Mill Creek Chronicle 2017-18 Issue 3

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Mill Creek

Vol.l. 9 Vo Vol. Issue 1 Issu Is suee10 su Issue #3


MILL CREEK PAGEANTS Sadie-Hawkins Terroristic Threats to europe black History month A TRIBUTE TO A HERO

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Front Cover Photo: Uriah Leverette carries the ball against North Gwinnett Photo: Jana Thomas

PHOTO: Sapphire Brooks

15 Mr. Mill Creek

3+272 +DQQDK &RɤHOG

PHOTO: Maggie Moseley

9 Dangers of Traveling 4

11 WGI 2018

PHOTO: Sapphire Brooks



Michelle Ortiz Collins Sainovich

Pageant Perfect


Other Stories Included...

Vanessa Medina


Fast News



Hawk with a Story


Winter Sports Continued


What is a Sadie Hawkins ?


Black History Month Today


Mill Creek’s Pet Peeves


Skincare & Health Routines


2018 Movie Releases

Caitlyn Bedillion Sapphire Brooks +DQQDK &RɤHOG Meaghan Exantus Isabelle Harrel Madison Jackson Taylor Johnson Alyssa Johnston Abbie Key Catherine Lysaught Margaret Mosley Faith Montgomery Mark Pierre Gabriella Seeton



The Mill Creek Chronicle is a student publication of Mill Creek High School in Hoschton, GA. It is distributed to students, faculty, staff, and the Mill Creek community in print and online. The statements and opinions expressed in this publication are those of the individual writers and do not necessarily reflect those of the entire Chronicle staff or of Gwinnett County Schools, Mill Creek High School, its students, faculty, staff, or administration. Content is designed and edited by student journalists.

PHOTO: Isaac Lee

17 winter Sports PHOTO: Collins Sainovich

7 Unleash the facts PHOTO: Creative Commons

27 Winter Tips and Precautions

1RUD 1Hɣ ɴ

FAST NEWS Br Bringing you the latest news including topics relating to Mill Creek High School, the community, national, and even international events. The Mill Creek Chronicle VWDɣ VWULYHV WR EULQJ \RX LQ WKH NQRZ RI ZKDW LV FXUUHQW trending, and happening in today’s society. PHOTOS: Creative Commons

Super Blue Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse By: Sapphire Brooks

On January 31st, the western coast of the United States experienced a very rare compilation of cosmetic events. The event was WKH ¿UVW EOXH PRRQ DQG EORRG PRRQ WR IDOO RQ a lunar eclipse in America in the last 150 years. Because the eclipse did not take place until around six in the morning EST, those on the eastern coast did not get to experience the full HɣHFW RI WKH UDUH HYHQW \HW SHRSOH ZRUOGZLGH were treated to an especially large moon for two nights following the eclipse.


The CDC announced, each part of the FRQWLQHQWDO 8 6 LV ULIH ZLWK ÀX DFWLYLW\ ³7KLV LV WKH ¿UVW \HDU ZH KDG WKH HQWLUH FRQWLQHQWDO 8 6 be the same color on the graph, a demographic that depicts the dispersal of disease, meaning there’s widespread activity in all of the FRQWLQHQWDO 8 6 DW WKLV SRLQW ´ &'& ,QÀXHQ]D Division Director Dr. Dan Jernigan says. There are varied reasons for why the YLUXV LV UXQQLQJ VR UDPSDQW WKLV \HDU LQÀXHQ]D

A or H3N2, is typically associated with more hospitalizations and infections; there is decreased HɣHFWLYHQHVV LQ WKH YDFFLQH DOORWHG IRU LW + 1 LV the strain that is especially prevalent currently. It is projected that there are still 13 ZHHNV OHIW LQ WKH ÀX VHDVRQ DQG LW LV KLJKO\ recommended by the CDC that one gets a vaccination since they still protect against 56% of H3 viruses.

2018 Winter Olympics By: Sapphire Brooks

The 2018 Winter Olympics will be held in Pyeongchang, South Korea starting on Thursday, February 8 and lasting for two weeks. The U.S Winter Olympic team is composed of 244 athletes (135 men, 109 women) two of whom are from Georgia. Sports include: Alpine Skiing, Biathlon, Bobsleigh, Cross Country Skiing, Curling, Figure Skating, Freestyle Skiing, Ice Hockey, Luge, Nordic Combined, Short

Track Speed Skating, Skeleton, Ski Jumping, Snowboarding, and Speed Skating. The United States has won a total of 282 medals in the Winter Olympics, 96 of them EHLQJ JROG 7KH ¿UVW :LQWHU Olympics was held in 1924. At the time only 16 nations were participating, compared to the 92 participating in this years event.



These past few days, teachers and students have been getting sick IURP WKH ÀX 'RFWRUV KDYH EHHQ strugling with what has now been FDOOHG WKH ZRUVW ÀXH VHDVRQ VLQFH 2009. According to Ledger-enquirer UHOD\ PHGLD ³0RUH WKDQ SHRSOH KDYH GLHG IURP WKH ÀX LQ *HRUJLD especially younger people like teens and young children.� Doctors and medical scientists have been racing WR ¿QG D ÀX YDFFLQH that has a more SHUPDQHQW HɣHFW For the past few weeks, the amount of people that have been coming to the doctor has pushed scientist HYHQ PRUH WR ¿QG D better vaccine. Right now, DQQXDO ÀX VKRWV DUH XVXDOO\ RQO\ WR HɣHFWLYH Unfortunately, this winters success rates have been lower. Some people DUH ZRQGHULQJ LI WKH ÀX VKRWV DUH even worth it, while others want to take the chance. Rachel Fuhrmannek (11th) VD\V ³, EHOLHYH LQ VFLHQFH DQG medicine. As long as you are

comfortable with any possible side HÉŁHFWV , ZLOO GHÂżQLWHO\ WDNH VKRWV to be healthy. I understand and am familiar with medical science. I have worked at a vet clinic and plan to go into Dentistry.â€? Virginia Alexander (9th) says, Âł, WKLQN WDNLQJ WKH Ă€X VKRWV DUH worth it because it helps out a little or a lot, if there is a chance that it can protect you from getting sick, I would take it.â€? Abby Smith (9th) VD\V Âł, PD\ KDWH needles, but I would take the chance to get a shot because there is a chance that it will help PH ZLWK WKH Ă€X ´

³:H KDYH VHHQ D rise in students with fevers since school cam back from break.� Now, after years of Mrs. Fleming searching, scientists believe they have better Clinic Nurse

strategies to attack the parts of the virus that stay the same from year to year, allowing more SURWHFWLRQ WKURXJKRXW WKH GLÉŁHUHQW seasons. The vaccines that have been developed in labs are known as DNA vaccines. Scientists say that '1$ YDFFLQH RÉŁHUV PDQ\ VLJQLÂżFDQW EHQHÂżWV RYHU WUDGLWLRQDO YDFFLQHV They are cheaper and faster to make

than current vaccine production methods and, because they target fundamental genetic components of a virus, they get WKH SUREOHP RI ³JHQHWLF GULIW ´ 7KLV PHDQV a single shot could protect against all LQÀXHQ]D VWUDLQV ERWK LQ WKH SDVW DQG WKH future. The problem with DNA vaccines are WKDW WKH\ DUH QRW YHU\ HÉ£HFWLYH ,Q IDFW WKH DNA method is better suited for animals rather than humans. So the doctors are forced to continue using the traditional PHWKRG RI WKH ÀX YDFFLQH %XW WKDW GRHVQ¶W stop the scientists from experimenting with the DNA method. If the scientists succeed at creating a DNA vaccine suitable for humans, then we could possibly have a SHUPDQHQW ÀX YDFFLQH

Magic M oment Phot ography Capturing all of Mill Creek’s magical moments 770-979-4203 ɸ

The Dangers of Traveling Abroad By: Faith Montgomery

In the recent years, European countries have seen a rise in acts of terrorism. Between the 2015 Parisian attacks, in which a series of coordinated terrorist attacks throughout the city killed 137 and injured 368, and the 2017 Barcelona attack by van, the FRQWLQHQW KDV VHHQ DQ LQĂ€X[ RI EUXWDOLW\ ZKLFK QRW RQO\ DÉŁHFWV the citizens of the continent but also its tourism industry. In fact, according to a survey conducted by the British University of Bournemouth, the threat of terrorism plays a role in determining where to vacation for 93 percent of tourists. And, the Foreign and &RPPRQZHDOWK 2ɤFH )&2 FODVVLÂżHG %HOJLXP )UDQFH Germany, Russia, Turkey, and the United Kingdom as being FRXQWULHV ZLWK D ÂłKLJK OHYHO of known terrorist activity.â€? Therefore, for the 85.7 million tourists who visited France in 2013, 79.7 million of them might have chosen to travel elsewhere had the terrorist events occurred earlier. According to the New York

Times, the Sodetour Group, a French chain of hotels and restaurants, saw a decline of 70 percent in their sales following WKH ¿UVW DWWDFNV LQ )UDQFH 7KH company has still not seen their sales make a full recovery. Even students at Mill Creek have been personally impacted by the European threats. Many students were not allowed by their parents to travel to Europe for New Year’s on the band and orchestra trip solely because of the threat of terrorism to the continent. )UHVKPDQ $YD .HOO\ VD\V ³, wasn’t allowed to go on the trip because my parents were worried because of the attacks in Europe.� However, some parents WDNH D GLɣHUHQW SHUVSHFWLYH arguing that Europe’s safety risks are not greater than the United States’. Junior Janet 0HDGRU VD\V ³7UDYHOLQJ LV not any more dangerous than staying in the US; people are worried about the slim chance of a terrorist attack, but the same thing could happen in the US any time. Here, KKK

violence and shootings are more likely to occur than in say, Paris. All we can do is live our lives without fear holding us back from doing the things we love.â€? Similarly, Morgan Iverson’s parents believe WKDW ÂłZH KDYH QR FRQWURO RYHU the threats of violence, both domestic and international.â€? ,YHUVRQ FRQWLQXHV RQ WR VD\ Âł, choose not to worry about my safety when traveling and enjoy the experience.â€? 6WLOO SXEOLF RɤFLDOV on the continent are actively working to make Europe a viable travel destination. For example, the French government created an app FDOOHG Âł6$,3´ LQ RUGHU WR inform tourists and citizens about possible threats. And, according to security and development specialist Robert 0XJJDK Âł<RX DUH RQO\ VOLJKWO\ more likely to be a victim of terrorism in Europe than you are to be the victim of a lightning strike.â€?

“We have no control over the threats of violence, both domestic and international, I choose not to worry about my safety when traveling and enjoy the experience.” -Morgan Iverson

PHOTOS Courtesy of: Shelby Weldon, Triniti Miller, Virginia Miller, Erica Crews, and Trinity Ngo



Mr. Mason and Mrs. Wildes will be producing the 2018 Mill Creek Winds Group. Their season is January WKURXJK $SULO DQG WKH ¿UVW competition is on February 17th at North Gwinnett. Anyone can go to the competitions to see the band perform. After the start of the year, their season will pick up with more practices and competitions. For instance, in April, they will be going to Dayton, Ohio, for the World Championships. Winter Guard International, (WGI) LV FDOOHG ³WKH VSRUW RI the arts� or winds. The

performers dance, play, and tell a story to the audience. Âł7KH PRWLYH IRU SHUIRUPLQJ LV to move the audience with our music,â€? says Freshman Daniela Restrepo. The performers dance and play simultaneously. All percussion in the winds program are considered front ensemble, meaning they do not dance with the wind players. This year there will be two marimbas, a drum set, a xylophone, and rack instruments. The marimba players will also have a vibraphones and the xylophone player will have bells. The winds part includes both brass and woodwind instruments. )RU H[DPSOH WUXPSHWV Ă€XWHV mellophones and clarinets will be featured. This year’s show takes place in the 30s, and it will EH EDVHG RÉŁ RI 0DWW $OEHUÂśV Âł(QG RI WKH :RUOG ´ 7KH performers wear costumes from the time period, so the girls will be wearing dresses and jazz shoes, while the boys will have a leotard that have all components of the time period, including suspenders. The band will have a working roller coaster that a member will ride at the end of

PHOTOS: Maggie Mosley

the show. Senior Alex Lewis and his dad are building the roller coaster. They build props for both marching band and WGI. This year’s performance ³LV WKH VWRU\ RI JURZLQJ XS

told through the retirement of a roller coaster,� says Band 'LUHFWRU 0U 0DVRQ ³7KH idea is–the voiceovers will make this clear– this grown man is going back to a roller coaster that is closing down.

It is the last night that it is going to run. It is him thinking back to being a kid and how much he loved riding the roller coaster...He gives it one last go, so the roller coaster is a metaphor for life.â€? ɲɲ


Hawk With A Story Kyle Gilbert Memorial

By:Michelle Ortiz and Gabby Dillard

2Q 1RYHPEHU ɳɚWK ɳɹɲɸ 0LOO &UHHN helped honor former soldier and alumni Kyle Gilbert. Spc. Kyle E. Gilbert, died at the age RI ɳɾ RQ 6HSWHPEHU ɳɹɲɜ RI XQVSHFLILHG QRQ combat injuries in Bagram, Afghanistan. According to Watertown Daily News, the local newspaper for his home post, Fort Drum, NY, Gilbert had originally enlisted in the 0DULQHV LQ ɳɹɹɺ EXW VXIIHUHG D PDMRU LQMXU\ WR his eardrum and was given a medial discharge. In that report, Ralph E. Gilbert, Kyle’s father VDLG Âł+H ZDQWHG WR VHUYH KLV FRXQWU\ VR EDG that he didn’t want to stop because of his eardrum.â€? So after rehabilitation Gilbert joined WKH $UP\ LQ ɳɹɲɴ

$FFRUGLQJ WR 6WDUV DQG 6WULSHV ÂłKH ZDV WKH ILUVW QRQ FRPEDW GHDWK´ LQ ɳɹɲɜ DQG ÂłWKH fifth overall U.S. casualty.â€? Âł6SHFLDOLVW *LOEHUW ZDV DQ H[FHSWLRQDO soldier and junior leader in our battalion. He met every mission and challenge with contagious enthusiasm and vigor,â€? Lt. Col. Michael Kovacevic, the battalion’s commander, said in a statement. The ceremony for his honor was held in the Mill Creek gym between the school’s varisty basketball games against Mountain View. Sen. Butch Miller, (R-Gainesville) honored Kyle Gilbert’s service by naming WKH VHFWLRQ RI *HRUJLD +LJKZD\ ɳɹ EHWZHHQ ,QWHUVWDWH ɺɚɜ DQG *HRUJLD +LJKZD\ ɲɴ LQ

Âł+H UHPDLQHG OR\DO to his friends and country until he passed protecting us in a war fought too long,â€? -Tyler Ricks. Gwinnett County as Kyle Gilbert Memorial Highway. There will also be a plaque placed at the beginning and end of that section of the highway. Âł,ÂśYH QHYHU KDG WKH RSSRUWXQLW\ WR PHHW Kyle in person, but by speaking to his family members and friends it’s clear that he was a very special person,â€? said Miller in his speech. The family of SPC Gilbert was present during the dedication, and they gave a VSHHFK WR WKH VWXGHQWV ZKR DWWHQGHG Âł, WKLQN Kyle’s parents were very proud of him and they were also grateful for the people who came out WR VXSSRUW KLP ´ VDLG /DXU\Q &OLQNVFDOHV ɲɹ Many students and community members came in support for the fallen soldier and his family.

Photo: Gabby Dillard

The staff of Mill Creek Chronicle dedicate this issue’s “Hawk with a Story� to SPC Kyle Gilbert. Gilbert helped lay the foundation for this paper as a former Chronicle staff member; he helped make us who we are today. Thank you Kyle for your sports features, and for enlightening us through your writing. Gilbert touched many hearts including the Chronicle’s staff with his bravery and his dedication to our country. According to Tyler Ricks, another former staff member and friend, Gilbert was known for his friendship. “He was always the one planning our newspaper reunion, and always made sure to make time for us,� said Tyler Ricks. Rest In Peace, SPC Gilbert.


Pageant Perfect By: Sapphire Brooks.

January 13 saw the annual Miss Mill Creek Pageant, DQG WKH ¿UVW 0U 0LOO &UHHN Pageant. Fourteen ladies and four gentleman competed for various titles and awards throughout the night. Seniors Chase Davis and Corrine Maglovsky were crowned Mr. Mill Creek and Miss Mill Creek. In addition to crowns and sashes, contestants also competed for various scholarships, with fourth runner XS ZLQQLQJ DQG ¿UVW SODFH winning $1,000. ³7KH FURZQV DUH QLFH and all but I’m just happy to be competing,� said senior Sara Archambault. Alhough many of the FRQWHVWDQWV ZHUH ¿UVW WLPH entrants, some of the female contestants were returning competitors, like senior Scarlett Dunn, who won the title of Junior Miss Mill Creek at ODVW \HDUœV SDJHDQW ³, GLG WKH pageant again because I love EHLQJ DURXQG VXFK FRQ¿GHQW young women like myself,� said Dunn. Holly Harper, last year’s Sophomore Queen, was present to crown and congratulate the nights winners. Apart from the colorful dresses, the four male contests also drew much attention during WKH VKRZ ³, WKRXJKW LW ZDV D

great idea to add the guys to the show,� said Archambault. ³7KH JX\V FRQWULEXWHG D classy touch and lots of laughter to the show,� said Maglovsky. The idea for adding the male contestants came up after last year when it was brought up by those in charge of the event. ³, WKRXJKW LW ZDV UHDOO\ FRRO to compete even though I did it mostly because my friends pushed me to,� said Davis. The pageant was originally scheduled for early January, but due to inclimate weather, practices were reduced to only a week before the actual VKRZ ³, WKLQN WKH VKRZ WXUQHG out great given the little time we had to prepare,� said Dunn. Winners Davis and Maglovsky both showed gratitude at their victories. ³,W IHHOV DPD]LQJ WR ZLQ DQG I’m really grateful to have the title,� said Davis after being crowned. After earning the Miss Mill Creek title, Maglovsky VDLG ³,W IHHOV FRPSOHWHO\ amazing and I feel very blessed to be recognized as Miss Mill Creek.� For the winners, the crowns were just a minor detail compared to the lessons they learned while competing, ³,W UHDOO\ EXLOW P\ FRQ¿GHQFH DQG SUHSDUHG PH IRU the future,� said Maglovsky.

PHOTOS: Sapphire Brooks and Isaac Lee



SWIMMING By: Catherine Lysaught


The girls swimming team concluded a successful winning VHDVRQ DIWHU WKHLU VWDWH ÂżQDOV RQ )HEUXDU\ ɲ É´ 7KH WHDP SODFHG well at their meets over the course of the season with record-setting performances by several wimmers. The team has had success through the leadership of the team captains and the coaches. They OHG WKH WHDP WR ZLQ ÂżYH RXW RI their eight regular season meets, SODFH ÂżIWK DW WKH FRXQW\ ÂżQDOV DQG WHQWK DW WKH VWDWH ÂżQDOV Âł:H KDYH D IDQWDVWLF FRDFKLQJ VWDÉŁ They really care about all of the swimmers and want us all to succeed, which really means a lot,â€? senior Abby Pawlowski said. The team began their VHDVRQ RQ 1RYHPEHU Éľ DJDLQVW Parkview High School. Though

WKH\ ORVW WKH\ KDG WKUHH ¿UVW SODFH ¿QLVKHUV VL[ VWDWH TXDOL¿HUV DQG ɲɴ FRXQW\ TXDOL¿HUV 7KH WHDP has improved since then, winning most of their meets and having many swimmers go to the state ¿QDOV $W VWDWH ¿QDOV WKH JLUOV wrapped up their season by ZLQQLQJ ɲɹWK SODFH LQ WKHLU division, with three relay teams and four individual swimmers SODFLQJ LQ WKH WRS ɲɹ IRU WKHLU FDWHJRU\ DQG ɸ VZLPPHUV SODFLQJ ɲɲ ɳɹ Throughout the season, the team has had many girls win awards for their performances. Abigail Tashlein won the Iron Hawk Award by being the only girl on the team to get state qualifying scores in all eight meets. The

Silver Hawk Award is given for swimmers who get either state or county qualifying times in all eight meets. This award was given to Isabelle Andrews (seven state cuts), Claire Grant (two state cuts), Mia Walters (seven state cuts), and Bailey Williams (six state cuts). The team has had a strong and triumphant season under the strong guidance of their FRDFKHV DQG FDSWDLQV ³:H KDG a really strong season this year, but I really loved being able to talk to my friends and grow with the group over the season,� says junior Bailey Williams.

“We have a fantastic coaching staff. They really care about all of the swimmers and want us all to succeed, which really means a lot.� -Abby Pawlowski (12th)

PHOTOS: Isaac Lee and Madelyn Butterworth

THE GUYS The Boys Swimming team ended their VHDVRQ ZLWK D Éś É´ ZLQQLQJ UHFRUG D ÂżIWK SODFH ÂżQLVK DW FRXQW\ ÂżQDOV DQG D VL[WK SODFH ÂżQLVK DW WKH VWDWH VZLP PHHW 7KH ER\V KDG D record breaking season with many outstanding performances by accomplished swimmers and coaches. 7KH ER\V ORVW WKHLU ÂżUVW WZR PHHWV RI WKH season but wasted no time in rebounding to PDNH D VWURQJ ÂżQLVK IRU WKHLU VHDVRQ DQG DW VWDWH 7KH WHDP KDG Éľ LQGLYLGXDO WRS WHQ ÂżQLVKHUV DW WKH VWDWH FRPSHWLWLRQ RQ )HEUXDU\ ɲ É´ DQG WKUHH relay top ten teams. Sophomore Jake Magahey ZRQ ÂżUVW SODFH LQ ERWK RI KLV HYHQWV WKH ɳɹɹ IUHH DQG ɜɹɹ IUHH DQG WKH UHOD\ WHDP RI -DFNVRQ Ward, Aidan Delliponti, Nicholas Kalenik, and -DNH 0DJDKH\ ZRQ VHFRQG LQ WKH ɾɹɹP IUHH UHOD\ The boys swimming team was led to VXFFHVV E\ WKHLU FRDFKLQJ VWDÉŁ DQG WHDP FDSWDLQV Âł7KH PHHWV ZHUH UHDOO\ WKH EHVW SDUW RI WKH VHDVRQ because of our team. I loved the experience of cheering everyone on and all the memories that were made there with them,â€? says junior Owen Pendley.

Through the course of the season, many members of the team have been given awards for outstanding achievements. Nicholas Kalenik, Jake Magahey, and Collins Sainovich all received the Iron Hawk Award for qualifying for state in all eight meets. Aidan Delliponti (two state cuts), -DFNVRQ :DUG ÂżYH VWDWH FXWV DQG 2ZHQ 3HQGOH\ (two state cuts) all won the Silver Hawk Award for qualifying for either state or county in all eight meets. This season, sophomore Jake Magahey broke the school and county records and achieved $XWRPDWLF $OO $PHULFDQ WLPHV LQ WKH ɳɹɹ IUHH DQG ɜɹɹ IUHH HYHQWV +H DOVR TXDOLÂżHG IRU VWDWH LQ DOO HLJKW PHHWV DQG ZRQ WKH ɳɹɹ IUHH DQG ɜɹɹ IUHH HYHQWV DW VWDWH Âł+LJK VFKRRO VZLPPLQJ can be just as much about the team as it is the individual. The people who I have gotten to know and the memories I have had just in the past two years I will remember for years to come. I feel like they have made me not only a better swimmer but a better person,â€? says Magahey. 17

“Our season has been going really well; we may have lost a couple of times, but we picked ourselves back up and we make sure we always finish hard in the end.� -Nico Prescott (9th)


PHOTOS: Catherine Lysaught

By: Catherine Lysaught

The Varsity Wrestling team wrapped up their regular season and is now on their way to the sectional and state competition. The team had ten successful tournaments in their season and ended their regular season with a winning UHFRUG DQG D UHFRUG QXPEHU RI WRS ÂżQLVKHUV The team made their season debut on November 11, and placed seven out of their nine wrestlers in that meet. Zach Fix (11), Harrison +RÉŁPDQQ DQG -D\GRQ %LQVWRFN DOO placed second. The team also had wrestlers place WKLUG IRXUWK ÂżIWK DQG VHYHQWK 7KH +DZNV KRVWHG WKHLU ÂżUVW WUL PHHW tournament of the season on November 29 against Lambert and Discovery High School. The +DZNV VWDUWHG RÉŁ WKH PHHW E\ ORVLQJ VL[ RXW RI WKH seven matches to Lambert High School, but were saved by heavyweight freshman Nico Prescott in the last match. The Hawks carried their momentum to the second meet against Discovery High School and left with a 72-12 victory. The team has had a successful season and has been carried by some star wrestlers. Seniors +DUULVRQ +RÉŁPDQ DQG -D\GRQ %LQVWRFN KDYH had strong performances and have led the team LQ WKHLU ÂżQDO VHDVRQ RQ WKH 0LOO &UHHN 9DUVLW\

:UHVWOLQJ WHDP ³2YHUDOO WKH VHDVRQ KDV EHHQ going really well for us; we’ve been working hard and practicing everyday. I’m part of a great team, and I love practicing with them,� says Varsity wrestler Binstock. The team is under the guidance of head coach Nathan White, who is in the midst of his ¿UVW VHDVRQ DV WKH 0LOO &UHHN 9DUVLW\ :UHVWOLQJ coach. During his two years at Emmanuel College, Coach White helped to coach 7 NCWA National Champions and 19 All-American Wrestlers. The team has many strong wrestlers that will be competing at the sectional and state FRPSHWLWLRQ WR URXQG RXW WKH VHDVRQ ³2XU VHDVRQ has been going really well; we may have lost a couple of times, but we picked ourselves back up, DQG ZH PDNH VXUH ZH DOZD\V ¿QLVK KDUG LQ WKH end,� says freshman Varsity wrestler Prescott.


Sadie Hawkins Dance By: Meaghan Exantus

7KH 0LOO &UHHN 6DGLH +DZNLQV Âł)OLS WKH Switchâ€? event will be hosted at the Venue, an event space at 7340 Friendship Blvd in Flowery Branch. The dance will take place February 17, from 7-11pm. The dress code is formal. Tickets are $13 for one ticket and $25 for two. Kaitlyn Lesko (12) is in charge of the SURGXFWLRQ RI WKH GDQFH Âł,Q SUHYLRXV \HDUV SODQV for a dance did not come through,â€? Lesko says, Âł,W MXVW ZDVQÂśW UHDOO\ DGYHUWLVHGÂą, GRQÂśW WKLQN D lot of people really knew about the dance. That’s a problem we’ve been trying to overcome this year as well.â€? Posters are displayed throughout the school; the event has also been advertised on the announcements, the Mill Creek High School website, and various social media platforms. Âł7KH JRDO LV WR KDYH DV PDQ\ SHRSOH DV possible attend. There are only limited tickets due to the venue size, but I hope to sell out and potentially continue it as a tradition for years to come. We want to make a change and help out our community, so we decided to help the American Heart Association,â€? says Lesko. The American Heart Association, DFFRUGLQJ WR WKHLU ZHEVLWH ÂłKDV EHHQ ZRUNLQJ WR save and improve lives from heart disease and VWURNH IRU PRUH WKDQ \HDUV ZLWK VFLHQWLÂżF UHVHDUFK DW WKH FRUH RI DOO RI WKHLU HÉŁRUWV ´ The association’s research is funded through donations and is accredited for current innovations, treatment plans, and understanding of heart disease. Heart disease is a leading cause of death in America, but the ailment has declined steadily over the decades. The American Heart Association says on WKHLU ZHEVLWH Âł:H DUH HDJHUO\ DZDLWLQJ WKH GD\ when it is no longer the leading cause of death in the United States. We’ve already seen the stroke death rate drop– from the No. 3 cause of death LQ WKH 8 6 WR 1R RYHU MXVW ÂżYH \HDUV ´ 7KH

association circles around one PRWWR ÂłVDYLQJ DQG LPSURYLQJ OLYHV ´ $OO SURFHHGV from the Sadie-Hawkins dance will help to achieve this goal. There are various questions in reference WR WKH GDQFH WKH PRVW SUHYDOHQW EHLQJ Âł:KR LV 6DGLH +DZNLQV"´ Âł6DGLH´ LV SUHVHQWHG DV DQ unmarried woman, who was not pursued by DQ\ VXLWRUV 6KH ZRXOG EHFRPH DQ ÂłROG PDLG´ LI VKH GLG QRW VRRQ PDUU\ ,Q RUGHU WR Âż[ WKLV KHU father hosted a dance in which she would chase the bachelors and pair up with whichever one she liked. It went against social conformities of the time, this was seen in a sense as a movement that HPSRZHUHG ZRPHQ Âł,WÂśV D GDQFH ZKHUH WKH JLUOV ask the guys right? I think it really dismantles the concept that guys are one’s sole chance to going to a dance with someone. You don’t have to demurely wait after an invitation. It gives women the chance to go after what they want,â€? said Anastazia Gilzene (10). There is controversy in association to the GDQFH KRZHYHU VXUURXQGLQJ ZKDW LW SUHVHQWV Âł, know it’s supposed to be a progressive idea, but I just don’t understand the taboo behind a woman asking a man to a social function- or why it’s not common for a girl to explicitly ask a guy on a GDWH ´VDLG $OL\DK )HUGLQDQG +RZHYHU Âł7KH dance is all inclusive, girls don’t necessarily have to ask guys- nor do any other couple have to feel excluded. It was just something just traditionally used as a theme. The intention of the dance is to generate revenue for a cause,â€? said Lesko. Many students have expressed interest in DWWHQGLQJ DQG ÂłSURSRVDOV´ FDQ HYHQ EHHQ VHHQ RQ VRFLDO PHGLD Âł, GHÂżQLWHO\ SODQ RQ JRLQJ , ZDQW to support Mill Creek functions,â€? said Jacques Casimir (12).

Pantone Color Report By: Madison Jackson

As the weather warms and we transition into spring, many students trade in their jackets,coats, and sweaters for a more stylish or trendier assortment of clothing pieces. Each season the Pantone Color Institute creates a fashion trend report which gives a color overview highlighting the top colors that many designers will be featuring in their collection for the upcoming season. Color on the fashion runway is an important indicator of the stories and dimension that people will expect to see in all areas of design.The Pantone color trend report is an easily accessible guide to the spring season’s most important color trends. Because the trends start with the Top Designers, many of the colors from the Pantone trend report 2017 are just now making an arrival in main retailers stores. .

3ULPURVH <HOORZ Primrose yellow is a shade that’s warm and inviting. This hue will add instant energy to any RXW¿W RU URRP VR LW¶V D JUHDW FRORU WR XVH LI \RX want brighten up your complexion or aura in a room. Because of its vibrancy,you can balance out with third party neutral such as white,beige, or grey. Primrose can be a great color this spring/ summer season because it is playful and embodies the spirit of these two seasons.

3DOH 'RJZRRG Pale Dogwood is a light shade of pink also known as Millennial Pink. Because it is a very subtle color that isn’t too obvious or bright it is easy to wear. Millennial Pink has become a sort of movement in the past year. It represents the shift in gender roles and femininity in society. This is because it is no longer taboo or irregular for men to wear pink. This color represents sophistication and maturity in style. Pale DogWood may not be a trending color in mainstream consumer culture for long but it has changed the way consumers view a neutral palette and aesthetics in daily life. .DOH Kale is one the more muted and softer shades in the green family. Nature and earth tones are a big part of this seasons style forecast. Earth tones such as kale are fun and easy to play with because you can play them up as a statement or play them down as your neutral LQ DQ RXW¿W 7KLV FRORU LV DOVR YHU\ YHUVDWLOH in the fact it can be used in more than just clothes, many interior designers have taken a liking to this color for the use in living spaces. +D]HOQXW Hazelnut is a soft neutral. It is reminiscent of the hues that surround us in nature, a common theme in the Pantone Color Report. This color brings to mind a earthiness that is unassuming. Hazelnut is a great shade to transition with because it connects all the VHDVRQV HɣRUWOHVVO\ ,WV DELOLW\ WR FRPSOHPHQW any color scheme makes it perfect for longterm investment pieces or the base of an RXW¿W 3DLULQJ +D]HOQXW ZLWK EULJKW SRSV RI color, or keep it calm with similarly earthy shades is also an option.


By: Gabby Seeton


:LWK LQ IXOO VZLQJ IDQV FDQ ÂżQDOO\ JHW UHDG\ for all the new action-packed movies that are coming out this year. Disney is also coming out with many sequels to some very popular childhood movies, there is at least one movie for everyone. For those Disney lovers, make sure to check out Âł,QFUHGLEOHV ´ RQ -XQH :LWK WKLV PRYLH FRPLQJ RXW DIWHU WKH ÂżUVW RQH LQ LWÂśV VXUH WR EH D WKURZEDFN IRU \RXQJ DGXOWV 6RSKRPRUH $P\D .LPEDOO VD\V Âł,ÂśYH EHHQ ZDLWLQJ VLQFH WKH ÂżUVW Âľ,QFUHGLEOHV Âś VR ,ÂśP VR H[FLWHG WR see what they do with the second one. Will there be new YLOODLQV RU DQ\ QHZ VXSHUKHURHV" , FDQÂśW ZDLW WR ÂżQG RXW ´ $QRWKHU 'LVQH\ PRYLH FRPLQJ RXW LV Âł+RWHO 7UDQV\OYDQLD 3.â€? With famous actors voicing some of the characters in the movie, including Selena Gomez and Adam Sandler; it is expected to be a funny movie. Many scary movie sequels have come out so far WKLV \HDU VXFK DV Âł,QVLGLRXV WKH /DVW .H\ ´ EXW WKH PRYLH Âł7UXWK RU 'DUH´ LV D QHZ PRYLH KRUURU IDQV DUH ORRNLQJ forward to. With famous actors starring in it such as 7\OHU 3RVH\ IURP Âł7HHQ :ROI´ DQG /XF\ +DOH IURP Âł3UHWW\ /LWWOH /LDUV ´ LW LV H[SHFWHG WR GR ZHOO LQ WKH ER[ RɤFH 7KH PRYLH LV EDVHG RQ WKH JDPH 7UXWK RU 'DUH except if you don’t choose one, you die. With the release date being in April, thrill seekers can’t wait to see it. 6HQLRU -XVWLQ 3DULVK VD\V Âł, ÂżUVW VDZ WKLV SUHYLHZ ZKHQ , ZHQW WR VHH Âľ,QVLGLRXV WKH /DVW .H\Âś DQG ,ÂśP VR H[FLWHG to go see this; it looks super scary.â€? Action seekers who love superheroes have a lot to ORRN IRUZDUG WR WKLV \HDU ZLWK Âł'HDGSRRO ´ FRPLQJ RXW RQ -XQH VW :LWK Âł'HDGSRRO´ FURVVLQJ WKH PLOOLRQ PDUN DW WKH JOREDO ER[ RɤFH LQ OHVV WKDQ WZR ZHHNV WK Century Fox is expected to perform well with the sequel, seeing as how the project only cost $58 million to make. 6HQLRU &KLGL 'XUX VD\V Âł, ZDQW WR JR VHH Âľ'HDGSRRO Âś because the last one made me laugh a lot, and not to PHQWLRQ , DP D VXSHU Âľ'HDGSRROÂś IDQ ´ 0DNH VXUH WR check out one of the biggest superhero movies coming out this year.


PHOTOS: Creative Commons

Black History Month By: Mark Pierre

The world is in tense times, with nations engaging in nuclear threats, and allegations falling on celebrities and politicians alike. During these times, it is important to remember we cannot say goodbye to yesterday and recall how the ventures of then led to now. February is one such occasion, a month dedicated in UHPHPEUDQFH RI $IULFDQ $PHULFDQ HÉŁRUWV and developments in history. Gwinnett began holding its own Black History Month festivities in 2017, holding a variety of events at schools all around. In Lawrenceville, the Rise Up! Black History Month Program studentled living museum was held in 2017, and this year the 2018 Gwinnett County Black History Month Celebration will be held on Feb. 27. It is commonly debated today ZKHWKHU RU QRW WKH FHOHEUDWLRQ RI ÂżJXUHV of such as MLK Jr. and Rosa Parks is still UHOHYDQW :LWK LWV IRFXV RQ RQH VSHFLÂżF race and the only month of its kind, there

are also claims of racism. ³:K\ LV WKHUH D PRQWK GHGLFDWHG WR a certain race? Why not just always know about them,� asked Austin Soto (10). In place of an African-American IRFXVHG PRQWK 6RWR SURSRVHV ³DQ alternative version just to learn about all good things from all races.� Gwinnett’s school curriculum, WKH $.6 GHWDLOV VSHFL¿FDOO\ ZLWK Georgia’s involvement in the Civil Rights Movement. ³%ODFN +LVWRU\ 0RQWK LV DQ important celebration because it gives us a chance to talk about some of the brave men and women who overcame unimaginable adversity to help make our world today a better place,� added World +LVWRU\ WHDFKHU &RDFK 6H[WRQ ³3HRSOH like Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass, the Tuskegee Airmen, Martin Luther King Jr., and Malcolm X have some incredibly inspiring stories which deserve to be recognized and appreciated.�




lot of pet peeves are explained by two particular emotions: Irritation and disgust. Irritation is created by others behaviors like bad parking, loud chewing or incorrect grammar. Disgust, however, is caused E\ D VSHFLÂżF REMHFW RU KDELW VXFK DV chewing with your mouth open. Even words that are used commonly can cause irritation such as the words, ointment, moist, haters and funky. While everyone has their own individual things that push their buttons, some pet peeves are pretty PHOTOS: Creative Commons

universal. Most people can agree that tall people who stand in front of you at a performance are the worst. Mackenzie Harman (9th) says, Âł0\ ELJJHVW SHW SHHYH LV FKDON RQ blackboards and when people answer P\ ORQJ WH[W ZLWK ÂľNÂś ´ Natalie Mulholland (9th) says, Âł0\ SHW SHHYHV ZRXOG EH QRW EHLQJ heard and loud gum chewing.â€? 6FDUOHWW 'XQQ WK VD\V Âł, can’t stand people smacking when they eat and when people breathe really loudly when I’m trying to concentrate.â€? A cookie that’s too big to dip in a glass of milk. This is an annoyance for many students. PHOTOS: Creative Commons


1. Chalk On blackboards 2. Being ignored 3. People talking over you 4. Loud gum chewing 5. Pen clicking

Chalk scratching on a chalkboard/blackbord. This is the most common pet peeve. Photo Credit: Taylor Johnson

6. Coughing without covering mouth 7. When someone says “ew” to the food on your plate 8. Slow walkers

A crooked picture or painting on the wall. This didn’t make it into the top ten but some students have this as their pet peeve. Photo Credit: Taylor Johnson

9. Text abbreviations (Ex: LOL, BRB, TTYL) 10. When people don’t respect personal space A person texting using mostly abreviations. Words such as these can be hard to Understand for some people.


Winter Tips & Precautions %\ $O\VVD -RKQVWRQ



Stock your vehicle

Stay alert




Get your car serviced



Carry a snow shovel, broom and an ice scraper just in case it is needed to get through the snow. Bring cat litter or sand in case of a car getting stuck. Also bring jumper FDEOHV ÀDVKOLJKWV DQG warning devices such as ÀDUHV Also make sure you have a cell phone with charger, water, food, and any necessary medicine.




Keep your gas tank close to full. If road conditions are hazardous, avoid driving if possible. Wait until road and weather conditions improve. Drive slowly, know whether your vehicle has an antilock brake system or not. Antilock brake systems prevent your wheels from locking up during braking.




Make sure there’s proper antifreeze in the vehicle for windshield wipers and the cooling system. Have your car checked for leaks, worn hoses, or other needed parts, repairs, and replacements. Check for recalls on the car, if there are any get your car serviced asap.



#4 Know your car •



Before driving move DOO VQRZ DQG LFH RÉŁ RI windshields, mirror, and cameras. Practice driving on snow and ice before driving on PDLQ URDGV IRU WKH ÂżUVW time. Know where your hazards, windshield wipers, turning signals etc. are before driving.

#5 Plan Ahead • •


Check weather and road conditions before driving. Leave early if you are on a timed schedule, rushing can lead to accidents. Emily Wilson, a senior DW 0LOO &UHHN VDLG Âł, always check the weather and road conditions and WUDɤF EHIRUH , OHDYH WKH house to go anywhere.â€? ɳɸ

Tips for Dry Skin By: Isabelle Harrel

Use an oil-based moisturizer in place of a water-based one. Moisturizers with oil as an ingredient form a layer on top of the skin that assists with protection and trapping in moisture (webmd. com). Though, it’s important to examine what type of oil is in the product. Oils such as avocado oil and jojoba oil are preferable since they don’t clog the pores. Avoid using moisturizers with shea oil, shea butter, and vegetable shortening in them. Shea oil and butter can clog the pores, and vegetable shortening doesn’t sink into the skin and makes skin very greasy.

Don’t shower more than necessary. Showering too much causes dry skin to become even drier ( When it is essential to shower, make sure that the water is not too hot. The heat from the water will strip the skin of what is important in keeping it healthy, thus drying out the skin. Use lukewarm water instead to retain as much moisture as possible.

Avoid soaps that have artificial scents. Scented soaps have chemicals in them that are known for acting as drying agents on the skin ( Most soaps have the diluted form of glycerin that was originally in them removed when they are first being made. The lack of glycerin causes the soaps to be chemically unbalanced, resulting in moisture leaving the skin whenever the soaps are used on the body. Look for soaps that have glycerin mentioned on the ingredients list.

Photo Courtesy of Sarah Legg

“Exposure to the elements could increase dryness of the skin, so bundling up is always a good idea.” -Sarah Legg

Clothing choice is something that doesn’t always cross people’s minds when considering how to prevent dry skin. When going outdoors, be sure to cover as much skin as possible and wear multiple layers of clothing in order to prevent skin from drying out.

Keeping your skin healthy in the winter

Use a humidifier when indoors. Humidifiers provide the air with more moisture, unlike space heaters, which blast hot air that can dry out the skin ( Try to keep the humidity in the house at about 50 percent, and distribute the humidifiers to multiple rooms.

Photos by Creative Commons


Body Positivity

By: Caitlyn Bedillion

The Body Positivity Movement encourages people to focus more on forgiving and DɤUPLQJ DWWLWXGHV WRZDUGV their bodies, with the goal of improving overall health and well-being. Whether people are nurturing their bodies and maintaining their weight or changing their lifestyles to ¿QG D EHWWHU DWWLWXGH WKH ERG\ positive movement focuses on building self-esteem through improving self image. The Body Positivity Movement focuses on all body shapes and sizes. The movement is not only about working out and striving to be positive, but it deals with health as well. Cheyenne Carver, a Mill Creek student VD\V ³, EHOLHYH ERG\

positivity is all about bettering our bodies by keeping a positive outlook on self appearance.� The Body Positivity Movement aims to help people RYHUFRPH FRQÀLFWV ZLWK WKHLU bodies so that they can lead happier and more productive lives. The movement itself aims to inspire youth and adults to value their health, unique beauty, and identity so that they can use their time, energy, and intellect to make positive changes in their lives and the world. The movement itself has sparked much attention as various other organizations aim at helping young girls to promote selfacceptance and love of their body image as well. Meredith

5H\HV VD\V ³WKH ERG\ positive movement has inspired me to see myself in a more positive manner than I would have before.� In their teen years, Connie Sobczak and Elizabeth Scott originally created the Body Positivity Movement campaign

Problems with this movement have started in regards to health issues evolving with people in society. Those wanting to better their appearance have intentions of making harmful or unhealthy choices to improve their bodies. On the other hand, other people have begun to love their bodies just the way they are. In that

“I believe body positivity is all about bettering our bodies by keeping a positive outlook on self appearance.â€? -Cheyenne Carver in 1996. Sobczak wants to encourage everyone to better WKHPVHOYHV E\ VD\LQJ ÂłOLYH \RXU life peacefully and healthfully.â€? Together, they hoped to create a mission statement of accepting unique, realistic body images that lead to a more balanced self-loving life. While the body positivity movement developed based on the social stigmas associated with being overweight, the campaign came to include size discrimination based on extremes in physical size, such as tall or short, fat or thin.

respect, the movement has improved the self-esteem of many girls. The intentions of this movement were not to create an unhealthy lifestyle and consider it body positive or to disregard health concerns.


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