3 minute read
– Marharyta, your content is simply outstanding. It is full of optimism and love for life. Has it always been like this?
– Thanks a lot, of course it wasn’t always like that. I went through rejection by others and had a feeling of disgust when looking in the mirror... But probably my inner core and the constant love for life hidden deep down in my heart led me to who I am today. I always wanted to share this love, literary to all. I swallowed many courses, books, mentors, retreats... And at last, I dared to create my own transformational game. It came as a surprise even to me. I previously had training experience, as I am an English teacher by education. This helped me to create spiritual development training.
– Today, you offer the most effective practices so that a person reaches a new level of life in all senses. What exactly is it about?
– My particularity is probably in a creative approach. I have the ability to combine the knowledge I have received, pass it through myself and create something new. This process gives the best results. I can create a neurolinguistical exercise that removes blocks and prejudices, or a transformational game that helps a person to achieve his or her goal. Currently, I have six original transformational games, two of which are created specifically for trainers, for my colleagues.
– What requests do you mostly work with?
– In detail, requests are very different and from all spheres of life. But they can be combined in the wording
Psychologist, energy healer, author of t-games... This information may seem superficial, but you should read the interview. We are talking to an incredible woman. Just follow the link and you will understand everything. Dear readers, let me introduce to you Marharyta POIDYN, a magician of your subconscious
«a person is in a stupor». This is when people give up and don’t know what to do next. The very process of change, instability in the past and fear of the future traumatize many. Together, we turn something that drained a person’s energy into a resource for creating something new in their life. Circumstances do not change, but a person begins to look at them as at new opportunities. This refers to the attitude to the circumstances and the search for benefits for oneself and for new opportunities.
– The world is changing quite quickly, especially recently. How would you comment on the states of people who slow down or are afraid to move on?
– People are an accumulation system. They live and accumulate their own experience. Negative experiences often create blocks and prejudices, due to that a person tries to avoid new ones. If the consciousness will be «cleansed» of negative emotions, from the point of view of self-programming or esotericism, trust in the world and in people will gradually be restored. A desire to learn new things will appear. In this way, a person can recover resources and start moving forward and developing.
– What is the most important advice you would give our readers to not neglect opportunities, not to be afraid of development and to live a full value life?
– Practice, practice and practice again. It’s about a state of joy. At first, it may seem strange when a person, for example, smiles in front of the mirror and says to himself: «Everything is fine, I love you...» But I assure you, on the tenth day, miracles will begin. Everything will begin to change, and a person will smile sincerely. Another option is to practice the state of pleasure. Walking the same streets, the same roads, breathing the same air, you need to capture the moment and try to feel it with all senses. The first ten times you will hear in your head: «What kind of stupidity, why am I doing this?» But later you will start to draw a resource and enjoyment from it. And as soon as awareness comes, changes will begin. I do not seek to convey my acquirements or achievements to you. I have the gift of feeling a person and reading information at the level of vibrations, facial expressions and movements. I know what question to ask in order to help you turn your life around and find your own goal