Military Press Zone 1, Sept. 1, 2014

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September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 1

O P E N L E T T E R TO O U R M I L I TA RY C O M M U N I T Y There is no company that feels more passionately than USA Discounters about our nation’s service members and the sacrifices they make for our country. Recently, there has been some media coverage questioning our commitment. That media coverage is just plain wrong and we wanted you to hear the facts. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) examined every aspect of our company for a year. After that review, they raised a concern over a single issue - related to a $5 fee we charged service members as a condition of credit - a fee that was passed on to a third party company. USA Discounters made no profit and, in fact, lost money, in connection with the fees in question. We disagreed with the CFPB’s conclusion but realized our communications with customers about the fee could have been better. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. We agreed to return the $5 fee to our customers and pay a penalty of $50,000. We severed our relationship with the third-party vendor to which the fee was paid and eliminated the fee from all future transactions.

The USA Way

Despite what you may have read, there was no allegation that USA Discounters “scammed” or “tricked” anyone. Language like that is painful for us to hear. It is untrue, unfair and unethical. Over the last few months we have begun making a number of other changes as well - on our own accord - simply As a customer ofthing USAtoDiscounters and Fletcher’s Jewelers, we believe because it is the right do. These include: n Publishing a Customer Bill of Rights and well “USA Way”guidelines on how the company treats customers You deserve to be treated with: n Making available additional in-store materials toservice help customers better understand credit obligations, what they • friendly, knowledgeable and courteous are agreeing to and how credit works

• fairness, openly and honestly without discrimination

n Further expanding the number of disclosures provided to customers to make every aspect of the transaction as clear as • prompt, helpful answers to your questions possible, including information about what happens in the event a customer defaults

• respect and as a priority

n Upgrading employee training and improving customer service operations And that’s just the beginning. Over the next few months we’ll be implementing a number of other initiatives You deserve flexible financial options with: and their experience with us consistently all of which are designed to ensure the relationship with our customers exceed expectations.

• clear and transparent pricing • full of20 allyear fees/terms We arewritten proud of disclosure the company’s plus history serving the military. If you’ve read anything about USA Discounters recently and have questionsmethod about any of details or small - please don’t hesitate to get in touch • the option to select theanypayment your- large choice with us by emailing or calling 800-583-5515. We would be happy to talk to • the ability to pre-pay installment without penalties or fees you about any aspect of our your business. Thank youoptions very much. • the knowledge that your financial privacy and personal identity are protected Sincerely,

Jeff JeffFeinberg M. Feinberg CEO, Discounters ChiefUSA Executive Officer

2 September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS SanDiegoMilitaryPress9.25x12.5.indd 1 • 8/24/14 10:03 PM

How ISIS came to be Three years ago, ISIS did not exist – now it controls vast swaths of Syria and Iraq. How did we get here?

By Ali Khedery Three years ago, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) did not exist; now it controls vast swaths of Syria and Iraq. Showing off its handiwork daily via Twitter and YouTube, ISIS has repeatedly demonstrated that it is much more than a transnational terrorist organization – rather, it is an entity with sophisticated command, control, propaganda and logistical capabilities, and one that has proven its ability to take and hold strategically critical territory at the heart of the Middle East. But as world leaders grapple with how to respond to this unprecedented crisis, they must first understand how ISIS came to exist. Principally, ISIS is the product of a genocide that continued unabated as the world stood back and watched. It is the illegitimate

The Military Press September 1, 2014 Publisher Richard T. Matz Customer Service Manager Carol Williams Advertising Manager Valerie Swaine Account Representatives: Michelle Hull

child born of pure hate and pure fear – the result of 200,000 murdered Syrians and of millions more displaced and divorced from their hopes and dreams. ISIS’s rise is also a reminder of how Bashar al-Assad’s Machiavellian embrace of al-Qaida would come back to haunt him. Facing Assad’s army and intelligence services, Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Iraq’s Shia Islamist militias and their grand patron, Iran’s Revolutionary Guards, Syria’s initially peaceful protesters quickly became disenchanted, disillusioned and disenfranchised – and then radicalised and violently militant.

Con’t. on next page

remember when... Walk down memory lane... news, sports and entertainment in 1970 on pages 20-21



Public Relations Lisa Matz Production / Web Sandra Powers •  Joe Yang

A look into the 2014 roster

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Contributing Writers Doug Aguillard Crystal Arriaga Mort Fertel •  Art Garcia Howard Hian •  Keith Angelin Jeri Jacquin, The Movie Maven Heather E. Siegel Contact Us: 430 N. Cedar Escondido, CA 92025 Tel 858.537.2280

Lovin’ the river at Laughlin, Nevada page 10

• ISIS’s Plan for World Domination, page 5 •  Danny Trejo & Bikers for Christ , page 7 •  Homeless Veterans Program, page 8 •  CFC - Feed The Children, page 13 •  Housing - VA Home Loans, page 16 •  Sports, page 17-18 •  Just For Laughs, page 22-23 •  Crossword Puzzle, page 22 •  We Support Our Troops, page 24-25 •  Classifieds, page 26 and much more!

The Military Press Newsmagazine is published semi-monthly on the 1st and the 15th by Military Press Newspaper, a commercial, free-enterprise newspaper. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Department of the Navy and is no way associated with the Department of the Navy. The editorial objective of the Military Press is to promote support for a strong military presence. The opinions and views of the writers whose materials appear herein are those of the writers and not the publisher. Appearance of advertising does not constitute endorsement by the Military Press Newspaper. Consumers should make informed decisions when purchasing products and services, and when considering business opportunities, and research before investing. Subscription by mail is $50 per year to CONUS or FPO addresses.

For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 •

September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 3


Displaced people from the minority Yazidi sect, fleeing violence from forces loyal to the Islamic State in Sinjar town, ride a donkey as they make their way towards the Syrian border, on the outskirts of Sinjar mountain, near the Syrian border town of Elierbeh, on August 10, 2014. Islamic State militants have killed at least 500 members of Iraq’s Yazidi ethnic minority during their offensive in the north.

Cont’d. from Page 3 The Shia Islamist axis used chemical weapons, artillery and barrel bombs to preserve its crescent of influence. Syria’s Sunni Arab revolutionaries in turn sought international assistance, and when the world refused, they embraced a pact with the devil, al-Qaida. With its fiercely loyal army of transnational jihadis, al-Qaida once again gained a foothold in the heart of the Middle East. Fuelled by the hate and fear engendered by images of dismembered children or women suffering from the effects of chemical weapons, disaffected youth from around the world rushed to Syria, fuelling an ever more violent race to the bottom. Next door in Iraq, an emboldened Nouri al-Maliki waged his own sectarian campaign to consolidate power, betraying promises to his political partners to share it around. Within days of being welcomed at the White House and praised by Barack Obama for his leadership, Maliki returned to Baghdad to mastermind the arrest of his principal Sunni rival, vice-president Tariq al-Hashimi. Supported by Iran and armed with US-made Humvees, M-16s, and M1A1 tanks, Maliki’s forces closed in on Hashimi, only to see him flee to Kurdistan. Dozens of his guards were imprisoned on terrorism charges. At least one of them died under interrogation. Another Christmas purge followed a year later, when a second prominent Sunni rival, the finance minister Rafea

(Reuters/ Rodi Said)

al-Essawi, found his home surrounded by Maliki’s US-made tanks. He fled to the sanctuary of his tribe in Iraq’s Anbar province, and was eliminated from Iraqi politics. Facing mass unrest, Iraq’s Sunni Arab provincial councils voted for

es, as millions of Iraqis once again saw that they had no stake in Iraq’s success – only its failure. Claiming intelligence that al-Qaida had penetrated the protest camps, Maliki crushed them with ISIS, cont’d. on Page 25


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semi-autonomous rule like that of the neighbouring Kurdistan region. Maliki blocked the implementation of a referendum through bureaucratic ploys, in contravention of Iraq’s constitution. Demonstrations of civil disobedience erupted across the Sunni provinc-


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4 September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS

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ISIS’s plan for world domination By Richard Matz, Publisher ISIS has already begun its plan for world domination. They’ve cut out a piece of Syria and Iraq the size of South Carolina for their terrorist Islamic state. Sharia Law has already been put into place and taken the lives of thousands of Christians, Muslims, Americans and anyone they feel they have the absolute right to put to death. If you think the beheading of the American James Foley was an isolated, gruesome act, your entirely mistaken. The picture below depicts exactly what happened to Christian Muslims located in the city of Qaraqosh. Some of my editorial colleagues felt the picture might be too gruesome to be published in my article, but I totally disagree. We Americans need to get our heads out of the sand and understand that from now on. each and every day. we will see on our TV news programs atrocities committed by the ISIS terrorists. ISIS is funded by many different countries, groups and individuals who want to see the white, black, brown, yellow and red — yes, all Americans — put to death and drowned in our own blood. If ISIS is permitted to take over a large part of the Arab world, we know absolutely for sure that Israel will be the first country to be wiped off the face of the earth. Once Israel is no longer the tiny but dominating country in the Middle East, the world will be ISIS’ oyster. A look at 99% of all countries that have uprisings and terrorist attacks shows they are committed by radical Islamists. It is starting to become the domino effect. One area, one country

and with the one and only objective of world denomination and instituting Sharia Law throughout the land. I hate giving credit to Vladimir Putin but he realized the effects of Muslims becoming radical and destroying Russia. He took immediate action in Bosnia when a radical group took over a school and the radicals killed over 400 people inside the building. Putin is not as dumb as he appears to be and you have to give them credit for protecting his country. I know many people have doubts about a supreme being — or God if you will — and the prophecy in the Bible that the yellow race will roll the world at the end of time. When I look at the world today that prophecy seems to be more accurate than fiction. If Isis and radical Islam goes unchecked (NOW ) the only country eventually that will be able to defeat Isis morally, monetarily, mentally and militarily… will be China.



My uneducated but common sense solution

We must use all of our technology and support in arming and defending any Kurdish, Syrian or Iraqi people that want to be free and not controlled by terrorist Islamic groups such as Hamas, Al Qaeda, Isis or any other groups that supports Sharia Law. I’m not talking about boots on the ground but we need to put upwards to 10,000 advisors to direct and support these countries.

We also also need to fight the terrorist by using some of his own tactics, I’m referring to their demands for ransom for any prisoners they have in captivity. We need to offer hard cash — American dollars — to any Muslims that turns in a proven Islamic terrorist, or DOMINATION, cont’d. on Page 25

A file image allegedly shows militants of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) executing dozens of captured Iraqi security forces members at an unknown location in the Salaheddin province (AFP Photo / HO) For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 •

September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 5


Too many zeroes

Dear Mr.Matz, Recently you published an article Spreading the Wealth and you stated that “Obama asked for and received 368 BILLION to provide a temporary/ permanent residence for minor children who have crossed our borders over the last year.” It should be noted that the 368 billion you stated should have been 368 MILLION not billion, a big difference. Second, you stated that absolutely NOTHING has been accomplished in the past six years. REALLY? Here is a list since you apparently have been out of communicato: stock market up, housing prices rising, one war ended, one almost ending, deficit has been cut in half, unemployment reduced from 10% to 6.2% (while not great, unemployment rate HAS improved). Third, you stated that Democrats should “offer to Republicans.” Let me remind you that you can’t negotiate with a party that just says NO! In 2010, Republican Senators Conrad R-ND, and Republican Gregg R-NH, wrote a bill called the “Conrad-Gregg Deficit Reduction Commission. When Obama stated he could work with that bill, and when the bill came up for a vote, BOTH these Senators voted AGAINST their own bill. This is just one example of the Republicans saying NO to anything, and everything, without EVER attempting to “negotiate.” Oh, please remember that it is the Democrats that control 2/3rds of government so shouldn’t they

LETTERS TO THE EDITOR get their way 2/3rds of the time? — William Benefield Mr. Benefield, Thank you for reading the Military Press. We appreciate you calling our attention to our mistake — $ 368 million instead of $368 billion. Maybe you’re in the 1% bracket and had the ability to purchase stock. And if that’s the case then the story was right on the money — 1% get richer and middle class foots all the bills and taxes. Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, please don’t insult my intelligence and give praise to either Obama or Bush. They are both are responsible for the demise of our great country. Your unemployment numbers are only a disguised number as they do not reflect the millions (not billions) that have dropped out of the unemployment ranks because they have given up on seeking the non-existent jobs. The increase in the job market is due to the addition of low level positions. The higher paying jobs have been outsourced to foreign countries. Now, if President Obama breaks the law of the Constitution and gives legal status to the illegal aliens (to guarantee more votes for the Democrats) then all the new low paying jobs will be lost as well.

As far as the wars are concerned, do you really believe these newly-free countries are better off. We should have supported the uprising in Syria, not with boots on the ground but with air-support and arms for the oppressed Syrian people. That’s exactly what we are doing now fighting ISIS in Iraq. Oh, and by the way, I bet you think Obamacare is a success. If you think so, just ask just ask the Americans whose insurance premiums have doubled! In closing, the elections in 2016 shall tell us how well the Democrats have run this country. I personally will not be voting for Democrats or Republicans, but I will vote. What about you, or need I ask? — Richard Matz, Publisher

Please get your “isms” straight

To the Editor and Chuck Baldwin, Thank you for your timely article “Police State USA.” It is particularly relevant with the events in Ferguson, Mo. However I wish to call attention to a egregious error in the article. In the opening paragraph a contributing factor to this clear and present threat to all

Americans is identified as a “slide into socialism.” You need to get your “isms” straight. The slide is into FACISM not socialism. The oppressive tactics and, more importantly, overarching attitudes that support a militarized police state are those of Nazi’s in the style of Hitler’s Germany, Mussolini’s Italy etc. Socialism, in stark contrast, holds at its core the principle of the state operating as an advocate for the general masses. Most of our historic allies, and most of the both happiest and most prosperous nations on earth have socialism as their operating system. The entire British Commonwealth (Canada, New Zealand, Australia) all of the Scandinavian nations, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, also Italy, Mexico, all with Socialized Medicine systems in place. Ironically, where I find your publication, the VA Hospital, is a prime example of a tremendously successful socialized, single-payer system, despite continued attempts to under fund it (a trend reversed by Obama). This is socialism at its best and we are fortunate to have it. — Dr. Robert Freeman Nam Era U.S. Army Vet

re: Shiite from shinola

Dear Ilana, What a great, true article (July 1, 2014 issue). I’ve felt this way for years. Keep up the good work. — Duncan Williams



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6 September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS •

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Pastor Z (center left), actor Danny Trejo (center right) and members of Bikers for Christ rally at Mt. Soledad to oppose removal of the cross.

Thunder from the skies atop Mt. Soledad Story and photos by Mike Madriaga The American flag barely moved on August 2. The sound of thunder wasn’t from the gloomy skies above, but from a caravan of motorcycles here in town for national Bikers for Christ weekend. “Close to 400 bikes showed up to our gathering this day,” said Pastor Z, the organizer of the meeting atop Mount Soledad. Bikers trekked from as far as New Mexico, Texas, and Nevada; Bikers for Christ membership spans all 50 states and to 23 countries. “My brothers from Bikers for Christ helped make this happen, and let’s not forget the support of our Jesus Christ!” Pastor Z and Machete star Danny Trejo were greeted by American war veterans at the top of the stairs. Pastor Z pulled out his megaphone and whispered, “We are going to start this off

the right way, with a word of prayer.” A big dude down on the grassy section yelled, “I can’t hear #@it,” which caused a few indistinct shouts from others in the crowd. Many of the bikers present were angered about the prospect of the cross being removed. One of the Vietnam vet bikers stepped up and yelled, “When they take this [cross] down, I’m going to be the first to lay down. When they take me and my bike away, who amongst you will replace me?” Many of his brethren stepped forward. “I am very proud to be an American, I love my country, I’m patriotic, and I salute the flag,” calmly says Pastor Z, a Vietnam era veteran, who was in the Attack Squadron 174 (VA-174) also known as the “Hellrazors.” MT. SOLEDAD, cont’d. on Page 26

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September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 7

Homeless vet programs transforming lives in San Diego Story and photos by Rick Rogers San Diego VA Public Affairs Office A San Diego County Veteran Center outreach program is quietly transforming lives of homeless veterans in ways they never dreamt while helping save taxpayers money in the bargain. About a year ago San Marcos Vet Center director Joe Costello began the “Mobile Outreach for Homeless Veterans” initiative to increase veteran enrollment in the VA healthcare system and connect veterans with housing options. Costello, an Afghanistan war veteran, leads one of the busiest centers of its kind in the country. He saw a need for outreach in San Diego County and worked to fill it. A key focus is the roughly 1,300 homeless veterans living in and round the city of San Diego. “We needed to be on the streets,” Costello said of the program he spent three years building, “taking the assets we and our community partners, like the Veterans Village of San Diego and Interfaith Community Services, have and delivering them to the veterans who need them the most. That’s the only way we can really make an accurate

needs assessment and to properly serve our homeless veterans.” At first veterans were reluctant to seek help. But thanks to the Vet Center’s steady presence the barriers melted away now and up to 40 homeless veterans a week are coming forward. “When I first saw the mobile van, I thought: Is the VA going to do what it’s always done in regards to homeless vets – nothing?” said Tim Watson, 57, a former airman, who has lived on San Diego streets for more than a decade. “Then the van (mobile Vet Center’s RV outreach clinic) showed up the next week and the next and the next. When I knew they were here for the long haul, I came forward. “Now starting Sept. 1 for the first time since 2002, I’ll have a roof over my head (an apartment in South Bay),” said Watson unable to check his tears. “This has changed my life. Now I tell all veterans about this program.”

Likewise, former sailor Joey Bergman, 52, recently sought VA help after being homeless for “eight or nine years.” “I didn’t understand how all the services worked,” said Bergman, who like Watson suffers from numerous ailments. “I just felt the VA was for people with bigger problems than what I had.”

Costello wants to expand mobile outreach to the Midway District and other pockets of homeless veterans. Studies show that delivering psychiatric and health care to the homeless saves about $16,000 per person every year by VET PROGRAMS, cont’d. on Page 17


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8 September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS •

Final farewell for veterans in San Diego

Miramar National Cemetery By Heather Siegel Photos courtesy National Cemetery Administration San Diego veterans who want to use their VA benefit to fulfill their final wishes have benefited from a relatively new national cemetery in north San Diego. Choosing a burial Miramar National Cemetery can reduce the economic burden of a traditional funeral up to $10,000. Plus, being able to visit one’s loved ones locally helps bring closure and peace to one’s family. “Nothing can outweigh the sense of relief that local vets share that a national cemetery is close to home, in fact, right in the middle of it,” said Colonel Maxwell Spencer Colon, Retired, Past State Commander, San Diego Jewish War Veterans of the USA. Prior to the opening of the Miramar National Cemetery in 2010, grieving military families who wanted a flagdraped casket had to choose Riverside National Cemetery to avoid the cost of a plot, a vault liner, opening and closing of the grave, and a headstone. All of these services are now available locally at Miramar National Cemetery, free to qualified veterans. Local veterans can make better choices about cremation not based solely on economics. “San Diego has always had the one of the highest percentages of cremation rates in the country,” said H. W. “Skipper” Ragsdale III, President, California Funeral Directors Association and owner of the Anderson-Ragsdale Mortuary in San Diego. “Miramar National Cemetery has made a significant difference in people’s choices and the lives of their

loved ones. Full burial with a casket in a private cemetery had put them at an economic hardship.” When arranging for the burial of a casket or urn, families can personalize the veteran’s headstone, marker or niche cover with an inscription and can choose from sixty different religious affiliation symbols. Privates and generals are interred side-by-side. Spouses are eligible for burial in the national cemetery even if the spouse pre-deceases the veteran. If both spouses are veterans, they are eligible for two plots, two headstones and arrangements can be made to set aside an adjoining plot. Families who do want the remains of their loved ones cremated can chose to be interred at Riverside or Fort Rosecrans National Cemeteries, as well as Miramar National Cemetery. “I chose cremation for my beloved departed wife because it was less money and more environmentally friendly,” said Bruce Radder, a World War II Merchant Marine Veteran who’s planning to visit Washington, DC, on the Honor Flight next month. “It just suits me better and I’m already set to be interred next to Shirley.” In an exclusive interview, Director Douglas Ledbetter, US Air Force veteran, who has managed both Miramar and Fort Rosecrans National Cemeteries since August 2013, advised veterans interested in interment at a national cemetery: “Keep your discharge papers handy and share your desires with your loved ones. Start the conversation. Chris Erbe, Kristen Parker and James Ruester of the National Cemetery Administration contributed to this article.

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September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 9


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10 September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS

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September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 11

Obama fiddles while Marine sits in jail By Rep. Duncan Hunter In a jail cell in Mexico sits Andrew Tahmooressi, a former Marine Corps Sergeant who served honorably and survived two combat tours in Afghanistan. For almost five months, Andrew has languished in prison for simply taking a wrong turn into Mexico. In past months, President Obama has found enough time to respond to the proposed deportation of Justin Bieber, talk up the White House beer recipe and offer insights into a wide variety of topics that are comparatively insignificant. His own online petition page collected more than the 120,000 signatures, thereby requiring a response from the White House. But Obama has yet to utter a single word on behalf of Tahmooressi. As a combat Marine, Andrew saved lives on at least two occasions and survived a roadside bomb blast that destroyed his vehicle and injured himself and others. His promotion to Sergeant

came meritoriously and either on the battlefield or off, his commitment to his fellow Marines was unbreakable. In every sense, Andrew was a top-notch. The alleged crime by no means presents any real shock value: Andrew entered Mexico with three legally owned firearms. He did not conceal the weapons or attempt to mislead Mexican border officials, who happened to deny his initial request to turn around. They confiscated his firearms and the rest of his possessions. That night and into the

next day, he endured a period of detention that exceeded the permissible limits, and he was denied the appropriate translation services. The accusation was that Andrew was trafficking weapons but the facts support a far different version of events. The night he was arrested, Andrew was visiting friends near the border area. He was relatively new to San Diego, California, seeking treatment for Post Traumatic Stress Disorder at the recommendation and instance of friends

who lived in the region, which is home to some of the best treatment and care facilities in the country. For area residents, some of whom have lived in San Diego their entire lives, the border is a complicated place, day or night, and wrong turns are quite common. For whatever reason, Mexican officials violated Andrew’s rights. In fact, my office recovered audio of the 911 phone call Andrew made immediately after he was directed into secondary MARINE, cont’d. on next page


12 September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS •

Feed the Children: Serving the country by serving the military Feed the Children is grateful for your service to our country, and we want you to know we’re here to help support you. Our vision is to create a world where no child goes to bed hungry. And that includes kids right here in the U.S., especially when their parents are working so hard to defend it. We know military families often have tight budgets and extra burdens, so Feed the Children does what we can to help. It’s our honor to visit military bases around the country and deliver boxes full of nutritious food (which can supplement meals for a family of four

for up to a week), household essentials, and hygiene products to families who could use a boost. And we’re committed to supporting our military employees, too. Feed the Children was recently awarded the Above and Beyond Award for our support of active military employees, and we’re currently a nominee for the Secretary of Defense Freedom Award by the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve. Your family serves our country— it’s Feed the Children’s honor to serve you. CFC CHARITY


Cont’d. from Page 12 screening. He tells the dispatcher that he took a wrong turn, that he didn’t intend to enter Mexico and that he presumed turning around was possible. The dispatcher informed him that he missed the turnaround and proceeded to say there was nothing that could be done to help. The 911 audio is critical to Andrew’s defense, among other key pieces of evidence revealed through several evidentiary hearings. The tape verifies Andrew’s intent not to enter Mexico while other violations, including the prolonged detention and failure to contact U.S. counterparts and provide a suitable translator, invalidate actions on the Mexican side of the border. Until recently, resolution seemed distant and sometimes uncertain. But new developments in the case could produce a ruling as early as next week thanks in part to a range of legal options that are under serious consideration. The expectation is that Mexico will do the right thing and release Andrew. Through this entire episode, it is worth noting that Mexico-despite maintaining the belief that its justice system should be given a chance to work-has been relatively direct and open to conversation on Andrew’s detention. Conversely, the President, his Administration and State Department have been silent. And for the most part, any support provided by the State Department has been routine under the circumstances. A Marine of Andrew’s caliber deserves more from his government. By now, the President and his Administration probably won’t make a difference in Andrew’s case but out of respect to our veterans and our military, the President should try to make an effort at least. Andrew is owed that much from the Commander in Chief he courageously served as U.S. Marine.

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September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 13


2014 Silverado High Country

By Greg Zyla try” saddle brown interior with special This week, we’re behind the wheel logos and stitching. The heated /cooled of Chevy’s all-new 2014 Silverado, fin- seats also enhance the full-size crew ished in High Country crew cab dress cab’s spacious interior. Overall, Generand featuring a 6.2-liter, 420 horse- al Motors receives high grades for propower V8 unducing a beautiful, der the hood. shiny new truck Surprisingly, with and outstandLikes: Beautiful design, great our four-door ing cabin. fuel mileage, roomy, driver crew cab deOf course, not friendly. Dislikes: Expensive livers 20-mph all Chevy Sivlerahighway thanks options, tough to parallel park, dos cost $54,000. to Chevy’s cylThe entry 2WD not much else. inder deactivashort box with a tion and fuel 4.3 V6 starts at management systems, which allow $25,575 and delivers 18 and 24 EPA this “Beauty and the Beat” dynamo to numbers. It utilizes an eco-friendly a run on the highways in less than 8-cyl- six-speed automatic transmission and inder mode. churns out 285 horsepower. The 4x4 Chevy’s done a great job in its re-de- model starts at $30,610. sign, albeit still adhering to legendary With a towing capacity of 9,500 lbs., Chevy Truck exterior looks while dou- our High Country was a pleasure to bling up on the new interior. Chevy drive during our weeklong test. With designers call it a “new from hood to 420 horses available at the tap of the trailer hitch” design. Our tester, mean- right foot, it was clear from the mowhile, arrived in top tier “ High Coun- ment we hit the highway that not only ty” dress, which is similar to GMC De- did Chevy’s new pickup deliver a comnali. fortable ride, it also has lots of accelerThe High Country package features ation ability thanks to the performance a chrome grille with chrome bars, body bred “LS” engine under the hood. colored bumpers, chrome side trim, Other notable standard features on useful corner step rear bumper and the amenity laden High Country inunique 20-inch chrome wheels. Also clude EZ lift and lower tailgate, projecstandard is an exclusive “High Coun- tor headlamps, bed rail protectors, re-

covery bumper hooks, four tie downs, trailer equipment package, daytime running lamps and leather appointed power bucket seats. Additionally, you won’t pay more for a 60/40 folding rear seat, remote start, all the powers including sliding rear window, dual zone air, tilt and telescopic, rear vision safety camera, park assist, Bose stereo system, eight-inch touch display, USB and Bluetooth. The 6.2-liter V8 is a $1,995 option on High Country, replacing the standard 5.3 V8. However, Test Drive highly recommends driving with the 5.3 first, as it delivers an impressive 355 horses and then boasts 16 city and 23 highway EPA average. These EPA numbers are tops for all full size pickups, and even beats some of the competitor’s V6 of-

Entry Price: $25,575 Price as Tested: $52,475 ferings. (It’s the engine I would choose if buying one.) In summary, most all pickups do double duty these days, so look for manufacturers to continue the evolution of roomy, good looking workhorses that can also provide comfort for a family of five. Be it towing a camper to taking the family to the mall, the new Silverado delivers surprisingly good fuel mileage. Chevy’s new Silverado is a great vehicle and holds fast to its legacy “like a rock” better than ever.


14 September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS •

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One less terrorist

American member of ISIS killed in Syria From New York Daily News One less terrorist. Homegrown jihadist Douglas McAuthur McCain, who once lived for hip hop and hoops, died for pure hatred while fighting in Syria alongside ISIS militants. The Midwestern native left home earlier this year to join the virulently anti-American Islamic State — and perished in a firefight last weekend just days after his fellow terrorists released a video of the beheading of a U.S. journalist. “It was his destiny,” a close relative told the Daily News after McCain was

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exposed Tuesday as a jihadist carrying a U.S. passport and $800 cash when he was killed. The man called himself “Duale ThaslaveofAllah” on Facebook. And he posted on Twitter, “It’s Islam over everything.” The 33-year-old McCain, was one of three foreign-born jihadists, including a Tunisian and an Egyptian, killed in the gunfight in the northern Syria city of Marea. The battle erupted after the ISIS radicals attempted a sneak attack on a group of Free Syrian Army fighters, the White House said Tuesday AMERICAN, cont’d. on Page 23



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September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 15

Get a VA home loan in 5 steps By Chris Birk Buying a home can seem like an intimidating process. But it really doesn’t have to be. That’s especially true for service members and veterans using the VA home loan program. From start to fin-

ish, the VA loan process has at its heart only a handful of steps. To be sure, there are plenty of small but important details, from credit scores and sufficient income to the condition of the property. But buying a home using your hard-earned VA loan


benefits doesn’t have to be an intimidating experience. In fact, the big-time financial benefits of VA loans help scores of veterans who wouldn’t otherwise qualify for home financing achieve the dream of homeownership. Let’s take a closer look at the five basic steps of the VA loan process.

Prequalification VA/FHA FinAncing


from $405,995

The first step is the most basic, but it’s an important place to start. Prequalification typically takes about 10 minutes or less. A lender will ask for your permission to access your credit reports and then give you a clear sense of where you stand. VA lenders are generally looking for a credit score of at least 620, although the benchmark can vary. That’s a considerably lower score than military borrowers will need for conventional financing. In addition to learning about your credit profile, lenders during prequalification will look to get a better feel for your homebuying goals and objectives. They’ll ask about your income and your employment and try to identify any potential red flags at the outset. The goal is to get you moving on to the second step — VA loan preapproval.


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Compared to prequalification, loan preapproval is more involved process. Lenders will want to get a much closer look at your financial situation and your ability to handle a mortgage payment. They’ll also start developing a paper trail. You’ll fill out documents and paperwork, and lenders will start working to verify your income and other important information. The end result should be a preapproval letter that details how much a lender is willing to loan, provided certain conditions are met. Preapproval letters are increasingly HOUSING

important in today’s housing market. Real estate agents and home sellers expect to see these letters included in an offer. In fact, some listing agents won’t accept offers on a home without a copy of your preapproval letter. To be sure, getting preapproved for a VA loan doesn’t guarantee you’ll ultimately get it. There are still a handful of things that need to happen before you ultimately get the green light. But VA loan preapproval is a key step in the process. Like prequalification, it’s also non-binding, which means you can seek preapproval from multiple lenders.

Getting Under Contract

Once you’ve got a preapproval letter, it’s time to start the house hunt. Finding a real estate agent who truly understands the VA loan program can make a tremendous difference for military borrowers. VA loans are specialized loans that require specialized knowledge. The VA has its own Minimum Property Requirements that homes must meet. Real estate agents who know the program can help ensure veterans are focusing on move-in ready homes that are a good fit for this long-cherished home loan benefit. Once you find a home you like, you’ll work with your agent to craft a purchase offer. In addition to no down payment and no mortgage insurance, VA loans also limit what borrowers can pay in closing costs. It’s common for VA borrowers to ask a seller to pay most, if not all, of their closing costs as part of the negotiation process. The result of negotiations with a seller should result in a contract that makes sense for both parties.

Appraisal & Underwriting

As soon as you’re under contract to purchase a home, your lender will order the VA appraisal on the property. The appraisal has two main components — determining the fair market value for the home and making sure it meets the VA’s property requirements. VA appraisals are typically completed and back to the lender in under 10 days. Your lending team will be working in the background to pull together additional documents and paperwork before getting your loan file in front of an underwriter. The underwriter will review the loan file and alert the loan officer if there are any shortcomings or additional information needed. It’s important for borrowers to fulfill these requests as quickly as possible. If things go well, the underwriter will review everything and issue a “clear to close,” which means you’re ready to head to closing day.


Closing day brings paperwork, a lot of signatures and finally celebration!

Advertise Your Business in the Military Press 16 September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS •

VET PROGRAMS Cont’d. from Page 8

Under Armour offer to Kevin Durant reportedly worth up to $285 million

cutting emergency room visits, hospitalizations and incarcerations. Capitalizing in part on Vet Center inroads, a VA pilot program is providing medical care and housing never before seen by San Diego’s homeless veterans. Athletic apparel company Under Per the report, Durant’s previous The VA’s pilot Homeless Patient Armour has made NBA MVP Kevin Du- signature line with Nike brought in Aligned Care Team program – or Hrant quite a substantial endorsement $175 million this past season. Nike PACT – is a national program operatoffer, per a report from ESPN’s Darren has the contractual right to ing in more than 40 cities nationwide. Rovell. match Under Armour’s deal, The program is proving so sucDurant’s representation Roc Nation should they choose. cessful here that San Diego’s H-PACT Sports informed Nike on Wednesday Under Armour appears to program ranked second in the entire that he has a deal on the table with be committed to becoming a nation at lowering emergency room Under Armour worth between $265 major player in athletic apvisits by its veterans. million and $285 million over 10 years, parel and shoe game. UA also Estimated savings last year tosources told signed Golden State Warriors taled nearly $730,000. That amount The deal includes Under Armour rising star Stephen Curry in is now believed much higher since stock and other incentives, such a com- 2013, and landing the reigning the number of veterans enrolled has munity center built in his mother’s MVP would be huge for the doubled to more than 200 and rises name, whose exact worth will not be growing brand. weekly. known for some time. “The whole point of H-PACT is point-of-care access,” said Dianne HOUSING McGuirk, the program’s care manager in San Diego. “We want to be where homeless veterans are to provide care.” of ut ing* San Diego won selection for HO 0 c PACT pilot program in 2012 when the , $ inan n VA was designing ways to fulfill its w F Do t VA ambitious 2009 promise to house all 0 $ cke homeless veterans by 2015. Po The VA envisioned one-stop shopping for hard-pressed former military members that would connect them to medical care, employment and housNow Selling! ing. H-PACT helped Bergman find housing in just three days. “It’s pretty amazing,” Bergman said. “It’s transforming my life as I speak. I can finally see things happening for me. I can see myself getting better.” From the mid $400,000s* Costello called the addition of 4329 & 4337 Idaho St. medical services H-PACT provides San Diego, CA 92104 Stylish Urban Living in the Heart of North Park veterans “phenomenal.” Situated in the vibrant community of North Park, named by Forbes Magazine A recent VA report on the H-PACT as one of the hippest neighborhoods in the country program found: VIP Open House offering the best of urban living in San Diego. Explore local •  10,584 homeless vetFor Schedule go to: art galleries, boutiques, unique bars and restaurants! erans enrolled at 44 sites •  28 percent reduction in emergency • 3 Bedrooms, 3 Full Baths, 1,461-1,546 SF department visits • Private 2-car Garage with Direct Access •  25 percent reduction in hospi• Dramatic Interiors with High Ceilings and Fireplaces talizations • Easy VA Financing: $0 Down, $0 Out of Pocket* •  85 percent of enrolled homeless • Up to $10,000 in VA Buyer Cash Incentives* vets getting mental health services *Certificate terms and conditions: (1) $10,000 VA Cash Certificate can be used for any or all of the following: closing costs, loan costs, flooring upgrades, reMcGuirk said because of success frigerator, washer and dryer and/or lease breakup fee; (2) $2,000 imortgage lender incentive is included in the amount of the certificate; (3) Certificate Urban Living Done Right! these numbers reflect “there’s a good must be presented at time of writing of purchase agreement; (4) Purchase agreement must be signed prior to Certificate expiration date; (5) One certificate per transaction credited through escrow at closing; (6) flooring upgrade chance” the VA San Diego Healthonly available through HD Supply Company San Diego; (7) Redeemable at Bella Vida Townhomes located at 4329-37 Idaho St. San Diego, CA 92104; (8) care System will continue the proVA Financing: $0 Down Payment, 30 year Fixed Rate, Loan Amt. $469,890, $2,243.33 Principal & Interest / mo., 4.00%, APR 4.177%; (9) Prices, terms, rates, and availability subject gram once VA pilot funding runs out. to change without notice. Professionally Brokered by the Blu Summit Real Estate Group, Real Estate Broker of Record CalBRE Lic. H-PACT program times and loca01906856. The developer and broker reserve the right to make modifications or changes to plans, specifications and features should they be necessary to maintain the high standards of this development. Floor tions: plans may vary with unit location. Square footage is approximate. Not all vehicles will fit in the garage space. GET INSTANT INFORMATION: Text “Bellavida” to 79564 •  First and third Fridays from 8 a.m. to noon at: PATH/Family Health Centers of San Diego at 1250 6th Ave., Suite 100, San Diego CA 92101. (Closed Sept. 19). •  Second and fourth Fridays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., outside the San DiTHIS ego Central Library, 330 Park Blvd., SPECIAL San Diego CA 92101, where vets are OFFER seen in a mobile vet center (Closed EXPIRES Aug. 22 and Sept. 12 and 26.) This is 9/30/14 in collaboration with the Vet Center mobile clinic. •  Currently, homeless veteran *REDEEMABLE ONLY AT BELLA VIDA TOWNHOMES cannot sign up for care at mobile or PLEASE SEE TERMS & CONDITIONS ABOVE. walk-in locations. The San Diego VA hopes to start point-of-service registration at H-PACT locations in the coming weeks. For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 • September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 17

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CHARGERS REPORT By Art Garcia With the start of the NFL season kicking off next Thursday, Sept. 4, teams are required to reduce their rosters to their final 53 players by this Saturday. Although most of the Chargers opening day roster is likely set in stone, injuries along the offensive and defensive lines will have Telesco and Co. sifting through a number of players who will become available following the aforementioned league-wide cuts. Every year there is a player or two whose performance both in training camp and exhibition games makes him too valuable to cut. And over the past decade there have been several undrafted free agents who not only made the Chargers roster, but earned Pro Bowl honors as well. Whether this roster produces another Antonio Gates, Kris Dielman or Kassim Osgood remains to be seen. However, as we go to print here’s a look at a projected 2014 Chargers roster prior to their final exhibition game versus the Arizona Cardinals. Quarterback (2) – Philip Rivers and Kellen Clemmons. Running Backs (3) – Ryan Mathews; Danny Woodhead and Donald Brown.

A look into the 2014 Roster

Wide Receivers (6) – Keenan Allen; Malcom Floyd; Eddie Royal; Seyi Ajirotutu; Vincent Brown and Dontrelle Inman. Although Brown has been virtually a no-show in camp and the exhibition games thanks to a calf injury – his familiarity with the system; rapport with Rivers; and past performance (although limited) keeps him on the roster for now. Tight Ends (4) – Antonio Gates; Ladarius Green; David Johnson and John Phillips. Offensive Line (8) – D.J. Fluker; King Dunlap; Chad Rinehart; Nick Hardwick; Chris Watt; Rich Ohrnberger; Johnnie Troutman and Michael Harris. Defensive Line (7) – Corey Liuget; Kendall Reyes; Sean Lissemore; Ryan Carrethers; Lawrence Guy; Joe Kruger and Doug Worthington. Inside Linebackers (5) – Donald

Brown; Manti Te’o; Kavell Conner; Reggie Walker and Andrew Gachkar. Outside Linebackers (6) – Melvin Ingram; Jarret Johnson; Dwight Freeney; Jerry Attaochu; Tourek Williams and Thomas Keiser. Cornerbacks (5) – Brandon Flowers; Shareece Wright; Jason Verrett; Richard Marshall and Steve Williams. Safeties (4) – Eric Weddle; Marcus Gilchrist; Jahleel Addae and Darrell Stuckey. Punter (1) – Mike Scifres. Kicker (1) – Nick Novak. Long Snapper (1) – Mike Windt.

The Endzone:

Looking to add much-need bulk and depth to the defensive line, the Chargers claimed Kruger off waivers from Philadelphia following Geathers’ knee injury against the 49ers. Kruger, a seventh-round pick by the Eagles in the 2013 draft, was injured during the preseason and spent the entire 2013 season on the “Reserved-Injured” list. The CHARGERS, cont’d. on Page 24


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September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 19

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World events

• Cyclone in Bangladesh kills 500,000 • Earthquake in Peru kills 67,000 • Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty goes into effect after ratification by 43 nations • Paul McCartney announces the Beatles have disbanded • Apollo 13 mission to moon abandoned • Japan becomes the world’s “fourth space power,” after the Soviet Union (1957), the U.S. (1958), and France (1965) • President Abdel Nasser of Egypt dies; 5 million turn out to honor him

• The Liberian registered tanker Pacific Glory spills up to 100,000 gallons of crude oil into the English Channel, creating a huge oil slick and environmental disaster • South Australia suffers its worst number of fires, killing at least 75 and injuring 800 • U.S. invades Cambodia • Cholera epidemic in Istanbul • World’s population reaches 3.63 billion • Japan has 1,083 people per sq. mile • Aswan High Dam in Egypt is completed • Brazil wins third World Cup with Pele as

fault” divorce • Chicago Seven defendants found guilty of intent to incite a riot in 1968 • Dow Jones drops to 631 • National Guard fire on and kill four protestors at Kent State

the captain

U.S. news

• First Earth Day celebrated • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) begins operation • U.S. increases import duty taxes to protect American jobs • U.S. population reaches 205 million; 85 people per sq. mile • Hurricane Celia makes landfall near Corpus Christi, Texas, leaving 15 dead • Voting age lowered to 18 from 21 • California becomes first state to adopt “no

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Popular culture

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September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 21

As the man is zipping his fly up, he says with a big smile, “Did you see my big white Mustang?”
The woman replies, “Nope just a MINI COOPER with two flat tires.”

Pencil me in

Death bed confession

Just for Laughs

My wife was dying. I was by her bedside. She said in a tired voice, “There’s something I must confess.” 
“Shhh,” I said, “there’s nothing to confess. Everythings alright.” 
“No I must die in peace. I had sex with your brother, your best friend, his best friend and your father!” 
“I know,” I whispered, “That’s why I poisoned you, now close your eyes!”

Dictionary please

Son: “Dad whats the difference between confident and confidential?” 
Dad: “Hmm. You are my son. Of that I am confident. Your friend Timmy is also my son. That’s confidential.”

Fly joke

This guy comes back from the toilet, when a women says to him, “Hey, you have left your GARAGE door


When NASA first started sending up astronauts, they quickly discovered that ballpoint pens would not work in zero gravity. To combat the problem, NASA scientists spent a decade and $12 billion to develop a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, underwater, on almost any surface including glass and at temperatures ranging from below freezing to 300 C. 
The Russians used a pencil.

Ducks & elephants

Q: Why do ducks have webbed feet? A: To put out fires. Q: Why do elephants have flat feet? A: To put out burning ducks.

Blonde in disguise

Tired of constant blonde jokes, a blonde dyes her hair brown. She goes for a drive in the country and sees a shepherd herding his sheep across the road. “Hey, shepherd, if I guess how many sheep are here, can I keep one?” she asks. The shepherd agrees. She blurts out, “352!” The shepherd is stunned but keeps

ACROSS 1. Very 5. Russian parliament 9. Dull pain 13. Dwarf buffalo 14. Sporting venue 16. Weightlifters pump this 17. Hobbling gait 18. Furnaces 19. Marsh plant 20. Stairs 22. Never-ending 24. Water barrier 26. Lacquer ingredient 27. Not success 30. Insect wounds 33. Temporary cessation 35. Harvests 37. 2,000 pounds 38. European currency 41. Take in slowly 42. Burn slightly 45. Aardvark 48. Yeast or baking powder 51. Thirstily 70. Oxen’s harness 52. Adult male 71. Caustics singing voice 54. Lawn mower brand DOWN 55. It produces electricity 1. Droops 59. Melodies 2. Module 62. Affirm 3. Funny woman 63. Certain European 4. Jubilantly shrubs 5. East Indian tree 65. Alone 6. Relating to urine 66. Opera star 7. Donnybrook 67. Tall woody plants 8. Chronicles 68. Portent 9. A company 69. Kill that flies 10. Algonquian Indian

22 September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS

11. Garden tools 12. Terminates 15. Something of value 21. Gull-like bird 23. Arab chieftain 25. Sea eagle 27. Lipids 28. Agitated 29. Euro forerunner 31. Culinary art 32. Patter 34. Historic period 36. Agile 39. Half of a pair

his word and allows her to pick a sheep. “I’ll take this one,” she says proudly. “It’s the cutest!” “Hey lady,” says the shepherd. “If I guess your real hair color, can I have my dog back?”

At the door

Q: If your wife is shouting at the front door and your dog is barking at the back door, who do you let in first? A: The dog -- at least he’ll quiet down after you let him

out and said again, ‘’Your dog is dead’’. She was like ‘’Ok, how much do I owe you?’’ The doctor said ‘’$300’’ She said, ‘’What!?!? How could it cost that much??’’ He said ‘’$15 for me to say he was dead. Then $285 for the cat scan’’

The duck and the condom

Dog balls

Q: What do you call a dog that has balls of steel and is dragging them across cement? A: Sparky.

Two ducks go on their honeymoon and stay in a hotel. As they are about to make love, the male duck says, ‘’Oh, we haven’t got any condoms. I’ll ring down to room service.’’ He calls and asks for some condoms. The woman says, ‘’OK sir, would you like to put them on your bill?’’ ‘’No,’’ he says, ‘’I’ll suffocate!”

The dead dog

Everyone’s doing it

There was a lady, who had a dog that she loved, and he followed her everywhere. One morning she woke up, went to the bathroom, came out, and realized that her dog wasn’t at her feet. She found him in his bed ‘’sleeping’’. She called his name, but he didn’t get up. So she took him to the vet and told the vet that her dog wouldn’t wake up. So he looked at her dog and said, ‘’Your dog is dead’’. She asked the doctor to perform another test to be sure. The doctor went into another room, and came back with a cage. In it there was a cat. He let the cat out, and she walked around the dog, sniffed, and went back in her cage. The doc put the cat back in the other room. He came

40. Immediately 43. Entryway 44. Always 46. Prima donna problems 47. Spray can 49. Make into law 50. ___ public 53. Cowboy sport 55. Spurs 56. Wicked 57. Exploded star 58. Stink 60. Delight 61. Male offspring 64. South southeast

Q: What’s bright-eyed and bushytailed? A: A squirrel on crack.

Drowning lawyer

Q: How do you stop a lawyer from drowning? A: Shoot him before he hits the water.

A lesson in government

A teacher was teaching her second grade class about the government, so for homework that one day, she told her her students to ask their parents what the government is. When Little Johnny got home that day, he went up to his dad and ask his

SUDOKU The rules to play Sudoku are quite simple. Fill in the blanks so that each row, each column, and each of the nine 3x3 grids contain one instance of each of the numbers 1 through 9.

This week’s solutions: •

what the government was. His dad thought for a while and answered, ‘’Look at it this way: I’m the president, your mom is Congress, your maid is the work force, you are the people and your baby brother is the future.’’ ‘’I still don’t get it’’ responded the Little Johnny. ‘’Why don’t you sleep on it then? Maybe you’ll understand it better,’’ said the dad. ‘’Okay then...good night’’ said Little Johnny went off to bed. In the middle of the night, Little Johnny was awakened by his baby brother’s crying. He went to his baby brother’s crib and found that his baby brother had taken a crap in his diaper. So Little Johnny went to his parent’s room to get help. When he got to his parent’s bedroom, he looked through the keyhole to check if his parents were asleep. Through the keyhole he saw his mom loudly snoring, but his dad wasn’t there. So he went to the maid’s room. When he looked through the maid’s room keyhole, he saw his dad in bed with the maid. Little Johnny was surprised, but then he just realized something and thinks aloud, “OH!! Now I understand the government! The President is screwing the work force, Congress is fast asleep, nobody cares about the people, and the future is full of s**t!’’

Lawyer-client relations

Q: Why does the bar association prohibit lawyers and clients from having sex? A: To prevent clients from being billed twice for essentially the same service.

Lucky driver

A police officer pulls over a driver and informs him that he has just won $5,000 in a safety competition, all because he is wearing his seat belt. “What are you going to do with the prize money?” the officer asks. The man responds, “I guess I’ll go to driving school and get my license.” His wife says, “Officer, don’t listen to him. He’s a smart aleck when he’s drunk.” The guy in the back seat pops up out from under the blanket and says, “I knew we wouldn’t get far in this stolen car.” Just then a knock comes from the trunk and a voice calls out, “Are we over the border yet?”

Condom dog

A guy walks into a store and buys six jumbo boxes of condoms. The store clerk asks the man, “What are you going to do with all of those?” The guy replies, “I taught my dog to swallow them, and now all l do is pickup little plastic baggies!”


Minorities We need to show more sympathy for these people. • They travel miles in the heat. • They risk their lives crossing a border. • They don’t get paid enough wages. • They do jobs that others won’t do or are afraid to. • Theylive in crowded conditions among a people who speak a different language. • They rarely see their families, and they face adversity all day — every day. I’m not talking about illegal Mexicans. I’m talking about our troops! Doesn’t it seem strange that so many

are willing to lavish all kinds of social benefits on illegals, but don’t support our troops. Wouldn’t it be great if we took the billions we spend on illegals every year and spent it on our troops? A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check made payable to the United States of America for any amount up to and including their life. STORAGE


Cont’d. from Page 15 night. McCain is one of dozens of Americans to join the terrorist war against their homeland, U.S. officials said. His family was reeling but not surprised to learn of the Islamic convert’s violent death. A close relative told The News that McCain’s kin was aware of his trip to the volatile region but they were kept in the dark about his purpose. “The reason for the trip was hidden from me,” the family member said. “I didn’t think anything of it. Allah was with him. He’s been overseas before, so I figured he would be back like before.” McCain left behind a job as a caregiver to special needs patients. And he had a daughter just short of her first birthday, relatives told the Star Tribune in Minneapolis. For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 •

September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 23

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Show your support too! Call 858-537-2280 CHARGERS REPORT

With the Chargers looking to field the best 53 players, it’s hard to see a scenario where Telesco younger brother of Cleveland Browns keeps a third quarterback outside linebacker Paul Kruger, the 6’6, and a fourth running back 290-pound Kruger played collegiately at the expense of possibly at Utah. After a strong showing in the losing a couple of players 27-7 exhibition win over the Cowboys, like Ajirotutu and Keiser undrafted rookie running back Bran- – two players who always den Oliver could get caught up in the seem to make a big play numbers game and end up on the prac- when the team needs it. As tice squad rather than the active roster. teams around the league trim their rosters to 53 players this Saturday, 24 September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS Cont’d. from Page 18

there will likely be a player or two for Telesco to sign off the open market. With concern over Geathers’ availability and the Union Tribune reporting that guard Jeromy Clary will start the season on the PUP (Physically Unable to Perform) list,

the Chargers will likely sign another player since Clary will not count against the 53-man roster. Per league policy, a player who is placed on PUP must miss at least six weeks of the season.

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Show your support too! Call 858-537-2280 ISIS

Cont’d. from Page 4 lethal force. Several dozen were killed during an Iraqi military raid in Hawija in April 2013, further inflaming what were already spiking sectarian tensions. Despite pleas from the highest levels in Washington, Maliki’s government did virtually nothing to halt the Iranian Revolutionary Guards’ flights to resupply the Assad regime with thousands of tons of military hardware and ammunition. Meanwhile, a Shia Islamist ally of Maliki privately conceded to me last year that senior officials in the Iraqi government were turning a blind eye – or even actively supporting – the dispatch of thousands of Iraqi Shia fighters to participate in the spiralling ShiaSunni holy war in Syria. These militias – the Badr Corps, Asaib Ahl al-Haq, the Promised Day Brigades, among others – were warmly embraced by Maliki. Indeed, Badr’s commander is none other than Iraq’s incumbent transport minister, Hadi alAmeri. Ironically, al-Qaida’s wholesale introduction into Iraq came at the hands of Assad’s regime. From 2005 until the

end of the American occupation of Iraq, Assad’s military intelligence services and their Iranian backers sought to defeat the US forces by training, financing and arming al-Qaida operatives inside Syria and dispatching them across the border to foment chaos and destruction. General David Petraeus and other senior American officials warned Assad that he was igniting a fire that would eventually burn his house down, but Damascus did nothing to stop the flow of fighters, culminating in a crippling blow to Maliki’s government the day Iraq’s foreign and finance ministries were bombed. Maliki publicly condemned his future ally in Damascus for the attack. And so, Syria’s unravelling spilled into Iraq, and vice versa. Powerful regional tribes such as the Shammar and Anezah, faced with countless dead and persecuted members in both countries, banded together with former Iraqi and Syrian military officers, embracing ISIS jihadis as their frontline shock troops. Cash poured in from sympathetic donors around the region. Iraq’s four Sunni Arab provinces fell within days, entire Iraqi army divisions evaporated, and hundreds of millions

For advertising information, call (858) 537-2280 •

of dollars worth of advanced American military equipment was seized by ISIS and its allies. Fuelled by what was increasingly a regional Sunni-Shia proxy war, Iraq and Syria had become incubators for transnational jihad and religious hate. As world leaders now consider a military campaign to confront ISIS, they should remember the lessons of America’s costly and largely fruitless engagements in Iraq, Afghanistan and Vietnam. They should understand that no amount of foreign military power can ever make up for the misrule of corrupt, failed governments like those in Damascus, Baghdad, Kabul or Saigon. Unless they want a regional holy war, leaders should especially discount the advice of some who are now calling for an alliance with Assad’s genocidal regime – perhaps the single greatest root cause of ISIS’s rise. Instead, they should embrace the lessons of Iraq’s Sunni tribal awakening, that only Syrian and Iraqi Sunnis can defeat radical militant Sunni entities like ISIS. Likewise, they should understand that only the mullahs in Tehran can help quell radical militant Shia entities like Lebanon’s Hezbollah, Assad’s intelligence operatives or

Iraq’s militias. • Ali Khedery is chairman and chief executive of Dragoman Partners, a strategic consultancy. He served as special assistant to five American ambassadors in Iraq and as senior adviser to three heads of US Central Command from 2003-10. He was the longest continuously serving American official in Iraq.


Cont’d. from Page 5 groups and their whereabouts so that we may send in our drones and eliminate them forever. In closing, if we wait much longer and I’m talking about (NOW ) we will surely have another 9/11 or worse. Our military leaders know that ISIS is the worst enemy and threat to the United States. We must close our borders NOW. (The money spent housing and feeding illegal aliens should be spent on America’s protection and our homeless veterans… not criminals.)

September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 25




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interview more people from the other side of the issue, the rainfall increased. Pastor Fred Gorini, a vet from the 1st I covered my camera gear and ran to my Calvary-Army in Vietnam, speaks into car. As I loaded up my gear, Paul found the megaphone, “The good book says, me and finished up his take on the cross. “Back then, this cross did not signify ‘Don’t remove the ancient landmarks a war memorial,” he said. “It was built that your forefathers have set!’” I found one guy who opposed the to scare away the Jewish community!” cross. Paul M., an atheist and a 20-year After talking to Paul for a few more military veteran dressed in civilian minutes, the rain subsided and the culclothes. Paul’s soft-spoken response to de-sac was back to normal with mostly why he is opposed to the cross’ presence tourists roaming about. I spotted Trejo and Pastor Z putting was, “We need to separate church and state,” but when I asked what bothered on their helmets. Before Trejo got on his him about the cross, he responded, “Be- bike, he turned to the camera and said, “Can’t touch a war memorial — rememcause I do not believe in —” We were then split by a group of bik- ber that — or Machete will come lookers walking between us. “Mike,” yelled ing for you!” Pastor Z had no threat, but a suggesone of them, “let’s get some grub at the Harley spot on Kearny.” I was happy to tion: “I will stand up for the values of oblige. But when I looked for Paul to our country, if people get offended by continue the interview, he had disap- what this country was founded upon, peared into the crowd. As I looked to they might want to consider moving.” •

Cont’d. from Page 7


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September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS 27


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28 September 1, 2014 THE MILITARY PRESS •

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