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The fast-moving time changes everything around, but Ukrainian traditions, which are passed down from generation to generation, remain eternal. Returning to our roots, this year we celebrate the Day of Defenders of Ukraine on October 1.

Nataliya GUTAROVA, a well-known specialist who together with all Ukrainians works for our victory, aspires to express today her gratitude to our defenders. Her charisma and ability to motivate people unite around her the best people, masters of their field, creating a team capable of achieving ambitious goals. Nataliya especially emphasizes the role of women who remained in Ukraine and continue to bring our victory closer. «During the challenges, our women undertook a great mission, they work and build a new society», notes Mrs. Nataliya.


Despite difficult times and trials, this incredible Ukrainian woman has the courage to develop, raise wonderful children and help our defenders. Her deep understanding of society’s needs allows her to initiate and implement projects that have a positive impact on people’s lives. She is not only a professional in her field, but also an active citizen who gives a part of herself for the good of the country.

In her interviews, she always calls all Ukrainians to adapt to difficult circumstances and remain true people. After all, according to Mrs. Nataliya’s convictions, there are people who are the key resource for the victory of Ukraine. So, you can see sincere congratulations to the most valuable Ukrainians from our guest.

– Dear defenders of Ukraine! Today, on the day of your honour, we, Ukrainians, again feel the strength of our unity. Your courage, bravery and boundless love for the Motherland inspire us to new achievements.

You are not only military; you are our heroes, our guardian angels. You protect our land, our relatives and our dream of a peaceful future.

You are the mainstay of the state. The peace of our homes is in your reliable, strong hands.

You are incredibly resilient, brave and courageous. May your service be calm and peaceful and life bright and long. I wish that warmth, cosiness and love prevail in your homes. Let every relative wait for you at home!

We will surely win as long as there are Heroes protecting the peaceful future of our children from an insidious enemy!

May the faith of all Ukrainians protect you from enemy weapons and may the love for the country not be exhausted even in the most difficult moments!

I address special words of thanks to war veterans. Your heroic deeds are not only pages of history; they are a living example for us and future generations. Your wisdom, experience and indomitable spirit inspire the fight for our freedom. You are real heroes who defended our independence.

I make a low bow to you and send the best wishes for health, longevity and harmony. Please accept our sincere congratulations and our thanks. The fastest victory for us!

We thank, support and hug you!

Honour and glory to the defenders of the Motherland! Glory to Ukraine!

We pray for you, warriors of Ukraine!

Sincerely — Nataliya GUTAROVA, director of a utility enterprise Novomoskovsk city dental polyclinic of Novomoskovsk city rada, deputy of the Novomoskovsk district rada та використовую тільки одноразові матеріали: покриття на кушетку та оглядовий інструмент.

– Ви згадали психологічний аспект. Люди, які приходять до Вас, не знаються на медицині, часто не розуміють медичні терміни. Як справляєтеся з цим питання?

– Так, дійсно, лікарі досить часто не пояснюють пацієнтам медичної термінології. Але це також не про мене. Після огляду я показую результат діагностики – аноскопію на екрані монітору та докладно, простими, зрозумілими

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