ANTEPRIMA x CHAT六廠當代紡織藝術獎2024
ANTEPRIMA x CHAT Contemporary Textile Art Prize 2024
藝術一直被歸類為應用藝術,紡織藝術家亦常 被視為與裁縫、梭織或針織工匠無異。然而, 亞洲藝術家近年漸趨以紡織品創作,致敬傳統 工藝之餘,也反映歷史敘述和環境污染、廢棄 物等全球迫切議題,開創了紡織藝術的新領域。
ANTEPRIMA x CHAT 六廠當代紡織藝術獎旨 在鼓勵和推廣與亞洲有連繫的藝術家,其作 品帶來了對紡織材料、技術和歷史的新觀點。 八位不同國籍、對亞洲當代藝術有深刻理解 的策展人各自提名了四位藝術家角逐首屆藝
術獎,最後八個入圍單位由備受尊崇的五人國 際評審團根據五項準則篩選:潛力、原創性、 技巧、理念、方法。最後得獎者由評審團現場評 選,並於 11 月 29 日公佈。CHAT 六廠的參觀者 也可在展覽期間投選最喜歡的藝術作品,當選 作品將獲頒「觀眾最喜愛大獎」。
是次展覽由 CHAT 六廠和 ANTEPRIMA 攜手 呈獻,展示八個入圍單位的作品,從中表現 紡織品的豐富表現力和內在意義。我們冀望此 獎項能激勵藝術人才,並開拓紡織藝術的未來 可能性。
Asia is home to rich textile traditions. Its textile art is generally seen as an applied art, and textile artists are often equated with weavers, tailors or knitters. However, Asian artists increasingly turn to textiles to honour traditional craftsmanship while addressing historical narratives and current global urgencies, such as pollution and waste, pioneering a new dimension of textile art.
Contemporary Textile Art Prize aims to encourage and promote artists with Asian connections who offer new insights into textile materials, techniques and history. In the inaugural edition, eight curators from different countries who have a deep understanding of Asian contemporary art nominated four artists each. An international jury of five esteemed members then selected eight finalists based on five criteria: potential, originality, skill, idea and methodology. The jury judged the finalists’ works on site and announced the winner on 29 November. During the exhibition, visitors are also invited to vote for their favourite artwork in the Audience Prize.
Presented in partnership with ANTEPRIMA, this exhibition showcases the works of the finalists and celebrates the expressive power and intrinsic significance of textiles. We hope the one-of-a-kind prize will stimulate artistic talents and create future possibilities of textiles.

胡尹萍 HU Yinping

Rice Brewing Sisters Club

評審團 Jurors

邵純 SHAO Chun

Freelance curator, writer and researcher
Cuauhtémoc MEDINA
Chief Curator, Museo Universitario Arte Contemporáneo, Mexico
提名人 Nominators
阿儒瓦苡.篙瑪竿 (武玉玲)
Aluaiy KAUMAKAN (WU Yu-Ling)

吳夏枝 OH Haji

于一蘭、羅齊亞.賓蒂.賈拉利德及 茱麗塔.庫林廷
YEE I-Lann, Roziah Binti JALALID and Julitah KULINTING

Judith GREER
Director of International Programmes, Sharjah Art Foundation
高橋瑞木 TAKAHASHI Mizuki
六廠紡織文化藝術館執行董事及 首席策展人
Executive Director and Chief Curator, Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile
馬唯中 Lesley MA
大都會藝術博物館現當代藝術部 Ming Chu Hsu與Daniel Xu策展人 Ming Chu Hsu and Daniel Xu Curator, Department of Modern and Contemporary Art, The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Özge ERSOY(亞洲藝術文獻庫資深策展人) GOH Sze Ying(新加坡國家美術館策展人) Özge ERSOY (Senior Curator, Asia Art Archive) GOH Sze Ying (Curator, National Gallery Singapore)
Reuben KEEHAN (Curator, Contemporary Asian Art, OSAKA Koichiro (Curator, Founding Director Eunice TSANG (Founder and Curator, Current Plans; Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art) of ASAKUSA) Associate Curator, M+)
亞歷珊卓.崔(獨立策展人) 萬豐(獨立策展人、寫作者、「島聚」創始人和執行編輯)
Wumen Ghua(藝術家、獨立策展人) Alexandra TSAY (Independent curator) Chris WAN (Independent curator, writer, Founder and Executive Editor of Daoju) Wumen Ghua (Artist, independent curator) 魯本.基汗(澳洲昆士蘭現代美術館當代亞洲藝術策展人) 大坂紘一郎(策展人、ASAKUSA創辦人及總監) 曾智愛怡(Current Plans 創辦人兼策展人、 M+ 副策展人)
BOLOHO: Visitants to Lunar Factory
在 2024 年於 CHAT 六廠參與為期半年的藝術 家駐場計劃。作為菠蘿核在香港的首次機構個 展,展覽呈現他們在「種學織文」社群計劃的 集體創作成果。
啟發自他們近年關於「華僑農場」的考察研究, 菠蘿核挑選了六種在華僑農場中常見的植物, 與本地學生組成的「種子隊」合作,在春季於 廣州及香港進行種植與維護,利用收成製作自 然染料,在夏季展覽中邀請公眾進行以染色、 拼貼為主的集體創作,並用成品進行影像拍攝,
最終在冬季展覽中展示影像作品《月廠來客》 和一系列空間裝置。
透過與不同社群共同創作,菠蘿核帶領觀眾反 思植物的散播與人類的遷移、社會的文化進程 與人們的情感流動之間千絲萬縷的關係。這個 過程體現了「種學織文」的精神——透過追溯 織物製作的物料來源,探索紡織與環境之間密 不可分的關係,從而思考自然生態與人文景觀 交織重疊的各個可能。
王慰慰、羅璧如 策展人

BOLOHO, Visitants to Lunar Factory (detail), 2024 Image courtesy: BOLOHO
Visitants to Lunar Factory summarises Guangzhou-based artist collective BOLOHO’s activity over their six-month residency at CHAT in 2024. As their first institutional solo exhibition in Hong Kong, it culminates their co-creative efforts in CHAT’s community programme Seed to Textile.
BOLOHO draws inspiration from their recent research on huaqiao nongchang (overseas Chinese farms) and the diverse plants that thrived there. In Guangzhou and Hong Kong over spring, BOLOHO collaborated with ‘Seeders’ formed by local students to nurture six plants commonly found in overseas Chinese farms. They made natural dyes with the harvests and invited the public to participate in dyeing and collaging fabrics in summer. Using the results of the workshops, BOLOHO produced the video work Visitants to Lunar Factory, which is presented with other collaborative artworks in this exhibition.
By co-creating with various communities, BOLOHO encourages us to reflect on the intricate relationships of the dispersal of plants and human migration, the cultural development of society and the emotional currents between individuals. This echoes the spirit of Seed to Textile – to explore the intrinsic connection between textiles and the environment while navigating the possibilities of coexistence between natural and cultural landscapes.
WANG Weiwei, Eugenia LAW Curators
Event Highlights
ANTEPRIMA x CHAT六廠當代紡織藝術獎 2024
—— 評審與入圍藝術家分享會
ANTEPRIMA x CHAT Contemporary Textile Art Prize 2024 – Jurors’ and Finalists’ Sharing
講座 Talk
日期 Date
星期六 Sat
時間 Time
2:30-3:30pm ( 第一節 Session 1)
4:00-5:00pm ( 第二節 Session 2)
地點 Venue
The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery
主持 Moderator
Takahashi Mizuki
語言 Language
英語 English
免費 Free
須預先於Artmate登記 RSVP on Artmate
藝術家 Artists
第一節 Session 1
西安.戴里特、胡尹萍、 格茲德.伊爾金、于一蘭與 S.納蒂.雷托姆及羅齊亞.
Cian Dayrit, Hu Yinping, Gözde İlkin, Yee I-Lann with S. Narty Raitom and Roziah Binti Jalalid
評審 Jurors
Judith Greer, Lesley Ma
第二節 Session 2
阿儒瓦苡.篙瑪竿(武玉玲)、 吳夏枝、大米釀造姐妹俱 樂部、邵純
Aluaiy Kaumakan (Wu Yu-Ling), Oh Haji, Rice Brewing Sisters Club, Shao Chun
評審 Jurors
Ann Coxon, Cuauhtémoc Medina
導賞團 Tour 1 2 3
「紡」尋自然之旅 : 自然染親子一日遊
Weaving with Nature:
One-Day Natural Dyeing Family Workshop
工作坊 Workshop

Seed to Textile Artist-Led Tour and Sharing
日期 Date
星期六 Sat
時間 Time 3:00-5:00pm
地點 Venue
CHAT六廠前台 CHAT Reception
語言 Language
藝術家 Artist
免費 Free
按金 Deposit HK$50
須預先於Artmate登記 RSVP on Artmate
粵語及普通話,設有英語傳譯 Cantonese and Mandarin with English interpretation

日期 Date
11.1.2025, 18.1.2025
星期六 Sat
時間 Time 10:00am-5:00pm
地點 Venue
嘉道理農場暨植物園 CHAT Studio, Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden
合作單位 Collaborator
語言 Language
英語及粵語 English and Cantonese
收費 Fee
每對親子 Per parent and child
早鳥優惠(23.12.2024或之前) Early Bird Offer (by 23.12.2024)
須預先於Artmate登記 RSVP on Artmate
嘉道理農場暨植物園 Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden
藝術家團體「菠蘿核」成員合照 Artist collective BOLOHO
Arcade & Lounge
Artefacts of Belonging

若要工業家、廠房經理、工人和工會代表分別回憶 香港的紡織業,得到的故事和觀點可能會截然不 同。然而,儘管背景各異,大多數人都為曾經投身 這繁盛行業而感到自豪。
除了經濟利益及豐裕的物質外,香港的工業過去 帶來了怎樣的社交關係,令上一代有着如此深厚以 至懷舊的情感?如今我們與他人建立聯繫的方式 又有何不同?本次展示透過案例呈現紡織業中不同
群體的面貌及形成,並與季度展覽展開對話,探 討社會經濟現象如何促進不同社群在社會中共存。
互動遊戲體驗:織光機 Interactive Experience: Illumin-Loom

《織光機》是位於 CHAT 迴廊的嶄新互動體驗,邀 請你操作一台由彩色燈帶組成的數碼「織布機」, 自由配搭多種向香港紡織文化致敬的視覺元素, 設計自己的專屬圖案。
除了下載電子圖檔,你亦可向在場職員查詢,以熱 轉印貼紙或針織電腦袋的形式輸出作品,也可參 與「手作半個鐘」工作坊,把你的作品製作成獨一 無二的手提袋。
策展人 Curators
李勺言 Bruce LI
麥巧琳 Megan MAK
In the Arcade, the interactive experience Illumin-Loom invites you to create your own pattern on the colourful light strips of a digital ‘loom’, featuring visual elements that pay homage to the textile heritage of Hong Kong.
In addition to downloading a digital image of your design, you may also speak to our staff and output it in various physical forms: a heat transfer sticker, a knitted laptop sleeve, or even make a tote bag in a 30-Minute Making session!
Asking an industrialist, a floor manager, a worker and a union representative to recount the history of Hong Kong’s textile industry would yield vastly different stories and perspectives. Yet, a sentiment shared regardless of background is the pride of having participated in a prosperous industry. Beyond economic gain and material abundance, what social relationships from Hong Kong’s industrial past leave the former generation with fondness or even nostalgia? How differently do we relate to others today? This thematic display highlights several communities formed by the textile industry, initiating a dialogue with the seasonal exhibition on how shared socio-economic phenomena foster the coexistence of diverse groups. 裝置、平面及遊戲設計 Installation, graphic and game design pill & pillow, HATO
導賞團及支持 CHAT
Tours & Support CHAT
Learn about CHAT’s exhibitions and displays through various guided experiences!

參加者在導賞體驗中進行互動 Participants engage in the interactive guided experience
共融導賞之旅 Accessibility Tour
全新推出的「共融導賞之旅」由不同能力的導賞員合作帶領, 融入手語雙語設計,以不同感官輕鬆探索香港紡織業的起始 和發展。
This newly launched multisensory tour is delivered in both sign and spoken languages by docents with different abilities and explores a brief history of Hong Kong’s textile industry.
現在至2024年12月29日逢星期日: Every Sunday from now to 29 December 2024: 1:45-2:45pm, 3:45-4:45pm 即場免費參與。Free and walk-ins welcome.
策展人 Curator
羅璧如 Eugenia LAW

Check out our website for dates and times of different tours
支持我們 成為CHAT六廠廠友
Support Us by Becoming a CHAT Friend
作為一家非牟利紡織文化藝術館,CHAT 六廠一直 推行多項社區活動,促進多元共融的對話,現誠 邀你一同為社區注入文藝活力!成為 CHAT 六廠 廠友或贊助人即可享有 CHAT 六廠小店購物折 扣和迎新禮物,更可參加各項專屬活動和優先預 約指定工作坊。歡迎掃描二維碼查看詳細資訊。
As a non-profit textile heritage museum, CHAT can deliver diverse community programmes thanks to the continued support of its members. By becoming a CHAT Friend or Patron, you will enjoy not only CHAT Shop discounts and a welcome gift, but also exclusive events and priority booking for selected workshops. Scan the QR code to find out more.
Learning Tour on Sustainability
從舊機器到新穎的發明,CHAT六廠為你介紹香港紡織發展 與環保的關係。
From historical machines to new inventions, this tour looks at the relationship between Hong Kong’s textile development and the environment.
請聯絡我們預約時間。Please contact us to book a session.

成為紡織文化藝術館會員 專享獨家禮遇
Support our textile heritage museum and enjoy exclusive member privileges

CHAT 六廠是香港的紡織文化藝術館,位於南豐 紗廠二樓,即南豐紡織昔日在荃灣的棉紗廠房
參觀者在陳廷驊基金會展廳參與「手作半個鐘」活動 Visitors participate in 30-Minute Making at The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery 原址。CHAT六廠於 2019年 3月開館,透過展覽、
工作坊和社區活動,提供有關紡織文化的新 知識,激發創意和培育人才。我們致力保育 本地的物質和非物質紡織遺產,並邀請大家體驗 香港紡織業的創新精神,參與一段段啟發思考的 旅程和交流,將文化、藝術和紡織交織在一起。

CHAT (Centre for Heritage, Arts and Textile) is Hong Kong’s textile heritage museum located on the 2/F of The Mills, the former cotton-spinning mills of Nan Fung Textiles in Tsuen Wan. Opened in March 2019, CHAT offers new knowledge while nurturing ideas and talents through exhibitions, workshops and community programmes. Committed to preserving local tangible and intangible textile heritage, CHAT invites everyone to experience the innovative spirit of Hong Kong’s textile industry and engage in new dialogues and inspirational journeys that interweave heritage, arts and textile.

你可透過網上捐款支持我們的工作 You can support our work by making a donation online
Misfitted: Unspoken Stories of Tailoring
The D. H. Chen Foundation Gallery
這個特別展示將服裝裁剪視為製衣者與穿衣者之 間一種獨特的社交互動,而非單單一門技藝,試圖 在如今成衣當道的城市中,以嶄新視角細看裁縫 的歷史角色和地位。

展覽圖片︰「別出心裁:不為人知的裁縫故事」 Exhibition view of Misfitted: Unspoken Stories of Tailoring
Through clothes, objects and archival materials, this special display presents five case studies of historically overlooked forms of tailoring in Hong Kong from the 1950s to the 2000s, ranging from an amah’s domestic needlework to a wardrobe mistress’s contemporary dance costumes.
Misfitted departs from viewing tailoring as a craft and instead seeks to understand it as a unique set of social interactions between maker and wearer, offering new perspectives on the tailor’s role within a city increasingly reliant on readymade goods.
李勺言 Bruce LI
Welcome to the Spinning Factory!
輔以豐富照片、棉紡舊物、文獻及藏品等。展廳更 設有不同互動工作坊與示範,詳情請參閱下一頁。
Welcome to the Spinning Factory! presents a concise history of Hong Kong’s textile industry, featuring rich imageries, vintage cotton products and archival documents and objects. We also offer various workshops and demonstrations in the gallery. See the next page for more information.
展覽空間設計 Exhibition design Assemble
平面設計 Exhibition graphic design HATO

展覽圖片︰「紗廠絮語」 Exhibition view of Welcome to the Spinning Factory!
30-Minute Making
即場參與手作活動,製作獨一無二的手作作品!三種 活動內容定期替換,歡迎任何人士參與。
Join a walk-in making activity and bring home a unique piece of work! Three activities are rotated on a regular basis and are suitable for all to enjoy.
CHERRY Draw Frame Demonstration
每個月的一個星期六,機器操作員梁鳳儀將示範 啟動機器,並與觀眾互動交流。
Come witness Hong Kong’s last operating drawing frame machine in action! On one Saturday each month, machine operator
Auntie Yee (Leung Fung Yee) demonstrates how it works and converses with the audience.
Hand Spinning Demonstration
讓參觀者近距離觀察棉絮紡成紗線,也可與義工 傾談並提問,了解CHAT六廠及紗廠的歷史。
How do you turn cotton into wearable, usable textiles? In this demonstration, visitors can observe how cotton fibre is spun into yarn. The demonstration is conducted by our volunteers, who will gladly chat with you and answer your questions!

日期及時間 Date & Time
星期一至五 Weekdays 3:00-5:00pm
周末及公眾假期 Weekends and Public Holidays 2:00-6:00pm (逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays)

日期 Date
21.12.2024, 18.01.2025, 15.02.2025
時間 Time 1:30pm, 3:30pm, 5:30pm

日期及時間 Date & Time
星期一至五 Weekdays 3:00-5:30pm
周末及公眾假期 Weekends and Public Holidays 1:00-4:00pm (逢星期二休息 Closed on Tuesdays)
CHAT 六廠小店積極推廣手工藝文化,為紡織及 文化愛好者精心搜羅各式各樣香港本地和亞太區 內的工藝品牌。
CHAT Shop is the destination for textile and culture lovers who appreciate curated merchandise from Hong Kong and the Asia-Pacific region that embodies the heritage and innovation in the culture of making.

CHAT六廠原創 CHAT Originals
CHAT 六廠與 TinyIsland 合作推出一款融合 其招牌香港地圖設計及 CHAT六廠標誌的棉織 毛巾,並於地圖上標出我們的位置。毛巾的底色 採用工廠綠色,再以南豐紡織金杯牌的黃色作點 綴。這款柔軟的多用途土耳其毛巾採用提花工藝 編織而成,既精美又實用,無論在家居或海灘都 大派用場。
CHAT六廠推出一系列精美購物袋,一共五款顏色 可供選擇,帶有CHAT六廠的標誌之餘,亦可摺入 印有南豐紡織棉紗品牌「金杯牌」和「銀杯牌」圖 案的迷你袋,向 CHAT 六廠作為前棉紡工廠的歷 史背景致敬。購物袋由塑膠廢料再造而成,製造過 程中也排放較少溫室氣體。

CHAT has collaborated with Tiny Island to launch a jacquard towel featuring CHAT’s logo and Tiny Island’s iconic Hong Kong map design with our location distinctly marked. It sports a colour inspired by the spinning factory’s green walls, accented with the yellow of Nan Fung Textiles’ Golden Cup label. Woven in Turkey, the soft multi-use cotton towel is the perfect home and beach accessory.
CHAT’s shopping bags are another delight not to be missed. Available in five colours, they are decorated with the CHAT logo and fold into a mini pouch that features the brand icons of Nan Fung Textiles – the Golden Cup and Silver Cup, a hat tip to CHAT’s historical background as a cotton spinning factory. The bags are also made from plastic waste and generate less carbon emissions in their production.
CHAT六廠5週年 ㄨ Tiny Island 毛巾 CHAT 5th Anniversary ㄨ Tiny Island Jacquard Towel

港鐵荃灣站 A4出口設有免費穿梭巴士服務來往南豐紗廠,詳情請掃描二維碼 到CHAT六廠「參觀」網頁了解更多。
CHAT is located on 2/F of The Mills.
Free shuttle bus service to The Mills is available at Exit A4 of Tsuen Wan MTR Station.
Scan the QR code to visit CHAT’s ‘Visit’ page for more information.
創始捐助機構 Founding Donor
主要捐助機構 Main Donor
合作單位 Partner
屬於大家的紡織文化藝術館 培育創意和人才的明日工廠
Textile heritage museum for all, Factory of Tomorrow for new ideas and talents
有關登記留座的詳情, 請瀏覽 For tickets and RSVP details, please visit

查詢 enquiry@mill6chat.org +852 3979 2301