The Milkenator 2019-2020

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MILKENATOR June 2020 / Issue 2 / Vol 1




In This Issue Middle School Life

Arts & Entertainment

A Year of Resilience

pages 3-18

pages 19-33

pages 34-41

Faculty Spotlights

Psychology of the

Kobe Bryant Tribute

MS Fashion


A Dog's Perspective

B'nai Mitzvot Trends

Dark to Dank Memes


The Milken Mart


Humanities 8-4

X-Project Highlights

2020 Binge Guide

Class Poem

Recipes Tried & True


Milkenator Editor-in-Chief Milkenator Arts & Entertainment Editor Milkenator Arts, Entertainment, Sports Writers Milkenator Student Life Writers

Jaden Schwarz David McNamara Mason Hill, Sean Pourmorady, Gavin Shutzer, Noah Heffron Tevelle Bitton, Alexander Kohanim, Sophia Barnes **Piece will appear in an upcoming edition.

Milkenator Opinion-Editorials Writer

Emma Behrman

Milkenator Photo & Art Contributors

Josh Gabbay, Josh Kadouri, Jasmine Abaian, Photography XProject

Special thanks to Jaden Schwartz for making sure this magazine didn't quit!

MIDDLE SCHOOL FACULTY SPOTLIGHTS My favorite thing about working with middle schoolers is watching how much change happens from Open House as 6th graders to Siyyum as 8th graders.


My favorite thing is how much energy and excitement students bring to the classroom! They are always full of zest and eager to learn new things.

Mr. SilbertÂ


Mr. Mahoney


Middle schoolers are at a place in their development that makes it a very exciting age. There is a ton to explore and discover in middle school. I also like the sense of humor that students tend to develop in middle school.

Getting to work with a variety of awesome kids who have their own unique personalities, talents, interests, and quirks! I think middle schoolers are in such a fun and important developmental and transitional phase of life, where they bring both the lovable connection to parents and teachers from their youth, as well as the independence-seeking, desire to be treated like a young adult, mindset into being a teenager.

Coach Steenport

My favorite thing about working with middle schoolers is that they are as goofy as me!

Coach Hodgkinson


Hoodies. Sweatpants. Over priced sneakers. This is the unofficial


“uniform” that the students at Milken Community Schools have made for themselves. But what encourages us to wear what we wear? How does the dress code affect the way we present ourselves? Why do we follow trends? What do we like about fashion? I talked to different members of the middle school community to gather their thoughts.




expressed the benefits of having a uniform.



Before coming to Milken grade,




enrolled at an independent school where uniforms were required. “I like having uniforms, but occasional free dress






being “uniformless” has not affected or changed her personal style in any way, she now cares way more about what she wears to school. According to Barnes, “It’s harder to pick what I’m wearing now because it’s free dress like every single day. Before, I could just pick out a hoodie and my uniform.” Though Barnes is fine with our current dress code, it gets on her nerves every so often. She states, “It’s

pants and got dress coded for it, even though they were only like up here,” pointing to her shin. Jessica Bazel, an 8th grade student, has attended

Campbell Hall for the past two years.

Prior to Campbell Hall, she attended Valley Beth Shalom, a private school which, unlike her current school, does not require students to wear uniforms. According to Bazel, having a

uniform is much

easier than free dress. She states, “It's so nice. So currently








sweatpants with no logos, khaki pants or shorts,

annoying that we can’t wear ripped

leggings under the skirt, and white or navy school

stuff. Like once I wore ripped sweat-

logo shirts.”





frustrations with the dress code.


Zoe Duckorsky,









the dress

an 8th grade Milken student, found that coming

code. Students lovingly refer to this as

from uniforms at Stephen S Wise, she had to adapt

"dress coding." Administrators point to

to the new dress code. “Like when we had uniforms,


style didn’t matter because we all wore the same


thing,” Duckorsky explains, “Now, it’s more of a


concern because you want to keep up with the


fashion, and if I get dress coded, then like half of

learning. While teachers appreciate a

those clothes I can’t wear.” According to her, she

neat standard of dress, some find the

has been dress coded more than five times just this



















code part,






want to



challenging because


to its

included everything from shorts and leggings to

ambiguity. Some female teachers have

tank tops and t-shirts, which she says were mostly

debated whether it is sexist, and some

from Brandy Mellvile.

male teachers find discomfort in dress

Farrah Eshaghian, another Milken eighth grader, tells













students. about


Some code

current school dress code is sexist and unclear.

while others seem blind to obvious










Maybe it's time to take another

Eshagian points out, “and I feel as though there shouldn’t be a dress code at all.” Girls aren't the only members of the Milken student body claiming to see the dress code as unfairly applied. boy.

Evan Simon is an eighth grade

When it comes to dress code, Simon tells us,

“Guys don’t get dress coded as much as they should and girls get dress coded more than they should.”








together to create something fairer and easier to follow

THE REAL WORLD Eighth grader Evan Simon is a member of the Fashion Forward XProject. When asked about his own style, Simon explains,“I’ve seen designers and industries which inspire the way I dress. In order to be like them, I thought this would be a good opportunity to express myself.” In the Fashion Forward X project, Simon and his group are creating a line of street wear. All the proceeds from his business will be going to St.


Jude’s Children Hospital.



Farrah Eshaghian is a Milken eighth grade student. When she was little, her aunts were in the fashion business designing dresses. “Over summer, I would always go to their stores and boutiques,” she explains, “I would help them design a dress and dress up.” Currently in the Fashion X-Project, Eshaghian and her group are hydrodipping Vans. All the proceeds will be going to a suicide prevention charity. “On the bottom of the shoe, we will be writing insperational quotes and we are using suicide prevention colors.”

Lidia Turner is one of the many

Turner has even expressed her art

beloved Hebrew and Israel

through designing the furniture in

Education teachers at Milken

her own home. Turner continues to

Community Schools. She also runs

pursue her passion for fashion today

the Fashion Forward X-Project along

by teaching students how to create

with Michelle Hansen. Born in

their own brands and collaborate

Uruguay, Turner already had an ever

with others. Speaking of the

growing love for fashion and design.

project, Ms. Turner beamed, “The

Her parents owned a clothing store

students here are very interested in

and often took her to fashion shows

exploring the different components

where she would immerse herself in

of the fashion industry and are

design and trends. At a young age,

eager to adopt changes that are

she wanted to attend fashion

taking place in the

school and eventually graduated

industry today.�

with a masters degree in architecture.




B'NAI MIT ZVOT T RENDS By Alexander Kohanim

Let’s face it, we middle schoolers love a great celebration, good food, fun music, and of course, our family and friends. B’nai mitzvot parties blend all of those things we love into the perfect mix. Once we get past the hard work of learning our Torah portions and the stomach-turning moment of chanting them on the bima, we can finally relax and enjoy our success with the perfect party.

No matter how big or small the party you want to throw is, all that matters is how you throw your party. Everyone's party is unique in its own way. And it doesn't just matter how much money you spend or how extravagant it is, what matters most is if people are having fun.

Personally, I love knowing all the small details to having a great party either on a budget or with no budget at all. So I spent some time talking to students and party planners and exploring some of the 2019-2020 trends for b’nai mitzvot. I looked specifically at trends in Food, Entrance, Music, Swag, Location, and Decor. Hopefully these can give you great inspirations for our own parties as well!

and sliders are popular for the cocktail reception, especially among middle schoolers. But for the formal “sit-down” banquet, parents prefer a three-course meal with salad and steak or chicken. In my experience, I have enjoyed sushi the most, and I know for a lot of my friends, sushi is a big deal. After all, our parents

picky eaters!


aren’t the only ones who can be


Faster finger foods like sushi, pizza,

“It's not always about how the food tastes, but what the food looks like,” notes 7th grader Emma Behrman.

In the Jewish community, bar and bat mitzvahs are a big deal, especially for us kids. The grand entrance brings out the new bar or bat mitzvah to start the party with everyone dancing, so it sets the tone for the rest of the event. A great start to a party is a great entrance!

Music is the main aspect of a party. The

a fun, social way. At bar and bat mitzvahs, the most popular kinds of music include club, rap, Israeli, and Persian. Each type of music appeals to different groups of people. For example, club style and Israeli music kids and adults love while rap and hip hop mainly


music engages all the kids and adults in

appeals to kids and Persian music mostly the adults enjoy. Having the right DJ who can read the crowd and mix the right tunes is crucial for a great time.

“If the music is good, the party is good!” says 7th grader, Sophia Barnes.

t-shirts, glow sticks, hats, and headbands. Usually they bring out all the swag for the kids closer to the end of the night. This is something that you can have a lot of fun with purchasing and wearing, from customizing hoodies to creating a personalized logo, to buying all the


Kids love all the swag: hoodies,

“It doesn't matter how much you have but what you have,” explains party planner Ariel.


light up accessories.

Your venue is very important: the space, how you use it, and what you are gonna do with it. Specifically I had my bar mitzvah on my tennis court. You will see an aerial view of the whole party here. Everyone has their own taste in where they would want their party to be whether that’s at their own home, in a film studio, at a hotel, at a temple, or at a camp. The location can impact the

Decor is the thing that ties together the

whole feel of the party and you should

whole entire party. How you decorate

definitely match your theme to your

your party should work with your theme:


down, or cocktail club style. There are so many ways you can make your party memorable and unify the space. You can go simple with cut flowers, clean linens, and gentle lighting, or over the top with exotic flowers, vibrant colors, and laser lights! And there's an entire spectrum of options in between. Just figure out what suits your style.


if it's a day party, night party, black tie sit

“Decorations don't just come from stores they come for your imagination”

by Jaden Schwartz & Alexander Kohanim It’s 11:28 AM and your stomach is

To fully understand the Milken Mart,

rumbling. The snack you downed

it’s important to look into all

between B and C Blocks is long gone

perspectives of it. This includes

and the clock is ticking away slower

students, teachers supervisors, parent

than ever. The bell rings and you head

volunteers, and, of course, the Milken

to your locker only to realize you forgot

Mart management. We’ll offer a

your lunch box in the car!...You’ve finished lunch but you’re just not satisfied and Mom didn’t pack dessert...You’re craving sushi but Dad packed a sandwich instead...In all of these scenarios, there’s one place that comes through for Milken students, ensuring they won’t be distracted by

glimpse of the Milken Mart through four different lenses, starting with that of the manager, Ms. Leigh Orloff, who took time from her busy day to give us some background on the Mart itself and some insight into how the Mart operates.

hunger...The Milken Mart.


Finding vendors is challenging due to

the Milken Mart when her oldest

delivery time constraints, vehicle sizes, and

daughter entered Milken Middle

purchasing minimums. Lunch items are

School in 2011 and became a full-

ordered and delivered from Kosher

time Milken Mart employee in

restaurants with delivery fees. All of these

2014. She describes the evolution

factors affect prices of items sold. We try to

of the mart: “We have had so

keep the cost as low as we can for our

many amazing changes over the

students, but we still need to cover all of

years. The MiddleMart actually

our costs.”


Ms. Orloff started volunteering at

began as a cart inside of the

Community Room, then a shed

In the 2019-2020 school year the

was built on the current site.

MilkenMart had a day for students to taste

Finally 2 years ago, they rebuilt

the food options at the MilkenMart and

the MiddleMart to its current

give their feedback to the management. In


response to the students, the Mart management added some new food options as well as some more sugar

While students tend to gravitate towards

conscious items.

extremely salty or sugary snacks, Ms. Orloff has made many changes to expand the food

As for the challenges of the

options since her arrival. The Middle Mart has

lines, Ms. Orloff suggests that

seen “a tremendous transformation of the foods to much healthier food options,

lines at lunchtime will be


including gluten free options.”

by pre-ordering lunch the

shorter and faster. This will

Sometimes students question the prices and value of items at the MilkenMart. Ms. Orloff explains, “Since we are a small, independent, non-profit business, we cannot secure deeply discounted bulk pricing. We also can’t buy in bulk due to storage restraints. Our produce has to be pre-packaged individually in accordance with the Health Department. Kashrut also limits the foods we can carry.

also create less chaos for the parent volunteers and teachers to deal with. Overall, Ms. Orloff appreciates the constructive feedback of the students and seeks to provide a menu that balances appeal, value, and health for her student customers.

We spoke to both 7th and 8th graders

We spoke to Ms. Hansen and Ms.

to get their opinions on the Mart.

Zakai, teachers who supervise the

Students like the variety and the access

Milken Mart on lunch duty, and to

to food during the day. Alex Binafard,

Ms. Lerner and Ms. Simms, parents

Class of 2024, finds it’s especially “good

who volunteer there weekly.

if you want a snack or don’t have lunch...Personally I think the food is way

What are some of the benefits of

better than my old school but the food

working at the MilkenMart or

can be pretty expensive.” Emma

supervising students there?

Berhman, Class of 2025, says it’s worth it and describes the Middle Mart as delicious chaos: “the lines can get long, but the food is SO good….if you are not there on time, all the food can be gone. But most important is getting your card to be filled. If you are at a negative they will NOT give you any food.”

Teachers enjoy spending time with their students outside of the classroom. Ms. Hansen likes the fact that “in a new context, they can see me as a different person, and I can see more of who they are--who their friends are, how they spend their time, how they interact with each other, what they eat.” Teachers get to see

Students cite sushi, ramen, and ice

more of what makes their students

cream sandwiches as some of the most

unique and the commonalities they

popular choices. The spicy tuna crispy

share with their students. Ms. Lerner

rice, or Japanese pizza, is probably the

and Ms. Simms note that they enjoy

most ordered sushi item; it’s pretty

being able to interact with the Milken

popular even among the teachers!

middle school students. They like

Students also note that the “lines can

being able to help the students and

get a little crazy. Kids take advantage

check in with their children during

whenever there are no teachers on duty

lunchtime at the middle school. It is

and usually would cut each other.” So

also nice for the parent volunteers to

some students appreciate the sense of

interact with the teachers and to

order that teachers and parent

observe the students casually

volunteers try to provide.

interacting with their teachers.

What are the challenges that

What have you observed about students’

you face monitoring students at

behavior towards each other during lunch?

the MilkenMart? “There is a little bit of everything. Friendship,

Ms. Hansen notes that sometimes

tension, humor,” Ms. Zakai summarizes.

it’s hard to give up your lunch

Students are human and their moods change so

break and it’s never good to see

they can be everything from self-centered to

students who KNOW better

sympathetic. “There are some [older students]

behave rudely to other students or

who feel they are the ‘top dogs’ and should get

to Milken (by leaving trash and

the front of the line, the last sushi, others to

mess everywhere. Ms. Zakai points

buy them food,” notes Mrs. Hansen. On the

out that sometimes students

other hand, she beams,” There are a LOT of

forget or lose their MilkenMart

students who are willing to step up and help

cards. Also students who are last

out by cleaning up the mess left by others or

in line have fewer options, so they

buying lunch for someone without a lunch.”

rush out of class to get to the line

Overall, teachers agree that students need the

first and sometimes push each

time outside and the break from academics.

other out of line. Ms. Simms

The parent volunteers notice that the students

explains that it can be difficult to

enjoy the time outside and often will buy

find the time to volunteer.

Milken Mart snacks for their friends.

How do you manage the crowds in the

What have you observed about

amphitheater and at the MilkenMart during

students’ behavior towards


MilkenMart volunteers and teachers during lunch?

Parent volunteers agree that they do not do much to manage the crowds at the MilkenMart

Ms. Zakai sees that students are

besides occasionally asking students to get in a

“mostly respectful, polite, grateful

line. Teachers tend to stand among the students

[but] not always.” Ms. Hansen

as they line up. Ms. Hansen believes that this

adds, “they sometimes have to be

kind of adult presence is necessary since “having

reminded..but they respond well

an adult around usually helps middle schoolers

to reminders.” Ms. Lerner notes

pause” and give second thought to their actions. Teachers provide that external reminder to “be a bit more polite,...stop running and walk, slightly more attention to messes they make.”

that students who often forget their IDs may sometimes be unaware of how they are holding up the lines.

What have you noticed about the

Are there any clean-up issues that

food options students are given at

you have observed during lunch in the

the Milken Mart?


While there is good variety, some

Ms. Hansen voices what a lot of the

teachers would like to see more

teachers feel, that “students can do a lot

healthy options like more salads,

to step up with cleaning up leftover

sandwiches, and fruit. The parent

food and trash in the amphitheater after

volunteers note that occasionally the

lunch.” The space can be left

pre-ordered food is not wrapped

embarrassingly messy and it is

properly and may spill.

disrespectful to our maintenance staff. We know our students are capable of

Are there any patterns or things

caring for their community.

you have observed relating to students’ dietary choices when they

What do you miss most about working

have no parents to guide their

at the MilkenMart now that we have


transitioned to virtual learning?

Let’s face it students like desserts

All teachers and parent volunteers agree

(who doesn’t) and will often choose

that they miss THE STUDENTS! Ms. Zakai

the less healthy option when they

says it best: “I miss the informal and

have no parental guidance. Ms.

casual interaction with the kiddos!”

Hansen points out that many “students LOVE junk food. There are plenty of kids who eat ice cream sandwiches and chips for lunch. I’m pretty sure their parents would NOT approve of that use of lunch money.” The parent volunteers agree that students do buy lots of junk food, however Ms. Lerner points out that this is a great opportunity for students to be independent and make balanced food options.

Even though we didn’t get to showcase our final

X-Project Highlights explore concepts that they may have never put much thought into. Students are free to research any sub-category of science and pick a topic within that sub-category that they want to learn more about. For my project, I planned to replant and redesign the circle garden in the middle school driveway. I planted many plants such as paprika peppers, golden beets, and purple nebula carrots, hoping that my efforts make a change to the Milken campus and bring

and had fun while exploring our interests and discovering our passions. Here students share some of their goals, processes, and achievements from the year. This is just a representation of some projects.


Science Research X-Project helps students

projects, Milken Middle School students worked hard


joy from my hard work. - Hayden Levy

innovating sports franchises. Students explore the image of different teams, logo design, and community outreach opportunities. My project was to develop a new Major League Baseball team, the Austin Bats. - Micah Green

different projects in each unit that bring photographs into the real world and have a real-world impact. We have used our photos to make Shrinky Dinks, to make pin-on buttons, and to attach to stairs at Milken in large-scale size for maximum visual impact. - Josh Gabbay


In Sports Business, we are working on

In our Photography X-Project, we do

The Bridge Design X-Project focuses on making a

about different materials, designs, and purposes for making a bridge. We explore how bridges can help communities in the real world and the design flaws that can be challenging. Then we get to decide if we want to use popsicle sticks or 3mm wood with a laser cutter to build our own


bridge that can hold the most weight. We learn

bridges. The fun part is testing how much weight our bridges can hold! - Eli Farshi

Cooking Up Change explores how the food industry


works, and how to bring an innovative food product from concept to market. Our group’s name is Carabeet because we make candy out of something healthy...beets into something sweet...candy! Carabeet is made for kids and even adults with a major sweet tooth. Carabeet is made with beets (such a surprise), pomegranate juice, sugar, water, and a unique ingredient every time. We create something good for your cravings and health! X project has been an amazing experience that has taught us about how important our health is. - Noa Sweet

have created our own innovative and stylish apparel companies while still focusing on the environment and global equity. Three of my classmates and I formed our own company named Koalife where we tie-dye clothing and stay ecofriendly by donating 50% of our proceeds to the Australian Red Cross. - Megan Kalpari


In the Fashion Forward X-Project my peers and I

In the Coding and Robotics X-Project we work in


groups to create ideas of hardware and software that can make the world a better place. My group is making a smart trash can. It's supposed to weigh how much trash is in it and based on that, change the color of the LED lights on the side. We just used a trash can from campus, ordered the weight sensors, and laser cut the wood pieces at the Guerin FabLab. I mostly help wire everything and leave the decorating to someone with a better sense of style. - Naomi Love


MIDDLE SCHOOL FACULTY SPOTLIGHTS (2) I would run an animal rescue.

(1) Students are always surprised to find out I am Jewish as well!

(1) Ha, probably the Dungeons and Dragons I just mentioned.

(2) Computer engineer/programmer


(1) Riding my bicycle to work when the weather is good. I'm also exceptionally flexible.

(1) If I were to sing WELL.



(2) Physical Therapist


(2) Engineer or musician

(1) Playing Fifa on my Xbox. Being a basketball coach, you might think I would prefer to play NBA 2K, but Fifa is my game!

(2) Standup comedians are extremely impressive to me and I like to make people laugh, so some kind of standup comedy, voiceover, comedy acting, who knows, even game or talk-show host - all that sounds fun!


by David McNamara

Why do we love to get scared? It seems ridiculous

Just some… Uh…formalities.

because the only reason we

What’s your name?

got scared in prehistoric

What's your age?

times was to protect our

So, uh… Yeah. Let’s start. I know you teach

own skin from certain

science… is there anything in the brain that would

death. Nowadays, that fear

make people exhilarated by scares?

is almost a relic of the past in many first world countries, replaced by the incredible comfort and security of our modern life. According to Malcolm Turvey, Director of Film and Media at Tufts, “What’s special about consuming horror is you can feel certain strong feelings without suffering the consequences, which allows you to enjoy the sensation.” In this case, horror becomes


Alex Miller. I’m 32 years old.

Yeah. Definitely … There is a lot of evidence that stress, in our lives, builds up a stress hormone called cortisol. [When you’re scared] it triggers something called your fight or flight response, which is the release of cortisol and, typically, the release of adrenaline. In our lives, our fight or flight response is being triggered to things that we shouldn’t be afraid of. In the sense that, they’re not going to literally kill us. Like, our fight or flight response evolved to protect us from mortal danger, but nowadays it gets triggered all the time, by our teacher catching us on our computers or being late for work. These aren’t things that are going to kill us but they are things

a replication of those old,

that build up cortisol. And we don't often have

primal fears without the

productive ways of releasing it. And for some, fear

threat of real danger. On

(and humor) can alleviate those “background

this exact subject, I’ve

stressors”. Some people prefer mindfulness, some

interviewed Ms. Miller, a

people prefer… exercise. And some people don’t

horror fan and science

know how to cope with these feelings at all. But

extraordinaire, about why

for a good majority of people, they’re like, “You

we love to be terrified.

know what? I like triggering these feelings.”

MISS MILLER ON THE PSYCHOLOGY OF THE SCARE This is only a small snippet of the interview. Want to hear the whole thing? Scan this QR code to see the full picture.

Why do we love to get scared? Well, from the interview, for some people at least, horror is a release. A release from the stress and speed of modern life, and the buildup of cortisol from everyday experiences. On the surface, horror is nothing but dumb fun. However, at the end of the day, horror is just another escape.

Crossword Puzzle Key


by Sean Pourmorady

A very smart and talented person once said

Quite a bit of media from Vox to Fox have

that memes are the link to the soul and what

taken advantage of this misunderstanding

keeps all of humanity unified. This was said

and tried to spark controversy around

by me... 5 seconds ago. (Insert Vsauce music

memes, which is like propaganda because

here.) Humor is a huge part of memes and is

it is one-sided. Some articles

one of the reasons they are so popular. They

misrepresented memes as ridiculous

connect to internet funny bois, also known as

things that millennials like, showed mainly

“memers,” in a way that I feel hasn’t been explained well enough to the general public. So in this article, I decided to discuss memes, why non-memers are confused about them, and why they are so intriguing.

Memes often poke fun at a subject which is either relatable (ex. shower thoughts) or controversial (ex. Hong Kong protesters). They are a mode of communication that unites people in a lighthearted way. People who aren’t memers might not readily understand this because they only look at the broad picture and take it literally, which

edgier along with older memes, and said they were dangerous. This created even more misunderstanding, which further separated non-memers from memers.

BUT, there is still hope to properly introduce non-memers to memes. While interviewing my dad, I showed him a few memes and asked him which one he liked best. I then told him a few more and asked him which he thought was popular. He got this right and thought the memes were funny. This shows that people can still

could change the meaning of a meme

learn to like memes, they just need to dip

entirely. Satire is satire, guys!

their toes in it.

GOOD MEMES AND WHY THEY'RE GOOD There are quite a few good memes that aren't exactly trendy. What I mean by this is you can pull a good meme out of anything. You can probably get an image of cereal and make it funny. In fact...

Yeah, that’s real. So are Bob Ross energy drinks and Bob Ross mints. Search them up, I dare you. I triple dog dare you. Anyways, back to my point. What makes these memes so funny? My answer to this question depends. Memes depend on satire of a situation or character, which of course, is related to comedy. It always comes back to comedy. What this satire becomes depends on the situation. It could be emphasizing something useless or something useful. It can associate something you like or something that is well known to something random.

It’s pretty useful to know what you want to make fun of when making a meme. This is a really good skill, so try to work on it as much as you can.

2020 BI NG E G U IDE by Mason Hill

The world of TV is vast and boundless. There are so many shows to

watch, but what shows should you watch? The shows I watch are not necessarily typical, but I also enjoy watching some shows that other students in Milken Middle School watch. Also, I’ll be including a show that’s popular amongst Milken students, and I happen to be a huge fan of it. Read about shows you love, and discover new ones in this 2020 binge guide..



A show that is very unappreciated in the Milken community, but in my opinion is the best show EVER, is Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Brooklyn NineNine is a comedy on NBC about the goofy, spirited cop, Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg), who has to adjust to a new, more formal, work style under the new command of Captain Raymond Holt (Andre Braugher) and his all-work-and-no-play ideals. Brooklyn Nine-Nine is so good because it’s a great mix of humor and heart. There are very comedic episodes, like one where a criminal vandalizes police cars by drawing lewd images on them (S1 E2). But also some more serious episodes, like one where one detective is on-scene of an active shooter situation (S5 E20). This is an amazing show and I highly suggest watching it. You can watch it on Hulu; it takes about a 65-hour watch (There are 6 seasons!).

The second show I think you


should watch is Escape the Night. Now, I know what you’re thinking, Escape the


Night is a show with YouTubers, made by YouTube, it can’t be very good. Yeah, that’s what I thought at first too! But when I got into it I realized that it’s really a great show! If you like horror, reality, or competition shows, you’ll like Escape the Night.

In the YouTube series, Joey Graceffa brings his friends on a mission to save people, but it always ends up being a suicide mission where all but two of Joey’s friends die.

The casting of Escape the Night is phenomenal, bringing on famous faces like Rosanna Pansino, Colleen Ballinger, MatPat, Glozell Green, and even Liza Koshy! The way the contestants get along (friendly or unfriendly) is really entertaining! You can binge the series with YouTube Premium.



There’s one show that I think many students in the Milken Middle School watch. When I ask people about their favorite shows, I often hear this answer- Stranger Things. This show is also one of my favorites. This horror-mystery show follows four nerdy boys playing Dungeons and Dragons in the basement. Everything is normal until Will Byers (Noah Schnapp) mysteriously goes missing in the forest.

When Will disappears, everybody looks for him. His mom enlists the police, and the rest of the boys find a mysterious girl that could lead them to the finding of their friend. This show’s interesting storyline leaves no room for dull moments. Everything is interesting and edge-of-your-seat intense! The show has 3 seasons and can only be watched on Netflix.



Warm dough clinging to your


hands, the tempting aromas

2 eggs

coming from the oven and

1 cup sugar

filling up the entire house,

1 teaspoon vanilla

listening to music over the

½ cup oil

clanging of kitchen equipment,

3 tablespoons orange juice

keeping my family members

1 ½ cups flour

from eating the newly

2 teaspoons baking powder

emerging food before it is

¼ teaspoon salt

ready, flour coating every

1 peeled green apple (with core

surface of the kitchen. Each

removed), thinly sliced

recipe has joyful memories


attached, and I’ve shared a few

sprinkle generously over both

of my favorite recipes here.

sides of apple slices)



Powdered sugar

RECIPES by Jaden





Then beat until smooth. Spoon

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees

half of batter into a lightly

Fahrenheit (180 degrees Celsuis).

greased 9� circle baking pan.

Mix ground cinnamon with cane

Spread evenly with a rubber

sugar until it becomes a light

spatula. Place the coated apple

brown color. Generously cover the

slices, covering all of the batter.

apple slices in the cinnamon and

Cover the apples with the

sugar mixture on both sides of the

remaining half of the batter.

apple. Beat eggs, sugar, and

Generously sprinkle the top of the

vanilla (with an electric or hand

batter with powdered sugar. Put

mixer) until light and fluffy. Beat

the cake in the oven and bake for

in oil. In a measuring cup,

50 to 60 minutes or until lightly

combine all dry ingredients. Add

browned. Place the cake on an

orange juice to the liquid bowl,

oven rack to cool (see picture

slowly alternating between the

below). Enjoy!

juice and the dry ingredients.

CHALLAH Makes 6 large challahs

Please consider that in order to make the prayer over a piece of challah dough and make the challah Kosher, the full amount of flour must be used.

Ingredients for Yeast Bowl:

3 packets active dry yeast (Fleischmann’s works best) ½ cup warm water 1 teaspoon sugar Bowl for Other Ingredients:

3 cups warm water 1 cup sugar ¾ cup canola or vegetable oil 1 tablespoon salt 4 eggs 12 cups flour


Directions for Yeast Bowl:

Allow the dough to rise for at least an hour. The longer the dough rises, the lighter and fluffier it

In a bowl, dissolve the yeast in warm water and


add 1 teaspoon of sugar. (If the water is too hot it will kill the yeast). Gently stir and let it sit for a

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (180

few minutes. The yeast has activated when

degrees Celsius). Take a small piece of dough and

bubbles begin to form and rise. If the yeast does

say the Bracha (listed below). Wrap this piece of

not start to rise or bubble than the water is too

challah in tin foil and place it in the oven for

hot or too much sugar killed the yeast. If this

approximately 20 minutes, or until it is burnt. If the

happens, start the yeast process from the

blessing is not said, the challah is not Kosher and


can not be eaten.

Directions for Dough Bowl: " ‫ לוהינו מלך העולם אשר קדשנו במצוותיו‬- ‫ ני א‬- ‫ברוך אתה אד‬

In a separate big bowl, combine the water, sugar, oil,

‫ וצוונו להפריש חלה‬."

and salt and mix them together lightly. Crack each egg into a little bowl and examine the yolk for any blood spots. If the yolk has blood spots, it is not a kosher egg and must be thrown away. If there are no blood spots, add the egg. When mixed, it should have a similar thickness to coconut oil and be the color of lemonade. Add the yeast mixture to the other ingredients and stir until just combined. Slowly add flour and continue mixing. When the dough has formed lightly knead the dough with your hands. Too much kneading will cause the dough to be hard and chewy. Set the bowl aside in a warm area and cover with plastic wrap or kitchen towels.

Form the dough into whatever shape you desire. Brush the challahs with beaten eggs. If you want to add a little extra flavor, try adding chocolate chips or Everything Bagel Spice. Place the challahs on a baking tray covered with parchment paper (a baking sheet). Bake in the oven for 20-40 minutes or until golden brown. The baking time will vary depending on the size of your challah. After the challahs come out of the oven, place the challahs on cooling racks for at least half an hour. Enjoy!!

‫מתכון לחלה‬ ‫חלות גדולות ‪6‬‬

‫בשביל שהחלה תהיה כשרה ושיהיה אפשר להגיד את‬ ‫הברכה‪ ,‬צריכים לשים את כל הכמות‬

‫הנדרשת של הקמח‪.‬‬

‫מצרכים לקערת השמרים‪:‬‬ ‫‪ 3‬חבילות שמרים יבשים‬ ‫½ כוס מים פושרים‬ ‫‪ 1‬כפית סוכר‬

‫שאר המצרכים לחלה‪:‬‬ ‫‪ 3‬כוסות מים פושרים‬ ‫‪ 1‬כוס סוכר‬ ‫¾ כוס שמן קנולה‬ ‫‪ 1‬כף מלח‬ ‫‪ 4‬ביצים‬ ‫‪ 12‬כוסות קמח‬

‫אופן הכנת השמרים‪:‬‬ ‫בקערה‪ ,‬להמיס את השמרים במים הפושרים ולהוסיף‬

‫את הכפית סופר‪) .‬אם המים חמים מדיי‪,‬‬ ‫זה יהרוס את השמרים( לערבב בעדינות ולתת‬ ‫לשמרים לשבת לכמה דקות‪ .‬השמרים מתחילים‬ ‫לעבוד כשרואים בועות‪ .‬אם השמרים לא מתחילים‬ ‫לבעבע או לעלות אז המים חמים מדיי או שיש‬ ‫יותר מדיי סוכר‪ .‬אם זה קורה‪ ,‬תעשו את הכל‬


‫אופן הכנת החלה‪:‬‬

‫בקערה גדולה‪ ,‬לערבב את המים‪ ,‬שמן‪ ,‬סוכר ומלח‪.‬‬ ‫להוסיף את הביצים לקערה קטנה ולבדוק‬ ‫שאין דם בחלמון‪ .‬אם יש דם בחלמון הביצה לא כשרה‬ ‫וצריכים לזרוק את הביצה‪ .‬להוסיף את‬

‫הביצים לשאר המרכיבים בקערה הגדולה ולערבב‪.‬‬ ‫התערובת צריכה להראות כמו שמן קוקוס‪.‬‬ ‫להוסיף את עיסת שמרים לקערה הגדולה ולערבב‪.‬‬ ‫לאט לאט להוסיף את הקמח‪ ,‬ולערבב לעיסה‬ ‫אחידה‪ .‬כשהעיסה הופכת לבצק להתחיל ללוש את‬ ‫הבצק עם הידיים‪ .‬לא ללוש יותר מדיי שלא‬

‫להפוך את הבצק לקשה‪.‬‬

‫הניח את הקערה בצד‪ ,‬מכוסה במגבת מטבח או ניילון‬

‫נצמד‪ .‬לתת לבצק לנוח לפחות לשעה‪.‬‬ ‫אם אתם רוצים שהחלה תהיה רכה ואוורירית תנו‬

‫לחלה לתפוח עד שעתיים או שלוש‪.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬ח מ מ ו א ת ה ת נ ו ר ל ‪ 3 5 0‬מ ע ל ו ת פָ ֶר ְנ הַ ְי ט א ו ‪1 8 0‬‬ ‫צלסיוס‪.‬‬ ‫‪ ‬חתכו חתיכה קטנה מהבצק ועשו הפרשת חלה‪.‬‬ ‫אמרו את הברכה ‪" :‬ברוך אתה אד‪-‬ני א‪-‬לוהינו‬ ‫מלך העולם אשר קדשנו במצוותיו וצוונו להפריש‬ ‫חלה‪ ".‬אם אתם לא אומרים את הברכה החלה לא‬ ‫כשרה ואסור לאכול אותה‪ .‬עטפו את חתיכת החלה‬

‫בנייר כסף והכניסו לתנור ל ‪20‬‬ ‫דקות‪.‬‬ ‫ליצור את הבצק לצורה שאתם רוצים‪ .‬הברישו את‬ ‫החלה עם ביצה טרופה‪ .‬אפשר להוסיף‬ ‫למעלה פצפוצי שוקולד‪ ,‬שומשום או כל מה שאתם‬ ‫אוהבים על חלה‪ .‬להניח את החלה על תבנית‬

‫אפיה מכוסה בנייר אפייה‪ .‬לאפות בתנור למשך ‪- 30‬‬ ‫‪ 40‬דקות או עד שהחלה משחימה‪ .‬האפייה‬

‫משתנה‪ ,‬תלוי בתנור ובגודל החלה‪.‬‬ ‫אחרי שהחלה מוכנה‪ ,‬הניחו אותה למשך חצי שעה על‬

‫תבנית קירור‪ .‬תהנו !!!‬

O'HENRY BARS Ingredients:

1 cup chocolate chips ž cup butterscotch or caramel chips LaChoy (see the pictures below) Chopped pecans


Pour chocolate chips into a small pot and place the pot on a stove. Turn the stove on medium heat and continuously stir the

*Turn off the stove. Add the chopped pecans

chocolate chips.**If the chocolate is not

into the pot and stir them until the mixture is

continuously stirred it will burn and stick

combined. Take small handfuls of LaChoy and

to the pot! Once the chocolate chips are

add them to the mixture, stirring the mixture

melted, add the butterscotch or caramel

after every added handful. Stop adding

chips to the pot and stir them

LaChoy when the mixture is completely

continuously until they have melted.

covering the LaChoy and there is no leftover chocolate at the bottom of the pot. The LaChoy is used as a cement to hold up the mixture and if not enough is used, the O’Henries will not come out properly. Take a baking tray and cover it with a baking sheet. Use a spoon to take a small bit of the mixture and place it on the tray. Try to mold the mixture as close to a round shape as it can get. Continue this process until there is no more mixture in the bowl. Space each ball of chocolate so that they will not overlap if they expand (somewhat like baking cookies). When there is no more mixture in the bowl, place the tray of chocolate in a refrigerator for at least an hour. After this, they are ready to eat! These must be stored in a refrigerator, however they can last for days. Enjoy!

MIDDLE SCHOOL FACULTY SPOTLIGHTS (2) After watching The Good Place and watching a bunch of interviews like she did on the Hot Ones and Ellen, I would really like to meet Kristen Bell. I just, you know, feel like she's really cool and down-to-earth and that maybe she and I would be friends? Look up her appearance on Ellen, she describes her reaction to a birthday present her husband, Dax Sheppard, got her and it was hilarious and, in my opinion, super-relatable.

(1) I'm like Hagrid, I've always wanted a dragon.


(1) A flying monkey!

(2) Computer engineer/programmer


(1) A squirrel, raccoon, sugar glider, or hedgehog


(1)I always wanted to have a dolphin when I was growing up but now I would prefer something a little more cuddly like a llama or a baby lion.


Elon Musk - He's incredible and changing the world


(1)Â If they were safe to have around the house, a tiger or lion would be amazing. I think they are such regal and beautiful creatures. Might be fun to have a cool little squirrel as well that just ran around the house doing funny, squirrely things. Of course, we really don't need exotic pets when we have dogs - have to agree, a good dog is definitely a human's best friend!


(2) Physical Therapist

(2) Joe Rogan. We share a lot of similar interests and I think he has a nice blend of being funny, absurd, thoughtful and highly intelligent.


Saying Farewell to a Legend

Kobe Bryant was an NBA player who made basketball not just a job or a sport, but a passion. I was sitting at my desk in my room on the morning of January 26th when my grandfather called me saying that Kobe had died. I shrugged it off, wondering what kind of joke her was up to and saying to him in disbelief, “That’s such a lie!” He said sadly, “Look it up.” A few clicks later and my world stopped. I quickly ran to the TV and turned on the news. It was playing on almost every station. They even canceled the broadcast of a college basketball game to report on the tragedy. I learned later on that he was with his 13-year-old daughter Gianna (GiGi), going to Kobe’s basketball facility. Also on the helicopter were Gianna’s basketball coach, the coach’s daughter and wife, and a few others. Kobe inspired people both on and off the court. He co-founded the Kobe and Vanessa Bryant Family Foundation, which helps underprivileged families learn better leadership skills through sports. He also uses the Make-a-Wish foundation to help young kids with illnesses.

His death was honored not only in the Los Angeles basketball world but also in the sports world globally. In a match between AC Milan and PSG, Neymar honored Kobe by scoring a goal and then putting up his fingers saying, “2...4…” In the NBA multiple teams took 8 and 24-second violations to start their games. Trae Young, along with other NBA players, changed their number to 8 or 24 to honor him. During the All-Star game, each team wore the number 2 to honor GiGi and 24 to honor her dad. At the end of the game, the Most Valuable Player award was named after Kobe.


Kobe was a five-time NBA champion, two-time NBA finals MVP, 18 time NBA All-Star, 15-time All-NBA Team selection, and 12-time All-Defensive Team. The devastation over the loss of Kobe was heard around the league. Shaq said, "My spirit just left my body…I just wish I could be able to say one thing last thing to the people we lost. Because once you're gone, you're gone forever." Lebron was crying and couldn’t take the news. He said in this Instagram tweet which is excerpted here, "Man I am sitting here trying to write something for this post but every time I try I begin crying again just thinking about you, niece Gigi and the friendship/bond/brotherhood we had! I literally just heard your voice Sunday morning before I left Philly to head back to LA.” He continued to say, ”I'm heartbroken and devastated, my brother!!" 2020 took an irreplaceable father, role model, and sportsman. Kobe was a great person and will always be an inspiration to all people of all ages.


Why in the world has my family decided to skip work and school to stay home all day? Hmm...I must have done something naughty. What rules have I broken since my last meal? Are they punishing me?! Peggy spends hours in the kitchen to make dinner and always gives me the most delicious roasted chicken. Mark takes me for long walks through the forest and he always knows the best spots for me to chase after birds and squirrels. So don’t get me wrong, I am happy to be spending more time with my owners...but I do like having time to myself during the day. If it were not for all of the extra walks I am

They have always been too busy to

getting, I would be getting wider and

notice so I can sneak out and in

wider from all of the extra treats. I will

whenever I please.

admit that it has been nice to get extra

I think secretly the shelter workers

treats, pats, and walks. The question

like to have me there since it helps

though is why.

the dogs there to understand how to

Maybe it is related to this sudden

interact with other dogs. The workers

human talk about a “pandemic.” I don’t

call it teaching them how “to dog.”

know exactly what it means, but it

On the other hand, it allows me to get

certainly sounds scary. If Peggy, Mark, and

caught up on the latest dog

their children weren’t home all day every

news...and gossip. Believe it or not,

day, I would go straight to the shelter to

there is such a thing as dog gossip. I

ask my buddies what they think.

don’t think it is something that cats

The humans at the shelter called Peggy

or humans could understand, both

the first time I visited, but by now they

groups are completely clueless when

know that I have a home and just like to

it comes to the ways of dogs. Dogs

stop by. Mark and Peggy think they fixed

are actually very reliable, unlike

the hole in the fence since then, but the

humans and cats, and I know my

big brown hill of soil by a part of their

friends will help me figure out why

fence is actually covering the hole.

everything is changing.


A pandemic? What in the world is a pandemic? I am considered extremely intelligent for a dog, but some human language is beyond me. Whatever it is, it seems to be the only thing humans are talking about… at least it seems to be when my owner, an elderly lady named Elizabeth, takes me on walks. Maybe I am imagining it, but there seem to be more people walking in the park than I have ever seen before. But perhaps that is because I am working while on walks, and my only focus is to guide Elizabeth. I can’t imagine what it must be like to never see anything. There is another major change that I have noticed, a strange one in my favorite place...the supermarket. As a service dog, I have been trained to detect many issues in humans and I can sense the fear that seems to be racing through all humans. They seem to be panicking and stocking up on everyday supplies, specifically toilet paper, paper towels, and human foods. I don’t exactly understand why humans need toilet paper… I am perfectly fine without it. From the outside of the supermarket, everything seems to be perfectly normal. The red supermarket sign that lights up at night and that has always been tilted slightly downwards is still above the entrance doors and the white paint is still just barely peeling off of the left wall. However, on the inside, the supermarket is new and unfamiliar. The combined smell of fear and disinfectant seems strange for the aisles of a supermarket. The humans are all wearing colorful masks that cover their faces; scary masks that hide a human’s true intentions, and gloves that feel sticky when one of them reaches down to pet you. Even though their faces are covered by the creepy masks, I can still see into the eyes of all the human shoppers and they all seem to be eyeing each other suspiciously. ********** I walk to the doctor with Elizabeth for her to be tested for some contagious disease that humans call Coronavirus. There is a tall, female human covered almost completely in white fabric, so covered that only the skin on her face is visible… and I thought the face masks were bad enough. The woman sticks a small, somewhat pointy object up Elizabeth’s nose and then we are free to go home. I don’t think about it much afterwards, that is until we start to walk back to the hospital. The rest seems to happen in blur, but I do remember the doctor reaching out to hand Elizabeth some kind of medicine and then hesitating a moment before handing the bag to me. We are told not to leave our house, even for walks for the next month. I don’t know exactly how long that is, but I am hoping it is not too many meals away. **********

What does Dallas learn from his shelter friends? Is Elizabeth going to be okay? Will Kramer and Dallas ever meet? To find out more, scan the QR code below.

Our Loss of Innocence With this year came a current, I was no longer a boy From the winning streaks to the devastating heartbreaks The shadows following you like a detective on a mission [You have] the spirit we all lack. [You are] the reason we go on. I have my own dreams, I have my own personality. -Jonathan, Daniel, Shanee, Devon, Megan

A single tear rolls down my face, but it feels like a waterfall Because I overthink things that don’t matter Because when I want a hug, you don’t Because you made a joke when my writing was a cry for help If I was always happy, how could I feel empathy? -Aviva, Sophia, Leah, Emily, Benny

Whenever I see you, it brightens up my day. I have a want to say something more than “Hi, how are you” I am someone who hopes I can make an impact in this world. We live all together or the country falls to pieces But our togetherness will have to wait. -Lev, Benjamin, Rami, Ariel, Talen

by Mr. Kim-Seda's Humanities 8-4

MIDDLE SCHOOL FACULTY SPOTLIGHTS (1) Milken Wildcats PE and athletic gear, of course!

(2) Exercise (workouts in the gym or swimming), and chilling with friends and family (usually watching Netflix or sports).

(1) Jeans/slacks and a collar button up short sleeve shirt. Pajama pants in the winter and shorts and a Tshirt in the summer.

(1) I love streetwear, so casual and stylish. At work I keep it more casual with a polo most days. At home I like lounging in some comfy sweats.

(2) I love being outdoors, so hiking, camping, rock climbing, being in the ocean!


(1) Under Armour for work. I don't have a favorite brand but if I have to pick one I do like Lulu Lemon.


(2) WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE THING TO DO IN (2) Watch informative YouTube videos, bike ride, racquetball, and exploring places to eat around LA.


(1) Ooh, thanks for asking. I definitely have a preppy vibe with a bit of beach bum and a bit of professional. My favorite brands are ones I can wear at home and at work so I can feel like myself. If I'm shopping news, I prefer Madewell and J.Crew, but I buy a lot of my clothes secondhand and will wear anything that looks good and fits well.

(2) I love to play volleyball, hang out with friends and be outdoors.

(2) Probably my favorite thing to do is collect hobbies. Currently I enjoy crocheting, reading and learning how to be a Dungeon Master in the game Dungeons and Dragons. Ask again in 6 months and it will probably have changed.



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