Over150 retired generals and admirals (Flag Officers) have signed an open letter based on their oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. The letter states our nation is on the precipice of losing our Constitutional Republic due to the movement coming from those believing in Socialism and Marxism which is contrary to our founding principles as defined in our Constitution and Bill of Rights .
The purpose of the open letter is to ask citizens to carefully reflect on what is happening to our nation and then take swift action by getting involved at the local, state, and national levels to elect and hold accountable political representatives to uphold our Constitutional Republic and traditional American values.
North Korea and other adversaries, have been emboldened by the debacle in Afghanistan and our disastrous surrender to terrorists as outlined in our August 2021 Open Letter.
The open letter identifies China as the greatest external threat to our nation. It, along with Russia, iran,
The flight officers state the greatest domestic threat to our survival as a constitutional republic is the Socialist/ Marxist ideology underlying much of the administration and congressional leadership’s actions. Such threats
include an open border, the need for election integrity with the verification of voters to ensure one vote per citizen , energy dependence, executive orders and mandates bypassing the legislative process, double standards where laws are selectively enforced in preference often given to criminals over victims, defund the police actions endanger Americans , especially in the cities where minorities often suffer the most. Without the “rule of law”, accountability, and election
integrity , we have lost our republic to one party rule .
Freedom of speech is under assault by censorship, distortion and tyrannical intimidation tactics to silence differing political views including weaponising federal law enforcement agencies and hiring 87,000 new Armed IRS agents . When people are afraid to say in public what they say in private , then freedom of speech is lost to cancel culture, censorship and intimidation . Race and gender are being used politically to divide us into conflicting groups of oppressed versus alleged oppressors .
controlled secure borders. The war on fossil fuels makes us Energy Dependent on other nations like Russia, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia , and other mid east countries , increasing inflation and creating a major national security issue .
The flag officers say the national security issues cited can be solved with changes to existing political policies which requires electing and holding accountable politicians who will act to defend our Constitution, including the enumerated Rights, and traditional American values .
The administration’s Open Borders policy jeopardizes national security sovereign nations must have
The intire Open Letter with current signers and citizens action plan can be found at www.Flag Officers4America.com
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In1976 there was an incident involving black and white Marines on the Camp Pendleton . A group of black Marines from the motor pool with knives and screwdrivers stabbed a group of white Marines who they accused of being Ku Klux Klan members . Immediately a Media frenzy ensued . Jessie Jackson , Al Sharpton , Yvonne Bratworth Burke and a slew of newspapers and every major television network appeared at the front gate . The Marine Corps was accused of fostering and harboring Ku Klux Klan members and should be put on trial . At this time I had a community publication in Carlsbad called the Breeze. I immediately went to work and discovered none of the white Marines were members of The Ku Klux Klan . I ran a story the next day Thursday in my newspaper that none of the white Marines
where involve with the Ku Klux Klan and that the media , not the Marine Corps should be the ones to be put on trial.
Friday morning I got a call from Gen. Wilson the Commandant of the Marine Corps in Washington DC congratulating me for printing the truth. He said I was the only newspaper that printed the truth about this incident and that General Hoffman the base commander at Camp Pendleton would be giving me a call. Within minutes after Gen. Wilson’s call I received a call from Gen. Hoffman and he said he caught hell from Gen. Wilson because Wilson had a copy of the paper and Gen. Hoffman didn’t have a copy , even though we were in his back yard. Hoffman had an aide rush over to our office, picked up a few copies and with in 1/2 hour the general called me and invited me to
lunch aboard the base the next day . Not only did we have lunch but they put on a parade on for me as well !
Earlier that day Security Pacific Bank notified me that my check had bounced for $700 which was my check I had written to the Vista Press who was my printer .Luckily a few checks came in the mail for $800 and I was out of debt but my checking account balance was only $100 ,
At the luncheon there were 4 Generals and 6 staff members and as I sat there I was thinking about how much the parade and luncheon cost .So I nudged the general and asked him how much did he think this affair cost ? He laughed and asked me why so I told him how dire my money situation was . He then asked was there anything he could do for me and I said yes I’d like to put a newspaper aboard the base .
He not only said yes but he told me to pick out locations for news racks aboard the base and he would have his men help distribute it .
That was the birth of the Military Press . Over the last 48 years not only have we provided the Marine Corps and the Navy with an entertaining publication but we have given hundreds of thousand dollars donated trips to Hawaii, Las Vegas, Cancun and many other locations , plus merchandise and tickets too hundreds of concerts at the Air Shows on Miramar.
At one time in the late 80’ and 90’s we had 12 offices from San Diego to Sacramento and one at Carswell AFB in Fort Worth Tx. and were making plans to have offices coast to coast but then BRAK ( Base realignment / base closures ) came in and we just remained in California .
is one of the traits in the dark triad model, along with psychopathy and narcissism. In the field of personality psychology, Machiavellianism is a personality trait centered on manipulativeness, callousness, and indifference to morality.
1. A relative lack of affect in interpersonal relationships: Manipulators do not empathize with their victims. The more empathy one has, the less likely one will manipulate a person to do their bidding.
Under the recently devised Model of Machiavellians, three characteristics underlie the construct:
Though it has nothing to do with the historical figure or his political thought, the trait is named after the political theorist Niccolò Machiavelli, as psychologists Richard Christie and Florence Geis used edited and truncated statements inspired by his works to study variations in human behaviors.
In developing the construct studying manipulators, it is theorized that they would possess the following characteristics:
2. A lack of concern for conventional morality: The manipulator is not concerned with the morality of behaviors such as lying and cheating.
3. A lack of gross psychopathology (mental illness): Manipulators usually have an instrumentalist view of the world, which shows a lack of psychosis or other such mental impairments.
4 Low ideological commitment.
• Antagonism: manipulativeness, cynicism, selfishness, callousness, and arrogance.
• Planfulness: deliberation and orderliness.
• Agency: achievement-striving, assertiveness, self-confidence, emotional invulnerability, activity and competence.
“ Critical race theory is a divisive discourse that pits people of color against white people? “
Derrick Wilburn may be the descendant of slaves on both sides of his family, but he wants school boards pushing critical race theory to know something: He’s not oppressed.
The Colorado Springs father’s impassioned speech before a local board of education at which he declared “I’m not oppressed and I’m not a victim” has gone viral, becoming a rallying cry for the groundswell of parents fighting the race-focused curriculum and training programs.
“Racism in America would by and large be dead today if it were not for certain people and institutions keeping it on life support,” Mr. Wilburn said at the meeting. “Sadly one of those institutions is the American education system.”
The Colorado Springs School District 49 board voted 3-2 to oppose the
principles of critical race theory and Mr. Wilburn said S that he hopes the move will inspire and embolden other boards and parents.
“Slowly but surely, parents are rising up and we are pushing these school boards and letting these people know, look, you are elected representatives of the people and this is what we want, if you don’t like it we’ll vote you out, and the boards are beginning to respond,” he said on Fox & Friends.
Mr. Wilburn, who has three children, said his own experience challenges the racial oppression narrative.
“My whole point was I’m not
oppressed, not at all,”
Mr. Wilburn said.
“I live in a beautiful home in Colorado Springs which I refinanced last week, and I had mortgage companies and banks tripping over themselves trying to give me their business. Not a one of them saw that checked box that said AfricanAmerican and said, ‘Sorry, we don’t do business with your kind.’ That’s never happened to me.”
Mr. Wilburn, who founded the Rocky Mountain Black Conservatives, said that “those days are 50 years ago, but they want to drag them into today and act like it’s still going on, when it’s not. I’m not oppressed by anybody.”
He said the novel coronavirus shutdowns spurred the pushback by giving parents a closer look at their children’s schoolwork during remote learning.
“What they used to be able to slide in under the radar without parents really knowing, they no longer can,” he said. “And when this critical race theory came around, I got to looking at it and said, ‘Uh-uh, not in my school,’ and began showing up.”
Mr. Wilburn, who has been involved in conservative activism for years, said his views are shared by others in the Black community, but that such voices are often not heard.
“I think there are more voices who truly understand what’s happening, see what’s happening, and want to do something about it, but they are not given a platform or a podium,” he said. “I was invited on Fox & Friends and I’m grateful for that … but this phone call would not be coming from CNN. We know that. This phone call would not be coming from MSNBC. They have no desire to put people like me upfront and center to say the things I’m saying.”
When the armed forces serve a global corporate agenda, it’s no surprise that HR mandates are mission critical.
When official Department of Defense spokesmen attacked Tucker Carlson—
who criticized the military’s integration of diversity-centered staffing mandates—they exposed a crucial gap between what Americans believe their military to be and the true purpose of our trillion-dollar war machine. What is being interpreted as an escalation in
the culture wars is actually about how our regime perceives power itself.
The debate that is playing out right now about sex, gender, and the military is happening only because we never, as a country, actually had it. We never
sat down and had a discussion about the merits of pushing our military services to adopt the goals of gender “neutrality” that have emerged as a cultural Schelling point over the last decade in the civilian world. “We” just did it, through executive orders and
Continues on page 10>
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mandates within the Defense Department’s civilian leadership. This wasn’t part of any platform or campaign promise that a politician ran on, it wasn’t caused by any organic change in opinion by the general public on women in combat, and it was never talked about outside of semi-closed groups already intimately familiar with the data on the subject.
Scarcely anyone who isn’t already connected to the military—as a veteran, on active duty, or involved in defense policy circles—knew that it had gone all-in on complete and total sex and gender integration in all branches and roles. For others, Carlson exposed them to something that’s been in progress for years. Millions of his viewers—patriotic Americans who care about the security of the nation and have immense respect for the military—probably felt like they had been lied to and betrayed. They’ve all grown up with a general idea that the “point” of the U.S. military is to deter war, and failing that, to win the war that follows. But this isn’t the purpose anymore.
The common refrain from both civilian leaders and active-duty service members alike is that the military “should be a reflection of our values as a nation.” But the military is becoming a reflection of the values of the global economic order, not those of the United States. Over the last 10 years, and with increasing intensity over the last five, corporations and governments in the West have set out to redesign their entire societies along specific goals regarding sex and gender representation for purely sociopolitical reasons. Gender parity in boardrooms, among senior management, and in executive training, along with other diversity-related mandates, is widely considered—at least among elites—a necessity.These explicit cultural changes bled naturally and inevitably into the staffing and design of the armed forces of the United States. After all, the U.S. is an essential institution to the maintenance of the neoliberal order, and it wouldn’t make sense for it not to reflect the same principles of racial and gender diversity that cabinets, corporate boardrooms, and university faculty are expected to present. But has anyone asked whether redesigning the military to be a reflection of these new values and goals makes for good warfighting? Does it make formations more efficient, effective, and lethal in making war?
An oft-cited Marine Corps study on this subject comes back with the answer as a resounding “no.” But, again, focusing on the details of the tactical performance of sex and gender-integrated formations represents a fundamental misunderstanding of our cultural moment. In an era where the maintenance of the global economic order is a function of the United States military’s ability to maintain continuous autonomous surveillance, drop GBU-24s at scale, and deploy a carrier vessel fleet in a “show of force” to deter pirates,
no one is going to care if your infantry platoon sees a decrease in its average fitness scores. Over time, these small issues of sex and gender integration may bubble up and fester at the surface of a military organization and make it weak and unreliable—this is the perspective of people sympathetic to Tucker Carlson’s argument—but the leaders of the global economic order are not concerned with the details here. These are marginal issues, and as in any large organization, leaders accept that are always going to be parts of the military that are dysfunctional, serve no purpose, or are downright wasteful. The American public is exposed to an image of an armed forces composed of bearded alpha males in special operations units, cigar-smoking paratroopers rescuing the world from fascism, or the sight of the Blue Angels tearing across the sky above the Super Bowl, all designed to enhance the perception that the U.S. military is unstoppable. The reality of a bloated million-headed mass of semifit clerks does not set the blood pumping.
Claims of “imperial overreach,” or of a military tired and worn out after 20 years of constant military operations around the world, are overstated because deployment is a planned dance. To illustrate the commitment the U.S. has to neoliberal security requirements, starting in 2002, and culminating with the implementation of the Brigade Combat Team, the U.S. Army redesigned the entire force around the concept of “continuous operations.” A roughly 4,000-soldier unit (depending on type) is an independently deployable force designed to operate as a singular organization that brings with it whatever combat, support, and logistics power are needed.
The Army is, by design, built for continuous marginal operations. Only a portion is deployed at once, and the unit rotations are explicitly built to allow units to reequip, rearm, and retrain. Thus, any problems with the design or demographics of the formation are isolated and “risk managed.” Since we always have a replacement unit on the calendar, any problems that
All of a sudden we’re back to talking about what the U.S. military should be preparing for. A giant WWIII scenario, or a limited engagement with a near-peer adversary where new technologies clash for the first time? All of the General Officers and Senior Enlisted participating in this political debate don’t know it, but they are advocating for option three—the status quo. For those on active duty who are just meeting this realization for the first time, and disagree with this status quo, this is a difficult thing to grapple with. The design of the military—the demographic makeup, how the force is structured, its size—are choices made by civilian politicians, who have every economic incentive in the world to continue with business as usual.
Tucker Carlson may have kicked a hornet’s nest by pointing out that the U.S. military is captive to a cultural program that most Americans do not agree with. But the military serves the global economic order, not the average American. The armed forces have modeled themselves according to human resources dictates set by the architects of neoliberalism.
Neoliberalism is a policy model that encompasses both politics and economics. It favors private enterprise and seeks to transfer the control of economic factors from the government to the private sector.In simple terms eliminating Big Government from controlling every aspect of our lives .
To face China, the underlying assumption of neoliberalism is that continued diversity and inclusion initiatives and access to markets will, by definition, reduce conflict. Unfortunately for the neoliberals, the Chinese Communist Party sees the U.S.-dominated neoliberal order itself as something to be defeated.
Walking home after a girls’ night out, two women pass a graveyard and stop to pee.
The first woman has nothing to wipe with, so she uses her underwear and tosses it.
Her friend, however, finds a ribbon on a wreath, so she uses that.
The next day, the first woman’s husband phones the second woman’s husband, furious: “My wife came home last night without her panties!”
“That’s nothing,” says the other. “Mine came back with a card stuck between her butt cheeks that said, ‘From all of us at the fire station, we’ll never forget you.’”
I’d rather go through the pain of childbirth again than let you drill in my mouth, the woman told her dentist. “He replied, Well, please make up your mind so I can adjust my chair.”
gynecologist? “By becoming a ventriloquist.
”I asked a Chinese girl for her phone number …she said sex ! sex ! sex ! Free sex tonight ..I said wow .. really ,, then her friend said “she means 666-3629
My wife told me that sex is better on vacation.n“It wasn’t the best postcard I’ve ever received.
”My wife said I’m really proud of you … tell me how did you quit smoking? I said “ I decided to smoke only after sex.”
Who’s the most popular guy at the nudist colony? “The one who can carry a cup of coffee in each hand and a dozen doughnuts.
Publisher/Editor: Richard T. Matz
Assisatant Editor: Lisa Matz
Steve and his buddies were hanging out and planning an upcoming fishing trip.
Unfortunately, he had to tell them that he couldn’t go this time because his wife wouldn’t let him.
After a lot of teasing and name calling, Steve headed home frustrated. The following week when Steve’s buddies arrived at the lake to set up camp, they were shocked to see Steve. He was already sitting at the campground with a cold beer, swag rolled out, fishing rod in hand, and a camp fire glowing.
“I didn’t have to,” Steve replied. “Yesterday, when I left work, I went home and slumped down in my chair with a beer to drown my sorrows because I couldn’t go fishing. Then the ol’ lady Snuck up behind me and covered my eyes and said, ‘Surprise’.
When I peeled her hands back, she was standing there in a beautiful see through negligee and she said, ‘Carry me into the bedroom, tie me to the bed and you can do whatever you want,’ So, Here I am!”
“ A guy walks into a bar, and another guy says, “I slept with my wife before we were married. Did you?” The other guy says, “I don’t know...what was her maiden name?”
How can you tell if your husband is dead?“The sex is the same, but you get to use the remote.”
How do you make your girlfriend scream during sex? “Call and tell her about it
”How does a woman scare a
Design: Trevor Watson
Distribution: Dennis Wink
Contribiuting Writers: Doug Aguillard, Art Garcia
Contact Us: Tel 858-537-2280
333 S. Juniper St., Suite 103 Escondido, CA 92025
Distributed on the 1st of each month. Available aboard all San Diego County Military Bases, Onboard in-port ships, at partic ipating Albertsons, Ralphs, CVS Pharmacies and 7-11s.
“How did you talk your missus into letting you go Steve?”