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Food and the City Story and Ilustrated by Rachel Lintang Aurya


Penulis, Editor, dan tata Lay Out: Rachel Lintang Aurya

Percetakan : PT.Reka Arsitek Pratama Jl.Taman Buah 1/6 Puribeta 2, Larangan Tangerang Telp : 021-29234470 Email : Cetakan pertama : November 2021 No ISBN : 978-623-98017-8-6 Dilarang Keras mengutip, menjiplak, memfotokopi atau memperbanyak dalam bentuk apapun , Baik sebagian atau keseluruhan isi buku ini, serta memperjualbelikannya tanpa izin tertulis dari millspublisher ( PT.Reka Arsitek Pratama ) HAK CIPTA DILINDUNGI UNDANG-UNDANG Hak Cipta @2021 pada penulis Hak terbit pada PT.Reka Arsitek Pratama


Rachel Lintang Aurya PENERBIT ︎ REKA ARSITEK PRATAMA︎ Jl. Taman Buah 1/6/ Puribeta 2 ,Larangan ︎ Tangerang 15154︎


Fun Eating 2 Ice cream Shop 4 The News 6 The Preparations 8 The Diplomations 10 The Beautifications 12 - tentang aku- 14


Buku ini adalah Buku cerita anak-anak oleh Rachel Lintang Aurya (13 tahun), yang sedang menempuh pendidikan kelas 8, di SMP Islam Al Azhar 10, Kembangan- jakarta. Buku ini bercerita tentang suatu tempat makan di kota yang segera digusur untuk kepentingan golongan tertentu. Namun karena kekompakan warga, permasalahan tersebut dapat diselesaikan dengan kemenangan di kedua belah pihak. Selamat membaca.

Salam, Rachel Lintang Aurya

This is the city I live in. I usually have fun here. People in he It makes my day so alive.

ere can eat, buy some flowers, and Make a lot of Jokes.

I usually hang out with my friends in the ice cream shop near my house They said This food area will be turned down and changed into another

e. r building

This news makes me sad, and so is the food vendor next to it. I hope th

hey can change it or cancel the plan

The coffee shop next to the ice cream shop, already prepare for moving The news makes me and people who live in my city so sad


So, my friends and I try to ban every plan t

turning down food stalls in my areas.

We try to cancel all the plans to destroy our happy place. Except th and building still in the exact location. So it will have New Place, sa

hat they will relocate these vendors to a new place with a new design ame site, and same vendor

Hai, My name is Rachel Lintang Aurya I am 13 Years old from Jakarta, Indonesia I like drawing and dreaming. See you

Penerbit : PT. Reka Arsitek Pratama Jl.Taman Buah 1/6 Puribeta 2, Larangan, Tangerang Telp : 021-29234470 Email :

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