The Military Press Newspaper September 1, 2022 11975 Plymouth1975 Ford Mustang Volume 47 • Number 9• September 1, 2022 1975 Volkswagen Bus1975 Sebring Electric

THE Huge bonus from wars in Middle East Army Captain Allen B. Clark was a 1963 West Point graduate, assigned to Fifth Special Forces in Vietnam, where on June 17, 1967 at Dak To Special Forces camp, He lost both his legs , amputated be low the knees due to mortar shrapnel wounds. He received a Silver Star for Gallantry in Action and the CIB as a result of that engagement. He was a patient at Brooke Army Medical Center for fifteen months to include fourteen weeks in a closed psychiatric ward after a severe episode of PTSD. He healed from PTSD and has gone on to a rich and rewarding life. He put pen to paper and wrote his book “ Soldiers’ Blood and Bloodied Money “ which exposes our govern ment and corporations that profit off unnecessary incursions and wars
By Richard Matz Publisher/writer

“The AMIC (American Military Industrial Complex) has profoundly shaped American politics. Its main policy orientation and driving force is to encourage the US to repeatedly engage in foreign wars to profit from them and launch the next round of attacks,” “Waging bloody wars is the motivation of the US military-industrial complex to survive, which is also doomed to lead to more instability and chaos in the world.”
financially by the government’s immense military expenses. From 2001 to 2021, the US annual defense budget has kept rocketing. According to the latest study by the Cost of War Project of Brown University, the war in Afghanistan has cost $2.3 trillion. That is an expense of $300 million per day for 20 years.
Countless dollars were turned into weapons like Black Hawks, Scan Eagles, Humvees and carbines to kill the peoples in the Middle East region.The US has half of the world’s 10 largest defense contractors and 43 out of the top 100 defense companies, according to media reports.

Lockheed Martin, by far the worldwide largest defense contractor, got about 70 percent of its $53.8 billion net sales from the US government in 2018, more than the entire budget of the Internal Revenue Service and Environmental Protection Agency combined.
he US wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria have cost American taxpayers $6.4 trillion since they began in 2001, according to the report by the Watson Institute of International and Public Affairs at Brown University published in November 2019.Taxpayers in the US were exploited
Trillions of dollars out of the pockets of American taxpayers were
2 The Military Press Newspaper September 1 , 2022
The American independent think tank Security Policy Reform Institute (SPRI) recently released a list of the top beneficiaries from the Afghanistan War, which includes well-known US military contractors like Lockheed Martin, Raytheon, General Dynamics, Boeing and Northrop Grumman. This reminds us of former president Dwight Eisenhower’s warning in early 1961 that “an immense military establishment and a large arms industry” had emerged as a hidden hand in US politics. The Military Press Newspaper September 1, 2022 3 spent on the war, and only a fraction of the money went to rebuild the country,” Media reported that there are thousands of lobbyists in Washington to promote the ever-expanding but unnecessary military and defense budget in Congress largely out of personal interests. It is a common trend in the US that some congressmen tend to secure a post in those bigmoney makers and develop old tricks with their Hill colleagues . A recent report on the Washington Post unveiled a list of US generals that led the mission in Afghanistan and who have thrived in the institutions after their service. The report said they have amassed influence within businesses, at universities and in think tanks, in some cases selling their experience in a conflict that killed an estimated 176,000 people, cost the US more than $2 trillion and concluded with the restoration of Taliban rule.

“The eight generals who commanded American forces in Afghanistan between 2008 and 2018 have gone on to serve on more than 20 corporate boards, according to a review of company disclosures and other releases,” the Washington post reported.Theangry ordinary American may never know that the military-industrial complex has easily obtained the budget approval again and again from Congress despite that surveys of mainstream public opinion show a strong opposition against the wars in Iraq, Syria and Afghanistan, experts said. “It is what Eisenhower described as the ‘misplaced power’ of the military-industrial complex, power that makes public opposition and even thousands of dead soldiers, immaterial. War may be hell for some but it is heaven for others in a war-dependent economy,” Overall, the US’ foreign and defense policy was not developed based on a rational brainstorm and long-term strategic vision. Rather, it is generated by the fierce collision of different interest groups. It is far from being sensible and balanced !

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He did this for three months before he robbed Ward baking Company and my aunt was extremely happy because she didn’t have to drag her four children to the market with her . She usually went shopping at four o’clock in the afternoon and Ronnie would come about three or three thirty to watch the kids. When she stepped out of the kitchen Ronnie turn the hands of her large clock in the kitchen a half an hour ahead without her realizing it . So it was actually three thirty and she thought it was 4 o’clock when she left . Once she left he would turn the clock back to the right time and tell the children they had to take a nap before mom got home. Ronnie new that it would only take him less than a half an hour to rob the bakery and return to my aunts house before she got home from shopping. He knew that my aunt would testify that he was watching her children when the baking company was robbed. The day before he robbed the bakery he went early in the morning to a barber shop in the hill district which was a black neighborhood in Pittsburgh . As soon as the first customer in the barbershop got his haircut Ronnie walked in with water on the soles of his shoes and stood close to the barber cutting hair and ask the barber if he cut white guys hair. The barber said no and Ronnie left with a black man’s hair on the bottom of his shoes . When he got back into his car he brushed the hair into a baseball cap that he

Publishers memoirs
4 The Military Press Newspaper September 1 , 2022
By Richard Matz Publisher/writer My RonnieCousinTheThief
In one of my previous memoirs I talked about my cousin Ronnie robbing the bank when he was only 12 years old. Ronnie was in and out of jail over half of his life , graduating from reform school to State prison. Ronnie was extremely likable and a very bright guy but he used his intelligence to commit crimes instead of walking on the right side of the tracks . In State prison they taught Ronnie to become a baker and upon his release he got a job at Ward baking Company in Pittsburgh Pennsylvani He walked the straight and narrow for about a year and then decided it was time to commit a crime again . I think the whole time he was at the bakery he was planning how to rob it ! He made a big mistake (which I’ll explain later) by hooking up with an old cellmate of his. Ronnie cased the bakery inside and out and knew the day after Thanksgiving they had the largest amount of cash in the accounting department. All the truck drivers delivered the bakery products all over the tri-state area that included Western Pennsylvania, Ohio and West Virginia and in those days most of the businesses paid with cash . Ronnie (knew because of his previous jail time) the police would make him one of their first suspects and he needed a full proof alibi . My aunt who had four children under the age of six lived only a mile from the bakery so Ronnie would go to her house on every thursday and baby sit the children so my aunt could go and do her weekly shopping at A&P market .

Ronnie counted the money which added up to almost thirty thousand dollars (which is equivalent to five times as much today) he told his accomplice that they would divide the money six months after the robbery, which they did. Ronnie went scot-free and quit his job six month after the robbery. He put a deposit down on a large semi- truck and was hauling for two years before his past caught up with him ! His accomplice was robbing homes in a wealthy Jewish neighborhood called Squirrel Hill. When he got caught in order to get a lighten sentence he ratted out my cousin and Ronnie was in the slammer again. The Military Press Newspaper September 1, 2022 5 was going to use when he robbed the bakery . He went to a second barber shop, clean the soles of his shoes, tramped in hair left and went to his car and brushed the hair off his shoes into a second baseball cap and the next day he robbed the bakery. He went to my aunts house, moved the hands of the clock ahead one half an hour and when my aunt left he told the children it was naptime. Then he jumped into his car pick up his accomplice and they went straight to the bakery . They both put charcoal on their faces, put gloves on, pulled black nylon stockings over their heads opened a window that Ronnie had unlocked the previous day . His accomplice who was outside handed him Ronnie a shotgun and a large gunnel sack. Ronnie went immediately to the accounting room and had the accountants fill the gunnysack with all the money that was in the safe. He tied them up and gagged them, then went straight to the window and made sure that the baseball cap he was wearing got knocked off inside the room as he left. He and his accomplice ran and Ronnie told him to drop his hat , they went straight to the alley where Ronnie’s car was, with license plate covered in mud. Ronnie dropped his accomplice off 2 miles from the bakery and then went right back to my aunts house turned the clock to the right time and waited for her return. When she got home Ronnie ask her what time was it so she went into the kitchen looked at the clock and told him the time. His alibi was now accomplished . The baking Company call the police and when they arrived they picked up the two hats and after talking to the accountants they were looking for two black men who just robbed the bakery. The next day when Ronnie went to work the police ask him (even though he was white) where was he the previous day and he said “ I was at my aunt house” . They called my aunt and she confirmed Ronnie’s alibi and Ronnie was never a suspect after that.
Ronnie served six years and when he was released he make connections with unsavory characters that we’re connected to the Mob. Ronnie became a mule (carried money) for the mob from Pittsburgh to Las Vegas for about 10 years and then the mob bought him a stash house in Indiana Pennsylvania where guys for the mob could hide out when they got inAftertrouble.acouple years Ronnie died in a fire at the stash house and the fire inspectors said it was arson. Whether Ronnie cross the mob or not we will never know, but our suspicions were he did !
6 The Military Press Newspaper September 1 , 2022 < US President Gerald Ford 1975 corvette stingray 1975 chevy c10 pickup

1975 cadillac eldorado In the middle of the Disco Decade, 1975 was a year that gave the world a tremendous number of developments in popular culture that have had a good deal of staying power. In January, the longstanding American game show Wheel of Fortune premiered on NBC. In April of this year, Monty Python and the Holy Grail was released, becoming one of the most enduring comedies of all time. In June, the groundbreaking film, Jaws, was released. In another development for comedy, Saturday Night Live made its debut in October. The first episode was hosted by one of the great comedians of the 20th century, George Carlin. It was also this year that Queen launched one of their most famous hits, “Bohemian Rhapsody” as a single. In the field of motorsports, the first-ever “monster truck,” called “Bigfoot,” was built this year. Sports fans will also recall that on October 1, the “Thrilla in Manila” is held: Muhammad Ali beats Joe Frazier in one of the most famous boxing matches of all time. In politics, Margaret Thatcher won the leadership of the UK Conservative Party in February of 1975. She was the first female leader of any political party in Great Britain up to that time. 1975 was also the year that the Vietnam War came to an end. After years of brutal fighting, Saigon fell to the Northern forces. American personnel and many civilians from South Vietnam evacuated the city. The Military Press Newspaper September 1, 2022 7 1975 ford courier 1975 mercedes benz 1975 sebring electro 1975 amc pacer 1975 nissan silva $11,800 Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.10 Cost of a gallon of regular gas: $0.57 Cost A dozen eggs: $0.77 Cost of a gallon of Milk: $1.57 Average Monthly Rent $200 Foster Grant Sun Glasses $5.00 Chevrolet Caprice $4,819 Ford Mustang II $4,105 With the fall of Saigon and the unconditional surrender of the South, the war in Vietnam came to a Inclosethefield of space exploration, NASA launched the Viking I probe to Mars. It landed successfully in 1976 and remained active on the surface for over 2,000 days, which was a record that would not be surpassed until the Opportunity rover landed in 2004.

An article by Larry Holzwarth in History Collection identifies the top ten political machines in American history, eight of which were identified with the Democrats.
8 The Military Press Newspaper September 1 , 2022 With the midterm elections approaching and Senile Joe Biden’s approval ratings in the basement, it is looking like a Red Wave will sweep a nation in the process of being destroyed by the Democrat Party. Yet, the Democrat Party’s history of corruption and vote-stealing ( as revealed in the bogus results of the 2020 presidential election ) ensures that such a Republican landslide on November 8 is hardly guaranteed.
Mollie Hemingway of the Federalist – one of America’s truly outstanding journalists – has already uncovered an illegal scheme by the Biden White House to steal the upcoming election. Through the little-known Executive Order 14019 issued by Biden just months after being installed in the White House, the Democrats have developed a grassroots infrastructure using federal funds and private “dark money” to rig this election the way they rigged 2020. Perhaps this is why the Party seems so unwilling to move to the center in the face of overwhelming opposition to its far left policies from the American people. They may know the “fix” is alreadyHemingwayin. outlines how federal agencies – in violation of the Hatch Act and other federal laws – are being used to promote voter registration and turnout schemes. In addition, Biden and his puppet-master Susan Rice have appointed leading officers from the left-wing “dark money” group Demos to positions in the federal government that oversee electionrelated initiatives. Of course, this is all patently unConstitutional and illegal, as the Constitution does not give the Executive branch any authority over elections and the Hatch Act enacted in 1939 bars government bureaucrats from being involved in partisan political activities. However, we know the law does not apply to Democrats, only Republicans and supporters of President Trump.
Perhaps the most famous machine was led in New York City by Boss Tweed who controlled the local Democrat Party organization known as Tammany Hall. Through Tammany Hall, all of the city’s alderman positions were controlled by Tweed, as well as the City Recorder, the District Attorney, and the Comptroller. Bribes were regularly exchanged for votes and city contracts and Tweed eventually amassed a personal fortune of $200 million. And, like today’s Democrats, Tammany Hall was notorious for taking advantage of the newly arrived immigrants from Germany, Italy, Russia, Poland and elsewhere, promising jobs and schooling for their ballots on Election Day. In Missouri Tom Pendergast was chair of the Jackson County Democrat Party and soon took control of the city and county governments, overseeing a Kansas City wide open for alcohol, gambling, and other corruption. During the heyday of his regime, voter turnout was often near 100%, despite many people saying they had not voted. Veteran news broadcaster Walter Cronkite said he was driven to the polls by the Pendergast machine and voted repeatedly in one election, each time under a different name. And, that’s the way it was!
Lyndon B. Johnson owed his first election to the Senate in 1948 to a ballot box that mysteriously By James D. Veltmeyer, MD will

Senator Harry Byrd soon dominated elected officials in the rural parts of the Old Dominion State while – like Joe Biden in his youth – fighting to prevent the integration of state schools. In reality, the Democrat Party is not a political party at all. Like the Communist Party, it is – at its core –a political version of La Cosa Nostra, a mafia run by thugs, crooks, and bullies who will commit any crime, violate any moral standard or norm, or subvert any institution to maintain power at all costs. It is a criminal syndicate – bought and paid for by corrupt foreign regimes like Red China and Ukraine— whose purpose is to eliminate our Constitutional republic altogether. Dr. James Veltmeyer is a prominent La Jolla physician and author of “Physician on a Mission: Dr. Veltmeyer’s RX to Save America.”He was voted “Top Doctor” in San Diego County in 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2019. Dr. Veltmeyer can be reached at drveltmeyer.comcomdr.jamesveltmeyer@protonmail.andbyvisitinghiswebsiteat The Military Press Newspaper September 1, 2022 9 showed up after the election in which his opponent had already been declared the winner. Box 13 contained 202 votes, of which 200 were for LBJ! Box 13 was courtesy of the Parr machine of south Texas which controlled elections in Jim Wells and Duval counties, largely by using bribery, graft, and coercion to garner votes from MexicanAmericans.InMemphis
Through the little-known Executive Order 14019 issued by Biden just months after being installed in the White House, the Democrats have developed a grassroots infrastructure using federal funds and private “dark money” to rig this election the way they rigged 2020

10 The Military Press Newspaper September 1 , 2022 sports news

Quarterbacks: Justin Herbert, No. 7. Age 24. Experiencing no sophomore slump en route to earning his first trip to the Pro Bowl, analysts are predicting big things for Herbert in his third year.
Offensive Tackle: Rashawn Slater, No. 4. Age: 23. Like Linsley, the Chargers also hit the jackpot by selecting Slater with their first round pick. Slater faced pre-draft questions about whether his size -- 6-foot-4 and 303 pounds with 33-inch arms -- would translate as an NFL tackle. But he answered that in a big way in Year 1 for the Chargers. “He plays big,” an AFC scout said. “Plays with his hands really well, uses all his length, strong hands, great Slaterfeet.” acquitted himself well as a rookie with a 90.4% pass block win rate (17th among tackles) and an 83.6 Pro Football Focus grade. “[He] has good potential to be a top dude a year from now,” an NFL personnel executive said. “He tested dominant [pre-draft] but doesn’t necessarily always play that way. But his athleticism and consistency will carry him. Young, smart, will only get better.”

Interior Offensive Lineman: Corey Linsley, No. 10. Age 30. Ranked one of the top centers in the league, the Chargers wasted little time signing the former Packer to a five-year, $62.5 million free agent deal prior to the 2021 season. The investment paid off big-time as Linsley’s leadership helped solidify a rebuilt offensive line to help protect “IHerbert.thinkfor what they do, he’s the best center because he’s so smart and instinctive that he makes life easier for Herbert,” said a high-ranking NFL official unaffiliated with the team. “He might not be able to overpower like other guards and centers, but his technique is top notch, and you’re going to play a clean game with him Hisoffensively.”command of the offense shows up. The Chargers had three delay of game penalties all year, and Linsley had just six total penalties all season. And he allowed zero sacks on 1,013 snaps to go along with a 95.9% pass block win rate (fifth among centers).

The Endzone: Running back Austin Ekeler and wide receivers Keenan Allen and Mike Williams were named honorable mention. Improving a special teams unit ranked 31st last season was a priority over the offseason. However, after allowing both a kickoff and punt return touchdown against the Cowboys in their second preseason game, much work is needed before the season opener Sept. 11.
By Art Garcia (Jr.)
With the season opener against the Las Vegas Raiders just two weeks away, we will now focus on the offensive players who ESPN placed among their top 10 players at 11 positions. Three Chargers made the top 10 list while another three were named honorable mention. Here is a closer look at the Chargers who made the list, per ESPN.
“When you’re that talented physically and you’re smart, it’s mind-boggling,” a longtime NFL coordinator said. “Adding his strength and power, he’s hard to tackle, all of that; and he’s seeing things for another season so will have a better understanding.” Since entering the league in 2020, Herbert has the second-most completions (839) and attempts (1,267), along with the third-most passing yards (9350). He also ranks fifth in passing touchdowns (69), and his 25 completions gaining 40 or more yards trail only Stafford. “Passing on him is going to haunt [the Dolphins] for a long time,” said the coordinator about the 2020 draft, when Miami took Tua Tagovailoa at No. 5 over Herbert (No. 6).
Group Therapy
Publisher/Editor: Richard T. Matz

A psychiatrist was conducting a group therapy session with three young mothers and their small children. “You all have obsessions,” he Toobserved.thefirst mother, he said, “You are obsessed with eating. You’ve even named your daughter HeCandy.”turned to the second mom. “Your obsession is money. Again, it manifests itself in your child’s name, Penny.” At this point, the third mother got up, took her little boy by the hand and whispered, “Come on, Richard let’s go.” The Military Press Newspaper September 1, 2022 11

Hooker “Harry and his wife are having hard financial times, so they decide that she’ll become a hooker. She’s not quite sure what to do, so Harry says, “Stand in front of that bar and pick up a guy. Tell him that you charge a hundred bucks. If you got a question, I’ll be parked around the She’scorner.”standing there for 5 minutes when a guy pulls up and asks, “How Shemuch?”says, “A hundred dollars.” He says, “All I got is thirty”. She says, “Hold on,” and runs back to Harry and asks, “What can he get for Hethirty?”canrub your chest , Harry reply. She runs back and tells the guy all for thirty dollar he can rub her chest He agrees but say’s I want to be naked “Hold on” she runs back to Harry and say’s he wants to be naked Harry say’s “who cares” So she runs back and gets in the car and say’s “ Ok “ He takes all his cloths off … She stares at his manhood for a minute, and then says, “I’ll be right back.” She runs back to Harry, and asks, “Can we loan this guy seventy bucks?” Soup “An old man and his wife are getting ready for bed one night when all of a sudden the old lady bursts out of the bathroom, flings open her robe and yells what will you have first ?” And the old man says, “I’ll have the soup.
1 cowboy says “I like the rodeo “Iposition”haven’t heard of that ... “ says the other cowboy, “what is it ?” “Well get your girlfriend down on all fours .. then I reach round and cup both of her breasts and whisper “these feel just like your sisters” and then I try and hold on for 8 seconds !”
Assisatant Editor: Lisa Matz Design: Trevor Watson Distribution: Dennis Wink Contribiuting Writers: Doug Aguillard, Art Garcia Contact Us: Tel 333858-537-2280S.JuniperSt., Suite 103 Escondido, CA 92025
Pub Sign A guy walks into a pub and sees a sign hanging over the bar that reads: CHEESEBURGER: $1.50 CHICKEN SANDWICH: $2.50 Rub JOB: $10.00 He walks up to the bar and beckons one of the three exceptionally attractive blondes serving drinks. “Can I help you?” she asks. “ Yea I was wondering,” what is a rub job job? She said “We rub you feet your back and then your scrotum The man replies, “Well, wash your hands. I want a cheeseburger. Your Thing A husband says to his wife, I bet you can’t tell me something that will make me happy and sad both at the same time. “She thinks about it for a moment and then responds, “Your thing is bigger than your brother’s. Shower A woman walks out of the shower, winks at her boyfriend, and says, “Honey, I shaved myself down there. Do you know what that means? “The boyfriend says, “Yeah, it means the drain is clogged again.”
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2 Cowboys 2 cowboys talking about sex.

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12 The Military Press Newspaper September 1 , 2022