that Steven Spielberg was going to be filming Lincoln hereinRichmond,VirginiaIhadhopedthatI couldbeanextra.Butinstead,mygreatagent Sylvia Hutson from Hutson Talent Agency at www.hutsontalentagency.net called me and said, “Bob, you have an audition. I’ve submitted you and you have an audition in Richmondfor“Lincoln.”SoIwentupandall
the guys my age actually had the same sides (lines) to read. They were actually the sides for Edwin M. Stanton, the Secretary of War. They just used it as a generic reading I went inandinterviewed.Icouldtellfromthereactions of the casting directors that they really likedit.AndIfeltblessedaboutthatandthen I’m home and I’m thinking, OK, maybe I’ll get a call back. Well, about a week later, my cellphone,myhousephone,everythingstarts ringing It was Sylvia and she said, “Bob, you havebeencastasDr JosephBarnes.”Hewas theattendingphysiciantoAbrahamLincoln, basically on his deathbed. And so I did not haveacallback.Igotcastdirectlyonthatfirst audition and I found out that I was the first Virginiaactorthattheyeverhiredforaname playerroleinthatfilm.
Y: So exciting. I know our readers would love to know the process you went through Sotelluswhathappenednext.
RS: I went up early to be fitted and they actually created a beautiful Union Army uniform as the surgeon general. It was not offtherack Ithinkitwascreateddirectlyfor me SothentheykeptputtingoffwhenIwas goingtobefilming Originally,it’sgoingtobe in November And then they came back and said it’s going to be in December So finally, the day comes and I’m there and I get in my uniform and knowing that I was going to be directedbyMr Spielberghimselfitwasdefinitely one of those pinch me moments So I actually did not have a stand in, even though I was a principal. And I think that worked to my advantage It helped me get comfortable withthesetaswell,becauseIwastherewhile theyweresettinguplightandeverything
Here’s something that I know the readers will find interesting and fun. All of a sudden someone said, “The Governor is coming, the Governor is coming.” And I thought it was Bob McDonald because he was the Governor of Virginia at the time But come to find out, that’s what they call Mr Spielberg on this particular movie So he arrives and he gets a look through the camera. And he said to me, “I’d like to hear your lines.” So I said my lines and he said, “I need you to bring it downalittlebit.”Ibroughtitdownalittlebit and I said it again. And Mr Spielberg said, “I
So I knew that he wanted it totally without emotion, totally flat, if you will. And so we probably filmed it at least 25 times because theyhadaboutthreeorfourdifferentcamera angles Andwehadtodoitmultipletimesfor each one And I never got another note from himafterthat.
Y:Thisissofascinating,Bob Thankyoufor takingusbehindthescenes Whathappened next?
RS:Well,itwaskindofaninterestingchallenge.Iwouldstartattheheadofthebedand move around to him. I’m carrying a wooden stethoscope Who knew they had such a thing? It was like a cone But apparently, if you put it like on the chest, it would amplify, youknow,theheartsounds Soanyway,Ihad that.AndIhadtogoaroundandImovedthe cover back from his chest and listened, and then I stood up and pulled out my watch. I had to push a lever because it was a covered watchforthelidtopopopen.Ithenlookedat mywatch,saidmylines
RS:Mylineswere:“It’s7:22inthemorning, Saturday, the 15th of April. It’s all over The president is no more.” I then moved back to the head of the bed. And then Bruce McGill whoplayedtheSecretaryofWar,said,“Now hebelongstotheages.”
Y:HowwasMr Spielbergtoworkwith?
RS: Mr Spielberg could not have been nicer He was very, very kind. I didn’t get a senseofego Ithoughttherewasakindquality to what he did when we were done He said, thank you, thank you, thank you to all of the actors and there were a lot of them surrounding Lincoln’s bed. They were supposedtobeLincoln’sCabinet.Andsothen theyheldmeonsetforawhilebecausehehad to go back and review the footage and make sure that he had it. I was finally released, I changedandIhadtocomebackthroughthe set to get to my vehicle They were all saying goodbyetoeachother AndMr Spielbergwas saying goodbye to one of the hairdressers I stood about six feet away And when it was over heturnedandcameovertome Andwe hadaverymemorableconversationthatIwill certainlyneverforget.
Y:Ihavehadthechancetoreadyourbook “Delay IS NOT Denial” and have found it fascinatingandanexcellent,easyread Would you like to say anything else to our readers aboutyourbook?
RS:Yes, I feel that there are a lot of people out there that are unfulfilled because they haveadreamthattheyneedtofulfill.Thanks totheLord’sgrace Iwasabletohangonlong enough and through the ups and downs to really feel like that I was able to achieve that for me But part of the reason that I wanted to write this book is for other people, and maybe their dream is not to be in movies, but maybe their dream is to write a book or to start a business or to do something that’s outside of their comfort zone And so part of mypurpose Ithink,isifGodhaslaidthaton yourheart,thatIbelieveyoucantrusthimto get it accomplished, just like I accomplished mydreamtobecomeanactor
Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist.
757-262-2852 | amanda.s.kitchner.mil@us.navy.mil
ActorRobert Shepherd.(COURTESYPHOTO)
dinosaurs, our Utahraptors who are also in an actual show that features them. Jurassic Quest is not only fun but educational. We have a fossil table where I am typically at and you see real and casts of fossils That’s thegreatthingaboutbringingyourkidstoa dinosaurshow Icallitthe‘gatewayscience’ because now the kids get into geology, astronomy, biology etc. You are sneaking in educationwhiletheyarehavingagoodtime Wealsohaveairbrushtattoosandanareafor kidsundertwo.
We also have three baby dinosaurs: Cammie the Camarasaurus who is always grabbing stuff, trying to eat my beard, and steals things from our guests Then there is TrixietheTriceratops thesweetest cutest kindness little baby for the little ones and Tyson the T-Rex, who is trouble and a hard onetotakecareof
Prehistoric Nick: It’s the largest animatronicshowinNorthAmericawithover160 millionyearsworthofdinosaursandagreat educationalexperiencefortheentirefamily
We are gateway science You can teach any paleoscienceusingdinosaurs
Y:ForthosenotfamiliarwiththeJurassic Queststory,canyougivealittlebackground historyofthecompany?
PN: It started in 2013 and we have been touringtheUSandCanadaforadecadenow. Thisisour10yearanniversary.Webringthat joyofseeinglifesizedinosaursupclose And like Park Ranger Marty said earlier, we also havebabydinosaursthatouryoungerguests gettointeractwith.
PN:IamaneducatorforJurassicQuest.I talk about the dinosaurs that we have and I makemyownonlinecontentfortheshow.I helpourcustomerslearnaboutthefossilswe haveonsite Wehaveanentiredisplayofreal fossilsthathavebeenfoundthroughoutthe world as well as casts and molds of fossils We have a museum quality exhibit from 60 millionyearsandolder
Y:Whatdoyouenjoythemostaboutyour job?
PN:Theinteractionswehavewithpeople Watching the reaction on the kids’ faces as they see what we have for the first time, frozen in awe, is incredible. Working with dinosaurs that are full size is just really incredible
Y: Park Ranger Marty what is your full real name where were you born and were youintodinosaursatanearlyage?
PRM: I am from Indiana originally and Martin Hoffman is my real name My great auntgotmeintodinosaurs.AlsowhenIwas insecondgrade,Mrs Gibson’sclasswasnext to my class and I would sneak over to her classbecauseitwasalldecoratedwithdinosaurstuff WhenIwasinthesixthgrade she hadmecomebackanddoapresentationfor hersecondgradeclassaboutdinosaurs Also
insixthgrade,Ididmyfirststanduproutine for the school talent show. So now to travel aroundthecountryteachingandentertaining people about dinosaurs, I’m living my besteightyearoldlife
Y: How did you get into this line of work andwheredidthenameParkRangerMarty comefrom?
PRM:Itookmysonwhowassevenatthe time to see Jurassic Quest. He was a little nervous and I got a job. They were hiring because they were getting ready to go from onetotwoshowsandneededpeopleforthe secondshow.Iendeduptalkingtotheactual founder of the company Dan Arnold that day, came back for an interview two weeks later, got the job and started heading out on
theroadwiththem. When I was originally hired, unlike now wherewehaveasysteminplacetokeepthe lines shorter, I was hired to entertain the people in the lines because my background is in standup comedy and improv comedy There are so many other things to do that I never really got to do that The dress attire for the crew was a black Jurassic Quest tee shirt and I came in wearing a safari outfit. Onedaythiskidcameuptomeincomplete awe,“Areyouthecaptainofthedinosaurs?” AndofcourseIsaidyesIam.Herunsoffand a few moments later his mom comes back and says “Can my son get a picture with you please? He said he had to get a picture ofhimselfwiththecaptainofthedinosaurs.”
SoforawhileIwasknownasCaptainMarty. I was on the Toylabtv YouTube show one timeandtheycalledmeParkRangerMarty I saw it had two million views and I said well,I’mParkRangerMarty Wedidanother episodeonToylabtvwheretheyteasedthat Imayturntothedarksideandthatoneisup to about seven million views Park Ranger Marty is a character but he is also an extensionofme
Y: Prehistoric Nick, where are you from and what made you fall in love with dinosaurs?
PN: I grew up in Norwalk, Connecticut AslongasIcanrememberIhaveloveddinosaurs
Y: Were you hired to be Prehistoric Nick fromthebeginning?
PN:IhavebeenwithJurassicQuestsince 2016.Istartedasacuratoroffossils,talking to a lot of people and educating them about thefossilsanddinosaursingeneral.In2018 IbecamePrehistoricNick.
Y: Can you both share some wow, pinch memoments?
PN: There have been quite a lot of them. Loadingthedinosaursattheendoftheexperienceandgettingtoseethemevenmoreup close Thecoolestpartisseeingpeoplewhen they come into our exhibit for the first time hearing little kids saying, “This is the best thing ever This is the best day of my life.” Also for me to share facts with the fans that theyarenotawareoflikehowlongdinosaurs havebeenaround.Theoldestdinosauris235 million years old or when T-Rex was alive, Stegosaurus fossils were around longer So T Rex lived closer in time to the invention oftheiphonethenitdoestoStegosaurus.
PRM:Igettobearounddinosaursallthe time travel, go to the back of the museums wheretheyhavethefossilsstoredandsometimesworkwiththemandpickingtheminds ofamazingpaleontologistshavereallybeen amazingmomentsforme
On a personal note, Jurassic Quest has been a real blessing for me Pre-covid, we used to do tours at dinosaur exhibits and teachpeopleaboutthem.Atoneofthetours IwastalkingabouttheDesmatosuchuswho isnotadinosaurandthatparticularone had hornscurlingback.Iwastalkingabouthow wedon’tknowwhatthosehornswereused for This woman raises her hand and says, “I know, they are handles so you can ride them. Can I ride him?” I said no She was persistent and I finally agreed for her to takeapictureaftertheshowofmeridingit. Igothercontactinformation,becameFacebookfriends wentoutonadatewithherthe next day, and it’s now almost five years that Heather and I have been married for close tofouryears Bytheway,Ineverletherride a Desmatosuchus but one of my managers did.IbelievebecauseIsaidnoisthereason wearetogether
Yiorgo is an
ByJoanCasanova Family Features
Humans aren’t the only ones who look forward to autumn harvest. Fall brings a bounty of natural foods for our feathered friends, too But while they’re feasting on fall’scornucopiaofdelicacies,birdsarealso planning ahead, taking note of yards with bird feeders that can help them weather winter’scold.
Many of birds’ favorite foods are actually more abundant in fall. Summer weeds ripen with seeds by October Many berries onlybegintoemergeinlatesummerorearly winter, and insects are plentiful. You may thinkthere’snoneedtofeedbirdsduringthe fall, but if you want them to find your home inwinter startfeedinginautumn.
The birds who visit feeders in fall are scouting, becoming familiar with feeding stations and making decisions on which backyards they’ll visit this winter The feed you put out in fall lets birds know they’ll be welcomed and fed in your backyard when seriouslycoldweatherarrives-andtheyno longerhavetheluxuryofexploringforfood. Winter weather is hard on birds. Their calorierequirementsincrease foodbecomes hard to find, snow covers up seeds and ice storms seal away tree buds and wild fruits Tinybirdsmusteatone-thirdtothree-quartersoftheirweighteachday.Whentemperatures dip below zero, easy meals at a feeder can mean the difference between life and death.
Animportantruleoffallandwinterfeedingistobeprepared.Bystockingupnowon premiumbirdseedsandfeed birdloverscan helpsecureawholesomefoodsourcewithouthavingtobravestormyweather
It’s important to stock your feeders with high-quality foods that provide birds with the most fat, nutrients and energy Look for a feed like Cole’s that packs nutrition, preserves freshness and gives you the most feedforyourdollar Forexample Cole’sWild Bird Products’ Oil Sunflower is more than 99% pure and cleaned four times to ensure therearemoreseedsandfewersticksineach bag Feed is also nitrogen-purge packaged, just like potato chips, to ensure freshness andinsect-freefeed.
In addition to seed, serve up some suet eitherintheformofSuetcakesfornon-seed eating birds or suet mixed with seed. Consider Cole’s Nutberry Suet, which is a seedblendmixofpremiumfruits preferred nuts, nutritious insect suet kibbles and whole-kernelsunflowermeatsthatappeals
to fruit and insect-loving songbirds Or try Suet Kibbles, bursting with berry flavor and loaded with energy for increased stamina.Thesefeedchoicesprovidefatand a high-protein energy source to assist wild birdsinweatheringwinterandmayactually boosttheirchanceofsurvival.
Just as birds need food year-round, they also look for water This can be tricky in regions where water spends the winter as
ice, but bird lovers can still help in a few ways Experts suggest leaving icicles on the eaves to provide a regular source of water forbirdsthatdrinkdropsastheiciclesmelt Birds are drawn to running water sounds, so spritzers or small fountains are beneficial.Inthewinter tryusingqualitybirdbath heaters to keep water from freezing plus they’re more convenient than setting out watereveryday.
Don’t worry about the birds if you must leave home for a while in winter Birds are familiar with food sources disappearing It might take them a while to rediscover your feederswhenyoureturn,butthey’llbeback, gratefulforyourassistance For more ideas to help birds eat well throughwinter andtolearnaboutmorefeed choices,visitcoleswildbird.com.
Start the Fun Early at the Monster Jam Pit Party
The day of fun starts at the Monster Jam Pit Party on Saturday and Sunday, where families can get up close and personalwiththesemassivetrucks snapaselfie,meettheir favoritedrivers andcollectautographs.It’stheperfectway to start a day of adrenaline-charged fun, packed with family-friendlyactivities.
Don’t Miss the Monster Jam Trackside Experience
Arrive early and get revved up with Monster Jam Trackside happeningaboutanhourbeforetheevent.It’spacked withdriverinterviews pitcrewsneakpeeks,andepicgiveaways that’ll get everyone pumped up before the action begins Then,watchastheopeningceremoniessetthestage fornon-stopMonsterJammadness!
Meet the Superstars of Monster Jam!
These aren’t just any drivers—they’re world-class male and female athletes who have mastered controlling these 12,000-poundbeasts Whetherpullingoffinsanebackflips nailing vertical 2-wheel tricks or tearing up the track in all-out racing, these drivers are ready to wow fans with the mostmind-blowinglivemotorsportsactionaround.
The competition is fierce as 8 top drivers battle it out for the Arena Championship Series Central title and a coveted spot in the Monster Jam World Finals® in Salt Lake City, Utah, on July 4th weekend. Fans can cheer on their favorites, like Matt Cody in the legendary Grave Digger®; fierce andfearlessJamieSullivandrivingSparkleSmash® asix-ton unicornwithaboldattitude;andmore!
SHOWTIMES: Friday, April11,2025
Eventtime:7PM Saturday,April12,2025
1 PM event ticket & Pit Party Pass
Zombie®drivenbyJonZimmer Sr
PlaneKrazydrivenbyMontanaRobbins **Truck and driver line-up subject to change
Source: FMI Foundation
According to the U.S. Surgeon General, Americans face a lack of social connection that poses a significant risk to individual health and longevity “Loneliness and social isolation increase the risk for premature death by 26% and 29%, respectively More broadly, lacking social connection canincreasetheriskforprematuredeathas much as smoking up to 15 cigarettes a day,” perthereport.
Onewaytoaddressthisepidemicofloneliness is by sharing a meal with friends and family Learnfiveofthespecificadvantages of family meals identified by the Family Meals Movement and take advantage of thesebenefitsduringNationalFamilyMeals MonththisSeptemberbysharingonemore mealtogethereachweek.
Meals Together Foster Togetherness and Connectedness
Staying connected can be hard when schedules conflict and life gets busy, but sharedmealswithfriends,familyorhowever you define your family can be the glue that
holdspeopletogether Studiesdemonstrate apositiverelationshipbetweenfamilymeal frequency and measures of family functioning,whichisdefinedasfamilyconnectedness, communication, expressiveness and problem-solving The key is for family memberstoengageinconversationwithone another during mealtimes and take advantageoftheone-on-onetimewithoutdistractionsorinterruptionsfromsmartphonesor otherdevices
Meals Together Strengthen Mental Health
An often overlooked benefit of family meals is mental health support. Multiple studies show family meals have long been associated with improving mental health, includingreducingsymptomsofdepression, decreasing violent behavior and lessening thoughts of suicide among youth. Among adolescents,frequentfamilymealscanhelp mitigatetherisksofdestructivebehaviorsby boosting prosocial behaviors and life satisfaction. Data from the FMI Foundation’s “StayingStrongwithFamilyMeals”Barometer shows family meals also help restore a sense of peace, with one-third of survey respondentssayingfamilymealsmakethem
feelcalm.Inshort,familymealsarearecipe for strengthening emotional well-being amongchildrenandadolescents
Meals Together Improve Nutrition
Thereisoneeasywaytohelpensureyour familyiseatingfruitsandvegetables:afamily meal.Researchshowsfamilymealsimprove fruitandvegetableconsumption.Italsopays tostartthistrendearly,withresearchfinding preschool-aged children who eat frequent family meals are more likely to eat more fruitsandvegetables Overall,researchindicates families who eat together frequently have a better overall healthy diet and lower bodymassindex.
Meals Together Improve Academic Performance
Helpingstudents’academicperformance begins around the family dinner table Eating more meals together as a family is associated with improved overall adolescenthealth,includinghighergrades Multiple studies show students whose families eat together frequently perform better
academically in areas such as reading and vocabulary Research also supports a correlationbetweenfrequentfamilymeals lowering incidents of risky and harmful behaviors, including drug and alcohol abuse,whichmayalsocontributetoschool performance
Meals Together Teach Civility
The family dinner table is a perfect place to show younger generations how to communicaterespectfully,accordingtothe Family Meals Barometer summary In fact, 76% of survey participants agreed family meals are a good opportunity to have and teachrespectfulinteractionswhile70%said frequentfamilymealscreateasafeenvironment for families to discuss thornier societalissues Another68%affirmedtheirbelief that sitting at a meal together tends to keep conversationsmorecivil. Learn more about the physical, mental and social benefits of family meals at familymealsmovement.org and follow #familymealsmonth and #familymealsmovement onsocialmedia.
cheesy,creamy appetizer
Prepping for Thanksgiving gatheringsis plenty of work on its own, and when family andguests can’t stay out of your wayinthe kitchen, you’ll need the perfect appetizer as adistraction. This Loaded Spinach Dip offers alittle something for everyone with ooey-gooey goodness andjustthe right touchofbacon. Find moreshareable holidayappetizers byvisitingCulinary.net.
LoadedSpinach Dip
Recipe courtesyof“Cookin’Savvy”
Servings: 8-10
14ouncesdrainedcannedartichoke hearts,roughlychopped
pretzelbites,toastedbaguetteslices, crackersorveggies,forserving
Heatovento375F. In large bowl, mix cream cheese,mayo and sour cream. Addspinach, artichoke hearts,bacon, Parmesan and mozzarella
Mixingarlicpowderandonionpowder.Add saltandpepper,totaste
Spoonintooven-safeskilletorbakingdish andbake20-25 minutes.Serve withpretzelbites,toasted baguette slices,crackers orveggies
Source: The Little Potato Company
Many people would agreethe holidays areone of the happiesttimes ofthe yearbut also one of the most stressful. Replace the stress with smiles by cooking easy,deliciousdinnersthatcanhelpmaketheseason abreezeandbringalittleholidayhappiness tomealtime
Spend less time in the kitchenand more time with familybyturning to easy-to-preparepotatorecipesthatcanmakethewhole familyhappy.
Forexample,when you’rebusy trying to cook multiple thingsatonce,freeup precious ovenreal estate while savingtime with these HerbyHolidayAir Fryer Little Potatoes.For abusy weeknight duringthe holidayseason, potato dishes likethisone can be made in an air fryer and customized withafewofyourfavoritepantrystaples.If youdon’thavefresh herbs on hand, dried willdothetrick.
This recipe and manyothers can be streamlined with Little Potatoes,which come pre-washed, aresmall enough they don’tneedtobecut andare afresh,whole food grownonfamilyfarmssoyou can feel goodaboutservingthemtoyourlovedones. Remember,easy can still be fabulous and festive.ThisWarmWinterPotatoSaladwith Cranberriesoffersthebestofbothworldsas it comes together in around 7minutes with seasonalpopsofredandgreen.
Thisfamily-friendlysidefeaturesALittle RoastedGarlic,Rosemary&ThymeMicrowaveReadyLittlePotatoesthatsimplyneed tobesteamedinthemicrowavefor5minutes then tossed with the included seasoning pack -noboiling or peeling required.It’s trulyaholidayshortcut,and youcan make therecipeeveneasierbyusingstore-bought honeymustardvinaigretteifyou’reshorton timetomakeitfromscratch
Visitlittlepotatoes.comtofindmoreways to spend less time in the kitchenand more timewithfamily
Warm Winter Potato Salad withCranberries
Prep time: 2-5minutes
Cook time: 5minutes
Servings: 4
1packageALittleRoastedGarlic, Rosemary&ThymeMicrowaveReady LittlePotatoes
2tablespoonschoppedwalnutsor othernuts(optional)
Preparepotatoes according to package instructions, about 5minutes, tossing with olive oil and includedseasoning packonce cooked. Insmallbowl,whiskDijonmustard,apple cider vinegar and honey or maple syrup. Seasonwithsaltandpepper,totaste
In large bowl, toss warm potatoes with cranberries,thinly sliced apple and walnuts,ifusing Drizzlemustard dressing over topand gentlymixuntilwell-coated. Topwithfreshparsleyorgreenonions,if desired,forpopofcolor.Servewarm Tips: If youlikemoretexture, toast walnutsforextracrunch.Foraddedcreaminess,mix 1tablespoon Greek yogurt or mayonnaise intodressing.Tosavetime or reduceingredientsneeded,usestorebought honeymustardvinaigrette
FromErikaWalker FavFamilyRecipes.com
ThanksgivingLeftoverCasserolecombinesalltheflavorsofthebigmealina simple,easytomake,neverdriedoutdish.Thisisthebestwaytouseupthose Thanksgivingleftovers!
ThiscasserolecameaboutacoupleofholidaysagowhenIwasstaringdown afridgefullofplasticcontainers.Heatingupleftoversseparatelyinthemicrowave can take forever,and frankly,I just didn’t have it in me.So, Icreated this casseroleandourleftovershaveneverbeenthesame!
This Thanksgiving dinner leftoverrecipe is so easy.Itall cooks at thesame time andcan easily be modifiedaccordingtohow much of each leftover you have.Ifyou have aton ofleftovers,you can double this recipe and cook it in a 9x13pan.
Youcan also adapt the ingredients youuse in thecasserole to fit your preferences,tastes,and what youhaveleft overinthe fridge from Thanksgiving Dinner
Ilikeusing my leftovers from Thanksgivinginacasserole because it will feedmyfamilyforanothermealortwo,andI,forone,thinkittastesbetterthan heatingupeverythinginthe microwave! Serveitwith some leftover rolls and itisahotmealwithallofthewonderfultastesofThanksgivingalloveragain. AleftoverThanksgivingCasseroleisdeliciousandeconomical!Ihatetosee anyofthe dishes Imakefor Thanksgiving go to waste. It takesa lot of time, energy,andmoneytoputonaThanksgivingdinner,andthrowinganyofitout isnotanoptionatmyhouse!
Thanksgiving LeftoverCasserole
Preheat oven to 400-degrees.Combineturkeyand cranberry sauce and spreadevenlyonthebottomofan8×8glassbakingdish
Mixtogethermilk andleftovergravy andspreadevenlyoverpotatoesand corn.Sprinkleonleftoverstuffingandlightlydrizzlechickenbrothoverthetop (thiswillkeepthestuffingfromdryingout).
Coverwithtinfoilandbakeat400-degreesfor25-30minutesoruntilheated through.
Notethereareenlessvariationstothisrecipe! Feelfreetousewhateverleftoversyouhaveonhand.Itdoesn’thavetobeexactlythesameaswhat islistedhere.Someideastotry:
Substitute croutons or bread crumbs forthe topping ifyou don’thavestuffingleftovers
Otheringredientideasinclude:onions,sweetpotatoes,bacon,sourcream, butternutsquash,mushrooms,cornbreaddressing