Military Press, Zone 2, Sep 1, 2013

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Volume 37 • #17 • September 1, 2013


September 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS 1

continued on next page >>>

By Richard Matz, Publisher

Doorway to the Middle East Two and a half years after the first stirrings of the Arab Spring, Egypt is once again in the throes of a revolution. Mere days after long simmering resentments about food storages, long gas lines, and soaring unemployment fueled massive public protests against the ruling Muslim Brotherhood, the Egyptian military acted on its ultimatum to oust Pres. Mohammed Morsi, suspend the Constitution and install an interim government. Although the outcome is far from clear, renewed upheaval in the world’s most populous Arab country is bound to have enormous consequences for the broader Middle East and for U.S. interest in the region. ENTERTAINMENT


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2 September 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS •


‘Islam is the solution...’

As soon as they won power, the Muslim Brotherhood dispensed with its patina of moderation and its embrace of democracy. The younger generation Brotherhood acolytes who charmed Western reporters on the street soon found their testaments to Muslim Brotherhood democracy to be wishful

Rather than subsidize the Muslim Brotherhood, the United States should stand back and let them fail. American taxpayer money is not an entitlement...

Muslim Brotherhood acolytes like Mohammad Morsi, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, and Ismail Haniyeh always confuse democracy with majoritarianism and mob rule; it is long past time they realize that true democracy is about accountability

and rule-of-law. If the Muslim Brotherhood only focused their malevolence on their domestic audience, that would be tragic. But their incitement and the terrorism they promote make every Islamistdominated country a security risk to moderate regimes and to the democracies that value individual freedom and liberty

thinking. Even as Egypt hemorrhaged foreign reserves, Morsi preferred to enforce Islamist dictates on women, minorities, and moderate Muslims. Rather than bolster jobs, Morsi prayed for Israel’s destruction and embraced Hamas. Throughout the region, Islamists claim to have a solution to worldly problems that secular governments do not. In every country they control, however — Iran, Turkey, Tunisia, and Egypt — it soon becomes clear their goal is power, not good governance.

above collective identity. Rather than subsidize the Muslim Brotherhood, the United States should stand back and let them fail. American taxpayer money is not an entitlement and should never subsidize hateful or anti-American regimes. The harder they fall, the better. Let the Muslim Brotherhood be discredited in the eyes not only of Egyptians, but all Arabs and Turks and, indeed, the world. Perhaps then the region can begin its long climb to recovery. And more liberal movements can finally get the domestic attention in the Middle East they deserve. It is far from uncommon to hear Egyptians, whose economy was brought close to bankruptcy by persistent instability, hark back to Mubarak’s era as a time when they at least earned a living. “The Brotherhood were a problem for this country. God has taken revenge on them,” said Haj Abdelfattah, 71, smoking his waterpipe as he sat on a plastic chair and sold overripe fruit by the road. “They acted for themselves, not Egypt.”


The Military Press September 1, 2013 Publisher Richard T. Matz

Production / Web Sandra Powers • Joe Yang

Customer Service Manager Carol Williams

Distribution Robert Wood

Advertising Manager Valerie Swaine

Contributing Writers Doug Aguillard Crystal Arriaga Mort Fretel • Art Garcia Howard Hian • Keith Angelin Jeri Jacquin, The Movie Maven Jessamyn Patterson Contact Us:

Account Representatives: Kaitlyn Burt • Michelle Hull Linda Woods Public Relations Lisa Matz

9715 Carroll Centre Road, Suite #104 San Diego, CA 92126 • Tel 858.537.2280 The Military Press Newsmagazine is published semi-monthly on the 1st and the 15th by Military Press Newspaper, a commercial, free-enterprise newspaper. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Department of the Navy and is no way associated with the Department of the Navy. The editorial objective of the Military Press is to promote support for a strong military presence. The opinions and views of the writers whose materials appear herein are those of the writers and not the publisher. Appearance of advertising does not constitute endorsement by the Military Press Newspaper. Consumers should make informed decisions when purchasing products and services, and when considering business opportunities, and research before investing. Subscription by mail is $50 per year to CONUS or FPO addresses.

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September 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS 3

Shh...Green Bank, West Virginia is home to the largest steerable satellite in the world - and it needs absolute radio silence to do its work.

The town where WiFi, cell phones, TV, and radio are banned • Green Bank, West Virginia lies in the National Radio Quiet Zone where electronic transmitters are strictly regulated • Cellphones, WiFi, TV and radio are banned so satellites can gather information from space • Some have been flocking to the small town to escape what they believe to be the dangerous electronic wavelengths The town of Bomont outlawed dancing in the movie Footloose, but the kids in Green Bank, West Virginia live with much worse: no electronics. That’s because the small town of 149 people lies in the middle of the 13,000-square mile National Radio Quiet Zone. Scientists use this space to project satellites into space for research, and they can’t have waves from personal electronic devices interrupting their signals. That means no radio, TV, WiFi, cellphones or bluetooth. Green Bank is home to the largest steerable radio telescope in the world — the Green Bank Telescope. It is arguably the most powerful satellite observing space. To let the telescope operate without disturbances the town has completely outlawed the use of electronic transmitting devices and a policeman actually patrols the streets looking for wireless signals. Only first responders are allowed

4 September 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS

to use radios and there’s only one pay phone. Residents still have access to the internet, but at the glacial streaming pace dial-up offers. Obviously that makes modern life difficult for the residents of the town, but it’s also looked at as a positive by many who began flocking here in the mid-2000s to get away from all the technology. Many of these newer residents say that they suffer from Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS), a disease not recognized in the medical community. People like Diane Schou believe that the waves caused by electronic objects make them sick, much like allergies, and that Green Bank is one of the only places they can live and be healthy. ‘Life isn’t perfect here,’ Schou told Slate. ‘There’s no grocery store, no restaurants, no hospital nearby. But here at least, I’m healthy. I can do things. I’m not in bead with a headache all the time.’ •

Benefits after separating from the military By Ryan Guina, The most important thing to consider when separating from the military is ensuring your immediate needs are taken care of. This includes making sure you have some cash coming in to cover your bills, a roof over your head, and health care coverage for you and your family. Unfortunately, you can only take your military health care benefits with you in limited circumstances, which we will cover in this article. If you don’t meet the limited qualifications for taking your TRICARE benefits with you, then you will be required to find your own health care. We will cover a few other options for finding affordable health care coverage in this article. These tips can help you find the best places to get medical benefits to make sure your family is covered.

Health care insurance after separating from the military

With only a few exceptions, military health care benefits cease for you and your family the day you leave the military. Some exceptions include retirees, those who qualify for Transitional Assistance Management Program (TAMP), and some veterans with service connected disability ratings. In the first two examples, your family will also continue to be covered by the

military health care system. Those who qualify for VA medical care will no longer receive care directly from the military (the VA will take over), and family members will not be eligible for benefits. Retiree medical care: If you are an active duty retiree, you should continue to be eligible for TRICARE benefits. These benefits differ slightly from active duty benefits, as you will have to enroll and pay a small annual fee for family members, but they are close enough in scope that the transition should be relatively painless compared to seeking out your own insurance. Non-retirees: If you are not a retiree, your options are different. We will cover some options for you below.

Transitional Assistance Management Program (TAMP)

The Transitional Assistance Man-

agement Program (TAMP) is a short term health care program which will give you and your family an additional 180 days of health care coverage after you separate from the military. The benefits are the same as active duty health care, and if you qualify, you and your family will receive DoD issued ID cards for access to health care on base. TAMP is designed for military members and their families who are required to make a quick, and sometimes unexpected, exit from military service. Eligibility for TAMP depends on 2 factors: the reason you are separating form the military, and you must have an honorable discharge. Some qualifying reasons for separation include involuntary separation, stop-loss in support of a contingency operation, voluntary agreement to stay on active duty for less than one year in support of a contingency operation, receiving a sole survivorship discharge, and a few other select circumstances. If you are eligible for TAMP, it should show up in your DEERS profile, and it is recommended you apply for these

benefits before you separate from the military. This will give you 6 additional months of active duty health care coverage, which will hopefully be enough time to find a civilian health care plan, or transition to the Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP), which is covered below. If you do not qualify for TAMP, you and your family members may still be eligible for Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP) or some of the other health care options listed in this article.

Continued Health Care Benefit Program (CHCBP)

In the civilian world, companies offer their employees COBRA Health Insurance Coverage, which allows their employees to take their group health insurance with them when they leave their company. The only catch is the former employee is required to pay for the entire cost of the plan (i.e. it is no longer subsidized by their former employer). COBRA benefits are usually good for 18 months. The military doesn’t have an exact COBRA program, but they offer something very similar with the Continued Health Care Benefit Program

Complete story at separating

Reality TV: Good or bad for the Corps? Have you ever watched the Real service member. Honestly, going to Housewives of Orange County? Yes the grocery store on base can give me there is a reality TV show that follows severe enough stress that I’d rather wealthy socialites around. Ok, I’ll ad- wait until 10 minutes before it closes mit it; I watch it! I think it’s intrigu- to walk in there than the middle of the day on a paying to know that day. Samething a show is being goes for the traffilmed so close to fic and road rage our base. in LA. I wouldn’t Recently be so quick to there’s been meof the Corps judge and diagdia frenzy about nose here peoa U.S. Marine, By Crystal Arriaga ple, especially Ryan, who is on about something one of the shows. I know what you’re thinking. How did you have no clue about. What’s funa Marine get on reality TV? Well he ny is the cast members on the show married the daughter (Briana) of one could probably be certifiably insane at times but no one has ever accused of the Housewives, so voila, he’s in! them of having PTSD. He’s actually been on the show Regardless of the inexcusable befor some time but during one of the havior, albeit alcohol related or othtapings for the season finale it got erwise; I hope he looks in the mirheated and all hell broke loose. Apror and realizes that on reality TV, parently, Ryan did not appreciate an Americans are looking at him and his older woman propping her feet upon family like a Science Fair project and a couch in the home of his motherthose opinions might be blanketed toin-law and proceeded to berate her wards other military families. I wish while the cameras were rolling. He althat all along the journey of having leged they didn’t air everything on TV the new Marine Corps couple on TV and she was as much to blame as him they would’ve detailed how this new but suffice it to say the footage made change in her life has been, the classhim look bad. es she’s taken and how she’s coping. Cue the irate and irrational Ameri- Whether or not she likes it. Briana is cans. Viewers flocked to social media a highly visible Marine Corps spouse and threw out so many terms about now that can help newer spouses deal this situation. PTSD was the first one with the unknowns our lifestyle can to catch on and it spread like wild- throw at us. I will extend an invitafire only because viewers know he tion to Briana and the entire family has been and is going overseas as a to come to Camp Pendleton and sit



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down with some of us salty seasoned Marine Corps families and become well acquainted with our world. So what do you think? Is reality TV good for the Marine Corps?

Questions or comments? Email us at Military Press at keepinformed@! You can also follow my blog @ http://marinecorpswives101.



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September 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS 5

Woodrow Wilson (Dec. 28, 1856-Feb. 3, 1924) 28th Vice President of the United States

Duesenberg Model J Dual-Cowl Phaeton

“The government, which was designed for the people, has got into the hands of the bosses and their employers, the special interests. An invisible empire has been set up above the forms of democracy.” — Woodrow Wilson

• Babe Ruth sets home run season record at 54 • Man O’War’s last race and win

Thomas R. Marshall (March 14, 1854-June 1, 1925) 28th Vice President of the United States

In the news

• The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution is ratified prohibiting any U.S. citizen from being denied the right to vote based on sex • Bubonic plague in India • Silver goes for $1.37 per ounce • First commercial radio broadcast aired • Harlem Renaissance begins • League of Nations established

• Pancho Villa retires • Silver reaches record $1.37 an ounce • Walt Disney starts first job as an artist, $40 week with KC Slide Co. • Palm Sunday tornado outbreak of 1920 affects the Great Lakes region and Deep South states • Joan of Arc canonized as a saint • Post office says children could not be sent by parcel post • Panama Canal opens


• Jungle gym • Band aid • Spiral


notebooks • Qtips • Hair dryer • Radio


• Boston Red Sox sell Babe Ruth to New York Yankees • 1st Black baseball league organizes • Jack Dempsey KOs Bill Brennan in 12 for heavyweight boxing title • NFL Champions:1920 Akron Pros

• The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari • The Golem • Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde • Way Down East • The Last of the Mohicans • The Penalty • Sex • Within Our Gates • The Flapper • Why Change Your Wife? • Leaves Out of the Book of Satan • Erotikon • Anna Boleyn • The Saphead • Terror Island

Popular songs

• “Crazy Blues” by Mamie Smoith • “Dardanella” by Ben Selvin’s Novely Orchestra • “I’ve Got My Captain Working For Me Now,” Al Jolson • “Love Nest” by John Steel

Boxer Jack Dempsey Dusenberg

6 September 1, 2013 1, THE PRESS Page 6 September 2013MILITARY THE MILITARY PRESS •

0 2 9 1

remember when...


• “Whispering” by Paul Whiteman’s Orchestra

Popular books

• “The Man of the Forest,” Zane Grey • “Kindred of the Dust,” Pete By Kyne • “The Re-Creation of Brian Kent,” Harold Bell Wright • “The River’s End,” by James Oliver Curwood

Born in 1920

• Otis Boykin • Rosalind Franklin • Ray Bradbury • Yul Brenner • Ravi Shankar • San Musial • William Conrad • Peggy Lee • Charlie Bird Parker • Shelly Winters • Ross Martin • Helen Thomas • Ricardo Montalbon • Isaac Asimov • Mario Puzo • Jack Lord

Above right: Maureen O’Hara. Left: Esther Rolle, Pope John Paul II, DeForest Kelley, Mickey Rooney

Famous Flappers

•  Income per year $1,000 •  New House $4,500 •  Rent $87 •  Car $575 •  Gallon of gas 26¢ •  Loaf of bread 9¢ •  Dozen eggs 50¢ •  Gallon of milk 56¢ •  First-class stamp 2¢ Mamie Smith

Clara Bow Alice White Colleen Moore Olive Borden

Pancho Villa

Dusenberg J 116

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September 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS September 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS Page77

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8 September 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS •

Famous people and their phobias By Miss Cellania Okay, let’s level with each other. Is there anyone out there reading this who isn’t afraid of something? Come on, I know it’s hard for some of us to be open about stuff like this, but you can be honest. You’d have to think that with all the varied and unique experiences each of us has had in our respective lives, some fears have developed. Well, don’t feel bad about it. I would think having a phobia or two (or three or whatever) is pretty much inevitable. These fears are nothing to laugh at or ridicule. On the contrary, they are pretty much a part of “the human experience.” Let’s take a look at some major fears, dislikes, and full-out phobias of some well-known people.
 Gustave Eiffel, the designer of the famed Eiffel Tower, was terrified of heights. LSD advocate and guru Timothy Leary was deathly afraid of barbers. He started cutting his own hair at the age of nine. He even refused to enter a barber shop. Megan Fox hates paper. Megan says it’s not a full phobia, it’s more like the people who get chills from fingernails scratching on a blackboard. Megan says she has to have a paper cup around to immediately wet her fingers to turn the pages if she is reading a script or a book. She hates dry paper.

Matthew McConaughey is scared of revolving doors. He will not get anywhere near a revolving door. He’s also afraid of tunnels. He’s not scared of being in a tunnel, but he is scared of the point where you have to enter a tunnel. Johnny Depp is terrified of clowns. Says Johnny, “There’s something about the painted face, the fake smile. There always seems to be a darkness lurking under the surface, a potential for real evil.”
 Nicole Kidman is afraid of butterflies. Once, bravely, she tried walking through a butterfly exhibit at a museum, but couldn’t make it. As a young girl, Nicole wouldn’t even enter her home if a butterfly was sitting on the entrance gate. Christina Ricci can’t stand to be around houseplants. She is also deathly afraid of being in a swimming pool alone. She always imagines “a magic door is going to open and a shark is going to come out.”
 Billy Bob Thornton is deathly afraid

of antique furniture. He is not comfortable being in a room with any furniture that goes back before 1850. (It must

have been hard to film The Alamo. Almost as tough as it was to watch that movie!) Roger Moore (James Bond) — yes, agent 007 himself cannot pick up a gun without uncontrollably blinking. Alfred Hitchcock was terrified of eggs. The director of Psycho just hated eggs, especially runny ones (who doesn’t?). Yes, irony of ironies, Walt Disney, who gave the world Mickey Mouse, was indeed, afraid of mice. Composer Fredric Chopin and storyteller Hans Christian Andersen were both very scared of being buried alive. Andersen always kept a sign around whenever he slept, which said he wasn’t really dead, he just looked that way, and that he really was sleeping.

How to say ‘I love you...’ 3. I painted ‘I love you’ on our rock I’m sure you’ve told your spouse hundreds of times, ‘I love you.’ But which he keeps with him always. 4. I spelled ‘I love you’ with peas on sometimes it’s not what you say; it’s top of his mashed how you say it that potatoes. has the greatest imHere are some pact. other ideas: Have you ever 1. Page your been on the beach spouse with the when a plane flies message ‘1-4-3’ overhead dragging which is code for one of those signs ‘I love you.’ behind it? I once 2. Make a phosaw one that said, ‘Julie, will you marry me?’ Shortly af- to collage in the shape of ‘1-4-3’ or ‘I ter the plane flew by, I saw a woman love you.’ 3. Hang a big ‘I love you’ sign from jumping up and down in joy, screaming, and hugging her friend. I guess your staircase. 4. Make a home video of you singing that was Julie. Julie’s husband proposed using the ‘I love you’ and play it for your spouse. 5. Convince the manager at a store same words as most men. But the way he said it was special and Julie will to let you announce over the loud speaker, ‘Honey, it’s (your name) and I never forget it. Your assignment this week has an just wanted to say I love you.’ If your spouse gets this email, then easy part and a hard part. The easy part is to tell your spouse, ‘I love you.’ your job this week is harder because The hard part is to do it in a way they you need to come up with an original idea not on the above list. When it will never forget. I actually got this idea from a boot comes to ‘I love you,’ originality rules. If your spouse doesn’t get this email, camp alumnus who sent me an email to share all the unique ways she said, ‘I then go ahead and pull from one of the love you’ to her husband. She gave me ideas above, or come up with your own permission to share her ideas with you. idea. In any event, say ‘I love you’ this I hope they inspire you and get your week in a way your spouse will never creative juices flowing. She wrote: 1. I spelled ‘I love you’ with canned forget. I know you’ve said it hundreds cheese and crackers and left it with his of times. But we all need to hear it again and again. ‘I love you’ never dinner. 2. I wrote ‘I love you’ on the shower grows old. Especially when you find new ways to say it. wall with dry erase markers. For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280

For more info, get the free report 7 Secrets for Fixing Your Marriage at Mort Fertel is a world authority on the psychology of relationships and has an international reputation for saving marriages. In addition to working with couples, he teaches individuals how to single-handedly transform their marital situation.

Stage fright? Some of the greatest actors and performers in history have been stricken with this phobia, including Marilyn Monroe, Barbra Streisand, Gracie Allen, and even Sir Lawrence Olivier. It is actually a tribute to these great talents that they were able to give such incredible performances under the circumstances. Fear of water is Michael Jordan’s Achille’s heel. A childhood friend of his died in the ocean and his armed locked onto Michael’s before Michael could wrest himself free. Ever since, the water scares “Air” Jordan. According to legend, Stephen Spielberg is afraid of insects. Donald Trump has a phobia about shaking hands. Woody Allen was treated by psychoanalysts for 40 years (hmm, didn’t seem to help much). “I’ve been killing spiders since I was 30,” says Allen about one of his legion of fears and phobias. He is also deathly afraid of showering in a shower where the drain is in the middle of the tub. Woody’s list of fears also includes stage fright, sunshine, children, hotel bathrooms, cancer and other diseases, heights, and crowds.

Complete story at phobias


September 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS 9

12 redneck quotes

1 It’s been hotter’n a goat’s butt in a pepper patch. 2. My cow died last night so I don’t need your bull. 3. Have a cup of coffee, it’s already been ‘saucered and blowed. 4. Don’t pee down my back and tell me it’s raining. 5. He fell out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down. 6. He’s as country as cornflakes. 7. If things get any better, I may have to hire someone to help me enjoy it. 8. Well butter my butt and call me biscuit. 9. It’s so dry, the trees are bribing the dogs. 10. She’s so stuck up, she’d drown in a rainstorm. 11. This is gooder’n grits. 12. He’s busier than a cat covering crap on a marble floor.

ked. “What are you doing?” she asks. “Mom, it’s my LOVE dress!! Don’t you like it?” “I’ll come back in a few weeks when the honeymoon is over,” replies the mom.

When she goes back, she is shocked when once again her daughter is naked. “Now what are you doing?” “Mom, it’s my LOVE dress. It keeps the marriage spicy!”

Later that night the mom decides to try it for herself. When her husband comes home, he gives the same reaction: “Honey, what are you doing?” She gave him the same answer her daughter gave her, “It’s my LOVE dress! What do you think of it?” Her husband thinks long and hard and says, “I think you should have ironed it!”

Just for Laughs

Love dress


A young girl gets married and a few days later her mother goes to visit. When she knocks on the door, she is shocked to see her daughter open it na-

One liners

Nobody’s a screws us all.

First guy (proudly): “My wife’s an angel!”
 Second guy: “You’re lucky, mine’s still alive.” My wife says I never listen... or something like that... Make it idiot proof and someone will make a better idiot.

ACROSS 1. After-bath powder 5. Abrasive 10. Powdery dirt 14. Pearly-shelled mussel 15. Run away to wed 16. Ancient Peruvian 17. Shower 18. Change 20. Skittish 22. Physicians 23. Regret 24. Product of bees 25. Traverse on foot 32. Bad treatment 33. Angers 34. Was victorious 37. Colored part of an eye 38. Coil of yarn 39. Broad valley 40. Put clothing on 41. Portion 42. Cowboy sport 43. Notch 45. Angler’s basket 49. Ribonucleic acid 50. Remedy 53. Walks unsteadily 57. Eclipse 59. Notion 60. Japanese wrestling 61. Picture 62. Poems 63. Char 64. Prison-related 65. Gestures of assent

4. A national legislative assembly 5. Fastball (baseball slang) 6. Friend 7. Decay 8. Hurried 9. Protagonist 10. Repeat 11. Labor group 12. Gain points in a DOWN game 1. Territory 13. A Eurasian 2. A Freudian stage aromatic herb 3. 53 in Roman numerals 19. Pains

10 September 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS

21. Large 25. Gave money 26. River of Spain 27. Wreckage 28. Annoyed 29. Daughter of a sibling 30. Extraterrestrial 31. One more than nine 34. Dry riverbed 35. Margarine 36. A noble gas 38. Transgression 39. An endowment 41. Heaps


Denise Richards

Usher According to a recent survey, men say the first thing they notice about a woman is their eyes, and women say the first thing they notice about men s they’re a bunch of liars. Q: What’s the difference between snow men and snow women?
A: Snowballs! This isn’t an office. It’s Hell with fluorescent lighting. Everyone thinks I’m psychotic, except for the friends in my head.

Lie-detecting robot

A father buys a lie detector robot that slaps people when they lie. He decides to test it out at dinner one night.

42. Deliver a tirade 44. A small hand tool 45. Pass over 46. Variety show 47. Swelling under the skin 48. Mistake 51. Transport commercially 52. Identical 53. Roman robe 54. Cocoyam 55. Marsh plant 56. Back talk 58. One of the tribes of Israel

The father asks his son what he did that afternoon. The sons says, “I did some schoolwork.” The robot slaps the son. The sons says, “Ok, ok. I was at a friend’s house watching movies.” Dad says, “What movie did you watch?” Son says, “Toy Story.” The robot slaps the son. Son says, “Ok, ok. We were watching porn.: Dad says, “What? At your age I didn’t even know what porn was.” The robot slaps the father. Mom laughs and says, “Well, he certainly is your son.” The robot slaps the mother. Robot for sale.

SUDOKU The rules to play Sudoku are quite simple. Fill in the blanks so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 grids contain one instance of each of the numbers 1 through 9.

This week’s solutions: •

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September 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS 11

THE SMOOTHNESS TO BLEND IN. THE BACKBONE TO STAND OUT. Sailor Jerry’s blend of Caribbean rums lays down a

smooth-as-hell base for any drink. Meanwhile, its bold spiced character stands out, so even fancyass cocktails taste better. RESPECT HIS LEGACY. DRINK SAILOR JERRY RESPONSIBLY. ©2013 Sailor Jerry Rum, 46% Alc./Vol. William Grant & Sons, Inc. New York, NY.

12 September 1, 2013 THE MILITARY PRESS •

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