Story and Illustrated by Rachel Lintang Aurya
Penulis, Editor, dan tata Lay Out: Rachel Lintang Aurya
Percetakan : PT.Reka Arsitek Pratama Jl.Taman Buah 1/6 Puribeta 2, Larangan Tangerang Telp : 021-29234470 Email : Cetakan pertama : November 2021 No ISBN : 978-623-98017-6-2 Dilarang Keras mengutip, menjiplak, memfotokopi atau memperbanyak dalam bentuk apapun , Baik sebagian atau keseluruhan isi buku ini, serta memperjualbelikannya tanpa izin tertulis dari millspublisher ( PT.Reka Arsitek Pratama ) HAK CIPTA DILINDUNGI UNDANG-UNDANG Hak Cipta @2021 pada penulis Hak terbit pada PT.Reka Arsitek Pratama
Rachel Lintang Aurya PENERBIT ︎ REKA ARSITEK PRATAMA︎ Jl. Taman Buah 1/6/ Puribeta 2 ,Larangan ︎ Tangerang 15154︎
The City 2 Skyscrappers 4 Happiness 6 Everybody knows your name 8 Working time 10 Gathering with friends 12 - tentang aku-
Buku ini adalah Buku cerita anak-anak oleh Rachel Lintang Aurya (13 tahun), yang sedang menempuh pendidikan kelas 8, di SMP Islam Al Azhar 10, Kembangan- jakarta. Buku ini bercerita tentang Indahnya tinggal di kota yang warganya selalu kelihatan senang. Hal ini dikarenakan mereka menghabiskan banyak waktu bersosialisasi dengan keluarga, teman dan tetangga-tetangganya. Selamat membaca.
Salam, Rachel Lintang Aurya
There is a city known for its Joy. Today, I will take you there to my Cousin’s house.
It looks like an ordinary city, skyscrapers everywhere, modern and old buildings in
n one
But, there is something that you won’t their happiness of playing outside and
t find in another city: d eating outside. I like the Ambience
Even if you walk in the street, ever You can walk safely in the wide pe
rybody knows your name and says Hi! edestrian, and the people mostly enjoy being outside
You must be wondering, Are they Working? Yes, they are working inside and outside, mostly online. They can work while doing things and social stuff too, But they work all set done too.
I love being in this city. After they Work hard They gather with family and friends and put t
I hope I can do that in my city. I call this city i
d online and some still work Offline. their gadgets away for a while
is the city of Joy.
Hai, My name is Rachel Lintang Aurya I am 13 Years old from Jakarta, Indonesia I like drawing and dreaming. See you
Penerbit : PT. Reka Arsitek Pratama Jl.Taman Buah 1/6 Puribeta 2, Larangan, Tangerang Telp : 021-29234470 Email :