Richmond-areaNavyveteran wins NationalEntrepreneur of the Year Award
RICHMOND,Va. —Chelsea Mandello, founderandCEOofSandston-basedTroopsterMilitaryCarePackages,hasbeennamed Entrepreneur of the Year at the inaugural U.S. Forces in Business Awards,highlightingthegrowingimpactofveteran-ledbusinessesintheRichmondmetropolitanarea
The prestigious award, presented at a black-tie ceremonyinWashington,D.C on November 21,recognizesoutstanding achievements by militaryveteransintheir post-servicecareers.Mandello,aU.S.Navy veteran, founded Troopster in 2016after experiencing firsthand thechallenges of receivingcarepackageswhiledeployed.
Since launching in 2016, Troopster has grownfromasmall startup to anationally recognized nonprofit that has delivered morethan60,000carepackagestodeployed service membersworldwide. Selected among finalistsfrommajor corporations includingAmericanAirlines,GEAerospace, and Vanguard,Mandello’swin highlights the growing impact of veteran entrepreneurs.The organization recently made headlinesforitspartnershipwithQTSData Centers to support 10,000 deployedtroops across20locationsnationwide
“Thisaward recognizesthe incredible work of ourentireTroopster team —the veterans,military spouses,volunteers,and corporate partners who pour theirhearts into supporting our deployedservice members,” said Mandello.“What started as amission to solvea problem Iexperiencedduringmyown Navy servicehas grownintosomething muchbigger thanks to ourdedicated team.Every carepackage wesendrepresentscountlesshoursofwork fromourstaffandvolunteers,andgenerous
supportfromoursponsors.Thisrecognition belongs to everyone whohas helped make Troopster’simpactpossible.”
Theorganization,headquartered in Sandston, currently maintainsa listofover 38,000 troops awaiting carepackages and
has established partnerships with major companies including QTS Data Centers, BAESystems,Ferguson,TPG Financial, DudeWipes,DukeCannonandBlackRifle CoffeeCompany. The U.S. Forces in Business Awards programispartoftheEx-ForcesinBusiness Awards,established in 2017 by Disruptive Media Group.Asthe world’slargestcelebrationofex-militaryinsecondcareers,the programhighlightsthevalueveteransbring to businessesand recognizes employers supporting military transitions.Following successfuleditionsinLondonandGlasgow, theprogramexpandedtolaunchitsinauguralU.S.ceremonyin2024.
TheU.S.ceremony, held November21at theHiltonWashingtonDC/RockvilleHotel, broughttogether businessand military leaders to celebrate veteran achievements across 14 awardcategories.The awards showcasemilitary-gainedskillsand qualities that enablebusinessexcellence,while increasingvisibilityofrolemodelswhohave carved outsuccessful second careers. The eventsupports SSAFA, the Armed Forces charity,with10%ofticketproceedsdonated tosupporttheirmission. Formoreinformation about supporting deployed troopsortolearn moreabout corporate partnership opportunities, visit Troopster’
AboutTroopster:BasedinSandston,VA, Troopster is a501(c)(3) nonprofit organization foundedbyaU.S.NavyVeteran. Dedicated to supporting deployedmilitary personnelthrough personalized care packages,Troopster hasdelivered more than60,000 carepackages since 2016and continuestoworkwithcorporate partners to providecomfort and support to service membersworldwide
Part II of our interview with“Insight with Chris VanVliet”podcasthost ChrisVanVliettalksabout
2followingconsistentridershipgrowth Over thepasttwo years,Base Express has carried morethan 90,000 service members,dependents,government contractorsandveteransontworoutesas avitallinkonandoffbase Ridership grew from 1,183 in the first month of service,December 2022, to an averageofnearly5,000 everymonth throughNovember2024
“We’re excitedtosee so many service memberstaking advantage of this free service,” said William Harrell, President andCEOatHamptonRoadsTransit.“We lookforwardtocontinuingourworkwith NavalStation Norfolk to provide mobility optionssothatservicemembersandbase visitors can get around conveniently and efficiently.
Base Express hastwo routes: TheBlueRoute runs exclusively on base, providing weekdayservice to piers, aquatics center and other points of interestalong Virginia Avenue andTowway Drive. The Blue Route runs every 15 minutesMonday-Fridayfrom0600-1800 Weekendserviceisnotavailable. TheGoldRoute begins off base at the NavyExchange.Itprovidesdaily,last-mile servicetocommuters usingpublic transportation, vanpooling and carpooling or passengers who want to park off base It operates alongportions of Maryland Avenue,Dillingham Boulevard,and GilbertStreet Every30minutesMondayFridayfrom0600-1800 andSaturdaySunday0900-1800.
Youcaneventracktheshuttleliveonline at
Base Expressoperatesinpartnership with JamesRiver Transportation and is funded by agrant from theVirginia Department of Rail and PublicTransportation. To learnmore, please visit gohrt com/modes/base-express.
Astheholidayseasonapproaches,theU.S. Navyisspreadingfestivecheerthroughthe talentsofitsrenownedNavymusicians.The U.S.FleetForcesBand,knownforitsworldclass performances, is offering local radio andtelevision stations theopportunityto hostitsSailorsonairtoperformclassicholidaytuneslivefortheiraudiences In addition to delighting viewers and listeners with music that captures the spirit of the season, thesetalented Sailors will highlight aFREEholidayconcert by the U.S. Fleet Forces Band. The concert willtakeplaceattheSandlerCenterforthe PerformingArtsinVirginiaBeachonTuesday,December10,from7to8:30p.m. The concert promises an eveningofjoy andtradition,featuringamixofholidayclassicsand contemporaryfavorites perfect for thewholefamily.Ticketstothishighlyanticipated eventare free andcan be reserved at
Don’tmissthisopportunity!Thisholiday season, letthe U.S. Fleet Forces Band share itstime-honoredtraditionofmusicalexcellencewithyourlistenersandviewers
The Flagship welcomes submissions from ourreaders online. Pleasesubmiteventshere: Pleasesubmitnewsandphotoshere:
We heard you! Building on the success of last year’s Holiday Jazz Concert, we will be adding room for dancing and bringing the eventbackasourfirstHolidayHangarDance onSaturday,Dec.14!
We are keeping the intimate vibe of a jazz club nestled among the airplanes in our hangar, with a selection of swing songs and Christmas standards performed by Jay Brown and his Grace Street Seven Quartet, featuringvocalistHeatherMayes.
Doors open at 5pm, we strike up the band at 5:30pm
As part of this experience, guests of all ages are welcome to dress in their holiday best, or in their finest period clothing, for this holiday spin on a traditional hangardance
The event will feature a range
ofholidaysnackstopurchase,afullhotchocolate bar, as well as a cash bar selling winter timecocktails This event is free for Museum Members, who will have access to Three Dots and a Dash,aMembersOnlySpeakeasyExperience whichwillopenat4pm,onehourbeforethe doorsopenfortheconcert.Memberswillalso have access to members only seating on the balcony on a firstcome first served basis
Grace Street Seven Quartet
Regularlyafixture of our summer time Luau and Hangar Dance, Grace Street Sevenwillbejoining us for this concert style performance withamoreintimate feeling Let them
transport you to the Jazz Clubs of old with a carefully curated selection of music, and an enrapturingperformancefromDoubleBass, Piano,andofcourse,TenorSaxophone
Three Dots and a Dash, the members only speakeasy
MixandMinglewithyourfellowsupporters of the Museum, and get the inside scoop onourlatestrestorationeffortsandMuseum plans for next year Open from 4pm 8pm, Museum Members will have access to the Speakeasy with a dedicated cash bar, and a cocktailofferingonlyavailablewithin.Additionally theHotChocolateBarintheSpeakeasy is complimentary as are the holiday snacks
For more information and to purchase tickets, visit The Military Aviation Museum is located at 1341PrincessAnneRoad,VirginiaBeach,VA 23457
Filled with plenty of holiday cheer and good tidings the Holiday Yule Log Bonfire and Christmas Marketplace on Saturday, December 7, 2024 is the perfect way to welcome in the holiday season. For one afternoon, Town Point Park along the Downtown Norfolk Waterfront is transformed intoafestiveoutdoorwonderlandhighlightedbyatowering YuleLogBonfireandalsofeaturingalocalartisansmarket, Christmascaroling,hotchocolateandwhiskeytastings,and avisitfromtheBigManhimself!Theeventisfree(including Santa visits) and open to the public. For more iinformation visit Event Schedule
4PM-8PM:DJMelody&Co Entertainment
Department of Defense (DOD) will test an expansion of commissary shopping privileges for DOD civilian employees at select DefenseCommissaryAgency(DeCA)stores located in the continental U.S., for 120 days startingDec.5.
“We welcome the opportunity to participate in DOD’s pilot to expand commissary shoppingprivilegestoDODcivilianemployees at 16 of our stores,” said John E. Hall, DeCAdirectorandchiefexecutiveofficer
All civilian employees (appropriated and non-appropriated)withDODidentification will be authorized to shop at one of the 16 commissaries participating in the piloted program.Thepilotwilltestthefeasibilityof expandingcommissaryaccesstoDODcivilians at all stateside commissaries For now, the 16 stores selected for the pilot are at the followinglocations:
California: Naval Air Weapons Station ChinaLakeandFortIrwin
Georgia: Marine Corps Logistical Base AlbanyandRobinsAirForceBase
Maryland: Naval Air Station Patuxent River
Virginia: Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren, Joint Base LangleyEustis(FortEustisandLangleyAirForce Base commissaries), Fort Gregg-Adams, Joint Expeditionary Base Little CreekFort Story (Little Creek Commissary), Naval Base Norfolk, Naval Air Station Oceana and Norfolk Naval Ship Yard (Portsmouth)
Participating commissaries were based on the following criteria to gather research data:
Store Size: A variety of stores were selectedrangingfromsmalltolarge
Demographics: An adequate military
departmental employee mix while evaluatingDeCA’sabilitytoaccommodatetheadditionalpatrons Geography: Geographic locations were selectedbasedontheirabilitytomanagethe increaseinpatronage Certainlocationswill provide insight to infrastructure requirements based on the levels of DOD civilian population. DeCA has been tasked by the DOD to closely monitor any effects of the increased patronageonthepilotstores’operationsand report those findings to DOD The findings will then assist the Defense Department in determiningthefeasibilityofexpandingthe benefittoallDODcivilians Thisauthorizationdoesnotincludebene-
fitaccessforfamilymembersofDODcivilian employeesandformerorretiredDODcivilian employees, the purchase of tobacco or alcoholproductsandCommissaryClick2Go onlineshoppingprivileges
About DeCA: The Defense Commissary Agency operates a worldwide chain of commissaries providing groceries to military personnel, retirees disabled veterans and other authorized patrons and their families in a safe and secure shopping environment. Commissaries provide a military benefit, saving authorized patrons thousandsofdollarsannuallyontheirpurchases compared to similar products at commercialretailers Thediscountedpricesinclude
a 5-percent surcharge which supports the costs of building modernizing and sustaining commissary facilities A core military family support element and valued part of military pay and benefits, commissaries contribute to family readiness, enhance the quality of life for America’s military services and their families, and help recruit and retain the best and brightest men and womentoservetheircountry
Stay Connected to Your Commissary Benefit
COMMISSARIES.COM: Visit https:// to learn more about accessing and using Commissary CLICK2GO (DeCA’s online ordering, paymentandcurbsidepickupservice),along with the sales flyers Commissary Store Brands recipes all designed to improve the patron’s shopping experience You can also to learn more about the latest DeCA news, savings programs, healthy meal solutionsandrecipes,findastorenearyou,learn of food and product recalls, scan employment opportunities, read frequently asked questions,submitacustomercommentform onlinethroughDeCA’sYourActionLineand more. FACEBOOK: Visit YourCommissary, DeCA’s Facebook page, where you can post comments and share news,photosandvideos YOUTUBE: To see DeCA’s latest videos, visit X (also known as TWITTER): To see DeCA’slatest“tweets,” YourCommissary PINTEREST: To see DeCA’stheme-basedimagecollections visit FLICKR: To see DeCA’s latest photographs,visit
“Insight with Chris Van Vliet” podcast host talks about his podcast, interviewing The Rock for the first time, his life story, walking The Red Carpet, winning Emmys and more Part II
Here is Part II of my interview with four-time Emmy Award winning TV host, Content Creator Podcaster YouTuber Inc 500entrepreneurandfriendChrisVanVliet. You can read Part I at this link https:// article_2a2bf0aa-ac3f-11ef-acd65bae3d434a7a.html
Yiorgo: You recently made a huge announcement that has gotten wrestling fansbuzzing Whatcanyoutellusaboutit?
Chris Van Vliet: Thank you Yorgo. I am super excited to announce that I am doing my very first live Insight podcast show at the Helium Comedy Club Indianapolis on Friday January 31, 2025 the night before WWE’s 2025 Royal Rumble in Indianapolis,Indiana.Itwillbeanunforgettablenight talkingaboutwrestling filledwithsurprises whiledoingdeepdiveswithexclusiveinterviews behind-the-scenes stories and fan interactions Iwillbeannouncingourspecial guest very soon. This is something that I have been working on long and hard for quitesometimenowandIcan’twaittohave andinteractwithaliveaudiencefilledwith happyandexcitedwrestlingfanslikemyself fromallovertheUSandtheworldreally
Y: The Private Skybox Suite packages havebeensoldout somakesuretogetyour ticketsforGeneralAdmission,theVIPQ&A andMeet&Greetpackagesnowforthebest show in town that night before they all sell out at https://indianapolis.heliumcomedy com/shows/287397
SonowChris,let’stalkaboutyour“Insight withChrisVanVliet”podcast.Withsomany podcastsoutthere,whyshouldpeopletune in to yours? What will they see hear and learnthattheywillnotgetanywhereelse?
CVV: The thing that I’m fascinated the most by is figuring out how someone who is the best at what they do, whether that’s a prowrestler,that’sanathlete,that’sanactor, adirector,acomedian,anentrepreneur I’m fascinated by figuring out how they got there. And my whole thing is reverse engineeringgreatness So you’reatstep76inthe process and someone listening might be at steptwo.Whatifwecangobackwardsfrom step76allthewaybacktowherethatperson isnowandtheycanseeallofthehurdlesand thestumblesalongthewaythatthatperson whoissosuccessfulnowhadtodealwithin
theirjourney I want someone who is just beginning to beabletolookatthatandgo ohwow ifthat person was able to do it, if that person was able to deal with all of this wow there’s a possibility,there’sachancethatIcandothis too So, I get that there are a lot of podcasts outthereandalotofYouTubechannelsout there, and I always say, the best thing about podcasting is anybody can do it. And the worstthingaboutpodcastingisanybodycan doit.ButIthinkwhenyou’re684episodesin andyou’restickingwithit Iwouldthinkthat there’sareasonthatthisisstickingaround If someone’sneverlistenedtomyshowbefore orneverwatchedanyofmyYouTubevideos, Iwouldloveforthemtojustgiveitatry Y:YouareafourtimeEmmywinningTV host.Supercongratulationsforthatincredible accomplishment. What did you win thoseawardsfor?
CVV: I won them mostly for hosting compilations for the show that I was on. But one of them that I won and I am really very proud of was Best Sports Story It was a story about Gregory Iron who’s the only professional wrestler in the world to wrestledespitebeingbornwithcerebralpalsy It wassuchatouchingstory Whenyoulookat
Family-friendly performances formances Meet Santa Festive sing-along Friday,December13 Friday ecember13th , 7pm Harrison Opera House Norfolk, VA ReserveYour Seats Today Reser Tickets arecomplimentary, but reservationsare required. reservation re Reserve your FREE tickets here! Holiday 2024 Holiday
everythingthathe’sgonethroughinhislife and the fact that he had this dream to be a prowrestlerandhedidn’tletanythinggetin hiswayofaccomplishingthatdream,that’s extraordinary Iwassohonoredtobeableto tellhisstoryandtobeabletobringthatstory to our audience to put it on TV and when that story got nominated I was just blown awayandwhenIendedupwinningforthat it was a total just incredible moment. Yeah, that was a big one for me It’s on YouTube, justtypein,“ANIRONWILL:TheGregory IronStory.”
Y: Last year you were on SiriusXM’s BustedOpenPodcast.Howdidthathappen?
CVV: I happened to be in New York City andI’mfriendswithDaveLaGrecaandI’ve interviewed Bully Ray many times and he justsaid,“Ifyou’regonnabeinthecitycome onbySiriusXMandguesthostforanhour.”I didgoonandIlovedit.Itwasgreat.Myhats offtothoseguys Thefactthatthereisapro wrestling show that’s on SiriusXM six days aweek,Imeanit’sjustabsolutelyamazing!
Y:Let’slearnaboutyou.Wherewereyou born and what made you fall in love with theworldofjournalismandprowrestling?
CVV: I was born and raised in Pickering, Ontario, Canada just east of Toronto My mom was born in Greece in Florina, and moved to Canada when she was four with herfamily Soonmymom’ssideofthefamily I am first generation Canadian and second generation Greek. On my dad’s side of the family,theymovedfromtheNetherlandsto NorthAmericaandCanadainthe1600’sand our baby Logan is a first generation American and so will be our baby boy who is due thismonth. The reason I love journalism and broadcasting is that I love the idea of storytelling At the root of who we are as human beings storytellingissuchanimportantelementof whoweareandwhatwedo I’vealwaysbeen fascinated by the idea Yiorgo that you and I can experience the same thing like, let’s say weweredrivingandtherewasacaraccident infrontofus Whenwedescribeittosomeone, the way that you tell that story and the way that I tell that story will still have the same beats to it, but there will be just a few differentlittleelementstoourversions
Y:Whatisanearlymemoryofyourswhen itcomestobroadcasting?
CVV: I remember being a kid and I was given a Fisher Price tape recorder with actual cassette tapes when I was four years oldandIpretendedtobetheradioDJsthat Iheardontheradio That’smyfirstmemory ofbroadcastinganditseemedlikealongshot but I knew that one day I wanted to at least to live out my dream of working in radio or television. I think at the real heart of it I just wanted to be able to have a job that I didn’thategoingto Ididn’twanttobeoneof those people who dreaded Sunday because Monday was the next day. Here I am now two decades into my career and I’m really grateful to be able to wake up excited for whatI’mgoingtodoeverysingleday!
CVV: I was always aware of wrestling growingup Irememberwrestlingbeingon the TV at my grandparents house and it’s not that my grandpa was a huge wrestling fanbuthejustalwayslovedhavingsportson theTV Helovedbaseball,football,butSaturday night pro wrestling would be on and I rememberbeingawareofitwhenIwas15or 16yearsold.Ireallyfellinlovewithitduring theAttitudeEra.VinceMcMahonandStone Cold Steve Austin was a huge storyline at the time and I just remember seeing these
larger than life characters with these super athleticabilities Itfeltlikeitwaskindofthe perfectstormofeverythingthatIwantedto bemyselfandIdidwanttobeaprowrestler
Y:I’mfascinatedwithyourprowrestling background. Can you give us a mini bio describingyourprowrestlingjourney?
CVV: I was a backyard wrestler in high school and I just had this dream that I wantedtobeaprowrestlerandIremember saving up to go to wrestling school I went between my sophomore and junior year of college and I went for a few months and I learned a lot of it. I was picking up really quicklyandattheendofthesummeritwas timetogobacktoschoolandIkindofhada fork in the road decision I needed to make. As the old saying goes, the man who chases two chickens catches none I think you’ve got to put your full focus into one thing not two or three or ten so I decided to finish my communication studies degree, get my degree and then wrestling would always kindofbethere.
It really just kind of turned out where I didmytimeinthewrestlingworldasaring announcerforalotofdifferentindependent companies Igottasay,I’mreallyreallygratefulthatI’m41yearsoldrightnowandifIhad goneintowrestlingIwouldbe20yearsinto itandIgottasaythatallmyfriendswhoare about my age that are pro wrestlers when theygetoutofbedinthemorningtheirback hurts a little bit, their neck hurts a little bit, their knees hurt a little bit, and I, well I feel pretty good when I get out of bed in the morning
Y:Howaboutapinchmemomentortwo, thatyoucan’tbelievethislittlekidfromPickering,Ontario,Canadagottoexperience?
CVV: I’ll share two: The one that immediatelypopsintomymindwasthefirsttime I stepped foot onto The Red Carpet at the Oscars and so fortunate in my career to be able to cover the Oscars a number of times To be able to walk on the most famous Red Carpetintheworld,tobeabletoreportfrom there,tobeabletointerviewthebiggeststars ontheplanetonthebiggestnightsinentertainment, that was definitely a wow, pinch memomentformr In the world of pro wrestling, my wow, pinchmemomentwasthefirsttimeIinterviewed The Rock and I remember it was when he made his return, he was doing all the lead up to Wrestlemania 28 with John Cena. WWE said, Raw is coming to town, we’re going to set up an interview for you on Monday and we’ll let you know the day before who it is Sunday WWE reached out, asked me if I was ready for the interview tomorrow and I said absolutely They said OK it’s gonna be with, are you ready? I said I’m ready They said it’s gonna be with The Rock and I’m like oh my god because TheRockwasatthetopofmybucketlistof peopleIwantedtointerviewandIknewthat itmightbepossible I was doing a lot of interviews for movies and the setting that I became a Rock fan which was pro wrestling meant a lot to me Iremembersittinginthatroombackstageat theQuickenLoansarenainClevelandOhio gettingreadytodoitandjustkindofsitting there for like half an hour, like with this nervousexcitementoflikeohmygoshatany point The Rock’s gonna walk through that door Itwascrazyandthatwasdefinitelyone ofthosemoments TheRockfinallywalksin, shakeshandswitheverybodyandsays,“Nice tomeetyou,I’mDwayne Nicetomeetyou, I’mDwayne.”
Y: Who are the ones that you have not interviewedyeteitherintheentertainment worldorwrestlingworld.
CVV: In the wrestling world it’s Vince McMahon. Love him or hate him Vince McMahonisthereasonthatprowrestlingis whatitistodayandIwouldjustlovetointerviewhim.Ijustdon’tfeellikewereallyknow who he is He’s kind of the Wizard of Oz in a way, the man behind the curtain literally andfigurativelysoIwouldlovetobeableto justfindoutwhoheisasaperson.Thereare quite a few in the pro wrestling world that I still haven’t interviewed yet like: Shawn Michaels,BretHart,RandyOrtonandthose arejustafewofwhoIhaveyettointerview. Intheentertainmentworld,Idon’tthink there’sabetterdirector writerandproducer right now than Christopher Nolan and I’m such a big fan of his films like “Interstellar” andIwouldjustlovetobeabletotalktohim andjustfigureoutwhatmakesaguylikethat tick. That’s one interview I hope to one day do, but I haven’t had the opportunity to do thatonejustyet.
Yiorgoisanarts,entertainmentandsports writer A stage TV and movie actor he is also a sports entertainer educator motivational speaker writer storyteller and columnist.
Chriswith several of his Emmys (PHOTO
The Virginia Arts Festival’s 28th season willbringacclaimed,award-winningartists in virtually every performance genre to a spectacular spring Collectively, these world-renownedartistshavereceivedscores of awards and accolades including two Pulitzer Prizes for Music, three Kennedy CenterHonors,threeNationalMedalofthe Arts, 71 Grammy Awards (with 165 nominations).
Virginia Arts Festival Perry Artistic DirectorRobertW.Crossnotes,“Thevirtuosity of these artists is stunning, from the seasoned artists who are household names tonewcomersofextraordinarypromise We look forward to sharing these great performances with our communities in Norfolk, Portsmouth, Suffolk, Newport News, VirginiaBeachandWilliamsburg.
Here’s a look at the spring 2025 Virginia ArtsFestival:
Whether you’re a lifelong dance fan or you’ve never seen a dance performance before, the Festival has got you covered this season, bringing blazingly innovative, spectacularlyentertainingnewworksfrom legendarycompanies In a coup for the Festival, and the region,
Britain’s famed Birmingham Royal Ballet will perform the U.S. Premiere of its headline-making new ballet, a spectacular tribute to some of Birmingham’s most famous exports Ozzy Osbourne and Black Sabbath.Combiningtherawenergyofrock with the strength and grace of ballet, Black Sabbath - The Ballet is spectacular entertainment, with eight classic Black Sabbath hits arranged for orchestra, provided by Virginia Symphony Orchestra, and rock band,aliveguitaristonstagewiththedancers, and a pulsing light show frames the action Three performances at Norfolk’s ChryslerHall,May30-31
With its signature mix of eye-popping acrobatics gymnastics dance film, innovative stage effects and more, MOMIX has wowed audiences for more than 50 years In this return Festival engagement (April 2 at Chrysler Hall, April 4 at Newport News FergusonCenter),MOMIXsendsaudiences flying down the rabbit hole in company founder and choreographer Moses Pendleton’snewestcreation,ALICE,inspiredby LewisCarroll’sAliceinWonderland Filled with visual splendor and startling creative movement, ALICE reveals that nothing in MOMIX’sworldisasitseems
Classical Music
Virginia Arts Festival brings unforgettable performancesbyiconicartiststhisseason. Renée Fleming is one of the most beloved and celebrated singers of our time; her sumptuous voice captivates audiences whether reaching devotees from the stage of the Metropolitan Opera or making new fansattheSuperBowl Tothe2025Virginia ArtsFestival Flemingbringsaperformance inspiredbyherGRAMMY®Award-winning album, Voice of Nature: The Anthropocene—abreathtakingexplorationofhumankind’s evolving relationship with nature featuring music by Handel, Björk, Fauré, Puccini, and Jerome Kern, with a beautiful projected film created for the program by National Geographic June 1 at Norfolk’s HarrisonOperaHouse Beyondhisphenomenalcareerasamusician, cellist Yo-Yo Ma has used his artistry to bring people together around themes of kindness and tolerance In An Afternoon withYo-Yo-Ma:ReflectionsinWordsand Music, the 19-time Grammy winner and recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom pairs repertoire from the center of his musicalfirmamentwithreflectionsonhow it has shaped his thinking about art, human nature, and our search for meaning June 8 atChryslerHall. Mahler’sNinthSymphonyisoneofthe most beloved works in the classical repertoire, a profoundly emotional experience
that Virginia Symphony Orchestra Music Director Eric Jacobsen calls “one of the greatest accomplishments of humanity.” The Virginia Arts Festival co-presents this masterwork with the VSO in performances in Newport News’ Ferguson Center and Virginia Beach’s Sandler Center, May 9 and 10 Other highlights in the Festival’s abundant classical music offerings include Britain’sacappellamastersTheTallisScholars, dubbed“therockstarsofRenaissancevocal music” by The New York Times, coming April 29; and acclaimed organist Alcée Chriss III, who will reveal the beauty of Norfolk’s Christ & St Luke’s Episcopal ChurchorganMay11.
Alongside these established stars the Festivalwillshowcasetheworkofanastonishingyoungtalent.Nineteen-year-oldAlma Deutscher is an established composer and conductorwhohasalreadysold-outCarnegieHall—twice Here,Deutscherwillleada performanceofheropera Cinderella,writtenwhenshewas12yearsold;herversionof the story has the Prince seeking the mysterious beauty from the ball not with a glass slipperbutwiththebeginningsofamelody which only Cinderella can complete The performance will feature student performersfromTheGovernor’sSchoolfortheArts’
Vocal & Instrumental Music Departments, and special student prices are available for $10;attheSandlerCenterMarch15
Chamber Music
The Virginia Arts Festival’s Chamber Music Series always a standout in the classical music season, has taken on new energy and thematic direction thanks to the star-powered leadership of the Festival’sConnieandMarcJacobsonDirectorof Chamber Music Olga Kern and Composer-in-Residence Jessie Montgomery, a Grammy-winning star who was named Musical America’s Composer of the Year in 2023
Olga Kern, the first woman in over 30 years to win the coveted Van Cliburn Gold Medal in 2001, is a mesmerizing pianist whoseknowledgeofmusicisasdeepasitis fascinating; her contributions to the Festival’s Rachmaninoff 150 Celebration were amongthehighlightofthe2023season.This season,KerncelebratesBeethoven,curating a chamber music festival-within-the-Festival that offers enticing new ways to savor Beethoven classics including his great chamberworksbutalsotranscriptionsofhis overturesandmore Kernwilljoinacclaimed chamber artists including violinist Lana Trotovšek,cellistNinaKotova,pianistJános Balázs,andtheVirginiaArtsFestivalChamber Players in both evening performances and the Festival’s beloved morning Coffee Concerts In other chamber music highlights Kern will join the heralded Zemlinsky Quartet, making their Virginia Arts Festival debut May21attheConcertHallattheCollegeof William & Mary in Williamsburg and May 22 in the Festival’s Robin Hixon Theater, Clay and Jay Barr Education Center In her
second year as the Festival’s Composer in Residence Jessie Montgomery will curate a concert in which she will perform with the Virginia Arts Festival Chamber Players Montgomery’s rise to fame has been dramatic,withherworksbecomingamajor part of the contemporary orchestral and chamberrepertoire Asonecriticputit,“she neverfailstoenthrallwithherrhythmically complex,richlyorchestrated,highlyoriginal pieces” (WTTW Chicago PBS). Montgomery performs April 15 in the Robin Hixon Theater
Ledbynine-timeGRAMMY®winnerand winner of the Pulitzer Prize and National Medal of the Arts Wynton Marsalis, the Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra is the emblem of jazz for the United States and the world and a swingin’ great time for audiences Inauniquecollaboration,Jazzat LincolnCenterhasjoinedwithVirginiaArts Festival in nurturing the next generation of jazz musicians with a three-day residency that features jazz ensembles from Historically Black Colleges and Universities The student winners of the adjudicated residencyperformanceswillopenthisconcert, followedbytheirmentorsfromthegreatest bigbandintheuniverse—theJazzatLincoln Center Orchestra. It all happens on April 11 atChryslerHall.
Hailed as the reincarnation of Sarah Vaughan and Ella Fitzgerald in one spectacularly gifted voice, Samara Joy has seized the imagination of audiences, from seasoned jazz afficionados to enthusiastic young converts At just 25 she already has three Grammy Awards including the 2023 BestNewArtistandBestJazzVocalAlbum and the 2024 Best Jazz Performance One performanceonly,June7inChryslerHall. VirginiaArtsFestival’sAttucksJazzClub featuring the John Toomey Trio has long beenameccaforplayersandfansalike;this
season,oncetheAttucksJazzClubwrapsup, local jazz favorite bassist Jimmy Masters curates the Towne Bank Jazz Series in theSandlerCenter’sMillerStudioTheatre. Amongtheartistswhowillperformarethe scattingmezzo-sopranoLenaSeikalyMay 15,andcroonerSachalVasandaniJune19 Music For Every Taste
TheVirginiaArtsFestival’sPerryPavilion has brightened the concert scene in downtownNorfolk;juststepsfromChryslerHall and some of the city’s most vibrant restaurants, this outdoor venue has hosted major artists This season, the Perry Pavilion will welcome tabla master (“the drum with a thousand voices”) Zakir Hussain and the Masters of Percussion, April 17; soulful roots/y’allternativesinger-songwriterJohn Moreland May 4; and 18-time Grammy winnerandbanjovirtuosoBélaFleckbrings hisnewestgenre-jumpingadventureMay14 performing in trio with Colombian harpist EdmarCastañedaandcelebrateddrummer AntonioSánchez,winneroffiveGrammys Virtuosity is key in the Festival’s lineup, with the fabled LosAngelesGuitarQuartet lighting up the Norfolk Academy April 16; with a repertoire that ranges from Bach tobluegrass,thisdazzlinglygiftedensemble plays to sold-out houses around the world, bringing “unrivaled joy, technical élan, and a questing spirit (Los Angeles Times) to everyperformance The only bassist ever to be awarded the vaunted Avery Fisher Prize, Edgar Meyer isasversatileasheistalented;inhisnewest project, he joins classical violinist and Kentucky fiddler Tessa Lark and cellist/ composer Joshua Roman in the Concert HallattheCollegeofWilliam&Mary May7.
Movie Madness
From the sublime (see classical music above) to the ridiculous (all thoroughly
enjoyable), the 2025 Virginia Arts Festival has it all, including the giddily entertaining Rodgers&Hammerstein’sTheSoundof MusicSing-A-Long,whichinvitestheaudience to see the Oscar-winning 1965 movie musical in glorious, full-screen technicolor andsingalongtotheirfavoritesongs,including “Climb Ev’ry Mountain,” “Do-Re-Mi” andmore.Theon-screenlyricshelpyouget the words right; carrying the tune is up to you.Costumesencouragedbutnotrequired; but there is a pre-show costume contest if you have a spare pair of lederhosen lying around.April6atChryslerHall.
Virginia International Tattoo
On the occasion of the 250th birthday of the United States Army Navy and Marine Corps the 2025 Virginia International Tattoo will throw a spectacular party showcasing an international cast of more than 800 civilian and military performers from nations around the world. With stirring music, heartfelt tributes to those who haveserved,andappearancesbysomevery specialguests,thisTattoohonorstheservice
Source: Petcurean
Bring on the list-making gift-giving party-goingtimeofyear Theholidayseason wouldalsofeelincompletewithoutdelicious dishes to keep everyone feeling merry and bright. By everyone, that includes canine companions,too Consider this list of pup- and pet-parent-approved festive foods, as well as those to avoid, from the experts at Petcurean, makers of premium quality, nutrient-rich foodforpets:
Enjoy steamed vegetables: Holiday feastsareallaboutthesidedishes Dogscan savor their own sides with plain vegetables likesteamedgreenbeansorcarrots,making for a flavorful, nutritious addition to their meals Vegetablesarepackedwithvitamins and minerals, and steaming them allows more of the nutrients to be retained while alsosupportingproperdigestion Besureto chopveggiesintosmallpiecesandstayclear ofseasoningorsauce
Avoid chocolate: There’s no way to sugarcoat it - chocolate is a no-go for dogs Thepresenceofbothcaffeineandachemical called theobromine makes chocolate toxic to dogs because they aren’t able to metabolize them the way humans can. If ingested, chocolatecanleadtoaspikeinheartrateand bloodpressure,aswellasvomiting diarrhea, agitation,seizuresandmore.Ifingested,pet parents should monitor their pup closely andcheckwithaveterinarian.
Enjoyfreshmeats: When cooked, fresh
meat such as chicken, turkey, pork or beef can satisfy cravings while also offering pupsanutritiousmealthatiseasytodigest.
Pet parents can also choose a kibble made with fresh meats as a convenient option that supports dogs’ overall wellness, such as Now Fresh Good Gravy, which is made with easily digested fresh meats and nutrient-dense fruits and veggies, and by adding water,adeliciousbonebrothgravyiscreated foryourpuptoenjoy.
Avoid table scraps: For many reasons, it’s best to skip the table scraps Not only could an allergen or toxin be present that pet parents may not be aware of, there are several other health risks associated with feeding dogs table scraps, such as digestive issues (vomiting, diarrhea, etc.) and even more serious problems like pancreatitis Plus, giving dogs calorie-dense food can contributetoobesity
Enjoy pumpkin: A staple of holiday feasts pumpkin is not off the table for pups toenjoy.Infact,pumpkinisasuperfoodfull of nutrients Feeding dogs cooked or plain canned pumpkin can also be beneficial for their digestion because pumpkin contains fiber - just be sure to serve it free of seasoningslikesugarandspices
Just like their pet parents, pups deserve to indulge a little over the holidays, but it’s important to ensure what they eat leaves them feeling great Remember to always check with a veterinarian about any concerns, especially when introducing new foods, and visit to find personalizednutritioncraftedforyourpet.
Create showstopping holidaymeals with recipes featuringpremium pork
Source: ColemanNatural Foods
Ifyou’rewonderingwhattoserveforadelightfulholidaymeal,looknofurtherthan pork-aperfectmatchforfestivemenusasit’seasytoprepare,versatile,budget-friendly andpairswellwithseasonalingredients.
Withflavorful,mouthwateringrecipeslikeAppleCiderBalsamicGlazedPorkLoin andStuffing-FilledPorkChops,Coleman AllNatural Meatsofferstrusted premium porksourcedfromAmericanfarmerswhohumanelyraiselivestockwithnoantibioticseverandnoaddedhormones.AllitsporkismadeofHeritageBreedDuroc,which isknownforitstenderness,superiormarbling,juicinessandflavor.
These elevated, seasonal pork recipes offer adelicious and unexpected twist your friendsandfamilywillloveatyournextholidaygathering Formorerecipeinspiration,
Apple Cider Balsamic Glazed Pork Loin
Prep time: 10-15minutes| Cook time: 45-60minutes| Servings: 6
Preheatovento350Fandlinesheetpanwithparchmentpaper.Setaside. Remove pork from packagingand patdry withpaper towel. Season all sides with saltandpepper,totaste
Tomakeglaze:Inbowl,whiskapplecidervinegarglaze,mustard,balsamicvinegar, rosemary,sage,thymeandgarlic.Addsaltandpepper,totaste.Insteadystream,slowly addoliveoiltoemulsifywhilewhisking Inlargeskillet,heatoilovermedium-highheat.Searporkloin2-3minutesoneach side
Remove porkfromovenand spread sliced applesaround pork loin. Brushremaining glaze over pork and apples.Bake20-30 minutes, or until internaltemperature reaches150F.
Stuffing-Filled Pork Chops
Prep time: 10-15minutes |Cook time: 30-45 minutes |Servings: 6
To make stuffing: Bake biscuits according to package directions1 dayahead.Dry biscuitswillabsorbmorebroth. Preheatovento350F.
Inskillet,meltbutterthenaddceleryandonions.Sauteuntilonionsaretranslucent thenaddpoultryseasoningandhalfthebroth.Setasidetocool. Inbowl,combinestuffingmix,crumbledbiscuitsandeggs
Preparethe chops: Sliteachchoponroundedside,cuttingalmostthroughtobone, tocreatedeeppocketsforstuffing Season chopswithgarlic, sage,thyme androsemary. Fill each chop with stuffing mixture.Usetoothpickstokeepchopsclosed.
Preheat skilletwithoil overmedium-high heat andsear eachchop 2-3minutes on eachside
Oncechopsareseared,addremainingstuffingtopan,coverwithfoilandbake30-45 minutesuntilchopsreach140Fincenter.Removefoilforlast10minutestobrowntop ofstuffing,ifdesired.
Punch up your holiday beverage menu
This time of year is all about food and sweet desserts,but don’tforgettoquench guests’thirstwithaseasonalsip.ThisChristmas Cranberry Punch offersaslightly less sweet takeontraditionalpunch so youcan addatouchoftarttothebeveragecart.Visit to find more delicious holiday recipeideas
Christmas Cranberry Punch
Recipe courtesyof“Cookin’Savvy”
The night before,place four cranberries, twopineapple chunksand afew rosemary sprigsineachholeofsiliconemuffinpanor ice tray.Cover with 1can lemon-limesoda andfreeze Chillremainingsoda,cranberryjuiceand orangepineapplejuiceovernight. Inpunchbowl,mixremainingsoda,cranberryjuiceandorangepineapplejuice.Slice orangeinto5-6slices.Addlemon-limesoda icecubes,handfulofcranberriesandorange slices.Serve.
TRICARE Open Season: Understanding who’s eligible
FALLS CHURCH, Va It’s that time of yearagain—TRICAREOpenSeasonishere Openseason,whichbeganNov.11,runsuntil Dec. 10 During this period, most beneficiaries with TRICARE Prime or TRICARE Selectcanmakechangestotheirhealthplan forcoveragestartingJan.1,2025
“TRICARE Open Season is your opportunity to make changes to your health plan that match your and your family members’ healthneeds,”explainedZellyZim,ahealth systems specialist with the TRICARE Health Plan Policy & Programs Branch at the Defense Health Agency “It’s important to know if you’re eligible since it’s the one timeofyearyoucanadjustyourhealthplan withoutaTRICAREQualifyingLifeEvent.”
There will be changes to TRICARE’s regional contracts starting Jan. 1, 2025. These changes will affect beneficiaries in certain regions To learn if you’re affected bythesechanges,visitTRICAREChanges. Readontolearnmoreaboutopenseason eligibility.
Who’s eligible
Who exactly can take part in TRICARE OpenSeason?Itappliestothoseeligiblefor:
TRICAREPrimeRemote TRICAREPrimeOverseas
TRICARESelect TRICARESelectOverseas
Note that open season doesn’t apply to everybody Itdoesn’tapplytoyouifyou:
HaveaTRICAREpremium-basedplan,as describedintheTRICAREPlansOverview Fact Sheet. The TRICARE premium-based plans are TRICARE Reserve Select, TRICARE Retired Reserve, TRICARE YoungAdult,andtheContinuedHealthCare BenefitProgram.
Dental and vision coverage
In addition to TRICARE health plan changes, open season is also when you
can enroll or make updates to your dental and vision coverage The Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program, managed by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, allows you to make changes to your coverage during Federal Benefits OpenSeason.FederalBenefitsOpenSeason started Nov. 11. Your eligibility for FEDVIP depends on your TRICARE beneficiary status The TRICARE Open Season and Federal Benefits Open Season periods overlap but theyendondifferentdates FederalBenefits OpenSeasonendsonedayearlieronDec.9. Besuretoreviewyouroptionsandmakeany neededchangesbeforethedeadlines. Openseasonisalsoagoodtimetoreview yourinformationintheDefenseEnrollment EligibilityReportingSystemtoensureeverythingisuptodate Youcanalsousethistime to validate the payment information you haveonfile IfyouliveintheWestRegionorinastate that’s moving to the West Region on Jan. 1, you may need to provide your payment information to TriWest Healthcare Alliance,theincomingWestRegioncontractor,
byJan.1.Youmustdothisifyoupaybybank electronic funds transfer or debit or credit card. You don’t need to do this if you pay by military pay system allotment. Allotment payments will transfer automatically You Whetheryouneedtomakechangesornot, now is the time to review your TRICARE health plan and dental and vision coverage optionsforthecomingyear Lookingfor2025healthplancosts?Read thearticle “CheckOutYour2025TRICARE Health Plan Costs” on the TRICARE Newsroom (online at https://newsroom You can also download the TRICARE 2025 Costs and Fees Sheet online at Costs/costs_fees Would you like the latest TRICARE news sent to you by email? Visit TRICARE Subscriptions and create your personalized profile to get benefit updates, news, andmore.