Flagship 03.02.2023

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Marine Corps Embassy Security Group Black History Month

HBCU’s have always produced leaderswho serve our communities invariousways The Marine Security Guard Program and the Marine Corps EmbassySecurity Group spotlight examples ofhowHBCU graduates have made a significant impact on ourmilitary PageA2

2nd Fleet, Joint Force Command Norfolk hosts Nordic Defense Cooperation


Commander, U.S. 2nd Fleet

NORFOLK Va Commander U.S. 2nd Fleet’s (C2F) senior enlisted leadership hosted the Nordic Defense Cooperation (NORDEFCO) at Naval Station Norfolk, Jan.27,2023.

C2F’s Fleet Master Chief, Command Master Chief Huben Phillips, hosted NORDEFCO’s top naval enlisted leaders from Denmark, Finland, Norway and SwedenduringatourofC2FandJointForce CommandNorfolkheadquarters

“During this visit, these Nordic leaders are able to see first-hand how our U.S. Sailors enter into naval service and how they are trained in a variety of ratings,” Phillips said “They are here to ask questions and get direct feedback from those who teach and mentor our U.S. Sailors from the very beginning.”

TheNORDEFCOmissionistostrengthen its participant’s national defense explore common synergies and facilitate efficient commonsolutions

Similar to the U.S. Navy’s Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy Jim Honea, these NORDEFCO members are the senior enlisted leaders in their respective navies Honea had the opportunity to meet with theleadersathisofficeinWashington,D.C., where he spoke with them about his vision andfocusfortheU.S.Navy

“The visit with our NORDEFCO partners is a wonderful opportunity to keep us connected to discuss similarities between our navies as well as share ideas and solutions that can help our leadership improve ourfleetsandqualityofserviceforourSailors,”saidHonea.

C2F, reestablished in 2018 in response to the changing global security environment. Thefleet’smissionistodevelopandemploy maritimeforcesreadytofightacrossmultipledomainsintheAtlanticandArcticensuringaccess,deteraggressionanddefendU.S., allied,andpartnerinterests FormoreU.S.2ndFleetnewsandphotos, visit facebook.com/US2ndFleet, Https:// Www.C2f.Usff.Navy.Mil/, and Twitter - @ US2ndFleet

FromNavalFacilitiesEngineering SystemsCommandMid-Atlantic

NORFOLK, Va Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command Mid-Atlantic (NAVFAC MIDLANT) will host a Career Fair, Feb. 25, at the Chesapeake Conference Center from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in an effort to recruit and hire qualified candidates for openpositionsatNAVFACMIDLANT.

NAVFACMIDLANTisanEqualOpportunity Employer, and all work experience levels are welcome The event is open to the public.




Address:ChesapeakeConferenceCenter, 700ConferenceDr.,Chesapeake,VA23320

“Wearecurrentseekinghighlymotivated and qualified candidates to fill immediate positions at NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic,” said NAVFAC MIDLANT Human Resources Director Jessica Thompson. “We are fortunate to host events such as these because it helps the command reach a wide variety of qualified candidates and it also allows my team to provide important information about the various benefits available to federalworkers.”

NAVFAC MIDLANT is recruiting for open positions in a variety of professional disciplines, to include: HVAC/ DDC Mechanics, High Voltage Electricians Plumbers Electricians Crane Operators Machinists Riggers Heavy MobileEquipmentMechanics Hazardous Waste Disposers, Engineers and Architects, Construction Managers, Financial

Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (aircraft handling) 2nd Class Kyle Lilly from Plano Texas,attached to the first-in-class aircraft carrierUSS Gerald R.Ford’s (CVN 78) airdepartment,briefs Nordic Defense Cooperation MasterChiefPettyOfficers ofthe Navy(MCPON) on the ship’s flight deckduring a tour,Jan.28,2023.Command MasterChiefBryan Davis hosted MCPONs from Finland,Sweden,Denmarkand Norwayfora familiarization tourofthe Ford Ford is in port at Naval Station Norfolkfora continuous planned maintenance availability.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBY CHIEFMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTJULIER.MATYASCIK)

at Chesapeake



„ Beatleast18yearsofage

„ Haveatleast6monthsofgeneralwork experience

„ BeaU.S.citizen

„ Beabletopassapre-employment screeningandhavenofelonyconvictions


„ Paidfederalholidays

„ Earnpaidannualandsickleave

„ Health,Dental,VisionandLifeInsurance

„ Long-TermCareInsurance

„ ThriftSavingsProgram

Visithttps://www.usajobs.gov/Help/faq/ application/documents/resume/what-toinclude/fortipsonhowtoprepareandwrite afederal resume Candidates will be ableto meet with Human Resources representatives at the event to discuss the application process

Management Analysts and more.

NAVFACMIDLANTrecruitmentefforts cover job openings at all Hampton Roads installations NavalStationNorfolk,Naval Support Activity Hampton Roads, Joint ExpeditionaryBaseLittleCreek-FortStory, Naval Air Station Oceana; Norfolk Naval Shipyard,andNavalWeaponsStationYorktown. Applicants may also qualify for open positionsavailableoutsideHamptonRoads

“NAVFAC MIDLANT’s mission is to support the Navy and Marine Corps,” said NAVFACMIDLANTBusinessDirectorTom


Barstow.“ThroughCareerFairs suchasthis we can match open job vacancies with the rightpeoplefortherightjobs. Applicantsareencouragedtobringmultiplecopiesoftheirresumetotheevent,havea validU.S.issueddriver’slicense,SocialSecurity card, and a copy of their unofficial high school diploma/GED or college transcripts, if applicable Candidates may receive up to a$5,000 incentivetojoinNAVFACMid-Atlanticbasedonexperiencelevelandposition. Jobapplicantsmustalsomeetthefollow-

For questions about the Career Fair, email NAVFACML_Jobs@us.navy.mil. For additional information about NAVFAC MIDLANT on social media, follow our activities on Facebook at www.facebook. com/navfacmidatlantic and on Instagram @navfacmidatlantic.

NAVFAC MIDLANT provides facilities engineering,publicworksandenvironmental products and services across an area of responsibility that spans from South Carolina to Maine, and as far west as Michigan, anddowntoIndiana.Asanintegralmember of the Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic team, NAVFAC MIDLANT provides leadership through the Regional Engineer organizationtoensuretheregion’sfacilities and infrastructure are managed efficiently andeffectively

Destroyer Squadron Two holds change of command

DESRON 2 held a change ofcommand ceremonyaboard the aircraft carrier USS Gerald R.Ford (CVN 78) on Feb.17 to bid farewell to Capt.StefanWalch and welcomed Capt.Mac Harkin as the 78th DESRON 2 Commodore. PageA7

Mid-Atlantic to host Career Fair
Conference Center to recruit, hire qualified
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Marine Corps Embassy Security Group Black History Month

ABOVELEFT:The command photo forMaj Gen.Arnold Fields,a native ofEarlyBranch,S.C.Hewas

re-designation from MSG Battalion to Marine Corps EmbassySecurityGroup ABOVERIGHT:The command photo ofLt Col.Gilford Robinson,a native of Philadelphia,Penn.Hewas one ofthe firstAfricanAmerican Marines to serve on the Marine SecurityGuard Program in 1986 where he commanded Delta Company,Marine SecurityGuard Battalion,in Panama City,Panama.Known as the“Delta CompanyCowboys,”MSGs underRobinsonwere in the program’s most dangerous region andwere the first companyto receive a Navy Unit Commendation aftertheVietnamWar.(U.S.MARINECORPSCOURTESYPHOTOS)

FromMarineCorpsEmbassy SecurityGroup

QUANTICO, Va Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) have always produced leaders who serve our communities in various ways The Marine Security Guard (MSG) Program and the Marine Corps Embassy Security Group (MCESG) are no different and are prime examples of how HBCU graduates have madeasignificantimpactonoursociety

In1969,ArnoldFieldsfromEarlyBranch, SouthCarolina,graduatedfromSouthCarolinaStateUniversityinOrangeburg,S.C.;and Gilford Robinson from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania graduated from Florida A&M University in Tallahassee, Fla. After graduating from these HBCUs, both gentlemen werecommissionedassecondlieutenantsin theMarineCorps;Fields,aninfantryofficer andRobinson,anamphibiousassaultofficer

In the summer of 1986, Fields and Robinson became the first African Americans to commandontheMSGProgram.

Fields commanded Bravo Company

(currentlyMCESGRegion2)headquartered in Casablanca, Morocco After MSG, Fields commanded 3rd Battalion, 6th Marines duringDesertStormandservedinnumerous command and staff billets throughout the MarineCorpsandthejointserviceenvironment.AchievingtherankofMajorGeneral, Fieldsisamongover20otherSouthCarolina Stategraduateswhobecamegeneralofficers in the U.S. military After retiring from the MarineCorps,Fieldscontinuedtoservethe Nation.DuringtheearlyyearsofOperation IraqiFreedom,FieldsservedatU.S.Embassy BaghdadasChiefofStaffoftheIraqReconstruction and Management Office And in 2008, he was named the Special Inspector GeneralforAfghanistanReconstruction.To thisday,Fieldscontinuestoserveinvarious non-profitorganizationsthatbenefitfellow citizensandcommunities.

Soon after being commissioned, Robinson volunteered to become an infantry officer for service in Vietnam. Robinson heroically served as a platoon commander in2ndBattalion,1stMarinesunderMarine Corps legend and Navy Cross awardee

Lt Col. William G. Leftwich. Robinson received the Purple Heart and Bronze Star for his actions in Vietnam. From 1986 to 1990, Robinson commanded Delta Company (currently MCESG Regions 4 and 9) headquartered in Panama City Panama. Known as “Delta Company Cowboys”,MSGsunderRobinson,werein the program’s most dangerous region and were the 1st company/region to receive a Navy Unit Commendation after the VietnamWar.Onseveraloccasions,whilevisitingMSGdetachments,Robinsonwascalled upon to tactically lead Marines in defense ofembassies Hislegacycontinuedin2011 when his son, Colonel Michael Robinson followedhimintocommandofMSGsasthe MCESG commanding officer

In 1981, David Head, from Reston, VirginiagraduatedfromClarkCollege,now Clark Atlanta University in Atlanta, Georgia.AftergraduatingfromthisHBCU,Head was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Marine Corps and became an artillery officer After distinguishing himself on the Kuwaiti battlefield during Desert Storm,

Head, as a Lieutenant Colonel, following in the footsteps of Fields and Robinson, was selected to command MSG Battalion’s Echo Company (MCESG Region 5). Yearslater inJune2005 Headbecamethe first African American to command MSG Battalion. Head developed a strategic plan to expand, develop, and correctly staff the headquarters; and he changed the battalion’snametoMarineCorpsEmbassySecurity Group. These efforts were to improve command and control and better represent the expansiveness of the command’s global responsibility Also under his leadership thecommandbecameamoreoperationally focused unit as he reestablished core values; advanced MSG weaponry and tactics; and created essential Civilian Marine positions to ensure continuity and to preserve Marine Corps enterprises. In honor of Black History Month, a permanent tribute to these gentlemen is nowdisplayedintheMCESGheadquarters building

US 2nd Fleet, USFF host Fleet Medicine Symposium



Commander U.S. 2nd Fleet NORFOLK,Va Commander,U.S.2ndFleet’s Health Service Support team, in conjunction withU.S.FleetForcesSurgeonandCommander, Naval Medical Forces Atlantic (NMFL), hosted theFleetMedicineSymposium,atNavalSupport ActivityHamptonRoads,Feb.1-3,2023

This year’s symposium brought Hampton Roadsareamedicalleadershiptogetherfortraining on health service support across numbered fleets to share operational medicine practices andlessonslearnedtoensuremissionassurance Capt Carolyn Rice, deputy commander, NMFLexplainedthatintegratingwithmedical communitiesacrossnumberedfleetsdrivesthe evolutionofmedicalprocesses.

“The Fleet Medicine Symposium establishes a common medical standard to the Navy and Marine Corps team ensuring the readiness of OneNavyMedicine, Ricesaid.

The symposium briefed operational medical logistics, manning issues and cold weather medicine Some of the topics of conversation includedrecenttrainingexercisesandthestrategicvalueoftheArctic NavyMedicineleadership collaboratedwithmaritimeforcesindiscussions andtrainingoncombatcasualtycareandtriage

techniques specific to medical care of military personnelincoldweatherenvironments.

“We need to sustain collaboration with our fleet partners and actively participate in exercisesandrehearsethenewwarfightingconcepts toguaranteemissionsuccess,”Ricesaid

NavyMedicine comprisedofapproximately 44,000 highly-trained military and civilian health care professionals provides enduring expeditionarymedicalsupporttothewarfighter on,below,andabovethesea andashore.

NMFL, headquartered in Portsmouth, Virginia, delivers operationally focused medical expertise and capabilities to meet Fleet, Marine and Joint Force requirements by providing equipment, sustainment and maintenanceofmedicalforcesduringcombatoperationsandpublichealthcrisis.NMFLprovides oversightfor21NavyMedicineReadinessand Training Centers logistics and public health and dental services throughout the U.S. East Coast,U.S.GulfCoast,Hawaii,Europe andthe Middle East.

U.S. 2nd Fleet, reestablished in 2018 in response to the changing global security environment,developsandemploysmaritimeforces ready to fight across multiple domains in the Atlantic and Arctic in order to ensure access, deter aggression and defend U.S., allied, and partnerinterests

NORFOLK- Capt.Miguel Cubano commander Fifth Fleet Surgeon,speaks to participants at the Fleet Medicine Symposium held at Naval SupportActivityHampton Roads,Feb.1-3,2023.Thisyear’s symposium brought Hampton Roads area medical leadership togetherfortraining on health service support across numbered fleets (U.S. NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STCLASSRYANSEELBACH)

Editorial Staff MilitaryEditor | MC1 Maddelin Hamm

757-322-2853 | maddelin.v.hamm.mil@us.navy.mil

AssistantEditor | MC2 Leo Katsareas

757-322-2853 | news@flagshipnews.com

GraphicDesigner | TeresaWalter teresa.walter@virginiamedia.com

one ofthe firstAfricanAmericans to serve in the Marine SecurityGuard Program starting in 1986 andwas the commanderofBravo Company,Marine SecurityGuard Battalion,in Casablanca,Morocco ABOVEMIDDLE:The command photo forCol.David Head,a native ofReston,Va He served as the commanderforEcho Company,Marine SecurityGuard Battalion,and returned to the unit in 2005 as the firstAfricanAmerican to command MSG Battalion.During his stead, he oversawthe change from unit’s
Travis Kuykendall
MC3 Jordan
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Contributing Staff Ninoshka Basantes
Kaitlyn Hewett

Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme Division’s Denzel Bridges named Black Engineer of the Year

Denzel Bridges, a Naval Surface Warfare Center, Port Hueneme Division (NSWC PHD) combat systems reliability engineer, won a Black Engineer of the Year Award (BEYA) as a Modern-Day Technology Leader for his leadership and technical and analytical skills during the COVID-19 pandemic Bridgesis“rapidlydevelopingintoacapable leader in everything he touches,” wrote Jing Li-Kole a branch manager who nominatedBridgesfortheBEYAaward.

The awards were presented at the 37th BEYA STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) Conference Feb. 9-11 at a waterfront convention center south of Washington,D.C.

The BEYA Modern-Day Technology Leader awards are presented on behalf of US Black Engineer and Information Technology magazine, published by Career CommunicationsGroupInc.,andtheCouncil of Engineering Deans of the Historically BlackCollegesandUniversities

The awards recognize primarily Black menandwomenwhodemonstrateoutstandingperformanceinSTEM-relatedfieldsand serve as inspirations for future engineers, scientistsandinnovators.

Engineering inspiration

Bridges, a mechanical engineer in the Combat Systems, Test and Evaluation Department(CDept.),grewupinRiverside, California,wherehisfatherworkedinsecuritywithshipping giantFedExCorp. while his mother worked with a social services agencywithRiversideCounty “I’ve always known I wanted to study engineeringsincemyfreshmanyearofhigh school when I was inspired by my cousin,” saidBridges,whoearnedabachelor’sdegree in materials science and engineering from CornellUniversityinIthaca,NewYork,and amaster’sdegreeanddoctorateinmechanicalengineeringfromUniversityofTennesseeinKnoxville

“I initially thought I wanted to study chemical engineering because I thought I wantedtopursueacareerrelatedtorenewable energy,” Bridges said “When I looked atthecourserequirementswithfoursemestersofchemistryandtwosemestersofphysicsinthefirsttwoyearsofschool,Idecided togoadifferentdirection.”

WithhisadvanceddegreeinhandbyJuly 2019 Bridges thought he’d end up with the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Oak Ridge National Laboratory, about 25 miles to the


“From a fatigue standpoint, I definitely wanted to get out of the academic setting,” said Bridges, after helping pen more than 30 scholarly articles with colleagues on subjects ranging from advanced engineering materials and manufacturing to alloys andcompounds.

The article he said he’s most proud of is titled“Wettability,DiffusionBehaviorsand ModelingofNiNanoparticlesandNanowires in Brazing Inconel 718,” published in 2021 after he graduated with a doctorate in hand.

“I see it eventually as a viable substitute for some structural applications, or high-temperature assemblies such as for aerospace or turbines,” said Bridges, who feels comfortable speaking about the article’s explanation for the differences between soldering and brazing and using copper nickel or silver nanomaterials to join materials


using nickel nanomaterials to join nickel superalloys and mathematically modeling their behavior

About six months before Bridges graduated from the University of Tennessee, the engineer’s aunt with the DOE suggested thatheattendtheBEYASTEMConference in Washington, D.C. That’s where Bridges, who took his aunt’s advice, met Michael Gibbons, formerly an NSWC PHD branch manager who now works for the Program Executive Office Ships’ (PEO Ships) Boats andCombatantCraftprogramoffice(PMS 300) in Washington, D.C. Bridges passed up recruitment tables for Raytheon Technologies Corp., Boeing Co and other military contractors He was so impressed with Gibbons’ pitch about NSWC PHD that he packed his bags and movedbacktoCaliforniaaheadofhisfiancée whowasfinishinghermaster’sdegree in the public health field at the University ofGeorgiatobeginworkatNSWCPHDon

Aug. 12, 2019

He and his fiancée were married fourand-a-half months later

NSWC PHD involvement


“It’satremendoushonortobenominated for this award and win, especially since it is forthesameconferencethatIwasrecruited atfouryearsago,”Bridgessaid.

Bridgeshasalsoservedastheactingteam leadsinceJune2022forthecombatsystems reliability engineering team. He has leveraged his academic research experience with nanomaterials and welding, soldering and brazing materials to participate in the command’s Naval Innovative Science and Engineering(NISE)program.

NISE provides funding to help NSWC PHD employees research a project idea, come up with a new engineering concept, orupdatetheirlaboratoryequipment.

Bridges also has helped mentor student interns for summer and fall programs with the Office of Naval Research’s 10-week summerNavalResearchEnterpriseInternshipProgram,alsoknownasNREIP.

NREIP connects the command with collegesanduniversities

Bridgesalsofrequentlyvolunteerstofacilitate command-wide organized talks that discussawiderangeoftopicsinarespectful and judgment-free environment Topics he hasfacilitatedincludeobservanceofMartin Luther King Jr Day; Juneteenth, a federal holiday commemorating the emancipation ofenslavedAfricanAmericans;andphysical andmentalhealth.

“He has been able to quickly learn and adapttomanytechnicalandorganizational challengesusinghiseffectiveproblem-solvingskillsandalwayswithahighworkethic andprofessionaldemeanor,”saidLi-Kole,a departmentmanager.

“He is very knowledgeable, he has a doctorate, yet he’s very humble,” Li-Kole added “He is always willing to learn and put himself in an area where he may not be comfortable like leading and guiding the summerinterns.That’snothiscomfortzone, buthestillvolunteers.”

Tyrone Taborn, the founder publisher chairman and CEO of Career Communications Group, which sponsors the BEYA awards,saidatleasthalfadozenotherNSWC PHDemployeeshavereceivedBEYAssince 2020, and that the command is on his organization’sradarasanengineerhub

“This is a big deal,” Taborn said. “The awardisavalidationofhishardwork.It’snot about race It’s not because you are a male. If you get this award, you have competed againstsomeofthetoppeopleinournation.

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Denzel Bridges a Naval SurfaceWarfare Center Port Hueneme Division (NSWC PHD) combat systems reliabilityengineer won a BlackEngineeroftheYearAward (BEYA) as a Modern-Day TechnologyLeaderforhis leadership and technical and analytical skills during the COVID-19 pandemic.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOPROVIDEDBYDENZELBRIDGES/RELEASED)

NSWCPD’s Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program Fall Engagement Program participants provide virtual presentations

TheNavalSurfaceWarfareCenter PhiladelphiaDivision(NSWCPD)hostedaseries of virtual presentations from the Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP) Fall Engagement Program (NFE) onDec 15,2022.

The 50+ virtual participants observed four intriguing student presentations with research ranging from the evaluation of electrochemical catalysts for submarine applications, energy storage research, diagnostics for ship service diesel generator engines high energy thermal management systemdesign/thermalenergystorageand SeaGlideprogramdevelopment.

The NFE program offered students who applied for the NREIP but did not intern over summer 2022 at a Department of the Navy laboratory, an opportunity to participate in the program during the fall under thementorshipofNSWCPDengineersand scientists The program enabled participation from academically talented college students, graduating seniors, and graduate students pursuing Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) careers the chance to learn about naval researchandtechnology

The NFE program gives students an opportunity to do a short-term duration project similar to a class project in an area of research that aligns with NSWCPD’s mission. “Successful projects really depend on a combination of mentor and student engagement. The most successful projects havementorslayingoutabaseoffundamentalknowledgewheremotivatedstudentscan effectively organize and work as a team to builduponthatbaseandproducesomething special, said NSWCPD STEM Outreach ProgramManagerTristanWolfe.

“Thisyear’sprogramincluded23students from 21 different universities from across the country from 11 different science and engineering majors The projects that the students complete are often multi-disciplinary, pushing students to really learn and adopt concepts in systems engineeringthattheymaynottypicallydiveintoina school setting Systems engineering is such a fundamentally important concept to the workwedoatNSWCPDanditissomething most engineers have to learn on-the-job Theopportunityforstudentstolearnthose conceptsinpracticeearlycanbevaluableto futurecareergrowth,”saidWolfe

The NREIP Fall Engagement students workedonteamssuchasthe:

„ Increased Thermal Loads & Thermal Energy Storage Introduction Impacts on MachineryControlSystemsTeam

„ Diagnostics for Ship Service Diesel Generator(SSDG)/MainPropulsionDiesel Engine(MPDE)Team

„ Evaluation of Electrochemical Catalysts (Electro-catalysts) for Submarine ApplicationsTeam

„ SeaGlideProgramDevelopmentTeam.

From a timeline perspective though students only spent 40 hours engaged in research activities, they received mentorships from many NSWCPD departments and divisions The presentations represented a detailed analysis of their respectivesubjects

“Because the program participants are so geographically spread out and from so many different schools the program has to manage to engage students across multiple time zones and manage some very differ-

ent school schedules Relying on asynchronous engagement, recordings, and digital tools becomes important in this program; thisreallymimicswhatitcanbeliketowork in the world today,” said Wolfe adding “It is challenging and I think we’re probably buildingskillsbeyondthetechnicalscience and engineering concepts I think the program is inadvertently building up “digital soft skills” for both our mentors and our interns.Conceptslikecommunication,problem solving, and collaboration in a digital environmentbecomeacentralfocalpointof thisprogrambecauseofthestructure.These areskillsthatwehavetobuildupasasociety if we’re going to be effective in a post-pandemicworld.

“ParticipatingintheFallNREIPEngagement program was a very satisfying learning experience that I am grateful to have had,”saidAngelMartinez-aSenioratNew YorkUniversitymajoringinMechanicaland Aerospace Engineering “In onesemester I was able to learn in depth concepts about the functionality and mechanics of a diesel engine, and was able to gain great experience in Matlab and Simulink, which I have hadverylittleexperiencewithbeforehand. Workingwithandgettingtoknowmyfellow teammateswasalsoagreatexperience.”

MartinezpreviouslyinternedatRaytheon TechnologiesattheJurisdictionandClassificationAssessment(JCA)CenterofExcellence (COE) as a Mechanical Engineering Internfortwosummersbeforeparticipating in the NFE program. Here, his experience enabled him to gain technical knowledge and prepared him for the concepts he would be learning about and modeling in theNREIPprogram.

“I feel that those two summers of interning along with my experience with the NREIP have fully opened the opportunity for me to have an exciting career in the defense industry I am hopeful to keep pursuing knowledge and growth in this excitingindustry,”Martinezsaid.

MartinezparticipatedontheDiagnostics for Ship Service Diesel Generator (SSDG)/ Main Propulsion Diesel Engine (MPDE) Team,mentoredbyNSWCPD’sJohnRipple “In the fall engagement alone I learned about the mechanics and fundamentals of the different working systems in a diesel engine I specifically focused on the piston and crankshaft subsystem, learning about how total engine work output varies with changinginputparameters,”Martinezsaid

“The NREIP Fall Engagement Program isanamazingopportunityforthoselooking toexploreacareerwiththeNSWCPD Iwas abletolearnmoreabouttheworkdonehere, and how technical knowledge really develops with the help of your teammates and mentors I am confident that the connectionsImadeduringmytimeherewillprove to be fruitful for the future, as I really got to work with and develop friendships with the people on my team I feel it’s a valuable experience for anyone chosen to participate,”Martinezsaid.

Brian Molina-Diaz is a senior Chemical Engineering student at the University of PuertoRicoMayaguez.Molina-DiazparticipatedontheEvaluationofElectrochemical Catalysts(Electro-catalysts)forSubmarine Applications Team. He said, “Being able to workwithaninterdisciplinaryteamwaskey for my professional and academic development. During the program, I learned about theElectrochemicalPromotionofCatalysts (EPOC), a possible method for improving catalyst performance to remove airborne


Program (NFE) student Brian Molina-Diaz a seniorChemical Engineering student at the Universityof Puerto Rico Mayaguezdesigned a schematic detailing the Electrochemical Promotion of Catalysts (EPOC),a possible method forimproving catalyst performance to remove airborne contaminants in submarines.Students presented theirNREIPfinal projects at the Naval SurfaceWarfare Center Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) in earlyDecember2022 (COURTESY OFBRIANMOLINA-DIAZ)

Naval Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP) Fall Engagement Program (NFE) student Angel Martinez- a Seniorat NewYorkUniversitymajoring in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering participated on the Diagnostics forShip Service Diesel Generator (SSDG)/Main Propulsion Diesel Engine (MPDE)Team.He designed a model ofa diesel engine, specificallyfocused on the piston and crankshaft subsystem,learning about howtotal engineworkoutputvarieswith changing input parameters Students presented theirNREIP final projects at the Naval SurfaceWarfare Center,Philadelphia Division (NSWCPD) in early December2022 (COURTESYOFANGELMARTINEZ)


“My professional goal is to apply chemical engineering fundamentals (transport phenomena) in opportunities related to National Security This program put me a stepforwardtowardmygoal;italsoallowed me to work with Navy faculty and students aroundthecountry,saidMolina-Diaz.”

Encouraging other students to consider the program, he said, “The NREIP Fall Engagement is a well-distributed program, which makes it suitable to be completed during the semester I encourage students from underrepresented communities like me to apply for this opportunity and get exposed to the cutting-edge technology of theDepartmentofDefense(DoD).”

NREIP is a competitive program with over 800 placements in 47 laboratories around the country in which many participants go on to careers within DoD Interns

are selected based upon academic achievement, personal statements, recommendations,andcareerandresearchinterests

“As always, the quality of some of these projects was fantastic and I always walk away from these final presentations having learnedalot,”Wolfesaid.

Formoreinformationabouttheseprojects or mentorships, contact tristan.m.wolfe2. civ@us.navy.mil

NSWCPD employs approximately 2,800 civilian engineers, scientists, technicians, and support personnel. The NSWCPD team does the research and development, test and evaluation, acquisition support, and in-service and logistics engineering for the non-nuclear machinery, ship machinery systems, and related equipment and materialforNavysurfaceshipsandsubmarines NSWCPDisalsotheleadorganization providingcybersecurityforallshipsystems.

Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division’s African American Employee Resource Group (AAERG) hosts “Black History Month Jeopardy!” event

Naval Surface Warfare Center Philadelphia Division

In honor of Black History Month, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Philadelphia Division’sAfricanAmericanEmployeeResource Group (AAERG) hosted “Black History Month Jeopardy!” for NSWCPD personnel onFeb8,2023

“We know about the traditional famous figures whom everyone is taught about in school, but do we explore beyond the information we are presented? I’m looking forward to this event because it gives meachancetolearnsomethingnewtoday, NSWCPD Special Emphasis Program ManagerEdwinRosasaidashehelpedkick offthegame

Theeventconsistedofaslightlyadjusted version of the standard Jeopardy! game show format that has existed since its television debut in 1964. This take entailed two teamsofNSWCPDpersonnelansweringone round of trivia questions on African American history ranging from 100 to 500 points in five different categories such as “Black History Month Sports” and “Black Inventors.”

Some of the featured questions asked were, “This book and movie profiled four women whose work as mathematicians played an important role in the U.S. space program, and“In1997 hewasthefirstAfricanAmericanprofessionalgolfertowinthe Masters Golf Tournament,” with “What is Hidden Figures?” and “Who is Tiger Woods?”beingtheanswersrespectively

“I started working at NSWCPD in 2016 andIwasontheboardoftheAAERGpretty muchsinceIwasbroughton,somyinvolvement with the AAERG was well documented. So I was approached, and they said ‘hey we love your energy and everything, would you mind doing the Jeopardy! event?’ ” NSWCPD Mechanical Engineer and the host for the Black History Month Jeopardyevent,JabrilMuhammadsaid.

Muhammad added, “I didn’t mind so I said,‘letmegetinmyAlexTrebekmindset’ andIreallyenjoyedit.”

Muhammad’s energetic personality shined in the game show host role, and he made sure the event continued running smoothlyasitwaswellreceivedbyboththe




enthusiastic participants and the engaged audience. Whispers of audience members playing along could be heard with every questionthroughoutthecrowd

“We wanted a kick-off event for Black History Month that would be exciting and fun for the NAVSEA community to get

involved with. We thought this would be an interactive event that everyone would participate in, whether you were sitting on a team or if you were silently participating anyonecouldparticipate So,that’showthis Jeopardy!eventcameintomind,”NSWCPD ChemistJasmineRichardsonsaid.

She continued, “It [the event] turned out waybetterthanweimagined Wehadgreat participation and energy in the room, and a lot of support joining in on [Microsoft] teams I’m glad that everyone enjoyed the event and enjoyed the questions that were posed.

NSWCPD Technical Director Nigel C. Thijscontinuedthesenseofinformativefun intheevent’sclosingremarkswhileadvancing the discussion on looking deeper into African Americans’ contributions to buildingAmerica

“That was a lot of fun. It was great to see the teams come out to have some nice, healthy competition, and to learn a lot of factsaboutAfricanAmericanswhocontributedtoourcountry’ssuccess…Thosestories arenotalwaystold,soitwasimportanttosee andberefreshedofsomeofthenameshere… It’s really important to review our history and realize that Americans from all backgroundshelpedbuildthisCountryintowhat itistoday,”Thijssaid.

Highlightsfromthe“BlackHistoryMonth Jeopardy!”eventcanbefoundatthefollowing link https://www.instagram.com/reel/ CofoPOYgM9W/.

NSWCPDemploysapproximately2,800 civilian engineers, scientists, technicians, and support personnel. The NSWCPD team does the research and development, test and evaluation, acquisition support, and in-service and logistics engineering for the non-nuclear machinery, ship machinery systems and related equipment and material for Navy surface ships and submarines NSWCPD is also the lead organization providing cybersecurity for all ship systems

Research Enterprise Internship Program (NREIP) Fall Engagement Naval SurfaceWarfare Center Philadelphia Division Mechanical EngineerJabril Muhammad acts as host forthe NSWCPDAfricanAmerican Employee Group’s HistoryMonthJeopardy!”event on Feb 8,2023 RELEASED)
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 2, 2023

for transgender rights with U.S. Senators



VIRGINIA BEACH, Va On June 8, 2022, a cohort of 23 service members from both active duty and reserve components, of enlisted personnel and officers, spoke with elected officials in Washington D.C. about the National Defense Authorization Act and advocacy efforts in support of the Truman Amendment.

“Harry Truman Amendment,” if approved,wouldprotectallservicemember by making the Department of Defense’s non-discrimination policy into law. This potential amendment would ensure legal protectionsforservicemembersregardless ofrace,religion,sex(includingpregnancy), sexual orientation, and gender identity

Electronics Technician 3rd Class Zoe Rose currently serving as a staff member atInformationWarfareTrainingCommand (IWTC) Virginia Beach, was one of the 23 service members in attendance

All23weremembersofSPARTA,agroup oftransgender,non-binaryandgender-nonconforming people, currently serving, or whohaveservedintheUnitedStatesarmed forces The mission of SPARTA is to advocate for inclusive military policy provide peer support, and develop transgender military service educational resources on behalf of currently serving transgender military members

While in D.C., Rose had the opportunitytospeakwithfoursenatorsaspartofa small group discussion during which they sharedpersonalstoriesanddiscussedvariousbarrierstoaccesstocare.Thesenators that she met with were Michigan Senator Gary Peters North Carolina Senator Thom Tillis, Maine Senator Angus King, and Nevada Senator Jacky Rosen.

During the meeting, Rose shared her personal story Rose joined the Navy in December2019,whenshewas20yearsold InMay2020,shedecidedtobeginhertransition. In order to make this happen there were many separate steps that she had to accomplish, including receiving a gender dysphoria diagnosis requesting permission from her commanding officer to start hormonereplacementtherapy,andreceiving an exception to policy


VirginiaBeach,RosesaidthatCmdr James Brennan, former commanding officer of IWTCVirginiaBeach,andnowthecurrent commandingofficer Cmdr JohnCopeland, havebeenverysupportive,andwerealways quicktoprovideappropriateaccommodating action on her behalf

In September, Rose received a personal

letter signed from President Joe Biden, thanking her, and expressing support and encouragement.IntheletterPresidentBiden wrote, “If we look ahead in our uniquely American way restless, bold, and optimistic andsetoursightsontheNationwe knowwecanbe,wewillmeetthismoment.I lookforwardtowritingthenextgreatchapteroftheAmericanstorywithyou.

Rose continues her advocacy, outreach, and educational efforts Most recently, she participated in a military keynote panel,

hostedbyU.S.CoastGuard’sSectorVirginia Leadership Diversity Advisory Council in Portsmouth, Va., to represent transgender service members “ET3RoseisagreatSailorandatalented electronicstechnician Shementoredmeon the sometimes complicated and confusing guidance associated with her accomplishing her goals and completing her journey,” saidCopeland.“Iamfullysupportiveofher efforts SheisafantasticSailorthatweneed to get back out to sea.”

IWTCVB currently offers 69 courses of instruction in information technology, cryptology, and intelligence with an instructor and support staff of over 280 military, civilian, and contract members whotrainover6,300studentsyearlyatfive trainingsites Itisoneoffourschoolhouses for the Center for Information Warfare Training (CIWT) and also oversees learning sites at Fort Huachuca, Arizona; Jacksonville and Mayport, Fla.; Kings Bay, Ga.; and Groton, Conn

ElectronicsTechnician 3rd Class Zoe Rose,currently serving as a staffmember at InformationWarfare Training Command (IWTC) Virginia Beach,was one of 23 service members from both active dutyand reserve components,ofenlisted personnel and officers who spokewith elected officials inWashington D.C about the National Defense AuthorizationAct and advocacyefforts in support oftheTrumanAmendment June 8,2022 (COURTESY PHOTO) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, March 2, 2023 5 OFFER VALID UNTIL 3/26/23 Free Install all shower &bath projects $99 AMONTH Payments as lowas SHOWER AND BATH REMODELING AVAILABLE WITH LOW MONTHLYPAYMENTS OUR STRESS-FREE PROCESS DESIGNED FOR YOU From start to finish, we provide customers with a quick and easy bathroom remodeling experience. Simply meet with one of ourdesign consultants, view our styles and options, design your new shower or bath, and receive an exact quote. Afterwards, our in-house installers will remove your old unit, get your new project installed in as little as 1day and your home cleaned up before they leave. 4.8 COMPANY AVERAGE OUT OF 16,000+GOOGLE REVIEWS (Company reviews across all branchesasof11/29/2022) EVENING&WEEKEND APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE! CALL NOW TO STARTYOURPROJECT 757-280-2257 *Financing available to well qualified buyers on approved credit at an APR of 6.99% for 180 months, with an estimated monthly payment of 0.89% of your purchase amount. For example, for $11,000 financed, the payment will be 180 payments of $99 paid monthly.You may prepay your account at any time without penalty.Money down may be required. Financing is subject to credit requirements and satisfactory completion of finance documents. Any finance terms advertised are estimates only.Normal late charges apply.See your Truth in Lending Disclosures for more information. Call 866-393-4573 for financing costs and terms. Minimum purchase $9,999 required. See design consultant for details. Other restrictions may apply.**Free install is equal to 20% offthe total project price. New orders only.Offer not valid on previous sales or estimates and cannot be combined with other offers. Offer expires 3/26/23. CALL TODAYOFFER ENDS SOON
IWTC Virginia Beach instructor advocates

MIDLANT employee selected as NAVFAC Architect, Landscape Architect, and Interior Designer of the Year for 2023

FromNavalFacilitiesEngineering SystemsCommandMid-Atlantic

NORFOLK Va Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) recently announced Geoff Malia, R.A. as their selection as the NAVFAC Architect, Landscape Architect, and Interior Designer of the Year for 2023

“Please join me in congratulating Geoff Malia from NAVFAC Mid-Atlantic on his selection as the 2023 NAVFAC Architect, Landscape Architect, and Interior Designer (ALAID) of the Year,” said NAVFAC Commander/Chief of Engineers Rear Adm. Dean VanderLey “Being an engineering command, the importance of architecture, landscape architecture, and interior design in the delivery of our projects and facilities can sometimes easily go overlooked and be underappreciated. That is why I am extremely proud to be the inaugural presenter of this new annual award!”

Malia, who is now serving as the Deputy Public Works Officer at Public Works Department (PWD) Great Lakes, Illinois, served as the project manager and engineering branch head there, leading a team that conducted $80 million of design, construction, and facilities management work across six states. In 2022, he managed NAVFAC MIDLANT’s largest structural inspection program, conducting many inspections in-house and completing them ahead of schedule

He also lent his expertise to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers during the COVID-19 pandemic, managing projects to create fieldhospitalsand beds forpatientswithin an expedited delivery timeframe

Malia was first selected as the NAVFAC MIDLANT (Echelon IV) ALAID of the Year for 2023 late last year before going on to compete for this higher-level award. All nominees were evaluated in the areas of achievements in their respective field, civic and humanitarian activities, professional registration, continuing education, awardsandhonors,andprofessional/technical society involvement.

“This award speaks volumes to Geoff’s

expertise and helps shine a light on the great contributions he makes every day at NAVFAC MIDLANT and within the Design and Construction community at-large,” said NAVFAC MIDLANT Commanding Officer Capt. Matt Riethmiller “He was chosen from an impressive list of qualified candidates, and I’m honored to join Rear Adm. VanderLey in saying ‘Congratulations’ on his selection.

I look forward to more great contributions from Geoff and our Great Lakes Public Works team.”

Malia, who was born in Toledo Ohio andcurrentlyresidesinArlingtonHeights Illinois holds a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, and a Master of Architecture from the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, Illinois His parents, Steve and Mary Malia, live in Maumee, Ohio

“I’m ecstatic this award was created for the technical communities Never would I have expected to be selected, let alone the first recipient, but I’m incredibly humbled, said Malia, who came to work for NAVFAC MIDLANT at PWD Great Lakes in 2012 “This award is the result of a number of incredible teams leaning forward to execute amazing work, and I could not be prouder of their efforts I continue to be impressed by the level of dedication can-do spirit, and technical competency of our people.”

NAVFAC MIDLANT provides facilities engineering, public works and environmental products and services across an area of responsibility that spans from South Carolina to Maine, and as far west as Michigan, and down to Indiana. As an integral member of the Commander, Navy Region Mid-Atlantic team, NAVFAC MIDLANT provides leadership through the Regional Engineer organization to ensure the region’s facilities and infrastructure are managed efficiently and effectively For additional information about NAVFAC MIDLANT on social media, follow our activities on Facebook at www facebook.com/navfacmidatlantic and on Instagram @navfacmidatlantic.

GREATLAKES,Ill.(Feb 2,2023) Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command (NAVFAC) recentlyannounced NAVFAC

Mid-Atlantic employee GeoffMalia,R.A.,as theirselection as NAVFACArchitect,LandscapeArchitect,and InteriorDesigneroftheYearfor2023 Malia currentlyserves as DeputyPublicWorks Officerat PublicWorks Department Great Lakes, Illinois.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST2NDCLASSBRIGITTE JOHNSTON/RELEASED) YOUR PERFECT JOB IS WAITING careers.tribpub.com Downloadourapp DiscoverThe Virginian-Pilot app and enjoycurated articles on every topic –frompolitics to sports to food and dining. Youcan also receivebreaking news alerts and save stories to read at your convenience. To followthe news thatmatters to you, downloadour free app now. It’seasytoaccessaward-winning news on your phone: 1. Openthe cameraonyour smartphone or tablet (some devicesnot compatible) 2. Point your camera at the QR code 3. Taponthe banneronyour screen 4. Download the app OR QUICKLYSEARCH FOROUR APP 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 2, 2023 THOSEWHOSERVECOULD SAVEMORE WITHASPECIAL MILITARYDISCOUNT 109 Volvo Parkway Chesapeake 757-549-1772 Some discounts, coverages, payment plans and features are not available in all states, in all GEICO companies, or in all situations. GEICO is aregistered service mark of Government Employees Insurance Company,Washington, DC 20076a BerkshireHathaway Inc. subsidiary. ©2020 GEICO.20_549328606

Destroyer Squadron

Two holds change of command

Carrier Strike Group 12

NORFOLK Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 2 held a change of command ceremony aboard the aircraft carrier USS GeraldR.Ford(CVN78)onFeb.17

In ceremony, DESRON 2 bid farewell to Capt.StefanWalchandwelcomedCapt.Mac Harkinasthe78thDESRON2Commodore.

“It has been my honor to serve with the Greyhounds of DESRON 2, as one of the Navy’s oldest Destroyer Squadrons has embarked the Navy’s next generation Carrier.”saidWalch.“Wesupportedthefirst deployment of USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78), maritime homeland defense, Theater Anti-SubmarineWarfare,numerousSubmarine Commander’s Courses and overseas exercisesincludingJointWarriorandStrike Warrior Nowourcertificationshavebegun with Surface Warfare Advanced Tactical Training, Naval Undersea Warfare Tactical

TrainingCourseandcontinueddeployment workups The Greyhounds train for high end warfighting and the staff and squadron of ships continue to embody the motto of ‘SecondtoNone’

Walch assumed command of DESRON 2 inDecember2021.Whileincommandheled eightdestroyersthroughallphasesofreadiness,fromshipyardmaintenanceperiodsto operationsthroughouttheNorthAtlantic

During the ceremony Walch was presented with the Legion of Merit for exceptionallymeritoriousperformanceand serviceasCommodore Followingtheaward presentation, Walch and Harkin officially changedcommandbyreadingtheirorders.

Harkin fleeted-up from his position as Deputy Commodore, DESRON 2. His previous command assignments include Commanding Officer of ATG Norfolk, USS Bulkeley(DDG-84),PCCrewBravoonboard USS Tempest (PC-2) USS Sirocco (PC-6), andUSSHurricane(PC-3).

officerofDESRON 2,a going awaygift during a change ofcommand ceremonyheld aboard the first-inclass aircraft carrierUSS Gerald R.Ford (CVN 78),Feb.17 2023.Walch assumed command ofDESRON 2 in December2021 and led eight destroyers through all phases ofreadiness,from shipyard maintenance periods to operations throughout the NorthAtlantic.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTSEAMANGRACELYLES)
Capt.StefanWalch,Commodore ofDestroyerSquadron (DESRON) 2,the Legion ofMerit
a change ofcommand ceremonyaboard the first-in-class aircraft carrierUSS Gerald R. Ford (CVN 78),Feb.17 2023.Walch assumed command ofDESRON 2 in December2021 and led eight destroyers through all phases ofreadiness,from shipyard maintenance periods to operations throughout the NorthAtlantic. www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 1 | Thursday, March 2, 2023 7
StaffMembers ofDestroyerSquadron (DESRON) 2 present StefanWalch,commanding
RearAdm.GregoryC.Huffman,Commanding OfficerofCarrierStrike GroupTwelve,presents to
Listen to our top news stories for free. Tribune PublishingCompany Staying in the know is easy Each weekday,you’ll get the latest stories curated by our editors on your smart speaker or streaming service. Available on Amazon Echo, Apple Music, Google Home, Spotify and more. Start now at PlayOurNews.com 8 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 1 | Thursday, March 2, 2023


Baptism onboard USS Boxer USS Boxercelebrated one ofthe Navy’s oldest traditionswith a baptism in the ship’s uppervehicle deck.Sailors and guests joined Boatswains Mate 2nd Class StevenValdezand his familyforthe baptism ofValdez’s first child using the ship’s bell. PageB5

USS Zumwalt (DDG 1000) holds change of command ceremony

ByLt.j.g OttoLange

USS Zumwalt


Zumwalt (DDG 1000) held a change of command ceremony at Naval Base San Diego on February 17th, 2023. The ceremony marked the transfer of command from CAPT Amy M. McInnis to CAPT Matthew H. Hall, who became the ship’s 6thCommandingOfficer.

CAPT McInnis assumed command of DDG 1000 in November 2021 following the completion of a two-year tour as the Executive Officer. During CAPT McInnis’ command USS Zumwalt completed Basic Phase, SWATT, Aviation Certification, Command Tactical Qualification, inauguralDDG1000ClassINSURVSpecialTrials, and inaugural DDG 1000-class operations inSEVENTHFleetwithportvisitstoGuam

andJapan.CAPTSheaThompson,CommodoreofSurfaceDevelopmentSquadronOne (SURFDEVRON), stated “Amy exemplifies thekindoftenaciousleadershiprequiredto guideherteaminchallengingenvironments overcome first-in-class obstacles and ultimatelyachievehistoricsuccessinZumwalt’s maidenemployment.

Additionally,theshipconductedsoftware installation, system testing and integration, radar cross section testing, live-fire missile test event and integrated operations While in THIRD Fleet, the ship conducted port visits in Seal Beach and Hawaii. With her ZUMWALT chapter now closed, CAPT McInnislooksforwardtoservinginNorthern Virginia for Chief of Navy Personnel, supporting manpower, personnel, training andeducationplansfortheNavy

“Ithasbeenadistincthonorandprivilege toservealongsidethiscrew Iwitnessedthe

crew’s ability to overcome ever-evolving challenges, adapt to unique situations, and demonstrate their resiliency in the face of adversity.Iamhumbledbythetremendous professionalismandresilienceofeveryUSS Zumwalt sailor, and know the ship remains in good hands as it begins its next chapter,” saidCAPTAmyMcInnis CAPTMatthewH.HallisanativeofGlen Rock, New Jersey and has served as USS Zumwalt’s Executive Officer since October 2021. He earned his Bachelors in Economics from the US Naval Academy, as well as a Masters in Operations Research from the NavalPostgraduateSchool CAPTHallmost recently served as the Commanding Officer and Executive Officer of USS John Paul Jones (DDG 53). His previous operational tours include USS John A. Moore(FFG 19), USS Thorn (DD 988), USS Lassen (DDG 82),aswellasbeingforwarddeployedto5th

FleetwithDESRON50insupportofOperationsIraqiFreedomandEnduringFreedom. Commissioned in 2016, USS Zumwalt (DDG1000)isnamedinhonorofAdm.Elmo R.ZumwaltJr anativeofTulare,California and 1942 graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy. After serving as the Commander, U.S. Naval Forces in Vietnam, he was appointed as the 19th Chief of Naval Operations, the youngestadmiraltoholdtheposition.Adm. Zumwalt was known as a reformer whose Z-Gramsfundamentallychangedthefabric of the Navy Adm. Zumwalt is credit with creating military career opportunities for women and minorities establishing the Ombudsmanprogram,aswellasimproving the quality-of-life for Navy sailors Many of hisprogramsremainineffecttothisday.

USS Barry departs 7th Fleet and Japan after six years of forward-deployed service


Commander Task Force 71/Destroyer Squadron 15

YOKOSUKA, Japan USS Barry (DDG 52) departed Commander, Fleet Activities Yokosuka, Japan Feb. 17, as part of a scheduled homeport shift following six years of serviceforward-deployedtoU.S.7thFleet

Barry operated in the Indo-Pacific while assigned to Commander, Task Force (CTF) 71/Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 15 the Navy’s largest forward-deployed DESRON andthe7thFleet’sprincipalsurfaceforce

“Barryandhercrewstoodthewatchinthe WesternPacificfornearlysevenyears,”said Capt Walt Mainor, commodore, CTF 71/ DESRON 15 “She leaves with an incredible legacy of being the Navy’s oldest destroyer whostillaccomplishedthemission.Sheheld thelineandprovidedincrediblefirepowerto ourteamwithoutfail.Wewillmissthefight anddeterminationoftheBarryBulldogs,but lookforwardtoseeingherprovidethatsame fire power to her new squadron-mates in DESRON31.”

The Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerwillmovetoEverett,Washington wheretheshipwillundergoroutinemaintenance,joiningtheU.S.3rdFleet Barrywill be part of the Ke Koa O Ke Kai of DESRON 31 after her transit across the International DateLine BarryarrivedinYokosukain2016 and successfully participated in numerous multilateral maritime exercises such as MALABAR, Maritime Counter Special

YOKOSUKA Japan (Feb 17 2023) TheArleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyerUSS Barry(DDG 52) departs CommanderFleetActivitiesYokosuka (CFAY)while shifting its homeport to Naval Station Everett,Washington,and bringing an end to nearlysevenyears offorward-deployed time in U.S.7th Fleet Barrywas assigned toTaskForce 71/Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 15,the Navy’s largest forward-deployed DESRON and U.S.7th Fleet’s principal surface force.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYLT J.G.EMILIOMACKIE)

OperationsExercise(MCSOFEX),Bilateral AdvancedWarfareTraining(BAWT),workingalongsideAlliesandpartnersfromJapan, SouthKorea,India,Australia,NewZealand, Singapore, Great Britain, and the Philippines,toensureafreeandopenIndo-Pacific.

Barry’s performance during Integrated Ship and Air Team Training (ISATT), SurfaceWarfareAdvancedTacticalTraining

(SWATT), and presence and Carrier Strike GroupOperationswithUSSRonaldReagan (CVN 76), resulted in Barry’s receipt of the Meritorious Unit Commendation Award during the COVID-19 pandemic while assigned to Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 5 duringthe2020deployment.

Barry’s list of accolades continues, as she wasthefirstshiptobeawardedtheSpokane

TrophyandtheBattenbergcupin2020,the BattleEfficiency“BattleE”,theUnitTactics Award, and Bloodhound Anti-Submarine Warfareawardin2021 “Theshipandcrewgotthejobdone Barry isleavingthe7thFleetfamilyonahighnote.” said Cmdr Grant Bryan, commanding officer,USSBarry.“OurfamilieswillmissJapan, and our Sailors will miss sailing alongside ournation’sstrongestAllies.”

While assigned to CTF 71, USS Barry participated in seven Allied and coalition exercises, 12 foreign port visits, and sailed nearly3.8millionmilesacrossthePacific “There’snothingquitelikeservingalongside so many friends and partners in such a dynamic region of the world,” said Bryan. “Only 7th Fleet can provide the unique and unforgettableexperiencestoourSailorsthat theywillcarrywiththemfortherestoftheir careers.”

Boatswains Mate 3rd Class Jonathan PerezbaezhasservedonboardBarryforfive ofthesixyearsinJapan,andsaid,“Thisship hasbeenthroughalot,buteverysinglechallenge we met them head-on and we came out on top. Attitude reflects leadership, and everyoneofusonboardknowsthatourteam isthegreatestofalltime.”

7th Fleet is the U.S. Navy’s largest forward-deployed numbered fleet, and routinely interacts and operates with Allies and partners in preserving a free and open Indo-Pacificregion

SAN DIEGO Ca.– Capt.MatthewHall relieved Capt.AmyMcInnis as Commanding OfficerofUSS Zumwalt
(DDG-1000) at Naval Base San Diego,February17th.(PHOTOBYLT.J.G
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, March 2, 2023 1

Rear Admiral Studeman delivers remarks at AFCEA West outlining China challenges


On February 15 Commander of the Office of Naval Intelligence and Director of the National Maritime Intelligence-Integration Office, Rear Adm. Mike Studeman, spoke at AFCEA West 2023 in San Diego. Below are his remarks as prepared. His speech, “An Intelligence Officer’s Perspective on China,” canalsobeviewedonlinehere:https://www. youtube.com/watch?v=hVfIrfHH4g4

Goodafternoon,I’mhonoredtotalkabout something that’s on all of our minds I’d like totalkaboutthreemainissues:thetroubleof seeing China, America’s information instrument, and Taiwan, because that’s where all roadsultimatelylead.

I’ve been the ONI Commander for six months, and I’ve also just come fresh off of six years of operating in the joint community through three combatant commands— CYBERCOMastheJointIntelligenceCenter Commander and then a double J2, first at SOUTHCOM, where there is a China problem,bytheway,andalsoinINDOPACOMfor mylastthreeyears.

I started studying the China problem in 1995 with a Masters from the Naval Postgraduate School in Asia Regional Affairs I learned Mandarin Chinese from the Defense Language Institute Almost every job that I’ve had, no matter what it was focused on, involved some kind of China element,soI’vebeenlookingattheproblem for almost 30 years

The 911 Commission over twenty years ago issued recommendations for the Intelligence Community Two of the main ones were that we were failing to use our imagination and that we weren’t connecting the dots IfIdoanythingtodayit’stoenlargethe imagination and maybe connect a few dots, because the China challenge is a significant one and it’s the number one challenge to the nation for a reason. I’m going to speak truth, I’m going to be very forthright. In the intelligence business, we have a responsibility to provideasenseofwhatthedangersaretoU.S nationalsecurity totheAmericanpeople and weneedtoprovideclaritywhenwetalkabout those dangers We also need to enable optimal action, to do something about the information we have We can’t just be omniscient spectators

The China Problem More Gigantic than Understood or Appreciated

I’m going to be very honest with you: it’s very unsettling to see how much the U.S. is not connecting the dots on our number one challenge, even though the National SecurityandDefenseStrategiescallChinaout.It’s disturbing how ill-informed and naive the averageAmericanisonChina.Ichalkthisup to a China blindness We face a knowledge crisisandaChinablindnessproblemandthe reasonsareprettyclear

Firstofall,China’sprettygoodaboutflying under the radar It uses time in a very adept way. It is very good at creeping its way to its objectives This incrementalism doesn’t alert you like something fast, red, and blinking going across your sight line It’s the slow moving other thing that doesn’t get your attention The whole intent if you’re on the Chinese side is to avoid alerting the existing hegemon to the rising hegemon’s intentions,plans,andcapabilities.Whatyoudon’t want to do as the rising power is to alert the big guy on the block. What you want to do is makeyourselflooklikeyou’renotsomuchof athreatandyouwanttoday’shegemontobe very, very complacent about what’s happening This approach is akin to the boiling the frog syndrome and that’s what we’re seeing inplaytoday

It’s also true that Chinese are very good at engineeringaveneerofresponsibilityregarding all of their actions. The machinery they employintheinformationspaceisincredible and it’s very good at downplaying the China threat by showing a rosy form of its history and painting China’s rise as peaceful. That informationspinisfedthroughthefrontends oftheConfuciusInstitutes asoneexampleof their many dissemination channels Beijing uses a very selective form of Chinese history designed to show peacefulness within the Chinese DNA, even though they have one of the bloodiest histories and have engaged in Machiavellian realpolitik for almost all of theirhistory

TheotherissueinplayisthattheNational Security Community is highly distracted

We are divided regarding where as a nation we should spend our energy, which is finite. When you have to deal with ground campaigns, when you’re dealing with an Iraq, an Afghanistan, a Syria, and now Ukraine, that’s going to take up a significant portion of your executive bandwidth That’s another reason why we aren’t able to focus persistentlyandwellonChinamatters.

Thenthere’sthebasicissuethattheChina problemissomassive.Mostpeopledon’thave aframeworktounderstanditinallitsproportions It’sliketheblindmanandtheelephant metaphor where you’re feeling the tail and you say that’s a rope, you feel the leg and it’s a tree, the side it’s a wall, the tusk is a spear, the trunk is a snake. Everybody has their own sense of what they’re seeing We have a myopia problem and the lenses are different dependingonwhoyoutalkto

Some examples: If you go to the business community they’ll be very focused on the access to the China market—the profit that can be made in a large foreign population. They’re worried about manufacturing centers,they’reworriedabouttrade,andthey haveaverybiglobby.

Other Americans and other international Chinawatchersfocusonhumanrights They talkabouttheXinjiangproblemofrepression andtheideaofgenocidethroughsterilization andamillionUyghurs,detentioncamps,and re-educationsystems.

If you’re in the political science commu-

nity, you’re look at the rise of authoritarian governments and “wither democracies?”

Those experts worry about authoritarianism becoming a more attractive model for governance They study the ability of liberal democracies to perform, the nature of comprehensive power in the modern age, andhowthatpowerisusedbystrongnations.

If you’re in the data or the privacy business,youpayattentiontoHuaweiandZTE, maybeevenTikTok.Youseeabigdataproblem, and worry about access and manipulation of that data.

Thenthere’stheintellectualpropertytheft issue IP theft valued at 200 to 300 billion dollars a year continues to be stolen from America by the Chinese Beijing has been doing this for years, which translates to trillions of dollars of our intellectual property that is being used to fuel the fastest modernization, virtually, that we’ve seen in history with regard to the rise of the PLA and other ways that the Chinese are attaining a technological edge This is done on your backs ourbacks.

OthersthatmaybeconcernedaboutChina focus on rare earth minerals, monopolies where the Chinese will have supply chain grip on minerals we need for our economy andmilitary.

If you go to the Department of Homeland Security, you’re going to hear about their concernaboutcyberpenetrationintothecriticalinfrastructureoftheUnitedStates,where the China could hold us at risk, whether it’s energy,water,transportation,whatever

IfyougointotheFBI,they’lltalkaboutthe Chinese successes in penetrating academia andourlaboratories Swimmingupstreamso theycangetintoourR&Dbase—anotherway thattheystealtechnologicalinsights

IfyougoforwardintheIndo-Pacific,issues of concern will orient on South China Sea coercion - lasing water hosing ramming radiointimidation,heavypatrolling,ormaritime militia “cabbage patching in clusters aroundassetsofotherclaimants Chinadoes thosethings,ideallyquietly,beyondthesight lineoftheinternationalcommunity,butit’sa persistent problem for Southeast Asian rim nations

AnotherlensthatsomeAmericansmaysee Chinathroughisthe“lawfare”(legalwarfare) one Concerns about how the Chinese are slowly,steadily,dripbydrip,tryingtochange the basic elements or the understanding of what international law calls for, attempting to transform it with very active lawfare measures

Some Americans, very few I suspect, may knowabouttheUnitedFrontWorkersParty’s political work, how the Chinese export propaganda and use information controls to advancetheirobjectivesinforeigncountries. Or use weaponized corruption to capture politicalandbusinesselites,leftandright,so theycanexpandtheirinfluenceglobally

ThenthereareAdmiralPaparo’sconcerns in the Pacific Fleet, where he pointed out China’sunsafe,riskybehaviorsintheairand at sea Westandat aseriouscrisispointwith the amount of risk the Chinese are taking to push us away even from the international commons as we try to monitor China’s rapid military modernization and their associated coercive activities in the region. We are potentially very close to another Lieutenant CommanderWangWeiinApril2001,getting too close to an EP3, harassing to the point whereultimatelyamishapoccurred.

In all of the above I didn’t say one thing about Taiwan yet, did I? So the China problemisnotallaboutTaiwan Itismuchbigger thanthatandfranklyit’sverydifficulttohave aconversation,whatIjustlaidout,aboutthe genuinescopeoftheChinaproblem.Wemust all possess a greater appreciation for how all these things are connected—it’s almost mind-blowinghowbigtheChinaproblemis.

China Views and Objectives

Now let’s talk about China’s views and overarching goals China sees the United States as the number one enemy and calls us out as such, particular in their domestic environment. They don’t beat around the bushandtheyhavebeensayingthisforquite some time Worth rewinding 34 years when China’s leaders took a look at Tiananmen in 1989andsaid“thatcanneverhappenagain. Party leaders viewed the attractive power of democracy and freedom as the root cause of the protests and considered it an existential threattotheCCP.Asaresult,China’sleaders revamped China’s education system Young Chinese today continue to be fed a form of revisionist history with regard to America, with the main theme that America has been an enemy of the China state for hundreds of years and a destructive force in internationalaffairs Youwon’tgettheFlyingTigers helpingtosavetheminWorldWarIIagainst Japan. You won’t get the amount of help we gavethem,includingtrade,financialsupport, and weapons, after Deng Xiaoping opened upChina.WecontinuetobeChina’snumber oneenemyandweareregularlydemonized.

China continues to be engaged in a whole of society effort to execute their grand strategywhichistoachievethedream.TheChina dream is rejuvenation by 2049 Xi Jinping intends to do as much to achieve that dream during his tenure, because he believes in its righteousnessandhispotentialtobecomethe greatestmodernleaderofChina,evengreater thanMao.

China’sstrategyistobecomethestrongest pollinamulti-polarworld.Theyhaveavision of reclaiming their place atop the hierarchy of states, where big states do what they can and small states suffer what they must. It’s MelianDialoguealloveragain TheyinstinctivelywanttoreturntothedaysoftheMiddle Kingdom,wheretheywerecenterstage.The Chinese feel like it’s a historical anomaly in the last 200 years that China hasn’t been the indispensablepower.

China thinks that if they lead the world community that there’ll be a more stable system. They intend to elevate the stature of authoritarian governments, and legitimize not just their governance model, but ensure thelong-termsafetyandsecurityoftheCCP

China’s grand strategy involves building hard power, soft power, and sharp power to reduce the relative power of the world’s hegemon - that’s us - who they think is failing They think America is dangerous they thinkwedothingsthatproducechaos They thinkourhandwasbehindeveryColorRevolution,upheavalsinthenameoffreedomthat resulted in disasters for a number of countries. To the Chinese, America’s policies and actions haven’t translated into peace and security,butinstabilityandhumansuffering

China also thinks we’ve been the standard bearer for liberal democracies but can’t deliver solutions for the modern age. They don’t think that democracies are efficient,theythinkthey’reineffective,andthey think we can’t get rid of poor leaders easily enough.Theybelieveliberaldemocraticsocieties indulge in excessive individualism and allowtoomuchspecialinterestinfluencethat interfereswithadvancingthecommongood. (Ithinkwecanadmit,there’sakerneloftruth inthesecriticisms.)

The recent lower GDP of the PRC and the graying of the population, the declining demographics, are not going to change the CCP’s views or goals And their latest charm offensiveisnothingmorethanatacticasthey takecareofsetbacksthey’vefaced.

To distill the root of concern about China: history tells us that a messianic leader with centralized control in charge of a totalitarian society harboring grievances with a lot ofhardpowerattheirdisposal,withanambition to change the international system to theirpreferences,representsoneofthemost dangeroustrendsingeopolitics.

So dealing with these realities require our very best effort. We need to have more conversations with the country about these challenges at all levels including at the very highest levels We need to truly understand the problem, diagnose it right, and then figure out the best way to mobilize our society to deal with this Arguably this is a tougher problem than what we faced against the Soviet Union in the Cold War, because the Chinese are far more economically powerful and interdependently tied into the global economy

We need to have conversations with the country that are calm, balanced and objective. We must figure out a middle way between something that’s overheated when we talk about China and something that’s undertreated. I believe we’re in an undertreatment of the China problem today and we’veexperiencedoverheated.

The China challenge could, in fact, be the most non-partisan issue in this country, one that could unite the country in significant ways This is the time to transcend our domestic struggles and shine a light on a far more dangerous struggle—the international one that will have far more implications for youraverageAmerican

China is well on the way to building impressive comprehensive national power andmaterialstrength.Chinaisalreadydeeply influential in the Global South - that means manycountriesthatarevotingintheU.Nare already highly leveraged by the Chinese and those votes will count. China aims to transform major elements of the international order, and many small to mid-size countries will support China’s positions because they are essentially obligated to the Chinese in termsoftheireconomies.

Lookatthislikeaweiqiboard,theChinese game wherethey’veturnedalotofstones If we’re white and our allies and partners are white, China has turned a lot of those stones black and they continue to flip them. We should be concerned about waking up one dayandfindingwe’vebeenoutmaneuvered.

So can we, please, lower the amount of internal bickering within the United States andfocusontheinternationalchallengethat actuallyaffectseveryAmerican.

Turning On and Tuning Up America’s Information Instrument

The information domain is the main playingfieldforengaginginstrategiccompetition, but, frankly, America’s information instrumentistheweakestofallournationalinstruments andweneedtoshorethatupASAP

Ironically, China has empowered more people in its police state down its chain to engage in lies, half-truths, and propaganda than the U.S. in an open democracy allows its people down chain to deploy the truth There’ssomethingwrongwiththat.Ifyou’re onaninformationteamorinanorganization thatownsoneofthose-whatyou’vefacedto dateistightly-controlledauthorities reduced freedom of action, bureaucratic roadblocks, restrictions, and hesitancy As a result, U.S messagingisslow,late,thin,andmaybeeven outright absent. There have been missed opportunities, left and right, to expose “red” malign behavior and amplify good “blue” actions We can’t just count on the missteps oftheChineseintheinformationdomain

It’satruismintheinformationdomainthat whomever frames the narrative, dominates the narrative. The Chinese are very effective atbeingthefirstmoverontheissues,sothey get their story out first and they’re ready to explain away almost anything. In a vacuum, theirmessagesdoresonate,theyhavedefinitivetraction.Ifthere’sanythingwe’velearned recentlyasacountry,itisthatmorepeopleare moremisledthanmostpeoplethink

So we need to better organize for success intheinformationdomainandifwedon’twe could very well lose the peace We spend a lot of time worrying about winning the war, prevailing in crisis, but we can also lose the peaceinthemeantimeifweonlythinkabout dealing with China through the lens of a defenseplan.

Another key point The Chinese are focusedonwhattheycallgaininggreaterand greater “discourse power.” China attributes much of America’s rise since 1945 to using languageandideasaboutwhatisacceptable, what is fundamentally good, in the interna-

TurntoChinaChallenges, Page 7

Q: Whattypesoffamily housingareavailable?

A: There are three types of housing available to families:


Housing is also referred to as privatized housing in the Navy The Navy partnered with different private management companies to provide housing to Service Members. These companies are responsible forthe construction, renovation,maintenance and day-to-day management ofthe housing PPVhousing may be located on oroffgovernment property and in most cases will be formermilitary housing

GovernmentOwned (also known as Military Housing orNavy Managed Housing is what was formerly called on-base housing While only available in limited quantities CONUS,Government Owned Housing is still widely available OCONUS.

CommunityHousing is any housing that a Service Member may choose that is not PPVor government operated This is housing outside ofthe base that is privately owned and operated

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2 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, March 2, 2023

NAVWAR highlights information warfare’s role in connecting a joint future force at WEST 2023

Naval Information Warfare Systems Command

Naval Information Warfare Systems Command (NAVWAR) leaders and technical experts highlighted digitization, automation, and agile software delivery as key tenants to connecting a joint future force during WEST 2023 at the San Diego ConventionCenter,Feb.14-16.

Gathering with a contingent of other information warfare (IW) commands the team shared the IW mission and priorities with attendees through speakers panels subject matter experts, and technology demonstrationsatthethree-dayconference andexposition.

The lead for the IW community, Vice Adm. Kelly Aeschbach, commander, Naval Information Forces, touched on readiness capability and capacity by noting that people are the weapon systems in informationwarfare

“Ourbiggestchallengerightnowisfacing demand,” she said “We are needed everywhere, and I cannot produce enough information warfare capacity and capability to distribute it everywhere that we would like tohaveit.Thatremainsarealpressingchallenge for me - how we prioritize where we put our talent and ensure that we have it in themostimpactfulplace.”

As a part of the IW speakers’ series Rear Adm. Doug Small, commander, NAVWAR, answered questions on a variety of subjects including risk management, future opportunities and constraints for continuous connectivity, and how unmanned systems play into Project Overmatch. As a Navy high-priority initiative, Project Overmatch is aimed at connecting platforms, weapons andsensorstogetherinarobustNavalOperational Architecture that integrates with JointAll-DomainCommandandControlfor enhancedDistributedMaritimeOperations

“Networking for unmanned systems is a core part of what we are trying to do,” said Small. “We are charged with making sure all the components of the architecture, whattheCNOcalledthe‘connectivetissue,’ reaches every single one of those platforms to include unmanned systems Everything from networking to the computing plant onboardtohowitcommunicates.”

Small also joined top leaders from across the Navy, Marine Corps, and Coast Guard on a panel to discuss what is being done to provide clarity in the requirements and acquisitionprocesses,recruitingandretaining the right talent in a competitive hiring environment,andexplainingtheirtoughest challengesandareasofopportunities

“Aswecontinuetobringdigitalplatforms to ships with modern methods of software delivery, we are using new ways to tap into our amazing talent pool,” said Small “With events like script-a-thons and coding challenges, we are pushing to get the very best fromourSailorsandMarineswhoareabsolutelyexpertsintheirfields.”

Back at the IW Pavilion, attendees had the opportunity to meet informally with dozensofprogrammanagers,businessportfolio managers and subject matter experts through the engagement zone program.

Open to all registered attendees with no appointmentneeded,theseone-on-oneand small group conversations discussed capabilities,serviceofferings,andopportunities forpartnerships

“WESTandothersimilarindustryforums are vital to program managers to ensure we’reawareofcommercialtechnologieswe can leverage for the Fleet, said Capt. Kris De Soto, program manager, Communications and GPS Navigation Program. “I was excited to participate in the event and the engagement zone and very pleased that we were able to meet so many of our industry partnersinoneplace.”

In addition to the engagement zone the IW pavilion also hosted a variety of technology demonstrations as a way to share insights into Navy tools, capabilities, and tacticssoattendeescouldunderstandopportunitiesforcollaborationorsupport.

“This year, Naval Information Warfare Center(NIWC)Pacificisshowcasingawide breadth of our capabilities with many of themshowingthepowerofdigitizationand automationtotheFleetandforoveralljoint service readiness,” said Amanda George, businessportfoliomanageratNIWCPacific.

One of those demonstrations was CyberKnight, a toolset that provides a

method to automate the analysis of security technical implementation guides for command, control, communications, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissancesystems.

“CyberKnight is beneficial because the operating system type it analyzes is prevalent throughout the Department of Defense (DoD), said Michael Price, cyber assessment and authorization branch head at NIWC Pacific. “It speeds up onerous requirements, allowing the security and engineering teams to address any security risksinamoretimelyfashion.”

NIWC Pacific also demonstrated their Space and Stratospheric Systems Program, where they have developed a small satelliteandpayloadintegrationlabthatenables rapid prototyping and demonstration of capabilities for Navy and other DoD sponsors in a government-owned and operated environment.

“Workingjointlywithotherservicesisthe bestwaytomovefast,”saidJasonBousquet, NIWC Pacific space systems branch head. “Every organization has something of value to offer with contributions in technical expertise, experience, and valuable lessons learned. Knowledge gaps are filled quickly allowing for accelerated progress


Jara Tripiano, NIWC Pacific’s chief engineer, closed out the IW pavilion speakers’ series by acknowledging that there is increased recognition of the importance of how capabilities are developed and delivered, and how it truly matters at an operationallevel.

“In support of Project Overmatch, we recently delivered a software package via the Overmatch Software Armory’s continuousintegration/continuousdeliverypipelineover-the-airtoanoperationalplatform,” she said. “In the future, we want that to be thenorm ThatWILLbethenorm.”

Co-sponsored by the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association (AFCEA) International and the U.S. Naval Institute (USNI), WEST 2023 is the premiernavalconferenceandexpositionon theWestCoast

About NAVWAR: NAVWAR identifies, develops, delivers, and sustains information warfighting capabilities and services that enable naval, joint, coalition, and other national missions operating in warfighting domains from seabed to space and through cyberspace NAVWAR consists of more than11,000civilian,activedutyandreserve professionalslocatedaroundtheworld.

WEST 2023: Naval Oceanography answers future challenges

Command, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography

SAN DIEGO, Calif Rear Adm. Ron Piret, Commander, Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command (Naval Oceanography) and subordinate commands participated and attended AFCEA-USNI WEST (WEST)2023conference,Feb.14-16.

Considering global tensions, the premier naval conference and exposition—WEST themed its 33rd iteration as: “Readiness, Capability and Capacity: How Do the Sea Services Match Up Against the Future Threat?”

Piret answered the theme’s call when he addressed the audience in the Information Warfare Pavilion speaker series where he shared Naval Oceanography’s mission and capacity with industry professionals, academia,andothermilitaryleaders

“[W]e have been utilizing various new capabilities, from our unmanned systems technology to new modeling software to meet today’s challenges,” said Piret. “For tomorrow’schallenges,weareworkingwith thegovernment,academia andindustryon thenextbestthing.”

Naval Oceanography has used its advanced network of unmanned systems, operating daily throughout the planet for over two decades below the waves of every bodyofwateronearth.

The 2500 sailors, scientists, engineers, andtechnicalexpertsworkinover20fields of science and engineering starting on the ocean floor to the farthest known star Via billions of data sets gathered daily, Naval Oceanography gathers and stores vast amounts of historical and current data that pictures a full view of our Earth’s atmosphereinstunningdetail

“Thesemodelsmakeupthenextphaseof the Battle on Demand the forecast,” Piret said “Observations and climatology used by numerical models run on our High-PerformanceComputing(HPC),toforecastthe state of the ocean or the atmosphere into the future Our complex suite of scientific numericalpredictionsystemsprovidesshort and long-term forecasts of the atmosphere, ocean, waves, ice, and surf, which is informationassuredatallclassificationlevels.”

Naval Oceanography has a highly skilled workforce-family of uniformed military and talented citizens, throughout the globe constantlygatheringenvironmentaldata.

In addition to Piret’s attendance, Mr Wade Ladner, Technical Director, Naval Oceanographic Office, Captain Christi

SAN DIEGO Calif - RearAdm.Ron Piret Commander Naval Meteorologyand OceanographyCommand (Naval Oceanography) and subordinate commands participated and attendedAFCEA-USNIWEST(WEST) 2023 conference,Feb.14-16 Considering global tensions,the premiernaval conference and exposition—WEST—themed its 33rd iteration as:“Readiness,Capabilityand Capacity: HowDo the Sea Services Match Up Against the FutureThreat?”Piret answered the theme’s callwhen he addressed the audience in the InformationWarfare Pavilion speakerseries where he shared Naval Oceanography’s mission and capacitywith industryprofessionals,academia,and othermilitaryleaders.(PHOTOBY LT.CMDR BOBBYDIXON)

Montgomery commanding officer Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center Captain Kate Hermsdorfer commanding officer, Fleet Weather Center San Diego, Commander Jim Scianna, commandingofficer,StrikeGroupOceanography Team San Diego, and Commander Mark Hebert, commanding officer Naval Oceanography Special Warfare Center, all participated in manning the Naval Oceanographybooth,attendedvariouseventsand spoketomembersofthepressforoneonone andgroupinterviews

Eachcommandprovidedsailorsandcivilians to man the booth at the convention to speak to the various unmanned underwater systems (REMUS 600, 100, MK18), and

Ice Buoy (Spotter) and provide the overall mission and capabilities of Naval Oceanography.

One recurring highlight of WEST is the chance to hear from the Secretary of the Navy,SeaServiceChiefs-theChiefofNaval Operations, the Marine Corps CommandantandtheCoastGuardCommandant,and manypastandpresentmilitaryandindustry leaders

In addition to the main program, WEST offeredthreeEngagementTheaters:Marine, General, and Information Warfare These smaller,moreintimatevenuesallowedmilitary,government,andindustryprofessionals todrilldeeperintospecifictopicsandissues

WEST is now in its 33rd year of bring-

ing military and industry leaders together

Co-sponsoredbyAFCEAInternationaland the U.S. Naval Institute WEST is an event in which the makers of platforms and the designers of technologies can network, discuss and demonstrate their solutions in asinglelocale.

Naval Oceanography has approximately 2,500globallydistributedmilitaryandcivilian personnel, who collect, process, and exploitenvironmentalinformationtoassist Fleet and Joint Commanders in all warfare areas to guarantee the U.S. Navy’s freedom ofactioninthephysicalbattlespacefromthe depthsoftheoceantothestars.

SAN DIEGO (Feb 14 2023) RearAdm.Doug Small,Commander Naval InformationWarfare Systems Command (NAVWAR),gives a speech at the U.S.NavyInformationWarfare Pavilion duringWEST2023.The premiernaval conference and exposition on theWest Coast,WESTis nowin its 33rdyearofbringing militaryand industryleaders together Co-sponsored byAFCEAInternational and the U.S.Naval Institute,WESTis the onlyevent inwhich the makers ofplatforms and the designers oftechnologies can network,discuss and demonstrate theirsolutions in a single locale.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYRAMONGO)
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, March 2, 2023 3

Happy Birthday Navy Supply Corps!


The Navy Supply Corps celebrated its 228thbirthdayonFebruary23 Itisanother year of the Supply Corps supporting our Navy and keeping with our motto: Readyfor-Sea!Acrosstheglobe whereverSupply Corps Officer and Sailors are stationed, they will mark this occasion with birthday events and some esprit-de-corps

For some Sailors, it will be one of many Supply Corps birthdays during a career of servicetoourcountry Forothers,thisisthe firsttimetheywillbeintroducedtoourrich history Whethertheyarefriends,family,or brand-new Supply Corps officers we have a chance to tell our story and ensure that our customs and traditions are shared and remembered.

Fromthebeginning,theNavyhad“Pursers” that were responsible for all pay and procurement of all supplies and stocks for ships The “Purser” title was borrowed fromtheBritishRoyalNavyanddatesback to the 14th century For centuries, naval logisticsplayedacriticalroleforanyseafaring country The United States Navy is one ofmanythatdependsonacorpsofindividuals with specialized business expertise.

Two-hundred twenty-eight years ago, President George Washington appointed a Philadelphia businessman named Tench Francis as the first Purveyor of Public Goods, and at that moment, the Navy Supply Corps was established.


George H.W. Bush Supply Department, it will be yet another Supply Corps birth-

day celebrated at sea, standing the watch, ensuring the crew and the Air Wing are equipped for the fight. The Supply Corps OfficersandSupplySailorsonGeorgeH.W. Bushcarryontheproudhistoryofkeeping theshipreadytofightandansweringwhen called upon The thirteen divisions within Supply Departmentandnearly500SupplySailors offer services essential to Sailors’ missions and morale From serving 16,000 meals a day, to the upkeep of laundry, and the sorting and organization of all parts, material andequipmentcomingaboardordeparting theship,SupplyDepartmenttouchesevery mission area. They have been essential to sustaining the warfighters and meeting tasking throughout our deployment.

The Supply Corps has a long and storied

history of service to the Navy Our roles have changed over the years, as well as our name, but we have always been charged with ensuring that our Navy is supplied and sustained in order to accomplish any mission, on land and at sea. We do so by ensuringthatourOfficersinterfacenotonly with our line counterparts but with other services,theAmericanindustrialbase,and most importantly with each other Thousands of men and women have wornthegoldenoakleafthatdistinguished them as a Supply Corps Officer This signifies to those around them that the wearer is a professional, and can be relied upon to ensure their units are Ready-for-Sea. Happy 228th Birthday to our Navy Supply Corps!

NAVSUP’s leaders in Europe, Africa highlight reservists’ contributions during Reserve Chief’s visit


with the installation’s tenant command leaders including Naval Supply Systems Command Fleet Logistics Center Sigonella leadership to highlight the NRFI’s lines of effort of designing, training, mobilizing and developing the Force who operate across U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa (USNAVEUR-AF) with a relentless focus on warfighting readiness

“Speaking with Vice Adm. Mustin during his visit was an invaluable opportunity for us to share with him how we’ve been leveraging reservists to augment our support teams operating across U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa,” said Capt. Douglas S. MacKenzie, NAVSUP FLCSI’s Commanding Officer “There’s no aspect of our logistics and supply mission that we do not benefit in some capacity from our reservists’ expertise and leadership Their contributions add a key strategic depth to our total-force approach to supporting the Fleet.”

Capt. Stephen Holbrook, NAVSUP FLCSI’s Reserve commander, presented a briefing to Vice Adm. Mustin during his visit. Holbrook is responsible for the administration of training and readiness ofNavyReservelogisticianswhodeployto NAVSUP FLCSI.

“A key objective for me was to convey how Capt. MacKenzie, his senior leadership team and I are responding to Vice Adm. Mustin’s mandate of accelerating warfightingreadinesswithallofmyreservists by focusing our efforts on active-duty/ Reserve component integration at all of the command’s sites operating across USNAVEUR, Holbrook said.

SeniorChiefLogisticsSpecialistAndrew Hasse,isoneofthedeployedreservistswho isintegratingwithNAVSUPFLCSI’slogistics support center at NASSIG

“Much of my work while deployed to NAVSUP FLCSI has been assisting their workloadofsupplysupportfortheincoming ships, especially in the ground transportation operations management, load planningandpiersidesupport,”Hassesaid.

When he’s not deployed on activeduty orders Hasse said he maintains job proficiency by participating in drilling at NAVSUPEnterprise’sheadquarterslocated in Pennsylvania. He added that his civilian job in the logistics and accounting sectors of the grocery industry also contributes to bolstering his competency to perform his reservist duties as senior logistics chief

“Much of what I do in my civilian job is about managing the movement of perishable commodities like meat, Hasse said. “This involves similar supply chain management processes as those with NAVSUP FLCSI. Knowing how to overcome the logistics hurdles I face in my

civilian job gives me an insight into best practices that I can share with my activeduty colleagues.”

“By deploying Hasse and other fullytrainedreserviststoNAVSUPFLCSI’svarious operational sites across USNAVEUR, we are making great strides to define and document our Reserve training objectives per our new Individual Training Plans, or IDPS, which is a key element of CNR’s Force Generation Guidance from November 2022,” Holbrook said.

Since 1915, U.S. Navy reservists have been mobilizing to support their Navy and Marine Corps active-duty counterparts in areas of forward presence, deterrence sea control, power projection, maritime security humanitarian assistance and disaster response Hasse and NAVSUP FLCSI’s otherdeployedreservistscontinuetoleveragetheirexpertiseandlogisticsthroughthe present and future providing augmented

supporttothecommand’slogisticsmission sets across USNAVEUR-AF.

NAVSUP FLCSI is one of eight FLCs under Commander, NAVSUP Headquartered in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania, NAVSUP employs a diverse worldwide workforceofmorethan25,000militaryand civilian personnel. NAVSUP and the Navy Supply Corps conduct and enable supply chain, acquisition, operational logistics and Sailor & family care activities with our missionpartnerstogeneratereadinessand sustain naval forces worldwide to prevent and decisively win wars FLCSI provides a full range of solutions forlogistics business and supportservices to the U.S. Naval, Joint, NATO and Allied Forces across 14 enduring and forward operating sites; forward contingency and cooperative security locations in 13 countries in Europe and Africa.

ADRIATIC SEA(Sept.23,2022) Retail Services Specialist 1st Class KennedyWesson,fromWindsor North Carolina,gives a haircut to Quartermaster3rd Class ChanceJoneswood,from Long Beach, California,both assigned to the Nimitz-class aircraft carrierUSS George H.W.Bush (CVN 77),Sept 23,2022 The George H.W.Bush CarrierStrike Group is on a scheduled deployment in the U.S.Naval Forces Europe area ofoperations,employed byU.S.Sixth Fleet to defend U.S.,allied and partnerinterests (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTSEAMANSASHAAMBROSE)
Naval Supply Systems Command Fleet Logistics Center Sigonella NASSIGONELLA Italy In2020 Chief of Navy Reserve (CNR) Vice Adm. John B. MustinreleasedtheNavyReserveFighting Instructions(NRFI)designedtoaccelerate the Navy Reserve to fully attain and maintain warfighting credibility and
Great Power Competition ahead.
for today
Air Station
Feb. 7, 2023, Mustin and Navy Reserve Force Master Chief Tracy L. Hunt met
his visit to Naval
4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, March 2, 2023
NAS SIGONELLA,Italy- ChiefofNavyReserveViceAdm.John B.Mustin (fourth from right) and NavyReserve Force MasterChiefTracyL.Hunt (first from right) meetwith Naval SupplySystems Command Fleet Logistics CenterSigonella Commanding OfficerCapt.Douglas S.MacKenzie (fourth from left) and his seniorleadership staffFebruary7,2023 at NavalAirStation Sigonella,Italy In 2020 Mustin released the NavyReserve Fighting Instructions designed to accelerate the NavyReserve to fullyattain and maintainwarfighting credibilityand relevance required fortoday and in Great PowerCompetition ahead.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYJOEYANIK/RELEASED)

Baptism onboard USS Boxer (LHD 4)


USS Boxer (LHD 4)

SAN DIEGO USS Boxer (LHD 4) celebrated one of the Navy’s oldest traditions withaceremonyintheship’suppervehicle deck,Feb.18


2nd Class Steven Valdez and his family for the baptism of Valdez’s first child using the ship’sbell.

Shipboard baptisms began hundreds of years ago with the British Royal Navy in foreign ports and at sea. Before the ceremony, the ship’s bell is removed from the

headstock and placed in a stand upside down. During the ceremony, the minister baptizes the baby inside the bell and after the ceremony, the child’s name is engraved insidethebell.

The ceremony was performed by retired Navy Chaplain Cmdr Keith J. Shuley and was Boxer’s first baptism onboard in more thantwoyears.

“Being baptized on the ship is important foranumberofreasons,”saidShuley.“It’sa Navy tradition to be able to remember the commemorationofachildtoGodaspeople understandhim.ItgoesbackbeforetheU.S. Navy They have been performed through-

outhistorywithintheBritishNavyandhave been a tradition in medieval navies, as well It’s a great and important moment for the crew, for the ship, for the family and for the child.”

Valdez noted how helpful the ship’s two religious personnel specialists were in arrangingthisceremony.

“TheRPs[religiouspersonnelspecialists] havebeenamazing, saidValdez “Through this whole process they have had all the answersandmadeitsoeasyandstress-free formyfamilyandme.”

The ship’s bell will remain onboard as long as the ship remains in service. After

Boxer’s decommissioning the bell will be preserved by the Naval History and HeritageCommand “It’sextremelyspecialtome,”saidValdez. “Tobeabletorestartthetraditionofpeople getting baptized onboard again. It means everything to my family, and we are absolutely over the moon to have the ceremony performedhere.”

BoxerisaWasp-classamphibiousassault shipcommissionedFebruary11,1995andis thesixthshiptobearthename Boxer’screw is made up of approximately 1,200 officers and enlisted personnel and can accommodateupto1,800Marines

U.S., Bahrain establish working group to operationalize unmanned fleet


U.S. Naval Forces Central Command / U.S. 5th Fleet MANAMA, Bahrain U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) established a working group for operationalizing unmanned systems with the Kingdom of Bahrain, Feb. 23

Agroupof20officersfromtheU.S.Navy, Bahrain Defense Force and Ministry of Interior met at U.S. 5th Fleet headquarters in Bahrain to plan combined efforts

for operating unmanned surface vessels in regional waters

Lastyear,Bahraincommittedtopartnering with regional countries and the United States to build a multinational fleet of 100 unmanned surface vessels NAVCENT announced Feb. 21 that participating nations are nearing the halfway point toward this goal.

“Bahrain has been with us on this from the start, which is indicative of their broader regional maritime leadership,”

saidLt Cmdr JenniferBlake,NAVCENT’s countryengagementofficerforBahrainand working group lead. “We’re excited to see where we go from here.”

Bahrain was the first regional partner to work with the U.S. Navy on integrating newunmannedsystemsandartificialintelligence after NAVCENT established Task Force 59 in September 2021.

Bahrain and Task Force 59 have since conducted several bilateral and multilateralexercises,includingaone-daytraining

drill in the Arabian Gulf, Oct. 26 The exercisefeaturedtheuseofunmannedsystems and artificial intelligence alongside seven crewed ships from Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, theUnitedKingdomandtheUnitedStates NAVCENT’s operating area includes 21 countries the Arabian Gulf Gulf of Oman, Red Sea, parts of the Indian Ocean and three critical choke points at the Strait of Hormuz, Bab al-Mandeb and Suez Canal.

SAN DIEGO (Feb 18 2023) Retired NavyChaplain Cmdr KeithJ.Shuleyperforms a baptism in the uppervehicle deckofthe USS Boxer(LHD 4).Boxeris aWasp-class amphibious assault ship home ported in San Diego.(U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYCHIEFMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALISTJOHNSCORZARELEASED)
(Feb 23,2023) Officers from the U.S.Navy Bahrain Defense Force and MinistryofInteriormeet at U.S.5th Fleet headquarters in Bahrain to plan combined efforts foroperating unmanned surfacevessels in regionalwaters (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYMASSCOMMUNICATIONSPECIALIST1STMARKTHOMASMAHMOD) www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 2 | Thursday, March 2, 2023 5

NAS JRB Fort Worth hosts detachment training


Naval Air Station Fort Worth Joint Reserve Base

NAS JRB Fort Worth, Texas Naval Air Station (NAS) Joint Reserve Base (JRB) Fort Worth hosted a detachment training forTrainingSquadron10(VT-10),fromFeb.

6-Feb.16 Thetrainingincluded30trainees, 15instructors,and12T-6TexanIIaircraft.

LCDR Dan Pope, assigned to VT-10, led the training and coordinated the detachment with NAS JRB Fort Worth. The motivation for the detachment was adverse weather conditions in Pensacola that often immobilizetrainingopportunities

“TrainingSquadron10’sprimarymission is to instruct future Naval Flight Officers (NFO), back seaters, think Goose in Top Gun,” explained Pope “Our Squadron produces about 300 NFOs a year and one ofthebiggest challengeswefaceinPensacolaisbadweatherconditions.Oftenfogand cloudscanprecludealotofthetrainingthat needstobeaccomplished.”

Inanefforttocombattraininghindrances due to unfavorable weather conditions, VT-10 is exploring different geographical locationstoconductdetachmenttraining

“We are exploring different areas Fort Worthbeingthefirstofthismagnitude, said

Pope “Our goal here is to execute several phasesofstudenttraining,frombasicfamiliarization all the way through formation [flying] Every phase of training that we do atVT-10isrepresentedonthisdetachment, instudentsandinstructors.

Coordinating the detachment from NAS JRBFortWorthwasLCDRWilliamHusky, OperationsOfficer.ThroughthistrainingAir Traffic Controllers on the installation were abletoobtaincrucialqualificationhours

“The VT-10 personnel coming out is helping to get hour qualifications for our towerpersonnel.Wedon’tsee alotofradar approaches with the type of aircraft that

typically fly into NAS JRB Fort Worth, so havingstudenteventsreallyhelpstogetour personnel qualified quicker and more efficiently,”explainedHusky.

The VT-10 detachment training was mutually rewarding for both the Pilots and AirTrafficControllers Traininggoalswere accomplishedandqualificationhourswere attained.

“The folks here at Fort Worth have given us everything we needed and helped to expeditetheprocess.Whatnormallywould havebeenseveralphonecallsanddozensof emailswasaccomplishedinhalfthetime It’s beenanincredibleexperience, saidPope

T-6Texan II aircraft lined up on the NASJRB FortWorth runwayforaVT-10 detachment training (U.S.NAVYPHOTOSBYCARLRICHARDS/RELEASED)
Training Squadron 10 instructors on theirNASJRB FortWorth DetachmentTraining (PHOTOBYSANDYOWENS,NAVALAIRSTATIONFORTWORTHJOINTRESERVEBASE) 6 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 2 | Thursday, March 2, 2023
T-6Texan II aircraft at NASJRB FortWorth during a detachment training (U.S.NAVYPHOTOBYCARLRICHARDS/RELEASED)

tional community China realized that they neededtocatchupandhavemorediscourse powerandthey’rewellontheirwaytodevelopingit.TheChinesebelievewhoeverrules theword,rulestheworld

The Chinese are, in fact, already winning over many in the international community Why? Because they offer promises of connectivityandprosperityandprogress.All thosethingsthatrelatetotheBeltandRoad Initiative, the Global Security Initiative, all the “Silk Roads” (Polar, Digital, Space, Health,etc).Theseconceptsareveryattractivetomanydevelopingcountries.

China is also already shaping U.N. documents,redefiningwhatconstitutesahuman right, describing development as a human right to shift the emphasis away from freedom and safety They have also successfully inserted phrases like “the community of common destiny for mankind” into U.N. documents These are examples of using discourse power to build legitimacy and redefine widely-accepted thematics that governworldaffairs

In competition, the information domain isthecentraldomain.Whoeverisimmersed and proficient in that space is able to do battlewiththeirideas That’swhereyouwin friends,it’swhereyouinfluencechoices,it’s where you build trust, it’s where you gain access…oryoujustdon’t Americahasgotto see the information sphere as “key terrain” worthdefending,andnotjustfortheRussia problem,butfortheChinaproblemaswell

Yesterday, Lieutenant General Smith said “if you’re not winning in the information space you’re not winning at all. So true. That goes for peacetime, crisis, or any combatenvironmentaswell.Wehavework to do to puncture the false narratives of our adversaries, untwist distortions, highlight the “say-do” gaps of our adversaries, and wagethetruthpromptlyandconfidently

The difference between U.S information operations and the PRC information operations or Russian IO for that matter is that whenwedoit,weareeducating Whenour adversaries do it, they are manipulating So weneedtoplaytoourprimaryadvantage thetruthisonourside

I agree that there are some good initiativesunderway IfyougototheStateDepart-

ment, the Global Engagement Center, if you’re going in the Intelligence CommunitywithTitle50authorities theJointStaff Combatant Commands, the Fleet Information Warfare Center Pacific, which Admiral Vernazza will explain to you, those all hold promise. There are ready capabilities, some of which are already in play. But we need more support in the interagency and fromtheNationalSecurityCounciltooperate at the speed and the scale that we need aspartofthisintensecompetition Weneed a process that’s more decentralized and something that’s more “command by negation”-liketobeabletounleashthefullpotentialofourAmericaninformationteams Isay thisalltoyouasaproud,butveryfrustrated NavyandJointInformationWarfighter

Taiwan Dynamics

Three points on Taiwan. First point, the PRC’s own actions have created the problem of Taiwan today and the reason why we’re near crisis today. The PRC’s military modernization has been one of the fastest in human history They invested in every warfare area to produce a massive war machine, which they then deployed in key areas closer to our allies and our partners and our friends They increased operations around Taiwan, projecting power in an anaconda-like way, with more patrols, closer,moreoften. Xi Jinping gave a “get ready by 2027” mandate as an edict to his forces, upping it from 2035 Xi Jinping has been very clear abouthisdesiretoresolvetheTaiwanproblem. If the Taiwan problem is not solved, then there is no successful rejuvenation in the Chinese view Also for years now, large annual exercises take place for over four months not too far away from Taiwan. So Taiwan and the region have seen these threatsupclose,whichhasbeendestabilizinguntoitself. Couple the closer proximity of China’s war machine with the oppression in China and the regional fear factor goes up exponentially Theworldsawwhathappenedin Hong Kong where China squelched freedom, delivered a death blow to democracy Many who fled Hong Kong found refuge in Taiwan, where they told their stories about what it was like as the Chinese police state movedin IfyouarecitizenofTaiwan,Hong Kong’s experience showed that there is no

viable “one country, two systems” formula. TaipeicontinuestorejectChina’sfalsepoliticalpromises sothisisthebackdropofinstabilitythatweseetoday

China’s assertiveness is very dangerous and is on display in many other areas beyond Taiwan, too, which contributes to a high degree of distrust regarding Beijing’s intentions. Look at the Indian border, with the near-war conditions there as a result of assertiveness Chinahastakenovervillages in Bhutan. China is deeply inside Burma, they’re down to the Mekong they’re in the SouthChinaSea,they’reallovertheSenkakus TheChineseoutwardexpansionismof influenceandpresenceisscaringanddestabilizinganentireregion.SotheTaiwansare rightly concerned. The U.S. is also rightly concernedandouraimistofulfillourobligationsundertheTaiwanRelationsAct,which istogiveTaiwanenoughdefensearticlesto beabletoachievetheirowndefense

The irony in all this right now is that all sidesfeelliketheirdeterrenceisdiminishing

TheU.S.andalliesfeellikethere’sagreater chance that China could convert to using militaryactionofanyscale,becausetheyare justallaroundTaiwan.They’resoclose,they couldtransitionanytime.Sothatputseverybody up in a highly sensitized state to think throughworst-casesituations

On the other side if you’re Chinese you believe that you weren’t at fault for creating the unstable situation. And it looks like Taiwanismovingtowardsdefactoindependence TheChineseperceivethateverything thattheU.S.doesintermsofitsoperational posture,FMS,orwithCongressionalDelegation visits, constitutes encouraging Taiwan toactuallymovetowardssolidifyingdefacto independence.

Of course, Taiwan’s separation from the motherland is the most significant “core” sovereignty issue for Beijing. If they lose Taiwan, in their eyes, that would set off a chain reaction of fragmentation in other parts of China, like in Tibet or in Xinjiang, whichinturnwouldleadtochaos,disorder, and devastation. That’s the emotional side for the Chinese They feel like their deterrencetokeepTaiwanasapartofChinamay be slipping and they’re trying to arrest a negativetrend.

And when China takes a look at their leversforarrestingthisperceivednegative trend,theirmilitarymaybetheonlyuseful one left because they’ve tried diplomatic,

informational, and economic measures, but none of those has altered the strategic dynamics That’s the reason why they’re usingthemilitarymore.It’saformofpressure, it’s a form of penalization of Taiwan, asthePLAattemptstoexhausttheTaiwan Air Force and Navy But it’s also a strategicsignaltotheUnitedStates:themessage is that “if you maintain course and if you change the political status quo of Taiwan, I’m going to have to use combat arms to resolve this problem.”

Point two: this is not the time for “strategic clarity.” It makes no sense, because it doesn’t buy any deterrence The Chinese already think that the U.S. is going to intervene,alongwithmaybeJapan,Australia,and others,ifthePLAattemptsamilitaryoperationagainstTaiwan.That’soneofthereason they’re building a military so powerful, so they can handle outside intervention. They assumeit’sgoingtooccur.

You’re not going to buy deterrence by having“strategicclarity. Whatyoumaydo, in fact, is actually tie the President’s hands, current and future America shouldn’t give out blank checks, especially when we don’t know the circumstances we’ll face in the future where we may or may not want to commitU.Sforcesbasedonavarietyofsituationalfactors

“Strategic ambiguity has served us well for 45 years and we need to continue to understand that it has value going into the future. We need to continue to kick the can downtheroad Changingthepoliticalstatus quo will generate dire consequences for all partiesinvolved. Lastpoint:weneedtohandletheseissues with a very deft hand. That means not just focusing on integrated deterrence. Managing this flashpoint also requires employing integrated assurance Not just assurance for our allies and partners, who in fact are nervous and do require support, but assurance to China as well. We have to assure Beijingthatwearenottryingtopermanently separateTaiwanfromthem.Iftheydon’tfeel thatassurance thentheywon’tfeelthattime is on their side and it may force them into a war of necessity. That would be cataclysmicforall.So,weneedsmartstatecraftand smartemploymentofallofourinstruments ofnationalpower,thenmaybewecanavoid aworstcasesituation.

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On iberty

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day – even at dinner!

Come From Away, the Best Musical all across North America,

playing now at Chrysler Hall, lead Marika Aubrey shares stories from the musical


SevenVenues Broadway in Norfolk series is proud to bring to Chrysler Hall, in Norfolk, Virginia Come From Away the remarkable true story of 7,000 stranded passengers and Gander, the small town in Newfoundlandthatwelcomedthemon9/11 when all the planes were forced to land no matterwheretheywere,duetothehorrific attack of that day.

Winner of the 2019 Olivier Award in London and Best Musical all across North America, Newsweek says that this breathtaking musical, Come From Away “Takes you to a place you never want to leave!” It is playing now at Chrysler Hall through March 5th For tickets dates and times, go to https:// www.sevenvenues.com/events/detail/ come-from-away

Yiorgo:WithustodayisMarikaAubrey, who is the lead as Captain Beverley Bass Why should people come see Come From Away what will they see hear and experience?

MarikaAubrey: It is a story about unity, at a time when it’s much needed. The story

really resonates with people and brings people together It’s all about no matter where you come from, your beliefs, faith, ancestry,whateverpartoflifeyouarefrom, what unites us is much stronger than what dividesus

Y: For those not familiar with it, what is thestoryabout?

MA: It is about a lesser known but very true story of what happened on the days right after 9/11, when a very small area at the very northern tip of North America, in Newfoundland,Canadaaccepted38planes and about seven thousand people while their population was only a few thousands Theyfedthem,theyclothedthemandmore importantly, they comforted them at a time when it was very scary They also formed incrediblefriendshipsandhadareallygood time.Thiswasoneofthefewpositivestories thatcameoutduringthattimeabout9/11

Y: The real life events that led to it are so tragic,andyouareportrayingrealpeople as an actor how do you humanize it, go about bringingthejoyoutinit?

MA: What’s really interesting is that most of our audience members are really surprised by the comedy in the show. It’s

Beach Events presents the first-ever Bulls and Barrels Beach Rodeo April 15-16


Bulls and Barrels Beach Rodeo will bring traditional American rodeo to the Virginia Beach Oceanfront as cowboys and cowgirls from across the country compete in extreme bull riding, barrel racing, and mini bull riding. The Rodeo will be Saturday April 15 and Sunday April 16 from 3pm-5pm on the beach at 3rdStreet

Sanctioned by the Southern Extreme Bull Riding Association (SEBRA) the topbullridersinthenation will go head-to-head for the chance to win $12,000 in cash and multiple gold buckles. Some of the bestranked cowgirls in the country will also compete inthebarrelracingcompetition,withthetopfinisher earning a coveted spot in theSEBRANationalFinals in September. Children can experience the action firsthandbysigningupfor muttonbusting.

Ticketsstartat$25andcanbepurchasedonlineatBeachEventsVB.com.Children 2 and under are free for regular general admission ET and VIP passes are alsoavailable,whichincludeaspecial“MeettheCowboysandCowgirls session plus a behind-the-scenes tour of the bullpens and horse corrals special beach seating,meetandgreetwiththerodeoclownandacommemorativeeventT-shirt.


actually very entertaining and very funny because throughout humanity, the funniest thingscanhappenduringthosemomentsof awkwardencountersorbeinginunfamiliar circumstances It’s actually good territory forcomedy Theaudiencerecognizesthemselves in these people and the feelings they hadthemselvesduringthosedayspost9/11.


MA:Wewentaroundtherehearsalroom ontheveryfirstdayandwehadeverysingle person working on the project tell us their story of where they were on 9/11. For some people thatwasadirectconnection,forme I was in Australia and because of the time difference, it was night time and we were gettingreadyforbedwhentheplaneshitthe towers Wedidhaveabitofa“SlidingDoors” moment because my older brother worked in the financial district. He chose to come backtoAustraliaononeoftheactualflights, thesameflightnumberandplane,twodays before. So if it had been two days later we could have had a very direct connection to thetragicevents Going around the room, hearing everyone’sstories,nomatterwhereyouwerethat day,weallexperiencedfear,shockandwith

thenewscyclenotbeingwhattheyaretoday, we were all kind of ignorant to what was going on We were all terrified because we didnotknowalotofinformationandifthis would continue or not. It was a scary time regardlessofwhereyouwereintheworld

Y:It’ssoexcitingtobeinthefirstNational Tour of Come From Away What drew you tothisplay?

MA: I am an original cast member of the first National Tour That is quite an honor I was actually a standby for the production and about 10 months in, I stepped into the role for the first time as Captain Beverley Bass and I have been with the show ever since. We had our mandatory holiday of 18 monthsoffwhenthepandemichit.Wecame back in October 2021 and we will be wrappingupthisMay.Ihavebeenwiththisshow forsixyears


MA:IgotthebriefandIlikesomanyhad not heard of these events I watched it on Broadwaytobebetterpreparedformyaudition and fell in love with the story and the people The way this show is constructed

TurntoComeFromAway, Page 3

INSIDE: Check out Flagship Values, your source for automobiles, employment, real estate and more! Pages C6-7

Recipes like Breakfast Burritos,Huevos Rancheros and Egg Breakfast Bowls are easydinnertime favorites PageC4 (IMAGESCOURTESYOFIMGOING)
Scene from the NorthAmericanTourofCome FromAway (PHOTOBYMATTHEWMURPHY)
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, March 2, 2023 1

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The Legend of Georgia McBride comes to the Little Theatre of Virginia Beach March 10

VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. — A young Elvis impersonator learns that change is not necessarily a drag and other valuable life lessons in this heart-warming comedy The Legend of Georgia McBride by Matthew Lopez. Casey, a young man in Florida is down on his luck. He’s young, he’s broke, his landlord’s knocking at the door, and he’s just found out his wife is going to have a baby. To make matters even more desperate, Casey is fired from his gig as an Elvis impersonator in a run-down, small-town bar. When the bar owner brings in a B-level drag show to replace his act, Casey finds that he has a whole lot to learn about show business—and himself.

The production runs from March 10 - April 2 at the Little Theatre of Virginia Beach. Performances are Friday and Saturday evenings at 8pm and Sundays at 2:30pm. Adult tickets start at $20; Senior, Military, and Student tickets start at $17 and children under 12 start at $9. Tickets can be purchased online at www.ltvb.com and are non-refundable, but may be exchanged for another performance of the same show (subject to availability) up to one hour before your scheduled show.

Little Theatre of Virginia Beach is located at 550 Barberton Dr, Virginia Beach, VA 23451. It is an all-volunteer, not-for-profit organization that has been bringing live theatre to the community since 1948. Our mission is to educate and to provide our community with quality live theatrical experiences at affordable prices while developing and showcasing local talent.

Broadway In Norfolk announces 2023-2024 season featuring Disney’s Aladdin, Beetlejuice, Six, Hadestown and the most successful American play in Broadway history, Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird

Press Release

NORFOLK, Va. — Nederlander National Markets

and SevenVenues are delighted to announce the lineup for the 2023-2024 Broadway in Norfolk season featuring weeklong engagements of four hit musicals and one stellar stage play.

The season kicks off in October with the timeless magic of Disney’s ALADDIN. This thrilling new production is an extraordinary theatrical event where one lamp and three wishes make the possibilities infinite.

Broadway fan favorite BEETLEJUICE makes its Norfolk premiere in December. Based on Tim Burton’s dearly beloved film, this hilarious and remarkably touching musical comedy tells the story of Lydia Deetz, a strange and unusual teenager whose whole life changes when she meets a recently deceased couple and a demon with a thing for stripes.

The season continues in the new year with Academy Award® winner Aaron Sorkin’s adaptation of Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning masterwork, TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. The New York Times Critic’s Pick takes the greatest novel of all time and adapts it to, “the most successful American play in Broadway history” (60 Minutes).

The queens of SIX, Broadway’s hottest new musical, make their Norfolk debut in February. From Tudor Queens to Pop Icons, this Tony Award® winner for Best Original Score remixes five hundred years of historical heartbreak into a euphoric celebration of 21st century girl power!

HADESTOWN, winner of eight 2019 Tony Awards® including Best Musical and the 2020 Grammy® Award for Best Musical Theater Album, closes out the season in March. Intertwining two mythic tales — that of young dreamers Orpheus and Eurydice, and that of King Hades and his wife Persephone — this is a haunting and hopeful theatrical experience that grabs you and never lets go.

Season ticket packages are on sale now at BroadwayinNorfolk.com. Current subscribers can renew their seats and new subscribers can purchase season tickets at this time. On-sale dates for individual tickets will be announced as each performance approaches. Group sales opportunities for parties of ten or more are available for all shows.

Broadway In Norfolk 2023-2024 Season

Performance Dates:

„ Disney’s Aladdin

October 25 - 29, 2023

7 performances

„ Beetlejuice December 12 - 17, 2023

8 performances

„ To Kill A Mockingbird January 30 - February 4, 2024

8 performances

„ Six February 27 - March 3, 2024

8 performances

„ Hadestown

March 26 - 31, 2024

8 performances

Purchase a season ticket package today and see all five shows for as low as $259. For additional package information, visit BroadwayinNorfolk. com. Patrons can also contact the Broadway in Norfolk Season Ticket Office at seasontickets@ broadwayinnorfolk.com or by phone at 877-7038144 (Monday - Friday, 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. EST).

Cody Hall as Casey in The Legend of Georgia McBride. (PHOTO BY J STUBBS PHOTOGRAPHY)
2 The Flagship | www.flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, March 2, 2023
Clockwise from top left: Disney’s Aladdin; To Kill a Mocking Bird, Hadestown,Six, Beetlejuice (COURTESY PHOTOS)

2023 Bayou Bon Vivant: Cajun Food & Music Festival headliners announced: Blues Traveler, Anders Osborne, North Mississippi Allstars to Headline 33rd Annual Festival


NORFOLK Va BluesTraveler,Anders

Osborne andtheNorthMississippiAllstars have been announced as the headliners for the 2023 Bayou Bon Vivant: Cajun Food & Music Festival to be held Friday-Sunday, May 19-21, 2023, at Town Point Park along theDowntownNorfolkWaterfront

The festival will also feature live performances from Honey Island Swamp Band, Big Sam’s Funky Nation, Amanda Shaw, Bonerama TerranceSimienwithadditional actstobeannouncedsoon!

The 33rd Annual Bayou Bon Vivant is a three-day celebration of the tastes, tunes,

and traditions of historic New Orleans Fromjuicyhandfulsofcrawfishtoworld-renownedN’awlinsjazzmusicians theBayou Bon Vivant captures the vibrant spirit of Louisiana and transforms it into a weekend-longpartyalongtheDowntownNorfolk Waterfront. A wide-ranging and fun experience for the entire family, the Bayou Bon Vivant also features an Arts Market featuring 30+ New Orleans crafters, crocodile andreptileexhibits,mouth-wateringCajun dishessuchasbeignets,gumbo,etouffees& jambalaya andmuchmore. Visit festevents.org/events/2023/bayou/ for more information and to purchase tickets Ticketsstartat$15.

Come From Away

is that there are 12 actors on the stage the entire time The feeling of teamwork and comradery permeates the entire show and everythingworksquitewell

Also the story of Captain Bass really appealed to me She is one of the pioneers and an innovator She is the first female captain for American Airlines How could you not want to represent her and tell that story every night. It’s the highlight of every show for me I get such beautiful responses from young girls and other women who are in aviation writing to me and telling me how Captain Bass affected them and how thesonginspiresthem.Igetaspecialcharge everynight

Y:Youalsoplayotherpartsintheshowas well.Canyoutellusaboutthat?

MA:Everyoneintheshowplaysmultiple parts since there were thousands of people stranded there. So we change accents, clothes and characters to tell the story and then at the end when we come out to take our bows and there are only 12 of us, the people are quite surprised. I also play Annettewhoisoneofthelocals.Forher,the people visiting is an eye-opening inspiring experience because she lived in this small town as the librarian and having all these new people visiting with their new stories is very exciting for her. The other characters I play do not have names but they help totellthestory

Y:You have been blessed to meet the real

Captain Beverley Bass Can you talk about your friendship? I understand she has seen theshowover150times

MA: There is no other way that I can think of thatwewouldhave metor become friends without this show. Beverley was born in Florida, calls Texas her home now and had no interest in musicals And I am fromRegionalAustraliaanddon’tflyplanes

The first time she saw me in the role I was really nervous and she was really surprised to hear that. I wanted to make sure, since she is the one I was portraying that I did a great job After the first couple of times I was no longer nervous She is actually like havingmymomintheaudience Sheisvery supportiveandlovescomingtotheshow.It’s beenoneofthegreatestsurprisesofherlife, thatshehasbeenimmortalized.

Y: Do you ask her info about her to play hermorerealistically?

MA:Ihavehadtheopportunitytoaskher about what buttons to push so she printed out the cockpit and highlighted what I neededtopush.

Y: It’s so important to give back in my opinion and you do exactly that. You have a charity called “Carols by Cabaret,” for the Wayside Chapel. What prompted you to co-founditandcontinuewithittothisday?

MA:It’sacharityinAustralia.It’sbasically an open house that takes care of homeless people,strugglingwithaddictionortryingto get back on their feet. They do this tremendous event on Christmas Day where they close down the street and feed hundreds of people who are otherwise displaced. It’s so importantonChristmasday,tohaveaseatat

the table and a place to be that year That’s why I loved co-creating that charity with somefriendsinAustraliaandgivingback.

Y: Speaking of giving back tell us about the“PayitForwardDay”thattheproducers ofComeFromAwayhavecreated?

MA:Ourproducers,the“JunkyardDogs” as they are affectionately called, give us money to go out to the community and do little acts of kindness It could be as simple as picking up someone’s coffee bill who is having a bad day. We do this around the date of 9/11. One year my colleague and I tookalargeplatteroffoodtooneofthelocal schoolsinalowincomeareaandbroughtthe teacherslunch.

Y: You continue to have an incredible career Can you share a wow, pinch me moment that you can’t believe you got to experience?

MA:ItwaswhenIactuallyplayedCaptain BassonBroadwayformyBroadwaydebut.

I had taken a few days off from the tour to be home in New York City on Christmas daywithmyfamily.Unfortunately,thatwas the week that the omicron strain of covid hit Broadway and really ravaged the acting community ItlookedlikeComeFromAway on Broadway may have to cancel shows because they did not have enough females todotheshow TheyrememberedthatIhad taken a leave of absence and was in the city. I got a call on Christmas Day, a very very lovely Christmas present to receive and I was asked if I would mind doing the show thenextday.

It was a very unusual debut. There was no champagne or flowers It was very fun

andverycalmbecauseIhaddonetheshow andmyrolehundredsoftimes Thebestpart aboutitwasthatIwasworkingwithalotof actors that had not worked with me before. That sounds scary but it’s so fun because it’s so fresh and everyone is really focused and excited to be on stage and we had a really good time and I feel really bonded to the people in that experience on that day, becausewepickedupthecurtainandsaved thatday.Ireallytreasurethatdayandbeing partofthatopportunity

Yiorgo is an arts, entertainment and sports writer A stage, TV and movie actor, he is also a sports entertainer, educator, motivational speaker, writer, storyteller and columnist

Friday,May19 Main Stage „ 8:30pm BluesTraveler „ 6:00pm HoneyIslandSwampBand „ 3:30pm AmandaShaw Crescent City Stage „ 7:30pm BigSam’sFunkyNation Saturday,May20 Main Stage „ 8:30pm AndersOsborne „ 6:00pm BigSam’sFunkyNation „ 3:45pm Bonerama Sunday,May21 Main Stage „ 4:30pm NorthMississippiAllstars Crescent City Stage „ 3:30pm TerranceSimien „ 1:30pm TerranceSimien Additional acts to be announced soon! 2023 Bayou Bon Vivant: Cajun Food & Music Festival Lineup
from Page 1
MarikaAubreyplays Captain Beverley Bass in Come FromAway (COURTESYPHOTO)
www flagshipnews.com | The Flagship | Section 3 | Thursday, March 2, 2023 3
Scene from the NorthAmericanTourofCome FromAway (PHOTOBYMATTHEWMURPHY)

FromFamilyFeatures/American HeartAssociation

Despitebusylivesandfullschedules, finding time for regular meals with lovedonesencouragesconnectionsand conversations that can benefit mental andphysicalwell-being Gatheringyour family, friends, coworkers or neighbors at least once a week to spend time togetheroveramealprovidesopportunitiestodecompressandsocialize.

If you’re looking for a little delicious inspiration,theAmericanHeartAssociationrecommendsschedulingonenight perweektocreatearecurringtradition andenjoyfavoritessuchasbreakfastfor dinner Recipes like Egg, Avocado and BlackBeanBreakfastBurritos;Huevos Rancheros; and Southwestern Quinoa and Egg Breakfast Bowls from the Healthy for Good Eat Smart initiative, nationallysupportedbyEggland’sBest, are perfectly suited for sharing while making time to destress at the dinner table

Infact,accordingtoastudyby“CanadianFamilyPhysician,”regularmealsat homewithlovedonescanreducestress, boost self-esteem and make everyone feel connected with mealtime conversations that allow a chance to unplug andunwind.

Meals don’t have to be elaborate for a successful evening together Despite the perceived effort involved with preparing a meal, research published in “Preventive Medicine” shows those who have frequent meals with others, particularly parents with their children,mayimprovesocialandemotional well-being

In addition to the mental and emotional benefits of meals with loved ones, eating together can also encourage healthier choices when better-foryou recipes are on the menu Dining as a group can provide inspiration to try heart-healthy recipes that include the wide variety of vegetables, fruit, whole grains and healthy protein sources recommended by the American Heart Association to help prevent heart diseaseandstroke

To find recipe ideas, conversation startersandmoretipsformealtime,visit heart.org/together

Huevos Rancheros

Servings: 4


„ 1teaspooncanolaoil



„ ½cupdicedpoblanopepper,seeds andribsdiscarded

„ 1smallfreshjalapenopepper,seeds andribsdiscarded,minced

„ 1½teaspoonsmincedgarlic

„ 1can(14½ounces)no-salt-added crushedtomatoes

„ 2tablespoonswater

„ ¼teaspoonsalt


„ 1teaspooncanolaoil

„ 4largeeggs

„ 4corntortillas(6inches),warm

„ 1can(15½ounces)no-salt-added blackbeans,rinsedanddrained

„ ¼cupshreddedlow-fatMexican cheeseblend

„ 1smallavocado,quarteredand sliced

„ 2tablespoonschoppedfresh cilantro(optional)

„ 1mediumlime,cutintofourwedges (optional)

Tomakesalsa:Inmediumsaucepan over medium heat, heat oil swirling to coat bottom Cook onion 2 minutes or until almost soft stirring frequently Cook poblano and jalapeno peppers 2 minutes, stirring frequently Stir in garlic Cook 1 minute Stir in tomatoes, water and salt. Bring to boil. Reduce heattolow.Simmer5minutes.Remove fromheat.Covertokeepwarm.

To make huevos rancheros: In medium nonstick skillet over medium heat, heat oil swirling to coat bottom. Cook eggs 3-4 minutes, or until whites aresetandedgesarefullycooked. Place one tortilla on each plate. Top each tortilla with beans and one egg, being careful not to break yolk. Gently top each egg with warm salsa, cheese andavocadoslices.

Sprinkle each serving with cilantro andservewithlimewedge,ifdesired.

Southwestern Quinoa and Egg Breakfast Bowls

Servings: 4

„ ¼cupuncookedquinoa rinsed anddrained

„ 2mediumtomatoes,chopped (about2cups)

„ 1cupno-salt-addedfrozencorn, thawed

„ ½mediumavocado,pittedanddiced

„ ¼cupchoppedgreenonions

„ ½cupchoppedfreshcilantro (optional)

„ nonstickcookingspray

„ 4largeeggs





„ redhot-peppersauce,totaste (optional)

Cook quinoa according to package directions Removefromheat.

Spoon quinoa into four bowls Top each with tomatoes, corn, avocado, greenonionsandcilantro,ifdesired.

Lightlyspraylargeskilletovermedium-high heat with nonstick cooking spray Crack eggs into skillet. Sprinkle eggswithsaltandpepper Cook,uncovered, 3-4 minutes, or until egg whites are set but yolks are still runny. Using spatula,carefullytransferoneeggsunny side up into each bowl. Sprinkle with hotsauce,ifdesired.


Avocado and Black

Bean Breakfast Burritos

Servings: 4

„ Nonstickcookingspray

„ 1⅓cupsliquideggwhites

„ 1can(15½ounces)no-salt-added blackbeans,rinsedanddrained

„ 4whole-wheattortillas(6inches, lowestsodiumavailable)

„ 2mediumavocados,sliced

„ ¼cuphotsauceorsalsa(lowest sodiumavailable,optional)

Lightly spray large skillet with nonstick cooking spray Heat over mediumheat.

In skillet, stir egg whites constantly with rubber spatula to scramble Cook until eggs are almost set. Add beans, stirring until combined and heated through. Microwave tortillas on high 45 seconds Transfertoworksurface Spreadeggmixtureincenterofeach tortilla. Top with the avocado and hot sauce,ifdesired.

For each burrito, fold two sides of tortilla toward center Starting from closest unfolded side, roll burrito toward remaining unfolded side to enclosefilling Transferwithseamside downtoplates

4 The Flagship | www flagshipnews.com | Section 3 | Thursday, March 2, 2023
Breakfast is the most important meal of the day – even at dinner!


MHS Communications

In the same way that wearing personal protective equipment like gloves, goggles and masks can minimize your exposure to hazards that cause serious workplace injuriesandillnesses,personalprotectivenutrition and lifestyle practices can do the same toboostyourimmunity

This is especially relevant this season, when a “tripledemic” collision of respiratory syncytial virus—known as RSV, the flu, and COVID-19 are affecting the populationandoverwhelminghospitalsacrossthe


“Personal protective nutrition and personal protective lifestyle are evidencebased strategies to boost your immune response to reduce the risk of severe illness associated with COVID-19 and other infectiousdiseases,”saidU.S.AirForceCol.(Dr.)

MaryAnneKiel chairoftheAirForceMedicalReadinessAgency’sLifestyleandPerformance Medicine Working Group “They are additional measures that we can take to improveourresilienceandoptimizemilitary readinessandperformance.”

PPN includes optimizing your nutrition by eating mostly unprocessed foods from plant sources, she explained This means drinking enough water to stay hydrated and aiming to get most vitamins and essentialnutrientsfromwholefoodsources thus beingselectiveaboutwhichtypesofsupplementstotake.

“PPLincludesgettingseven-to-ninenightly hours of restorative sleep, learning tools to managestress,stayingphysicallyactiveevery day, maintaining positive social connections, spending time in nature practicing mindfulness and avoiding risky substances like tobaccoandalcohol,”addedKiel

Taste the Rainbow

“Eating a healthy diet is one of the most profound ways that we can have a positive impactonourhealthandwell-being,includingourimmunesystem,”saidKiel

Consideringthat“eatingissomethingwe typically do two-to-six times per day, being selectiveaboutthetypesoffoodswefuelour body with can significantly boost our abilitytofendoffandfightinfectionswhenour immunesystemencountersthem,”saidKiel

Consuming a wide variety of types and colorsoffruitsandvegetableshelpsusmaximize the nutrients our immune system has to build a protective response, including phytochemicals vitamins minerals and fiber.

“It gives our immune system the best building blocks to create a defense against infectionsandothernon-infectiouschronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, and others,” said the expert.

Personal Protective Nutrition (PPN)

Eatawell-balanceddiettooptimizeyour immunity:

„ Drinkplentyofwater Divideyourbody weight(inpounds)bytwo,andaimtodrink thatmanyouncesofwateraday.

„ Buildapowerplate Fill your plate with 50%veggies 25%wholegrains and25%lean protein.VisitMyPlate.govtolearnmore

„ Eat high-fiber and protein. Consume a varietyofveggies,legumes(beansandpeas), grains, and fruits for fullness Try plantbasedproteinstoo

„ Go anti-inflammatory Use fresh herbs andspices,eathealthyfats(olive,sunflower, or avocado oils), avoid foods with added sugar andminimizefriedorprocessedfoods.

„ Eattherainbow Foodsrichincolorhave high amounts of antioxidants so eat your berries,greens,andothercolorfulfoods

„ Protectyourgut Eatgrains(brownrice couscous orquinoa),veggies andfermented foods (yogurt, kimchi, and sauerkraut) for betterdigestion. „ Getthescooponsupplements Askyour healthcare provide about supplement such as vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, magnesium, andomega-3.

What the Research Shows

There is ample research to support the benefits of a healthy diet in warding off disease.

For example, studies show that about 70%-80% of our immunity resides within the cells of our gastrointestinal tract, said Kiel.

Given that the foods we eat “impact the compositionofthebacteriaandfungiliving withinourgastrointestinaltract,”thisiskey forourimmunehealth.

The American Gut Study “found that people who included more than 30 different types of plant foods in their diets each week—including fruits, vegetables, grains, legumes,nuts,andseeds—hadamuchmore diversemicrobiomeintheirintestinaltract,” shesaid.

Specifically regarding COVID-19 a study bytheNationalInstitutesofHealthpublished in 2021 concluded that a high-quality diet consisting primarily of healthy plant-based foods, was associated with decreased risk andseverityofCOVID-19.

Another 2021 NIH study found that the micronutrients consumed in a diet that containsadiversityofplantsplayimportant rolesinsupportingtheresponsetoCOVID19vaccination

And a study published in the nutrition journalBMJNutrition,Prevention&Health, “showed that people who self-reported following plant-based diets and pescatariandiets[meaningtheyconsumefishbutno othermeats]hadsignificantlyloweroddsof experiencing moderate-to-severe COVID19,”saidKiel.

Effects of Processed Foods

Processed foods—food that is altered from its natural state—can negatively affect our health and ability to prevent infection, explainedKiel. Theseprocessesrefertoanyalterationin thewayafoodiscookedorpackaged including adding preservatives, flavors nutrients salts sugars,orfats.

“By their nature, processed foods often

havesignificantlylessfiberandmuchmore salt, oil, sugar and fat compared to whole foods,”saidKiel.

Yet also, “highly processed foods such as microwave meals, bagged snacks, sweets, processed meats, and sweetened beverages all increase inflammation and are best avoided,”saidU.S.AirForceCol.(Dr.)Sarah Vick, a family and preventive medicine physician at the Defense Health Agency’s ArmedForcesHealthSurveillanceDivision.

“Everything from runny noses to fevers to body aches can be traced to the immune system’sinflammatoryresponse,”sheadded.

As a result, consuming processed foods causesthebodytoabsorbfewerwholenutrients, potentially triggering “inflammatory responses and disease associations such as autoimmune diseases and perhaps other chronic inflammatory diseases and metabolicdisorders, saidKiel

Not Just Food

Consuming a healthy diet is important but it’s just one tool to boost your health and immunity Living a stressful life without enough rest, activity, or healthy social connectionscanalsobedetrimentaltoyour health.

“Just as eating a variety of plants and engaginginmoderateexercisecandecrease inflammation and susceptibility to infections, a poor diet, poor sleep, and being sedentary can increase inflammation and susceptibilitytoinfections,”addedVick

And even though stress is unavoidable, “learning how to respond to stress in a healthy and positive way can be the difference in our ability to thrive and maintain resilience in challenging situations,” said Kiel.

Toolsforrespondingtostressfulsituations include prioritizing self-care and making timetolaugh,saysthewellnessexpert

It “can help us destress and improve performance, in addition to strengthening ourimmunesystem.”

For example “engaging in self-care activities helps reduce cortisol [our stress hormone] and boosts other positive hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin,andendorphinstoreduceinflammation in our bodies, promote a strong immune system, and reduce our risk of developingchronicdisease,”sheadded

These hormones have key roles: Dopamine is the body’s the feel-good hormone serotonin regulates our moods and other functions, oxytocin plays a role in social

bondingandreproduction,andendorphins triggerpositivefeelings

Personal Protective Lifestyle (PPL)

Engage in activities that boost your immune resilience and optimize performance.

„ GetyourZzzs Resetyourbrainwith7—9 hoursofrestorativesleepnightlyandstickto consistentsleepandwaketimes

„ Practice mindfulness and STOP Stop, Take a breath, Observe your thoughts and feelings,andProceedwithhope

„ Reflectonwhat’sgood.Developaresilient mindset by seeking the good in situations.Findopportunitiestolearn,grow and beinnovative.Andifyouneedhelp askforit.

„ Movemore.Performaatleast30minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity 5—7 daysaweek

„ Connect with others Share meals, walks,andworkouts.Prioritizerelationships thatnurtureyou.

„ Spend time in nature. Take regular breaks from technology and go outside for 15—20minutesinthefreshair

In addition “getting high quality screenfreesleepallowsthebodytimeandresources torepairitself, saidVick

“Sleep is a critical facet for boosting our immune resilience and optimizing performance,”saidKiel.

Shehighlightedthatimprovedsleepdurationandqualitycanproducealmostinstantaneousresultsforimprovedmentalhealth, painlevels andriskforinfectiousdisease

“Infact,studieshaveshownthatsleeping atleasteighthoursdailyonaconsistentbasis is linked to fewer colds, by a factor of three tofour-fold,”shesaid.

During sleep, our brain works to remove toxins that have built up during the day and allows our mind and body to recharge, repair,andreenergize,sheadded.


“Movingthebodylubricatesmusclesand joints, preventing stiffness and pain caused byinflammation, shesaid.“Moderatephysicalexercisegivestheaddedbonusoframping up the immune system with elements thatfightvirusesincludingRSV,COVID-19, andinfluenza.”

To learn more about PPN and PPL practices to help you remain healthy, strong and better able to avoid viruses and illness contactyourhealthcareprovider.

getting sick with some tips to boost your immunity
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